As the Jaw Drops
Presidential Timber Indeed…
Walker: I remember the movie in the 80s, Trading Places…
Hewitt: Right.
Walker: …you know, with Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy, it’s like Iran and Israel are trading places in the sequel. In the eyes of this president, our ally is supposed to be Israel. Our adversary has been historically Iran. And yet this administration completely does it the other way around. We need to call radical Islamic terrorism for what it is, and a commander-in-chief who’s willing to act.
I think we were in a better place when these guys were goofing on Ebonics and not Freeform Jazz Styling on Foreign Policy.
Also, too, we will have another wit joining this band of merry thieves. The Party in question will be introducing themselves at their leisure.
This is Chris Mathews league analysis, cram the current events into a movie plot that you’ve recently watched.
Netflix diplomacy!
Telling. Using comic books as teaching aids seems to have left a permanent impression on him, and I am remembering being offered them for a rather backward class I helped with.
Ruth, I really have no real idea about the dude except he seems filled like a word salad flavored pez dispenser.
I’m still holding out for the Dinesh D’Souza op-ed that complains that black people should stop asking for reparations, because that’s what welfare is. Unless I missed it…?
a commander-in-chief who’s willing to act
Because that worked out so well last time around?
Ready! Fire! Aim!
Ah fuck, sorry to step on your toes Provider, but new post.
And for everybody, I’m still figuring out sustainability with writing as my methods are desperately not working for me, but I will still try and post when I can.
No worries Cerb!!!
Good to have you back!

That didn’t even make vicious wingnut sense.
Walker is claiming that being an Eagle Scout qualifies him to be Commander-in-Chief. Rachel had a segment on it last night. Sheesh!
Walker is claiming that being an Eagle Scout qualifies him to be Commander-in-Chief. Rachel had a segment on it last night. Sheesh!
Well someone missed the point of Trading Places.
So is Iran a wanna be nuclear power because we weren’t allied with them and they’ll now be America’s go-to country in the Mid East because we might negotiate a deal with them?
Is Israel is now going to sponsor anti-American terrorism because we aren’t nice enough to them? And does this mean that Bibi gets love scenes with Jamie Leigh Curtis?
what sequel is he talking about? There was no sequel.
(coming to america, where Murphy give the homeless traders he ruined in trading places a bundle of cash was not a sequel.)