The Bobo Answer For Medicare: Ice Floes!
Shorter Bobo D’Applebee, The New Fucking York Fucking Union Busting Times:
The Policy Verdict I
- Because seniors draw out more money from Medicare than they paid into it, it is better that they just get it over with and die rather than wreck the federal budget for their grandchildren.
For anyone who might for a moment think that this shorter is an exaggeration, I need only quote this from Bobo’s wet slobbering deep tongue kiss of the Romney-Ryan voucher plan for Medicare
Voucher plans may save money, but perhaps by shedding the sickest customers.
Ya think? Ya fucking think?? In 1964 we passed Medicare because only 50 percent of the elderly even had insurance and of those that did only fifty percent of those policies would cover hospitalization. That’s the free market for you. Old people get sick and need expensive care. They aren’t interesting to private insurers even if they have more money than Ann Romney’s dancing horses’ Cayman Islands trust funds. Why on earth people think that the free market system has gotten kinder and gentler since 1963 and why they think that a voucher system isn’t the moral equivalent of marching grandma onto an ice floe and pushing her out into a frigid ocean is beyond me. So yes, Brooks calls its shedding, I call it ice floes, but the bottom line is that a Medicare voucher is a one way ticket into the Arctic Ocean.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
I recently suggested to my 84-year-old, lefter-than-me father that he not read what the repubs have to say about him being a leech on society, as it might upset him. His response was that, old and relatively frail as he is, he was confident in his ability to deal with [his words] “that pack of useless cowards.”
Emperor: I left a meat-filled note for you at the end of the last thread.
What? The Democratic Party swung left after 1997?
Which reality did this happen in, and how do I summon up a portal to take me there?
The reality that exists during a cab ride with Friedman to meet Bobo at the Applebee’s salad bar. Good luck finding it.
Something that has occurred to me that I have not seen discussed any where, we are sort of in a transition faze when it comes to social security and medicare. More and more, the folks that are reaching retirement age are likely to have two members of the household who worked and payed taxes. Whereas prior to that it was most likely that only one member of the household did so. I wonder if that might have an effect on the paid in – paid out ratio. So perhaps we’d only have to put the current generation of retirees on ice floes. Or at least that one old bastard that cut me off on the way to work this morning.
Flaw in teh cunning plan: ice-floes are getting scarcer by the minute.
It’s a problem of relative motion. The Republicans move to the right at a faster pace than the Democrats move to the right. So from their point of view they are standing still (which really bugs them because they’d prefer to be going backwards) while the Dems are moving to the left.
I dunno, I think I gotta wish Bobo godspeed on this one.
Time for some mangos:
And thus Bobo proves he’s a Villager. If it’s “unpopular” and “fiscally serious”, it must be good, right?
Which day is today? And which plan is today’s plan? Is today pre- or post-Etch-a-Sketch? And we are to believe Romney’s plan won’t shift costs because he says so?
Let’s see: in a market-based approach someone has to make a profit. If government just provides the service, then no profit needs to be made. Nu? Unless the market based plan is able to have less waste (and have you ever dealt with private health insurance? sometimes it seems they spend more money trying to deny your claim and sending you reams of paperwork about it than they would just to pay up the claim) due to the fitness promoting effects of competition (and I hardly deny that competition can really have a positive impact nor am I a wild-eyed socialist out to nationalize everything), there is no way that private enterprise can provide the same service for less cost than the government. Just no way. Arithmetic: how does that work?
And where would the savings come from then if no reduction in benefits? From less administrative overhead in a voucher-based system than in our current system: because we all know that the more organizations you have competing (each with a different form they want filled out and each with a separate set of management personel), the less overhead there is. Which is why companies never, ever merge to reduce costs. And which is why whenever there is deregulation (e.g. in electricity), there are no rigged markets, no extra administrative overhead and people get the supplies more effeciently and at lower costs than in the regulated market. And certainly there are never any brownouts.
Or is the lower cost from paying less to health care providers? But I thought I just heard Romney criticizing Obama’s cuts to Medicaire on the grounds that “Obama is simply saving money by stiffing health care providers”. Anyway, notice the absense of any statistic about how much costs would have come down if Obamacare was in place between 2006 and 2009 …
perhaps by shedding the sickest customers
Shedding? That’s a nice little euphemism for abandoning people to the worst possible fate. Glad most of the commenters are taking him to the woodshed.
perhaps by shedding the sickest customers
Gee, good thing they don’t have “death panels”.
Free market death panels are patriotic because free-dumb.
and how do I summon up a portal to take me there?
Perhaps this port’ll do. No, that can’t be it. It doesn’t come in a box.
OBS – I fucking LOVE Olympic Provisions, almost as much as Beast. OP has a booth at teh marmers farket. The closest place for you to find their most excellent charcuterie is at Abbie and Olivers in McMinnville. Try ALL the chorizos, you’ll find a few favorites.
It’s a problem of relative motion. The Republicans move to the right at a faster pace than the Democrats move to the right.
That’s why the Republicans are always talking about the Democrats’ Red shift.
I don’t see what all the fuss is about, wether it’s government death panels or free enterprise death panels, it’s still only going to affect those lazy 47% leeches, the Job Creators will still be fine. Oh, wait, I think I see now. the Job Creators can make a nice profit from free enterprise death panels. Turning death panels over to the government is almost as bad as taxing the Job Creators
But there aren’t going to be any ice floes left soon, and polar bears are going extinct. Whatever shall we do? Put her in a crate and strap her to the car roof for a trip to Canada?
Hey you Na Yawkuhs – Olympic Provisions charcuterie can be found at
“But there aren’t going to be any ice floes left soon, and polar bears are going extinct. ”
They bought their tickets, they knew what they were getting into, I say let them drown.
The comments at the NYT at least are ripping Bobo a new one. Politely, because NYT moderation.
begin paranoid rant.
The secret sauce is they to shred what remains of the estate tax and then cause or refuse to prevent a megadeath scenario, to shake loose the infirm and the poor and consolidate the US’s wealth even further. If you add up the very old, the very young and those unfortunate enough to be chronically ill and not wealthy, and vote them off the island so to speak, the US financial picture is much rosier. Then they can follow up with shock doctrine style buyouts of land, infrastructure and corporations leaving them with an even firmer grasp on the country’s assets
end paranoid rant.
Gee, good thing they don’t have “death panels”. – Major Kong
IMHO, one of the two worst mistakes made by Obama during the debate (the other being not giving a more concrete rebuttal to Romney’s tax plan, in which Obama could have not only shown Romney to be fiscally irresponsible but also reminded people about Romney’s 47% comment and his non-release of his tax returns) was for Obama not to pick up on Romney’s death panel allusion: Obama should have pointed out that private insurance companies have these sorts of panels except that, the government’s panel is looking out to see that the care provided is effective and efficient while insurance companies have these panels to restrict care options to only those that help the insurance companies’ bottom lines. And while Romney, who likes to fire people, can change health insurance plans if his plans’ panel decides not to cover a medical procedure he or a family member needs, most people are not in the position that Romney’s in.
Remind people that whatever they may think of Obamacare’s “death panels”, they already exist, and in worse form, in the insurance programs that Obamacare does at least take some steps toward reforming. And remind people that Romney likes firing people, and he is way out of touch.
But there aren’t going to be any ice floes left soon, and polar bears are going extinct. – Moon Dragon
As Bobo is pointing out, the Romney/Ryan health care plan solves the global warming crisis. And the polar bears will thus be able to hitch rides on ice floes down to the US so that way our seniors can be polar bear food rather than being a drain on the public coffers.
Yes. That was pretty glaring.
Then there is this guy
Amazon reviews
O.K. which one of you jokers wrote this one:
“As a former heathen and fornicator, I found myself having four children outside of marriage. I did not think too much of this fact when I was heathenly fornicating away, but then one day, I was secreted away by a group of religious freedom fighters.”
“It was, I remember, the 13th day of April, 1920, that the first Government Lethal Chamber was established on the south side of Washington Square, between Wooster Street and South Fifth Avenue. The block, which had formerly consisted of a lot of shabby old buildings, used as cafes and restaurants for foreigners, had been acquired by the government in the winter of 1913. The French and Italian cafes and restaurants were torn down; the whole block enclosed by a gilded iron railing, and converted into a lovely garden, with lawns, flowers, and fountains. In the centre of the garden stood a small, white building, severely classical in architecture, and surrounded by thickets of flowers. Six Ionic columns supported the roof, and the single door was of bronze. A splendid marble group of ‘the Fates’ stood before the door, the work of a young American sculptor, Boris Yvain, who had died in Paris when only twenty-three years old.” —
The only problem with the above is that they need to be Free Market Lethal Chambers. Perhaps provided by Pfizer after the government used eminent domain to push those damned foreigners out!
Voucher plans may save money, but perhaps by shredding the sickest customers.
Fixxchord for truth.
But even the cost of body-shredding technology has rocketed sky-high! What can be done?
If you add up the very old, the very young and those unfortunate enough to be chronically ill and not wealthy, and vote them off the island so to speak, the US financial picture is much rosier.
Let’s try that again. FYWP.
“But even the cost of body-shredding technology has rocketed sky-high! What can be done?”
They are making great advances in biofuel technology.
But even the cost of body-shredding technology has rocketed sky-high! What can be done? – Substance McG
Don’t worry. The magic of the free market will take care of any high cost and provide efficiencies that are otherwise unimaginable. Provided the confidence fairy can be willed into action. Which requires low deficits and Republicans in office, allowing for the confidence fairy to unleash the magical powers of the free market. Or something like that.
Which requires low deficits and Republicans in office, allowing for the confidence fairy to unleash the magical powers of the free market. Or something like that.
Why make Soylent Green when you can have biofuel? Priorities!
But even the cost of body-shredding technology has rocketed sky-high!
What you need is a thing of shreds and patches.
Why make Soylent Green when you can have biofuel?
Truly, all Soylent Green production does is continue feeding the Moochers. Biofuel, on the other hand, can be used to power everything from one’s yacht to one’s corporate jet.
Why make Soylent Green when you can have biofuel?
I think midwestern farmers might object to the Soylent Green Industry but biofuel is something the Oil & Gas Industry can totally get behind. I’m just taking political realities into account. It’s an easier sell. I’m a pragmatist, what can I say.
Meh. Needs more Trilateral Commission and Carlysle Group and U.N. Black Helicopters. Also, too and such as.
3 out of 5 stars.
And chemtrails! Dammit, I always forget the chemtrails. No wonder my sauces always end up runny.
I blame the Freemasons.
Whistle for that dog louder Josh Romney.
This Week with George Snuffleupagus.
You know that
I’m an employee
I have a degree
I’ll fulfill your need
I will make you bleed
I’ll rise to the top
Best one on the team
Kill outside the box
Hold you as you scream
I’ll divide you into pieces
Sell them back and raise the price
Make a profit off your interests
You’ll increase my sales tonight
I will increase
I must increase
A.B.K. [4x]
(Always Be Killing)
The exhaust from my car, once it is fueled by the poor and infirm shed by the free market death panels, will smell like fried chicken.
How is it so few people are able to grasp that the purpose of “government” is to protect & help The People?
What the Hell do they think gov’t is, a powerful tool of and for the Rich only?
“See, I told you rainbows shoot out of my ass.”
Candidate or not, it is not the mission of a news organization to place anyone in a position to be ridiculed or made fun of. Reporting the news is, and this is not newsworthy
Oh, the total fuching irony of FAUX news publishing this phrase in their defense.
The Neo-Liberal Times prick wrote: “According to the Urban Institute, the average couple in 2010 had paid $109,000 in Medicare taxes during their working years but would be able to receive about $343,000 in benefits.”
The passive-agressive liars that cite numbers like these never mention the fact that they don’t bother to adjust the totals to take account of the 1000% inflation that has mounted up over the past four decades. Once you do so, the accumulated value of that $109K in PAID TAXES over a 40-year career totals well over the $343K of EARNED BENEFITS a person with an average lifespan may recover.
My standing offer to Brooks and his ilk is that I will eat one US dollar for every ten one-dollar bills I am authorized to cram into their filthy lying mouths.
Ass flows? Buttchugging, what can’t it do?
Ask not for whom the ice floes.
Yet another reason to hate The Smiler.
According to the Urban Institute, the average couple in 2010 had paid $109,000 in Medicare taxes during their working years but would be able to receive about $343,000 in benefits…
This tells me that Medicare should be able to negotiate drug prices, and all other fixed fees, with the corporations that supply “medical care”, not that people who paid into a medica plan should be denied their earned benefits (not ‘entitlements’).
ifthethunderdontgetcha: Ask not for whom the ice floes
But even the cost of body-shredding technology has rocketed sky-high! What can be done?
ONLY TAX CUTS CAN SAVE US NOW! Well, all of us except the olds, their wrinkled asses gonna get shredded.
Ice floe 9
all of us except the olds, their wrinkled asses gonna get shredded.
I was unaware that “bouncing quarters off your ass” was to be part of the “on or off the ice floe” decision tree. Who put tigris in charge?
The Szechwan eateries nearby have yet to offer shredded long pork.
As far as YOU know.
I insist on DNA analysis of my food to make sure I’m not eating any close relatives. That ingest feels uncomfortably like incest.
Keep the incest vore at your blog, N_B.
Sez the woman with “buttchug” in her gym.
Her nym, too.
the woman with “buttchug” in her gym.
Training program — ur doin it rong.
[The Medicare Plan is] the best thing the Romney-Ryan campaign has going for it.
Actually, I don’t disagree with that, even though I think the plan is monstrous.
And chemtrails! Dammit, I always forget the chemtrails. No wonder my sauces always end up runny.
I’ve spent years searching for the “Chemtrails On/Off” switch in my plane. Haven’t found one yet.
Slightly OT re: Pres debate. I thought that Obama decided to be quiet and low-key, and just allow Rmoney to be Rmoney and show the entire world what an moronic asshole he is. And Rmoney DID. Alas! the “media” and GLOP spinners insisted Rmoney “won” because he was …. loud, and rather rude. Not my idea of “winning” a debate, but I guess he collected a few of the undecided moron jerk vote.
the “media” and GLOP spinners insisted Rmoney “won” because he was …. loud, and rather rude.
Christie ’16!
I’ve spent years searching for the “Chemtrails On/Off” switch in my plane. Haven’t found one yet.
Biofuel, on the other hand, can be used to power everything from one’s yacht to one’s corporate jet.
There is always Oil of Dog. Do not neglect the pharmaceutical industry!
Assuming you don’t know anything at all, Romney looked like he had his shit together and Obama did not. Obviously Romney lied like crazy, but I dunno if I’d count on the electorate to figure that out.
Given that Romney’s standard behaviour is to lie like crazy, simply getting away with that shit in front of a not-entirely-Republican audience has got to count as a win.
Two more to go.
Good old Ambrose Bierce. The opening line to the next story:
“Early one June morning in 1872 I murdered my father—an act which made a deep impression on me at the time.”
Oh, look at me. All behind, an’ shit.
At least I took a funny photo, today.
“See, I told you rainbows shoot out of my ass.”
MYLittleCaption: “So THAT’S where you get your facts and figures, Governor!”
“Under a demonstration project in Denver in the 1990s, private plans bid 25 percent to 38 percent less than government-determined payment rates.”
Bobo forgets to mention that the HMOs that submitted the bids never paid out so much as a nickel in benefits. The whole program was shut down before the first patient was signed up.
Somebody might want to work up a little ditty on this Mark Steyn column which is the looniest thing he has ever written, I wager.
Mark Steyn: The Sesamization of America
Ten minutes in the killer Mormon jumped right on Big Bird… It takes a certain panache to clobber not just your opponent but also the moderator. Yet that’s what did when he declared that he wasn’t going to borrow money from China to pay for Jim Lehrer and Big Bird on PBS. It was a terrific alpha-male moment”
Unlike Mitt, I loathe Sesame Street. It bears primary responsibility for what the Canadian blogger Binky calls the de-monsterization of childhood…
It’s like rightwing candy offered by a creepy guy in a van….
Did BoBo (or, Bucky The Beaver) give his patented rat-toothed snigger when he made the ice floe suggestion?
It’s a pre-emptive statement: Bucky wants to be seen to have boarded Mitzy and Paulie’s Austerity Pain Train way ahead of his Rightist pals.
Not surprising, coming from an opportunist who publicly fluffed Buckley, Kristol and Podhoretz, embraced PNAC and was such a die-hard cheerleader for the invasion of Iraq. As far as it goes, Bucky’s an unidicted war criminal.
I know there’s a perfect Shakespeare quote about Brooks somewhere, but nothing comes to mind; so for making his ‘shedding’ suggestion, I’ll just invite Bucky to give my dog a blow job.
There you have it. The next big thing for the Romney campaign will be a call for more monsters.
Should I be concerned that I recognized this opening right off the bat? Am I nuts? Maybe I shouldn’t have read that goddamn play.
It was a terrific alpha-male moment?
Mark Steyn (genocide apologist) buys into S-&-M ‘alpha male’ power worship? No-one could have predicted it.
According to the Urban Institute, the average couple in 2010 had paid $109,000 in Medicare taxes during their working years but would be able to receive about $343,000 in benefits…
This tells me that Medicare should be able to negotiate drug prices, and all other fixed fees, with the corporations that supply “medical care”, not that people who paid into a medica plan should be denied their earned benefits (not ‘entitlements’).
It tells me that Medicare should be expanded to individuals of all ages- the risk pool needs to include the young and healthy (who are probably more likely to fall victim to traumatic injuries than their elders) as well as the old and sick. The “privatize the profits, socialize the costs” model is what’s really killing the program.
It bears primary responsibility for what the Canadian blogger Binky calls the de-monsterization of childhood…
What the fuck? Over.
Yes. The rest of us are extras in their epic. We exist only to work for their ends and die for their amusement and or convenience.
Ironically enough, great advances are being made in the field of renewable energy body-shredding. Using windmills and solar panels, it is now possible to put body shredders conveniently close to hog farms, feed lots and rendering works.
Yes, childhood should be an 18 year long sneak through the black forest of the brothers Grimm, with the weak eaten by ogres and the curious cooked up by witches. Only those smart enough to outwit goblins and mighty enough to kill dragons should be allowed to reach the relative safety of nightmare-haunted adulthood.
BTW — Linda McMahon now running ads in NYC area criticizing Chris Murphy for voting for 716$B in “Medicare cuts” (McMahon is also mentioning the “15 unelected bureaucrats” who will make health care decisions instead of … well, she doesn’t mention that the instead of is 15 people on your insurance company’s payroll trying to maximize shareholder value). I worry the GOP is gonna run with this and win.
Did Team Obama not see this one coming?
Of course the math doesn’t add up — how is what Obama and the Dems have supported a Medicare “cut”, but the vouchers are going to save money (somehow) and that is not a “cut”? No matter what — if you spend less money on something, either the service was overpriced to begin with or you are getting less service when you are spending less. It can’t be the case that Obama’s cuts mean we’re getting less but magically we’ll be able to spend even less and get the same services because FREE MARKET MAGIC.
Unfortunately, I work with enough of a variety of people to know that most Americans are not able to think that hard.
Digby has a few quotes up from the upcoming Frontline.
“it is now possible to put body shredders conveniently close to hog farms, feed lots and rendering works.”
Actually, that’s not really necessary. Good old, traditional, conservative practices have operated that way for millenia. You don’t need to “shred”; that’s effete, liberal elitist stuff. Just a few strenuous minutes with a decent axe and chuck the pieces in with the pigs, and bingo (or Binky, if you prefer). If you must get all modern and stuff, I understand wood-chippers and chainsaws are effective and fun, although they need more cleaning.
I assume that many of our good friends currently blogging to the right side of the aisle have already lovingly worked these scenarios out in their minds over several nights of passion.
feed them to teh pigs
Two more to go!
Mongo is dead. Host a cup of baked beans in his memory.
More pig feeding goodness
Two more to go!
Let’s hope they get out soon and have a long and prosperous music career!
Mongo is dead.
Mongo just pawn in game of life.
It was a terrific alpha-male moment
Jesus Christ, at least wipe your mouth when you’re done.
Nothing says “alpha-male” like promising to spend trillions more on
penis extendersbig guns!Nothing says “alpha male” like dropping trou to display your bright blue ass. I may have to watch the next debate…
Rmoney does have one key alpha-male trait. He really would like to just fuck everybody.
Nothing says “I’m a pussy bitch” like an alpha complex. Ted Nugent: Poster boy for the alpha neurosis.
They can’t do that as it would seem self serving — their campaign/platform/party is entirely composed of monsters after all.
FTFY. Now with more chimp-like savagery.
I predict great reviews for a musical called RAMBO!
Another recommendation for OBS next time you’re in town: Lardo. They started as a food cart (I think in the Hawthorne pod) but pretty quickly moved into a brick and mortar setup. I’m going to have the double burger for lunch today.
Mmmmmm, lard.
Is it wrong of me to be thoroughly enjoying watching Lance Armstrong getting what he deserves?
(That’s rhetorical…it’s not wrong)
Thanks, I’ll definitely try that. I may have to be up in p-town more often for work — if so, I look forward to sampling more of the good stuff up there.
E$ra does not have Big Bird’s back.
1) The anonymouse was me.
2) check this shit out:
if so, I look forward to sampling more of the good stuff up there.
(where C = Chronic)
I don’t think that article was by edog. Am I missing somethign?
The whole thing pains me. I’ve been a cyclist (mostly mountain) for many years and have been watching the tour since before Lance’s time. Professional cycling was completely riddled with dope for many, many years and only recently has there been any real progress toward cleaning it up.
It sucks to see that he was doping, but I really wonder if there’s any point in stripping him of his titles or whatever else they have planned? If they strip him, who “won”? They were all so fucking doped up, what are you going to do, give it to 2nd place? 3rd? 4th? 150th? How far down the order do you have to go to get to somebody clean? And do they still have blood saved for all those guys too?
Maybe we just end up writing off 20 years of the sport. It’d almost be better if they hadn’t dropped the criminal case, at least then there would be real punishment. Armstrong’s bound to lose all his endorsements but if he’s smart he’ll be rich for the rest of his life regardless.
Sure, if you’re buying.
I’m just disgusted. Not just at Lance, although he merits it, but also at everyone else with whom Lance shared a podium in Paris who have nearly all tested positive, as well and also at the WADA which pursued the case well beyond their own self imposed statute of limitations. They went after him because he called them out on their vendetta. They ‘convicted’ him based on ‘probable guilt’, not by the ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’ standard used in a court of law. This arms race between ever newer performance enhancing chemicals and ever more invasive and pervasive testing by the unaccountable WADA isn’t good for the sport or society at large.
It sucks that the amounts of money at stake in pro sports are so large that taking performance enhancing substances are seen as just another thing a world class athlete needs to do. For every top level athlete whose paycheck easily covers the extra expense there must be dozens or hundreds who are desperately trying to move up just that one extra level to the big time or stay there just one more season, who really can’t afford to gamble his or her life or health or rent money on this year’s hot newer, harder-to-detect EPO or HGH.
And I’m not just saying this as someone untouched by the scandal, I worked at Trek Bicycle when Lance was winning his tours, and I know that he sold lots of bikes for us. So yes, enjoy watching the humiliation of Lance, but know that the processes that ‘convicted’ him aren’t going away any time soon, and are just as susceptible to corruption as he was.
It seems to me that if they were all taking performance enhancing drugs, then Lance was still better than all the others. Unless you think that Lance had better drugs than everyone else.
If he was distributing, then yes.
Major — that’s kind of what they’re alleging. They (USADA) are essentially saying he was some kind of organized-crime-style “Boss” of doping for the Postal Service cycling team. Essentially that he was better at it than everybody else and that’s why he wasn’t caught at the time.
So far my favorite comment at the NYfT article:
You can spatchcock Big Bird for all I care, *word, but don’t even think about rendering Wishbone for the oil goddamnit.
TIL that “spatchcock” is a real word. Thanks!
This ad will DEVASTATE the Democrats! That’s what Human Events says. I found devastatingly funny. Really, you have to watch it.
Here’s some reasons not to make lardo:
A little goes a long way.
Most of the folks one runs across are unimpressed, if not repulsed.
Anyone you meet that’s had it has had something different and will share with you how much better it was.
Better to use that backfat for fancy sausages.
Why did I click that!? I’ll never get that minute of my life back.
Also and too: on the ad on their page, what message is the broken silhouette of a lighthouse supposed to convey? Our shipping lanes are compromised by Obummer or something?
None of those are reasons to avoid a restaurant named “Lardo” though.
Re: Sesame Street. I think these guys who want to kill it off must be unaware of how internationally popular and widespread the series really is. It’s actually a big part of the good old “winning hearts and minds” strategy of the State Dept.
Our local version Takalani Sesame is huge for kids who get no preschool and/or have illiterate parents.
My 02 cents.
But Suezboo, international appeal is a bug not a feature. To Rmoney’s base, whatever a bunch of stupid furriners thinks is irrelevant. They don’t even speak ENGLISH!!!eleven!
Bill does some stand up
This ad will DEVASTATE the Democrats!
Favorite quote:
“When Obama was first elected to public office, he reported his net worth as $200,000. Today it is $10,000,000.” duh-duh-dumb!
Book royalties bitches.
They don’t even speak ENGLISH!!!eleven!
Except the English who we have a special relationship with so we must hug and squeeze their Churchill little heads and call them George (Washington)*
*Except when they try to hold Olympics because they totally suck at that.
er “little Churchill heads” or whatever, the original is fine.
Shorter: I’m still mad at Lance for his LIVEWRONG FOR BUSH bullshit. He’s an asshole. I was pretty giddy watching Clemens get run through the grinder too, even though Congress abused the shit out of their power by dragging those players in front of it. But I always knew Congress was full of cheating dopes. I guess they don’t like cheating dopers.
“When Obama was first elected to public office, he reported his net worth as $200,000. Today it is $10,000,000.”
Do the Repigs REALLY want to go down this road? Apparently they do, but holy shit are they asking to get that one slammed right back in their fat white faces.
I got me a lil bunny rabbit, huh huh!
I got you, gocart!
A major victory in the fight against the NSA spying on citizens.
Wait — not a victory, that other thing that’s the complete opposite of that.
I’m not particularly optimistic for success, but HOW MUTHAFUCKIN COOL WOULD THIS BE?
“it filed a new brief in the case of Jewel v. NSA”
Jesus, now we have to rely on washed up Canadian pop/folk singers to protect our liberty.
Like many mothafuckin cool things, so cool it’ll never happen. See e.g.: sharks with laser beams, me opening a commercial brewery, the Democratic party growing a spine, &c.
Precedents cited in the case:
Celine v. Taste
Bryan Adams v. Ears
See e.g.: sharks with laser beams, me opening a commercial brewery, the Democratic party growing a spine, &c.
…Mila Kunis giving me a lap dance…
dubstep v. sanity
In case you have any doubt that the idiocracy has arrived
It arrived long ago.
Somebody should ask them their position on child rape, that being one of the main tenets of their religion and all.
Birth control bad, child molestation ok. I can’t quite figure it out, but something seems wrong here…
If a priest uses a condom, when he rapes a child, would he get in trouble?
I’m guessing “yes” if it’s a female, “no” if it’s a male, but it disgusts me to have even thought about it.
I just finished reading most of the 200 page report from the USADA on Armstrong, and it’s pretty damn bad. It’s obviously completely one sided, but reading the sworn testimony from former teammates with a ton to lose by testifying is pretty convincing.
He should get CANCER!
He should get CANCER!
That was actually key to why I didn’t believe he was doping…who would go through cancer treatment then put that shit into their bodies? Who would DO that?
Guess I got my answer.
In the country of the eunich, the one-balled man is king.
(A) Mongo is dead.
(B) Mongo just pawn in game of life.
(C ) It bears primary responsibility for what the Canadian blogger Binky calls the de-monsterization of childhood.
(D) Scarlett Johansson.
(E) What the fuck? Over.
(F) Some Of The Above.
P.S. NedB: Nice photos.
Thx. I think they are the best use of my time machine.
Also, too: Scumbag.
The South has always stood by the Constitution and limited government. When one attacks the Confederate Battle Flag, he is certainly denouncing these principles of government as well as Christianity.
Funny then that the secessionist South had to draw up a new constitution (not to mention make a fucking flag).
“This being mostly just a rewrite of the U.S. Constitution, the framers were able to adjust and tweak this new constitution to fix those things that they felt were structurally wrong with the U.S. Constitution.”
Whoa there, what?! Just a rewrite? You don’t even write it out again with a different title. This much I know from Scalia or whomever. “Things that they felt were structurally wrong”?!
OK seriously, if Barack Obama proposed to reorder some clauses and clarify the structure, he’d be assassinated post-haste.
Arkansas state representative Loy Mauch:
If dropping Loy Mauch in a colossal vat of liquefied grackle shit is so God-awful, why didn’t Jesus or Paul condemn it?
“If slavery were so God-awful, why didn’t Jesus or Paul condemn it…?”
If you fail to grasp that such condemnations were implied, how can you be said to have the capacity to repent for your sins? A person this stupid literally could not extrapolate from the general (“thou shalt not kill”) to the specific, phrased differently (“I liquidated those wrongdoers”).
If slavery were so God-awful, why didn’t Jesus or Paul condemn it…?
Because they were slave-holders, silly. [/southern repub]
“If slavery were so God-awful, why didn’t Jesus or Paul condemn it…?”
Unlike their clear condemnations of abortion, corporate taxes, and welfare.
abortion, corporate taxes, and welfare.
Don’t forget masturbation…
Do not call Loy Mauch stupid. It takes a high-level of intelligence to grow something that looks like two vole pelts glued to your upper lip.
I should also point out that Loy Mauch = A Holy Cum.
“Do not call Loy Mauch stupid.”
I only wrote it out. Loy Mauch is super-precise; he cares that much.
Vole pelts always make me laugh.
How do you feel about pert vores?
Vile Pills.
I think that I shall go and put piano wire across the shared driveway beside our house. At head height. For no reason.
I hope the teenager on the fucking quadbike going up and down the drive does not get hurt
This ad will DEVASTATE the Democrats! That’s what Human Events says. I found devastatingly funny. Really, you have to watch it.
That ad is hilarious- it talks about the use of words to manipulate voters and unironically refers to the “democrat” party. Plus, that Kissinger sounding motherfucker doing the narration doesn’t exactly inspire trust. All around, it’s a spectacular failure.
…a spectacular failure.
And, we return to topic in style!
that Kissinger sounding motherfucker
Lighten up; it is Kissinger. He had a cold when he did the voiceover.
And, he was devoted to his mother. That’s a matter of record, sir, and anything else is between Dr. Kissinger, and whoever owns that 16mm film I keep hearing about.
Climate change is resulting in melting of ice floes. A better “plan”:
At 65, part of all grandparents’ Medicare life contribution is used to drop them from planes into bodies of water of over 200 feet deep and at least 2 miles form the nearest shoreline. For really old geezers still breathing at the time of passage of the enacting bill
The money remaining from their contribution is split among Goldman Sachs, Paul Ryan and the Romney Family car elevator maintenance fund, 80-10-10.
If climate change results in melting of all ice, dropping the useless machines into th
Bad Lip reading of the 1st debate. Very funny.
The fact is, the liberal media is trying to smear hard working heartlanders just for having a point of view that is not PC.
At 65, part of all grandparents’ Medicare life contribution is used to drop them from planes into bodies of water of over 200 feet deep and at least 2 miles form the nearest shoreline. For really old geezers still breathing at the time of passage of the enacting bill
Sounds wasteful. Haven’t you heard there’s going to be a bacon shortage? Plus when the olds are told they’re going to get cured it won’t be a lie, a first for Romney/Ryan!
Whistle for that dog louder Josh Romney.
yes, i am futilely attempting to catch up here…i couldn’t even watch this because i just ate and didn’t want to puke…good bob, this family is creepy! can you imagine living in a fucking house full of little mitts?!
I think Josh Romney was only off by one word. What Mitt learned from arguments with his sons was not “how to debate an obstinate child who tells the same lie over and over”, but how to debate like an obstinate child who tells the same lie over and over.
And also, I figure the Romney boys learned how to be obstinate liars from their dad in the first place.
The apple doesn’t rot far from the tree.
The proof of the pudding isin the vomiting.
I personally wouldn’t use isinglass in either pudding or vomit, but it’s good for clarifying beer. And it keeps the vegans away from your beer also too.
Sweet Baby Jesus on a pogo stick.
I hope some really clever people (i.e. not me) make memes out of those photos. Dear FSM that guy is the fucking perfect embodiment of a douchebag.
I, for one, welcome my upcoming opportunity to help ease the bacon shortage.
(And this made me howl loud enough that people have started peering into my office to find out what’s going on…)
Hey OBS, I’m planning to start up the kg home brewery soon. There’s so much information out there and, as with most things, I plan to probably spend entirely too much time reading up on and agonizing over how to do it. Would you care to recommend a good starting point as far primers go?
I started with a basic starter kit of equipment from the local brew shop and Charlie Papazian’s book The Complete Joy Of Homebrewing.
That worked for me (and lots of other folks). There’s a ton of good info on the net now too that wasn’t available when I started back in ancient history. Unfortunately there’s some bad info too, so sorting that out can be a bit problematic for a noob.
Good luck and have fun with it! Feel free to ask me more questions by commenting on my seldom-updated blahg too.
Oh, and kg — don’t agonize. Beer is ancient and surprisingly simple stuff. Just focus on easy things like good quality ingredients, basic cleanliness/sterilization, and a small amount of attention to detail and you’ll be making decent beer in no time.
Thanks OBS, I’m going to pick up the book and I’ll definitely be hitting you up with questions!
Jon Palmer’s How to Brew is free online and also a good starting guide.
For OBS, I just learned that during the Olympics a Scottish brewery put out a beer called Never Mind the Annabolics a beer brewed with pretty much every performance-enhancer known to man including creatine, guarana, lycii berries, kola nut, Gingko, matcha tea, maca powder and steroids. And I am, at this very moment, considering the Bruxelles Black kit to have my very first go at home brewing.
The ring plot! Apparently, Obama has been using a secret ring to run the world…for Allah!
…Sweet baby Jesus on a pogo stick…
Yes.Thank you, Pryme. That guys looks remarkably like Mitt’s running mate.
Dear FSM that guy is the fucking perfect embodiment of a douchebag. – OBS
Even still, I suspect that I will have a very interesting night if my wife sees these photos
I think Paul Ryan is the sort of person addressed by the fuck/date/marry game: i.e. he definitely falls into the first category and is not anywhere near the last two. IOW, I guess Paul Ryan : Straight Women and Gay Men :: Sarah Palin : Gay Women and Straight Men.
At least we now know what it takes to be a GOP VP candidate.
I thought it was fuck/marry/kill. With Ryan I know how I’d vote…
I’d be interested in a detailed fuck/marry/kill chart for Sanrio characters.
“I hope some really clever people (i.e. not me) make memes out of those photos. Dear FSM that guy is the fucking perfect embodiment of a douchebag.”
Ballon Juice is on it.
That sounds horrible.
Nice! That looks yummy.
I hope people remember moments like this a year from now when she says/does something that pisses off a liberal blog/website and causes a whole bunch of flamewars.
I suspect that after the debate we’ll have some nice memes to play with.
“I hope some really clever people (i.e. not me) make memes out of those photos.’
Also this,
Yep, that’s moar like it.
Paul Ryan, Dudebro? Well, he has a bright future in reality TV when he’s done fucking up Washington.
Speaking of ice floes ….
Ryan does totally look like Screech from Saved By The Bell in that photo doesn’t he?
I couldn’t stand it and had to make my own contribution to the Ryan silliness.
Someone in the reddit gaybros group (of course there is, this is the Internet after all) put up a post “C’mon, you know you would” with Ryan’s pic. My response : NOOOOOOOO You NEVER stick your dick in crazy!
Advice I will surely follow at some point in my life.
Shorter Tucker Carlson: I do not understand journalism or polls. But please; visit my website.
Shorter Tucker Carlson: I do not understand journalism or polls. But please; visit my website.
one can only shake one’s head…
You NEVER stick your dick in crazy!
Great. Now you tell me. Where were you when I needed you?
Speaking of ice floes ….
When the Jesus said to “Render unto me the little children”, obviously he meant to boil them down for their fat.
a Scottish brewery put out a beer called Never Mind the Annabolics
Ah, I see it was Brewdog. Why doesn’t that surprise me?
Medical professionals may have the answer and healthy advice to boot.
A few years back I had Brewdog’s “Paradox Speyside” which was an imperial stout aged in scotch barrels. It was tasty. Some of their more recent stuff seems to be all about over-the-top gimmicks.
I couldn’t stand it and had to make my own contribution to the Ryan silliness.
Is that a barbell, or is Ryan turning into a Wheeler?
Ryan is way creepier than a Wheeler.
According to the Oz Wikia,
Why doesn’t that surprise me?
Medical professionals may have the answer
Go ahead, make fun of the guy with the borked amygdala and no startle reflex.
I’ve never seen those wheelers before. They’re the kind of monster that gets made up after all the good ideas are done. See the mighty Tirapheg.
Tonight’s lethal drinking game: take a shot every time Ryan even stretches the truth.
The book The Amber Spyglass had creatures that rolled on wheels made from round “seed pods”. They were good-guys, however.
Joe: “Everything you just said is a bunch of malarkey!”
Biden is sitting there laughing his ass off.
Uncle Joe got started on the 47% issue and that smug grin FINALLY dropped off asshole-boy’s face.
Ryan is so fucking dishonest. “other countries’ effective tax rates are lower than the actual rate here!” Yeah, well, our effective tax rate is lower, too, but closing loopholes raises the effective rate even if you cut the actual, legal rate. Also, “taxing 100% will only pay so many days of government, you can’t pay off the deficit with that!” TAX CUTS FOR THE WIN!
Hubby had to put on headphones so I didn’t punch his computer.
Mrs__B has fled to the bedroom, possibly to have an affair with Agatha Christie.
Jesus Christ, Biden is kicking this douchebag’s ass.
Bill Maher tweet: “9-1-1: There’s an old man beating a kid on my tv.”
Annnnnnnnnnd Wolf Blitzer calls it a draw.
That’s how you make the big bucks, if you’re a former Scud Stud.
I dunno what Biden’s performance is worth vote-wise, but he won handily.
The fact is, Ryan completeleley made Biden look like the dondering fool he is. Freedom, free markets, personal responsbility and moral values are what real Americans will vote for, not the free lunch the free riders vote for.
The Veep-Off shouldn’t have any real effect on the election – but these are weird times in Yankee politics.
Biden was supposed to be all gaffe & no substance, & Ryan was supposed to be the numbers guy. Now Americans STILL have no real GOP budget numbers … & Ryan is probably putting on some heavy-duty Butthurt Cream right now after having just had his arse flayed raw. Spinning Randroid psychopathy into faux-centrist feelgoodism doesn’t work so well when the other person calls you on it … Biden looking seniors in the eye & asking them who they trust was pretty much a no-scope headshot.
Let the corporate media camwhores call it a draw all they want – Mitch McTurtle going on afterward to baaaaaw about how rude that nasty Joe Biden was to that nice Ryan boy is the tell: Dems were saying exactly the same thing after the first debate.
Momentum – someone is losing it fast.
Everyone chill. Read Nate. Last election I had a piece of paper that tracked the election. and also, I tracked what Nate predicted. Guess what? Nate’s predictions were within .0003%. Even for elections as dumb as dog catcher. Trust Nate.
Also? Stop calling me a geek.
New post, brah!