Meat Pie Innovation Will Save the Day
~There’s a hole in the world like a great black pit
and the vermin of the world inhabit it
and its morals aren’t worth what a pig could spit
and it goes by the name of~ The National Review Online.
Sir Victorious Davisson Hansonsonsonson von Hans, National Pew Pew Fantasy:
America’s Big Fat Advantage
Ha ha, America! You may have thought that you were feeling the lingering effects of that economic depression everyone tries not to talk about. If you’re lucky, you might be stuck in a job you hate (or that hates you). If you’re not, well, we just don’t like talking about you unless we can blame Obama for not single-handedly fixing that despite the fact that we keep voting down every attempt he makes. You may even be noticing that there seems to be a shit-ton of new Danish and other Scandanavian companies popping up everywhere and even pipsqueak nations like Sweden feel safe to come by and use our desperate people in the same way as we use third-world nations.
But never fear, Victor Davis Hanson, White Supremacist Extraordinaire, has come with assurance that while the system may seem broken and creaky, everything’s running just fine. No matter what problems we’re encountering, we’ll get through with all the wide-eyed optimism and pluck that defines the modern musical. Why in fact, I feel like singing!
Musical Shorter (or the last dance before the end):
- ~We all deserve to die! Even you, Mrs. Lovett, even I!~
Yes, because, see, that mysterious big fat advantage that will “save” us, is the fact that we live in the only true meritocracy, where everybody deserves the place they are stuck in, as long as we don’t do anything silly like agitate for more.
And what about those more pressing global problems or the fact that our gutted economy can’t possibly compete with new, leaner, more green, more equatable economies like those of the Scandanavian region? Or the growing reality of deadly climate change, dwindling hydrocarbon supplies, misuse of water resources, and so on that will quickly make the American way of life untenable without drastic change?
Well, we never had to worry, because, what will save us is that we’re just too gosh darn America to have to worry about any of that consequences shit.
No, really. Here’s the tagline:
Our exceptionalism will last as long as we judge people according to their achievements.
Cause, see, American Exceptionalism is literally like a magic spell. As long as everyone believes in it and claps their hands on cue and takes no efforts whatsoever to change anything for the better or more sustainable, than this magic America power will somehow make it so all the bad stuff happens to other people. But the second someone goes, hey, wait a minute, “judging people according to their achievements? Most of those fuckers have taken amazing boons and gifts we could never hope to have and squandered it by running companies into the ground or finding new ways to steal from people and the government!”, boom! It all comes crashing to the ground like so many dreams and we’re left in the wake of the Super Tsunami we would have been able to block if it wasn’t for Fucker McSeesClearly over here.
For all the Obama-era talk of decline, there is at least one reason why America probably won’t, at least not quite yet.
So let’s see here, Obama needs to be removed because he talks about how fucked we really are and what we need to change, which means he’s removing the magical spell that makes us awesome and shiny and barbeque ranch flavored. But wait, we need to get rid of Obama because he tanked the economy with his magical time travel device and has thus declined America from the coughcoughsomepresidentcoughcough high times and economic boon. Which is impossible because America can never be declining until we no longer believe that rich people are inherently better than us because of the wealth they inherited. But Obama has been destroying the rich in his secret baking powder factory, which is why the American economy can’t super recover. But that hasn’t happened yet, because rich-hoovering shitbags like Three Names McGee here are warning us off of criticizing the rich lest we destroy the prosperity we don’t have.
Confused yet?
Yeah, the rest of the post won’t help with that.
“Peak oil” and our “oil addiction” were supposed to have ensured that we ran out of either gas or the money to buy it.
Yeah. We’ll run out of oil someday and we’ll need a renewable energy source available to replace it or we’ll be left at the mercy of countries like New Zealand and Spain and their still functioning societies.
And yeah, peak oil doesn’t mean that the oil is all gone, it just means that we’ve passed the point where we’re discovering new easy oil reserves and thus must rely on more dangerous and less-cost-efficient sources. And given the increase in things like fraking and deep sea oil drilling and the massive environmental and financial costs (I mean, the various towns completely destroyed by fracking, the total contamination of the Gulf and all its sealife…), it’s hard to argue…
Oh Jeebus Christo, you’re going to argue that the fact that we haven’t run out of oil just yet means that scientists were lying and oil is an infinite resource powered by hippie tears, aren’t you?
Now, suddenly, we have more gas and oil than ever before. But the key question is: Why do we?
The oil-and-gas renaissance was brought on by horizontal drilling and fracking that opened up vast new reserves that were previously either unknown or considered unrecoverable. Both technological breakthroughs were American discoveries, largely brought on by entrepreneurial mavericks and engineers exploring on mostly private lands.
Yes, our foolhardy rush out to fuck over our environment and global financial security in order to kick the can down the road a couple of years is totally a wise long-term plan for the future and not such a stirring example of short-sighted stupidity that the only reason we’re “exceptional” in this regard is that no other country has proven themselves quite this stupid yet.
Couldn’t the Saudi, Venezuelan, or Nigerian oil industry have discovered these new methods of resource recovery, given their nations’ reliance on petroleum exportation?
Could they have decided to destroy their countries in service to the first world’s thirst for hydrocarbons to waste on powering inefficient motor vehicles? Yeah, of course. It’s not a particularly difficult technology, and not much scientific ingenuity was required to go “hey, let’s waste a huge amount of good clean water that we’ll probably need later in order to render an area completely uninhabitable but gain a laughable amount of resources in the process”. That’s like praising the scientific ingenuity of the guy who discovered you could crush a beer can on your head.
The world now wakes up to iPhone communication, Amazon online buying, social networking on Facebook, Google Internet searches, and writing and computing with Microsoft software. Why weren’t these innovations first developed in Japan, China, or Germany — all wealthy industrial countries with large, well-educated, and hard-working populations?
Well, hello, Grandpa, good to see you’ve finally entered the 21st century and realized that people use computers, the internet, and all that webiverse shit.
To answer your question, it’s because the USA actually bothered to take risks once upon a time. Our universities trained people on new developing technology and investment actually tried to chase new markets and new ideas, allowing the development and building of a strong electronics and software development industry in hot spots like the Silicon Valley that ensured that Americans were on the ground floor of the new industry and thus would always be known as the “center” of the world’s computer science development.
Sadly though, thanks to some odd obsessions with “American Exceptionalism”, companies have slowly stopped funding new R&D into new markets, universities have had their budgets slashed and been brought under the heel of new Presidents who want to funnel time and resources towards “proven profitable industries”, and old dying industries have prevented the rise of new ones.
As such, we’re going to start paying for that as we’re already falling massively behind very tiny countries in new emerging industries like green technology, biotechnology (especially regarding stem cells), public transportation infrastructure, environmental science, and robotics (to name a few).
Hell, even our much vaunted computer science dominance is starting to creak a bit. Out of the newer technology developments, those have mostly been made by college students and most of those are retreads of smaller IPs from the 90s. Some of the more impressive applications taking over have been coming from complete nobodies. Like the Estonian developers of Skype or the Swedish developer of Minecraft.
Because in such nations, young oddballs like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, or Steve Jobs more likely would have needed the proper parentage, age, family connections, or government-insider sanction to be given a fair shake.
And by eliminating the barrier of “government-insider sanction”, America continues its long tradition of just squeaking by! USA USA USA!
Yeah, no, we trained those people. They had opportunities for funding or inherited great amounts of wealth and were lucky enough to be born white and middle class enough to be given a college opportunity that is being more and more denied to people.
Also, I note that you had to include China in that list just to ignore the fact that not only is it easier for a young poor child in Japan or Germany to get the education necessary to have an idea like that, but that those countries are kicking our ever-loving ass in a number of other industries.
Even in its third century, America is still the most meritocratic nation in the world.
If you find yourself with a bootheel ground into your throat, that is only because that is what you deserve and that is your place. Do not question the idiot man-child granted his own string of companies to run into the ground while you toil multiple part-time jobs just to feed your kids though an avalanche of ideas flow through your head. He is simply better than you and worth more than you could ever be. And to question your place is to disrupt the quiet meritocratic peace.
Unlike under the caste system of India; the class considerations of Europe; the racial homogeneity of China, Japan, or Korea; the tribalism of Africa; or the religious orthodoxy of the Middle East, in America one can offer a new idea, invention, or protocol and have it be judged on its merits, rather than on the background, accent, race, age, gender, or religion of the person who offers it.
No, really, that’s basically his argument. Cause, see, if Bill Gates had been an impoverished black inner city youth from a broken family with ebonics slang, a muslim faith, and a transmale background, he totally would have had the same opportunities and aid he had when he was getting started. And the technologies he stole would have totally been equally treated as his if his name was Abdulla and she had some jheri curls.
Because, racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, religious bigotry, classism, regional bigotry just don’t exist in the magical fairy spell of America! It may seem like ideas from marginal group members are treated less seriously, performances viewed as less impressive, opportunities are less present, risks less worth taking, jobs harder to acquire, and educational opportunities too expensive, but nope, that’s just the evil Satanic haze of looking at too many Danish webcomics.
Oh hey, how many of those “innovators” you mentioned earlier were Southern, Mr. Racism Doesn’t Exist So I Don’t Know What You’re Accusing Me Of? Or black? Or female? Or trans? Or queer? Or came from poor or broken homes? How many were raised in group homes or were denied college because of financial reasons? Oh, right…yeah.
Hey, just because it’s the same result as those “oppressive” systems doesn’t at all mean we have the same restrictions, we’re just in denial about it? I’m sure there are at least like a dozen innocent reasons that could explain it that you would be happy to provide if you weren’t running so very late for your meeting with an overpromoted rich oppressor’s crotch.
Businesses evaluate proposals on the basis of what makes them lots of money.
Or who seems the most like them (i.e. white, cismale, etc…, because those other applicants just weren’t “professional looking”)? Or whoever has the best dazzle in the meeting with the bosses, because “hey, I wouldn’t have this job if I didn’t have the skills to see through flim-flam”? Or whoever comes from the right school or familial background, because if it says Harvard on the resume, I’m sure they can do any job we hand them? Or whoever is a close personal friend or golfing buddy? Or…
I could do this for hours.
Publishers want writing that a lot of people will read. Popular culture is simply a reflection of what the majority seems to want. In the long run, that bottom line leads to national wealth and power.
Which is why diverse little Scandanavian nations are kicking our ever living ass on national wealth and relative economic power and have the highest entrepreneur rates in the world. It’s almost like just sitting in the status quo and not moving, letting the same old gears move the same old product, doesn’t actually make a thriving growing economy and a lack of a strong safety net matters far more to new developers of new ideas than a bunch of bullshit about capitalism being just so gosh darn perfect.
Also, I saw your little, I have a job on the wingnut welfare circuit because I earned it self-rationalization there.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy. I’m sure, the knowledge that this is the high point of your usual output totally makes your six-figure salary look earned.
If history is a guide, the most savvy Chinese citizen of Japanese descent would not make it as a high official in Beijing’s Communist Party — no more so than a brilliant Japanese citizen of Chinese descent would run Toyota or Honda. A white Croatian of enormous talent could not end up as president of Sudan.
Of course. Unlike purest America where our Fortune 500 CEO list is a cornucopia of… rich white assholes, what the hell? C’mon, Pretensions to Class Hanson, if you’re going to set up determined turds in the punch bowl like this, you could at least throw a few bones to those in your audience who still have two brain cells to rub together.
I mean, you know you want to argue that the underclasses don’t rise to these levels here because of their genetic inferiority, like you have in every other one of your posts. But I guess that argument wouldn’t let you beat up the rest of the world for supposedly having less class mobility than us.
Gosh, you know what would be terrible? If some terrible unbeliever happened to check this claim and actually found a way to measure social mobility and how likely it was for someone of a lower class to rise up the ranks by grit and hard work? That would just be awful.
Mexico has a word, Raza, that conflates race and nationality, in the way that the German word Volk used to suggest not just being German, but looking German, as well. I doubt that either country would ever elect a black head of state.
So, let’s see here, Obama is an untermenschen who is single handedly collapsing our economy with his Antichrist Kenyan-born superpowers and is too stupid to even breathe which is why he uses a teleprompter like every single television personality and the last president… unless we need a single get out of racism free card with the rest of the planet.
Oh and…Mexico, kinda sorta beat us on the whole black president thing by like… over 200 years. And Germany currently has a female chancellor when we’ve only ever had two total nominees for vice presidency available for women and the second one was one of the most cynical sexist attempts at “wooing the female vote” I’ve ever seen in my life. So I think those countries’ responses would be “Va al Infierno” and “Leck mich am Arsch” respectively.
It would be virtually impossible for the most talented Christian or Jew to be allowed to head contemporary Egypt
Possibly, in much the same way that the most talented Royalist might have had difficulty winning the first American election. They just had a revolution after a long history of manipulation and oppression often second-hand through Western Powers.
Given that we’ve never had such a history as excuse and the closest we’ve ever gotten to having either a Jew or Muslim president is Joe Fucking Lieberman’s Vice President nomination, yeah, I don’t really think we’ve got a fucking leg to stand on over Egypt’s first democratic election.
Also, how quick do the grapes sour on the Arab Revolutions when they turned out to be actual populist uprisings instead of easily controlled puppet people for Western business interests.
or for a brilliant four-star Buddhist general to run the Iranian military.
Given the centrality of pacifism to most Buddhist beliefs, I’d be rather impressed to see one a four-star general in any nation, especially one that was not predominantly Buddhist. Again, I have to point out to Venereal Disease Hanson how he’s doing this completely wrong. I mean, you were on to something by asking if countries had elected a first black president yet. That’s something we have demonstrably done. But grilling other countries about whether they’ve done something we haven’t even done despite our totally awesome meritocracy, diverse population, and complete lack of a legitimate reason to be wary? It just makes us look like total fucking idiots.
America, it’s the greatest place, anyone can be anything, like you Russia, have you elected your first gay president yet? Of course you haven’t! It’s because you are so bigoted that you could never bring yourself to… what’s that? I haven’t either? Um… er… AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM! (drop smoke bomb) And away!
For the immediate future, don’t expect a female business-school valedictorian to manage Saudi Arabia’s national oil company. Note that in all these cases, such exclusions derive from criteria other than innate talent, character, and industriousness, and can result in the lesser qualified being considered the only qualified.
See, like this, it’s a dumb example, but it’s at least based on something we’ve actually managed. By which I mean there is one. One single female CEO of an oil company. Not the national oil company. Not even one of the bigger oil companies. Just an oil company.
But hey, I guess, our good down-home American Exceptionalism couldn’t quite hold a candle to Brazil’s.
Maybe if V.D. Hasifras had prayed harder to the Meritocracy Gods…
The mixture of consumer capitalism and constitutionally protected free speech — and all sorts of races, religions, and ethnicities — sometimes means that America can be a wild place with a popular culture that appears crass and uncouth to those abroad. Our generation’s $17 trillion national debt, unfunded entitlements, and nearly 50 million people on food stamps might convince the Founding Fathers that they had spawned license rather than guaranteed liberty.
Hey, he wouldn’t be a right-wing shitbird if in the middle of his “Do Nothing” anthem he didn’t take the time to argue that the only thing that should change is making sure even more of the poor suffer and die and have even fewer opportunities to rise above their shit hill surroundings.
What’s that? Does that go against the very notion of a meritocracy, that anyone from anywhere could climb out of the gutter with some good old fashioned hard work? Well, see, undeserving members of the upper class are allowed to weld the sewer gates behind them, because by virtue of being paid way too much money to deliver poorly designed half-hearted propaganda like this, they prove that they are simply more worthwhile than other people.
Yet the upside to the wild arena of America is that almost anyone is free to enter it. Oprah Winfrey, an African-American woman, reinvents the genre of daytime talk shows and builds a media empire. Warren Buffet outpaces New York’s Wall Street — from Nebraska. A one-time five-and-dime owner from Arkansas, Sam Walton, refashions the way an entire planet buys its stuff. A Russian émigré, Sergey Brin, co-founds Google, perhaps the most indispensible site on the Internet.
Just when we read obituaries about an unruly nation of excess, unlikely nobodies pop up to pioneer fracking, the Napa wine industry, or Silicon Valley. Why? No other nation has a Constitution whose natural evolution would lead to a free, merit-based society that did not necessarily look like the privileged — and brilliant — landed white-male aristocracy that invented it.
The end of American exceptionalism will come not when we run out of gas, wheat, or computers, but when we end the freedom of the individual, and, whether for evil or supposedly noble reasons, judge people not on their achievement but on their name, class, race, sex, or religion — in other words, when we become like most places the world over.
Yeah, we’ll only fuck up the meal ticket if we start believing that rich people aren’t inherently better because they inherited companies or were given resources and safety net support that others simply don’t have. If we start to actually do stuff to prepare for a future society and actually enact the policies that gave the US such a sustained boom in the latter half of the 20th century.
Cause, see, with fraking fracking and reality TV and sweatshop goods at prohibitive profit margins, we will somehow make ourselves immune to the reality. The reality that we’re stuck, wheels spinning in the mud, while the rich finish looting what’s left of our economy before fucking off back to Europe to drain its coffers. And in the meantime we continue to pollute and destroy what little we have left as the biomes are shifting, the old resources are dwindling, the global economies are changing, and new storms wipe out once thriving cities.
VDH and other conservatives want to pray to Golden Calfs, gods of capitalism, built on delusion and the ludicrous belief that faith can literally forestall catastrophe. We have a choice. We can either react to the real consequences and motions of the world and use our remaining financial and political power to catch up and lead or we can continue praying to dead gods and holding onto quaint fictions as our land grows more and more toxic and our people are given the rich fate we deserve, to die under the bootheel of our Ikea overlords.
According to wingnuts, the latter is preferable. I suppose that’s because they think they are too old to still be alive when the bills come due. Sucks for them, that the bills are already here and not even their courtier asses will be saved from the consequences they so gleefully championed.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Fanden tage dig, Amerika! No, I’m not bitter about our oh so perfect economic system, why do you ask? We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Hell if I know German grammar, all I actually know id “Ist seine tochter achtzein, bitte?”
Danish and other Scandanavian companies
First read as ‘countries’ and I was confuseded.
Real answer – because with oil at $120 a barrel, these techniques become profitable. Watch how much fracking and horizontal drilling happens at $70, you dumb fuck.
Because Bezos and Gates grew up entirely on the wrong side of the tracks, and Jobs had parents who were not sacrificing a thing for their precious little ungrateful cabbage.
The only point you have there is the one about government connections, but I assure you, if Maynard Kreblick had one of Steve Jobs doodle covered papers and his daddy was Congressman Herb “Herb” Kreblick, R – Pokeapossum, AR, you’d have never heard of Jobs.
Fucken sie das off.
Not too mention, as I’ve found recently, among the costs of obtaining a patent is that of a very good lawyer, usually $5k and up; the patent search, about $2k, and even with a good lawyer and search, a very high chance of being sued by someone, usually the business you work for who will claim it to be their intellectual property since you must have conceived at least some of it while twattering at work, or having it outright stolen by a larger company who change it just enough but who have the marketing muscle to bury you.
Meritocracy my ass.
Or, ya know, really anyone WHO’S NOT IN THE HOUSE OF SAUD.
How do you do this, Cerb? Yer brilliant, but you gotta read it? Ugh. And amazing!
And don’t take any crap from yer bosses – smack ’em hard.
Heck, he’s pretty much just plagiarizing Dinesh D’Souza here. At least put in the effort to come up with your own shitty theories.
I should type up my comments faster
I should also clean up my blockquote tags before I post.
Congressman Herb “Herb” Kreblick, R – Pokeapossum, AR
Contra to V.D. Hansen’s apparent “argument” that since we’ve elected (with much opposition from the likes of V.D. Hansen and his political allies) a Blackity-Black President, I am not so sure someone with a good Central Yurpean name like “Herb Kreblick” would able to win an election in Pokeapossum, AR. Lutefiskburg, MN or Kielbassiton, OH maybe …
Our exceptionalism will last as long as we judge people according to their achievements.
I thought the “Murka is ‘ceptional” crew was also big on our Western/Christian origins. And yet the quote above is a major Christianity fail (c.f. Matthew 7:1)
Also, if we are judging people according to what they’ve actually achieved, wouldn’t that mean teachers struggling to teach inner-city kids with few resources (thanks in part to people like V.D. Hansen) would get a lot more accolades and people whose sole accomplishment in life is not entirely squandering their trust funds would be taxed at a higher rate?
I’m enough of a capitalist to realize that having money available for investment is performing a vital social service … but come-on … who does more for society? Some rich d00d who throws a dart at a dartboard and decides to put some money in Big Oil Inc or Big Pharma Inc or someone actually doing the labor of drilling for oil or hauling chemicals from one place to another?
So by rewarding the rich d00d with an ever increasing share of the economic pie, how are we rewarding achievement again?
judge people according to their achievements.
Yet Bush and Cheney are free men.
No wonder our children are failing at life.
And now the damage is done. Boo hoo!
At least put in the effort to come up with your own shitty theories.
Apparently meritocracy doesn’t require originality.
judge people according to their achievements.
Yet Bush and Cheney are free men.
And bankers, hedge fund managers, heads of the church, etc. You’re on top because you’re obviously the best, and you’re obviously the best because you’re on top.
Christ, what a bunch of self-satisfied twaddle. Maybe this ass can explain why those old world stuffy class-conscious countries subsidize higher education, while if you want to go to college in anyone-can-make-it America, you have to 1) be born rich, 2) be extraordinary, or extraordinarily lucky, enough to get a scholarship or 3) suffocate under a crushing debt load.
Did they really hold Bill Gates, son of William Gates Sr, up as an example of how someone who came from non-wealthy stock and didn’t have family connections and so forth can succeed in America? Really?
It’s pretty startling how stupid they think we are.
The full benefits of meat-pie innovation take time to ripen, but fear not.
Pizza on a bagel: “when pizza’s on a bagel, you can have pizza anytime!”
Pizza with cheese inside the outer crust ring (sorry if my term is off, liberal arts grad here, can’t entrepreen or whatever)
Pizza with another crust on top. No, not stack pizzas, that’s a diff. breakthru
… We should have full employment and Dow 32,000 anytime now.
But sorry VDH, I don’t think black pizza execs (H. Cain) invented any of those. I’m assuming, because if he did, we would never hear the end of it from him.
But sorry VDH, I don’t think black pizza execs (H. Cain) invented any of those.
H. Cain was not an inventor. He was a cubicle rat at Pillsbury, back when someone there thought it was a good idea to own a lot of fast food restaurants. The only thing Cain “invented” were new ways to suck corporate cock, which he did enough to get the Godfather’s job.
Herman Cain might be able to invent a new way to harrass women, but that’s about it.
Just wanted to drop in, say howdy.
Back atcha, JP.
I’m probably the last person on this board to have discovered this random Thomas Friedman column generator, but I’m going to link anyway because it’s so fucking awesome.
Howdy Hoddy Piper.
Ah, well, I’m still awake (which I did not expect, but I was doing laundry earlier, and expected to expire as soon as I got back the the place with the kittehs).
Anyway, nothing new to report. 🙂
Fucken sie das off.
…and who inna FUCK gets a 1590???
Serious bidness.
Boy wudd’n coach’a pre-PEAH!, nigga wuh PRO-GRAAAMMM-duh.
Das freaky.
An’ I broke the thread again.
Yeah, well…
And yeah, peak oil doesn’t mean that the oil is all gone, it just means that we’ve passed the point where we’re discovering new easy oil reserves and thus must rely on more dangerous and less-cost-efficient sources.
Ya know, nobody was seriously considering extracting oil from Alberta’s tar sands until recently. I wonder why…
I’m afraid we’re falling behind in the international meat pie development arena.
I’m afraid we’re falling behind in the international meat pie development arena.
Isn’t that what we’d call a “Hot Pocket”?
Proof that America is not a “meritocracy”:
1) VDH and fellow travelers still have jobs.
2) There is NO step 2.
3) QED.
Seriously – if we were judging people by “their achievements”, then every RW pundit that’s been predicting hyperinflation “soon” for the last 5 years straight would be out on the street.
In Cornwall you get your pasties ‘with swede’ or w/o. How many Murican Meat pies come with swede? Huh?
Isn’t that what we’d call a “Hot Pocket”?
I’d say yes, but they’re bragging that they’ve “put spag bol in a pie,” so who knows.
It’s pretty startling how stupid they think we are.
For some values of “we” it’s justified. In the spirit of “know your enemy” (and also for LULZ) I signed on to the Human Events mailing list. This morning’s spam drop targeting the more stupid elements with this: (I added emphasis)
Now, the whole schtick about teh gubblemint iz gunna take yer monies is targeted at gullibles, not necessarily stoopids. The “lack of demand” however, well that goes straight to stupid.
They think we’re stupid because so many of them are.
How many Murican Meat pies come with swede?
Well, if Ingrid still works at Hooters we can do it.
the U.S. has no one to borrow from,
Except Your 401k & IRA!
I heard this same thing in the Clinton years. Still waiting.
the U.S. has no one to borrow from,
Except Your 401k & IRA!
Thank goodness I don’t have either of those things!
I’m lazy so I’ll just use the same reply I used at Whiskey Fire the other day:
When I see long, drawn out gibberfests by these loonies, I always think “Well, it is better that they be indoors whacking the keyboard with their dicks, instead of out molesting goats.”
Don’t knock the American meritocracy. I mean, after all, HONEY BOO BOO.
As much as I love Sadly, No! my conscience tells me I should be discouraging you in this endeavor. In order to write this piece, you had to read the VD Hanson article, and actually handle quite a bit of it for the blockquotes.
I appreciate the results, a lot, but I can’t help being a little appalled by the self-sacrifice. All I can do, I guess, is hope to be worthy of it. When I think of the amount of this drek you’ve had to read to produce this blog, my mind reels, the eye vorkapiches, and a sort of black mist seems to come over the mise-en-scene.
Heh. Starbucks shareholder complains that the company’s support for marriage equality hurt the bottom line. CEO responds:
Oh for the love of christ!
O’REILLY: More evidence that Judeo-Christian tradition is under attack in America. That is the subject of this evening’s Talking Points Memo. If you watch the Factor, you know that we won the “War on Christmas” battle. A few years ago some American companies ordered their employees not to say “Merry Christmas.” Remember that? We presented the facts to you, you told the stores you wouldn’t buy there. The crazy edict was quickly rescinded. Power to the people. But the war on Judeo-Christian tradition continues on in some public school districts. In 10 days it will be Easter Sunday. But in some schools you are not allowed to say the word “Easter.” On Long Island, the East Meadow school district, holding a Spring egg hunt — not Easter eggs, Spring eggs. Same thing in Prospect Heights, Illinois. Manhattan Beach, California. Flat Rock Elementary School in South Carolina, and a school district in New Cumberland, Pennsylvania. No Easter. They are having Spring egg events. Moderated by a Spring bunny, at least in San Diego. I know it’s stupid. You know it’s stupid. But it’s happening, and there is a reason why it’s happening. Secular progressives are running wild with President Obama in the White House. They feel unchained, liberated and they are trying to diminish any form of religion. The goal is to marginalize religious opposition to secular programs. [Fox News, The O’Reilly Factor, 3/21/13]
The Daily Call Girl lives up to its name. Tucker has been a bad boy.
More evidence that Judeo-Christian tradition is under attack in America
Bill O’ does realize that we Jews celebrate neither CHRISTmas nor Easter, doesn’t he?
Anyway, here’s wishing Bill O’Reilly a Merry Passover and a Happy Lag-B’Omer. And may all your Passovers be constipation free!
I think that’s actually the first time I’ve heard of a War on Easter from the religious wank types.
It’s the massively powerful pagan lobby’s fault. They’re still pissed about those fucking Christians stealing the bunny and egg in the first place.
Nobody better take away chocolate. Let’s keep the EATS in Easter.
The Cadbury Mini Egg is the apex of Christian culture.
Wasn’t it Mary Magdeline who fed peeps to the dying Jesus on the cross?
For Catholics the wafer is a sort of meat pie, aint it?
The most tragically squandered comic opportunity in political history.
The Daily Call Girl lives up to its name. Tucker has been a bad boy.
You know what really kills me about this whole thing? If this phony-prostitutes stuff gets a lot of attention, it will distract people from the larger question of how deep Menendez is in Salomon Melgen’s pocket.
IOW, Tucker will have accomplished exactly the opposite of what he set out to do. Who’d a thunk?
I may pass out from a a sudden onslaught of honesty from out of nowhere.
But Substance, you’ll recall how Gingrich frames his weakness:
U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich says “things happened [adultery] in my life that were not appropriate” because he loved America so much he “worked far too hard.”
So it looks like PZ banned me without warning… but only after you guys said things I never got to reply to.
Just to let you know, I was the only one (besides you) who actually commented on the article. The two views that I could not decide were popular (as in, which) were: Yes, transphobia in the article, BUT, getting fraudulent consent is NOT consent and the sexual assault charge was valid vs. No, fuck that, its all transphobia, the girl is being judgmental.
I noticed you said nothing about the victim in question so I’m guessing you don’t agree with the former. I was telling Zinnia that an opinion there is “Lying is not consent” but then I thought, what if thats not actually the consensus IN THIS CASE and I look dumb saying something inaccurate?
That’s why I was there asking. I wasn’t fucking trolling. Had no secret unseen, undescribeable vendetta.
There was no way of knowing for sure that bringing the two candidates together on a Unity Ticket would also unify their donors and supporters.
Conservative wonder-twin powers activate!
If I may… I really like this part:
“So let’s see here, Obama needs to be removed because he talks about how fucked we really are and what we need to change, which means he’s removing the magical spell that makes us awesome and shiny and barbeque ranch flavored. But wait, we need to get rid of Obama because he tanked the economy with his magical time travel device and has thus declined America from the coughcoughsomepresidentcoughcough high times and economic boon. Which is impossible because America can never be declining until we no longer believe that rich people are inherently better than us because of the wealth they inherited. But Obama has been destroying the rich in his secret baking powder factory, which is why the American economy can’t super recover. But that hasn’t happened yet, because rich-hoovering shitbags like Three Names McGee here are warning us off of criticizing the rich lest we destroy the prosperity we don’t have.”
I hate that some people are siding with Romney’s “america is so gr8” bullshit and criticizing Obama for saying theres lots wrong with America…
and its also bullshit that touching the rich hurts the economy. If the government let someone step up and just TAKE A LOAD OF CASH from the very rich people who dont need it (and also didnt work proportionally to getting it… lots are just lucky… which is why its not ripping them off or anything.) or putting a cap on income and giving it all back to other things that the country really needs + helping poor people out the country would be back on track or getting there.
That’s just it. Nothing you can say to prove that “no helping the rich keep their money would be better” is true. Going “but its like punishing the rich!” isn’t excusable either… wahts more important here?
If I was rich I would gladly just give monies and encourage other richies to too, that is, if I knew that the government would put it toward their budget and not do fishy shit with it.
Heh. Starbucks shareholder complains that the company’s support for marriage equality hurt the bottom line.
Not just “a shareholder”. This guy apparently does this sort of thing as a profession. He buys stock in companies just so he can protest at their shareholder’s meetings.
Even in its third century, America is still the most meritocratic nation in the world.
I know everyone’s probably beaten me to it, but that’s a fucking lie. America has the least social mobility of pretty much any nation in the developed world. If there’s one country in the West where “the proper parentage, age, family connections, or government-insider sanction” are more necessary than anywhere else to get a fair shake, it’s this one. Wasn’t always like that, but it’s sure as hell like that now, and only the religious devotion to “American Exceptionalism” (e.g. “it’s not true! We’re the best! WE’RE THE BEST!”) prevents anyone from seeing it.
Popular culture is simply a reflection of what the majority seems to want.
Then how is it possible that Hollywood could be elitist and out of touch with the values of Average Americans, as you have repeatedly accused them of being since, well, pretty much forever?
Conservatives love the free market, until it produces anything they don’t like.
You’re on top because you’re obviously the best, and you’re obviously the best because you’re on top.
Yep. Once you sift through all the bullshit, that’s pretty much all he’s saying – “the people at the top deserve to be at the top.” Hanson is, in effect, saying “our country is the best because our elites are so awesome.” And far from being exceptional, that’s exactly what elites the world over, whether capitalist or communist or feudalist or anything else, pay their monkeys-with-typewriters like Hanson and company to write.
and its also bullshit that touching the rich hurts the economy. If the government let someone step up and just TAKE A LOAD OF CASH from the very rich people who dont need it (and also didnt work proportionally to getting it… lots are just lucky… which is why its not ripping them off or anything.) or putting a cap on income and giving it all back to other things that the country really needs + helping poor people out the country would be back on track or getting there.
“Wealth is too precious to be entrusted to the rich.”
The fifties and sixties stand as a shining example of how staggeringly successful a society can be once it realizes that its elites aren’t some sort of angry Greek gods with the power to strike them dead with bolts of lightning on a whim, and cuts them down to the size of, well, regular citizens. Neither the original nor the current Gilded Age have ever produced anything as successful as that.
And it’s not just that rich people don’t need the money. It’s that they’re not fucking using it. That’s the trouble with concentration of wealth, whether it’s in a feudal aristocracy, a communist inner party or our own robber barons; money that could be spent on schools, roads, police, fire departments, retirement insurance or unemployment insurance that benefits everyone, rich and poor, instead gets to sit in offshore accounts collecting dust and waiting to be passed on to the next five generations that’ll have done nothing to earn it but will still be praised as “the productive class,” “the successful,” or whatever the hell they’re calling trust-fund babies these days.
You could hammer unemployment down to zero right the fuck now simply by soaking the rich to fund a WPA program which could employ people while at the same time fixing the many infrastructure problems we “haven’t had the money” to solve. And that’s not the only problem you could solve in exactly that fashion. But no; we’ve decided that we don’t deserve a good life, only the country club set at the top deserves a good life, and the best we can rightfully hope for is that if we lick their boots until they like us enough, maybe the scraps we get from their table will be enough to see us through old age.
Ah, fuck it. Let me get back to honoring our class-ridden society by watching Spartacus… no, not the bloodfest on TV, the sixties movie. Don’t know if it’s the best movie ever made about an underclass rising up, but I’ll be damned if it isn’t the most epic.
March 23, 2013 at 5:01
Nicely put.
“Just by fighting, we won something. When just one man says ‘no, I won’t,’ Rome begins to fear. We were tens of thousands who said no. That was the wonder of it. To see slaves lift their heads from the dust, see them rise from their knees, stand tall.”
Ahhhhhhhhh. SO good.
I’m afraid we’re falling behind in the international meat pie development arena.
Allow me to refer you to the “pie” section here:
I’m afraid we’re falling behind in the international meat pie development arena.
Don’t worry, the U.S. implemented a special pie visa and the brain drain has already started. Soon, we will achieve meat pie dominance.
Chris, re Spartacus : See also Battleship Potemkin and Star Wars.
Fucker Carloserson’s Most Awesome Dominican Adventure. A very short play:
Act I, Scene I
FC – Stop the presses! I have a totally hot, juicy and legit tip about a dirty Messican senator!
FC’s assmaggots – Yay!
Act I, Scene II
FC – Lookit my lovely story that will totally crush the dirty liberal Messican senator. Oh how I love it. In fact … [Sexophones throb].
FC’s a – Oo la, la!
Act II, Scene I
THE FACTS* – Fucker Carloserson is a dickhead and his story is a dud.
FC – You’re wrong Facts. I stand by this story and I’ll prove it! Assmaggots, to work!
FC a – For Sparta!
Act II, Scene II
CONSORTIUM OF FACTS – Mr. Carloserson is still a dickhead and what’s more, he smells like cheese. This story 100% doody caca and we find it hard to believe even a fuckwit like Mr. Carloserson was stupid enough to believe it. Good day.
FC – The CoF is obviously a bunch of liberals, who cares what they say?
FC’s a – Yeah! Let’s do another story about about dirty liberal Messican senator.
Act III, Scene I
Crooked Lawyer – Hallo everybody. Say, did you know a bunch of people paid me to get those prostitutes to lie?
World – Really?
CL – Yeah, CNN and …
World – Please.
CL – The Daily Caller.
FC – Hey! How dare you say I paid you to lie even though I kept claiming the story that turned out to be a lie was the truth!!
FACTS – Ha ha, loser!
World – Ha ha ha ha ha!
Fucker Carloserson’s Most Awesome Dominican Adventure. A very short play:
The very banality of the first act draws you in, but the second act has the power to drive you mad.
And here is the very vehicle for your madwards journey.
Piffle. Now if they had Rogan Josh with swede that would be innovation.
And here is the very vehicle for your madwards journey.
That could be my next airport car.
Ro-Jan Jansen?
Ro-Jan Jansen?
That would be Danish. Whether the world is ready for a spicy Indian breakfast pastry I’ll leave you to ponder.
Whether the world is ready for a spicy Indian breakfast pastry I’ll leave you to ponder.
My little corner of the world sure is!
Chris, re Spartacus : See also Battleship Potemkin and Star Wars.
Seen both! Potemkin’s a classic, as is Alexander Nevski. Say what you will about the Sovs, they knew their propaganda.
Star Wars is, of course, the best movie trilogy ever made. Never saw it as “an underclass rising up” before, but still a rebellion, so, I’ll take it.
New post.
“The fifties and sixties stand as a shining example of how staggeringly successful a society can be once it realizes that its elites aren’t some sort of angry Greek gods with the power to strike them dead with bolts of lightning on a whim, and cuts them down to the size of, well, regular citizens. Neither the original nor the current Gilded Age have ever produced anything as successful as that.
And it’s not just that rich people don’t need the money. It’s that they’re not fucking using it. That’s the trouble with concentration of wealth, whether it’s in a feudal aristocracy, a communist inner party or our own robber barons; money that could be spent on schools, roads, police, fire departments, retirement insurance or unemployment insurance that benefits everyone, rich and poor, instead gets to sit in offshore accounts collecting dust and waiting to be passed on to the next five generations that’ll have done nothing to earn it but will still be praised as “the productive class,” “the successful,” or whatever the hell they’re calling trust-fund babies these days.”
YES!!+++ @Chris
The influence of a FROZEN BEEF PIE.
The kebab pie was strangely disappointing.
I suppose VDH is completely unaware that html code, which made the entire Worldwide Web possible was developed at an international, government-sponsored agency developed in…(wait for it)…FRANCE!!!!! So the EU, the great socialist boogeyman, essentially made the Web.
And then the technology was given away deliberately (unlike Xerox Palo Alto which was just run by feckless nimrods), allowing the mighty boom which proves American exceptionalism.
Whatever VD.
Yeah. We’ll run out of oil someday and we’ll need a renewable energy source available to replace it or we’ll be left at the mercy of countries like New Zealand and Spain and their still functioning societies.
Bwahahahahahahahah (in a Kiwi accent)
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