Drinkin’ Liberally: Halloween Edition
Posted on October 31st, 2006 by Brad
I’ll be at Drinking Liberally in Cambridge tonight. Make sure you come- you’ll get to see my awesome Halloween outfit!!!
I’ll be at Drinking Liberally in Cambridge tonight. Make sure you come- you’ll get to see my awesome Halloween outfit!!!
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French Maid? Brad, you minx!
You’re not going to Scaryoke?!!!
Using the Halloween standby “sexy” outfit?
Are you going as “sexy Kerry Healey”?
Abby- why yes I am. Now people can stalk me in both Cambridge AND JP!
Where is ‘scaryoke’ ? Is this another drinking liberally location?
Hooray! Multiple stalking locations for we lazy psychos of the world.
Great place to go in the Republic of Cambridge.
All of the real Tuesday night drunks are at The Burren (Davis Sq., Somerville).
I’ll be drinking some Campari in my Steve Zissou costume.
Glad you’re coming to Scaryoke! But keep that feather duster away from me.
I’m assuming Scaryoke is somewhere near Holyoke…
As a left coaster, I wish to have it known that I feel left (haha — I crack me up) out. I wanna see Brad’s French maid outfit.
Remind us the day BEFORE. Some of us don;t blog at work, you know.
and by the time I get around to visiting S,N!, i’m already on my second beer, or whatever, with dinner on the stove. In for the night.
Damnit! my Frylock costume would kick your ass!
Hey, Gary, I just heard the White House is trying to make sex for unmarried adults illegal. They just handed us the election on a silver platter!
As for me and my household, we will be at THE TRASH FILM ORGY (http://www.trashfilmorgy.com).
Werd to your mother.
I miss Cambridge. 🙁 I’m stuck here in Missouri. My Halloween consisted of visiting my neurologist (Dr. Warmth), and having Teh Jeebus People knock on my door to give me a lil bag of candy and a Jeebus Door Hanger. As if. They apparently didn’t notice the Tibetan Prayer Flags on my door, or else they thought they were just Halloween decorations.
Hey, you Cantabridgians, is the In Square Men’s Bar still open? I lived in Central Square for a while, I liked that place. There was also a fairly grotty Irish bar on Mass Ave that was a good place to play darts. I lived in Davis Square for a while too, not familiar with The Burren, though. I did most of my drinking and darts playing at the Oxford Ale House or Dunster’s Pub in Harvard Square, though. I think they’re both closed now.
Hoist a pint for GW, people!
Hoist a pint for GW, people!
I wasn’t planning to go drinking tonight, but now you’ve forced me.
Extra treats for the felinazi overlords, too.
Where are the goddamned costumed children? I’ve got a screamingly huge bowl of the most decadent treats and the bastards aren’t even trick-or-treating, which explains why I have time to check in with the SadlyNosians.
Fine. Although, like the good Herr Doktor, I was planning to abstain this evening, I’ll hoist a glass of something for GW. It’s the least I can do.
Where are the goddamned costumed children?
They’re all gathered around a giant Wicker Man, listening to the screams from inside as it burns.
Ah. Well I’m sure it’s all in good clean fun then, what?
“Hoist a pint for GW, people!”
the first time I read this I was vaguely offended.
and then I saw your Name. heh.
Bottoms up for you! (though i’m not in cambridge currenty, but certainly nearish)/
Thanks, folks, for all the pints-by-proxy. Hope you all had a hoppy Halloween at home or in a congenial pub.
I had NO goddamned costumed children here, either, just Teh Jeebus People. My niece is gonna have a bowlful of candy in addition to whatever she got in her trick or treat bag. My sister-in-law will be SO happy with me! That kid is gonna have enough candy to last her till next year. 😉