Look what the Cat Dragged In…

So, I had thought to do a monumental takedown of this excrescence Which is just a lengthy litany of reasons in which the Liberals and Democrats are the real racists, including, of course, a reference to the Democratic party as a Plantation and suchlike other IsoTropes™. What the hell then, take a look at the opening:

If black lives matter to liberals, they sure aren’t showing it.

Really caring would require treating African Americans as fully capable citizens, and liberals have never been willing to do that. Feeling sorry for blacks is far more rewarding, especially at the polling place.

And it gets ooogahdee booogahdee all the way down.

Anyway, I’m checking the site notice something in moderation, and thought, “Damn, what have we here?” And thought, “Fuck that other thing, this will do just fine. I’ll let Praetorian Prefect take it away…

You liberals are society’s lowest common denominator. You and your ilk believe all of the ignorant lies the leftwing media sprouts, particularly on the issue of race.

Right outta the gate with the othering, insults, condescension, and presumption of a hive-mind. Well done, you hit the wingnitwit perfecta!

But now that you mention it Sparky, a handfull of leftwing media sprouts sounds like an excellent addition to my arugula salad with a Dijon mustard vinaigrette that you know all of us Liberals are gonna eat tonight.

Now that we have been properly addressed, and dressed down, grab your hair-shirts and lets see if there are any other nuggets of wisdom *cough*dingleberry comb*cough*.

But just for fun lets look at America without most of the black population.

Not only does this promise to be educational, it promises to be fun, and you know how wingers love their fun, also, too, how clever, insightful, and yes, funny, they are. So lets play now!

taxes would be minute compared to what they are today because most of the handouts are given to blacks.

If this wasn’t an exercise resembling a cat playing around with a mortally wounded mouse, I might actually bring up the hard and fast numbers. Stuff like the military budget for example, or the fact that vastly more welfare, I mean handouts go to white people in this country than black people, including I am nearly certain people in the Prefect’s own family, and possibly even under his very own subsidized roof.

Gotta say, if there is anything I have learned from this Praetorian feller, is how much fun it is to pull shit out of my sass! I suspect an OOOGGGAAAASM coming on.

The violent crime rate, including murders, would be cut in almost 2/3. The school systems would be so much better because the the teachers wouldn’t have to teach down to their level. The number of children living in poverty would be cut by 2/3. People like the Clintons and Obama’s couldn’t win an election for dog catcher.

Yayup! So it has been said, so therefor it must be. To ask for any citation supporting any of these claims would be ridiculous, but I have a game of my own in mind. If Praetorian Prefect actually wants to back up the assertions pulled out of his personal Library of Asselexander, with something that we all can review, he will be welcome to do so in the comments below.

Also noted: 2/3rds is the new 3/5ths

Obviously these are horrible Racist statements in todays world but can only state the facts. Maybe if blacks and liberals would spend half the time that they spend on worrying about racism on these issues the country would be a much better place to live.

Because of your candor PP, you get a cookie. Everything that appears after the word world, resembles something that flies out of the salad shooter that writes for Sarah Palin.

Oh and PP, just to flip it back at you with a bit of truth; if you conseervatives would not spend so much time worrying about what people chose to do with their pp’s and hoo-haws and got some of their own from time to time, the world would be a much better place to live.

Thanks for dropping by. It is not often that one walks in through the back door in this place only to end up on the front page, so pat yourself on the back.

Meanwhile, I gotta salad to make….Mmmmmmmmm Liberal media sprouts….


Comments: 31


Why aren’t our fossil fuel corporations treated as fully capable citizens?

Poor Exxon, Chevron, and friends. Condemned by the soft bigotry of low expectations.


But now that you mention it Sparky, a handfull of leftwing media sprouts sounds like an excellent addition to my arugula salad with a Dijon mustard vinaigrette that you know all of us Liberals are gonna eat tonight.

I like mine with just a soupçon of aborted fetus tissue on top…


Well SG, you are an elitest, and i mean that in the most liberal way!


The key sentence in your commentary –

Stuff like the military budget for example, or the fact that vastly more welfare, I mean handouts go to white people in this country than black people

While “the blacks are in the shit because they’re all on welfare” is ordinary right wing bullshit, it’s still interesting because of how flawlessly backwards it gets the story.

Black people haven’t been gorging themselves on government assistance for the last seventy years – white people have, and that’s in no small part why they’re still ahead. Black people are the ones who were excluded for over thirty years from the benefits of the modern liberal state – Social Security, the G. I. Bill, those unions that were still all-white, all the other things that made the mid-20th century economic miracle possible. The opening of these benefits to black people is what caused the backlash against the welfare state, which means you can make a pretty strong case that black people never got the benefits at all (no, we haven’t been fighting the War On Poverty for fifty years as that article asserts – Reagan and the other welfare-slashers saw to that). And these days, mostly-white suburbs are the ones getting decent public services, and heavily-nonwhite inner city neighborhoods are those that keep getting slashed.

He’s wrong that black people are all on welfare (it’s just not called welfare when white middle class folk are the ones who benefit). But more fundamentally than that, he’s exactly ass-backwards in saying that welfare is why they’re in trouble – the people who have lots of government services are the ones doing best, the ones who don’t are the ones still in the shit.

You want to see black people on welfare, imagine us putting the kind of effort that we once poured into the electrification of the rural South… into our inner cities. Public schools and policing (I mean policing, stopping and deterring crimes, not putting the closest black teenager’s head through a plate glass window in self-defense) for starters, if nothing else. Do that, and even this guy won’t be able to write this kind of article about how badly the black community’s doing.

Which is, of course, why it’ll never happen.


GOP, Party of Ideas!

Don’t hire black people for employment, because they are a bunch of uneducated losers!

And also, too, don’t give them welfare, because they are a bunch of uneducated losers!

And presto-majesto! those uneducated losers will all just disappear!

Problem solved!

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Cons are all upset that Steven Colbert wore a Black Lives Matter bracelet.


“Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.” -Jon Stewart Mill


“I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it.”
— John Stuart Mill, in a Parliamentary debate with Conservative MP John Parkington; May 31, 1866

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

“A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury.”

One of my all-time favorite Mill quotes.


Looks like Exxon has been on the left liberal media payroll since circa 1977:




Some mild editing (with apologies to JSM):

“Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid and racistpeople, it is true that most stupid and racistpeople are conservative.”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

But just for fun lets look at America without most of the black population.

Oh, great, this should be fun…

taxes would be minute compared to what they are today because most of the handouts are given to blacks.

Meanwhile, on Planet Earth, most handouts are given to corporations, many of which profited from slavery.


But just for fun lets look at America without most of the black population….taxes would be minute compared to what they are today because most of the handouts are given to blacks.

But just for fun, let’s forget about the fact that us white folks abducted, enslaved, oppressed, tortured, maimed and raped blacks for hundreds of years, systematically destroyed their families and denied them education.

Just for fun, let’s pretend that we don’t owe blacks anything for THAT experience… but instead that blacks owe us big time for having enjoyed that wonderful lifestyle that welfare provides.

Just for fun!

Next week, just for fun, we’ll look at all the free land we’ve given those Indian moochers.


Even if you only count things like Section 8, food stamps… Whites consume the lion’s share.

It’s so upside down even before you get to the handouts Right-wingers don’t think count.


things are getting weird, which i totally blame trump for. his braggadocio and unfiltered babbling seems to be giving more people the idea that being racist as fuck is now acceptable. just last night, a person who i have loved as a sister said, “when whites are the minority, which will HAPPEN ANY DAY NOW, then maybe we can have ‘white people’s day!'”

i weep more often than not these days…


Saw this http://imgur.com/2X0j3Ge during my travels but no sign of Josh St. Lawrence.

PS – I’m back after 21 days and 8000 miles of pure enjoyment riding my motorcycle all over the western US.


SA 32 vs Japan !!!!! 34 at the opening game of Rugby World Cup. We are humiliated. The coach will have to do ritual suicide the minute they arrive home.
You USians may not realise what a BFD this is. I mean, imagine if Jamaica beat you at baseball. Same thing.
This is unbelievable. I mean, even I, a certified non-jock, am amazed and appalled. The country will be in mourning for days – this will be quoted at them as A Day That Will Live in Infamy.
We lost to Japan – OMG.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

See how many loops you can make it through……

“I am a real person.”


Hello folks.

Sorry to here that suze. I get what rugby means down there. Good to see you all the same.

Sitting on top of what i like to call ent ridge next to a blaze started with a couple of sparks on sunday afternoon. Camping for first time in years. Mostly unplugged due to spotty coverage. Bicuits and sausage gravy are soon to be started.

Will rejoin civilization by monday.

Walker drops out! Ha ha ha.

Glad yer having a great respite from texas pup, keep the rubber side down.

xoxox, friends, take care.


The fact is, Kim Davis is a genuine USA hero. Al you liberals who hate her are not real Americans or freedom loving. Hear in the Heartland we support our Christian Soldiers, and there is no separation of church and state in Constition. That is a liberal lie. We are taking are country back and you will be sory, God is not mocked.


The real problem with liberals, of course, is their refusal to listen to the other side’s position. Instead, they mock their opponents, substitute personal attacks on their opponents for reasoned argument, and make up derogatory terms to describe their opponents.

In summary, I guess Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and the rest of the right-wing pundits are liberals…



In summary, I guess Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and the rest of the right-wing pundits are liberals…

Why not? Since conservatives insist that Commander Codpiece was a liberal.


So I encountered a new (for me) kind of gun nut. They were snarking about how deadly cars are but people seem to love them just fine. Wheee.

I kindly pointed out that if the US were to start regulating guns the way they do cars, well that would be a massive increase of gun control. Fairly in controversial statement, or so I thought.

But in crazy ammosexual land, there are almost no regulations or restrictions on cars and car ownership – regulations only come into play if you want to drive in public roads. Seriously that was the argument.

Maybe I shouldn’t have handed then the gimme – that cars serve a useful purpose outside of killing people. Because they just basically took 99.99% of the functionality of a car away and pretended like it was a reasonable comparison. Sheesh.

Funny thing though – as often is the case with people blinded by ideology and unable to reason properly – it doesn’t matter. If we give them that gimme as well, guns are still less regulated. In most states you are allowed to take them off of your own private property without registering them and then slapping a highly visible plate on to your death machine.

Seriously, if firearms registration was as strict and onerous as automobile registration, I’m sure that plenty of gun control advocates would be okay with a “never leaves your private domicile” exemption (provided that breaking that rule has significant repercussions).

Anyways, I was kinda curious as to how wide spread this stupid argument was – so I Gizoogled it. Eugene Volokh came up – so smug in his “cars that you can’t take off your driveway” sleight of hand that he is absolutely wallowing in his stinky poopie. And all brought to you by the War Criminal Post.

Lollygaggin' Larry

But in crazy ammosexual land, there are almost no regulations or restrictions on cars and car ownership – regulations only come into play if you want to drive in public roads.

Well, ATV’s, which are not allowed to be driven on public roads, are regulated for safety in many U.S. states and in Canada.



Most excellent 😀 Not baseball but fun nonetherless, Suzebo…



Eddie, USA so invincible. HA! Their women’s team was awesome though.

SA beat USA 64-0 at the Rugby World Cup. That makes me feel a whole lot better. Snicker.

Coach Urban Meyer

Wuzza-wuzzup, loony libs? Da Cool Coach is here with a SPREAD OF TRUTH to let you silly socialists know that the Republicans are getting a REAL conservative to mop up you jabronis in the House! Now, if Da Cool Coach was voting, he’d definitely put one down for Super Sarah, the Power Palin, not to mention Boss Bobby Jindal, who is kicking all sorts of hiney in the Republican primary! Badoodle-boo-yeah!

Knock knock! Who’s there? Da Cool Coach with his SPREAD OF TRUTH! Urban out.


I have a good friend on the US rugby team. He has much respect for the SA team.


See the House.

See the House disembowel itself.
Disembowel, disembowel, disembowel.

See Boehner ragequit.
Ragequit, ragequit, ragequit.

“Wowie Zowie! Playing ‘Spin The Bottle’ with this live potato-masher grenade sure is lots of fun!”

Play, play, play.


Anyways, I was kinda curious as to how wide spread this stupid argument was – so I Gizoogled it.

oh, it is very wide spread…i hear it at least once per mass shooting incident. and now we have ben carson espousing the ‘if only the jews had had guns…’


Rarely are the words heard “if only the American slaves had had guns…”


Good Times at Pottersville: Political Darwinism edition: The De-evolution of the Republican Party in Eight Panels.


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