Ask a Stupid Question…
Get a Snarky Answer.
Christopher Chantrill, American No… Just No:
10 Questions for a Liberal After Mother’s Day
Ok so I’m a bit of a crazy cat lady (there is no feminist stereotype I won’t embrace like a starving man on a discarded sandwich), so bear with me if this metaphor is a little bit specific, but… I’m starting to feel about wingnuts attempting to “have their own gotchas for once, dagnabbit” the same way I feel when my cat steals my pillow the instant I turn over to turn off the light. It’s like, awww, that’s cute that you think you are being clever. Then I flip the pillow out from under her, because I’m a human being, and we were born with opposable thumbs with which to lord over our pets like nature’s ultimate assholes.
So yeah, it’s been an obsession on the right for a long damn time, but especially since Saint Sarah the First flamed out like Icarus riding a Phoenix whining about how unfair it was to be asked softball questions as if seeking the second-highest position in America should like be something one has to work for rather than being one’s holy birthright for being self-immolatingly publicly pious. Now, every Johnny Two-by-four thinks they’re going to personally avenge the conservative seventh dragon by constructing the ultimate rejoinder to liberals everywhere usually consisting of A)a conspiracy theory, B)some loose stool of an ignorance like “well, if there’s global warming, then why is it snowing in winter”, or C)most likely both.
And it’s honestly kind of adorable.
Because conservatives are really stupid and ignorant about the world around them. And that’s kind of because they have to be to be conservatives. Being a “good tribe member” requires one to ignore one’s lying eyes and accept about nine different types of complete fuckwittery and various high-level conspiracies before we even get into the point of even the most self-serving asshole not being able to avoid the knowledge that they are being asked to ruin their lives and their planet for the very temporary enrichment of a handful of rich fucks who honestly couldn’t give a fuck about the rest of us.
And as such, their questions serve like softballs lining up for a gauntlet of CBT* fetishists.
Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):
- You know how you liberals think we’re all about arguing against the straw men in our heads? Well… look at my Bic Lighter liberals and recoil in fear!!!!
Did I mention that Chantrill is a birther who is the author of inane drivel at the best of times?
If I make my job any easier these days, you all are going to start accusing me of being Jonah Goldberg.
Our story begins like most right-wing stories with a reaction of fury and impotence of having to be vaguely social with a filthy liberal type creature…
Lady Marjorie and I went to lunch on Mothers Day with an older liberal couple. You don’t want to have a political dogfight on Mother’s Day,
Two responses:
1) Why the fuck were you out antagonizing some other couple on Mother’s Day? Don’t you have like… your own mother you should be contacting instead or if you have unfortunately bred, shouldn’t you be aiding said children in doing some small and fleeting gesture for your wife instead of sulking that your wife won’t let you be that asshole who ruins every outing with your embarrassing stupidity on fucking Mother’s Day?
And 2) Fuck… I used to know assholes like this. When I was younger, my parents had neighbors who were die-hard life-long Republicans. Every so often they would invite my parents over and basically exploit social niceties that argue you aren’t supposed to point out how much of a psychotic moron your host is when you’re in their home to “bait” my parents about their at-the-time liberal beliefs**. And it was pretty insufferable because this was the beginning of the Bush Administration so they’d be trying to defend shit like whole-scale rollbacks of civil rights and the Mission Accomplished stunt. Sadly, it became sickeningly obvious very quickly that the disconnect of defending all that stupid out of tribal loyalty was taking its toll and fighting strawmen that were handicapped was the only way to reconcile and handle it.
So yeah, it rather makes sense that Chantrill, dumbass birther and neofascist, would head into a public Mother’s Day lunch ready to fight his inner demons and get blue balls when his wife dug her heels into his foot until he muttered that he would play nice.
but I thought to myself about the questions I would like to ask my liberal friends five years into the administration of America’s First Black President.
Yeah, you would have seen. They’d have been “buh huh what, our world it is shattered!” and then like I would have smashed the glass down and went, ugh, yeah, don’t you realize the truth about our Kenyan president and then that really young blonde waitress I like to harass in front of my wife would come over and congratulate me on having the biggest dick in the room and then I’d like have hot sex with like an F-22 because fighter jets are all manly and wasting money is manlier and HUAAGHHH!!!
But yeah, I’m tickled pink by the image of Chantrill’s stewing face as he mumbled all those “perfect lines” he would have used at the time and resented having the disposable income to just go out and have a nice lunch with one’s wife and enjoy supposed friendships…
And you know what, hold up one second, because this is a really revealing moment here. Ol’ Chris here sees lunch with one’s wife and “friends” as an imposition. Being social and just enjoying company without antagonization and tribal scores as some sort of torture he must endure, steaming at all the “zingers” he couldn’t use to try and make someone else’s day worse.
And that’s just an incredibly fucking sad way to live one’s life. I mean, I’m a fairly political person. My liberalism, feminism, and belief in social justice define a large part of my life and the marginalized communities I belong to have an unavoidable impact on my daily existence. Hell, even a large part of how I relax and be intimate with my lovers is conversing on topics of social justice and various injustices. Hell, we’re all feminists, talking about the fall of the patriarchy is just how we do foreplay.
But even I, with all the many ways that politics envelop my life, still you know… have a life. I go out to a soccer game and root on men in tiny shorts. I chat with my friends about Teen Titans and comics history. I play some video games when I can. I get DNA patterns poked into my boobs with needles***. I live whole swaths of my life not thinking abut conservatives and their ever-going campaign to continuously fuck people like me despite being, you know, the target of their bullshit.
So what the hell is the excuse of comfortable, problem-less suburban sad-sacks that they can’t seem to find any avenue of their life capable of producing joy if it’s not at the expense of some liberal somewhere?
Is their self esteem so low that they literally can’t enjoy a life they have so much more access to than most without someone somewhere suffering for it in their eyes? And why in ever loving fuck would anyone envy or even want such a creature around them?
It’s just pathetic…
Oh, speaking of pathetic, let’s see Ol’ Chris’s idea of a zinger over the plate.
What do you think about ObamaCare?
… Um… You know, if you’re going to steal alien technology just to insure your pitches hover invitingly over the plate, you can’t blame us for taking a swing and getting the free homer.
Gosh, Mr. Conservative sir, yes, I do so hate finally being able to go to a doctor again. Having access to free and legal medication I need and being treated like a human being by my primary care physician. Please don’t throw me in the briar patch of this continued boon to my life and those around me and the fact that this tiny bit of safety net is the literal difference between life and death for so many of my friends and chosen family.
Okay… I ask an honest question. When do you think conservatives will finally stop trying to pretend that Obamacare is some vastly hated thing that’s going to be their secret recipe for political relevance? Like, is there a moment that the brighter bulbs pulling the strings will start waving their hands and going “ix nay on the ealth-hay are-cay ing-thay” or will this become one of those baffling things like claiming ownership over Waco or trying to retroactively save McCarthy that will always hang around as a conservative version of “so, how you doin’?”
Cause at this point, I’m starting to think the latter.
But hey, maybe I’m being unfair. I noticed you added your idea of a witty rejoinder to each “stellar” question you had, so maybe that has some manner of additional information that will somehow make me forget finally going to a place that treated me like a human being and having access to no longer having to freak out at every painful muscle spasm as that thing that’s going to send me to the hospital I can’t afford****.
I read a cute piece the other day about ObamaCare patients driving down to Mexico for health care because the care south of the border was cheaper and faster. It rather ties into the idea that the now-banned “mini-med” plans weren’t so bad after all. A lot of people just want a bit of help reducing the cost of routine medical expenses. And how are your grandchildren doing on the health-insurance front?
… Um… Wow… just… wow.
Okay, I know that right-wingers are intentionally poorly-informed about the world that surrounds them as knowledge may accidentally lodge them with the existential terror of having supported something that stupid for so long, but…
This is where that hilariously explodes like an over-pressured toothpaste tube in the “luggage bag containing all the nice shit” of life. I mean, he seems to think he’s genuinely stumbled over some new indignity that reveals that people are fleeing the cruelty of Obama-mandated-death-panels instead of noticing the thing that’s been going on for decades entirely because private insurance sucks and drug companies enjoy fleecing us for every penny we own in the States unlike in our neighboring countries (because of that whole public health care thing).
I mean, fuck, that whole bit of business was a pretty infamous segment on Michael Moore’s Sicko so trying to tell some “liberal” about this as if it was new would just make your average liberal cock their head to the side as if hoping that increasing the angle will cause the stupid hurled at their ears to fall back out before it does damage to some innocent neuron somewhere.
But hey, that’s just the warmup. Surely you have more meat than…?
What do you think about the economy?
Um… it sucks. Largely because the band of greedy fucks you support unconditionally keeps preventing even the slightest bit of support for anyone who isn’t a multi-billion dollar corporation?
I mean, okay, yes, I get that trying to shift the blame for the economy onto “liberals” and “government” is the one and only plan Republicans have for trying to buy a few more years of relevancy before the sad final departure into the same political graveyard as the Whigs, but that plan has been a little knocked off the rails by Republicans taking literally every opportunity this Second Depression to cheer on the rich and publicly declare that they are purposefully tanking the economy to improve their election chances.
And well, that didn’t work in 2012, so I really don’t know why they think that’ll work in 2016 and beyond.
Or if they realize that they can only do that so long before the poor decide they are fucking done waiting around forever for all the Republicans to die and just start offing the fucks who are ensuring they die in poverty and debasing underemployment. I mean, let’s be honest, the only reason there aren’t guillotines in the street yet is that people are being incredibly and possibly unreasonably patient to see if anything can slip through your claws to help them.
But hey, to answer your question. It’s great. I love not being able to consistently pay my bills so that you can slightly increase your projected odds at winning the electoral college in (insert presidential year here). It’s the best! Being part of your intentionally Lost Generation is like an endless array of women to service and free cake.
I know that the Great Recession was all the fault of Bush and the greedy bankers,
Yes, it is.
but what would you propose right now?
The same Keynesian economic policies that ended the last Depression? Hell, just employing people to replace the various grids and other municipal systems that haven’t been touched since that last Depression would probably cut the unemployment rate in half at least.
A living wage also wouldn’t hurt. Actually, fuck it, just look at Denmark and copy everything, because apparently they are way better at this shit than the likes of you.
Is Obama’s proposal to hike the minimum wage the answer?
It’s a start. A long-overdue start that is a drop in the bucket of our drought-ridden valley.
Or something else? What would you suggest regarding Fannie and Freddie,
Wait what? Is this just a copy and pasted list from 2008? I dunno, time traveler, what would you have done 6 fucking years ago in the waning days of the Bush Administration when you know, Obama wasn’t president yet? What would you have done instead of falling for a conspiracy theory of poor black people somehow being responsible for rich white greed?
and the whole question of subsidizing home ownership, given that the Crash of 2008 was all about mortgage loans gone bad?
Well that’s that question answered.
Oh hey, speaking of conspiracies…
What do you think about Benghazi? Suppose a Republican president had been prepping for a presidential debate the night that terrorists attacked a U.S. diplomatic compound and then lied about it? What sort of investigation would you recommend then?
You. Will. Never. Make. Benghazi. A. Thing.
Sorry compadre, it just ain’t gonna happen. No one fucking cares about your desperate convoluted pile of conspiracy spaghetti or whatever you are trying to make this minor incident of nothingness mean this week. No one cared during the debates when Romney tried to spin this as some sort of Foreign Policy failure. And no one cares know about your various ninth level crap of what underwear you think Hillary was wearing when Obama tweeted.
No one gives a fuck. No one will ever give a fuck. And the longer you keep on trying to stretch this bit of campaign season failure as if winning will somehow wind back time and let Romney ascend to his rightful post reclaiming the Whitest of Houses and make all the scary black man in power days go bye bye is fucking embarrassing at this point.
You lost. There is shame in that. So fucking pick yourself up and start feeling it instead of clinging to desperation and flopping on the floor in the desperate hope that it is possible to somehow impeach a president for literally nothing.
Also… um, are you really sure that you want to keep hammering the whole “a small handful of Americans attacked on what was technically American soil” thing as if that is a sign of deep presidential failure? I mean, of course you forgot 9/11 nevar forget and all that once it no longer became convenient to your goals, but the rest of us you tormented for years afterwards kind of remembered all the shit you said was super important. And harping on this just points a giant bloody rag on how incompetently Bush ignored all possible warnings of attacks out of nothing more than catty resentment of the previous administration and how unmistakably small the “Benghazi” “attack” was in comparison.
I mean, not to borrow your bullshit, but your crap is sounding a wee bit September 10th right now.
Sorry, buddy, but you’re just never going to make the rest of America forget what a real attack on America looked like and felt like. Especially not to those who lived in New York or had friends or family who lived there*****.
What do you think about race relations?
1) You know this is not going anywhere good. I mean, this is like a giant flashing neon pink sign screaming “RUN AWAY”. Whatever follows is just going to be some Klan-level racist conspiracy theories about skittle-packing teens roaming the countryside jumping into innocent men’s bullets.
Which leads to the only real appropriate response:
2) Oh can it, honky. No one cares about your fucking bullshit imaginary white person problems while various states are re-legalizing lynching and some racist thieving prick and his redneck friends can threaten federal agents while a black man can’t even walk his fucking ass home without some cop deciding to go all trigger happy.
It was pretty exciting when America elected its First Black President.
Well, in your case, I’m sure it was exciting in the same way that heart attacks are exciting.
But it seems that race relations have gone downhill since then,
Ah shit, here it comes. Fuck, what brand of IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION are we getting this week? The “knockout game” bullshit? The trying to blame black people for the “surprisingly” high rate of single mothers not at all owing to all the black men picked up on non-violent “drug crimes”? Maybe some Stormfront “race riot” bullshit? Shit, fuck, let’s just treat it like a band-aid and rip it off quick.
what with the Tea Party and all. What would you suggest we do about those racist Tea Partiers? I know! How about we rag on their employers and shame them into firing all the Tea Party racists!
… Dafuq?
I… wha… how is that even a response? It’s just a bunch of macho self-pitying posturing over the fact that yes, duh, a bunch of Klan-rejects reacted to the first black president by having a long extended tantrum of how they’d rather break their toys than share them with anyone.
It’s like he realized halfway through his supposed gotcha that he had nothing and was hoping an empty threat would put the other party on defense enough to slip out of the noose of his own making.
What do you think about the Eich/Sterling/Ali/HGTV flaps?
Who cares?
I mean, seriously, are you really expecting us to cry tears when some rich bigot gets a hundredth of the treatment us filthy untermenschen get on the daily simply because there is no way to force the people you deliberately hurt to spend their money to enrich you?
After all the queer people who are thrown out of jobs and homes and die on the street or by their own hands simply because of who they are, we are supposed to cry when a rich bastard has the mildest of financial penalties for deliberately shitting on the no-longer-as-powerless-as-said-assholes-would-like?
No. Sorry. You don’t get to pretend to be the fucking victims.
Or rather, you can, but then, you can walk a fucking day in my shoes and see if you fucking survive the night.
You see, we conservatives are rather sensitive about this.
Awww, poor baby.
We’ve seen liberals dining out on McCarthyism for half a century,
Yup, that’s sure what the McCarthy era was all about, liberals having a slight moral high ground to make up for all the shattered and broken unions, various people rooted out of various industries and often becoming penniless, the lingering culture of fear, and it’s impact on general culture for decades. Cause, that is such a fair trade.
It’s like gosh, I love being a victim of an ever-present threat of terrorism against me for being who I am, cause it gives me such a moral stance over the fucker who will eventually stab me to death on the street for being a “goddamn freak tease”.
Yeah, no thanks, fuck your pity party, I’m out.
How’s that global warming coming?
I don’t know, why don’t you ask the residents of New Orleans… or maybe New Jersey, or hell, any of the “beneficiaries” of the various “unseasonal” and “unusual” weather patterns we’re having these days because you denialist fucks want to see the whole world burn in order to buy a handful of oil company owning sociopaths a few more years of grift fueled profits.
I know that global warming means the end of the world unless we act now, but don’t you think that there’s a little bit too much money going to Democratic Party contributors and rather too many birds getting killed by wind turbines?
No, because I’m not a dimwitted sociopath who can’t see beyond scoring fictional points against a perceived tribal enemy and I haven’t decided to burn the environment because the only people who cared about the Earth in the 70s were often related to the hippie movement and that somehow means you have to hate it because of some bizarre tribal suicide pact?
Fuck, willfully pandemic ignorance like this just makes me want to start a campaign where a black ACLU hippie trans* woman Obama supporter just tells the viewer not to drink bleach.
Got through Piketty’s Capital yet? I’m manfully wading through all 685 pages and blogging each chapter as I go. Piketty thinks we must increase taxes on the rich because low growth in the 21st century means a return to the rentier hell of Jane Austen and Balzac. How do you feel? Nassim Nicholas Taleb tweets that the rich are one Black Swan away from indigence. No such risks for the permanent academic-bureaucratic elite.
I’m sorry, I don’t play Pokemon.
I mean, the hell? Is this that creationist tactic where they claim you can’t talk about the no duhs without reading X work by Y hack or is this some sad attempt to look smart by going “hey guys, I can read long boring economic books, give me a medal for actually managing my way through all the words”?
Either way… pathetic. Just… pathetic.
How about that Lois Lerner?
A) Who cares?
B) Who the fuck cares?
C) What did I say about trying to invent “scandals” out of nothing but unicorn tears and hope?
D) No seriously, no one gives a fuck. No one will ever give a fuck.
E) No shit, sherlock.
I mean, fuck, you want to act like it is some sort of surprise that anyone might look a second time at the non-profit status of anti-tax organizations who are entirely about finding creative ways to avoid paying taxes and claim that taxes are theft? And that might affect a lot more right-wing organizations given the sheer number of various outright scams the right has pulled with regards to not paying their fucking taxes?
Yeah, dipshit, you probably deserved to get a look in. Fuck, it’d be nice if the IRS actually like, enforced half the laws you fuckers break with regards to tax-exempt status including that whole churches aren’t supposed to endorse candidates thing.
And congratulations on your ability to completely let your myopia and overblown sense of invented victim-hood bury the actual scandal that was the fact that yet again, the Occupy movement and other liberal groups are targeted for official harassment and far more intervention than right-wingers will ever face******.
So get the fuck off the cross dipshit, we need the fucking wood.
Imagine the IRS in a Republican administration ragging on and the Center for American Progress. I wish you would help get me straight on that, because I have this crazy vision of a national run on fainting couches as the entire NYTWPCBSNBCPRABC apparat runs non-stop #StopTheFascists tweets until gets out of jail free.
Again, just because you seem to have completely wiped the Bush years from your collective memories doesn’t mean the rest of us just up and forgot the rather more direct way that liberal groups were targeted during that FUNministration. I mean, fuck, my parents had their home phone tapped for supporting the fucking Sierra Club. The fucking Sierra Club.
How about Islam and those kidnapped schoolgirls in Nigeria?
Yeah, I noticed the giant wet spots on every conservative columnists pants as they contemplated getting to bomb a majority black African nation. It’s pretty fucking creepy.
Also, um, newsflash, dipshit, I know you are used to the straw-liberals in your head where one is either masturbating furiously to the notion of recreating every last one of the Crusades, only this time with nuclear weapons or one is helplessly in love with the most violent incarnations of Islam, but um… no.
Hell, the only reason you know about this shit or the abuses of women in Afghanistan and so on is because actual global feminists were aware of it before hand and were promoting the story.
So, coming in Johnny-cum-lately with your sopping pants and creepy ass stare doesn’t nearly make you the “hero to all women” you think it does.
It’s a shame about Hillary dropping the ball on that one a year or two ago. But we bitter clingers are still wondering when we are going to see the rollout of the Obama strategy vis-a-vis radical Islam. I voted for Obama in 2008 to encourage the Democrats to Move On from Bush-Is-To-Blame to a real coherent global security strategy. It’s now 5.5 years and counting.
… Does that even have anything to do with the topic you started with? Or is this that insane genocidal wingnut thing of pretending that anything less than nuking anyone browner than an Irishman is total capitulation to one’s enemies and makes one personally responsible whenever anything bad happens to anyone anywhere?
Cause… no. Fuck that noise.
And oh yeah, turning that region into a glowing green glass desert ain’t going to help any women, anywhere. And the fact that you don’t even pretend to give a fuck about them outside the excuse to murder sort of spells that out in neon letters to every woman everywhere. What these women need is more resources and genuine feminist growth as a planet so as to root out and end this shit, not some military-fetishist weirdos who can’t just troll down to the dungeon with a partner dressed in fatigues like a fucking normal person.
How would you compare documentaries: Gasland and Gosnell?
Well, one is a right-wing propaganda piece designed with the same attention to accuracy that has personified the anti-choice movement and the other one is… another documentary that exists in the world.
I know this may shock you, what with this notion you seemed to have in the “read the book I just read so I can rant to you about the strawmen it made me think of” section that other people owe you their time and energy, but… you don’t get to control other people’s lives. What they do in their spare time or dictate whether they spend their time in service of your gish gallop or whims.
And I know that is killing you. That people are going on their lives, never once thinking about what you want them to think about and not agreeing with what you want them to believe.
Instead people have lives. Go off-script and fail to be those perfect little straw-men you can defeat so easily in the moments before you actually have to put pen to paper.
On documentaries, I recently watched Blackfish. It was good. I also rewatched (A)Sexuality. I don’t demand you watch them. I mean, I liked them, but that doesn’t mean I get to demand that you watch them so I can talk to you about them. Cause that’s not how the world works.
Of course no conservative would think of asking such rude questions of a faithful liberal on Mother’s Day of all days.
Well, yeah, because you’d be an ignorant asshole and an embarrassment to your romantic partner (if you actually have a romantic partner). It’s not because they are rude or genuinely hard questions, but because they reveal you to be a dumbass mass of crazy and stupid that might make those few fleeting remnants of friends wonder just why they waste their short lives hanging around the likes of you.
I mean, for fuck’s sake, you really had no other thoughts on Mother’s Day other than stewing over how you totally would have shown that “liberal” if you could’ve, yes, sir?
That’s just… too sad to even pity.
But still, there are an awful lot of things going wrong on Obama’s watch, and inquiring minds would like to know what a honest liberal thinks about it all — before she reaches for the liberal talking points.
It looks like a giant middle finger to all you small-minded psychopaths who prevent anything from improving and keep diving on the ground like you were shot every five seconds because you want to distract from all the people genuinely suffering who genuinely need help.
Cause all this tired kabuki is just distraction and chaff to distract from the meat that is the rich are trying to loot the last few drops of blood before this country and world burn and that’s a level of fucked up you usually only see in comic books and Saturday Morning Cartoons.
Here’s a cunning plan for you liberals. Vote by secret ballot for the Republican in 2016, but don’t tell your liberal friends what you did.
Yes… I’ll get right on fucking myself over in order for you sad fucks to pretend to a legacy of relevancy.
Uh huh, yeah, sure, that’s how human beings act.
Then spend the next 50 years raging about the cruelties and the injustice of the Cruz/Rubio/Paul Recession and the budget cuts and grandmas thrown off the cliff and the extreme weather and the Koch XL pipeline right through the Black Hills taking Bakken oil to the Gulf. I won’t tell if you won’t.
Yeah, see, that’s the real meat of the difference between you and I. Hell, between me and Tal, the Princeton idiot from last week.
I don’t need to play dress-up with oppression.
I don’t get to playact with all my friends waving guns at cops as if I was a rebelling rebel who is being put down by the man. I don’t have to. All the “joys” of being oppressed, I live for real, every day. Not the version where everyone puts on the kids gloves and goes out of their way to make sure the poor fee-fees of the privileged babies are never slightly stepped on. No, the real version where no one fucking gives a shit if you’re swallowing so much bullshit, you might as well be dining in a manure cart.
Every single day, the entire system is designed to inform me that I’m nothing. That I’m a freak. Every day, I get to wander a gauntlet of various shit any cishet Republican dude would weep to even hear about happening to another conservative a state away. I’ve had some truly awful shit happen to me simply because of who I was and what I was and the resources to handle that have been few, far between, and often problematic in their own right.
And that’d probably be my real response to this sad attempt of gotchas. Reminding dipshits like this that they literally have nothing but fantasy and it’s fucking time to put away the dice and come back to the real world because the fucking roof is on fire and some of us are fucking trapped by the burning logs.
And this sad desperation will not make that lost land of the past come back or make you anything less than an intentional ignoramus flinching at shadows and claiming to be a wizened king.
Oh hey, BONUS and RELEVANT Dumbass Question?
V the K, Gay Putz:
Where Are the Occupy Candidates?
- Hey, Occupy movement, you claim to be a real movement unlike our astroturfed distraction campaign, but if that’s so, then where’s your fleet of bought and paid for shills who were sent to high office? Hmm? Checkmate, liberals.
You know, some days, I wish I could drop a bomb on the nation that instead of death, would just release knowledge instead.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Seriously, this is the “opposing” party? Yeah, dipshit, big fucking mystery on why the world is so fucked up. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
* You probably don’t want to know.
** My Dad is an anti social chameleon. Wherever he lives he adopts the opposite of the dominant political viewpoint he is surrounded by. So when we were trapped in super conservative suburbia he was practically a flag-burning anarchist and now that he lives surrounded by hippies, artists, and other liberal type people, he’s embracing his inner bigot and flirting with all sorts of libertarian nonsense. Worst thing that ever happened to him was moving somewhere without a decent enemy to fight.
*** Oh hai there, TMI, I didn’t see you thrusting your crotch into my face. Hey, if general society can jampack the airwaves with all manner of sexist macho bullshit, I feel I can mention what I do for fun in my limited spare time. Yeah, turns out I’m whatever the asexual version of a pain slut is. As if you are at all surprised considering how often I throw myself into the shit swamp to drag back mangos.
**** Fuck, I went to the doctor just to check up on something and confirm that it was nothing to worry about. That shit was like unimaginable middle-class luxury just a scant few months prior.
***** What I remember most strongly about 9/11 was my mom strung out on the couch just paralyzed in depression unable to do anything but watch the news for days, completely unresponsive to any attempt to reach her and wondering if she was ever going to surface and come back from that deep dark pit and trying to make sure she at least got enough water to not die while she was down there. That and the way a cabal of fuckers tried to exploit that fear and sadness to support a campaign of unending war and massive rollback of civil rights.
****** I mean, let’s count it up. Occupy movement camps in public spaces. Cops are sent in with riot batons and tear gas to root them out and violently abuse them. A bunch of gun-toting psychopaths take up shop in defense of a racist thief and delusional nutcase? Oh, deary me, we best have our federal agents tip-toe on eggshells to make sure the poor babies don’t hurt themselves with their little death-dildoes. Any race-based protest of injustice including death by cop? Yeah, exactly.
Probably not first, since I read the whole thing and haven’t refreshed yet.
I like this one
Is it original? Or is it one of the many things I’m ignorant of? At any rate, I can, without hardly straining myself at all, come up with a couple of interpretations:
1) He’s thick as a board / has a wooden head; aka he’s pretty stupid.
2) it tajes a 2×4 to get his attention, rather like that mule.
At any rate, thanks for the read.
“Mmmmmmm……………..sandwich” – H.Simpson
Crossposted from old thread: Paul Krugman selfies.
I wish I could drop a bomb on the nation that instead of death, would just release knowledge instead.
John Brunner once wrote a book for you.
“a small handful of Americans attacked on what was technically American soil”
Sadly, No!
Sigh. This is what depresses me. Sane human beings won’t be able to do a thing about global climate change until all the rich lunatics finally give up their ostrich like opposition.
I’m in my sixties now, so the climate changes will only affect me for the next 10 to 25 years of my life, but I fear for the future… just for one example, if the Gulf Stream ever disappears, the UK is screwed, big time… it’s way up north of Labrador.
This is a rather egregious piece of bullshit. Buildings kill more bird than wind turbines ever will. I’m not sure you want to open the ‘too much money going to Democratic Party contributors’ can of worms. Ask Raytheon what we got for the billions we’ve spent on ballistic missile defense. Ask Halliburton to account for what they’ve done with the billions shoveled in their direction in the decade plus of wars we’ve been putting on the national credit card. Ask every sitting congressperson why they are allowed to engage in what would be insider trading for anyone else.
I’ve got a thought experiment. How about for every dollar the US hands out to defense contractors, to oil companies, in direct subsidies and in tax cuts, we make the same amount of money available to split evenly between infrastructure, and green energy projects. That way we keep the gravy train rolling for the established players, and we finally get some movement on the issues that will change the world for the worse. We could fund it by aggressively enforcing existing tax law. Not even any new taxes, just a little money for the IRS and the SEC to do their freaking jobs. Clearly since everyone here is a law abiding citizen, and has nothing good to say about tax cheats and stock market swindlers freeloading on the rest of us, that would be the most equitable way to fund my little project. Whaddaya say?
Perhaps the older liberal couple were his parents. Or maybe his in-laws.
That sure is a lot of questions.
I think my favorite it this one:
Suppose a Republican president had already been elected and ignored intelligence warnings about an imminent, large scale attack on American soil, then it HAPPENED, and then the same president attacked a nation that he knew had nothing to do with it, while setting up an illegal detention center off our shores, institutionalized torture as an accepted method of interrogation, lied about every single bit of all of this…
What would your “liberal friends” do? How about NOT FUCKING MUCH.
So I guess that means I get to junkpunch you, Cantrill, since everything your precious neocon profiteers do is all YOUR fault?
Is it bad that there were at least three questions that I would have stared blankly over. I have only the haziest ideas of who Lois Lerner is and I can recall one brief article I read on Pickett only (at least I assume it was Pickett, it could have been George Herbert for all I know). As far as the documentaries, wah? And the rest of the questions, mostly it would be like a pitching machine on super slow. Here’s one, whap. Here’s another, whap.
The parallels between the political decisions regarding climate change we have made and the decisions that led Europe to World War One are striking – and sobering. The decisions made in 1914 reflected political policies pursued for short-term gains and benefits, coupled with institutional hubris, and a failure to imagine and understand the risks or to learn from recent history. The result was a disaster in many ways; its reverberations continue to shape Europe and indeed the entire world today.
“Dishonest!” says the troll who habitually uses my nym.
You can’t make this shit up.
And the rest of the questions, mostly it would be like a pitching machine on super slow. Here’s one, whap. Here’s another, whap.
That is a nice list of footbullets–though it would be easier to respond to them if those right wingers were capable of being self aware and accepting ethereal concepts like, say, reality and stuff.
Pat Sajak— crazier than a snark-blog troll!
Thanks for lampshading the gish gallop Cerb. I was reading through the source article and I kept saying to myself, why does this guy remind me of a creationist?
God what a horrible dinner guest that little man must be. Asking people about specific source material in a fashion that implies the should have already reviewed makes you sound like an testy TA trying to silence a contrary undergrad by pointing out they haven’t done the reading.
Just one question. What does any of this have to do with Mother’s Day?
I was expecting a long rant about aren’t you grateful your mother didn’t abort you and think of all the poor children of gay couples who will never have a mother. That at least would’ve been on target, sort of. What the fuck is… this?
The parallels between the political decisions regarding climate change we have made and the decisions that led Europe to World War One are striking –
As everyone who has read The Wind Turbines of August already knows.
As everyone who has read The Wind Turbines of August already knows.
xkcd – alternative energy revolution
Ok, Dennis, you can go ahead and keep my old nym, especially since you’ve given it the redolent aroma of stale beer farts.
If I could have a beer with anyone on the internet, it would probably be Randall Monroe of xkcd.
Mr. Burns: For god sakes, man. Use an open-faced club. The sand wedge.
Homer: Mmmmm… open-faced club sandwich.
Canadian scientist and broadcaster David Suzuki interviewed by Bill Moyers— “The war on climate scientists”
Oh, OBS. It goes without saying! Besides, I’ve already had beers with present company the last three nights a row. Hoping for many happy returns.
Ahem… Reading comprehension skills much?
Well, yeah, because you’d be an ignorant asshole and an embarrassment to your romantic partner (if you actually have a romantic partner). It’s not because they are rude or genuinely hard questions, but because they reveal you to be a dumbass mass of crazy and stupid that might make those few fleeting remnants of friends wonder just why they waste their short lives hanging around the likes of you.
Some Dennis asks:
For the same reason liberal commenters give a pass to President Obama for his frequent public announcements of his intention to blow up the moon and destroy the farm belt with a rain of green cheese meteors, as long as we’re asking the reasons why liberal bloggers give people a pass on completely imaginary things that aren’t actually happening. You bag of asses.
Here’s a cunning plan for you liberals. Vote by secret ballot for the Republican in 2016, but don’t tell your liberal friends what you did.
“Dear Penthouse,”
What would you suggest we do about those racist Tea Partiers?
The Republican establishment is doing its damnedest to weed them out. As far as the rank-and-file goes, we all saw how formidable the still are last Friday. They are now spending most of their time infighting.
An eloquent reply, Mr. Loomis.
However,, given the troll’s reading comprehension skills, we can expect him to start posting about those Obama green cheese meteors in five… four… three… two…
As everyone who has read “The Wind Turbines of August” already knows. — Pup
Laughter in New Mexico.
Use an open-faced club. The sand wedge.
Homer: Mmmmm… open-faced club sandwich.
OBS: You should be ashamed of yourself for such a wicked pun. That was just awful. 🙂
Steel cage match— the Koch brothers vs. the Pope!
Go figure! New study shows GOPers LIE way more than Dems.
Read it again, Some Dennis, and you’ll find that after some editorializing, she goes on to quote the very sentence you accuse her of omitting.
The only thing blatantly dishonest and shameful is you and your GOP-style bullshit.
I wish I could take credit, but you’ll need to blame “The Simpsons” writers — that is a quote from one of the episodes where Homer and Mr. Burns play golf.
Maureen Dowd is truly the queen of smarm; this stunning example was in today’s grey lady. Pretty much hits every mark. (Any excuse to link that Scocca piece.)
Shorter: “I would like to delicately, politely kick the Overton window in the direction of considering actual government censorship.”
Remember Seb, and Brad, and Gavin, and Retardo Montalban, and Tintin, and Jillian, and Mr Leonard Pierce, and Demogenes Aristophanes, and Travis, and your mother?
I’m sitting here reading through the list of scholarships for graduate programs. I’m on “B.” 2/26ths of the way there…
Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis.
Okay, I opened a Lagunitas Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’ Ale. Feeling better now. Made it to “D.” OBS, any thoughts on my beverage choice?
Some Pennis spurted the following:
And then she quoted the sentence, so what’s your point? Besides the reason your mama always told you to wear a hat.
It’s always projection.
Steel cage match— the Koch brothers vs. the Pope!
Are the Kochs the kind of Christians who think Catholics aren’t Christian?
Some of these scholarship applicant descriptions sound like they belong on Craigslist:
I like many of Lagunitas’ offerings, but Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’ is a bit too sweet for me (or it was last time I had it). I’m not a huge wheat beer fan in general, so that may have something to do with it as well. That beer may have improved, it’s been a while. Seems like a couple years back all their beers were a bit under-attenuated and had an overly-sweet finish, but that seems to have improved. I recently had their new “Nightlife” dark ale and it was quite nice. I also drink their IPA and Maximus quite often. Cool brewery to visit too, neat outdoor seating area.
Also, too: this is a collection of “Fuck You Autocorrect!” screenshots. Very amusing and may be considered a happy antidote to any lingering troll spoor.
I hear the brewery is a blast. I have also noticed that their beers seem to all feature a very sweet taste, but I think in most cases it doesn’t detract — never syrupy or cloying. My favorite is their Undercover Shutdown from this year. Never seen the Nightlife. There’s a very good little beer store around the way, I might ask if they can get it.
I recently had this back-bencher from a favorite team on tap at a bar and it was just totally divine. Perfect for the start of summer weather.
“Applicant must demonstrate a desire to develop pastry art skills.”
“Applicants must be judo students who are high school seniors or graduate students pursuing a college degree in Education.”
Sounds delish! I haven’t had that one, but I’ve had others from that brewery — I’ll keep an eye out. I’m a major Belgian beer fan.
The way I ordered the beer is I looked at the tap list and asked the beer guy, “It’s almost summer. What beer do you have that I would be an idiot not to order?”
James Randi better not know I posted an incredibly inflammatory blog article about his foundation’s response to sexual harassment claims, because I am about to apply to take his money and use it for school.
Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis.*
*Offer not valid in red states.–15
I can answer that in one word: Animus. To expand, animus of the racist sort.
Tempora mutanturs in Red States; if you don’t mutamur yourself you might be eligible for an extremely dodgy scholarship of $1500 or less for one year only.
“Applicants must be upper division and graduate-level students at California Universities, who are majoring in Viticulture, Enology or Wine Marketing; California State College students pursuing two-year certification or A.S. Degrees in Winemaking. Previous recipients may apply.”
Heyo! Anyone wanna go back to school?
From the evidence of his writing and his thought processes, I thnk it’s clear that this Christopher Chantrill character actually IS Dennis.
Here’s another one:
The US Marine barracks in Beirut were bombed in … 1983, I believe (241 US – the only ones that count – deaths), some 6 months after another bombing in Beirut, at the US Embassy (17 US – the only ones that count – deaths). Lots of warnings, no (helpful) actions from the Reagan administration. There were ignored warnings then. too.
And what about the Ayatollah Khomeni? Remember him? A theocratic (Muslim!!11!!) ruler of a foreign power holding US citizens hostage, who so preferred Reagan as US President that he pointedly waited until Reagan was sworn in to release them. Talk about furriners having an interest in US Presidential campaigns!
It appears that Ed Grimley was tragically wrong all these years about Pat Sajak being a pretty decent guy, I must say.
Doesn’t it look like the guy has no liberal “friend” to talk to ? Is like he has spent months ruminating those zingers to throw at anyone who will listen.
I’d be very surprised if any liberal in his vicinity / family circle / work environment can tolerate to talk to him for more than 2 seconds because he clearly is a terribly unpleasant fellow. And a moron
I don’t get the Piketty line. I haven’t read their work but it sounds like a good point and I approve of raising taxes on the rich like all liberals do. I guess we’re supposed to be horrified because NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERDS!
Also, Cerb, I wouldn’t mind a post or two on trans issues. I read many posts about the subject on tumblr but it would be nice to hear from someone who isn’t a teenager. (I feel so old there at 28)
I feel so old there at 28
Get off my lawn kid!
(shakes cane)
I feel so old there at 28
It gets better.
HAHA no it doesn’t.
Actually, FA, we’re supposed to be horrified because raising taxes for any reason whatever, like a national health care system, “equals Communism and dope. Uh, little lady, I’ll have one of your sixteen-ounce T-bones, medium rare.” (I can’t be the only one here who’s read that book.)
Well, since you have officially assumed my former nym, Dennis, I guess the “Some guy rhymes with dumb guy” must be– you!
You know, what’s funny with right wing idiots like you?
As soon as one of your bogus assertions is resoundingly disproven, then you immediately forget about it and move right on to the next bogus assertion.
Tiresome, to say the least.
Also Benghazi. The troll’s copypasta didn’t mention Benghazi in the list of Obama’s failures and incompetency. So Benghazi and Benghazi will make the 2014 elections Benghazi. Which shows that Benghazi libs are Benghazi hyprocrites and also Benghazi. So there, libs. Check and checkmate and Benghazi.
Seize: The Gawker essay was worth reading, despite its lenght.. (But there was a LOTof inside baseball. Also in the interest of helping you find scholarships, perja[s I might invent a few myself. Also, I’ve enjoyed you engagement as a common tater. I’m glad you stepped out of the shadows.
But for now I’m off to baseball.
Fenwick, that was much more coherent and persuasive than any “thought” of which Pennis has shown himself capable. (I can’t speak to what he actually is capable of, only to what he’s shown himself capable of, which is willful stupidity, willful mendacity, and willful tertiary recto-basal ambiguity.)
Please, somebody just wish it into the cornfield.
It was a GOOD thing that you turned him into a jack-In-the-box!
Speaking of a lack of self awareness, this asshat says no conservative would “think” of asking these questions and then writes an entire article about him thinking about doing the exact thing
Well, this guy is a special conservative, see? He goes where angels fear to tread.
Yes, I believe “special” is the term they use these days.
Failure Artist (and anyone else with similar desires for some more inside-basebally trans* posts)-
Send me some emails to cerberussadlyno at gmail dot com about what in particular you’d like me to wax philosophic about and I’ll write up some posts answering those questions to the best of my abilities on my personal blog and link to it here.
Or if there is greater interest for a one-off or every-once-in-a-while uber trans* thread here, I can also do that.
Conservatives turning their noses up at free energy (ie. wind turbines) because they’re worried about the fate of a few miserable little birdies?
Now you’re just making shit up.
Conservatives turning their noses up at free energy (ie. wind turbines) because they’re worried about the fate of a few miserable little birdies?
Meanwhile, they have no qualms about riding ATVs through piping plover nesting sites.
Conservatives turning their noses up at free energy (ie. wind turbines) because they’re worried about the fate of a few miserable little birdies?
Birdies love oil rigs, mountaintop mining and smokestacks apparently.
Birdies love oil rigs, mountaintop mining and smokestacks apparently.
Canaries love coal mines.
Pennis quoted something called the Fiscal Times, which is presumably like the Financial Times only not so far to the left:
What does it take to get fired from a job in the Barack Obama administration?
A question we asked a lot during the Cheney adsinistration, and it usually turned out the answer was “Failing Darth Cheney” or some other form of “Being a public embarrassment to Republicans”. For a not-a-Republican-I-swear to be asking that about the Obama administration calls to my mind driftglass’ question (run through the Something Awful word filter to bring it to pre-watershed standards):
Pennis, I started to read your comment before replying to it, but then I asked myself why I should afford you a courtesy you obviously didn’t afford me.
Or, to put it another way, mashing up Fred Clark, driftglass, and Blank and Lebling:
“But why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the cedar of Lebanon that is shoved in so mightily at thy fundament that the head of it proceedeth out of thy mouth and saith unto each, ‘Hello, sailor’?”
if Hillary gets ejected.
Careful, Pennis. Premature impeach-ulation is a serious problem, one I’d have thought the GOP would’ve learned from in 1998. (I mean, learned something other than “we need to have more media saturation, and do a better job of browbeating what’s left of the ‘liberal’ media into a submissive crouch, before we make another attempt at avenging what the International Communist Conspiracy did to the blameless and holy St. Richard of Yorba Linda.”)
“Do you have your own opinion on the VA scandal?”
I think the VA wouldn’t have so much burden on it if Republican Presidents didn’t regularly use The Troops as human shields to deflect criticism of their anti-freedom policies, and if Democratic Presidents didn’t fall into the trap of thinking that being Tough On Smaller Nations will make Republicans stop calling them wimpy shrimpy objectively-pro-Communist whatchama-things. Beyond that, since I’ve seen no sign that you’re actually going to listen to anything I say, I see no reason to go into detail.
While we’re supposing things whose relationship to objective reality is tenuous at best, “[l]et us suspose [sic] that Joan of Arc escaped the fires of judgment against her, and the Pope and the King crucified a light image of her. What does this thought say for the 9 Jehovah Kingdoms of Heaven. 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 that concentrate in the 51 Temple on Earth.” (Rob Cypher, “Joan of Arc: Sword Swinger for a Higher Heaven”, 1999)
As much fun as it’s been re-enacting the West Wing episode where CJ goes on Not Fox News, Honest, and the interviewer has a TelePrompTer positioned over CJ’s shoulder to feed him the talking points with which he can Gish Gallop roughshod over her attempts to say literally anything at all, my gams aren’t nearly as nice as Allison Janney’s (though they may be longer), and we’re both getting dirty and the pig is enjoying it. If the Cleanup Crew decides that my comments, same as your extrusions, need to be cut off and distributed amongst the poor, I’ll be all right.
we’re both getting dirty and the pig is enjoying it.
However, what harm can there be in merriment at the inadvertent comedy provided by a pig who insists on attempting to walk and talk like a human being?
The VA has been a mess for decades, the Republicans only notice though when a Democrat is in the White House. So if Dennis is truly concerned about the state of the VA then he should vote for the Democrat in the next presidential election. Of course, that won’t actually fix anything because the Republicans aren’t interested in fixing the VA, they are only interested in blaming a Democrat for the mess. If Dennis was really, really concerned about it then he and the rest of his “support the troops” real ‘Mericans would get behind Bernie Sanders who has been pushing to fix the VA for decades and has an actual plan to do so. After all, the VA is a socialist program, who better to know how to make it work than an actual socialist.
Either I’m not doing my job, or you aren’t reading the threads closely. I am an insurgent against the Democrats. I’ve mentioned it any number of times and caught the flak thrown up by the ‘pragmatists’ here. I’ve made it clear that I voted for Sanders in the last two Presidential elections … and I will vote for him again in 2016. And I’ve never apologized to the ‘pragmatists’.
So Thread Bear is NOT the first commenter here to ‘suggest someone other than Hillary’. And many commentators here have expressed a preference for Senator Warren. So once again, you’re shitting out shit.
On a more serious note, I have a food project to deal with. I’m cooking up some ribs this weekend and I’m sorry to say that it’s been decades since I have done so. My plan is to pick up the ribs this evening and give them a nice dry rub then wrap them in foil and put them in the fridge till Saturday morning. Then I plan to slow cook them in the oven with a little Sweet Baby Ray’s sauce. Then back in the fridge till Sunday afternoon and then onto the grill with a slathering of sauce and then serve. Does this sound reasonable, or is there a better plan? Also how long and at what temp would you suggest for cooking in the oven?
I get my health care from the VA. I’ve had no problems, either with the VA Med Center in Baltimore, or the Center in Albuquerque. They are patient-centered and professional. While in Baltimore, I had three surgeries–and all of my mental health care–at Johns Hopkins and found the VA to be at the SAME high standards. I’ve mentioned here any number of times that I KNOW single-payer works because of the care I’ve gotten through the VA.
It will be evident to the readership which comments are mine, and which are the creature’s nymjacking.
Sweet sweet schadenfreude.
“Fenwick” said,
May 22, 2014 at 17:50
I forgot to take my OCD meds last night and feel like shit today. Any suggestions?
HfFuckinglarious nymjack fail. Odds Pennis doesn’t know why it’s so funny?
Should be fine, TB. I always dry rub and cook in the oven. 325 for a couple hours will do it. I don’t much like sweet sauces so I either make my own slightly sweet sauce or forego saucing altogether until the grilling phase. I do like a basting sauce of peanut oil, honey, soy soss, thyme, hot soss, for grilling.
If you don’t like the way people treat you here, you might think about what goal or purpose you think your posting here serves in the first place.
But for Brown’s and NOM’s future, the bad news out of Oregon and Pennsylvania may pale next to the uncovering of its multiyear illegal fundraising scheme, which beyond raising concerns among other state regulators could give pause to the few secret donors who, in the absence of even modest grassroots support, have kept NOM open for business.
It’s fair to think that Brown’s already difficult days at the office are about to get a whole lot worse.
Some serious jail time might smarten up a lot of these rightwing scofflaws and encourage more of that much-vaunted conservative “personal responsibility”.
But these schemers will probably get the same kind of slap on the wrist as fellow fraudster D’Souza.
What does it take to get fired from a job in the Barack Obama administration?
If what happened to Shirley Sherrod didn’t get Vilsak’s bitch ass fired, I don’t know what the fuck it takes. Shinseki should be out on his ass too, which disappoints me because I liked him–to the extent that I can like a career military officer…
NOM–your very existence offends me. It is my mission to put you down.
I don’t make threats I can’t back up. EVER.
Internet tough guy–AT YOUR SERVICE. Holla bitchez
It gets better.
HAHA no it doesn’t.
You just get older. Some would say, “if you’re lucky;” that may be going too far.
But for now I’m off to baseball.
The Isotopes?
Yes. The reactionary & Republican attitude toward “the troops” is the same as their position on abortion. Hooray for the troops when they are killing for Jesus/Yay for the “unborn,” but once they’re out, servicemember or baby, they’re on their own & they oughta suck it up, ’cause there’s no free lunch!!
Say, wasn’t there something that happened 10 years or so ago that greatly increased the number of wounded and disabled veterans?
My memory is a bit fuzzy.
It’s a amazing what ten years of wars will do to overload the system. NO ONE COULD HAVE PREDICTED!
Some would say, “if you’re lucky;” that may be going too far.
There are things I really like about being older
I’m much more calm in a crisis than when I was younger
I’m much more focused on doing the right thing than winning an argument.
Yeah, that’s pretty much it.
Everything else about it SUCKS BALLS.
There are things I really like about being older
Me too. I have nothing, have no expectations & no real reason to keep living, so after 60 yrs. surrounded by cretins in this miserable world (58 of them remembered, & forced to take shit from assholes all that time) now I am free to stop taking shit from anybody & to express my harshest opinions of everybody & everything, damn their reactions & any consequences.
Free or not, I still won’t react to the troll.
A not-exactly bleeding-heart liberal on the VA:
Conservatives turning their noses up at free energy…
When I read this phrase upthread (from Lykurgus), my eyes read the correct words, but my brain read the phrase as:
‘Conservatives turning their noses up at free agency…’
I have baseball in my head.
Still, while presidents are ultimately responsible for decision-making, they inherit bureaucracies with longstanding organizational cultures. And the VA’s* is broken.
I don’t disagree with any of this. But they’ve had decades to fix and modernize it. The IRS got modernized, the NSA, the CIA, the FBI all seem to be modernized and relatively efficient. But the VA just doesn’t get the priority other agencies get. It’s bullshit and it’s unfuckingacceptable.
I have baseball in my head.
Fenwick, I like that you make me sound like Batman. Or a movie trailer. “From out of the shadows…a tater arises”
Ta-Nehisi Coates is probably my favorite living writer. This is a long fucking read for reals, and very worth it: The Case For Reparations at the Atlantic. It’s a slightly bait-y title; it’s more The Case For The Case For Reparations, but don’t think that means Coates pulls any punches. Note that if you’re having a bad day, you might wanna bookmark it and go watch an old episodes of MST3K instead.
Finally, a question about what’s under the hood. Has anyone else noticed that Sadly, No! posts are individually flagged as “Adult Material” with net nanny software? My corporate overlords use this garbage called Websense because apparently they think they employ schoolchildren. When a post here first goes up I click to open it fast; within a few hours if I try to click a link I will go straight to the “nuh-uh-uh no porno for you” screen. I’ve seen this happen on other leftie blogs of various stripes, though only small ones, and only on new posts. Has anyone else dealt with this?
HfFuckinglarious nymjack fail. Odds Pennis doesn’t know why it’s so funny?
I’m sure it has no clue, Pup. But that’s not at all strange. After all, the troll has no clue about so many, many things.
HfFuckinglarious nymjack fail
I don’t think the nymjacker was you-know-who.
Where was the conservative outcry during the Walter Reed hospital horror show? That made this VA scandal pale in comparison. It’s just like Benghazi- blown out of proportion by haters of the Kenyan Usurper.
Shinseki should be out on his ass too, which disappoints me because I liked him–to the extent that I can like a career military officer…
I would begin the sentence ‘Shinseki might….” I don’t think he deserves firing. A bunch of mid-level and/or regional managers–and cooperating staff on the admin side of the VA–should get the boot.
I want to clarify about what I wrote upthread. My praise is for the VA’s health care professionals on the front line…the docs, nurses, technicians, orderlies. The fuck-ups are on the admin side, mainly the schedulers (as I understand it).
I, too, like Shinseki, tsam. Remember, he was the guy who gave a REAL manpower estimate for the occupation of Iraq….at a time when Rumsfeld said it would be quick and easy and Wolfowitz testified the war would pay for itself. Shinseki was treated very shabbily in his Congressional testimony, and mocked by the media and press. War Fever gripped the country (*), and given visual reinforcement by teevee graphics.
Also, in the Clinton presidency, Shinseki had a major role in overhauling the Army’s force structure and doctrine, based on what was learned in the Gulf War. I believe there was PBS documentary on this. (Teh Ho would know.)
Also, out of curiosity, do you get health care from the VA? Or through a group plan?
(*) How crazy was the fever? At the beginning of the oh-so-pyrotechnic Shock and Awe got underway, only 27% of the people were opposed to the war, myself among them. Just something to bear in mind when laying into the Batshit Crazy 27%.
Fenwick, there were enough demonstrators in NYC to snarl up midtown Manhattan for an entire day, but none of the news outlets covered it.
The Isotopes?
MB: Nope. I’ve seen them play several times, but they’re on the road. I was leaving Sadlyville to monitor the games via the web. Mainly, I’m a longtime Orioles fan. Although I root for Isotopes as a civic responsibility, I rather dislike their parent club, the LA Dodgers. I know you are in LA; do you like the Dodgers or the Angels or are you indifferent to all of it?
BBBB: The failure to cover that NYC march in particular steamed me. The lamestream media had footage of it from a distance, but always a voiceover from the anchor that undercut or diminished the size and significance of the demonstration.
I was given to understand that Shinseki is somewhat restrained in what he can do. Can’t summarily fire people for cause. Can’t even discipline the top managers hardly. Congref is allegedly working on a bill to expand the powers of the office but we’ll see.
Doyers rule!!
How can you possibly “dislike” the former Bums of Brooklyn?
Congreff needs to quit fucking around and get it done. People have died because of their negligence and incompetence and I DON’T LIKE IT.
Easy, quick fix: Go get your health care wherever you want, bring your military ID or DD214 and hospital bills the GUV in full. But no–we can’t have that because…um…just because, k?
This winter in Florida I was with partner’s grandparents and we were eating at Souplantation, because of course. There was a 10% discount for veterans. Grandpa sits down with us at the table and I realize he’s just tucking his discharge papers from 1946 back into his wallet all nonchalant-like. Flashes ’em at the gal at the register every week for his discount.
If you were in a damned foreign war for this country it should be about that hard to get your heath care paid for.
(Hell, in my opinion, if you’re born in this stupid country that should be enough to get your health care needs paid for, and I even got ideas about how to do it. But the VA is a good place to start.)
I found the collective propaganda campaign and war fever leading up to the Iraq invasion to be very disturbing.
I was Operations Officer for the deployed KC-135s of Operation Northern Watch in the fall of 2002.
This supposed military threat to the United States and the region had, on any given day, 10 flyable aircraft in their Air Force.
On a typical day, they might fly 3 to 4 training sorties because they were so short on spare parts.
If they were feeling really frisky they might send a single MiG-25 up towards the no-fly zone to see if we were still paying attention. It would inevitably be chased away.
When we invaded, they didn’t bother to put a single plane in the air. Let me repeat that. US troops were on their way to Baghdad, the very existence of the regime was threatened, and they didn’t sortie so much as one aircraft.
* I don’t normally eat at places with “Plantation” in the name and I am appropriately guilty.
Major, I don’t know why, but that kind of just turns my stomach. I was a minor at the time which makes me remember the propaganda particularly well. It just seemed so plausible, if you didn’t have time to scrutinize it.
It just seemed so plausible,
To children and brain-dead adults, perhaps.
I honestly have no clue why my parents exhibited such little interest in current events back then; they sure seem to give a fuck about it now. And what about my teachers? It’s so easy for me to remember what I was told at that age, but so hard to reconstruct what the people around me were thinking or feeling. That circuitry wasn’t online yet, for me at least.
It just seemed so plausible, if you didn’t have time to scrutinize it.
You’re young enough that you don’t remember the 90s, when we routinely shot down Iraqi MiGs, bombed every SCUD battery out of existence (Those were a thing in Gulf War 1, not a single one launched in ’03), bombed every single thing on the ground that even remotely looked like a facility that might be able to store the chemical weapons given to Saddam in the 80s to fight the Iran-Iraq war…
Also, it wasn’t a secret that Hans Blix (well respected UN weapons inspector) outright said that Iraq almost certainly had no WMD.
Also, “Our boys will be home by Christmas-this will be quick, easy and bloodless and they will greet us as liberators” sounds like another war we started to help people who didn’t want our fucking help back in ’65.
Also, any adult with a high school education knows that military dictators HATE religious fanatics because they’re a threat to their power. (Al-Qaeda/Iraq connections)
Also: Watching Powell sitting at the UN with a little vial of white powder and pictures of choo choo trains (he called mobile weapon labs) had exactly zero credibility in terms of evidence of WMD–no degree required to see right through all that bullshit.
Also: Oil–2nd largest oil production capacity at the time–hardly functioning at all because of the sanctions.
Also, 12 years of crippling sanctions that left the country in shambles and in no mood to fight.
I could go on, but you get the picture. The only adults who ever thought this was a good idea were profiteers and absolute morons. (Note that support for the invasion peaked at about 70% approval holy fuck people here are dumb and forgetful and angry and stupid and dumb also)
Here is a veteran that may need some medical care.
John Bolton
Paul Wolfowitz
Dick Cheney
Bush II
Donald Rumsfeld
(Nixon’s old cronies, mostly. NOT trustworthy people, to say the least)
Here is a veteran that may need some medical care.
You know how I knew I made a huge mistake joining the military? Witnessing this in person a couple of times a week.
I almost titled that link “rare footage of t’sam in the army” 😉
Thankfully the closest I got to the Iraq invasion was deploying to Spain for two weeks as part of the air-bridge. We refueled the C-5s going across the Med. Technically I have OIF listed in my service records but I wasn’t really “there”.
In early 2003 I started volunteering for anything, no matter how crappy, that looked like it might keep me away from the desert. I flew a lot of airlift and sat a lot of alert for homeland defense. Anything that didn’t involve a tent in Bahrain.
Since they didn’t activate my entire unit, but just sent people piecemeal to various places, my plan worked.
Floor polisher rodeo club is surprisingly hardcore.
I almost titled that link “rare footage of t’sam in the army” 😉
It was tempting, but barracks are made of concrete block walls, solid core wood doors or steel doors, steel bunks and wood wall lockers. The floors are concrete under that VCT these dudes are supposed to be buffing. You DO NOT want to fly anywhere inside a place like that.
That’s not to say I didn’t do some incredibly dumb things, which shall remain under secrecy at this time.
Floor polisher rodeo club is surprisingly hardcore.
Hold mah beer and watch this!
Yeah, I’ve taken my exposure to folks who lived through those conflicts as pretty clear evidence that there’s no amount of money that would cause me to join any branch of the military. I couldn’t do what y’all did.
See, where dude made his mistake was not putting one of the pads under the buffer to give him a bit of clutch action. He was shocked at how fast it went and squeezed the go-handle to hang on, making his inevitable doom all the more inevitable. Rookie.
I never saw a single bit of combat, so I’m not among those who have seen the darkest side of humanity. So you could easily have done what I did, Seize.
You may criticize his methods but his form as he head-butts that minifridge is simply pristine.
The first rule of floor polisher rodeo club is you don’t film floor polisher rodeo club.
The second rule is hold mah beer.
t’sam, I’m going to med school in the fall, so I’d fear what they’d have me doing would hurt me rather worse, even if I never left a major medical center.
They sure to seem keen to pay for my schooling though! Getting lots of emails about that. No thanks, fellas.
(To clarify, I’m not some conspiracy nut or something — I just couldn’t live with putting folks back together who’d been hurt only because our bosses put them in harm’s way.)
Does he always show up when people are talking about cleaning up the floor or was that serendipitous?
If this U.S. govt. took virtually all of the money it pumps into military and intelligence tech R&D, and put those resources into needful, peaceful applications, we’d still get plenty of ideas relevant to defense. That’s how we could strengthen the economy while hopefully transitioning to a more sustainable model. I don’t think the national defense would suffer in the least. In fact the strategy would make for a less-dystopian hellscape, on which we’d have less need for martial might … but pardon me for stating the obvious.
Speaking of conspiracy theories, I am highly amused by the antics of this meteorologist regarding CHEMTRAILS!!! Mostly for Major as I know he can tell me what a sticker like that is really for.
Link no working.
What was that about OCD meds again?
You know I’m generally against the long-acting forms of psych meds because I think they present the potential for abuse by authorities but…there are also some really, really convincing clinical applications.
Quick Henry, the Flit!
(Sometimes I wish we could post image macros here, and then I remember the vast paragraphs of pointless copypasta and know better.)
The propaganda blitz in favor of the war was out and out terrifying. Not in the ‘OMG the Iraqis are going to kill us’ terrifying, in the “where the fuck are any dissenting opinions in the national press” terrifying. It was like all of the news outlets that I previously trusted turned into Pravda overnight. Pundits that were usually sensible turned into war cheerleaders. Phil Donohue was the highest rated host on his network when they fired him for questioning the rationale. The only dissenting voice getting national play was the Black Eyed Peas song “Where is the Love” I felt like my country was taking crazy pills. I don’t mind that some people were pro-war, I get the impulse to kick ass, and Saddam Hussein was a world class ass. But it was a pro war echo chamber. I could tell that it didn’t matter one goddamn bit what Hans Blix and the UN weapon inspectors found, the fix was in. President Bush wanted to be a war president. Cheney wanted blood and blood and blood and cash. The entire rotten neocon establishment were salivating at the prospect of re-drawing the map in the middle east.
Nym sent me down an excellent Google hole. Did you know that the illustrator for those ads was none other than Dr. Seuss?
Seize: yeah, that’s why I wish I could inline post one from time to time.
Republicans talking about the VA scandal? Please proceed…
The nation, which has no race, would pay reparations, obviously.
You’ve been running with a ball of shit. *golf clap*
I could go on, but you get the picture. The only adults who ever thought this was a good idea were profiteers and absolute morons. (Note that support for the invasion peaked at about 70% approval holy fuck people here are dumb and forgetful and angry and stupid and dumb also)
I remember a Tennessee Titans game where I was tailgating with some contemporaneous friends, and they were all completely gung ho about attacking Saddam. I drank quietly by myself that day after a few attempts to appeal to reason.
That was the last game to which I was invited.
the t’sam comments from 19:21, 19:46 and 19:53 are still up. Does that mean they’re actually by t’sam, and not Pennis nymjacking off again?
tsam (and t’sam) can get … surly.
I have shiny new blog post up and I encourage all of you to read it. Today’s target of opportunity: Rod Dreher.
Those are mine. Going for funny. Maybe fell just a little short.
How can you possibly “dislike” the former Bums of Brooklyn?
(1) I loathe Walter O’Malley setting a pernicious precedent: An owner could move ‘his’ team to another city following the Big Bucks with no consideration for the fans. The Dodgers were Brooklyn’s team, not just a financial asset of Walter O’Malley. And he did it in such a callous, high-handed manner. (See Ken Burns’ Baseball). I suppose the word ‘former’ in your question highlights my feelings.
(2) I loathe the “1%” teams in baseball with the same passion that I loathe the 1% greedheads. Teams like the Yankmees, Dodgers, Boston, Atlanta, Texas, Angels have huge media markets and make a TON of money, allowing them to buy the best players…and their bidding wars distort free-agent contracts. They have payrolls significantly higher than other teams. And the have-not teams like Minnesota, Seattle, San Diego, KC, Baltimore, Houston, etc. are at a disadvantage.
(3) One of my baseball friends was an NL guy–he rooted for the Phillies. I was an AL guy; I’ve been a fan of KC then…after moving to Baltimore, the Orioles. He loathed the Dodgers; he explained to me that the fans of other NL clubs regarded the Dodgers as the National League’s version of the Yankmees. So I picked that up by osmosis from my friend.
(4) I’ve really had quite enough of ‘bleeding Dodger blue’ … and the Red Sox Nation … and the Yankmees’ Empire. I dislike seeing the same teams in the post-season play year-after-year-after year.
Okay, enough of my rant. We now return you to your regularly-scheduled thread.
(((MB: I’m NOT scowling at you, of course. If you’ve gt Dodger blue in your veins, then root for them with the passion of any good fan.)))
(he called mobile weapon labs)
I called them ‘Winnebagos of Death’.
Clearly what baseball needs is a third league to save us all from the corruption of the existing two-league system.
Clearly what baseball needs is a third league to save us all from the corruption of the existing two-league system.
OBS: Have you read Philip Roth’s The Great American Novel? It purports to be the history of the ‘Patriot League’, as told by geriatric sportswriter ‘Word’ Smith. It is the best ‘unreliable narrator’ fiction I’ve ever read. (Well, along with Nabokov’s Pale Fire.)
I got your dig, of course. What I hope to see is NOT the growth of any existing ‘minor party’; rather the breakaway of incumbent progressive Democrats running as Independents. With an Independent Caucus in the House and Senate. I’m sure I’ll have an opportunity to enlarge on my Breakaway Model.
It is the best ‘unreliable narrator’ fiction I’ve ever read.
You should check out Gene Wolfe’s Book of the New Sun. Man, that book messes with your head, in a good way. Even more dense, though much shorter is his Fifth Head of Cerberus.
O.K., but blame the Boston Braves for the pernicious precedent.
The Dodgers had a tough period recently when the Parking Lot Attendant from Beantown (That place again!) had finagled his way into ownership & was sucking all the money out to pay the debt & his lavish lifestyle. They’re just making up for lost time now.
Nor can it be helped that (for reasons beyond me) people insist on coming here & staying & we have a large population base. I agree there are problems w/ bigger media markets, but I dunno what else can be done.
I’ll grant I’m no fan of LaSorda, & “Bleeding Dodger Blue” is sad sentimental crap. Plus blue is boring: Too many people’s favorite color.
Jeeze, the Red Sox have only been winning the last 10 yrs. or so. And of course I’m a Yank hater.
Now, A.L. guy, defend the designated hitter! (Just kidding, we’ll have to agree to whatever.)
P.S.: Also a Raiders fan, so it’s not like I’m a 1%er. (Well, kinda like a biker 1%er. W/o the cycle.)
there are problems w/ bigger media markets, but I dunno what else can be done.
Howsabout a salary cap?
Perhaps I’m overly sensitive because the AL-East is such a bitch. The division is aberrantly weak this year, but normally it is hideously strong. Imagine where your opponents include TWO big-market clubs. 40 of the Orioles’s 162 games are against the Yankmees and Red Sox. (And its not like Toronto and Tampa Bay are push-overs.) I know the NL-West is no bed of roses, with the Giants and–every now and again–the Rockies or (more rarely) D-backs. But man, the Dodgers get 40 games against Arizona and San Diego. Similar situation in NL-Central: Three competetive teams get to pad their numbers by pounding Pittsburgh and the Cubs year after year.
Gee, we probably shouldn’t divert the thread into Inside Baseball. It’s great to encounter another baseball fan. It would be such a blast to hang out, drink brewskis and talk baseball!
I only get surly when I’m drinking…
When we invaded, they didn’t bother to put a single plane in the air. Let me repeat that. US troops were on their way to Baghdad, the very existence of the regime was threatened, and they didn’t sortie so much as one aircraft.
The fact that when the very existence of the regime was threatened, they didn’t use any WMDs, should also put to rest the still-popular claim on the right that he totally had WMDs, we just can’t find them/he sent them to Syria/wev.
Jeeze, the Red Sox have only been winning the last 10 yrs. or so. And of course I’m a Yank hater.
Now, A.L. guy, defend the designated hitter! (Just kidding, we’ll have to agree to whatever.)
Red Sox fans have become every bit as tiresome as Yankees and Lakers and Dallas Cowboys fans. Plus this beard thing lately is about as cool as the bacon craze.
AL/DH: Have you WATCHED a pitcher hit since Babe Ruth? I’ll take an aging power hitter in the 4 or 5 spot over a dickwad head case pitcher at 9 that’s scratched as an out before he gets to the plate. What makes me crazy is that they hit like shit but play baseball for a living. But then they hit once a week, which probably isn’t enough. I feel like we should see better numbers out of them, however.
The fact that when the very existence of the regime was threatened, they didn’t use any WMDs, should also put to rest the still-popular claim on the right that he totally had WMDs, we just can’t find them/he sent them to Syria/wev.
Yeah–those arguments are about smart as the “WE DID FIND WMD” arguments. If Iraq had them, they would have used them. Saddam was never afraid to use them before.
One of the “tells” for me at the time was the OMG!!! WMDs!!!11! hype at the same time that North Korea was going through a period of “We are so a dangerous superpower! Lookit our tests (ignore that splash)!” Granted, it was an outside bet they could do any damage to anyone but themselves, but they were trying! At the time, I figured the big difference was oil. Still do.
Also, what struck me at the time was the reasons given kept changing, which made them excuses.
there are problems w/ bigger media markets, but I dunno what else can be done.
Howsabout a salary cap?
Works pretty well for football. It would be nice to far less of things like A-FROD’s contract when Texas bought him from my Mariners. (I know, shut up).
$252,000,000. That eventually costed Texas Palmiero and Pudge, and put them in the cellar for about 10 years. Not that I care if any team from Texas wins anything ever, but still–that makes the whole league look fucking ridiculous. AROD was indisputably the best player in baseball at the time, but COME FUCKING ON, PEOPLE.
One of the “tells” for me at the time was the OMG!!! WMDs!!!11! hype at the same time that North Korea was going through a period of “We are so a dangerous superpower! Lookit our tests (ignore that splash)!” Granted, it was an outside bet they could do any damage to anyone but themselves, but they were trying! At the time, I figured the big difference was oil. Still do.
Our freakouts over third world dictators with WMDs always remind me of that scene in Iron Man 2 when he’s standing in front of Congress with videos of everyone who’s tried to duplicate his battle armor failing miserably.
i just remember being very, very sad while listening to colin powell address congress claiming he was also convinced there were wmds…i kept thinking ‘oh, no…not you too!’
What gets me is the hypocrisy and stupidity of our foreign policy and just how fucking clueless people are. The media does a SHIT job of reporting and providing context.
Case study:
Iran enriching uranium.
Know who else has nukes? India, Pakistan, Isreal, some of the former USSR states. All “rogue” states, all locked in continuous battles of brinksmanship and saber rattling with their neighbors. No nuclear power is more dangerous than India and Pakistan. The idea that Iran is any more dangerous than any of these countries with a nuke is laughable. The idea that proliferation is good idea is laughable, but you can’t pick and choose who gets them and who doesn’t. That makes certain countries feel incredibly vulnerable and some with a false bravado that is way too dangerous to leave unchecked.
I just remember the British saying that their intelligence on Iraq was based on what they were getting from the Americans, and the Americans were saying that they were getting their intelligence from the British and the Italians and the Italians simply had no comment. It all was so obviously hokey right from the start, then they leaked the statement that the head of British intelligence made in a cabinet meeting over there telling the prime minister that the Americans were “fixing the intelligence” and were going to war no matter what. I don’t think they really fooled that many people, I think the majority of war supporters knew they were being lied to but wanted to blow up somebody anyway. It was kind of a national “stand your ground” situation.
Know who else has nukes? India, Pakistan, Isreal, some of the former USSR states. All “rogue” states, all locked in continuous battles of brinksmanship and saber rattling with their neighbors. No nuclear power is more dangerous than India and Pakistan. The idea that Iran is any more dangerous than any of these countries with a nuke is laughable. The idea that proliferation is good idea is laughable, but you can’t pick and choose who gets them and who doesn’t. That makes certain countries feel incredibly vulnerable and some with a false bravado that is way too dangerous to leave unchecked.
If Iraq had them, they would have used them. Saddam was never afraid to use them before.
Our not publicized policy in the Gulf War was that if Iraq used chemical or biological weapons, we would respond with nuclear weapons.
I believe we let them know this through back channels.
Our not publicized policy in the Gulf War was that if Iraq used chemical or biological weapons, we would respond with nuclear weapons.
STUPID policy. You have an invasion force on the ground and you’re going to invite WW3 by using a tactical nuke when you’re own troops are in country?
(Not questioning the validity of it–just pointing out the sheer insanity of Rumsfeld & Co.)
When Saddam started lobbing SCUDs at Tel Aviv we were very much afraid that the Israelis were going to retaliate and possibly with a nuke.
I was in Jeddah at the time and we had plans to evacuate Saudi and burn the buildings behind us (to destroy the classified materials) if our Arab allies turned against us.
About the only good thing James Baker did in his miserable existence was to talk the Israelis out of it.
The idea that Iran is any more dangerous than any of these countries with a nuke is laughable.
It’s usually backed up by a combination of “they’re crazy Muslims! They’re not rational!” and “they want to destroy Israel! They say so!” Neither of which has a lot of substance behind it, but hey, it plays to the public’s prejudices.
When Saddam started lobbing SCUDs at Tel Aviv we were very much afraid that the Israelis were going to retaliate and possibly with a nuke.
But he wasn’t afraid that Israel might nuke back? Crazy bastard.
Major, you see this?
Salary caps???
“they’re crazy Muslims! They’re not rational!” and “they want to destroy Israel! They say so!” Neither of which has a lot of substance behind it, but hey, it plays to the public’s prejudices.
Pakistan and India aren’t loaded with religious zealots and crazy assholes who are willing to nuke each other over a relatively small disputed territory, right?. (There are water concerns, but still…fucking psychos).
But he wasn’t afraid that Israel might nuke back? Crazy bastard.
Not sure he should credibly believe that the US, GBR, GDR and France would have allowed that. Besides, Isreal has plenty of conventional arms with which to return fire. He was not nearly as crazy as the media would have everyone believe. He held on to power in a nation that is almost in a 3 front war with itself for a LONG time. That’s no small feat in that part of the world.
the British and the Italians and the Italians simply had no comme
That “seeking uranium in Niger” bullshit that came out of Italy. Several people said the memo was “an obvious forgery” but that didn’t bother the neocons – it didn’t matter if shit was true or not, they were going to have their war.
John Bolton
Paul Wolfowitz
Dick Cheney
Bush II
Donald Rumsfeld
Don’t forget Douglas “stupidest guy on the planet” Feith who was manufacturing “intel” at the Pentagon.
Does that include the CRM 114 discriminator?
But he wasn’t afraid that Israel might nuke back? Crazy bastard.
Remember this was in 1991 and our allies included Saudia Arabia, the other Gulf States, Egypt and Syria (yes really).
He was hoping that the Israelis would retaliate, causing the other Arab countries to change sides in order to fight Israel.
It was one of those “So crazy it just might work” strategies.
In order to placate the Israelis we shifted our efforts towards (very ineffectively) going after the SCUD launchers.
Which is how I came to be SCUD-hunting in a B-52. It worked about as well as you think it would.
Major, you see this?
That’s why we keep the old buffasaurus around. It’s such a generic airplane they can keep upgrading it.
What? Cats make good pillows.
Douglas “stupidest guy on the planet” Feith
I didn’t know he was that involved. I hope he stubs his toe FUCKING HARD every morning.
We are having one of our allocated three entirely gorgeous days per year here in the capital. Honeysuckle and irises are all in bloom; not hard to imagine why so many cultures imagine heaven is a garden.
I’m trundling southbound on Amtrak right now enjoying the sunshine and the view. Partner and I are going to go wander around in Richmond for the weekend because, hey, might be moving soon and we’ve never been.
Major: I can’t believe what you say about a nuclear strategy in Iraq, but I simultaneously know you aren’t lying. That is truly parody-level insanity.
What’s everybody got planned as far as eats this weekend? I know y’all have some good answers for me.
What’s everybody got planned as far as eats this weekend? I know y’all have some good answers for me.
Cinnamon Life cereal. The 8th wonder of the world, my brother.
I’ve been reading my old This Modern World books from the Gulf War II period, and they’re so depressing, even when they’re funny. I actually was working at Walter Reed when the outpatient scandal broke, and all everyone kept saying was that there was no money to get anything done. WRAMC had been BRAC’d a couple of years before, which meant that even though the hospital was no longer up to code, they couldn’t fix anything.
When GWII broke out, and it became very very obvious to all of us that we were going to be seeing a megaton of amputees needing rehab, WRAMC managed to throw up a state-of-the-art (for the government) rehab center on base. I think they blackmailed someone to get the money, because there was no way anyone was getting anything from the Republican Government. A friend of mine was so angry at all the magnetic ribbons being sold, while no money went to the soldiers *desperately* needing care, and no-one in the Bush administration seemed to care. They actually cut benefits to families during the war, all while accusing anyone who didn’t agree with Bush as unpatriotic.
Am I angry at the VA? Oh, yes. Do I think it all magically appeared under Obama’s administration? Blow me.
I don’t understand how Cinnamon is an adjective for Life but I’m willing to remain open-minded.
Partner and I are going to go wander around in Richmond for the weekend
The Museum of
the ConfederacySouthern Treason is actually worth a look.It’s amazing how much smaller people were on average back then. I could have fit into Jeb Stuart’s uniform when I was about 12.
It’s not an adjective, it’s a REQUIREMENT.
So, every day here I walk my backup tapes to our secure offsite location to our other building 200 yards away. Today there was a Madison police car parked along my route, while the police officer was talking to someone in the adjacent parking lot. Hanging from the gun rack, in plain sight was an assault rifle, I’d guess an M-16, although it could have been any rifle with a similar silhouette. I understand, that SWAT teams probably have a use for an assault rifle, but why does a standard patrol car need a freaking machine gun? Madison, WI is not Belfast, or Mogadishu or any city in eastern Ukraine. Who the hell are they afraid of? The drunks that they shoot a few of every year when they don’t cooperate? Why do they need to shoot 15 or 20 rifle bullets at a time?
Who the hell are they afraid of?
college kids can be very scary during spring time…
Who the hell are they afraid of?
I knew the Cheney cabal were crazy, but I never thought they were crazy enough to contemplate using nukes! That would make us REAL popular.
Not sure he should credibly believe that the US, GBR, GDR and France would have allowed that. Besides, Isreal has plenty of conventional arms with which to return fire. He was not nearly as crazy as the media would have everyone believe. He held on to power in a nation that is almost in a 3 front war with itself for a LONG time. That’s no small feat in that part of the world.
I would credit a ton of brutality and paranoia (both well justified in context), same as Assad in Syria and others. Arab dictators got better at clinging onto power as time went by. The Saddam, Assad, Mubarak, Qaddafi governments had all been in power for decades by the time their troubles came.
I don’t think “crazy” is too strong for Saddam because he insisted on biting off more than he could chew. First Iran, then staring at that whole long buildup of first-world armies right on his border and going “nope, I can do this.” Maybe not “crazy,” but definitely not grasping the limits of his power. And then, of course,
Remember this was in 1991 and our allies included Saudia Arabia, the other Gulf States, Egypt and Syria (yes really).
He was hoping that the Israelis would retaliate, causing the other Arab countries to change sides in order to fight Israel.
It was one of those “So crazy it just might work” strategies.
I get what he was thinking. The “crazy” part involves the fact that the Israelis retaliating might’ve meant nuking Baghdad (a WMD for a WMD). Sure, that would’ve made the other Arab countries change sides pretty quickly, but he wouldn’t have been there to see it.
Junk food, mostly, plus about as much red meat as I’ll eat in the entire rest of the year. I’m hanging out with about 500 other fen at MediaWest*Con 34.
I don’t think “crazy” is too strong for Saddam because he insisted on biting off more than he could chew.
I don’t think he was crazy, although his level of paranoia sometimes approached that of Joseph Stalin.
I think there was a lot of miscalculation that led up to the Gulf War. Saddam had legitimate complaints against Kuwait and the other Gulf States. Iraq had lost a lot of blood and treasure fighting Iran for 8 years. He felt that the wealthy Gulf States owed Iraq for keeping Iran at bay.
Likewise Kuwait was stealing oil from Iraq by slant-drilling across the border.
I suspect that we thought he would just cross the border and grab a few Kuwaiti oil fields. Had he done that, he might still be in power.
Saddam most likely expected us to respond to the invasion by sending light forces that he had a good chance of repelling. I don’t think he expected the amount of force we were prepared to use.
I get that, which is why the Madison PD isn’t shy about tear gassing them, zapping them with a taser or shooting them (to be fair, many of the people they shoot are college aged, I couldn’t say whether they are enrolled). But why in the hell is it necessary to arm them with fully automatic weapons? The bad guys here in Madison are muggers, rapists and spouse abusers, the same as in any smallish prosperous city in the US. They are human beings not rhinos or cape buffalo or elephants, which is to say they will die if shot with even a small handgun. If they can’t hold off a bad guy with a pistol until backup shows up, are they in the right line of work?
Irking Fenwick:
Baltimore Orioles, Oakland A’s Under Federal Investigation For Wage Theft
Not (really) singling anyone out. Wouldn’t be at all surprised if every team pulls this crap.
Mad. P.D.:
1) Overkill. If the U.S. or Russia can destroy the world 10x or 20x over, the M.P.D. needs full-auto weapons, minimum.
2) Penis extenders.
3) Ann Althouse & her husband.
That’s one of the saddest pictures on the internet. 🙁
That’s one of the saddest pictures on the internet. 🙁
What’s most sad about it is that those fucking assholes are those creepy military wannabe pukes. In the military, you never took a weapon into a mess hall, and you NEVER insert a magazine outside of a range or in actual combat. These two fuckheads summarize what is wrong with everything, like all in one picture. Nothing but unorganized, grabasstic pieces of amphibian shit.
If they can’t hold off a bad guy with a pistol until backup shows up, are they in the right line of work?
right? the son is moving forward in his quest to become a metro police officer…here’s a text exchange from the other night:
son: i just got done running. i hate running. i hope when i’m a cop i don’t have to chase anybody.
me: don’t…just use your gun…
son: i hope i don’t have to do that either!
*spittake* Bravo.
If they can’t hold off a bad guy with a pistol until backup shows up, are they in the right line of work?
Well, this prompted the over arming of cops. I know it seems stupid, but a Glock or Beretta vs an assault rifle has you at pitiful odds for survival. Pistols are pretty inaccurate, especially at any distance whatsoever.
But you’re right, a regular patrol officer doesn’t need to be carrying those goddamn things around.
@ Seize:
I stoleded that from a movie
Sadly, the guy who played that drill sergeant (who was a real Marine DI at one point) turned out to be a full metal jackoff. Stupid right wing shithead.
What’s everybody got planned as far as eats this weekend? I know y’all have some good answers for me.
It’s my first Memorial Day off in years (yeah, liberal moocher and all that)- I may go to the Bohemian Hall beer garden in Queens for Czech fest. Beer and polka music, what’s not to like? They also do a good, inexpensive pork schnitzel.
Still impressed with your recall.
Childish jerks (like me, “196 Hugh Jasshol May 23, 2014”) might want to give their “support” to an idiot in Virginia who wants to impeach the A.G. for not defending the state’s anti-marriage law.
Other great Americans supporting it:
What’s everybody got planned as far as eats this weekend?
Mrs. Kong is taking me out to dinner tomorrow.
The Winds Cafe
That incident was only one note in the symphony of police militarization. The armed services have a long history of handing off weapons and vehicles to police departments and foreign militaries that they should either keep to themselves or destroy. If it still works, they should use it, if it’s really obsolete or worn out they should destroy it.
I’m not saying the police shouldn’t have access to something heavier than a pistol, but an assault rifle isn’t something every police officer should have within reach all the time. Wasn’t it just a few months ago that NYPD officers shot nine people people at the Empire state building, 8 of whom were innocent bystanders? if they had been using assault rifles, they might have shot more people, because A) more muzzle energy means bullets go through multiple people and B) fully automatic, so more bullets are fired.
I know. Sometimes I imagine myself against a couple of pricks with AR-15s or AK variants and 100 round drum magazines, and I’m the first one or six guys on the scene and about to die.
But then I imagine a Spokane cop (we’ve had a nasty run of OISs here in the last few years, in addition to a couple of innocent guys being beaten to death) and think–yeah, let’s just leave those fucking things IN the military and nowhere else, thanks.
Beer and polka music, what’s not to like?
hubbkf is at this very moment taping a polka festival for work…they do it every few years…sadly, no pork schnitzel there for him…luckily, he makes an excellent pork schnitzel himself…
re: good eats this weekend, i’m looking forward to grilled asparagus with olive oil, sea salt and fresh parm…
bbkf, this is the season for it! Just had some out of control delicious roasted asparagus from the farmer’s market. Just olive oil, salt and fresh ground black pepper.
I’m just extra on edge because of whoever started shooting outside my building a week or three ago. And cause the Madison police department shot and killed someone within the last week. In their defense, this time the person they shot had a gun, but that is nowhere near always the case.
Why Veterans Still Love the VA
Single payer WORKS. As the article points out, “Ultimately, the problem is one of access, not care — and it’s been plaguing the agency for decades.”
Damn, Helmut, how many shooting incidents have there been?
The weather is going to suck so instead of grilling imma make Teh Ho take me to Fogo de Chao for some barbecued goodies.
The fact is, the VA does not work because of Obama and socioalism.
I’m a socialist an my boat does not yet run. I blame Karl “ChucksterM” Marx and Walt Disney. And Bella Abzug. And Carl Yastremski.
Actually after a few days of learning the intricacies if DC wiring, I refuse to declare premature ejaculamarination but Imma win tomorrow morning. PERCH, FEAR ME.
The weather is going to suck so instead of grilling imma make Teh Ho take me to Fogo de Chao for some barbecued goodies.
I see that they have a location in midtown Manhattan. My one, uh, beef with the chain churrascarias (chainascarias) is that they don’t feature some of the more outré specialties that the independent churrascarias serve, specifically grilled chicken hearts. Chicken hearts, dusted with spices and grilled on skewers are a personal favorite of mine.
Actually after a few days of learning the intricacies if DC wiring, I refuse to declare premature ejaculamarination but Imma win tomorrow morning. PERCH, FEAR ME.
How long have you been an electrician, old chum?
No need to answer that!
We took some interns from Brazil out to lunch at a pub in Waukegan IL today, they were very polite about that.
The skies are overcast, no meteor shower for me at this time.
“Jane Austen and Balzac”
An Adrian Mole-level educational achievement award winner!
“the rich are one Black Swan away from indigence”
I can see Adrian Mole joining a society for the prevention of the extinction of elderly rich people.
The skies are overcast, no meteor shower for me at this time.
Same here, not that the bright lights would have let me see much, but I was going to make the effort.
I’m a socialist an my boat does not yet run.
I had a boat once. I never have to do that again.
If I get the urge to buy another one I just use the “boat simulator” –
Take a cold shower and tear up $100 bills until I’m cold, wet and broke.
I’m a bit late to the party as we are visiting NYC this weekend. Last night we saw the excellent “After Midnight”, a tribute to Duke Ellington’s early 30’s Cotton Club jungle music period— an absolute must-see IMHO. This morning my wife’s cousin from the UK wants to visit the 9/11 memorial…
Several posters up thread were reminiscing about the Iraq invasion. You know what really pissed me off?
All this shit about WMDs was revealed to be totally fabricated when you watched the US troops on TV and thought—- hmmm, exactly how many of these frontliners are wearing hazmat suits to protect them from bio warfare?
The answer, of course? Zero!
That told you everything you needed to know about the topic….
How long have you been an electrician, old chum?
Mr. Bastard sir, I have been an electrician for many long years. And I’m really good. You give me a reasonable set of prints and I can build you your own 20 story Balditorium (won’t be really fast mind you, I’m largely a broken electrician these days).
Add one, ONE, 9V battery, and I will look for someone to hold me as I sob.
I had a boat once. I never have to do that again.
Mr. Major sir, a wise old man once learned me a lesson. (Of course, he was younger then, and I was 12 and impatient.)
A boat is a tool, a conveyance, upon which young mighty He-Who-4″-Perch-Fear is, ummm, tooled, to the location of teh fish. It is neither accursed nor ablessed, nor even necessarily a necessary evil. It just is. You put up with it for the greater good – tartar sauce.
Q. What’s the best kind of boat?
A. Somebody else’
Those are mine. Going for funny. Maybe fell just a little short.
Only cost me about 10 minutes to confirm that fact…And decide to leave them in place.
You are welcome.
*recalls all the non-cuddly CSIS/FBI/RCMP/VPD heat while at Peace Camp in Van in 1991*
♬ Imagine how hard this particular semiotic backwash makes me fail to laugh …
It’s easy if you try … ♪
I haven’t been to a chain churrascaria, really. I’ve only been to Fogo dr Chao. The ones in Sao Paolo, both of them. That was before they came to teh YOO ESS AYY. Don’t recall grilled chicken hearts, possibly due to the great number of caipirhinas consumed.
Hey Pup,
I got one of these for my early birthday present today:
Sansaire Sous Vide
Do you have a good source for sous vide recipes?
Sweet! has some great introductory articles. has some good stuff.
The PolyScience (long time maker of restaurant sous vide gear) site is another good place to start.
You’re going to really really really enjoy your present. PROTIP: I’ve found that a blazing hot cast iron pan is better for most post-cooking searing than a torch. And don’t even think about trying to use one of those twee “kitchen torches.” Grab your big bernzomatic from the garage when you need a torch.
While I’m at it, a torch is also great for charring eggplant for a great baba ghanouj with a faint smokiness. Also for roasting peppers.
New post.
Re: the long weekend, I have a great camp spot next to a beautiful river, the sun is shining and I have lots of good beer. Internet connection is shit, so this is the last you’ll hear from me for a while.