Condi, now and then …

… or then and now.

In September, 2002 during the run-up to the war, Condoleezza Rice said on PBS? The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer:

So, yes, there are contacts between Iraq and al Qaeda. We know that Saddam Hussein has a long history with terrorism in general. And there are some al Qaeda personnel who found refuge in Baghdad … There clearly are contacts between al Qaeda and Iraq that can be documented … no one is trying to make an argument at this point that Saddam Hussein somehow had operational control of what happened on September 11th, so we don’t want to push this too far.

Today, in a Washington Post opinion piece obviously aimed at countering Richard Clarke?s rather explosive statements on 60 Minutes last night and in his new book Against All Enemies, Condi Rice says:

In the immediate aftermath of the attacks, the president, like all Americans, wanted to know who was responsible. It would have been irresponsible not to ask a question about all possible links, including to Iraq — a nation that had supported terrorism and had tried to kill a former president. Once advised that there was no evidence that Iraq was responsible for Sept. 11, the president told his National Security Council on Sept. 17 that Iraq was not on the agenda and that the initial U.S. response to Sept. 11 would be to target al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan.

So what exactly did Condi learn in that year between September 2001 and 2002? Shouldn?t she be testifying about this before the 9/11 commission?

And speaking of commissions, Condi Rice has been said to dream about a job as NFL commissioner. But she would probably be better as a players? agent ? la Jerry Maguire: her disingenuousness is astounding.

Many thanks to Quiditty at uggabugga and Lunaville for the database of quotes.


Comments: 11


Jeebus, they just don’t quit. I just saw Condi on CNN. She was visibly shaking from nervousness as she spouted talking points that were obvious lies. Were she hooked up to a poly, it would be like that Simpson’s joke where Homer causes the machine to burst into flames.

What was particularly pathetic was that she went straight for the smear rather than offer a simple explanation (even if lying) for the different in the Clarke and admin versions. (This attack first policy only makes BushCo look like even worse sleazeballs.) She even said Clarke asked her for help getting some political gig and when ethical Condi refused, that sent him over the edge.

Now Clarke is someone who’s been trusted by 5 administrations. It’s sheer lunacy write off his criticisms as resentment over *Condi not giving him a reference to get a job*. Good grief! Condi’s a joke! A recommendation from her would be anathema.


Now Clarke is someone who’s been trusted by 5 administrations. It’s sheer lunacy write off his criticisms as resentment over *Condi not giving him a reference to get a job*. Good grief! Condi’s a joke! A recommendation from her would be anathema.

Indeed. Here is an Associated Press description of Rice on ABC’s Good Morning America earlier today:

Rice, appearing Monday on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” said she did not recall a meeting the day after the Sept. 11 attacks in which Clarke maintains that Bush was focused only on Iraq, not al-Qaida.

“I don’t remember this meeting. He said that the president pulled him aside. I don’t know, maybe the president pulled him aside,” she said.

Rice said Bush was “concerned about against whom we were going to retaliate. He wanted to know whether or not Iraq, given our history with Iraq, given that Iraq had tried to assassinate former President Bush (Bush’s father), whether Iraq was behind the attack.”

“Dick Clarke wasn’t in every meeting. The president was talking about al-Qaida with (CIA Director) George Tenet,” she said. “He was talking about al-Qaida with (Secretary of Defense) Donald Rumsfeld. He talked about al-Qaida with me.”

Who the hell would give job recommendations for a counter-terrorism chief who was kept so far out of the loop?! That’s just madness!



I don’t see the inconsistency. Rice now says that in September 2001 the administration determined that there was no evidence that Iraq was responsible for September 11. In September 2002, she said that there were “contacts” between Iraq and al Qaeda, but that she wasn’t arguing that Saddam had operational control of 9/11. How are these statements inconsistent? Condi lies like a rug, but I don’t think this is a good example of that.


This is OT (hey, I am “OTB” after all) but Sullywatch has a great post today on Sullivan all but calling Jayson Blair an uppity negro.


Condoleezza, writing Con Dulcezza, says It would have been irresponsible not to ask a question about all possible links, including to Iraq

Right, all possible links. So which other countries did Bush press Clarke about, for evidence of links to Al Qaeda?

Which other countries were the basis of reports that Steve Hadley returned to sender with “update and resubmit” stamped on them?

Christ on a Segway, more Lundegarde lying– lies so hastily and poorly constructed that they are barely enough to get the teller out of the room.


Notice how Condi is refusing to lie under oath for the 9/11 commission. She’ll lie all day and all night on TV, but she knows she isn’t that good at it, so she won’t take the risk of being charged with perjury.

That’s the only reason she won’t testify.


Condi Rice has been said to dream about a job as NFL commissioner

Does the NFL commissioner wear, like, a ref’s uniform with stripes? I think Condi would look really good in stripes.


I think Condi would look really good in stripes.

Or one of those nice orange jumpsuits.


I saw a still picture of her from the interview. She had that look of the gun moll in a 40’s film noir at the moment when she knows the jig is up.


Condi Rice is part of the most corrupt administration since the “Tricky Dick” era. Condi has on several occasions has been caught in a web of lies. As National Security Advisor, she should have been fired long ago for two of the worst intelligence failures in U.S. history. How about Dick Cheney? He still has over $60 million dollars coming to him from Haliburton. He refuses to disclose the names on his energy council. His good friend Anton Scalia is protecting him by not recusing himself from the case, even though the two recently were hunting together. By the way, it was Scalia that shut down the 2000 election re- count process by strong arming the rest of the Supreme Court. Did you know that Scalia had two sons working for law firms that were backing Bush. Talk about conflict of interest. This administration is all about greed and lies. Thankfully, people like O’Neil and Clarke are coming out and telling the truth!


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