In Fact, Liberal Blogs That Don’t STFU Are The Real Haters, That’s What
Posted on August 15th, 2012 by Tintin
ABOVE: Anne Sorock
Shorter Anne Sorock, Le-g-al In-s-ur-ec-t-ile-d-ys-fu-nct-i-on:
HuffPo attacks Family Research Council just hours after shooting
- No one is allowed to criticize the Family Research Council ever again for any reason now that a security guard in the lobby of their building was shot in the arm.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
If anyone posts “first” I will kill them with my bare hands.
Now if that were true for NAF and PRCH, the abortion debate would be all over. 17 attempted murders and 6 doctors killed in 35 years? Yeah. Shut the fuck up and let our side win.
Um, relevant?
I hope you enjoyed tsam’s posts, because he will never make another one.
Shooter was probably victimized as a child by an adult following the “shower with boys and show them your penis” routine advocated by James “Sandusky” Dobson.
I hopped out of the boat and after a bit of confusion and following the link, I realized that the HuffPo article is about what rear-bagger Paul Ryan is. It had almost nothing to do with the FRC besides a mention of how big their Boners for Ryan club has “grown”.
Homoterrorism! Time for the NYPD to start “monitoring” the gay bars. Haaay!
I hope you enjoyed tsam’s posts, because he will never make another one.
It’s cool, bro. Nobody enjoyed them.
Hilarious comment from the swamp:
(referring to Paul Ryan)
The security guard was shot in the arm? His left wing or his right wing? Therein lies the answer to the shooter’s political leanings….
…For what could be more Alinsky
Than writing a thing I don’t like
About someone who had something happen to them
And who’d cheer on the death of a dyke
Oh what could be more Alinsky
Than pursuing political goals
That relate to the people we happen to hate
And would roast to death over hot coals
tsam – I did and I’m glad to see Bozo the Cocksucker hasn’t whacked you yet.
It would be funny if the shooter turned out to be a right wing nut who carried out the attack so that the FRC could be seen to be a victim of domestic terrorism – there’s nothing right wing nuts like more than to being able to whine how put upon they are and how the entire world is oppressing them.
She’s probably been angry about all the bad reviews that Dark Knight Rises has been receiving too.
It would be funny if the shooter turned out to be a right wing nut who carried out the attack so that the FRC could be seen to be a victim of domestic terrorism – there’s nothing right wing nuts like more than to being able to whine how put upon they are and how the entire world is oppressing them.
i’m thinking it might be somebody that was just pissed off at the security guard…you know, a domestic dispute, not terrorism…
dot proves to be very sage…
bbkf – now that would be really funny – if it was a gay domestic dispute.
“MSNBC Devotes Just 17 Seconds of Coverage to FRC Shooting; Downplays Possibility It Was Politically Motivated”
Some dick in NewsBusters – proves my point about whining right-wing nuts – I surprised they’re not demanding that Obama nukes the Netherlands or some such place.
Sweet living fuck. Another shooting.
What the fuck is wrong with us?
I’m glad to see Bozo the Cocksucker hasn’t whacked you yet.
Nobody will blame Bozo when he does, though….
yeah, so I posted one comment aghast at the violence, and an immediately subsequent one endorsing whacking another commenter….what’s your point?
“MSNBC Devotes Just 17 Seconds of Coverage to FRC Shooting; Downplays Possibility It Was Politically Motivated”
This post was written what, 45 seconds after the shooting?
It’s weird when the news is treated like theater. Here we have a real-life violent attack following closely on the heels of two armed massacres and the top item of interest is the relative portrayal of the events?
Heaven forbid that we should actually address what happened, how it happened, and how to prevent it – column space! venue!understated performance! three out of five stars.
Nobody’s interested in seeing zombies running naked through the thread.
Nobody’s interested in seeing zombies running naked through the thread.
Speak for yourself, bro!
yeah, so I posted one comment aghast at the violence, and an immediately subsequent one endorsing whacking another commenter….what’s your point?
Because that was ME you fucking architect.
My son was at that game. Which is particularly sad because he cares not at all about stick-and-ball sports.
On the bright side, this should ensure Felix gets a great contract with the Yankees.
300? NO WAY!
Huffington Post has an article promoted on its front page, published today at 1:36pm, from an “LGBT rights activist” referring to the Family Research Council as an “extreme right-wing group” and a “hate group”
Actually, the HuffPo link just says the SPLC calls them a hate group. I’m curious why the person didn’t deny it but just whined about it, as if it were beyond the pale even to say such a thing, no matter how well supported the charge might be.
Nobody’s interested in seeing zombies running naked through the thread.
I got a tenner says a foot falls off first.
I got a tenner says a foot falls off first.
I’ll take that. That’s nowhere near a foot.
On the bright side, this should ensure Felix gets a great contract with the Yankees.
Because that was ME you fucking architect.
Don’t go FIRSTing, bro.
I’ll take that. That’s nowhere near a foot.
It falls off, it’s RIGHT NEXT TO a foot.
Or: Look, I just keep stapling them on until I get to a foot.
I’ll take that. That’s nowhere near a foot.
There’s also a joke to be made about engineers, but I started drinking early.
Don’t go FIRSTing, bro.
It was an ironic firsting because I could clearly see that I wasn’t first. Therefore, it was totally hipster–something an architectural zombie should appreciate.
I imagine that the Family Research Council was shot up by a member of the American Family Association.
Whacking the commenter
something an architectural zombie should appreciate.
Particularly a zombie who’s totally into FIRST.
I just keep stapling them on until I get to a foot.
You staple a foot to that and it’s sure to fall off.
Either the stapling or the foot makes you a better man than me.
FFFFFFFUUUUUUU I accidentally clicked through and accidentally glanced at the comments and now I am a hollow, unhappy thing. But the comments Link here contains byeautifuil pomes of great biaeuty. It smells and feels like a Sadly comment bonanza.
Sadly, no PENIS.
It was an ironic firsting because I could clearly see that I wasn’t first.
I originally read this as “an ironic fisting. Must be the subject matter of the post which made me think of kinky sexual practices.
It’d be amusing if the shooter was an angry recently-fired employee.
Sadly, no PENIS.
Well, it is about Douthat.
Threatening firsticide is far tackier than ironic firsting.
What are your thoughts on ironic fisting?
Wouldn’t you want someone who was really bung ho?
Also, too, in re: previous thread and rabid Malkins, I just rummaged through my copy of the internets and found an ancient chestnut of the type Rhabdoviridae Malkinus. Yes, artwhoring. Don’t care. Have become callous.
Substance once again brings the goatse.
And goatse usually brings on the substance, as well.
What are your thoughts on ironic fisting?
I’m not a fan, but hipster missionaries LOVE it.
Wouldn’t you want someone who was really bung ho?
I wouldn’t be surprised if a bung ho was into fisting.
Then it would be a family-oriented shooting, free of indecency.
But the comments Link here contains byeautifuil pomes of great biaeuty. It smells and feels like a Sadly comment bonanza.
‘Tis a pity I’m
a whoreagainst the whole “registry” thing, ‘cos I’d be on that thread like hagfish on a whale carcass:Do I dare
Disturb the villagers?
In a minute there is time
For decisions and revisions which a blast-fax will reverse.
I started to write an ode on a greasy earner or something, but forgot my username and gave up.
What are your thoughts on ironic fisting?
If it’s Lucy Liu getting the fists at 1:30, then I’m in favor of it.
Looks awesomer than Kill Bill!
I think it was irresponsible to have photoshopped that 5 o’clock shadow onto Anne Sorock (assuming it was photoshopped.)
We all know that conservatives rigidly conform to sexual stereotypes and liberals are the “tolerant” deviants. The toilet humor is one thing, but gender bending is quite another. This once again proves you liberals are the real bigots and meanies who lack civility.
Leave the good Americans alone!!!
I just rummaged through my copy of the internets and found an ancient chestnut of the type Rhabdoviridae Malkinus.
Equally historic.
Right. Gotta get to work on the Paul Ryan stuff.
Shame they’re going to make soylent green out of him now… RIP.
Shame they’re going to make soylent green out of him now… RIP.
Buggrit! Christopher Priest writes an obituary.
Who can forget “Star Smashers of the Galactic Rangers”?
OK, we’ve had a ton of people killed by conservative assholes with weapon fixations, including a terrorist attack on a house of worship, and right wingers yawn at the carnage and get mad when these incidents are correctly interpreted as terrorism. One whacko nicks a security guard in the arm at a lobbyist’s office, and they go nuclear? A little proportionality, knuckleheads.
And thanks for the guard. I doubt he agreed with the assholes he worked for, but he did a hell of a job.
The evil overlord ruled the land with an iron fisting!
I wouldn’t be surprised if a bung ho was into fisting.
Safe for work, perhaps unless you Google: Boon-Ga! Boon-Ga! “is an arcade game developed by a South Korean company, Taff System. It is the first arcade game to simulate kancho, a children’s prank popular in Japan where the victim is poked with two fingers in the anal region while distracted.” […]
“The object of Boong-Ga! Boong-Ga! is to score points by spanking or performing kancho on a model of a human posterior embedded in the game’s cabinet. A plastic finger is attached to the machine for players to perform the latter.
The game features eight characters players can punish: ‘Ex-Girlfriend’, ‘Ex-boyfriend’, ‘gangster’, ‘Mother In Law’, ‘Gold-digger’, ‘Prostitute’, ‘child molester’ and ‘Con-artist’. During gameplay, the facial expression of the chosen character is displayed on a monitor.
The game also dispenses cards that rate players on their ‘sexual behavior’, and for players who perform exceptionally well the machine will dispense a small plastic trophy in the shape of a pile of feces.”
I added a few exclamation marks — I think they’re appropriate.
Particularly a zombie who’s totally into FIRST.
If you would have included a link, that would have been awesomely well-played.
Right. Gotta get to work on the Paul Ryan stuff.
I’m pretty sure you can find a picture of Paul Ryan with 5 o clock shadow without photoshopping.
Work on putting a dick in his mouth.
One of you dontcha know.
It is the first arcade game to simulate kancho, a children’s prank popular in Japan where the victim is poked with two fingers in the anal region while distracted.” […]
Man, that’s disturbing… unsanitary, too.
Work on putting a dick in his mouth.
I’m sure Sheldon Adelson’s doing that in Vegas as we speak.
Makes Tempest seem even more lame.
It seems the shooter was—no lie–carrying a Chick-fil-A sandwich when he shot the guard. I guess we should be grateful he didn’t try to shoot up Chick-fil-A. (That asshole on the Daily Show was bad enough.)
Well then he must have been a right-winger if he was carrying a Chick-fil-A sandwich.
Not really, but that would be the Fox spin if it were the other way around.
It seems the shooter was—no lie–carrying a Chick-fil-A sandwich when he shot the guard.
He probably went to Chick-fil-A to spite “the queers”, then got pissed when he realized that he paid too much for a crappy chicken sandwich and decided to take it out on the grifters who steered him wrong.
he didn’t try to shoot up Chick-fil-A
Possible, I suppose, if you blend it fine enough.
We really cannot afford to lose Harry Harrison, really. Slippery Jim Di Griz was my hero for a long time.
Is his son named Harri Harryson?
Wow the Legal Insurrection commentariat is an unhinged group, ain’t they.
Holy shit! We’re in Olympia tonight for some reason or other I haven’t yet figured out. Anyway, a fifth of New Amsterdam is like 26 bucks! That’s what we pay for a 1.75. The big bottle here is $38! Half again the Oregon price. Costco fucked you guys BIG TIME!
“he didn’t try to shoot up Chick-fil-A”
Possible, I suppose, if you blend it fine enough.
I forget Smut’s a Dr.
I don’t even
Also, too… UFIA.
I forget Smut’s a Dr.
So he claims.
No scripts for ZRM!
We’re NASA and we know it!
Thanks Thread Bear, I really needed that. No I don’t have to buy vodka for a few more hours!
This just in: Jan Brewer is a spiteful, obnoxious bitch.
Who keeps voting for Jan Brewer and why? Every time I hear about her, she’s doing another horrible thing that really ought to get her fired and shunned from society at large.
Ok, so going back to the previous ‘guilt by association’ thread…
I saw Paul Ryan speaking at his alma mater, Miami of Ohio. You who ELSE went there? No, not Hitler. Ben Roethlisberger! Therefore, Paul Ryan is a spoiled brat rapist, as are all males who attend that college.
Who keeps voting for Jan Brewer and why? Every time I hear about her, she’s doing another horrible thing that really ought to get her fired and shunned from society at large.
I don’t get it either. I have spent lots of time in Arizona. I absolutely love the place, it is beautiful, and the hispanic culture (mostly the food) is perfect for me. But I saw SO MANY non-white faces down there. So I don’t know how this snatch and the rest of her hive keep getting elected. I’m going to have guess that some voter suppression is going on, along with some really generous financial backing from some John McCain types. Also, the Southern suburbs of Phoenix are a giant retirement community that rivals Florida–Northern whites, Californians….I’m sure that contributes heavily as well.
Whoa! Uniteds’ Taters beat Mexico in Mexico City. Winning goal scored by anchor baby, Michael Orozco Fiscal. Herr Klinsmann gemütlich! Noch mal ein bier bitte! Ole!
Who keeps voting for Jan Brewer and why?
Old white soreheads. There are a lot of them down there.
Yeah between Sheriff Joe and Jan Brewer, there’s something rotten in the state of Arizona. Between the obvious corruption and overreach of Sheriff Joe, and the mean-spirited nastiness of Jan, I’m sure they have the John Birch society vote locked up, but how do they keep beating the politicians that are less overtly evil?
I mean here in Wisconsin, for example, Tommy Thompson was more than happy to cut social programs and education, shovel money towards his cronies in the prison and construction industries and ignore poverty, but he’d do it with a smile on his face and the Wisconsin voters couldn’t get enough. Of course Scott Walker is an evil son-of-a-bitch through and through, and could give nasty lessons to rabid weasels, but he got elected on the strength of out of state money and opposition to high speed rail. So at least there was a reason why he got elected, I can figure out what those reasons would be in Arizona.
Am I just noticing this shit more, or has there been a dramatic uptick in this shit lately? Good goddamn hell, people. PUT YOUR FUCKING GUNS AWAY. If you have a problem to solve and think a gun is a solution, YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG.
I can figure out what those reasons would be in Arizona.
I think it’s the same phenomenon that’s getting establishment Repigs primaried out of their jobs by reactionary teabaggers all over the country. Hatemongering, fearmongering, jingoism, and speaking the language of your average undereducated, disillusioned, washed-up high school jock with a giant beer gut and evaporating hair line–angry over his station in life and looking for someone to blame besides that dreamy, dreamy man who was so kind in giving him a shit job with no benefits. It’s the same thing that got Reagan and W elected. It’s really amazing that we would ever even consider giving a guy with a fake Southern accent (or a real one for that matter), the executive power of the USA. We gave a guy who couldn’t pronounce the word nuclear the codes to the nukular arsenal! WTF PEOPLE?
Arizona is still majority white Anglo, but the Hispanic population is growing fast. To me it looks like typical white panic of the same kind (but lesser degree) as Jim Crow and apartheid. If the numbers are against you, try to beat back time with the cudgel of the law.
Of course it never works, but god damn they can get nasty.
And how well will that work out in 20 years, when someone else is holding the cudgel?
PUT YOUR FUCKING GUNS AWAY. If you have a problem to solve and think a gun is a solution, YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG.
But I’m angry NOW.
Arizona is a minor example – the origins of the Abrahamic religions are major examples – that living in the desert drives people crzy.
While living in dessert tends to pack on the pounds.
I’m trying to figure out if Edward Abbey’s “Desert Solitaire” proves or disproves your hypothesis.
You you liberals are on noticed, we got you dead to rights, nailed to the wall, jello punks, we need to put you all in jail now for hating freedom and america so much and using violence, just like you use emotion andger and hate and never facts and logic like we do.
You need camels, otherwise known as ships of the dessert, to carry the packs.
The fact is, the left has shwon once again was it always was and is — the side of violence, hate, emotion, no facts or logic, and no brains. Arrest all leftists now.
My first bicycle was a Shwon.
The fact is, also, the Left is so angry that a truth teller like Paul Ryan is on the scene. He will save USA from debt by cutting off all the moochers and rewarding productive investment.
The fact is, I can’t wait until liberal blogs and liberalsism is outlawed, along with sociaist presidents and we can get back to being GREAT again. And also kick out all the muslims and minorites.
nailed to the wall, jello punks
How do you nail jello to the wall?
How do you nail jello to the wall?
With a jello nailgun, duh.
How do you nail jello to the wall?
First, you leave the jello in the fridge for about 18 months.
(Oops, sorry Bozo, it was an accident.)
You’re not supposed to say FIRST
You’re not supposed to say FIRST
How about “the F-word?”
How about “the F-word?”
Let it fucking rip!
What’s with Repigs thinking they can just use whatever songs they like at their
cross burningsrallies?I’ve been pondering this “first” business. It seems that BtC actually shouted “first” in his unhinged liberal tirade against the patriotic practice of signifying that one was indeed first to post a comment on a very important topic. Violated his own edict, so to speak (and not in the good way).
On the other hand, I always thought “first shouting” was more appropriate at liberal weblog magazines with frequent commenters, all vying to post the word “first” first. Like Eschaton.
Do NOT fuck with the jello punks. Especially the little green cubes.
I’ve never really been into it, but it’s one of the few things that does not send me into a homicidal rage.
I think BtC usually opens with FUCK OFF! or something similar, which pretty much echoes my sentiments about the target of the post.
Charles Pierce is a big meanie.
The death of someone is truly sad, but only when murdered at the hand of a death-loving Liberal; or: the real source of hate and rage and murder and everythingbadthathaseverhappenedever in this Great Country™.
What is this “Left” I keep reading about?
I went to a typical work-related safety training class today. Mostly the usual shit we have to attend every few months at my job, but for the first time in my experience it included a brief film on what to do if someone walks into your workplace and starts shooting people.
what to do if someone walks into your workplace and starts shooting people.
I HOPE it instructed you to bust out your MAC10 and hose the fuckin joint down.
All employees have been issued flamethrowers and ample supplies of amphetamine.
Charles Pierce is a big meanie.
Well yes, that’s why I love him so. Charlie Cooke, on the other hand, is a dissembling fool.
All employees have been issued flamethrowers and ample supplies of amphetamine.
What could possibly go wrong?
Ah, so you work on Wall St. then?
what to do if someone walks into your workplace and starts shooting people.
Well, obviously, you unholster your concealed weapon-of-choice, end the ordeal, and then probably get mistaken by police as the perpetrator.
“Charles Pierce is a big meanie.”
That article deserves a thorough fisking. You won’t see one from me, but:
“Those who believe that entitlements run on good intentions will always hate men who come armed with spreadsheets, especially when those spreadsheets neatly explode the myth that all of America’s problems can be solved by increasing taxes on the rich.”
First we have a strawman, then the lie that Ryan’s spreadsheets are anything but flimsy props, then another strawman.
“But Pierce’s hyperbole transcends mere disagreement, as does his dismissal of all those who dissent as ‘gobshites.’ Instead, he seeks to remove Paul Ryan — and his ideas — from polite conversation.”
Pierce’s invective is colorful and inventive, but not particularly hyperbolic. It may appear that way to those who think that an architect of granny-starving policies musn’t be called a granny-starver. In any case, impolite rhetoric removes no person or ideas from play. We’ve been over this a million times. Whatever Pierce’s rhetoric “transcends,” Ryan is left as able to speak as ever, assuming he’s uncowed … nothing about Pierce’s mere style can move his remarks from disagreement to attempted censorship.
Cooke’s whole piece is a steaming, self-satisfied pile.
First we have a strawman, then the lie that Ryan’s spreadsheets are anything but flimsy props, then another strawman.
I disagree, respectfully, of course. Those spreadsheets are an upward wealth redistribution via tax cuts for the rich, increases for the middle class, and beating the shit out of services to the elderly, poor and disadvantaged. They aren’t a strawman, they’re a fucking forest fire with Rmoney and his meathead supporters running to the kitchen for a box of matches.
Meanies are so mean.
It should be noted that Ryan’s so called budget conspicuously ignores the bloated military budget. It also ignores corporate welfare, tax evasion among corporate entities, tax evasion among the wealthy, and a war that seems as if it will never end.
I do like that the “death panel” people take umbrage at what they call hyperbole. Same people who prophesize about the death of our beloved nation at the hands of Barack Obama and all the liberals, comparisons to Greece and Spain, calling Obama a muslim/communist/fascist/socialist/thug, etc…
Hey right, fuck off you crybaby cunts. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.
redistribution of wealth, heh. think we’ll see more of this in coming years?
tsam — I wasn’t saying his spreadsheets were strawmen — the strawmen were the bookends (nobody believes entitlements run on good intentions & nobody believes that all our problems can be solved by taxing the rich). As to your words about his spreadsheets, I agree.
Update: Now it seems the Family Research Council shooter had fifteen Chick-fil-A sandwiches in his backpack. If I were his attorney, I would argue insanity by brine poisoning.
tsam — I wasn’t saying his spreadsheets were strawmen
Now that read it more closely, I see that. Apologies…
We are giving the most charitable reading possible. We are looking at what Ryan’s budget does and assuming that it does what he intends it to do.
Does it fix the deficit? No.
Does it make Americans generally better off? No.
Does it maintain the safety net? No.
Does it cut taxes for the rich? Yes.
Since this is the Republican response to every economic environment, whether deficit or surplus, full employment or lingering recession, the nicest thing to do is to assume that their goal is to cut taxes for the rich and fuck the rest.
The alternative interpretation is that they suffer from a pathological fixation or are too incompetent to run a drive-through window. But let’s give them the benefit of the doubt.
I’m still a little ticked off about the term “entitlement” and the portrayal of Social Security and Medicare as a form of welfare. I and every other adult in this country have been paying into that system since we began working. I paid for it, I want it back. If you don’t like it, shut the fuck up.
(That asshole on the Daily Show was bad enough.)
what mean you by this?
So saith Rmoney, ruler of worlds:
Well, that’s a relief, considering I have an actual job that I have to show up for and actually do something, contribute to society and I pay over 20%. People a little higher in the middle class pay much more than that, and don’t have millions stashed in Swiss bank accounts. But that’s cool. It’s not an issue for me…I’ll just keep struggling to get by while this fucking prick pays a far lower tax rate and builds an elevator for his goddamn cars in his fucking house.
I do like that the “death panel” people take umbrage at what they call hyperbole. Same people who prophesize about the death of our beloved nation at the hands of Barack Obama and all the liberals, comparisons to Greece and Spain, calling Obama a muslim/communist/fascist/socialist/thug, etc…
also, this…and referring to pierce a ‘breathlessly’ explaining something? also use of the word hysterics? really? exaggerate and/or dissemble much?
Hey right, fuck off you crybaby cunts. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it
we need to find you a running mate…tsam/? 2012!
(That asshole on the Daily Show was bad enough.)
what mean you by this?
I think it aired Monday night. Some asshole videotaped himself at a Chick-fil-A drive-thru window lecturing some poor minimum-wage teenage girl about how she worked for an evil corporation. And he posted it to his Facebook page! Jon Stewart had a ball calling this guy out, but for me, it was extremely cringe-inducing. It reinforced every stereotype of the obnoxious holier-than-thou liberal.
Any income tax there chum?
“I did go back and look at my taxes and over the past 10 years I never paid less than 13 percent. I think the most recent year is 13.6 or something like that. So I paid taxes every single year,” he told reporters Thursday.
besides his utter and complete creepiness, i think this is what incenses me about mittens the most…he is one cheap ass motherfucker when it comes to doing his part for the country he claims to love…
and really? he thinks this is going to make most of america go, ‘oh, okay, mitt…you have obscene wealth and you pay just a teeensy bit of it in taxes…right-o! i’ll just keep paying my disproportionate amount and then wonder if i can buy groceries…no worries, here!’?!?!?
yes, that is one way to win friends…the ‘hey the rules work GREAT for me…not so much for you, but hey…thems the rules! yep, ol’ mittens plays by the rules…hey, he didn’t make ’em…he just follows them…AND WILL NOT PAY IN A PENNY MORE…so fuck you, america!
Well, it will win him friends, just not people like us. Just because doing something is legal (like hiding your money in tax havens) doesn’t make it morally right. YOU ASSHOLE MITTENS
I think it aired Monday night.
ahhh, i see…thanks…i missed that one…
no one who has ever tried to drive a car up or down a staircase can really fault him for this one.
Well, it will win him friends, just not people like us. Just because doing something is legal (like hiding your money in tax havens) doesn’t make it morally right. YOU ASSHOLE MITTENS
you are correct on all counts…
If Mitt could distinguish what was right from what was legal, he would never have gotten his hundreds of millions. He is a person whose only criteria for for trying something has been “can I get away with it?” And his whole life, from assaulting his classmates to give them unwanted haircuts, to impersonating policemen and firemen, dodging the draft in France, to getting capital to start his investment business from supporters of El Salvadorean death squads, to dismantling healthy companies, stripping out their assets and pension funds and selling the leftovers, he hasn’t been punished. Why should he start worrying about what’s “right” now? it’s certainly never troubled him in the past.
no one who has ever tried to drive a car up or down a staircase can really fault him for this one.
Good point. I’ve never tried, but it looks hard.
Why should he start worrying about what’s “right” now? it’s certainly never troubled him in the past.
Just THINK of all the cool stuff he can get away with if he’s president of these here United States and several territories! He can be that pussified chickenhawk that his most recent presidential colleagues were. EXCELLENT.
no one who has ever tried to drive a car up or down a staircase can really fault him for this one.
Never tried it but I’d say you could only do it once – per car.
Couldn’t he just consult with Kolob or some shit?
Also, I must share my story that explains why I feel like Charlie Brown today.
My Nissan pickup has a sunroof, which I left open because…well because I felt like it, OK? Anyway, as I’m leaving for lunch, I see a pigeon standing on the roof of my truck. So I shoo him off there, and open the door, and ALMOST sit in a pile of pigeon shit, directly in the middle of the driver seat. I could do nothing but laugh. Stupid bird.
a pile of pigeon shit, directly in the middle of the driver seat
Sometimes when I wash my car and hear birds chirping, I imagine they’re saying, “Oh, look, the janitor is cleaning the bathroom again.”
I had my Camry for 3 days only before a bird shit on the window so hard that it went through the seal of the window and got INSIDE my car.
He can be that pussified chickenhawk that his most recent presidential colleagues were. EXCELLENT.
while he may have been a bush, i believe that codpiece showed he was not pussified…
So I shoo him off there, and open the door, and ALMOST sit in a pile of pigeon shit, directly in the middle of the driver seat.
do your shoo-ing tactics involve a knife and yelling? if so, this could explain the shit…
Here birds shit graceful art.
Just THINK of all the cool stuff he can get away with if he’s president of these here United States and several territories!
When the president does it, it’s NOT illegal!
Never too early to prepare for winter, I guess.
I’m still a little ticked off about the term “entitlement” and the portrayal of Social Security and Medicare as a form of welfare.
I don’t think that the term was originally meant to be pejorative. They are “entitlements” in the sense that people are entitled to them, as opposed to discretionary spending like food assistance. Folks like Mitt have given “entitled” a bad name.
Then again, “welfare” was also meant to invoke the idea that we are contributing to the common weal and improving society for everyone by helping the least fortunate (who could be any of us). It’s funny how Republicans manage to ruin perfectly good words. Like empathy. You empathetic monster!
Do NOT fuck with the jello punks
Nor wrestle with the jelly golems.
Dick Mittens
Never too early to prepare for winter, I guess.
I just spit out my 6th cup of coffee onto the keyboard. Thanks, kg. And I mean that wholeheartedly.
El Salvadorean death squad
That’s the name of my new band. Come see them at the Music Hall of Williamsburg. We’re opening for ASSHOLE MITTENS.
Still less deadly than El Salvadorean death squid.
You empathetic monster!
Do they have Empathy Anonymous? I just can’t help but feel for other, fellow human beings whom weren’t as lucky to pick their parents like I did.
Do they have Empathy Anonymous?
I think it involves reading Atlas Shrugged until all traces of empathy and compassion are erased.
Any income tax there chum?
Is he counting tithing?
Mitt Romney: Before Bain can invest in your company, we’ll have to see your P&L statements for the last 10 years.
Applicant: Oh, I can’t do that. But I reviewed them myself and I can assure you that we’ve made a profit every year.
MR: Well, that’s good enough for me.
[/highly improbable conversation]
why can’t i get this song/video out of my head?!?!
When the president does it, it’s NOT illegal!
ummm…unless you do it while being president and dusky hued…
why can’t i get this song/video out of my head?!?!
Probably because it’s a great song.
Probably because it’s a great song.
yeah…and that guy is strangely hawt…
She’s marginally hot too.
why can’t i get this song/video out of my head?!?!
Use this.
He also sounds suspiciously like Sting during the choruses.
ummm…unless you do it while being president and dusky hued…
Well yeah… but then you are by definition illegal, and therefore not the president.
He also sounds suspiciously like Sting during the choruses.
good call…also, yes, she is highly do-able…who are these people anyway? all i know is hubbkf found them one night during one of our drunkenjusthomefromthebarrandomyoutubefests…
Well yeah… but then you are by definition illegal, and therefore not the president.
now that IS flawless logic…i guess i should of went to cashill for that one…
Use this.
dang it, now i miss maxine…although, so good news on the macbook front: hubbkf has found a place that may be able to fix her for about $200…yay!!!
The creator of The Wire on Romney’s taxes.
alright…now i gotta go to school…the hospital is putting on an event this evening…we have this lady coming to speak this evening…as part of my duties, i get to wear the ‘scrubs the dog’ mascot costume…joy…one of my co-horts has dared me a tenner if i lay on the floor and lick my balls…
Refurbs and used prices should drop a bunch because 10.8 has left a bunch of architecture behind.
Speaking of which, I need to reactivate an old underpowered PC. Which Linux should I use?
we have this lady coming to speak this evening…as part of my duties, i get to wear the ‘scrubs the dog’ mascot costume…joy…one of my co-horts has dared me a tenner if i lay on the floor and lick my balls…
I’ll give you $20 if you hump her leg.
CNN reports that because of the selection of Ryan as VP candidate, Wisconsin has now shifted from “lean Democratic” to “true toss up” .
Evidence that this is true:
– Polls are unchanged from before Ryan was selected
– Republicans say it is true
– Obama is campaigning against Ryan
– Ryan is from Wisconsin and was selected
Obama/Brother Mouzone 2012
Sub, I had this running on a Pentium II a couple of years ago. It’s a pretty tight little setup.
Xubuntu…It’s a way scaled down version of Ubuntu. Less GUI, more command line, easy on ram and CPU cycles.
I’ll give you $20 if you hump her leg.
I’ll give you $100 if you perform one of the following:
1) Eat the Almond Roca out of a cat litter box
2) Vomit and eat the vomit.
Also note that you can make a Live CD, that will run the OS from the CD so you can check it out before you completely install it.
I’m probably going to do a USB boot because there’s no CD drive.
This looks simple enough:
I’ve never done that before, but there’s no reason it shouldn’t work perfectly. Then you have the fun of finding all your productivity and media software, and stealing all the codecs and stuff. I loved dinking around with Linux. Good vibes when you figure out how to do all that cool stuff FOR FREE!
why can’t i get this song/video out of my head
Kimbra is from New Zild.
Would someone please skullfuck Tony Perkins already?
Thank- you no. My scull is fucked enough already.
why can’t i get this song/video out of my head
Kimbra is from New Zild.
So the answer is some new and nefarious Kiwi skullfucking technology.
one of my co-horts has dared me a tenner if i lay on the floor and lick my balls…
Ummmmmm, how well does your coworker know you? Or is there something I don’t know about you? Enquiring minds and all that…
The fact is, if you support gays, blood is on your hands and you are responsible for this. The SPLC is communist and should be shut down like ACORN was.,0,5479584.story
If Mitt could distinguish what was right from what was legal,
The fact is, liberals need to stop persecuting normal people and whites just to get votes from subhumans.
10.8 has left a bunch of architecture behind.
You can leave architects behind by providing directions in simple declarative sentences, but I’ve yet to figure out how to leave architecture behind.
Yay, I’ve been blooded!
Also, my David Simon worship has kicked up a notch.
So the answer is some new and nefarious Kiwi skullfucking technology.
What’s a few drops more added to all the blood that was already on there?
The whole US is Macbeth: I am in blood / Stepp’d in so far that, should I wade no more, / Returning were as tedious as go o’er.
The fact is, if you support gays, blood is on your hands
What, am I holding them too tight?
If I have blood on my hands, is she really that gay?
tigris wins the intertubes.
tigris wins the intertubes.
I lol’d
at tigris, that is.
Ummmmmm, how well does your coworker know you? Or is there something I don’t know about you? Enquiring minds and all that…
ummmmmm…because i was wearing a saint bernard costume!!! and sadly, those fucking costumes are fucking hot! so, there was no ball licking or leg humping…and tsam, you are a sick mofo…
ummmmmm…because i was wearing a saint bernard costume!!!
hmmmm…i wonder how much i could have got from doing that?
those fucking costumes are fucking hot!
bbkf reveals herself as another furry.
The fact is, if you support gays, blood is on your hands
That’s not blood!
i would suck as a furry…
hot, sweaty and cranky…
although some furries might be into that sort of thing…
naked thread running!
i would suck as a furry…
Step away from the keyboard.
Jeez, nakkid thread running again? What will the neighbours say. Oh well, trousers away!!
In my case it would be nackered thread running.
GOOD DOG! There’s a woman wearing a urinal on my phone!
Recall that in order to expose its readers to a broad base of information sources, the Guardian decided to round out its “Comment is Free” feature with someone from the US conservative movement with intellectual integrity and a lucid line in prose, and all they could find was Josh “Tacitus” Treviño.
The best use of his new pulpit Josh could think of was to explain that when he invited the IDL to shoot Americans, that wasn’t really what he meant, except maybe it was, and anyway it wasn’t his fault.
Two results:
(1) Guardian readers learn that the most honest, literate exponent of conservative values available to the magazine is a mendacious mealy-mouthed hack who lost his spiritual home when Izvestia was privatised, and will defend whatever position the ideologues are currently taking as long as he can do so in self-strangling polysyllabic syntax; and
(2) Josh learns that the whole point of the “Comment is Free” columns are the comment threads, in which he is taken to the woodshed by commenters who are better-informed, more honest and wittier than he.
those fucking costumes are fucking hot!
I can imagine. If you think that’s bad, try wearing a chem warfare suit sometime.
i would suck as a furry…
Leech costumes aren’t furry at all.
“I would suck as a furry…”
Seems like those costumes give people license to do all sorts of things they wouldn’t normally do.
Vampire bats are furry.
Not recommended for most job interviews.
What if I want to be a bank CEO?
Seems like those costumes give people license to do all sorts of things they wouldn’t normally do.
So does a business suit…..
those fucking costumes are fucking hot!
Furries always say this but I still can’t see it.
You’re hired!
those fucking costumes are fucking hot!
Furries always say this but I still can’t see it.
To help your vision:
Be careful what you dress up as. Paul Ryan doesn’t take kindly to furries.
paul ryan says ‘wait, what?
Be careful what you dress up as. Paul Ryan doesn’t take kindly to furries.
oh yes…a fb friend posted a similar picture on his page and he was all, ‘oooooooh and he hunts, too! he’s perfect!’
then his next post was one of those obnoxious memes about making people on welfare be tested for drugs which ended along the lines of, ‘if you can afford illegal activities, you can afford groceries.’
he hunts, too! he’s perfect!’
I hunt AND I peck. I’m perfecter.
if you can afford illegal activities, you can afford groceries.’
Sometimes those illegal activities pay for the groceries though. Look at the current GOP Presidential ticket.
a fb friend posted a similar picture on his page
There seems to be a lot of these kinds of meme (if you can even call them that) going around The
I got a hearty laugh out of this one and this one.
…and tsam, you are a sick mofo…
I have personally dry heaved while witnessing dogs doing both of those things. WHY DO YOU HATE PUPPIES?
Well, blasting a deer makes you very vice-presidential. Next stop, PILOT COSTUME! W00t!
I can see Ryan wearing a pilot-fish costume.
Vote for me! I like ta shoot stuff!
OT but amusing: I just got an ID card from the NYC Department of Buildings. It’s needed for certain types of appointments.
It expires December 31, 2050.
Paul Ryan doesn’t take kindly to furries.
You say that, but then you post a picture of him lovingly massaging the neck of a tired and overworked deer.
Could it be…
Dare I hope…
Damn. I was hoping for an all italics thread.
Tom Morello lets Paul Ryan have it…
Don’t mock. HTML is a dying art.
I go away for ONE DAY and this place devolves into a furry fest.
why can’t i get this song/video out of my head?!?!
HTML5 is a dyeing art.
I go away for ONE DAY and this place devolves into a furry fest.
I repeat: leeches are not furry.
I’ll say this: I’d rather go “bare hands catfishing” or whatever it’s called with Paul Ryan than hunting with Dick Cheney. What’s the worst that happens? He gropes me in the the slippery water?
Helpful websites have compiled lists that can answer this question for you.
First leson:
Place 14 mouse traps, (not rat traps) on the kitchen counter top. Fill the kitchen sink with water. Put on a blind fold. Have your buddy place an M&M somewhere on the counter top. Stick your head in the sink and begin to feel for the M&M. If you are careful you will find it without a snap. If you get snapped, you have now felt what a catfish bite feels like. If you get snapped all 14 times your buddy ate the M&M.
From the second link:
If you feel silk you are in the lingerie department. GET OUT OF THERE.
I go away for ONE DAY and this place devolves into a furry fest.
sorry…i just wanted everyone to know that i lead a rich and productive life…
If you feel silk you are in the lingerie department. GET OUT OF THERE.
That means you’re over the target. DO NOT get out of there. Also, touching a beaver is NOT a bad thing.
sorry…i just wanted everyone to know that i lead a rich and productive life…
We still don’t believe you.
Still wondering just how you’d put those on.
*wriggles uncomfortably*
I want “Comment is Free” to just hire an unrepentant Nazi and get it over with.
Hey Sub;
If you go through with that Xubuntu project, I’d like to hear how it went, how you like the distro, some specs on the machine and how it performed if ya don’t mind…
Ain’t thet Hill-Billy Hand-Fishin’?
Still wondering just how you’d put those on.
*wriggles uncomfortably*
cashmere would probably be okay…wool? um, no…
I have, but it’s essentially going to be a machine for The Lovely Daughter to beat on. It’s a teensy Acer netbook that had its Windows install go south after the warranty expired. The install was kind of baffling and frustrating because in the initial screen hitting the continue button makes it think for a very very very long time without any indication of progress. So after a few times of thinking I’d done something wrong and starting over I let it churn all night, woke up this morning and saw some dialogues to move through and the install went fine. Haven’t really seen what it does yet except that after an initial look I fear the wireless setup, but that’s because I have a wireless unit coming after a router and they don’t play well.
Looks fairly pretty though.
I had xubuntu running on a Sony z505 ages back. Seemed to run ok, as far as it went. I think it was a P3/450, so if you’re beyond that you’ll probably be fine.
I have a friend who hackintoshed his little acer netbook. Said it worked great for him. Kind of a PITA if you’re not predisposed to fiddling with installs as entertainment, and the dubious legality thing is always there, but it’s still kind of interesting.
omg…my old high school english teacher/drama instructor/speech coach (yes, my nerdiness has been pointed out to me thank you very much) just left my office…but before he did, he clued me in to my next addiction…
I could have happily gone my whole life without seeing that trainwreck. Wow.
t-paw at his finest…
“Still wondering just how you’d put those [ass mittens] on.”
1) Put mitten on hand. 2) Put hand in ass. 3) Remove hand, sans mitten.
That damned woman made her girl’s face up to look like a creepy doll. I figure Toddlers & Tiaras is for folks who love dolls, wish they could move and say cute things, and therefore see potential in little girls
One good thing about robots is that they may distract people who would otherwise harm real kids. But then you wind up with more crappy Spielberg movies.
t-paw at his finest…
Your supposed to disguise the goatse. Why would I click on a link with that title?
Why would I click on a link with that title?
because you’re weird?
New post
Leech costumes aren’t furry at all.
Helpful Smut is helpful.
folks who love dolls, wish they could move and say cute things, and therefore see potential in little girls
It’s simply a matter of installing new software.