I’m Sorry, Whitey, You Were Saying?
Okay, I get that white people can be liberals and I get that white people can be poor, but are you absolutely sure white people can’t be cavemen because I’ve really been wanting to reuse this photoshop for awhile.
Joan Walsh, Salon:
How to talk about white people
In this gig, we read a LOT of complete and utter assholes, pure scum of the Earth types, some of whom, I am convinced, are actively trying to be worse people out of some twisted obligation to “pissing off the liberals”. As such, it can be worthwhile to take a break from the National Reviews and American Thinkers of the world and remember that truly mind-numbing stupidity can come from all sorts of sources.
Such as say, a “well-meaning liberal” stepping boldly out and sliding ever forward on the banana peel of unchecked privilege.
Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):
- Oh holy shit, it just dawned on me that non-white people are starting to gain legitimate power. In response, let me trip painfully over my own privilege and lecture to you inferior darkies how you should still bow ever so deferentially to us white people, otherwise we’ll abandon you immediately and try and burn the bridges we’ve got while they still matter. P.S. Why is it so hard for racial minorities to fully trust white allies?
Oh deary deary me, this is going to get awkward fast.
Discussing America’s soon-to-be newest minority with care and respect, not stereotyping and scorn
As I said, not even out of the tagline and I’m already facepalming just out of sympathy for how badly she’s stepping in it here.
I mean, for fuck’s sake, Joan, talk about reflexive privilege panic. You’re not even remotely a political minority yet, still live in a system that overwhelmingly socially, politically, and economically rewards white skin through discriminatory systems of institutional oppression, and no one’s even thought about oppressing white people and you’re already worried about people treating you like other racial minorities have been treated.
Yeah, sorry, but like with every other time a marginalized group has gained uneasy “equality” gains with a brutally oppressive dominant group, they’ve forgiven and forgotten. And every time, the dominant group still reacted in fear, twitching at every mention of legitimate atrocities as if it was someone yelling “Kill Whitey” at the top of their lungs. In fact, this guilty reflexive twitch on the part of white people whenever racial minorities gain any and all power should be the real definition of “white guilt”.
At least then, it would reference to something that actually fucking happens.
When I wrote “What’s the Matter With White People?” I chose the title for its many meanings. Talking about it during last fall’s election season, when 90 percent of Mitt Romney’s voters were white, however, only one meaning came through: What’s the matter with the GOP, that it has become, essentially, the party of white people?
Because they are a party of racists who are terrified of racial minorities gaining any measure of equality and thus attract white supremacists and casual racists who want to delay equality long enough to enjoy a few more decades of white dominance.
Less attention focused on the flip side of that question: Why were Democrats having a harder time with white voters, and what if anything could they do to change that?
Because of said racists who were terrified blah blah blah, you get the drill. Not really that hard to figure out. Barack Obama got slightly less white votes than normal for a Democrat, because racist white Democrats who couldn’t get over that enough to vote their supposed “consciences” couldn’t bring themselves to vote for the black man.
And nonetheless, the rest of us, the coalition of the various “others” and those white cis straight males who weren’t complete cockbags and thus not so racist as to abandon their “principles” over a melanin-enriched candidate trounced their motherfucking asses. Thus neatly proving that the “conventional pundit” “wisdom” that white men are the only voters that matter was complete horseshit and the days of the Southern Strategy were finally winding to a close.
Oh dear Bob, this is going to come back in a later paragraph whining about how white male voters are still the only voters that matter and Democrats need to abandon talking strongly about racial and gender equality issues sos not to scare the delicate feefees of unreliable assholes, isn’t it?
(glance down the page)
Sonuvabitch. I willen hate being right.
With President Obama embarked on his second term, and Democrats seeing their future in the alliance of African-Americans, Latinos, Asians, college-educated women and young people he assembled, I sometimes find myself asking “What’s the matter with white people?” in a different way – as in, “don’t they have a place in this new multiracial coalition?”
You’re a racist.
I’m sorry, honey, I know you don’t think so. I know you can point to your shiny I voted sticker for voting for Barack Obama and whatnot, but… yeah, this shit is still racist as shit and betrays some deep fucking issues. Cause see, I and most other liberals, see the sea of diverse bodies that make up Obama’s coalition of supporters and while we may often be disappointed with Obama’s failure to use it, the power we have showed by finally mattering together is something to be optimistic about. When I see that coalition, I think “finally”. “Finally, we might be able to fix this shit, get some equality for those who’ve been so long denied.” Whereas here you are, unable to think of anything other than “eek, will they still let us run everything for our own benefit or will they get all uppity on us”. Now admittedly it’s probably unconscious bigotry rather than the moustache-twirling intentional douchebaggery we so often encounter on this site, but still…
As whites become just one of several American minorities in the near future — brown babies already outnumber white babies in the nation’s nurseries
Yeah, there are a lot of whites thinking nervously about that. A lot of whites literally unable to handle the notion of not being special and not being given special privileges because of the arbitrary nature of their skin color. If only there was a name for them.
– I’ve been thinking more about the ways language can ease our transition to a multiracial America. The paperback version of my book comes out April 16 – you can pre-order it here – and I got to take on a lot of these post-election thoughts in an afterword.
That’s your sales pitch?!?
Hey, everybody, I’m utterly terrified that a minor loss in relative power will be exactly the same as suffering decades upon decades of brutal oppression. Buy my book!?!
Let’s start with one term used occasionally for the Obama alliance: the “coalition of the ascendant,” as the National Journal’s Ronald Brownstein calls it. That’s fine for a journalist, but when used by Democrats it sounds like a snub to white voters: “We’re the future and you’re not.”
If “white voters” (and I am punching the air with the intensity of the quote/unquote surrounding that term) are really so rabbit-twitchy that merely talking about minorities having new power feels like its the prelude to Soylent Green, then there is nothing, literally nothing the minority populations could do to keep said “white voters” (~air shredder!~) from bailing right the fuck over to the Republicans at the first chance they can get.
Fortunately for Democrats in general, “white voters” is not even remotely synonymous with all white voters and in fact the number of “white voters” who will be fleeing at any shadow they can rationalize as a “snub” is becoming increasingly irrelevant with each passing year.
So maybe instead of telling minorities to walk on egg shells to keep people who will bail anyways, we can actually celebrate the increase in relative power and hope for long-delayed civil rights and actual conversations about race in America. Y’know, like with white people actually listening to the conversation and learning from it rather than just putting their fingers in their ears and going lalalalala.
Democrats still need white support.
Yup, I was right. I hate being right. So yeah, even as the Republican Party bleeds off everyone who isn’t a hateful bigot and the Southern Strategy enters its Twilight hours much to the consternation of wingnuts everywhere, we still get “concerned liberals” arguing that the only voters that matter are those fucking white people. You know, the braintrust that was one of the few groups to majority vote for the fucking Smiler.
The party did well with Obama at the top of the ticket in 2008 and 2012, but in the midterms of 2010, they received what the president called “a shellacking.” Key members of their coalition stayed home, and that “coalition of decline” – older white voters – renewed its habit of voting en masse, and voting Republican. That could happen again in 2014.
Oh, I’m sorry. Did I say white voters? Obviously I meant to say that old white men are the only voters who matter and get to “count”. Why? Apparently because Joan Walsh is either too ignorant to understand or is deliberately not mentioning the fact that midterms and other off-year elections always see an increase in relative voting power for old white people.
It’s almost like our antiquated voting system rewards people with endless time on their hands giving them greater relative power, especially in off-years where it can feel more worthwhile to give up on hours-long lines than to stick it out.
That’s not going to be fixed by running to the old white men and begging them to love the darkie-loving party, though. It’s going to be fixed the same way as the rest of the problems with the Southern Strategy will be fixed. By waiting for enough old people to die and be replaced with young voters who’ve regularly grown up with at least one differently raced friend and so don’t panic like gazelles at the first sign of motion.
Some Democrats get it. The Center for American Progress just launched the Robert Kennedy Project, to look at strategies designed to pull more white voters into the Obama coalition, post-Obama. And among the chief targets here is the white working class, just as it was for Bobby Kennedy in 1968. The goal is “not just to mobilize the Obama coalition but to expand it,” John Halpin and Ruy Teixiera wrote.
It’s worth noting here that for all the fear-mongering about the darkie hordes getting all abusive. The actual response from Obama and the other Dems, sadly, has been them bending over backwards for white voters. Working hard to fix things that only really help them and leave the rest of us swinging in the wind.
And yet, still Joan Walsh feels all “they’re going to replace us with robots any second”. As they say, “Innnnnnteresting”.
The project will focus mainly on policy, and that’s exciting. I want to focus here on language. Because if they want to widen their coalition in the post-Obama age, Democrats, and all of us, ought to think about how to talk to America’s newest minority with care and respect. Here are three tips:
Yes, how to talk to white people… Um, the same way I’ve been doing so far? Basically a lot of calling my fellow white people out on their privilege when they slip on it and standing up for the dignity of racial minorities everywhere. But otherwise treating them like the human beings they automatically get to be treated as because of the accident of genetics that gave them primarily pan-European ancestry?
How to talk to “white people”, however? Probably 80% more curse words and a good dash of “fuck off honkey”, because any asshole who thinks its at all appropriate as a white person, in the cultural context of centuries of white people dictating to racial minorities how they can talk and act, to spout off with condescending “advice” to racial minorities on how they can babysit them through this difficult time, deserves to get their teeth kicked in until they learn some fucking humility.
Speaking of which…
Don’t assume that whites are Republicans: Politics is at least partly a game of projection. Strong campaigns work hard to create an air of momentum, even inevitability; even struggling campaigns insist their own polls show things are better than Nate Silver says they are. So why did Democrats, in the run-up to the 2012 election, go along with the media contention that their party, and their president, had “a problem with white voters”? As I tried to argue at the time, Obama had a problem with certain groups of white voters.
Although the president lost the white vote by 20 points, those numbers look different when you take out the South. Mitt Romney won a staggering 89 percent of white voters in Mississippi, according to CNN exit polls, and 84 percent in Alabama. But Obama won or tied among white voters in a lot of blue states; you can’t win overwhelmingly white Iowa, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont or even Wisconsin without doing so.
Yes, the president lost married white men and women, but he won a majority of unmarried white women. He tied Romney with young white women 18-29, though he lost young white men this time around. And he won white working-class women in several Rust Belt swing states.
To put it another way: an estimated 93 million whites voted in 2012, and if Obama won almost 40 percent of them, that’s 37.2 million white supporters. The president got a total of 66 million votes, meaning 57 percent of his voters were white. Why risk losing more white voters by stereotyping whites as anti-Obama?
Yeah, my good faith quotient is used up. I guess, we’re not taking a break from the intentional assholes after all.
I mean, for fuck’s sake, this is smug belittling horseshit right here. Now, now, little darkie, you need to remember that not every white person is a Republican. Yeah, bet you didn’t know that with your little dark-skinned brain, did you?
Yeah, no, whitey, sorry, racial minorities are well aware that not every white is a Republican. Just as they are painfully aware that not every racist is a Republican. They didn’t need you to come along and point that out, because it’s not remotely something they’ve been believing.
But let us indeed talk about your fucking assumptions. I.e. that there is some overwhelming brand of white conservative jackasses just waiting to be mischaracterized as a Republican and whose totally non-racist exoduses to the Republican Party will all be the racial minority members faults for daring to breathe too loudly in a non-pre-approved way.
Kind of some high-level victim blaming horseshit there and based in some bizarre ideas of human behavior. Oh, here I am and so very not at all racist too, but oh no, a black person assumed I was a Republican for being white, now I suddenly hate all black people and suddenly very angry about Chappaquidick! Yeah, that sure happens enough times in reality to justify any of the “worries” you’re having here.
Don’t assume that whites are wealthy: In a recent New York Times “Room for Debate” feature on college admissions, writers repeatedly used “white” as a synonym for “wealthy” when discussing the racial impact of legacy policies, which give preference to the children of alumni and thus too often shut out blacks, Latinos and Asians. Indeed, most legacy admissions are white, but they’re a particular shade of white: the affluent. The vast majority of white kids are disadvantaged by legacy admissions, too.
Because clearly the New York Motherfucking Times (now with 20% Douchehat) is truly a sister magazine to Vibe Magazine [DOUBLECHECK] and is not just a fallen star who tends to assume that the only people who matter are rich white socialites and thus tend to universalize their experiences to all sorts of greater populations ALL THE FUCKING TIME!
Fuck is this “advice” condescending as hell. There’s not a racial minority on the planet that actually holds any of these assumptions. They know whites can be liberal. They know whites can be poor. Because unlike whites, they don’t have the option of ignoring that sort of thing. They are steeped in a culture that views white people as the only color of people that matters. They see our lives on nearly all the television shows and movies. And all the public conversations we’re really allowed to have are all about the various permutations of being white. And that’s before we get to the fact that they’ve marched in solidarity and probably are friends with a poor white liberal somewhere, largely because poor white liberals usually end up in majority minority neighborhoods.
But hey, I’m sure that’s something Joan Walsh hasn’t had to think about in her majority white suburb far away from white or black or latin@ poor people.
Don’t assume that whites are racists. Just as social justice-minded people have learned not to generalize about African-Americans, Latinos and Asians, we’ll have to learn the same thing about whites. In my work over the years, I’ve heard “white” used, without a modifier, as a synonym for clueless, out of touch, even racist. Complaining about “white teachers” or “white funders” or, yes, “white voters,” you don’t even have to say what’s the matter with them – it’s enough that they’re white.
Oh really?
Don’t assume that you’re racist?
Okay, white people who are just so concerned about all those racial minorities thinking they are racist.
Actually do the motherfucking work, check your privileges, examine what you’ve inherited from our toxic fucking culture. The next time you get scared seeing a black man approaching you or assume a black mother is a welfare-cheating thief, check yourself, ask yourself why you are feeling that way. Actually do something about your white privilege. Don’t just go, oh, yeah, I guess I have that yaknow, in the abstract, actually deconstruct what you don’t know because of it. What you’ve been able to ignore and how you are tempted to come across and what you’re tempted to blame others for.
And FUCKING LISTEN to racial minorities when they talk about their life experiences or their issues gain prominence. They have been shut out of the fucking debate for centuries and know a fuckton more about you than you do them, so shut up and listen and learn and use that to examine yourself and improve and eventually, one day, hopefully, stop having those inherited racist responses, or at least become enough aware of them to catch yourself when they trigger.
And most importantly of all, the next time, you, “white people” of the world, with your twitchy little Republican voter registration waiting to happen, get worried about those uppity minorities thinking you’re a racist, maybe think for a second before you write a condescending overly privileged incredibly racist dump of fail that pre-emptively blames them for seeing your fucked up actions for what they are.
Cause if white people really want to stop being viewed as racist until proven otherwise? If white people want to be trusted to be strong allies for issues of anti-racism? Then they actually need to walk the walk and prove they can be relied on. Prove they will stand up and fight and always self-improve and listen and not threaten to turn tail and run at the first hard conversation about privilege and power.
In short, white people need to start being legitimate allies instead of living their lives one privilege fail away from pulling a Joan Walsh.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. ~You thought I was joking when I screamed “Kill Whitey” at the top of my lungs~ We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Who’s the Edward in that situation?
I mean, for fuck’s sake, Joan, talk about reflexive privilege panic. You’re not even remotely a political minority yet, still live in a system that overwhelmingly socially, politically, and economically rewards white skin through discriminatory systems of institutional oppression, and no one’s even thought about oppressing white people and you’re already worried about people treating you like other racial minorities have been treated.
Y’know before you got the keys to this place, I thought about setting up a blog that might have been called “what cerberous said” compiling and archiving your scathing and unremitting brilliance.
“…reflexive privilege panic…” is the clay that binds everything conservative as well as the straw which binds the bricks they shit. RPP.
I suspect that when she says “whites” she really means “privileged white people whose only minority friends are the kinds of privileged non-white people who are indistinguishable from privileged white people.”
It certainly makes more sense when you read it that way. Not that it excuses her brand of racism one whit — it just illuminates it.
my reaction to first sentence quoted: ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgod
Really, it says a lot about someone when their first thought once they realize they’re going to be in the minority is to say that.
Even when I was a child I thought it might be cool if white Christians were in the minority because I was tired of how they seemed to treat everyone so bad (Reagan years). Anyway, this may or may not have had something to do with the fact that my religious persuasion was in the minority in elementary school and … everybody was totally cool with that. Or that my family was such a den of fucked-up-ed-ness that no matter what stupid thing was being said about the alleged depravity of “the Black family” it could hardly be any worse.
I mean, shee-it, one of my ma’s kinfolk beat his wife so she hired a hitman to do him in, except the hitman turned out to be a cop and she went to the slammer. Was the family outraged? Nope, shook their heads, tsk tsk’ed, and stated their utter lack of surprise because they knew he was a lying, bullying sack of shit and they prolly woulda kilt him too. And that was just for starters.
And every time, the dominant group still reacted in fear, twitching at every mention of legitimate atrocities as if it was someone yelling “Kill Whitey” at the top of their lungs. In fact, this guilty reflexive twitch on the part of white people whenever racial minorities gain any and all power should be the real definition of “white guilt”.
Oh, good one, Cerb!
Conservatives have Jonah Goldberg, we have Joan Walsh.
I was laughing (a bit uncomfortably) along with this post until about halfway through when I realized you were serious. You really believe Joan was lecturing minorities rather than establishment Democrats and the Media.
Just my opinion, but this one fell flat.
Fair enough, but by your interpretation, she’s still lecturing establishment Democrats and the Media to stop ever acknowledging the experiences and successes of minorities and instead fall over fawning and apologetic to the poor fee-fees of white people.
So even by your interpretation of the post, she still comes off as someone skating away on the thin ice of their position of privilege.
Man, I HATE Illinois Nazis.
Jezeus, this thread was too young to die…
I was just trying to figure out how Cerb got a picture of me.
I happen to be white. I actually happen to be a hairy, Neanderthal, and (looks wise) a dead ringer for Josh Trevino. And even I know this Joan Walsh is full of it.
Anyway, if the Dems really did want to re-solidify their support amongst working class whites, wouldn’t it suffice for the Dems to actually support liberal policies that actually benefit working folks, regardless of skin color, rather than trying to compromise away every core principle we Dems claim we have?
I sometimes find myself asking “What’s the matter with white people?” in a different way – as in, “don’t they have a place in this new multiracial coalition?”
But Obama won or tied among white voters in a lot of blue states; you can’t win overwhelmingly white Iowa, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont or even Wisconsin without doing so.
Walsh’s Tip #2: Don’t assume that whites are wealthy.
I wonder what a campaign that took that tip would look like.
OTOH, Joan Walsh is… I dunno, defending Ivy League legacy admissions?
I confess that in college I enjoyed fucking with these people as much as the NeoConKids. And since the NeoConKids avoided the dusky folk, I probably fucked with the Joan’s more often.
Good times.
“…we’ll have to learn the same thing about whites.”
I am charitably going to assume that the We in this case is Democrats, white Democrats, which is the only way this phrasing makes the least bit of sense, because as far as I remember Walsh is herself white (brb….yup, replete with high cheekbones and dimples, born in ’58 making her 9 years old or nearly so when Virginia v Loving was settled.)
Thing is that us Darkies can tell in an instant from bigotry and racism, spending a few recesses and lunch hours chased around the playground by people who are calling you nigger tends to hone that ability (in my case as the only person of color in my elementary school in first grade). Those that live in a more varied or urban environment who do not necessarily need to be fleet of foot will be taught by local law enforcement and by the sight of automatic purse clutching or being treated automatically more like a shoplifter than a customer on any routine trip to a store.
I can also tell almost immediately, when I am in the presence of a fellow traveler, i.e. a “good hearted” white person, though occasionally privilege will rear its somewhat ugly head.
So I s’pect that I am not a member of the target audience for Joan’s piece here nor do I understand exactly what she is getting on about other than some variation of “Let’s coddle Bubba and his retrograde views, apologize for ever recognizing that he was and is a racist ass fuck…” “Underpants Gnomes” “Profit”.
But then again I have yet to finish the piece, so I may be jumping the gun, as the real insight will be revealed in a graph or two.
Won’t hold my breath though.
How can you joke around with the yocks when Mags is only just freshly dead? SHOW SOME RESPECK.
…They have been shut out of the fucking debate for centuries and know a fuckton more about you…
True this is, and excellent advice.
Cerb, I might suggest an update to the phrase “It’s always Projection” to “It’s always Projection and or Privilege.” Maybe “Octoplex of unacknowledged Privilege” should burrow its way into the lexicon.
People of the ‘Other’ most certainly know more about Whitey than they know of themselves and yet we are charged with being a credit to whichever “otherzone” we might inhabit.
Glad I did not hold my breath, and once again nice fucking work Cerberus!
Less attention focused on the flip side of that question: Why were Democrats having a harder time with white voters, and what if anything could they do to change that?
Derp. She even misses stuff that the War Criminal Post understands. With the exception of 1976, the Democratic candidate’s share of the white vote has been hovering around 40%. Clinton got 39% of the white vote in 92 and 43% in 96. Obama got 43% of the vote in 08 and 39% in 2012. There is a significant fraction of the white electorate that does not vote Democrat. It’s a pretty big slice representing millions of people, so I’m not going to generalize and say they are all racists or whatever. Although if there are any hardcore racists in the voting public, it’s pretty clear that they would belong to this group.
Also of note – the current GOP is more multicultural than it has ever been with 1 in 9 folks who vote for them being non-white.
Anyways, back to Joan Walsh. What we have going on here is that Democrats are appealing to White voters in roughly the same relative proportions as they always have. They are just winning non-white voters by a staggering margin. A way bigger margin than they are “losing” the white vote. So, what is this really about then? Democrats are not having a harder time attracting whites – they are just succeeding at attracting non-whites (which really is not a difficult task considering the alternative). IOW, Walsh’s issue, despite her framing, isn’t that Democrats aren’t attracting enough white voters – it’s that more and more non-white voters are sharing her party affiliation.
In her defense, maybe she isn’t a “there goes the neighbourhood” variety racist with eliminationist desires. She could just be really really dumb. Although I will note, these are not exclusionary characteristics.
Democrats still need white support.
The real flip side of this is that Republicans still need human support, and that is vanishing.
Holy Zeus, it’s like a 1984 retread, back when every liberal publication was wondering why the white working class was voting for the Gipper (wow did that not work out for them). At least then there was an excuse, namely the Dems were getting regularly pummeled in national elections. Now? WTF?
The post-sixties coalition is finally producing results. Non-whites are the growing segment of the population and only a handful would even consider voting Republican. People born after 1968 are friggin’ middle-aged. The white working class, after watching the overclass take everything that wasn’t nailed down, is slowly, finally starting to wise up in large enough numbers to realize that a lack of melanin is just not going to save their ass. Even younger evangelicals are starting to wonder if this damn culture war, now approaching its third generation, is worth the fuss.
All the GOP has going for it is gerrymanding, voter suppression, and the pocketbooks of the 1%. Big obstacles to deal with, but not ones to be solved by people who aren’t like me (I am a white, married, middle-class man. BFD for me.) deferring to the likes of me. So Joan, in the interests of solidarity, please, one whitey to another, please, please shut the fuck up.
The GOP’s solution is to change the definition of human. And by change I mean pop that sucker into reverse for about 200 years.
It’s funny how she refutes her own point:
As I tried to argue at the time, Obama had a problem with certain groups of white voters.
Although the president lost the white vote by 20 points, those numbers look different when you take out the South.
I wonder what could be different about the South…
Shake, the link in your nym seems to be broken… I keep getting redirected.
Actually, in my experience, the more local the election, the shorter the line. I’m going to vote today in municipal elections and I’ll be very surprised if I have to wait more than one minute.
But I think the first part of your analysis is correct. More time on your hands translates to more time to take an interest in local/congressional elections. For instance, I was able to spend more than an hour online last night figuring out whom to vote for. A single mom trying to get the kids to bed, get the house in some kind of shape, etc., wouldn’t have that luxury.
I hope I’m right, because if I am, it means the tide is rolling inexorably away from old crabby white people in off-year elections as well as presidential ones. As others figure out what’s at stake, they’ll take more of an interest.
I am dumbr than my tumblr account.
Hey, Cerberus, I really enjoy reading your stuff. I do worry sometimes about your blood pressure, and I often find myself disagreeing with your level of outrage, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing to get all worked up about stuff from time to time. Most stuff deserves a good working up about from time to time. Fwiw, though, try not to lose sight of the fact that we’re only human, and a lot of that involves having a whole bunch of “hind-brain” tribal/’groupist’ stuff that we mostly don’t really look at but just start with as basic assumptions. “My assumptions good! Your assumptions bad!” is something we’ve been lugging around since long before the guy in the picture had the words to describe it. Remember that whole eye/mote thing from the Bible, too, which for all its perceived faults, does have a huge amount of useful stuff in it about human nature. Even I, myself, from time to time, have sometimes wondered if I might have made some poorly-thought-out comment that might perhaps be misinterpreted. I know, I know; I’m too sensitive about things like that, but better safe than sorry, I say.
Also, too, don’t sweat it, Shakes – you may be dumbr, but a lot of us are just plain SMR-, I mean SMART like Homer. Seems to me you’re ahead of the game. As for me, I think I’ll have another beer and a donut.
Damn you DK for linking the WaPoop article before I could. Shorter reality to Walsh: Hello, full of shit person, you are full of shit.
Joan Walsh? That Joan Walsh? Say it ain’t so! And if I know this site, she’s got it coming. Let’s go see.
“Discussing America’s soon-to-be newest minority with care and respect, not stereotyping and scorn”
You were much too easy on her.
And 47% is not much of a minority, Joan, it’s just under half.
“Conservatives have Jonah Goldberg, we have Joan Walsh.”
Don’t do that again. I came very close to defenestrating myself, and everything is still quivering. Has it come to this? Time to study the three R’s.
Also,I’m slightly annoyed but mostly relieved that the malfunctioning Sadly, No! RSS feed left me to miss the (continuing) trollfestation in the last thread.
Also and too, etc: After that last thread and now this one,I think we may have to re-anoint the classic “bbkf tagfail” as the “Provider_UNE[.*] tagfail”. Unless bbkf can stop cleaning up puppy shit for a moment and make a comeback.
Poor Joan Walsh is half insane. I remember during the 2008 primaries when she was freaking out that Obama might dethrone Hillary’s presumptive Presidential run, and then had a big sad when Obama’s campaign literally outwitted Hillary’s re: the delegate count.
I had thought that was just her own unwillingness to let go of the brass ring of winning one for her perceived tribe, baby-boomer-era white females. But you make a good point regarding her unconscious racism here too.
Maybe what this odd whining really about is her being afraid of losing her own power and becoming irrelevant, and this fear is surfacing this way instead of some other direction like being against Twitter or downloading et al.
In fact, I bet that’s what’s behind most of the racism and paranoia that people can develop when they’re older – it’s a way to deal with fear of losing their own personal place at the top of the heap, as the younger make their way up. It’s a strong lesson for me to retain, as I grow older, not to gradually congeal and crystallize into that kind of brittle, bitter asshole.
Discussing America’s soon-to-be newest minority with care and respect, not stereotyping and scorn
Mind, I’ve been hearing how whites are “soon-to-be newest” minorities since I was old enough to tell which side of the playpen smelt the worst, but the fuckers just keep breeding long enough to stay the majority. Meanwhile, I’ve seen a couple dozen or so actual newest minorities arise in that time, usually then treated with stereotyping and scorn by the majority fretting over demographic change.
So basically, fucking white folk, seriously.
With President Obama embarked on his second term, and Democrats seeing their future in the alliance of African-Americans, Latinos, Asians, college-educated women and young people he assembled, I sometimes find myself asking “What’s the matter with white people?” in a different way – as in, “don’t they have a place in this new multiracial coalition?”
I wonder if he’s ever taken the time to stop and go talk to all the white people who are part of this new multiracial coalition and asked them how their place in the new multiracial coalition fits with his theory that they don’t have a place in the new multiracial coalition. I mean, I’m pretty white. So were most of my fellow college friends who voted for Obama. How, exactly, did we all manage to find places in this new mutiracial coalition?
The new multiracial coalition doesn’t exclude white people. It excludes bigots, or at least it tries pretty hard to, and not all of these are white – ask Herman Cain and Allen West.
If you don’t feel entitled to certain things simply on account of your skin tone, gender, sexuality or religion, odds are you’ll do just fine in the Democratic Party. If you do, then, you’ve got issues, and it’s not up to us to fix them.
Every white conservative I’ve ever met has a traumatic horror story from their past about that time a nonwhite person played the race card on them or called them a racist.
Oddly, it’s never happened to me.
I wonder why.
Cause if white people really want to stop being viewed as racist until proven otherwise? If white people want to be trusted to be strong allies for issues of anti-racism? Then they actually need to walk the walk and prove they can be relied on. Prove they will stand up and fight and always self-improve and listen and not threaten to turn tail and run at the first hard conversation about privilege and power.
Well, the problem is that for at least fifty years there’s been a positive feedback loop telling straight white male Christians that “it’s okay, you’re not racist unless you hate These People in your heart of hearts and it’s unfair of anyone to say otherwise.” As if prejudice were some sort of mental condition with no repercussions outside of yourself, rather than, you know, something with actual fucking real world consequences for the people towards whom you have the prejudice.
It’s kind of like their argument about charity vs welfare, that charity is better than welfare because charity comes from the heart whereas welfare is the government forcing you to give to the poor. In both cases, it’s all about them. The poor person/nonwhite person is simply an extra in the play whose central theme is yourself. Whether your actions have any consequences for them is really immaterial.
I suppose I can understand why they’d be terrified at the prospect that nonwhite people may soon be able to play with their lives in the same way. Hello, projection.
I played the race card recently and everybody just stared at me. Apparently it’s not part of the Monopoly deck. I feel negroed.
That’s why Rand Paul is going to Howard University.
Mitch McConnell plays the victim like Horowitz played the piano.
In 1990, Walsh wrote a controversial article for the San Francisco Chronicle called “Asian Women, Caucasian Men” examining relationships between Asian women and white men. She wrote, “Many white women are at a loss to respond to California’s new demographics of love. Openness to intermarriage has been a badge of white liberalism; but jealousy is precisely the reaction of many white women bugged by ‘Asian-women syndrome’ among white men — jealousy and a sick feeling that the ‘syndrome’ is a new name for an old malady, the inability of men to have intimate relationships with women they see as equals. Then, too, educated Asian women are formidable rivals, and some of the tension may reflect the larger anxiety — felt by white men and women alike — about losing socioeconomic status to up-and-coming Asians.”
You know, I thought Joan was being treated a little harshly here, until I read what Shak posted just above. That’s just stupid and pointless.
I’m all for freedom of expression, but there are certain feelings that are better kept to oneself, or at least not broadcast for everyone to read/hear. I’ve had them and so has every other human being. Part of the social contract–part of being an adult–is that you keep them under wraps.
Maybe I feel strongly about this because the exceptionally nice person my cousin is married to happens to be Chinese-American.
Openness to intermarriage has been a badge of white liberalism
Well, either that, or white people who fall in love with nonwhite people tend to flock to liberalism after being exposed to the hordes of conservatives screaming “CHAOS! Disorder! Moral disintegration!” and well thinking Very Serious Moderates nodding thoughtfully and going “you know, they’ve got a point.”
I wonder why the question isn’t “why don’t more white women date Asian males?” and the answer probably has to do with uncomfortable topics best discussed in quiet rooms like frank employment discrimination, prejudice, and immigration fuckstickery.
Every white conservative I’ve ever met has a traumatic horror story from their past about that time a nonwhite person played the race card on them or called them a racist.
Or the inevitable story about how they or their parents hired one of “those people” because affirmative action arglebargle and they “didn’t work out” and what injustice that people “think they’re racist” for just “telling it like it is.”
Btw, what is it with white people who have to tell you about Why Affirmative Action Is Wrong or drop n-bombs the first day you meet? Well, fuck them anyway.
I actually did get called a racist once. I was in 5th grade and we were making decorations for the Halloween party at school. I thought it would be scary to make a gravestone for Hitler and imply he was rising out of it. Adding to my history FAIL I assumed that Nazis would have paid for the burial so I wrote “family man” because that was what the teevee show I had just watched about Goebbels said that the Nazi propagandists tried to sell Hitler as.
Finding out how my intentions were misinterpreted, as well as how I had hurt people by my ignorance and insensitivity–in other words, the healing power of SHAME–was a big head-straightening moment.
Because words DO have consequences. And history is still living with us.
I ended up taking an elective on the Holocaust in junior high, which significantly reduced my level of abject ignorance. Even PBS is infotainment at best and does not substitute for a real education.
It’s all purely scientifical and stuff, honest.
Saved by the bellbottoms.
“why don’t more white women date Asian males?
new demographics of love
I hear their new album is great.
Btw, what is it with white people who have to tell you about Why Affirmative Action Is Wrong or drop n-bombs the first day you meet? Well, fuck them anyway.
Tell me about it- those fuckers take one look at my head and get all too comfortable. I’ve told more than one of them to fuck off. Luckily, there’s not a lot of them in my neck of the woods.
Plus, about that whole “white” thing, my parents lived in Georgia when my dad was stationed at Ft Gordon in the 60s (2 of my uncles went to Viet Nam, and my grandmother contacted her rep, invoking the Sullivan Act). My dad wasn’t sufficiently white for the rednecks, and he was as pale as the Ace of Teeth.
He did put one schmuck in his place by including an African-American junior office to the blanket Thanksgiving celebration my parents held for bachelors… the dude told him, “We don’t race mix where I’m from in Bumfuck Virginia.” Dad replied, “Than you can go there instead of coming to my home.”
I wonder why the question isn’t “why don’t more white women date Asian males?” and the answer is that they do. You West Coasters can vouch for me on that one.
Hey also on the topic of mixed race relationships, the “more brown babies than white babies” is based on defining “brown” as non pure white. Mixed race babies where one parent is white, count as “brown”. Anyways, that’s not the interesting part. The interesting part is “one white parent” babies now account for 7%. As in already close to double the fraction of Americans of Asian descent.
Here’s some anecdata, but bear in mind it’s from possibly the most multicultural city in the world. My extended family, in laws, cousins, cousins’ in laws, Ultra Ninja’s mom’s cousins, &c. – about 100% ethically pure down to my generation. Ultra Ninja’s generation is 8 mixed race children and 4 non.
Pupienus said,
April 9, 2013 at 23:40
“why don’t more white women date Asian males?
Now, Pup, you’re a scientific-minded guy… how big was your sample size?
Penis is metanomy for masculinity, but I think it’s ludicrous to take that literally. Even a squared jawed broad shouldered brined in testosterone dickhead who should be the living embodiment of Axe body spray (according to the manufacturers of Axe body spray’s “for entertainment only” marketing claims) can be overcompensators who drive a gas-guzzling chromed up beast of a truck they owe more payments on than they’ve paid, feel the need to control women, and throw ragefits to prove they’re not a f*gg*t.
Probably the damaged sense of self has to do with being beaten as a child, which of course doesn’t excuse douchebaggery as an adult, but is pitiable from a distance in a certain fashion.
The constant conflation of Hannity-ism with dick size strikes me as kinda transphobic, even as a joke.
Ever noticed that East Asian hetero porn is big on the clitoris and West American porn can’t seem to find it with a speculum and a flashlight?
So the real question is why more white women aren’t dating East Asian men.
My extended family, in laws, cousins, cousins’ in laws, Ultra Ninja’s mom’s cousins, &c. – about 100% ethically pure down to my generation. Ultra Ninja’s generation is 8 mixed race children and 4 non.
With all those mothers you’ve been banging, I imagine the results will change in the course of a few months.
Probably the damaged sense of self has to do with being beaten as a child, which of course doesn’t excuse douchebaggery as an adult, but is pitiable from a distance in a certain fashion.
“about 100% ethically pure down to my generation.”
A family tradition of honesty is a wonderful thing. I wish I could say I had as much.
“The constant conflation of Hannity-ism with dick size strikes me as kinda transphobic, even as a joke.”
Yeah, but whaddayougonnado? It’s a kind of interaffirmative ritual, I guess. One makes a little moue of distaste, and moves on.
how big was your sample size?
About five inches.
Where is everybody? I think everybody besides Mooser is watching porn in order to make comparisons.
Pupienus said,
April 10, 2013 at 0:39
how big was your sample size?
About five inches.
Only one guy? You, sir, need to go out and fuck more Asian guys to see how things average out. One day, you might get a guy with a bird-pepper penis, the next day, you might get a d00d with a daikon dong.
Now, grab some grant money from PNAS and get to the fucking, mister! You have an entire continent to explore.
In the interest of improved comedy, I should have written “phrik prick” rather than “bird pepper penis”.
Oh great, now even Mooser is watching porn, and Pupienus is finding some Thai guy to shag…
I just made a little moue of distaste. The texture was nice, very fluffy, but the flavor was all wrong. Too much garlic.
Sheesh. I knew Joan Walsh was a lightweight writer but I didn’t know she was this pitiful.
Holy crap, that’s some toxic shit right there. A few years back, a guy I went to high school with was begging my brother, Sweetums, whose wife is from Tokyo, to fix him up with one of her friends, “You gotta hook me up. I’d like a nice, submissive Japanese girl.”
I think his ears were ringing for days after everybody lit into him.
This is what happens to you when your ideas about relationships are formed from T.V. broadcasts of old “James Bond” movies.
I was weaned on pinku eiga so I never thought of Asian women being submissive. I thought they were violent, knife-wielding felons.
I recommend/discourage reading over the shoulder of an OKC moderator. There was one long and angry conversation that I cut and pasted into a text editor because I wanted to count the number of exclamation points. It was upwards of 600 I think.
Too much gnarlic.
This is what happens to you when your ideas about relationships are formed from T.V. broadcasts of old “James Bond” movies.
Fuck that shit, what about the heart-warming 80’s “family” sitcom “Dear John” also known as the show that first introduced me to ugly xenophobia and misogyny.
That list was terrifying. However, I couldn’t help but notice that “triathalon guy” looked suspiciously like Erick Erickson.
I for one certainly never had enough luck dating that I could afford the luxury of only liking women from one particular ethnic group.
Fuck that shit, what about the heart-warming 80?s “family” sitcom “Dear John” also known as the show that first introduced me to ugly xenophobia and misogyny.
Didn’t have a T.V. for large portions of my life, so I missed this one.
I can not refrain from inquiring howizzit BBBB is so well versed in asian penis.
I can not refrain from inquiring howizzit BBBB is so well versed in asian penis.
I’m not at all well versed in this matter, but I am always skeptical about blanket statements regarding penis size and ethnicity. Now, are you going to apply for a grant, or not?
BTW, “five inches” was intended as a joke response to the question. There was this Philippino boy I knew who was, fortunately for me because I’m delicate, a total bottom. Mang, that thing was scary big.
Fuckin’ internet, now I have “Asian date” website ads popping up on other sites.
OTOH, ive seen a fair bit of gaysian porn which supports the truism. Of course we have to discount the idea that maybe they select Asians with smaller cocks just as white guys in gay porn are universally much bigger than average.
BTW, “five inches” was intended as a joke response to the question.
Don’t you know that I am a “Pupienus” literalist? I’d make a joke about fundamentalism, because of fundaments and all, but I’d have to diagram it out.
There was this Philippino boy I knew who was, fortunately for me because I’m delicate, a total bottom. Mang, that thing was scary big.
One of my best friends is Philippino (don’t know his dong size), and he makes it clear to people that he can’t be pinned down to any continent. His family’s from an archipelago, motherfuckers.
My sample size vis a vis my prior comment is …. well, let’s just say big enough to be statistically significant.
And blow the chance of meeting the girl of my dreams?
Totally off topic, but does anybody else hear have Disqus problems at Roy’s blog? Every single fucking website on the internet besides alicublog, I have no problem with Disqus. At Roy’s place, my old browser won’t work (it works everywhere else), with the new version of Firefox, it takes me twenty fucking minutes for problematic scripts to stop running. GAH, it’s awful!
Hmm, haven’t seen that on the Windows machine here…
It was flaky for me for a couple days, in that it would display the first page of comments fine, then when I hit the “load more comments” button the previous comments would disappear, but I can’t replicate that behavior now. It’s always been weird about randomly reshowing old comments as new ones, but reloading fixes that. For a while, anyway.
no problem with not loading or hung scripts, though.
OR, you aren’t a fucknuggety racist polecat who ought to be driven from polite society by outraged, farm implement wielding citizens.
That would be my guess.
Also, I am glad BBBBBBBBBBB&c made it clear that Edroso’s blog is NOT related to penises.
Also, I am glad BBBBBBBBBBB&c made it clear that Edroso’s blog is NOT related to penises.
Shake, the right-wingers he covers are all a bunch of penises.
HELL YEAH!!! Everybody, get your asses to New York City a week from now.
But were there any s-s-sex-xual probleems?
I’d love to go but will have to settle for OMSI Science Pub.
Holy Christ the spammers are going nuts.
And the same at LGM.
Its dead, Jim.
Dammit Jim! I’m a doctor not a blogger!
I’m dead, Jim.
Swish, swim, slither and slide! Secret Science Club goes wild with crocodile expert Evon Hekkala.
Reptilian licentiousness!
Since there is no one here to see me.
Stop! Continue!
Also and too, etc: After that last thread and now this one,I think we may have to re-anoint the classic “bbkf tagfail” as the “Provider_UNE[.*] tagfail”.
I really have no grounds for complaint as far as your suggestion is concerned and might be more deserving as I once taught assloads of peeps on the internets how to embed links and otherwise manipulate tags. So, I have little excuse, but have been a bit distracted of late.
Thank dog that I have not yet destroyed a thread!
/facing corner, wearing conical hat.
Good morning everyone. Lets see some typing out there. Get up and stretch, read some news and come back swinging. I want to see sarcasm! I want to see ridicule! Is this a snark website or a crypt? Look alive!
Warning: Fast Moving Penis.
Good morning everyone. Lets see some typing out there. Get up and stretch, read some news and come back swinging. I want to see sarcasm! I want to see ridicule!
OK, I just did 50 snark-ups and I’m ready to go!
All right then:
Fuck you, Levin. Where the fuck were you for the last thirty years when the Fourth and Fifth Amendments were being systematically dismantled?
I feel all stabby now.
I had to listen to a fair bit of that Mark Levin whine against my will yesterday. And seriously, that has to be the most whiney voice on talk radio. It’s easy to tell when he’s pulling things out of his ass, (his lips are moving?) he just screams louder and louder the further up his ass he’s pulling from. I can’t believe people actually listen to that fingernail on the blackboard voluntarily.
Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of “what part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED do you not understand” t-shirts and bumper stickers. I think it’s time for some “what part of WELL REGULATED do YOU not understand” t-shirts and bumper stickers.
Stand back! He’s got a vial of anthrax!
Stop! Continue!
Awesome, I knew what it would be before I even clicked. Good to know there’s other Electric Six fans out there.
Stand back! He’s got a vial of anthrax!
Punk brought a neutron bomb to the streetfight!
I also am a big fan of Electric Six. A friend of mine wisely convinced me not to get an “Infected Girls (Do it Better)” tshirt at one of their shows a few years ago.
I also am a big fan of Electric Six. A friend of mine wisely convinced me not to get an “Infected Girls (Do it Better)” tshirt at one of their shows a few years ago.
Truly, they are the most gloriously sleazy band since The Cramps.
Too bad the Constitution (which should be capitalized, as everyone who isn’t a filthy commie knows) didn’t provide for the creation of some sort of vastly superior Court that could decide these matters.
It’s hilarious how many Constitutional Orignialists are impossible to tell from Evangelicals unless you saw them half and … I won’t bore you with details. “We believe every single word in here, except when it conflicts with something we do or do not want to do.”
If I ever become super rich a band will perform Clusterfuck! whenever I walk into a room. Not a few bars, the entire thing. Freaky bridges, genreflips, all of it.
Also – Early this morn I asked via Twitter if it was too early for improper dancing and no less an august personage than Roy Edroso responded with an emphatic No.
Fortunately no one notified the chief of police.
I had to listen to a fair bit of that Mark Levin whine against my will yesterday. And seriously, that has to be the most whiney voice on talk radio.
Seconded. He sounds like the sort of guy who gets beat up at recess and his glasses stomped, mostly because the sound of him crying is preferable to his constant interrupting with his whiny, annoying voice. He’s a pathetic man who’s identified himself with the biggest bullies around to feel like he is somebody. Plus, he gets paid to lie on the radio.
What I don’t get is why people tune in to this dweeb. He has nothing of the talent (puke) of Limbaugh or Boortz (the latter retired, I think, in favor of Herman Cain, who is a pretty skilled entertainer himself).
Not that I’m proud of myself for thinking like a bully, but what I don’t get is why people who tune into bullies like Limbaugh, Hannity, Dr. Laura, would also tune into this guy.
Not that I’m proud of myself for thinking like a bully, but what I don’t get is why people who tune into bullies like Limbaugh, Hannity, Dr. Laura, would also tune into this guy.
Some people who were bullied turn around and bully those lower on the pecking order than themselves. It’s pretty much the basis of right-wing ideology: suck up, punch down.
Also – Early this morn I asked via Twitter if it was too early for improper dancing and no less an august personage than Roy Edroso responded with an emphatic No.
Any word on Rand Paul’s speech at Howard University? I haven’t heard any coverage.
I can picture that asshole looking around at the student body and blurting out: “Affirimative action has run rampant here!”
Roy’s got something up.
The blogosphere is having a field day with That Which Wears Ayn Rand’s Merkin attempt to remind us dumb darkies that we should vote based on the state of play 50-150 years ago.
Because clearly we were blasting that rap music too loud the last 5,000,000 times the GOP has mentioned it.
Based on Twits, the Randroid side thinks he raised Dr. MLK and gave everyone a kitten.
MLK ^from the dead
If this is anything like Romney’s speech during the campaign, I’d assume its main purpose wasn’t actual minority outreach so much as being able to go to the cameras and say “look how reasonable I am just reaching across the aisle in the spirit of love and brotherhood, but they STILL won’t come over to my side. You just can’t talk to these people.”
But, this is Rand Paul. It’s remotely possible that he ACTUALLY made the outreach attempt in good faith.
I am uncertain which is scarier.
The fact that he denied saying he was against the CRA during Q&A suggests you want to go with Door #1.
I can picture that asshole looking around at the student body and blurting out: “Affirimative action has run rampant here!”
More like he’s going to lecture a bunch of upper middle class and middle class educational overachievers on what they already know, seasoned with a hefty dollop of condescension, plus make statements that only his privileged, cossetted ass could put forth with a straight face. All in the name of “outreach”.
One or two of the kids might go for it. I mean, if that sweet sweet wingnut welfare worked for Allen West, Herman Cain, Nadia Nash (? the girl O’Keefe got rapey with, I mean one of the girls Oqueef got rapey with), and Crystal Wright, why not me? I mean, have you looked at the job market out there!?
Jesus Christ, I’m still having problems with Disqus at Roy’s place, even though I have no problems with it on other sites. It’s as if Roy’s place existed in an evil parallel universe where Disqus has a beard.
Nadia Naffe. Oops. Must have been thinking of Niecy Nash (who is fucking awesome).
I hope Naffe grows up and renounces her former views as a stupid youthful indiscretion, like Prussian Blue and the Konservative Kid.
Roy’ disqus hates me too 4B.
Roy’ disqus hates me too 4B.
We should form a support group.
It’s hilarious how many Constitutional Orignialists are impossible to tell from Evangelicals unless you saw them half
I for one would be happy to test this theory. Now where did I leave that chainsaw?
Who’s the white congresscreep who tells off all those liberal sheep?
Hey, this has been some really good porn I was watching, but I’m bored with it now. Anybody else wanna trade?
Sure. Mine’s only mildly sticky.
Okay, I wasn’t watching porn, I have other ways of keeping up with my family, but I was over at TPM reading about Rand Paul’s little seminar today at HOWARD UNIVERSITY. He explained to the students about Civil Right, the Democrats (you know, George Wallace) and the Republicans (Abraham Lincoln).
Maybe Paul and Walsh should get together, their views seem to coincide quite a lot,
You know, keeping abreast of the comings and goings back at the family farm in Pennsylvania.
He explained to the students about Civil Right, the Democrats (you know, George Wallace) and the Republicans (Abraham Lincoln).
So, same as it ever was. The guys who were your enemies 50 years ago are us now, but we want you to remember the us 150 years ago, who are the guys who were your enemies now. Maybe he could round it out with “and y’know, n*****’s just a word, why do you all get bent out of shape when I use it?” to really certify his friend to minorities bonafides.
But Trotsky, the beauty part is, he tried to sell this load of clams at Howard University.
I’ve seen alot of porn spam, but this was a standout, and somehow unsettling:
“Snuggly Man” sent me an email, subj.: “Birdykins66 wants to be touched”
WTF? Does a certain type of fetishist hear this dog-whistle?
As Mark Levin so pungently stated
Levin’s statements are usually pretty pungent, all right.
That the Civil Rights legislation asked for nothing from the huge majority of white people in the US except possibly, a little good will was apparent to me at the time. That some people would refuse to give even this bit of goodwill, and embrace a deliberate zero-sum civil rights equation wasn’t too surprising, but that this resentful misunderstanding (whatever they get, must be coming out of us!) could form the basis for 40 years of political relevance and precedence is disgusting, and terrifying, in all its ramifications. My latest theory is that since Reagen and Thatcher, at least the first signs of senility or dementia have become de riguer in high conservative political leadership. They made it an essential prerequisite.
But anyway, what will somebody barter for these Swedish nature photos?
Well at least he didn’t go “Robert Byrd was in the Klan”
Is there a video out there?
“Birdykins66 wants to be touched”
Well, when you get down to it, who doesn’t? Many would argue it’s essential.
Full speech here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzwwZFU6_yk
Q&A Part 1
Q&A part 2
Dog whistle? Maybe more like a bird call?.
Q&A Part 1
Jesus Christ, he’s hypocritical and condescending when it comes to weed use.
Remind me never to read the comments on youtube. Yikes!
What’s your evidence that Joan Walsh is a “well-meaning liberal”?
It’s a sad day (don’t click if you have epilepsy).
“Jesus Christ, he’s hypocritical and condescending when it comes to weed use.”
Others contend that it’s hardly all that bad.
My latest theory is that since Reagen and Thatcher, at least the first signs of senility or dementia have become de riguer in high conservative political leadership. They made it an essential prerequisite.
I think what it basically comes down to is, once they’re out of power, no longer behind the helm, they need something, anything, to cloak their no-doubt, if not legitimately criminal, at least highly unethical behaviors while in power. The out of “I don’t remember what I was doing Tuesday morning by Tuesday afternoon” keeps them free and clear while the goblins they left behind desperately attempt to spin their blunders and bed-shitting into gossamer and gold.
Nice, Mooser, I love me some Mingus, and that’s a nice track.
I have a very creepy feeling that when there’s some kind of decay of the mental facilities call it what you will Alzheimer’s, senile dementia it’s possible that character, and empathy may crumble away years before anybody notes a diminution of intelligence or memory. It’s just a sort of creepy feeling I got about forty years ago, and I’ve never quite shaken it.
“I love me some Mingus,”
Yes, I was thinking that I’ve been listening to “Ah-Um” since I was a small child (I started out as a child, you see) and it’s held up all this time. Much better than I have, actually.
I only have a Spring Cat-a-Thon in progress to offer. Just new cat pixels every hour on the half-hour, all evening long.
Watching TRMS. Any doubts as to the toolishness of David Axelrod permanently removed. Going to look at cat pix now.
Our kitty has had a rough week. We have contractors remodeling one of the bathrooms so she’s been hiding in the basement.
Now it can be told. An irate neighbor, suffering from, yup, you guessed it, kidnapped one of our cats, which we recovered (it’s now catnapping upstairs) so we restricted the cats to indoors. For two years (until he forgot why he was mad) our three rescued feral cats had to stay entirely indoors. They hated it. They had always gone outdoors. They never missed the litter box once. Not once. They could have wreaked a terrible revenge for the attack on their liberty, but chose not to. They are good kitties. However the danger is past and they are enjoying the outdoors again.
In my car, I’ve been listening to a four-CD set that bills itself as Mingus, but really (since he’s a bass player) consists mostly of tracks he recorded in that capacity, not as a bandleader.
As much as I like when he’s in charge, and knowing it’s damn hard to hear a standup bass on those old bebop recordings, the end result is that I am hearing four CDs of really nice stuff, without prominent Mingus (I think they mixed him a bit higher out of guilt at the sales pitch).
In his younger days he was in the rhythm section on dozens of hot-shit tracks, as you may know, but I’m saying it’s fun to run through em.
Mooser, that’s a good cat story. I think everyone who has extensive experience with cats knows that they fully understand the uses of shit and piss as weapons or communiques.
My brother had a roommate who used to find cat turds on his pillow from time to time. That cat knew what he was doing, just like when he took very precise craps next to the litterbox.
Spunky, a cat I “inherited” from folks when they moved into a no-pets condo, had very firm ideas on going outside. I’d just moved into a rental with a slider to outside, and was looking into insets to allow a cat door. When Spunky thought I was taking too long, she started crapping on the floor and using the books there to cover. I got the inset right away, and built the bookshelves, too.
Marlowe, my current eldest cat, who is prone to UTIs, lets me know when she has one by peeing outside the box.
Thank you Oregon, I promise to use my powers for good: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2013/04/05/176345680/craft-beer-crazy-oregon-poised-to-name-official-state-microbe?ft=1&f=1001
Sure S.c, just don’t listen to that shameless vixen brettanomyces.
Who’s the white congresscreep who tells off all those liberal sheep?
Think Progress had a good writeup. I was amused.
I have a very creepy feeling that when there’s some kind of decay of the mental facilities call it what you will Alzheimer’s, senile dementia it’s possible that character, and empathy may crumble away years before anybody notes a diminution of intelligence or memory. It’s just a sort of creepy feeling I got about forty years ago, and I’ve never quite shaken it.
I agree. Family members often say there are personality changes. Plus, dementia and memory loss can make a person very fearful, and fearfulness feeds into authoritarian attitudes although to be honest in Reagan’s case it was all about, always about the grift.
I think that is the hardest thing about growing old. Forget the arthritis, the decreased libido, the mysterious pains – this is the hard part – knowing you are getting increasingly dumber.
My political beliefs have, for the most part, remained the same, thank FSM, but I have become crabbier, less tolerant of people in general.I empathise, although I have not yet started with “get off my lawn”.
The very worst is having to let go of my status as Smartest Person in The Room. I was never pretty or popular, always an outsider nerd but at least I had that. And it was acknowledged by others – it was my validation.It’s gone now. My social circle which is pretty much restricted to you guys and the people at World O Crap is now populated by people younger and smarter, better informed than I am. I find it hard now to construct an argument, coin a pun – things that were like breathing to me and I have lost my status.
This is the hardest fact. Oh, and old people tend to ramble, so I’ll stop now.
Tell us another story, Suezboo!
Can’t even see through Smutty’s sarcasm anymore. Sigh.
My social circle which is pretty much restricted to you guys and the people at World O Crap is now populated by people younger and smarter, better informed than I am.
You’re forgetting something in your old age.
For your “social circle” you’ve chosen a community composed of some of the smartest people on the internet*.
And you’re part of that community.
Even at my prime, I find myself awed by the wit and wisdom of people like DKW and Kong (respectively, of course). I come here because there’s no such place in the physical world. But it also made me hesitant to delurk, and still reluctant at times. At my best, I can only briefly live up to their precedents.
*who get together to talk about POOP and PENIS.
I don’t know if I’m getting dumber but my short term definitely isn’t what it used to be.
I can remember some cartoon I watched in 1967 but I can’t remember where I put my keys 5 minutes ago.
but I can’t remember where I put my keys 5 minutes ago.
I have played on the same softball team for 27 years. Although we’ve added a few (relatively) younger players over the years the bulk of the team is getting up there in age. We still play against the young kids and remain reasonably competitive. Recently an umpire was chuckling at our play. When I asked him what was so funny he said he found it amusing that we tend to make the tough plays on the hard hit balls but have a lot of trouble on the slow rollers. I told him that’s because, at our age, we start out to scoop up the slow rollers but after two or three steps we have to stop and try to remember what we came over here for.
OBS will appreciate the reason the team has held together for so long. Our motto from day one has been: It doesn’t matter if you win or lose as long as the beer’s cold.
I can remember some cartoon I watched in 1967 but I can’t remember where I put my keys 5 minutes ago.
To be fair, there were some pretty kickass cartoons being aired at that time.
This thing on? Are comments being moderated?
I can’t even remember cartoons I saw in
19671987.I can’t remember if my memory loss is due to my disability or the child abuse I survived.
Phantom Bantam
This reminds me of when I worked for the Texas Department of Health in the early 1980s. We were the lab team, and were always in last place because we were there to
1 Have fun
2 Drink beer
3 Play softball
It could be for some that 1 and 2 were in the other order. I maintain a memory to this day of how my boss played with mitt in one hand and beer can in the other (safety first – no bottles on the field). He had to put the can down to make a play, of course.
The funny thing is that about the only games we ever won were against the (previously) undefeated team, to whom winning mattered greatly. It was sweet.
I’m also used to being the smartest person in the room (or one of them, anyway), and while my memory seems to be holding up so far, I’m watching my stepmother lose hers to Alzheimer’s or its ilk. She’s still in the early stages, so she knows what’s happening. My stepfather had not-Alzheimer’s, but something that acted a lot like it, was further advanced by the time he died, and one of the symptoms he showed was the loss of social controls, which meant he said what he thought, and it wasn’t always nice (or true). Both my stepmother and stepfather had been, in their primes, intelligent, articulate, caring people. My stepfather did, and my stepmother is, living their worst nightmare. He’d nursed parent and aunt/uncle after devastating strokes, she watched her mother lose her memory and self.
I’ll shut up now.
My latest theory is that since Reagen and Thatcher, at least the first signs of senility or dementia have become de riguer in high conservative political leadership. They made it an essential prerequisite.
Traditionally on this side of the Atlantic, presidents aren’t supposed to govern so much as rubber stamp the policies that the country’s various power centers (big oil, the MIC, the NRA, etc) puts in front of them. So a leader that’s senile would definitely be a feature rather than a bug as far as they’re concerned. I don’t know whether the same is true of the British.
Teh Ho is going back east to visit his parents. His father is not doing well, his memory is all but gone. He can’t remember my name; we’ve been together over twenty years. He is dreading the visit.
I can relate, Suez, yes I can. I have my own cognitive impairments, and know the reasons, but that doesn’t make no longer being the smartest guy in the room any less troubling.
It could be for some that 1 and 2 were in the other order. I maintain a memory to this day of how my boss played with mitt in one hand and beer can in the other (safety first – no bottles on the field). He had to put the can down to make a play, of course.
In college, we’d set a keg up on second base… if you wanted to round second, you had to chug. I actually played better while half-drunk, I was more confident around the ball. My improvement was so obvious, my roommate ran out and attacked me the second time I caught a fly ball off him. He shouted, “YOU NEVER WOULD HAVE MADE THAT PLAY SOBER!” and tackled my drunk ass.
Beer softball was a blast.
It was when the Republican party pushed hard for Mr. Potatoe Head to be president that it really struck me that their ideal candidate for president is some vacuous airhead that will do whatever he’s told. Then they pretty much hit the jackpot with Shrub.
What Suezboo and bughunter said.
damn, that was a pain in the ass to find
pain in the neck and/or headache, also, too
The key is to start life out in this manner and you never notice your aging brain’s Swiss cheesiness.
Unless bbkf can stop cleaning up puppy shit for a moment and make a comeback.
careful what you wish for…
Are you getting hit by the snowpocalypse today bbkf?
Man, all of my comments are getting eated… is comment moderation in place?
You know who ELSE got hit by the snowpocalypse?
Are you getting hit by the snowpocalypse today bbkf?
indeed…got about 13″ overnight…and a lot of snow, too…hey-o!
I’m guessing it was like 6.5″ twice. zing.
Stop! Continue!
hubbkf and i are hooked…thanks!
I’m guessing it was like 6.5? twice. zing.
together we could be the next crosby and hope!
The key is to start life out in this manner and you never notice your aging brain’s Swiss cheesiness.
That works in reverse, too. My ex-mother-in-law was a world-class space case all her life, but as she aged, people were a lot more tolerant of her spaciness because they put it down to age.
but I can’t remember where I put my keys 5 minutes ago.
Flight 286, you are cleared for take-off, I repeat, cleared for take-off.
Sorry… give me a minute… I know they’re *somewhere* in the cabin…
Others contend that it’s hardly all that bad.
on easter sunday, we had a debate on whether jeebus ate eggs or not…
also, what everyone else says about old branes…i bet zombies don’t even like them…
Jesus ate himself and therefore recycling is good.
Jesus ate himself and therefore recycling is good.
And Big J busted a loaf right on the dinner table. Then staring his crew in the eyes, he spoke, “Eat Me.”
amusing that a POOP joke would kill the thread…
amusing that a POOP joke would kill the thread…
It’s not dead. It’s just pooped.
All I can think of is… “Haven’t I read this article before?”
Another ageing brane here who doesn’t like no longer being the smartest person in the room. Like Suezboo, not pretty ever, really, or popular, but used to be funny. Not so much no more. And the ability to construct a reasoned argument made up of stuff I remember is going going gone, too.
You kids get offa my intertrons!
i see your horse poop and raise you a turkey
Like Suezboo, not pretty ever, really, or popular, but used to be funny.
also, too…don’t you two sillies know that brilliance = gorgeous?
Conversation from a while ago:
Stepfather: I’ve noticed that when you make jokes you don’t seem to much care if anyone else gets ’em.
Me: [blinkblink] Yeah.
That works in reverse, too. My ex-mother-in-law was a world-class space case all her life, but as she aged, people were a lot more tolerant of her spaciness because they put it down to age.
As a long-time, high-ranking space cadet, this is the first good thing about aging I’ve heard. It truly hadn’t occurred to me. I get furious when people treat me like an eccentric old man (I’m 42 and it didn’t just start). It’s nice to think that they might start smiling indulgently when they do it, and I could ease into senescence gracefully.
As a long-time, high-ranking space cadet, this is the first good thing about aging I’ve heard.
Glad to help.
As a long-time, high-ranking space cadet, this is the first good thing about aging I’ve heard.
That’s true. My sister and I have long planned to become crotchety old ladies, swiping the backs of kids’ knees with our walking sticks, blocking traffic, and loudly insulting passers-by while sitting on the porch and cackling (we’ll need to find a porch to do this, but there’s still time yet).
In fact a friend and I spent lunchtime sitting on a bench on North Tce in front of the uni/museum, and falling about laughing at some of the outfits. Our particular favourite was some girlie wearing zebra-striped shorts with hot pink bobbles around the bottom edge – she looked like a 70s-era table lamp. What’s worse, she paid real money to look that way. Un-ferkin-believable.
This thing on? Been trying, unsuccessfully, to comment.
Speaking of horse poop, I thought this comparison was funny:
Sadly, I found both choices plausible.
I guessed correctly, S. Cerevisiae, because I asked myself who would pay to create such legislation. Crazies and kooks are a dime a dozen but plutocrats and oligarchs run our country now.
Another ageing brane here who doesn’t like no longer being the smartest person in the room
Chase everyone else out of the room. Worked for me.
The Wikiweedia informs me that well-known fossilised alzheimer’s poster child David Brooks is two years younger than me so I do not feel bad after all.
Your knowledge hasn’t changed, your ability to recall, sort and assimilate the data has slowed down a bit.
re: smartest person in the room
I find alcohol helps. Even if you’re brilliant friends don’t like to drink themselves into an incoherent stupor, by the fourth or fifth bourbon I am absolutely positive that I am the smartest person in the room.
And the sexiest!
According to my Facebook (first I’ve heard of this), we’re about to get the mother of all wingnut screeches over Kermit Gosnell’s abortion clinic in Philly – http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?id=9014550.
I suppose it’s too much to expect them to recall that “back alley abortion clinics” like this are exactly what we KEPT TELLING THEM would happen if they made abortion inaccessible, only to be told we were being silly and hyperbolic, but naaahhhh… NO ONE could have predicted, etc.
And the sexiest!
I dunno. After 4 or 5 bourbons, lots of folks start looking pretty darned sexy.
After 4 or 5 bourbons I’d be asleep in the corner.
After four or five bourbons, the French Revolution started.
After 4 or 5 bourbons I’d be asleep in the corner.
i would have the worst heartburn imaginable…vodka, on the other hand…well, 4 or 5 would be a good start…
I thought it was a few more than four or five. Wasn’t Louis the Abridged the seventeenth of his name?
After four or five bourbons,,, IT”S NOT EVEN NOON!
Breakfast of champions!
So did everyone just run out and drink four or five bourbons to start the day?
Not me. I’m out here policing a municipal water system.
After four or five bourbons… I lost count and had to start over again.
“The very worst is having to let go of my status as Smartest Person in The Room.”
That is why I refuse (even tho my wife is a sports fan) to get a large flat-screen TV. I caught on to that one right away! You might as well offer yourself up for castration. In MY house, I get to have the biggest head, and the largest voice., if my wife isn’t home. And nobody gets to be brighter than me, or in better focus. Ever walk a dog (okay, the dog is walking me, but the point is the same) in a suburban neighborhood of an evening? Through the picture windows, the people on the big-screen are bright, and in full focus. The actual people in the house are furtive shadows of sit-down silhouettes.
In my house I think our dog is the smartest person in the room.
In my house I think our dog is the smartest person in the room.
maeve is finally starting to get the potty training idea!!! i think some of her issues were emotionally related…since hubbkf and i have both been home together…which hasn’t happened in two weeks, she is so mellow…and not pooping all over…she actually goes to the door to let us know she wants out…yay!
“They never missed the litter box once. Not once. They could have wreaked a terrible revenge for the attack on their liberty, but chose not . They are good kitties. However the danger is past and they are enjoying the outdoors again.”
No, they never missed the litter box, they just spent the entire two years looking out the window, identifying songbirds, and saying “Your feathery ass is mine when we bust outta here!” And what a toll they took among the avian population when we cried Havoc, your sister is Gypsy Rose Lee. and let slip the…cats of war? That doesn’t work.
Of course, they brought the carcasses in to show us, and I couldn’t help but notice they were enjoying our guilt and consternation. Man’s best fiend.
So did everyone just run out and drink four or five bourbons to start the day?
I was taking a nap. I have to work tonight.
“she actually goes to the door to let us know she wants out…yay!”
My dog is minpulative, dishonest, cheats at chess, steals food, and I once caught her chewing my collection of tax liens, garnishments, estoppels, warrants and bankruptcy denials, (many of which are rare first editions!).
She also eats money, both specie and large-denomination bills and she attacks the elderly or disabled. But she is, I gotta say, fairly neat, and was easily housebroken.
I weighed a well-padded 180 when my wife brought her home last year. Yesterday, I weighed 168. You try and eat when those large liquid eyes tell you a fellow-creature is near starvation. The dog, a brown Lab (it’s got much better breeding than me) is a blooming 85 lbs, and trim! Sleeps in between us. I know my wife has changed her views on gay marriage (she recently swore that “next time, I’m going to marry a man“) but this is ridiculous.
” The dog, a brown Lab (it’s got much better breeding than me)”
Compared to Lady Dora Beatrice, my family tree is a bean sprout. And don’t think she hesitates to bring it home to me. “Look at him, a green horn, a rube, a bit of human dust from “Peru” and he says he goes back to the Ten Tribes, and the Arabs should shove over and make room. He’s the “master” around here? Tell it to the AKC, boychik! Me, I’ve got a pedigree you could use as collateral! Not just a list of “begats” scribbled on a shirt-cuff to pass a Scripture-Knowledge test.”
I told my wife we should have stuck to pound-puppies, but no, she wanted a dog with class. You know, I’m beginning to suspect there is a certain amount of anti-Semitism in that dog’s anti-Zionism.
Re-enacting Alien is a lot harder than people think.
Penis and Poop (well, plugged toilets).
Is “Rate-my-Poo.com” still around?
My dog is minpulative, dishonest, cheats at chess, steals food, and I once caught her chewing my collection of tax liens, garnishments, estoppels, warrants and bankruptcy denials, (many of which are rare first editions!).
maeve learned early on that all she had to do was go out and wee just the teensiest bit and she would get a treat…when i caught on to that and only gave her a half a treat somtimes but lots of praise and petting each time, she promptly chewed the corner off of my sherlock holmes victorian cookbook…we were gone a few hours today and no poopies in the kennel! i seriously think she was traumatized before and couldn’t help but poop…
With all this dog POOP of Maeve’s think of all the raw material you have for blogging.
I mean it probably won’t match the artistic quality of my horrifically blinking zebra, but you could try.
I mean it probably won’t match the artistic quality of my horrifically blinking zebra, but you could try.
well, now that her poops are back to looking like tootsie rolls and not dairy queen, i could possibly use them artistically…and, no…i could never, ever hope to create something as obscenely horrific as your blinking zebra…just imagine a blinking thomas kinkade…
Oh, I’m imagining it.
Speaking of things that induce nausea, has anyone managed to survive the Dana Perino rap piece? I am too askeered to attempt it.
“Dana Perino” and “rap piece” should not go anywhere near each other. And no, I haven’t watched it. I’d rather stare at a blinking zebra for an hour.
I haven’t watched yet, but I think I have to.
You wish this were a RickRoll:
You wish this were a RickRoll:
hahaha…my laptop has more sense than i do and will not let me watch it…
It’s gonna take more flow to take the crown from Dee Dee.
OBS, that zebra sent me over the edge. I’m now a Republican.
Watching it again should reverse the effect. If not, my latest post might.
The fact is, liberals are incredibly dumb when it comes to the real world. They are all fancy with words, but donut understand how things really work. Its this: minorites are leaches and inferrior, but we give them disaportionment political power if we are self-hating whites, which means we play racist card even though it makes your own kind look bad.
They are all fancy with words, but donut understand how things really work.
“Mmmmmmm…….donut” – H. Simpson
Watching it again should reverse the effect. If not, my latest post might.
oh, aren’t you cute?
oh, aren’t you cute?
Watch it yet again and he won’t be.
Is it the number of times you look at the site, or the cycles of blinkage, thst effect the change?
Enquiring minds want to know.
via Reddit.
Zedbra? Are you one of those Canuckians?
Watch it yet again and he won’t be.
if i watch it again NOTHING will ever again be cute…
That zedbra gave me an acid flashback.
Is it the number of times you look at the site, or the cycles of blinkage, thst effect the change?
Multipole switch with a built-in randomizer.
April 13, 2013 at 4:05
That zedbra gave me an acid flashback.
I did some of that and a couple hits of smut’s and I’m still not getting off.
That explains my sudden conversion to Libertarianism. Fortunately, I looked agin, n I seem to be bek to nrml.
Curse, yew, OBS!
Multipole switch
Connects you to random addresses in Warsaw.
If you stare at the zebra long enough, a lion sneaks up behind it and hits it over the head with a chair.
When you look into the zebra, the zebra also looks into you. Honestly, it’s a little creepy. Stripey bastard.
a fun exchange with becky:
my response:
becky is tiresome…
I know you tire of my incessant speechifying in re: the ABC nighttime soap that bears the name of the city in which I live. I get it, I do!
But make your hearts melt a little. Watch this. Yes, they are furilla sisters PLAYING sisters, and they have more talent than the rest of the cast aggregated.
dang…i thought you were going to offer me two of something…or free shipping and handling…
dang…i thought you were going to offer me two of something…
Two sisters weren’t good enough? What kind of feminazi are you, anyway?!
oh…ha! i see what you did there!
There was momsex, too. Also.
I got to work tonight and noticed that the leg of my uniform pants were covered in cat hair.
I got to work tonight and noticed that the leg of my uniform pants were covered in cat hair.
Nice! My co-worker Ginger likes to climb all over me- last night, she got so much cat hair on my shirt, I could have knitted a cat-hair vest to wear over it.
Stripey bastard.
Tigris is a fine one to speak.
>Re-enacting Alien is a lot harder than people think.
Hosting a Sarlacc pit at home is a lot harder than people think, though probably less dangerous than wearing a 20 ft Tom Baker scarf.
(Mean. I saw that headline earlier and said “No.” But I clicked anyway. And wha’ ‘appen? I read about the eel flailing about him some guy’s “body cavity”. I felt sorry for the eel. We all feel sorry for the eel.)
“becky is tiresome…”
Yes, but didn’t Cleopatra die when she wouldn’t cast aspersions or something? Hmm, I wonder if that could replace the javelin throw? I mean, as long as they weren’t steamed before casting. Or is the expression ‘cursing aspersions’? Oh never mind, it’s early. Perhaps today will bring the end of this episode of scribenzi furiouso. Let’s hope.
Re-enacting Alien is a lot harder than people think.
I want that powered suit Ripley fought the alien queen with in Aliens.
For the next time someone parks in my spot.
want that powered suit Ripley fought the alien queen with in Aliens.
Major Kong asks “Where’s Waldos?”
Q. What’s the best way to spread information?
A. Telephone, Telegram, Telemanipulator.
New thread or I shall visit Sadly, NO! with more stupid jokes!
Or is the expression ‘cursing aspersions’?
You are thinking of asparagus.* Or nasturtiums.
that powered suit Ripley fought the alien queen with in Aliens.
* Pupienus bait.
Sadly… SLOW!
I’m afraid I’m going to need a whitey clause in my next contract.
Tigris is a fine one to speak.
Since it’s so quiet, what about this?
From our friends in Missouri:
I saw this via Digby, who got it from ThinkProgress. I hope this a) Won’t pass and b) Isn’t a blueprint for other states, but somehow I doubt it.
As Digby and/or ThinkProgress point out, it means the Missouri government wants to demonstrate how small it is by coercing business owners into allowing anyone to come into their business armed – even places like bars, where it’s even more of a stunningly bad idea.
From our friends in Missouri
Alex, I’ll take “Really Stupid Ideas” for five hundred.
I submit that after running out of ammo I may have thrown the firearm, mayhaps banking it off the rear pillar maybe and into the back of the head of my assailant which may have knocked him out cold, at which point Swedish twins may have ripped my clothing off.
Alex, I’ll take “Really Stupid Ideas” for five hundred.
this x 5000 x infinity…
srsly…shouldn’t texas be enough example?
I submit that after running out of ammo I may have thrown the firearm, mayhaps banking it off the rear pillar maybe and into the back of the head of my assailant which may have knocked him out cold, at which point Swedish twins may have ripped my clothing off.
bow chicka bow bow…
then they can have those guns after they pry them out of those cold, dead hooves…
300, bitchezz!!
Why should now be any different?
There’s a reason Molly Ivins called Texas the “national laboratory for bad government.”
Alex, I’ll take “Really Stupid Ideas” for five hundred.
…and immediately after reading that I checked my FB feed to find one of my “friends” had posted one of the more gruesome concentration camp mass grave photos to rail on about “GUUUUUNZZZ!!!11!” She (a rather dim little trollop whose mother raised them on public assistance as we were growing up, and I hate using that kind of epithet, but… married up, never worked, and “divorced for money” as she is proud of stating) is hopefully never to cast her virulent shadow ever upon my life.
I really thought that I had gotten to the point where I could contain my anger and just observe dispassionately.
“They got to me, Dad.” I thought to myself.
They got to me.
Fuck ’em with a dull rusty chainsaw.
married up, never worked, and “divorced for money” as she is proud of stating) is hopefully never to cast her virulent shadow ever upon my life.
I really thought that I had gotten to the point where I could contain my anger and just observe dispassionately.
you know, i’ve tried this too, but #1, sanctity of marriage *cough* and also, too, get your fucking history straight you fucking igntorant bitches! holocaust is really not that hard to learn about
and also, too, get your fucking history straight you fucking igntorant bitches! holocaust is really not that hard to learn about
My father’s family came here from Poland.
I gave her a short, sharp history lesson just before I cast her into the ether. Any one of those contorted bodies could have been a relative.
I snapped.
The craziest thing? The money man she divorced? A Cohen.
a preponderance of evidence that having access to a firearm may have prevented his or her injury or damage
If I had been carrying my gun at the time, the floor would never have collapsed under me.
And Republicans are the ones who bitch about frivolous lawsuits?
…and immediately after reading that I checked my FB feed to find one of my “friends” had posted one of the more gruesome concentration camp mass grave photos to rail on about “GUUUUUNZZZ!!!11!”
Christ, what an asshole!
shall be liable for any injury or damages incurred by such public invitees, business visitors, and employees as a result of such prohibition if such public invitee, business visitor, or employee establishes by a preponderance of evidence that having access to a firearm may have prevented his or her injury or damage.
I eagerly await the condemnation from Ron Paul & R& Paul of this gubblement interference in the rights of business owners.
Good point. Think either of ’em will go and speechify about it?
Very well, in Missouri I would be free to swear like six drunk sailors and two irate Marines in any business because 1 comes before 2 ye ignorant Twankers.
Hey, the swearing would make people think I was insane and keep them from potentially bothering me!!
Oh, wait. Isn’t a No Guns sign a form of speech that the brave patriots in the Misery lege are trying to stifle? Damn, it is so confusing having to weigh more than one right at a time. I am sure it is just a matter of time before some paste gobbling fucknugget declares we should wipe the entire BoR and subsequent amendments, except for #2.
Personally, I love the idea that after a mass shooting victims and survivors will rush forward to claim that the real source of injury wasn’t the maniac, guns or bullets, it was a sign. Good luck proving that in court. But I guess it it would spare the United Brotherhood of Glock Fuckers the trauma of hearing guns mentioned in a disparaging way. Instead of “Early reports state 50 people have been shot by a man armed with a rifle and two handguns…” it would be “Early reports state 50 people have been killed or injured by an anti-second amendment sign in a daycare center…”
I eagerly await the condemnation from Ron Paul & R& Paul of this gubblement interference in the rights of business owners.
Also, social engineering and preferential treatment are wrong.
Sign, sign, everywhere a sign…
i will have a blawg post coming shortly about these assholes who are soooooooooo inconvenienced by things such as background checks…its been brewing for a few days…just need an uninterrupted piece of time to get my thoughts/rants in a row…
bbkf, we must be on the same wavelength because I just posted a rant on the same subject. Must be all the bullshit spewing on the book of faces.
The doc put me on a pee pill, given that my blood pressure has been climbing slowly into undesirable territory.
This is why I forsake the face of books.
The doc put me on a pee pill, given that my blood pressure has been climbing slowly into undesirable territory.
Mine’s been getting up there as well. I’ve been trying to put off going on medication because it will be a big paperwork mess with the FAA when I do.
I’ve been trying to put off going on medication because it will be a big paperwork mess with the FAA when I do.
The diuretic was what the doc said was a good, gentle first step, and it may be enough, we hope. The BP’s not that high… just higher than optimal.
Oh, wait. Isn’t a No Guns sign a form of speech […]?
The Supreme Court has ruled that giving money is a form of political speech, so it stands to reason that giving guns — or not giving them, but carrying them — is a form of speech, too.
This is fertile territory, but then again, since wingnuts like guns more than speech, perhaps we should be trying to get the Supremes to declare that speech is a form of arms-bearing.
The Pauls will have nothing to say about the Missouri (or as I like to say, “Misery”) bill because STATES’ RIGHTS!
It’s a convenient card they like to play when it suits them, just not when they are trying to pass anti-abortion law.
There seems to be a lot of competition for that title these days.
Not a chance! I was once hit by a ricochet, in my early teens, while standing behind the guy shooting! Guns don’t follow scripts (the monstrous horseshoe crab was supposed to die, was already dead in fact, but his shell was hard enough to deflect a pellet) or have morals. (It was a monster horseshoe crab about to eat Freeport LI)
Of course, about a couple years after I got married, I found out my wife had shot her first husband, but that’s a different story and like the pachyderm you shoot in your pajamas, it’s irrelevant..
Didn’t feel like going out today so I made eggs Benny right here at home. Had some “Canadian bacon” from Tails & Trotters (hazelnut finished, Berskshire pigs) but it was actually back bacon or what the English call “proper bacon.” Picked it up at the marmers farket yesterday. IHad I planned ahead I would have made English muffins but I didn’t so I used store bought. To kick them up a bit I took a cue from Sympatica and grilled them with butter instead of toasting them. Made my usual extra-lemony Hollandaise. Home fries cooked in duck fat. As good as any I’ve had at a restaurant and better than most.
Also, I see that the NFL is doing sensitivity training and facing a “handful” of players coming out soon, I am declaring victory in the culture war. To be sure, there are many battles yet to be fought. None the less, victory is assured.
Suck on THAT, GØP.
Pup puts on the flightsuit and codpiece, hangs the ‘Mission Accomplished’ banner.
They’d be happy to as long as it is in, for example, an airport restroom instead of within the bonds of legally recognized marriage.
To amend chapter 571, RSMo, by adding thereto one new section relating to liability for prohibiting concealed firearms on business premises.
Notice the natural corollary and inevitable extension that any person *not* carrying a concealed firearm has failed to take reasonable steps for self-protection; and therefore loses the right to compensation or health insurance in the event of injury or loss.
A møøse once shot my sister.
Mynd you, møøse shots Kan be pretty nasti…
“A møøse once shot my sister.”
Terribly sorry to hear this. I’d best say no more than that.
Pup puts on the flightsuit and codpiece, hangs the ‘Mission Accomplished’ banner.
In other words, it’s a typical weekend.
Verily, I say unto thee.
bbkf said,
April 13, 2013 at 5:28
a fun exchange with becky:
So ‘becky’ is trying to enlist you in ‘Dennis’s feud with DA, using the same purity-troll tactics preferred by Dennis and the same ‘liberal groupthink’ language?
I certainly didn’t see *that* coming.
Does anyone know of an Android app that scrolls to the bottom of a long thread for ya?
I presently orient the Nexus “portrait,” then swipe in an exaggerated shaming motion, which draws odd looks from others in the men’s room.
Tough room.
Well, fuck it. The netbook works.
Oh moose shit!
Mind numbed ooga-booga lefty robots. ooga-booga
Dunno app, but if I’m on a long site (post, comments, both), I touch on the date stamp of thebottom comment, which puts it in the address (usually). Then a reload puts me back down. On my iThingy, I could touch in the upper right to get to the top. On my tablet, no such way to get to the top. Just JP’s gesturing motion.
Oooga booga moose shit tough room mind numbed lefty robots…
ooga booga bone in the nose boogah
Oh well, let’s talk food. You can tell when a season is over in a farming community by the jams people give you. I’ve finished the strawberry, now have apricot, quince and grape in the fridge. Surrounded by apples, must be autumn. Looking forward to winter – my fave – citrus marmalades.
Just a general muse on how the seasons manifest differently in different environments.
So, if I am wounded in a mass shooting in Misery, may I now sue all the people who were nearby that had access to a firearm? The law seems to assume that they are all capable of stopping a shooter before anyone gets hurt. Will I also be able to sue all those in the area who are liscensed to carry a gun but didn’t bother to do so that day?
No, you will be responsible for bringing your own gun, you bullet moocher!
That will probably be the NRA’s response to the next tragedy:
It wasn’t a mass shooting – he was just giving away free bullets.
Or that he was an innovative pharmacist, rectifying a lead deficiency the fastest way he knew how.
Will I also be able to sue all those in the area who are licensed to carry a gun but didn’t bother to do so that day?
Yeah, that does seem like the same principle as those mandatory-Good-Samaritan laws. You know, the kind that got spoofed on the final episode of “Seinfeld.”
Well you could use the Dolphin browser. With that you can simply draw a down arrow on your screen with your finger (or whatever, you know) which takes you right to the bottom. While I found this feature nice there were other things aobut Dolphin that sucked so mightily that I stopped using it.
eww! eww! eww! we all have something in common with a bunch of libertarian weirdos: dislike of k-lo…
enh…i got caught up in this thread whilst trying to find any back-up to a fb post that claims that no automatic weapons of any grade were used in newtown…
they are an interesting bunch…and their hypocrisy is pretty amazing…they would be the first to claim to be law abiding gun owners, yet they admit that they will (and some have already) purchase guns and not register them for when obama comes knocking on their door to collect all their guns…sooooo, they’re law abiding gun owners how?
wtf? is the mainstream media supposedly hiding the fact that the killer used a matchlock harquebus or a crossbow? Did he then pull out a halberd to off himself?
Also, what’s this about registering firearms? I thought the only paperwork needed to own a gun was a check that cleared and a background check at time of purchase, as long as they weren’t buying a gun at a gun show or from a friend or from any of the other giant loopholes in background check process?
here’s the exchange:
A good news story for once,…a friend had plumbers come over to do work on the bathroom in the old (1880s) house he rents. Bathtub replacement, I think. Upon returning home he realized one of his cats was AWOL. Assuming that one of the plumbers had left the door open and let this always-inside-kitty out, he went on a panicked, wide ranging search. After knocking on doors, flyering the neighborhood, notices in all the alt-papers in town, a week on he was getting rather despondent. Early this morning, (after I sacked out at 3:30) he heard a faint “meooooow”. The little goof was in the floor. Calls to the building manager resulted in a surprisingly quick response. He showed up an hour later with his maintainance crew and they began poking around assessing the sitch. The floor had to come up, or at least part of it. Two hours in he realized his other cat had joined the first between the joists. (!!! Yeah, I know) Another two hours on half the floorboards in the living room were up, they had sawed the subfloor up and both little doofuses (doofi?) were out.
Owner and manager have given indication that they were more than happy to help, and won’t slap my friend with the cost. Said kitties are now off to the vet while maintainance replaces the floor and seals any openings that led to the underfloor.
…and the sun is shining too.
If you outlaw weoponized anthrax – only outlaws will have weoponized anthrax.
Good, let the loonies bury them in the ground. This trend should be encouraged, we should tell them that The Kenyan Usurper’s brownshirts have sensors that can find guns in houses but can’t penetrate two feet of earth. Separates the wingnuts from their money and gets an AR off the streets. Win-win!
Everyone should have a smooth-bore flintlock fowling piece. Other guns should be kept in the town armory.
Also each company is required to have at least one drummer and one fifer.
“However there are military fifes, which correspond to what Terry says, and used to be what the word ‘fife’ denoted entirely. These seem to have been mostly in Bb. They seem to have a weak first octave and play well in third octave. This enables them to heard above cannon fire so that they can cheer up people who are running for their lives.”
Styles upon styles upon styles is what I have
You wanna diss the fifer but you still don’t know the half.
Great. Cached firearms that any ten year old kid going ‘treasure hunting’ with his dad’s metal detector can find.
Welcome to the Real Murican world of “responsible” gun ownership.
Also, ammunition stored in holes in the ground for years or decades is going to be super safe and reliable.
Ah, but the magic dessicant will protect it. It’s magic, after all, and never, never reaches its full absorption.
Don’t forget the important of caches. If you can, bury them away from your property, but in a safe place that will go unmolested.
Could this be a parody? I mean, it smacks of little kids playing “let’s pretend we’re pirates and bury a treasure!”
Breaking news:
Two explosions reported at the finnish line of the Boston marathon. Not much in the way of details at this time.
Could this be a parody? I mean, it smacks of little kids playing “let’s pretend we’re pirates and bury a treasure!”
there were a couple of times i wondered…especially when they were talking about shooting people up and slitting throats…but, nope, i think they’re the real deal…
BBBBBB – If it is parody it is Poe level.
Which raises an interesting point: The mechanics of a cache No really. Assuming all of these schmucks have enough land to bury something unobserved they need to put it somewhere that is unlikely to be molested but also easy to access.
You bury shit shallow and accessible when you will need it right away (eg food stores) and deep and far from your home when you’re worried someone else will take it (eg treasure). The gun hoarder’s dilemma is they need the gun to be both. (Because the Ebil Gubbermint Brown Shirts will give your place a going over with a metal detector and maybe dogs.)
I bet these people spend a lot of time checking and rechecking and rechecking their troves with resulting trails beaten to and from the house.
Holy shit! Hope everybody’s OK — a couple of my running buddies are there.
Blowing up the Bostom Marathon? Obama’s gone too far this time. Even if it was Taxacheussets.
Everybody’s not okay, unfortunately.
Holy shit! Hope everybody’s OK — a couple of my running buddies are there.
ive seen reports of 2 dead, 23 injured…
Everybody’s not okay, unfortunately.
Yeah, as of now 2 dead, 23 injured as reported by the police.
I just ran a half marathon yesterday, and would love to be fast enough to qualify for Boston. Scary.
I heard 19 were being treated at Mass General alone, so I’d guess far more than 23 were injured. Also heard the Lenox hotel was evacuated(Boston Globe) and there was a controlled explosion by the Boston Public library, and one other but I don’t know where. Several lost limbs. Very close to several VERY good hospitals, so that’s good at least.
I just ran a half marathon yesterday, and would love to be fast enough to qualify for Boston. Scary.
since i cannot run even a block, the thought of qualifying for a marathon is scary…
whenever these things happen i always spend too much time wondering what kind of person does these things and why…it makes me sad and sick…
New post.
bbkf said,
April 15, 2013 at 19:08
here’s the exchange:
Virginian, HeroicMulatto, and sloopyinca seem to get along really well in that thread,
but when the internet typin’ stops and the guns come out, I doubt they’ll recognize each other as comrades-in-arms.
“I just ran a half marathon yesterday, and would love to be fast enough to qualify for Boston. Scary.”
Absolutely. Haste lays waste.
Oh great, my completely tasteless and inappropriate comment is going to hang at the bottom of the thread forever. Somebody could get a bad impression from that.
Sigh… you know, I’ve been in a romantic relationship with a black woman for the past 15 years, and I wish that white people would stop thinking that black people are out to get them. Really they just want a nice house in the suburbs and to send their children to a good college. Oh, and to go on vacation, “someplace nice this year.” Oh, and not to be gunned down for no reason on the way back from buying skittles at the convenience store.
Now, it’s never come up in our pillow talk, but I’m pretty sure that there isn’t some secret plan amongst all the black people to enslave all us whites after they assume power.
(Frankly, I think if she were into that sort of thing she’d have brought it up before now… she’s not exactly shy about telling me what she wants… ahem…)
Privilege is something to be proud of, non privileged people should aspire to be like them, not try to bring them down. Besides, whites are right in being afraid of demographic shifts. Every racial and ethnic group should strive for homogeneity first, tolerance maybe after. In that sense, anything that lowers the percentage share of the majority is should rightfully be deemed a threat to genetic survival. This is the reality of the world, whether or not it’s bigoted or racist is not really important.
I live as a minority in the West, but there is not a chance I would allow my native country to become “multicultural” as the West.
You’re full of shit.
[…] tiny sentence for committing a rape so obvious that a trial actually ruled guilty for once, or just freaking out at the notion of anyone other than white people mattering in this “great” country of […]