An Old Fashioned Fisking

Lets check in with what the b-list propagandists are saying. Victor Davis Hanson needs no introduction, he’s an accomplished historian, a god-knows-how-many-generations “farmer” of one of the more arid spots of of California, and an all around example of why people have come to distrust academia. In his latest column “The Animal Cunning and Instinct of Donald Trump” he has a lot to say about Donald Trump.

He starts off strong:

He grasped that what voters cared about were the very issues politicos were disdainfully ignoring.

So we think to ourselves, yes, yes he did. He saw that the Republican establishment had been taking racist votes without really making a direct appeal to them, he saw racists (and sexists, and various other flavors of bigots) as an easily motivated voting block who could be easily motivated to vote by making direct appeals to their paranoia, hatred, and selfishness”.

But that’s not where he’s going

In other words, Trump instinctively saw the miners of West Virginia — and by extension the working-class populations of states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Ohio — as emblematic of the forgotten man, in a way few of his Republican rivals, much less Hilary Clinton, grasped.

No, good ol’ VDH is praising a straw Trump. A Trump that means what he says to carefully selected audiences. You know, as opposed to the Trump the rest of us see, and hear who changes his opinions more often than he changes his… (you thought I was going type ‘mistresses’ here didn’t you?) socks. But even VDH can smell what Trump is stepping in, what with him being a farmer from way back, I’m sure he’s smelled manure at some point in his life:

And even among minority groups, he detected a rising distaste for being patronized, especially by white, nasal-droning, elite pajama-boy nerds whose loud progressivism did not disguise their grating condescension.

Nice one, VDH. Pajama boy. Still got that hate on, years down the road? I’d say at this point it has lasted more than four hours, and you might want to seek help.

I think that there must be spectacles tinted even rosier than the most rosy tinted glasses than we were previously aware of, and that VDH is wearing them.

Trump then earned greater outrage when he questioned the CIA’s sudden announcement, via leaks, that the Russians had hacked Clinton-campaign communication. When Trump said that the newfound post-election “consensus” on Russian hacking was improper, unreliable, and suggestive of an overly politicized intelligence apparatus, he once again drew universal ire — proof positive that he lacked a “presidential” temperament.

Trump’s reaction to benefiting from Russian backing up to and including state sponsored hacking of Hillary Clinton and the DNC has been the same truth free bullshit that has been his entire adult life. A shrug and a smirk and a “what are you going to do about it?”.

So the rest of the column goes, implying that if trump is crazy that he’s crazy like a fox, and not on the other hand crazy like a narcissist who has finally found the biggest spot light of all.


Comments: 42


Could this be a sighting of a creature long thought to have vanished from the Earth?


Two enthusiastic thumbs up!


white, nasal-droning, elite pajama-boy nerds whose loud progressivism did not disguise their grating condescension.

The projection is unusually strong with this one, n’est-ce pas?


…see… 2016, The Movie!


Gocart, you appear to be right . An authentic Gary Ruppert sighting and he tweets “The fact is..”. Gasp. He lives !


How many straw trumps will be assembled to fuel the New Years Bonfire (It really should be a thing)!!!


Nice one, VDH. Pajama boy. Still got that hate on, years on down the road…

VDH has skull fucked all of the Hoplites to a dusty mouldering pile of delicious release, and he’s licking his chops thinking about what he might get up to with pajama dude….

The guys and their Freak Flagpoles, Victor embraces his priapism…


And here I am tagfailing like Imma channeling bbkf!!!


tags, we don’t neeed no stinking tags….no, wait…..Oy, vegel!


And never a single, solitary slovo about massive voter disenfranchisement and carefully drawn districts to enhance conservative votes and neuter liberal votes. Nearly three million more people voted for Clinton than Trump, yet we get Trump. Democrats similarly cast more ballots than Republicans, yet so many state legislatures remain in Republican hands. It’s like magic! Or some other inexplicable phenomenon.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Ya know, that whole “Pajama Boy” thing is grating condescension. Hell, Pajama Boy was a fictional character in an ad, VDH is basically yelling at a figment of his imagination.


Gary’s just pining for the fjords a derelict bot running on a server in Vladivostok instinctively following his beloved Bossident Of The Divided Snakes of Amnesia to their mutual natural habitat, way out yonder in TwitterTwatland where the Pepes & gas chambers roam.



{ PS: Happy 2017! }

Pupienus Maximus

Wait – it’s 2017? Man, am I ever late for an appointment.


Sartorial Slenda….


Splenda, I mean Sartorial Splenda…Trump is just anti-class by every conceivable metric. The dude showing up to Cabinet meetings in a wife beater and boxers would look as presidential or in possession of class as he does currently…





I have pooped my pants, and I like the way it feels.


VDH is basically yelling at a figment of his imagination.

That’s the entire national conversation in a nutshell and has been for all of the modern era.

They scream at imaginary hippies for spitting on the troops, because it’s easier to pretend that that’s what’s going on than to defend the war and/or the war crimes that the hippies are actually protesting.

They scream at imaginary BLM organizers for being cop-killers, because it’s easier to pretend that that’s what’s going on than to defend the abuses of power, lack of accountability, and wildly inconsistent behavior in the justice system that BLM is actually protesting.

They scream at imaginary liberals for trying to implement death panels and a state-controlled economy, because it’s easier to pretend that that’s what’s going on than to defend the no-rules, gangster-capitalism run amok that they consider to be their ideal and that’s ruined more and more lives over the last forty years.

They scream at imaginary gun control advocates for trying to take away all their guns, because it’s easier to pretend that that’s what’s going on than to explain how the fuck a fifteen-day waiting period to purchase an assault rifle is an assault on the constitution.

They scream at imaginary fifth columnists in the Democratic Party for being apologists for terrorism, because it’s easier to pretend that that’s what’s going on than to defend a Muslim registry database or a plan to round them up in camps or even, as various voters have charmingly suggested, exterminating them.

It’s one of the many reasons I barely talk to conservatives about politics anymore. I haven’t got the time to untangle their many delusions, not just about the world, but about what *I* and the people across the aisle from them actually believe and are actually advocating.


Ah, the old stomping grounds. Good interface, still keeping that clean design…oh right, clever comment. Right.

white, nasal-droning, elite pajama-boy nerds whose loud progressivism did not disguise their grating condescension

Do they also have pocket protectors and tape on the bridge of their Buddy Holly horn rims?

Reading through yet another column of VDH beating up on an imaginary geek, I’m reminded of an observation – a cliché, really, but a good one – that no one in this country ever completely leaves high school. I wonder what Hanson was like back them. I don’t see him as either a bully or a victim but rather one of those anonymous weird kids who could never keep any friends around because he wouldn’t shut up about hoplites.


VDH: Praise Bush’s Iraq War leadership again, Dell.

Dell 3000: I’m so sorry, Victor, I’m afraid I can’t do that.


I wonder what Hanson was like back them. I don’t see him as either a bully or a victim but rather one of those anonymous weird kids who could never keep any friends around because he wouldn’t shut up.

Or perhaps because he was shitting his pants and then bragging about it…?


I don’t see him as either a bully or a victim

I can picture him hiding from the former while cornering the latter in a stairwell in high-school, discussing the finer points about hoplite battle formations and ‘focus grouping.’

Or perhaps because he was shitting his pants and then bragging about it…?

Please don’t tell me that this is a reference to feces-filled pantaloon-based Vietnam avoidance Strategy Related, Program Actvities!


Victor Davis Hanson with another one of his classic foot-in-bucket fartfests.


Chris skrev:

I haven’t got the time to untangle their many delusions, not just about the world, but about what *I* and the people across the aisle from them actually believe and are actually advocating.

This. So much this. If Public Opinion and The Herald-Mail would just hand over their entire editorial pages to me for every day of a solid year, I could begin to make a dent in the shell of lies that has been baked around the Republican base’s alleged brains for almost literally my entire life. (When Lewis Powell issued his memorandum about the need to build an alternative to the “liberal media”, I was about a year and a half old. Like Clov in Endgame, I say to myself that the Earth is extinguished, though I never saw it lit.)


Please don’t tell me that this is a reference to feces-filled pantaloon-based Vietnam avoidance Strategy Related, Program Actvities!

Nah, I wasn’t talking about Da Nuge.

I was talking about Frankie Foreskins and his FOX NEWS ALERT…


Nah, I wasn’t talking about Da Nuge.

Ahhh, yes, the Nuge! my mistake, wrong winger, right sentiment!!

Thank you SG.


white, nasal-droning, elite pajama-boy nerds whose loud progressivism did not disguise their grating condescension.


Speaking of wingers who have shit themselves, Provider, have you made the acquaintance of Carl Paladino, perhaps THE biggest RW asshole evah…?


In other news… thanks, Richard “Traitor” Nixon, for your efforts in prolonging the Vietnam War


some guy,

I had a close cousin that was killed in the later years of the Vietnam War.

Thanks for posting that. I must’ve missed it over the holidays.


Oopsie, that Paladino clip was an earlier one from before the current outrage… Try this one…


Carl Paladino is such a believer in family values that he has not one, but two families.

NY State GOP gubernatorial hopeful has 10-yr-old live child.


elite pajama-boy nerds whose loud progressivism did not disguise their grating condescension

I prefer my condescension hand-shredded. The larger chunks are more flavorful than the grated bits that way. Brings out a nice bright tanginess in the progressivism. Good with IPA, or a nice Oregon Pinot Noir.

Happy New Year, also, too, &c.


Sorry about your cousin, Pat.

As some longtime Sadlies may remember from my comments a few years ago, in 1970 I moved to Canada, where I still love now, out of fervent opposition to the Vietnam War.

So perhaps I take Nixon’s lies and treason more personally than younger people.

You may not be old enough to remember it, but that POS and his fellow Republicans tried to portray us war opponents as anti-American traitors. Guess it was always projection, even back before the GOP went batshit crazy.


It took me until about the middle eighties to get to the Vietnam war memorial in Washington DC, but I stood there and bawled just like a baby at the sight of all those names on that black wall.

The Dark Avenger

Welcome to Sadly, No!, Pat. In a few months you’ll qualify for the Hot Tub™, so stick around.


Q: Was there a 1950’s TV western featuring a character named “Trump” who was a wall-building charlatan?

A: Snopes says yes!


Q: Was there a 1950’s TV western featuring a character named ‘Trump’ who was a wall-building charlatan?

A: Why, yes! Yes there was!


Nothing yet about this intel report and its particularly… amusing… revelation?

[Read p. 2 of the document. I don’t want to spoil the surprise.]


Who knew that the Orange Shitler was a goldwater fan?


The Trumpster is a goldwater Republican…


I managed to stumble into my keys and threw up a new post…



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