Why St. McCain Ain’t Winnin’ the 2008 Nomination

James Dobson preemptively sounds the death knell for McCain’s campaign:

A prominent Christian leader whose radio and magazine outreaches are solidly in support of biblically-based marriages – and keep in touch with millions of constituents daily – says he cannot consider Arizona Sen. John McCain a viable candidate for president.

“Speaking as a private individual, I would not vote for John McCain under any circumstances,” said James Dobson, founder of the Colorado Springs-based Focus on the Family as well as the Focus Action cultural action organization set up specifically to provide a platform for informing and rallying constituents.

A lot can change in two years’ time, but you can’t win the GOP nomination unless you have the Christian Right’s unwavering support. If they are giving McCain a “nicht-nicht” this early in the game, he’s basically screwed.

Incidentally, I hope the GOP does something completely stupid and nominates Mitt Romney. As a lifelong Masshole, I can attest first hand that I have never in my life seen a state public official who was lazier or more self-serving than the Mittster. He basically did nothing here in his four years in office, using his governorship as a platform for his presidential campaign. Were the GOP to nominate him in ’08 he would get positively slaughtered in the general election.


Comments: 52


Yeah, my relatives are already asking me about Mitt. So sad for his future job prospects that we’re his most recent references.


Was he really lazier than Weld?


McCain’s “gay marriage” misstep will cost him the religious right, but it does mean Bruno will give him a “Ach Ja!” (cue to 3:45)


This crax me up. By repeatedly picking at the “social conservative issues” scab in order to divide the electorate and inflame the base, they have driven the silliness to the point where they almost can’t win. At this point, they need a brownback type guy to get acceptance from the Dobson wing, but really he’s only representative of a fraction of the electorate, so they don’t get a majority with him. The way it used to work, they’d get a guy who the electorate at least believed was more moderate (remember “compassionate conservatism?), pander to the evangelicals for the few percentage points they needed to put them over the top, and win VERY close elections. See, they need both.

McCain gets their so-called moderates and even some of the neocrazies, but doesn’t get the talivangelicals, so he doesn’t get enough votes to win. The Brownback type nut gets all the christian nuts, but drives enough relatively sane repubs to vote Democrat that he loses.

The sickening thing, and watch, you’re going to see it more and more, is that they are begining to realize that their only hope in ’08 is for another big, ugly terrorist attack on the US. While even that might very well not be enough, you’re going to start to see these wackjobs starting to viscerally hope for one…


LA Confidential Pantload

The current WH occupant is pretty big on lazy and self-serving, too, and it didn’t seem to stand in his way. Plus K-Lo thinks Mitty’s teh hot.

Smiling Mortician

Fine by me if Saint John fails to get the GOP nomination, for whatever reason. Let the crazies push for a pro-family-as-long-as-it’s-just-like-my-family candidate. But the lunacy becomes even clearer when it steps outside “eek! sex!” territory and tries to discuss campaign law. More Dobson:

Phone calls, personal visits, e-mails, magazines, broadcasts, phone banks, appearances, travel, fundraising and other items all would be subject to government tabulation, verification and audits, Dobson said during a recent program. . . “Clearly, the objective here is to hide what goes on from the public and punish and silence those of us who would talk about what our representatives are doing,” Dobson said

Openness = hiding. Public accountability = silencing.

“Well, let me say that I am not in the office. I’m in the little condo so I can speak for myself and not for Focus on the Family,” Dobson said in rejecting McCain’s leadership.

Whine much?


It’s like McCain’s blind and doesn’t know whose ass he’s sucking. It could be anybody’s!


I think the Republican primaries are going to be fun to watch. The GOP is is showing many signs of infighting. Like Mikey said, the Christian right may damn well screw the party. They jumped the shark with Schiavo, yet the Republicans need them as campaign volunteers and dedicated voting block.

The surge is also causing problems. A few GOP figures (particularly McCain and the Congressional Leadership support this escalation. Others (particularly those hoping to get re-elected in 2008) are saying (for the first time in six years) no. If the party picks a “moderate” in 2008 who makes sounds of withdrawing, It’ll be interesting to watch how “Bush’s base” reacts. Even if they pick a warmonger, I’m not sure even he’ll want to campaign with GWB.


The Republican strategy for winning elections is creepily similar to the approach Franz von Papen used to try to hold onto power for his Conservative coalition in the pre-Nazi Reichstag. The idea behind appointing Hitler as Chancellor in the first place is that it would appease the supporters of National Socialism and get them to cotinue to support the business and religious interests that were behind the middle-of-the-road Catholic Centre party. A large part of the Centre’s willingness to work with the Nazis, ironically enough, was their fear of the German Left – if those damn Socialists and such were able to get ahold of too much power in the Reichstag, it was thought, then business would be destroyed in Germany.

This narrative should sound sorta familiar. It should also bother people that it sounds sorta familiar.

Incidentally, this is why I hate Kevin Phillips with a blind, bloody passion. No matter how many books he writes about how much Bush sucks and the Religious Right sucks, none of that will ever make up for the fact that the ascendance of the asshole contingent in Republican politics is almost entirely *his* fault – he was the mastermind behind the Southern Strategy that gave the asshole contingent this kind of power in the first place. I’m still hoping to see a good S,N! takedown of Phillips and why he should never, never be allowed to live down his infamy.


At the rate we’re going, most potential GOP nominees will be in jail or under indictment by the time the race really heats up.


Hopefully, this will inspire McCain to step up his ass-kissing of these people.

I remember a time when Republicans would denounce the religious right as “agents of intolerance,” but no more.

Hey, whatever happened to the guy who said that?


This post is imposterish, and might kill a fetal American. Take it down.


They’re so fucked. I guess Romney or McCain might get over with the rest of the country on bullshit alone, but the Dobson right doesn’t want anything to do with them. I’m pulling for Romney. Apparently at least 50% of zealots would never vote for a Mormon, period.

Here are a couple links everyone’s probably read:
Kos’ GOP Cattle Call 2008
Mitt Romney’s Evangelical Problem by Amy Sullivan


Jillian, that is exactly my worry. We’ll see how things progress.


Mitt Romney – For Amerika!


I just don’t think Romney has a chance once the campaign heats up. Rove’s tentacles will reach into this campaign, make no mistake, and I don’t think he’s a Romney backer. The blood is in the water from ’94– it’s just a matter of when Mitt gets caught in the frenzy.

Good luck with that Kevin Phillips auto-da-fe, Jillian– but surely you don’t think little ole Donald Segretti Kevin Phillips’s Southern strategy hadn’t already been figured out and used by Nixon, do you? The guy’s still responsible for his work, of course, but once LBJ said “We shall overcome” the Rube-a-con was going to be crossed (and did those rubes ever become cons!).


Surely Comet McNaught is a sign that God is punishing America for its opposition to Dear Leader’s glorious 6th Crusade in Iraq this spring.


Hehheh. “Presuhdent Mitt.”


Basically, the Republican field is pretty darned hopeless at the moment.

Brownback is a snake who sold out the President and who is siding with the liberals on the surge.

I heard of problems with Gilmore in Virginia.

Giuliani is totally unacceptable.

I don’t care about Duncan Hunter.

McCain is an opportinistic little worm.

Ron Paul is pretty much aligned with Cindy Sheehan and Michael Moore on the War.

Romney is a slimy opportunist too, and he won’t win because he’s not a Christian.

Thompson is just a big government Republican.

Gingrich is pretty promising.

Hagel is McCain lite.

Huckabee could work.

Tom Tancredo is also pretty promising.

Basically, the Republican nomination is Condi Rice’s for the taking. Condi is a fearless leader who is a lock to win in 2008.

Which is why the left is smearing her right now.


Well, Bill, it probably would’ve happened with or without him – that’s fair enough. But the Republican party seems to run on the advice of smug, manipulative little shits like this – after Phillips came Lee Atwater, and then came ol’ Turdblossom. Hell, there was probably the same sort of smarmy purveyor of sleaze behind the illegitmate child campaign directed against Grover Cleveland.

Incidentally, I also think this kind of crap is partly responsible for the general poverty of American education. The gut level dirty trick emotional appeal is way less effective on people who have had some degree of education about the tools of critical thinking. Therefore, if these kinds of campaigns are going to continue to work, it becomes necessary to maintain a population that can’t reason their way out of a wet paper bag. The fact that this turns out to be good for business, too (“Nine out of ten people we surveyed would buy our product again!”) is a nice little side benefit to this.


Hey Gary, let me know how I can help you support Tom Tancredo for the nomination, ok? I think this is the best idea you’ve ever had!!



Romney is a slimy opportunist too, and he won’t win because he’s not a Christian.

Is it just me, or is Gary and his ilk a little unclear on what America is all about?



Tom Tancredo is also pretty promising.

He does hold the best promise for mental breakdown on the campaign trail.

I mean, he does realize that we just let brown people walk around freely in the rest of the country, right? If not, it’s going to be a shock.


Was he really lazier than Weld?

At least Weld didn’t spend his time as governor flying around the country saying nasty things about Massachusetts. Romney’s been much more interested in telling Talibangelical audiences in Iowa, Utah, and other ‘heartland’ states about how horrible it is to live among the preverts in the People’s Republic* than he’s been even in taking credit for anything good that might accidentally have happened while he was nominally in charge around here. His primary opponents’ campaign jokes write themselves. You could do a whole series of ads showing Mittsy making anti-American speeches in France (he did his Mormon ‘missionary year’ in Paris!), Red China (where so many of our state’s manufacturing jobs have gone during his tenure), Venezuela (Citgo is sending cut-priced oil to the Commonwealth although NOT at Romney’s behest)…

*Actually we’re a People’s Commonwealth, but then Romney’s not from around here.

Hehheh. “Presuhdent Mitt.�

Worse than that, even… His REAL first name is Willard. Anybody up for a President Willard?


But he has such great hair!


Romney is a slimy opportunist too, and he won’t win because he’s not a Christian.

Mormons aren’t Christians, Gary? Even though they worship Christ and believe he died on the Cross in absolution of all humanity’s sins? Exactly who are these Christians of which you speak? I’d really like to know why Mormons aren’t Christians but you are.


This wasn’t a “nicht-nicht” from Ayatollah Dobson, it was a “nice campaign you have there Senator, it’d be a shame if something were to happen to it”.

If McCain privately pinky-swears to pack the Federal courts with Roy Moore clones all will be forgiven and Dobson will begin herding the sheep into McCain’s pen.


Basically, the Republican nomination is Condi Rice’s for the taking. Condi is a fearless leader who is a lock to win in 2008.

Which is why the left is smearing her right now.

Smearing is the new gooper code word for “accurately portray one’s actions and statements”.

Expect to hear lots of grousing about terrible Dem smears over the coming months/years.


Not to stick up for Gary or nuthin’ but most christian denominations– even non-batshit-fundamentalist ones– draw some distinction between christianity and mormonism due to the latter’s inclusion of The Book of Mormon in “recognized scripture”.

Just sayin’


“Basically, the Republican nomination is Condi Rice’s for the taking. Condi is a fearless leader who is a lock to win in 2008.

Which is why the left is smearing her right now. ”

*snirk* you think the South is gunna elect a black woman?

Security blankie and cookies on stand-by.


Condi could take the VP position, since she could be another Cheney and yet not scare away the white-hooded wing of the GOP.

She once raved to a friend of mine who worked with her that Bush had “gravitas” (this was in ’99). Seriously– gravitas. I think she’s so head-over-heels devoted that she will not want to work for anyone else in a White House.


you think the South is gunna elect a black woman?

It wouldn’t stun me if Democrats tried to incite racism, like they did against Steele and Swann and Blackwell.


Mitt was the worst governor MA has had since I moved here almost 30 years ago. Last year he was out of the state for over 200 days. What was he doing? Trashing our state to anyone who would listen. He lied to get into offfice and the majority bought it, didn’t read his resume (saved the olympics? oh please, let’s try to have a slightly critical eye when hearing such hyperbole!) and now the country is getting a taste of his willingness to say anything to advance his career.
What does he really believe? It depends on who he’s talking to and what they can do for him I suppose.


Hi Gary. Here in Ohio, it was Blackwell who used racism (and hindering access to the polls in urban areas) to help elect the shrub in 2004. In 2006, he found out the bigots who make up the Republican party couldn’t be bothered to show up to vote for a black man, even one as useful as Ken Blackwell.


Democrats inciting racism against Republican newcomer Barack Obama.

Never change, al Ruppert. For so long as you continue to make predictions and statements of fact, we shall forever know the course and flow of the future, for yea, it shall be the opposite and opposition to all you speak.


Actually, 77% of Republicans voted for Blackwell. But Democrats used racism to fool independents and Democrats into voting for Strickland in large numbers.

92% of Liberals and 71% of Moderates voted for Strickland due to those tactics.

As well, that anti-Obama e-mail is coming from Hillary’s campaign.


Snopes points out that Obama can’t get his story straight on what schools he went to in Indonesia.

As well, they blindly buy his claim that his father was an atheist.


So, the Preznitship is Condi’s for the taking? Oh… really? Leaving aside the “black woman” part, Gary, look back into history, and count the number of single people who have been elected President. Don’t worry, it’s easy–you can do it on one hand! Ah, cripes, you’re taking too long–it was one, you fucking moron, ONE!!1! OK, look on Condi’s resumé again–notice anything missing? Like, oh, I don’t know, a MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE? Case closed-no President Condi.


Oops. Sorry.


Everybody just REALLY mean everything from this point on!


I agree with Gary Ruppert: McCain’s an opportunistic little worm.

I mean it.

He just has a problem understanding where the opportunities are.


After a healthy dose of bold-be-gone, I just want to point out one thing.

The fact is, Gary is always wrong!

Smiling Mortician

Gary may always be wrong, but he always means it!


“Actually, 77% of Republicans voted for Blackwell. But Democrats used racism to fool independents and Democrats into voting for Strickland in large numbers.
92% of Liberals and 71% of Moderates voted for Strickland due to those tactics.”

92% of Liberals voted Liberal. Surely, this is proof of an evil anti-conservative smear campaign from Liberals to trick Liberals into voting Liberal.
So the 33% of Republicans who didn’t vote for Blackwell, were they fooled too, or are they inherently racist?

“As well, that anti-Obama e-mail is coming from Hillary’s campaign.”

Feel free to back that up. We all know you won’t, but humor me and try.
The Clinton campaign is trying to torpedo Obama in a race that not only hasn’t started yet, but doesn’t even have any runners in it, and they’re using a tactic that is about as advanced as a elementary school “you’re mama” joke.
See, as I mentioned before, I actually live in and near the states that you claim to be so knowledgeable about. The VA/DC/MD area shares much of the same television network, and as a result, I actually saw the ads that were being run. Not a single one of them even mentioned race, on either side.
The fact is that the RNC started pushing fake stories of Democratic racism to sway votes in heavily black voting districts. And them Negroes just be to smarts for ya, yes s’ahs.
In fact, since you’re going on about tricking voters, let’s discuss that. On election day, the Steele campaign had brought in bus loads of out of area homeless and low-income volunteers to hand out “sample ballots” to voters going in to vote. These ballots incorrectly IDed Steele as the Democratic candidate.


I don’t think Dobson would vote for McCain, Giuliani, or Romney. They’re all pro-Spongebob.

(We must never let that die.)


“Brownback is a snake who sold out the President and who is siding with the liberals on the surge.”

Hee hee. Man, Gary loved Sammy Brownback just like two weeks ago. A “True Christian” and all of that.

Also, I’m amused by his statement at the top of his post that the GOP field is “hopeless” and then the statement at the end that Condi Rice is super great and a “lock” for 2008. Which is it?


Not to stick up for Gary or nuthin’ but most christian denominations– even non-batshit-fundamentalist ones– draw some distinction between christianity and mormonism due to the latter’s inclusion of The Book of Mormon in “recognized scripture�.

The Greek Orthodox church has a few chapters in their Bible that the Protestant denominations don’t have in theirs and that they believe are “recognized scripture.” Are they Christians?

Go to Utah and tell a Mormon that he’s not a Christian and see what kind of reaction you get. Not that I particularly care since they’re all nuts…


Gary, even the Bush administration considers Condi incompetent.

Condi for ’08: if you liked Bush’s incompetence, you’re gonna love mine!

Herr Doktor Bimler

As well, they blindly buy his claim that his father was an atheist.
Umm, Gary, who is ‘They’ in this sentence? The Elder Gods? The voices in my head? The Swedish Prime Minister and two like-minded friends? Call me an earth-bound unpoetic concrete thinker if you like, but I do like to know for whom a pronoun is pronouning.

Famous Soviet Athlete

“Condi is a fearless leader”


So where is her monacle?


Cthulhu/Cheney 2008!


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