“Thinking” With Joseph Farah
Truly proof positive of the efficacy of “ex-gay” therapy!
Dyed Moustache of Totally Not Gay, Wing Nut Daily:
Illegal to Help Change Sexual Orientation
Sorry libertine liberals, but Joseph Farah, owner of the thousand pedophile stare and proud mustache dye fetishist, has got our number. See, he’s managed to land a rare exclusive post on the pages of the distinguished printable shit rag, Wing Nut Daily, (by being the owner of the whole cage of winged monkeys) to demonstrate his new knock down argument that completely puts those uppity homosexualists in their place.
Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):
- The only way I could understand hypocrisy less would be if someone trepanned my skull and even then, I’d probably gain some clarity. On that note, abusive “ex-gay therapies” of demented closet cases ranting at queers to get back in the closet or else should be supported by gays because something something, trannies are disgusting.
Damn boy, we’re not going to be able to sit again for weeks after a totally not-kinky-or-homosexual whipping like that! He’s got us dead to rights on…um…er… something? Maybe? It’s kind of hard to tell.
Think about this.
No, Joey, don’t ask your readers to that! It might accidentally start a few house fires what with all the dust buildup up there.
In America today, it is perfectly legal to change one’s sexual plumbing in a bizarre and twisted medical mutilation to achieve “transgenderism.”
You know, with all the shit and head games and “it’s all a coincidence” and “being perfect for just a few more weeks of reduced hours and employment so’s I don’t starve” bullshit at my primary job and all the subtle and possibly unconscious bigotry of that whole world of vomit*, it’s actually refreshing to deal with straight-up no-question-about-it “you are not a person” old-fashioned bigoted hatred.
Like a cool refreshing splash of sewage water on a warm summer day. Ok, back to teh funnie!
In fact, in some states and municipalities, taxpayers are forced to pick up the tab.
Seriously, tell me where and I’ll move there within the week and send you all the pictures of my medical surgery “mutilation”** as thanks. Cause, see, in the America I’m stuck in, I can’t even manage to get in to see the mandatory therapist for the “are you sure you’re a woman?” “yes” “super positive?” “yes” “hmm, keep doing what you’ve been doing for another year just to be sure” bullshit steps without an employment granted health insurance (so I can have the privilege of paying them out of pocket anyways). But hey, maybe the UK joined the US and brought their national health care and more robust transsexual rights with them while I wasn’t looking.
It is also perfectly legal for men to commit sodomy
Oh my god! It’s legal for men to fuck! I mean, if a man wanted to take his legally married opposite sexed woman-wife-bride and fuck her up the ass like in those videos he pretends to watch for research purposes, he can do so without going to jail.
Truly, with this unprecedented sexual ability, the fall of mankind is nigh! Repent! REPENT!
Oh wait, that’s what these fuckers actually do believe. My bad. Continue.
and for women to have sexual relations with each other.
Dude, I’m having a hard time believing at this point that your “research” for this “oh so deep thought experiment” was the porn collection you keep in that drawer you think your beard, I mean wife, doesn’t know about it. Shame, you’ll never know that she gets off to it way way more than you ever will no matter how many times you watch it weeping, yelling at your dick to get hard and chase away the demons.
In fact, in some states and municipalities, it is illegal for a landlord with a moral objection to that kind of behavior to turn down practitioners of this kind of sexual behavior from renting their apartments.
What? You can’t block them from purchasing shelter, leaving them to die like animals in the street?
What is this poor nation coming to.***
Public schools in more and more states and locales are encouraging homosexuality, tranvestism, lesbianism
He’s not wrong. I still remember my Grade 9 syllabus: “Math, Science, Spanish, English, How to Wear Skirts and Destroy the Moral Fabric of the Universe”. Good times.
– even to the point of allowing children to define their own “gender identification” by using the locker rooms and restrooms of their choice.
Oh noes, people using the correct locker rooms and bathrooms! Oooh!****
Now, maybe I’m using the shithouse wrong, but I’ve never seen the naked orgies that these fuckers seem to think are going on in there. In either the men’s or the women’s restrooms*****. Similarly, in gym class, in the one and only space where I was forced to use a locker room, I… changed into my boy shorts, trying to do so to minimize all nudity (through over the clothing movements and so on), just like everyone else. Despite the depiction of the movies, most people seek to reduce the amount of time other people of their gender judge their growing shifting bodies.
It’s perfectly legal for counselors to encourage lesbianism, homosexuality, transvestism and the aforementioned medical mutilations known as sex-change operations. It is even perfectly legal for counselors and therapists to offer assistance in changing the sexual orientation of adults and children from heterosexual to homosexual.
At the same time American society takes this anything-goes approach to sexuality, there is one new glaring taboo being constructed in some states: Counseling and therapy for minors who want to change their sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual.
Counseling… doesn’t work that way. Sexual orientation doesn’t work that way. Ex-gay bullshit abuse factories don’t work that way. Nothing you mentioned works those ways!
I know, I know, preaching to the willfully ignorant, but as much as you’d like to imagine that sexual orientation is like a constant game of badminton between demons and angels, that’s not how it works. You’re stuck as whatever sexuality you are and the first moment of the first attraction is where you start to learn who you are, regardless of what you do. The first instant you start to have that same-sex attraction, boom, you’re on the Kinsey Scale somewhere 1-6 with 0 and X forever grayed off, never to be unlocked. You can pretend it away, you can ignore it. If you’re bisexual or pansexual, you can focus on attractions to opposite-sexed people and just sort of go on with your life never thinking much about it. But you can’t change it.
And that is sorta why “ex-gay therapy” will never be anything more than an abuse factory preying on social condemnation in order to further damage people about their healthy reactions to their own sexuality. Because they really think that gayness is some curable thing that you can just add enough straightness (read stereotypical gendered behavior or intense psychological self-trauma or closeted pretense) to make all better and that their enemies must be doing the same by having resources available to people figuring out themselves for the first time.
And it’s also why the various wingnuts have stopped highlighting their “success stories” by name, because there hasn’t been a predominant “ex-gay” yet who hasn’t been found to have been enjoying some “extracurricular activities” on the side. And why finally, sane states have started to move to ban these abuse factories and fraud networks built on exploiting familial unease.
I mean, would I love to have been born a cismale heterosexual? To not have been bullied because I didn’t have attractions to the “opposite sex” at the right time? To still be praised by my workplace and have probably a quick advancement and a huge amount of social support and never have to feel awkward in a crowded restroom? To be able to provide a low-stress socially-approved relationship to my partner, to be able to return her desires with true sexual interest?
I dunno. It certainly would have made my life easier. But I wasn’t born that way. I was born a transfemale asexual and anything I did to try and run from that and pretend it away would just be pointless self-destruction.
Of course, for Jospeh Farah and the other misery merchants, that self-destruction is the entire point. As long as one more person is helping to prop up the lie they desperately use to try and fool themselves, then who cares about the social cost, or the cost in human lives from those who assume the treatment failed because they are too weak or that their innate sexual desires are sinful and who therefore commit suicide.
Such legislation was passed by the California Legislature before being struck down by the courts.
But now similar legislation is being introduced in New Jersey, in what can fairly be described as the next big push by those promoting sexual anarchy in America.
~Sexual Anarchy in the NJ!~
What are these radicals afraid of? They claim, believe it or not, that any counseling or therapy to change those with inclinations toward homosexuality is quackery. So let me get this straight: It’s perfectly justifiable and effective to provide counseling and therapy – and even permanent medical mutilations – to change from heterosexuality to homosexuality, but not the other way around.
It’s true. That’s why you have to state whether you are hetero- or homosexual when you apply for those magical free cardiovascular mutilation, I mean genital surgery, I mean… that are available to trans* people free of charge specifically paid for by the fund of Churches who are illegally taxed by Obama paid goons. Bisexuals and asexuals can be allowed to proceed on a provisional, but only if they sign a binding legal contract to act at least 10% more gay when they complete the procedure, otherwise they take it all back.
And it’s why there is not a single trans* individual on the planet who is a heterosexual transsexual. You’re just straight up banned if you try, because of the strict hetero-to-homo rule being enforced.
Or maybe Creepy McMoustache doesn’t have the first fucking notion of what he’s talking about.
They literally deny that tens of thousands – maybe far more – have left the homosexual lifestyle and become “ex-gays.”
Yeah, no one’s denying that lying closet-cases calling themselves, as you so demonstrably put it, quote-unquote “ex-gays” exist.
Indeed, organizations such as Truth Wins Out are specifically designed as protests of the phenomenon and specifically talk about the damage said groups do, the lack of connection to credentialed therapists, and the overall scam tactics they use.
Hell, they don’t even deny that a number of people have indeed gone screaming back into the closet thanks to them. Some examples of that, like Lisa Miller, are heartbreaking in the extreme, but we do not deny that these self-delusions have happened.
Now, Farah might argue that that isn’t what he meant. Maybe not, but then maybe he should have learned what the fuck he’s talking about before trying to defend the scam network and abuse factory he’s actively profiting off of!
Why do they deny it? Because they fear losing constituents.
IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION! 100% of the time, accept no substitutes. I mean, this bit of straight-up fantasy doesn’t even make sense outside of an IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION viewpoint. Wait, being gay is a religion now and is worried about losing constituents in the religion, because that means reduced glitter tithes?
Though you will see open homosexuals by the score in TV shows and movies and read “heroic” stories about them coming to grips with their sexual identity in the major media, one thing you will never see or read about is a person who turned his or her back on that lifestyle. Yet it happens all the time.
Are you sure about that? Because I’m pretty sure that was the entire point of the forced in romantic subplot of Top Gun. Or more seriously, that’s the main result of 9 out of 10 bisexual plots in shows (especially for female characters).
Even more seriously. Uh, yeah, you sometimes get gay characters in movies and television shows. Characters who are gay, plots about dealing with issues that affect gay characters like coming out, dating, facing bigotry, and very sometimes even entire movies or shows revolving around a queer relationship or story…
Just like the vast majority of the time you get straight characters in movies and television shows. Characters who are straight, plots revolving around straight romantic drama, straight romantic subplots thrown into nearly every movie, and whole genres where the notion that someone might not actually be straight is so unthinkable that they’ll jam in a forced romantic subplot if things are looking a little too “dude-heavy” (oh hi there Top Gun). It’s so unbelievably common that it constantly reinforces the notion that heterosexual relationships (and a specific type of heterosexual relationship) is the “correct” and “normal” model, allowing douchenozzles like yourself to view the paltry handful of queer focused movies and tv-show characters as an aberration.
You’re not going to get a movie about someone changing their sexuality from hetero-to-homo willingly and you’re not going to get a movie about them changing their sexuality from homo-to-hetero willingly. Because, despite your determination to believe otherwise, sexuality doesn’t work that way.
And if you abandoned the reflexive bigotry for 5 minutes to read even the most introductory information about it, you’d already know that.
And that’s what the homosexual lobby and its enablers in political liberalism don’t want you to known about.
So now they are making their big push to make it illegal to counsel or offer therapy to those who want to go straight.
This is an illustration of just how dangerous and totalitarian in nature the homosexual lobby truly is.
Single sentence paragraphs
Make everything
More dramatic.
What’s happening in our society today is nothing short of the active recruitment of children into aberrant sexual lifestyles. We once called this child abuse. But today it’s official state policy. The next step, which may have been unimaginable a few years ago, is to ensure there’s no way out for those recruits.
Parents and children shouldn’t have an opportunity to explore their options in enjoying a heterosexual lifestyle. Change only works one way, according to these fiends.
Ewwww… No, I don’t want parents exploring any “heterosexual lifestyle” options with children. That’s just… ugh.
Think about this: Children molested by same-sex adults are much more likely to adopt a same-sex attraction.
For proof of this assertion, please write a formal request and then shove it up your own ass, because it’ll probably produce a faster result than to wait for Farah to even pretend to have an answer.
Sometimes all those kids need is some counseling to overcome their victimization.
Yes, molestation victims need counseling. Real counseling. And see, that, dear douchecanoe, is why we hate your little cult of child abusers and suicide-creators. You take people who need real counseling. Someone legitimately trained to listen to what the person is going through and help them through that, whether they want to hide in a closet, avoid any sexual contact, or explore who they are. And you instead give them an incoherent rant or a stream of abuse designed to prey on their fears and nightmares and turn it into hatred for a group of people you randomly despise for being smaller (in number) and weaker (politically and socially) than you.
Those abuse victims need real trained counseling. Those people feeling conflicted and frightened about the fantasies inside them need someone actually qualified to provide therapy and advice. Someone real who can help them, not some charlatan paid by churches to make people so scared to talk about anything that they bottle it all up and tell people what they want to hear.
All to help perpetuate this fantasy notion on how sexuality works, that it is this badminton game of good and evil, queer or heteronormative, that in no way resembles our real world in any way. And it is why these abuse mills need to be shut down, because every individual stuck in them is another individual who is only going to have more trauma to process through whenever they can finally get to a real therapist to help them with their real problems.
And it’s for those reasons and the thousands of bodies created by these scam artists, that I have no sympathy for the crocodile tears of those who have so long profited off this bloody industry of pain and lies.
That would be legally prohibited by the legislation now under consideration in New Jersey and the legislation passed in California.
Because, of course, “ex-gay therapy” = all therapy anywhere and everywhere.
It would deny kids a chance at a normal life. It would deny parents their rights to look out for the best interests of their own kids.
It’s also blatantly discriminatory – banning therapy leading to heterosexuality while allowing homosexual-affirming therapy and even “gender-change” decisions by kids who are provided with potentially life-threatening hormones.
You keep using that discriminatory word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.
Also, ha ha ha ha ha, fuck you.
Hormone treatments wouldn’t be “life-threatening” if we really did “pay out of the government for transgender services” like you claimed. That way we could actually work with an endocrinologist right off the bat to check in every once in a while and not have to eyeball it the best we can based on information from other transgender individuals.
Why is it that children are allowed to change their “gender identity” but not their sexual orientation?
Because of very obvious reasons that you could have easily discovered if you spent about 5 seconds on google before you wrote this steaming pile of obvious bullshit and offensive propaganda.
But hey, I guess the good state of wherever the fuck you live hasn’t legalized the right to change from an ignorant asshole to someone who’s got two brain cells to rub together.
You know why: The homosexual lobby is powerful and forceful in the world of psychology, psychiatry and counseling.
Or that. Magical super-powerful lobbies that just so happen to overpower a community with so much political pull they don’t have to pay taxes and are allowed to, in nearly every state, to provide “therapy” without either credentials or any working grasp of the current working theories in their supposed field.
Oooh, fear the scary gay lobby that’s so much more powerful than that and send all your money to us so that we can keep milking this stone for a few more years.
The homosexual movement once claimed its supreme goal was to ensure that its constituents could do what they want in the privacy of their own bedrooms. That was a lie. Now they parade their sexual proclivities in our streets and in the “gay”-friendly media.
I mean, it was one thing when they wanted the right to exist, but now they, like, want the right to exist. I mean, if we treat gay people as if they were human beings, what’s next, treating the black people as if they were people? It’s a slippery slope, people, that’s all I’m saying.
It’s no longer an alternative lifestyle; it’s quickly becoming the preferred lifestyle
(Freud hat on)Mmm…hmm! Yes, go on about how “preferred” this lifestyle is for you, how irresistible it feels. I’m sure it’ll convince everyone that your therapy worked like a charm. (Freud hat off)
the brave new lifestyle, the hip and heroic lifestyle, the affirmative-action lifestyle.
You know, for a bunch of people who claim to love the English language so much that actual living people need to suffer for it, they really love to abuse and malign the shit out of it. It’s almost like IT’S ALWAYS some sort of light emitting technology or something.
Now the homosexual movement and its allies in the popular culture, media and politics are seeking to use the police power of the state to make sure there’s no return from a “choice” made even as a child. Once “gay,” always “gay” is their credo.
Snrk. Oh, yes, queers are famous for the amount of sway they’ve held over police and law enforcement. Yup. Jesus, Farah, if you were projecting any stronger you’d actually start melting a hole in the screen.
But thanks for thoroughly demonstrating that the only defenses possible either against queer rights or for abusive industries like the “ex-gay” bullshit are either nonsensical or so full of projection to qualify for its own movie theatre franchise.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m late for my biweekly genital mutilation and fetus remains cocktail social I attend with all the other transwomen in the area. Today’s topic is how to turn all high school girls gay simply by showing clips of old Ellen reruns.******
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. They be hatin’ on how we be, but we just shove it right back in their face. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
*Yes, I’m working to extricate myself from that ego-destroying nightmare. No, they aren’t leaving me anything obvious I can easily sue or bring in the Transgender Law Center over. Yes, I have told them to their faces that I realize it’s happening and they have given me their half-hearted denials while continually trying to make the environment toxic enough that I just quit. No, I don’t plan to leave quietly no matter what. Yes, I know how I’m going to do that and yes, you’ll be able to help. Yes, it sucks. A lot. And if it is, as they maintain, a string of coincidences, it’s one that resembles the exact string of events that other transgender individuals being shoved out of the door at other companies in the state have reported.
**You know what gets left out of all those scare wordings about abortion or the suite of possible surgeries that can take place as part of a gender reassignment surgery? That all surgeries, and in fact most organism level biology, tends to be… well, a little icky. I mean, look at the photos of any surgery, cardiovascular, muscular, cosmetic… The ones of the procedure themselves. If you’re not used to them they can appear nightmare inducing. And a lot of that is because they require carefully going in to the parts we usually can’t see, the tissues, the organs, the blood, laying all that bare and fixing the stuff that’s gone wrong. The fact that we empathize with those images, that we don’t (usually) want to see the squishy machinery that keeps us all moving is often exploited by those who know that by carefully selecting certain surgeries for highlighting, they can create the impression that those select surgeries are somehow “mutilations” or “slaughters” while the rest are nice tidy affairs kept safely locked behind white curtains and surgical masks. They are not.
***I’m actually a little impressed to see this one make the list of fail. Most bigots have been moving away from the whole “we want the faggots and the trannies to die in the streets” angle and towards arguing that words are irrevocably harmed when girls rub titties together and so on. I’d love to see the attempted court legal defense of this one. Well, you see your honor, if I let dem queers move in to my domiciles, they’ll irrevocably fag it up so’s I can never rent to a straight couple ever again. The glitter removal costs alone would be prohibitive!
****You know, it’s kinda becoming a little obvious that for a lot of people, the purposes of having and maintaining bi-gendered bathrooms is solely to have a gendered space to enforce for signs of gender non-conformity. I mean, seriously, there are so many people, even people who consider themselves good and liberal who get verklempt about this issue and their arguments always boil down to “but it says boys here, girls there”. When the spaces are absent. When colleges have all gender safe bathrooms and shower spaces, most people use them to… shower and pee, showing no more nudity or flesh than they would have in a gendered space. And suffering no more or even less (due to it not being this whole gendered space to violate as a bonus to the actual violation) sexual assaults or rapes than gendered spaces.
*****But hey, that doesn’t stop the crazies from making it illegal to pee in certain states, because orgies, child molestation, predators and other things that have never been done by a transgender individual in a restroom in the history of the US.
******I should note that the sidebar when I was reading this “exclusive” pile of dross was as follows:
No comment.
Twerps like Farah make me want to start an ex-Christian and ex-conservative “rehabilitation” program.
The only way I could understand hypocrisy less would be if someone trepanned my skull and even then
Sounds drastic but I’d be willing to give it a go.
Now where did I leave that dull, rusty hacksaw?
Can’t … avoid … thinking “GUIDO STALIN” … must … resist!
Oh, did Moore claim to get ex gay therapy from this guy? What a scam… and Moore went on grindr to look at men (such a sin… tsk tsk… not)… how can people seriously do that to others?
Why in most states the taxpayer foots the bill to keep people in cages, yet when I keep one for myself – even a SMALL PEOPLE – it’s illegal!
What are these radicals afraid of? They claim, believe it or not, that any counseling or therapy to change those with inclinations toward homosexuality is quackery.
Hey you with the twatwafflestache, that’s a nice red herring you’re reeling in there. Or is it a straw man? Hmmm, I’m gonna go with redstrawherringman, which seems to be the gold standard of whingnuttery. Here let me splain you: we claim that any counseling to change orientation is quackery.
So let me get this straight: It’s perfectly justifiable and effective to provide counseling and therapy – and even permanent medical mutilations – to change from heterosexuality to homosexuality, but not the other way around.
Fuck you with a rusty ice auger. Fuck you fuck you fuck you you fucking fuck. You know full well what you’re doing there and it’s as ugly as anything pieces of shit excess human baggage like yourself have ever done. Go make yourself extinct post haste.
You know, the social con perspective on gender reassignment seems to be that it’s this frivolous, simple decision. It’s like a gay man (and it is always a gay man in their heads, clearly) might just be sitting on his couch on Saturday afternoon and just decide “I think I’ll be a woman.” Then, of course, he’d trot down to the nearest hospital (because it’s not like sex reassignment is a rare specialty or anything) and get it done at taxpayer expense. It makes me wonder if guys like Farah aren’t getting all their information on transgenderism from fetish webcomics.
It already exists. It’s called legitimate mental health counseling.
But here’s what I don’t get. All I saw was a total rehashing of talking points most elected Republicans are hesitant to utter, at least when they think outsiders might hear about it. So the long build up to the NEW OUTRAGEOUS OUTRAGE OF OUTRAGEOUSNESS!!!one1!! must be like foreplay to these unbalanced fucknuggets. And they want to be arbiters of normalcy? Yeah … No.
And that is sorta why “ex-gay therapy” will never be anything more than an abuse factory preying on social condemnation in order to further damage people about their healthy reactions to their own sexuality. Because they really think that gayness is some curable thing that you can just add enough straightness (read stereotypical gendered behavior or intense psychological self-trauma or closeted pretense) to make all better and that their enemies must be doing the same by having resources available to people figuring out themselves for the first time.
I remember reading that Focus on the Family had only about a 30% success rate with their “ex-gay counseling” therapy.
That’s not 30% of gay people. That’s 30% of those gay people who actually believe or want to be straight badly enough to throw themselves through the James Dobson course, which is already stacking the deck about as far in favor of the fundiegelicals as possible. And yet even with the deck stacked that way, they’re still unable to make their “therapy” stick on more than 30%. If there’s a better example of how bankrupt this outlook on life is, I don’t know it.
(Yes, I’m quite sure that most of those 30% “I’m healed” people aren’t really “healed” either).
Now they parade their sexual proclivities in our streets …
*Takes quick look*
Nope. Just some dumbass spandex-clad jogger traipsing down the curvy, no shouldered, blind-hill infested 1.5 lane goat track I live on instead of using the sidewalks in the McMansion field down the way that blew my property taxes through the roof.
Gay? Yes. Just not in the good way. Well, not obviously at least. What the hell do I know? Or care?
(Yes, I’m quite sure that most of those 30% “I’m healed” people aren’t really “healed” either).
If you did into the stats, the vast majority of those “healed” people are men who are still gay, but chaste. The religious right perspective is a behavior, so a person who’s not in a sexual relationship with a person of the same sex is straight by default.
I go one further and question how many of those people are really gay.
TalEvangicals (and Catlicks) are very, very, very good at turning perfectly normal feelings into huge horrible sins. So I can imagine a number of their clients are heterosexuals who felt funny tingles in their naughty bits for reasons they thought were inappropriate.
One of those reasons might be a person of the same gender was somewhere in the vicinity. But instead of this being a “Huh, that’s funny,” event, or even “Yeah, s/he is kinda hot…” to a certain number of people who’ve been exposed to extremist religion, it will be “Oh no! I’m a homosectyuall and will spend eternity being tortured in fiery damnation!!”
So off they run to Camp GayAway, which proceeds (for a large sum of money) to convince the heterosexual mark that s/he is in fact … heterosexual.
Mission Accomplished. (Where Mission = Relieving someone of their cash.)
So I went diving into the comments over there (too much self-indulgence lately, I felt in need of penance) and it’s pretty much what you’d expect. A lot of people claiming that unidentified “scientists” have proved that being gay/transgendered is a choice, so put a sock in it. I assume they’re talking about some study from ’94 that comes up a lot in “ex-gay” literature, which they still use because obviously there hasn’t been any further research in the last two decades. But my personal favorite – assuming the guy’s for real, and the rest of his comments are serious, so I think he is – is this one:
There you go – definitive, scientific proof courtesy of a smutty joke that probably originated in Playboy magazine circa 1976. I don’t know why we even waste our time with research when men’s periodicals provide all the answers.
I have a feeling the reason they no longer trot out specific people to front for their “therapy” because they’ve been burned too often. Every time they name someone as having been “converted,” that person becomes a ticking time bomb, ready to go off. (Insert your own joke here.)
Did anyone see “But I’m a Cheerleader”? That had a “conversion camp” with some wild-ass shit that couldn’t possibly be real. But it makes me wonder—just what does go on in those places?
Meanwhile, in GODLESS Portland, http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2013/03/grant_highs_transgendered_stud.html#incart_river_default
Suck on THAT Mr. Pornstache!
Their success rate is zero. Wayne Besen at Truth Wins Out is the go-to guy for keeping tabs on the fundiegelicals. It’s worth your time to dig around his site to see what’s _really_ going on.
Er … [raises hand hesitantly] I first heard that term at a hot bed of NeoConservative ideals known as Vassar. It was an insult, kind of like FemBot. And now that I think of it, I never heard of GUGs or whatever.
Anyhoo, it turns out that there are people who enjoy sex with and even form romantic bonds with people of both genders and I’m sure that if anyone was strange enough to track the romantic lives of LUGs, that’s what you’d see.
But introducing the concept of bisexuality to the average rightwing dickblister will cause its head to go off like claymore mine and so should be done with caution. Or you can just say “Fuck you, you cross-eyed goat-buggering troglodyte,” and walk away.
(Yes, I know. But at least the otherwise enlightened people aren’t passing laws about it? I don’t know. Can’t we all get along?)
Did anyone see “But I’m a Cheerleader”? That had a “conversion camp” with some wild-ass shit that couldn’t possibly be real. But it makes me wonder—just what does go on in those places?
Actually, there’s been a lot of talk about that over the past few years. You really don’t see “conversion camps” anymore, although there are a few out there. There are a handful of organization that maintain reparative facilities (along with maternity homes and some other places you wouldn’t believe still exist in the 21st century), most of which are located outside of the United States to cut down on oversight and make it harder for the kids to escape. I also imagine that there are a lot of gay kids in those “tough love” camps that have been popping up over the last fifteen years. When it comes to those places, the only thing more horrifying than the allegations of physical abuse is how rare it is for anyone to get prosecuted, thanks to utterly toothless state laws.
But most reparative therapy does take place in an office, just like legitimate counseling. The techniques used range from mainstream psychological methods (such as aversion and cognitive therapies) to really fringe stuff like Dr. Cohen’s hug therapy. That film deals mostly with “gender role reinforcement,” an actual technique used in reparative therapy. I probably don’t have to explain why this doesn’t work, but it’s still very popular among this set.
As with the war on drugs, conservatives have no credibility re: protecting children (or anyone) from sexual abuse. Their culture and ideas about sex and gender seem to lack all redeeming features, unless I’m forgetting something.
I very much doubt that Farah could instruct a child on how to recognize, avoid, and/or report dangerous situations. He could teach patriarchy, blind respect for authority, lack of critical thought, shame, bullying, closeting, secrecy and blackmail … et cetera … the whole arsenal of repressive, exploitative social relations.
Awesome example of “IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION” – put a mirrored cone around this guy and we could do shadow puppets on the moon. Great article, Cerebus!
This article raises some really pertinent questions. For instance, do conservatives not know how to do a Google search? Seems like everytime I read one of their rants, a quick search reveals that they’ve gotten most (all?) of their facts wrong.
Then again, now that I think about it, I wonder if they’ve created a parallel, conservative version of Google that only they are privy to.
Is is prejudiced to want to see Michelle Shocked luved on Breitbart/Fox/Daily Caller and by Ted Nugget? I’m thinking a Nugget/Shocked Easter Drone Attack on Big Gay Al . . . or maybe Shocked starts writing for American Thinkering and her career ends in the Sadly Labs . . . or she’s the house band for Fox and Friends . . .
There’s a upside to Shocked fever.
The “other” Rush is a pirate?!
I wonder if they’ve created a parallel, conservative version of Google that only they are privy to.
they have; it’s called Bible.
When Bing first came out they touted it as the alternative to Google, which many conservatives had accused of having a liberal bias. Which is easy to understand if you consider that when they search for something like “homosexuality” they expect to get tons of results about how vile and nasty it is and sodomites burning in hell fire. When that doesn’t happen, it must be the result of liberal hijinx, because the entire world is out to get them. Or something.
Since then, I gather Bing has fallen out of favor and I do occasionally hear rightwingish grumbles about creating a “good” browser. But I guess so far the Koch Bros. have been reluctant to cough up the cash.
That reminds me. Whatever happened with Conservapedia? And that effort to build a better Bible? You know, the one that proved Jesus was a bigger capitalist doucheclog than Donald Trump.
I see Conservapedia out there at times, coming up on the lower end of the Google search spectrum. Which I think proves the theory that I’ve seen in real life over and over again; wingnuts just don’t like to bother with research, thinking, reading and all that stuff. Hence Fox News and when they do read the National Enquirer of the internets that is WorldNutDaily is there to serve up the toast.
I have to admit, my hetero-normative privilege has kept me less exposed to the fuckery that is in-your-face hardcore homophobia. Save for my father who just likes to hate people for fun and good times and a few creepy preachers I have met in the Mandatory Service to the Methodist Church in the Name of Family and STFU or I’ll Beat Your Ass that was my youth.
And even my violent hate-ridden father didn’t obsess about gay people, he just liked to reiterate stereotypes and make a mental list of non-conformers of all types.
People like Farah strike me as no doubt suffering from Gay Desire so hard it hurts them. They must absolutely have gay people suffer the same oppression they give to themselves and also of course suffer because unlike them, out gay folks are enjoying life, living love and you know, being happy.
Which of course ‘splains why they hate regular counseling so much because dealing with the personal repression you’ve built your entire identity around has got to be about as scary as the thought of — well, possibly getting a woody when a good looking guy jogs down the street in tights.
Medicaid in California does actually cover gender reassignment surgery (I’m not sure if it’s federally matched or something the state added on its own tab), but you have to already qualify for the program (hard unless you are low-income with dependents or are disabled, though this will change next year), it can apparently be a pain to get the program to acknowledge it’s covered, even though it’s down in black letters, and good luck finding a surgeon who accepts their payment rates.
I would suppose Minivet, drawing from my old days in poverty stuff that there hasn’t been a federal benefit added to Medicaid since the 80’s, sure wasn’t anything added in the 90’s and things ain’t got better.
The soshalistic commies of California probably chose to pay for that, which brings me to my other point — I’m always mystified as to why anti-government, hating wingnuts live in areas rife with so-called commie gubmint like California or Massachusetts. On the times I’ve asked them why they don’t move to Louisiana or something they’ll say something about jobs or “nice to place to live here”
That reminds me. Whatever happened with Conservapedia? And that effort to build a better Bible?
Look, not to defend…anyone involved, really, but Conservapedia was never a major part of conservative culture. Ultimately, it was nothing more than the Quixotic effort of one extremely deluded man to replace the entire Internet. Hell, Farah called Andy Schlafly a nut, and even Schlafly’s mother hasn’t mentioned it or Andy in probably five years. And if you’ve seen it on Google at all, it’s only because one of the sysops has been spamming links across every forum, wiki, and comment section that hasn’t banned him yet.
So despite what Schlafly thinks, Conservapedia is not, nor was it ever, the conservative Wikipedia. It’s more like a joke that went waaaaaay too far.
Oh, but if you are curious about the legendary Internet joke that is the Conservative Bible Project: Last I checked, it had attracted a guy who was an actual student of ancient Greek who was fighting Schlafly tooth and nail on every point. Naturally, Schlafly’s ego doesn’t allow him to accept advice from anyone, but he never blocked the guy either, which is curious.
Shakezula said,
March 23, 2013 at 21:03
Good point.
I was actually wondering how many were bisexual and simply, well, chose to only demonstrate interest in one gender after leaving FOTF. That’s another way to “claim victory.” But your “one further” works too.
“Public schools in more and more states and locales are encouraging homosexuality, tranvestism, lesbianism”
AT last I have found an ally, a man who knows my pain, and understands who weakened my moral fiber! Yes, in 5th or 6th grade, I played a frog in some stupid school play, and they made me wear green tights. The whistles which greeted my shapely calves changed me forever, and I’ve been looking for a tuneful little helpmeet to help me raise a couple of tadpoles. Sure, there will be problems but that’s the same all over the female species.
I’d like to comment on the trans-gender-at-work situation, if I may. I don’t understand it. Almost every male I’ve worked with pretends to be a man, and nobody ever makes a fuss, or points out the obviousness of the deception. Considering how much that little charade has cost the world, I fail to see why any other permutation of these roles should bother anybody. More’n likely, it’s an improvement.
My best wishes to you, and what is being done, is in my opinion, beneath contempt.
“and what is being done, is in my opinion, beneath contempt.”
And I’ll be very happy if it turns out to be illegal, and you mulct the hell out of them.
“A lot of people claiming that unidentified “scientists” have proved that being gay/transgendered is a choice”
Oh, who knows, maybe there’s a certain amount of choice involved. But I’ve never found any reason why I shouldn’t respect the choices people make concerning their sex and gender roles. Is there some law which says I must have a negative relationship with their choice, if it isn’t mine? I must fight their choice, or my own choice is diminished or endangered? And even if their choice doesn’t impinge on me in any real way? I’ve never seen where that question (choice, or inborn) made any difference to the real question: am I capable of giving people the respect they deserve?
Who knows, maybe it’s a choice. In that case, it’s a choice which can be respected. And why and how anybody makes whatever choices are involved is NOMB (none of my business) With calves like mine, my biggest problem is avoiding all the marriage proposals.
Eight inches of snow in KC MO.
It’s snowpocalypse!
It is even perfectly legal for counselors and therapists to offer assistance in changing the sexual orientation of adults and children from heterosexual to homosexual.
Somebody should offer one of Farah’s readers a million bucks to successfully change his sexual orientation, with the proviso that he can change back after a week. If anyone thinks it’s that easy to rewire one’s brain, they should be tempted to take the bet.
I was actually wondering how many were bisexual and simply, well, chose to only demonstrate interest in one gender after leaving FOTF.
Actually, that’s not the case. In fact, there’s evidence that bisexuals in reparative therapy actually come out gayer than when they started. Box Turtle Bulletin had a long post on the subject, concerning a NARTH study from 2007. Aside from the funny bit about some subjects moving up the Kinsey scale, it also had an interesting breakdown on what counts as “conversion.” None of the conversions involved men who had become straight – all of them claimed a heterosexual identity and a homosexual orientation. Which is just another way of saying that they were still attracted to men, were not generally attracted to women, but had managed to hold down some sort of heterosexual relationship.
In other words, they weren’t straight but they were very good at roleplaying straight.
Oh, who knows, maybe there’s a certain amount of choice involved.
I like asking bigots when they chose to be straight.
I wonder if they’ve created a parallel, conservative version of Google that only they are privy to.
Funny you should ask… these epistemes won’t close themselves, now.
I like asking bigots when they chose to be straight.
Exactly. I’ve never found myself thinking “That new guy in accounting sure is hot. But wait! I’ve chosen to be heterosexual.”
But it sure is hilarious. And since A.S. launched Constipedia, I see less daylight between someone like him and conservative legislators. So maybe Conservapedia isn’t where a sociopathic CongressCritter get his severely jacked up version of reality, but severely jacked up that version is all the same. (See for example, Friends of Hamas.)
About his Capitalist Jesus Bible project, as I recall he claimed he had a stable full of Biblical scholars on hand. Not surprised that isn’t the case.
The whistles which greeted my shapely calves changed me forever, and I’ve been looking for a tuneful little helpmeet to help me raise a couple of tadpoles
I was expecting an article on Xenopus… live and learn, live and learn.
Sure, there will be problems but that’s the same all over the female species.
It’s pretty rough on the guy too.
Mooser said,
March 24, 2013 at 21:33
Right, but for the fundies being gay has to be a choice, or else their god is perversely cruel. Or, they’re wrong and god doesn’t hate gays. Two unacceptable options. Transgender, same deal. And I’m guessing they have no suggestions for how hermaphrodites should live — choose (or your parents choose) a gender and get surgery? But wait, surgery’s bad, and god doesn’t make mistakes.
Speaking of fugly bigots with hairdos that would be improved by a spritz of kerosene and a lit match:
Rand Paul gets on my tits something fierce. I suppose I could gain amusement from such political gymnastics as: “I’m not against abortion except I think life begins at conception so I just introduced a bill to that effect, but I didn’t mean it.” Or “Letting gay people get married is not horrible but I don’t like it and don’t want the government to like it. Maybe we can fix the tax code to make marriage less govermenty.”
However, it is very plain he is a stupid man who thinks he is outsmarting all of us rubes and I always want to smack people like that until my hands go numb.
or else their god is perversely cruel.
The guy they believe in punishes folks for ALL ETERNITY for 60-70 years, if you’re LUCKY, of naughty life, heck, even for a life of generosity and kindness if lived without the magic words. Perverse cruelty doesn’t bother them one whit.
It never ceases to amaze me- how these simpletons whip out their imbecilities out and show them with such pride and resolve. When my middle kid came out as MtF TG, my ex-wife searched around for a ‘therapist who was on her insurance’, and the guy seemed more focused on ‘why they were wanting to be a girl’. She may have some other psych issues, but her sexuality isn’t one of them. I’m glad she ceased treatment with the ‘therapist’, sought help from a real psychiatrist and is doing much better. Luckily, my ex-wife is just a cheap-ass, and not some religious whacko.
Right, but for the fundies being gay has to be a choice, or else their god is perversely cruel. Or, they’re wrong and god doesn’t hate gays. Two unacceptable options.
Some options are more unacceptable than others.
In this case, the latter, I think.
Regarding Conservapedia, apparently most of the people who edit the site anymore are parodists, and at least one parodist had been made a sysop once upon a time.
Also, Schlafly has had a habit of chasing off people who deviate from his views in any way, but most of the people who seem to agree with him are parodists. Sort of makes you think.
Perverse cruelty doesn’t bother them one whit.
It bothers them in the sense that they don’t like to admit it. Fundies like to say that they’re full of love, as is their god.
Nothing is really stopping Christians from believing that God would make someone gay (not by choice) then force them to “behave,” in thought and deed, under threat of hell. He’s done worse. It’s his thing, really; I don’t have to supply examples.
But I’m saying the fundies aren’t comfortable with that. They like gay-as-choice better, in spite of the fact that their god apparently forces all sorts of non-choice moral dilemmas on people, willy-nilly. These are gifts! For example, he might decide you should have both a penis and a vagina, then drop you in the worst possible situation for that, without anyone to help you. At which point you’re expected to run a moral gauntlet or go to hell. I bring this up again because nobody can pretend you chose that, or that you’re mentally ill or confused or simply wicked. (To be clear, I don’t think it’s a bad way to be born, just so rare and misunderstood that it isn’t presently a ticket to a special (in the good sense) life.)
Nothing is really stopping Christians from believing that God would make someone gay (not by choice) then force them to “behave,” in thought and deed, under threat of hell. He’s done worse. It’s his thing, really; I don’t have to supply examples.
That’s just like seeding sedimentary rocks with false fossils in order to tempt people into believing in an old earth and evolution.
That’s just like seeding sedimentary rocks with false fossils in order to tempt people into believing in an old earth and evolution.
No no, my addle-and-shiny-pated son, that would be the work of Satan, the foul deceiver. Let’s try and keep our mythical beings straight, mmmkay?
Almost every male I’ve worked with pretends to be a man,
I’ve got away with pretending to be a mature adult, for decades.
how these simpletons whip out their imbecilities out
You can whip out the imbecility? A form of self-flagellation Stupidity Reparative Therapy? I am willing to lend a hand with the thrashings if their arms are tired.
You can whip out the imbecility?
yup – just like THIS!
Not only can you whip out the imbecility, but if you’ve got a mustache that looks like a five cent joke store item, then you can also stroke, nurture, strangle, dangle and wrangle that imbecility with impunity, in public, in front of everyone and for all to see and without the shame and punishment such activity truly deserves.
You can whip out the imbecility?
Is there nitrous oxide and a special nozzle involved? AFAF
Let me see if I understand you… you can drive out imbecility with whips? Have I got a list for you. It’s a big list, so you’ll want stretch out properly, start slow, change hands once in a while and drink plenty of water. Take as long as you need, you’ll be at it for years.
They like gay-as-choice better
It puts all the responsibility on the gay person himself, is my guess as to why they like that. If you acknowledge that God made him that way, then you have to admit on some level that it’s not his fault; but if it’s a choice and it is his fault, then they’re free to persecute him as they would a thief, a killer, or anyone else who broke the law.
Let’s try and keep our mythical beings straight, mmmkay?
How hard can it be? There’s JUST. TWO. Of them!
Well, granted, one of them is actually three people…
… and he has an army of supernatural winged servants at his disposal, too…
… and then there’s this Antichrist character who’s supposed to roll around at some point too…
Type one word (out) in, without proofreading the input, and, damn do I get beat on!
I do wish I could beat the imbecility out of these assholes, can’t beat their brains out- they got none!
“I’ve got away with pretending to be a mature adult, for decades.”
Darn, Smut Clyde,, you gotta get in touch with me, I’ll pay for your correspondence course! I’ve had no success in that department what-frickin-so-ever!
I would welcome any advice.
“I like asking bigots when they chose to be straight.”
Look, not everybody has a good time on Boy Scout overniters. Some people choose a different path based on the experience.
What a weird and disturbing imaginary world these guys live in. It makes old H. Bosch look fairly normal by comparison. This level of paranoia and fear of what exists only in their own heads must be close to clinically significant if not outright insanity. Their God is apparently whimsically, if not perversely cruel, and their attitude towards their professed religion is more like Satanic inversion than anything else. I’m convinced that none of them have read the Bible; merely certain pre-approved sentences and fragmentary verses in the OT. Like Jesus, the Bible has become merely a Golden Calf to them, to be worshipped as if it is the thing it supposedly represents. I’m waiting for the preacher who brings back baby-sacrifice as an Approved Form of Worship. I bet it goes over big with these dudes.
I’ve got away with pretending to be a mature adult, for decades.
I could never be arsed to make the effort. Too much work and what does it get you?
Mooser, I’m struggling to find a downside to braiding hair and having pillow fights dressed only in underwear… oh wait, that’s lesbians.
Given the talk among snot-nosed eight year olds at my school, the penis-comparison-cum*-masturbation parties were the highlight of summer camp (and I’m pretty sure all of them were highly interested in the contents of girls’ panties)
Well, granted, one of them is actually three people…
Lovely lady, dressed in blue
Teach me to be just like you.
If God is truly Three in One
You bore your Father’s only Son.
–Anne Beatts
Another day older and deeper in debt.
Billmon: “Now that we’ve reached the 10th anniversary of the Iraq invasion, it seems only fit and proper that those of us who opposed the war from the very beginning explain how our errors in judgment led us to be so catastrophically wrong about America’s signature foreign policy achievement of the 21st century.”
Actually, it is the 23rd anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, it is the 10th anniversary of the breaking of the cease fire.
OT, but as a public service I will give you this little movie revue:
If you liked Die Hard but you felt the movie would be better if the film were set in the White House rather than a Los Angeles office building and if there was much more blood and gore then you will love Olympus Has Fallen.
Is Olympus Has Fallen another of those black-president-gets-zapped movies? I wonder why those are suddenly so popular?
Terrorists take the WH, eh? So, even less plausible than Air Force 1 then. S’got to be good.
Terrorists take the WH, eh? So, even less plausible than Air Force 1 then.
They filmed part of AF1 here at Rickenbacker airport.
They leased a Kalitta 747 and repainted it. The first time they cranked their engines the jet blast blew over a $100,000 movie camera.
Some of the guys from my Guard unit got to be extras.
On Topic (from http://www.dailykos.com/
As a bonus from the article, here’s an ex-staffer explaining the mind of Michele Bachmann:
“She doesn’t use the most credible sources,” explains one former staffer, detailing Bachmann’s reliance on stories from the conspiracy-peddling WorldNet Daily to shape her worldview, “and she tends to listen to the last person who talks to her.” Bachmann is also a member of the House Intelligence Committee.
Is Olympus Has Fallen another of those black-president-gets-zapped movies? I wonder why those are suddenly so popular?
Actually, no. The president is white. Morgan Freeman plays the speaker of the house. All through the movie my date and I cringed at the thought of Mr Tangerine Man Boehner dealing with any sort of similar emergency.
I wanted to see OHF because I am a snot and wanted to laugh at all the location inaccuracies. Then I heard it was by the team that gave us Training Day. A great movie that was on the upper end of my gore tolerance scale. (Yes, I’m a feeble girly pants.) Oh well. Maybe when it comes to regular tv tubes.
Also too. Because I suck as a person, stories like this make me laugh:
I’d feel bad if someone was fired as a result, but overall, Random Destruction = LOLzers.
I am a snot and wanted to laugh
Well you’re safe here.
Too much work and what does it get you?
JFC, y’all go to bed early.
Martinis and laser time at the dog park. Not bed. Fuck, I haint neven made dinner yet!
Not bed. Fuck, I haint neven made dinner yet!
Shoot, everyone knows you Homer J. Sexuals never sleep none, no how!
Being lazy, I’ll just note that the replies to my recent comments have been stellar!
Shoot, everyone knows you Homer J. Sexuals never sleep none, no how!
Not true! The “disco nap” is a long honored tradition among my kind. Y’all just never _see_ us sleeping. No self respecting fag would be seen in a state of beddy dishabilement.
No self respecting fag would be seen in a state of beddy dishabilement.
Thank you so much, you’ve cleared something up. I’m not in the least bit gay, because (more often than not) I go to work).
Billmon forgot the part where he was sure the
CheneyBush Administration wanted to go to war for the extra powers, and the relative invulnerability to election* challengers.** Or maybe that was just me.*To be re-elected, you have to have been elected first.
**Dad was certain Bush the elder miscalculated the effectiveness of resistance for Gulf War 1 – it collapsed too soon, depriving Poppy of being Wartime Preznit for his reelection run.
Not true! The “disco nap” is a long honored tradition among my kind. Y’all just never _see_ us sleeping.
You! Stop. Right. There.
I’m not going to question everything I know about Homer J. Sexuals, which of course I know to be TRUE!
So there.
Of course not. It’s a well-known fact that one’s “gut” is far more accurate than “facts.”
The gays can sleep with their eyes open. That’s when they unwittingly do the sexy stuff, the poor dears.
Y’all just never _see_ us sleeping.
They’re like the weeping angels in reverse. They can’t sleep if you’re looking at them. Don’t blink.
Mr. Farrah,
Mr. Reems mortcian called. They need the mustache for the viewing.
JohnR skrev:
I wouldn’t take that bet for all the tea in Denver. Twenty-four years of experience of Real True Christians™ on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, followed by 10½ years in Franklin County, PA (which is more like the rest of Massabama than the Gulf Coast is) has taught me that one could probably convince RTCs to do literally anything despicable, twisted and/or carcinogenic if one name-checked Jeezus enough.
To paraphrase a very good passage from The Book of the SubGenius, if the Antichrist shows up sounding enough like RTC Jegus;, all the RTCs will be lining up literally around the block to get the “Mark of the Lord” in their right hands and their foreheads, courtesy of
Enigma Babylon One-World Faithno, let’s call it something Jesusy-sounding like “The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity”. And if somebody were running around saying and doing the same things the Jesus of the coloring-book version said and did the first time, these people would “just know in their core programming that he’s the Antichrist because” he’d be hanging out with hookers and cops and junkies and tax collectors and role-playing gamers — you know, sinners — when he could be using his time more productively, telling RTCs how awesome they are to own* a God like him. And worse, this “Jesus” would not only be talking about love and forgiveness and all the rest of that tree-hugging hippy crap, he’d be saying faith is only truly expressed through what you do for “the least of these” — in other words, works. WORKS, I tell you, which any fule kno is the enemy of faith, “lest any man should boast.” All that Marxist talk about feeding the hungry, healing the sick, clothing the naked, and loving your neighbor as yourself? Ugly, frightening, and completely Satanic! </RTC>“America this is the impression I get from looking in the television set.
America is this correct?”
— Allen Ginsberg, “America” (“two dollars and twentyseven cents January 17 1956”)
(* ‘…we have taught men to say “my God” in a sense not really very different from “my boots,” meaning ‘the God on whom I have a claim for my distinguished services and whom I exploit from the pulpit–the God I have done a corner in’.” Screwtape, Letter XXI)
” I’ve never found myself thinking “That new guy in accounting sure is hot. But wait! I’ve chosen to be heterosexual.”
Well, I sure as hell have. Maybe that’s what all the fuss is about. Maybe, when you get down to it, gays don’t make that choice, but straight people do! So what if it turns out that gays are actually more secure, more centered in their sexuality than straights.(in spite of all efforts to disparage discourage and discriminate against them)
Yup, I think that’s what it is, but nobody wants to admit it and it’s all projection. It’s the straights who have made a a choice, and it makes us nervous. We aren’t supposed to have to choose!
I would like to thank Mr. Farah’s hirsute upper lip for keeping me on the straight and narrow. If I want to be kissed by a caterpillar, I’d go knock on a cocoon.
Jes sittin here waiting to hear how offensive Scalia will be today.
Not only will Scalia be offensive, he’ll be proud of being offensive.
Yeah, he’ll put _effort_ into being deliberately offensive.
So someone posted in the Portland reddit about the marriage equality rally at Pioneer Courthouse Square. I wondered if Maggie Gallagher would be there because I have long wanted to spit on her. <Paragraph> No, I wouldn’t actually spit on her, I would spit on the ground at her feet.
HORRORS! The left is so intolerant and uncivil! Hypocrisy!
He mentioned Strom Thurmond. Does that count?
Really, there’s nothing wrong with Scalia that thoughtful repeated applications of a sledgehammer couldn’t help.
For Scalia, torture would be having to remain silent while smarter, more human types explain to him why his statements are dumb and/or vile. It would take a long time, and he’d have to stifle oh-so-many rejoinders.
Scalia is such an obnoxious narcissist. I wouldn’t be surprised if he kept a scrapbook of color photos of every dump he’s taken. I get that impression listening to him talk. Look at his face — it’s like he’s gazing smugly down into the toilet bowl, still flushed from the exertion.
For some reason, I have a picture in my head of Scalia with Farah’s ‘stache. Probably because I think they’re both loathsome people, with similar hatred for humanity. But it’s a nasty vision. Curse you.
Also, like Austin, I wouldn’t take that bet on what christianists would be willing to do. They sure haven’t been paying attention to what the guy they’re supposed to be following was all about, for sure. In addition to being a hippie, he was also full of ideas about how to stick it to The Man, it seems. According to something I read recently, a lot of his advice was social jiu-jitsu, intended to allow the powerless to use the rules intended to keep them down to discomfort the powerful – at least until the powerful changed the rules.
a lot of his advice was social jiu-jitsu, intended to allow the powerless to use the rules intended to keep them down to discomfort the powerful
For Scalia, torture.
would be having to remain silent while smarter, more human types explain to him why his statements are dumb and/or vileFixed.
If you liked Die Hard but you felt the movie would be better if the film were set in the White House rather than a Los Angeles office building and if there was much more blood and gore then you will love Olympus Has Fallen.
OHF actually really looks like it was meant to be Die Hard 5 (one of the few ways they could actually up the stakes, or at least match the stakes, from the last movie’s “whole country taken hostage.”) Whether or not that’s actually true, it’s a pretty good substitute for the shitty DH5 we actually got.
I have killed this thread as surely as Barack Obama killed Andrew Breitbart. Ah, well. Not the first time I commit such an act of villainy.
The sidewalks in Sadlytown roll up earlier every weeknight.
I shall refrain from asking whether Chris is dancing nekkidly. Cos that would be creepy.
“What aren’t you wearing?”
That’s right, Joey. It is in fact illegal to make demands regarding the way other consenting adults make sexytime. Deal.
Quoting Cerb:
You’re stuck as whatever sexuality you are and the first moment of the first attraction is where you start to learn who you are, regardless of what you do.
I have read that with women sexual orientation can in fact vary over time; they can be attracted to men at some stages of their lives and women in others. Of course, my own attitude regarding this is “Vive la difference!” Does it matter to me what other consenting adults do or if that changes over time? Why no, no it doesn’t.
How come these wacky god-botherers don’t get that? Wait, I think I’ve answered my own question, never mind.
Heck it’s all I can do to worry about myself these days. I don’t have brain cells to spare for worrying about other people’s sex lives.
No self respecting fag would be seen in a state of beddy dishabilement.
Reminds me of an Italian friend of mine;
“My girlfriend told me, ‘When I first met you, I thought you were gay, but then I realized, it’s because you’re European. When I looked closer, I noticed that you are wrinkled… your shoes are scuffed, your shirts are never pressed. No gay man would leave the house looking like you!'”
Nude Post!
Somebody should offer one of Farah’s readers a million bucks to successfully change his sexual orientation, with the proviso that he can change back after a week. If anyone thinks it’s that easy to rewire one’s brain, they should be tempted to take the bet.
That reminds me – in one of his books, Robert Anton Wilson mentioned that Tim Leary had had some success turning gays straight. Unfortunately, his methodology involved the devil chemical LSD, so it can’t ever be used because hippies. 😛
But wait, surgery’s bad, and god doesn’t make mistakes.
So, what did those babies do to deserve being born deformed?
telling RTCs how awesome they are to own* a God like him
Praise “Bob”!
And yeah, I totally agree with you. A the Good Book (of the SubGenius) says, “What a lot of people are worshipping might not be Jesus“.
Their attitude towards Jesus always makes me think of this Onion article: No, Jesus is MY Personal Savior.
I am always wary of allegedly-hetero people like Farah who are suspiciously obsessed with The Gays.
Imagine how scary it must be inside the minds of WND loyalists: religion-induced blind faith flowing through oxygen-deprived arteries coated with cognitive dissonance. The WND readers’ barely coherent comments are republican talking points and buzz words arranged to resemble sentences.
“In fact, in some states and municipalities, it is illegal for a landlord with a moral objection to that kind of behavior to turn down practitioners of this kind of sexual behavior from renting their apartments.”
So he’s a bit Brian Epstein-y he likes the rough trade he can pick up off the street.
“make sure there’s no return from a “choice” made even as a child”
I’ve always wondered about this, and I hope someone can help me out, but assuming being gay is a choice (which I don’t think it is) what makes it inherently the wrong choice? Why is it always suggested by the kind of people that think it is a choice that it is intrinsically the wrong choice? Is it because there is an assumption that homosexuality is all about bum sex and not about love and relationships, and that they personally are revolted/aroused by bum sex that they feel it must be the wrong choice? I’m not asking rhetorically, if anyone can help me out (without reference to the Bible) I’d appreciate it.