How to be a wingnut
Posted on October 30th, 2006 by
Thomas Sowell, who finds in Iraq a good excuse to slam diversity and liberals, unleashes this little gem over at Opinion Journal:
However we got into Iraq
How did the U.S. get into Iraq anyway? It’s just so damn complicated. Coming up next on Thomas’ how the hell did that happen story hour:
Feel free to add your own in the comments…
“Let’s not bicker and argue over who killed who.” ?
How did DeLay lose his seat, anyway?
On that note, the next time I hear a Republican use the phrase “blame game,” I’m going to poke his eyes out with a Sharpie. Or, perhaps, a shar-pei.
how did this tit get in my mouth?
Damn, “Some Guy” beat me to it.
How do I fart every time someone pulls my finger?
It doesn’t matter HOW my penis wound up in there, okay?
how did the veep shoot his friend in the face?
Goddam it, why do these grumpy gentlemen keep putting me in jail??
“I fucked my way into this mess, and I’ll fuck my way out.”
Apparently the Hoover institute is no longer a think tank. More of a thunk tank.
And what does this button do?
Sadly, I clicked over into his column and read the damn thing. Apparently the whole darn thing would have worked swell if Iraq was full of people exactly like Americans. But then, if Iraq was full of people exactly like Americans, why would they need to be invaded and taught democracy?
And of course, it resembles nothing more than a drunk whose gambling system has him $50 000 in the hole, and he’s knocking you up for another twenty grand to get him out of the mess he put himself in. As if continuing to do as one has always done will yield a result different from the continuous carnage and sectarian strife. It’s this insane faith that somehow the whole thing will magically work itself out and be something called “Victory*” that makes these guys so damn dangerous.
*I’m still not sure if anyone understands what victory means on the right in anything resembling tangible terms.
Oh, that. Look, it was on fire when I got here.
Why can’t I stay away from crazy women?
The hell with it, I’m single again. Next up, Marie’ Jon.
What kind of suspicious, untrusting dirtbag would look at my browser history, anyway?
(multiple entries are allowed, right?)
Thomas Sowell is Rush Limbaugh for conservative pseudo-intellectuals who think their degree in engineering or nursing or computer science makes them an expert in everything.
Did anybody read “The Revolt of the Masses” by Ortega y Gasset?
Seriously, how is it that the Wall Street Journal can have decent business coverage, and then mind-numbing ass-whackery like this?
I’m a little confused at his thesis. Diversity is the reason we can’t pacify Iraq, but we should stay until it is pacified? So, um…. does that mean we should eliminate diversity? Find the smallest religious faction and eliminate it?
The major redeeming part of this article is that Thomas uses the phrase “chasten the hubris”, which is probably the best name for a rock band I’ve ever heard.
Who put their peanut butter in my democracy?
Where did that nuclear weapon come from?
Regardless of why Saddam was in chage of an Iraqi tyranny….
Never mind who funded Osama’s fortune,.,
Should we dwell on how Jews ended up in those camps?
Where are we going, and how did I get in this handbasket?
“chasten the hubris�
What have those Hubris ever done to you? US out of Hubristan!
Who put sand in my vaseline?
Rather than raking up old history about who broke the tags, let’s concentrate on getting used to italics.
What The Hell Did I Cram In My Anus Last Night?
The major redeeming part of this article is that Thomas uses the phrase “chasten the hubris�, which is probably the best name for a rock band I’ve ever heard.
Hemlock, if I read the linked post correctly, I think the band name is actually Pulsating Conservative Movement, but their world tour is definitely Chasten the Hubris.
Rock on.
Regardless of which cat yarked on the keyboard…
Mehitabel, sweetie, yarking is for amateurs. If you get the Diet Pepsi IN the tower with the blinking lights, it’s a HUGE win for felinekind!
It probably started when Bush said ‘please dont’ do that or we’ll have problems(insurgency)’ and the dems did anyway.
What have those Hubris ever done to you? US out of Hubristan!
That’s the funniest thing I’ve read all night…
He’s not dead! He just fell neatly into that chalk outline.
Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?
Who is Spain? Why is Hitler. Ho ho beri beri. And Balls…
mikey, I had an exam in college that consisted of one question: “The Weimar Republic: Why? If not, why not?” I shit you not.
Chestnuts. Apple cheeks.
Think we could get a pic of Hupple’s cat?
Ducks, winter, where?
Who am I? Why am I here?
Ya got flies in your damn eyes. ‘Course, you can’t see ’em ’cause ya got FLIES in yer eyes!!!
Another popular tack: “However it got started….is no longer relevant.”
What do you mean you sunk the Lusitania, Charlie?
Ships? I see no ships.
Technically, Mort, that is two questions.
How does the toaster make my bread brown?
How long is it going to take for evolution to terminate this abnormal human off-shoot?
Technically, Mort, that is two questions.
HemlockEcho said,
Seriously, how is it that the Wall Street Journal can have decent business coverage, and then mind-numbing ass-whackery like this?
Well, it helps that the people who write for the editorial page never, ever read the rest of the paper.
However my briefs ended up in that page’s bed . . . .
However those judges who contributed thousands of dollars to my campaign ended up on the bench . . . .
However I ended up with a blood alcohol content of .22 behind the wheel of this smashed up car with five dead bodies on the hood, four grams of ice in the glove compartment and a loaded gun under the seat . . . .
We could argue all night about who failed to pick up who.
Why are you so worried about icebergs? This thing’s unsinkable!
You’ll not be laughing by the end of the day. I have premonitions. America really will not vote for far left Democrats. Only far left will vote them. The traditionalist will be out in full force all across the USA voting.
The GOP wills prevail!
[…] First the old “however that happened“, and now comes “the situation was created” — it’s like no one was actually actively going about creating it. Or advising those that did the creating. Well, at least all the problems in Iraq the region can be worked out by getting the permanent members of the Security Council and Iraq’s neighbors together. Why didn’t anyone think of that before? […]