Glengarry Glen Mardsen

Shorter renowned sexual harasser, seller of used, unwashed clothes Canada’s worst export Rachel Mardsen, le site le plus merdique du monde: True capitalism can weed out system-wrecking psychopaths

  • I hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the ability to tell others to go fuck themselves.

Comments: 61


New thread already? But the previous thread hasn’t even had time to go off-topic yet. What gives?


What gives?

You just don’t remember the glory days. Makes me all misty-eyed…


Hot damn, Thanksgiving opens with Seb.


Dr. Bob Hare of Vancouver, one of the world’s foremost experts on psychopathology, defines the condition of psychopathy according to a multipoint checklist, but it can be summed up as a lack of conscience — that tripwire in the human mind that kicks in because we’re able to project the effects of our actions or behavior into the future and empathize with those we risk impacting.

Hoo boy. Just who are these nefarious psychopaths?


Jesus Christ.

Psychopaths are narcissistic aberrations who parasitize others, believe they’re entitled to whatever they want, and exploit the fact that everyone with a conscience plays by the rules. That’s how they tilt the playing field in their favor. The Western world must move away from the dysfunctional premise that one must join the psychopaths and be like them to succeed. Their playing field must be shredded by decent people — namely the capitalist entrepreneurs — who refuse to play their game and aren’t afraid to create a new game with new rules that involve dealing only with like-minded people and “reframing” the behavior of the unsavory.


You just don’t remember the glory days. Makes me all misty-eyed…

I vaguely remember lurking, and having to skip entire threads for lack of time.


…something about projection being always…


True capitalism can weed out system-wrecking psychopaths

By drowning them in filthy, filthy money, no doubt.


From Seb’s second link:

But for the true capitalist, engagement is always entirely voluntary and can be dissolved at whim if it risks excessive compromise.

The Rand Fantasy just never ends for these people. Just as a real Howard Roark would have been eaten alive by the corruption in the New York building trades of his (and our) day, these acolytes of St. Ayn always imagine real people can simply elect to go without income indefinitely whenever we choose. Then they reject every attempt (single-payer health care, a comprehensive social safety net, universal free college education) which would actually make such acts of conscience less impossible.

Other things which never change with these people: creepy perversions.

In fact, any group of people who spend so much of their time willingly drinking each other’s collective bathwater is susceptible.

Like right-wing talking-heads endlessly telling each other that Nate Silver’s predictions were wrong?


The reviews are in . . .

Red Dawn
BY ROGER EBERT / November 20, 2012


Hoo boy. Just who are these nefarious psychopaths?

AHA! Bloody hell, I thought that name sounded familiar! Her casual terrorism of an SFU swim-coach was quite the sizzling sex-scandal hereabouts back in teh day. Yep, Marsden is a raging psycho from waaaaay back & sadly, yes, as Canadian as Nickelback.

Takes one to know one … & anyone who rattles off shit like this:

The best possible outcome for America and the Western world would be the collapse of these dysfunctional nests through their inhabitants’ own nefarious behavior, as exemplified in recent years by Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, and various financial institutions and European governments pre-bailout.

– with no thought for all the underlings & relatively innocent rubes who get skinned alive by the same damage that barely musses the hair of the Big Boys is someone who needs a big dose of Free Market Medicinal Layoff Elixer to set ’em right.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics


Truly an excellent article but remember that it has taken over fifty years for the American population to recognize that they were manipulated into accepting the sociopathic behavior of homosexuals and bisexuals with the revision of the ALIMPC in 1955. It was 47 years before the US Supreme Court stepped in to address the sociopathic behavior of homosexuals and bisexuals engaging in sexual assault within the public and private sector. Our two major political parties hierarchies are controlled by homosexuals and bisexuals, thus the advent of the Tea Party and the rampant hostility by the aforementioned parties. Now we have the leftists screaming for a blank check on the debt ceiling and national debt. The USA is ground zero for Europe 1945…

Someone is very concerned with homosexuals and bisexuals. Very.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

WHOA! Since “ALIMPC” did not ring any bells I went googling. Dr. Judith Reisman is insane. and obsessed also.


Like right-wing talking-heads endlessly telling each other that Nate Silver’s predictions were wrong?

By next week, no one in the Conservative Entertainment Complex will even admit that was a thang.


A smarter than usual but guzzler of the kool aid, conservative on a political forum I used to frequent used to have Reisman’s work on high rotation for countering the Homosexual Menace. It’s all so nebulous that he couldn’t ever produce any data to back up his bullshit but splurged on about the bias in science. I think he proved that fap=fap and Al Gore is fat.
Still it goes around the world several times before the truth gets its socks on.


Ah, crap. We’ve jumped ahead TWO threads.

I wrote several longish , digressive posts at the very end of the Phillip Morris thread, about my own news processing sources and some autobiographical shit about my childhood stutter. Also wrote some politics aimed at the Great Orange Satan and the ‘bipolar’ nature of American politics … episodes of depression and full-blown mania. And praise for the Major’s diaries. (Plus a semi-snarky digression of the term ‘diaries’ … and the first images that leap to my mind.)

Now I find we’ve jumped ahead TWO threads. Can’t keep up. Getting dizzy. I’m gonna watch a Netflix film instead of catching-up the thread(s). Charlie Wilson’s War

Illuminati Repton

I’d like to thank the author of Pup’s mango for not contributing to bisexual erasure.


Red Dawn
BY ROGER EBERT / November 20, 2012

Wow. Sounds even less plausible than the first one. At least the Soviet Union had a chance of being able to project power outside their borders. Even if they had left China as the bad guy it would still be implausible.

On day 3 of any major conflict we’d be lobbing nukes at each other. Sweet dreams.


I’m looking forward to Red Dawn II (or III?), the one where the Maldive Island panzer divisions roll into the Oklahoma panhandle only to be routed by the high school chess club and their war gerbils.


collective bathwater
Individualist bathwater only, pls.


Also, Hokey Smokes, not two items in a wk., but in a day!!


Red Dawn

(World of Crap review of the original)

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! The world mourns and weeps. Mr. Food is DEAD. DEAD! Oh the humanities!


Our two major political parties hierarchies are controlled by homosexuals and bisexuals, thus the advent of the Tea PartyBaggers.

And damn you Dr. P. for for linking to Dr. Judy before I did.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

Also, we watched a bit of Flash Gordon tonight and a good bit of Man With The Golden Gun. I take back everything I said a couple threads back about OHMSS being the worst Bond.


Sweet dreams.

Are made of this?

That has to be in the top 5 of the “Most overplayed songs of the 1980s” list.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

And damn you Dr. P. for for linking to Dr. Judy before I did.

I’m sure you were busy. Besides, you made the teabagger thing which I, in my diminished state, spaced on.



Wait, I saw OHMSS last night. How is that in any way the worst Bond?


There’s a lot of competition for worst Bond but I’d give Moonraker the nod.


I just finished making brandy rum butter, which, when poured over sweet potatoes and baked tomorrow, will be the major part of the Praline Sweet Potatoes I’ll be taking to a communal meal tomorrow. Since one of my friends can’t tolerate corn, and the graham cracker crumbs I bought contain HFCS, I think I’ll leave ’em off, maybe add more chopped pecans.


There’s a lot of competition for worst Bond but I’d give Moonraker the nod.

Mine, too, I think. Moore’s Bond was just too self-consciously silly.


I worked on the Upper East Side apartment owned by Dr. Holly Goodhead. Don’t diss Moonraker.


… it becomes clear how individuals rising up and courageously telling off the creeps who deserve it would benefit society as a whole, and how capitalism in particular is the perfect vehicle for this.

She seems to be saying there’s private profit to be made from hassling prominent psychopaths, but no, she means there’s the greater good. She’s careful not to suggest collective action against bad actors, though — Marsden simply asks each individual capitalist to hinder the worst he/she discerns among us. Any coordination of such efforts could only confound the Invisible Hand as it makes sense of our (oops: their) isolated tut-tuttings. Adam Smith: “By pursuing his own interest [an individual] frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it. I have never known much good done by those who affected to trade for the public good.” And yet:

In stomping out brutal honesty and critical thought in favor of politeness and the fear of offending, and in valuing the collective over the individual, we too often fail to chastise and weed out the people who are screwing up our world.

Why “chastise and weed” when the greatest good is automatically accomplished by self-seeking? Marsden: “When the psychopath meets and co-opts the weak-minded, the results are disastrous for society,” but advantageous for the psychopath and his/her abetters, therefore ultimately non-disastrous for society, no? Have faith in creative destruction, Rachel.

Capitalists are ideal truth-tellers? No, in the main they communicate via propaganda, lobbying, and bribery. If, as Marsden says, “only the true capitalist, the entrepreneur, is sufficiently independent to call out all the aforementioned players on their nonsense and obfuscation,” then we’re clearly fucked. These people, far from acting as Marsden desires, are often indistinguishable from the psychopaths she’d have them police. They choose to drive their “perfect vehicle” for benefiting society to the bank.

We have heard similar arguments for centuries. The king decides best because nobody has the means to push him around. White male propertied citizens are good voters who can be trusted not to blow it all on bread and circuses. And now this silly business about high-minded capitalist entrepreneurs who we’ll beg to work moral magic without darkening the doors of non-market social arrangements. The Clinton Global Initiative and U.N. Agenda 21 are satanic, after all.


Jeeze, I saw MWTGG a few days/wks. ago & it was pretty sucky, so rather than watch the second showing on LimeyCastingAmerica I’ll be watching TheMummy.

OK, OK, the audio will be in the background while I continue dicking around on the Internet, maybe I’ll look up once in a while.

P.S.: Baked some more bacon today (Yum!); all credit to Pupi!


sweet potatoes and baked tomorrow

THIS is a recipe I really want to try.


the Maldive Island panzer divisions roll into the Oklahoma panhandle only to be routed by the high school chess club.

Works for me, Snorg.


When news of Red Dawn reaches (reached?) North Korea, I’m sure it’ll have them saying, “And THEY think WE’RE crazy??”


The Maldeviants shall not pass!! WAR GERBILSSS!!!


Psychopaths are narcissistic aberrations who parasitize others, believe they’re entitled to whatever they want, and exploit the fact that everyone with a conscience plays by the rules. That’s how they tilt the playing field in their favor.

Wait, doesn’t that describe the E-teams of most Fortune 1000 companies to a T?


sweet potatoes and baked tomorrow

THIS is a recipe I really want to try.

Someone transcribed the recipe here:


The potatoes sound great…………….now, where can I get baked tomorrow?


You can get baked at my place RIGHT NOW.


I’m gonna avoid the Thanksgiving Day food pr0n. (Actually I’m gonna do my best to avoid Thanksgiving altogether.)

So I’ll send warmest greetings to all the Sadlies now: May you have delicious, fattening, pleasantly inebriated, and stress-free holidays.

(Meanwhiles I’ll be down in the Top Secret Secular-Humanist Bunker devising bold campaign plans for next month’s surprise onslaught in the War on Christmas….)


Also, how is this flaming twat still walking around? How does she have a place to spew her stupid dreck? I had almost forgotten she existed. Now I’ve got UBC flashbacks with the shakes and the bile in the throat. Someone please cauterize my memory cells.


Dr. Bob Hare of Vancouver, one of the world’s foremost experts on psychopathology, defines the condition of psychopathy according to a multipoint checklist, but it can be summed up as a lack of conscience

That’s rather wonderful. “This is what an expert says, which is why I am going to ignore his expertise entirely and substitute my own gibbering simplemindedness.”


but it can be summed up as a lack of conscience

You could just use the phrase “lack of conscience” instead of getting all pseudo-medical. Anyway our problems can’t really be laid at the feet of sociopaths and psychopaths and what have you. Ordinary people who’d never merit such diagnoses are causing problems, for systemic reasons, with or without remorse (behavior matters more). If all the socio- and psychopaths disappeared in a flash, we’d still be consuming our way toward catastrophic climate change, for example.

On the other hand, I like what The Corporation documentary says about the “pathology of commerce” — I wonder what Marsden would think —

To assess the “personality” of the corporate “person,” a checklist is employed, using diagnostic criteria of the World Health Organization and the standard diagnostic tool of psychiatrists and psychologists. The operational principles of the corporation give it a highly anti-social “personality”: it is self-interested, inherently amoral, callous and deceitful; it breaches social and legal standards to get its way; it does not suffer from guilt, yet it can mimic the human qualities of empathy, caring and altruism. Four case studies, drawn from a universe of corporate activity, clearly demonstrate harm to workers, human health, animals and the biosphere. Concluding this point-by-point analysis, a disturbing diagnosis is delivered: the institutional embodiment of laissez-faire capitalism fully meets the diagnostic criteria of a “psychopath.”


Ordinary people who’d never merit such diagnoses are causing problems, for systemic reasons,
That is unpossible. There must be some Other group that creates all the problems and gives the rest of humanity a bad name.

But for the true capitalist, engagement is always entirely voluntary and can be dissolved at whim if it risks excessive compromise.

Completely the opposite of psychopaths with their shallow, purely utilitarian attachments to other people.


I like the cut of your jib, Babe. Lucky for you I’m two time zones away or you’d be hearing bagpipes right about now.
Now we’ve *all* got something to be Thankful for.


Wow that is one fucked up article. So wrong in every way. But let me just address the one that I find most disturbing.

weed out the people who are screwing up our world.

What does she mean by this? Consider that her seething hatred and unmitigated contempt for all other than the truly free übermenschen. The entire article, and almost all Randroid fantasies[1] share this unspoken nonsense – the ladling on of all blame for everything on the moochers and looters combined with utopian dreams of a Producers Paradise. They are eliminationist fantasies, not only unmoored from reality but fundamentally at their base, really quite disturbing.

[1] They also fantasize about rape.


I don’t disagree with her point that psychopaths should be harassed and singled out. I’ve been doing that at my company for years, however, it’s to very little effect.

Seems psychopaths have no sense of shame, compassion, or empathy. My company actually inculcates their up-and-coming leaders in psychopathic behavior. For the company, psychopathy is a beneficial thought process.


There was actually one sane comment among the “i’m just emphasizing the fact that i’m an asshole” ones.

Red Dawn – “nobody shoots baby in the gut”

Thanksgiving, to paraphrase a friend – “I’m filling the moat and releasing the alligators”


Off, off topic. My favorite part of watching the Macy’s pared in TV is the cheerleaders from the south, wearing costumes that are effectively bathing suits, finding out that late November in the north is a bit colder than they expected. And it’s not even cold today.


Seems psychopaths have no sense of shame, compassion, or empathy.

Sounds a bit like the sort of person who would presume to judge other people’s value to society and work to bring about the downfall of the “unworthy.”


Trussing the turkey…

(The wife, who slaughtered thousands of chickens in her youth on a Modesto farm, will not touch meat on the bone, especially not fowl. However, neither will she relinquish her top chef status on Turkey Day. But yet I’m the only one in the kitchen whose roasted a turkey before. Good thing she’s cute.)

Also, too:

Oyster stuffing…


Yep. It should be who’s.

I blame global warming.

And egg nog.


America, just say thank you to Canada for Rachel Marsden (and Mark Steyn, David Frum, etc., etc. you get the picture). No? Then Fuck You.


Also, too, for the Canadian-American-Cuban Ted Cruz. We Canadians can’t get enough of the giving to our American cousins.


“I’m filling the moat and releasing the alligators”

These mastubation euphemisms are just getting silly now.


You forget this Canadian gift to the English language:

If we stray further, into the admittedly slightly esoteric world of the Economist Intelligence Unit’s estimation of quality of life, where we find ourselves factoring in life expectancy, divorce rates, church attendance, and union membership (the last two being considered plus points by the rather secular open shop at The Economist) as well as political stability and security and political and individual freedom, climate, geographic congeniality, job security, and absence of gender and other discrimination but staying clear of less precisely measurable factors such as culture and going fairly light on environmental conditions and urban services, the race tightens further.

Guess without clicking!


Substance Mcgravitas
That can only be the most distinguished bloviating Baron Black of Crossharbour. And no, I did not need to check. That type and level of obtuse hypocrisy can only be the work of the ONE, GREAT, MAN, who so loved a title renounced the citizenship of the country of his birth.


(comments are closed)