Flawless Logic, No, Really, Flawless

Jack “I Went to Purdue” Cashill, American Deep Thinker:
Zakaria and Harvard’s Culture of Corruption: 3.0

  • Fareed Zakaria went to Harvard. This proves that wverybody who goes to Harvard is a plagiarist. Obama also went to Harvard. Therefore this finally proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Obama had somebody else write his books for him.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 224


I would be FIRST!!! Except I went to Harvard and therefore I must wait til somebody else writes my comment for me.


John McEnroe has really let himself go.


Heh, it also proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Thomas Sowell had somebody else write his books for him. Oh, and Michael Crichton as well. And, well… all these people!


Haven’t you pointy-heads ever heard of the laws of Similarity and Contagion—that’s SCIENCE, or at least as far as Science will be allowed to go for non-military purposes in the coming Godly Job-Creators’ Paradise (see: the Abominable Fancy).

Bozo the Cocksucker

Things that didn’t exist before Obama:

– teleprompters
– ghostwriters
– Republican Presidents (except Reagan)


Things that didn’t exist before Obama:

-welfare programs


Speaking of irony and Columbia, the Columbia trustees give out a prestigious annual book prize called the Bancroft Award. Only two or three authors receive the prize each year, and only one has had to give it back. That would be Michael Bellisles, author of the much touted but transparently fraudulent gun control tome, Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture. It seems that to make a convincing case for gun control writers may have to make stuff up.

Whereas John Lott’s dog really did eat his homework.


Whereas John Lott’s dog really did eat his homework.

Whereas in John Lott’s case, he really did invent a fictional fan named Mary Rosch.

Bozo the Cocksucker

– the Credit Crunch
– the Afghanistan and Iraq wars


It seems that to make a convincing case for gun control writers may have to make stuff up. watch the news on any given day.



Since it is now known that Harvard professors have plagiarized, copycatted, and pretty certainly have had stuff ghostwritten for them, the bona fides and reputations of nearly everyone at Harvard is called into question, especially people in the law school.

Is our bona fides and reputations being called into question? And if it is, what is our children learning?


the bona fides and reputations of nearly everyone at Harvard is called into question

While everyone at The American Thinker is ennobled by Robin of Berkeley’s endorsement of Donald Trump.


Then who wrote all those classic Simpsons episodes?


Dammit, I knew when I first heard that Zakaria had plagiarized that the plagiarism would overwhelm the truth of the story that he lifted. Damn liberal media.


Then who wrote all those classic Simpsons episodes?

O.J. obviously. He went to USC.


I say Ann Coulter because she is FUNNNN NNNNEEEEEE.


I think someone owes someone a soft drink of some sort. possibly


It’s Lepore who was plagiarized. What’s she saying?

Meanwhile, if Zakaria is in trouble for plagiarism for what he did, will that mean all the rest of the so-called liberal media will be in trouble for plagiarism when they simply repeat GOP talking points? Did reporters who simply acted as stenographers for the Bush admin get in trouble for plagiarizing press releases?

As to the Harvard bashing, as a graduate of a state university (UCI … go Anteaters!), I’ll join in. Not to offend the Harvard people here, but there are too many Ivy-groomed out-of-touch aristocrats in positions of power and influence in this country.

It’s time we open up our debate to voices that have other perspectives than that of Ivy-league privilege. I’m not sayin’ those voices include those who hide their defense of even more egregious kinds of privilege and social hierarchies and opposition to meritocracy behind anti-intelectualism (and a supposedly pro-merit position) in general and Ivy-bashing in particular.


I hate to say it, but they’re right about Harvard.



I went to University of Illinois…..go politically-incorrect mascots!



I hate to say it, but they’re right about Harvard.


“You, sir, have the boorish manners of a Yalie.”

Helmut Monotreme

It’s time we open up our debate to voices that have other perspectives than that of Ivy-league privilege.

The founders and faculty of these fine institutions totally agree with you:
Liberty University
Oral Roberts University
Grove City college
Patrick Henry College
Bob Jones University
Regent University

Privatize the Profits! Socialize the Costs!

…Obama had separate authors craft large parts of both Dreams from My Father and Audacity of Hope…

Nice work, Jack! Way to pull that ‘assertion’ out of your ‘ass’… !

You got any ‘evidence’ in there, too?


Jack, there’s an old saying by Thomas Paine you’ve probably never heard: “Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof.”

You might want to think about that saying a little bit before your next column.


You got any ‘evidence’ in there, too?

Yes, yes he does. “Good evidence” is another thing entirely.


In the mind of a teabagger, speculation IS evidence. Shit, just look around you, people! Obviously Obama is the antichrist and is currently doing your mom.


The founders and faculty of these fine institutions totally agree with you:
Liberty University
Oral Roberts University
Grove City college
Patrick Henry College
Bob Jones University
Regent University

Ah, the poison ivy-league.


Obviously Obama is the antichrist and is currently doing your mom.

Mom is deserving of a good doing, but I worry that she might be treated badly by the Antichrist.


but I worry that she might be treated badly by the Antichrist.

At least he’s not afraid to hit the rim.


Hey. Not everyone has the proper credentials to attend Liberty University.


Don’t forget Baylor! The current president of Baylor University is one Kenneth Fucking Starr!


“Good evidence” is another thing entirely. – Substance McG

Well, Thomas Paine did say “extraordinary proof”. He didn’t specify whether he meant extraordinarily good or extraordinarily bad.

As to whether I would argue that the “poison ivy league” (thanks for the construction, Threadbare) deserves a seat at our national conservation table, I’d obviously say no, I don’t want to “include those who hide their defense of even more egregious kinds of privilege and social hierarchies and opposition to meritocracy behind anti-intelectualism (and a supposedly pro-merit position) in general and Ivy-bashing in particular”. Of course, people in the “poison ivy league” wouldn’t figure themselves to be among “those who hide […]” — not because they would disagree with my characterization of them, but because they wouldn’t be able to grok the big words I used 😉

Meanwhile, I’m listening to music on my computer and kd lang is offering her love for sale. Do you think my wife would mind if I buy some? Would kd lang even sell to me? If not, is that just another example of liberals being the real discriminatory people? 😉


“You, sir, have the boorish manners of a Yalie.”

Boola boola, Sir!

Marion in Savannah

Obama is the antichrist and is currently doing your mom

That would make Obama a necrophiliac too, which shouldn’t surprise anyone since he went to Harvard.


If not, is that just another example of liberals being the real discriminatory people? 😉

It’s another example of liberals not embracing the free market.


That would make Obama a necrophiliac too, which shouldn’t surprise anyone since he went to Harvard.

I thought the skull and bones society was a Yale thing.

Helmut Monotreme

In the spirit of the unfettered quest for Knowledge, Truth and Honorariums, I Helmut Monotreme am officially founding on this date at a location TBD, the Hog Waller Holler Institute. All are welcome to drink from the fountain of knowledge (preferably after treating the water for cryptosporidium).

Marion in Savannah

Thread Bear, where would you like your brand shiny new internets delivered?


Obama is the antichrist and is currently doing your mom

Obama was in the movie “Devil’s Advocate?”


Thread Bear, where would you like your brand shiny new internets delivered?

I am socialest, so I insist that you distribute them to the poor. This will enable all those lazy shiftless welfare mothers to Google all the wonderful government handouts availlable for them to sponge off of.


I thought the skull and bones society was a Yale thing.

That, sir, is PREPOSTEROUS!


Mitt Romneybot is a Harvard bot.


Comment win from PENIS:

6:21 PM on July 21, 2012

Weapon of a__ destruction?


And one more because I think it’s funny and therefore you must:

12:18 AM on July 21, 2012

After this incident, Mr. Falcon was, ironically, placed on a “no fly” list, but only by Virgin Airlines.


He’s got a point: Alan Dershowitz is a plagiarist.

…the poison ivy-league…

Actually, it’s quite a long list of schools. Here, for example, is a list of colleges and universities (!) that teach “… a literal Genesis – including a six 24-hour day Creation, no death before sin, a global Flood and a young Earth…”


Helmut Monotreme

Is there a similar list of colleges that teach supply side economics?

Marion in Savannah

Did I fall into another dimension?

Does this mean that Ouroboros has finally disappeared into his own gullet, or did the Peak Wingnut Singularity happen and we missed it somehow?


Did I fall into another dimension?

what nefarious plot are they implementing?!


Did I fall into another dimension?

Went to find comments section, expecting to read exploding head reactions…but THERE IS NO COMMENTS SECTION. (*gasp*)

But I did find this while nosing around the site. Interesting.


Is there a similar list of colleges that teach supply side economics?

Start with the boys from Chicago, but George Mason is working that same salt mine.


But I did find this while nosing around the site. Interesting.

hmmmm…apparently jill stein and i should be besties…i’ve never heard of her, but hey, she can’t be all bad, eh? barack is 2nd on the list in case jill refuses my friend request…

i’m also in agreement with 64% of minnesotans and 63% of americans…

also, too…i was shocked as welll that there are no comments over at fox…which is total sarcasm…can you imagine the liebral trolls that would infest the place?!?!


…Obama had separate authors craft large parts of both Dreams from My Father and Audacity of Hope…

Parts were stolen from Mark Twain, hence the nautical imagery.


I am entirely comfortable with Harvard bashing.


joe soucheray is freaking the fuck out over the national weather service buying ammo…many nutjobs are calling in with their conspiracy theories…i am convinced one may have been our own gary ruppert as he used the phrase ‘the fact is’ at least six times…

ahhhhhh, wingnuts! what craziness will you not exhibit?


oh…and i found this from examiner.com:

But let it be known that the National Weather Service does have good reason to purchase ammunition. They have purchased ammunition in the past and maintain multiple arsenals which means, yes, they even have guns to fire those rounds they purchase. So before any more conspiracies unfold knowing the National Weather Service actually has guns at their disposal, understand why.

The National Weather Service maintains a fleet of seafaring vessels. Actually, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to say it more properly maintains a fleet of seafaring vessels. The ships are separated in two different fleets—their Atlantic and their Pacific fleets. In total, NOAA has 19 of these ships.

These ships traverse the globe collecting an array of data on the ocean and the atmosphere. Unfortunately, the world is not a very safe place.

Because of the dangers in which NOAA ships and crew encounter, especially when they travel close to land, they physically secure themselves. And yes, the best security is a well-armed professional who knows how to shoot with extreme prejudice and accuracy.

Due to the salt water voyages NOAA ships endure, their ammunition gets old pretty quick and they must purchase large quantities from time to time to restock their arsenals. Interestingly, 16,000 rounds of ammunition is not a whole heck of a lot especially when crew members must conduct bi-annual recertification on the weapons they employ.


and i did email it in to old souchie…


I’ve heard so much about Obama not actually writing his own books that I had to look into the matter by reading them myself. I was shocked by the results.

The opening line from Dreams of my Father reads as follows:

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.

Similarly, The Audacity of Hope:

Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta. She was Lo, plain Lo, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was Lola in slacks. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dotted line. But in my arms she was always Lolita. Did she have a precursor? She did, indeed she did. In point of fact, there might have been no Lolita at all had I not loved, one summer, an initial girl-child. In a princedom by the sea. Oh when? About as many years before Lolita was born as my age was that summer. You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, exhibit number one is what the seraphs, the misinformed, simple, noble-winged seraphs, envied. Look at this tangle of thorns.

And Change We Can Believe In:

It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents — except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness.

All in all, I see nothing suspicious.


now the conspiracy is about the nhtsa’s requiring mandatory data recorders on new cars…

earlier a dude called in and asked soucheray if he was turning into art bell


American Thinker is…thinking about NOAA and guns:

…Either the government is preparing for massive civil unrest stemming from a possible economic collapse, or the Obama Administration is preparing its own version of a November surprise in the eventuality that the election doesn’t go their way…



…mystery solved…

That’s from the liberal Washington Times. Of course, they are trying to cover it up.


…Either the government is preparing for massive civil unrest stemming from a possible economic collapse, or the Obama Administration is preparing its own version of a November surprise in the eventuality that the election doesn’t go their way…

oh my…there literally IS no craziness they won’t subsrcibe to, is there…


mango from american stinker:

They cannot pretend to think that they can confiscate all of the weapons in private hands. The next best thing is shut down the relatively few ammunition factories. But they need to have their stockpiles first. There will be a rash of “accidents” at the factories.

Very easy to predict: Shut off the flow of gasoline and control the highways. Not only does this impede free, tactical movement of opposition forces but it also controls food production and distribution – a POTENT weapon. Internet kill switch and shut-down cel repeaters and landline switchboards along with the now-classic take-over of radio and television stations. Restrict ammunition availability.

Here´s another take on those FEMA camps: What if they are to house and protect family member of LE and military folks? Threats to their families is a potent resistance weapon.

There are dark days ahead…


Due to the salt water voyages NOAA ships endure, their ammunition gets old pretty quick and they must purchase large quantities from time to time to restock their arsenals. Interestingly, 16,000 rounds of ammunition is not a whole heck of a lot especially when crew members must conduct bi-annual recertification on the weapons they employ.

And to think, they had no problem with the Aurora shooter purchasing 6,000 rounds over the internet.


From http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2012/08/unusual_government_agencies_stockpiling_ammo.html:

[The NWS solicitation] follows a previous DHS purchase of 450 million rounds of .40 hollow point ammunition back in March. It should be noted that hollow point ammunition has been “illegal in international warfare since 1899.” Apparently, its use is approved against the citizens of one’s own country.

In Wingnut Bizarro World, there can be no limitation to the right of a Citizen to purchase weapons and ammunition of any kind, nor even any questions asked about the wisdom of this policy. But anytime Federal Law Enforcement Agencies (you know, the DHS, the FBI, the Revinooers, and those jackbooted thugs at NOAA and the Fish and Wildlife Service) seek to purchase weapons and ammunition, it is immediately assumed that these weapons will be used against the populace as a whole in an attempt to subvert the constitution and Convert the USofA to a Socialist Dictatorship in which the tax money currently spent on bullets and bombs to be dropped on dark people overseas will instead be spent on feeding the dark people on our sovereign soil, feeding their babies, paying for their birth control, allowing them to have gay sex in wedlock, while they still continue to multiply like rabbits, and use our tax moneys to pay for food and internets for their babies, for propagandizing them into believing Same Sex Marriage, Heterosexual AIDS Transmission, Global Warming, and Evolution and other scientific “facts” are real, which is wrong because “facts” have a liberal bias and besides Ni^H^Hnegroes and Sp^H^HMexicans are so much closer to monkeys than us White Anglo Saxon Non-Mooslim Non-Jewish (not the New York and LA kind especially), Non-Baptist (not the dancing and singing kind anyway) gun-loving natural citizens of the Yoo Ess Ayy.

Of course, if a Republican is in the White House, then none of the above paranoia applies except to the specific federal agencies that enforce laws passed by Liberals (like the Clean Air Act or the Endangered Species Act), and the agencies that enforcement (the aforementioned jackbooted thugs), or commit the occasional act of oppression against nice young boys who are simply misunderstood despite their spiderweb tattoos, white robes and swastikas.


American Thinker may have found out that NOAA is stockpiling weapons in order to set up a dictatorship of communist meteorologists, but at least they haven’t uncovered the librarians’ plot to put anarcho-syndicalist mind control devices in the street lights.


Tame sauce: trying to smear President THAT ONE by association?

Needs more witch doctor nose-bone photoshops.

There’s a whiff of “back away from the bath salts & tone it down a bit until November” in the air, methinks.

There will be a rash of “accidents” at the factories.



Dark days ahead, people!!
That’s actually the night-time and is relatively frequent.


I didn’t even think to look at the comments. There are enough mangoes to a make a jumbo smoothie.

…There is a pattern in play here…
Some time ago, DHS conracted for 450 million rounds of hollow-point .40 cal pistol ammunition, and under the same RFP, ordered 175 million rounds of .223 (5.56mm) rifle ammunition. DHS had previously ordered 400 million rounds of pistol ammunition in 2009. Total = over one billion rounds of ammunition. Today, it was disclosed that another 750 million rounds had been purchased by DHS, along with a large by the NWS. Running total now approaching 2 billion rounds purchased.
Why would the regime (er.. administration) need 1.75 billion rounds of ammunition – some of which are anti-personnel hollow-point rounds? Here are some possibily answers:
1. Obama once spoke of wanting his own civilian security force, as well armed and equipped as the military. Let’s call them Obama’s version of the Nazi Brownshirts. Is Barack turning DHS into his own private, 21st century version of the SA?
2. Does the government know something we do not? DHS, TSA et al. have been geared up furiously, buying everything from riot gear to small arms to pre-fabricated checkpoints and FEMA encampments ready-to-use. This week, it was disclosed that the army and other branches of the armed forces have been war-gaming and training for possible operations on U.S. soil, including against a domestic insurgency. Again, do they know something we do not? Oh, by the way – training manuals identified the presumptive “bad guys” (op-for) in such a scenario as “Tea Party Extremists”…
3. These massive ammo buys are a form of back-door gun control; after all, of what use is a firearm without ammunition? This is consistent with the left’s stated strategy of going after ammunition instead of guns themselves.
4. Obama and company are buying massive stocks of firearms and ammo, as a front for groups unknown – ands it is all being done at taxpayer expense. Think “Fast and Furious,” except that the recipients of the arms are not Mexican drug cartels, but domestic groups willing to serve in Obama’s “private army” (see above).
5. Hollow-point ammunition has been illegal under the rules of land warfare for a long time; the ammunition purchased can therefore be considered for non-military use. That leaves law enforcement and other agencies of the govt. These are anti-personnel rounds intended for one purpose and one purpose alone – the killing of human beings. Expanding bullets are more-expensive than normal FMJ or range ammunition; this isn’t practice ammo, at least not by design. Draw your own conclusions… one thing seems very clear, however – someone in govt. is expecting trouble or is planning to create some trouble of their own… perhaps both.
6. A large portion of U.S. combat forces are currently deployed overseas, too-far away from CONUS to do anything in the event of a civil uprising. Gee, how convenient for Obama and his people. The military, AT readers know, consistently polls 70% + conservative and would probably oppose a domestic uprising launched by Obama operatives….


I didn’t even think to look at the comments. There are enough mangoes to a make a jumbo smoothie.

right?! it is epic’novembersurprise’reddawnwolverines over there…


even moreso than usual i should point out…


It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a wingnut in possession of an idiotic theory, must be in want of an audience.


Do kids these days even know what ^H means?


Hey PNW sadlies (I suppose you have a point there, autocorrect with “sad lies”): we should have a meetup and go watch the new Red Dawn!


If she says God told her to run I’ll take her word for it.

Also too Rick Perry’s word and Mike Huckabee’s, Herman Cain’s and all the rest. God works in mysterious ways.


Dark days ahead, people!!
– – – – – – –
That’s actually the night-time and is relatively frequent.

Are you one of those left-wing extremists who believe that the Earth is a sphere and turns on an axis?


VDH takes on Melissa Harris-Perry: http://wonkette.com/480977/national-reviews-victor-davis-hanson-has-thoughts-about-black-people#more-480977

My money is not on the old white dude. Any takers for a bet?


Another fine comment:

“…the EPA is hiring “police” because a very large and naive young man in my town has enlisted…”


“…I sent the article to my congressman and senator. They’ll look into it because I don’t have a reputation for wearing a tinfoil hat…”


Also too Rick Perry’s word and Mike Huckabee’s, Herman Cain’s and all the rest. God works in mysterious ways.

The sound of thunder is God giggling.


NYC has Sanitation Department Police. And they are armed. Take that as you will, and decide if it’s really worth it to not separate your recyclables.


…a meetup and go watch the new Red Dawn!…

There’s a new Red Dawn? Whoa, there is a new Red Dawn:

Count me in!


Red Dawn trolling:

I am sorry but these american movies are getting more and more ridiculous. Are we to believe a group of young people that has grown up in a peaceful country where theyre only worries is how to find the nearest McDonalds have ANY chance against a group of highly trained koreans ?

Have people seen how the north korean army trains ? Not only are theyre physically and mentally incredibly strong but they have tons of close combat knowledge and superior in any way.


I am convinced that the original Red Dawn permanently reduces your IQ as you watch it. Maybe the new one can substitute for saltpeter.


I will also say that I did not go to Harvard – and therefore is a totally dependable person who is incapable of lying!

This also makes everyone without an education honest by association! Beware the tools of the devil, such as logic and reasoning! Repent and be forgiven!


If she says God told her to run I’ll take her word for it.

I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires. – Susan B. Anthony


“Every word [they] write is a lie, including ‘and’ and ‘the.'”


Victorianus Maximus Hansenoni appears to suggest that the concept of race was dying out before Obama was elected and the Preznit has revived the angrifying of the debate.
Hmmmm who was it doing the “Kenyan usurper” batshittery? Naughty presidential black flag operations trying to make the brave right wingers look like race-obssessed bigots!


VDH takes on Melissa Harris-Perry

I like the obligatory “Hey now, let’s not forget the 6 Black Republicans we have, proving that our party is post-racial!” argument.


I am looking forward to the NOAA vs. Black Tea Party posse shootout scene in the new Red Dawn.


I still await proof that Michael Steele is a black man and not a post-modern work of art.


There are 24 fecking pages of comments there.


The NOAA ammunition conspiracy has gotten the commenters at American Thinker all sweaty and excited:

What are these monsters planning

Obama’s masters have invested much to get their anti-christ put in place.

Why does DHS need 450 million rounds? That is more than one per citizen. Bill Ayers said that to implement revolution in the US they estimated they would have to kill 25 million people.

I promise you, 95% of our troops and our law enforcement will be backing ‘the rebel cause’ in an incounter with a tyrannical government..I pray every day…I have faith in my GOD and my fellow ‘Patriots’…Just Say’n…

This week, it was disclosed that the army and other branches of the armed forces have been war-gaming and training for possible operations on U.S. soil, including against a domestic insurgency… Oh, by the way – training manuals identified the presumptive “bad guys” (op-for) in such a scenario as “Tea Party Extremists”…

This must be ammo for Obama’s private / civilian police force. Not to worry, the folks in the hood tend to shoot while runnng away. Their aim is not that good.

Shades of the last election in Kenya where the violence was pre-planned by allies of Obama and his tribe.



See, it’s like I’ve been telling people: nobody’s gonna be quotin’/referencin’ the new Spider-Man movie ten years from now, but Raimi’s version’s still the shit (goofy as it is).


I am convinced that the original Red Dawn permanently reduces your IQ as you watch it.

When I spent 15 minutes as a movie critic for some forgotten rag many years before the Intertoobz, the only review I ever got any negative feedback on–OK, any feedback at all–was when I panned RD. One guy wanted to know if I gave movies with Jane Fonda zero stars.


Victorianus Maximus Hansenoni appears to suggest that the concept of race was dying out before Obama was elected and the Preznit has revived the angrifying of the debate.

VDH is just mad at black people because they didn’t fight for Western Civilization at Thermopylae.



That said, I hear the DHS is purchasing militarized hoverboards from some sinister purpose or whatever. WAKE UP SHEEPLE.


Obama’s masters have invested much to get their anti-christ put in place.


a) Obama is the Antichrist.

b) He has masters.


c) There are people eviler than the Antichrist.

Is this…standard Dispensationalist thinking? I’m only familiar with the Left Behind version.


OT, but not even the fucking Wall St. Journal believes Romney’s crap on Medicare. (The news reporters, anyway. Do the editorial writers even read the rest of the paper?)

Where in the name of Christ does Romney get the balls to argue “repealing Obamacare would cause Medicare to go up $716 billion” = “Obama cut $716 from Medicare”? How fucking stupid does he think we are?


the only review I ever got any negative feedback on–OK, any feedback at all–was when I panned RD.

I’ve been having a truly shitty week. You can redeem it if you can honestly answer that at least one of the responses had “WOLVERINES!” written on it.


oh my…there literally IS no craziness they won’t subsrcibe to, is there…

The subscription, and 20 years of back issues saved in neat little folders.


OT, but not even the fucking Wall St. Journal believes Romney’s crap on Medicare.

I see your Wall St. Journal/Medicare and raise you a Brit Hume/Catfood Budget.


I’ve been having a truly shitty week. You can redeem it if you can honestly answer that at least one of the responses had “WOLVERINES!” written on it.

Sorry. FWIW, my week isn’t turning out much better.


There are people eviler than the Antichrist.

Andy Griffith!


we should have a meetup and go watch the new Red Dawn!

Much in the way of “consumables” would be required for such a venture.

Like a hay truck load.


Oh, man. The Crazymangoes are especially juicy in the comments over at InfoWars:


We have DHS Ammo Order + FEMA Camps + Total Collapse of US Banks

I tell ya. These people just can’t live without their paranoiadrenaline fixes…


Oh jeez. OK, let’s suppose for a minute that the DHS really has 450 million rounds. How many people with guns do they have?

It sure doesn’t take much to get these people crap their pants.


At the Alex Jones site, you can almost hear the commenters’ synapses shorting out:

We are going to take all from evil , kill it with their own devices. New era no one is in charge we are all in charge for the good of all,no one is going to dictate anything and freedom is to be really free like many can’t understand what freedom is, not having to answer to any man only to God and that is sufisient for his guide is strict, straigt righteous law,we have the mision to bring it back to not do evil,wich is greed ,corruption,murder,envie we see everyday. the law of this one only God is to do good one another these devils have change the scriptures to justified doing evil,God is in charge the constitution and all your bills of right come from the word of God and this nation was blessed when follow the word of God wich teaches to do good ,I don’t care if you don’t believe in doing good that is your problem many are identified with doing evil lies, to opress , destroy,to deceive with fancy words but they have a reward for that .

It is all about Obama’s Russian special forces out in Colorado who have been setting the majority of the wildfires.
These same special forces are also responsible for the underground explosions in Michigan and Wisconsin which have been attempts to set off the Madrid. They have several plans to create havoc in the USA and bring about Martial Law.

I suspect they were responsible for the theatre killings also!


Look into melted cars of 9/11 all the evidence points to an advanced energy weapon being used.

And after Obama launches a false flag nuclear attack people will be lured into the FEMA camps by the promise of internet access.


Look into melted cars of 9/11 all the evidence points to an advanced energy weapon being used.

Dear God these 9/11 truthers drive me insane. I worked with United and American pilots in Air National Guard. They knew the crews that died on those hijacked airliners.

Those were real airliners with real people on board that hit those buildings full of real people you stupid gullible sacks of shit! Fuck you!


Oh jeez. OK, let’s suppose for a minute that the DHS really has 450 million rounds. How many people with guns do they have?

You are blind to the threat posed by DHS monkeys with guns. BLIND!


Dear God these 9/11 truthers drive me insane.

I’m there with you. I used to try to explain basic physics to them and then, circa 2003, I realized they are BOTH insane and deliberately lying.

Those were real airliners with real people on board that hit those buildings full of real people you stupid gullible sacks of shit! Fuck you!

Can’t be said often enough.


You are blind to the threat posed by DHS monkeys with guns

I’m more worried about NRO’s monkeys with typewriters….


At the Alex Jones site, you can almost hear the commenters’ synapses shorting out:

Are you *sure* that isn’t Substance McGravitas using JanusNode?


Janusnoding the substance.


I had not heard about the melted cars so I Googled it.
That is really sad.


Cashill left out a much more famous instance of plagiarism by a Harvard law professor: When Alan Dershowitz plagiarized Joan Peters’ “From Time Immemorial”. In a failed effort to cover it up, Dershowitz smeared the dead mother of the man who exposed him as a huckster.

For video of Dershowitz being confronted, check this out:


Stop with the My Little Pony comments!
Andrew Breitbart, is that you?


From the “Conservative Bronies” Facebook wall: “Paul Ryan is officially Romney’s VP pick! Rubio was my first choice, but… I’m very pleased. What are everypony else’s thoughts?”

“Everypony” is a word used on the show because all the characters are ponies and not humans. It’s silly but it makes sense. You shouldn’t get to say that when you’re a fucking human addressing other fucking humans. It’s just not right.


Also, the show is entirely about friendship and generosity. How is that remotely consistent with an Ayn Rand fanboy?


Where in the name of Christ does Romney get the balls to argue “repealing Obamacare would cause Medicare to go up $716 billion” = “Obama cut $716 from Medicare”? How fucking stupid does he think we are?

By the same logic, the polio vaccine caused thousands of people to die of heart disease. Jonas Salk, you heartless bastard!


I had not heard about the melted cars so I Googled it.
That is really sad.

But the mangos are delectable:

People get upset when you suggest far out stuff like that – like it’s your plan to discredit the truth movement – but it makes a bit of sense that they’d throw in some unknown and unbelievable technology if they at all could, just to make the people searching for answers look like loonies.

Did you ever have an older brother hit you with your own hand and tell you to “stop hitting yourself,” then realize that you actually were just punching yourself in the face and he was sitting several feet away, speaking out of genuine concern?” Me either, but I guess it does happen.


Spearhafoc, Conservative Bronies is the funniest FB page evah. One does have too struggle with the “grown-ups obsessed by cartoon ponies”, but the rest is funny.


Seriously guys, if you plan a radical leftwing insurrection with the National Weather Service and I’m not invited, I will be pissed.


the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to say it more properly maintains a fleet of seafaring vessels

It also has a damned fine website of photo images relevant to my interests.


It also has a damned fine website of photo images relevant to my interests.

It would be irresponsible not to specula…


I beleive NOAA is just gearing up for the coming War on Global Warming.


I reccomend that any Sadlies going to the opening of the new Red Dawn should dress up in robot costumes and sit in the front row to critique the movie MST3K style.


Well, ain’t that a shame. Doesn’t he realize that he has to pull himself up by his own bootstraps?


Well, ain’t that a shame.

Maybe this is the answer with these guys: go after them financially, the way the feds got Capone.


Maybe this is the answer with these guys: go after them financially, the way the feds got Capone.

Yes, yes, a thousand times YES. Attack The Wallet.


Lolz for Spearhafoc @23:30.

“Parts were stolen from Mark Twain, hence the nautical imagery.”–Smut Clyde

Who can forget Barack and Huck rafting down the Mississippi River in The Audacity of Hope? Boy, those two could smoke.

Helmut Monotreme

Maybe this is the answer with these guys: go after them financially, the way the feds got Capone.

Yes, yes, a thousand times YES. Attack The Wallet.

I disagree. Going after the wallet would be a perfectly fine strategy for dealing with a white collar criminal, but I really would prefer to see murderers locked up. Seriously, can you not imagine a downside of a known violent offender loose in society with nothing to lose?


Seriously, can you not imagine a downside of a known violent offender loose in society with nothing to lose?

Imagination not required. But I understand what you’re getting at.


‘He was on his back, had screamed for help for at least 40 seconds and pulled the trigger only after Trayvon pounded his head repeatedly on the ground, O’Mara said.

“He doesn’t have an opportunity to retreat if he’s on his back,” O’Mara said.’

O’Mara is revealing his defense strategy: Zimmerman as helpless victim. This might work if he gets a jury consisting of 100% old, white people scared of blah people.


Whites believe they are victims of racism more often than blacks

Movement conservatism and the Republican party cultivate these beliefs, as do white supremacists. Then when something like the Sikh temple massacre happens, the former disavow any connection, as if their racial beliefs are totally unrelated, as if people who believe that whites now bear the brunt of racism are not clustered on the Right, as if such ideas were not mainstreamed from the fringe on purpose, as if southern culture (in particular) has not nursed grotesquely distorted concepts of relative victimization for a long time.

Us white Americans often understand very little about white privilege. Narrow-mindedly going about one’s business as a white person does not provide much fodder for understanding it. You’d need empathy, imagination, schooling, and encounters that just aren’t there in most cases. But the dim view I just described is a best-case scenario; we actually have people working to prevent whites’ acquisition of the requisite capacities and experiences. Instead their grievances are often stoked seldom challenged (as might happen in college, for example, or equitable workplaces). “Whites see racial equality as a zero sum game, in which gains for one group mean losses for the other.” –And so in our ways we continue the tradition set by southern slaveholders who felt victimized by the abolishment of their odious system.

Draw your own conclusions!

Fareed Zakaria went to Harvard.

Fareed Zakaria is a plagiarist.

Obama also went to Harvard.

Therefore…. !

Richard Nixon was a Republican.

Richard Nixon cheated on his taxes.

Mitt Romney also is a Republican.

Therefore…. !


Senator Larry Craig was a Republican.

Senator Larry Craig was a closet homo.

Mitch McConnell is a Republican.



Dick Cheney was a Republican.

Dick Cheney wouldn’t enlist to serve in the Vietnam War, despite claiming to support it.

Mitt Romney is a Republican.



Wow! You know, it’s easy to question this kind of logic, but it’s pretty hard to argue with its results!


I welcome our weather geek overlords.

In other news, Douchehat fellates Ryan and TBogg makes a poime: http://tbogg.firedoglake.com/2012/08/15/the-lovesong-of-j-alfred-douthat/


How fucking stupid does he think we are?

Hopefully only 48% stupid.


“Whites see racial equality as a zero sum game, in which gains for one group mean losses for the other.” –And so in our ways we continue the tradition set by southern slaveholders who felt victimized by the abolishment of their odious system.

Equality is unfair, and the only fair thing is for the balance to be tipped in my favor. This is the “logic” of three-year-olds regarding chocolate cake, not rational adults. And yet these squeaky wheels not only vote, they decide policy even when they lose.


Happy birthday zombie Julia Child!


In Russia, mother fucks you.



Better headline…

Putin holds Pussy Riot in Moscow jail


People get upset when you suggest far out stuff like that – like it’s your plan to discredit the truth movement – but it makes a bit of sense that they’d throw in some unknown and unbelievable technology if they at all could, just to make the people searching for answers look like loonies.

So the reason 9/11 conspiracy theorists sound like loons is because there’s a secret government conspiracy to make them sound like loons.

Wheels within wheels…


So the reason 9/11 conspiracy theorists sound like loons is because there’s a secret government conspiracy using alien technology from Area 51 to make them sound like loons.

Fuqqst for more tinfoily goodness.


So the reason 9/11 conspiracy theorists sound like loons is because there’s a secret government conspiracy using alien technology from Area 51 to make them sound like loons.

But is it really alien technology if it was built by NOAA personnel who have had mind-melds with extraterrestrial beings from Planet Zindar?


I’ve been to the NOAA satellite center and you don’t get more alien than that: http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories/images/noaa-soc-front2.jpg


No, silly! It’s only alien technology if it was built by the Messicans.


Someone got shot at the headquarters of the Family Research Council.

Cue wingnut jizzing over the prospect of pointing to a left-wing crazy shooter in 3… 2…

[Won’t it be funny if it turns out it’s someone who thinks the FRC aren’t rightwing *enough*?]


Quote of the Day
“I mean, I think that he’s a practical conservative. He’s got a very conservative voting record, but he’s not a knuckle-dragger, all right? He understood that TARP, while none of us wanted to do it, if we were going to save — save our economy, save the world economy, it had to happen. I wish we didn’t have to do it, either, but he understood that.”

— House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), defending Rep. Paul Ryan on Fox News while suggesting opponents to the bank bailouts were “knuckle-draggers.”

There’s something to be said about setting the bar that low, I guess.


‘He was on his back, had screamed for help for at least 40 seconds and pulled the trigger only after Trayvon pounded his head repeatedly on the ground, O’Mara said.

“He doesn’t have an opportunity to retreat if he’s on his back,” O’Mara said.’

HE WAS TOLD BY DISPATCH TO LEAVE THE SITUATION ALONE…he was the aggressor in this situation…even if trayvon was kicking his ass, he doesn’t get to claim victim on this one…


“Whites see racial equality as a zero sum game, in which gains for one group mean losses for the other.” –And so in our ways we continue the tradition set by southern slaveholders who felt victimized by the abolishment of their odious system.

let’s not forget the whites vs native americans…


Hmmm, wasn’t some of that ammo going to marine fisheries? Now I see it…alien technology…marine fisheries…government takeover by…



Someone got shot at the headquarters of the Family Research Council.

“If only the guards had their own rocket launchers…”


Someone got shot at the headquarters of the Family Research Council.

from the comments:

another gun nut went amock

hey,mocking is OUR purview, sam from lawrenceville, georgia!


wow, you know what i just found out? avon’s group vice president of north american sales is an old dude named angie? what’s up with that?


wow, you know what i just found out? avon’s group vice president of north american sales is an old dude named angie? what’s up with that?

Life has been hard since “Police Woman” was cancelled.


Life has been hard since “Police Woman” was cancelled.



Cue wingnut jizzing over the prospect of pointing to a left-wing crazy shooter in 3… 2…

And there’s a fair chance that it is a left-wing crazy. And then there will be some left-wing crazy bloggers who will jump to his defense. But the “liberal media” will not go on and on about it like Fox would if it were a right-wing crazy. This will only lead to the wingnuts fussing about how the liberal media is covering it up.

Also, the liberals will take this as a time to examine wether there are sensible ways to stem this type of violence and the conservatives will take this as a time to say “see, this is why we need more guns”.


“Witnesses inside the theater at the time the shot was fired stated that a (man) was adjusting himself in his seat when a gun he had on him discharged,” Sgt. Pay Dyer said in a statement released to the press.

o rly? mm-hmmm…


You can almost hear the Merry Melodies Theme.

srsly…everyone has to read the article…it is pure comedy gold…


He’s got a very conservative voting record, but he’s not a knuckle-dragger, all right?

Mmmmm yeaaahhh, NO.

I think the meme said it best:
“Hey girl, I’m the last choice you’ll ever get to make”


This will only lead to the wingnuts fussing about how the liberal media is covering it up

I expect them to report that thousands of such incidences have occured, yet be able to cite exactly one–except for the Weather Underground–which is totally relevant to the situation today…


What do you figure the emergency phone calls are like?

Mail donations to: Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at orly.taitz @gmail. com or dr_taitz @yahoo. com.
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.


Mascara emergencies. Or dental emergencies. Or mascara-on-tooth emergencies.

Helmut Monotreme

which is totally relevant to the situation today…

Don’t forget the activities of ELF and ALF. They’ll want to include burning a few SUV’s a cabin or two and releasing a bunch of minks to pad the total. They might even include the high-seas hijinks of Operation Sea Shepherd or whoever it is that causes trouble for the Japanese whaling fleet.


Obviously, Obama’s plan is to get voters so drunk they’ll vote for him against their better judgement.


It’s called White House Honey Ale, with both light and dark varieties.

The White House brewers are the real racists!!!!!1!!1!


ooooh…orly is SERIOUS!

Posted on | August 15, 2012 | 1 Comment

As I am prosecuting 6 cases against Obama in different states your urgent support is needed. I had to hire a paralegal to help me with thousands of pages of pleadings and exhibits, complaints and motions going to different states. Courts are raising filing fees. In Ca the fee to file in state court is $450, in the Court of appeals is $720. My assistant is not working pro bono, as I do. I have to pay her a salary. Your donations are badly needed to so I can continue this fight. There is no other attorney who is bringing active cases. No other attorney did 10% of the amount of work that I am doing. This work is depleting my financial, physical and emotional resources. Your donations or volunteering (if you are an attorney or paralegal) are badly needed. If ObamaForgeryGate is not prosecuted and this criminal,this thief with a stolen CT Social Security number is allowed to sit in the White House for 4 more years, it is the end of this nation, of our rights, of our children’s future. It will be another Soviet Union or Iran or China. Please, act now, before it’s too late.


Don’t forget the activities of ELF and ALF. They’ll want to include burning a few SUV’s a cabin or two and releasing a bunch of minks to pad the total. They might even include the high-seas hijinks of Operation Sea Shepherd or whoever it is that causes trouble for the Japanese whaling fleet.

Casualty count (to my knowledge): 0.


The White House brewers are the real racists!!!!!1!!1!

What depredations will the muslins stoop to next?


No, silly! It’s only alien technology if it was built by the Messicans.

So every house house in the last twenty years…



I think I saw something like this on Craigslist.


So every house house in the last twenty years…

Also the Ford Fusion is alien technology. Who knew?



LOL–stop hitting yourself!


yet be able to cite exactly one

You’re not giving them nearly enough credit. They’ll try to spin every shooting since Lincoln as being the work of Leftists. See: the Sikh Temple guy. “He was a Nazi. Nazi = National Socialist. Socialist = Left. Q.E.Dumb.”


If ObamaForgeryGate is not prosecuted and this criminal,this thief with a stolen CT Social Security number is allowed to sit in the White House for 4 more years, it is the end of this nation, of our rights, of our children’s future. It will be another Soviet Union or Iran or China. Please, act now, before it’s too late.

Also, consider this shit bookmarked, bitch. I’ll send a donation of my used toilet paper if your creepy little prophesy doesn’t come to pass. Fuck you, and have a nice day. Actually, don’t. Have a really rotten day.


I have seen people dumb enough to call JW Booth a liberal because at the time, Southerners were mostly Democrats….

I always leave those alone because I’m pretty sure a little knowledge would burn up their poor, dusty, mildewed thinkboxes.



LOL–stop hitting yourself!

i also like where she says no other attorneys are bringing active cases…you know why, orly? cuz they aren’t batshit crazy hucksters like yourself!


just because tsam mentioned jw booth, i feel obliged to link to this… once again…because it’s funny shit…


As I am prosecuting 6 cases against Obama in different states

Wasn’t she banned from doing this?


Wasn’t she banned from doing this?


Helmut Monotreme

She is right of course. She needs help. Just not the kind she’s asking for.


I have seen people dumb enough to call JW Booth a liberal because at the time, Southerners were mostly Democrats…. – tsam

As you no doubt know, since Southerners were mostly Democrats, that makes liberals the real racists. And Robert Byrd was in the KKK.

Who can argue with wingnut logic?



And yet the vast majority have accomplished so much than Orly. Maybe that old saw about working smarter rather than working harder might apply here.


so much MORE than Orly…

Jeez, what did I just say about working smarter.


I thought Purdue was a trade school.


just because tsam mentioned jw booth, i feel obliged to link to this… once again…because it’s funny shit… – bbkf

From what I’ve read in terms of descriptions of how Lincoln actually sounded, this is a lot more on the mark than all those re-enactments in which Lincoln sounds way too stentorian.

Similarly, why do they always use someone with a deep voice and slightly midwestern accent whenever they need someone to read in the voice of or play the part of Teddy Roosevelt? I’ve heard recordings of TR, and, even accounting for sound preservation issues, the guy had a high voice and rocked a New York accent that made Bugs Bunny sound midwestern. OK … maybe I exaggerate a little … but not much …


Similarly, why do they always use someone with a deep voice and slightly midwestern accent whenever they need someone to read in the voice of or play the part of Teddy Roosevelt?

Do you mean to tell me that he did NOT sound like Mork? I call shenanigans, bro.


And Robert Byrd was in the KKK.

Robert Byrd was a piece of shit. No argument there. But he tried to leave that behind him. Strom Thurmond, on the other hand, brought his own brand of awesomely batshit to the Repig party, which they accepted with open arms. This, of course, proves that liberals are the real racists.



She’s like a well hit 3-wood in a tile bathroom.


She’s like a well hit 3-wood in a tile bathroom.

Ooops, did I leave the web-cam on?


I thought Purdue was a trade school.

For chickens?


The White House brewers are the real racists!!!!!1!!1!

What? They’re moving out of Milwaukee?


As I am prosecuting 6 cases against Obama in different states

She needs to team up with that guy who keeps insisting that he is filing a ‘Bench Trial’ against Markos directly with Scalia…


She needs to team up with that guy who keeps insisting that he is filing a ‘Bench Trial’ against Markos directly with Scalia…

see? that working smarter thing is already working!



there’s a school for that?!?! why wasn’t i told…why, here i was all bootstrappy and taught MYself to be the awesome bartender you see before you today!


I was thinking clowns.


No immediate bounce for Romney after Ryan vp pick

Don’t let’s hold our breath.


why, here i was all bootstrappy and taught MYself to be the awesome bartender you see before you today!

Obama sez you din’t do it yourself. You had help.


i was all bootstrappy

[complete lack of affect] That’s hot. [/complete lack of affect]


Obama sez you din’t do it yourself. You had help.

I have been a BIG help to LOTS of bartenders.


Obama sez you din’t do it yourself. You had help.

hey now! just because i drink on the job! doesn’t mean anything…


I have been a BIG help to LOTS of bartenders.

and we thank you, sir…tip early and tip often!


just not fingertips, mmkay?


just not fingertips, mmkay?




am not! but why don’t lepers like to play hockey?


‘Cause they stink on ice?


The 56-year-old, who has a permit to carry a concealed weapon, proceeded to apologize to other moviegoers in his immediate vicinity and exit the theater. Police tracked him down to a Reno hospital; his injury was not considered life-threatening.

WOLVER*BLAM!*….ow! ow! ow!


‘Cause they stink on ice?

Thought that was why zombies didn’t play hockey.


Icing the puck.

Pucking the ice.

Bouncing the Palin.

Pouncing the…………….belaying pin? Arrrrr!!

Journal of the Plague Year

And after Obama launches a false flag nuclear attack people will be lured into the FEMA camps by the promise of internet access.

Will there be World of Warcraft? I have a paladin that’s alllllmost to level 85, and I want her ready for the Pandoria expansion this fall…


(comments are closed)