Leaflets ?ber Allies
“[The coalition of the willing] contains many governments that have done their utmost to suppress and stifle the independent media in their countries. … At a time when the United States and Great Britain are promising to introduce democracy to postwar Iraq, it is troubling to see them aligned with so many authoritarian states.” – J. P. Fritz, International Press Institute
Of course the attack dogs are baying about Kerry stating the obvious: that most foreign leaders don’t want Bush back. After three clueless years, why should this administration suddenly be aware of world opinion? These are the same guys who paid Iraqis wanted abroad for fraud millions for WMD information, then spent $200 billion more to retrieve magic beans (literally, castor beans.)
This goofy GOP ‘group bellows’ tactic to fan offhanded comments into scandal won’t offset the First Liar’s mountain of mendacity, but today it does deflect from why BushCo’s sending business Myanmar’s way after making it illegal to import their goods. (I guess it’s only illegal for anyone outside the Bush/Dick campaign.) If you want an explanation on the flip flop, do call the RNC phonebank in India, set up to promote the fabulously successful “Jobs & Growth” initiative.
Since the theme of this Friday’s news dump is this administration’s ever-shifting foreign policy — dictatorships and democracies being good or evil depending on the Presidential GI Tract — savor a taste of the steady moral clarity that makes him so loved and respected around the world.
This leafleting campaign was part of a GOP initiative to keep the wartime Preznit steadily focused on wartime issues such as wartime fundraising, wartime vacationing, and wartime taking breaks from the other two.
Getting together an international coalition of countries the Preznit could actually articulate wasn’t a priority once mighty Eritrea had the USA’s back in Iraq. And don’t get me going on fabulous Micronesia, a nation founded after the Mini-nesia fad turned out to be both swinging and groovy.
For unimportant lands like Canada and Mexico who merely watch our borders, it was simpler to distill rude messages that couldn’t be delivered by a barking Rummy or a snapping Condi in person. Don’t think our allies didn’t appreciate that!
And don’t get me going on fabulous Micronesia, a nation founded after the Mini-nesia fad turned out to be both swinging and groovy.
Great line, Peanut. And other great expose on BushCo (with great graphics).
Damn. I sent that before I meant to. Let me do it again.
And don’t get me going on fabulous Micronesia, a nation founded after the Mini-nesia fad turned out to be both swinging and groovy.
Great line, Peanut. And another great expose on BushCo (with great graphics). Kudos to you!
P.S. And if you don’t like Kudos, the tasty chocolate-covered granola bar, then I award you whatever snack you want.)
You forgot my favorite example of how willing the willing in our coalition can be: just before we started blowing stuff up, Morocco offered us some monkeys they swore could be trained to locate and neutralize landmines (accomplishing both, presumably, at the same time by stepping on them). Of course, Morocco may just have been making fun of us. After all, can you really trust a country that has a major city (Fez) named for the favorite headgear of Shriners?