Let’s go Ethnic Slurs, let’s go (clap clap clap)
Michael Bresciani, Ravage the Native Americans:
Want to be politically correct, how about – ‘The Washington Snakeskins’?
Ooh, football, excellent! I mean, there are some really exciting things going on right now. I mean, tiny Iceland is a single playoff away from being in their first ever World Cup, which is huge and…
What? No, the other one? The one with the pads and the more locally relevant toxic jock culture to make me resistant to enjoying the game even if I was inclined?
Oh, great. So what’s been happening with that… whole thing?
Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):
- Native Americans and those who are not actually white supremacists wanting a deliberate racial slur to change is literal Satanism.
Ah, white supremacists!
So yeah, the Washington Redskins are under some political pressure to drop the name deliberately chosen by their former “Avowed Segregationist” and “Most Racist Man in Football” owner to be a deliberate ethnic slur.
And naturally, the wingnuts, in outrage over ever being considered as racist by the libelous liberal media, have been at the forefront of the movement, proving their anti-racist bona fides… by wholeheartedly supporting the ethnic slur and denigrating as unpeople anyone “thin-skinned” enough to be annoyed.
You know, as if these weren’t the people to burst into tears and act as if they were on their way to the gulags every time someone lightly coughs in their direction and goes, “hey, we noticed you have a bad habit of killing kids. Could you maybe stop that sometime, or maybe, just think about it?”
But besides, the IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION, the whole rigmarole has been an excuse for all the “South will Rise Again” ex-Klan fucks to air out their white hoods. From the current owner of the team dog-whistling the wingnut horde by claiming their name is heritage, not hate (oh hey, where might have I seen that before) to the endless posts screaming about PC culture jackboots as if changing a fucking team name and logo was some impossible monumental horror that never happens all the time due to simple capitalism reasons (isn’t that right, Houston Oilers… oh I meant to say Tennessee Titans).
And for the most part it has been a semi-entertaining look into the lives of people so utterly devoid of actual oppression that they need to invent fictional gulags just to feel justified getting butthurt over the notion that they as superior white people should ever consider the historical context of their actions or the impact on people not white.
Halloween, noted for its Gaelic and Welch influences is essentially a Christianized pagan observance that is based on remembering the dead. It has no purpose in the Christian faith and is generally thought to be wrong because it honors witches, goblins and ghosts. It is indirectly honoring the dead and the spirits of demons and devils, even in the seemingly innocuous practice of trick or treating and costume parties.
Well, after throwing in the obligatory, Halloween is the Devil’s Holiday crap. It is Renew America after all.
We will not waste a moment of anyone’s time trying to defend this celebration, but it is impossible to miss the absurdity of those with a fully liberal mindset concerning the celebration of this yearly observance.
PC practitioners have decided, this year, that all costumes that point toward some ethnicity should be strictly avoided.
Those PC bastards! How could they… simply disapprove and maybe give you weird looks if you decide to dress your kid in black face and then dress yourself up in your Klan regalia with a rope-looking noose around his neck.
Truly you are the most oppressed people on the fucking planet.
Also, seriously, if dirty looks are enough to send you into a tailspin tizzy, then brother, please. If I got knocked out by dirty looks and double-takes and pronounced social disapproval, I’d have to hide in my room all day and never ever leave the house.
No Indian outfits because we may offend Native Americans,
Well, yeah, if you dress up in a complete denigration of a populace, slaughtered and abused by those you make racial alignment with, in complete disregard of who they are, then yes, you will be an asshole, especially to those who actually are native american and are part of the culture you are deliberately insulting.
You don’t get to get out of the social consequences of being an asshole just because you can’t handle personal responsibility on any level.
no cowboy get- ups because that might require a toy six shooter and it also may offend the Native Americans, whom the cowboys will no doubt shoot, if given the chance.
I just want to highlight this, because… wow.
Yeah, I think the Native resistance to cowboys isn’t so much about some quailing in fright fear of toy guns, but rather how that trope is a direct celebration to how the “cowboys” committed genocide against their populations, slaughtering and raping their women and children in order to steal their land in the name of “Westward Expansion”.
Which is also why that little game you liked as a kid has been abandoned. Because it was in context, the gameification of genocide.
But hey, someone looked at your anachronistic costume slightly askance, so clearly you are the more aggrieved party here.
We can only imagine the riot that might ensue if a football fan brought his little cowboy or Indian to a Washington Redskins game.
I know! It’s so harrowing that only an average of 82,000 people per home game have been willing to undergo their soul-crushing walk, past the jeering crowds of jackbooted PC thugs calling them monsters and child abusers. With all the weeping, you could call it the Trail of Tears… you know, if you were the type of racist douchebag who thinks mild rebuke for doing shit that’s incredibly racist is the worst possible thing anyone ever could suffer.
In an effort to curb the possibility of offending minorities, or producing racial or cultural stereotypes the University of Colorado has instructed the little darlings of the sensitive generation to ‘forego’ or avoid any costume that might offend a minority or just about anyone.
It is hard to imagine students who drink themselves into comas and wander through co-ed dorms looking for sex partners being offended with an Indian costume but we must protect the mentally handicapped and socially challenged in this nation – who would believe that would include our college students.
Yeah, there have been no incredibly unbelievably offensive costumes in recent years by over-privileged white douchebags that might make a school hesitant to repeat that bad press…
He then goes on a multi-paragraph rant about how PC is literally Satanism, because Jesus would totally have been a racist prick, but honestly, all these racist rants are so much alike that I’m just so bored.
If only there was something fresh, something new.
Charles Krauthammer, Washington Host:
Redskins and reason
Well, what do we have here?
A wingnut who resists the easy opportunity to play martyr before the light critique of “PC”, who in fact recognizes that “PC” is nothing more than the shifting of social culture from one in which your bigotry was coddled into to a time when you are recognized as the archaic asshole you are and are sometimes called out on it by people who aren’t even personally being attacked by the slur?
Am I dreaming?
Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):
- Um, fellow doucheabgs, maybe we shouldn’t fight to the death over a racial slur team name. We kinda sorta already lost that battle and the world has moved on, so it kinda sorta might make us look bad to keep striking like this-
Wow. I didn’t think I’d say this about Krauthammer of all people, but bully for him. I’m really impressed with-
I wasn’t done yet, asshole:
- After all, I’m no nigger loving person with basic human empathy, but it really fucks with our marketing efforts to paint ourselves as non-racists because we avoid racial slurs everyone’s dropped already if you keep using and defending the damn things! I mean, get on the propaganda page, fuckers!
Oh. Of course.
Sigh. And for a second there was actual hope. Snff.
In re the (Washington) Redskins. Should the name be changed?
I don’t like being lectured by sportscasters about ethnic sensitivity. Or advised by the president of the United States about changing team names. Or blackmailed by tribal leaders playing the race card.
I don’t like the language police ensuring that no one anywhere gives offense to anyone about anything.
Before I begin throwing the smallest of bones before the notion of basic human decency and empathy, I would like it to be known that I am still 100% a tribal believer and gladly spit three times upon the name of PC and am just as much in fear of their jackbooted light rebuke as any low-functioning sociopath.
And I fully credit the claim of Redskins owner Dan Snyder and many passionate fans that they intend no malice or prejudice and that “Redskins” has a proud 80-year history they wish to maintain.
And I fully stand with you on “hertiage not hate” if you see what I mean and I think you (bring back slavery) do. Is the dog whistle loud enough? Cause I really really need to cover my ass to avoid being kicked out of the tribe for this. I literally can’t survive on my own without the sweet taste of wingnut welfare.
The fact is, however, that words don’t stand still. They evolve.
But holy fuck, crackers, you are fighting a battle that is so lost, it’s currently kicking pebbles on the floor of an Atlantean Bed and Breakfast.
Fifty years ago the preferred, most respectful term for African Americans was Negro. The word appears 15 times in Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech. Negro replaced a long list of insulting words in common use during decades of public and legal discrimination.
And then, for complicated historical reasons (having to do with the black power and “black is beautiful” movements), usage changed. The preferred term is now black or African American. With a rare few legacy exceptions, Negro carries an unmistakably patronizing and demeaning tone.
If you were detailing the racial composition of Congress, you wouldn’t say: “Well, to start with, there are 44 Negroes.” If you’d been asleep for 50 years, you might. But upon being informed how the word had changed in nuance, you would stop using it and choose another.
You know what?
Yes, it’s common sense and common decency. And yes, there is still the abrogation of responsibility (who ever could have soured the term negro by deliberately pronouncing it with two g’s whenever they could? It’s a mystery). And yes, there is a light hint of “hey, this slur isn’t so bad, remember how it was used positively by the target of our hatred, so yeah, not that bad.
And yes, it’s only because he’s worried that it’ll hurt current propaganda attempts to pretend that the current hate-on for the president is motivated by anything other than racial animosity. And yes, the only reason he is willing to even go this far is because it’s such an obvious, no duh means of separating himself out as a “reasonable conservative” in the hopes of making his calls for endless war sound more “moderate” to the Washington press.
But all that aside, I’m actually impressed by Krauthammer here. I mean, it shouldn’t be a big deal. Recognizing that the world one grew up in is not the world for all time is something that should be common, but for many wingnuts the notion is something akin to someone asking you to guzzle a bucket of racehorse piss (mmm mmm, steroidy).
This further notion that words can wound and times can change the way people should be treated and that a good society is one that is responsive to this most basic of empathy is so obvious, but so resisted by the right, that it truly is remarkable when one breaks away enough from the endless bigot celebration to note that the dire spectre of “PC” isn’t actually anything to fear at all, but just the result of society slowly lurching forward despite their adamant resistance.
So kudos, Krauthammer. For reaching the lowest bar of human decency. Have a gold medal. Our standards for you fucks have fallen so low that you’re the only one who managed it.
And here’s the key point: You would stop not because of the language police. Not because you might incur a Bob Costas harangue. Not because the president would wag a finger. But simply because the word was tainted, freighted with negative connotations with which you would not want to be associated.
Of course, he still needs to keep his hand in on the Global PC Conspiracy.
And what makes it more annoying, is that he gives the actual reality of PC here in his final sentence.
All “PC” is and has ever been, is that social drift and the tainting of attitudes and words, or rather the recognition of those attitudes, words, or laws as something that has always been tainted.
And while it is remarkable in this and the paragraphs that follow that one of these worshipers of sociopathy would actually recognize that being a bigot and demeaning people by one’s very word choice and attitudes might in some way be wron-socially unacceptable, it is still frustrating to see how married even those in the midst of breaking with the orthodoxy are to the standard propaganda.
Which honestly, does make sense. Even for those who recognize in a passive sort of way, that some battles might be lost and trying to fight for them might harm one’s credibility for current battles, they are still the asshole standing athwart history yelling stop.
And they are never going to cheer or support those who actually make these changes happen, by talking about it and pointing out the hurt and pain and the way society has changed.
Because while one out of a million of these fuckers will quietly admit we’ve got a point, there is no way they’ll let us do anything with it.
Because while they may stop using the direct slurs, they will never stop being the type of bigots who get a half-inch chubby thinking about people not them being abused and denigrated.
And they will never raise a single finger to make life better for anyone who isn’t chosenly white.
I mean, sociopathic bad faith only goes so far…
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Based on the current vocal fanbase, let’s just call them the Skinheads and be done with it. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Mmmmmm……still has that new post smell.
Rename every sports team in America “the Niggers”
Apparently blackface Trayvon Martin costumes are A Thing among the douchey this year.
no cowboy get- ups because that might require a toy six shooter
Yes, because liberals can’t see a gun without going into the collywobbles, blah blah blah.
Of course, there’s the little issue of toy guns versus real guns, in that idjits like those at RePoo America seem to think it’s more sensible to give five-year-olds the real thing with which they can shoot the babysitter, their sister or their parents; given that, a toy gun hardly seems an issue. But you know, we hate the military, hate America, hate guns, hate hate hate. Yep.
students who drink themselves into comas and wander through co-ed dorms looking for sex partners
I must have gone to the wrong college.
Apparently blackface Trayvon Martin costumes are A Thing among the douchey this year.
Complete with weaponized sidewalk?
And here’s the key point: You would stop not because of the language police… But simply because the word was tainted, freighted with negative connotations with which you would not want to be associated.
Jesus, pointing that out that simple fact and expecting people to act like adults is what gets people called “language police” in the first place, you idiotic fuck.
While we’re at it, isn’t “Welsh”—worse yet, “Welch”—considered offensive these days?
Halloween, noted for its Gaelic and Welch influences
Ah, I see the Reverend beat me to it.
Maybe they should rename the Redskins “the Foreskins” in honor of Dan Synder’s heritage.
“Welch”—considered offensive these days?
Pretty damn offensive.
a Christianized pagan observance that is based on remembering the dead. It has no purpose in the Christian faith
Because, if you’re a Christian, who gives a shit about dead people?
Except for that one guy.
Everything Cerb here says is true; however, what the GOP lacks is empathy. All they know or understand is “Kick Down, Suck Up”.
In an effort to curb the possibility of offending minorities, or producing racial or cultural stereotypes the University of Colorado has instructed the little darlings of the sensitive generation to ‘forego’ or avoid any costume that might offend a minority or just about anyone.
How DARE they tell kids “hey, try not being assholes, k?”
How DARE they tell kids “hey, try not being assholes, k?”
We had “political correctness” back in the day. We just called it “politeness”.
That basically covers it, doesn’t it? The whole “PC” bullshit sets my teeth on edge. Even if you consider it a tempest in a teapot, isn’t it better to be “correct” than incorrect? Certainly if it costs you nothing.
Personally, I appreciate the heads-up on what people prefer or are offended by. I’m not really on the front line (any more) and might not get the message if I didn’t have my nose rubbed in it. Just the other day, when you detailed how “queer” had been reclaimed and “fag” was actually more offensive—if somebody had told me that 20 years ago, I would have said “That’s impossible!” Shit changes, and I appreciate people keeping me apprised.
I don’t know if Kraphammer has actually been able to get an erection since he famously did a Steve Brodie into an empty swimming pool, though I suspect he comes close when he complains that we’re not killing enough Arabs fast enough to show our devotion to the complete elimination of Islam even as an abstract concept.
This is where they learn that anything electronic is forever. Even more than tattoos.
It has no purpose in the Christian faith and is generally thought to be wrong because it honors witches, goblins and ghosts. It is indirectly honoring the dead and the spirits of demons and devils
NO! Fuck the fucking fuck off.
Halloween is about candy, and trick-or-treating, and dressing up like whatever in the hell you like, and the Great Pumpkin, and candy and bonfires and hot chocolate and cider and your little sister wearing a princess skirt over her snowmobile suit and why does this mutherfucking fucker want to ruin this and turn it into an adult political argument and die in a rain of sharpened vagina dentata you dickweed.
Also, the Bears still suck.
I don’t know if Kraphammer has actually been able to get an erection since he famously did a Steve Brodie into an empty swimming pool
Why do you want to hurt my brain?
Maybe they should rename the Redskins “the Foreskins” in honor of Dan Synder’s heritage.
He’s a mohel?
You have no idea how offensive Welch is.
The fact is, liberals, you are all wrong about PC. Its OK in PC talk to make fun of white people, even thgought they do all the wordk and prevent freedom and attacks on USA. But, as soon as someone is a minorite, we can’t make fun of them or have a laugh? Well, your the rtacists liberalts.
Gary, you’ll type better if you use both hands on the keyboard.
Gary, you mom asked me to ask you to call her – but let her sleep in a bit first, k?
It has no purpose in the Christian faith and is generally thought to be wrong
Hang about, are we talking about Hallowe’en, or RenewAmerica?
Where does RA stand on $mas? I’m pretty sure that isn’t mentioned in the Bibble either.
isn’t “Welsh”—worse yet, “Welch”—considered offensive these days
It’s not so much the political incorrectness of phrases like “welshing on a debt”, it’s the danger that Captain Fluellen will get angry and make you eat his leek.
So, Old Mr. Cabbagehammer is up-front that wingnuts are motivated only by a childishly stubborn fixation with “doing things because we WANT to–not ’cause we’re TOLD to”. Bully for him for honesty, at least. But most people are already exhausted by that knowledge (thank you very much), and wingnuts won’t learn anything from the revelation, so it is a bit of a waste of breath.
The real Catch 22 in his little monologue is that if the “PC Police” didn’t tell these motherfuckers that certain behavior is no longer acceptable, how would they ever know? I’m pretty sure that if we wait around for them to figger it out fer their ownselves, we’ll be waiting for the end of civilization. Yet, according to wingnut Rule 37, if anyone so much as gives them a hint or two, that’s the same as forcing them at gunpoint.
My teenagers aren’t even that bad (most of the time).
students who drink themselves into comas and wander through co-ed dorms looking for sex partners
If you are wandering through dorms, you have missed the central element of “coma”.
Give your alcohol to the friendly people at Riddled Enterprises and they will show you how to do it properly.
a Christianized pagan observance that is based on remembering the dead. It has no purpose in the Christian faith
Because, if you’re a Christian, who gives a shit about dead people?
Except for that one guy.
Remember that True Christians don’t believe Catholics are xtians. The first time I encountered a real live person who innocently believed that, I was a bit awestruck. My 17-year-old niece, raised in a weird independent church by her confused Armenian immigrant wingnut father and bullied-into-exhaustion mother, casually informed me that some host family on her recent “spread the word” trip to exotic Washington State was “pretty nice even though the weren’t Christian.”
“Oh,” I replied by way of pretending to pay attention to her conversation and thinking how adventurous of her to get to know a Muslim or Jew or Heathen. “What were they?”
“Catholic, I think,” she answered innocently.
Her father, hovering in the background, was not amused when I finally got my voice back to ask her why she thought the folks who invented the whole scam in the first place weren’t Christian.
remembering the dead […] has no purpose in the Christian faith
A fair enough description. The faith certainly discourages you from remembering what that one guy might have said and taught.
Well, they seem to want to take us back to the Civil War era and beyond. As late as that, most Americans didn’t celebrate Christmas—it was considered a Catholic holiday. And as everybody knows, the Puritans were death on holidays….
Most of our holiday observances were actually invented out of whole cloth by Norman Rockwell during the Depression to stimulate business—but Mammon-worship is the wingnuts’ main thing, so I guess that would fit.
I had expected to find the RenewAmerica columnists applauding the atheists for the War on Christmas, and joining in with their own attempts to eradicate this pagan, non-biblical festival. Alas, the Great Gazoogle says the opposite.
Even shorter Krauthammer –
“You’re not the boss of me!!!”
Even even shorter Krautwhosit:
Did anyone ask Krauthammer how he feels about another, very similar case in which supporters of a soccer team use an ethnic slur as a nickname? “Affectionately”, of course, not maliciously.
I mean, of course, Tottenham Hotspur supporters calling their team “The Yids”.
Presumably, he would be 100% A-OK with it, given what he says about “Redskins”.
Krauthammer = German = Nazi.
I also have a complaint.
Why is it that what passes for a journalist these days has no fucking clue what words mean? (I know, that question sort of answers itself, but still…)
Listen, people: Radical = Left, the far Right is REACTIONARY.
Also, if you think Ted Cruz is a populist, please find another line of work. Jim Hightower is a populist. Amy Goodman is a populist. Ted Cruz is a reactionary neo fascist.
That is all. Carry on.
By Grabthar’s Hammer. How much shit could we avoid if some people could recognize good sense if they saw it? I mean, it’s not just Krauthammer that has a problem with this, the whole conservative ideology is “You can’t tell me what to do!” (especially if it will cost me money, even if it will make my life better). And the answer is, no, we can’t tell you what to do, but that won’t stop us from telling you just how dumb all of your ideas are. From doubling down on fossil fuels when we should be spending Manhattan-project amounts of cash on clean energy and renewable fuels to suggesting that arming every mouth-breathing undereducated yokel with rage issues is a bad idea, it is impossible to suggest even the smallest improvement in America without some greedy fucker who’s been making bank off the problem paying someone to create a chorus of the uninformed to yell in favor of starving the poor, or burning all the coal right now, or starting another pointless unwinnable war.
I’m going to say it. Recognizing good advice means making a change. Following good advice rarely is fun or cheap. Except in this case. Changing the brand name of a football team is easy. Changing the name will make the team money. The fans aren’t going to leave just cause the name got changed, they’re just going to buy another mountain of team branded crap celebrating the new name. There’s a hundred good names for a team from DC, from the Warmongers to the Budget busters to the K-street Pork barrel, or the Plunderers, the names are just out there begging to be used. It’s so goddamn easy, I’m surprised that every team in the league hasn’t picked a name to make fun of Washington DC, especially given the known anti-government bias of the sort of people who own football teams and then rely on the government to both protect their monopoly and build them stadiums.
ppcli said,
October 28, 2013 at 16:07
That’s England. Krapslammer doan give no shits ’bout furrin goings on. To be fair, very few murkans do, witness the great outrage among the REAL AMERICAN community over the NSA’s excesses in Yurup.
the whole conservative ideology is “You can’t tell me what to do!”
At the same time they have the authoritarian craving to be told what to do, as long as the one doing the telling is one of theirs.
I like the proposal where they get to keep the team name but have to change the mascot to a potato.
How bout to a sunburned fat white dude?
Actually, I take it back, it’s not that they hate being told what to do, its that they hate restraining any of their impulses and appetites. If Barack Obama were to tell them in person to buy a gas guzzler and eat hot wings for every meal, they’d say he finally was making sense. If the ghost of Strom Thurmond or General Lee told them to recycle and quit burning so many fossil fuels, they’d throw the same temper tantrums they do now when anyone to the left of Mussolini tells them to do the same.
Sometimes I think they just get off on throwing tantrums. Not sure they even need a reason.
You didn’t follow Kraut’s column all the way to its nonsensical conclusion: They should change the team’s name to “Skins,” because, you know, skins vs. shirts in a pickup basketball game. Or something.
In other words, when he pokes one toe outside his comfort zone of fulminating about PC language police, he immediately becomes disoriented and starts spouting gibberish.
I’ve been working my way through a comics site, and found this strangely aporopriate panel.
Speaking of racism, I spent an hour watching this last night, a documentary from the BBC on scientific racism and its use as justification for genocide. Nasty, nasty stuff, but important.
Then again, I was poking around Amazon and came across the writings of someone called H.A. Covington (no fucking links), who did his own lil’ version of the Turner Diaries in a multi-book series about a white “utopia” in the Northwest. Bad enough, but the buyer comments made me want to throw up in my mouth; enchanting stuff about how uplifting the books were.
What I’m sayin’ is that there are real-life consequences for the kind of babble Bresciani and Krauthammer defend; the fact that they don’t see this depresses and frightens me. It’s only because of the “PC” attitude these asswipes whine about that we haven’t committed more killings than we have.
If the players are shirts and cheerleaders are skins, I will lend my full support to dropping the red from the name.
the fact that they don’t see this depresses and frightens me. It’s only because of the “PC” attitude these asswipes whine about that we haven’t committed more killings than we have.
I think they do see it. I think it has the intended effect.
How many racists bled out of the woodwork during the Zimmerman trial? Everyday people, your Facebook friends, commenting on what a raw deal this poor fat bastard wannabe cop is suffering at the hands of the liberals who are the real racists because why the fuck can’t a dude shoot a
niggerchild because he’s unarmed and walking down the “wrong” sidewalk?So the football players will play against the cheerleaders?
So the football players will play against the cheerleaders?
If you check out the lingerie bowl, you’ll see that women in barely any clothes are quite capable of playing football.
Bitter Scribe-
I took that as one more neat demonstration that he, much like the other paid hacks of the right wing, could not survive in any other job other than pimping reactionary theory.
Which just makes their endless whines about “why don’t you filthy peons just get a job” even more unbearable to take.
If the players are shirts and cheerleaders are skins, I will lend my full support to dropping the red from the name.
Yeh, we’re gonna have a little disagreement there.
Er, … Offending me by MAKING me stop offending others!
Wow, Bresciani’s column is like a bunch of little strawmen combined to make one giant strawman argument.
It’s like the Voltron of strawman arguments!
Yeh, we’re gonna have a little disagreement there.
Let’s just go all skins then. Everybody is happy except the puritanical freaks who don’t like to look at naked people.
The people who sell licensed sports apparel won’t be thrilled either.
The people who sell licensed sports apparel won’t be thrilled either.
I think they’ve become rich enough screwing teenagers out of $100 for a fucking shirt.
Just to tie a few points together loosely…
They can just pay athletes to get tattoos. The marketers will love it — just think of the flexible synergistic-dynamism and creative visioning possibilities!
Speaking of where journamalism is at (sic) today: 20th Century Headlines Rewritten to Get More Clicks.
That may be the best cartoon I’ve seen in all my
4431 years.“The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge said,
October 28, 2013 at 1:12
Halloween, noted for its Gaelic and Welch influences is essentially a Christianized pagan observance that is based on remembering the dead. It has no purpose in the Christian faith and is generally thought to be wrong because it honors witches, goblins and ghosts. It is indirectly honoring the dead and the spirits of demons and devils, even in the seemingly innocuous practice of trick or treating and costume parties.
While we’re at it, isn’t “Welsh”—worse yet, “Welch”—considered offensive these days?”
Actually, there’s one theory that the term “welch” doesn’t have anything to do with Welsh but is in fact a corruption of the German word “weichen” which means “to retreat” – hence the phrase “welch on a bet” means to “retreat on a bet”.
it honors sexy witches, goblins and ghosts. It is indirectly honoring the dead and the spirits of sexy demons and devils, even in the seemingly innocuous practice of trick or treating and sexy costume parties.
I see nothing wrong with this.
How is trick or treating NOT innocuous, aside from the damage caused by binge candy consumption?
I have to laugh because being scared about the implications of Halloween (honoring the witches and goblins and ghosts) acknowledges their existence, which I find to be pretty hilarious.
Keep describing! And what are you wearing?
That theory sounds like a possibility, but I was really referring to the fact that the ethnic term “Welsh” is in disfavor these days—you’re supposed to say “Cymric”, or “Cymraeg” for Wales, I think (and know how to pronounce them.) “Welsh” was originally “wealh” (meaning “foreigner”), and I guess calling someone a foreigner in their own country is a little suspect, all right.
The Irish don’t like their language to be called “Erse”, either—it has to be “Gaelic”, so you have to specify you mean “Irish Gaelic” and not “Scots Gaelic”. Never “Scotch”—that’s another can of worms. I try to keep up, but it’s easy to fall behind.
Never “Scotch”—that’s another can of worms.
I was told that the word “Scotch” can only be used to refer to tape or whiskey.
Isn’t another name for a kilt a Scotch Skirt? I think it is.
I was told that the word “Scotch” can only be used to refer to tape or whiskey.
And eggs and hop.
I’m pretty sure that all Scottish cooking started out as a dare.
If the players are shirts and cheerleaders are skins, I will lend my full support to dropping the red from the name.
–Yeh, we’re gonna have a little disagreement there.
Not necessarily. Who said the cheerleaders all had to be female?
I was told that the word “Scotch” can only be used to refer to tape or whisk
ey.Now you been told right.
Keep describing! And what are you wearing?
And now Bresciani knows why his mom insisted on his calling before dropping by for a visit.
Totally OT, back in the 80s there was a slightly insanse guy named Gerald Wiegert who founded a car company which made the Vector W8, a car with a top speed WELL OVER 200 mph. For the time, it was astonishing performance. Alas, at a sales price of roughly 0.5Mega$ the produced only 19 cars. Well now Vector seems to be back, (aside from making the 70 mph capable Aquajet Jetbike which I WANT) and they’re talking about a 300mph+ car. For the road. Yah. WANT!
It’s hard to see – the ‘e’ is crossed out in ‘whiskey’ as Scots whisky has no ‘e’.
Wiegert’s an amazing engineeer but he can’t put toegther a working web page, it seems.
Pup, I remember the car from the ’80s it was featured in quite a few auto mags and more than one of my friends had that on a poster in their bedrooms.
Having said that, their new car is… not pretty. And their website design is …also not pretty. Don’t get me wrong, there would be room for one in my fantasy garage after some billionaire hands me his entire net worth out of the goodness of his heart, but looks-wise, it needs work.
If Mr. Wiegert is making a “tactical jet fighter for the street” I think GM has no choice but to take out the manufacturing facility with a pre-emptive strike.
Pretty sure that Vector was the genesis of the term “doctor killer”…yes?
I’m not sure I understand that WX-wev. It’s not like anyone will get to half its top speed other than in very specially controlled test circumstances requiring hundreds of engineer-hours to set-up. Even at half the top speed, you’re unlikely going to be able to steer the thing. It’s like the Hummer that only sees city driving. Only carrying less cargo. Heck, where does the child seat go in one of those?
Plus I think you’d score more tail with a more recognizable sports vehicle.
I mean, yeah I get that it is not supposed to be “practical” – but wouldn’t you get the same effect of ridiculously conspicuous waste of wealth with no practical purpose and terrible gas mileage by having yourself carried places in a gold
platedlitter? Plus job creation!You mild mannered milquetoast Casper Creampuff Candiastanis! I’ve been over a buck fifty many many times in no very special circumstances. In a car, that is, I hit 150 weekly on my bike. Been 200+ couple times in slightly special circumstances. Which circs btw are part of the best car/cop story ever told.
Man up you wimps!!!
It’s all about the going fast, my timid and adrenaline challenged friend. Fucking addictive is what it is.
and they’re talking about a 300mph+ car.
For when the 200 mph car just won’t do?
I wasn’t technically on the ground, but I’ve seen 390 knots at 50 feet.
Mind you my wingspan was 190 feet.
The signs ask us to do the speed limit. Seems like the polite thing to do.
Sort of OnT, TIL the word racism was invented by the Soviets. Trotsky, to be precise.
Dean said that the word “racism” wouldn’t even exist…if it weren’t for “that devil Trotsky.” – See more at:
The signs ask us to do the speed limit. Seems like the polite thing to do.
I consider the speed limit to be just the starting point for negotiations.
Doing the speed limit in Memphis will get you tailgated – by a cop.
Major, those guys are Canadianites. As with the topical whingers, they take suggestions to be RIGID DEMANDS.
I saw signs up in Ontario that said 50 kph or more over the limit is a $10,000 fine and immediate confiscation of your vehicle.
They’re pretty strict up there.
““Welsh” was originally “wealh” (meaning “foreigner”), and I guess calling someone a foreigner in their own country is a little suspect, all right.”
Interesting point, “wealh” was also synonymous with “slave” which would have been the collective name given to a people by their conquerors. Yet ironically the lyrics of Rule Britannia say that “Britons never never shall be slaves” whilst the original Britons were actually the “wealhs”.
Actually the term “RedSkins” in Europe is a bit of an anachronism as Reds (i.e. communists) and Skins (i.e. fascists) are diametrically opposed when it comes to politics – or supposedly.
“ppcli said,
October 28, 2013 at 16:07
Did anyone ask Krauthammer how he feels about another, very similar case in which supporters of a soccer team use an ethnic slur as a nickname? “Affectionately”, of course, not maliciously.
I mean, of course, Tottenham Hotspur supporters calling their team “The Yids”.”
Amongst Yiddish speakers the term “Yid” is used harmlessly or even affectionately the same as “mate” or “buddy” is used in the English speaking world. Trouble is, racists latched onto it and used it in a derogatory way. Very often it’s all about context. Take, for instance, the terms “Polak” and “Litvak”. Polak has become an aggressively offensive word to describe Polish people, yet Litvak (presumably because racists are too stupid to even realise there is a country called Lithuania – let alone spell it) generally refers to a style of cooking(!)
Dean said that the word “racism” wouldn’t even exist…if it weren’t for “that devil Trotsky.”
I need to invent a word for “10 million dollars in my bank account”.
Yes, Pennis, companies are no longer allowed to offer plans with such high deductibles and low lifetime caps and restrictions that they never actually pay anything. That’s illegal. People have “lost” those plans—but they didn’t lose anything, because they never had anything. Get it now, genius?
Because no-insurance “insurance” is now ILLEGAL! What part of that is slipping past your pointy little head?
D is disappointed that the only nits he gets to pick arent tasty and full of protein, and not as fun to pick off of his intellectual peers.
Illegal, Pennis, illegal! You want insurance companies to continue to rob people for “coverage” that doesn’t actually exist, so we know where you’re coming from. Nothing was preventing them from modifying their plans to conform with the law except greed and the sure knowledge that idiots like you would continue to shill for them.
because their existing policies don’t meet the standards mandated by the new health care law
Probably because the ACA standards are HIGHER at LOWER costs, like the last bunch of whiny-ass shills that Hot Air trotted out to piss and moan all over FAUX.
“Well, yes, we’d pay less under Obamacare, but WOLVERIIIIIIINES!!!” Derp.
Dean said that the word “racism” wouldn’t even exist…if it weren’t for “that devil Trotsky.”
I didn’t know Trotsky spoke English!
Of COURSE he knew English: how else could he say “communism”?
So someone posts in, [Homeowners: How do you keep local sous chefs from harvesting urban edibles on your property?]( LULZ ensue, including laments of writing Portlandia episodes for them. Sure enough, as first world problems are such a thing anymore, the local rag picks up on it.
And a local TV station.
Also, related:
I love/hate this town.
OOPS! Formatted in markdown, not html. Me so solly!.
There should be a new Godwin’s Law for Benghazi references.
Holy crap, Pupi, that would piss me right the fuck off. I remember hearing about florists on Cape Cod stealing people’s hydrangeas, so I know shit like that happens. People are greedy fucks, and any business caught doing that should lose their license and not be able to get a new one of any sort for a period of a couple years in addition to any charges filed.
I somehow think even had rollout problems in the first month.
Trouble with a piece of software designed by 47 contractors and overwhelmed by 5x the predicted traffic? UNPOSSIBLE! Also.
And never mind the probability of wingnut DOS attacks, because that never happens because shut up.
Just as much evidence as for a Benghazi conspiracy.
SINGING PENIS (if you FFWD to 27:18)!
Way back . . . “How much shit could we avoid if some people could recognize good sense if they saw it?”
Some shit, maybe. Not all of it. I’m half-willing to believe that there’s something in the water supply but it’s also half-true that shit changed significantly with Reagan, even elite gobshites got dumber after Reagan.
More obstruction? No confirmation of presidential appointments, not due to their merits or lack thereof, just for Great Justice? It’s as if those nimrods want the US public to remember the gubblement shutdown / debt limit debacle.
The antis have been saying it’s a “freedom of religion” issue because there’s something in there about how if you’re offering services/space to the public you can’t pick and choose. But their ads give the lie to this, as they’re all about “won’t anyone think of the che-e-eldren” (well, keiki) and how it is so a natural fact that marriage has always been between 1 man & 1 woman.
Maybe it’s a contact poison?
“That Mr. McHilter – he’s right, you know!”
Vector. Still proving to the world that you just can’t outrun ugly.
PC Police = Penguin = Call Center
Linoleum = Rhubarb = 9/11
…gor-ruttin’-rammit, I just got out of the shower. I was hoping the tsamjacker’s scat would’ve been cleaned up by now.
I want to stand in Solidarity with my husband,
I’m Brian and so’s my wife.
George Burns = Kenya = Pastrami = Redskins
Fuck Tha PC Police
Repetition doesn’t make the unfunny any funnier.
Need advice – in general, how have you seen cats respond to lab puppies (the mostest enthusiaticus thingies on the planet)?
Hee hee, apparently that is the troll that keeps on trolling.
Someone nymjacked Gary Rupert? Oh my god how could that happen.
The fact is the real Gary Rupert hasn’t posted in years.
I want to stand in Solidarity with my husband,
Fine, go to Solidarity then.
My cat has pwnd both of our labs (one lab now dead, RIP Charlie). It started with the cat taking a couple swipes (yes, all claws intact) to assert himself and then settled into a fairly easy friendship with the cat clearly in charge. Once in a while the dog will chase the cat off his bed but that’s only with me urging him on…
Both dogs we’re at least 1yr old when we brought them home, not really puppies.
But since they were Labs …
Both dogs we’re at least 1yr old when we brought them home, not really puppies.
Looking at 3mo old, potty bell trained but nothing other.
My cat has pwnd both of our labs (one lab now dead, RIP Charlie). It started with the cat taking a couple swipes (yes, all claws intact) to assert himself and then settled into a fairly easy friendship with the cat clearly in charge.
Sorry about Charlie.
One cat is very much a my-house-fuck-off type, the other is twitchier but more affectionate.
That’s one mean lab-killin’ cat bastard right there.
Cats are territorial by nature. If you bring another animal into the cat’s perceived territory you may need to keep them separated for a time until the cat can get used to it.
Oh yeah, that was MUCH funnier the nth time you reposted it.
Soy causes gay sex.
You just never know with the kitties. We inherited a cat when mrs kg’s dad passed and our current cat (Toby, pwner of dogs, above) did not take it well. They fought like crazy and after a couple of years we had to give the inherited cat to a loving home.
Toby has never been the same since the 2nd cat. He gained a lot of weight (he’s at around 35lbs now) and can’t or won’t groom himself. The fur on his back has taken on a natty dreadlock kind of look, we can’t even brush it out. We’re thinking about shaving him.
Pupienus said,
October 29, 2013 at 20:21
Soy causes gay sex.
WND was all over it 7 years ago with a 6-part blatherfest on the subject.
I am this fucking close to going ‘Office Space’ on my goddamnable printer. Sonuvabitch is possessed.
Much like, but not nearly as bad as MC Krauthammer.
Ain’t that the truth. When I brought my now elder cat into my household, I was pretty sure Peabody, my then eldest cat (an 11 yo female rescue) would not be terribly happy. I was right. I wasn’t sure what SAM, my 5-7 ish male cat (he adopted me, kinda) would do, though. He surprised me. When Marlowe was big enough to run about on her own at about 3-4 weeks (I got her at about 10 days), I released the Marlowe while keeping a close eye on the adults. Peabody snooted the interloper, and SAM adopted her. He taught Marlowe how to be a cat, and they were inseperable until SAM’s death.
Marlowe, 11 when I brought Nani Wai into the household, continues the older female cat reaction to the young female kitten tradition. They are not friends, but they generally tolerate each other. I kept Nani in a separate room for a while, to give Marlowe a chance to get usd to the concept.
Need advice – in general, how have you seen cats respond to lab puppies (the mostest enthusiaticus thingies on the planet)?
Some of Frank Herbert’s books include living furniture as a background detail — beds and chairs that are partly constituted from animal stock, so they are warm and form-fitting when you want them, but they will shuffle off out of the way when not needed. That is largely how the cats of my acquaintance regard their household dogs.
Offer only open if the canine furniture are acquired as pupples, so that the cats have the chance to train them properly and introduce them to their menial status right from the start.
A good-sized lab once got in my cat’s face. It probably wasn’t even being aggressive, I think it was just curious. Didn’t matter. Once the dog got far enough into her personal space the cat went ballistic.
By the time we got them apart, I was bleeding, the dog was bleeding, the dog’s owner was bleeding. Everyone was bleeding except the cat.
Of course. As Jim Wright remarked on his blog, they’re “heavily armed and pointy on five ends.”
On the other hand, I understand that cats and ferrets get along just fine, once they realize they aren’t gonna win. Doesn’t take long, as cats are generally pretty smart about that.
“heavily armed and pointy on five ends”
Don’t unxagerrate.
I understand that cats and ferrets get along just fine
It helps if there is also a dog around which they can beat up together.
Also too, kitties are hard-wired to kill prey by biting the back of the neck and breaking the spine. Ferrets must be confusing for them. Damn things are all neck.
Not to mention said neck twists around and bites back.
I watched a cat take on a boxer. The boxer gave up pretty quickly. He/she wanted to play. Cat did NOT want to play.
If I had my gloves on I would have pounded that cat to a fuzzy smear.
We got the football name change thing covered:,34292/
Did somebody say something about kittens and ferrets? Warning: link is NSFManliness.
Late to the party. If someone has put this up, go ahead and AHEM me.
the term negro by deliberately pronouncing it with two g’s whenever they could
Actually, it was the vowels: ‘e’ converted to ‘i” and (usually) ‘o’ converted to ‘a’. Example:
Tsam’s complaint is worth reading again:
Y’know who else was a liberal populist? Molly Ivins. I miss her so.
they seem to want to take us back to the Civil War era and beyond
Maybe the Thirty Years’ War? Hard to go much farther back than that ‘cuz the non-Christion Catholics–see Cole at 13:10–were responsible for earlier atrocities….
I like Helmut’s suggestion: The Washington Plunderers.
(If the thread hasn’t already done riffs on possible new names, I recommend it as a source of inventive amusement for the Sadlyville wits…)
That may be the best cartoon I’ve seen in all my 44 31 years.
It could be that tsam merely forgot the strikethrough. Or it could be he is a Bronze Age contractor with a fried mind….
The Washington Filibusters
The Washington Incumbents
The Washington Gridlocks
The Washington Do Nothings
Thanx, Mr. Bear! I was afraid I had kilt off this thread by six consecutive comments….
Megan: I’ve really enjoyed your comments in this thread !!! Are you a linguist–no jokes, people–
–or philologist?
I watched a cat take on a boxer.
A dog tried to kill Mrs Spat once. We didn’t see the episode, and this was only inferred by the vet — from the spacing of the bites — after we took her in to have a nasty abscess drained.
We never found the dog.
The Capital Investments
The Capital Punishers
The D C Comics
The Capitol Volutes.
The Washington Slipt Hares.
The Washington Stains (on the integrity of our nation…)
Y’know who else was a liberal populist? Molly Ivins. I miss her so.
The best among the liberal populists, I think. She was great.
Smut Clyde skrev:
The bedogs and chairdogs from the Jorj X. McKie series! Holy shit, I’d more or less forgotten those!
(For the uninitiated: McKie, the protagonist of Whipping Star, The Dosadi Experiment and possibly other volumes I’m forgetting, worked for BuSab — the Bureau of Sabotage that the galactic government of his ficton had set up to prevent its other bureaus from becoming too efficient, on the grounds that efficient government breeds tyranny. I was reminded of this by last month’s Driftglass post about Robert Heinlein’s worst idea — a chamber of the legislature “whose single duty is to repeal laws.”)
I miss Molly Ivins. Her “gang pluck” story is unforgettable. Look it up if you’re not familiar – I’m on a fone and won’t be arsed.
The Washington Repealers
One more time , just to make things clear: Obama did NOT promise anyone they could keep their health insurance scam, only their health insurance plans, them as have ’em. So that’s EVIL. Bush yanking the hunt for OBL – because he made such a good bogeyman the neocons didn’t want him caught. – then lying the nation into an illegal war of opportunity which event is widely considered the biggest foreign policy blunder in the nation’s history, and also campaigning on demonization of gays and minorities and … Well, that’s not evil at all, izzit?
It is to be disgusted.
The Washington George
The Washington Dryington
The Washington Irvings.
Just because one of my pet peeves is “Washington State“, but no other “(fill-in-name-of-state) State“—yes, we’re a fucking state, bitchez!…
The Washington States.
Just for maximum confusion.
The Washington George Bridges.
The Washington Obstruction
Hey Rev, how about the Washington Statesmen?
The D C Comics
Priceless, Bear!
Also tigris: Washington Irvings.
(Also Yossarian’s censorship nom de plume!.)
We never found the dog.
You might wanna check the Meadowlands.
The Washington Irvings.
Again with the ethnic slurs!
Or perhaps they could keep the name Redskins but change the logo to a badly sunburned tourist sitting on a beach chair drinking a pina colada.
The Washington Villagers
The Washington Weasels
The Washington Freemasonbilderburgilluminatis
Inventive logo idea, Bear. (May I suggest a baffled Tourist with a DC map?)
Nah. It couldn’t be “Statesmen” nowadays, and the alternative usually leads to the ultimate horror: pluralizing “person” with an “s”. The plural of “person” is “people”, dammit!
The Washington Drones
(multiple-meaning name…)
I liked on Married with Children when Polk High’s old rival school had had its name changed to “Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis High School” and their football team became the “Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis First Ladies”—pink uniforms and all. So…The Washington First Ladies!
Or maybe “The Washington Obamas” would give all the wingnuts the aneurysms they so desperately need.
Rats are cute and all, but Washington Varmints is a fantastic name. Mostly because I made it up just now, but also apropos. Cuz rats, see?
Re: Washington State….
one of the 389 clues that I had made.a giant mistake within the first several hours of basic training at Ft. Dix was trying to explain to a suspicious dude from New York that I was from Washington. The state. He didn’t believe that any such place exists.
When my brother started at U Mass they were the Redmen, when he graduated they were the Minutemen. The student population favored the name U Mass Debaters but the school didn’t like that for some reason. The main point though is that they and a number of other schools changed their nicknames and though there was a big fuss over almost every one of them at the time they made the changes in the end it turned out to be no big deal.
The Washington Monument
The Washington Porkers.
The Washington Machines
The DC Aycees
The Washington Wiretaps
The District Constructionists
The Washington Generals.
i think something simple such as ‘the fuckweasels’ would suffice…
I dunno, I have a positive impression of fuckweasels.
The District Columbians.
The Washington Disfunction
D.C. Dystopians
The Washoutingtons
The Kochs
The Par Lament
The Orange Boners
Soy causes gay sex.
Nonsense. Tofu dogs aren’t that enticing.
If DC wants to rename their team after something local they can be proud of, I suggest the Washington Minor Threat.
This cup of yogurt has inspired me: The Washington Marionberries.
Derp derp Obama lied my insurance died
So what exactly do you guys plan to do about it? Whine impotently for the rest of your lives?
Oh, I’m sorry. That’s all you can do. My condolences!
Damn Obama has gone too far! Now he won’t let me buy poisonous doggy treats from China!!!
If DC wants to rename their team after something local they can be proud of, I suggest the Washington Minor Threat.
Washington Bad Brains also works.
The Washington Marionberries.
That’s my favorite so far.
What there’s a Washington State??!?! I thought it was Cascadia and West Idaho.
Cascadia? When did they change the name from Greater Microsoft?
The DC Snipers.
What there’s a Washington State??!?! I thought it was Cascadia and West Idaho.
Remember, same sex marriage AND legal weed. Even here in Western Idaho.
During chem warfare refresher training one year, the question was asked:
“What do you do if you see someone who’s been hit with chemicals?”
My answer was:
“Go through his pockets and look for money.”
“What do you do if you see someone who’s been hit with chemicals?”
How is that even a question? If you don’t have your MOPP suit on already, you’ll be buried with that person.
I always laughed at how utterly futile and stupid the NBC training was. Nuclear blast? Lay down, butt toward the blast, cover your ears and eyes. Sorry, but if you can see a tactical nuke these days, you’re already dead.
The Washington Wanna-Be Hipsters
I always laughed at how utterly futile and stupid the NBC training was
I always figured the atropine injectors were just to give you something to do while you’re waiting to die.
I always figured the atropine injectors were just to give you something to do while you’re waiting to die.
I figured on the Fight Club version. Full of morphine and something to knock you out so you don’t suffer very long.
Futile and stupid training is no excuse for Chris Matthews to suck so much.
So their terrible, time wasting, downright insulting Olympics coverage is a deliberate result of how they’re trained? Diabolical! I’m not sure how a festival celebrating athletic achievement in nearly every form got turned into a soap opera about figure skaters and gymnasts, but NBC is behind it and they are apparently unstoppable. How freaking hard would it be to broadcast the actual sporting events rather than another goddamn so-called human interest story about some underfed waif made to practice 16 hours a day for half a sandwich and a chance at the cover of a wheaties box?
I was talking about NuclearBiologicalChemical
But the Olympics usually do suck also too. Some of it are the fluffy human interest stories, most of it is events that are stupid as fuck.
I will watch just to the Germans flaunting their rainbow uniforms. Take THAT Leningrad!
There are quite a few events that are pretty odd. But even so, I’d rather watch competition curling, than another human interest story. The broadcast focuses on spectacle (opening and closing ceremonies) and human interest, at the expense of the actual reason there is a spectacle or why anyone might be interested in those particular humans in the first place.
Well, Olympics coverage sucks, largely because the events they tend to cover the most are the dopier ones.
I’m not surprised curling is so popular.
Plus you can drink while curling. THAT’s a sport.
I’m not surprised curling is so popular.
Forget man, they’d break you.
Curling is a blast, go to a bonspiel, have about 8 cider and cinnamon schnapps. Don’t go on the ice afterward.
The olympics never show the interesting sports.
Winter: figgerskate, figgerskate, figgerskate. Hockey if the US is worth a shit, and snowboarding if they find one of the little thugs unstoned enough to give an interview that goes beyond “BOOBIES!!”
Summer: gymkata, gymkata, gymkata. Basketball (blecch). Swimming if Michael Phelps is unstoned enough to give an interview that goes beyond “BOOBIES!!” Oh, and not enough beach volleyball, for the record.
smut said: Herbert’s books include living furniture
I’d give everything I could afford for a good chairdog right now. I’m recovering from c-spine surgery; the body’s response is apparently to make every muscle from my chin to my armpits knot up like fucking rigor tetanus. Wearing the human equivalent of a doggy cone 24/7 doesn’t help either…
On the positive side, the surgeon was VERY generous with his prescriptions for Percocet, Valium and Flexeril.
obOT: the Washington Plutocrats
Synchronized Swimming
Equestrian anything…
Shooting pistols and arrows.
All of these are inarguably stuck in the WTF? column.
The Biathlon combining rifle-shooting and cross-country skiing has to be the weirdest event.
I could see where it would be useful if you were being pursued by rabid bears or a pack of werewolves somwhere in the Carpathians.
Biathlon is AWESOME. It’s based on actual military training exercises, plus they have GREAT asses.
Besides which it’s got nothing on synchronized swimming or rhythmic gymnastics for the weird.
I always though “Fancy Falling” a.k.a “Diving” was pretty damn weird. I’m generally down on events that have judging though, just on principle.
Don’t think of it as morbidly futile training – think of it as a vital cornerstone of credible deterrence, maaaaaaan.
Whoa … this IS some brutally good shit …
I’m generally down on events that have judging though, just on principle.
I have no use for judged events either. One of the many reasons I don’t like boxing or MMA. The biggest reasons are the creepy ass fanboys.
So sad that the Iranian synchronized swimming link is down.
i LOVE watching trampoline! it’s just amazing to me that it’s an actual event…and srsly? not ENOUGH beach volleyball? eck…there is way too much of it, i sez…also, too…most boring event to watch? marathon…
I could see where it would be useful if you were being pursued by rabid bears or a pack of werewolves somwhere in the Carpathians.
Or trying to kill a British secret agent somewherre in the alps.
bughunter, You have my sympathy. I had c-spine surgery many years ago after I broke my neck (long story, let it suffice to say it wasn’t due to a motorcycle crash). Recovery was a bitch. Had a CS language theory midterm shortly afterwards; couldn’t bend my neck to read the damn test sheet. The prof probably would have suspected me of cheating given the way I was holding up my papers had I not had that big-ass collar around my head.
It will take a good while to recover. MAKE SURE YOU DO REHAB. They didn’t put me in rehab for some reason or other and nine months later I couldn’t hold my head up for more than 15 minutes straight. THEN I got rehab and everything was wonderful.
So, should I renew my expiring domain name even though I don’t use it and haven’t used it for some years? It’s unlikely anyone else would want it, except for maybe Mr. Smut Clyde IF THAT IS HIS REAL NAME who would snag it just to piss me off.
Agreed that objectively scored games of skill and/or ability (i.e., measured by time, distance, goals, etc.) are more proper “sport” than judged events like “rhythmic dance” or “interpretive mud wallowing.”
Which is why I was bummed to learn that Darts won’t be an Olympic sport until at least 2026.
Urp. Make that 2024.
I blame the opiates.
PS – thanks Pup. Mine’s not that bad, though it’s still misery.
If there’s an off chance that somebody someday would want it and want to buy it, yes. Otherwise, nah. With all the new domain extensions coming along, I wonder if owning a .com address will end up being “special” or just a sign of being old.
My home town minor league hockey team played a game in Las Vegas last night. Due to injuries to goalies for the Carolina Hurricanes one of our goalies had been called up, so for an emergency backup we had a 58 year old goalie. But that wasn’t even the strangest part:–nhl.html?soc_src=mediacontentstory
It’s unlikely anyone else would want it
Tell us more about this expiring domain name.
rhythmic gymnastics for the weird
Title of my next “How-to” book.
Rhythmic gymnastics.
hee hee, used for my now defunct business Abba-dingo Consulting. Clever , ne?
hey paleo…we ate here over the weekend…second time was as awesome as the first…have you been?
Cool! I found a new dating site that just might be the ticket for finding my one true love!!!, used for my now defunct business Abba-dingo Consulting. Clever , ne?
Cordwainer Smith reference?
The Washington EatafuckingbagofdicksyouassholeTedCruzes.
“All right you moochers, listen up! As your new Coach, I just wanna sat that I hate the game of football and everyone involved in it. My goal is to take this team all the way to where it’s small enough to drown in the Jacuzzi. Any questions? Shuddup! Now let’s go out there and not do a Goddamn thing but collect our paychecks and maybe fuck a few cheerleaders! GO!”
I believe that Harlan Ellison once said that if you see more than three names on a TV/movie script, it’s inevitably shit due to re-writes and lack of communications and people injecting their own ideas and suchlike.
Is there any surprise then that something created by 47 different contractors might have issues, especially when it turns out it’s more popular than was anticipated?
But what if it had been something different, something smaller and less intrusive in American lives? Then, perhaps, it could have won some Republican support. It wouldn’t have been “universal” health care, and it would have disappointed many on the left.
God knows Obama has been ever so loathe to do ANYTHING to disappoint anyone on the left.
Pennis, this was a Republican plan from the get-go. Crafted by the Heritage Foundation, it saw the light as the Dole Plan in 1993. Toned down considerably from even that right-wing wet dream giveaway to the insurance industry, it finally passed without a single Republican vote! A totally Republican plan that not a single Republican would vote for! Could you copy and paste some drivel that explains that? Thanks in advance.
Cordwainer Smith reference?
SC and I both worship at the church of Linebarger. I thought abba-dingo was the perfect name for a consulting company. If you’ve never worked with consultants before you might not appreciate how apt and funny it is.
a mere 42 percent of Americans approve of Obama’s job performance
Call me when it gets down around Bush’s 25% lowest.
Politico? You’re precious, Pennis, you really are.
I thought abba-dingo was the perfect name for a consulting company.
It would be truly innovative* if you tattooed your consultation into your client’s forearm.
*and fun
So, shithead, you couldn’t find any right-wing crap to copy and paste, explaining why absolutely no Republicans voted for the Dole Plan—a totally Republican, Heritage Foundation plan from the get-go?
I thought abba-dingo was the perfect name for a consulting company
Safe from stealing; my colleagues and I settled for “Such-and-such” for our company name.
Bring on the Lulz!
On behave of our progressive sheep friends, you’re welcome, DS.
Pennis – as you remark, if it is thus, I ask emphatically whence comes this thusness.
Also I rate for Alpha-Ralpha Boulevard as an office address.
New post.
“against their populations, slaughtering and raping their women and children in order to steal their land in the name of “Westward Expansion”.”
Raping their women? Because women were not part of the population? And of course, the children belong to the men because the women belong to the men. And the real offense is not raping women, it is not the raping. The bad part is not that they raped native Americans, as framed here. It is the violation of property rights in raping someone else’s woman. Rape your “own”, I guess it is all alrighty then. So, lets whistle past the domestic violence shelters this evening.
Fix that. Be the person your dog thinks you are, because that line is a horror.