Kale To The Chefs
Shorter Jeannie DeAngelis, The American Genius:
Kids Eat Kale at State Dinner
- Michelle Obama wants to make your children fart.
Once again, Sadly, No! fave Jeannie DeAngelis reaches into her tried tired and true playbook, which basically involves taking some human interest news story about Barack and, preferably, Michelle, and then finding some sinister implication to wave about like a catfish noodled up from a goldfish pond. If Jeannie sees a story about Barack taking a stroll in the Rose Garden she will quickly see that the walk is probably meant to send secret messages to Muslim spy satellites. You know, the semicircular path he took on his walk is in fact a secret transmission into space of the nuclear codes so that the Kenyan Muslim army can march down Pennsylvania Avenue and threaten to blow us all up unless we adopt Sharia law, ban pork and burn all our Bibles.
Jeannie has now focused her conspiratorial attentions on a lunch for school kids in the White House which Jeannie treats with an outrage that would be more appropriate if they had been invited over for a session of crack smoking and butt sex instead of being asked over for a lunch of sandwiches and kale chips. The first sign to Jeannie of the sinister intent of the White House lunch, attended by children who had come up with prize-winning healthy recipes, was the suspicious ingredients in the food served to the culinary tykes: kale, cabbage and black beans. No, seriously, kale, cabbage and black beans. You’d have thought she was talking about serving the kids dog feces and mouse testicles with an antifreeze foam. Of course, these shocking ingredients were explicitly selected by the evil Michelle Obama to make the kids fart, perhaps an effort to get them primed up for some after-lunch butt sex and Koran readings with Obama.
After being greeted with a kale appetizer, 54 guests/contest winners were served “Yummy Cabbage Sloppy Joes,” baked zucchini “fries,” and a salad of quinoa, black beans and corn.
Overflowing with 8- to 12 year olds, the East Room probably smelled more like the cafeteria at PS 131 than the White House. And from the list of ingredients in some of the recipes, it sounded as if the level of hydrogen sulfide is what decided the winners. Moreover, what, pray tell, did the kiddies get in the goody bag — Beano?
Good grief. Jeannie projects her own digestive problems with vegetables onto the world at large and assumes that the White House is involved in some sinister gas-passing plot by feeding kids kale. Kale doesn’t make me fart. Even my dog likes kale chips. They don’t make her fart either. Kale chips are awesome.
Having got the fart quotient off her chest, Jeannie now moves on to the President’s appearance at the kid lunch and the outrageous things he said to the kids there — namely, gasp, don’t feed Bo. How dare he?
Obama politely said, “I only have one request for you, and that is try not to drop any scraps on the floor, because Bo is on a diet right now, and he will eat anything that he sees, especially some of the tasty meals that you guys have prepared.”
Instead of telling the children the dog is on a diet, for the health and well-being of the first family Obama should have told the kids to resist passing off their Cabbage Sloppy Joes to Bo under the table. Moreover, based on what was on the menu, the President cautioning against spills may have been a polite way to ask the children to refrain from purposely dumping their plates and grinding the food into the rug.
As usual, this all a no-win situation. If Michelle had served up some all American delicacy that would have met with Jeannie’s culinary approval, say, grilled cheese sandwiches and potato chips, Jeannie would have played the hypocrisy card instead of the yucky fart-producing card. Michelle claims to eat healthy food, but, blah blah blah.
One final point needs to be made. Doesn’t someone at the American Thinker realize that they have lost any claim that they might ever have had to being, you know, all thinker-like and smart and stuff by running a post on farts?
Doesn’t someone at the American Thinker realize that they have lost any claim that they might ever have had to being, you know, all thinker-like and smart and stuff by running a post on farts?
Nuh uh. Barack HUSSEIN Obama started it by making the poor widdle kids farty in the first place.
Jesus Christ, is there nothing so inconsequential that this idiot won’t complain about it?
tigris, it is rare that comprehensive review of the literature yields such an emphatic and unequivocal “no.”
Hank Williams Jr. just made news by bellowing that Obama “hates farming”. Aren’t all of those vegetables the wingnuts don’t want forced down their throats a product of…FARMING?
Wait. WTF?! It was the kids what done supplied the recipes. Kinda puts a bit of a kibosh on the whole fascist quinoa intubation torture luncheon scenario.
Farts? Is Joshua Goldberg in the room?
Hank Williams Jr. just made news by bellowing that Obama “hates farming”.
Because he’s been urging Congress to pass a bill providing substantial relief to farmer’s who are affected by the drought?
And I blockquote
So, the children there were eating food from their own recipes as chosen by people other than the First Lady. There is nothing in her complaint that is at all relevant to the actual event. Well other than perhaps “FART”
Hank Williams Jr. just made news by bellowing that Obama “hates farting”.
Well that’s just silly as Jeannie “my head is spinning and so is this room” DeAngelis noted.
Off topic, but I think the Onion was decidedly not funny on this one:
Have you ever heard a wingnut whine
As he squeezes out another lie
That means he smeared his dad’s good name
Hank’s so loathsome he should die.
on topic for wiley:
Good lord, and the commenters all gush how hilarious she was. Holy fuck, that is some tired-ass nitpicky shit and yet they all love it, one person even declaring Jeannie’s “funnier than any other comedienne today.” So apparently she’s totally wowed the anhedoniac shut-in segment of the population.
Evidently tigris does not understand humour.
Well she did say fart. It doesn’t get any funnier than fart.
Live from New York, it’s Conservative Saturday Night! With Dennis Miller, Victoria Jackson, Tucker Carlson, Patricia Clarkson and Jon Voight. Tonight’s host: Bristol Palin. And musical guest: Hank Williams Jr.
Maybe not but I say Phyllis Diller is STILL funnier.
Well she did say fart. It doesn’t get any funnier than fart.
But she doesn’t. In the world of funny that Jeannie lives in, one can’t say such a vulgar word, one pussy-foots around it. Which is all part of the shenanigans!
They are truly pathetic.
Lenny fucking Bruce is currently funnier than Jeannie will ever be.
This comment was sarcasm, right?
“Ms. DeAngelis, you remain my all time favorite contributor to this prestigious forum of intellectually stimulating articles. Your articles always inform with facts and humor to the edification and delight of your readers. Thank God for your skills and clarity of writing. God bless you and the U.S.A.”
if you ever decide to give up writing for AT, perhaps if a conservative started a television network, you could be head writer for the Conservative Saturday Night Live.
Maybe they could revive the “Half Hour News Hour”- that seemed to work out well for them.
Also, kale is delicious- kale chips, kale with white beans, kale sauteed with pine nuts, golden raisins, and garlic, kale on a stick…
Ewww. It smells like dragon farts in here.
Jeannie projects her own digestive problems
Truer words seldom typed.
Dear Wiley,
I’ve written to The Onion and told them to be a little more politically correct next time because that particular piece may be upsetting to many people who ardently supported the useless wars that put so many of our young men and women into that exact same position.
We can’t risk upsetting the patriotic wankers who were all gung ho to send our young men to Iraq and Afghanistan for no reason other than to make George W. Bush look like a master of foreign policy.
To perfectly honest, I don’t see much humor in it either.
But that doesn’t mean it isn’t something that needs to be said.
Funny, reading Jeannie DeAngelis makes ME fart.
god, those commentors are incredibly stupid…
some mangoes:
gets this reply from jeannie:
actual reading materials for the above commentater are apparently lacking…those words do not mean what you think they mean, dude…
and this is just weird:
has this one gone beyond farts and is actually talking about bowel movements? jeannie must be rofl-ing at this one!
actually, maybe that first commentor is a poe?
perhaps if a conservative started a television network
Well, let’s just see … there’s something called a “Fox” network, owned by a wretched Australian Catholic fascist, & it has a whole 90 mins. every Sat. night which it uses to rerun episodes of something called Touch, & then something called 30 Seconds to Fame. Maybe you could write them a letter w/ your excellent suggestion.
Y’know, I like Jeannie, she ‘s “funny” & all, but I still miss Robin o’ Berkeley’s graceful presence in the pp. of the AmThink.
Ewww. It smells like dragon farts in here.
No, that’s just the durian chips.
More military suicides, since you mention it; I wouldn’t have if you hadn’t.
More military suicides, since you mention it; I wouldn’t have if you hadn’t.
d’oh…they gotta long way to go to reach the onion’s brilliance…although it’s prolly hilarious if you are enlisted?
I read the rape one afterward. Like the military story, it’s heart-wrenching and appropriately simmering with anger.
This is exactly what people who cheered for the war should be reading.
Since M. Bouffant brought it up, I’ll check out his link.
Jeannie projects her own digestive problems
Don’t we all?
Army now funding research into anti-suicide nasal spray.
Sadly, not satire.
Is funny, M. Bouffant. Thnx.
Speaking of kale is delicious, I just ran across this kale salad this morning. And look, another Brooklyn restaurant! Give it up guys, you’ll never be Portland.
Fuck them and their nasal spray. Stop-loss combined with psychoactive drug cocktails being given to troops while deployed is a recipe for suicide. It would not surprise me if five years from now there are more veterans of Viet Nam alive than from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
I’ll take this over that.
Happy story of the day.
People eating food that isn’t processed garbage MAKE JEANNIE ANGRY! Go back in your bottle, whore.
Couldn’t she have left the fart jokes up to the kids? I’m sure the jokes the kids made at the dinner were funnier.
Sorta related: I wonder what the brilliant people at Amerikan Stinker (tagline: “Our fart jokes are the funniest!”) will make of this:
Obama’s campaign bus carries it’s own White-House-brewed beer.
Fuck them and their nasal spray
Indeed, wiley. This is the equivalent of the Apple factories in China, addressing the brutal conditions that were driving computer-assembly staff to jump out the factory window, by installing nets to catch them.
If any non-army employer were to respond to rising levels of work-related suicide by researching better drugs to give the staff, surely there would be some sort of outcry.
I am a little concerned about the details of the anti-suicide nasal spray, which would use an experimental drug-delivery mechanism to reach the blood via the nose:
"The neuropeptides would be incorporated into biodegradable nanoparticles that dissolve at a controlled rate designed to deliver appropriate doses of the drug to the brain over time".
The military is funding this research because the commercial pharmaceutical industry doesn’t want a bar of it.
There’s just no payoff to trolling these days.
Is cliche-avoidant Jonah Goldberg still perseverating on the words “thumbless grasp”? Google says Yes.
Do you think he knows he’s doing that? Maybe it’s a nervous tic or something.
Someone needs to tell Jonah that wanking is much easier if one includes the thumb in operating one’s grasping hand.
I was really shocked at the anti-war rallies a few years ago* by how callous the “support our troops” counter-protesters were. The consensus was that our soldiers had it coming to them for enlisting, whatever “it” turned out to be.
It’s fun, because three populations that have severely limited rights are soldiers, prisoners, and undocumented immigrants. I guess that as long as people have a choice between the military and a jail cell, they can feel like they have some freedom, and “illegals” provide a nice scapegoat and sense of superiority.
Crabs in a barrel.
*under a former president, when we still protested these things
The Gazoogle tells us of 12 occurrences of “thumbless grasp” within Goldberg’s on-line oeuvre, with a lucky 13th appearance in Liberal Fascism (“[Lerner’s] thumbless grasp of the true nature of fascism”).
Jonah’s epigones — yes, they exist! — advertise their allegiance by using the same words. Jay Wiley, for instance.
Why do you pick on poor Pantload so much? Just because his thumb is firmly ensconced in a region we shall give no moar thought to, that is not license to mock his physical disability. Imagine the difficulties he must have conveying Cheetos to his input orifice.
Smut, I didn’t know you have a blog – it’s delightful!
Wiley STARTS wonderfully.
Miskatonic University might well extend back through the millenia, through ageless punctures in time that professors of what men dare to call Physics carefully ignore save when in the cold moonless night they hear a distant agonizing scream.
Smut’s blog is required reading. You will unlearn much.
I have nothing against the time-honored tradition of putting things up one’s nose to help ameliorate the general awfulness of being shot at, but it does seem a little bit…overbearing…to inject a government middleman into the equation.
Smut, I have to reject the implication of pharma wanting no part of this game being the ethical implications of the research. (I contract with pharma in a research capacity all the time.) They’d be interested if the investigational product (which is actually FDA-approved as a diagnostic agent) wasn’t a hormone discovered in 1969 and therefore impossible to patent. It’s simply not a profitable agent to pursue. Government grants are therefore the only recourse for the scientists studying this hormone.
The grant writers, rightly or wrongly, have been able to spin this agent as a potential viable antidepressant to the satisfaction U.S. Army. They’re still quite a length from proving this is the case, but that’s what you do to get your projects funded.
He clasps the crag with thumbless hands;
Close to the heater in cheeto land ,
Ringed by the basement walls, he slumps.
The wrinkled keys beneath him crawl;
He snoozes until Spongebob starts,
And like a thunderbolt, he farts.
For future reference I leave at least 2 typos in each post to show it’s authentic. As we all know, morphing trolls cannot help but type with perfect grammar and speling, so this is obviously a failproof strategy which requires no further thought on your partt.
I don’t know nothin’ ’bout morphin’ no trolls.
I did not mean to cast aspersions on this fine establishment by suggestin’ any unseemly things. I am just here to nurse this sasparilla.
Smut, I didn’t know you have a blog
It’s actually Another Kiwi’s but he lets me lurk there.
Smut, I have to reject the implication of pharma wanting no part of this game being the ethical implications of the research
I have learned stuff today!
Is this nanoparticle delivery vehicle in much use yet? I would rather not be the first person to be dosed with tiny particles passing physically up through the nose and through the blood-brain barrier, however biodegradable they might be once they are in the neurons.
Must go, kids on my lawn, BRB.
Sweet Jebus, that article is a construction paper chain of cherry-picked anecdotes, zombie fallacies, pathetic attempts at snark (mostly consisting of intentionally hyperbolic modifiers), and entirely contrived “facts” — all reinforcing the hateful stereotypes about the Obamas.
I’ve given up fucking with NoScript and Ghostery to get Disqus to work, so I’ll have to pick my mangoes from TFA:
See, that’s funny* because the occupied White House serves furriners surf and turf but the illegitimate First Lady serves US kids cabbage.
See, that’s funny* because smelly vegetarian liberal hippies like Michelle Obama don’t tolerate even the mention of beef, much less its flavor or aroma. Because the boy interviewed was served cabbage and kale when he wants steak.
See, that’s funny* because liberals are the ones who treat every child like a special snowflake and give trophies for participation and don’t beat their children for coming in second. Because liberals are the ones who don’t have contempt for everyone who doesn’t take first place. Because liberals are the ones who hate the winners**.
See, that’s funny* because Obummer is a narcissist sociopathic muslim socialist who only cares about himself and sharia law. Not because people who visit the White House want to know more about the president as a everyday person and feel connected to him, or because the subject was recipes and cooking or anything. And he certainly wasn’t trying to be humble there, no that was clearly his hate for America showing.
OMFGLOLROTFLMAOTSETUNG that’s a hilarious double shot* because Nobama totally beleives entrepreneurs are responsible for absolutely none of their success***, and because there’s a picture on the internet of the Kenyan with a fly on his lip**** making him look like one of those starving African refugees that you used to see on those old Sally Struthers commercials.
See, that’s funny* because there’s no way that the food could have tasted good if it was prepared by Mrs. Obama, anyone who works at the White House, anyone who participated in the Healthy Lunchtime Challenge or any liberal vegetarian democrat at all. Her food sucks, har har!
There’s more but I gotta get some work done tonite… in fact I’m even out of time to grammar or spell check so I pre-emptively call a Simon Wiesenthal on any grammar Nazis.
* Actually, it’s not funny. It’s just a lame substitute of stereotype for comedy. But then reinforcement of hateful stereotypes is what constitutes humor for conservatives.
** Unless the winner is black and the contest is the US Presidential Election. And honestly, I doubt this reminder was issued at all.
*** No he doesn’t.
**** Which is totally photoshopped (you can tell by the pixels).
It’s actually Another Kiwi’s but he lets me lurk there.
Oh that makes sense – it’s probably much closer for you. Is New Zealand very large?
I’ve given up fucking with NoScript and Ghostery to get Disqus to work
Don’t know about NoScript, but with Ghostery if you click on the little blue ghost and hover over disqus in the list you can re-enable it.
. Is New Zealand very large?
How high is the sky? How deep the ocean?
Disqus works with NoScript.
Is New Zealand very large?
Well, the West Island’s quite large.
So, Jeannie is all upset that Michelle is working to solve the childhood obesity problem while at the same time solving the energy crisis?
(See, fart jokes can be funny if done right)
We do not talk of that island, Magpie
– Total 268,021 km2 (75th)
103,483 sq mi
– Water (%) 1.6[n 5]
– March 2012 estimate 4,430,400[6] (122nd)
– 2006 census 4,027,947[7]
– Density 16.5/km2 (202nd)
42.7/sq mi
– March 2012 estimate 4,430,400
So…roughly the same as Brooklyn and Queens taken together.
But with more stranger wildlife.
And then there’s Jonah calling out someone else’s innapropriate use of cliches. That’s just a case of the Pantload calling the toilet shitty.
Also, 10% population increase in 6 years? WTF? Did the condom boat not show up?
Also, 10% population increase in 6 years? WTF?
Especially strange since all the elves are leaving…
Also, 10% population increase in 6 years? WTF? Did the condom boat not show up?
I expect there was a big surge after 2008. What with all those True Americans fleeing the Obama internment camps and all.
The advent of electricity has created new efficiencies in the census office
What with all those True Americans fleeing the Obama internment camps and all.
I’d have to see the corresponding stats on IQ decrease to accept that theory.
Hobbits count and they breed like things that end in “bbits” that I forget the name of.
I’m surprised nobody spotted that the black beans were an homage to Blazing Saddles – “Can we have some more beans, Mr. Taggert?”
I just commented on a new Cerebus post that subsequently vanished.
I’d love to visit New Zealand but I would have to spend far too many hours in a pressurized aluminum tube to get there.
I would have to spend far too many hours in a pressurized aluminum tube to get there.
I can believe many things, Major, but expecting me to accept that you are an expensive cigar is really not going to happen.
It needed to make a comeback.
I am reading a whole blart thread.
It’s a Blartmas miracle
That’s a lot of goddamned Blarting.
It’s Blartastic!
I would have to spend far too many hours in a pressurized aluminum tube to get there.
At the mercy of some unqualified risk-taking jackass at the controls.
You *are* talking about a submarine, right?
You *are* talking about a submarine, right?
I heard no mention of semen.
Blart is cooling! Don’t let the scientific conspiracy, brainwash you.
Conditions will be Blartic
The rise in the blart level should concern us all.
White House Executive Chef Cris Comerford plates Quinoa Black Bean and Corn Salad… The salad was a winning recipe from Haile Thomas, 11, of Arizona.
So, she just savaged a dish created by an eleven year old girl. What a twatwaffle.
I just commented on a new Cerebus post that subsequently vanished.
I hit the wrong button.
Also, I misspelled our gracious
hostowner’s name.Obama?
It’s pronounced “shar-day.”
If only Cerberus could tell me how to string together words and numerous buzzwords, to make my post look important and critical.
I don’t know why anybody would want to read a post by a misogynistic aardvark anyway.
I am so going to be Miss Kitty in the Kochstone town.
I will get a beauty spot and everything
While Monday while you all were working hard here or elsewhere, worrying about Brian Fisher and others, Romney and Ryan presented themselves to the New Hampshire voters for scrutiny.
Oops, no the campaign canceled the tickets of the New Hampshire residents and threw them out of the place like dogs.
But there was the group “Americans for Inequality” just outside..
I don’t know why anybody would want to read a post by a misogynistic aardvark anyway.
Any post by an Australian / NZ spice & sauce supplier is a post worth reading.
I hit the wrong button.
So say we all.
I’m not going to live this one down anytime soon, am I?
Came back and realized the absurd length of the above… that’s what happens when I stop lurking.
And yes, I have diddled with both the Snaky ‘S’ button and the Blue Ghost button at great length, and still can’t get comments on American Stinker to show up, at least not without completely disabling them both.
And in other news: Chinese Fire Drills are evolving
Oh so that’s how it is! People make comments and I google stuff and end up learning things??? (eg Cerberus, WTF is up with Sim)!
Well maybe not, maybe I haven’t learnt anything.
HA HA you can’t make me learn stuff!!!
Bill Koch? Yup, living in Westworld II is creepy.
Isaac may attend the GOP convention:
…Republicans will gather in Tampa next week to nominate Mitt Romney for president and Paul Ryan for vice president. GOP and Tampa officials say they have contingency plans in case a storm blows through….
Some additional mango fisking:
Because there is no reason other than hypocrisy to treat a State dinner for a visiting foreign dignitary differently than a meal specifically promoting healthy eating among children.
Additional mangos?
All the bizarre quotes of Obama doing the standard “adult talking to kid” rhetoric as if this was some sort of proof that the President was some conservative-intellectual-level idiot.
I’m not even sure she understood what her point was with it all other than “scary black man can do no right”.
It is a wonderful example though of how if you show a wingnut a Rorschach test, they’ll see an army of black lesbian muslims coming to steal their potato chips and diarrhea-inducing all-meat diets.
Dear Jeannie DeAngelis:
Another Kiwi said,
August 22, 2012 at 5:35
I am so going to be Miss Kitty in the Kochstone town.
I will get a beauty spot and everything
I’ve got two bits. Gonna throw a leg over me?
The fact is the fart is sentral to her point.
Is this nanoparticle delivery vehicle in much use yet? I would rather not be the first person to be dosed with tiny particles passing physically up through the nose and through the blood-brain barrier, however biodegradable they might be once they are in the neurons.
There’s a billion applications in development from the medical material science outfit right now, but my personal experience with that development area is limited. However, I don’t think your instinctive discomfort is too far off the mark – nanoparticle delivery systems have shown promise but yikes guys the blood-brain barrier ain’t there for show.
Wild Wild West starring Mr. Bill Koch: oh brother. Listen, fetishing the pop culture myths of the western genre has a fair probability of making me uncomfortable even when it’s being handled by someone with a good understanding of the inherent problems facing of modern renderings of same. Building that genre into a plutocrat’s private tree fort? I’m going to assume this wave of nausea and bile I’m experiencing is the appropriate physiological response.
Fortunately for highway engineers, the jersey barrier beat out the blood/brain barrier in crash testing.
Global warming news:
An oceanfront home without the inconvenience of moving! Oh boy!
An oceanfront home without the inconvenience of moving! Oh boy!
Cool, but this will be the view from my living room.
Cerulean blue is a very soothing color.
Headlines; how do they work?
The fact is the fart is scentral to her point.
fixed for more juveniality…
The Arctic ice cap is melting at a startlingly rapid rate and may shrink to its smallest-ever level within weeks as the planet’s temperatures rise, US scientists said Tuesday.
i just learned from some show or other on h2 that seeds for virtually every foodstuff which is grown are stored in a seed bunker somewheres in norway…they built it in a cave 200 feet above sea level so it will stay dry even if the arctic ice cap melts completely away…so, we got that going for us…it’s also armageddeon proof…although i highly doubt that if everyone goes nuclear at the same time, that there will be any time for gardening…
Headlines; how do they work?
omg…i refuse to read an article with ‘pussies’ in the headline and ‘distinctive stains’ in it’s first line…also, too i did actually read most of it and was reminded of the weekly bilge in our local paper…of which there was a couple of odious *editorials*…on being ‘why did i get my tax return back? under ‘dependents’ i claimed all the illegals and welfare bums…who did i miss?!? and another diatribe against obama which was sourced from a chain email…our future…i weep for it…
“…although i highly doubt that if everyone goes nuclear at the same time, that there will be any time for gardening…”
But imagine the aftermath of crops that genetically engineer themselves!
The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds
The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds
enh…this was the first play that i ever directed…hey, i wasn’t very original back then…
The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds
Great; you just gave Marvel Comics an idea for another shitty crisis crossover.
MARIGOLD HULK SMASH! is somehow lacking in terror.
The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds
Where triffids come from.
I actually don’t mind the western playtoy town as much. I wish this was the sort of shit more billionaires got up to, because it illustrates vividly to anyone who looks, how different the .001% really are. If you and I love westerns, we can read some Louis L’Amour or go watch Rio Bravo or something. Richer people can go to a dude ranch. Even richer people can own horses and saddles and cowboy costumes. This jackass gets to build his own little potemkin village complete with saloons and steam trains and general stores and dozens of authentic old west stereotypes. But the impulse is recognizable, he is indulging his own little obsession on his own time and with his own dime* and not hurting any more people than it took to get that rich in the first place. Who among us, if we were billionaires could resist the self indulgent urge in our own way, in between our no doubt more and better charity efforts?
I’d rather this guy built a dozen little villages rather than continue to corrupt our national political process the way the Koch brothers have been doing. Clearly he’s got enough money to do both, but even so, every dollar he spends playing wyatt earp is another dollar he can’t spend electing some hateful ignorant jackass. Some day Mr Koch is going to die. At that point his heirs may decide to turn that place into a museum, that actually could educate people. I’d rather that money got spent than sat just accumulating interest doing no one that needs it any good. This is the action of a “job creator” that actually creates jobs. If it is damning him for faint praise for not using that bit of his fortune for burning down the remnants of civil society in this country, well so be it. It’s not like the ultra rich in this country haven’t spent the last 30 years trying to recapture the brutality of the gilded age, we might as well get some toy towns out of it.
*granted he ought to have fewer of those dimes if we had any kind of socially responsible tax policy in this country, but that is another rant
Helmut Monotreme said,
August 22, 2012 at 17:54
your thoughts…they provoke me…
commenter mark f over at lgm had the exact same thought i did:
You’d think you’d at least want an E.B. Farnum and Richardson traipsing around for your amusement.
i would also throw the brady bunch in there for good measure…
The ideal sea-level rise for me is about 60 metres.
not a fan of Florida?
When I was in SAC we had to study the effects of nuclear weapons. In a full scale nuclear exchange with what the Soviets had at the time, nothing east of the Mississippi would have survived and very little west of it.
My B-52 targets had us putting the third or fourth weapon on any given target. That’s how much overkill was built into the war plans.
I had 16 nuclear weapons my plane, and these weren’t “tactical” nukes. These were what we called “crowd pleasers”.
These were what we called “crowd pleasers”.
they made people ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’?
I wish this was the sort of shit more billionaires got up to, because it illustrates vividly to anyone who looks, how different the .001% really are.
Wasn’t this in “Diamonds are Forever”–the novel, not that homophobic piece of shit movie? IIRC, the evil gazillionaire was obsessed with all things Old West and dressed himself and his henchmen in cowboy costumes. Bond and The Girl escaped in a replica steam locomotive.
Oh James, where are you now that we need you?
Left a comment for Goodwin. It’s written in hangover, though, so it may be a little difficult to understand.
Oh James, where are you now that we need you?
Dealing with Stieg Larsen’s ridiculous plots.
MARIGOLD HULK SMASH! is somehow lacking in terror.
Sez you. You obvious don’t have allergies.
BLOG WHORE: I’ve got people stealing a building at my place: http://nedbeaumontjr.wordpress.com/2012/08/22/stop-thief/
I prefer some ergies to allergies.
The ideal sea-level rise for me is about 60 metres.
Alas, I would live just offshore of a little island.
Alas, I would live just offshore of a little island.
I would be part of the Great Florida Artificial Reef System.
Alas, I would live just offshore of a little island.
I would be part of the Great Florida Artificial Reef System.
since i suck at geography and topography, imma assume western mn will still be high and dry in the middle of nowhere…
Ok, the Great Florida Artificial reef system would make for some fantastic SCUBA diving, but the amount of pollution that would suddenly put in the water would leave an unsightly ring around the new shoreline of the Caribbean, the Gulf of what’s left of Mexico and new eastern shore of the US.
Waterworld is underrated.
Spokane survives the flood. Besides, I’m building an ark right now.
Kale is the weinerschnitzel of Liberal Fascism!
Sorry, arugula – you’re yesterday’s news now.
Global warming news:
In itself, that’s GREAT news for overseas shippers – they’ve been wishing there was a Polar Passage for ages.
So, are those grumpy hippies just peeing on the Free Market’s parade by calling this Arctic meltdown a disaster?
Sadly, no! (WARNING: Scary As Fuck)
Sadly, no! (WARNING: Scary As Fuck)
See, I was just trying to recover from a rather nasty hangover. Now I think I’ll just get drunk again.
The ideal sea-level rise for me is about 60 metres.
Kinda neat how even at 60 m, the west coast seems relatively unaffected, but good bye PEI. Also the new inland sea solves the Separatist’s problem of all them Quebec Anglos.
What is PS 131? The google makes reference to Psalms, but it doesn’t seem to be what Jeannie refers to. It’s tough to understand foreign wingnuts.
Aw, I was just on PEI. It was purty. Gahan House was pretty good, too.
PS 131:
See, I was just trying to recover from a rather nasty hangover. Now I think I’ll just get drunk again.
I’ve always considered that the best cure for a nasty hangover. (Screw the hair of the dog, gimme the whole mutt.)
Meanwhile, I’ve sent an Email to Christine O’donnell. I’ve asked her for contact information of those scientists she knows who have created the mouse-human hybrids. I’m going to ask them if they can fix me up with some gills.
Public schools kids stink? People in Brooklyn fart? This de Angelis person is too much of a comédienne for me, I guess.
I researched demographics of PS131 and the Brooklyn neighborhoods around there, verifying my inference that Ms DeAngelis was referring to a lunchroom full of little black kids. Best I could find is that the neighborhood is roughly mixed 40/40/20 white/black/other with an Hasidic enclave not too far away so I threw away my inference.
My suspicion is that she just picked a random NYC public school, or that there’s some other dogwhistle there that is beyond the range of my hearing.
Why does God hate the GOP?
Vileness having no limit, this must be high-frequency dog whistle indeed.
Hey ladies. You should vote for Alpha Mitt.
What is PS 131? The google makes reference to Psalms, but it doesn’t seem to be what Jeannie refers to. It’s tough to understand foreign wingnuts.
I think she meant Psalms 13:1:
“How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever?
How long will You hide Your face from me?”
‘Cause when you’ve got the wind even God makes excuses to leave the room. Even though it is His fault, He’s the one that made you that way.
When I look at S,N! from my google reader feed I can see Cerb’s on-deck post. I’d hate to give anything away but I will give away one thing : No toilets.
btw, whatever happened to Actor212?
Going for a double whammy by dog whistling AND having a religious reference would be lost on her audience, though.
Look up Acme Labs.
The plaid! The plaid!
Wonkette did a great piece on this.
Well plaid, sir!
Golf clap
Not really shocking that the supporters of the Tea Party, which is steeped entirely in the spoiled-child mentality of “LALALALALA NOT LISTENING” and “YOU CAN’T MAKE ME, NUH-UH”, would start coming out against eating vegetables.
On the positive side, if we can convince all the teahadis to stuff themselves on Chick-Fil-A and avoid commie veggies for a few years it’ll thin their numbers (by fattening their waistlines).
For the double-crazies, tell them that the plan above is actually a sekrit UN plot to feed them all to aliens, and hope they starve themselves to death in their bunkers…
Kinda neat how even at 60 m, the west coast seems relatively unaffected
California would be! No more Stockton, Modesto, Merced, Sacramento, Palo Alto, San Jose, Orange County… huh.
PUBLIC SCHOOL! Goddam tax and spend liberals… Shoulda been a charter school, or better yet a gaggle of home-schooled urchins.
Hmm… I’m honestly not seeing a whole lotta downside…
You are invited to see his etchings over at Wonkette.
California would be!
Not compared to the East Coast. Relatively speaking, the coast with all the mountains is less impacted by sea level rise.
Hey ladies. You should vote for Alpha Mitt.
Ha ha Obama has daughters so he is practically a WOMAN! And there’s nothing worse than that, am I right! Vote for Mitt, little ladies!
I do so try to be a good person, but I hope very soon to read that writer has died in some sort of embarrassing fashion.
Hey ladies. You should vote for Alpha Mitt.
hey kevin williamson…on behalf of all the ladies, let me offer you a hearty FUCK YOU!
btw, whatever happened to Actor212?
shut up! i was just wondering this myself this morning!
but I hope very soon to read that writer has died in some sort of embarrassing fashion.
preferably with the involvement of scuba suits and dildos…
Thanks, I’m good.
” I hope very soon to read that writer has died in some sort of embarrassing fashion.”
Personally, I hope he is relegated to writing for a third-rate right-wing publication that is only read by morons and snarkists trolling for humor.
for those who need to know, jeannie has now garnered 18 comments…the last being perhaps the finest in it’s wingnut paranoia:
he fact is that this is all a distraction carefully cooked up to keep people from seeing the real Barry Sotero. Kale is the national vegetable of Indonesia. This hasn’t got by those who know.
submitted by one ‘darvon’…who may or may not be gary ruppert hopped up on prescription meds…
Hank Williams Jr. just made news by bellowing that Obama “hates farming”. Aren’t all of those vegetables the wingnuts don’t want forced down their throats a product of…FARMING? – J. Neo Marvin
I am sure that by “farming” Hank Williams, Jr. is not referring to Johnny Cash’s family and their small farm in the bottom-lands in AK and certainly not to small, locovore-beloved growers of organic vegetables, but rather to Patricia Woertz, Gary Rodkin and Hugh Grant (no, not that Hugh Grant).
BTW, as to Wiley’s comments, does the bill help the aforementioned CEOs keep their “family farms” afloat during this drought? If not, then you can see why Obama hates
big agribusinessfamily farmers.I used to live in Merced. I don’t think it would be missed.
Definitely Gary Ruppert. Though he seldom screws up when typing “The fact is”. What kind of meds would cause this?
Kale is the national vegetable of Indonesia.
I feel certain this person is joking.
Who is this Barry Sotero guy? He sounds like a dick.
he fact is that this is all a distraction carefully cooked up to keep people from seeing the real Barry Sotero. Kale is the national vegetable of Indonesia. This hasn’t got by those who know.
As Meaty O’Sober or whatever his name is pointed out, trolling goes unrewarded.
I’m in Reno today. Not really my favorite place. Hot, dry and dusty. Kind of like Vegas but with 50% more despair.
The company deadheaded me here, so I had to jumpseat to Memphis yesterday morning and then take Delta through Salt Lake City. Of course we were over an hour late getting out of SLC.
By then the contracted taxi to the hotel had given up and left so I had to make my own way there.
I used to live in Merced.
You call that living?
Normally I don’t suggest targets for the next post, because it’s not my blog and there are so many that my help isn’t really needed. But I really have to draw Sadly’s attention to this. Sample:
Professor Obama? Two daughters. May as well give the guy a cardigan. And fallopian tubes.
Goddamn it. a 60+ meter sea level rise will mess up 100+ years of collective surfing knowledge. Where will all of the new breaks be? Where are the rips? Are they right handed or left handed? It could take a lifetime to acquire and record this knowledge. I volunteer.
The only good thing about Merced was that it was within a half day’s drive from anything you wanted to do. Beach, mountains, wine country, Yosemite, San Francisco, Lake Tahoe etc.
Where will all of the new breaks be? Where are the rips? Are they right handed or left handed? It could take a lifetime to acquire and record this knowledge. I volunteer.
Careful. If you’re anywhere near the Gulf Coast or Southeastern US, the water will be LITTERED WITH DOUCHE. It’s hard to get that stuff off your stick.
“The only good thing about Merced was that it was within a half day’s drive from anything you wanted to do. Beach, mountains, wine country, Yosemite, San Francisco, Lake Tahoe etc.”
Damn, Major. That was my rationale for almost moving to Fresno a few years ago. Srsly!
Where will all of the new breaks be? Where are the rips?
Get a current topo map and look for the word “piedmont.”
“Little blue beanies”
Neither do I and I live in one of the communities so affected. Think of the water skiing opportunities on an inland sea! Chico-Fresno powerboat races! Shark noodling!
Hey ladies. You should vote for Alpha Mitt.
Uh oh …
NRO never should’ve outsourced its wheel-hamsters to Pakistan.
Those dependable Lithuanian sweatshop hamsters of yore wouldn’t let this outrage happen!
NRO has conveniently disappeared the fact that the previous President and Vice President also had two daughters.
No, the whole site’s fucked.
Can stupid, by itself, screw with http?
It hasn’t been removed. It’s actually the cover article in the print edition.
My wife’s from Modesto, and she’d agree with Kong and Pup. We’re traveling there this weekend to visit her sister, in fact. I’d rather never go there again.
And perhaps not coincidentally, if the oceans rose 60m and turned the Central Valley into an inland sea, half of the cities appearing on the List of Top 10 Hottest Cities for Auto Theft would be submerged.
The last time I was at Beale AFB I was told that Marysville/Yuba City was the meth capitol of California.
First time I ever got ahem’d by a new post.
No, the whole site’s fucked.
Oh wow, that is one epic crash:
… & on & on & on …
Surely nobody could’ve predicted that the Pakistani hamsters would be sleeper-cell L33T hackers working for the ISI!
Todd Akin’s belief system revealed.
Not sure if this has made its way here yet. Ahem if appropriate.
Hmm. Pusher.
This must be the work of fiendish Chinese hamsters!!
Even richer people can own horses and saddles and cowboy costumes.
‘Cause when you’ve got the wind even God makes excuses to leave the room.
God’s the worst feckin’ offender.
“Hey Adam, pull my finger!”
“No, Moses, you can’t see my face, but I’m gonna show you my bum… Oh! SORRY!”
Right-wingers fart from the other end.
Wasn’t this in “Diamonds are Forever”–the novel, not that homophobic piece of shit movie?
HAHAHA OH WOW you thought the novel wasn’t homophobic?
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I would recommend that everybody read this actos and bladder cancer document . The page gives excellent details regarding actos and bladder cancer. The relationship among the drug, Actos, and bladder cancer is becoming researched in a assortment of study projects. In distinct, there is an ongoing 10 year review that has brought on the FDA to enhance its warnings concerning the use of Actos, and the hazards to people currently acknowledged to be at chance for bladder cancer, such as these with earlier expertise of bladder cancer.
Hundreds of lawsuits have been filed in federal court, in which they have been consolidated into a multidistrict litigation. Choosing a law firm that will best signify you in an Actos case may possibly appear too much to handle. The greatest Actos law firm will not ensure a financial settlement, but will make clear how the legal approach functions and give you an overview of what to assume.
Look into this great actos and bladder cancer url. It has important tips with regards to actos and bladder cancer which you might find valuable in making decisions. The relationship amongst the drug, Actos, and bladder cancer is getting researched in a range of study tasks. In certain, there is an ongoing 10 12 months research that has brought on the FDA to increase its warnings relating to the use of Actos, and the hazards to people presently recognized to be at chance for bladder cancer, like people with previous knowledge of bladder cancer.
Hundreds of lawsuits have been filed in federal court, wherever they have been consolidated into a multidistrict litigation. Picking a law firm that will greatest stand for you in an Actos case may look overpowering. The ideal Actos lawyer will not guarantee a financial settlement, but will explain how the authorized method functions and give you an overview of what to anticipate.
I’m delighted that I found this specific actos and bladder cancer web page link. The relationship between the drug, Actos, and bladder cancer is currently being analyzed in a range of research undertakings. In specific, there is an ongoing ten year research that has triggered the FDA to improve its warnings with regards to the use of Actos, and the dangers to those already known to be at threat for bladder cancer, like individuals with previous expertise of bladder cancer.
Hundreds of lawsuits have been submitted in federal court, wherever they have been consolidated into a multidistrict litigation. Selecting a attorney that will best represent you in an Actos case may possibly seem overpowering. The greatest Actos lawyer will not ensure a monetary settlement, but will make clear how the legitimate process works and give you an overview of what to expect.
Look at this fantastic actos and bladder cancer link for handy info. The link amongst the drug, Actos, and bladder cancer is currently being researched in a variety of analysis tasks. In distinct, there is an ongoing ten calendar year research that has brought on the FDA to increase its warnings relating to the use of Actos, and the hazards to people already recognized to be at chance for bladder cancer, including those with prior expertise of bladder cancer.
Hundreds of lawsuits have been submitted in federal court, where they have been consolidated into a multidistrict litigation. Deciding on a attorney that will very best stand for you in an Actos situation may possibly seem to be overpowering. The greatest Actos lawyer will not assure a monetary settlement, but will explain how the lawful procedure functions and give you an overview of what to expect.
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VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA–(Marketwire – Sept. 20, 2012) -North American Nickel Inc. (TSX VENTURE: NAN) (OTCBB:WSCRF)(CUSIP: 65704T 108) North American Nickel (“NAN”) is pleased to report that it has completed its first drill campaign at its 100% owned Maniitsoq project. Drilling commenced on August 26 and was completed on September 16. Nine diamond drill holes totalling 1,550 metres were drilled.
All nine holes have been logged and all mineralized intersections have been sampled. A total of 531 samples have been collected for assay. The samples are now on their way to Activation Laboratories for analysis and results are expected in four to eight weeks.
The holes tested electromagnetic (EM) anomalies associated with noritic rocks and nickel sulphide showings. The anomalies were outlined by SkyTEM and VTEM helicopter-borne, time domain, EM surveys flown by the company in 2011 and 2012. Crone Geophysics Ltd of Mississauga, Ontario surveyed eight of the holes with their 3-component borehole pulse EM (BHEM) system. Preliminary analysis has been completed and final analysis will be done before assay results are received.
Results from the drilling and BHEM surveys will be merged with the Company’s existing exploration database which will allow the NAN geological team to finalize its plans for the 2013 drill season at Maniitsoq.
The NAN website has been updated and shareholders are invited to visit the website for previous press releases and more information on NAN and the Maniitsoq project. The Company website is http://www.northamericannickel.com.
Earth’s Oldest Meteor Impact Site Discovered at North American Nickel’s
Maniitsoq Ni-Cu-PGE Project, Southwest Greenland
Vancouver, B.C. – July 10, 2012. North American Nickel Inc. (TSX VENTURE: NAN) (OTCBB: WSCRF) (CUSIP: 65704T 108). North American Nickel (“NAN”) is pleased to note that on June 28, 2012 the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (“GEUS”) announced that the Maniitsoq Structure represents “The remains of a gigantic, three-billion-year-old meteorite impact…” This announcement by GEUS coincided with the same day publication of a paper on this subject in the prestigious journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters (Elsevier) authored by Adam A. Garde, Iain McDonald, Brendan Dyck and Nynke Keulen.
In the paper, the authors postulate that crustally contaminated intrusions of the Greenland Norite Belt (GNB) are products of the impact. The GNB has been the focus of the NAN’s work at Maniitsoq since it initiated the project last year. NAN is interested in the GNB because it is aerially extensive (the main belt is over 70 km long and up to 15 km wide), is comprised of noritic intrusions that show evidence of crustal contamination (believed to be important in the formation of nickel-copper sulphide ores), hosts numerous historical high-grade nickel occurrences (e.g. 9.85 m averaging 2.67% Ni and 0.60% Cu at the Imiak Hill showing) and is remarkably under-explored. investments
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