Holy Moley!
As part of an effort to provide new and exciting wingnuts for your reading pleasure, allow me to present Paula Devlin (who lives where “the men still put their pants on one leg at a time” and who writes for many of the low-rent wingnut sites), with an essay on Holy Matrimony: Church v. State
The allowing of marriage outside the churches, under the control of the civil authorities, has ruined it and the family along with it.
With an opening sentence like that, you know this is going to be good.
The concept of civil marriage originated with Luther (no doubt because of his personal situation) and became public policy after the French Revolution.
For thousands of years and in every culture, matrimony has had religious connotations: a ceremony with offering sacrifices or prayers (only the married realize how much they are needed) are common everywhere.
And marriage, of course, has never been primarily a religious institution (the transmission of property was a very important aspect of it, I believe), but let’s move on.
Civil marriage is fatally flawed as detrimental to public morality. No-fault divorce, available since the early 1970?s, has made a mess of so many lives that it should be banned immediately. Women and children are the losers in most divorces, especially in the lower classes: so many end up in poverty and even worse situations.
We were warned of the dangers of civil marriage over 100 years ago, when it was noted that it would open the floodgate of unbridled license.
But if civil marriage started with Martin Luther in the 1400’s, why didn’t anybody warn us about it and its license until the Victorian age?
Even then, Socialists were responsible for the advocacy of free love. Their view of the world as completely materialistic is wrong. They do not believe there is a final accounting for one?s actions. Regardless, it prevails, to the detriment of all.
But “free love” holds that if a couple are “soul mates,” then nature has joined them together and they don’t need the blessings of the church or the state. And besides, there are very few socialists in America these days. So, what does “free love” have to do with divorce, civil marriage, or anything else we’ve been talking about so far?
Holy matrimony has been the basis for a stable, productive society. There are those who saw that to destroy the family would provide a chink in a nation?s armor which would help bring it down. Families with multiple sets of parents, siblings and sleeping arrangements cannot be the best character-nurturing environment for children. Add to this instability the cultural influences from government schools, music and television.
So, is Paula claiming that “those” (maybe the Socialists, or possibly the Stalinists) are causing American families to have step-siblings and multiple sleeping arrangements, as part of an effort to bring down America? If so, you have to admire their power over us.
The family as the building block of society has been destroyed and replaced with impersonal institutional propagandizing. Children are ultimately under the control of the state, which is the moral equivalent of being under the control of the devil.
America, the nation, is good and pure, but America, the state, is the devil? I’m really getting confused here.
Giving civil authorities ultimate power over matrimony marked a subtle transition in the philosophy of government. It made matrimony a political issue, subject to mob rule. We can blame the greedy American Bar Association for no-fault divorce. We can blame ourselves for not passing legislation banning this over-funded retirement plan for lawyers.
Oh, if only we had stopped that damned Martin Luther when we had the chance! And now the civil benefits that come from matrimony are in the hands of the state, and the churches are not allowed to give out tax breaks or survivor benefits, which is certainly not the way it was in the good, old days.
And it’s the greedy ABA which reaps the benefits of sin, in the form of Cadillacs and swimming pools, all because we let them talk us into no-fault divorce.
And now we get to the topic you knew this was leading to the whole time — gay marriage.
As for the union of people of the same sex, I am sorry but my mind cannot get around the concept. At best, it is an oxymoron that defies logic. Plumbers know how pipes fit together. I?m not a plumber, but those pipes don?t fit. It is against the natural law.
And as famous greedy lawyer Johnny Cochrane said, “If the pipes don’t fit, you can’t commit.”
Yes, yes, yes, there have always been folks of that inclination, but there have also always been alcoholics, schizophrenics, pedophiles, sadists, politicians, hookers, etc. Evil has always been part of the human condition. But the object of the game has been to overcome it, not jump in with both feet and enjoy it. That?s a Christian concept. And now, in our brave new world order, Christianity is not politically correct, so you can forget about positive things such as charity, fraternal correction, forbearance and run for your lives.
I think what Paula is saying here is that homosexuals, alcoholics, and schizophrenics are evil, and they and others of their ilk (like pedophiles, hookers and politicians), shouldn’t be allowed to marry. You know, because because charitable, forbearing people like Paula don’t like their inclinations.
If ?The Passion? is being attacked as Hate Speech, then these screaming ninnies will attack anything that smacks of conscience as hate speech, including this.
Paula, like Johnny also said, “If the shoe does fit, you must wear it.”
That kind of behavior supports the diagnosis of poor home training. This circle of evil is complete.
I have no idea what that even means, but I’m sure Paula meant it in a charitable way.
But join us next time, when Paula talks about Bolsheviks and Serfdom, American Style and advises:
It wasn?t so long ago property owners could shoot trespassers. Now the trespassers have all the rights, especially illegal immigrants. They should not even have legal standing. Property owners who have illegals on their property should shoot them on sight and ask questions later.
Hey, I told you she was charitable.
Christianity is not politically correct, so you can forget about positive things such as charity, fraternal correction, forbearance
Cause good qualities don’t exist in humans till Christianity puts them there. And isn’t Paula just the vicious, fire-breathing shrew to remind us of that?
If ?The Passion? is being attacked as Hate Speech, then these screaming ninnies will attack anything that smacks of conscience as hate speech, including this.
Seriously, can’t wingnuts find a better movie than this wallowing, indulgent P.O.S. to use as a litmus test? You’d think St. Peter was giving out preview cards at the Heavenly Gates, forcing the sweet souls of lovely, kind people to pretend to like it or risk being hurled into Hell with child pornographers and telemarketers.
I just can’t believe the Great Soul that Binds Us wouldn’t have better taste in movies. (But then I don’t believe God hates gays or co-writes so many crap Grammy winners, either.)
(s.z., thanks again for the delicious kudos from the other thread. Click the url for photo-related goodies & tech to use here or at W’oC)
Q: What do professional right-wing bullshitters have to look forward to, years in the future?
A: Go see for yourself at:
Why is that the deranged always attack others with similar illnesses… possibly she wants their oxycontin? I like her kinda christianity, I wonder if she is a member of Opus Dei.
Miss Devlin rocks the ages! I am in LOOOVE! Thank you for finding my “soul mate” (in a strictly CHRISTIAN sense.) I am typing with one hand, imagining how our pipes would fit…
As a lifelong Republican with a bent for AM Radio and all night beat-a-thons down at the local scourging club, I also commend her excellent taste in film.
I look forward to more keen insights from Paula (I hope I can call her Paula!). Your preview has whet my whistle, let me tell you!
You cannot fault her logic. It’s true that illegal immigrants should not have legal standing, otherwise they would be… legal immigrants. And God bless the property owners who shoot illegals on site and then wait until the brown devils are dead to ask for their green cards! That’ll show them.
D. hearts Paula!
(Insert Fish thingie icon)
It wasn?t so long ago property owners could shoot trespassers. Now the trespassers have all the rights, especially illegal immigrants. They should not even have legal standing. Property owners who have illegals on their property should shoot them on sight and ask questions later.
I just e-mailed “Orcinus”, whose blog ran an article a few months ago about a group of gun-totin’ wingnuts who have bought some property on the Mexican border and are having fun running their own heavily armed border patrol, which goes out each night looking for illegal immigrants. Unfortunately, it would seem to be just a matter of time before someone gets killed.
In my e-mail, I asked Orcinus to provide a link to his article.
So let’s see being under the state is like being under the devil and GWB is head of state so that makes him???? Maybe that’s about right!
Luther? What a crimal mastermind! Going back in time, and destroying marriage!
Damn you Lex Luther! DAMN YOU!!!
Just wait until Superman gets a hold of you!
Well see if you can shoot illegals on your property it really reduces labor cost coem harvest time. They’ll like their $.50 an hour by golly or they’ll meet both barrels of my 12-guage.
Along with the whole “Passion” thing, I noticed this Yahoo headline: Yasser Arafat Says Gibson Film Not Anti-Semitic.
I get the feeling that headline only exists to make right-wingers’ heads explode.
Jesus H. Christ on a flaming crutch. Amber, meet Paula, your vision of Wingnuttery Yet to Come.
Is this supposed to be persuasive? How could anyone respond to this with anything other than a comforting pat on Paula’s arm and a suggestion that she take a nap, or have a nice cup of hot tea, or stick her head in the oven? “Christianity is not politically correct, so you can forget about positive things such as charity, fraternal correction, forbearance and run for your lives.” Wha? Huh? Is “run for your lives” one of the “positive Christian things”? So much for martyrdom. “Fraternal correction”? Anything to do with frozen weenies and pledge week? And what the hell was Luther’s dubious “personal situation”? Is Paula confusing him with Henry VIII? Did Luther come up with his 95 theses just so he could dump the old ball-and-chain and take up with a buxom wheat-gleaner half his age?
Crabbed, ignorant, hermetically-sealed-against-reality thinking is annoying enough but a crude, incompetent, nearly sub-literate presentation like this is just plain insulting.
Yes, I’m an elitist snob. And no, I don’t want a nice cup of hot tea, dammit. Though a nap does sound nice…
We can blame the greedy American Bar Association for no-fault divorce.
Or we can blame Ronald Reagan, who, as governor of California, signed the nation’s first no-fault divorce law in the late sixties.
Your call.
Or we can blame Ronald Reagan, who, as governor of California, signed the nation’s first no-fault divorce law in the late sixties.
That pinko, Christian-hating S.O.B.!