Under Pressure
Insert Immature Constipation Joke Here
The Twitching Sweating Horde, Pressing Up Against the Walls of the Shit Dam:
Any drunken chimpanzee who has been aware of the right-wing for the last couple of years could see the buildup of pressure among the right-wing as they notice that their old euphemisms and dog whistles weren’t enough to literally stop the clock and keep it 1850 forever and so have been itching to be honest as possible if they are going to be sliding into irrelevancy forever.
And being as good as at least a heavily doped up bonobo on a good day, I’ve been watching this train wreck for a while with the correct mixture of horror and wry bemusement.
Because it has birthed some awful things (the relegalization of lynching in Stand Your Ground Laws, the weeding of conservative candidates to only those who openly support a second Civil War and raping all the womenfolk, the massive increase in state-sponsored and individual terrorism against minority groups, and the outright sabotage of democracy), but it has also revealed the dark underbelly on each and every one of the right-wing’s scams.
“We just care so much about teh babiez” has been openly revealed as the sexphobic babies as punishment for being women bullshit feminists have always known it to be. “Supporting gun rights” about shooting unarmed black kids and women who think they have a right to get away from you and getting away with it. And of course “we support America” to be we only support America when it is a whites-only utopia where we’re allowed to control everything, otherwise, this country and everyone in it can burn.
I almost have to admire the honesty even though it seems to be waking up that mushy muddle-headed middle who actually believes the voter-pleasing malarky of “both sides do it and the right course is in the middle” that maybe, just maybe, conservatives are assholes.
They’re finally being true to themselves. It’s only a shame that that self is a 150 year-old anachronism whose antiquated bigotries are no longer supported by the vast majority of people alive today.
J.R. …Dunn, it’s dunn, and you have no idea how hard it was to not just take the easy route and write Dumb there, American Nationalist:
Why It’s Okay to Hate Cliven Bundy
Like Cliven Bundy. Oh, I could write novels on this latest “right-wing hero that reveals just how little conservatives seem to understand the word hero” to appear. Luckily, however, my compadre has already done a much better job than I ever would, so I’ll just direct you to his manifesto instead.
But nonetheless, the fallout from Cliven Bundy failing to be another Waco the conservatives could use to play martyr (forgetting apparently that the kiddie-raping cult at Waco isn’t exactly the sort of group you want to identify yourself with) and instead turning out to be exactly the sort of myopic hypocritical KKK-views-expressing conspiracy-theory-believing nutjob that is the right-wing base at the moment has been delicious. Anyone with an ounce of sanity knows they need to distance themselves and the movement from this dead-end in much the same way as they needed to do so with the Birthers, but also being scared to pull away lest they be labeled as liberals and excluded from the only movement they could ever pretend to be an intellectual in…
Well, that and the fact that they agree one hundred percent with Bundy’s rant (I mean, antiquated terms aside, it’s pretty much exactly what conservatives have been saying for years, just this time presented in such a way as to make the hypocrisy and duplicity of the dog whistle obvious), but saying so is recognized to be a nebulously “bad thing” for the right-wing’s pretensions of being something other than a tumor on the lymph nodes of America.
- It is right and proper for all right-thinking conservatives to abandon the terrible words of Cliven Bundy. But not because those statements are wrong in any way or he is anything less than the second coming of white Jesus. No, instead because he was dumb enough to fall for a vast left-wing conspiracy to make ignorant crackers sound like the bigoted in-bred fucks they are by “twisting their words” in the way that you do when you quote what they say in their own self-promotional statements.
I gotta admit. This is kind of an inspired way to handle the nice little double-bind that the right-wing gets itself into trying to inspire this exact kind of “lone wolf” moron while wanting to be taken seriously as anything other than the largest surviving branch of the KKK.
It’d honestly be kind of brilliant if it wasn’t all in service to some excrutiatingly mind-numbing inanity. Like developing a complex algorithm to cheat at Family Feud.
And in case you didn’t think that they weren’t running with this “every time one of our morons goes off script and forgets to use the dog whistles or says something that turns out to be seen as embarrassing then clearly it was all just a giant media conspiracy” like it was the Olympic Torch…
It has become clear that Cliven Bundy was transgressed by the New York Times, his words taken out of context and retailed in such a way as to mean something they were not. Bundy is no racist, and the attempt to make him look like one is another step downward in the collapse of American national media.
But conservatives still have a right — in fact, a responsibility — to be annoyed with Bundy.
To wit: Bundy did not walk, not stumble, did not swerve into the trap set by the New York Times. He was not ambushed, he was not taken by surprise. He instead ran full tilt and threw himself into that trap, exactly like the kid at the end of Million Dollar Hotel.
Though my favorite part has to be this bit near the end:
How many times does this have to happen? How many Todd Akins do we need giving bizarre lectures on female biology exactly as if he knew what he was talking about? How many O’Donnells do we need providing ammunition to Bill Maher? How many Mourdocks? Even Sarah Palin, one of smartest political figures we’ve got, fell for this her first time out. (Granted, she was given plenty of help by McCain’s staff.)
Yes, it is a wonder indeed how those intellectual titans managed to make themselves seem so foolish in unedited video segments. Must be the evil Mainstream Media.
Also, snrk:
I have been interviewed by newspaper reporters several dozen times in my various careers in business, writing, and conservative politics. How many times was I quoted correctly? Not once. Not a single time. Reporters typically mangle quotes, misunderstand what you’re saying, shift contexts, or deliberately rearrange statements to make them work the way they want.
Sure they did. I’m betting all your thoughts were liquid gold right up to the point that the evil word sorcerers bound them unedited to the page all in a conspiracy to make you look like… say, the type of moron who would call Sarah Palin one of the smartest political figures you’ve got (you said it, not me, by the by).
But the Bundy Bunch shit is just a microcosm, one of the cracks in the proverbial pedophile dyke as the old lies struggle to free themselves from their kinky leather bonds.
Janet Levies Her Taxes, American Paranoid:
The Largest Election in the History of the Largest Democracy in the World
You know those fuckers with the sparkling clean SUV with the tires jacked up so high the little balding 5 ft stock broker who drives it needs a ladder to get into it? The ones who think that having to struggle like a worm to get into their giant land yacht makes their dick seem long and not at all impotent while everyone sniggers and laughs at them?
I don’t know why I suddenly thought of that.
- People are calling an Islamophobic candidate a bigot which is super mean. He is totes right to worry that India (yes, that India) is run by a secret Muslim cabal that is taking over that country. And this totally real conspiracy proves our fears of secret Muslim invasion in white man’s Europe or America to be justified.
India. As in, first thing they did after freeing themselves from British colonialism was turn on the Muslim minority population to the point that Pakistan ended up splitting off and where Muslims are still viewed… shall we say suspiciously, by the general Hindu population.
That India is apparently taken over by Sharia Law because there is apparently a candidate so cuckoo for cocoa puffs as to be beloved by the American Islamophobic Right, because… I don’t know what.
But speaking of microcosms, it really does do more to torpedo the paranoid fantasies by right-wingers over an “Islamic takeover” of Europe that all the Anders Breviks and EDFs seemed incapable of doing.
I mean, just take lines like:
Adding to the current tense political climate, statistics on India’s religious population from the 2011 census, have been purposely withheld until after the election for fear of sparking riots. Hindu leaders and demographic pundits opine that the Hindu population of the country has fallen below 80% and the Muslim population has increased to close to 20% as a result of unbridled birth rates of the latter.
This. This is supposed to terrify us. A minority smaller than the population in our country who think we need to literally destroy the world so that Jesus will love us enough to kill all of them first. That is somehow pants-shittingly terrifying in a region of the world where there is a) a historical reason there should be a high Muslim population and b) where Muslims still face a high level of violence. Like death threats and straight up lynchings owing to historical tensions between the two major religious groups in the area. This needs response to stop it because this is supposed to mean that Muslims are not only taking over but have taken over.
It’s such a perfect absurdity that it just nukes all the lies about birth rates in a way that all the pesky reality and sanity seemingly couldn’t.
Meanwhile, U.S. government officials, masquerading as proponents of religious freedom, have attempted to influence the Indian election by undermining Modi’s candidacy with false accusations of Hindu-perpetuated violence. Two congressmen introduced H.R. 417, a bill to require India to create a government watchdog body made up of Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, Christians, and Zoroastrians to insure that minorities are provided with special protections, such as their own minority courts designed to redress their particular grievances. This appears to be a veiled invitation for shariah since Muslim interests tend to bulldoze the interests of other minorities in India.
Hey moron, it kinda blows out the dog whistle when you spell out that you think “minorities making sure they aren’t being killed and discriminated out of a fair chance at life” is supposed to be equivalent to the “big scary thing” you think will ruin all non-Muslimy populations. In fact, it kinda reveals that the whole thing is about just treating religious minorities like shit and denying them any redress to do anything about it…
Just saying.
Gina Miller, Ignite America:
Can environmentalists deceive conservatives
Oh speaking of that 27% of literal death cultists in our country…
- Ha, to any treehugger who thinks it is possible to bridge the political gap in order to save our fucking planet and way of life. Don’t those faggoty liberals understand that Jesus Christ wants us to destroy the world so that he’ll love us enough to take some of us to Heaven early (which is different from dying, because… um… it’s called the Rapture?) so we can gloat at all the heathens who will be suffering and dying beneath us in glorious HD. Oh, the pigskins will be glorious in Heaven on that fateful day.
Hey, remember the days when Republicans at least tried to pretend they weren’t Captain Planet Villains just trying to destroy the world for short-term profit or for the sake of destroying the planets? Me neither. I was a practically a zygote back then. But internet review shows and memes tell me I am supposed to view it as bizarre hyperbole that grossly misses the point on how anti-environmentalism is supposed to work…
Perhaps someone should tell the Rapturists that.
At its heart, the environmentalist movement is aligned with the Marxist dictates of the United Nations Agenda 21 scheme, which is nothing more than a global plan to tightly control the people of the world, to sharply curtail freedom, to eliminate private property, to commandeer resources and to redistribute the wealth of people and nations so that everyone is an equally miserable serf of the state. It is a Godless, anti-human movement born in the pit of Hell that has nothing to do with clean air and water and everything to do with brutal power over people’s lives.
All it’s missing is a scream to the sky that they’ll get Captain Planet next time.
But hey, I’m sure dropping all the bullshit about “individual rights” and “industry” to rant about the UN leading to the Antichrist will totally keep the anti-environmental gravy train steaming on a couple more decades instead of getting you written into the tablets over Thunderdome as the Great Destroyers when we’re all waging dirt bike war over the last few drops of oil and clean water.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. So let’s see, they’ve already cheered terrorists and child murderers as their patron saints, openly called for a return of Jim Crow style disenfranchisement, and said that everyone who makes less than a million dollars a year should die in the streets… I’m betting their 2014 electoral chances are going to be fantastic. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
to redistribute the wealth of people and nations so that everyone is an equally miserable serf of the state
Yeah, that’s bad. It’s much better to be a miserable serf of the multinational corporations.
Cliven Bundy was transgressed by the New York Times, his words taken out of context and retailed in such a way as to mean something they were not
English. AmThink writer does not speak it.
They really don’t understand that they are part of the environment as well and when we shit in the nest they will get covered.
Goddamn evil bastards.
The damn game is rigged – their 2014 electoral chances are perfectly fine, thank you. This may explain why my Lenten resolution to not go to bed sober did not in fact end with a ham dinner and enough fking hard – boiled eggs to have me still farting dyed sulfur.
And don’t forget sparkling clean and totally undented/scuffed pickup trucks, jacked up or not (well, OK, the jacked up ones make me snigger more). Extra points for lotsa chrome (shinyshiny chrome). The SUV$, were, with very rare exceptions, always fantasy vehicles for wanna-be Tough Guyz* but pickups are rightly working vehicles.
*OK, also the vehicle of choice for people who bought into the “they’re safer” BS the carmakers were pumping out. License to print money, they are – classed as trucks so they don’t have to meet the more stringent (and expensive) safety and emissions standards, but they were able to price them like cars – PROFIT!
Agenda 21. This is still a bugaboo.
I prefer Agenda 69 – mushrooms and gaybortions for all.
I mean, fucking A, I believe in every damn weird thing under teh sun – bigfeets, ghosties, ghoulies, things what go bumpity-bump in the night. Jersey devils, lake monsters in the puddles in my backyard. But Agenda 21? I’m either sane-ing up or losing my touch, and either way I’m losing my cherub-like demeanor (RIP John Pinette).
Two congressmen introduced H.R. 417, a bill to require India to create a government watchdog body made up of Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, Christians, and Zoroastrians to insure that minorities are provided with special protections, such as their own minority courts designed to redress their particular grievances.
I was SHOCKED SHOCKED SHOCKED to read the anti-theocratic text of H.R. 417 and discover that AmThink writer is lying:
On the conservative environmental front, the world’s dumbest pundit thinks that we should be concerned with ocean acidification rather than carbon emissions. Face, palm, I believe we’ve met before.
As an added bonus, dumbass believes that massive, uncertain geoengineering projects would be less costly than simply regulating carbon emissions, producing more efficient devices, and moving toward clean, renewable energy:
Is the atmosphere getting too hot? Cool it down by reflecting away more sunlight. The ocean’s getting too acidic? Give it some antacid. The technology’s not ready. But pursuing it for a couple of decades will cost pennies compared with carbon rationing.
Oh, come now – everyone knows that
are exactly the same. After all, promoting religious tolerance and understanding is giving minorities special rights.
s. cerevtoomanyvowels: Nice ta seeya again, pard! Wotcha been up to of late?
Meanwhile, U.S. government officials, masquerading as proponents of religious freedom, have attempted to influence the Indian election by undermining Modi’s candidacy with false accusations of Hindu-perpetuated violence.
So India has this BJP party of fascist Hindu theocrats, founded by an admirer of Hitler. From the sincere christian perspective, they are polytheistic idolators at best, devil-worshippers at worst. The party is implicated in anti-Christian pogroms and governs Gujarat state where it has banned conversions and evangelism.
You would think that the AmThink columnists would not be allies of the BJP, but their loyalty to authoritarians and theocrats outweighs their loyalty to christianity.
You would think that the AmThink columnists would not be allies of the BJP, but their loyalty to authoritarians and theocrats outweighs their loyalty to christianity.
Well, you know that Jesus fella had some pretty kooky, hippieish ideas! What American Thinker columnist would pass up a chance to stone a woman caught in adultery?
Even Sarah Palin, one of smartest political figures we’ve got
If she represents their “best and brightest” they’re in worse shape than I thought.
Cerb: Proofing assit for the ‘Best O Cerb’ anthology. I noticed two spellcheck-passing typos:
— Para after 2nd Shorter: Pakistan slitting off. ((( splitting )))
— Para after next blockquote. Doubled word: violence violence.
(((Also, I hope your mysterious Big News turns up trumps and that you can share it with us. A panel of some sort, iirc? Perhaps some nifty netroots nation gig? Whatever it is, I hope it comes through for you.)))
My cat is smarter than Cliven Bundy and I have a couple houseplants that might be willing to give it a go.
From the last: I happen to have a picture of both on one of my hard drives…
Gina wins points as 90%+ to Platonic wingnut. The only thing missing in the quote Cerb gave is an overt mention of racial and sexual minorities. Oh, the UN kind of dog whistles race but compared to the rest, it’s weak. And I can’t imagine why she left out queer folk, who surely must be involved.
Some guy,
You’re not infuriating, or tiring, or provoking, or any -ing you are going for. You’re just sad. Stop. Go fishing. Get some joy out of life. You have a limited time before you feed the grubs.
FWIW it’s not the real Some Guy. Our resident troll thought it would be funny to nymjack Some Guy weeks ago, and the original Some Guy has largely changed nyms or stopped showing up.
s. cerevthemanyvowelled: True fact that should raise the spirits of Twins fans after the 2013 catastrophe: If the 2014 season ended NOW, right this morning, Minnosota goes into postseason play as a the #2 AL wild card. Twins play at Texas, with the winner going into the playoffs. Is that a spiffy start to the season or what?
The rest of this is baseball, soo Feel free to scroll past to whole glob! I’ve been watching Bull Durham yet again … before it disappears from streaming Netflix on 1 May. The script is great. Among my favorite bits of dialogue: Veteran catcher Crash Davis’s advice to erratic rookie pitcher ‘Nuke’ LaLoosh during a visit to the mound.
The character of Ebby Calvin ‘Nuke’ LaLoosh is loosely based on a real-world Orioles minor leaguer, pitcher Steve Dalkowski. Dalkowski’s life story is sadder and has a more poignant ending than the film. (He is still alive, 74, health ravaged by years of alcholism and suffers dementia.) Once grace note is that Steve Dalkowski finally made it to a big-league mound when–in his 60’s, and a husk of his former self–he threw a ceremonial first pitch at an O’s game in Camden Yards. The Wiki article is worthwhile reading for any Sadlie baseball fan … or anyone interested in remarkable human stories. Some excerpts as appetizers ….
The Wiki article has some jaw-dropping pitching stats from some of his games. Here are some samples from Wiki: (1) Dalkowski struck out 24 Bluefield hitters in a single minor league game, yet lost 8–4. He had issued 18 walks, hit four batters, and threw six wild pitches. (2) Dalkowski pitched a total of 62 innings in 1957, struck out 121 (averaging 18 strikeouts per game), but won only once because he walked 129 and threw 39 wild pitches. (3) In an extra-inning game, Dalkowski recorded 27 strikeouts (while walking 16 and throwing 283 pitches).
Fwiw, the fiction hot-streak ran its course. I was cookin’, folks. But I ran out of gas Sunday afternoon. So now I’m back to my old plodding pace. Fun while it lasted. Like baze-ball streaks, gotta ride ’em for all they’re worth. All the moreso, because my hot streaks are, alas, all too rare…
How many times does this have to happen? How many Todd Akins do we need giving bizarre lectures on female biology exactly as if he knew what he was talking about? How many O’Donnells do we need providing ammunition to Bill Maher? How many Mourdocks?
How many subscribers do you got? How many teabillies?
*Haven’t read everything yet so if I repeat well too fucking bad because its just so obvious.
FWIW it’s not the real Some Guy.
Didn’t know but I figgered, Some Guy seems a pretty cool shit, ‘Some guy’ seems a shit.
The truth is, Some guy is patriot American who speaks the truth about 2 faced libs like Cerverus and Providet. Some guy zero in on how the3y say one thing and do anothger. Like with Obummercare especially Cerverus and Provider pretend to understand medical cvorage they are such hippocrates.
I am reminded of Newticles. A “longer” Newt:
“I was lying last Sunday, I’ve said I was lying — and I wasn’t lying that second time — therefore if Democrats try to use my words verbatim, it is a lie, because I was lying last Sunday.”
Quit being hippolytus about this subject, Cerb and Provider.
You have a limited time before you feed the grubs.
Right now, of course, the grubs feed it … with rancid copypasta, which in turn re-emerges as excrement, half-digested puke, and drool. Lots of drool.
Ah, the cycle of life….
Almost the perfect story for Pupienus to post and comment on. ‘Almost’ I say. One key ingredient is missing, that being Christianity not involved here.
For someone who obsessively stalks this site’s commentariat for hours every day, and seeks out minute details with which to harangue people, you are one dumb, dumb dumb chucklehead. Pup hates all religions equally and has no qualms about criticizing all of them. Within the last month, Pup has posting links to stories about ultra-orthodox Jews behaving badly. When a right-wing Muslim makes the news here in the States doing something horrid, Pup will be on the case as well. Expecting him to follow foreign newspapers seeking out every case of right-wing homophobia is idiotic. He’s not obsessed, like you are.
I’d add that the problem here is not religion per se, but conservatism. This Pakistani serial killer was merely acting out the lurid fantasies that were evoked by his fundamentalist religious background. Bryan Fischer and Peter LaBarbara would be more appalled at his sex acts than his at his murders.
Stupid troll is stupid. I have commented on that story. Elsewhere, where it is appropriate. Stupid troll is stupid.
Oh, Pup, how dare you fail to conform to bunghole-boy’s delusions?
The truthy is, the Pakistan homo killer was not a Christian of Republican which proves everything Some guy says and also proves that 2 face libs are fat aquatic mammels in hippo crates.
Hey! Which over-zealous Public Works volunteer has been scrubbing my Fake Garys mocking the creature? I worked hard on both of those, goddammit!
* leaves in a huff to go watch Monday’s Stewart and Colbert *
You’d better comply with your audit, Pupienus. I hate to think what could happen if you don’t pass muster.
I liked the fake GR so I saved it, Fenwick:
I wasn’t the cryptobiologist, and I didn’t shoot the xenobiologist, either.
I wasn’t the cryptobiologist, and I didn’t shoot the xenobiologist, either.
I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the xenobiologist.
Before I close the Wiki page and transfer to Comedy Central, here are two more Dalkowski tidbits:
I was the cryptobiologist, fwiw. Xenobiologist would have been much for accurate, but the term eluded me.
(((Still miffed about my Fake Garys. I rarely attempt them. Both led up to nifty punchlines at the end. Fake Garys are an art form, imo. One of my very, very rare complaints about the Public Works volunteers, who normally draw high praise for their promptness.
Good Day! I say Good Day!
/Fez exit from 70’s Show.
Also BBBB nails it at 17:14. Creature has NO understanding whatsoever of Pup’s universal, all-embracing, equal-opportunity atheism.
For the record, I am against all magical think whether it be one of the abrahamic religions, Hinduism, Scientology, new age woo a la Chopra, wiccan, hoodoo, Shinto, Raelian, et fucking cetera.
Edit: But I stupidly expect WP to function correctly. FYWP
Also BBBB nails it at 17:14. Creature has NO understanding whatsoever of Pup’s universal, all-embracing, equal-opportunity atheism.
He must have forgotten to scrawl those posts, with the corresponding dates and times, on the rolls of butcher paper that line his “study”. Or he’s just “selectively remembering” things, which is another hallmark of right-wing cognitive processes (can’t dignify them with the term “thought”).
Edit: But I stupidly expect WP to function correctly. FYWP
So you do believe in an invisible, all-powerful tyrant, after all.
I was the cryptobiologist
Goo goo ka choob!
Xenabiologist? Is that the study of the life cycle of warrior princesses?
imagine my delight to come back to a trifecta of tripe…i only wish renew america allowed comments…
Also, too: “cheered terrorists and child murderers as they’re patron saints” in the bottom footnotey bit. Also.
Well, the only problem is that the town failed to vigorously enforce its own law. Now if everybody had been totin’, like the law requires, I’m sure this would have had a much different
bodycountresult.(((Major: Sounds like the risks at Kennesaw are worse on the ground than in the air. Also, I am disappoint about corp cozyness with Gun Fetishists of Murka. Perhaps this bit of unpleasantness will make them re-evaluate that policy? Must be some interestingly-worded memos to the whole workforce today….)))
Preserve us, o Lord, from Haloscan, Echo and JS-Kit.
They just started the press conference about Donald Sterling. He’s going to get hit into next week.
Christ, it’s a lifetime ban.
Ouch ouch ouch ouch. I almost never get headaches–maybe two or three a year. But a doozie just hit me outta the blue. Sort of a cross between a sinus headache and killer ice-cream-too-fast headache sort of icepick through the temple, only its been going on for ten minutes now.
Betcha its a brane tumor. (Hey, I need drama, people.)
Major: Sounds like the risks at Kennesaw are worse on the ground than in the air. Also, I am disappoint about corp cozyness with Gun Fetishists of Murka.
The company prohibits employees from bringing firearms onto company property. You will be let go after the first offense. I didn’t want to say “fired” or “terminated” in this case.
Sort of a cross between a sinus headache and killer ice-cream-too-fast headache sort of icepick through the temple, only its been going on for ten minutes now.
Meth does that.
Major, it’s like your employer is willfully ignoring the lessons of Lexington and Concord. Well, when we’re all swilling tea and eating crumpets and singing ‘God save the Queen’, I hope they will have the good grace to feel really bad about their policy.
Even Sarah Palin, one of smartest political figures we’ve got…
What’s scary is that for him and his kind, this is literally true.
Uh, Some guy was me. But I wasn’t nymjacking in a earlier thread. Nope nope nope.
Betcha its a brane tumor. (Hey, I need drama, people.)
Not that kind.
You mean I nymjacked a nymjacker?
Nymjacks all the way down.
trickle-down nymjacking works, people!
People’s Front of Bundystan vs Bundystani People’s Front. Gonna need more popcorn.
One I saw yesterday… The argument that some place couldn’t be someone’s legal residency because they didn’t own it directly. Now, I’m all with pointing out the unfairness of tax shelters. But…
We totally got rid of the requirement for land ownership for your legal identity back in 1850.
Like argh, conservatives are crazy.
I am Some guy!
I am Some guy!
People’s Front of Bundystan vs Bundystani People’s Front.
You don’t know JACK NYM!!!
Tongue-jack my nymbox!
People’s Front of Bundystan vs Bundystani People’s Front.
Well okay, but besides women’s right to vote, African-Americans’ right to vote, Social Security, lifting millions of elderly people out of poverty, ending segregation, the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, Medicare, the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act what did liberals ever do for us, eh?
Oops, tag fail – you’re it.
Um, tried to warn you that the Vietnam War was a bad idea…
Um, tried to warn you that financial de-regulation was a bad idea…
Um, tried to warn you that “Free Trade” was a bad idea…
Um, tried to warn you that the Iraq Invasion was a bad idea…
Did trolly really think I’d be stupid enough to tell him my other web haunts so that he could follow me? Like I’d stepped in dog shit.
We are all Some Guy now.
That we were right about so many things definitively shows alien influence or something*, therefor TRAITORS!
*Otherwise known as “paying attention and applying critical thinking.”
I can see from the link name that it has to do with Wisconsin schools and the pledge of allegiance. Since I can also see it comes from Townhall, I ain’t following it.
I’m guessing they dared mess around with Teh Sacred Words of Teh Pledge, probably the “Under God” added in the 1950s to Show Those Commies. Those words, by the way, are why I haven’t recited the PofA since I was 10. I felt it was inappropriate for an outfit that’s supposed to not establish a religion. I also thought it was stupid to pledge alkegiance to a flag, which, as a symbol, is only as good as the people it represents. I pretty much feel the same way, so I continue to rise with everyone else, face in the right general direction, and keep my hands to my sides and my mouth closed during the whole thing.
I pretty much feel the same way, so I continue to rise with everyone else, face in the right general direction, and keep my hands to my sides and my mouth closed during the whole thing.
me too…i also never sing the national anthem because it is WAAAAAY more respectful for me to not try to hit them notes…
Well, yeah.
I imagine they are all vile low-rent places of dubious morality.
The problem with our national anthem is that it is in five languages, only two of which I speak. Makes it tough to remember the lyrics, so I tend to hum.
Good to see ya, bbkf, I missed you over the weekend.
I imagine they are all vile low-rent places of dubious morality.
Hey! I resemble that remark!
Address my points, libs!
Yet another dimbulb idjit fule don’t know what antisemitic mean.
Fox’s Krauthammer Blasts Conservatives For Their Support Of Cliven Bundy
The problem with our national anthem is that it is in five languages, only two of which I speak. Makes it tough to remember the lyrics, so I tend to hum.
That’s kinda inspiring, tho … says something about the founding principles of the new S. Africa. And I’m not pleased that neither I nor my nation are bilingual along the most obvious path.
The U.S. anthem is wholly English (for what that’s worth), probably because if it had been any less English, chauvinists would’ve replaced or altered it, as with the Pledge of Allegiance (“under God” was added), or more fancifully, short-term passions like freedom fries vs. french fries or hot dogs vs. frankfurters.
I imagine they are all vile low-rent places of dubious morality.
Sounds a lot like my first apartment.
the truth about 2 faced libs like Cerverus and Providet
Ask YOUR doctor if Cerverus and Providet are right for YOU!
Those words, by the way, are why I haven’t recited the PofA since I was 10.
For years, I thought I was supposed to say “under guard”.
Ask YOUR doctor if Cerverus and Providet are right for YOU!
Hey now, aren’t you obligated to provide an exhaustive list of possible side-effects?
Yes. In very small type and recited very fast under a montage of happy people frolicking in the sun.
Suezboo needs to be aware of this:
— Tiny 3D glasses made for praying mantises, so you can take them along to 3D movies.
Appoint my dress, labs!
Aw c’mon. Look, I have considered that preying mantises might have amazing eyesight, equaling or besting that of humans tested for certain abilities. I don’t know — perhaps they’re blind as all fuck. But the one thing I’ll vouchsafe is that they have no appreciation for the cinema — none, not even the crudest of movies that might use 3D (three-dimensional) imagery to appeal to a mass market of rubes.
The mantis won’t buy his own ticket (do the math) and, glasses or no, he won’t attend to the feature, not that that matters once the ticket is bought.
Oh fuck it’s a lark. Take your mantises to the movies. Why should I care. It’s like talking to your dog on anything more than a canine-emotional level.
I’m not buying movie tickets for those moochers, eating all MY insects and acting all hipster in their new shades.
Um, tried to warn you that the Vietnam War was a bad idea…
Um, tried to warn you that financial de-regulation was a bad idea…
Um, tried to warn you that “Free Trade” was a bad idea…
Um, tried to warn you that the Iraq Invasion was a bad idea…
Do you find that you cry in your pillow at night,
‘Cos you know in your heart that the hippies were right?
We are all Some Guy now.
Gee, I thought we were all Tintin.
Omigod! It suddenly occured to me that all us liberals have a hive mentality: We all believe exactly the same things on every political issue and march in blind lockstep and are all hippocrates (*)!
(*) Punch-line word of my first Fake Gary mocking the creature … but gone forever because a trigger-happy PWD volunteer erased it. The set up was excellent, using a short Gary rant against Obamacare. My second Fake Gary began as a usual wingnut word salad … that ended by insulting libs as fat aquatic mammals imprisoned in their own hippo crates.
I’m still a tad miffed, because I worked diligently to polish both Fake Garys. I’m sure the loss of such brilliant prose triggered my Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch headache.
(((Also FYWP. I am NOT commenting too fast.)))
Fenwick, you’re a huge Tolkien fan, what was your opinion of Peter Jackson’s movies? For the record, I didn’t like his LotR movies and refuse to watch his “Hobbit” movies (I think making three of them was nothing but a cynical money-grubbing ploy).
Hey, I just notice that some kind PWD volunteer resurrected my Fake Garys and reinserted them in the thread. Thanx muchly.
What have I learned from this Fake Gary teacup tempest? Don’t ever attempt Fake Garys again, Fenwick. Instead, I should stick to solid stuff like extended ramblings about minor league pitchers who’ve lost their minds in old age.
(((Actually, this comment is really a clever set-up so I can resume Fake Garys at some point in the future. Everyone will know it can’t be Fenwick because he vowed never to write another Fake Gary. Bwahaahahahahahaha! Also ‘Gary Teacup’ is a potential BOtB candidate….)))
Funniest wingnut porn ever!
What have I learned from this Fake Gary teacup tempest? Don’t ever attempt Fake Garys again, Fenwick. Instead, I should stick to solid stuff like extended ramblings about minor league pitchers who’ve lost their minds in old age.
Real Fenwick beats Fake Gary every time. We have a real right-wing asshole who posts here, why bother making up an ersatz one?
BBBB: Oooooooo. Your questions could lead to long and intricate film reviews from a scriptwriter’s perspective … and elaborate obscurantist essays about Tolkien’s story. Instead, I’ll just hit the high points (heh) here.
I do have some (relatively-minor) objections to Jackson’s LoTR. Despite excellent casting overall, the selection of actors for Elrond, Faramir, and Denethor was poor, imo. Also I didn’t much buy-in to Liv Tyler’s Arwen (*): The in-public giggly-kissy scene at the coronation appalled me … but that’s Jackson’s fault, not Tyler’s.
The script’s interpretation / modification of Denethor was dreadful. Also I absolutely despise the way the 2nd and 3rd films diminished Gimli into little more than a running joke for comic relief. (((Perhaps I am oversensitive: I have certain dwarvish qualities in my own outlook and understand them far, far better than the elves.)))
That being said, and bearing in mind such flaws, I very much like Jackson’s LoTR for all of the most important and best reasons to like any film. Most important for me, I thought the film was true to the central spirit and moral core of LoTR. Also, the extended version is much superior to the theatrical release, imo. I purchased that set early, and usually watch it–and appendices–once or twice a year. The soundtrack is part of my CD rotation in my car.
Blanchett’s Galadriel was pitch-perfect. And Jackson / Sean Bean improved Tolkien’s Boromir in many ways. Jackson’s interpretation of the breaking of the fellowship was superior to Tolkien, imo.
Like you, I refused to see any of The Hobbit, and for the same reasons. (Well, my brother roped me into seeing Desolation of Smaug because it was playing at the dollar movies…but at least I didn’t contribute much to the cynical munny-grubbing.)
Oakaley doakaley: Time for a second cuppa coffee …. and my first pipeweed of my ‘day’. Then I’m off to the Harad again….
(*) Perhaps I am oversensitive about Arwen: The best fiction I’ve ever written–certainly the best in the Lore of Minas Tirith–is a 17-page short story titled The Gardens of Arwen
The reason I asked was because I read that the female elf that Jackson et al. added to the movie was the perfect example of a Mary Sue. Personally, I think that the scriptwriters should have made Ori, Dori, and Nori female (who says that they need to be brothers with similar names?) , I feel that adding a “hawt elf chick™” was a copout, a shameless pandering to the conventional beauty standards that hold that Daphne is pretty and that Velma is ugly.
With all its flaws, I still enjoy the Rankin/Bass “Hobbit“, mainly because the art direction was very reminiscent of Bastard fave Arthur Rackham. Plus, Bastard fave Paul Frees (hey, Inspector Fenwick!) voiced Bombur.
Is that what they were putting on those preying mantises? Did they get a discount because they were so small, or were they charged extra?
BBBB: Apparently Rackham was an influence on the Rankin-Bass film’s look.
I liked much of the voice casting for the R-B film too (ESPECIALLY Brother Theodore’s Gollum), although in retrospect Otto Preminger seems like a really weird choice for Thranduil and John Stephenson’s voices sound like some of his stock Hanna-Barbera characters (listen to the Grand Goblin and tell me he doesn’t sound like Mr. Slate from The Flintstones!).
Just look on Jackson’s Hobbit episodes as advertisements for the rides in an as-yet-unbuilt theme park.
BBBB: Who says that Ori, Dori, & Nori aren’t female? There are two places in movie canon where we are told that Dwarven women are difficult to tell apart from the men. The only dwarves that are specifically referred to as male are Thorin, Dwalin, and Gloin. In absence of an explicit statement to the contrary, I am assuming that Balin, Kili, and Bofur are female
The fact is, Sterling, Cooper and Bundy are American heros who speak the truth wich liberals cannot handle so they make up lies. Now the liberal bias media will assassassinate them and liberals will feel good about themselfs, but Here In The Heartland we know different, liberals are a cancer wich must be removed. Other wise the lazy, entilted, inferor minorites will get all the money real americans worked hard for and taken away by deristributionizing marxist black president at the point of a gun ok for liberals to have nut thye take area away
The honest truth is, Sterling has been registered Republican for 16 years and hasn’t made a contribution to a Democrat in this century.
Yeah, let’s not pay attention to the fact that he hasn’t donated to any politicians in more than a decade or that he’s a registered Republican. That’s the ticket, loon.
The truth is, Donald Sterling is a generous man who loves the state of Israel almost as much as he does his wife and girlfriend, and all you librul haters cannot stand a real patriot like Mr. Sterling.
How many times does this have to happen? How many Todd Akins do we need giving bizarre lectures on female biology exactly as if he knew what he was talking about? How many O’Donnells do we need providing ammunition to Bill Maher? How many Mourdocks? Even Sarah Palin, one of smartest political figures we’ve got, fell for this her first time out. (Granted, she was given plenty of help by McCain’s staff.)
I do love the fact that their explanation for every one of their fair-haired girl’s fuckups is “the McCain staff sabotaged her!” It’s just so… Republican. Nothing is the boss’ fault, and there’s nothing that can’t be blamed on the help. (Think my all-time favorite allegation was that the McCain campaign made her, made her you hear, spend all that money on an expensive wardrobe, because they were too elitist to understand a gal like her looks best in working-class outdoorsy gear anyway).
Adding to the current tense political climate, statistics on India’s religious population from the 2011 census, have been purposely withheld until after the election for fear of sparking riots. Hindu leaders and demographic pundits opine that the Hindu population of the country has fallen below 80% and the Muslim population has increased to close to 20% as a result of unbridled birth rates of the latter.
I can’t find it right now which is probably best, but they actually have a whole meme about what growing percentages of the Muslim population means for any given country. The idea is that if there’s only a small amount of Muslims they’ll pretend not to be bloodthirsty monsters, but the more of them there are, the more they reveal their True Nature.
My sympathies to India. I’m quite used to American teabaggers cheering European anti-immigrant groups and not caring about the number of these groups that’re chock-full of Holocaust deniers and other assorted goose-steppers.
At its heart, the environmentalist movement is aligned with the Marxist dictates of the United Nations Agenda 21 scheme, which is nothing more than a global plan to tightly control the people of the world, to sharply curtail freedom, to eliminate private property, to commandeer resources and to redistribute the wealth of people and nations so that everyone is an equally miserable serf of the state. It is a Godless, anti-human movement born in the pit of Hell that has nothing to do with clean air and water and everything to do with brutal power over people’s lives.
What a sad, pathetic and insecure life a person must lead when they’re terrified of the United Nations.
I feel that adding a “hawt elf chick™” was a copout, a shameless pandering to tsam
And it’s WORKING. Actually no it isn’t. I can’t stand those movies.
Female (fantasy) dwarves do not sport beards, as far as I’m concerned. With all due respect to Tolkien, and Gary Gygax, and whomever else argues for the beards.
Steve Dalkowski.
As a SadlieBaseBallFan, I appreciate the diversion Fenwick.
Holy crap 238 pitches in a game (complete I presume) 27 strikouts…Holy crap.
And you are right about the writing, gotta ride the train when the muse is running. Currently doing research to justify a thesis of mine that the Who’s performance at Leeds represents possibly the greatest Rock Show Ever. Though I will admit that a Bad Brains show in Cincy, early nineties, blew my mind.
CRA, sorry I didn’t get back to you after your clarification of your analysis of my last show, but thank you for taking the time and thanks for the input.
Cerberus, as always I appreciate your voluminous and brilliantly written shit. You are an inspiration.
Also, too, turns out that my crush at the s’bucks across the way is a doctoral student working on a thesis in French linguistics. That she was attractive (immediately apparent) and smart (almost as immediately obvious) had not escaped my attention. I may have inadvertently laid the groundwork for a lunch date or a cup of coffee. Regardless of my status as a musician and as one who has a way with words, I am most certainly not a “player.”
If I hate the game it is because I am not in possession of one.
Back to Live at Leeds research…Carry on…
I’m concerned that this blog is going down hill.
As am I buster, as am I.
Good to see ya, bbkf, I missed you over the weekend.
and what a weekend it was…had our big fancy-pants dinner fundraiser…still. exhausted.
CRA, sorry I didn’t get back to you after your clarification of your analysis of my last show, but thank you for taking the time and thanks for the input.
It’s cool … if I had been there rocking out with a beer in hand, my take woulda been alot less coldly analytical, hehe
I’m concerned that this blog is going down hill.
Liberally season two thick pork loin chops with salt and pepper. Put them in a vacuum bag, adding a tablespoon or three of butter, sprigs of rosemary, and some sage leaves. Place in the water bath preheated to 135°F. Make a couple martinis in a thermos bottle. Pack the thermos and martini glasses in a PBS or NPR tote bag, round up the dog and head for the local dog park.
Two hours later, put 1/2 cup packed flat leaf parsley, 1/4 cup packed (fresh) sage leaves, two peeled cloves garlic, a couple tablespoons freshly grated parmigiano reggiano, and a small handful of shelled walnuts in the small bowl of your food processor. Oops – some salt and fresh ground black pepper too. Blitz three or four times, or ten if you like a smoother pesto. With the machine running drizzle in 1/3 cup or so extra virgin olive oil. Meanwhile bring a large pot of well salted water to the boil. (Don’t add the salt until the pot water is hot so you don’t kill your pot) Cook a big handful of linguine until al dente, then drain. reserving 1/3 cup of the cooking water.
Meanwhile, retrieve the pork chops and pat them dry. Bring a cast iron (or other heavy-assed pan) with a couple tablespoons butter to medium high heat. Heat until the butter is browning but NOT burning. Sear the chops for 30 seconds or so on each side. Using tongs, make sure to char up the fat band that’s SO TASTY! Fry a couple sage leaves also too for garnish.
Dress the pasta with the pesto. Add some of the reserved water (or not, if you don’t want to but I think it makes for a better sauce). Toss the pasta with some lemon zest.
Enjoy (we did, with a Pecorino Terre di Chiete)
Heat until the butter is browning but NOT burning.
this is one of those fine lines i cannot ever navigate properly…
How does adding the salt before the water’s hot kill it (asking for a friend – yeah, that’s it)?
Having the salt sitting at the bottom of the pot while its heating may cause pitting of the bottom of the pot. If you throw the salt into hot water it will dissolve instantly. I always considered this a kind of minor point but still follow it nonetheless :>)
‘K, thanks. Good to know I – er, my friend hasn’t been killing pots, after all.
I do salt my sidewalk in the winter, much to the horror of a certain co-worker who is apparently more concerned about pitting his concrete than the possibility of shattering his coccyx during our brutal midwestern winters.
[fans self]
Via Digby :
The letter also says [Bundy Ranch] militiamen have a presence on state and local roads as well as federal highways. In some areas, according to the letter, militiamen have set up checkpoints where drivers are stopped and asked to provide a proof of residency.
Nothing says FREEDUMB! quite like a militia checkpoint.
Who are these so-called ‘residents’ anyway?
Next you’ll be asking “Who was Snakefinger”? Kids today.
The situation is especially rich because the most or all of the so-called militiamen don’t live there.
The County Sheriff should take their guns and send them away. They’d hafta comply. Ol’ Bundy himself would, right? Or does this almighty sheriff bullshit get forgotten as soon as the sheriff says something inconvenient?
Or does this almighty sheriff bullshit get forgotten as soon as the sheriff says something inconvenient?
I’m guessing that’s the case.
In some areas, according to the letter, militiamen have set up checkpoints where drivers are stopped and asked to provide a proof of residency.
It’s like having a little piece of Somalia right here at home.
Someone is going to get shot down there and all hell is going to break loose. Even if that happens, the stupids will continue to blame the government.
[fans self]
the Who’s performance at Leeds represents possibly the greatest Rock Show Ever.
Agree. Wasn’t there, but like the Greek Chorus says “We agree, we agree, we agree.” I’m glad to find out you like the Who, Provider. They were so tight in live performance. Never went just through the motions–well not musically, anyway–on stage.
You enthusiastic thesis is not surprising to me … considering you chosen instrument. Even since your enraptured report about The Studio (mit Tesla), I’ve thought about putting together some Who-Tube lynx for you. I’m sure you’re familiar with all of them, but they might be fun to encounter again as an organized smorgasbrod. (Also for other Sadlies who may not have encounted Entwistle as a musical force field; the lynx include three isolations.)
As I said, I toyed with this idea earlier. But based on yer Live at Leeds thesis, I’m gonna follow through at last. About to leave for an Isotopes game, but I’ll do it on return. Or sometime during the night shift.
I feel that adding a “hawt elf chick™” was a copout, a shameless pandering to tsam
Fanservice? No, tsamservice!
FYWP. Here goes another attempt:
RIP, Bob Hoskins.
The Long Good Friday is one of my all-time faves.
Mm, sweet schadenfreude.
Apparently, someone within one of the major factions at the camp, the Oath Keepers, relayed word of the imminent drone attack to his leaders. Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes responded by pulling his people out of what they called “the kill zone” (the area the supposed drone would be striking). When the other militiamen learned that the Oath Keepers had pulled out, they were outraged.
As you can see in the video below, the angry militiamen – led by a Montana “Patriot” named Ryan Payne, who has been acting as the spokesman for the militiamen at the ranch – held an impromptu gathering at the camp to discuss the situation. They openly talk about shooting Rhodes and other Oath Keepers leaders – because in their view, the Oath Keepers’ actions constituted “desertion” and “cowardice” – and describe how “the whole thing is falling apart over there.” At the end, they vote unanimously to oust the Oath Keepers, or at least its leadership, from the Bundy Ranch camp.
Yes, it is true: Oath Keepers received a bizarre bit of leaked info which could not be verified but which also could not be ignored. Our contact is connected with the Department of Defense – or ‘was’. The info we received stated that Eric Holder of the Department of Justice had okayed a drone strike on the Bundy ranch near Bunkerville, Nevada, within a 48 hour period over the weekend of April 26/27, 2014.
That, fortunately, turned out to be ‘dis-info’ – a false rumor. And though it came from a trusted source, Oath Keepers could neither prove nor disprove it.
Not sure if undercover cop receiving orders to start fucking with teabaggers and maybe scare them off without the fuss and noise of a siege…
… Or Oath Keepers making up the whole thing so they’d have a more glamorous reason to go home than “I’m bored with playing in this sandbox. I wanna go home and watch TV.”
He also admitted that there was a great deal of contention about how $40,000 raised on behalf of the Bundy family through the Oath Keepers was handled, since the organization wound up only writing the family a check for $12,500.
Fuzzy math.
Not sure if undercover cop receiving orders to start fucking with teabaggers and maybe scare them off without the fuss and noise of a siege…
I can only hope that some social psychologists have infiltrated the band and are taking notes for the next “When Prophecy Fails”.
Fenwick, meant to get back sooner, but there are some things that just can’t be delivered via phone, or at least I am too lazy to do so…losses of trains of thought, etc, spring immediately to mind.
Anyhoo, yeah, big fan of the Who, and tonight I get to return to the House mit Tesla and get to go all Moon on one of the Drum kits and my drummer has already agreed to join me, which means that he will keep it locked down and allow me the freedom to go fucking nuts.
And I also get to kill it on the bass, as well as torture a guitar or keyboard.
I love the baseball almost as much as I love the music, one of these days I will tell you about the time I scored from first on an infield single. Now that i think about it, I probably already have…
Hey, libs, it’s the 11th anniversary of Codpiece Day!
.. a time for libs to say with pride, “I DIDN’T VOTE FOR THIS @#$%*& IDIOT!”
But some people can’t say that, can they shitbird?
I’d write more about this today, but I’m on a tight deadline right now.
And he’s really leaning on us to write it for him.
Oh crap. His Majesty wants another hoagie. So Murray had to get get it. And Bill can’t find the thesaurus. Crap. This is gonna be another lousy day.
How are things in Eagle Rock, Tom?
.. a time for libs to say with pride, “I DIDN’T VOTE FOR THIS @#$%*& IDIOT!”
And some us can say that about Shrub’s center-right successor, too. Everyone in town ramping-up bigtime for Hillary? Dusting off and polishing up the battered old So-Much-Worse-Than standby justifications?
Here’s a idea to cogitate upon: Both Obama and Clinton are center-right. (Anyone care to disagree with that?) So, what I’m wondering is which is farther right-of-center? (Fwiw, my bet is Clinton…)
(((Gee, old Fenwick evidently hasn’t had any coffee or sweet smoke yet. He sure is a cranky old cuss, isn’t he?)))
Bridge creature: ALL libs march in complete lockstep on absolutely every social, political, and cultural issue, amirite ?
The Long Good Friday is one of my all-time faves.
Mine, too. I think it is still on Netflix streaming. If it is, I’m going to watch it (yet again) as proper wake.
with massive boners all around!
oh, of course…their infighting can ONLY be from outside forces, not from their ragingbonertestosteronefueledpenissubstitute mentality, could it?
Shya, the Oath Keepers were willing to kill for Bundy, dying for the schmuck is quite a different story.
I sure did, comparing and contrasting the situations.
????this is a test ????
Mayday. National day of reason. 20th Anniversary of Ayryon Senna’s death. Codpiece day. Joseph Heller’s b’day.
I’m going to have to start drinking early and diligently to celebrate / mourn properly.
No, you didn’t. That would involve introspection, an ability to consider both sides to a situation, and admitting that you may hypocritical about the issue. You possess one of those, Pupienus.
you of all people are going to go there?
Ayrton also too.
In truth, no introspection required for that task, only observation and analysis. Whadda twatwaffle.
i came in to work to find a maybasket hanging on my doorknob…kewl!
not from their ragingbonertestosteronefueledpenissubstitute mentality, could it?
this should also have an ‘alpha male’ in there somewhere…
Albanian Kittens!
Joseph Heller’s b’day.
If you looked hard enough you could find where some navigator had scrawled “Yossarian was right!” somewhere inside any B-52.
That would have to be pretty small print to fit on a CRM 114 discriminator.
And he got Fritos and not the Ruffles cheese and sour cream. Heads might be rolling at the end of today.
Sgg, are you doing anything this afternoon?
Stop poking the troll with a stick. It’s annoying enough as it is.
Stop poking the troll with a stick. It’s annoying enough as it is.
i’m not sure if it’s better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, either…
also, i will say 1 ‘liberals are the real racists’ and 3 ‘benghazis’ as penance…
Scribe: Sorry. I wasn’t thinking at all: I was going for a quick joke, and that just popped into my super-super-headachey brain. I should have remembered. (Can I claim declining geezer memory as an excuse?)
Also, no joke, as I age, I DO think about the deterioration of my mind, especially memory, which at one time was extraordinary. (I deliberately trained it and exercised it and sharpened it beyond the gift I was given at birth.) I know it is in decline now. (Mercifully, it is–so far–mostly limited to temporary short-term loss.) Also, in February, buried my stepfather (92), who had mild but worsening Alzheimer’s for years…then finally went over the cliff into full-flown dementia about a year before his death. I saw him for the last time during my Epic 2,000- Mile Drive to Albuquerque. And finally, a good friend in Baltimore lost his terrific mother(*) several years ago to a brain tumor … and swiftly, only a few months after diagnosis.
(*) For almost 20 years, Myra always invited life-long bachelor Fenwick to Thanksgiving and Xmas family feasts and sent him home laden with leftovers of marvelous home-cooking.
She was born in Estonia before it became part of the Soviet Union. Myra’s husband–whom she met in Baltimore’s extensive ‘Baltic’ community–was a teenage fighter in the WWII resistance, but–like Myra–managed to escape to the West in 1945. (He became a Baltimore steelworker; died of a heart attack at home after work. My friend, 16 at the time, was downstairs and discovered him about a half-hour later.)
After the fall of the Soviet Union, Myra traveled back to Estonia several times with my friend and his wife. One one trip, they also visited Germany, to see refugee and resettlement locations where she lived for a year before departing for the U.S.
(((Boy-o-boy. A footnote expands into another Fenwick story.)))
Longtime commenter M. Bouffant found an absolute gem about teh bestest preznit EVAR!. Go read it. No, rilly.
I am against all magical think
I disagree, Pup: Without magical think, there are no wizards and no Middle Earth fictions for me to write. I might even go so far as to suggest that every fiction writer–good or bad–requires magical think.
I DO think about the deterioration of my mind, especially memory, which at one time was extraordinary.
I can remember some cartoon I watched in 1967 but I can’t remember anything important.
I can remember some cartoon I watched in 1967 but I can’t remember anything important.
i can’t remember what i did yesterday, but i can remember what all of my customer’s drink…
Thanks, OBS. I highly recommend that Sadlies scurry quick-quick-quick to MB’s place. As OBS remarked in the the comments there, MB has “quite a find”.
My family used to do that when I was a kid. Mom would buy a suitable number of small baskets, some chocolate coins, some florist’s foam, and some flowers, which she would augment with the freely available wild mustard. She’d put the baskets together the night before, then get us kids up in the predawn of May Day, and we’d sneak up various friend’s walks to leave a basket on the doorstep (and at least one household had dogs – Boston Terriers named Cabot and Lowell). Then we’d go have pancakes in some Denny’s-like place, and, if it was a school day, go to school (and Mom to work). Considering that Mom was Not A Morning Person, this was pretty special.
Good to know the May Basket tradition continues to be observed.
Well yeah, Fennie, but you know it’s fiction. L. Sprague DeCamp, especially when writing with Fletcher Pratt, has long had a position of honor on my bookshelf.
My family used to do that when I was a kid.
we did when we were little and i carried the tradition through with my kids…the little old ladies that my m.i.l. hangs with were always thrilled…once when the son was about 4 or 5, one of the ladies chased after him, caught him and gave him a kiss…he was suitably impressed with her running speed being as she’s been a chain smoker since her teens…
I met L Sprauge a few decades ago at a con. I have seen Isaac Asimov plain, and met Jack Williamson when he was still a spry youngster in his 70s.
Can you say epistemic closure?
I was in the room when my friend P_ wrote “Harlan in the Shower” while Harlan was in the shower. Hysterical. I got drunk with Joe Haldeman at MARCON, many many moons ago. I presented Isaac Asimov with a copy of our fanzine, Meeper Blue which had, as one of its features, an “expose” accounting for the prolific output of the “refugee from a Jewish candy store” by revealing that he had hadn’t written a damn but had found a cache of anonymous manuscripts which he released under his own name.
Wrote and sang, I should say.
okay, i’m confused:
how does one thing lead to the other? She’s now in school full time, studying criminal justice with the goal of one day being a funeral director and leaving a business to her children.
Oh dear! That looks familiar.
Laughter in Albuquerque for the Major … Smut Clyde … BBBB … bbkf … paleo … DA … Thread Bare … and probably others slipping from my declining upthread memory (also BOtB name). Sometimes wit flies past so fast sometimes that it passes without written appreciation from commenters. These are just some of the (out-of-context) lines that caused chorkeling in NM….
(*) a literal translation, no doubt, of the original German word.
Pup: I was juss funnin’ wid ya. I’m seriously impressed by your face-time with for-real excellent fiction writers. I’m envious.
Hurray for May Day ! My Indiana grandparents introduced us to mayday baskets, and told stories of maypoles in Nebraska and Iowa during their youth.
But for me, May Day always means (*) Labor Solidarity … and Solidarity with Labor, first and foremost, as one would expect for any socialist like myself.
(*) Nowadays, that is. In the Olden Days, I was also super-interested in new hardware being unveiled in Red Square parades. Always the first ‘formal’ showing of new Soviet mobile, ground-environment weapons, vehicles, missiles, etc. (Also had an amateur Kremlin-watcher’s curiousity about the line-up order atop Lenin’s mausoleum.)
We just acquired some fabulous artwork that I want to share.
Fenwick has already had a life, a long and interesting one. Whadda twatwaffle.
We just acquired some fabulous artwork that I want to share.
that is pretty fab…i bet…d’oh! cannot remember his nym…artist…self portraits…would really like it…talk about the failing memory!
Provider: I’m determined to put together the Who Lynx as promised. I’ve planned on doing this months ago; I’ve even had the links lined up since the Studio mit Tesla posts. But I’ve got some pressing stuff to accomplish in meatspace this afternoon and an early evening commitment. I will mos def have it ready during the night hawk hours. Promise.
BBBB: Chortlement on People’s Front of Bundystan vs Bundystani People’s Front. (Both that phrase and the link contents.)
For the record, I didn’t like his LotR movies
I’m curious. What led you to this opinion? What elements or scenes provide the best illustrations of your dislike? Also, out of curiosity, have you seen the Extended version of the film? (Follow-on question: Have you seen the film Appendices, particularly those about ‘translating’ the book into screenplay? It may have been the most-difficult and complex adaptation ever undertaken.)
Anyway, I’m muchly interested in your thoughts.
Wow. Steampunk Bogoas. (I like steampunk in general, btw.) Definitely worth framing!
Pups, I always thought Teh Ho was taller.
BBBB: One more thing before errands: I most definately prefer Velma. It has to do with redheads, glasses, sweaters, smarts, and hot-cha-cha. Hard to explain. Spearhafoc understands it, anyway. (And where IS that lad, btw?)
thank you! that was driving me nuts…
Just remembering White Bronco’s sit down with Peter Mansbridge.
Five months later.
I guess it’s still considered “coming to Jesus” even if it is only for the “moment” and you go back to egregious substance abuse right afterwards.
Also, good that he’s acknowledging his alcoholism (even if it is just to avoid having to pretend to ignore questions about his racist misogynistic homophobia or his crack cocaine habit). But still dude. Crack cocaine. Again. We are at the point where we have to specify which Rob Ford crack video we’re talking about.
Suez, Teh Ho would kill to be able to grow such a beard.
Or to be that cute.
I guess it’s still considered “coming to Jesus” even if it is only for the “moment” and you go back to egregious substance abuse right afterwards.
Par for the course.
From what I understand a lot of alcoholics don’t hit rock bottom until they discover crack, at which point they hit it hard and fast. Good luck not smoking crack when your judgment and inhibitions are gone. Ford on a bender seems to be in an ambulatory, agitated fugue state.
on a benderseems to be in an ambulatory, agitated fugue state.Effed.
Maybe we can hook Rob Ford up with Lindsey Lohan?
I doubt they’d hook up, but I’m 100% certain they’d have alot to talk about.
proverbial pedophile dyke
<proverbial Little Dutch Boy* Finger inserted>
Well yeah, Fennie, but you know it’s fiction. L. Sprague DeCamp, especially when writing with Fletcher Pratt, has long had a position of honor on my bookshelf.
I never knew you were a “Harold Shea” fan, Pup. Uncle Gary “borrowed” quite profusely from The Roaring Trumpet when he wrote his magnum opus, “Against the Giants” (though in his defense, DeCamp and Pratt were borrowing quite profusely from Snorri Sturluson). Gary eliminated some of the more cutesy-poo elements and added some weird horror straight up stolen from A. Merritt’s Dwellers in the Mirage. He did, however, add some comedy in the form of protagonists with such names as Fonkin Hoddypeak and Gleep Wurp the Eyebiter.
Interesting — I’ll have to look into those Wierd Horror connections re: Against the Giants.
The premade characters in G1-3/D1-3 have the wierdest names by a long shot of anything the company published. I understand Gygax had some resource, can’t remember what, for names like (the above plus):
Beek Gwenders of Croodle
Fnast Dringle
Keek Breedbate of Nithe
Darg Blonke
Ycore Rixle
Shab Heanling
Fage the Kexy
Philotomy Jurament
(+others from the Giant modules)
in a casino hotel room, drinking wine and painting my toenails…major, i AM living the dream!
Interesting — I’ll have to look into those Wierd Horror connections re: Against the Giants.
It’s the creepy subterranean temples in G1 and G3. The one in G3 is a direct lift from Dwellers in the Mirage. Come to think of it, Uncle Gary’s glorious purple prose is very reminiscent of A. Merritt’s style.
Does the room smell of cheap perfume?
Why I asked.
You don’t say. Haven’t read Merritt. It took me all this time to get a fraction of the way thru Gary’s helpful bibliography, but I have yet to regret a selection.
understand Gygax had some resource, can’t remember what, for names like (the above plus):
It was a book titled Poplollies and Bellibones.
That’s right! The title is nutty as fuck, no wonder I didn’t remember it. Thx.
understand Gygax had some resource, can’t remember what, for names like (the above plus):
Of course, nowadays Righteous Bubba automated the whole thing and made it seem trivial.
CRA: About a decade ago I wrote an update to Teh Sacred Words to produce a pledge that more accurately reflects our Extra Special and Most Exceptional Republic Ever as it NOW is. Notice that the most importantest phrase (bounded with asterisks) remains intact in my version, for what would the Pledge be without it?
(((But how do you really feel about the United States., Fenwick?)))
Of course, nowadays Righteous Bubba automated the whole thing and made it seem trivial.
I liked that Substance McGravitas guy better.
J. Neo: Ask YOUR doctor if Cerverus and Providet are right for YOU!
CRA: Hey now, aren’t you obligated to provide an exhaustive list of possible side-effects?
Side effects of Cerevus include tapioca cuticles, inflamed magnavox, , Voight-Kampff syndrome, and uncontrollable telekinesis.
Side effects of Provident include epistemological seizures, irritated mandingo, franken beri-beri, and elevated rickenbacker levels.
Remember, at Prescott Pharmaceuticals, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself, because the lawsuits are handled by battalions of clever lawyers.
Who is Bethany Mota and why do I hate her so much? (Fingernails on a chalkboard ain’t even in it…)
Also FUCK YOU, WP. I am NOT posting too fast. Been givin’ me that weak-ass shit periodically throughout the whole thread. So fuckety-fuck-fuck you WP !!!!1!!111!!!!!!
Fenwick, that’s even better than the version Matt Groening once had little Bongo deliver:
“I plead alignment to the flakes of the untitled snakes of a merry cow, and to the Republicans for which they scam: one nacho, underpants with licorice and jugs of wine for owls.”
HA! Nice.
Hey, not too long ago, when a windstorm blew a tree branch into the power line feeding my house, I did have an inflamed magnavox. Along with a couple of distended kenmores. I BLAME CEREVUS!!!
Just what the fuck is he saying? I *think* he’s saying let’s just close our eyes, do nothing, and pretend we don’t know anything about it. But I just can’t be sure. This, btw, is the guy who was worried that lesbians getting married leads inevitably to man on man buttsex. Via TBogg http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/05/01/gop-guy-wants-doctors-to-tell-supreme-court-to-say-no-to-gay-marriage-because-of-the-bt-sx/
I haz a sad. Bob Hoskins is dead.
Bob Hoskins dead at 71
Maggie Gallagher haz a sadz.
those resisting same-sex marriages “are in shock, they are awed by the powers now shutting down the debate
You mean the Supreme Court? The voters in Washington and elsewhere? No one is shutting down the “debate.” It’s OVER and YOU LOSE. MWAHAHAHA
and by our ineffectualness at responding to these developments.”
It was your inaffectualness ALL ALONG that lead to those “developments” Mags. You are the CAUSE of the developments. SUCK ON THAT, BITCH. MWAHAHAHA
Fenwick – thanks for asking, I have been mostly lurking everywhere lately and not wanted to say much. I am living back on the rez in northern MN with my 3 yr old German Shepherd (who keeps me sane just by existing).
Got a playoff beard going in support of the Wild – beat the Hawks!
Also I am sincerely envious of some of the authors you folks have met.
elevated rickenbacker levels.
Tom Petty seems to manage his pretty well.
My grandfather was friends with Eddy Rickenbacker though I believe they had little contact after some time in the 30s. I have, somewhere or other, a cartoon drawn by E.R. he gave to opa who carried it in his wallet for many years before giving it to me.
Yeah, BFD, right?
D’oh! Eddie, not Eddy.
Eddy Rickenbacker is the feedback loop in Tom Petty’s gweeter.
and by our ineffectualness at responding to these developments.”
You were plenty effectual at expressing your phony beliefs, Maggotie. The problem is that a majority of the public knows your beliefs are as valuable as those skid marks in your underwear.
Here we go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RTrQ1WDVQY
Countodown to
in 3 .. 2 ..
Sounds like an absolutely perfect transcription of the conversation to me. Why’s he so mad about her being quoted properly?
I also have an amusing Oregon republican antic at my place.
Maggie Gallgher made that lifestyle choice- funny to see her world fall apart so spectacularly. Pity it took her attorney’s stepchild coming out to turn him around. Oh week, he blew NIM’s money and will now spend some of it on a big, gay wedding. Funny thing, life.
Pup, I’m brining some chicken thighs and will roast them on a bed of taters. Will let you know how it turns out.
chicken thighs and will roast them on a bed of taters.
What could go wrong?
Dang – can’t find any vid of Joan Crawford as Crystal Allen saying to Butterfly McQueen “You put a pork chop in the oven what’s to keep it from gettin cooked?”
Heh, brining the thighs…
The fact is, stop elevating the gays to poisitions of power in USA, it will mean the destruction by God with Fire of Us All
The fact is you fags suck and i don’t like you
I love the look and sound of Rickenbackers, unfortunately the ergonomics of the body fucks with my wrist. Beautiful gitfiddles though.
New post.