Do they glue stupid to these guys at the factory, before spitting them out?

I caught a bit of the head moving its mouth on my teebee screen this morning and there is just something about it that captures my attention…In some ways and on some days I just cant look away, but then he is one of them, well heeled, republican, and wholly without merit or taste, he manages to bestride the world like the underpants gnome hiding in the underwear of a child wearing a costume of a Collossus, the person to whom I refer is one Jeffrey Lord: Behold, his magnificence.

Yeah that guy.

The one once spotted usually means its time for that Seinfeld rerun or any other dvd that might already be in the player. And I will leave you with this to bask in!

And also I would like to move from steerage to the top of the page a comment that in its own way, something, something, from commenter *sad* who shares “If it works then it’s not stupid.”

And I realize that I cant argue with that, for I fail the subterranean acumen required to even cypher the meaning, let alone a stick of length that would allow me to properly and safely probe it without fear of blowback….


Comments: 23


Ah, the RWNJ’s are back to constructing their 100% pure bullshit statue of a closet conservative MLK.

Sorta like what they did to Jesus…


United Airlines President: Imma say the stupidest thing this week.
Sean Spicer: Call and raise.
Jeffrey Lord: All in.


Ah, the RWNJ’s are back to constructing their 100% pure bullshit statue of a closet conservative MLK.

Sorta like what they did to Jesus…

“Conservatism is the blind and fear-filled worship of dead radicals.”
– Mark Twain


Jeffrey Lord: proof that it is possible for a human to survive complete exsanguination.

Pupienus Maximus

“You do understand …”

No, no he doesn’t.


Dear Goeffrey,

You’re very good at your job.

Your job is to lie, obfuscate, bugger up, draw insane and inane inferences, and fucking molest the truth in a bid at normalizing your molestery, vapid, willfully stupid, syphilitic orange Christ.

His followers, thrilled to see someone of English royalty, for clearly with a name like yours, they would expect hemophilia to run rampant throughout your genetic profile, and your gaunt, vacant profile does not give the lie to the generations of close family relations, agree with them that anyone even slightly different than they is clearly a demon to be hit with a holy water balloon and a .50BAR.

Please to be fucking a live 4160V generator.

Love, paleo


Sorta like what they did to Jesus…

Speaking of which, am I the only one who finds it ironic that the good, Christian folks who govern Arkansas wanted to have a mass execution of criminals right around Good Friday?


am I the only one who finds it ironic that the good, Christian folks who govern Arkansas wanted to have a mass execution of criminals right around Good Friday?

No you were not, friend! that one blew a fuse for me that I had difficulty finding a replacement for before I forgot that nice addition to the bulge in our national diaper….

First they want to render hyperbole utterly irrelevant in what I think is a long term goal of putting an end to humor itself, except the kind that punches down!

The Dark Avenger

Merry Easter to all the Fishkill Forchinskys!


If it works then it’s not stupid.


Read the article about Alex Jones… two things sprung to mind…

1) crackpot spouting crazy lies make millions, holy shit is this the fall of the Roman Empire, or what?

2) Interesting the RWNJ relationship with truth… just like the Great Orange Crackpot himself, Jones has an alter ego ” the entertainer” who is to blame for the lying… I believe Rush Limbaugh has the same thing, too…

Can you imagine what would happen to a liberal trying to pull this same shite?

Frank Fourchins

Who is Alex Jones?

Pupienus Maximus

Actual headline: White Nationalist Sues Trump for Inciting Him To Beat Up Protestors

My head is spinning.


Yeah, Pup, unbelievable.

But I actually hope this idiot crackpot wins his case against the Great Orange Crackpot who encouraged him to assault people…

Twenty-first century conservatism— it’s crackpots all the way down!


“Speaking of which, am I the only one who finds it ironic that the good, Christian folks who govern Arkansas wanted to have a mass execution of criminals right around Good Friday?”

It’s only ironic if you’re misunderstanding them as actually worshipping the guy they claim to. Once you realize they’ve moved on to instead worship Moloch (war & death) and Mammon (BIG OL CASH MONEEZ) it makes perfect sense. Hell, I wouldn’t be shocked if they did a pay-per-view for executions soon.

Pupienus Maximus


That’s why I don’t call them Christians. They are (radical) Christianists (or singular + extremists).

And Yahweh did start out as a war god, and became even more of one over time. So there’s that.

Bill O'Reilly's lawyer

Bill O’Reilly has been subjected to a brutal campaign of character assassination that is unprecedented in post-McCarthyist America.

This law firm has uncovered evidence that the smear campaign is being orchestrated by far-left organizations bent on destroying O’Reilly for political and financial reasons.

That evidence will be put forth shortly and it is irrefutable.


Did I say something bad?


Heh heh, yeah, it was us who forced BillO into sexually harassing all those women.

Heh heh, we also forced him to assault his wife in front of his children.

We also forced him to pretend to have had combat experience, when he didn’t.

And to have won a Peabody award, when he didn’t.

We are the Far Left! Hear us roar!


Who is Alex Jones?

Ah, playing dumb today, are we, Dennis— I mean “Frank”?

Alex Jones is the genius who brought us “Birther Gate” “Sandy Hook Gate” “9-11 Gate” and “Pizza Gate”.

But best of all, he brought us this…


Definitely imagine that that you said. Your favourite justification seemed
to be at the net the simplest factor to have in mind
of. I say to you, I certainly get irked even as other
folks think about concerns that they plainly do not recognize about.
You controlled to hit the nail upon the highest and outlined out the entire thing without having side effect , other
folks could take a signal. Will likely be again to get more.


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