Earth 2 Romney’s NAACP Speech Was the Stuff of Legends

It was the oddest thing. On said Earth, he had a goatee and supported universal free health care as a human right.

Mona Charen, National Spew:
A Proud Moment: Romney’s NAACP Speech

It has not been a good campaign season for the Smiler. He tried to have a nice clean campaign where people refrained from such touchy issues like ideological beliefs and issues and only focused on moral issues and personality… Well, until he realized he was losing that too, then he knew it should just be about how long one proved they could run a successful company… WHAT DO YOU MEAN PEOPLE DON’T LIKE HOW I RAN MY COMPANY! Fire those assholes immediately and liquidate their company to make my poll numbers artificially shoot up…

What do you mean that isn’t how it works? Well, fuck.

So, the Smiler is stuck. He needs to appeal to Americans, but he can’t. He could disappear into the generic Republican branding, but people hate them too. He accepted an invitation to the NAACP to try and appeal to the low-information “centrist” “swing” voters until he realized that they are probably an extinct species.

He’d appeal straight to the base, but they’re still mad that he’s Mormon and… mostly that he’s Mormon.

So how does he win?

Well, his party is doing all they can by trying to prevent everyone but confused octogenarians from exercising their hard-fought right to vote, they still need at least one tired old racist to push their walker to the voting booth.

And so, Romney decided to use his previously scheduled NAACP to sound a dog whistle so loud the racist could still hear it even if their hearing aid was off.

As Romney gloated his booing and all the cred it would gain him among wingnuts and said wingnuts scraped off the metric fuck-tonne of semen they shot into their shorts, a dark undercurrent started to ruin the afterglow.

Holy shit, they worried, that incredibly racist fuck you may… possibly… look… racist… or something. Not that they’d care, but even the reality-resistant morons on the right-wing are starting to notice that racism doesn’t seem like the golden meal ticket it used to be.

So how to spin an action which was on every level a cynical act of racism to appeal to the mouth-breathers at the National Review as anything but?

Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • Ignore your lying eyes, the Romney NAACP speech was actually the “I Have a Dream” speech, but the evil media covered it up. Please do not look on Youtube for the actual content of his speech, the media faked that too.

Oh, and also, we should stop judging the Smiler on his actual actions on actual Earth, but his totally superior actions on Earth 2, where he teamed up with Golden Age Superman to save the world’s economy from Obama-the-Destroyer and his cosmic death ray.

Oh yeah, we’ve got only the finest non-canon mangos for you tonight.

Mitt Romney delivered one of the best speeches of the year at the NAACP meeting in Houston. It made me proud to watch him.

When he slapped those niggers down like “ungh, you freeloaders will taste my white cock”, I was like “yeah, you studly raper of companies, deflower me with your complete deregulation” and…


I meant, because of how fair-minded and tolerant it was to… those unfortunate escaped slave people. (Awkward smile)

Romney was wise to accept the invitation, though, God knows, the temptation to decline must have been tremendous.

I mean, how could he even stand to be in the same room as those filthy creatures. Why I hear breathing the same air they breathe turns you an eighth-black. I had a cousin who shook hands with a black person once and we had to kill him and torch his body to prevent the plague from spreading to normal people.

What? Oh, right, damage control. Uh… smear tactic?

The NAACP hasn’t exactly covered itself in glory over the past few years.

Oh gosh, how terrible. Were they involved in racist temper-tantrums because a white man was elected president? Did they increase the number of hate crimes they committed against white people, but deny any ideological connection despite training, arming, and supporting them every step of the way? Were they involved in trying to spin the shooting of an unarmed white kid as the kid’s fault for being white and attack his family at every opportunity?

I need to know Mona! I need to know!

In 2000, the organization ran dishonest and disgraceful television and radio ads suggesting that George W. Bush had been somehow indifferent to the horrible lynching of James Byrd in Texas.

Because he was.

Um, sorry, but I was expecting something, I dunno… well, something that wouldn’t be pathetic even if it wasn’t true.

More recently, the group — theoretically dedicated to the best interests of black Americans — has joined teachers’ unions in attempting to block charter schools,

See like this, where they’ve teamed up with those rogue supervillains known as teachers to eliminate all charter schools from the planet…

Now wonder Mona Charen was so bitter about the school her totally non-fictional child is trapped, trapped I say, in. If only we had known before we viciously mocked her, *sob*.

and has condemned the Tea Party movement as racist.

No! Just, no! They couldn’t have!

Really? The lovable old, emphasis on old, KKK re-enactment guild that had a very public nervous breakdown over the existence of a black president was called racist?!? Why doing that is like Twenty Holocausts, a Hiroshima, and a Children’s Crusade all rolled together and covered in a Cultural Revolution.

I am convinced, ma’am, the NAACP surely deserves to hang! Hang for their crimes, like in some modern-day lyn-

Ha ha, of course, what I meant to say was, oh hey, look, a distraction.

Still, by attending the conference and describing the invitation as an “honor,” Romney demonstrated an important trait in a leader: a readiness to be respectful to everyone, particularly those with whom you disagree. Romney was graciousness itself when he told the group:

I can’t promise that you and I will agree on every issue. But I do promise that your hospitality to me today will be returned. We will know one another, and work to common purposes. I will seek your counsel. And if I am elected president, and you invite me to next year’s convention, I would count it as a privilege, and my answer will be yes.

Ignore all that crazy stuff I was saying earlier. Why, the Smiler was a living re-incarnation of… that guy who said the things… I dunno, one of those uppity niggers the help is always going on about. I’m not paid enough to care about things like that.

It also demonstrates a strength of character to address a less-than-supportive audience

He was so nice, but they booed him out of nowhere, because of their uppity jungle ways brought on by their fiery foreign blood and their hippity-hops just because he was white!

Really, why are we even talking about it?

— at least in the way Romney did it.

Why what a vague and not at all revealing fragment to drop here on the ground.

He didn’t pull his punches or pander. He was forthright, honest, and persuasive.

I’m seeing a distinct lack of quotation here. I wonder why. You’d think such a forthright, honest, and persuasive line like

But I hope people understand this, your friends who like Obamacare, you remind them of this, if they want more stuff from government tell them to go vote for the other guy — more free stuff. But don’t forget nothing is really free.

Would be something his supporters would be proud of and want to reach as wide an audience as possible.

Especially since the Smiler himself thinks its a winner and is saying

By the way, I had the privilege of speaking today at the NAACP convention in Houston and I gave them the same speech I am giving you. I don’t give different speeches to different audiences alright. I gave them the same speech. When I mentioned I am going to get rid of Obamacare they weren’t happy, I didn’t get the same response. That’s ok, I want people to know what I stand for and if I don’t stand for what they want, go vote for someone else, that’s just fine. But I hope people understand this, your friends who like Obamacare, you remind them of this, if they want more stuff from government tell them to go vote for the other guy-more free stuff. But don’t forget nothing is really free

To his lily white supporters.

Seeing as how the Smiler could use some “persuasive” right now, it’s really doing him a disservice to keep such solid gold to yourself.

Naturally, the mainstream press focused on the boos he received after promising to repeal Obamacare

Huh, from my seat here in the commie pinko cheap seats, it seems the evil vile “mainstream press” has mostly been tripping over themselves to sell the same talking point you’re hawking here.

That those mean old darkies just couldn’t take any of that there straight talk about the all-sainted Obamacare, praise be to its inherited blackness, and just booed him as a kneejerk response.

Hell, I had to link to a liberal blogger earlier because of how badly the paid hacks have been trying to ignore the offensive offending remark.

But that’s probably because of all the mainstream media brainwashing they did to make me love everything Obama does and never ever criticize him.

(though they hardly mentioned the standing ovation at the end).

I was wondering when wingnut math would move on to subjective descriptions. Thus, by the same process that turns 3 people on hoverunds to 3 million people burning the white house down, we get polite protocol turned into a standing ovation.

I suppose we should just be thankful that they didn’t decide to make the gritted teeth smiles and golf claps into wild cheers and kissing the Smiler’s robotic mandibles in tearful celebration.

Fuck, give it a week of polite NAACP guided tours through the racism and I’m sure they’ll be talking about how the NAACP president got down on his knees and wept in adulation.

Leading liberals like Nancy Pelosi and Rachel Maddow even accused Romney of getting booed intentionally. “I think it was a calculated move on his part to get booed at the NAACP convention,” the minority leader told Bloomberg TV. Maddow suggested on MSNBC that “he wanted to wear that around his neck like a badge of courage.”

Nah?!? Really?

Next you’ll be saying we actually did land on the moon and the President really was born in this country!

It goes without saying that if any conservative group had booed a liberal speaker, Maddow, Pelosi, and the gang would be purple with rage about the “intolerance” and “lack of civility” on the right.

And yet even though we’re the rowdy anarchist baby-killers who really couldn’t give a flying fuck about the barely-hidden chains that are “civility” and “rules of decorum”, your side of stick-in-the-ass rule-mongers seem to be the ones constantly acting like poop-throwing two-year-olds.

Funny that.

Hell, the NAACP even bothered to golf-clap the end of a speech that was entirely designed to dehumanize him for the benefit of lazy inbred racists who wanted a proxy win against Obama.

The right-wing wishes they could be that civil.

Fuck, they can’t even handle people finding their deliberately offensive shit offensive and pointing it out in a polite way.

Oh wait, I forgot. By being black, they automatically lose any “civility” contest because of reasons that totally don’t have anything to do with racism.

But never mind the liberal claque.

French professional applauders hired by rich opera owners to make their sparsely attended or terrible productions artificially seem like giant hits with wide public support?

Well aside the fact that said description might better describe um… you, not to mention the fact that that wouldn’t even make sense in context, I’m pretty sure you meant to use the word clique.

Perhaps if you didn’t turn your spell-check off for being a minion of liberal Satan, you might have caught that.

Romney’s speech was a model of what political discourse should be. Rather than minimize his devotion to free enterprise

Of course, cause if there’s anything the Smiler needed more, it was focus on exactly what his brand of “free enterprise” has wrought on America.

Romney embraced it with a fresh and effective image:

I am also a believer in the free-enterprise system. I believe it can bring change where so many well-meaning government programs have failed. I’ve never heard anyone look around an impoverished neighborhood and say, ”You know, there’s too much free enterprise around here. Too many shops, too many jobs, too many people putting money in the bank.”

Well, no, nobody would ever say that, because that isn’t anything anyone would ever say. It’s much like how people have never looked around a rich fuck’s neighborhood and said, “Gosh, I sure do love the free and plenty oxygen there is to breathe in and out with my lungs using my smooth muscles in an autonomic manner”. Doesn’t mean we should drain those neighborhoods of air.

Wait, on second thought. Yes, lets.

But seriously, no, no one has complained about a lack of free enterprise in the slums, but they damn well notice and rant about the way private companies fuck them over and treat them as pests to be exterminated. Fuck, just google any fight over “community gardens” to see just what the “inner cities” think of “business first” “property rights” bullshit.

Nice. As with the true story of Romneycare (a subject I addressed in a recent column), Romney had a good story to tell about his record in Massachusetts.

You’re going to make me read a second one of your columns, aren’t you. Fine, one sec.

Ahem, the “addressing” she refers to was this:

Shorter other bullshit:

  • Romneycare isn’t Obamacare… The Romneycare bill was shorter… Uh… Look over there!

So there’s that.

Romney had pushed for higher standards, merit pay for outstanding teachers, and greater parental choice through expanded charter schools. This provoked the ire of the Massachusetts teachers’ unions, who were able to get the legislature to pass a moratorium on new charter schools.

Sadly, said charter schools did not survive the Great Purge. The one where teachers mildly protested public education funds going to religious schools that refused to meet state education standards or comply with non-discrimination laws. And thus sadly erased all charter schools from time and space.

We’ll miss you non-existent charter schools. Sniff, we’ll miss you.

Romney recalled: “As governor, I vetoed the bill blocking charter schools. But our legislature was 87 percent Democrat, and my veto could have been easily overridden. So I joined with the Black Legislative Caucus, and their votes helped preserve my veto, which meant that new charter schools, including some in urban neighborhoods, would be opened.”

B-but I thought they were destroyed in the Purge.

So all of that fear-mongering was over a thwarted attempt to actually address a wasting of education funds by exploiting black religious votes?

Well, fuck! Oh well, at least now the black caucus, has learned a valuable lesson about not supporting deranged Republicans less they be used in a future “my black friend excuses me from all racism forever” spiel.

In one deft stroke, Romney placed himself on the side of poor kids who deserve better from the education system, while also reminding his somewhat hidebound audience that many African Americans agree with him.

And glossing over the fact that African Americans only really support charter school because it is seen as the only avenue to get their kids a real education due to the criminal underfunding of inner city public schools.

And definitely glossing over the fact that said kids are made to jump through endless hoops for that fairy tale dream while white religious kids are given the remainder of their funding to go to schools where they won’t have to rub elbows with any filthy brown people or ever have to hear about evolution.

But hey, as long as they can keep those desperate black people holding onto the dream, they continue to fleece them and then spin their desperation as support for the Republican’s plan to further entrench segregation.

Finally, while few seemed to notice, Romney mentioned one aspect of his planned reform of entitlements that contradicts the caricature of him as the candidate of the rich.

Go on.

As part of a plan to reduce soaring entitlement spending, he said, he would reform Social Security and Medicare, “in part by means-testing their benefits.”

So, to offset accusations that he’s a candidate of rich people, by rich people, for rich people, he’s supporting the looting of our remaining safety net by the same rich people who crashed the global economy…

Be honest. You saw there was no way to continue that thought-train without derailing in laughter and decided to bail, didn’t you? And you thought you could hide the evidence by just erasing the line break to the next paragraph.

Bad hack writer, no biscuit.

Sigh, I know, I know. You would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for those meddling kids.

Is this not exactly the sort of straight talk that pundits and analysts are forever lamenting the lack of in our politics?


Sure. The bought hacks of rich fucks like the Koch brothers have indeed been lamenting how not enough rugged John Galts are demanding that we sacrifice our last remaining safety net on the altar of the “free market” before the rich jet off to Scandanavia to spend their retirements trying to fleece their safety nets.

But I have a sneaking suspicion that might be because their current mortgages strongly rely on saying that regardless of relationship to reality.

Is it not the polar opposite of the interest-group chuck wagon Mr. Obama has been driving for months?

Yeah, turning us into Somalia and delivering old people who are the only reliable Republican voting bloc into the hell they (but not all old people) deserve sure is the opposite of Obama’s plan for America.

Now, it may look like the general public seems to favor that crazy Bizarro-world opposite plan over the brave, steel-hard maverick method you’re hard-selling like crazy, but that’s just the liberal media trying to discourage you.

By all means, call for the end of Social Security and Medicare as loudly as you can.

Maybe then, the doddering Fox News watchers you rely on may finally put two and two together and realize that they are the next “union thug teachers” trying to “destroy the free-market” with their “meanness”.

It is. And if Romney keeps this up, it will be remembered as a turning point in the campaign.

Yes, I do believe it will be seen as such.

The moment that the Smiler realized he had no hope of selling himself as a moderate and the Republicans entirely committed themselves to getting out the base and preventing anyone else from voting ever. But tried the Southern Strategy anyways in one last desperate attempt to breathe one last gasp of life into it.

It might explain why even though the Smiler is touching you in all the right bigot-erogenous zones, you and every other mouth breather has been ordered to run desperate damage control instead of the hearty me-toos you yearn for.

Because you know this was the moment your candidate went from having almost no chance of winning in a legitimate fair election to no chance of winning in a legitimate election.

And the moment you could see the last port of your relevance begin to fade away over the horizon.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Sadly, No! Industries denies that Comic Con is having any effect on our use of obscure nerd references. (Subliminal Message) Read Gail Simone, she is wonderful (/Subliminal Message). Or our use of inappropriate plugs. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 260




In 2012, the choice is clear.

One candidate is an adherent of a repressive non-Christian religion that is known for polygamy. And his father was born in a foreign country.

The other candidate is Barack Obama.


interest-group chuck wagon
That is so totes Obama’s fault too! It is lucky that rugged individualist Mittens shows what a true independent looks like.


The 12.10 Interest Group Chuck Wagon is a connecting service with the 1.15 Gravy Train, I hope.


I’ve never heard anyone look around an impoverished neighborhood and say, ”You know, there’s too much free enterprise around here. Too many shops, too many jobs, too many people putting money in the bank.”

Mitt-for-brains, the neighborhood wasn’t impoverished when those things were said.


You know, I’m all for politicians being “honest and forthright” and not “pandering.” It would be a terrific world if this were so more often.

Here’s the thing: the members of the actual voting public, you know the people the politician is supposedly pledging to serve, get to voice their honest and forthright thoughts and opinions about the honest and forthright shit coming out of that politicians diseased brain.

It’s only fair.

As wingnuts their-ownselves are fond of parroting “there are consequences to free speech.” Say what you want, but folks aren’t obliged to agree with you just because you have the arrogance to believe you know better than them. If you proudly claim to be an asshole, you get what you deserve, although I quite agree with Charon that we should have more politicians who ‘fess up publicly–it sure would save a lot of time.

That is just one of the countless ways racism comes into play in our society, but these motherfuckers are so steeped in the condescending institutionalized superiority of the white breed that they can’t even see how terribly oppressive of the human spirit (and destructive to democracy) they are in their very nature.

Alexander von Humbug

One candidate is an adherent of a repressive non-Christian religion that is known for polygamy. And his father was born in a foreign country.

The other candidate is Barack Obama.

Needs moar orcs.


Huh, from my seat here in the commie pinko cheap seats, it seems the evil vile “mainstream press” has mostly been tripping over themselves to sell the same talking point you’re hawking here.

E.g. Civility!!??


When’s HTML Menken coming back?
Nothing left here now but the recordings.


Thank you Cerb! I was wondering how the big Mitt-NAACP hip-hop hoedown went and I knew sooner or later someone here would get to it. I was SO hoping he would talk about government cheese (full disclosure: I ate a ton of it growing up on the rez – it’s damn good American cheese) or about bootstraps.

Reminds me of Rappin’ Ron Reagan (got cheese for you!)


Is drapetomania a pre-existing condition?


Just call me angel of the mornin’, baby.


I’m easy like Sunday morning.


@Hoosier X-

We could go on with that for days. ‘One candidate has ties with domestic and foreign extremists. The other is Barack Obama.’

‘One candidate has suspicious involvements with foreign powers…’

‘One candidate has been involved in the politics of a very liberal state…’

Win, win win, but really? This is a foregone conclusion. I don’t know why I need to keep saying this, but Obama has it in the bag, because Romney will not get the Republican base. They are that bigoted, and frankly so am I, when it comes to the Mormon cult. I will not elect a president who believes in some religion that is DEMONSTRABLY BULLSHIT, and neither will the Republican base. They’re not that stupid. They’re really fucking stupid, but at least most of them draw the line at polygamy and magic underpants.

So, Sadlynauts, why not talk about Repugnants that are interesting? Because Romney is going nowhere. You can write him off now. If he’s elected, I’ll appeal for asylum in the People’s Republic of China. Or fart enough rainbows to fly straight to Mars. These three outcomes are equally likely.


I will not elect a president who believes in some religion that is DEMONSTRABLY BULLSHIT,

Making it different from most religions how exactly? (Seriously, is that where you want to go?)

Lurking Canadian

Making it different from most religions how exactly? (Seriously, is that where you want to go?)

Nobody can prove that Jesus lived, died on the cross and rose from the dead. Nobody can disprove those claims, either.

However, large numbers of people can and have proven that there actually were Jewish people living in Palestine near the beginning of the common era; that it was a time of intellectual and political ferment with many charismatic religious figures; that they actually were being ruled by the Roman empire; that a quisling king named Herod actually was ruling a puppet Judean state, and so on and so on.

On the other hand, the Mormons believe that the lost tribes of Israel were ruling a major civilization in the Americas; a civilization for which there is ABSOLUTELY no archaeological evidence, despite decades of searching. That’s provably bullshit, before Jesus even gets into the story.


Making it different from most religions how exactly? (Seriously, is that where you want to go?)

I’d be willing to go there, if I was inclined to explain right now.


As soon as this gets facebooked in fundie circles, we’ll start seeing the “Go Back to Kolob!!!” signs showing up at Romney rallies.


On the other hand, the Mormons believe that the lost tribes of Israel

You don’t have to go that far. Joseph Smith couldn’t translate for shit.


Re: The Book of Abraham

I don’t know how I missed it for so long but recently I came across “Masters of Atlantis” by Charles Portis. Brilliant, funny, very American. He is a writer of great technical skill and it’s wonderful that he had that one big hit to let him do what he wants.


It’s different only in how easy it is to construct the proof.

Gordon, the Big Express Engine

Matt Taibbi had a decidedly different take on his NAACP speech:


I haven’t read Taibbi’s piece yet but will go there directly. I have a hunch he’s thinking along the lines I was when I noted over at roy’s that the “free stuff” line was a twofer for him – it not only shows the racist base that he’s willing to tell those people “no more free stuff for you, moochers!” to their faces, but also reinforces the racist base’s deeply and fondly held belief that those people are out to leech everything they can off of hard working real Merkins, and they get riled whenever they’re told “no.”


This woman really believes that that overpaid jackass spending 30 minutes or so in front of people who won’t vote for him is the same thing as Martin Luther King languishing in a Birmingham jail.

Is she still syndicated in newspapers? The Chicago papers dropped her (and they publish Jonah Goldberg, for Chrissake, plus any number of local wingnut ninnies).


I’d be willing to go there, if I was inclined to explain right now.

Fair ’nuff. (As for Mormons, I tend to think of them as Christians since they do believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t as a strange a sect of Christians as, say, the snake handling sects. Just much more well-established.)

Gordon, the Big Express Engine

@Jennifer – you hit it, but he also draws a conclusion about Romney’s character with two speeches last week. Hardly matters at this point, since the Bain story is growing legs by the minute. The Obama ads have been teh awesome!


Hmm so the guy that wrote True Grit also wrote a book called Masters of Atlantis? I will hafta read that.


I just discovered this massively awesome Obama attack ad.

That ad’s already shaving, man.

Pupienus Maximus

Now I’ve read the post. Cerbs, you may want to amend it. She probably did intend to write (non-ironically) “claque.”


Well, if my choices are running naked through the empty thread or pimping cats



Spengler Dampniche




They’re actually pretty good kittehs, too. Well, the tabby, anyway.


That ad’s already shaving, man.

Chrissake, it’s only been out one day.


I don’t know how I missed it for so long but recently I came across “Masters of Atlantis” by Charles Portis. Brilliant, funny, very American. He is a writer of great technical skill and it’s wonderful that he had that one big hit to let him do what he wants.

That is one of my all time favorites- Professor Cezar Golescu has to be one of the best comedic figures ever committed to paper.


Chrissake, it’s only been out one day.

That’s what I mean!


Shave every day and you’ll always look keen.

hells littlest angel

Romney’s next political office: Mayor of Kolob City.


I no ill will towards Romney. I only wish him a long and healthy life – as far from the levers of power as humanly possible.


Chrissake, it’s only been out one day.

That’s what I mean!

You kids get off my lawn, but don’t move so fast!


I no ill will towards Romney



So Penzey’s has magnetic bumper stickers that read “Love people, cook them tasty food” I couldn’t help myself.



Didn’t know you spoke Horta, JP.


Didn’t know you spoke Horta, JP.



Charles Portis, Benny Bell and Trek references all within seven posts.
Is it any wonder I love it here?



… would have been funnier, but I was already drunk at the time.


On he topic of Trek, I just picked up Redshirts. It looks like a masterpiece:


… would have been funnier, but I was already drunk at the time.



Is it not the polar opposite of the interest-group chuck wagon Mr. Obama has been driving for months?

So, Mona Charen, you’re saying that Mitt Romney is doing the opposite of the hard and unglamorous work of making sure hardworking people have something to eat…?



You get a time out for that.


You get a time out for that.

Time out drinking?


Time out drinking?

I still am, lightweight that I am. Eight hours of steady consumption. Yee-HAW!


I envy you, JP… I’m 23 and a half hours into a 16 hour day. Split shifts kick yer ass.


I envy you, JP… I’m 23 and a half hours into a 16 hour day. Split shifts kick yer ass.

But I’m an old man, crouching 40 hours a week on untended knees, and with no accumulated sick days to see a doctor with my excellent new health insurance, to investigate a dozen or more maladies!

I love blue collar work. Hope I can do it until I’m 75.


But seriously… it’ll be okay. I just need to take better care of myself. And I will, when I can afford it.


Hey, when Mittens “retired retroactively”, does that mean he gave the money back??


Mr Revolta shows an incomprehension as to the ethos of Mittster and his banker friends. Yes, it rhymes with wanker, so what?
Perhaps the ethos is best described by Kleptomaniac. Klepto from the Old Greek meaning “get” and the declension of maniartos meaning “fucked”.


Or, for fans of Noman Lear, Mitt is a klepper.


What would Monday morning be without a nymfail?


OK, way OT but whoever the wanker is that pulled the plug on Springsteen and McCartney in London should be sacked. Whoever complained should be pilloried.

That is all.


OK, way OT but whoever the wanker is that pulled the plug on Springsteen and McCartney in London should be sacked.
has the biggest set of seeds in the Yook and should immediately be put in charge of Defence: MI-6, 7, 8 and 9: and Camilla.



Forbes take on it:

How is it that those in power always seem to find ways to short circuit the fun in our lives but never quite seem to figure out how to curtail the harm?

The music can’t run ten minutes late.

Financial fraud runs amok for years.

The lilt of Paul and Bruce falls victim to law and order.

The corruption of LIBOR rolls on unabated.


Redshirts has lots of chuckles. You’re going to enjoy it.

Helmut Monotreme

How is it that those in power always seem to find ways to short circuit the fun in our lives but never quite seem to figure out how to curtail the harm?

Well the easy test you can apply to these transgressions is “will this little irregularity make the rich and powerful, even more rich and powerful?” If the answer is yes, well then it’s ok and it’s “no harm done” and “everyone makes mistakes now and then”. If a little screw up costs the rich and powerful a little of their precious cash or power, then it’s the worst thing since the haymarket riots and a sign of Anarchy or Communism run amok, and the activity must be stamped out, and the perpetrators made an example of.


Making it different from most religions how exactly? (Seriously, is that where you want to go?) – Nym

Reminds me of the comment (concerning Goedel’s incompleteness theorem): “mathematics is the only religion that can prove it’s a religion”

Do we want to go here as well?

However, large numbers of people can and have proven that there actually were Jewish people living in Palestine near the beginning of the common era

I thought Zionists were colonial imperialist dupes of the British and later the Americans who only started arriving in Palestine in the 20th century in order to steal land from Arabs and establish a western foothold in the oil rich Arab lands by establishing an American lacky state in the one place in the mideast without oil …


OK, way OT but whoever the wanker is that pulled the plug on Springsteen and McCartney in London should be sacked. Whoever complained should be pilloried.

ooops…my bad! srsly…i didn’t realize my despising of mccartney and mehfactor on springsteen would cause such an uproar…


the neighborhood wasn’t impoverished when those things were said – b^4

I’m sure the GOoPer spin on the story to which you have linked would be “see, Occupy Wall Street are no different than the KKK” or some such.


even though we’re the rowdy anarchist baby-killers who really couldn’t give a flying fuck about the barely-hidden chains that are “civility” and “rules of decorum”, your side of stick-in-the-ass rule-mongers seem to be the ones constantly acting like poop-throwing two-year-olds

Y U NO FIX TEH CUNTRY WE RUIND fer aor freadom & th amerikan wey HTE WAY YUR SPOEST 2, STOOPEID LIBTURDZ!?!?!?!???

Interesting to me that Willard sends his flunkies &/or his tour bus to troll Obama, but then immediately calls Whine-One-One when Obama nails Willard on his shitty record with Bain … which by the way is the same record he touts as his prime asset.

I blithely skipped seeing Willard’s NAACP clown-act because it was obvious that it would just wind up being twenty-some minutes to pine for the moment they expired. Hearing soon afterward that he’d injected some RNC Rent-A-Minority™ cadres into the event to simulate success left my fainting-couch miraculously unburdened.

But as for time spent watching him get repeatedly tolchocked with extreme prejudice over his Bain resume as a Boss-Level corporate community-rapist/scavenger? Knowing that this POOP-trail of fail he’s running on has already cost him a shot at public office before just makes the lulz that much more beautifully delicious.

What makes bullshit such a bitch to sell is how hard it is to keep finding big enough shovels to maintain it. The pile that buried the last batch always needs an even bigger pile to bury it in turn.


Oh for fuck sake. Willard’s response: I know you are but what am I? I’m almost inclined to pity him. But I’ll just keep laughing.


I’ve retroactively put all my money into Microsoft since the late 80s.

Where’s my mansion, beaches?


Did y’all know that Mitt Romney left Bain Capital in Feb. 1999? At least that’s what his Default Mode has been saying.

Marion in Savannah

Well, Mittens’ Default Mode is “lie your ass off,” so…


Well, Mittens’ Default Mode is “lie your ass off,” so…

Completely unfair. I believe Mittens will tell the truth should the truth coincide with the thing he is going to say.

Marion in Savannah

Well, as long as Mittens gets to decide what “truth” is, and we all concede that there is absolutely no such thing as objective truth and/or facts that may fly in the face of “truth,” I guess he’s capable of telling more lies the truth…

Helmut Monotreme

Well, Mittens’ Default Mode is “lie your ass off,” so…

I believe Mitt’s default mode is whatever gets him more money. If someone offered him a billion dollars to do a re-enactment of the notorious doggy-cage-on-the-car-roof incident re-imagined as furry porn, he would smile as he put on the collar and wag when you put him in the cage.

Marion in Savannah

If someone offered him a billion dollars to do a re-enactment of the notorious doggy-cage-on-the-car-roof incident re-imagined as furry porn, he would smile as he put on the collar and wag when you put him in the cage.

There. NOW you’ve done it… Not only am I cackling in a most unprofessional manner, but now that I’ve got that image in my head I’ll probably start to snort and cackle at odd moments for seemingly no reason at all. Way to have your co-workers not look at you askance… (I won’t charge you for the new keyboard. This one was getting old anyway.)


The United States of America is not real and has not existed since 1860. All American citizens have been classified as enemy combatants since 1933 so the government could take away their gold. The area in a court of law immediately in front of the judge is actually a foreign country since an admiralty flag is displayed.

Bummer, eh? Fortunately for freedom-loving patriots everywhere, an alternate government has been established and Senators and other officials are being appointed even now. The Universal Postal Union has been notified, so it’s all totally legitimate.



I also like that Mitt’s choices are either: 1) “I lied about not working for Bain and may have broken the law by doing so,” or 2) “I was getting paid thousands of dollars for doing nothing, therefore I’m the perfect person to lead the country out of its economic rut.”

But remember: Obama hasn’t been properly vetted yet.


Then in 1871 the 41st Congress replaced it by the UNITED STATES CORPORATION, the name of which apparently must always be typed in ALL CAPS.

I’m confused. I thought corporations were people.


But never mind the liberal claque.

Clique and Claque, the Clappet brothers?

According to people who were there, it was Rmoney who provided the claque. Apparently he brought along about 30 black Republicans to provide him some support.


The United States of America is not real and has not existed since 1860. All American citizens have been classified as enemy combatants since 1933 so the government could take away their gold. The area in a court of law immediately in front of the judge is actually a foreign country since an admiralty flag is displayed.

Well, I’m not surprised. Things started going downhill after George Washington was exposed as a cannibal.

Seriously, though: this is one for the “Real Life Batman Villains” File.


Things started going downhill after George Washington was exposed as a cannibal.

Yeah, but all the vampires that Lincoln killed should count for something!


Not to be confused with Mitt Romney job killer!


Nice to know that Fox News is as good about romance as they are about politics! Now I understand why these guys are so fucking bitter (and strangely enough, this explains their view on marriage). Seanbaby gave his take.

Pupienus Maximus

I thought of you recently, Mr. McGravitas.


Mitt did leave Bain in 1999. Absolutely true. He left its headquarters, then and on subsequent occasions, in the course of being its CEO, president, sole shareholder and managing director through 2002.


I thought of you recently, Mr. McGravitas.

Subby likes Green Onions?


Aww, I’m touched. The GOOD touch.


all the vampires that Lincoln killed should count for something!

Not to mention Andrew Jackson’s fearless bare-knuckled bouts with alien invaders.


Nice to know that Fox News is as good about romance as they are about politics!

The comments on the Fox article are really pretty great. No double-reverse-irony needed at all.

Pupienus Maximus

Subby likes Green Onions?

No idea but that vid is exactly what I was looking for. Booker T. was awesome, one of my favorite artists at that time.


Did y’all know that Mitt Romney left Bain Capital in Feb. 1999?

These aren’t the tax statements you’re looking for.

Dude, pack it in! You blew it. Hiding most of your returns won’t do jack for you now.
Just be happy there aren’t a wave of brutal “Team BushCo 2.0” ads out … at least not yet.

These aren’t the tax statements you’re looking for.

Grift or perjury? Sure you want to stick with that menu are you then?

The Farce gives me power over weak wallets.

Yeah. More’s the pity.

Not much power at all over chumping your own fairy-tale snake oil in public, though.
Hey, maybe you can find your lost credibility on Craigslist, brah.

These aren’t the … aren’t the … ah fuck! ANN, WHAT’S MY NEXT LINE?


BTW, Dontcha just love how Mitt Romney is oh-so-upset about Obama’s negative campaigning? It’s as if nobody in the history of politics has ever dared to say anything less than positive about their opponant’s record …

Marion in Savannah

Negative campaigning? It’s the WORST THING EVER in the entire history of the world unless, of course, you’re a Republican. Then it’s pages 1 – eleventy billion of your playbook. As always, IOKIYAR.


Shorter GOP Governors: How dare Obama give the states more power! I will argue against this as a signal of his failures while simultaneously attack him for being a socialist.


I honestly don’t know why, after Mittens was posterized by Ted Kennedy, he thought he would get a pass on Bain this time around.

Maybe because snapping and snarling about “class warfare” made Perry and Gingrich back down about Bain, he thought it would work on Obama too. It didn’t, and isn’t life just so unfair.

Pupienus Maximus

How dare Obama give the states more power!

I think it’s great! I literally LOL watching their squirmy contortions. Then I haz a sad because apparently millions of people don’t see the hilarity in politics of the absurd.


The comments on the Fox article are really pretty great. No double-reverse-irony needed at all.

Wow, no kidding. I am pretty jaded, but that’s quite a comment thread. Who’s trolling? The answer could be nobody.


BTW, Dontcha just love how Mitt Romney is oh-so-upset about Obama’s negative campaigning? It’s as if nobody in the history of politics has ever dared to say anything less than positive about their opponant’s record …

As a current rich guy and former CEO of a vulture/buy-out firm, he probably isn’t used to people not kissing his ass. Tragic, I know.


Wow, no kidding. I am pretty jaded, but that’s quite a comment thread. Who’s trolling? The answer could be nobody.

they are true comedy gold…


i just turned off the radio…soucheray was starting in on obama’s speech to business owners…for some reason, he felt he had to preface his ‘interpretation’ of it, by invoking ‘elizabeth warren who pretended to be an indian or something…’

i need some inspiration: dinner tonight will be grilled chicken parts and mediterrean veggies…any sauce ideas?


heh…email from our safety officer:

This afternoon due to the heat, Jon discontinued since no one was coming into the heat. IF anyone wants to try an extinguisher call xxxxxxxxx and I will take you out.

i find her tone to be a bit threatening…


“grilled chicken parts”

I don’t have any sauce ideas for you, but if you drop “parts” from your description, it’ll sound more appetizing.

Your safety officer has a way with words, bbkf.


That’s NOT a safety officer! It’s an Obama Death Panel of one!!! Get to Canada while you still can. The socialism is coming from inside the office!


“grilled chicken parts”

heh…i only put it this way to try to entice b^4, pup and the major into giving me some ideas, cuz you know…they like to eat offal things…i’ll prolly just go with a nice lemon butter sauce…unless they can kick in with something soon…


WHOA MANDY! [♫Key Change♬] OH MANDY!!!

Mandy ||||||||||||||||||||||||| Barry Manilow
Temporarily Blind |||||||||||| Built to Spill
Bal'a |||||||||||| Bing Crosby & Xavier Cugat
Country Woman |||||||||||||||||||||| Bee Gees
Kingdom Come ||||||||||||||||||| Bill Laswell
Sweet Georgie Fame ||||||||||| Blossom Dearie
Mountain Of Needles | Brian Eno - David Byrne
Intensive Care |||||||||||||||| Barry Adamson
Tears Of The dragon ||||||||| Bruce Dickinson
Six Pack ||||||||||||||||||||||||| Black Flag
Fallen Leaves |||||||||||||||||| Billy Talent
Blue Moon of Kentucky ||||||||||| Bill Monroe
Could It Be Magic ||||||||||||| Barry Manilow
The Party Song |||||||||||||||||||| Blink 182
Stuff Like That There |||||||||| Betty Hutton
My Man's Gone Now |||||||||||| Billie Daniels
After Dark ||||||||||||||||| Blue Öyster Cult
Do You Wanna Hold Me |||||||||||| Bow Wow Wow
Heart of Snow |||||||||||||||| Black Mountain
Rock 'N' Roll Fantasy ||||||||||| Bad Company


Who’s trolling? The answer could be nobody.

i had to go back and read them again…i have not guffawed like this in a long long time…



Very helpful column! Boyfriend is frisky in the sack, he literally clawed my eye out with his erection after a couple “bland surprise” drinks. Eye is clawed out though



Very helpful column! Boyfriend is frisky in the sack, he literally clawed my eye out with his erection after a couple “bland surprise” drinks. Eye is clawed out though

oh, thank dog i am not the only one to find this comment to be insanely hilarious…that’s the one that get’s me going every time!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

As a current rich guy and former CEO of a vulture/buy-out firm, he probably isn’t used to people not kissing his ass. Tragic, I know.

I heard a commenter on the radio who offered the notion that he’s probably used to tongue baths from business journamalists who are used to writing laudatory columns, so his interaction with real news people is unbalancing.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

“grilled chicken parts”

heh…i only put it this way to try to entice b^4, pup and the major into giving me some ideas, cuz you know…they like to eat offal things…

The best part of the chicken is the heart… just put those suckers on a skewer, dust them with a spice mix, and grill them to perfection. Whaddaya got in the fridge and/or cupboards?


The best part of the chicken is the heart… just put those suckers on a skewer, dust them with a spice mix, and grill them to perfection.

And you gain all the strength of the chicken.


Sauce ideas? Do you have tamarind paste on hand? Maybe some red Thai curry paste? Limes? Soy sauce? Sesame seed oil? Mirin or rice wine vinegar? Peanut oil? Some honey? Mix all that shit up together in obviously appropriate proportions. Marinate chix parts – parts is parts – for a while then baste near the end of grilling.


but now that I’ve got that image in my head I’ll probably start to snort and cackle at odd moments for seemingly no reason at all.



All I’m saying is when you write “chicken” the word “parts” is implied. Restaurants never take that route. Makes me think of slaughterhouses or back-o-the-package legalese. More appetizing than “mechanically separated,” though.


The chicken is greater than the sum of its parts. Unless you shop at Gristede’s, in which case god help you.


Clouds and I saw Prometheus last night. I wasn’t disappointed because I didn’t expect much. I learned something, though—- 3-d effects are so distracting to me that I can spend two minutes watching debris in a storm and completely miss the action.

I’ll keep an eye out for the director’s cut; the theater version of Bladerunner sucked beyond all belief, after all. If that doesn’t make the movie more comprehensible and less choppy and oddly paced, then I’ll give it five facepalms.

The idea that a robot in the 2090s would be mesmerized by alien CGI such as it was cannot be taken seriously. If he had watched any number films made after Lawrence of Arabia or even the CGI used on the ship he flew in on, he would have been unimpressed.

Noomi Rapace does a good job of being traumatized then pulling it together but she was hardly more developed than any of the other undeveloped characters. Poor girl, she was literally looking for God. What could she be but a puddle of enduring disappointment doubling down like a wing nut in search of her cosmic daddy?


I’m doing chicken tonight, baked with 40 cloves of garlic style. Cover the bottom of the cast iron pot with garlic, add chicken, fresh herbs (thyme, tarragon, rosemary) some dry provencal herbes and salt, pour a big slug of olive oil over it all, seal and bake for an hour. Makes it’s own sauce.


wiley – Brade Runner was destroyed by the studio. Scott didn’t have complete artistic control and had to fight even to make the subsequent director’s editions. These days Ridley Scott has complete control, he doesn’t want to get fucked over like that again. I knew it was going to suck when I read that he said “Cameron really raised the bar with Avatar. Now I have to top that.”


Chix w/ a fucktonne of garlic is a favorite incredibly good amazingly simple dishes. I like to add cream at the end and serve the sauce with fresh pasta. Please don’t tell my cardiologist.


Well, if thirty goddamed dicks gets no comments… CAT.


And you gain all the strength of the chicken.

Long ago, in the Heroic Ages at the Dawn of Time, the Legion of the Damned prepared itself for its final encounter with the Dark Lords by consuming the hearts of the bravest and most powerful chickens in all the land.


Long ago, in the Heroic Ages at the Dawn of Time, the Legion of the Damned prepared itself for its final encounter with the Dark Lords by consuming the hearts of the bravest and most powerful chickens in all the land.

Shirley, you owe Doug Larson some kind of royalty payment.


The fact is, NAACAP is a criminal orgainzation. Its members are race huslers and poverty pimps, and they are all about shiftless and lazy, which is what unPC people who are not liberals know blacs are realy about.


you owe Doug Larson some kind of royalty payment.

I swear to the Elder Gods that for as long as the Moon of Thorvald shines its light upon the Blood Moors, I will make usage-based payments to no licensor, be he Man or Beast!


I’m doing chicken tonight, baked with 40 cloves of garlic style. Cover the bottom of the cast iron pot with garlic, add chicken, fresh herbs (thyme, tarragon, rosemary) some dry provencal herbes and salt, pour a big slug of olive oil over it all, seal and bake for an hour. Makes it’s own sauce.

this sounds so incredibly awesome…is it literally 40 cloves? and thanks for the help in sauce making tonight guys…i did a mediterranean spice rub…grilled the chicken thights,..brought them in and chopped them up a bit..,then grilled some carrots, zucchinis, green beans, taters with more spice mix then tossed it all in a pan with a lemon butter sauce…wasn’t too bad…hubbkf surprised me with fresh sweet corn…which made me fall in love with him again until i discovered he had eaten the rest of the twix ice cream…speaking of ice cream, is there ANY photograph in which mitt does not look like every psycho husband in lifetime movies?


Way OT again, I am getting psyched up for this:

We are stocking the camper with beer, booze and brats (sausage, not kids) and will go rock out with 20,000 old farts like us who love to have a good time with good tunes. We used to go every year and this is our first time back in eight years.




Way OT again, I am getting psyched up for this:

oh, get out! look for the goofy dude with teh teevee camera…works with hubbkf and goes every year…we are invited every year, but it never works out…boo…


Oh, yes. I bet you didn’t know we had tournaments in Tennessee.


Way OT again, I am getting psyched up for this:

Looks like fun S.c.! Have 15-20 beers for me! Or scotch, I ain’t’ent perticular! “Hello, Walker!!”


It’s a great time. Many of the campers come back every year and the vibe is awesome. Even the cops are mellow and I hear there are many more fights at the WE Fest (big country fest nearby). Moondance is unique, and you want to go back.

Can’t fucking wait. I’ve never seen Heart or Fogerty so I am really stoked. The tribute bands on the side stages are really first rate as well.


I hear there are many more fights at the WE Fest (big country fest nearby). Moondance is unique, and you want to go back.

undoubtedly! i hear from repeat attendees that they are worried moondance will go the way of wefest…let’s hope not…


Noomi Rapace does a good job of being traumatized then pulling it together but she was hardly more developed than any of the other undeveloped characters. Poor girl, she was literally looking for God. What could she be but a puddle of enduring disappointment doubling down like a wing nut in search of her cosmic daddy?

So dumb to insert the whole “meaning of life”/”origin of humanity” theme in there. Hello, you’re going to the homeworld of one of the most iconic creatures in science fiction, that’s not interesting enough all by itself? Who cares about that other stuff?


This is good news for from John McCain.

Yeah, yeah. Surely not really the ’08 Oppo, but a gold mine nonetheless.


BTW, Dontcha just love how Mitt Romney is oh-so-upset about Obama’s negative campaigning? It’s as if nobody in the history of politics has ever dared to say anything less than positive about their opponant’s record …

Negative campaigning? It’s the WORST THING EVER in the entire history of the world unless, of course, you’re a Republican. Then it’s pages 1 – eleventy billion of your playbook. As always, IOKIYAR.

I saw some drivel about Karl Rove on some cable show whingeing about what a bunch of meanies the Obama folks were being and how they disgrace the office and sully the fine, supportive and friendly field of campaigning.

Karl. Fucking. Rove.

That nobody grabbed him by the necktie, hauled him offstage and stuffed his head down the nearest unflushed toilet is simple proof that the last vestige of journalism is dead.


That nobody grabbed him by the necktie, hauled him offstage and stuffed his head down the nearest unflushed toilet industrial wood-chipper is simple proof that the last vestige of journalism is dead.



I look at all this stuff going on with the Romney campaign and all I can say is: they should’ve doubled down on the crazy and just picked Ron Paul.

I’m serious.

Paul dodging his newsletter and all the other R.J. Rushdoony-level sh*t he has said or done in the past would have been far more entertaining than the Mittster’s bald-face corporate lying (which is more like the S&L crisis without the old lady telling Charles Keating to burn in hell.)





so, last evening after work i went to the drugstore to pick up a sack full of pills for hubbkf and me (note to self: come up with strategery so that ALL meds do not need to be re-filled at the same time)…since dad is away, young son pharmacist is running the joint…at last weekend’s festivities here, he came to the street dance wearing a st. ronnie shirt…which of course i gave him shit about at the time….

so, he mentions something about all the compliments he received about his shirt…i make smart ass comment…conversation then went to him saying he does actually hate obama…went through the myriad things he’s done including running up an unprecedented deficit and now he and hillary are working with the un on a workaround that will kill the second amendment…i did almost give him bonus points for using ‘it’s the american way!’ during the portion of heated rhetoric (on his part…i was practicing being an active listener) concerning gun control…


oh…forgot my last observation….the kid’s not even thirty yet and he’s already reached peak wing nut…obama’s re-election should guarantee the single most violent occurrence of heads asploding in history…


Alas, wingnuts function purely from the brainstem, so no matter how violent the asplosion they will persist in walking, talking, and using oxygen that could go to the lungs of precious kittens instead.


“since dad is away, young son pharmacist is running the joint”

These small business people surely don’t benefit from the government in any way. They are equivalent to machete-wielding explorers hacking their way through a money jungle, unaided.


They are equivalent to machete-wielding explorers hacking their way through a money jungle, unaided.

Whacking the bush, so to speak.


Killed the thread with the triple-entendre, eh?


Obama has apparently uncorked another devastating attack ad. I’ll have to wait until I get home to see it, but it seems to be of the “it would be irresponsible not to spectulate” variety. Sounds mean, unfair and delicious. I’m loving this.


“Speculate,” also, too.


They are equivalent to machete-wielding explorers hacking their way through a money jungle, unaided.

good thing pharmacist dad has a big ol’ harley to help him out…



is that when your speculum ovulates?


another devastating attack ad.

it’s not bad…


I saw some drivel about Karl Rove on some cable show whingeing about what a bunch of meanies the Obama folks were being and how they disgrace the office and sully the fine, supportive and friendly field of campaigning. – Hogeye Grex

To be fair, Karl Rove would never campaign by attacking an opposing candidate’s weaknesses. He would attack an opposing candidate by projecting his candidate’s weaknesses on the opposing candidate and by making the opposing candidate’s strengths sound like weaknesses.


…since dad is away, young son pharmacist is running the joint…

I have a somewhat similar story when I was in VA: my cousins and I went to get some Chinese food, and our order-taker/cashier was a 7-year-old. A very intelligent and professional 7-year-old; if we had called it in I would have never have guessed she was so young. Of course, she had issues ringing up our orders being 4 feet and all.

I had two thoughts. First: Child Labor Laws, much? Second: how many children out there would answer the call at ages 6-9 to work with mom and pop vs watch TV/play video games/goof off? That kid’s likely to have her own franchise in twenty years (assuming she gets a degree, which trust me, is very likely).

All and all, it was equal parts eye-opening and precious.


how many children out there would answer the call at ages 6-9 to work with mom and pop vs watch TV/play video games/goof off

I’m guessing that she wasn’t given much choice in the matter.


My dig at bbkf’s wingnutty pharmacists was vague … Pharmacists, from what little I know, owe their livelihood to govt. regulation, and they owe a good deal of their income to govt. programs.

I dunno what pharmacies would look like in a libertarian paradise, but I doubt people currently doing that type of work would like it much. Libertarian or wingnut doctors (Ron Paul et al.) are a baffling bunch. Why they’d think their education and practice would turn out awesome is beyond me. Well, I do know why: hand-waving. Faith that unsolved problems would be solved, somehow, after the unfettering of market forces.

The lack of detailed solutions to problems is not just a weakness of market fetishism, but a core feature. Only entrepreneurs will have ideas enabling us to fix things, and they will only have those ideas once unfettered. So all the faithful talk about is the unfettering. If they talked about solutions, they’d be like liberal politicians and academics — people who by definition cannot have ideas or make progress, because they aren’t unfettered Randian supermen.

Market fetishists are like cultists advocating a summoning ritual. They believe the summoned ones will fix things better than you could dream, so why bother thinking? Help us with the ritual.


Drug addict and college dropout Rush Limbaugh thinks that Rmoney should attack Obama over his drug use and weak accademic credentials.


Pharmacists, from what little I know, owe their livelihood to govt. regulation, and they owe a good deal of their income to govt. programs.

oh, this is very true…but these two never see it that way…they are so conservative, they make st. ronnie look like a dfh in comparison…

i am always baffled by how person with good intellect can be so paranoid and dumb…i suspect it comes from a ‘keep yer mitts offa my money!’ mindset…although they come out to eat at the club every week and are fabulous tippers…well, dad is…they always pay for son’s meal…and when son comes out on his own, you can expect maybe a buck fiddy tops…

i find people’s tipping (and at the foundation, memorial gifts) insightful as to their true nature…


Obama has apparently uncorked another devastating attack ad.

Good. After years of Lee Atwater, Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove maybe they’ve finally figured out that bullies only respond to being punched back.


Drug addict and college dropout Rush Limbaugh thinks that Rmoney should attack Obama over his drug use and weak accademic credentials.

Utterly unsurprising, as he literally works for Bain Capital.

Yep. Bain owns Clear Channel which owns PRN which owns Limpy.

Your Liberal Media at work.


I’m guessing that she wasn’t given much choice in the matter.

I can’t be certain, but she didn’t give me the impression that she was bitter or resentful. I mean, we’re talking about an age where children are real impressionable and typically want to copy what their parents do; her parents may have just decided to take advantage of that.

Or maybe they were short-staffed (it was about to storm) and the little go-getter was volunteered.


Either McCain still hates Romney

It is not necessary for McCain to hate Romney for McCain to insist he did everything right.


When it came to choosing between Romney and Palin, I’m glad that no quaint, outmoded considerations, like which one would actually be the best qualified to stand next in line for the Presidency behind a septugenarian with a bad heart, got in the way of McCain’s expert political calculus.


i am always baffled by how person with good intellect can be so paranoid and dumb

Intelligence and wisdom don’t correlate. They really, really don’t.



I know anectode =/= data but in the vast majority of chinese takeouts I’ve been to here in chicago the kids are either working the register or goofing around at a table all evening. Makes economic sense if the parents are both working and they don’t want their kids home alone or at a sitter all night.


Richard Cohen does not like the Bain business. Or rather the focus on the Bain business.

Products or services that can be produced more cheaply abroad will be offshored. This is a rule. Products that can be produced by robots will be produced by robots. This, too, is a rule. What is not a rule is that the debate about this has to be conducted on a schoolyard level about when, exactly, Romney was running Bain. It hardly matters who was running Bain when some steelworkers were fired and their jobs sent across the great ocean. If Romney was really in charge, he was doing what he was being paid to do. If Romney was not in charge, others did what he would have done — and he, the record shows, did not complain. He merely deposited the checks. (This is similar to the way Romney conducted his primary campaign, taking no responsibility for what his surrogates were saying.)


I know anectode =/= data but in the vast majority of chinese takeouts I’ve been to here in chicago the kids are either working the register or goofing around at a table all evening. Makes economic sense if the parents are both working and they don’t want their kids home alone or at a sitter all night.

same here…i’m wondering how many generations that will take before the three e’s of merka kick in: exceptionalism, entitlement and ennui


Hey Pryme, if the little girl was Chinese, then she was doing what is normal for a Chinese family that owns a restaurant to do—- assuming that it wasn’t a school day. During the hours they’re closed during lunch and dinner, it’s typical for a Chinese Chinese restaurant owning family to have a family lunch, even.

If she was a seven year-old waspy girl then that’s very interesting.


Utterly unsurprising, as he literally works for Bain Capital.

Oh yeah. And he’s a huge fucking hypocrite.


Richard Cohen does not like the Bain business. Or rather the focus on the Bain business.

What! Richard Cohen is wringing his hands over incivility and unfairness because a Democrat criticized a Republican? Stop the presses!

(No, really…stop the presses.)


So, the thing that has my ears perked up re: Bain and taxes is this.

Bain, in ’99/’00 was valued at ~$4 Billion.
Rmoney was the “sole stockholder.”
Motherfucker did not simply waltz away from that much dough without God’s Own fucking Payday.
Mitt’s currently claimed net worth is ~$200 Million.

Hmmmmmmm. Now I’m curious as to what those ’99-’02 tax returns have to say. I’m also curious as to the details of whatever buyout happened. Because, frankly, it looks pretty damned screwy to me no matter how you slice it. Would Mr. “I’m in the investor’s hall of fame” there really be likely to lose that much scratch? Put me down as skeptical. I want details. I’m also fairly sure that it’s not all kosher, or else there would be some details. This just opens up the floodgates for all sorts of questions.

It would be irresponsible not to speculate.


If Romney was really in charge, he was doing what he was being paid to do.

That makes it sound like he was merely an employee instead of a founding partner and one of the main people who set the tune for company culture.


That makes it sound like he was merely an employee instead of a founding partner and one of the main people who set the tune for company culture the sole stockholder, President, CEO and Chairman of the Board.



Alzo, too…

If Romney was really in charge, he was doing what he was being paid to do.

He vas chust followink orders!


. This just opens up the floodgates for all sorts of questions.

well, it’s just plain mean and uncivil to ask those questions…of mitt…or any other gooper apparently…but hey, lets spend over three years howling that teh usurper wan’t born in merka…that’s totes different!

questioning a brown somebody’s entire being = good
questioning somebody’s shit tonne of money and how they got it = bad


He vas chust followink orders!

this follows along with his, ‘hey…i paid all the taxes i had to and NOT ONE DOLLAR MORE…it’s not my fault the system sucks…well, it sucks for you that is…’

Helmut Monotreme

AS a stockholder and a boardmember, he expects the best return on his investment possible. That’s just good investment management. As president and CEO he is duty bound to get the highest profit possible for the stockholders. To do less would expose him to a shareholder lawsuit. He is just following orders all round.


AS a stockholder and a boardmember, he expects the best return on his investment possible. That’s just good investment management. As president and CEO he is duty bound to get the highest profit possible for the stockholders. To do less would expose him to a shareholder lawsuit. He is just following orders all round.

Fine. Let him make his profits, and God bless America. But don’t expect me to 1) vote for him for President or 2) feel sorry for him when his political opponents criticize him for what he did to make his fucking profits.


Sorry, the free market says you have to vote for Mitt. You don’t have a choice.

Helmut Monotreme

But it was all lega,l that makes it moral right? And if it’s moral that must mean doing it was his Christian duty right? So clearly anyone that criticizes what this upstanding businessman did to strip mine all of the value out of businesses so old fashioned as to be publicly held, unencumbered by significant debt, with lots capital infrastructure and well funded retirement plans, must clearly be some sort of satanic communist.


Sorry, the free market says you have to vote for Mitt. You don’t have a choice.

Hey, it’s giving me the invisible finger! NOT COOL.


After a confidential two-year review, the Boy Scouts of America on Tuesday emphatically reaffirmed its policy of excluding gays,

shorter: fuck you, fags!

and then maybe one of these…



Your daily oops.


Boo hoo!

Mitt Romney’s new web video, a response to the vicious Obama attack ad featuring a ghostly Mitt Romney singing “America the Beautiful,” features President Obama singing Al Green’s “Let’s Stay Together.” Only one problem: the owner of the song, BMG Rights Management, sent a copyright claim under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to YouTube, asking that the video be withdrawn.

Just one problem: virtually every other video of Obama singing “Let’s Get Together” – which Obama sang months ago at the Apollo Theater – is still up. Which means that BMG isn’t interested in its rights. It’s interested in Obama’s right to be free of criticism.

I realize the distance between news item and ad is closing, but really now…


BTW, Potsie Weber, us cons dont HAVE to get approval from govt to d/l music we like-we can think for ourselves, and we do-its YOUS people that cant, a DUH!

oh, goodbob! that’s a comment from one of the maroons over on wherever sub’s link took me to…and this *person* who goes by jbnighthawk, or some such, was just bragging about how instead of just downloading hundreds of songs a day, he is really going to show those obamalovers at wherever, cuz now he’s going to download thousands a day…what a dumbass…

also, it’s apparently endemic, even in their young, for conservatives to think and steal for themselves…awesome…


Praise Jesus!

how effing cool is that?!?!


Which means that BMG isn’t interested in its rights. It’s interested in Obama’s right to be free of criticism.

Born yesterday much, Breitbartians?… BMG, like other rights holders, takes action selectively.

They may have determined that Obama’s association with “Let’s Stay Together” is of benefit to them in terms of sales and reputation.

Eau du Romney, on the other hand, is to be avoided liked a fart-filled elevator.


Sorry, the free market says you have to vote for Mitt. You don’t have a choice.

It never occurred to me before, but the free market is kind of an asshole.


“LIKE” a fart-filled elevator. And while I wouldn’t be surprised if BMG execs are gonna vote Obama, the idea that their selective action against copyright infringers has to do with protecting Obama from criticism is pathetic on many levels. See above; and, the Romney campaign’s use of “Let’s Stay Together” is no doubt peripheral to whatever criticism they’re making … unless the ad is about how Obama sings worse than Al Green, or something. If not, the Romney campaign can proceed unimpeded.


Just one problem: virtually every other video of Obama singing “Let’s Get Together” – which Obama sang months ago at the Apollo Theater – is still up. Which means that BMG isn’t interested in its rights. It’s interested in Obama’s right to be free of criticism.

Apparently not so much.


“LIKE” a fart-filled elevator.

You can make me smell it but you can’t make me like it.


NRO tells Mittens to release his tax returns. Don’t miss the comments; they’re having kittens over there.


Wow, those people are nuts.


Hi my name is ken and I’m watching master chef.


You are so interesting! I don’t think I’ve truly read something like that before. So wonderful to discover somebody with a few original thoughts on this subject. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This site is one thing that is needed on the internet, someone with a bit of originality!


NRO tells Mittens to release his tax returns. Don’t miss the comments; they’re having kittens over there.

FSM, those people are frothing at the crotch…

Mr. Blogging is our passion: Your post has moved me and given me much to think about. I should follow your link to learn more of your philosophy. A =/= A. Tom Cruise is Xenu.


Those NRO comments are funny as hell. Amazing how many think that Obama’s college records have some relevance.

Talking points that lost the last election never die in wingnut circles. They just get madder and madder that nobody else wanks along.


The tags are failing! Open tube 3!!!


Opening the tube.


Don’t miss the comments; they’re having kittens over there.

Kittens are cute and loveable. Whatever they’re having over there – I’m sure it ain’t kittens.


Tube 3 flooded, outer doors open, standing by to fire on your order.


John Sununu has to pull his foot out of his mouth. That guy was a fatmouth turd when he worked for Bush, and I guess he hasn’t changed.


NRO’s Jay Nordlinger, weaselly fucknozzle

He has assumed the high ground, morally and intellectually, haughtily soaring above dumb people, “wetbacks,” those who object to his supposedly subtle use of the term, …

Bleh. I have no time to parse this crap tonight.


Running the joint.


He has assumed the high ground, morally and intellectually, haughtily soaring above dumb people, “wetbacks,” those who object to his supposedly subtle use of the term, …

oy…after last week’s asshattery, the publisher of the’hooterville independent’ issued a sort of apology:

‘A comment on the above bit hof humor [a *joke* about how dog’s will be treated better at the vet’s office than human’s will be with obamacare!]. Some readers may be tickled, others may not, some may even be embarrassed……….especially regarding the Cab joke, if by chance you are an Arab.[?!?] If you dislike humor of any type, we offer you are sympathy, and bring up the philosophy of our late father-publisher Lem……..namely, “if anyone ever loses their sense of humor, he’s lost his zest for living, so might as well drop dead!” HOW TRUE!’

good grief…late father-publisher was a wispy, creepy old man, who favored fezzes and big cars…i imagine living with him was like ‘life with father’, zorba the greek and casanova all in one house, only not in a good way…


also too, there was a letter in this week’ that kick’s publisher’s crazy ass with a ‘ha, ha…you called irs agents the gestapo…i don’t think you know what that word means…here, let me splain to you’ sort of way…the other letter to the editor this week was from a crazy old man…


A comment on the above bit hof humor [a *joke* about how dog’s will be treated better at the vet’s office than human’s will be with obamacare!]. Some readers may be tickled, others may not, some may even be embarrassed……….especially regarding the Cab joke, if by chance you are an Arab.[?!?] If you dislike humor of any type, we offer you are sympathy, and bring up the philosophy of our late father-publisher Lem……..namely, “if anyone ever loses their sense of humor, he’s lost his zest for living, so might as well drop dead!” HOW TRUE!

Man I hate when these folks explain humor, tell me to lighten up. I am funnier than y’all are! My lightening-up regimen would blow your small-town circuits, grandpa!

And If I want to hail a Cab [sic] to Seriousville every so often, in the words of Bobby Brown, it’s My Prerogative


Veteran dogs deserve the best kibble the VA can buy.


“NRO’s Jay Nordlinger, weaselly fucknozzle”

I’m with Nordlinger on this one. He was putting the term “wetbacks” into the mouths of the people who were whining that Reagan was not being sufficiently conservative. You know, the teatards of the 80’s. It seems to me that among right-wingers of that era, “wetback” would have been as common as “Messcan.”

Also, I think Reagan was really good friends with John Wayne. And, dog knows The Duke loved the señoritas!


I’m with Nordlinger on this one. He was putting the term “wetbacks” into the mouths of the people who were whining that Reagan was not being sufficiently conservative.

I fully believe that was Nordlinger’s intent, but I dislike his response to criticisms.

Will his opponents be given the benefit of the doubt? Ask Obama what he meant by “you didn’t build that.” Wingnuts’ default setting is opportunistically obtuse. They rouse themselves mainly to misrepresent others’ words. It’s a bigger problem than PC (which is pretty much a non-problem in my book).

In this context Nordlinger huffs that he’s just a writer, go visit other sites, get a life and good grief.

If people wet their pants on seeing the word “wetback,” this country is as far gone as the most pessimistic and alarmist people say it is.–Nordlinger. This is classic wingnut talk, illustrating why he deserves a bit of grief. For Jay, PC is not just annoying. It’s not just that “nobody is ever really offended,” as someone says in comments there. No, PC is a sign of cultural decline. When white people threw around racial slurs without being called to account, we were less degenerate, not “as far gone” as now, and it’s no coincidence! This is Limbaugh territory.


Wingnuts’ default setting is opportunistically obtuse.

Truer words were never spoken, which makes it all the funner when they explain themselves blue in the face about things like “retroactive retirement.”


If you dislike humor of any type, we offer you are sympathy, and bring up the philosophy of our late father-publisher Lem……..namely, “if anyone ever loses their sense of humor, he’s lost his zest for living, so might as well drop dead!” HOW TRUE!’

“I apologize that you have no sense of humor and you should die.”


“Do you expect me to laugh?”

“No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die.”


If people wet their pants on seeing the word “wetback,” this country is as far gone as the most pessimistic and alarmist people say it is.–Nordlinger. This is classic wingnut talk, illustrating why he deserves a bit of grief. For Jay, PC is not just annoying. It’s not just that “nobody is ever really offended,” as someone says in comments there. No, PC is a sign of cultural decline. When white people threw around racial slurs without being called to account, we were less degenerate, not “as far gone” as now, and it’s no coincidence! This is Limbaugh territory.

This from a guy who bitched that it was over the line when a conductor alluded to Obama’s taking office as a good thing: Politics aside, where are manners? Where is consideration for a minority of audience members? Where is a sense of public space, and what is appropriate and not? The guy was uncouth, as much as anything. And the sad thing is: There’s no one to call him on it.

And, no, I don’t count. One of his own — someone from the New York Times or The New Yorker or the local arts establishment — has to call him on it. Otherwise, it doesn’t count.

I suppose that conservatives, somewhere, act like that conductor, injecting politics where it doesn’t belong, transgressing against public decorum (and simply displaying bad manners). I have not witnessed it, though.


So clearly anyone that criticizes what this upstanding businessman did […] must clearly be some sort of satanic communist.

We’re not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America!!

Kittens are cute and loveable. Whatever they’re having over there – I’m sure it ain’t kittens.

These are of the Mother Hitton’s variety.


“I apologize that you have no sense of humor and you should die.”
I compensate for my lack of a sense of humour by always travelling with a dog who barks when someone has told a joke.


I compensate for my lack of a sense of humour by always travelling with a dog who barks when someone has told a joke.

I hope your dog isn’t around when someone tells a shaggy dog story. Or that joke in a talent scout’s office whose punchline is “I dunno, maybe he just hates the Yankees.” That could get confusing.


I compensate for my lack of a sense of humour by always travelling with a dog who barks when someone has told a joke.

Are there different barks to differentiate, like a strangled, choking sound for “trying to be funny and failing” or a Muttley laugh for “unintentionally hilarious?”


Shorter Scott Johnson, Power Line:

Paying a minority of my income* to the government makes me literally worse off than an enslaved nigger, which is really awful. Jusk ask Abraham Lincoln, who opposed income taxes even more than he opposed slavery.

*I’m a lawyer, by the way; how has the government facilitated my life?!?!?


Are there different barks to differentiate, like a strangled, choking sound for “trying to be funny and failing” or a Muttley laugh for “unintentionally hilarious?”

“Unintentionally hilarious” must be a recurring theme of existence, for it always seems to be the Muttley laugh. Feel free to imagine me as Dick Dastardly.


Sometimes I am forced to question the accuracy of Wikiweedia entries:
Formula1 champion Michael Schumacher is sometimes referred to by journalists and fans as Dick Dastardly,[2] in part due to the striking resemblance,[3]


These are of the Mother Hitton’s variety.

That has been noted before.


Also because he made some very inappropriate maneuvers, most notably crashing out Jacques Villeneuve to clinch the title.


Comment at TPM about the failed sandbagging attempt of Sherrod Brown’s wife: Let me guess. He’s from Breitbart’s Home for Little Unemployables?

Sweet, delicious mangoes!


“And, no, I don’t count. One of his own — someone from the New York Times or The New Yorker or the local arts establishment — has to call him on it. Otherwise, it doesn’t count.”–Nordlinger, deeply offended that a conductor alluded to Obama’s election as a good thing

Translation: I will not be satisfied until New York liberals do my complaining for me.


“Jusk ask Abraham Lincoln, who opposed income taxes even more than he opposed slavery.”

So, let’s see. Yep. Lincoln introduced the first progressive income tax in 1862. Seems the USA had to have revenue to finance a STUPID FUCKING WAR! Sure glad that’ll never happen again.


“Jusk ask Abraham Lincoln, who opposed income taxes even more than he opposed slavery.”

is that why he killed all those vampires?


I’m with Nordlinger on this one. He was putting the term “wetbacks” into the mouths of the people who were whining that Reagan was not being sufficiently conservative.

nordlinger says he’s not a politician, he’s a writer…well, as such, he should know how to fucking write, then…how many times do these numbnuts at nro have to clarify their writing to outraged readers? if you are continually explaining your writing, yer doin’ it wrong…and it’s not like this was a toughie…some quotes around the word…or the sentence could be started with ‘they thought he was…’



how many times do these numbnuts at nro have to clarify their writing to outraged readers?

Mostly when someone accidentally says something sort of reasonable.


According to the current HuffPo, Romney has not yet provided his full 2010 tax return for public scrutiny. They have a .pdf link to his return. One thing that caught my eye was the Schedule H. The Schedule H shows that Romney, excuse me, Ann Romney, paid their 4, count ’em four household employees the grand sum of $20,603 for the year of 2010. I cannot imagine what Rosania, Kelli, Susan and Valerie did with all that money……


John Sununu has to pull his foot out of his mouth.

Joy Reid (sp?) was on Last Word and she made an interesting point: you have at least three prominent Republicans (Sununu, Jindal, Rubio) who, while US citizens, could have been attacked as “foreigners” in the same manner Obama has, yet they have been left relatively unscathed. Her theory is that the GOP has linked your “Americaness” to whether or not you are a conservative.



Crabby ancient dude shows signs of sanity.

Grampy Insane calls out Batshit-crazy Michele Bachmann after tossing Willard under the wheels the other day? Dogs and cats living together, total chaos!


John Wayne was a fag.


at least three prominent Republicans (Sununu, Jindal, Rubio) who, while US citizens, could have been attacked as “foreigners” in the same manner Obama has

Obama’s 2008 opponent was born in Panama at a time, if I remember correctly, when such a person’s birthright citizenship was not explicitly codified. He even had a legal team prepare an argument just in case it ever went to court. This is all publicly acknowledged fact.

So the theory seems sound.


you have at least three prominent Republicans (Sununu, Jindal, Rubio) who, while US citizens, could have been attacked as “foreigners” in the same manner Obama has, yet they have been left relatively unscathed.

Also Romney and McCain, if we felt like being teabaggers about it.


“And you look at Romney and I’m sure he’s a nice guy, but I think he’s like The Thing – he only imitates human behavior. He’s not actually human himself.” – Mark Hamill



I’m with Nordlinger on this one. He was putting the term “wetbacks” into the mouths of the people who were whining that Reagan was not being sufficiently conservative.

nordlinger says he’s not a politician, he’s a writer…well, as such, he should know how to fucking write, then…how many times do these numbnuts at nro have to clarify their writing to outraged readers? if you are continually explaining your writing, yer doin’ it wrong…and it’s not like this was a toughie…some quotes around the word…or the sentence could be started with ‘they thought he was…’

I agree with both of these comments. I don’t think he was using the term “first person” as it were……………OTOH, he COULD have been trying to see how much he could get away with……………..these jerks do that all the time.

“Stupid liberals, I was just kidding!!” Yeah, where have I heard THAT before?



It’s clobberin’ time!

Actually, I think he’s referring to the Antarctic shape-shifting alien and not the Fantastic Four.


Actually Ben Grimm was the MOST human of the FF. Easily.


Knew how to kill a thread, also too.


Yes, after fixing the link *AHEM* it is clear he was referring to The Thing. Whether the original or what’shisname’s remade Thing is not clear. Carpenter, yeah that’s it, John Carpenter, auhackeur extraordinaire.


I gotcher Thing. Right here.


I gotcher Thing. Right here.

Assistance dog for the humor-impaired says…


New post.


I just got back from Yancey Street. What’s up?


Don’t light that cigar!


(comments are closed)