Lil’ Spite de L’escalier

Wingnut boat has just made another run:

But Ms. O’Sullivan again took umbrage. As everyone went silent, she recalled a conference she attended in Australia in which a liberal nun (who “didn’t even have the decency to wear a habit”) criticized America for its “inner-city racism.” Offended, Ms. O’Sullivan recounted what she wished she’d said to this nun:

“Pardon me, madam, but I have been in your country of Australia for ten days and the only Aborigines I’ve seen have been drunk on the street, and at least if we were in my country they would be serving the drinks at this conference!”

Ms. O’Sullivan then warned against watering down the purity of the conservative agenda to placate minorities or, as she put it, rather succinctly, “the bastardization of the product.”

Casting is once again genius, with Doughy Pantload and Jimbo “Fivehead” Lileks turning in great comic performances but Ms. O’Sullivan and Deroy Murdock absolutely steal the show.



Comments: 245


Damn. Somali pirates are never around when you need them.


Merry Whateverthefvck, HTML!

Where are the snows of yesteryear?…


I have to say that this particular incident made me wonder of the whole thing was a Steven-Glass-style fabrication.


Yow! The Ghost of Menckens Past!


Happily, Bork is not with them this year.

Sadly, the lot of them are not with Bork.


Where are the snows of yesteryear?…

[Checks in freezer]
Why look, here they are! Just where I saved them!!


When she thinks of nuns this is what she’s thinking of.


What is it with Republicans and nuns? If they’re not chastising them for helping the poor, they’re paying to have them killed in Latin America.


Jonah Goldberg attempted a note of optimism, garnering hearty applause when he said conservative ideas were “still salable because, A, they’re correct. Two plus two is four. You have to believe that we’re going to be proven right by reality.

Keep fucking them chickens, Jonah.


Also too, you can color me surprised that math is a conservative idea.


A ship of fools floating on a sea of bitter tears:

Jonah Goldberg attempted a note of optimism, garnering hearty applause when he said conservative ideas were “still salable because, A, they’re correct. Two plus two is four. You have to believe that we’re going to be proven right by reality.”

In response, the moderator recounted the litany of dreary statistics from Reed and Rasmussen earlier that day. “So therefore we should give up and burn our passports and stay on this boat forever?” said Goldberg with real exasperation.

The crowd erupted in cheers.


zomg, HTML!

Love the post title.


As the Republican image stood today, said Lileks, “we’re the stupid people, we’re the yokels, we’re the dumb, we’re the racists, we’re the hicks, we’re against everything that’s hip and cool.”

No shit, Jimmy. Even if you don’t really believe it. But you’re psychotic and delusional.


Conservatives, they felt, needed their own cultural voice—a Letterman, a Leno, an SNL, a 30 Rock—to compete with the overwhelming liberal dominance of the culture.

Sadly, No. What you need, wingnuts, is an ideology and guiding ethos that perhaps provides–even if just a little–a whiff of human kindness and warmth. Fat chance.


“we’re the stupid people, we’re the yokels, we’re the dumb, we’re the racists, we’re the hicks, we’re against everything that’s hip and cool.”

No way!

You guys are the smart people in the room, and a grateful nation wants to thank you for bringing us all the hip and cool stuff like the Southern Strategy, the NRA, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Enron, the Iraq War, the subprime meltdown…


Am I the only one who read that piece and immediately thought of the film Caddyshack and the hilarious scene depicting the Bushwood Country Club’s Fourth of July dance? A bunch of haughty petite bourgeoisie basking in the magnificence of their social dominance in some Midwestern shithole town?

That’s what the National Review is trying to preserve, the country club meritocracy, a pack of unhip white ghouls completely out of touch and contemptuous of the servant class they both hold down and hold at the end of their noses.


OMG Deroy Murdock is delightfully insane. Did he eventually bring a drink to Mrs. O’Sullivan?


“We lost,” Long continued during a long interview over coffee later that week. “We are losers.”

Which meant they must necessarily compromise. The C-word I heard nowhere else onboard during this cruise, except from Long, the self-appointed ­Cassandra who told the crowd the night before that “our operatives are incompetent and we live in a dream world.”

But fortunately for the dual causes of Wingnuttery and Internet Snark, Mr. Long’s small, lonely turd in the punchbowl will be resolutely ignored by his shipmates.


So, even when given ample time to design a perfect rejoinder to accusations of social inequity indifference (at best) or actual racism (at worst), O’Sullivan can only think to double down on the asshole card, eh?

“Not only are your coloreds also open to the hideous fallout of historic institutional racism and cultural exclusion, but I am going to continue the proud tradition of using that as after-the-fact justification for my racism and, as an additional bonus, I am going to suggest that white Australians are either lazy or stupid for not jumping on the opportunity to exploit the situation by putting these sub-humans to work as servants.”

I continue to be amazed that Republicans aren’t more popular.


So, even when given ample time to design a perfect rejoinder to accusations of social inequity indifference (at best) or actual racism (at worst), O’Sullivan can only think to double down on the asshole card, eh?

“Not only are your coloreds also open to the hideous fallout of historic institutional racism and cultural exclusion, but I am going to continue the proud tradition of using high incidences of substance abuse, unemployment, suicide and other symptoms of cultural oppression as after-the-fact justification for my racism and, as an additional bonus, I am going to suggest that white Australians are either lazy or stupid for not jumping on the opportunity to exploit the situation by putting these sub-humans to work as servants.”

I continue to be amazed that Republicans aren’t more popular.



As Thomas downed the rest of his drink, Duane said the only way out of the current quagmire is a “revolution,” citing the famous Thomas Jefferson line about watering the tree of liberty with blood from “time to time.”

What kind of revolution did he have in mind?

Duane’s eyes crinkled into a big smile. “You ever heard of guns?”

For conservative scholars have proven that guns, tax cuts and Jesus solve all problems.


Historically, revolutions haven’t worked out all that well for these kind of folks (rent seekers, nepotists, feudal lairds, courtiers, fops, &etc.) but I would encourage them to try again.


“our operatives are incompetent and we live in a dream world.”

As a life member of the Krewe of Ancient Hippies I feel his pain.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Y’know, one day, when time travel is fully realized, I am going to go back in time to when Thomas Jefferson was just about to say that quote and then shoot him in the face.

Sure, I’ll fade away like Michael J. Fox afterward because of the rash of time paradoxes bear down on me, but at least the New World won’t have 270 years of assholes using “tree of liberty” as a justification for blowing up, shooting up, and otherwise fucking up the country.


If this dipsticks do revolt, I’ve got dibs on giving Jonah the first wedgie.


@just sayin’: Does “stand your ground” apply to taking out would-be insurrectionaries? 🙂


THESE dipsticks too.


Alternate shorter:

All Aboard the FAILboat!


“This is all out of Lord of the Flies and Karl Rove is Piggy and we’re supposed to all chase him around with spikes and throw him on a fire?”

Finally! some ‘outside the box’ thinking from conservatives!

And if you are open to ideas from non-conservatives, Mr. Yoo, here’s one—- before you guys throw Karl Rove on the fire—- how about some waterboarding?


Major –

Thanks for the diary.


In response, the moderator recounted the litany of dreary statistics from Reed and Rasmussen earlier that day. “So therefore we should give up and burn our passports and stay on this boat forever?” said Goldberg with real exasperation.

Absolutely astonishing. Jonah has finallly come up with a surefire proposal to make America a better place.


Am I the only one who read that piece and immediately thought of the film Caddyshack and the hilarious scene depicting the Bushwood Country Club’s Fourth of July dance? A bunch of haughty petite bourgeoisie basking in the magnificence of their social dominance in some Midwestern shithole town?

as i read this article last night, i kept trying to put my finger on what was defining the failboat’s desperation…this is esackly it…

good bog! the only other imagings i had about this cruise was that the nerds and the wannabes took over when the cool crowd couldn’t make the high school sock hop…

and has ralph reed always made such bad sartorial choices?


Hey hey! Happy holidays, HTML!

Sounds like the Longs & Rex Reeds are ripe for the next Purity Purge … because the first rule of Dunning-Kruger Klub is “It’s never our fault.”


because the first rule of Dunning-Kruger Klub is “It’s never our fault.”

they are truly mystified, aren’t they…


Y’know, one day, when time travel is fully realized, I am going to go back in time to when Thomas Jefferson was just about to say that quote and then shoot him in the face.

Perhaps, but that might risk accidentally obliterating this quote, so on second thought, better not chance it…

“The world will be a better place when the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.”


So O’Sullivan’s not so much concerned about the plight of Australian aborigines as much as that they have booze and she doesn’t? Sounds like a reactionary to me.

As to Reed, et al’s sartorial choices: modern day GOoPers simply can’t dress right. I dunno if they are copying Nixon (who at least had the excuse that he couldn’t afford anything nicer: remember history’s most broke corporate lawyer had to rip off campaign funds in order to afford to buy his wife a frickin cloth coat and his kids a dog!) or if this is some sort of “fashion is for effete liberals but we conservatives are common folk” signaling a la Woody Allen spending hundreds if not thousands on frickin rumpled clothes to signal his nebishkeit or along the lines of the toxic waste blue colored suits they used to wear in the House of Commons until they realized thatwe yanks were watching them on cable and laughing at their shiny bright blue used car salesman jackets.

Whatever it is Joel Osteen dresses like this too. I guess the rubes actually trust you MORE if you look like your hoping to land the role of Elmer Gantry at the local playhouse.


Time travel: Boon or curse?


Happy to see HTML here…


Time travel: Boon or curse?

totally excellent, man!


Matt @ 18:25 Sadly, No Standard Time: whether stand your ground would apply depends on exactly what kinda insurrectionists we’re talking about: if they are gum chewin hoody wearers of a melanically enhanced hue, yes… if they are tea-partying ‘Murkins, no. And remember, as always IOKIYAR.


Here’s a interesting bit of Trivia RE: the Caymans. The Cayman Islands was the first country in the world to mandate all residents have private health insurance (in 2003, before even Mitt in Mass). Judging by the fact that the rich people hide their money there, this has not resulted in socialism and economic collapse.


Stephenson, the founder of the for-profit Cancer Treatment Centers of America

gdang it…i had a feeling this place was not on the up and up…


John Yoo should listen to his mother.


Y’know, one day, when time travel is fully realized, I am going to go back in time to when Thomas Jefferson was just about to say that quote and then shoot him in the face.

Somewhat relevant:


Axial tilt — it’s the reason for the season. Merry hoho!


Two months! It’s been two months! And still this sort of thing nurtures something deep within my psyche. This is like summer vacation. I wish it never had to end. Fortunately, there’s no end to the schadenfreude in sight!


It’s going to last four years, Jonathon. While screeching on the national level, they’ll throw all their weight into fucking this country up on the state level.


besides o’sullivan’s o’lady’s cane-waving regretfully unsaid ‘well, madam…’ rejoinder, i believe the excerpt below is my favorite in the whole piece…it’s got it all: grand delusions, paranoia, backbiting and fearmongering!

As we drained the Pinot Noir, Hassett gave his audience the insider’s view of the Romney campaign, describing how its election-monitoring software crashed on November 6 and Obama was probably behind it, “because those guys are so evil.”

The table grumbled in assent.

“The thing we have to understand is, these are people who don’t have any morals,” said Hassett. “They’ll do anything. I’m one of their No. 1 targets. I mean, they really want me bad.” i was going to embolden my absolute favorite parts, but then realized there was just too much…

“Well, you’re safe on this ship!” said Bobbie boldly.

Then Hassett pivoted to the liberal media. “I actually think that Goebbels was more critical of Hitler than the New York Times is of Obama,” said Hassett, tucking into a piece of strudel. “I was in the middle of the fight against the propaganda, and I have stories like you wouldn’t believe. These people are so evil. They’re basically Fascists. It’s unbelievable.”

The audience seemed to listen raptly to this soliloquy—who aboard would argue?—but underneath there were currents of dissension. At breakfast the next day, I ran into Kay from Old Greenwich. Tall and stern, legal thriller clutched to her breast, she narrowed her eyes and complained that Kevin Hassett was too controlling of the conversation the night before and lacked social graces.

and i’m sure it’s obama’s fault that hassett never got laid in high school or college…


Stephenson — the millionaire who has bought FreedomWorks — made his money through a for-profit ‘integrative oncology’ scam.

also, too…he deserves a special kind of hell…


Thanks, Smut Clyde!

GRENDEL AS GRINCH has mildy damaged my Beowulf but greatly enhanced my Seuss.


I hate to point this out but . . . it’s probably best not to ignore plumes of smoke from burning tires:

. . . the English department at the publicly-funded University of North Carolina at Wilmington has recently hired a tenure-track professor who exuberantly peddles decadent smut that makes Penthouse Forum seem tame by comparison.

The randy professor, Alessandro Porco, has published two collections of generally obscene poetry, according to the Pope Center for Education Policy in Raleigh . . .

What’s the over/under for the number of days until a Mike Adams column on Porco? His solution? I’d put money on Adams suggesting arming the UNC-W faculty.


If he’s an English professor, is it at least well written smut?


Another lascivious ode in the collection is called “Did I Shave My Nuts For This?”

sounds like rodney carrington…


Stephenson, the founder of the for-profit Cancer Treatment Centers of America
gdang it…i had a feeling this place was not on the up and up…

They run almost as many commercials on MSNBC as Exxon and Chevron. Wonder if Rachel will be allowed to mention this detail about Freedom Works.


As we drained the Pinot Noir, Hassett gave his audience the insider’s view of the Romney campaign, describing how its election-monitoring software crashed on November 6 and Obama was probably behind it, “because those guys are so evil.”

As I recall it, Anonymous actually took credit for that, claiming that said software was actually part of an election fraud scheme that they thwarted. True or not, it would explain Rove’s genuine look of surprise on Election Day.


OT. Someone got me a bottle of bacon flavoured vodka. The suggested use – Ceasar, sounds frigging delish, but being a purist I had to try it straight first.

It smells like fake bacon and crappy vodka. Guess what it tastes like?

And yet, yummy. Two mediocre-at-best tastes that together somehow taste, well not good, but powerfully compelling.


somehow taste, well not good, but powerfully compelling.

this is how i feel about pimento cheese…i had my first taste of it this morning and was, ‘meh…’ but i craved the damn stuff all day…and i have a feeling that i will be experimenting with the recipe…


Major Kong said New diary is up over at Kos:
Bloody good it is too. I put the link for your diaries up at a NZ Flying forum that i know of, so I hope you are getting some kiwis reading you.


It smells like fake bacon and crappy vodka.

I wonder why?


That article is fulla mangos, but this gave me a chuckle:

She asked me with genuine concern about the problem of Muslims owning all the taxi medallions in New York City. “How the hell did that happen?” she asked.

It’s a problem, see. Kinda like the “Jewish question” in that asking speaks volumes. Anyway, this stupid harridan doesn’t realize she’s a loathsome caricature of a person. Besides, half those cabbies are probably Sikhs.

And the funny thing about “how the hell did that happen?” is that the answer is obvious: there’s a procedure, it isn’t discriminatory, and you’re an enormous pile of shit, lady.

Enraged Bull Limpet

Hmmm… if I put bacon vodka into this eggnog, it’d cover two staple breakfast foods in one foul swoop!

On the other hand, a bacon bloody mary might be tasty enough to actually drink.

Heya, HTML!


HTML! You survived the Mayan apocalypse!

The lack of self-awareness in the Lieleks quote just makes me laugh like a loon.


Teh Ho as we were walking Bagoas this evening: It’s 364 fucking days to Xmas and people ALREADY have their lights and decorations up.


Short, shameful confession: James Lileks was one of my roomies in college. And this should come as no surprise: his dad paid for his education, as well as his room and board.


Ms. O’Sullivan then warned against watering down the purity of the conservative agenda to placate minorities or, as she put it, rather succinctly, “the bastardization of the product.”

That’s funny,! I always thought conservatives were PROUD of being bastards!

However, the only “product” I associate them with is “bullshit”.


After a coffee break, we reconvened for a panel titled “Econ 1: The State of the Economy.” …. Hassett said the national debt was like a monkey on America’s back, except there weren’t enough steroids to create a monkey that big. The debt, like an evil monolith, seemed to shadow the brows of everyone there, precisely quantifying their apocalyptic fears. America, by rejecting them, had rejected math itself, they felt, and therefore reason, and therefore reality.

Yeah, I remember back when the US Fed had to print up 16 trillion dollars because Socialism had bankrupted our nation.

Oh, wait, that wasn’t the Socialists who got that 16 trillion dollar bailout… It was the Capitalists!.

Think I’m kidding? go ahead and google “sixteen trillion dollar bailout US Fed” and see for yourself.


Hassett said the national debt was like a monkey on America’s back, except there weren’t enough steroids to create a monkey that big. The debt, like an evil monolith, seemed to shadow the brows of everyone there

Apes and a monolith, you say? (Skip to the 2 minute mark. I couldn’t find the Mel Brooks version online.)


A note about that 2001 clip— an earlier Jurassic Park like moment— a whole lot of people were really impressed that the apes in that scene were so well trained, so no awe for the special effects and make-up.


I actually think that Goebbels was more critical of Hitler than the New York Times is of Obama,

…the nerve of that Goebbels, criticizing our fuhrer


Conservatives, they felt, needed their own cultural voice—a Letterman, a Leno, an SNL, a 30 Rock—to compete with the overwhelming liberal dominance of the culture.

Yes, poor Conservatives. what with nobody to speak for them and such.

Damned Liberal Media.

Also too: Yay, Retardo!


I actually think that Goebbels was more critical of Hitler than the New York Times is of Obama,

If only Goebbels had kept a day-to-day record of his most intimate thoughts during a period of the 1940s when that whole getting-involved-in-a-land-war-in-Asia business wasn’t going so well, so that one might actually check his criticism of Hitler, and tell whether Hassett is full of shit.

“This is all out of Lord of the Flies and Karl Rove is Piggy and we’re supposed to all chase him around with spikes and throw him on a fire?”

Wait what when? Is there a Conservapedia version of LotF on top of everything else?


Stephenson — the millionaire who has bought FreedomWorks — made his money through a for-profit ‘integrative oncology’ scam.
also, too…he deserves a special kind of hell…

Definitely a special kind of guy. His mother died of cancer and his immediate reaction was to think “There’s a lot of money being made from selling fake cures for cancer! How can I get my share?”


Wait what when? Is there a Conservapedia version of LotF on top of everything else?

Look under “Devil” or “Beelzebub”, bub!


Lileks? omg f-in Lileks was on that cruise? Well why am I not surprised?
The Star-Trib in Mpls still prints his dreck – the not-funny articles he continues
to write – without ever warning his audience that he’s a rw shill.

Him and Joe Soucheray – ack.

Two different papers – same (Tale of Two Cities) city – these guys think
they’re funny.

Lileks actually used to be funny back in the old days – just like P J O’Rourke used to actually be funny back in the old days – they all lost their sense of
humor around the time of 2nd Iraq War, now they’re just bitter old drunks.

Sigh. Hoping that Minnesota doesn’t just have the Michelle Bachmann tribe speaking for us anymore.

And I know we don’t. I follow bbkf’s comments here with delight.

Rose out.


Yes, poor Conservatives. what with nobody to speak for them and such.

Wow! Nice one, hogeye grex… How did I actually read the article without noticing THAT steaming pile of elephant shit?

but it’s kind of revealing about the conservative mind: they do implicitly understand that Fox Noise, Limbaugh, Beck, Coulter, etc are professional bullshitters totally unloved by the population at large, and therefore don’t really ‘count’ as actual media figures…

conservatives: people devoid of compassion, filled with bitterness, anger and hate, who don’t quite understand why nobody loves them.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

Slightly OT.
A bit ago I wondered about LaParanoid railing against video games considering the likelihood that game and weapon manufacturers were in bed together.
Well, as it turns out…


I imagine O’Sullivan looking/sounding like the racist old lady GOB waits on here:

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

…and a nifty promotional vid!

Not sure if that will go through. I had to sign in to access it.


Yeah, Mayor, you were right, I just got stopped at the sign-in screen… Can you tell us what it was?

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

Can you tell us what it was?
It’s a three minute video touting the partnership between EA and Magpul, maker of accessories such as clips, silencers, grips and whatnot, shot during a photo shoot.

The New York Times has an article on the connections.

Over the past decade, handguns made by Glock have become such standard fare in movies and television shows that the Austrian manufacturer received a lifetime achievement award in 2010 from Brandchannel, a product marketing Web site.

Free market Baby Jesus iz HAPPY!!!

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

Magpul isn’t alone

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

1.) Co-opt “Heroes”

2.) Pry out classified information.

3.) Hang them out to dry.

4.) PROFIT!!!


Him and Joe Soucheray – ack.

i know! our local raydio doesn’t play teh soucheray any longer…so far, have not missed it…plus wingnut publisher gets loonier by the day, so the weekly ‘hooterville indigestion’ should keep me chock full o’ wingnuts for a while…


oh…he’s also on a major tear to have his daughter treat her breast cancer with whole-istic means…and she’s actually considering it…her cancer is pretty advanced, so i don’t know why she’d fuck around with it, but when you grow up with wingnut douchebag, you get used to not making your own decisions…


also too…the only thing worse than watching that library show on mtv is watching the one featuring the jersey shore cast…


America, by rejecting them, had rejected math itself, they felt, and therefore reason, and therefore reality.

America rejected math and reason by rejecting the party that built the huge debt in the first place?


Fucking Lileks. He loves to portray himself as a sophisticated man of taste, reason, and common sense, an elitist, no doubt (his bane: minimum-wage cashiers at Target), but always on the side of truth, wisdom, sanity, and rationality. I mean, that’s how this creep sees himself.

And then he fawns over Michelle Bachman, who is the antithesis to all of the above.

Gotcha, Jimmy.


WRT “America rejecting math,” yadda yadda, it probably helps to remember that the Wingers tend to regard only themselves as True Americans. Remembering this, that statement becomes true.

I had a conversation yesterday with one of my wingnut kin, during which he remarked that he didn’t trust/believe scientists, giving as his reason the way he saw science work – which was a perfect description of IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION. He also opined that the only “effective” gun control was to completely ban them all, while saying he did not intend to ever give his up. He also trotted out the old “if guns are outlawed …” chestnut. No apparent awareness that he would be one of the outlaws.


No apparent awareness that he would be one of the outlaws

justifiable! he would be a true ‘murkin(tm) outlaw…there’s a difference…oh, hey…wingnuts DO get nuance…only when it applies to their patriotism, exceptionalism or true americaness…


No apparent awareness that he would be one of the outlaws.

When ‘only outlaws have guns’ many of the gun nuts won’t have any problem with being outlaws. If any large scale gun buyback/turn in/confiscation ever happens, there are plenty of gun owners that will just dig a hole in the basement or put a dry bag in the crawlspace or attic. People will be finding that shit for years.


The fact is, you liberals have won nothing. We the Tea Bag Party, will restore the USA to sound financial budgets, moral bible values, respect for property and life, as well as being #1.


Piss on Gary.


Gary, you’re wasting valuable gun hoarding time. The clock is running.


One of the reasons I didn’t find the prospect of a “Red Dawn” remake very amusing is that I remember how shamelessly the original pandered to right-wing paranoia. At one point the evil Cuban commander ordered somebody to go to the local sporting-goods store and get “the government list” of who owned a gun. Later someone with one of those “cold dead hands” bumper stickers literally had his gun pried out of them. Riling up these mouthbreathers to make a buck is the height of irresponsibility.


Riling up these mouthbreathers to make a buck is the height of irresponsibility.

Riling up the mouthbreathers has been the right wing path to wealth and power for a long time.


Riling the mouthbreathers.

Also, too: Ew.


Fucking Lileks. He loves to portray himself as a sophisticated man of taste,

Yes, yes he does.


Is there a Conservapedia version of LotF on top of everything else?

There’s a capital C Conservative version of _everything_. The capital C Conservative cultists have an entire alternate reality.


I’m in Winnipeg. The sled dogs are frozen solid into a canine ice-sculpture and the Inuit guide is eyeing me like I’m a 5’8″ pork chop. Send help.


When ‘only outlaws have guns’ many of the gun nuts won’t have any problem with being outlaws. If any large scale gun buyback/turn in/confiscation ever happens, there are plenty of gun owners that will just dig a hole in the basement or put a dry bag in the crawlspace or attic. People will be finding that shit for years.

We’ll be lucky if that’s all they find in some of those crawlspaces.


I remember how shamelessly the original pandered to right-wing paranoia.

hmmm watching the original in its original run, i didn’t catch this…main reasons: patrick swayze and teenage girl hormones…


When ‘only outlaws have guns’ many of the gun nuts won’t have any problem with being outlaws. If any large scale gun buyback/turn in/confiscation ever happens, there are plenty of gun owners that will just dig a hole in the basement or put a dry bag in the crawlspace or attic. People will be finding that shit for years.

That’s what I’m counting on, meself. Certainly a buyback program wouldn’t get anything like all of the weapons that are out there but most owners would be too scared to ever get their weapons out except to go target shooting ‘way out in the woods. The effect would be similar.

I’m sure somebody would still go shoot up a mall or a school with an AR-15 and 30-round clips but there would almost certainly be fewer such events.

At least that’s my reasoning. I hope I’ll get to see it tested.


I’m in Winnipeg.

I laughed, but the streams of H and A froze in mid-air and cracked on the icy sidewalk.


Also, I’ve been reading your diaries too, Major. Let me add to the chorus of attaboys; nice job.


That’s what I’m counting on, meself. Certainly a buyback program wouldn’t get anything like all of the weapons that are out there but most owners would be too scared to ever get their weapons out except to go target shooting ‘way out in the woods. The effect would be similar.

Of course some of them, hopefully a tiny number, will go ballistic when such a program is announced, and we might end up with a dozen Wacos or Ruby Ridges too.


“This is all out of Lord of the Flies and Karl Rove is Piggy and we’re supposed to all chase him around with spikes and throw him on a fire?”

Two points:
(1) The plot details here are not coming from from William Golding’s book, but from Yoo’s own private fantasy life.
(2) Isn’t Lord of the Flies a utopian depiction of Libertarian paradise? Why is Yoo so down on it?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I’m in Winnipeg. The sled dogs are frozen solid into a canine ice-sculpture and the Inuit guide is eyeing me like I’m a 5’8? pork chop. Send help.

I think he just wants to snuggle up against you to share body heat. Tell him you’re willing to do that, but that Nanook nookie is out of the question… unless he’s cute and your wife won’t mind.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

(1) The plot details here are not coming from from William Golding’s book, but from Yoo’s own private fantasy life.

So that’s why Yoo didn’t think Gitmo was so bad.

Of course some of them, hopefully a tiny number, will go ballistic when such a program is announced, and we might end up with a dozen Wacos or Ruby Ridges too.

I’m surprised that such an occurrence hasn’t taken place, but I imagine Holder’s justice department has been extraordinarily restrained to prevent a complete wingnut uprising. Of course, there has been a steady undercurrent of right-wing violence, a cop shooting here, a planned bloodbath at the Tides Foundation there.


Of course, there has been a steady undercurrent of right-wing violence, a cop shooting here, a planned bloodbath at the Tides Foundation there.

Yeah, but no firefights at some violent person’s or group’s private armory. Which could mean there are no new violent groups stockpiling weapons against the day they will use them, or that they exist but are found quickly and dismantled or that they exist and the police and feds either don’t know about them or are ignoring them and hoping they go away.

Just a couple miles from where I work Gander Mountain Outfitters has what they describe on billboards as Wisconsin’s largest gun store. Sadly it doesn’t mean that they have 100,000 feet of floor space to sell five or six old muskets, nor does it mean that they just have the one gun and it’s freaking huge. They don’t dedicate about a fifth of the floor space of a building the size of a super wal-mart to guns unless someone’s buying a whole lot of them. How much tinder can they sell until there’s a fire?


Of course some of them, hopefully a tiny number, will go ballistic when such a program is announced, and we might end up with a dozen Wacos or Ruby Ridges too.

I doubt it. Remember how, after OKC, suddenly the RW militia types kept a very low profile for a while? It might be true that we’d see another Waco but I wouldn’t expect more than one or two in a decade. Honestly, most of these guys are LARPers more than a genuine threat. That’s compared to a mass shooting every couple months right now.

Call me Pollyanna but I could live with that kind of trade-off, were it to work out that way.


Wow, talk about Voyage of the Damned! I think my fave character on this cruise is Bing West. I can just imagine him frothing at the mouth, not realising the white dominance days are over. I can understand the comment about Australia’s native people though. We’ve treated them pretty badly over the years. But i dont know that a race that has been destroyed by alcohol should be serving drinks to their white masters, er, customers. And anyway, i think you’d find that job would be given to a black Maori, Fijian or Tongan.


The trouble with laying low on the idea of gun control is the “reasonable” position keeps running more unreasonable. The wingnut bro put forth the idea of armed cops at every school as a perfectly reasonable idea (of course, his kids were/are homeschooled). The costs (in money and peace of mind for the kids) were something he hadn’t considered. He’s like that.

But non-wingnuts will probably think the armed guard in every school sounds reasonable, because everyone has been trained to think the NRA would never allow effective gun control to be implemented. Sadly, I think this last part’s true. I’m sure any legislation passed will have sufficient loopholes in it to not discommode the arms manufacturers at all. I’d love to be wrong.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The trouble with laying low on the idea of gun control is the “reasonable” position keeps running more unreasonable.

That was the point of LaPierre’s literally spittle-flecked screeds- he’s moving the goalposts, suggesting the outrageous to ensure that the status quo remains.

The wingnut bro put forth the idea of armed cops at every school as a perfectly reasonable idea (of course, his kids were/are homeschooled).

As was the Sandy Hook shooter.


Honestly, most of these guys are LARPers more than a genuine threat.

Are you suggesting there is a greater threat to our collective sanity than LARPers?


Are you suggesting there is a greater threat to our collective sanity than LARPers?

LOL. I’m saying their biggest threat is to our sanity.


Twitter Clacker says Gen. Norman Schwartzkopf has died.



People: If you enjoyed this post as much as I did, you MUST read HTML’s ‘Cf” (above, at the end of his post ). It describes the 2007 Cruise of the Crazed…including some genuine hostility between two right-wing I-Cons…..

“Aren’t you embarrassed by the absence of these weapons?” [William F.] Buckley snaps at [Norman] Podhoretz. He has just explained that he supported the war reluctantly, because Dick Cheney convinced him Saddam Hussein had WMD primed to be fired.

* * * *

Following the break, Norman Podhoretz and William Buckley–two of the grand old men of the Grand Old Party–begin to feud. Podhoretz will not stop speaking–”I have lots of ex-friends on the left; it looks like I’m going to have some ex-friends on the right, too,” he rants[.]

As ever, HTML’s photo captions are classic: Still at dock, Jonah considers whom to eat in case of shipwreck … the Montana Spite Caucus in digestive repose.


Gen. Norman Schwartzkopf has died.

Major Kong: As NS was C-in-C during your wartime service, I’m curious if you have any reaction.

I’m intensely interested in your Gulf War diaries. Greatly begun, sir!
Your ‘B-52’ diary series–introducing the audience to aircraft, crew postitions, interior spaces, flying characteristics, inflight refueling–was a brilliant set-up for this series.


LOL — so this student (not mine) visits the Tolkien archive, but he doesn’t know anything about J.R.R. and English isn’t strong.

“… they have many hobbit manuscripts …”


I mean manuscripts of The Hobbit wouldn’t surprise me, but wow. This stuff is old!


Sorry that this is so long – but I wanted to share.

I had friends for dinner tonight. We all get together after X-mas after everything is settled. Had a great time but I am here to offer you all some advice.

Never, ever, ever, ever make chicken pot pie. It’s one of my favorite things. I made it for the first time tonight and HOLY NUTS. There are, like a million moving parts. And I took the easy way out with frozen veggies and pre-made puff pastry. First you boil the potatos, then you cook the veggies (peas carrots, corn). Then you have to boil the chicken. And then the gravy. The freaking gravy. First the rue, then the chicken stock then keep mixing, is it the right consistency? I Dunno. Then the heavy cream – do I temper it first? Yep you better just in case you end up with chicken flavored cheese. I had 4 pots going at once in my little NYC kitchen. Finally I get it all together in one pot. SUCCESS!!! With more than an hour to spare.

But wait – the puff pastry – what do I do? Can I cut it now or will it dry out? If I put it on the pot pies will it get soggy on the bottom? It’s unbaked, probably the baking will take care of that. Maybe. You don’t have to put a slit in puff pastry right, Food Network? FAIL – they wouldn’t tell me. It was about this time that I began eyeing the bottle of White Zinfandel left over from Christmas. NO – DON’T DO IT!
So I am fighting with the puff pastry and I call Debbie and say “Do you have a rolling pin, cuz I cannot get this puff pastry apart.” “No”, she says. “But I will pick up a bottle of White Zinfendel – and we’ll use that.”

Here’s the moral of the story: what you should NOT do with puff pastry.
1. Buy it. The end.
2. Keep it on the counter for more than 10 minutes.
3. Put it on something wet (like chicken pot pie ingredients). It does not PUFFFFFFF.

Of course it all turned out fine. These are great friends and even if everything came out as mush they would not have cared; we would have had a great laugh and high-tailed it to Mickey D’s.
But next time? Next time I want chicken pot pie I’m going to Boston Market!!
Also? the White Zinfandel was delicious. I am still working on it. Can you tell?


Soundtrack for this cruise:


You need a lot of pot to make pot pie.


I agree S. Can you send some my way?


Major: Thanks for the link at the end of the “First Night” diary!

I strongly recommend the linked article for those interested in military operations, including: deployment from stateside, mission planning, training, logistical support, armaments. The linked article is clear and well-organized.

I follow bbkf’s comments here with delight.

We all do.

BBBB: The Sadlyville link to your blog is dark. Light it up, please! (Hmmmm. Light it up. That seems like a good idea. And so I shall….)


You need a lot of pot to make pot pie.

s.cerev !!! Where ya been? Watcha been doin’.


Hi Fenwick. Make me a pot pie. Please.


Helen / S. Cere: It’s on the way! I just exhaled some sweet smoke directly at my computer screen; I assume the intertoobz will exhale it shortly to your delight!

Legalize it.


Stop talking about pot, damnit! It’s cruel.


I would love to make a pot pie for you Helen! Alas, I have no cooking / baking skills at all. Not at all. I make sammiches. I use the micro-wave plenty much.

Also, have Greeks ever launched a thousand ships for you?


Damn, it’s working! or was it that bowl 10 minutes ago? I don’t even care!


In NY -Cuomo is tryin. But the NYS leg said-“Dude we gave you Gay Marriage, we’re all STUPID WHITE MEN; we can’y give you weed” And Cuomo said “OK;


Fenwick, I am back in Minnesota again – Skol Vikings!


Stop talking about pot, damnit! It’s cruel.

But S.C. started it! It’s all his fault!

((hangs head))

I apologize, CRA.


Now I’m gonna nuke a store-boughten four-cheese calzone, then putter off for a while.


And sorry too, CRA. In the words of Freewheelin’ Franklin: “Dope will get you through times with no money better than money will get you through times with no dope.”


Aww you guys can say whatever you want. Just remember, some of us could really use a toke, and knowing about your pleasure only goes so far.


YES FENWICK I am Helen of Troy. What kinnda sammich?


S. cerevisiae, I do remember times of no money when I had dope (marijuana), and it was the greatest solace imaginable, and I learned the Furry Freak Brothers bit and said Yes, that is just so.

I wanna say this is why THEY don’t want poor folks to smoke: it throws a wrench in the system. On the other hand, I can see how proles with good grass can be very tractable.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

No dope, no money,…but I made chocolate chip cookies.
So I got that goin’ for me.
Which is nice.


Given that the biblical Jonah was clearly a wingnut (mad at God for not destroying Ninevah, ran away from the call of duty, viewed a vine he did nothing to create as his own property), would you go on a cruise with Jonah Goldberg? Jus’ sayin’ …


When ‘only outlaws have guns’ many of the gun nuts won’t have any problem with being outlaws. If any large scale gun buyback/turn in/confiscation ever happens, there are plenty of gun owners that will just dig a hole in the basement or put a dry bag in the crawlspace or attic. People will be finding that shit for years.

One of my best friends’ dad builds houses for a living, except for this one time when he was hired to tear down an old house whose owner had just died. Turns out the ex-owner was a survivalist, and the entire house, including the walls, was stuffed to the brim with guns and ammunition, so he had to be… a little more careful than usual tearing it down.

I remember hearing about that and thinking “why the hell would you do that? Sounds like all the Forces of the UN Federal Government World Islamic Federation of Evil need to do is fire one bullet into the wall and your entire house will blow itself up like one of those Hollywood cars made of explodium.”


One of the reasons I didn’t find the prospect of a “Red Dawn” remake very amusing is that I remember how shamelessly the original pandered to right-wing paranoia. At one point the evil Cuban commander ordered somebody to go to the local sporting-goods store and get “the government list” of who owned a gun. Later someone with one of those “cold dead hands” bumper stickers literally had his gun pried out of them. Riling up these mouthbreathers to make a buck is the height of irresponsibility.

Yeah. I should’ve enjoyed it, it’s a pretty good candidate for the “so bad it’s good” movies I’m prone to liking. But it was so filled to the brim with far right Cold War tropes I just couldn’t. Not sure what it was, because I’ve managed to enjoy similarly awful Reagan-era movies like Rambo II and Iron Eagle despite the content, but Red Dawn was just a bridge too far.

And for all the criticism of the remake in the “North Korea? Give me a break!” variety, the fact is that’s really not any more ridiculous than the original movie.


I doubt it. Remember how, after OKC, suddenly the RW militia types kept a very low profile for a while? It might be true that we’d see another Waco but I wouldn’t expect more than one or two in a decade. Honestly, most of these guys are LARPers more than a genuine threat. That’s compared to a mass shooting every couple months right now.

Yeah. I get the sense that most of those crimes are committed by “lone wolves” who’re infused with a ton of militia-ish ideas but are actually crazy enough to go ahead with them… whereas most of the actual militias are just a circle-jerk of people sitting around talking about how ONE DAY they’re TOTALLY going to be pushed too far, while never actually going forward with anything.


I’ve been waffling between, “Stephen Glass-style fabrication” and considering a Kickstarting a filming expedition on the next cruise.

This, this, this:

“Under the shade of some palm trees, Ralph Reed took off his shirt and fed an orange to a giant iguana.”

God. Bless. America!


The trouble with laying low on the idea of gun control is the “reasonable” position keeps running more unreasonable. The wingnut bro put forth the idea of armed cops at every school as a perfectly reasonable idea (of course, his kids were/are homeschooled). The costs (in money and peace of mind for the kids) were something he hadn’t considered. He’s like that.

This. We were already at a fucking ludicrous status quo where you couldn’t even talk about gun registration because it raised a storm of NRA and militia freaks screaming fascism and One-World Government. Now it’s gotten worse.

It’s like that on pretty much every political issue, actually. Conservatives could probably get liberals to acquiesce to their victories if they stuck to what they’ve won, but they keep needing to push the boundaries into full blown insanity. Stopped civil rights progress in its tracks fifty years ago and gutted the departments looking after it? Now take away their voting rights! Gutted unions and regulations? Now destroy Social Security and Medicare, and if you feel up to it, minimum wage, antitrust and income taxes too! Started two ruinous open-ended wars in the Middle East? Now invade Iran!

I don’t think this mass killing in Connecticut has any chance of creating an anti-gun consensus, by the way. But I think it’s woken up liberals who for a generation had more or less accepted the conservative victory on the gun issue, to the fact that the current course isn’t sustainable and they need to take gun control off the shelf and turn it into an issue again. (And hopefully, shocked enough mushy moderates in the middle away from the “guns don’t kill people, people kill people, m’kay” status quo to make the issue winnable).


Re : Red Dawn. I’ve not seen it but I did read its hilarious deconstruction in Better Living through Bad Movies, the essential book from Scott Clevenger of World o’ Crap.Yes, this is an official endorsement of the book.


Given that the biblical Jonah was clearly a wingnut (mad at God for not destroying Ninevah, ran away from the call of duty, viewed a vine he did nothing to create as his own property), would you go on a cruise with Jonah Goldberg? Jus’ sayin’ …

Hmm… the Biblical Jonah was thrown overboard during a storm to appease God’s wrath. The passengers should have followed the Bible’s example. Though after spending three days and nights in the belly of a floating garbage pile, he’d just show up in Key West yelling about how the lack of free coffee in his motel room proves the white male is the Jew of liberal fascism, and I wouldn’t want to ruin someone’s winter vacation.


I don’t think this mass killing in Connecticut has any chance of creating an anti-gun consensus, by the way. But I think it’s woken up liberals who for a generation had more or less accepted the conservative victory on the gun issue, to the fact that the current course isn’t sustainable and they need to take gun control off the shelf and turn it into an issue again.

Yup. and sorry, all you responsible gun owners out there, including some who frequent this very sight, this process may require a certain amount of demonization of your NRA brethren in order to succeed.

See, the only way to move the goalposts back to a centrist compromise which actually IS a centrist compromise is for a healthy left wing insistence that

A) We, too, can use the Original Intent argument, and second amendment right to bear arms includes ONLY the arms that were hand carried at the time the Constitution was written.

B) The idea of extending this right to bear modern weapons which one person can physically carry leads us into looneytune territory where any lunatic has a “right” to bear grenade launchers, flamethrowers, bazookas etc etc. The founders clearly did not anticipate or intend this.

C) as a precondition to owning ANY weapon you own must be part of a WELL REGULATED MILITIA. if you fail to meet that criteria, you are no longer eligible to own the weapon.

It’s not that any of these three points is actually going to be agreed to by the gun nuts, sensible as they all are.

it’s that if nobody in a prominent position, except perhaps Piers Morgan, ever makes any of these points, the goalposts are continually pulled rightward.


“Under the shade of some palm trees, Ralph Reed took off his shirt and was fed an orange to a giant iguana.”

Fixxd for great justice.


What do you have against giant iguanas?




Perhaps, but that might risk accidentally obliterating this quote, so on second thought, better not chance it…

“The world will be a better place when the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.”

I think that was Thomas Paine, not Jefferson.


Helen was not paying attention when I laid down the law in the precious thread about NEVER buying crap frozen puff pastry. The frozen pie shells on the other hand make a passable pot pie crust. Not good crust, mind you, but quite edible.


“The world will be a better place when the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.”

I think that was Thomas Paine, not Jefferson.

I thought it was Diderot.


I think that was Thomas Paine, not Jefferson.

I thought it was Diderot.

Obviously, it was Ben Franklin or Mark Twain.


It’s an old Klingon proverb.


Better Living through Bad Movies, the essential book from Scott Clevenger of World o’ Crap.Yes, this is an official endorsement of the book.

I’m waiting for the movie adaptation.


“The world will be a better place when the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.”

I think that was Thomas Paine, not Jefferson.

I thought it was Diderot.

According to wikipedia, Diderot’s quote was preceded by Jean Meslier, a French Catholic priest whose book length philosophical essay was discovered after his death.
from teh wiki:

In his most famous quote, Meslier refers to a man who “…wished that all the great men in the world and all the nobility could be hanged, and strangled with the guts of the priests.


Please tell me the book has a banner on the front cover, “Soon to be a minor motion picture!”


man who “…wished that all the great men in the world and all the nobility could be hanged, and strangled with the guts of the priests.

I like the cut of his jib.


Let us not have any jib cutting around here unless it is a very young and tasty jib.


Foreskin Holocaust also too. Never forget.


Let us not have any jib cutting around here unless it is a very young and tasty jib.

And if so, well it’s rectum wrecking in the rectory time!

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

So you guys are saying I can shoot Thomas Jefferson to prevent “tree of liberty watered with blood of tyrants and patriots” from being used for hundreds of years of slaughter?


After further review, sure, knock yourself out.


So you guys are saying I can shoot Thomas Jefferson to prevent “tree of liberty watered with blood of tyrants and patriots” from being used for hundreds of years of slaughter?

To be honest, I really hope that guy spent/spends a good few thousand years suffering in purgatory for both his views and his practices on slavery. Ditto all the founders who also practiced it. And if there’s no purgatory and the options are only heaven or hell, I’m not all that fussed if they went straight to hell. (Assuming existence of places not in evidence, I know, but there’s something about the idea of some people – slavers, for instance – dying without having had gotten their just desserts that sort of appeals to me).

Too harsh? Maybe it is, but I figure it makes up for the millions of people who truly believe that the founding fathers are some kind of gods and that “THIS IS WHAT THEY WOULD’VE WANTED!” is and should be a conversation-ending/winning argument.


Am I too harsh in wishing Linda Harvey to die slowly, painfully, starting now?

Make yourself extinct you hateful twunt.


Linda Harvey: This should still have some standing and it remains a fact that there are only two types of human in the world: male and female. Any other distinctions made are appearance, custom, and construction.

This should have some standing, too, Linda: and it remains a fact that the reason for the Fourteenth Amendment was to guarantee equal rights to a minority of males and females who just happened to be BLACK, from the majority who just happened to be WHITE.

But somehow you managed to not even mention that…


Pup, you can look at it this way: her twisted insane “logic” is her best shot at denying the humanity of homosexuals at it is full of FAIL on its face. It’s also not far from the mainstream position on the subject which demonstrates just how weak the opponents’ argument is.

With this USSC you can never say anything’s in the bag, but this is in the bag. If not now (and would they really reverse so many states now?), very soon.


and does not stand the definition of marriage, used for millenia – that is, the act of consummation. It’s another sad fact of homosexual behavior that two men or two women can never consummate a marriage; they can never conceive children together.

1 a (1): the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2): the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage

b: the mutual relation of married persons : wedlock

c: the institution whereby individuals are joined in a marriage

2: an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected; especially: the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities

3: an intimate or close union (the marriage of painting and poetry — J. T. Shawcross)

i guess somebody should tell merriam webster, et al that they need to change that…

also too, does anybody remember reading about adam and eve’s wedding?


The text of the relevant portion of the 14th amendment is pretty easy to understand.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

I notice there aren’t any parenthetical exceptions for women, for ethnic or religious minorities or indeed any exceptions at all. To argue as Linda does, that the hurt feelings of patriarchal authoritarian religions should justify an exception, and that the 14th amendment supports that is beyond delusional. It is a terrible dehumanizing prejudice. And if she harbors that terrible dehumanizing prejudice in her heart or head, she should have the courage to own it and not pretend that the constitution and settled law back her up. How is it that her fears are so much more worthy of respect than the fears of those people who would like to see fewer mass shootings? Why should homophobia trump the constitution when concern for the collective well being of American citizens does not? In conclusion, she should shut the hell up about her homophobia, or try to pass an amendment to the constitution and see how far that gets her. And remember when same sex marriage is outlawed, only outlaws will recognize the fundamental right for all humans to pursue happiness in the arms of the partner of their mutual choice.


No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States;

that is pretty crystalfuckingclear, innit?


And remember when same sex marriage is outlawed, only outlaws will recognize the fundamental right for all humans to pursue happiness in the arms of the partner of their mutual choice.

so now teh gheys who get ghey married automatically get guns? wth?!?! gdang it, i wish i would have got ghey married! i wanna pack some heat!


the definition of marriage,

Let’s see what ol’ Ambrose has to say…

The state or condition of a community consisting of a master, a mistress and two slaves, making in all, two.


You know, I was married for a while and more than once I wanted to discuss that with ol’ Ambrose but he went to Mexico and made himself invisible.


I can shoot Thomas Jefferson
How about beating him to death with the skull of the last wig powderer?


the definition of marriage, used for millenia – that is, the act of consummation.

Menopausal women and infertile men need not apply.


It’s another sad fact of homosexual behavior that two men or two women can never consummate a marriage

If gay people can’t have sex whatever is the ‘phobes problem with them?


Can gay people consommé a soup?


Hang the last wig-powderer with the guts of the last corset-knotter!
Up the peasant rabble!

*takes epic hit of laudanum, crashes*


I thought it was Diderot.

That was my second guess. OK, actually it was my third. My second guess was Ringo Starr…


lol…linda harvey has to get ghey married!

American Christians are being led into homosexual “marriage” with hardly a whimper of protest.


If gay people can’t have sex whatever is the ‘phobes problem with them?

you want the list?
The ‘phobes can’t stop thinking about the hawt hawt hawt non-procreative sex the gay people must be having.
The ‘phobes think that since gay’s can’t get married, gay sex isn’t pre-marital sex therefore gay sex on the down-low is A-ok
the ‘phobes have already invested considerable time and effort in constructing their life in the closet and now those gays that are out are showing them how pointless their effort was, i.e they didn’t have to re-make themselves to fit society, they could have helped remake society to fit them
the ‘phobes refuse to consider their religion could be wrong in any way and focusing on the gay marriage issue is one way to avoid acknowledging they spent a good fraction of their life and money in service to a bankrupt philosophy and imaginary God


If gay people can’t have sex whatever is the ‘phobes problem with them?

durrr! if the boy’s peepee can’t go into the girl’s vajayjay, it’s not maritally sanctioned sex!!!


Consummation doesn’t require pregnancy or we’re STILL not married even after 22 years of humping like bunnies. Of course she sounds pretty stupid so she may actually believe that. At any rate, fuck Churchie.


Jeez, it’s just a tax status.


The fact is that just a tax status is the basis of Christian America.


American Christians are being led into homosexual “marriage” with hardly a whimper of protest.

That noise they’re making, I don’t think it’s “protest”.


American Christians are being led into homosexual “marriage” with hardly a whimper of protest.

Shorter: you lost.

Suck it, Trebek. Suck it long, and suck it hard.


Andy Borowitz: Al Quaeda disbands, job of destroying America left to Congress.


the definition of marriage, used for millenia

Also in the name of buggery LEARN TO SPELL MILLENNIA.
English — is it really so difficult?


Webster weapons were straw-purchased

It turns out the guy killed his sister, who shared the family home with him, before going on his rampage. Makes me worry about my own brother and sister. Fortunately they have no guns.

American Christians



Aw, we’ll be gentle. At first.


English — is it really so difficult?

Listening to NPR I heard the news reader say “the data were” whereupon I said out loud “I think I love you.”


The fact is that liberals in there cups are worse than bulldog pups.


The fact is that just a tax status is the basis of Christian America.
The fact is that Gary Ruppert is 100% correct on that.


Best Childermas gift ever!


FAIL, depressing as hell,
Come aboard, We’ve something to sell.
FAIL, life’s bitterest pill.
Spit it out, We’re actually doing quite well.

FAIL Boat’s guaranteed to keep making more runs.
The FAIL Boat’s game of grift will never be done.
Set a course for delusion,
Your mind on your enemies.

FAIL won’t hurt your sore butt
Surrounded by NRO heroes, professional nuts.

FAIL Boat’s guaranteed to keep making more runs.
The FAIL Boat’s game of grift will never be done.
Set a course for delusion,
Your mind on your enemies.

FAIL won’t hurt your sore butt
Surrounded by NRO heroes, professional nuts.
It’s the FAIL Boat-ah! It’s the FAIL Boat-ah!

(Apologies to the youngsters who won’t get the reference. Consider that a mercy.)


Pupienus said,
December 28, 2012 at 22:19

My favorite traditional marraige thing

Fred Clark, of Slacktivist, has been running a “biblical family of the day” since the Chikn thing.


Twist up another one, Bernie.


The non sequitur of the day comes from Log Cabin Uncle Tom Republicans.

Chuck Hagel: Wrong on gay rights, wrong on Iran, wrong on Israel,” reads the ad. “Tell President Obama that Chuck Hagel is wrong for Defense Secretary. Help us create a stronger and more inclusive Republican Party.”


They’re slagging on Hagel because he mouthed off about that gay ambassador to Luxembourg? Yeah, that’ll spill a lot of beer among the Republican base.


Spent the last hour getting the crap beat out of us between Huntington and Indy. I was hanging on to the “oh shit” handle most of the way. Snowing pretty good in Indy.


Major Kong is (no longer?) full of crap.


Oops. Punctuation and typographic symbols iz hard.


Major Kong is (no longer?) full of crap.

Nah, I got plenty more where that came from.


Yeah, yeah blogwhoring and all that; but when I read about that cruise, here’s where my thoughts went:

“It reads to me like Frankenstein and his monster: the people giving the speeches and hosting the tables are supposedly the leading lights of conservative thought, which is frightening enough when you see the playlist. They have all contributed to the bubble their Republican readers are sitting in, or they are young enough to have always grown up with the self-destructive success Reagan’s “Southern Strategy” ringing in their ears. Now, as they are trying to tell their followers the reality if the situation, the monster refuses to listen.”

As for the religious justification of stopping gay people from marrying, if Eve was made from Adam’s rib, wouldn’t they have the same DNA? That would make them twins of the same sex populating the world. Ew.


You know, I was married for a while and more than once I wanted to discuss that with ol’ Ambrose but he went to Mexico and made himself invisible.

He turned a ***SPOILER ALERT*** colour imperceptible to the human eye.


Casting is once again genius, with Doughy Pantload and Jimbo “Fivehead” Lileks turning in great comic performances

Jimbo gives head for five dollars?

No wonder these cruises are so popular!


Jimbo gives head for five dollars?

I’d pay five dollars for his head – on a pike.


I’d pay five dollars for his head – on a pike.

Prepare for the whingnut outrage that is sure to come. Glenn Reynolds and Michelle Malkin are even now writing to your employer demanding you be fired because you called for his murder.


You’re right. $5 is too much. Unless it’s a really nice pike.


Why are we talking about the price of fish?


Wow, way to kill a thread.


Fish, fish, posh, tish.

Pish, posh said Hieronymus Bosch.


It smells like dead thread in here.


So it does.


And after all I did for him, the fucking bastard just sailed away!

The Golden Fleece

Wanna buy some derivatives?


This was a phenomenon that was common on the cruise—the conservative pundits and columnists from the National Review attempting to gently disinter their followers from unhelpful conservative propaganda.

My, my… Looks like somebody’s been outFoxed!

And just wait until that big libel lawsuit starts bleeding ’em dry! Oh, to see the entire NR brand swirling around the toilet and Jonah, K-Lo and their fellow fat asses having to get a real job?

Pass the popcorn, please!


A Siren said,
December 30, 2012 at 2:51

Hey, sailor…

Oh stop whining.


She was only the fisherman’s daughter…

…but when she saw my rod… she reeled!


New post.


Btw, big wave at HTML. It’s been a while, bro.


[…] Mona Charen and Mrs. Norman Podhoretz on Uncommon Knowledge, as taped on the post-election National Review failboat: […]


[…] sat down with Peter Robinson and Bernard Lewis for a chat aboard the post-election National Review Cruise of Resentment. One thing to know about Poddy is that he hasn’t changed since the 1970s; every piece he […]


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