Working On Other Things, But…

‘About’ page updated with a photo of Retardo (and an old one of me), etc. Just sayin’.


Comments: 14


I messed up the comments on the preceding post by neglecting to close a link. Sorry (can’t repair the damage).


Wait a minute… I thought THIS was Gavin.



Man you guys are such stone cold foxes! The looks…the brains….it is too much!!


Ah, but what about the mysterious Seb? Hmmmmmmm?


Seb is obviously a Teutonic Transformer, whose basic form is a generic office slab building from the 70’s, but when challenged by irate Wiki authors he transforms into a horrendous, four story robotic kitten!



I hope you are going to update your (next) wikipedia entry with your Best Humor Blog trophy.


You might want to fix the Wikipedia link on your About page, Gavin, it doesn’t seem to be working anymore.


Wow, it looks like the Sadly, No! crew got major makeovers.




Let me guess: Brad’s pic is so old that he wasn’t legal at the time (those damn pants sure shouldn’t be legal), which is why he’s the only SN! contributor without a beverage?


Oooh! I like Travis G. He’s dreamy!

So when are you guys issuing collector cards?


LOL, you all need to WORK OUT!!

Get some meat on your bones. Bathe once in a while too.

Retardo is OK.

the real annieanal

wow u guyz lol i like the sweet moves you guyz were pulling off there:P

ps: u guz hott


Gavin is John Stamos?


(comments are closed)