Blogs for Bush RULES
Blogs for Bush is teh awesomest weblog is teh HISTORY of teh weblog. Check out today’s piece, where Mark Noonan threatens to ban commenters who are too mean to him:
Note to Readers
We here at Blogs for Bush like to encourage lively debate – we believe in the free and fair give and take because we know that conservative Republican ideas will always beat liberal Democratic ideas in such a debate. In service of this goal, we try to be as flexible as possible in the sorts of comments we allow, but lately we have been getting a lot of complaints which are fully justified.
We have banned a few of the worst offenders over the past few days, and we hope this improves the tone of our debate. I would like to take this opportuntiy to state some groundrules we try to live by:
1. No racial, ethnic, religious or sexual slurs.
Yeah, no more calling Mark “Drunky McShamrock,” you bigots.
2. No foul language – anything more harsh than “damn” or “hell” is entirely unacceptable, and we encourage people to stay away from even mildly bad language.
Duly fucking noted.
3. You shall not insult the writers of this blog – an insult is to call us liars, cowards and such things. Calling us stupid is ok, but we expect a full and reasonable explanation of why you think we’re stupid.
Does “You’re Mark Noonan and you write at Blogs for Bush” qualify? Because I think that’s a pretty air-tight case right there.
If Mark will stop being a lying coward and enlist, I will stop calling him stupid.
Ok, I just wanted to say something about that “conservative republican will always beat liberal democratic ideas in such a debate.” thing you said. First off, I’m independant because I like arguments on both sides. I’m for stem cell research, but also for the death penalty. One sided politics suck! That’s why I NEVER listen to Fox News or CNN. Saying one side of politics is better than the other is out of line. I ALWAYS listen to two sides of political stories so I don’t have to put up with bias crap.
Retired Spook in the comments to Noonan’s post:
Blogs for Bush is Bush-like.
adam- I’m all for listening to both sides, but do realize that there are some people who are simply so out-and-out crazy that they don’t deserve a fair hearing. Mark “Monarchy Isn’t So Bad As Long As You Have the Right King” Noonan is certainly one of those.
Calling us stupid is ok…
You’re stupid.
…but we expect a full and reasonable explanation of why you think we’re stupid.
Call the office for an appt. I charge on a sliding scale.
Does anyone, anywhere believe he’s open to an explanation as to why he’s a freakin’ moron? You could wheel 50 banker’s boxes of documentation into court, and have 30 eyewitnesses testify to his idiocy, and he’d just ask you why you hate America.
Blogz fer Bush Ruulzz!11!!!
1. No racial, ethnic, religious or sexual slurs.
I assume they make an exception to this for thier actual columns…
There comes a time when one side no longer deserves to be listened to. How about after four years of being completely wrong and/or dishonest, they refuse to face reality?
Clicked over, and the topmost post is filled with talk of how kindergartnerish CNN is(he does give a reason he calls them stupid, though: they pretend a Dem majority is news! Zounds!), and how the Dems are arrogant geezers. In a post further down the page, he uses Rangel’s calling Cheney an SOB as an opportunity to call Rangel one as well, and in another calls Dems kooks. Nice little double standard you’ve got there, Noonan.
Also, this was the ad. Tee hee!
Wake me up before macaca…
Oh, but Bradstance Booberry, this, in light of your post, was just too rich:
All these geezers are going to try and ride herd on their narrow majority – they’ll be able to do it, provided they get a good afternoon nap and don’t have to go to the bathroom too often.
Hee hee old people smell like pee and they’re like totally gross.
Way to hew to your own standards, Mr. Happysauce McBogwogpants.
…we believe in the free and fair give and take because we know that conservative Republican ideas will always beat liberal Democratic ideas in such a debate.
Ladies and Coulters, the Republican free market!
1) Engage in free, fair exchange in the marketplace of ideas.
2) Republicans is TEH WINNAR.
All hail our Stalinist Red State overlords..
Will a nuke or two up his ass do? In lieu of calling him a deranged fuckhead I mean.
I plan on nailing my 95 theses on the site’s stupidity to the door of his basement headquarters as soon as his parents let me in the house. Current cover: encyclopedia salesman. Wish me luck!
All hail our Stalinist Red State overlards!11!
> Does anyone, anywhere believe he’s open to an explanation as to why he’s a freakin’ moron? You could wheel 50 banker’s boxes of documentation into court, and have 30 eyewitnesses testify to his idiocy, and he’d just ask you why you hate America.
He’ll also parry with 50,000 letters addressed to Santa.
In the King’s Court, there’s always a pecking order for suck-upage…and Mark appears to be 1st in line for the opportunity to syncophate himself to this end. But what will happen to “Blogs for Bush” in 2 years? Is there a level lower than totally irrelevant?
One sided politics suck! That’s why I NEVER listen to Fox News or CNN. Saying one side of politics is better than the other is out of line. I ALWAYS listen to two sides of political stories so I don’t have to put up with bias crap.
adam, see, this is part of the problem. You’re self-styled ‘independence’ is built in the conservative premise that CNN is the mirror image of Fox. It’s preposterous. CNN is chock full of timid careerists, CW punditry and conservative blowhards. It’s rare to hear an actual progressive, never mind informed commentary from the hosts.
That said, it’s less one-sided than Fox. When its good, it does actual journalism — but I can’t remember the last time I’ve been impressed by its content.
And congratulations for your fair-mindedness. But I think your belief that mushy centrism is somehow more noble or better than having “one-sided” politics (whatever and however you define such things in the feeble pablum that consititutes the American political debate) is equally rigid and dogmatic, not to mention one of the central reasons we’re in the mess we’re in right now.
This is so juvenile. Why can’t you just let Mark’s bio speak for him?
Born absurdly in New York State, he grew up in California, served four years in the United States Navy and has lived in Las Vegas, Nevada for the past ten years. He is a student of history with ambitions of writing both historical works and fiction novels.
See? He was born absurd and hasn’t changed a bit. And like all of us, he has ambitions. His are to become a legitimate published writer. Yours might be to live as a Ninja space warrior, appear on “Dancing With the Stars,” or discover the square root of pi. Just because yours are more realistic is no reason to make fun of him.
You’d think there could be
Other ways to insult Noonan that he wouldn’t
I mean, we’re bright and he’s
Dumb. Someone must have entertaining
Ideas for trolling the guy’s site after such
Obvious provocation. Something that could fit him to a
How is one born absurdly?
Did his Mom read him The Myth of Sisyphus in the womb?
Did he desire sharks with freakin’ lasers at birth?
Inquiring wingnuts want to know.
Saying one side of politics is better than the other is out of line.
Those people who vote for one side or another are just assholes.
Geez, why does Mark Noonan hate keefer so much that he took away the poor guy’s entire rhetorical arsenal?
Some are born absurd, some achieve absurdity, and some have absurdity thrust upon them.
Hmmm, guess I’ve been doing it wrong all along. I thought you developed a set of political beliefs that you found resonated with you, and you supported them and pushed for politicians who supported them to be elected, and tried to convince your leadership of the value of supporting the political positions that you honestly held. Now I come to find out its some kind of squishy thing where you could be like “I’m really for a fair, peaceful solution to the Palestinian problem, but on the other hand, if you wanna kill and oppress them, well, hell, go ahead”. Whatever, dood…
Born absurdly
His birth demonstrated the meaninglessness of human existence? I’ll buy that.
LOL, again with the bashing of someone else’s blog.
“Born absurdly”– I picture his mom’s OB-Gyn dressed up as Alex from a Clockwork Orange, and during the delivery he does body shots of tequila off a 400 lb. orderly with “Get on your knees, bitch” tattooed below her cropped Night Ranger baby T.
“Feliz Navidad” is playing in the background.
I think that was in “No Exit,” wasn’t it?
I got turned down on my offer to direct “A Clockwork Orange – The Musical” as next year’s winter production for the local high school. I think the Islamofascists have gotten to our school board.
See? There you go with the insults already.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. You’ll never get anywhere with these people as an encyclopaedia salesman. Try disguising yourself as a door-to-door Viagra salesman, or selling such quality magazines as the National Review etc.
John Owens: But I though calling them stupid was okay. Oops, I forgot a full and reasonable explanation of why I think they’re stupid. Ban me, baby!
Doesn’t “Blogs for Bush” say it all? How about “Blogs for Idiots” or maybe “Blogs for Stupid”? Jesus. I guess that explains the “debate whatever you like as long as you agree we’re always right” thing.
I often think that this is what it must be like dealing with schizophrenics. They make no sense whatsoever but their illness itself prevents them from seeing it.
Adam, adam, adam: why are you buying into the Big False Dilemma, assuming that there are two sides to every issue? That’s a huge part of the political/human problem in the U.S. and over much of the globe today. There is no issue that has only two sides. Not one. Ideas are more complex than that. Life is more complex than that.
And those who have responded to adam have been too gentle with him. The adams of the world are fucking things up by validating a dangerously simpleminded approach to argument. Also, anyone who thinks CNN somehow represents a left-leaning perspective is in serious need of fresh air.
/serious lecture
Hey, has anyone seen “Reefer Madness – The Movie Musical”? Just watched it last night and it was significantly more entertaining than I expected it to be.
3. You shall not insult the writers of this blog – an insult is to call us liars, cowards and such things.
“Five is RIGHT OUT.”
– Smart Fellow, can’t recall the name just now…
Hey, tata, here’s your fellow.
4. Laertes gets one practice stab.
Wittle babies don’t like playing for keeps, do they? Goodness gracious Ms. Scarlet, them libs do use some mighty foul language.
Suck it, cobags.
I keep forgetting that’s where keefer is, principal blackman. Who were you at scrutator, anyhow?
Answer me, or dance.
Also, Mark Noonan was born absurdly when his mother spilled milk on the dog and he sprouted off like a gremlin.
And those who have responded to adam have been too gentle with him.
I just assumed he was fifteen.
How is one born absurdly?
My suspicions:
1) He’s ashamed of his parents, assuming he knew who his father was.
2) He intends to pull Bush’s infamous “When I was young and irresponsible… ” excuse for any embarrassments in his past up to the age of, say, fifty-five.
This would seem an encouragement to go investigate MN’s past exploits, except that I really don’t give a shit about his trailer-trash gene donors or his time as a ward of the state or whatever sad little details he’s trying to defuse. Besides, anyone over the age of 21 who tells the whole blogreading world that they have “ambitions of writing both historical works and fiction novels” has already marked themselves as… well, let’s call it parody-proof, right?
I never posted at Scrutator, different Brad. I just did the ol’ lurk-n-laugh. Really, what more was there to say over there? It was fantastic.
If racist and ethnic slurs were banned everywhere … well there goes the right wing blogosphere …
[sarcasm]Don’t call Mark Noonan a liar because he is incapable of telling a lie.[/sarcasm]
Very nice site!
Very nice site!