No Double Entendre Please, We’re Republicans!
Shorter America’s Worst Self-Employed Lawyer™,;
Obama Campaign to Girls:
Have Sex withVote for O
- Letting women talk about sex = misogyny. Outlawing abortion = true feminism.
Amidst the wingnut fauxtrage over Lena Dunham’s Obama ad (“OMFG, it has a double entendre comparing voting to sex. And, worse, double entendre is French!! And gay!!!”), Ben Shapiro’s little sissy fit really stands out. This is not surprising at all coming from a guy who holds his weewee with tweezers while peeing to avoid violating his religious convictions forbidding onanism. “Astoundingly tasteless!” Ben says. Not that this moment of high prudery is going to keep Ben from floating his own attempt at a double entendre about John Kerry’s limp dick
She actually saved herself for Barack Obama (she’s 26) – she could have swiped her V(oting)-card with John Kerry, but he was too limp a candidate, apparently. A real flip-flopper
Poor Ben. He can’t even come up with a decent double entendre worthy of being tasteless, much less astoundingly so.
But, of course, in the every-day-is-opposite day universe that extreme right wingers inhabit, a commercial with a woman making a double entendre is exploiting that woman.
So she chose to do it for the first time with Barack Obama, since he “cares about and understands women.” In fact, he understands them so well that he exploits them for insane commercials comparing losing your virginity with voting.
Obviously, women would be much less exploited having wingnuts shove ultrasound sticks up their vaginas than by being exposed, nay, raped by, gasp, doubles entendres.
Oh, and Obama, like most over-sexed Mandingos, thinks your daughters are sluts:
Obama has young daughters. But that didn’t stop him from releasing this commercial. Because this is what Obama thinks of your daughters.
Yes, instead of understanding your daughters for what they really are — breeding vessels for rapists — he thinks that they are voters who might giggle at a vaguely naughty double entendre and then, even worse, vote.
Don’t you mean Maternity options?
Little Benjamin is so prudish he he won’t even LOOK at his own dick in the shower, because that’d make him a gay homosexual.
For fuck’s fucking sake. ‘Too limp a candidate’? That’s not a fucking double entendre, that’s not even a proper single entendre, that’s just – it’s just shit. It is just fucking shit.
They are really, really, really, really upset with this video.
Like, damn.
That’s rich considering it’s coming from:
They’s comin’ for the white wimmens!
As I said on the other thread, this is a wingnut making a “John Kerry is a flip-flopper” joke in 2012 – the same year they’re running Mitt Romney. It shouldn’t by this point, but their lack of self-awareness continues to shock me.
..did I just read Shapiro likening voting for Obama with going for the womanizer everyone wants to be with? And that the prudent choice would be to go for the, or any, less popular candidate?
Or did my brain just shut down from the irony, and I’ve actually vaguely lost my mind again?
The Reagan quote’s been linked before, but I haven’t seen anyone link this yet. So, is Ben a lying hypocritical asshole or a lying ignorant asshole?
Because this is what Obama thinks of your daughters.
So much cognitive dissonance on the Right. How is it possible?… Many of them don’t seem to understand figures of speech; they can’t compare or contrast; they lack empathy and imagination. For these reasons they can’t or won’t recognize conflicting ideas. Wingnuts are rewarded for not recognizing them, and the smarter ones become very good at it.
Last week Paul Ryan demonstrated: “To compare modern American battleships and Navy with bayonets, I just don’t understand that comparison,” the GOP vice presidential nominee said on “This Morning” on CBS. (Obama did not compare them, of course.)
Was Ryan lying? I honestly dunno. I did notice that at, yesterday’s political cartoon of the day was as willfully daft as Ryan. “Mr. President … it’s not about the bayonets. It’s about what’s behind those bayonets.”
Now that’s propaganda! Obama, not Romney, becomes the guy who’s strangely wrapped up in particulars, without a sense of the big picture, or of the soldiers as people.
I thin beer and online poker are called for, as I did not win MegaMillions, dogdammit.
(Scroll down to the tribble)
It may not be Megafreakin’ Millions, but this’ll get me SERIOUS geek cred.
As I said on the other thread, this is a wingnut making a “John Kerry is a flip-flopper” joke in 2012
My irony detector just threw a connecting rod. It’s leaking crankcase oil all over the place.
Because only straight, white, conservative men actually know what women really want and need. Just lay back and think of England, ladies.
What was Ben’s previous comment on voting for Obama, full of wisdom, intellectual rigor and not 14 year schoolboy bullshit? Oh yeah this is it …Voting for Obama is like the last time you had a really satisfying bowel movement sourcey
An ‘Indian-Hot’ lamb vindaloo washed down with two pints of Aventinus weizenbock, and you too can vote for Obama!
CRA is operating on a false assumption. Cognitive dissonance cannot exist where cognition is not happening, and the Pig People (as the ever-brilliant driftglass calls them) have had so much shit poured into their ears by the Noise Machine that it just flows out of their mouths without their brains ever engaging. In the words of a great American author, they are nothing but tape recordings. Hence the lack of self-awareness whereon Spearhafoc remarks; when you have neither a self nor the capacity for awareness… you do the math.
Yes, AK, but comparing the president to poop is astoundingly tasteful.
when you have neither a self nor the capacity for awareness… you do the math.
I thought this course was Group I???
I thought this course was Group I???
One from Column A, two from Column B, and soft drink, like everybody else.
I SERIOUSLY do not get the fuss over this video. As I noted in my latest blog entry [pimp] yes, please click [/pimp] it is completely innocuous.
One from Column A, two from Column B, and soft drink, like everybody else.
Oh FFS. How did it go One from each of A and B and two from the softdrinks? Why two? Isn’t it two from A? I thought it was two from A OR B? Where’s the instruction book? Fucking Windows 8!!
I blame Obama for this
I seem to recall that the wingnuts expected American women to rally behind Romney/Ryan because Ryan is HAWT! What happened to that line of thinking?
John Revolta said
Nice work, furry!
I seem to recall that the wingnuts expected American women to rally behind Romney/Ryan because Ryan is HAWT! What happened to that line of thinking?
We saw Tigris’ comment about his looking like a little old lady, and couldn’t get it out of our heads.
With her last name being “Dunham” I’m sure they’ll be some new right-wing conspiracies brewing.
Omg, ssssh, Pryme. Don’t give them any ideas.
Because only straight, white, conservative men actually know what women really want and need. Just lay back and think of England, ladies.
Well, now that you mention it…
Also, too, well done John Revolta! Geek cred, dude!
Anyone have a can of cherry pie filling?
Since the tribble is a part of the Forrest J. Ackerman collection at the American Heritage Center
Someone needs to remind the AHC that Forry spelled his name with just a ‘J’, without the period. Not that I am geekly inclined or anything.
From teh Whackyweedia: More Hollow weenie-ish.
Has anyone yet posted the Ronnie Raygun voting/losing virginity quote yet? kg cannot be bothered with such trivialities, dogwalking awaits.
No, this is Halloweenie.
The fact is, why do liberals always equate sex and rape with freedom? I equate having guns and freedom with freedom.
Also, Austrian Economics.
This is a hideously creepy horror-movie setup.
I am 17 going on 18. Older and wiser is a given.
The most sought after and highly paid talent in the world is arrogant plausible mendacity with the public. We are experiencing government through public relations. Insincere sincerity also pays well, or in Sarah Palin speak its “pays well… also.”
Hey, how come this didn’t happen with Sarah Silverman’s “scissor” AD?
Or did it? I’m sometimes behind on my right wing outrage du jour.
So, is Ben a lying hypocritical asshole or a lying ignorant asshole?
So many choices. Hmmmm.
or in Sarah Palin speak its “pays well… also.”
St. Ronnie
OT, but I am 20 yards from fish, and such, and it’s STILL F’IN DARK.
So much cognitive dissonance on the Right. How is it possible?
It’s traditional (and fun!) to mock these bizarre idjits, but I’m sure I’m not alone in worrying that this increasingly widespread phenomenon of crazy has become a serious threat to human survival.
American popular culture has always had that pungent thread of paranoia and ignorance running through it all, like the shit-filled vein in a jumbo shrimp, but it seems to have overtaken rational thought. There is a critically large chunk of our population that feels so terrorized, insecure, and threatened that they literally can’t think straight, which explains their apparent “cognitive dissonance.”
They are panicked herd animals, and they cannot see that it is the sadistic ranch owners getting their kicks from poking ’em with electric prods and scaring ’em with wolf stories that is the basis of their fears. Being conditioned to run to their handlers when they get scared, they know no other avenue of security.
This took generations of conditioning to achieve, and I’m concerned that it may be too late to start the wheels turning the other way. So, I’ll continue to mock impotently (a nod to the thread topic), but it feels more like whistling through the graveyard these days.
Or Texas
Paranoia is not just playing boisterous klutzes but also spotting disease-carriers.
Eternity merely postpones the fizz.
The most demented way to a woman’s butthole is through her brilliance.
No waitress can make you feel drunk without your infatuation.
It’s amazing how easy it is to create chowderheads.
Affirmative action poster boys are signs of God’s color.
It’s not the seaman that makes the cliche: it’s the cliche that makes the seaman.
A dream is the cancerous Jesse Jackson of utopians.
It’s not who we confuse that shows us up, it’s who we don’t confuse.
And, we’re officially evacuated. Hopefully, Mrs__B can keep me from killing my mother, and I can keep Mrs__B from killing my mother.
Sandy? How about Hurricane Britney? Chip? Dottie?
She insured?
She insured?
I don’t know, but my father has never killed her.
I don’t know, but my father has never killed her.
Not even once?
The most demented way to a woman’s butthole is through her brilliance.
Don’t believe it, guys. Men tell me I’m smart all the time and I rarely let them have anal sex with me for it.
Should I fearing for Mother _B’s health? Her odds don’t sound so good.
I don’t know, let’s check Intrade, vs.
Gah. Don’t mention it. My stomach won’t un-knot.
The most demented way to a woman’s butthole is through her brilliance.
Don’t believe it, guys. Men tell me I’m smart all the time and I rarely let them have anal sex with me for it.
Note it didn’t say “successful…”
It’s hard for rme to catch all the intraccies or Janus Node silliness!
I’m not sure what “intraccies” are, but I’m sure they’re interesting.
the fact is, youy liberals can’t stop talking about bum sex, which means you are sick preverted and want to be gay, even women. its an exit not an entry.
its an exit not an entry
I wish someone had told that to the Air Force flight surgeons every time I had my annual physical.
I thought it was bum fights.
Is it gauche to buttchug at a bum fight?
Oh, a storm is threat’ning
My very life today
If I don’t get some shelter
Oh yeah, I’m gonna fade away
And they get so upset when when we call them Uncle Toms.
And they get so upset when when we call them Uncle Toms.
I prefer “Chickens for Colonel Sanders”
At this rate, one of these days I’m actually going to understand all the words in that song.
Merry Clayton gives me goosebumps every time, especially when her voice breaks. Wow.
Merry Clayton gives me goosebumps every time, especially when her voice breaks. Wow.
I (obviously) love Gimme Shelter, but the all-time best voice break is still Joplin’s on Turtle Blues. Devastating.
I think this voice breaks somewhere down at the bottom.
Is it gauche to buttchug at a bum fight?
As if you needed another reason to say “No, thanks” to a passed bottle at a bum fight.
The fact is, asinine assertion with comical misspelling.
The commercial in question is actually kind of cute and innocent, and operates on the assumptions that women have their own agency, that having control of your own decision-making in life is normal, and sex is a sweet, life-affirming experience if you do it with someone you actually like.
The Reagan quote that has been pulled out of the memory hole is a creepy joke with rapey overtones about how losing your virginity should be an unpleasant experience that you put up with.
Well, it’s clear which one is shocking and immoral and which one is an example of wholesome American humor.
This election year, even more than usual, has been quite a cavalcade of right-wing sexual pathology.
I noticed that most of the commenters at Breitbart and even RedState restrain themselves from making comments about Lena Dunham’s appearance. Via alicublog on the other hand, I see that the Ace of Spades commentariat is all class. Lots of “she’s ugly” and “she’s a dyke” variants, plus lots and lots of violence against women:
15 If I was Bill Clinton I’d hit it with a baseball bat and tell her to put some ice on it. But I’m not Bill Clinton and I don’t believe in striking a woman, so I wouldn’t hit that, in any way shape or form.
36 Her “first time with a guy” was probably with her father. That would explain the tattoos and her preference for pussy.
41 I wouldn’t hit that. Unless you refused to pay me for not swinging this Ping carbon fiber driver straight into her poon.
I’m guessing Ace of Spades draws even less women to his person and blog than Romney draws African-Americans to vote for him.
Keep it classy, wingnuts.
It’s traditional (and fun!) to mock these bizarre idjits, but I’m sure I’m not alone in worrying that this increasingly widespread phenomenon of crazy has become a serious threat to human survival.
Conservatism’s arguably brought the nation to the brink of destruction at least three times in a hundred years, once through open revolution (the Civil War), once through disastrous economic management (the Great Depression) and once through war hysteria nearly leading us into nuclear war (the Cuban missile crisis).
(I say “arguably” because the latter thing was definitely bipartisan, though I’d argue a drift to the right is still something you can squarely blame on “conservatism” – and I know they’ve got all these theories all worked out for how the first two were really all the liberals’ fault).
So, yeah, national survival for sure, don’t know about human survival, but let’s never underestimate human stupidity’s potential for ruining people’s day. You can make a convincing argument that conservatism’s a much bigger national security threat to the nation than any foreign enemy since the days of the Revolution. Not the sort of threat that can be addressed through security state measures, though.
In order to retain the moral high ground, AoS commenter 15 projects his violent fantasies onto Bill Clinton.
36 has Dunham’s father do his dirty work, leaving him free to note that tattoos are for slutty dykes.
41 makes a confusing offer, but it’s clear he’ll do the harm himself. He wants you to know that he’s an affluent gentleman with a fine set of golf clubs.
Sure, they wanted everyone to know they loathe Lena Dunham and Bill Clinton, but I bet they didn’t mean the self-loathing to be quite so obvious.
You think they’re bad now. Wait till they find out about Lesley Gore.
Stupid innertubez… BE MORE FUNNAY!
Okay, I’ll tell you a true story.
I was in a gun shop this week. Yes, I really was.
For whatever reason, the owner of said gun shop asked me if I had already voted. “Yes, I have,” I replied.
“Did you vote the right way?” he asked.
“But of course!” was my response. And that was the end of the conversation.
I suspect he did not vote for the guy who is “responsible” for four record years of gun sales in this country.
The right fucking way, huh?
The right fucking way, huh?
Had circumstances allowed, I would have asked him if he preferred certainty or uncertainty in his business affairs.
In those long ago ’80s I went to a gun shop w/ a friend who wanted to
unloadsell a gun. The guy took us into his office to haggle or whatever, I was thumbing through a couple of Vietnam yearbooks (Honest, like high school yearbooks, except commemorating his unit’s time there.) that were lying about. The buyer saw me looking & made some comment about “Hanoi Jane” Fonda. Apparently we didn’t make a quick or vicious enough response to mention of her name, & his offering price went down immediately. Business was taken elsewhere.I was in a gun shop this week. Yes, I really was.
Did you buy anything cool?
Did you get a dumbass Rob Liefeld gun?
Did you buy anything cool?
I can barely afford food at this stage.
How ’bout a dumb-ass Gomer Pyle gun?
I can barely afford food at this stage.
See, employment isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
You can’t make a bad economy without breaking a few employments.
We had to destroy the economy in order to save it.
Kong destroyed the thread in order to save it. Hell, I may go to sleep now.
Major, Big News ! I had strawberries and cream last night. Deeevine !
Oh, they cost R14 (berries) and R15 (cream).= R29 = $less than 4.
I also intend to get watermelon this year. Yes !
Major, Big News ! I had strawberries and cream last night. Deeevine !
I had to think for a minute – I guess it’s spring where you live. Makes sense that strawberries would be in season.
Back to the post, it’s been amazing seeing the wingnut response to the video. Sure, screaming slut and freaking out about women even knowing what sex is sure to endear them even more with women voters. But I think the part that gets me is how blatantly they are screaming “oh no Mabel, those young white sluts are fawning over that damn uppity nigger, someone needs to put a stop to it.”
They really can’t handle the fact that they don’t just live in a time where they could string up the black guy and rape and force marry the “dirty” white girls who would dare treat him like a person or someone to make sexual jokes about. Combine this with how obviously they are revealing the “pro-life” crap as a slutty halloween costume barely covering their bulging mass of pure hatred of sex and especially women having sex, and we’ve hopefully finally have enough electoral poison to break people of their “bu-bu-but the pastor said” triggers.
In fact, he understands them so well that he exploits them for insane commercials comparing losing your virginity with voting.
Yes, too bad Obama picked up poor runaway Lena Dunham down at the Port Authority bus terminal, broke her in and beat her ass before sending her out on the stroll to make this commercial….
Wait, what? Oh, the hell you say, she’s an entertainment industry writer director with three million dollar book deal who deliberately chose to write and appear in the ad herself?
we’ve hopefully finally have enough electoral poison to break people of their “bu-bu-but the pastor said” triggers.
You’re so cute when you’re idealistic.
The fog of cognitive dissonance is much too thick for this little incident to cut through.
The Internet is quiet today. Too quiet.
Damn you, sandy.
Yesterday in preparation for the big blow we put away all the outdoor furniture, the neighbors raked up the leaves in their yard… 8-o
we’ve hopefully finally have enough electoral poison to break people of their “bu-bu-but the pastor said” triggers.
Oh, come on, what pastor would abuse his position by actually telling his parishioners how to vote?
And what church would dare to meddle in politics?
I’m sure churches fully understand that any such overtly partisan political activity would be a total abuse of their tax-exampt status.
Needs a link.
I am positive that the reason these abuses are not being prosecuted is to head off a supreme court case like Citizens United which, with the current makeup of the court would, legalize explicit campaigning from the pulpit.
I’m not sure explicit campaigning from the pulpit would be so bad. First, it already happens, with a wink, so it’s not like the politics will be worse. Second, nothing will damage the power of he evangelicals so much as directl getting theirs hands dirty.
Geek help required: I want a version of Java for the hated IE, but I want a newer version for Firefox. Is there a relatively pain-free way to get this done or am I gonna wind up virtualizing something? BECAUSE I’LL DO IT.
Don’t forget to secure your greeeyull.
(The above was in response to tigris’ “Yesterday in preparation for the big blow we put away all the outdoor furniture, the neighbors raked up the leaves in their yard… 8-o”)
I’ve got one of those ceramic grills that weighs about a million pounds. The gazebo would probably blow away first, but if it does I’m totally taking a pic and putting up a Paypal link. Also blaming Obama.
I’ve been to a few Unitarian Universalist services back in Cali. They were heavily about environmentalism, social justice, etc. There’s no chance I’d become active in that “church,” but I guess I’d give money toward political action, if they did it effectively … Of course lefties don’t attend any kind of church in great numbers, but campaigning literally “from the pulpit” is not the whole issue. I think the Right would like churches to campaign and lobby, full-scope. I guess churches would be like these “501c4 social welfare organizations” that are now constantly telling us to “tell candidate X message Y” (by not voting for him or her). But the left could do that just as well, since church attendance and espousal of doctrines don’t have much to do with politicking by nominally religious nonprofits.
A fine comment from the swamp:
That was set up to be a continuation of what the lady in the AD said…
Remember, they are NOT racist at all. NOT racist, ok? They just like to call a spade a spade.
Well, direct politicing from the pulpit would finally put an end to the “in the world, but not of it” line. And I agree that when the evangelicals and mega-churches throw off the last vestiges of restraint, they will lose some of their audience. But there will be localities in this country, where that kind of theocracy/democracy slash fiction will be warmly greeted. Those places will get their blue laws back with interest, they will generally speaking piss all over the church and state separation that we have enjoyed for 200+ years, and they will cry bitter tears and loudly bemoan their persecution if any of their institutionalized religion is threatened by civil suits or other means.
As an expert in this field of study, this is blatantly false. But I will concede that if you’re infatuated with the waitress you’ll probably get moar drunkerer.
Never mind about the java thing…
Last week Paul Ryan demonstrated: “To compare modern American battleships and Navy with bayonets, I just don’t understand that comparison,” the GOP vice presidential nominee said on “This Morning” on CBS. (Obama did not compare them, of course.)
To heighten the ridiculousness of Ryan’s statement, there are no modern American battleships.
Ryan misspoke. He meant modern dreadnaughts.
You can have multiple versions of the Java VMs installed (in fact it used to be hard not to). You should be able to choose which browsers each plugin is installed for by running that Java version’s control panel (javacpl.exe I think) that’s buried under the particule “Program Files” folder it’s installed in and clicking the proper setting in there. YMMV, etc.
if you’re infatuated with the waitress you’ll probably get moar drunkerer.
Moar research is needed.
Fine, I see how you are.
Yes, it is very important to thoroughly test any theory. For science!
So what exactly was it that all you New York liberals did this time to invite the wrath of gawd? I bet it was the buttsex.
The furry continent.
Never mind about the java thing…
Whew. Off the hook, then.
AHEM: Damnit, where is the delete button so I don’t look as clever as kg?
Anyway, unthreatened by gawd’s wrath Westerners awake & contributing.
Might be in your neck of the woods shortly, OBS.
Truffle dogs? Try grating one onto pasta JUST ONCE and you never hear the end of it.
Nice emperor, that’s a beautiful spot in the university research forest a few miles north of town. Thankfully the Beavers will be playing football out of town that day too.
If you actually make it into town itself, we have nothing of interest down here with regard to food compared to Portland. You should definitely go to “Les Caves” ( for beer though.
First it was Big Bird. Then it was binders. Then it was bayonets. Now it’s about birth control.
what is it about ‘b’ words that gets ben so cranked up? alliteration is cool! except when he uses it…
and…whoa…the comments over there? so many mangoes, so little time…i especially love how the dudes with big titted women as their avatars either dog dunham’s (and yes, they’ve made the connection…we have lift-off!) looks or they are flat out saying she’s a sex fiend = icky evil whore worse than hitler…
and to think, sometimes these people pass among us and we think they’re normal…
Truffle dogs? Try grating one onto pasta JUST ONCE and you never hear the end of it.
and here i thought the problem was with the gooey brown center…
Jesus how do you train beavers to play the footsball? About alls they do is swim around and eat trees.
Truffa not.
Ryan misspoke. He meant modern dreadnaughts.
Heck, he probably thinks we have battlestars.
Training? You obviously didn’t watch Saturday’s game, where a pack of savage dogs thoroughly pounded the beavers until they were raw and sore.
Yes, we may have the
worstmost awestometastic mascot name evar!I am also (plausibly) awake, unthreatened by anybody’s wrath, and not really contributing much beyond silly memes.
And over here a bit further up north on the left coast it’s surprisingly beautiful and warm and not raining. I am feeling stupid for listening to the weatherjerk and taking the bus this morning instead of riding my bike.
I bet Gravitas McSubstance has a good recipe for those.
okay, this might be my hands-down favorite exchange ever:
is it wrong for me to hope that these cretins are in the direct path of hurricane sandy? not that i wish wanton destruction on anyone, but they need to be taken down a peg or two…also, i would enjoy seeing them pick themselves up by their bootstraps…
I *love* Google’s doodle today. For those of you in furrin lands, It’s the great Bob Ross painting some happy sky.
So what exactly was it that all you New York liberals did this time to invite the wrath of gawd? I bet it was the buttsex.
Winner, winner! Front line winner!
I *love* Google’s doodle today. For those of you in furrin lands, It’s the great Bob Ross painting some happy sky.
right? i was wishing it was casual friday today so i could wear my bob ross t-shirt…
a pack of savage dogs thoroughly pounded the beavers until they were raw and sore.
…were you watching the same game I was? Because in the game I watched, the dawgs were not the winnars.
This part of that exchange made more sense than the “exchange” itself.
From bughunter’s link:
Well, with logic like that, how could he be wrong?
This is the game I was referring to. And if by “watching” you mean “looked up the score afterward since I don’t care much” then yes, yes I “watched” it.
Evidently I’m going to be posting in multiples of three all day which makes me ALL HOLY AND PERFECT.
Oh noes! I blame satanic New York buttsex.
Oh noes! I
blamecredit satanic New York buttsex.Makes more sense to me that way.
awesome dog/sex analogy:
Brought to you by the party who believes you shouldn’t give anymore thought to whom you have sex with than a dog does to jumping into a swimming pool.
guess where i found that? i did not know dogs jumping into swimming pools was a thing…also, too…my dog WILL NOT jump into a swimming pool, thank you very much…
“perversion is having sex in a position other than missionary with the lights off.”
Courtesy of Feuilleton, a present for bbkf.
Personally I think it’s a fake. Would the real LDS use Zapf Palatino?
okay…this is my last one…i promise…
I’m so glad they clarified that with the parenthetical.
Personally I think it’s a fake. Would the real LDS use Zapf Palatino?
indeed…i would think someone like joe smith would use ‘jokerman’ or something…elder searcy’s expressions are priceless…
I’m so glad they clarified that with the parenthetical.
would it surprise you to know that pkaboo’s gravatar is a ktten?
also, too…some dude named patrick in norwalk, ct is on the radio talking right now…his home is 12 feet from the sound and dude decided not to evacuate…is now regretting that decision…dumbass…also, patrick better not be any our our east coast sadlies, or there will be an ass-kicking when all is said and done…
Personally I think it’s a fake. Would the real LDS use Zapf Palatino?
I don’t know which one is Zapf, but either way it looks like he’s getting used pretty thoroughly.
’21 years breaks down to 7 x 3, which is a significant number with God. Three is perfection as the Godhead is three in one while seven is perfection,’ he said.
now, i’m no mathemrithmatician or theologian, but doesn’t 21 also break down to 20 + 1? or 18 + 3? or 14 + 7? or…i daresay…6+6+6+3?
what do all those other numbers mean?! conspiring minds want to know?!?
This is the game I was referring to.
Well crap. I sat there and watched the whole game, then apparently promptly forgot the outcome.
I blame the Seahawks who did in fact provide disappointment yesterday.
Numerology is a wondrous thing.
The operations can be used with complete freedom — nobody every asks “why divide here, but add there?”
Returning to last thread’s topic: Krugman’s column on the NatReview attacks on Nate Silver.
The comments are especially refreshing… not a jungle, e.g.:
Many of the others could have come from these pages.
Returning to last thread’s topic: Krugman’s column on the NatReview attacks on Nate Silver.
many, many of the things wingnuts do and/or say baffle me…but this one baffles me most…i mean, nate silver is a dude who had/has a site where he predicts baseball outcomes, right? and as a kinda cool sideline thing, he also has statted out the last two elections, right? it’s just a…hobby? maybe a job, but i mean…it’s just a dude and his numbers, right? it’s not like we are all being forced to accept his predictions, right? i mean, not yet, but they are by no means official, right? it’s just kind of a fun thing? and that is awful…how*?
*other than jewish, ghey-sh sounding, pro-obama…
nobody every asks “why divide here, but add there?”
wow, you did not know me in math class!
so…i’m googling halloween costumes for a group of three people…must be fast, cheap and easy since of course, nobody thought of dressing up until today…and we live in the sticks…anyhoo, i found this line on a site:
As, this is the day that will make you abide with, your people around you, and even it makes you look astonishing in the big crowd of Halloween.
awesome, eh…
Worst article so far about Silver IMO. It is just a bunch of junk. (Cross-commented from MPS).
I prefer the small Halloween crowd, myself.
so…i’m googling halloween costumes for a group of three people
For a woman’s costume just pick any occupation and add the word “sexy” to the front of it.
The holy trinity would be pretty easy. You could even spice it up by with zombie jesus.
If it’s two ladies and a guy (actually, if you felt like cross-dressing, and you know you do, any gender group would work for this one), go to the thrift store and get crappy ’70s/’80s clothes and be “Three’s Company”.
Pick your three favorite cliches — e.g. “When life gives you lemons”, “A bird in the hand” etc. and make costumes out of them (The “life/lemons” is as easy as a t-shirt with “Life” scribbled on it and a bag of lemons. “Bird in hand” is as easy as three plastic birds, one in your hand, two stuck to your crotch)
Probably has to do with things like this.
Also: grandma, Red Riding Hood, wolf.
Matryoshka dolls. It’s what I wanted the __Bs to wear this year.
Major –
Sexy proctologist?
Sexy proctologist?
Dude, that could be a Village People costume.
I was thinking more along the lines of Sexy Night Soil Worker.
Wouldn’t want to be the Indian on a cold night. Foot bells don’t keep you warm.
Ah, the soil of the night. What beautiful music it makes.
“wow, you did not know me in math class!”
Hehe. I meant that people dazzled by numerology don’t bother to ask such questions. Consider the mighty 8:
Already we have seen how 4 is the square of 2; while 8 IS THE CUBE OF 2 — or its 3rd POWER. None of the digits — aside from 8 — is the cube of any number! Therefore is its “POWER” the greatest since it is the absolute *FULNESS OF THE 3-DIMENSIONAL PLANE OF BEING* […] Manifestly, *IT [8] MAKES CONTACT WITH THE 4th DIMENSION*
OMG Wall Street has been flooded in hallucinations!
What beautiful music it makes.
Assuming that you like percussion.
Methinks the rev. must be engaged in some butt-banging himself:
McTernan had planned to host a prayer meeting tonight (29 October), which would be streamed online on his website.
However as the storm is scheduled to go right over his house, the preacher has warned the sermons may be stopped if the power goes out.
I mean, how could he not be the responsible party if the storm goes right over his closet?
Sodomites to the left of me, Gomorrans to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you.
Assuming that you like percussion.
Or trombone.
For a woman’s costume just pick any occupation and add the word “sexy” to the front of it.
Sexy Abe Lincoln is the one that always cracks me up.
Sexy morgue attendant.
Perhaps I say too much.
Sexay Giblets trimmer
Sexy Turkey Farmer?
Sexy lumberjack, obviously. Unisex!
The holy trinity would be pretty easy. You could even spice it up by with zombie jesus.
this is a dumb work ‘fun day’ thing…one of the co-workers is a minister’s wife…she could probably lay her hands on some of the stuff we would need…
And heal it?
I caught the end of a tape of Christie waxing wroth over people not getting out of the way. Somehow, I suspect that what was really ticking him off wasn’t that people were in danger, but that they had dared to disobey his orders.
Mind you, I have little patience for people who deliberately go into or refuse to get out of dangerous areas just for shits ‘n giggles, so much of what I heard him say was valid.
What were we talking about again?
I seem to be easily distracted tonight.
Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Alaska, Delaware, Montana and North Dakota will come in, and they’ll be declared for Romney. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. South Dakota, Vermont, Washington DC, Wyoming and Hawaii will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects – Idaho, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Nebraska – will fall into the usual categories: all Romney. As the night drags on, New Mexico, West Virginia, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Mississippi, Nevada, Utah and Connecticut will go Romney, along with Oklahoma, Oregon, Kentucky, Louisiana, Alabama, Colorado, South Carolina, Maryland and Minnesota and then, (much to your horror) Missouri, Wisconsin, Arizona, Indiana, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Washington, Virginia and New Jersey will be too close to call.
My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a Romney presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on, but the will of a majority of Americans – a full 31,581,327 of them – will have spoken. All the other states can go Obama, it doesn’t matter.
Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.
You work for Diebold?
You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.
i think we should go with ‘rock, paper, scissors’…the necessities are at hand, and i will even go the extra mile and pick up a rock in the parking lot…
Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.
yu have janus mode troofie?
I caught the end of a tape of Christie waxing wroth over people not getting out of the way. Somehow, I suspect that what was really ticking him off wasn’t that people were in danger, but that they had dared to disobey his orders.
Christie came under fire when the huge Christmas Eve blizzard hit Joisey and he, knowing that a major storm was coming, decided to jet down to Florida for a vay-kay. He doesn’t want a repeat of that lambasting, so he’s getting emotional.
I did actual MATH for that one!
i think we should go with ‘rock, paper, scissors’…the necessities are at hand
Not “Animal, vegetable and mineral”?
I think you mean “vegetable, animal and mineral”. What you said doesn’t rhyme with “Modern Major-General”.
Here in Bastardstan, Sandy is largely a wind event, not a lot of rain. I was out and about on the jobsite (about every three hours, I walk around to make sure all hell isn’t breaking loose), just in time to see what appeared to be a very localized fireworks display. I think a transformer blew (Optimus Prime needed the money). Still got power here at work, though.
Here in Bastardstan, Sandy is largely a wind event, not a lot of rain.
No rain in Gnashvegas, but 40mph gusts, believe it or not. And steady winds of 15-25mph, all day.
Optimus is a slut and votes Obama. True story
K-Lo provides a big gaping void.
K-Lo provides a big gaping void.
I’ll wait for the check to clear and the brain bleach tanker to arrive before clicking THAT link.
Also, bling-bling, my biotches.
Ryan misspoke. He meant modern dreadnaughts.
Heck, he may well have meant battlestars.
Not in MY penis you haven’t.
Here in Cowlumbus we’re going to have rain/snow and 35 mph winds. I need to get to Memphis tomorrow and I suspect I’ll be driving. Getting a jumpseat out of here tomorrow is looking pretty iffy.
Not in MY penis you haven’t.
Inna-gadda-da-penis, baby.
Here in Cowlumbus we’re going to have rain/snow and 35 mph winds. I need to get to Memphis tomorrow and I suspect I’ll be driving.
That will suck.
The wind is whistling past my drafty-ass windows, now… in Nashville. We had 40mph gusts today, and supposed to have more blustery, tomorrow.
K-Lo provides a big gaping void.
So, she’s leasing out blimp hangar space… between her ears?
re : Walking Dead. Whyz dood got all them heads in aquariums?
Here in Pasadena CA, it was a nice 85 degrees, sunny and a little drier than the past few weeks, but typical for early fall.
However, last year about this time, Santa Ana conditions pummeled my fair city with hurricane force winds, and much of the city was without power for three days. Trees were knocked down everywhere, and many roofs and cars damaged by wind and debris.
IOW, I understand how much it sucks after it blows. I’m glad my sister left NYC to stay with my parents in NC for the storm.
Here in Pasadena CA
I once bought a used car that previously was owned by a little old lady from there.
Did she drag race in it?
Did she drag race in it?
Probably. The rings were shot.
Harry Shearer’s Le Show is thus far an interview about currency rather than meaner-than-Mort-Sahl readings through the news interspersed with unlistenable songs. It’s worth hearing.
Here in Pasadena CA, … my fair city …
That word does not mean what you think it means.
… my fair city …
That word does not mean what you think it means.
Crying like the WATB I am because tvtropes doesn’t allow edits without a login and I don’t do logins.
I can’t believe on a page about genderflips they missed THE ANDROMEDA STRAIN where the flat 😐 affect, epileptic scientist was a woman in the original book. It was an usual role for an actress at that time or now so I looked it up and yeah, there it was.
Just lay back and think of England, ladies.
Lynndie England?
Sodomites to the left of me, Gomorrans to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you.
Ah, Lucky Pierre!
Hmmm, maybe Teh Fags do have something to do with Sandy,
Would you prefer as a nickname “Controversy” or “The Absurd Anton Von Leevenhoek”?
Would you rather have dinner with a glassblower or a priestess?
Why might you want to study questions?
If you had to spend three hundred thousand dollars on big science, what would you buy?
Which would make a better movie: a thriller about a red-eyed tree frog who has to make 28 grammes of margerine tied to 13 cubic miles of milk to save her prince, or a science fiction film about flying foxes creating copper?
How could you use sex to improve your love-life?
How would you make art out of a pyramid that looks like a bar and pewter?
Would you rather name your pet candiru Quourroo or Baboon?
I do not like them on a boat.
I do not like them with Mickey Kaus’s goat.
I do not like these wingnuts, Sam I am.
New post.
Whyz dood got all them heads in aquariums?
Umm, I was unaware that one needed an excuse.