Gay Marriage: First Step Towards Mandatory Buttsex
ABOVE: Trevor Thomas
Shorter Trevor Thomas, The American Genius
How and When To Discriminate?
- Because commercial pilots have to retire at age 60, there is no reason why gay marriage shouldn’t be banned.
No, really, trust the shorter. The current heartbreaking work of staggering genius at The American Stinker, actually uses the mandatory pilot retirement age in his arsenal of arguments against gay marriage. His point, such as it is, is that the law discriminates among classes of people (like, you know, people who murder people and those who don’t) which, in his view, means discrimination is a good thing. In other words, if you have to wait until you are 16 to drive a car or if only people driving over the speed limit get speed tickets, then it’s perfectly A-OK to put the blacks in the back of the bus and require them to eat in their own damn restaurants and stop scaring white people at Cracker Barrel.
But, as if that weren’t enough, Trevor takes it to the next level by uncovering the secret homosexual agenda behind gay marriage which isn’t just fag marriage but is – gasp! – buttsex for everyone.
However, I suspect that the real efforts of liberals (whether some realize it or not) in the marriage debate is not simply “marriage equality.” Many in this debate have been deceived, for, you see, ultimately, this battle is not, nor has it ever been, about marriage or discrimination. … In other words, the pro-same-sex marriage movement is an attempt to morally legitimize homosexual behavior. … This is about sex.
Once they get married, what’s to stop ’em from fucking? Worse, once they can get married, Trevor will be unable to resist his urge to frequent seedy bathhouses and engage in dirty pig sex with large bearded men covered in tattoos.
Trevor has his own blog which probably could use a few commenters if you have nothing better to do on Memorial Day and you know that you do not.
Those of us heterosexuals who do not comply with our limp-wristed overlords will be sent to the lube mines.
actually uses the mandatory pilot retirement age in his arsenal of arguments against gay marriage
Kind of a sore subject with me. Back in 2008 they raised the pilot retirement age from 60 to 65. While this allows me to work 5 more years, it also put a 5-year hold on any career advancement I might have had.
(looks over at the Captain)
“Hurry up and die you old bastard and get out of my seat!”
Yes on this day when we remember sacrifice and loss I too feel called to risk being exposed to insane bigoted rantings to gather mangoes along the lawless foreign shores of the wingnut and bring them back for my fellow citizens, for freedom.
“First of all, as a Christian, I accept that God gave us the institution of marriage and that the union of one man and one woman is the foundation of every social institution the world over.”
I had no idea that the DMV was premised on the heterosexual union of a couple in the eyes of God. Also, Mormons. And every society before Constantine’s Roman Empire.
He quotes a study saying kids with married parents do better than kids without. And this is an argument against letting gay people get married and raising kids. But to be fair he probably doesn’t want them raising kids in general because ick amirite.
“If a liberal throws out the “discrimination” charge remind him that his position requires discrimination as well.”
This is at the end of the article. Guess what the argument for this assertion is correctly and I’ll give you one Memorial Day dollar. No peeking! Ready . . .
That’s right! There is absolutely none! Memorial Day dollars for everybody.
It’s interesting that Hulu censored that Family Guy clip – it used to be “cowboy buttsex” IIRC.
Hey Major, can’t you just challenge him to a knife fight?
From last thread, thanx to Thread Bear for the musik, especially Adrian Belew and Todd Rundgren. (I always loved the bass work on it, especially the bridge before the last verse!) Made my day brighter.
Spreeking of which, I was accepted into the Intensive Outpatient Clinic and inprocessed last Thursday. I start tomorrow.
Thanks for the good wishes, Provider. I will also be hanging around Sadlyville today. Here’s hoping everyone has wonderful weather and splendid things to do.
((And here’s a snappy parade-ground salute for Wiley and the Major and other Sadly veterans. But mostly for the ones who are maimed or gone.))
Thanks Fenwick.
The Road to Amnesia
P.S. It’s not just Americans.
Hey, I think that because we won the Revolutionary War, anyone with the name “Trevor” should be sent back.
Cracker Barrel
Is there any restaurant more fittingly named?
Because commercial pilots have to retire at age 60, there is no reason why gay marriage shouldn’t be banned.
Or maybe they should be allowed to be married for 60 years, then given a pension* with their annulment?
this battle is not, nor has it ever been, about … discrimination. …the pro-same-sex marriage movement is an attempt to morally legitimize homosexual behavior.
Which is gross and totally needs to be controlled by letting people treat gay folks like crap merely for being gay, from making them second class citizens(at best) to firing them to calling it a mental illness to throwing them in prison. But yeah, TOTALLY not about discrimination.
*hee hee first serendipitously spelled “penison.”
But what about Steve Trevor?
Why do you hate Captain America?!
Penis On
Penis Off
The Bobbiter
Also Trevor Horn, Trevor Rabin and Trevor Bruess.
It should be noted that Captain America’s name is Steve Rogers. Steve Trevor is Wonder Woman’s boyfriend.
I just woke up after a night of shitty sleep. I apologise.
Maybe Trevor’s unaware that heterosexuals already engage in the same type of sexual activity that gay men and lesbians engage in.
Now, granted, it may be a minority of straight men and women who take it in the butt (and probably far more straight women let their husbands/boyfriends go the back door route than straight men taking their wives/girlfriends’ strapons) but oral sex is a pretty common activity between straight couples.
I’m trying to give away a coffee mug, heah. WORK with me, people!
From the bio on his blog (first sentence):
“I was born in 1969… and have lived all my life in Northeast Georgia.”
That pretty much sums it up.
Hey, now, I was born in ’69 and lived most of my life in NE Georgia. The Google says he’s from Gainesville, though, while I’m from Athens, which does make a difference.
IE does not resolve the URI. Thanks for trying Tintin, but the 404 site not found only made more curious about getting off the boat.
Hyperlink needs an “l” at the end. As in .html Probs to indicate how big an “L” the post is.
[Tintin adds:Fixed. Blame it on Steve Jobs. I am at the beach and did it on my iPad. (The Photoshop too. Yay, Photoshop Touch!!)]
I draw the line at honey badger because honey badger doesn’t care.
Satan’s. Next question.
I was born in Gainesville. Fortunately my parents moved when I was 3 months old.
However, I suspect that the real efforts of foodies (whether some realize it or not) in the seafood debate is not simply “eating shellfish.” Many in this debate have been deceived, for, you see, ultimately, this battle is not, nor has it ever been, about eating or seafood. … In other words, the pro-eating shellfish movement is an attempt to morally legitimize shrimp cocktail behavior. … This is about prawns.
[See Leviticus 11:10]
Maybe Trevor’s unaware that heterosexuals already engage in the same type of sexual activity that gay men and lesbians engage in.
I am pretty confident that Trevor is personally unaware of heterosexuals actually having any kind of sex, though he may have heard about third hand.
OTOH, non-rotted mangos. SRSLY.
A debate between two devout G-d fearin’ conservatives in teh thread. I know we all enjoy bashing teh self-hating tragedy that is Dan Blart, Mall GOP – but if actual ghey conservatives talked to their ideological brethren about their experiences teh way that truelinguist does,,, Okay, then teh conservatives would totally ignore them and keep on with teh whole “GHEY!!!! EEEUUUUWWWWW!!!!”
In case teh troll-o-link-er-ator of teh Intarb00bs rolls American Stinker readers here and truelinguist actually reads this –
Despite teh fact that we probably disagree on way more than not, I think it’s wrnog for him to be subjected to all that bullshit. That having a long-term monogamous relationship lasting decades is officially worth less to his society than a week-long celebrity marriage, or some other d00ds seventh or eighth edition of teh newer, younger wife. Bullshit is what it is.
I also empathasize that teh one person over there that’s conversing with you continues to beat on teh whole “merely an inconvenience” drum despite the fact that you addressed it earlier with this:
Umm…and that was…bad?
Sorry, Jennifer! In all honesty bragging that he’s live in one place all his life probably means he’d still be that unquestioning acceptor of received wisdom no matter where the place was. Bless his heart.
If you were to tell me that I’d read an American Thinker comment thread and feel better about teh state of humanity afterwards,,,
This is why I believe in that long arc of the moral universe bending towards your mom’s mouth. Long, thick and throbbing. Uh, where was I?
Teh whole thing about plans surviving contact with teh “enemy”. Alienating and demonizing Teh Other – don’t work so well when Teh Other refuses to stay alienated or act like demons. Sure people have the inbuilt ability to ignore things. To discount obvious facts staring them in teh face. But in some instances, like with this guy, it requires actual effort to do so. And every time a person is forced to affirm their pointless and irrational dehumaizing of another – there’s an opportunity for that affirmation to fail.
I was born in Gainesville. Fortunately my parents moved when I was 3 months old.
I have a stepdaughter that lives in Gainesville. Didn’t seem like too bad a place except for being overrun with college students.
re: Doug Kmiec.
Paper cited is from 2005. He’s had a sort of change of heart since then.
if you have nothing better to do on Memorial Day and you know that you do not.
Challenge accepted — FOR GRAET JUSTICE!
Trolling the Trevor-Unit of the meat-based spambot/hivemind of RealAmurika™ = how I kick off my three-day weekend, typo & all.
Also, enjoying my ⅋ ⅋ ⅋ ⅋ ⅋ !*
* WARNING: contains Suzi Quatro. Also, I rate up for NORP clap-along FUBAR.
Why the motherfucken fucke does he make his entire family wear long-sleeve black shirts!?!?!?!?!?
He quotes a study saying kids with married parents do better than kids without.
I shall trust the shorter as my master Tintin has instructed. It’s probably the study they always trot out. They neglect to mention that the study did not compare married parents but two-parent households versus one-parent. They also regularly neglect to cite the studies which show that children in same-sex two-parent households do as well (actually, _better_ but we don’t need to go there) as two-parent mommyandpoppy families.
So in conclusion, tongue jack my shit box.
Also, too, since, I am trusting the shorter, and not, going to that place, their web site, I have to ask, is the excerpt, above, typical of the rest, being marked by comma diarrhea? ,
JP – I’d help you out but I don’t do the twat thing. Yes, I know you knew that but I mean the Internet thing – twat twit taunt – whatever it is.
Why the motherfucken fucke does he make his entire family wear long-sleeve black shirts!
That’s creepy. It’s like Damien from The Omen grew up and had a family.
re, comment, comma, diarrhea,,,
Actually no. Perhaps I shouldn’t be answering this – glass houses and all – but he seems to favour – the em-dash (and bracketed comments as well).
Although, I see, where, you, may have, formed, that opinion.
Always relevant.
Now, granted, it may be a minority of straight men and women who take it in the butt (and probably far more straight women let their husbands/boyfriends go the back door route than straight men taking their wives/girlfriends’ strapons)
Based on the sex talk on reddit I would say that it’s a generational thing and that the current generation is much more into it than previous generations.
I will state my support for mandatory buttseks – everybody should try it at least twice (if you don’t like it the first time maybe you did it wrong so try again). I’m not saying everyone will enjoy it but odds are good that you will.
The younger generation is a bunch of sicko preverts! Why when I was young we didn’t do the things we liked and the things we did do we didn’t try to improve. HARUMPH.
Major – GA or FL?
It’s about sex, huh?
No need to say more.
So this is where everybody has been hanging….Nice. I guess the lot of you can consider yourselves lucky as i single-handedly brought the unbeknownst to me dead thread, back on topic with a cerberization of some of the nro comments to the Sowell thread…
i should have known something was up.
Now to see what we are on about now or more to the point what the Winger’s are Whinging about.
Shorter: Projection projection projection projection projection.
How’d I do?
Provider, I hang out cluelessly in dead threads all the time, talking to myself. It can be fun under the right circumstances.
Carryover from last tred – Provider(etc.) made a comment about Lemay as inspiration for the Burt Lancaster role in Seven Days in May. Just yesterday Teh Ho read Lemay’s biography. That’s why we are now watching Discovery channel wings XB-70 on teh yootube, which Lemay was pushing. YIL that Lemay ran with George Wallace. My.
Marriage is just the means to a more sinister end for the homosexual movement…
Yes, the homosexual movement is all about those sinister ends.
It’s about sex, huh?
No need to say more.
It is always about one of three things, Sex (ur doing it wrong), Uppity brown people (and the race traitors who think they are actually humans that are capable of thinking for themselves), and Uppity Womenz (and the Sex traitors, that respect them as human beings capable of thinking for themselves.
I mean if you think about it that is pretty much all they got….one last thing, so that makes four things they could be on about at any given time: “That is my money”
If there is anything else that any of you can think of that do not fit into these four categories, i would really like to hear about it.
happy m-day to all of the Sadlies, Veterans, or serving. And that goes out to any food service workers in the house.
OT, although I got stuck working today, tommorow I am taking off for 2 and a half weeks holiday. I don’t have any of them thar fancy mobile internet devices, so you probably won’t hear from me for a bit. Just wanted to let you know – I ain’t ded.
Teh wiki has jogged my memory. I did recall the Wallace campaign but didn’t remember that Lemay was his running mate. Hey, I was only about 10 years old, give me a break. Then I read about Lemay suggesting the use of nukes in Nam. THAT I remember, just didn’t recall it was Lemay.
I hang out cluelessly in dead threads all the time, talking to myself. It can be fun under the right circumstances.
My thread-dar is usually a little better, but given the holiday and the multi tasking. And it was a good time, I have enough material for a few thousand word essay/blog post, and I blame it on….brb….Mike S. said,
May 28, 2012 at 10:36
This post at sadlyno has 450 comments, the original post by Sowell has 18 comments. Maybe all is not lost.
So i clicked the link and went inot the comments looking for mango, though not before being inspired to cover an angle inspired by Sowells first sentence. As tintin had already raked those coals i went for the hidden treasure (the real rotting mangoes are the closest to making booze….[whispering very softly to vs] don’t tell anybody. 😉
zrm is also, it appears, on vacation. In Florida. He’s also dead. Too.
Lemay as inspiration for the Burt Lancaster role in Seven Days in May.
I had almost forgotten, i still have it paused from like 4-5 hours ago. Lemay was a piece of work. Though i haven’t researched his particular history in depth, but your read it so often from contemporaries of his.
Thanks for the reminder pup.
….tommorow I am taking off for 2 and a half weeks holiday.
TB, have a blast and get home at least a couple of days before you have to get back to work, unless you love your job that is. The return trip is always more stressfull than you remember. i think it is part of the same mechanism that let’s mothers think about enduring childbirth and the run up to same again.
I thought zombies hated the heat, or is that just Walking Dead?
I don’t actually watch/read much zombie stuff.
Someone in the swamp said that contracts should be valid everywhere blah blah but marriages in a church have always been and should remain a man and a woman. (I can’t be arsed to see if she said ONE man, ONE woman but whatever. I doan wanna gin up to comment so I’ll put my response here.
Lemay was a piece of work.
Sometimes there’s a fine line between genius and insanity. I put Lemay fairly high up on the genius/insanity list. I’d say as he got older he went more towards the insanity side of the line.
Lemay and General Powers were the inspiration for both the George C. Scott and Sterling Hayden characters in Dr. Strangelove.
Sometimes there’s a fine line between genius and insanity.
I’d say Usually, but point taken.
That’s why we are now watching Discovery channel wings XB-70 on teh yootube,
I’ve seen the one remaining XB-70 at the Air Force Museum. Amazing aircraft but completely impractical. It cost an insane amount of money just to fly it.
My old B-52 has outlived so many of its “replacements” and they plan on flying it until 2030 or 2040.
My old B-52 has outlived so many of its “replacements” and they plan on flying it until 2030 or 2040.
Amazing. Flying fucking antiques. The B-52 was introduced in what, 1953 or something? Just fucking amazing.
Hey, guess who was described as being “built like a B-52” on yesterday’s Mad Men? I’m not an expert, but are B-52s known for having giant breasts?
Hey Major, can’t you just challenge him to a knife fight?
I would fly with that airline. Best in-flight entertainment EVAH.
“built like a B-52?
She could bomb me into submission…
I’m not an expert, but are B-52s known for having giant breasts?
If they did I’d still be flying them.
Back to big-boobed redheads already?
Hey Major, can’t you just challenge him to a knife fight?
I just leave cartons of cigarettes, boxes of donuts and copies of “extreme sports” magazines on their seat. Might take a little longer, but I’m patient.
My brain never leaves big-boobed redheads.
I’m think about a big headed redboob.
Thinking, too.
Small-boobed redheads, then?
JP – I’d help you out but I don’t do the twat thing. Yes, I know you knew that but I mean the Internet thing – twat twit taunt – whatever it is.
So… how many 8x10s should I put you down for? 😆
I’m in Florida (where the sun shines damned near every day/Muddy Waters) but I’m working, and no stinking national holidays either.
For VS.
An awesome letter written by a former slave to his prior master. From ABL at BJ who Got it From Loomis at LGF. Ahnd I first read the thing a Ta Nahisi Coatse’s, Joint. So do enjoy.
i don’t mind doing a full c/p job with something as brilliant as this.
Well, I’m certainly not gonna complain about pictures of Chris Evans.
Yummmmmm, BEEFCAKE!
Per Captain America, beefcake made with hamburger helper.
Got back to watching Seven days in May (screenplay by Rod Serling) and in one scene Douglas’ character recognizes the Generals car. I think to myself “that thing has lines reminiscent of a Jaguar” and while you never get a really clear or long shot of the car i am pretty sure that I have tracked it down to a 1963 Jaguar Mark X Sweet ride. I guess that the Chairman JCS brings home a little scratch.
Not particularly a “car dude”, but the unusaual does tend to stand out.
Movies that will never be shown trivia lesson for the day.
For VS.
I have to admit that that is one well put together dude. What does he do?
He does a really good job playing a guy who’s a little naive and a little dumb.
i am pretty sure that I have tracked it down to a 1963 Jaguar Mark X
Jags in the early 1960s were relatively affordable. One of the selling points of the E-Type was that it was (relatively) low priced for the performance it had.
I had a 1995 XJ12. Sexy car. Looked great on the lift at the Jag dealer, where it spent most of its time.
Well, I’m certainly not gonna complain about pictures of Chris Evans.
Damn. I wish I looked half that good.
* WARNING: contains Suzi Quatro. Also, I rate up for NORP clap-along FUBAR.
Don’t be disrespecting Ms. Quatrocchi… although, truth to be told, I prefer her older stuff.
This one creeps me out.
This one creeps me out.
I prefer the creepy sound with the whimsical lyrics to the creepy lyrics with the pop-rock sound.
And another pic.
What? He’s technically in that picture, you know, if you look hard enough.
He does a really good job playing a guy who’s a little naive and a little dumb.
Sounds about perfect. I wonder if I can get him for the wet boxer contest for the movie I (we) am (are) working on….
Looked great on the lift at the Jag dealer, where it spent most of its time.
From what i understand, that is a fine way to keep a car. it is out of the elements, less wear and tear on the tires and nobody is likely to open a door and put a scratch on it.
What? He’s technically in that picture, you know, if you look hard enough.
There was a guy in that picture???
Well, this thread has turned into a male-gaze fest once again. I really do suck, don’t I?
Zombie little pony:
Truth be told, I’ve grown weary of nerd-mashups. After a while, they just seem so uncreative. Does everything really need to be about zombies and/or bacon?
What’s wrong with bacon?
Oh, that’s handy.
Although you wanna hear something weird? The thing I find sexiest about Chris Evans is his FACE. I mean, yeah, really nice body…but his face is just a work of art.
I’ve never gotten into bacon. One piece’ll do me. And I know people who could easily eat 12 pieces.
The lovable Snag ate this.
And so…
And I know people who could easily eat 12 pieces.
Did You call?
OK, to change the subject I am watching Hatfields & McCoys – so far it’s pretty good. Anyone here from around those parts that can chime in on the historical accuracy?
Ban all Trevors? What about clever Trevor?
I rate for Handsome Rob, aka Turkish.
Yummmmmm, BEEFCAKE!
The technical term is “oysterchest.”
Also, TCM shows Seven Days in May every so often. I watched it in March, I think.
Note that the “reason” for the coup attempt in the flick is a treaty w/ the Soviet Union. Much consternation about agreements w/ the
SovietsRusskies recently. What the hell’s going to happen when/if the Prez is reëlected?Further research: Scheduled for 28 August @0230ET.
I’ve never gotten into bacon. One piece’ll do me. And I know people who could easily eat 12 pieces.
You may be overcooking it, as ‘Murkins often do.
And that said, I’m off to have more Farmer John’s (real) Maple Bacon.
Further research: Scheduled for 28 August @0230ET.
Well I’ll be damned. That is awesome, because it is an awesome film.
What’s wrong with zombies?
MB I am jealous. i’ll be willing to bet that it is tasty.
Tasty indeed. Local FJ beats the shit out of Oscar Mayer’s nation-wide artificially flavored maple bacon.
It takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincent fritters…
We just watched the Glee finale. WTF happens to Kurt, huh? They just sloughed him off.
Kurt wanders around in a daze, wondering what the hell he will do and lands in Houston TX where he falls in with a rough crowd. rough but appreciative of his … talents. A few comic situations later he is choppering out to Gulf oil rigs to do his Bette Midler routines on the drilling platforms for a dubious but enthusiastic audience. That he gets gang banged by the roughnecks after every performance he chalks up to suffering for his art.
To be continued….
It takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincent fritters…
I paid money to see that in a theater.
A high-school class required that everyone write and deliver a “Modest Proposal” style thing. I was kind of dismayed by how many people in an AP class failed to understand the nature of the prompt – and equally dismayed at the well-meaning English professor lady trying to get two dozen people to do comedy in front of a captive audience – but “mandatory gay marriage between religious conservatives” was the one I went for, and it went over surprisingly well on shock value alone.
Which is how you know you’re doing Swift right.
I’m the biggest hypocrite of them all. My meats… I used preservatives.
Also, “” is a URL so great I sort of wish I could kill the dude/lady responsible and wear his/her skin as a suit so as to live his/her life in his/her stead.
Creativity’s for hipsters mang, exclusionary consumerism 4 lyfe.
You may be overcooking it, as ‘Murkins often do.
Belly bacon (the strip kind, as opposed to back bacon) is much nicer when crisp. If I wanted a chunk of limp, greasy porkfat in my mouth I’d fellate Rush.
Best bacon ever.
Best bacon ever.
Can’t say because I haven’t tried it, but my local farmers-market butcher makes some pretty damn good bacon:
I told him that if he ever retires I’ll have to become vegetarian.
M., I prefer my bacon flabby, but hubby prefers it crisp.
I smuggled home a couple pounds of pea-meal bacon (back bacon coated with corn meal) in my suitcase last time I was in
TorontoLeafs Suck.This thread is beginning to smell a lot like bacon.
“Mmmmmmmmm baconnnnnnnn” – H. Simpson
Internet fetishization of bacon aside (and I do find it irksome), I feel obliged to mention that last Saturday I tried, of all things, a bacon and egg popsicle.
Before you wrinkle your nose in dismay, consider that egg == egg-rich vanilla custard and bacon == carmelized bacon (effectively a sort of salted caramel) and you find, as I did, that it’s not bad at all. (That said, there’s other flavors these popsicle makers make that I like even more.)
They’re tearing up our old carpet and installing laminate floors upstairs over the next 3 days.
It sounds like they’re taking the house apart right now.
The poor cat is cowering down in the basement.
Even I have my limits…I’d spend a couple three weeks nomming on it though.
BACON dolor sit amet.
Arggh. Fortunately, it was just a test phrase. Let’s try that again.
BACON dolor sit amet.
“Which is how you know you’re doing Swift right.” Tom proposed modestly.
It sounds like they’re taking the house apart right now.
Hammering teh subfloor in.
Laying teh hard wood.
Tongue in groove.
BACON dolor sit amet.
I think we have discovered what the internet was invented for to create.
Shorter Dukey: Can y’all ignore the law and let me play wit mah guns?
Sorry Duke, no can do.
Tough on crime, zero tolerance don’t ya know.
Can’t have some bleeding heart liberal judge letting you off with a slap on the wrist.
I will state my support for mandatory buttseks – everybody should try it at least twice (if you don’t like it the first time maybe you did it wrong so try again). I’m not saying everyone will enjoy it but odds are good that you will.
Pup, if God wanted us to have buttsex, it would have loaded the anus with nerve endings.
Sadly, Trevor, no. It’s 65.
Rmoney to critics: Sure, Trump’s stubbornness and inability to acknowledge facts may hurt my campaign in the long run, but I need the cash.
Shorter Dukey: Can y’all ignore the law and let me play wit mah guns?
Sorry Duke, no can do.
Tough on crime, zero tolerance don’t ya know.
Can’t have some bleeding heart liberal judge letting you off with a slap on the wrist.
What does he need guns for, he’s already shot himself in the foot!
Best part is, I imagine he’s lost his voting rights as well. Nice to see a wingnut hoist on his own petard.
Pup, if God wanted us to have buttsex, it would have loaded the anus with nerve endings.
Alternatively, if god didn’t want men to get buttfucked why did he put our g-spot up our bums?
Pro or Con re: teh Buttsecks? Pupienus for the Pro stated “Alternatively, if god didn’t want men to get buttfucked why did he put our g-spot up our bums?”
Methinks Pup doth prostate too much!
Yes, I am a buttsecks pro. Practice makes perfect!
I am a buttsecks pro
Band Name. Need album cover design.
There’s gold in that thar POOP!
Breaking news.
So, if Trevor cites mandatory retirement of pilots at age 60, he must be against people over the age of 60 getting married.
Do not tempt me like that. I still haven’t finished (and may never at this rate) bbkf’s painter-of-light request.
[…] the dictionary and the other amazing things that can be found therein. According to Trevor Thomas (you remember him), dictionaries don’t simply define words but can answer many other questions, such as whether […]