God Would Support Your Lynch Mob

Wingnut Jesus upon his Celestial Throne.

Patricia L. …okay, now you bastards aren’t even trying. I mean, honestly, Dickson, that just leaves nothing for us poor snark merchants to work with and for another th-, American- I mean, really, really, it’s just, ugh, roll the link, I can’t even:
The Christian Message vs Social Justice

If there’s been one interesting versus mind-numbingly infuriating thing about this whole entitled gamer harassment campaign, it’s got to be how all the rants about Social Justice Warrriors (come out to pla-ayay!!!) have driven home an often unremarked facet of horrible people.

And that’s how often it is that all these varied batches of scum turn out to be the same batches of scum or at least are all wrapped in the same conspiracy theories and devoted to the same stupid lingo and terrible ideas.

And it shouldn’t really be that surprising in retrospect. If you’re the type of scared anxious douchebag who thinks that a single indie game about things of interest to women will single-handedly kill all games ever and cut off 90% of all men’s balls, then you’re probably also prey to the equally nutso conspiracy theories about how hordes of black men are waiting to rape your white woman and are only held at bay by the rocket launcher you leave poorly secured in the room next to the baby.

But nonetheless, it is still nice when the fuckers really spell out the connections. I mean, every time that it turns out that the dedicated homophobe group bought their mailing list from the Klan or some anti-choice group starts trying to air out eugenic arguments about “inner cities” or some prominent right-wing hack lets slip some MRA lingo, it makes one realize that often these seemingly infinite varieties of violent hateful thugs are really the same band of bitter fucks ranting about how they are not the kings of the cosmos that popular media of their childhood promised them they’d be.

And that’d all be true of the right-wing’s latest all-in embracing of the “anti-Social Justice Warrior” pose, if it wasn’t also the most laugh-out-loud idiotic thing I’ve seen in my fucking life.

I mean, for fuck’s sake, it’s sad enough that right-wingers have finally decided to abandon the complete idiocy that was trying to pose their assholitude as being “anti-PC” now that everyone and their mums have seen through the obvious bullshit. But then, that they’ve decided to replace it with this of all things just reveals how far up their own asses they’ve disappeared.

I mean, for fuck’s sake, at least politically correct sounded vaguely Orwellian, but social justice warriors??? I mean, who wouldn’t want to be a social justice warrior? It sounds like some bad ass fantasy hero who slays the evil wizard and brings peace to the land. And it just sounds more like that the more the bigots rant about the supposed evils of SJWs like Dark Heart scheming to make the world stop caring. And being against social justice may be an apt and surprisingly honest admission of their actual beliefs, but it’s not one most people are willing to stand behind or respect.

I mean, for a word chosen for only the most cynical of propaganda purposes, it nonetheless makes the fuckers sound monstrous from the beginning and require a long rambling explanation before people could possibly understand what they think they are trying to say in their defense and by then, they’ve long since revealed themselves as the type of sick fucks who really do break into hives at the notion of white people not being allowed to eat all the cookies at the bake sale.

And that’s sad enough to begin with…

So let’s add Jesus to the mix.


  • Christianity means ignoring your lying eyes and daring to see social injustice or racism in society, because God or Thomas Jefferson or the man on the cereal box said we were all equal, so therefore we must be, or else you’re all the Anti-christ and the worst Christians ever. I mean, like this Jesus guy, who the fuck does he think he is with his SJW bullshit?

Yup. We’ve hit peak irony, people.

But hey, maybe I’m giving the Quisling hired to assuage the racism of old white fucks too much flak. I mean, how bad could it b-

Years ago I had an older black Christian female friend who would constantly speak about her faith in God, however; she would also lament about how racist whites were oppressing and holding back black Americans. One day I asked her if white people were more powerful than God. She was speechless.

Dumbfounded by stupid, stuck silent by her ultra logic, same diff, right?

I mean, for fuck’s sake, I don’t know how she expects us to go “My invisible sky daddy couldn’t allow racism to exist in the world, therefore the existence of racism proves that racism doesn’t exist” instead of concluding that that particular interpretation of that religion was provably false.

Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t this infinite God and this “argument” hold firm for all time? So, not only is current racism supposedly impossible, but also things like slavery, Apartheid, colonialism, and the genocide of the aboriginals?

I mean, there’s racism denialism and then there’s wanting to look underneath the hood to see where the Klan is hiding the speaker.


If black pastors are preaching Social Justice in place of the Christian message taken straight from the Bible,


Oh man, hey dipshits, maybe you want to think about your dog whistles before you just do a standard find and replace.

Or do you just want more proof that you haven’t read page one of the book you claim is the sole guiding document of your entire life? As if that wasn’t apparent every one of you assholes endlessly quote fucking slave-molester Paul to try and argue that people aren’t following the word of super-space Jesus?

But hey, why stop at one dumbass bit of Evangelicals tripping over their dog whistles into a giant hydra pit of fail when you can dine on the two-for-one special?

Glenn Fairman (pfft, you know, if it turned out all these names were as fake as the sock-puppets 4chan used for its harassment campaigns, it wouldn’t actually be all that much of a shock), American EEK, IT’S A BLACK PERSON! KILL IT!
The “Baby Daddy” God

Hey, are you scared that your panicked anxiety about the idea that your overly specific notions of God may be unsupportable in a modern scientific society just doesn’t quite have enough racism in it?

Well, then Glenn Fairman (pfft, it will never not be funny) has got you covered.


  • Nuh uh, our God isn’t some nigger from the projects who has abandoned us to fend for ourselves, he’s totally a whitey white neurotic suburban obsessive mom who needs to hyperactively control every aspect of our waking lives… I mean, did I say mom, I meant a super white dad. And he has a big dick too!

And nope, if anything that shorter makes his argument sound better than it actually was:

Nor is He a “baby daddy” style god who spits out a brood of Homo sapiens and dumps them off in Detroit, leaving them fending for themselves without a clue while Mama Gaia applies for food stamps.


Heh, you know what’s most hilarious about this Klansman flailing? It’s got to be the fact that the particular God celebrated by these fucks actually the closest thing to the racist stereotype of the “baby daddy”. I mean, according to their particular “literal” interpretation of the myth, God knocked up some random chick he didn’t even know, left town, not even bothering to tell her in person that he knocked her up, then refused to pay child support to go off and be a violent sociopath, leaving the young woman, barely more than a child herself, to fend for herself and raise her kid alone. Then he busts in late into the kid’s life and gets the kid hopelessly entangled in his violent affairs in a selfish act that directly leads to the kid’s death.

It’s the exact type of mythology that right wingers cling to in order to victim blame black communities for the fact that the broken justice system arrests a shit-ton of black men for victimless drug charges when it’s not gunning them down in the streets.

By their own twisted logic, their Lord is the exact type of “societal menace” that should be considered as less than human.

But hey, let not this lapse detract from the real message of enforced Christianity.

There is a good reason why Jews and Christians set the world’s teeth on edge, and it is not their conservative fashion sense. The spirit of the world is hostile to the message that humanity is the product of Special Creation.

I mean, let’s be frank. The true spirit of this diseased form of Christianity has nothing to do with God and everything to do with a certain type of people being viewed as the most special and important batches of lipids and protein on the planet.

It’s why these particular fuckheads freak out so much about evolution or the notion that a lowly woman or black person could ever be their divine equal. Because to admit they are just one more resident of a vast interconnected web of mutualistic and parasitic relationships instead of a grand epic hero chosen and protected by divine forces, would be to admit that they aren’t more important because of what they were born as or who they were born to.

That the literal cosmos do not actually have a vested interest in whether or not your sad suburban ass manages to get the parking spot four spaces closer to the grocery store or whether your favorite sports franchise makes it to the final tournament or spending all of their time resolving your every little pathetic meaningless psychodrama.

That the success of sad little toads like them has more to do with skin color and luck than with God deeming them genetically and morally superior by virtue of their station.

Because to them, a world where all-powerful celestial beings aren’t bound and enthralled with their shitty pathetic empty lives is like a world where every form of media and culture and focus isn’t on their shitty pathetic empty lives…

One so pointless as to be casually and intentionally destroyed.

Because if they can’t be the only thing that matters, then nothing will matter.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Apparently in wingnut world, God is the Great Redskins Founder in the Sky. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 92


There is a good reason why Jews and Christians set the world’s teeth on edge

I notice that he left out that other Abrahamic religion. The one he and his buddies sound more like every day.


Black Christian Strawfemales are so easy to defeat in debate. Moreso than the Cocktail Party Strawliberal or the wily Lefty Strawcoworker.

However, it is nice to see he’s adopting the response lefties have used v. Talevangicals re: Equal Marriage and other affronts to the Baby Jesus. I’d hate to think of the poor dear venturing into the uncharted realms of original thought

p.s. FY Wrodpross


And what about The Fall? Didn’t He just fuck off for reasons unknown, doodly-do tra la la – and then disowned and kicked his kids outta the house when he got back?

Geez, Ultra Ninja isn’t four yet and I know better than to say “don’t fuck around with the reciprocating saw, I’m off to get some smokes.”


Oh, I thought this would be about the creepy “Kill all dem Muzzies” article that Fred “slacktivist” Clark is taking apart over at his site:



Does Godwin’s law apply when they actually really literally call for genocide?


There has been some exasperation in leftist communities with “social justice” to the extent that that connotes certain tumblr circles that do their own pile-ons on people in a way starting to resemble hatemobs. There was an author, I think, who got harassed for using a derogatory term for Roma several years ago, even though they had apologized and gotten more educated. (I didn’t read much about this directly, so I may be making a hash of it.)

So that’s what some fucknozzles are trying to latch on to with “SJW”, I think.


Who is this Jesus these dopey window lickers keep talking about? Is there another Bible that only they read?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

There is a good reason why Jews and Christians set the world’s teeth on edge, and it is not their conservative fashion sense. The spirit of the world is hostile to the message that humanity is the product of Special Creation.

The fuck? The idea that humanity is somehow above the world has been central to human cultures for millennia.

Genesis is not the only creation myth.


re: #gamergate

via RPS

Sure these are few and far between, but moments like this are few and far between even when Gamers aren’t involved.


waded through the mangoes:

Jesus was born of a virgin because Mary is God’s girl, and He doesn’t share.

Also, Mary was conceived without original sin, too.

nobody puts mary in the corner…


Social Justice Warrior was a phrase with a perfectly good snarky meaning referring to holier than thou posers like that silly “CancelColbert” tweeter. Leave it to the wingnuts to redefine it as an all purpose epithet to throw at people who actually strive to fight for social justice. (See “politically correct”.)


Is there another Bible that only they read?

Yep. It stops at Leviticus and picks up again at Revelation.


There is a good reason why Jews and Christians set the world’s teeth on edge, and it is not their conservative fashion sense

Well, the fashion sense certainly doesn’t help. And neither does hmmmm SAAAATAAAANNNN???



It stops at Leviticus and picks up again at Revelation.

The new Bible Lite(tm) – now with 50% more vengance!

Then he busts in late into the kid’s life and gets the kid hopelessly entangled in his violent affairs in a selfish act that directly leads to the kid’s death.

So Pontius Pilate = Darrin Wilson?


If black pastors are preaching Social Justice in place of the Christian message taken straight from the Bible,

Social Justice message taken straight from the bible:

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ. (Ephesians 6:5 NLT)

Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teaching will not be shamed. If your master is a Christian, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. You should work all the harder because you are helping another believer by your efforts. Teach these truths, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them. (1 Timothy 6:1-2 NLT)

The servant will be severely punished, for though he knew his duty, he refused to do it. “But people who are not aware that they are doing wrong will be punished only lightly. Much is required from those to whom much is given, and much more is required from those to whom much more is given.” (Luke 12:47-48 NLT)


You know, it’s one thing to be told something, but it’s quite another to see it in the wild:

Intelligence officials have picked up radio talk and chatter indicating that the terrorist groups are going to “carry out an attack on the border,” according to one JW source. “It’s coming very soon,” according to this high-level source, who clearly identified the groups planning the plots as “ISIS and Al Qaeda.” An attack is so imminent that the commanding general at Ft. Bliss, the U.S. Army post in El Paso, is being briefed, another source confirms. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) did not respond to multiple inquiries from Judicial Watch, both telephonic and in writing, about this information.


And they claim the attacks will be on, of course, 9/11/14. Derp.

Same site will also enthusiastically inform you of the evil Cuban spy recruitment in our Socialist colleges, and how Hillary Clinton enabled Hamas to build their “terror tunnels”.

Real fetid mango plantation, in other words.


I ain’t clicking on that link. No sir.


Hey, did you know they built those tunnels from material sent over by Israel for the construction of hospitals?

Must be, ’cause Crazy Pammy says so and when has she and her commenters ever been wrong?


Oh, and evidently there’s airliners missing in Libya and the ISIS has taken them to attack us because they can’t hijack US jets anymore even with the treasonous Marxist Islamist Usurper in power because things and stuff.

Oddly enough, both those sites link to Breitfart.com. Who woulda thunk?


If an atheist did this, it would be headline news!

But since it’s a RWNJ Christian… ***crickets****



live in substandard living conditions, work long hours for little or no pay

Oh, grad students.


Besides, the headlines are too busy warning us about how ISIS is coming to cut off our heads with Ebola-laced scimitars.

Which Americans are now believing, evidently.

Americans are increasingly concerned that ISIS represents a direct terror threat, fearful that ISIS agents are living in the United States, according to a new CNN/ORC International poll. Most now support military action against the terrorist group.
Seven in 10 Americans believe ISIS has the resources to launch an attack against the United States, just days before President Barack Obama plans to address the nation on the subject.

Again – when’s the next flight off-planet?


Link is borked.


All Obama’s fault, OBVIOUSLY.




And by “Obama” I obviously mean FYWP.


Americans are increasingly concerned that ISIS represents a direct terror threat

I think there’s a political strategy at work here. It’s the old “It’s scary out there and only big tough Republican daddy can protect you”.

I’m hearing the same talking points getting thrown at both Obama and Hillary “They’re more worried about climate change than they are about terrorism”.


I think there’s a political strategy at work here. It’s the old “It’s scary out there and only big tough Republican daddy can protect you”.

Absolutely. BE AFRAID! BE VERY AFRAID has been the GOP strategy for as long as I can remember. And the list of things we (or at least SWPMs) are supposed to fear is so long I can’t remember them all.

The creepy thing is you know the GOPeratives are hoping for an attack right before the election.


Back to video games for a moment.

A couple months back, I think due to a link from TV Tropes, I was watching this video by a fumble-fingered yahoo who, for reasons unknown, is actually paid to record himself “playing” (and I use the term loosely) video games.

(Aside: Here he is, playing Half-Life, a game which I finished 95% of 10 years ago on a crappy desktop PC with a cheap keyboard and mouse. Notice the epic half-hour FAIL in which this choad can’t pass a section involving a simple crouch-jump; I think I figured out how to pass that in moments back in the day. All of which is saying, where’s my goddamn sweet gaming baksheesh, anyway?)

So this clod is playing Bayonetta, a game about a hypersexualized witch-lady with guns, and while he can’t stop calling the character a “slut” and chortling about boobies, he also can’t stop complaining about the skin-tight clothing and sexual moves. Which at the time confused me… but all is clear now, from Cerb’s comments.

It’s the male gamer entitlement thing again – what’s enraging this manchild is not Bayonetta’s sexuality, but the fact that IT’S NOT ALL DIRECTED AT HIM. It’s not PERSONAL. He’s not the focus of it; it’s just there, out there for anyone to see, and he apparently feels – betrayed? Cheated on? I dunno.

Evidently the same guy who played the game also made a video about wanting his parents to buy him a Wolverine figure, and, when they didn’t, he called them “fucking assholes”. Quelle surprise.


The spirit of the world is hostile to the message that humanity is the product of Special Creation

Gnostic mystics in the second century stated that the material world was wholly evil, and the spiritual world was wholly good. It is a doctrine that has been considered heretical for 1800+ years. I say this not because I care about the theology of competing factions of christians, but because it illustrates these people don’t know anything about the religion they claim to belong to.


The spirit of the world is hostile to the message that humanity is the product of Special Creation

i get hostile only because those who believe they are a product of special creation also believe they deserve special treatment and hold their ‘special’ status over the rest of us…


Isn’t it funny how some christians like to point to the age of the bible as somehow conferring authority and truth, which they deny to books like the epic of Gilgamesh which are twice as old?


hold their ‘special’ status over the rest of us

Once you convince yourself that you’re God’s specially chosen, everyone else by definition becomes God’s specially unchosen.


I assume that big comment I did on video games and male entitlement is held up in FYWP Comment Purgatory.

‘Cause two whole hyperlinks and now I’m a threat to reasoned discourse or something.


The creepy thing is you know the GOPeratives are hoping for an attack right before the election.

Oh, absolutely.

They’re hoping for another pile of corpses they can stand on and justify yet more endless war (and profit!), as well as “proving” The Usurper is nowhere near keeping us safe like that wonderful GW Bush (who gets a mulligan for 9/11 because he was only on the job for 9 months and stuff and things). On to Tehran!


Had a good laugh just now. Henry Kissinger being interviews on _The Takeaway_ (NPR). Host brings up Allende and CIA, Kissinger tries to brush it off. Host says “but people testified in Church committee that you _did_ know about it…” Kissinger gets all flustered “THAT WAS FORTY YEARS AGO LISTEN YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING …” LOLworthy indeed.



Oh, BTW – The Very Serious People have spoken:

PRESIDENT OBAMA and top aides are now employing the “D” word — “destroy” — to describe U.S. objectives regarding the fanatical Middle Eastern force known as the Islamic State. Already, the group has seized far more of Iraq and Syria than is compatible with the safety and human rights of the people living there, and its sights are set on further destabilization in Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Kurdistan, as well as terror attacks in Europe and, if it’s capable of them, the United States. The two Americans butchered by the Islamic State will not be the last if the group’s leaders have their way. This murderous terrorist army, whose scarily effective global recruitment matches its global ambitions, can be neither contained nor “managed,” as the president implied in some of his more hesitant previous comments.

I’m just so happy. What could ever, ever go wrong?


OH, and as far as those “two Americans butchered” by ISIS, well, it’s a little more complicated than that:

Steven Sotloff, the American journalist murdered by Islamic State militants last week, was sold to the terrorist organization by supposedly moderate rebels in Syria, a family spokesman told CNN on Monday night.

“For the first time, we can say Steven was sold at the border. Steven’s name was on a list that he had been responsible for the bombing of a hospital,” Barak Barfi said on “Anderson Cooper 360.” “This was false, activists spread his name around.”

“We believe that these so-called moderate rebels that people want our administration to support, one of them sold him probably for something between $25,000 and $50,000 to ISIS, and that was the reason he was captured,” Barfi told Cooper.

But let’s go destroy ISIS before they come here and kill us all, bargle flarge,



Neocon ghoul-tools are about to do the 9/11 Necrophilia Tango to pimp up some votes again as usual, soooooooooo … do I go with poutrage or the same blink & nod dodge as last time?



Who’s a commenter gotta blow to get published around here?


Let’s not half ass it this time. Lets bring a few thousand American flags with us and do it up right. Once the (really easily identified parts of the) Islamic State (Like stolen tanks and helicopters) are smoking rubble, We can just call it part of the US. We have a long history of territorial expansion, so let’s make it work for us. We can call it East Dakota. We’ll draw some arbitrary borders in the sand, which will upset everyone, and divide it up into little counties, and make everyone there American citizens. All of the oil companies and all of the neocons (but I repeat myself) can act surprised like this isn’t their wet dream and we can send all of the bright young men and women from Liberty University and the rest of the poison ivy league there to explain how Obama care works. There will be McDonald’s and Starbucks on alternating corners and every village with more than a few thousand people can bulldoze a few acres of ancient ruins, or holy sites, or low income housing and put up a Wal Mart. We’ll pick some absurd and impractical city and call it the capital and throw up a federalist/moorish monstrosity for a capital building. They’ll get a public land grant university and they’ll have to be in the big east conference of the NCAA because screw them. We can hold some elections and get a legislature installed and they will fit right in with the neo-confederate wing of the Republican party by loudly and publicly advocating secession while they suck up tax dollars like a discount slurpee on a hot day.

No one will suggest leaving or cutting and running, because it will now be part of the US. It will be well defended, because it will have it’s own national guard and a few regular military bases. We can send our own police and FBI to keep a lid on the sectarian violence, and just so everyone knows they are American, we’ll turn the national guard on protesters just like we do at home.


We can send our own police and FBI to keep a lid on the sectarian violence, and just so everyone knows they are American, we’ll turn the national guard on protesters just like we do at home.

But Helmut!

If they’re oppressing dissenters over there, who’s going to be oppressing them over here?

The nation will be awash in SJWs and Occupiers and you won’t be able to swing a cat without hitting a feminazi, no that they’d let you swing cats anyway! It’d be CHAOS!!!



Fox News host Bill O’Reilly took issue this week with the suggestion that he’s a partisan, arguing that he simply comes at topics from his own point of view.

Gosh. How could we come to a conclusion like that, I wonder.

Oh, and he claims his harangues on Michael Brown were his “liberal” side, because shut up that’s why.


The fact is, liberal bias is exposed as the lies it are, as the defnese of mulsims when the facts show they want to kill us, therefor we need to kill them first, its in the Bibel.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Gnostic mystics in the second century stated that the material world was wholly evil, and the spiritual world was wholly good. It is a doctrine that has been considered heretical for 1800+ years. I say this not because I care about the theology of competing factions of christians, but because it illustrates these people don’t know anything about the religion they claim to belong to.

What? Learn about heretical notions so that the faithful may become tainted by them? These people don’t even want their followers to watch non-approved news channels!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

They’re hoping for another pile of corpses they can stand on and justify yet more endless war (and profit!), as well as “proving” The Usurper is nowhere near keeping us safe like that wonderful GW Bush (who gets a mulligan for 9/11 because he was only on the job for 9 months and stuff and things). On to Tehran!

Even better, those corpses are those of blue state liberals, it’s a victory for both Al Qaeda and Ya’ll Qaeda.


On to Tehran!

Even back in 2002 the neocons were saying “Everyone wants to go to Baghdad. Real men want to go to Tehran.”


Their obsession with Iran is puzzling. Did they think that overthrowing the democratically elected president and supporting the Shah gave them all of the oil forever and ever? Are they still butthurt about the Iranian Hostage crisis? Which is strange cause without that, Carter probably would have gotten a second term. Why the fuck do they think that oil belongs to them? I like beer but despite that I don’t think that gives me the right to take over Germany. Can they justify that on any level that isn’t “they’ve got it, we want it, and they can’t stop us”?


Their obsession with Iran is puzzling

The same obsession they have with hippies, communists, terrorists…Iran is a pawn in election politics. It’s the scary monster under the bed you can invoke to grab some votes from people who don’t know anything about Iran.


do I go with poutrage or the same blink & nod dodge as last time?

Appears that we’re going with the Homer Simpson blank stare. Bonus points for questioning Obama’s foreign policy and just “asking questions” about his ability to lead and why oh why did we leave Iraq in the first place even if they told us to GTFO.


I’m anti-SJW because some people on tumblr use the mantle of social justice to do things like harass trans males for having male privilege and denying trans males experience misogyny. These are people who think posting “die cishets!” a million times a day is activism and shut down any questions with “it’s not my job to educate you!” There is legitimate criticism from the left for these people.


ha! just got this email from one ‘jeremiah barnes’ who has so helpfully prepared a Survival Guide ‘in light of recent world events’…he also included this ominous message:

We feel compelled to inform you, if/when Martial Law
is declared certain civil liberties may be suspended;
along with the writ of Habeas Corpus.


That being said, I’m also at odds with a male friend who has recently turned MRA. I don’t think he’s a rapist but he says stuff like enthusitic consent means the end of heterosexual sex and many rape accusation are buyer’s remorse and he sympathizes with the Santa Barbara killer. This combined with our lack of chemistry makes me want to dump him.


Is he trying to sell gold? guns? survival seeds? preserved food?


Is he trying to sell gold? guns? survival seeds? preserved food?

no way, no how am i clicky that linky…


I’m anti-SJW because some people on tumblr use the mantle of social justice to do things like harass trans males for having male privilege and denying trans males experience misogyny. These are people who think posting “die cishets!” a million times a day is activism and shut down any questions with “it’s not my job to educate you!” There is legitimate criticism from the left for these people.

welp, tools gotta be tools…douchecanoes gotta be douchcanoes…twatwaffles gotta be twatwaffles…and they are the reason that some of us can’t have nice things…


I don’t think I’ll put any stock in rumors from the White House. Or anywhere, anymore. The number of times that these insider media has picked and chosen something to make hay where there was nothing – not to mention the bought and paid for columns from the last Administration.

Honestly, I’m not going to advocate war, but it’s hard to be against striking a government or group that’s blatantly advocating genocide. It’s not like there’s any economic leverage here to be applied.

Who said the ‘d-word’? A reporter. No one on record. So why are we attributing it to Obama?

And if Iraqis want our help to stop genocide, why would we say no?


if Iraqis want our help to stop genocide, why would we say no?

1. Because we’re broke, as conservatives like to remind me.

“The debt!!!! What about our grandchildren?”

2. Unless it’s in conjunction with somebody’s ground troops there’s only so much we can do with airstrikes.

I doubt these guys are just going to sit there and let us bomb them. I’d expect them to scatter and regroup somewhere else.


I doubt these guys are just going to sit there and let us bomb them.

It takes ground-gathered intel to identify targets–special forces. Then they’ll need regular Army/Marine backup to hold ground and assist…

They’re just slow walking another war.


it’s hard to be against striking a government or group that’s blatantly advocating genocide

So when do we start dropping munitions on NRO, Judicial Watch and FAUX?


Failure Artist skrev:

I’m also at odds with a male friend who has recently turned MRA. […] This combined with our lack of chemistry makes me want to dump him.

Is there anything about him that makes you not want to scrape him off? Apart from time investment?


Sacre merdre, I almost forgot about Pere Ubu:

it’s hard to be against striking a government or group that’s blatantly advocating genocide

So when do we start dropping munitions on NRO, Judicial Watch and FAUX?

I say we send in the palotins first. Then bomb whatever’s left when they’re done.


FYWP, “merdre” and “palotin” are perfectly cromulent words, especially when replying to Pere Ubu. Or would you rather I’d translated them as “pschitt” and “palcontent”?


And fuck my HTML skills while we’re at it. (That blockquote was supposed to close, as were the italics.) And also fuck my nerves for assuming I was going to have to fight my way out of moderation instead of just waiting.


That being said, I’m also at odds with a male friend who has recently turned MRA. I don’t think he’s a rapist but he says stuff like enthusitic consent means the end of heterosexual sex and many rape accusation are buyer’s remorse and he sympathizes with the Santa Barbara killer. This combined with our lack of chemistry makes me want to dump him.

if he’s actually become mra…and there’s no chemistry…dump him…fast…


I doubt these guys are just going to sit there and let us bomb them. I’d expect them to scatter and regroup somewhere else.

OOooooo those SNEAKY bastards I HATE THEM SO MUCH



The comments, dear god I looked at the comments!

Mark Markab Beckford · Top Commenter · Purchasing Agent at DHHS

for defiling an object? thats not even Jesus genius that’s a picture of some white dude kneeling down looking at the sky..lol you need a life man..lmao

Uh oh.

The statue is of Jesus and he was a white dude but he didn’t care anything about race, just the color of your soul. I agree with the person that though he should have his butt beat.

Mark Markab Beckford Yes we know you worship the Gods of Hip Hop and Obama.

Mark Markab Beckford You sound just like a nigger.

Not to be daunted,

Mark Markab Beckford · Top Commenter · Purchasing Agent at DHHS

nh i dont hang around people who worship false idols anyay and all that crap is false..
Reply · Like · 4 · 3 hours ago

Mark Markab Beckford · Top Commenter · Purchasing Agent at DHHS

Sonya Tatum oh i’m good, sonya my brain works fine unlike yours who beleives in an invisbile troll in the sky think for yourself.
Reply · Like · 2 · Edited · 3 hours ago

Which of course leads right to
Jeff Clayton · Top Commenter · SMU

Mark Markab Beckford Racist much!

Moving on,

George Porter · Top Commenter · Works at Retired

Dominic Cheetham In reply to your really stuid question, YES! That is a parents job. It does not matter what he believes, he needs to be taught to respect both the property and beliefs of others. THAT IS THE ONLY THING SEPARATING US FROM THE ISLAMIC JIHADISTS AND EXTREMISTS.
If he was my kid I would take him by his ears to that center and watch him apologise profusely and allow them to set the punishment. He isn’t ‘just a kid’. He is YOUR kid.

After someone says “oh BFD no one got hurt..”

Bonny Mcquay · Top Commenter · Baltimore, Maryland

So i guess you think it is funny. Well the next time it might be your grandmother’s grave he desecrates. Then will it be so funny to you or as harmless. This boy needs to learn respect !

Then we have

Cheeses McCheese · Top Commenter · Mayor at Cartagena

Who gives a fuck? Oh yeah dipshit American DA’s do. Fucking idiot’s! Go back to McDonalds and eat yourself to death you stupid fat fucks
Reply · Like · 8 · Follow Post · Edited · 4 hours ago

Shari Kalous · Top Commenter
YOur an idiot…………….
Reply · Like · 5 · 4 hours ago

Bonny Mcquay · Top Commenter · Baltimore, Maryland

And you are also an asshole. If you do not care about America why do you insist on living here.

Ahh, a sweet mango!

Eric Cunningham · Works at FAA security

First, the statue is a violation of the Third Commandment, so there’s an inherent irony for “Christians” complaining about desecration of an object of religious veneration. Second, while I find the act and the intent behind the act to be disgraceful, it’s still just an act against an object that has no rights.

Dale Porter · Top Commenter · San Diego, California

Thanks for the sanest comment yet.
They say 99% of Christians have not read the Bible, but from this thread you can see that 99% of them have not even read the 10 Commandments. That means they are all going to hell… with me 🙂


Manuel Narvios · Top Commenter · Monroe, North Carolina

If I were the parent of this stupid kid, I’d be tempted to apply an old form of punishment that the old folks in the Philippines used to punish their children: spread a cup of salt on the wooden floor, let them take their pants off and let them kneel on it until they’d be begging for mercy.

Dale Porter · Top Commenter · San Diego, California

And then you would lick the salt from his inner thighs, and do a shot of tequila, right? I remember your ‘body shots’ from when I was a toddler! Hello again Pastor Narvios!

How predictable:
Patrice Brandt · Follow · Top Commenter · Anchor Bay High School

He needs to be put in jail and let someone do that sex act on him!!!!!!!!! THE LITTLE BASTARD

Jim Hise · Top Commenter · England High School

This boys parents need to be horse whipped and he needs a lesson in manners. Ass Whooping.

Ooh, here’s a badass!
Vincent Daino · Top Commenter · Tappan Zee High School

This jerks private parts should be removed.

Another badass excellent Christian:
Buddy Renfroe · Top Commenter · Works at Retired

He should simply have both legs broken.

The place is rife with them:
Bob Kafiveiak · Top Commenter · Fordyce, Arkansas

He needs to have his ass beat and thrown into a place where that will happen to him except they will be making HIM do the act and it wont be on a statue.h is parents also need a good ol fashioned case of whoopass opened on them.

It was a HATE CRIME!!!
Doreen Alfonso · Top Commenter · Granite Bay, California

No matter if you believe or not no one has the right to insult your beliefs. He should be punished for a hate crime against religion.


Jeff Clayton · Top Commenter · SMU

Before he is released ensure Bubba and the boys show this dirty rat what a real sex act is.

Dale Porter · Top Commenter · San Diego, California
And you’re gonna ‘teach’ him with your penis, right Daddy “Bubba” Clayton?

Jeff Clayton · Top Commenter · SMU

Dale Porter Why don’t you try and read before you put it in your mouth slurpy. You may have been like this little pr!ck when you were young and still might be but you try that crap around here you might end up face down.

Dale Porter · Top Commenter · San Diego, California

Jeff Clayton you want me face down to ‘show me what a real sex act is’??? You’re a dirty man, Daddy “Bubba” Clayton!

Ted Van Singel · Top Commenter · The Culinary Institute of America

So, let me get this straight.. A real sex act… This is your idea of a real sex act? So when you have a “real sex act” with other people it includes someone named bubba, some “boys” and im guessing culminates with some anal rape?

Holy pig fucking balls, you have a sick twisted view of life. The kid stood on a statue. He didnt rape your daughter, did not kill a little kid and skin it and eat it, he stood on a fucking statue, and his punishment should be your idea of an ideal saturday night?

You know, some of us like to fart and it make a noise, and like to be able to push out our feces, as opposed to it just falling out after a lifetime of sodomy.

Stupidist comment ever…

Umm… say what?
Don Keller · Top Commenter · Works at Support Your Local Outlaws mc worldwide

i’m guessing a jew they like that homo shit.

Hey, I got nothing better to do.


Okay, could have done a better job with formatting. I blame WP.


My friend and I have the same therapist. She says it is my decision to dump him but she also suggested I tried to work things out. She’s always bemoaning that I don’t find him attractive. I’ve stayed with him because I don’t have any other IRL friends.


The comments, dear god I looked at the comments

Didn’t I warn you about that?


My friend and I have the same therapist. She says it is my decision to dump him but she also suggested I tried to work things out. She’s always bemoaning that I don’t find him attractive.

holy shit, dump her too…


Didn’t I warn you about that?

I’m such a rebel.

FYWP also too and such as


Right wingers….they’re answer to EVERYTHING is to beat the shit out of ’em. That’ll show ’em.



Vancouver has all the fun. 🙁

OH FYWP with Satan’s icy PENIS


The comments, dear god I looked at the comments

Didn’t I warn you about that?

i, of course, succumbed to the temptation…that’s some pretty hilarious reading there…


That’s some pretty sick stuff in those comments. My faith in humanity just went down another notch.


Blah blah where were the parents when this kid yadda yadda.

Meanwhile a 5 year old in Texas (FIVE!) went on an unsupervised hunting expedition with his 11-year-old brother this past weekend and managed to shoot himself in the face with a shotgun. I’m somehow figuring, though I refuse to go mango-gathering, that the fretful Social Injustice Warriors have not been whining about where the parents were in that case, because Second Amendment shut up.


Forget it Jake. It’s Texas.


Hey, wasn’t GoFundMe the site that raised all that money “for” thug Darrin Wilson?

Because this:

Last week, crowdfunding platform GoFundMe pulled a campaign to raise money for an Illinois woman’s abortion. In a message to the woman, identified only as Bailey, GoFundMe said that the fundraiser was not “appropriate” for the site because it contained “subject matter that GoFundMe would rather not be associated with.”


But I really like my therapist!


I really think I’m going to have to get back into blogging again, before Cerb and company start charging me rent for squatting in their comment threads…


OK, way OT but I’m pissed.
For the third time in five years, SA has refused a visa to the Dalai Lama because China. He has missed two meetings of Nobel laureates and Archbishop Tutu’s 80th birthday party.
Sometimes, I just…..head/desk.


Because this:

that is indeed a headshaker…i’ve often wondered why it’s ‘acceptable’ for anti-choicers to wave placards with aborted fetuses and be as gross and disgusting as they like (all in the presence of small children, mind you), but otherwise…’whoa! NOT appropriate!’


But I really like my therapist!

i know how hard it is to find someone that you are comfortable with and that is accepted by your insurance plan, so if she is actually helping you, then at least make that topic a no-go during your sessions…and move on from mra-guy…life’s too short and you are too worthy to settle 🙂


That’s some pretty sick stuff in those comments. My faith in humanity just went down another notch.

do not tempt me to wade in again over there…


That’s ridiculous about the Dalai Lama, Suez.


I’ve stayed with him because I don’t have any other IRL friends.

AFAICT that is the biggest problem, but it should be fixable with some effort. Unless you are homebound, then I don’t really have any helpful advice.

But assuming you are mobile, you can make a list of causes you support and start volunteering. You can make a list of things you want to know and take some classes, and make a list of things you enjoy most, and find some groups for people that like to do them too. It’s pretty simple.

Simple, of course is not necessarily the same thing as easy, and there may be complicating factors of which I am ignorant, so take that for what it’s worth.


Simple, of course is not necessarily the same thing as easy, and there may be complicating factors of which I am ignorant, so take that for what it’s worth.

agreed…my advice is the same as helumut’s above…also, i would like to point out that such a swell group of people such as ourselves SHOULD be enough companionship for anybody…BUT SOME PEOPLE…sheesh!


NSA (not safe for anything, really.


Country hip hop dancing

Holy jeebus, if those dancers were any whiter they’d be translucent.

Whole lotta ignint McNugget goin’ on there.


Country hip hop dancing

I’d say that’s a sign of the apocalypse but I think the Cubs are still losing so we’re OK for now.


New post.


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