Also, Passing the VAWA is Sexist
“I know all about threats. They’ve come after me, they’ve audited my taxes, they’ve tried to besmirch my reputation, they’ve have tried to attack my character.” -John Fund doing his best Tommy Wiseau impersonation
Shorter John Superfund, Abominable Views:
Minimum Wage Equals Maximum Confusion
- The minimum wage is racist.
Yeah, I guess 30+ years after the Feudalistic Right sold everybody the fantasy that if we just hold our breaths and wish hard enough, we can all be lifted up on the 1%’s golden parachutes over the rising floodwaters, there’s not enough rhetoric in the world to make us swallow that horse chestnut one more time. As such, defenders of perpetual serfdom have had to get more creative to argue why workers should continue to get less than the living wage so that a handful of rich douchebags can buy another set of matching Lambourghinis with their record profits.
And who is better suited for creative fictions than a man willing to invent a fake campaign to self-promote himself?
According to boyfriend of the year, John Fund, since segregationists occasionally passed laws that benefited people in the name of hurting minorities (probably the only way you can get a conservative to pass a law that benefits another human being who isn’t a rich white douchebag), this somehow makes the Fair Labor Standards Act and all subsequent minimum wage laws triple Calvin Candie evil or something.
No, seriously.
It’s time for conservatives to take the offense against the minimum wage, which has a sordid history rooted in the Jim Crow era. The nation’s first mandated wage floor came during the Great Depression in the form of the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931, which set permissible levels of compensation for any federally financed or assisted construction projects. The “prevailing wage” levels set by Davis-Bacon are, in effect, almost always union wage rates.
I suppose when this argument is appropriately laughed off the stage, John will follow it up by arguing that the mandatory sprinkler system laws passed in the wake of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire were an attempt to block women from the workplace and therefore work safety laws are sexist.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. I could spend hours on each of these lunatics’ bizarre and colorful pasts. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Planting the flag.
I make less in inflation-adjusted dollars now than I did in 1981. SAD.
At least twice this week on his show, Thom Hartmann stated point blank that the 1% got 121% of the benefits from our post-2007 “recovery”. Italics mine, but he did put emphasis on it.
Also, I think you mean horse apple, not horse chestnut, though both are toxic to eat.
I deal with prevailing-wage issues when I work on government-funded projects. The point is to prevent nonunion employers from providing shitty work by unskilled laborers and passing the results off as “efficiency.”
Wait, what have you done with Cerberus?
It’s time for conservatives to take the offense against the minimum wage, which has a sordid history rooted in the Jim Crow era
Fund wants to go back to those halcyon days before Jim Crow, when there was no minimum wage at all.
I guess he’s for keeping the Voting Rights Act then, I mean, since he’s all against Jim Crow now.
It says something about math skills in our society that everyone thinks they’ll join the 1% some day.
The funny thing is there was some rumbling that VAWA is sexist (towards men). So not funny really.
Also not really funny – The GOP would love to knock out the minimum wage. If Obama wants to further erode the GOP’s base, all he has to do is suggest hiking MW every so often and watch as they scream like a Cameroon sheep.
Sure there are plenty of undocumented workers who can be paid far less than the pittance that is the MW, but they’re becoming too great a political liability, thanks in large part to the GOP and its handmaidens screaming illegal immigrants = Gay Terrorists that don’t even speak English.
However, the thought of all those poor job creators who are forced to pay the pittance that is the MW (along with the following all of those completely unfair and revenue stifling OSHA rules) really hurts them.
You can bet their best minds are hard at work on ways to free American business owners from the shackles of the MW. Is the GOP stupid enough to take this particular approach? Wouldn’t surprise me.
The “prevailing wage” levels set by Davis-Bacon are, in effect, almost always union wage rates.
Even some Democrats are raising questions about the wisdom of hiking the minimum wage when 83 percent of minimum-wage workers are teenagers or adults earning a second income, not heads of households.
I bet the latter consists of adults who have to have two minimium-wage jobs because one doesn’t cut it.
… 3 percent of minimum-wage workers are teenagers What? Teenagers don’t deserve a decent wage for their hard work? Adults working a second job to pay bills don’t NEED more money? Stupid, and cruel.
My problem with VAWA is THE NAME! It brings immediately to mind words like “vulva.” And calls t mind the SNL sketch with “Baba Vawa.” WAS IT INTENTIONAL?!?!?! Bastiges.
The BLS data shows that in 2011 23.5% of workers at or below minimum wage were age 16-19. But what does it matter?.. their age alone doesn’t let you know if they need the money or just want a little extra. It doesn’t even mean they’re not the head of a household, he just assumes that. I haven’t been able to find specific “head of household” information, but if a spouse also works a minimum wage job why should that be ignored? If a person works two jobs why should that be ignored? Because he assumes people only work for that little because they want money rather than need it?
The minimum wage is racist.
Logical. It’s an article of faith among them that liberals and nonwhites have gotten everything they have by crying “racism,” so they think all they have to do is do the same and it’ll work for them too. Kind of like how they think all they need to do is nominate Herman Cain or Bobby Jindall or Allen West and they’ll immediately have access to that mythical river of white guilt and black racism that keeps putting liberal politicians over the top.
My problem with VAWA is THE NAME! It brings immediately to mind words like “vulva.” And calls t mind the SNL sketch with “Baba Vawa.” WAS IT INTENTIONAL?!?!?! Bastiges.
Charlemagne: So why not call it “Vesuvio”?
Artie: Tony had a guy do some research. Turns out words that start with “v” make people think of vaginas.
I keep trying to get away – but they just keep pulling me back in……..
[ shopworn spoor deposited over here for those too sentient to click over there: ]
Huh. Not bad for a crusty old burnout who just got off a graveyard shift … but it looks like I’m gonna have to pistol-whip my proofreader if he doesn’t keep my bloody modifiers in line. Again.
I realize it is now a long-ago incident among far too many child deaths by gunfire, but I immediately thought of the 6yo who accidentally shot a classmate with the handgun he’d brought to school. It was his uncle’s, and the child and his mother had just moved in with the uncle to help make ends meet. The mother was working not two, but three jobs (all with hours just under the hours for bennies), all MW, and requiring something like 3 hrs of bus travel, because she still couldn’t afford to live anywhere near work.
Spelling nerd here, but it’s “bated breath,” the bated being short for abated, meaning holding one’s breath. “Baited breath” always makes me think of someone who’s just eaten a handful of minnows.
Always bear in mind that no one understands poverty like John Fund.
Born in the coal fields of Kentucky, Fund toiled 23 hour days in the mines from the age of three, for wages of six cents a month. After his farm in Death Valley was repossessed by the bank, he spent fifteen years riding the rails with Woody Guthrie. Fund currently lives in the dumpster behind the National Review offices and composes his articles on discarded cheeseburger wrappers, writing with his own blood since he is unable to afford pencils.
They really are pining for feudalism, aren’t they?
Fund currently lives in the dumpster behind the National Review offices and composes his articles on discarded cheeseburger wrappers, writing with his own blood since he is unable to afford pencils.
He’s got a dumpster? LOOXURY!
It’s time for conservatives to take the offense against the minimum wage, which has a sordid history rooted in the Jim Crow era. The nation’s first mandated wage floor came during the Great Depression in the form of the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931, which set permissible levels of compensation for any federally financed or assisted construction projects. The “prevailing wage” levels set by Davis-Bacon are, in effect, almost always union wage rates.
I am confused. Is the argument here that because the first mandated wage floor bill was passed in 1931, and the South still wasn’t fucking acting right in 1931, that the bill is irrevocably tainted by being in the same time-period as the South not fucking acting right? That literally everything passed while the South wasn’t acting right is tainted by the South not acting right?
Well, fuck, we may as well give back our victory in WW2 then. I’d say other things, but honestly most of human progress in America happened while the South wasn’t acting right, and the right-wing would agree to it.
Well, fuck, we may as well give back our victory in WW2 then.
We can DO that…?
I am confused. Is the argument here that because the first mandated wage floor bill was passed in 1931, and the South still wasn’t fucking acting right in 1931, that the bill is irrevocably tainted by being in the same time-period as the South not fucking acting right? That literally everything passed while the South wasn’t acting right is tainted by the South not acting right?
I like this. Because if everything ever passed before desegregation is tainted, then that means the Founding Fathers are tainted (good LORD, are the Founding Fathers tainted), so that means the Second Amendment is tainted too and we can do away with it after all. While we’re at it, we can rewrite the Constitution to give the House of Lords a little bit less power, too, because I’m kind of tired of red states having that kind of affirmative action program.
(On the other hand, the CRA and VRA are still good, being untainted by racism. And hey, so’s Roe v. Wade!)
My new theory is that we should not have a minimum wage, but rather a maximum wage. No CEO can make more than fifty times what his/her lowest paid employee earns. This would include workers in overseas subsidiaries. That number would increase incrementally based on the number of workers the company employs, so that if the company has over 250 thousand employees you could make as much as 100 times your lowest paid worker. This would encourage them to both hire people and to pay them better.
It’s time for conservatives to take the offense …
Is there ever a time when they don’t?
But hey, by all means, keep cranking out advice on how your crazy political movement can commit suicide all the more quickly. Don’t consider for a moment who will pay your Wingnut welfare once there’s no hope of the 1% getting any more chances to steal.
Actually, they are sexist because of wet t-shirt contest.
My new theory is that we should not have a minimum wage, but rather a maximum wage
Can’t it be both? And yeah; I’m at the point where I kind of consider high taxes on the super-rich desirable in and of themselves.
So now I guess this will work it’s way up through the wingnut channels until House Repubs start to demand an end to the racist minimum wage.
Then, Obama will say No! We should only CUT the minimum wage. You know, maybe 40% or so. Because it’s an “entitlement” don’tyaknow.
Bookmark it, libs.
P.S. its way
Jeffreham. Saw your vapering comments on last thread. I’m interested.
Jeffreham. Saw your vapering comments on last thread. I’m interested.
Let us discuss!
Have you ever used any kind of e-cig, before?
(if you haven’t, I can send you some stuff to get you on your way with the “baby step” system, just to see if it’s something that might work for you)
First bag is free z
First bag is free z
Well, I’d be paying for it. 🙂 Anything to switch a cig addict to something cleaner and cheaper.
I’m starting to worry that I will not get to play a part in the great Conservative Fucknugget Purge because sooner or later the Base is bound to wake up, quite possibly during some rally where Rand Paul or some other dickblister is assuring them that sending their young children to work in unregulated factories in exchange for one jar of peanut butter per week (if the child survives) is much better than sending them to gubbermint funded schools. And then it will be all over but the angry roars and high-pitched screams of agony.
Also too, if I may insert my oar:
If you’re wanting to quit, get the patch, sign up for your state’s Quit line, pick a date and (if you smoke indoors) start cleaning your house and smoking outside.
P.S. I’m happy to Quit Buddy anyone who wants to quit and I’m not at all a Nazi about it.
Heh. So two years ago Texas cut family planning funding, to the tune of $72 million, to “defund the abortion industry.” No one could have foreseen! Yah, ended up costing the state about $250 million. Not to mention making lots of hardships for so many (poor) women and children but the asshats who are now calling for a $100 million infusion to family planning sure as fuck don’t care about that. No mention of the human toll, it’s all about the money.
I just fucking hate those people sometimes, I really do.
That’s the only problem with Texas. It’s full of Texans.
I’m all for having a maximum wage and a minimum (which should be tied to cost of living). I kind of like the idea of tying the max to number of employees, but I think (while we’re wishing for ponies and unicorns) “employee” should be defined to include the currently popular workaround of contractors – nowadays, the janitors and gardeners are usually employees of an “external” service.
And for enforcing it, I’d say if you exceed the approved multiplier (counting bonuses, stock options, etc), your company gets no tax breaks, no government contracts, no public money.
I can’t even connect the *irrational* dots in that one.
1. because something was passed by some racists voting for possibly racist reasons, we should completely undo it now.
2. …
3. Profit!
I’m just gonna….watch TV now.
nowadays, the janitors and gardeners are usually employees of an “external” service.
I’m figuring that will be taken care of by the fact that the CEO of the “external” service can’t make any real money unless those employees get paid more as well.
So. Thomas Jefferson owned slaves.* And all the founding fathers racistly agreed to the 3/5ths compromise. Ergo, we have to unravel the entire fucking U.S. of A. and let the original owners run the show.
Or at least the descendants of the original owners who survived the many racist policies regarding indigenous folks.
*Yeah I know. But some dipshit always bleats this out after an attempt to claim America was founded as a Christian nation results in repeated receipts of his ass on a platter. It doesn’t help.
Based on what I saw at my last job, the janitorial service was pretty much a one-man show. He may have had as many as five employees, but he was doing all the more skilled work (running the floor polisher, frex) and filling in for employees who didn’t show. He was working very long hours, and I suspect actually made far less than MW.
Based on what I saw at my last job, the janitorial service was pretty much a one-man show. He may have had as many as five employees, but he was doing all the more skilled work (running the floor polisher, frex) and filling in for employees who didn’t show. He was working very long hours, and I suspect actually made far less than MW.
I imagine that he hasn’t established himself in the business yet, so he is busting his ass for little remuneration so he’ll eventually pick up more clients, then he’ll hire more employees. If he’s lucky, he may very well end up as a wealthy Republican d-bag. Let’s hope he succeeds and remembers what it was like in the bad old days, so he pays his employees well.
My last “corporate” job was in a building in a corporate park on a street full of corporate parks owned by the same management company. They had a day shift of employees who handled the “physical plant” aspects of the business, but the tenants’ offices were cleaned by contract employees who were all Mexican immigrants. I was on a first name basis with all of the cleaners, but I didn’t want to embarass them and demean myself by asking what their immigration status was. They all had other jobs during the day, and they cleaned the offices until well into the night. I hope they were paid decent wages.
That should read “In the beginning, Fund wrote with an ink composed of parts of his own blood. However, this would not make an acceptable carbon,
so he acquired an electric typewriter.”
With apologies to _The Firesign Theater_.
Shakezula skrev:
I’m not sure it’s possible for them to wake up. I live and move and have my being in Franklin County, PA, one of the largest concentrations of the Base outside Weedhaven Laughing Academy or the former Confederacy, and I take the local paper (Chambersburg Public Opinion) and the Herald-Mail from nearby Hagerstown (which, I learned from their front page, is where William Zantzinger was tried for the lonesome death of Hattie Carroll). After a decade of reading the letters to the editor sent by locals, and of the Herald-Mail running Mallard Fillmore six days in the week and David “the Joe Estevez of punditry” Limbaugh’s column every Saturday, there’s a letter I want to send to them, but probably won’t until I’m ready to burn all my local bridges and piss on the ashes:
TL;DR “Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.”
I understand that view point. And it is true there will always be a percentage of the population that (for example) sincerely believes the South Will Rise Again.
But I don’t like it because it is a too dismissive of the intelligence of large numbers of people. And you have to ignore history. Step back and look at … Unions. Two hundred years ago, who could have predicted unions? Nah, the workers are too stupid and downtrodden and smelly and drunk to get their acts together (and some of them are … IRISH!)
Or just look at the GOP’s steadily eroding numbers. Fewer and fewer people are buying the bovine end product. I’m not sure gerrymandering will help them again and disenfranchisement doesn’t seem to be going off as smoothly as they planned. Who knew people would object to having their right to vote taken away?
Besides, farmers? Pointy farm implements right at hand. And guns.
p.s. I really hope you send that letter.
I don’t think it’s dismissing the intelligence of large numbers of people to say that the GOP base (at least the hardcore “27%” true believers) are not among those likely to wake up.
Personally, I’m at least as worried about what would happen if they actually did wake up. If they finally realized that they’re being screwed, that they’re never going to see the money trickling down, that life not only isn’t going to get better but is going to keep getting worse… none of that’s going to do anything to change the prejudices they base their politics on. Isn’t a crazy right wing base slipping off the leash and no longer taking orders from conservative elites exactly how… all that unpleasantness in Europe in the thirties and forties happened?
(And of course this is all assuming that they aren’t already awake. I’d say there’s more than a few conservative voters who already realize on some level that the 1% are full of shit, but for whom screwing the poor, the nonwhites and the liberals is just more important).
I am confused. Is the argument here that because the first mandated wage floor bill was passed in 1931, and the South still wasn’t fucking acting right in 1931, that the bill is irrevocably tainted by being in the same time-period as the South not fucking acting right? That literally everything passed while the South wasn’t acting right is tainted by the South not acting right?
That word “argument.” It does not mean what they think it means. They don’t have an argument. John Fundie is presenting what I have come to call an arfument. Just like a dog barking.
I’m at least as worried about what would happen if they actually did wake up.
Sadly, THIS.
Never mind the risk of RealAmerika™ becoming lucid while retaining its scumbag folkways – an event that would inspire a sudden mass Clue-In might well be something heinous enough to render the clue-acquisition itself academic.
Also, some might argue that the recent increase of clue-enriched folks has been accompanied by a conspicuous lacuna where Big Dangerous Shit Getting Sorted Out should be … & that the shrinkage of that lacuna would lose a drag-race with a glacier.
Less blindfolded sniping, more triage. Until/unless libs perceive & defeat their primary weaknesses while exploiting & expanding upon their strengths the way cons did in the 1970s, WE’RE ALL GONNA HAVE A VERY BAD TIME.
Has John Fund stopped beating his wife?
Or, if you prefer… They nuked Kingston Springs, Ma!
Helmut’s all-too-trustworthy shorter:
‘Fraid so. It’s not that I think the good folk of Franklin and Washington Counties are actually stupid, despite the Neocon Federacy’s best efforts (“Ignorant, bigoted and mean-minded, maybe,” as the late and sorely missed Molly Ivins once said, “but not stupid”*). It’s just that they’re trapped in the right-wing reality-bubble, and not even a four-case contradiction** will snap them out of it. As I read what jim’s saying, any event large enough and painful enough to burst the bubble will entail the collapse of the American Empire and possibly of civilization as we know it. And if we wanted to have an American Left organized enough to fight back, we should have started at least as soon as it was safe to do so.
Except that it isn’t yet safe to do so, and I don’t think it will be while there are still large numbers of Americans fighting the Cold War. As long as they think the problem is Communist infiltration, Communist subversion and the International Communist conspiracy sapping and impurifying their precious bodily fluids, they’ll hate and shout down any Goldstein who dares to suggest that maybe the 1% should be subject to the same laws as the rest of us, according to the proverb, “One Law for the Lion and Ox is Oppression.”***
So basically, the preconditions for an American Left are all things that will be impossible until we already have an American Left. Or until everybody who remembers the Cold War dies off, whichever comes first. (I’m not sure if I mean that in the sense of “everybody who’s still fighting the Cold War and looking for Communists under the bed”, of “everybody who lived through the Cold War”, or the worst-case but all-too-plausible-to-me scenario of “everybody who knows that there once was such a thing as the Cold War”). All we can do, it seems to me, is wait for Them to die, and hope the biosphere doesn’t die first.
* “The Perils and Pitfalls of Reporting in the Lone Star State”, Houston Journalism Review, January 1973, reprinted in Molly Ivins Can’t Say That, Can She? (New York: Random House, 1991).
** +2 Geek Points to anyone who gets that reference without googling.
*** William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, privately published 1790.
** +2 Geek Points to anyone who gets that reference without googling.
Will I get the +2 points if I Bing it instead?
… none of that’s going to do anything to change the prejudices they base their politics on.
Bingo. As you go on to say, it’s all about hurting the not-us, and accepting some level of hurt to us, so long as not-us gets hurt more. It’s a degrading, demeaning, downfall-politics, and the only way to stop it is to show them that they won’t succeed in putting the hurt on innocents. (In other words, we have to fight and win first, then watch that attitude die. We can’t kill it first.) Meanwhile, the rape-and-pillage boys, who always want it all, capitalize on this grudge and resentment for profit.
John “Abortion” Fund is a great example of this last point. For all of the endless blather his wingnut-welfare supplier produces against a woman’s right to choose, nobody there gave a damn when he told his pregnant girlfriend to go away and get an abortion. Family-values, etc. are simply “rube bait” for the powerless to believe they’ll once again have the power to hurt others.
Sentence #2 of Fund’s piece:
“Here is why we should remain losers.”
The fact is minimum wage laws prevent the job creaters from instilling solid work ethicks into the working class moochers.
Indeed, there could be nothing so boot-strappy as making sure no matter how long the hours worked, government assistance will still be required to even scrape by.
“Here is why we should remain losers.”
Coincidently, Daylight Losing Time started today.
Well my little joke about Rand Paul getting a few pitchforks up the jacksie has been well and truly trampled. So: Attitude shifts (and a non-violent ones) must be possible or we would not have a black dood in the White House and those poll numbers on equal marriage keep slipping away from where Tony Perkins would like them to be.
If ignorance is a steady state, how did this happen? It can’t be all of the assholes dropped dead.
My ’94 Buick Roadmaster airport car, aka the Battlecar Galactica, is making the jump back to Ohio-space.
I need to get a few things fixed on it and I couldn’t solve the logistics of getting it worked on in Memphis so I’m bringing it home for a while.
I’ve stopped in Louisville for the night.
Drive to the Apocalypse in style, in your 1954 Buick Roadmaster!
The fact is, liberals, you are not liseing to me. You are on ter wrong side of history and feedom. We will throw you of, and teh Black Fuhrer of Hitler, who is a Fabian Soclialest from the Hard Left, off teh walls of bias and media coverage thats bad and into the lake of fire.
Tom Servo said
I loved that show – which should be absolutely no surprise to anyone who knows me.
I am confused. Is the argument here that because the first mandated wage floor bill was passed in 1931, and the South still wasn’t fucking acting right in 1931, that the bill is irrevocably tainted by being in the same time-period as the South not fucking acting right? That literally everything passed while the South wasn’t acting right is tainted by the South not acting right?
I think I understand what he’s trying to say. It goes something like this. At the time when the minimum wage law was passed, people were hiring black workers they could pay peanuts to, instead of hiring white people and paying them more. So they passed a law that mandated a minimum wage. Since employers henceforth had to pay “white man” wages, no matter who they hired they decided to just hire the white man.
So, essentially, both sides of the argument were racist. I don’t know, it was 1930, the story might be true. But I don’t see how pointing out, “Look! In 1931 a pack of racists passed a law to punish another pack of racists” in 2013 is going to help the GOP. In fact, since the whole argument revolves around the notion that there is such a thing as a “white man” wage, or that white people are just inherently worth more than black people…well, I shouldn’t be surprised when Republicans say racist shit by now.
Wishing is theft.
This Canadian makes sense. I mean, for example, why wouldja hire a woman if you had to pay her the same as a man?
In a worldview that lauds money making money without breaking a sweat over earning money by the sweat of ones brow, the imposition of having to pay anything but slave wages is an affront to God!
/Doffs cap in the directions of Chris, Lurking Canadian and Shakezula
Oh and who’s doing the happy dance?
“This guy”
/momentarily wonders about the propriety of a veiled sporting reference on a snark-filled political blog
Ooh, I’ve another one for them:
1. The love of money is the root of all evil.
2. If you give money to people who aren’t used to having it, they might fall in love with it.
3. Ergo overpaying people who aren’t used to having money will lead them to damnation.
4. People who are used to having money can better afford the risk of having money, so they should be given more of it. For safe keeping.
5. PROFIT!!!
This would explain why women shouldn’t be paid equal wages. We already caused enough trouble with an apple. Think of what we’d get up to if we earned the same as our male peers.
Not peers, what am I saying? SUPERIORS, even when they’re in a subordinate position.
1. The love of money is the root of all evil.
2. If you give money to people who aren’t used to having it, they might fall in love with it.
3. Ergo overpaying people who aren’t used to having money will lead them to damnation.
Ah, but absence makes the heart grow fonder, so the way to best save the poor is to give them more money.
1. The love of money is the root of all evil.
2. If you give money to people who aren’t used to having it, they might fall in love with it.
3. Ergo overpaying people who aren’t used to having money will lead them to damnation.
Ah, but absence makes the heart grow fonder, so the way to best save the poor is to give them more money.
But see envy is one of the seven deadly sins. So if the poor want more money, it’s because they are envious of rich people. Thus poor people are sinful when they expect more money. (I suppose it could be argued that they are greedy to but for some reason that one doesn’t come up…hmmm.)
It is nice that the 1% are so worried about our souls.
Did anyone else hear the story on NPR this morning about the Conservative Political Action Circlejerk?
“Not peers, what am I saying? SUPERIORS, even when they’re in a subordinate position.”
I think I love you. Will you cohabitate with me until I get tired of you?
Also, too, @ VCarlson w/ref to “baited breath”: classic, of course, is the cat who ate a chunk of cheese and sat by the mousehole.
JohnR, thank you for your kind offer. However, I am over 40 and so nothing but a drain on society, unless society needs Soylent Green(TM).
Another Fund Raisin:
Those who doubted that Rand Paul was will running for president
That POOP first thing in the morning is nice and all, but I usually don’t dance about it.
Not peers, what am I saying? SUPERIORS, even when they’re in a subordinate position.
Did anyone else hear the story on NPR this morning about the Conservative Political Action Circlejerk?
I couldn’t avoid hearing a sound bite of the screeching cacaphony made by Princess Dumbass of the North Woods, but I didn’t listen to the story.
What up?
Breitbart, whoda thunk?
g, they had the guy who runs it on explaining that it is indeed a circlejerk. He didn’t use the word, of course, but that’s what he said.
You would have thought Krugman’s alleged expenses for “British dresses from the Victorian period” would have made the Breitbart people suspicious. I guess not.
How many jerks can a circlejerk jerk?
I blame the fucking hippies.
Speaking of CPAC and circle jerks and stupid jerks
For the teabillies. those are features, not bugs.
south dakota: finally first in something…
Massive deaths in panic fire incident caused by accidental discharge of weapon in a school?
Massive deaths in panic fire incident caused by accidental discharge of weapon in a school?
ooooh! then they would be first in TWO things! i am not at all surprised really that my dispshit neighbors to the west would be the first to pass a bill like this…
Breitbart, whoda thunk?
It wasn’t that funny so I can see why folks didn’t think it was a joke. It’s getting funnier, though.
Apropos of absolutely nothing, you can contact the Young Americans For Freedom for a FREE kit intended for college student conservatives to ‘fight back against Liberal bullying’.
I think you all know what to do.
Liberal bullying? Is that when the student chapter of Amnesty International forces you to buy more cookies at their bake sale fund raiser? And not by pushing you around or hitting you, but by the delicious smell?
L.E.D. Zeppelin
Liberal bullying?
Using an atomic wedgie of facts and logic in order to make wingnuts look foolish.
Yah, click on the link and get my computer all cootiefied.
Liberal bullying = Not obeying the nascent neoCon’s every word. Especially if the bully is an attractive feminazi.
Liberal assault & battery = Pointing and laughing at the nascent neoCon.
Liberal murder = Verbally pantsing a neoCon in a debate.
No seriously. How will these people function once they get to college or beyond? I mean say Pantload, jr submits a paper claiming that Thomas Jefferson was a minister ergo America is a Christian nation. The professor puts a big frowny face on the paper. The student claims this is bullying.
You go to another university and get an A.
Jeffreham, my email is retardoREMOVEatgmailREMOVE holla at me plz, thank you.
The student claims this is bullying.
waaaaaaaaaaiiiiiitttttt…number one, conservatives don’t believe in bullying…two, it is high priority to extend conservative viewpoints and then double down on them to embarrass liberal perfessers…also, too…good neocon parents have already taught their spawn that life ain’t fair…unlike us liebrals who refuse to award winners and want everyone to hold hands and sing ‘kumbiya’ all the time…at least that’s what i hear on talk raydio…
Jeffreham, my email is retardoREMOVEatgmailREMOVE holla at me plz, thank you.
and i will say, ‘ahem’…
hmmmm…this one sounds kinda musliny and such:
University of the Nations
they also have a ‘patriot bible college’ listed…
kinda musliny and such:
My affinity towards muslin has me an interest in snuggling with this comment.
Jeffreham, my email i
I’ll check the usual haunts and see if I can bring him to ground, btw thank you, for returning.
If your biology teacher doesn’t accept “God did it” as the answer for every question on the exam, he’s a liberal bully.
It seems Adam Carolla is being bullied and silenced.
So he yells a lot.
Oh, Bruce Carroll, please please please do this. Oh God, can you imagine the comedic possibilities?
I’ll check the usual haunts and see if I can bring him to ground, btw thank you, for returning.
HTML — holla at yer guugmail.
It seems Adam Carolla is being bullied and silenced.
OK, we know being disagreed with even mildly = being bullied, but how does having an online website talk about what you said on your radio show, quoting you directly = being silenced?
Oh God, can you imagine the comedic possibilities?
Even the URL has teh funneys.
But of course. It’s Wonkette.
how does having an online website talk about what you said on your radio show, quoting you directly = being silenced?
Reporting what conservatives say & do hurts the Conservative Narrative!
Not to mention also giving the Baby Jesus diaper rash!
Do homosexual wingnuts eschew bolts and threaded rods? Because, short of superglue, I’m at a loss as to how one mates two wingnuts.
Heavens to Murgartoyd! Brucie Carroll (one of America’s Dumbest Homosexuals™) and Lindsey “Light in His Loafers” Graham having a catfight would be THE BEST THING EVAH! Rrroooowwwww you go, gurlz!
Do homosexual wingnuts eschew bolts and threaded rods?
In Brucie Wucie’s case, he’s not eschewing the rod, no one will let him eschew on their rod.
Well, I’ll catch y’all in 20 hours (HTML!). Bye for now.
Fund wrote with an ink composed of parts of his own blood
So, written in black. Gotcha.
You are on ter wrong side of history and feedom
If you wish to pay me for this comment I won’t try to stop you.
Would you mind sitting in a tub full of sauerkraut for 10 or 12 weeks? I’ll provide the sauerkraut and large saute pan.
sits up attentively
John Fund should be stripped, scourged, and nailed to a cross.
unlike us liebrals who refuse to award winners and want everyone to hold hands and sing ‘kumbiya’ all the time
But…but…I can’t…sing.
Now, now, dear, don’t you still have that “enthusiastic participation” singing award around someplace?
Would you mind sitting in a tub full of sauerkraut for 10 or 12 weeks? I’ll provide the sauerkraut and large saute pan.
Brucie Carroll (one of America’s Dumbest Homosexuals™) and Lindsey “Light in His Loafers” Graham having a catfight would be THE BEST THING EVAH!
I dunno, a battle of wits between Ewik Von Ewik bin Ewiksdottir and Karl “W’s Brain” Rove would seem to have the same appeal. (At this rate, popcorn will soon become an endangered species…)
(At this rate, popcorn will soon become an endangered species…)
But we’ll be getting enough dietary fiber, finally. POOP never formed so well.
teh war on xmas is never ending
OT; but Popage!
To begin the conclave of Cardinals they close and lock the gates. At the beginning of a cockfight in Mexico there is the ceremonial cry “Damas y caballeros; cierren las puertas!” They should further the similarities by seeding the candidates then strapping spurs on them and throwing them in a ring surrounded by yelling, wagering, beer throwing fans.
The war on traditional values also proceeds apace Heh.
If Sarah Palin is taking to the trenches in the war on Christmas, I predict friendly fire casualties.
teh war on xmas is never ending
Let’s keep Sol in Solstice.
Also, nothing says Christ-like quite like partisan political assolery. Somebody should write “Occupy Christmas” and start a new holiday tradition of the public flogging of banskters and televangelists.
I missed the part in the Bible where Jesus said “Name a holiday after me”.
Hmpf. Every time one of these folks starts blathering on about “keeping the Christ in Christmas,” my knee jerk response is “so when are you gonna start celebrating it in the spring?”
It’ll never happen, I know – there’s already a spring advertising opportunity. Or two.
But imagine the advertising possibilities for Saturnalia.
God must really, really love Tintin.
“That’s SENATOR America’s Most Ridiculous Homosexual™ to you.”
“But imagine the advertising possibilities for Saturnalia.”
But then, them homosheckshuls are gonna demand equal time to celebrate their own danged holiday called, oh I dunno, Inuranus or something. We can’t go down that slippery slope or Lindsey’s goin’ to have a stroke..
Also, too, @Shakethatgroovethangzulu, haven’t you heard that 40 is the new 18? Just saying.
I found that I was just as smart.
Massaging the Bishop.
Sarah Palin, or somebody she hired, whacked an entire book out of this War on Christmas bullshit? How many cases of nativity scenes not allowed in parks can there possibly be?
From Jennifer’s link
“If I believe I could provide a serious alternative to Senator Graham for the voters of South Carolina”
What, gaypatriot isn’t gay?
All of them, Charlie.
Fixing the name
Silly! “40 is the new 18” only applies to 40 year old guys who want to date 18 year olds.
Also, the thought of being 18 again?
Well, it was like, you can’t see in the camera, but the person taking it, and then there was like a group of people there.
And the downside (or down low) is??
Being 18 again wouldn’t be so bad. The chore of sex would be over in moments.
Also, the thought of being 18 again?
No thanks. I had shit for brains when I was 18.
As did (and will) most of humanity. The thing about having a hyperhormonal thinking apparatus is you mostly don’t realize it until you look back in wonder at the miracle of your survival. It does say something good about humanity that the 18 year old who don’t kill themselves doing stupid shit (because “they’re at the immortal age,” as someone remarked) are allowed to survive in spite of their general infuriating air of “no one, in the history of the world, has ever seen our problems and solutions as clearly as I do.”
For all that, 18 is worlds better than 16. I feel very sorry for those people for whom 16 was their pinnacle.
The thing about having a hyperhormonal thinking apparatus is you mostly don’t realize it
I wonder whether this changes at any point in one’s life.
Now I’m reminded of something I read somewhere: And what is telling us our brains are our most important organ? Our brains!
Seriously, we all need other people to point it out to us when we’re (exceptionally) full of shit. Maturity is the willingness to listen to them. And to have set up an internal editor so the really stupid stuff never gets out there. I hope.
They should further the similarities by seeding the candidates then strapping spurs on them and throwing them in a ring surrounded by yelling, wagering, beer throwing fans.
listening to mpr’s rundown of the papabilia or whatevs they are called, totally cracked me up since i was hearing it with a sports announcer’s enthusiasm…
Deleting the files.
Hmpf. Every time one of these folks starts blathering on about “keeping the Christ in Christmas,” my knee jerk response is “so when are you gonna start celebrating it in the spring?”
my response, and it sounds like st. sarah will address this also, is that christmas is so fucking commercialized and the buying and giving of gifts is crammed down our throats since well before thanksgiving…isn’t the real problem big business? although i am sure that none of the wah, wah! war on xmas crowd *cough* bill oreilly *cough* would not benefit from this mad consumer consumption through any investments, eh?
“so when are you gonna start celebrating it in the spring?”
‘Cause it would make the Easter Bunny cry?
Mmm. Cadbury mini eggs. I’ll be in the kichen.
Mmm. Cadbury mini eggs. I’ll be in the kichen.
Soon to be replaced with caramel filled chocolate baby Jesus’ in a manger.
Soon to be replaced with caramel filled chocolate baby Jesus’ in a manger.
jesus tells god botherers, ‘bite me’
<A href= its Easter, 1994 exhibition, Richard Manderson invited the public to come and eat his chocolate Jesus.
After its Easter, 1994 exhibition, Richard Manderson invited the public to come and eat his chocolate Jesus.
them homosheckshuls are gonna demand equal time to celebrate their own danged holiday called, oh I dunno, Inuranus or something
Lupernalia not good enough for you?
I love that Sarah Palin is referred to in the headline as “Mother of ‘Dancing with the Stars’ Alum”. I’d like to think we as a society are trying to collectively ignore her time as VP candidate.
Too little to late but still good.
Maturity is […] to have set up an internal editor so the really stupid stuff never gets out there.
Trust me, I’m mature.
Phood phun here tonight, having a couple of other farmers over for a cured pork test. Coppa, cured and hung for 7 weeks to start followed by a super carbonara with house cured guanciale (aged 2 1/2 months), fresh pasta and a good Romano. Some nice early butterhead lettuce from the garden as the salad base. It’s pretty porky in the kitchen right now.
This just in: Embittered loser is bitter. And a loser.
Maturity is […] to have set up an internal editor so the really stupid stuff never gets out there.
Trust me, I’m mature.
Not accepting new applicants.
Commenter at Bitter Scribe’s link: “I don’t get big gov’t out of that quote since a more perfect union would be a loosely bound confederation of states”
Yes, a less perfect union, both by design and in function, would truly be the more perfect union.
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
Thom Hartmann is right. We haven’t had an honestly-elected Republican president for the past 40 years.
No. Anyone who is shocked hasn’t been paying attention.
New evidence
Not new at all. When I read that this morning I saw nothing I wasn’t already aware of.
Not trying to be Debbie Downer here but c’mon – it’s like shocking new evidence of Catholic Church abuses which the media has downplayed or spun or ignored. Nothing to see here, move along.
latest ass-hattery from the ‘hooterville indigestion’:
from the publishers ‘column’ regarding a recent poll he conducted regarding his reprinting of falsehoods:
‘I would have voted 200 times that I agree with your columns on politics. You are always right on Jim. I am sad to see so many folks out your way are in the dark about what is going on in the United States. We are being run by free. We are turning so liberal, soon we will be like Greece. God must be so disappointed by our USA. It is a good thing that God is inc control and watching over our greedy politicians. I want to say a lot more but you won’t be able to print it. The Indigestion is a great newspaper. It always has been. I never miss reading it except when I am out of the state. People in other states think we are crazy in Minnesota with our politics. They say, “oh you had that wrestler and now you have Dayton and Franken.” Sometimes I hate to say I am from Minnesota. Enough about politics. I am just glad that God is in control. Yaaaaaaaaaaaa. I am so happy your cancer is gone. God Bless!
this woman winters in arizona…home of the totally not crazy politicians and elected officials…
i like how god is in control, yet our country, which he is watching over, apparently sucks right now…also, too…there is approximately 6 people who write in disputing his news items with facts…this is referred to by a reader who got his ass handed to him last week for spouting the same bullshite the publisher does as ‘whiney-butt liberal establishment who think every issue is their way or the highway while our country slips into the abyss under their stewardship.’ he also wants his ‘beloved america back.’ he is also royally cheesed that ‘not only did Minnesota elect Al Franken, they also elected Rep. Keith Elison, a Muslim who waged a “verbal jihad” or holy war recently on our national TV against Sean Hannity. The guy was so full of hate during the attack on Hannity you could see it in his eyes. It was obviously a premeditated act. God help us!’
how do you argue with wingnuttery of such potency?
eh…run by greed, not free…stupid iMac…
I, for one, want to keep the ‘Crams Shit’ in Christmas.
I would have voted 200 times that I agree with your columns on politics
I hadn’t known about Nixon’s torpedoing of the Viet Nam Peace talks, though it doesn’t surprise me. I found the convenient timing of the hostage release to be more than a little suspicious, and the obviously cleaned up choices re: Reagan were he was complicit or incompetent (and should have been impeached). And I was not particularly politically aware, and still pretty naïve. So I’ve been a tad cynical about the “news” media for a while, now.
Also, new thread.
I was in my 20’s during the age of St.Ronnie of Dementia and I was always perplexed that nobody else could see what a phony sack of shit he was. Ollie North should be rotting in a Nicaraguan jail.
It always pissed me off that that smarmy shit was pulling down $20k/speaking engagement instead of rotting in jail somewhere. And if you look at the people who got away with Iran-Contra, you’ll see why Rummy, Darth, and pals had a reasonable expectation of getting away with all he shit they got away with during The Dim Son’s tenure.
Cerb may have seen this before…¬if_t=notify_me
Oliver North should be rotting in an american jail for planting the bomb on pan-am 103. That he thought it was his heroin delivery is no real excuse.
To Cerberus & (almost) all commenters: oh my God, I love you. Just discovered this site; now my life is complete. Thanks.
Although bananas has several positive characteristics, a
diet of only bananas still seems a bit “fishy”.
The banana diet broke onto the scene in Japan with such force that
many grocery stores the next day literally ran out and could no longer provide anyone with the fruit.
Otherwise, you can replace the lukewarm water with a cup of milk, or even a bowl of cereal with milk.
It’s rich vitamin E content and essential minerals and fatty acids such as Oleic acid, Omega-9 and Omega – 6 are helpful in strengthening hair roots. Using the cold pressed process, oil extracted from the dried kernels is a 100% natural skin care product. But adding to my astonishment when I rubbed my bald head I still see the dandruff coming out with text message:P to me.