Nazi Punks Fuck Off Should Be Given Free Cake and Never Ever Criticized Even When They Kill People

Anders Breivik, George Zimmerman, and now Wade Michael Page. What’s a murderer got to do to NOT get a blowjob from the right-wing?

Michelle Malkin, Prenatal Review:
Smearing the Tea Party

Last Sunday yet another right-wing fuck went on yet another killing spree, this time at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin. A paranoid white supremacist neo-nazi walked into temple services and killed 6 people, injuring 4 more with a semiautomatic handgun he bought at a local gunshop.

But if there was one bright side to this tragedy, it has been that people have been starting to work through their automatic “white guy with gun = not terrorism, just lone gunman” bias. Media outlets are actually correctly labeling the murders as domestic terrorism. Some are even going back and tying it to the calvacade of other mass shooting, such as noting its the fifth in 7 years in Wisconsin alone.

Not that that’s enough. Like that will bring back the victims or break through the issues blocking us from actually ending these mass shootings and increases in domestic terrorism. But it’s something and a very important first step.

Even the right wing has been uncharacteristically silent on-

Wait, knock on woodknockonwood-

Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • Actually acknowledging that right wing murderers exist and commit horrific crimes in the wake of this right-wing murderer’s horrific crime is DOUBLE PLUS FASCISM UNGOOD!


Sigh, of course there was. It’s not like these ghouls are capable of shame or even some level of internal censorship that goes “hey, maybe this time, we should just keep our fool mouth shut and not remind everyone of the shooter’s close and personal ties to us”.

So the ghoul du jour this shooting is that rabid ferret-eating creature known as Michelle Malkin, back in her element of being an unrepentant fucknozzle.

I am so glad for her.

Just- Just roll the damn nutjobbery already.

In the wake of the horrific Sikh-temple shootings in Wisconsin, left-wing barrel-scrapers are demanding that talk-radio giant Rush Limbaugh and other conservatives apologize for criticizing a 2009 Department of Homeland Security report that hyped an ominous new wave of violent “rightwing extremism.”

I don’t apologize. I call foul.

Well, yes, the Fail-a-palooza the right wing unleashed after the most extreme elements of the right wing were mildly looked at by a Bush-administration report was initially hilarious coming off nearly 8 years of probably illegal intimidation campaigns against Greenpeace, Sierra Club, libraries, etc… in the name of “investigating terrorism”.

It became much less funny and much more infuriating after the right-wing went on a giant campaign of domestic and foreign terrorism with little to no investigation or follow-up on the groups that trained and created these vile murderers. Especially when the right-wing continued to whine like a baby panda whose been shot about how mean it was for people to treat them immeasurably better than a librarian.

Here, I think I’ve reached a new plateau of anger where I’ve somehow found the hilarious again. I mean, she is whining about having right-wing terrorists vaguely looked into literally less than a week after yet another right-wing domestic terrorist went on yet another domestic terrorism murder spree after a large recent history of domestic terrorism murder sprees. There’s something darkly funny about that.

The media lowlifes who exploit every tragic shooting to silence their law-abiding, First Amendment–exercising enemies are tearing this country apart. “Progressives” have had free rein to libel and slander peaceful, liberty-loving citizens

Well yes, I suppose we are slandering and libeling the God-given conservative right to kill as many “perceived liberals” they want without commentary or reaction.

Good catch on that one.

— while whitewashing the violent plots and criminal behavior of their ideological counterparts. No more.

She’s right you know. It’s only fair that we highlight the recent equally horrifying actions of left-wing terrorists in the past few years. Like when… hmm, or maybe that time when…

Uh, what the fuck is she talking about? The left-wing hasn’t had a real domestic terrorism outfit in decades. It’s the reason that the right-wing keeps circling back to the suicidally incompetent Weathermen as the big counterargument to all these acts of terrorism. Because for all the legacy of anarchist bomb-throwers, the American left has been rather subdued and patient in its most recent incarnations.

It’s also why she’s got no concrete counter-example here. What’s the matter Michelle, too much blood on your hands and you’re hoping that if you spray it on a liberal it’ll somehow stick?

Wade Michael Page was a chronically unemployed Army washout with a drinking problem; a body covered in abhorrent white-supremacist tattoos; neo-Nazi band membership; a recent break-up with his white-supremacist girlfriend; and a military discharge under “other than honorable conditions” that suggests to several psychological experts he may have had a disqualifying mental illness.

He was, in short, an unrepentant racist and sicko for whom no decent Americans have sympathy or tolerance.

And yet he is wholly a creation of right-wing ideology, perfectly at home inside your viper’s nest of white supremacists, paranoid nutcases, and untreated sociopaths.

Maybe you’d feel less ownership of these despicable people if you know, you had less reflexive ownership of these despicable people.

Also, is everyone on the right just assuming that Liberal Fascism is recorded history and thus they can just handwave away all Nazis, neo-nazis, and white supremacists as left-wing phenomena just because it’s no longer socially lauded to be associated with them?

Before he turned the gun on himself, Page slaughtered six innocent human beings. But instead of mourning their deaths and decrying evil in all its forms, some vultures chose to indict the entire Right. Instead of waiting for all the facts to come out about Page’s life and mental history, political opportunists rifled through their drawer of partisan grievances to score points.

He was wearing a white supremacist t-shirt. This wasn’t like some giant game of cat and mouse where his allegiances were shrouded in mystery and fog.

Also, it’s been a week. The facts are all out, his white supremacist girlfriend has also been arrested and his nazi punk albums have been thoroughly cataloged and judged. It turns out he was unsurprisingly a right-wing fuck weasel like yourself. You can try and point out that your brand of right-wing fuckwittery is not associated with his brand of fuckwittery, but you can’t really say it was inaccurate of people to call it right-wing fuckwittery.

They are using the Sikh-temple massacre to try to delegitimize perfectly legitimate criticism of the Obama administration’s 2009 Department of Homeland Security report lumping homicidal extremists like Page in with ordinary activists who embrace the very principles of limited government espoused by our Founding Fathers.

Not really. The Bush commissioned report was remarkably narrow in its focus only looking at the most extreme right-wing groups possible. Militias, sovereign citizen groups, various cult leaders, and white supremacists. You know, the exact type of people who’ve been spending the last 4 years killing and maiming as many people as they can.

The people linking them with “peaceful right-wing protesters” as if they were one and the same have been well… people like you. Not just by eagerly inviting white supremacist groups into your Tea Party conventions and marches, but by claiming the report trying to identify high-risk terrorist hotspots was a personal assault against yourself.

And well, that’s sort of the problem. As much as you’ve tried to argue that these “lone gunmen” were created in a vacuum untouched by their surrounding culture, you’ve also been terrified that someone will look even a quarter of an inch deeper into it.

About the amount of times you and your contemporaries were plagiarized to form Breivik’s manifesto, how many “pro-life” organizations were involved in aiding and abetting Scott Roeder, the not so secret fact that the Tea Party is just a new cosplay for old KKK members and white supremacists, the various right-wing groups that emboldened Jared Loughner to shoot Giffords, and how the hate and demonization you sell every day contributes to shootings like this one.

Yeah, if I was a professional muslim hater, I’d be a bit ashamed right now as my words once again prompted a fuckstick to shoot up yet another holy site because “they have turbans and are therefore evil”.

Not that that’s the reason Michelle is moaning like a skewered sea lion. I’m sure she has a totally legitimate reason for her reactions- Yeah, I can’t keep a straight face for that one.

On Thursday, Los Angeles Times reporter James Rainey promoted a smug article titled, “Sorry, Mr. Limbaugh, but Obama agency did not target tea party.”

Understanding that Bush commissioned the report long before there was even such a thing as teabaggers is LIBERAL FASCISM ELEVENTYONE!

Rainey, who describes himself as having “spent many of his 30 years in journalism cogitating on politics,” blamed Limbaugh, House speaker John Boehner, and yours truly for “prevent[ing] tracking of home-grown crackpots.” The DHS assessments, Rainey claimed, “were carefully couched as trends to beware of, directed not at everyday political activists but at those who planned to use violence to carry out their beliefs.”

Huh, still not seeing a link to the original source. It’s almost like looking at the original source reveals it to be a remarkably even-tempered and overly forgiving article on the subject. One that doesn’t bother to correct the bullshit about it being an Obama-penned report though does note how the backlash successfully scared off the Obama Justice Department from being able to act to prevent the last 4 years of unending terrorist activities by the Right.

Also this great quote by Limbaugh: “There is not one instance they can cite as evidence where any of these right-wing groups have done anything.”


Sorry, Los Angeles Times. But your cogitating reporter misreported what was in those assessments and why conservatives successfully protested them.

Oh you reporters. Trying to be fair-minded and thinking there was a difference between far-right groups planning violence and “peaceful protesters just worried about tax rates”.

So silly.

The politically timed documents were released just as thousands of peaceful, law-abiding tea-party members were preparing the nationwide April 15 Tax Day tea-party protests. DHS’s overbroad report didn’t target just those prone to violence with “carefully couched” language. The feds engaged in scare-mongering about unnamed groups and individuals “antagonistic toward the new presidential administration” and “those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely.” Code words for the stimulus-opposing, bailout-protesting tea-party movement. Duh.

Of course.

No other way to interpret it.

I mean it’s not like the first black anything else hasn’t faced assassination attempts or an “antigovernment sovereign citizen who thought that state and local laws could trump the federal government” was involved in shooting a congresswoman in the middle of the day.

Obviously it was Time Lords predicting the rise of the Tea Party using their Future Viewers and using it to pen a giant raspberry that would make the right-wing look like myopic evil doers for protesting the secret insult.

For good measure, the report tossed in vague references to pro-lifers, Second Amendment activists, and border-security advocates, too.

That’s just cold!

How could liberals slander innocent anti-choicers, gun nuts (any mass-shooter or that one guy who decided to shoot up a bunch of cops he was convinced were coming to take away his guns), and border patrol vigilantes. It’s not like they’ve been involved in extremely recent domestic terrorism plots or anything.

As I noted at the time, past FBI reports on domestic terrorism have always been very specific in identifying the exact groups, causes, and targets — i.e., the Animal Liberation Front, Earth Liberation Front, and enviro-wackos who have engaged in physical harassment, arson, vandalism, and worse against pharmaceutical companies, farms, labs, and university researchers.

Really? ELF and ALF? So let’s see here, your recent Weathermen replacements are a group of morons who burned down a couple of empty suburban build sites and some idiots whose main “evil” has been fucking up some science experiments by releasing the test animals into the wild to be instantly murdered.

Yeah, truly groups to be feared and not at all a stark contrast to the endless stream of spree killers produced by the Right.

And that’s before we get into the fact that the Bush investigations she’s vaguely alluding to weren’t exactly “narrow” in target. But rather used the existence of ELF and ALF to engage in heavy intimidation tactics against ALL environmental groups.

Sierra Club, Greenpeace, etc… had their phones tapped and members throughly investigated and intimidated because of that loose connection to terrorism.

And let’s not even broach the treatment of civil rights activists in the 60s by the FBI.

It’s almost like the real issue in our culture is that people advocating on behalf of change are regularly labeled as violent when they aren’t, whereas those fighting to enforce the status quo are labeled as peaceful even when they are violent terrorists.

And the champions of that violence to keep the untermenschen in line are worried that their Idapalooza is giving away the game.

But that’s just crazy talk.

By contrast, the 2009 report was a sweeping indictment of conservatives.

So much crazy talk.

The report warned that unspecified “rightwing extremist chatter on the Internet continues to focus on the economy.” Conservative blogosphere? Guilty!

That’s mean. Sure, the right-wing blogosphere single-handedly created Norway’s worst domestic terrorist and unleashed their horrific creation on a bunch of children, but…


And the entire report asserted with no evidence that an unquantified “resurgence in rightwing extremist recruitment and radicalization activity” was due to home foreclosures, job losses, and “the historical presidential election.”

Okay, I know that the right-wing is not really used to reality and having to acknowledge meaningless facts, but uh…

We’re not still before the giant string of right-wing terrorists, Michelle. You can’t just go, “stupid Justice Department, thinking that there might be a resurgance of right-wing extremists following the election of a black president”.

See, it already occurred. The nattering nancies you are poo-pooing here were right. It happened.

Your current squawks are because you are trying to get that particular hot potato out of your hands before it can sear the blood into your skin. Trying to adopt a “no fair” pose right now just makes you look like an idio-

On second thought, please do carry on.

To the extent that the DHS assessments mentioned military-service members, they focused on Army veterans returning from war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Rainey and his ilk blithely glide over the fact that Page was an Army dropout who never saw combat.

So wait, the fact it was fucking prescient on every other level is disproven because in this one particular incident it forgot to note people who failed the Army Psych Evaluation?

I mean, sure, the report should have caught that after Army dropouts shot up that school in Columbine, but still.

I’ve seen many a grasping at straws in my life, but none so… graspy.

No matter. Liberal commentators have convicted GOP congresswoman Michele Bachmann, GOP Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, and the entire conservative talk-radio world for Page’s murderous rampage. On the dregs of cable-TV news, MSNBC’s Ed Schultz invoked our criticism of the 2009 report to try to shame and blame Righty.

Yeah, people noting that right-wing terrorists are right-wing. That sort of thing should be banned if we’re going to be a free society.

Someone should really show them for saying we are violent. Wink wink, nudge nudge, know what I mean, lone wolf commentator I disavow any knowledge of.

Meanwhile, these ghouls remain radio-silent about actual domestic-terror plots tied directly to the Democratic party



–embraced Occupy movement. Take the ring of self-identified Occupy leaders, members, and anarchist organizers in Cleveland, Ohio, charged with plotting to bomb bridges in Ohio and kill potentially hundreds in order to sabotage local business and commerce. One pleaded guilty last month and will testify against the other four — who attempted to detonate what they thought was an improvised explosive device to blow up a local bridge and take the lives of untold commuters across the Cuyahoga River. Media apologists have gone out of their way to minimize the severity of the plot and to enable Occupy organizers to distance themselves from their violent anarchist members.

This is such unbelievable weak sauce that it doesn’t even deserve a response. Any person who could possibly see it as A) real, B) equivalent, C) a genuine defense against mass-shooting after mass-shooting, is so long gone that any snarky response no matter how profanity-laden or righteous could possibly penetrate their wall of dumb.

This is the misfiring synapse of Michelle’s last remaining shred of guilt and humanity trying desperately to rationalize her life spent in service to terrorists and murderers.

It should be given all the respect that such an action deserves.

In the warped world of James Rainey, MSNBC Neanderthals, and George Soros operatives, every conservative is a right-wing terrorist.

Not really, but based on how you’ve been circling the wagons behind every terrorist and murderer with vaguely white skin, I guess we should be.

I mean, fuck, it’d be one thing if there was a single ghoul in the bunch actually trying to distance themselves from these psychos and not just because they’re worried someone might realize who got them fired up for killing.

But there’s not. There’s just you.

Welcome to terrorism, Michelle, hope you like it, cause you well made that bed.

But there are no left-wing terrorists — only misguided kids whose social-justice agenda simply went awry.

Yeah, because there haven’t been any damn left-wing terrorists in decades. That’s why you’re grasping at straws like ELF and some non-existant and unlinked to “anarchists” with a “totally real” “bomb plot” that would have totally equaled the endless stream of spree killings of late.

Not even the false equivalence obsessed MSM has been able to rescue this shit for you. There might have been a time in American history where there were legitimate left-wing domestic terrorists, but these days the terrorist forces are pretty firmly on one side. And it’s gotten so bad that the MSM has had to start actually pointing out that yes, white people serving the status quo and existing hierarchies can be terrorists too.

Maybe if you created fewer of them we could go back to believing in a false equivalence, but then that would be just too much like work for you demented chipmunks now wouldn’t it?

The bias reeks like an Occupy camp in the dog days of August.

Cause see unwashed hippies stink.

Much like the many many innocent corpses created by these unending right-wing terrorist attacks.

Sure glad we’re not allowed to respond to them with anything approaching sanity thanks to the hair-trigger fee-fees of those that create them.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. I think I learned to stop worrying and “love” the right-wing worship of mass murderers. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 194


I don’t think you understand – we must warn the Archduke Ferdinand of the dangers of leftist anarchists before it’s too late!!

I know they talk about armies always trying to fight the last war, but shit, that was like 4 wars ago…..


Malkin is an idiot and a joke. The most hilarious thing is when she pretends to be an historian. Her most famous works, according to Wikipedia:

Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists, Criminals, and Other Foreign Menaces (2002).

Well, Michelle, that’s you and your whole goddamned family of Filipinos. You are foreign menaces that have been welcomed by the US, and what do we get in return? Your terrorism. Thanks, bitch.

In Defense of Internment: The Case for ‘Racial Profiling’ in World War II and the War on Terror

Good. Remember this whole fucking book the next time you go off on those conjectured FEMA camps. You SUPPORTED the idea. Also, beware of Daniel Inouye. He has more virtue, goodness, and badassitude in the hook that replaced his missing hand than you will ever have.

Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild

Liberals gone wild? Michelle, honey, when I google search images for you, the whole page looks like a woman trying to imitate a rabid pug. This is straw man uber alles.

Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies

This one’s a bit more difficult. Then again, if you read a history book (any of them will do, really, just any one of them), you will find that corruption and tax evasion are conservative inventions. Why? It’s quite logical, really. The logic of the right is “We’ve got ours, so fuck you.” The logic of the left is “Hey, some people don’t have enough. Why don’t you rich fuckers give it to them?”

So, Michelle Malkin is a hypocritical parasite. But I think most people reading this already knew that.


The feds engaged in scare-mongering about unnamed groups and individuals “antagonistic toward the new presidential administration” and “those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely.”

Whatever gave the feds the idea the Tea Party was violent?


Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies

This one’s a bit more difficult. Then again, if you read a history book (any of them will do, really, just any one of them), you will find that corruption and tax evasion are conservative inventions. Why? It’s quite logical, really. The logic of the right is “We’ve got ours, so fuck you.” The logic of the left is “Hey, some people don’t have enough. Why don’t you rich fuckers give it to them?”

Hilariously, the book was written before his inauguration.


Four doofuses without a bomb and with an FBI informant leading them by the nose into a terror plot to dismantle infrastructure sounds like a better conspiracy than the notion that right-wing ideology leads to nutjobs shooting up groups of people. Unfortunately for Ms Malkin, I have much more to fear from those right-wing-inspired nutjobs with easy access to actual handguns and sometimes access to explosive devices (see MLK parade backpack incident and countless examples of anti-abortion vandalism) than I do from even those Islamic nutjobs with FBI ties who put barrels of whatever into station wagons in manners that can’t get explodey but still lead to terrorism charges.

Why is the government–Obama’s corrupt and terrible government–going out of its way to make supposedly left-wing folks such as the Occupy movement (which is probably funded by Timothy Geitner, who loves dreadlocks and not bathing and economic reforms such as “Smash the state” and “Break up the Banks” so much that he’s never bothered to do anything related to that) and Islamist terrorists (because Barack HUSSEIN Obama, natch) get arrested? We’ll probably never know because Obama ordered a successful hit on his co-conspirator.

Just you all wait and see! The truth will come out! Obama Truth Squad is a totally apolitical group dedicated to smearing the President because he’s nearly not really possibly what he says he is and how he’s acted for so long is merely an act that hides his true, secret intentions that must be investigated further unless he gets beaten in an election in which case never mind, our job is done here, where’s my wingnut welfare?


“He was, in short, an unrepentant racist and sicko for whom no decent Americans have sympathy or tolerance.”
Has she forgotten her friends Charles Bloch, Peter Bradley, John Derbyshire, Kevin MacDonald, J. Philippe Rushton, Steve Sailer or David Yeagley? Their, and Michelle’s, tolerance go well past that.


Were there any kind of justice at all in this world, Mm would be forced to remain awake and listen to that rant at 90 dB as Elmo read it out loud over and over again. MM would be prodded to join in at the appropriate times.

If there were any justice.


Also, too, who gives a fuck if Limbaugh, et al, apologize?! I’m waiting for one of these hate-mongerers to be charged with inciting violence, myself. I couldn’t care less whether they say the magic words or not, after they are caught. Whatever they said, they wouldn’t be sorry or regretful, anyway, since they have no human empathy.

At the very least, I’d be content with a flood of lawsuits for wrongful deaths from all the survivors and victims families.

Lurking Canadian

That woman is so crazy, she gives crazy a bad name. When that report came out, they deliberately made it about them, with all thee “OMG Obama’s coming for our guns!” bullshit. Now that there actually is a domestic terror problem, they continue to make it all about them.

Michelle, honey, if you don’t want us to blame you, stop claiming responsibility!

Oh, and the suggestion that “pro-life” assholes who go around murderig doctors and bombing clinics are not terrorists remains utter bullshit.


You can’t help but wonder if they recognized themselves in the report, LC.


Me thinks the lady rabid pug doth protest too much.


But instead of mourning their deaths and decrying evil in all its forms, some vultures chose to indict the entire Right.

Has this really happened? I’ve only heard solidarity with the Sikhs and puzzlement as to the motivation, as if the motive of an long-time out-and-out racist were somehow hard to discern. I’ve heard Page referred to as a domestic terrorist AND as a lone wolf, I’ve heard no one try to link it to the entire Right, or any group other than neoNazi racists. Like Cerb said, the only one claiming an attack on neoNazi racists is an indictment of the entire Right appears to be Malkin.

Instead of waiting for all the facts to come out about Page’s life and mental history, political opportunists rifled through their drawer of partisan grievances to score points.

TOTALLY unlike she is doing with this article, right? Of course I really shouldn’t have said anything because I have granite counter tops.


Oh, and the suggestion that “pro-life” assholes who go around murderig doctors and bombing clinics are not terrorists remains utter bullshit.

Or, you know, setting up a bomb at the Olympics.


Malkin: I don’t apologize I am foul.


Or, you know, setting up a bomb at the Olympics.

Rafalca libel!

Spengler Dampniche

It’s always projection. We know this. I just wish they’d stop projecting bits of metal at 1400 feet per second.



I can’t seem to find any humor with Michelle Grimalkin anymore. I _know_ there’s dark humor in there somewhere but everything she says just turns my stomach. I _try_ to laugh about it but I can’t find anything funny to say.



“engaged in scare-mongering about unnamed groups and individuals”

This gives the game away entirely – Ms. Malkin is mostly pissed that (in her mind) the Feds were creeping on the GOP standard operating procedure.

Flotsam & jesuistsam

Malkin is the epitome of the overgrown petulant brat child. Like veruca salt, only way brattier.


“Progressives” have had free rein to libel and slander peaceful, liberty-loving citizens

I don’t know too many “peaceful” right wingers. They seem to be mostly about bombing the crap out of other countries.


Quadruple B-

I don’t always get your sense of humor. This might be due to cognitive dysfunction, or a misunderstanding of context.

What’s hilarious to me is that Rabid Pug Woman(tm) seems to think that everything the black dude does is wrong, regardless of the fact that her (gomph gomph, can’t talk right now, too much dick in my mouth) party practices the same kind of corruption on a far more massive scale.

Malkin just pisses me off. I am a historian. As a historian of Asia, to have to see students take her works as serious scholarship just drives me up the wall, ninja style.. If you ever meet the Rabid Pug Woman(tm), please tell her not to come to Beijing. It will not go well for her. I make no threats; I just speak truth. She will find few friends here, despite the fact that many Beijingers also look like rabid pugs.



I don’t think the “rabid dog” insult was meant as a slight against Asians.

He was pointing out that most pictures of Malkin show her face twisted into a hateful sneer.


“Progressives” have had free rein to libel and slander peaceful, liberty-loving citizens… No more.

No more? I can’t libel and slander peaceful, liberty-loving citizens anymore? Bummer.

Can I just calumniate and malign them instead?


I await the shocking expose of the granite countertops in that Sikh temple.


Miss Maglalang’s obliviousness in defending psychopathic white supremacists is truly breathtaking when you consider her interior vantage point: the tiny, delicate ego sitting inside a smaller than average brain all riding around within her own dusky epidermis.


I don’t think the “rabid dog” insult was meant as a slight against Asians.
He was pointing out that most pictures of Malkin show her face twisted into a hateful sneer.

Example #1
Example #2
Example #3
Example #4
Example #5 (photoshopped for greater emphasis).

And there are plenty more where those came from.


You get the idea that Malkin’s magnitude of batshit crazy is as lofty as Mozart’s musical genius–off the scale and far beyond our reach.

The thing is, these right-wing media loons like Malkin, Limbaugh, Jonah Loadpants, Sean Hannity, Brent Bozell, Alex Jones, Victor Davis Hanson, et al. are all effete, loopy, shit-in-their-pants cowards and thoroughly incapable of even bitch-slapping their illegal immigrant house help.

But the super fucking crazy wackos out their who lap up the vile words and ideas of these babbling poopies are capable of appalling acts of violence and mayhem. How many gun-toting, right-wing, batshit crazy people are out there? A LOT. As we can clearly see.

So, no, Michelle, you insane pile of shit, you need not apologize for a goddamn thing. But let the slaughter continue, by all means. You, my dear right-wing monster, in your bizarro alternate universe where you reside, are never the blame for anything.

Alexander von Humbug

Flotsam & jesuistsam said,
August 12, 2012 at 17:12

Malkin is the epitome of the overgrown petulant brat child. Like veruca salt, only way brattier.

I dunno, they were pretty damned bratty looking when they appeared on SNL in those latex pants.

Pupienus Maximus

Now This looks interesting. I think I know what we’re doing tonight.


It’s worth mentioning that Malkin is Stormfront’s favorite non-white person; they often link to or reprint her posts there.


Well, I’m at a loss. Malkin has always had been obsessed with demonstrating that conservatives are the real victims whenever someone else gets hurt, but this is too much. “Ghoulish” doesn’t begin to describe it.

Instead, I’d like to point out that a character based on Malkin would make for an excellent villain. She has that combination of egomania, paranoia and self-righteousness that leads her to view all her actions as fully justified. These are the bad guys who commit evil deeds in public, then wonder why anyone would oppose them. She’d make a fantastic antagonist in a comic book, science fiction novel, or thriller.

Shame we’re stuck with her, huh?


The media lowlifes who exploit every tragic shooting to silence their law-abiding, First Amendment–exercising enemies are tearing this country apart. “Progressives” have had free rein

The LA Times is a hotbed of left-wing activism.


By contrast, the 2009 report was a sweeping indictment of conservatives.

What could possibly make a report on right-wing terrorist threats a sweeping indictment of conservatives? Puzzling.


I went to the Caribbean Festival in Edmonton today and got some jerk chicken for lunch.

Holy shit! My mouth is still burning! This was the sneaky kind of heat where you don’t really notice your lips are on fire until you’re almost done – but it’s so good you keep eating it anyway.


Charlie Pierce needs to use the tag “jerk chicken” for a pol. Romney, maybe.


In the warped world of James Rainey, MSNBC Neanderthals, and George Soros operatives

God help me, I still love this.


Need a photoshop of MM eating a ferret sammich.


She’s produced some pretty good gnawing faces.

Pretty impressive that NRO cans a couple of racists and picks up VDare poster girl Malkin.


“He was, in short, an unrepentant racist and sicko for whom no decent Americans have sympathy or tolerance.”

But take away his access to guns? No, she’ll go to her grave defending his right to have guns. I mean, there’s such a thing as going too far! If removing Malkin’s sympathy and tolerance doesn’t straighten the guy out, what good would denying him access to weapons do?


Jerking the chicken.

Well, somebody hadta say it!!


Gnawing the ferret


Counting the granite.


But take away his access to guns? No, she’ll go to her grave defending his right to have guns.

“I may not approve of you killing people, but I will defend to the death your right to have the guns to do it with.”


And not just any guns, but the kind that let you kill large numbers of people very quickly.


Defending the right. Alas.


I would be more supportive if they were for killing a number of large people – LimbaUgh, Loadpants, KLo et al. But there I go again with leftist eliminationist rhetoric.


I would be more supportive if they were for killing a number of large people – LimbaUgh, Loadpants, KLo et al. But there I go again with leftist eliminationist rhetoric.

To paraphrase Mike Royko, if it were possible to magically fix it so that the gun nuts could only hit each other, I’d sell them guns at 7-Elevens.


Really? ELF and ALF? So let’s see here, your recent Weathermen replacements are a group of morons who burned down a couple of empty suburban build sites and some idiots whose main “evil” has been fucking up some science experiments by releasing the test animals into the wild to be instantly murdered.

Why, these animal-murderers must, with the power of massive domestic miltaristic police-effort, be brought to justice! With righteous right-wing might and brawn!

For the pandas! Liberty! And local fur and cosmetics business!!


I need these submachine guns for quail hunting!


Lengthening the thread.

Also, why do so many white supremacists cover their skins’ in ink?


Gotta admit, it takes a lot of balls to ask your opponent to take a knee so you can cruise to victory:


Mitt’s quite the fragile little flower it seems.


What the fuck, people?


“I would be — helped immensely if Usain Bolt agreed to not run as fast as he does. I haven’t outrun everybody and been declared the fastest man of all time, and I don’t think it’s fair that he has” – Some other Olympic sprinter.


That Olympic closing ceremony was so over the top it was like every Superbowl halftime show in history put together.


@Major Kong-

I am so not dissing Asians. I live in Asia. I have friends with Filipina, Thai, Chinese, and Japanese wives. They’re beautiful, and nice.

Malkin is neither beautiful, nor nice. She looks like a fucked-up pug. I know what fucked-up pugs look like, since my family had one. Good old Binky looked like Malkin shortly before we had to put her down.


“Also, why do so many white supremacists cover their skins’ in ink?”

Across your various spectrums, alot of independent free thinking types are getting tattooed. I dunno what to make of it. A profusion of mavericks. Common descriptor, “nonesuch.”


I understand there are as many different reasons why any one individual decides to get a tattoo as there are individuals.

But for a white supremacists’ their self-defining characteristic is; you know, ‘white skin’.

Seems a bit odd to cover it all in ink. Mostly black at that.


It makes Randy Travis’s wild and reckless night seem tame in comparison. That’s why we’re standing by him in his darkest hour:


But for a white supremacists’ their self-defining characteristic is; you know, ‘white skin’.
It’s a Pictish thing. You wouldn’t understand.


That Olympic closing ceremony was so over the top it was like every Superbowl halftime show in history put together.

So glad that Britannicathon 2012 is over! Will limit self to five snide comments:
1) Piers Morgan, while a shit for all seasons, was unfairly pilloried for speaking the subtext of the whole crass self-obsessed 2012 ceremonies out loud
2) It should be a literal rule that if you are more obsessively, intrusively chauvinist in your Olympics than the fussy parvenus in Beijing, you no longer get to be a nation-state; right away that’s you sent back to Westphalia to think very hard about what you did
3) Aristo necks continue to cry out for the axe, despite all

It’s worth mentioning that Malkin is Stormfront’s favorite non-white person; they often link to or reprint her posts there.

She was also VDare’s star writer, which is a headache in and of itself: you know, a Nazi can decide they’s good coloreds as long as they’s no race-mixin’ (the theory under which this admittedly great Onion bit flounders), but how does an org explicitly dedicated to the proposition that a vibrant American nativism is needed to defend America from a tide of immigrants taking our jobs… give a prominent writing job to a second-generation immigrant?

I mean, I guess it proved their point, sort of? In the stupidest way possible? So kind of par for the course?

I really need to get around to reading Reactionary Mind – Robin’s done a pretty good job of pointing out that major wingnuts being non-majority dancing bears is a feature and not a bug.


I guess I woadn’t understand.

Picts or didn’t happen!
snerk snerk snerk.


I await the shocking expose of the granite countertops in that Sikh temple.

For reference, this is the only comment anyone here strictly needed to make, and that makes it the winner.


NPR this morning, Cokie Roberts literally said “Ryan is a serious person.” I think I despise her and her ilk more than I do the Koch-suckers.


“Ryan is a serious person.”

In horse-race/beltway stenography jargon, “serious” and “moderate” and “tough” and “grown-up” and “responsible” mean “I can be this person’s friend”.

For Democrats, it means they’re captive enough to corporate interests and inoffensive enough to wingnut witchfinders-pursuivant that hanging out with them isn’t going to result in being spiked by your cocksuckity cocktail-set editor. Which is to say, “they are conservative”.

For Republicans, it means that being near them doesn’t fill you with a screaming from deep inside parts of your soul you thought were dead, a terror deep in the bones – a signal from your reptile brain, fear it, fear it, fear it, fear it, fear it – or cause others to experience the same being near you, for tolerating them, such that you look like one of them. Which is to say, “I find them sexually attractive”.

Joe Lieberman is a Serious, Independent Moderate with Important Opinions on the Tough Issues because he’s all but a Republican. Paul Ryan is a Serious, Independent Moderate with Important Opinions on the Tough Issues because Beltway reporters want him inside ’em.

This goes as far as assigning the airy-fairy liberal fantasy of Ron Paul-style principled opposition to power to Ryan – Paul Ryan! – a man whose whole life negates the very idea of resistance to power. He loves power; he makes love to power. He would never turn against USA PATRIOT; he is pregnant with its child, and waiting for the day it can tear its way free and lay its eggs in us as well, with something in his eyes disgustingly like pride.

It’s a cruel world, but it’s the only one we got.


You know who ELSE was a serious person??


Not the Joker. “Why so serious?”


but how does an org explicitly dedicated to the proposition that a vibrant American nativism is needed to defend America from a tide of immigrants taking our jobs… give a prominent writing job to a second-generation immigrant?

She’s really handy with the kneepads and mouthwash?


She’s really handy with the kneepads and mouthwash?

This, too, had to be said.


That would be six, not five in wisonsin. Some guy in De Pere shot three members of his family, before killing himself


Not the Joker. “Why so serious?”

Not Harry Potter: “Why so Sirius?”


Across your various spectrums, alot of independent free thinking types are getting tattooed. I dunno what to make of it. A profusion of mavericks.

As I’ve said before – now that everyone has one, my lack of ink makes me an edgy nonconformist.


Oh crap: Are they wearing the same shirt in that interview? It’s like a corporate version of the Borg.


Not the knighted iPhone: Why so Sir iOS?

Every Villager EVAH

Paul Ryan is a serious person.

The entire news media and punditry

Paul Ryan is a serious person.


Paul Ryan is a serious person.


Sarah Palin is a serious person.


I would like to apply this standard to everyone who writes any editorial, pundit column, op-ed piece or anything similar about Paul Ryan:

1) Take the number of times the word “serious” or variants thereof appears:

2) Take the number of times “vouchers” appears:

3) Subtract (2) from (1);

4) Punch the writer in the face that many times.




To quote from the song that appears in the title:

“In a real Fourth Reich you’ll be the first to go” (MALKIN–YA HEARD, BITCH?)

Helmut Monotreme

I agree. Paul Ryan is a scurrilous person.


Teh GayPutzRioters are creaming their jeans over the VP pick. Post after post about deficits and budgets and Medicare and …. Is it cheeky of me to suggest that their excitement actually stems from elsewhere?


Paul Ryan: Dreamier than Sarah Palin?

Compare and contrast.


Paul Ryan: Dreamier than Sarah Palin?

If by dreamy you mean you find yourself daydreaming about jabbing a fork in your ears to make the noise stop when they’re speaking, I’m going to give the advantage to Palin. Her snide tone makes me all stabby and angry. Ryan is an asshole, but Palin has that same snarky, snide, bitchy tone that my ex wife has. ME NO LIKE.


Paul Ryan is a cereal person.

Because breakfast is the most important meal of the day.


All her friends in school were nonconformists, so she became a nonconformist too.


I’m just gonna say it: Ryan is like Gabe from “The Office.”

I mean, remember when Obama pwned the guy over Version 1.0 of his budget months back? Reminded me on how Pam pwned Gabe when she was going for her promotion.

Helmut Monotreme

I was kinda Surprised to see Paul Ryan as Romney’s VP choice. I had always believed that a VP was chosen to broaden the appeal of a ticket. Doubling down on super conservative, economically regressive white guys, was not the choice I would have expected. I suppose it’s his way of signalling to the Republican base, that the Romney of 2012, the paleo conservative one is the one they’ll get if they vote for him, not that RINO Romney of his Massachutsetss governorship days.


What’s disturbing to me is that the Neocon cockroaches are coming back out from under the counter, providing advice to both Rmoney and ZEGS in the campaign. Tbogg has pretty good coverage this morning.


What’s disturbing to me is that the Neocon cockroaches are coming back out from under the counter,

That most likely explains the Ryan pick. You have an idealist who will buy into any ideology as long as it comes packaged with a giant hateboner in the box.


This just in: Peggy Noonan thinks the problem with Republicans is they’re too nice. Must be read to be believed. Are day trips available to whatever world she lives in? Must be a fairly interesting place to visit.


Are day trips available to whatever world she lives in?

I have no need to see Obama with a goatee.

Liberals are full of shit

Liberals, you are nothing but hate, and Obama has no ideas. Ryan and Romney will bring back prosperty with facts and logics, and all you have is names to call. Reality — economic disaster caused by welfare, morgages to poor people, too much lazyness, and not enough jobs created by Job Creators strangled by taxes and regulations, let the free market work and stop socialests!


Personal responsibility entails learning the proper spelling of laziness. Also, knowing when to shut the fuck up is definitely a virtue.


LAFOS: Fake Gary already is doing the job you’re applying for, so your services are not needed here. Thanks for your interest.


Are day trips available to whatever world she lives in?

I have no need to see Obama with a goatse.


The Principal Contributt

Socialist? Why, I’m the socialest!


Also, why do so many white supremacists cover their skins’ in ink?

white makes a nicer canvas…i mean, really…black velvet is sooooo tacky!


This just in: Peggy Noonan thinks the problem with Republicans is they’re too nice.

This is code for, “I think we’re going to lose, here’s our excuse to the base.”

Which it what their excuse has been since GWB lost Congress in 2006: We weren’t batshit crazy enough! Crank it up, and victory will be ours!


If the president rebukes the PAC and renounces the ad—and he should, and he’d look better doing it than not doing it—then we’ll all know there’s an ethical floor below which things can’t sink.


I’m totally fuckin sure the Rmoney camp will look to the Obama camp to define where the low blow line is. Yes, I can see that happening. This bitch is a regular comedian.


Which it what their excuse has been since GWB lost Congress in 2006: We weren’t batshit crazy enough! Crank it up, and victory will be ours!

Sadly, this shit worked really well in 2010. There’s no limit to what you can achieve when you fire up the morons and give them something to hate.


Welcome to terrorism, Michelle, hope you like miasma!



Cursed for life with an enquiry-drunk mind, so questions fall out of it like rain:

Having been in several shitty noisecore bands back in my wasted youth during the Early Jurassic period, I know subculture plagiarism when I smell it – so how long before the dirty truth spills out? When does the credit finally go where it’s due? When do Americans wise up & start referring to “The Paul Ryan Budget” as The Ayn Rand Budget? Why is Ryan trying to crowd-surf into the VP slot on a dead woman’s dogma? Does her estate have grounds to file a copyright suit for this? Is Ryan a closet memetic necrophile?

Remember how much hilarity ensued when Greenspan applied his unique strain of Randroid Simplex to the Federal Reserve? How much more scope could that hilarity have covered if he’d had amazing toys like courts of law & the world’s biggest arsenal to play with?

PROTIP: Vampires will not return unless you invite them back.


Sadly, this shit worked really well in 2010.

What worked in 2010 was them clucking their tongues and saying, “Is this the change you hoped for?” It was simple and effective enough to elect a waste of carbon like Joe Walsh.

But it won’t work again because 1) people have seen the Teatards in action for two years now and 2) they actually have to go out and defend “coupons for codgers” in states like Florida.


What Bitter Said. Mid-terms usually mean a lower turnout, and low turnout favors the GOP.

Pupienus Maximus

Nate Silver:

Members of the House of Representatives have only occasionally been selected as running mates. The last one on a winning ticket was John Nance Garner, the speaker of the House, in 1932. The last time an ordinary member of the House was elected vice president, and the last Republican, was more than 100 years ago: in 1908, when William Howard Taft and James S. Sherman, a New York congressman, were chosen by voters. (Coincidentally, that fall was also the last time that the Chicago Cubs won the World Series.)

Mr. Silver should be ashamed of himself – he knows there is no such thing as coincidence!

The Chicago Cubs

We’ll go without a Series another 104 years if you don’t elect Ryan. Deal?

Pupienus Maximus

Want to share something Teh Ho sed:

“forget chick fil’a, the war is already won. Notice that in all the coverage of NASA Mohawk Guy they include the line “sorry ladies and gents, he’s taken” The default assumption is now inclusive. We’ve won.”

Helmut Monotreme

In good news, my uncle’s apple trees are full of apples. Which means it’s time to get out the cider press, and learn a thing or two about fermentation.


Michelle Malkin is no more than a mere hugbox & ball-gag away from being a credit to society.

She’ll remain lifelike for many years yet, so unless someone gets VERY busy dosing up some metropolitan water supplies with smart drugs &/or she develops a sudden tragic bout of critical thinking skills, she can just keep right on punching that MALKIN$MA$H-4-KA$H™ meal-ticket on autopilot for the duration.

***** your caption goes here *****


Somebody ain’t happy.

Campaign contributors don’t pay the bills any more, Obama haters do. You gotta fleece them who want fleecin’.


You gotta fleece them who want fleecin’.

I wonder if any of the people who gave her money when they thought she was going to run for president have enough self-awareness to feel like suckers now.


Heh, third verse, similar to the first two
Beat sounds hard like somebody finna hurt you, right?


Hey, now, lets not jump to judgment. He may have had a good reason.


Protesters arrested during Ryan campaign stop. At least he didn’t have any 70+ year olds thrown to the ground and then proceed to make jokes about “hope he’s on his meds”. This time.


If only the police who shot him hadn’t been unarmed.

In the wise words of the NRA’s Eddie Eagle: “Remember, there’s lots of deranged people out there…so kids are at risk when there aren’t enough guns around!”


I wonder if any of the people who gave her money when they thought she was going to run for president have enough self-awareness to feel like suckers now.

To be a Republican is to consider a gaffe by McGovern relevant and your whole party’s narrative from a week ago ancient history.


I wonder if any of the people who gave her money when they thought she was going to run for president have enough self-awareness to feel like suckers now.

Doesn’t that question sort of answer itself?


To be a Republican is to consider a gaffe by McGovern relevant and your whole party’s narrative from a week ago ancient history.

There’s a link for that.


In 2007 a maniac killed 32 students and hurt 17 others in a classroom at Virginia Tech, where guns are banned. That wouldn’t have happened had just one student with good aim been free to use a gun.

yeah…if that student happened to be in the right spot at the right time…and remembered to be ‘packing’ that day…and…wth? srsly? he’s advocating for an armed student in each classroom?

In 2011 a U.S. Congresswoman and 18 others were gunned down in a shopping plaza, over the course of minutes; the grizzly result could have been avoided or minimized had there been no legal restrictions on gun-holding in such “public areas,” restrictions that were well known to that perpetrator, too. Last month a crazed shooter slaughtered 12 and wounded 58 others at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado; he knew full well that the patrons were disarmed, since state law required it.

no…guess not…EVERYone should be packing AT ALL TIMES!


he’s advocating for an armed student in each classroom?

Think of what a pain in the ass swimming with a holster is gonna be. And imagine the existential agony at nudist colonies.


HeyMichelle Kumain ka ng tae at mamatay tarantada


EVERYone should be packing AT ALL TIMES!

I believe those places are called “gang territories.”

Funny how the NRA crowd never uses the Crips and Bloods as prime examples of a regulation-free Guntopia.


Pupienus Maximus said,

August 12, 2012 at 19:50 (kill)

Now This looks interesting. I think I know what we’re doing tonight.

Oh man, that movie is the best! That’ll be a hoot.


Via Adam Cadre:

As for the NRA meme that the solution to maniacs shooting up movie theaters is to arm everyone in the audience, I think the best comment I saw wasn’t in response to the Colorado incident at all. Here’s UPI’s version of the story:

Dallas police […] arrested a man whose gun accidentally went off inside a Walmart store, injuring […] a woman and a 5-year-old child. […] Todd Canady, […] who has a concealed weapons permit, was reportedly reaching for his wallet in the checkout line but grabbed the pistol he was carrying instead. The gun went off, wounding Canady in the buttocks. The bullet then hit the floor and sent fragments into the other two victims.

And the comment, from one “TR”:

If that five-year-old had a gun too, then no one would’ve been hurt, right?


Helmut Monotreme said,

August 13, 2012 at 20:33 (kill)

In good news, my uncle’s apple trees are full of apples. Which means it’s time to get out the cider press, and learn a thing or two about fermentation.

Set a bit of your juice aside and do a wild fermentation on that portion. Sometimes it comes out amazing. Sometimes it’s horrible, so I wouldn’t risk it for the whole batch.

For the main batch, if you use champagne yeast you’ll get a super-dry almost complete fermentation. If so, it’s also good to save some of the juice to add back to the finished product as sweetener, rather than just using sugar.

Setting aside the juice.


Thanks for the info, most of the home brewers I know only do beer, and one guy does mead (badly), so their advice hasn’t been the most useful.


Now This looks interesting. I think I know what we’re doing tonight.

During the flying saucer sequences, you can hardly see the string holding up the pie plate.

The worst thing Ed Wood ever did was launch Michael Medved’s career.


Incidentally, some stupid has been going around about Putin and Georgia among the more credible Internet types, and on my non-research on war plans I discovered that Wikipedia, delightfully, has a full article dedicated to War Plan Red, the unused US war plan for the Commonwealth. (Spoiler alert: mostly it involved attacking Canada with poison gas and then invading Canada.)


I meant “credulous”. Also more specifically the general staff had a real mad-on for the Maritimes, so if you live there I guess write your – senator? burgess? governor general? queen? – to discourage a war. Or encourage, I guess, if you’re feeling lucky.


Aaaaaaaand right on cue, another gunzablazing partay going on in… Don? Where is it this time? The winner is… College Station, Texas.

Countdown to the Malkinthing crying that Liberal Academia is clearly at fault here. I mean, “College”, right?

One of the whingetards will undoubtedly write an apologia for Second Amendment remedies for eviction notices.



In 2011 a U.S. Congresswoman and 18 others were gunned down in a shopping plaza, over the course of minutes; the grizzly result could have been avoided or minimized had there been no legal restrictions on gun-holding in such “public areas,” restrictions that were well known to that perpetrator, too. Last month a crazed shooter slaughtered 12 and wounded 58 others at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado; he knew full well that the patrons were disarmed, since state law required it.

But! But! I thought guns laws didn’t work because people don’t obey them anyway? So couldn’t they have been packing anyway? I’m confused!


Ryan just makes me think of this.

There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.

Every. Time.


Herr Doktor Doktor Krugman, via his inimitable krugblog:

So, let me clarify what I believe is really going on in the choice of Paul Ryan as VP nominee. It is not about satisfying the conservative base, which was motivated anyway by Obama-hatred; it is not about refocusing on the issues, because R&R are both determined to avoid providing any of the crucial specifics about their plans. It is — as Jonathan Chait also seems to understand — about exploiting the gullibility and vanity of the news media, in much the same way that George W. Bush did in 2000.

Nails it. I was hanging onto ‘red meat for the true believers’, but this is too obvious to ignore.

The encouraging news is that a lot of reportage from outside of the Beltway mainstream has been appalled and terrified by this Weyoun-looking motherfucker and baffled that his standard-issue wingnuttery is taken as Serious, Adult stuff.

Doesn’t hurt that the response to the public knowledge that Paul Ryan is a Rand fanboy has been to just lie outright about it. Who the fuck is running Romney’s campaign that their lies have been so facile and pointless? Is he running it himself?


“This (Atlas Shrugged) is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force.”

Dorothy Parker


Who the fuck is running Romney’s campaign that their lies have been so facile and pointless? Is he running it himself?

The very same assholes who have been running these campaigns since 1980. I don’t remember the lies and bullshit being any less facile, pointless, ridiculous, insidious, and generally designed to pander to people who should not be allowed to breathe my good air.


Quadruple B-
I don’t always get your sense of humor. This might be due to cognitive dysfunction, or a misunderstanding of context.

My sense of humor tends toward gallows humor and amusement at hypocrites being eviscerating. In this case, the fact that Malkin’s book about the corruption of the Obama administration was written before his inauguration is howlingly funny to me. Malkin’s relationship to the truth is like Dracula’s relationship to garlic.

Consumer Unit 5012

The thing is, these right-wing media loons like Malkin, Limbaugh, Jonah Loadpants, Sean Hannity, Brent Bozell, Alex Jones, Victor Davis Hanson, et al. are all effete, loopy, shit-in-their-pants cowards and thoroughly incapable of even bitch-slapping their illegal immigrant house help.

But the super fucking crazy wackos out their who lap up the vile words and ideas of these babbling poopies are capable of appalling acts of violence and mayhem. How many gun-toting, right-wing, batshit crazy people are out there? A LOT. As we can clearly see.

Yeah, pretty much exactly this. The plan seems to be to continue riling up expendable schizophrenics to do the dirty work, then stand back and tsk at their poor behavior.

Brad Hicks: “Right-wing Terrorism: It Works.”


Bain again.

the response to the public knowledge that Paul Ryan is a Rand fanboy has been to just lie outright about it

From the perspective of the Talivangelist wing, a candidate who is known to one and all as an atheist who despises christianity — but who is willing to lie about his convictions and claim to reject that side of Rand — is much, much better than a sincerely-believing candidate. After all, the former cares enough about Talivangelist opinions to pander to them.


HUGE FUCKING NEWS FLASH! ultraconservative douchebag joe soucheray thinks paul ryan is brilliant vp pick…


holy s*** npr just did a piece on paul ryan’s campaign stop in iowa they played a clip where you could hear the protesters in the background yet the story made no mention of it whatsoever


ultraconservative douchebag



Sean Hannity:

When you think about the vast majorities that they have in Congress and they had to bribe, backroom deals, corruption, that’s all because the tea party movement, the people — all these Tim McVeigh wannabes here.


Soucheray is going to go even more apeshit when his dream ticket goes down in flames because most people really don’t want to put grandma on an ice floe. I haven’t listened to him in years but I imagine TEH KENYAN USURPER has driven him right around the bend.


most people really don’t want to put grandma on an ice floe.

Is grandma rich?


The very same assholes who have been running these campaigns since 1980. I don’t remember the lies and bullshit being any less facile, pointless, ridiculous, insidious, and generally designed to pander to people who should not be allowed to breathe my good air.

Oh, I’m not saying that Republicans being lying sacks o’ shit is new (and I’d push that date back to, oh, let’s say 1960). But I’m used to Republican lies, like all modern politico/advertising lies, having a “failure mode” – even if they are not believed, they make the audience stupider for having heard them and the reporter stupider for having reported them. You know, “Obama wants to disenfranchise Ohio veterans!” kind of stuff – that’s a classic Republican lie, something that shitfuck Rove would concoct. The best lie is one that doesn’t have to be true to work.

But these are lies along the lines of “I can leg-press 2000 pounds” – lies that couldn’t work even if they were true. Romney in particular is an apparently compulsive liar, lying all the time about things that wouldn’t matter to the campaign even if they weren’t obvious lies.

Like, the Rand thing? If I were in charge of that, instead of pretending to an about-face, I’d just have Ryan blather on in that way stupid teevee people like about the free market and rational choices and so on, rather than actually acknowledge that it was even a problem to be an Ayn Rand fanboy and hence offer his enemies ammunition. That is simple, Spin 101 stuff.

The right-wing media (God bless their souls c/o Hell) does try to do their work for them, but it’s hard to avoid the impression that Mitt Romney is actually as terrible a candidate as his horrible opponents claimed.

And Ryan is Lesson #2047 in Never Listen To Bill Kristol.


From the perspective of the Talivangelist wing, a candidate who is known to one and all as an atheist who despises christianity — but who is willing to lie about his convictions and claim to reject that side of Rand — is much, much better than a sincerely-believing candidate. After all, the former cares enough about Talivangelist opinions to pander to them.

Good point. What do you call a movement that’s heard “No, baby, I totally love you for your mind” a thousand times and still believes it?


Ha ha! Paul Ryan is about as popular as chicken pox, and it’s just three days out. I swear people didn’t start turning around on Palin for like a week and a half minimum.

Expect the media to get the new script late – continue (even on ‘liberal’ MSNBC, NYT, etc) declaring that Paul Ryan proved he’s “a charmer deep down” or “the real winner” of whatever marginally scripted campaign event. If there’s a VP debate, watch for Joe Biden to say something heart-wrenching and true about the quiet heroism of America’s civil servants and Paul Ryan to openly exult in their blood and the wiggly-worms to turn down in disgust and animal-fear and Rachel Maddow to glumly talk about why Joe Biden lost that exchange.


Teh Ho and I were listening to NPR when the whoever said “Ryan is a numbers guy.” Simultaneous groans.


About 50 percent of Americans knew Ryan before Romney picked him, while a “substantial majority” didn’t know Palin, according to a Gallup poll from the time.

It’s a credit to you fucking stupid goddamned yankees, that’s what it is.


It’s a credit to you fucking stupid goddamned yankees, that’s what it is.

Palin was on your NW flank–you guys shoulda set her on an ice floe.


Ha ha! Paul Ryan is about as popular as chicken pox, and it’s just three days out.

Mmmm, yeah, though they have plenty of time to turn that around. Being specific about not changing benefits for current Social Security and Medicare recipients was a pretty sly move. Those goddamned old people will put that shit in a blender and straw it up. They’re covered. Life (what is left of it) is good.


Sometimes I just want to forget the world and watch two hot guys kiss.

Maybe I should introduce you to a little show called Torchwood.


Sometimes I just want to forget the world and watch two hot guys kiss.

I can relate. Hence the mirrors.


Oooh, John Barrowman! I’ll be in my bunk.


a candidate who is known to one and all as an atheist who despises christianity — but who is willing to lie about his convictions and claim to reject that side of Rand — is much, much better than a sincerely-believing candidate.

I recall Jonah Goldberg et al. penning some very moving pieces in defense of hypocrisy (“the compliment vice pays to virtue”). We may hear more of the same. “Ryan may be a vile Atheist, but his willingness to pretend to be a Christian proves that he actually accepts the superiority of the christian worldview, so he is one of us after all.”

“Ryan is a numbers guy.”

Straight out of ‘7even’.


I know number, and you, sir, are no numbers guy.


numbers, too.


I don’t think the atheist thing has legs. Why couldn’t a Randroid also be a devout Catholic? It doesn’t surprise me that Ryan would jettison the one piece of Ayn Rand’s worldview that made any sense.

And sorry to be pedantic, but the quote, usually attributed to Oscar Wilde, is “Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue.” It’s more cynical that way.


Obama, “continues to blame anyone and everyone for the drought but himself,” reads a release from Boehner’s office posted online and distributed to reporters Monday. The quote was attributed to Boehner himself in a Financial Times story.


N__B said,

numbers, too.



Pup, oh, lizard shit! I thought that had to be an Onion thing until I found that Boehner’s office has already walked it back:

The new version reads, “the president continues to blame anyone and everyone for failing to respond to the drought but himself.”


I know numbness, and Ryan induces it.


I can relate. Hence the mirrors.

idk why, but this made me laff much harder than it ought to have…


idk why

I’ve got three pint-glass cuba libres in me at the moment, so I know why I’m in a good mood.


I’ve got three pint-glass cuba libres in me at the moment, so I know why I’m in a good mood.

One of my favorite bartender-annoying jokes:

Q: What do they call a Cuba Libre in Cuba?
A: A Libre.


What do they call Brazil nuts in Brazil?



Being specific about not changing benefits for current Social Security and Medicare recipients was a pretty sly move. Those goddamned old people will put that shit in a blender and straw it up. They’re covered. Life (what is left of it) is good.

==”Those goddamned old people will put that shit in a blender and straw it up.” – I’m one of those goddamned old people, and I’m every bit as disgusted by this crap as you are… almost certainly a lot more so.

==”They’re covered.” – Not for long. Younger people are not going to put up with paying into a system that they’ll never benefit from, and I’m sure they’ll be eager to end the remnants of these programs ASAP – and, of course, the Repubs will be more than happy to oblige them. This is obvious divide-and-conquer crap, the oldest conservative trick in the book. And sadly enough, it still works.

==”Life (what is left of it) is good.” – Not at my age it ain’t, whippersnapper.


“If the president rebukes the PAC and renounces the ad…”

I dunno, I’m kinda enjoying the Whinger pearl-clutching made possible by Citizens United.


In an act of almost unimaginable courage, Paul Ryan has arranged to have Brit Hume conduct his first solo interview.


Our old friend Josh Trevino contributes a puff piece about Ryan, to the Guardian. Hilarity ensues in the comments.


The Guardian also reports that Rupert Murdoch thinks Paul Ryan is totally dreamy.


“Ryan is a numbers guy.”

Why is 6 afraid of 7?

Because 7 is a fucking sociopath that wants to put 6’s grandma out to pasture on an ice floe.


What Occupy group in August?

Actually, in our town, there was a occupy-proto-protest at the courthouse in August. But the homeless who were doing the protesting – of having their stuff stolen by police – managed to be cleaner than normal. You know, since their stuff wasn’t being stolen, and they could trade off time to go bathe and wash their clothes.

Not that your bedding wouldn’t reek if you couldn’t afford to wash it every week, either. Ah, the privilege of having a home.


I looked up the bridge blowing up guys and it turns out that they were occupy people about as much as Matt Damon was. It will, of course, have blown the trousers off people to see that Manikin was distorting the situation for her own ends. If it does blow your trousers off I think you owe it to us to post a picture. COMMITMENT, people!!


I’m still celebrating the Bahamian gold medal in the 4×400 relay. The fifth gold medal in that countries history. I love it. When US athletes come home with a gold, they go to the Today Show, David Letterman or even the White House. When Bahamian athletes come home with a gold, they go to Mario’s Bowling Alley.

Helmut Monotreme

I looked up the bridge blowing up guys and it turns out that they were occupy people about as much as Matt Damon was. It will, of course, have blown the trousers off people to see that Manikin was distorting the situation for her own ends. If it does blow your trousers off I think you owe it to us to post a picture. COMMITMENT, people!!

It does not blow my trousers off. It does not even blow my nose.

Those ‘bridge blowing up guys’ were a nearly complete fabrication of the FBI. They were infiltrated (maybe even recruited and organized) and radicalized by their FBI informant from day one. If they knew half as much about explosives as they did about getting and wearing bad haircuts, that bridge may have been in danger, but clearly they learned everything they know about explosives from the pages of GI Joe comic books. If you were to make a list of things likely to bring down that bridge, those guys would rank below concrete decay and infrastructure neglect.

I’m pretty sure the FBI could organize a similar plot staffed with the rejects of any particular movement they care to, including lawn bowlers and bronies. It’s not like surly disillusioned young people are hard to find in this economy. I begin to think if we wanted to see an end to “bomb plots” all we would need to do is keep a closer eye on the entrapment efforts of the FBI.


clearly they learned everything they know about explosives from the pages of GI Joe comic books cartoon.

Fixed because Larry Hama (who “became a firearms and explosive ordinance expert” while serving in Vietnam), the first writer of G.I. Joe, is TEH AWESOME. The cartoon was strictly about selling toys.


If anyone can find a clip/video of this exchange please let me know.


Actually I think the correct pronunciation is “Chee-nee” and not “Chay-nee” even though that’s how everybody says it.

I myself prefer “He who’s name must not be spoken”.


Video clip for Pryme. Stick around to watch the beginning of the next clip, it has Colbert in it.


I’m one of those goddamned old people, and I’m every bit as disgusted by this crap as you are… almost certainly a lot more so.

Just going by recent election results, particularly the down-ballot shit, I think you’re in the minority on this one, snord. Regardless, no offense was intended–just an angry observation.

Not for long. Younger people are not going to put up with paying into a system that they’ll never benefit from,

They’re already done with it, so they’re hopping on the Paultard bus. They figure they’ll take their chances in the stock market and go back to the old “I’ll worry about my retirement when I retire” program, which works really well for non-unionized, blue collar type workers at companies that don’t offer a profit sharing plan or even matching funds in an IRA.

Not at my age it ain’t, whippersnapper.



go back to the old “I’ll worry about my retirement when I retire” program, which works really well for non-unionized, blue collar type workers at companies that don’t offer a profit sharing plan or even matching funds in an IRA.

I’m on the “I’ll worry about retirement when they draw my lottery numbers” program, which works extremely well once every 23 million times.

Marion in Savannah

Those goddamned old people will put that shit in a blender and straw it up. They’re covered.

As has been pointed out already, not all of us. Some of us actually have friends and relatives who are younger than we are, and some of us just give a fuck about other people. Having worked for 50 years I’m fixing to retire in December, hopefully looking forward to a second Obama term.


Come on, people. Don’t jump up and down on my nuts over the old people business. You all know a whole damn bunch of the people in your age group are selfish assholes that voted for Reagan and the Bushes and don’t give half a fat shit what happens to the generation coming up behind them. You know I mean no disrespect.

Marion in Savannah

Well, tsam, there are also a large group in your age range who helped. Us old farts didn’t do it all by our sorry selves. (And I know you didn’t mean any disrespect. You don’t operate that way.)


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