Can We get these Princesses some more Matresses
And I fear this post is going to be offensive to princesses everywhere. Here we go again. Yet another funeral hijacked by a bunch of petulant fucking children with no self awareness whatsoever.
You know the dude in glasses is fucked. He is probably already nursing bruises…
First the shitheels make the first funeral all about them, then decide that they just won’t do their jobs as diligently as they had previously in what amounts to a pretty obvious own goal.
The Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association has warned its members to put their safety first and not make arrests “unless absolutely necessary.”
Which begs and answers a couple of obvious questions…
So last night I was gonna make some dinner, and while perusing the store of planned ingredients discovered that a bag of grated cheese was missing from the fridge. It had been there the last time I looked (within the last day or two.) Now I live in a shady situation, kinda boarding house like, with shared common areas. It is cheap and I need cheap. Anyhow, this has not been the first time that shit has gone missing, and sometimes I let it slide, but this time I was pissed enough to make some noise.
One of the dudes I share a roof with is a kid (early 20’s) who is a shady ass bastard and almost certainly the thief. He is really good at lying, putting up a front and trying to deflect blame on others like he has been doing it all his life. Long story short, I didn’t buy his line, pressed the issue and he got angrier and angrier and at one point demanded that I respect him
and I explained that respect is something that is earned and that he had failed to earn mine. This goes on for a while when he decides to go there and calls me a Nigger, to my face after which I turn to a third party who was observing and said “did he just call me a Nigger?” third party nodded and the kid called me Nigger again. After he realized that wasn’t pressing any buttons he started in on Faggot which also failed to get a rise. By the end of the day he was up to about a dozen Niggers and half a dozen Faggots and still demanding that I respect his pink insignificance.
Upon further reflection last night on the transpirings, It occurred to me that I had experienced the same infantile sense of entitlement that the NYPD’s vaunted boys in Blue. JackAss first demanded my respect after I had called him out on a detailed list of shortcomings.
At least JackAss has a case-worker, and later knocked on my door to (I really didn’t listen) to offer some sort of contrition or rat on someone else, to cover his ass. Something it seems we will not be seeing from the “Most Important Persons in Blue that ever Lived to Serve and Protect Demand some Respect.
Another shot of the Petulant Lot:
If you click to embiggen the picture you might enjoy playing a game I usually reserve for the Republican National Convention, Nascar Races, NHL games, etc, which I like to call “Spot the Brother.” A quick survey of mine came up with two in the shot above, see if you can spot more of them.
These guys are pa-fucking-thetic. There is no other way to put it. They can’t for a minute stand the slightest bit of criticism; taking it as an attack on their very being. This is what happens after a decade plus of unabashed and continuous praise because 9/11 reasons. Prior to that they had a racist shitheel of a mayor that let them run roughshod over the least among them, giving every cop the chance to let his inner sadist’s freak flag a chance to fly. Who knows how many sadistic racist bastards joined the force at that time. So after two decades (or much more) of being able to behave as you please without impunity, the simple request to tone it down via “Stop and Frisk” harassment activities and maybe not kill so many unarmed minorities is taken as the deepest of cuts, a betrayal that can never be forgiven.
They have forgotten that not only does respect need to be earned, but that it can be lost and when lost will need to be earned again. Instead the jamokes feel that they are entitled to and demand respect and use to tools of toddlers to make their point. Below some choice quotes from the men in blue:
These from the beeb.
“The mayor has no respect for us,” retired NYPD detective Camille Sanfilippo told the Associated Press news agency at Liu’s funeral. “Why should we have respect for him?”
Glad this idiot is retired.
Patrick Yoes, a national secretary with the 328,000-member Fraternal Order of Police, said before the new funeral: “Across this country, we seem to be under attack in the law enforcement profession, and the message to take away from this is: We are public servants. We are not public enemies.”
I like the “seem”, as it indicates that the police are now a body driven by feelings, selfish feelings. It seems like law enforcement in this country is afflicted with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Dude, if you want us to buy the “public servants” crap don’t act as if the public are your enemies.
From the NYPost:
“I turned my back last week on [de Blasio], and I will continue to turn my back whenever I hear him speak because he disrespected me, Officer Ramos and Officer Liu when he said he warned his son, Dante, to be wary of cops,” said a uniformed cop at the funeral.
This one gets to the heart of the problem they have with de Blasio, that he had “the talk.” I wonder what fishbowl this asshole has been living in lately.
One cop who didn’t turn his back but looked away said, “I didn’t turn my back out of respect for the commissioner. But there’s no way I’m going to look at the mayor. He’s a joke. Everything he says today, he’s doing it to cover his a-?-.”
Classy move buttercup, a move that might have kept you from a beating by yer mates.
One of these days, when I’m feeling frisky, I’ll put one of those NYPD caps on this chap.
And because this image might be attached to one of the funniest things I have ever read on the internets I share with you a picture of one of the Princesses in cartoon form.
Update: Nym in comments suggests the following:
Do you think that mailing boxes of pacifiers to the NYPD would be a good form of protest?
Why yes, yes I do. It would be a perfectly appropriate response.
This statement was so full of FAIL that it almost seems like brilliant poetry.
When, besides “when absolutely necessary”, are you fucks arresting people? When it’s not necessary? As in the case of a guy selling loose cigarettes on the street, or caught with 1/8th of weed in his pocket (and chose the wrong color parents)?
Dude, if you want us to buy the “public servants” crap don’t act as if the public are your enemies.
My mom: Act like an adult and we’ll treat you like one.
These guys are pa-fucking-thetic. There is no other way to put it. They can’t for a minute stand the slightest bit of criticism; taking it as an attack on their very being.
Yes, and this is pretty much what conservatism’s become all across the board. The military does this when it’s caught committing war crimes, the corporate suits do this when they’re caught wrecking the world economy, the clergy does this when they’re caught covering up child molesters. They choose to pretend that by pointing out when they’re not doing what they’re supposed to be, you’re “attacking” them and just hate them as an institution, and whine accordingly. Then instead of being about the crime committed, the story becomes about the reporters or whoever who had the gall to notice it. And they get away with it because the nation, or still far too much of it, is more interested in being able to maintain their image of these people as all-American totems of awesomeness, than in making sure they actually ARE that.
Really, all of these are just a microcosm of the nation as a whole. Look at the outcry Obama provoked with the alleged “apology tour” in which he admitted that yeah, America had dropped the ball a few times recently. Never mind that smoking ruin of a former country we’re leaving in the Middle East, the several hundred thousands of bodies in it, and whether or not we should at the very least be feeling a little bad about having caused that. No, after that, the story became all about how Obama was a big meanie for not thinking America was still a sparkly clean unicorn with nothing to apologize for.
I suppose this is what happens when you’re as used to having your way as the NYPD, the Pentagon, Wall Street, the Catholic bishops… or the U.S. of A. The more you get used to having your way, the thinner your skin gets and the likelier you are to overreact to increasingly small and trivial things. Psychologists have probably written about this kind of thing extensively already – it’s just too bad you can’t force all the characters above to undergo treatment/therapy or lose their jobs.
I think it might be funny to start sending police departments boxes of pacifiers.
Do you think mailing boxes of pacifiers to the NYPD would be a good protest? (It’d be funny, at any rate)
To be entirely fair, this protest by the police DID lead directly to the best Facebook post I’ve seen in a while;
“Groups that think it’s appropriate to protest at funerals:
1) The Westboro Baptist Church
2) The New York Police Department.”
Nym, love the pacifier Idea. Might be stealing it, with attribution of course.
Sorry about the double post; first I got the standard “too fast” WP error, and then when it seemed to post my post didn’t show, so I had no idea if it went through…
This is where I point out that cops are more likely to die in car accidents and from heart attacks than any other cause.
Statistically my job is more dangerous than a police officer’s.
UNE: Can we get an address for that Lynch fellow? He needs to get the pacifiers, remarks, etc.
I would of course recommend that all comments to Pat Lynch include remarks decrying the targeting of cops (his, and other) for violence, and support for the job we ostensibly ask of cops, everywhere.
I personally plan to include Steve Anderson’s recent letter as an example to which police should aspire, everywhere, and to also point out that the present NYPD policy of “arrest only when necessary” just makes plain good goddamned sense.
Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association
125 Broad Street, 11th Fl.
New York, NY 10004-2400
The Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association has warned its members to put their safety first and not make arrests “unless absolutely necessary.”
Meanwhile, the City has not gone down in flames.
Long story short, I didn’t buy his line, pressed the issue and he got angrier and angrier and at one point demanded that I respect him
and I explained that respect is something that is earned and that he had failed to earn mine. This goes on for a while when he decides to go there and calls me a Nigger, to my face after which I turn to a third party who was observing and said “did he just call me a Nigger?” third party nodded and the kid called me Nigger again. After he realized that wasn’t pressing any buttons he started in on Faggot which also failed to get a rise. By the end of the day he was up to about a dozen Niggers and half a dozen Faggots and still demanding that I respect his pink insignificance.
You showed remarkable, indeed saintly, restraint. I would have put him through a wall. Let’s hope that this individual learns by example and evolves into a decent human being.
BBBB, putting the little bigot through a wall, may not be an option for Provider_UNE. It is a response that requires a certain amount of strength and skill. Luckily given that we live in an era of automation, if that strength and skill in grappling is missing, it can be supplied mechanically. All we need to do is get Provider_UNE a genuine ACME circus cannon and lure the little bigot down the barrel. Do you suppose there is a rental agency in town that would carry one?
QuadB, that is how I roll, but thank you. And I only shared a truncated version of events.
even though the kid has youth about 4 inches and 40 pounds or more on me, it would not have been a fair fight.
I just can’t take that shit personally, no point. It reveals more about their insecurities and weakness than it offends me, I pity the poor bastards.
Good to see you around bub.
Here’s how I’d handle the contract negotiations going on right now –
Option A:
1. A new oversight body with members appointed by the boroughs, the mayor and various aggrieved communities – headed up by Al Sharpton. Group has the ability to fire cops by majority vote as well as designate a person as never employable by NYPD ever again. Cops retain right to sue for wrongful termination and can get compensation, but strongest efforts will be made to prevent them from ever getting their badges back.
2. Aside from general brutality, misconduct and corruption – a new firing offense of “not fully co-operating with the oversight board” will be written into the contracts. Cops can still plead the fifth, but that is a firing offense.
3. Lynch and and the PBA publicly praise the new oversight group. Enthusiastically. Repeatedly. Say that they helped come up with the guidelines for oversight and feel it’s a great step forward in accountability and improving policing.
Option B. They are all fired. Every last one. National Guard brought in to maintain control while the new NYPD gets formed from scratch. Former cops cannot apply to the new force for at least two years in order to demonstrate that they can be decent human beings without a badge to hide behind.
Note – baseline scenario includes a significant reduction in the number of sworn officers. Complete end to Stop and Frisk and Broken Windows, as the past two weeks have shown that those tactics don’t do sweet fuck all anyways.
So what’s the next step? Is the NYPD going to pull a Chile 9/11/73 and make de Blasio their Allende?
Nobody deserves R-E-S-P-E-C-T like a bully!
Don’t mention my name, or I’ll sue you!
I had a weekend like that once. Navy graduation party.
DKW, I want to seahorse your babies.
Nice start, DKW.
If I ran the world, I’d make every cop wear a wire. The technology already exists for this.
Then I’d tell the cops that the transcript of their wire can be reviewed at any time to reveal instances of racism, brutality, tampering with evidence or other abuses of their authority.
Deliberate disabling of the wire would be grounds for firing.
Since every cop would wear a wire, there would be no way for the cops to find out if undercover officers, who would of course also be wearing a wire, were covertly planted in their ranks.
These undercover officers would be tasked with rooting out the bad cops. The would report directly to the FBI or some other non-police controlled body.
After the first few bad apples got fired, the rest of the cops would quickly get the message that there are consequences to misbehaviour.
If I ran the world, I’d make every cop wear a wire.
Works for me. If everything I say in the cockpit gets recorded why not them?
Fuck everything about those whining little fucks. That city in CA that put cameras on their cops? HUGE reduction in complaints of excessive force. I think they actually saved money by reducing lawyer costs and settlements and shit. Fuck everything about those whining little fucks.
I find myself wondering/fearing what the usual suspects are getting up to regarding the Charlie Hebdo shootings.
Don’t get out of the boat.
Nym, was thinking abt working on one abt the situation in france. But id have to venture a couple of bocks and it is cold as fuck and i am trying to knock out a cold before it takes root. And i cant/wont do it on the fone.
Short answer, they were out of the gate early with the gamut of bullshit, trump was all over gun laws, goldberg was all over obama not screaming terrorism out of the top of his lungs, as if labeling the tragedy was the most important thing in the world, basically wingnut 101. Others calling for more profiling and spying on muslims, because theyre all the same natch(octoplex). The conflation of two zealots with an entire heterogeneous population of believers…Sudden and vigorous defence of the first amendment from parties who couldnt be bothered last week…
Thats the thumbnail and a near blackout on the bomb that went off outside an naacp office in colo springs.
Hope thst helps.
Thers has tested the waters and found a floating chunk of stupidity from that asshole that “draws” the horrible Day By Day “comic.” I think it’s probably pretty indicative of what all the rest of the dumbasses are saying/thinking.
They look a little green, some antibiotics would probably be a good idea.
Yeah. Blech.
Say, would you like a recipe for hot and sour chicken noodle soup? It does wonders for a cold.
How Can They Hate Us For That Which Does Not Exist?
We live in a free and liberal society where the proper response to another incident of violence committed by Islamic radicals is to blame Muslims and Arabs for hating our freedoms and bomb individuals hundreds of miles away in retaliation.
We live in a free and liberal society where the proper response to another incident of violence committed by domestic radicals is to blame politically moderate elected officials for being honest about institutionalized racism and gun violence.
We live in a free and liberal society where the proper response to a few dozen Islamic fundamentalists killing 3,000 people in one morning is a decades-long war against largely unaffiliated Islamic governments and people that kills hundreds of thousands and injures and displaces millions of Arabic and Islamic people.
We live in a free and liberal society where the proper response to thousands of state agents extrajudicially killing a minimum of 3,000 unarmed American people of color per decade while unjustly incarcerating millions more through a systematic war of oppression explicitly designed to disenfranchise and disempower minorities and political undesirables, is nothing. Nothing except for beating and arresting those who dare speak in favor of retaliation or serious reformation.
We live in a free and liberal society primed for mass domestic race riots and domestic terrorism and we are doing nothing to address this besides suppressing dissent and hey, look over there! More crazy Muslims shot people! Bomb ISIS! More drone strikes! Expand the War on Terror!
We live in a free and liberal society that, as part of a larger campaign of bombings and assassinations in the 1960s and 1970s, trained and financed Orlando Bosch and others to bomb a Cuban civilian airliner and kill dozens of civilians. We live in a free and liberal society that in 1992 pardoned Bosch, helped resettle him in Miami, and prevented his associate from being extradited for trial because Venezuela could not provide a satisfactory guarantee that he would not be tortured.
We live in a free and liberal society that routinely “renders” suspects to dictatorships far worse than Venezuela for torture at the hands of foreign agents. We live in a free and liberal society that within ten years of Bosch’s unconditional pardon embarked on a global war against terrorism wherein we engaged in wars of aggression on false pretenses and killed hundreds of thousands of non-combatants. We live in a free and liberal society that bombs media outlets and kills unsympathetic journalists in Iraq and Palestine and Cuba and Nicaragua and Philadelphia and Birmingham and elsewhere in the name of nationalism, tradition, stability and realpolitik efficiency.
We live in a free and liberal society that disappears thousands of prisoners of war and political prisoners into a worldwide network of secret gulags where they are tortured and worse. We live in a free and liberal society where none of the leaders who order or encourage this torture will ever be prosecuted. We live in a free and liberal society where the bureaucrats responsible for the torture won’t even be punished for surveilling and intimidating the elected officials tasked with overseeing said bureaucrats.
We live in a free and liberal society that has, in the last month, arrested, jailed, and charged with making terroristic threats at minimum dozens of young men who have, in effect, done nothing other than post hip hop lyrics and paraphrased Malcom X quotes on Facebook. That is, engaged in public speech using language which has, since at least Brandenberg v. Ohio, been explicitly protected by the First Amendment.
While even leftist American political commentators engage in a pointless pants-pissing match over whether we should assess Islamic fundamentalists murdering journalists as more or less important than Adam Lanza murdering schoolchildren because he is a raving lunatic or Anders Breivik murdering schoolchildren because he is a raving fanatic, the United States of America is busy turning popular and formerly protected political sentiment into terroristic thoughtcrime.
We are to fear the supposedly chilling effect that these latest terrorist attacks may have on journalistic and editorial critiques of radical Islam. We are to ignore, as our media and NGOs largely are, that the Department of Justice is assisting local police and prosecutors in portraying vague violent sentiments and online political speech as illegal threats. Formerly protected speech against the state and state agents is being redefined as acts of terrorism if state agents report that said speech made them anxious or uncomfortable. That is truly horrifying and represents a far more chilling threat to speech and the stated values of our Constitutional Republic than does a thousand stateless religious radicals bombing television stations and press offices.
The war raging isn’t one of Western Secular Freedom v Islamic Theocratic Tyranny, but rather one of the Neoliberal Globalization and Technocratic Totalitarianism of the Elite v. Everyone Else. I can understand how spending decades immersed in attitudes of American Exceptionalism, arguments for Western Colonization, and agitation against the external ‘others’ can make people not see the the forest for the brilliantly lit trees of faux “liberty” and “freedom.” But I urge us all to start squinting and try to look past the glare.
Thanks nym, dont have the ingredients but have some of what should be a fine dinner planned.
Thers has tested the waters and found a floating chunk of stupidity from that asshole that “draws” the horrible Day By Day “comic.”
That was pretty awful. I feel dumber just for having seen that.
Bill, that is too good to stay on a blog. Or even on three blogs. You should send it as a letter to the editors of newspapers and magazines, as many as you can stand to.
And yes, awful Day by Day comic is awful. I just hope he hates himself at least as much as he hates literally every other human being on this green Planet of the Clocks, which (judging solely by the artistic discharge from that extra major intestine he carries in his skull) must be a metric shit-tonne (five Imperial fuckloads) by atomic weight.
I share with you a picture of one of the Princesses in cartoon form.
UNE, fyvm for introducing me to that. I won’t be getting anything else done for the rest of the day.
Hey Bill;
That was AWESOME. Well done.
Bughunter, you are very fucking welcome. Do not blame me for the tears of laughter that will flow.
I lost a day or two there. Wait till you get to the one where she and the so are moving with their dogs.
Be sure to have evacuated first lest ye piss or shart yeself.
If I ran the world, I’d make every cop wear a wire. The technology already exists for this.
If I ran the world, I’d make every lobbiest and political consultant wear a sombrero. Sombreros for Lobbiests will be part of my campaign issues, should I ever seek public office. Along with NASCAR suits for Congress.
Excellent post, Provider. Also, Chris nailed it right at the top of the thread (09:07).
While you’re at it, buy her book, too. 🙂
SO will not let me watch any of the “news” channels because I start frothing at the mouth. I’m amazed so many of these professed Xtian RW pols feel absolutely no chagrin at breaking the ninth commandment again and again and again.
The French situation made me remember the heady days of the ’70s (when I was but a whelp, blah, blah, etc.), when it honestly seemed like there was a bomb threat or a hostage situation going on all the time. I mean, Wikipedia has a whole listing.
(To be fair, they have listings for the ’80s, etal. as well.)
Fenwick, good to see you and be seen. Thanks for the kind words. Chris always nails it and Bills jeremiad is a thing of beauty as well.
Still trying to figure out how to deal with this clash of civ narrative and the vitriol that accompanies tragedies that we have seen. We seem far to quickly to point fingers in the wrong direction, looking for easy answers to problems of amazing complexity, that really arent that complex when you follow the money and insatiable grab for power.
To the question of stupid and evil, id advise always voting for both. Looking for stupid is simply a means of making oneself feel better about the framework which within we are trapped. An hour awaits before a proper keyboard and band width are available.
Slow down eh….ILWP…
I’m sure that the Maher bit was funny and on point, not hard to do with low hanging fruit the NYPD has so generously provided, but why he has to go with the misogynist slur of PMS is one of the things that makes the dude an asshole.
If the dick didn’t punch down so often and go after the easiest of sacred cows, and had nothing to do with mainstreaming Coulter, I would have a measure of respect for him.
You sound like my wife, definitely a Maher non-fan.
But as I always tell her, “yeah, he can be obnoxious, but nobody mocks Republicans better.”
It’s violence like this that made me flee to an open carry state.
update: According to the Corvallis Gazette (which of course we must trust because thats where OBS is from):
The only way to stop a Bad Guy with a sachertorte is by a Good Guy with an AK47.
“Bad Guy with a sachertorte…”
I’m a working journalist. And recently on the LInkedin threads there was someone asking if journalists should be armed. Predictably some guy (who I suspect is not in the profession) piped up about his concealed carry permit.
Most people who do this for a living said that armed reporters is a dumb idea. But something struck me. It seems that a lot of gun enthusiasts don’t seem to understand that John McLaine, the guy Charles Bronson played in various movies, and Dirty Harry are fictional characters.
They also seem to have a poor grasp of physics. A rifle of the Kalashnikov/ AR-15 lineage can put a bullet through a concrete cinder block at some distance (there’s a fine demonstration of this that Anthony Bourdain showed on his program when he outlined the preparations for visiting Kurdistan). You cannot hide behind a desk and hope to be protected from even a relatively low-powered handgun, let alone what the shooters in the Charlie Hebdo incident were carrying.
Also, I feel it odd that I have to explain that the slo-mo two-handed shooting while leaping through the air that’s a staple of every action movie is, you know, not terribly realistic, physically or otherwise. (At least if you want to hit anything). Or that the leaping moves you see are called wire-fu for a reason. Or that when you are hit with a round it is not going to be a neat little hole and a guy with his manly manliness saying “just a flesh wound” but a huge gaping hole in the exit and someone screaming and bleeding out– assuming that they don’t have said gaping hole in a lung.
And lastly — anyone who suggest journalists might go armed has a fundamental, deep and possibly irreparable misapprehension about what it is we bloody well do all day. The whole thing is about building trust, and packing (even concealed) at the very best undermines that.
Sadly, “pie regulation” will be proposed long before gun regulation.
This is the face of a man who simply can’t have pie without an accompanying cigarette. I mean, it’s really quite understandable.
Now that’s a mug shot.
Pup, you already in Tehas? Time to fit the motorcycle with some AK’s and maybe an RPG.
The Scholar 1 day ago
A lot of bums suffer from entitlement issues. And who could blame them? Bums have been conditioned to the free resources and services they receive throughout the Homeless City of Paradise. But once people tell ’em no to something, they often times snap and become crazy and violent
First comment on the article. “Homeless city of paradise.” I would not be overly distraught to discover that this commenter found himself in “Paradise” some day
Sadly, “pie regulation” will be proposed long before gun regulation.
oh, they are already trying to regulate our pies, mister…
In Tehas since [keep the Thor in] Thursday looking for place to live. Fly back tomorrow. Driving down next Tuesday (in our new A4!) after movers come Monday. Didnt realize how much I missed GOOD BBQ.
Have to drive up to Mt. Hood in our Quatro JUST BECAUSE WE CAN. And so all that money for AWD which won’t be much of a plus in TX isn’t wasted.
I think we just now decided on an apt. Later dudes and dudettes and non-gender specifics.
A4 is still a damn nice car even if you don’t need the AWD.
You might find it useful driving up to Colorado for skiing.
New one up.