White Like Me

ABOVE: Tom Sowell. He even poops
like a white guy.

Shorter Thomas “Actually I’m Whiter Than Pat Boone” Sowell, America’s Shittiest Website™
A Racial Revolution?

  • Unless we do something about all the black babies being born today, we will become a bankrupt welfare state, unable to afford to pay even for our own national defense and therefore doomed to being overrun by foreign invaders.

I was going to say, with regard to Tom Sowell, that inside every black wingnut there was a white man struggling to get out. But I don’t think that’s true for Tom. Actually, I am beginning to believe that he actually believes that he is white. Otherwise how could be possibly react to figures showing that non-white births now exceed white births by conjuring up the Negro apocalypse and the end of white society as we know it? What kind of person bemoans the birth of more persons like himself?

Of course, Sowell’s argument is based on a central tenet of the white wingnut worldview that most entitlement benefits go to the ni**ers and b**ners. Sadly, No!

Also, contrary to what a substantial share of Americans may assume, non-Hispanic whites receive slightly more than their proportionate share of entitlement benefits. Non-Hispanic whites accounted for 64 percent of the population in 2010 and received 69 percent of the entitlement benefits.

As is par for the course at America’s Shittiest Website™, the comments are even more appalling than the column itself.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 476

Helmut Monotreme


Helmut Monotreme

What kind of person bemoans the birth of more persons like himself?

Seriously though, me. I think with 6+ billion people on the planet already, the last thing this place needs is more bald white guys.


Hey Sowelly, how’s the weather in La-La Land?

No thanks, brother, I don’t want to get high.


I see white people … some of them don’t even know they are white.


Sorry to take a dump on a fresh tread, although Sowell seems so yesterday’s news to me anyway, what a sillyhead, but these mangoes are just too damn good to give up:

Ever-consummate gentlemen like Buckley and Ronald Reagan would have been mortified by such behavior as Breitbart’s – or West’s or Heartland’s. “There you go again,” the Gipper would have said in his soft but powerful voice.

reposted from zombie thread


For some stupid reason, I got out of the boat. The article is absolutely, completely nonsensical. I mean he states a question up front “What does this mean for the future of American society?” (about all the blackity-black-blacks and other mudbloods breeding and such), and then proceeds to ramble on a bit and reaches a nonsense concluseion.

On the way we get these gems mixed in amongst other random “thoughts”:

“What can be done now, to head off the many dangers in our current political policies and attitudes? There is not much we can do about demographic trends.”

Followed shortly by:

“Demography is not destiny. But the history of balkanized and polarized societies in the 20th century is a history of horrors that we dare not ignore.”

He then concludes with: “Unless this fashionable balkanization is stopped, demography can become destiny — and a tragedy for all.” — seriously, that’s it.

And, just as a reminder, here’s the definition of “demography”:

“the scientific study of human populations, esp with reference to their size, structure, and distribution”

So, yeah, complete utter nonsense, as far as I can tell. After that I didn’t have the stomach to look at the comments.


I blame the spelling mistake(s?) on an appalling lack of coffee.


Conservatism has also historically emphasized empiricism.

Like “racial realism”.

When President Reagan famously said, “Facts are stupid things,” he meant to quote President John Adams’ observation that “Facts are stubborn things.”

Uh… wow. Is that supposed to be an endorsement?

I know these words coming from somebody identified with the right are heresy – as defined by this new right. An invite to a marshmallow roast with you as guest of honor. Or worse.

Roasted marshmallows do make good eatin’. Just sayin’.

Hey, I sympathize–I was sort of put off by the lefty embrace of the woo-woo back in the 80’s and abortion-rights activists and women’s rights activists making stuff up and twisting the truth. However, I soon found out that SRS CONSRVATIV TINKRS were even bigger liars and they were arguing in bad faith whereas most woo-woo proponents are just deluded. (The ones selling it are not infrequently deluded too… Randi says he constantly gets dowsers begging to take a crack at the $1mil prize. However, chiropractors who truck in nonsense and try to bring in little kids for adjustments or perform cervical manipulations or who churn appointments and sell expensive vitamins and run up charges on the insurance of anyone whose insurer is still dumb enough to cover back-cracking deserve to be shunned from polite society and sued into oblivion every time their “art” leads to another premature death.)


WTF is fashionable balkanization?

Also, too, isn’t integration the OPPOSITE of balkanization.

Need wingnut-to-English dictionary, stat.


SYG always reminds me of the Bernie Goetz case. – not a gator

Goetz was effectively cornered. Even if he misinterpreted panhandling as robbery, in his paranoid mind he was still acting in self-defense (which is I guess how SYG would indeed apply). OTOH, even if Martin was stoned out of his mind and his skittles looked like a gun or something, Zimmerman could have just stopped and walked away, as the 911 operator suggested. If anything Martin’s actions*, far from being evidence that Zimmerman acted in self-defense, indicated that Martin was merely standing his ground. Of course, I don’t have all the evidence (nor do those so quick to say that Zimmerman’s wounds indicate his story was correct).

Still, if Martin would have survived and were prosecuted for assault and battery based on Zimmerman’s wounds, do you think they would have let Martin get away with a SYG defense even though it is exactly what he was doing?

BTW — as to the issue of why they didn’t let that one battered wife use SYG, as my wife who is an attorney pointed out — she wasn’t standing her ground. She could have, for example, left the guy earlier if she knew that he was escalating to a level of violence where she would have to shoot him.

Of course, as my wife herself often says, leaving in such cases is much easier said than done, but my wife says that is why you’d go with a “battered woman” defense rather than invoking SYG. Of course, my wife also says that the fact that SYG is itself written in a way that it might have allowed ZImmerman to avoid prosecution but doesn’t apply to a battered wife is just more evidence of how poorly written and horrible the SYG law really is.

BTW — my wife is a black person who nevertheless is exactly the person parodied by the site “Stuff White People Like”. So I guess you don’t get much whiter than her, in a sense. But Tom Sowell is a different bird entirely. He isn’t just a black person who wishes or think’s he’s white. He’s … well … something else.

*which seem to in fact have inflicted quite a bit of damage on Zimmerman indicating that Zimmerman (who could have by sheer physicality far out-powered Martin) was not the macho fighter such people often think they are but rather literally a pushover (which I guess goes to whatever complex Zimmerman had that caused him to ‘stand his ground’ — a stronger man, or pretty much any woman, would have just walked away)


He then concludes with: “Unless this fashionable balkanization is stopped, demography can become destiny — and a tragedy for all.” — seriously, that’s it.

And, just as a reminder, here’s the definition of “demography”:

“the scientific study of human populations, esp with reference to their size, structure, and distribution”

So, yeah, complete utter nonsense, as far as I can tell. After that I didn’t have the stomach to look at the comments.

Maybe he meant to say demography, in the old subconscious. Maybe it’s a Freudian slip. Maybe he’s saying that racial phrenology as practiced in the last 19th and early 20th century had a real, detrimental impact on minority and rural populations world-wide, and shaped how certain populations construct their identity today. IOW, he accidentally told the truth.


Those who didn’t – because conservatism runs against screaming, extremism and sensationalism – began disappearing from the talk shows, magazines and store shelves. They were replaced by pod people.

Well, duh. But you’d think the “twoo conservatives” would have gotten a clue after the Nixon tapes/Watergate scandal got out.


In Germany, the conservatives and liberals were dispatched to the labor camps before the Nazis felt safe to send the Jews to the death camps.

Wow, so much for combatting hysteria with stubborn facts. Looks like this guy has rejected your reality and substituted it with one of his own.

*sigh* Just for the record:

After the Nazi coup from 1933-1934 the SA illegally arrested thousands of people, particularly Communists and Socialist party leaders, as well as suspected homosexuals, intellectuals who spoke out against them, and any number of Jews. They were sent to the concentration camp at Dachau–a makeshift and brutal prison, not a “labor camp”–where thousands died. When prisoners were murdered by hooligan SA guards, they destroyed evidence by burning the body. Sometimes they even returned empty coffins to distraught family members. Dachau was the camp with the infamous “double triangle” prisoner-labeling system, whence the pink triangle. Jews got a second triangle on their prison uniform, forming a Star of David.

After the Night of the Long Knives in which Hitler removed Roehm, the elite SS corps was given control of Dachau and order, so to speak, was restored. Many communists remained in prison until Hitler signed the accord with Stalin on the eve of the invasion of Poland. The Socialists were politically silenced along with other political dissidents.

I can’t tell you what conservatives he thinks were being snatched by Stormtroopin’ street rowdies in scheissbraun uniforms, unless you redefine conservative to mean anyone who opposed Hitler. Sadly, no, as the ultra-conservative German judiciary aided and abetted the Nazi regime, believing that Mister Hilter had the right idea. The Nazis also had arch-conservatives and war profiteers providing financial backing. It was a typical kinda wingnut welfare outfit, with the demagogue Hitler as the frontman to con the rubes into voting against their pocketbooks until der Fuehrer decided that he should be the decider and it all went wrong… however, not so wrong that the war profiteers thought they ought to take him out or anything. Nor did they have to give up their ill-gotten gains during Nazification. Actually, things worked out pretty well overall for Farben, Krupps, Bayer, BMW, etc.


I wanted to read Sowell for myself, but the NRO homepage keeps freezing my browser with a popup featuring Jonah Goldberg’s face.

There are some horrors that a human being should not have to endure.


I kinda disagree about the Alexander case, DAS.

Alexander has said that 36-year-old Rico Gray had physically abused her in a dispute on Aug. 1, 2010. She testified that she fled into a garage and got a gun, but was unable to leave the home because the garage door was stuck. She testified that she went back into the house, where Gray was with his two sons, and fired the shot.

But Corey argued that Stand Your Law did not apply because Alexander acted in anger. The judge agreed, saying that by returning to the house, she showed she was not in fear for her life.

Essentially, Alexander’s defense is that she was cornered. So she got a weapon and acted crazy to try to drive her husband off.

Poor women can’t win. Stay with a batterer, lose your kids. Try to defend yourself, lose your kids.

It’s not as if running away is a 100% effective strategy either.


Thus everybody realizes government spending has lost its airbrakes.

And it’s sliding backwards downhill.

Oh, you mean DOD spending?


Ugh, so I went to salon to see what was next after the fulminating Fumato and guess what, an interview with World’s Stupidest Mormon, Jon McNaughton:

The Forgotten Man is very handsome. Who’s the model?

[Laughs] I’ve got a close friend I use. I’m not ready to reveal him yet.

He’s got that look of abject despair down pat, with those hunched shoulders …

Some people make issue of the fact that it’s a white guy sitting on the bench, like it’s somehow racial. I was talking with an African-American man and he asked why I didn’t make him black or something else. And I said, “Well, if I made him black, then certainly the issue of the painting would have been racial.” If I had made him Latino, then it would have been about illegal immigration. And if I’d made him a woman, imagine what that would have been.

oh, god…


Politically, it means that minorities who traditionally vote overwhelmingly for Democrats can ensure that the country veers ever further to the left over the years, making America more like the welfare states of Europe, whose unsustainable spending led ultimately to financial crises and widespread riots.

Oh Finland, what has become of you?

El Manquécito

When airbrakes fail it engages the brakes. Metaphor phail.


BTW — my wife is a black person who nevertheless is exactly the person parodied by the site “Stuff White People Like”.

One of the peculiarities of Public Enemy’s Professor Griff – drummed out of Public enemy for being an antisemitic nitwit – was that he thought Steve Perry from Journey was the greatest singer ever. Thus the chorus of this.


Hamsters appear to be failing.


Thus everybody realizes government spending has lost its airbrakes.

Sadly, no. From those hippie liberal socialists at the Wall Street Journal:



I’ve always had a really big soft spot for Steve Perry ‘cuz he really does have a great voice.


Hamsters appear to be failing.

They’re just pining for the fjords.


Painful as such outcomes can be, the dangers do not end there. A continuation of the current political tendency to take away the money required for national defense, and spend it instead on handouts that will win votes, means that our enemies around the world will have golden opportunities at our expense.

Oh indeed. The brown folks won’t feel so handed-out-to when the Syrian navy takes Miami.


What kind of person bemoans the birth of more persons like himself?

The kind who has a subconscious epiphany about himself?


This is America where we are judged not by skin color but by income. It’s only fair to label everyone making under a certain amount annually an n-word. These are the three thresholds under consideration:

$10 million


Sadly, no. From those hippie liberal socialists at the Wall Street Journal:


Ann Coulter’s spam this morning was titled “Figures don’t lie; Democrats do” in which she pulls some poop from her ass and flings it about in a desperate and pathetic attempt to contradict that.


When airbrakes fail it engages the brakes. Metaphor phail.

I didn’t know what he meant by lost its air brakes. I assumed he meant that the load had been downgraded and the new model didn’t have them, because of government cutbacks.

You are correct, sir, about what happens when air pressure drops below critical on a vehicle with airbrakes. I’m told it’s quite the percussive, not to mention concussive, experience.


Reply to Sowell posted here, because NRO’s comment system = P00P:

“the welfare states of Europe, whose unsustainable spending led ultimately to financial crises”

Yeah, not so much:

“the history of balkanized and polarized societies in the 20th century is a history of horrors that we dare not ignore.”

These horrors are best prevented by exactly the multiculturalism that Sowell loathes, since it involves not just celebrating one’s own culture, but appreciation of (& participation in) that of others’ – which makes it awfully hard to demonize The Other as a subhuman menace … & said horrors are reinforced & brought to fruition by identity politics, a textbook example of which is American Exceptionalism. A belief in one’s birthplace conferring automatic inherent superiority to everyone else is a tell, & what it reveals isn’t very pretty. I can well imagine what historically-literate Europeans think of America exhibiting such a mindset, since unlike Americans they’ve had direct personal experience of exactly what kind of living hell it leads to.

Perhaps a good start to creating a healthier America would be to stop tolerating – if not applauding – the open worship of an explicitly treasonous Confederacy – an ongoing cultural obscenity that continues in Southern states to this day, its champions shrugging off the disgust & horror of the majority at the toxic anachronism of “Dixie Pride” even as it gives neonazis & other white-supremacist groups vital comfort in an increasingly diverse society. The appeal of such groups to unemployed white youth will only grow as they see the formerly numerically dominant white demographic sliding steadily into minority status – rest assured that the KKK, ARM & Stormfront share Sowell’s hostility to multiculturalism, because they know that in terms of recruitment it’s their worst nightmare coming true.

Other than that, most Americans have been taking pride in their cultural heritage for a very long time, & mysteriously enough the extreme Balkanizing that Sowell fears has yet to occur. Efforts to combat xenophobia will do far more to realize the cultural ideal of America as a “Melting Pot” than opposing Black Studies courses or the building of a new mosque.

Does it even need to be said that those oh-so-scary “seperate subcultures” are the source material for the majority of American culture in the first place? What exactly would Sowell seek to replace them with?

?? They see me trollin’, they hatin’… ??


What exactly would Sowell seek to replace them with?

Picture, if you will, a nativity creche with TruckNutz.


Air Brakes


First comment:And despite their dwindling numbers, whites will continue to be treated as the oppressive majority
Dwindle, dwindle.
My word, I have read some bollocks in my time, but this column is certainly in the top 10. I think the shorter is :Ooga Booga, inferior racers are going to get us.
Really, that’s it.


And won’t the zombies be mad then, A.K.


Ooga Booga, inferior racers are going to get us.
Really, that’s it.

No, there’s way moar to it than that, I mean look at this deeply thoughtful concluding sentence, slightly enhanced with expanded definitions instead of terms, for “clarity”:

“Unless this fashionable division of territory into small warring states is stopped, the scientific study of human populations, esp with reference to their size, structure, and distribution can become destiny — and a tragedy for all.”

I mean, it should be obvious that it’s fucking brilliant! Well, that or complete nonsense.


What kind of person bemoans the birth of more persons like himself?

The kind who has a subconscious epiphany about himself?

damn you pup! i was going to say ‘one who is drowning in self-hatred’ but your’s is much more sublime…


An interesting thing is that T “Sowelled Trousers” Sowell does not mention Head Black Person Obama. He blames Democrats entirely for the whole Looming Crisis but no mention of His Royal Blackness.
I wonder if Sowelled is gonna go Full Derb, soon?


Perhaps a good start to creating a healthier America would be to stop tolerating – if not applauding – the open worship of an explicitly treasonous Confederacy – an ongoing cultural obscenity that continues in Southern states to this day, its champions shrugging off the disgust & horror of the majority at the toxic anachronism of “Dixie Pride” even as it gives neonazis & other white-supremacist groups vital comfort in an increasingly diverse society. The appeal of such groups to unemployed white youth will only grow as they see the formerly numerically dominant white demographic sliding steadily into minority status – rest assured that the KKK, ARM & Stormfront share Sowell’s hostility to multiculturalism, because they know that in terms of recruitment it’s their worst nightmare coming true.

I don’t think banning Nazi imagery did much to suppress hate groups in the former Eastern Germany in the 1990’s. It just made Nazi symbology seem cool to kids who weren’t particularly politically aligned.

If anything can break up the hate it would probably be a) federal intervention (or the continuance of such) to ensure a democratic form of government–if the locals won’t stop the corruption, ballot-tampering, voter scrubbing, then the Feds will and b) continuing a program of targeted investment and economic development to end the poverty which seems to breed this particular brand of hate.

A nice hefty death tax to break up the first families of citizen’s councils who are totally not the kkk, no sirree, would be a nice addition, also, too.


And won’t the zombies be mad then, A.K.

the zombies were mad BEFORE.

…oh. you meant mad as in ‘angry’.


I wonder if Sowelled is gonna go Full Derb, soon?

Don’t be silly. Sowell is one of the Intelligent Well Mannnered Blacks™ whom Derb deems necessary to the maintenance of his image.


I mean, it should be obvious that it’s fucking brilliant! Well, that or complete nonsense.

Brad Nelson 05/22/12 00:11

Applause. We should count ourselves lucky to receive the wisdom of Thomas Sowell . . . and even luckier if Americans would take his advice.

James Kromer 05/22/12 01:27

Genius and farsightedness on display!! But, who will listen and learn?

way to go, obs…way to go…


Seriously though, me. I think with 6+ billion people on the planet already, the last thing this place needs is more bald white guys.

Watch it, you!


I don’t think banning Nazi imagery did much to suppress hate groups in the former Eastern Germany in the 1990?s.

A better analogy than you probably intended, considering the queasying frequency with which ex-Nazis floated back up in West Germany after the war. The logic was that you needed oppressive totalitarians to fight Soviet spies, but they weren’t actually any good at it, and it fundamentally boiled down to enemy-of-my-enemy thinking. And the whole time, the same industrial and political forces that prospered under the Nazi regime, after a period of intense self-loathing for our benefit, went merrily along governing the Federal Republic in the same approximate combination and fashion they had governed the Reich.

Meanwhile, in the deep South a century ago, the northern Democrats were all too willing to see literal terrorists (it got way worse than the Klan in the 70s) string up freedmen and local Republicans – after all, at least they weren’t Republicans, or government nuhs. Within a generation, the South looked politically as though it had won the civil war, complete with legal codes producing situations tantamount to slavery (under Johnson, in fact slavery in all but name) and with a political elite that barely wanted to acknowledge the Civil War had been lost at all, let alone a cause in which they were in the wrong.

I dunno; it feels churlish to me to let the Klan run the show for a hundred years then be shocked – shocked! – when you go take in the show and all of the performers are Klansmen.


“Demography is not destiny. But the history of balkanized and polarized societies in the 20th century is a history of horrors that we dare not ignore.”

So, stop balkanizing and polarizing our multiethnic society, dumbass.


Note “a century ago” from the perspective of the guy who thought hiring Hans Globke on at his old job was a good idea. A century ago from our perspective, the intense, murderous, politically active racism Democrats encouraged and Republicans came to ignore had metastasized to the whole country.

Helmut Monotreme

Seriously though, me. I think with 6+ billion people on the planet already, the last thing this place needs is more bald white guys.

Watch it, you!

Think about it from an economic perspective. Each additional bald white guy reduces the marginal utility of bald white guys everywhere. If we can restrict the supply, or at least prevent it from increasing relative to the general population our marginal utility will increase, and people everywhere will have to pay top dollar for everything bald white guys bring to the table.


“Unless this fashionable balkanization is stopped,

Translation: “Unless we stop black people from living in the same country as Mighty Whitey…”


So, stop balkanizing and polarizing our multiethnic society, dumbass.

in the words of brad nelson and james kromer from upthred:

Genius and farsightedness on display!! But, who will listen and learn?Applause. We should count ourselves lucky to receive the wisdom of Thomas Sowell b^4 . . . and even luckier if Americans would take his advice.


damn you pup!

it made me laff! it made me cry! it made me laff again!


The North won the war, and the South won the peace.

Right-wing paranoids sometimes warn that America’s enemies will gain power using the rights and freedoms guaranteed under a democracy. Strange that the only time that has ever happened was in the wake of the only large-scale armed rebellion in our history.

Also, FYWP.


I made the mistake of getting out of the boat and got assaulted by an unusually obnoxious pop-up claiming that Jonah Goldberg had written another cocking book. FUCK THIS SHIT WORLD.


If we can restrict the supply, or at least prevent it from increasing relative to the general population our marginal utility will increase, and people everywhere will have to pay top dollar for everything bald white guys bring to the table.

I am intrigued by these ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Felonious Monk

“What can be done now, to head off the many dangers in our current political policies and attitudes? There is not much we can do about demographic trends.”

I’m convinced Apartheid will soon to be an official plank of the GOP platform.


I made the mistake of getting out of the boat and got assaulted by an unusually obnoxious pop-up claiming that Jonah Goldberg had written another cocking book. FUCK THIS SHIT WORLD.

In order for me to “enjoy” the mangoes produced at this particularly foul port I used Opera, as normal, and initially saw nothing. Only when I used Opera’s nifty “edit source then apply changes” feature to completely remove eleventy billion lines of crappy CSS and Javascript from the top of the page was I able to see this delightful, cogent, and not-at-all-batshit-insane article. That had the benefit of removing all ads from the page as well, so I didn’t get scareded out of my seat by a doughberg pop-up.


I made the mistake of getting out of the boat and got assaulted by an unusually obnoxious pop-up claiming that Jonah Goldberg had written another cocking book.

I am too timid to check: is this the one about how all cliches he doesn’t like are tirnee or is this a third book ghostwritten by a comment thread?


Bozo: Ahem. At least your browser didn’t freeze on Goldberg’s face.

It reminded me of my earliest childhood nightmare: A TV show I hated (Captain Kangaroo, I think) was on, and I couldn’t turn off the set.


am too timid to check: is this the one about how all cliches he doesn’t like are tirnee

tis indeed this one and jonah looks a right treat: cheeks aglow with the bloom of alcohol, hair neatly arranged and his best ‘i m srs tinker’ look on his mug…


It is an acknowledged fact that when your employer is giving your book away as a joining bribe, it’s a classy book.


it’s a classy book.

pulitzer-prize-winning classy…


I’m not getting out of the boat but they really put up Sowell as some kind of intellectual? Yeah, him and Doughbob the shinig lites uv conservetave nolege.

On another note, this needs to go viral. Tony Soprano and Henry Hill explain Bain Capital: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reiq4lEvnEw


Politically, it means that minorities who traditionally vote overwhelmingly for Democrats can ensure that the country veers ever further to the left over the years, making America more like the welfare states of Europe,

How can we change this democracy to produce the desired outcome?


How can we change this democracy to produce the desired outcome?

In the words of that old fraud Bertold Brecht, would it not be easier for the government to dissolve the people and elect another?


On another note, this needs to go viral. Tony Soprano and Henry Hill explain Bain Capital: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reiq4lEvnEw

That video is quite good. It’d be even better without the HuffPo logo at the beginning and end.


I swear it was alive when I left.


I swear it was alive when I left.

i’m guessing that everyone decided to get off the boat and read the sowelled piece and are now pensively stroking their chins as they marvel at this wondrous thing sowell wrought…

rodert rudis, wiki addict

Gosh. I just posted a comment over there. They must let just anyone speak up.


Yeah, sorry about the PuffHost ad but the video is great. It reminds me of the scene in Trading Places where the Dukes are explaining commodity trading to Valentine and he says “sounds like you guys are a couple of bookies”.


Gosh. I just posted a comment over there. They must let just anyone speak up.

well done, you! i see jim made it through as well…



i don’t know why, but this makes me giggle every time i look at it…


You should have been gone!

I sure am glad that I have a flash blocker installed, so I can see if I actually want to submit myself to some of the You Tube “offerings” that are made around here.


You should have been gone!

I definitely could’ve lived without the reminder that Steve Perry had a solo career beyond Journey.



oy…a female caller on garage logic, which is having kittens over this (as is all of wingnuttia), stated that ‘all normal women should band together and fight to keep those kinds out of our bathrooms!’ she doesn’t feel safe with god knows what lurking in the ladies’ cans…no matter what stage of whatever they are in

on behalf of *normal* women everywhere, madam, i give you a most hearty ‘fuck you!’


everything bald white guys bring to the table

Not too sure I’d be interested in anything Fourby brings to the (non-metaphorical) table.

Pupienus Maximus that's all, just the nym and nothing but the nym

Target pokes Million Moms in the eye with a dull stick.


Unadorned link so you can see it’s HuffPo and decide not to click. Dull stick because they’re only available online.

Pupienus Maximus that's all, just the nym and nothing but the nym

Not too sure I’d be interested in anything Fourby brings to the (non-metaphorical) table.

It would surely be offal.


off to work…blaaaaah! although i had a lovely day at my real job…i brought luci with me and we visited some of my donors over at the nursing home…she was such a good dog while we were there and the residents LOVED her…she is such an attention whore, she just lapped up the petting…

Pupienus Maximus that's all, just the nym and nothing but the nym

Can’t top this in the tragically funny category.


I’ve always had a really big soft spot for Steve Perry ‘cuz he really does have a great voice.

That voice was the generic corporate rock voice. High and weak and thin. I hated it so much that I thought “Oh Sherrie” was an an obvious attempt to prove that he could hit a low note once in a while.


the history of balkanized and polarized societies in the 20th century

Yay! Sowell is condemning growing economic inequality in the US!
…unless by “polarized” he merely refers to the undesirable situation where other people have opinions and political agendas that differ from his. But that is unpossible.


she is such an attention whore, she just lapped up the petting…

The best part of having a dog is that crucial moment where their neediness evolves into vanity.


reposted from zombie thread
I say, this Fumento chappie appears to be somewhat of a plonker. His article seems to be primarily about himself, with a general denial of any responsibility for the regression of right-wing rhetoric.

Civility and respect for order – nay, demand for order – have always been tenets of conservatism.
Nice of him, however, to state that conservatism = authoritarianism, and all about maintaining the power of the people in charge.

what Burke feared most: screaming “J’accuse! J’accuse!”
Émile Zola has a sad now.

A True Scotsman

Fumento: “conservatism runs against screaming, extremism and sensationalism”.

Yeah, right.


Fumento also claims that he tore up his republican card in 82 because reagan raised taxes, and that he has not donated a dime since. I hust wonder why it took him so long to write that backscratching screed.


Fumento also claims that he tore up his republican card in 82 because reagan raised taxes, and that he has not donated a dime since.



“Demography is not destiny. But the history of balkanized and polarized societies in the 20th century is a history of horrors that we dare not ignore.”

You know, it’s ironic that they keep whining and whining about “Balkanized societies” out of one corner of their mouths, and screaming bloody murder about busing, anti-discrimination laws that affect the private sector, forcibly integration and the like.

You want to know what a “Balkanized America” would look like? Just like it looked before the civil rights era: every ethnic group living in their own self-contained universe (black vs white in the South, all the patchwork of WASP, Irish, Italian, Jewish, Polish, etc in the North). Forced integration – in other words, liberalism – is pretty much the only thing that’s ever tried to fight Balkanization, while conservatism’s pretty much cool with bringing it back.

(Yes, I know what it means – “Balkanization” = “place with ethnic diversity where some serious shit went down and which we’re trying to associate the things we don’t like.” But still).


In Germany, the conservatives and liberals were dispatched to the labor camps before the Nazis felt safe to send the Jews to the death camps.

Yeah, I caught that. Pretty egregious and a desperate attempt at a variation of “both sides do it” (both sides suffer from it!) Maybe he’s trying to talk about Hitler’s tensions with Wehrmacht officers… but even then, they had to actually do something (or be suspected of something) before they were arrested and/or shot, which is a far cry from all the liberals, socialists and communists who were arrested for being liberal (not to mention everyone else on his list). In any case, always thought the Wehrmacht’s image as tragic anti-Hitlerian hero was way, way overdone in our memories of World War Two.

But what the hell, he only just started to notice that something was amiss. Maybe given time, he’ll keep thinking until he moves more in our direction.


[…] considering the queasying frequency with which ex-Nazis floated back up in West Germany after the war. The logic was that you needed oppressive totalitarians to fight Soviet spies, but they weren’t actually any good at it

Indeed not.

Shit, the head of German intelligence (Admiral Canaris) was working for us, and the goose-steppers didn’t even notice that until 1944. That’s how fucking awful the Nazis were at spy games. What in God’s name made anyone think these clowns were qualified to catch STASI agents?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I’m not getting out of the boat but they really put up Sowell as some kind of intellectual? Yeah, him and Doughbob the shinig lites uv conservetave nolege.

Sowell- beard for bigots. Doughbob- the knucklehead nabob of nepotism.

On another note, this needs to go viral. Tony Soprano and Henry Hill explain Bain Capital:

I originally misread this as Tony Soprano and Benny Hill explain Bain Capital. Now I have a sad because Benny Hill never made a mafia movie.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

everything bald white guys bring to the table

Anybody want a nice helping of creamed stinging nettles?


In Germany, the conservatives and liberals were dispatched to the labor camps before the Nazis felt safe to send the Jews to the death camps.

I too would like a list of German conservatives* sent to a concentration camp such as Dachau — let alone a labor camp — prior to the Wannsee conference. Not holding my breath, however.

* Schuschnigg was in Dachau, but HA HA he was Austrian so no points.


In any case, always thought the Wehrmacht’s image as tragic anti-Hitlerian hero was way, way overdone in our memories of World War Two.

I wonder how much of that was part of the cold war rearmament of West Germany.

“Well, it’s not as if we’re rearming ex Nazis or anything. These were the good Germans.”


In any case, always thought the Wehrmacht’s image as tragic anti-Hitlerian hero was way, way overdone in our memories of World War Two.

My feeling is that this sort of thing is part of the dark bargain that won the neoliberal order power over Eastern Europe: float wrong-war memes, even against your own national interest, and as far as your sinister new rich ostern friends are concerned that’s justified as a finger in Moscow’s eye no matter how much it hurts anyone or anything else.

This has seemingly produced a sort of snowball effect – savvy neoliberal operators bend the intellectual discourse to fit the political needs of sinister ex-Bloc money men; money men leave ex-Bloc for London; money men bend the intellectual discourse to fit their own needs; neoliberal operators locked in hell of own manufacture. Unforced changes in intellectual fashion become forced changes in political reality.

And now everyone’s agreed that Litvinenko was a hero, and only when speaking to Poles can Anthony Beevor admit that equivalency between German women and Poles/Russians/Jews as victims is false.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Target pokes Million Moms in the eye with a dull stick.

I still can shop there because of their awful anti-union activities. Shame, I like their not-so-healthy vanilla and chocolate-hazelnut cereals… and I don’t have much of a sweet tooth, and am not a big cereal eater.

“Well, it’s not as if we’re rearming ex Nazis or anything. These were the good Germans.”

Well… “good German” being a loaded term, and all…


I too would like a list of German conservatives* sent to a concentration camp such as Dachau — let alone a labor camp — prior to the Wannsee conference. Not holding my breath, however.

Theodore Dusterburg? I mean, that’s a good illustration of the general problem: his fellow Stahlhelm founder Seldte made nice with the ascendant Nazis and sought his traditional conservative objectives through the partially but not completely friendly frame of the Nazi Party. Figures of similar politics went all the way to the top in Hitler’s regime – their most noteworthy member being Goering. By contrast, Anton Drexler spent the war being trotted out for History and Roehm got a bullet in the chest for even smelling further left than Hitler.

“Both sides were victims” is a convenient national myth in Germany, and was only tolerable to the extent that the early CDU preferred to stick to people whose collaboration with the Nazis had been minimal at best. Where we went wrong was even pretending it was anything else – that opened the door for its logic to be expanded.


Oh Alec, since you seem to have a thing for this kind of stuff, a question – do you know if we did anything similar in Italy too, in terms of using ex-fascists the way we did in Germany? I know we did some ugly shit using the Mafia as muscle, but that’s not the same thing (they and Mussolini were on opposite sides of the previous conflict I believe).

And I know someone here, might have been you, linked to a book involving U.S. covert ops in Italy after the war, I just haven’t got around to that yet. I do already know the Cold War was a fucking awful time to be pretty much anywhere in the Mediterranean, though, if not always for the same reasons.


they and Mussolini were on opposite sides of the previous conflict I believe

Mussolini cracked down very hard on the Mafia. He couldn’t stand any competition for power whatsoever.

The Mafia actually gave the US intelligence during the war.

Pupienus Maximus that's all, just the nym and nothing but the nym

Shit, the head of German intelligence (Admiral Canaris) was working for us, and the goose-steppers didn’t even notice that until 1944. That’s how fucking awful the Nazis were at spy games. What in God’s name made anyone think these clowns were qualified to catch STASI agents?

Ummm, maybe the Stasi, being the East German agency, isn’t the right citation. Even though they were modeled more on the KGB than the Gestapo. Also even though the Stasi were KGB’s minions.


do you know if we did anything similar in Italy too, in terms of using ex-fascists the way we did in Germany?

I can’t recommend a book off the top of my head (the one linked in the previous thread on this sounded interesting but I haven’t personally read), but the phrases to look up are “Operation Gladio” (NATO stay-behind operation employing significant ex-fascist resources), “Propaganda Due” (US-sponsored right-wing secret society), and the Years of Lead (false flag operations etc).
The short answer is “certainly yes, and to a greater degree than we ever unofficially-officially did in Germany”. (Which is to say “unofficial” in the sense no one officially endorsed it, but not “unofficial” in the sense that anyone who could veto it was kept scrupulously unaware of it as was the case with the Eisenhower administration and anti-Castro groups.)

I know we did some ugly shit using the Mafia as muscle, but that’s not the same thing (they and Mussolini were on opposite sides of the previous conflict I believe).

Cesare Mori basically ran a horrible guerilla war against the mafiosi on Mussolini’s bidding – he was hired in part because he did a decent job suppressing fascist squadristi in Bologna… but not too decent. He wasn’t above the odd throat-cutting or childnapping. The Sicilian mafiosi who he ground underfoot still regard the Italian government of the era with a certain grudging respect.

In the short run, the mafiosi had been horribly suppressed by Mussolini’s prefect, but in the long run they, the fascists, and NATO felt working together to keep the Communists down was more important than little things like ideology or history. Funny how that works.


Ummm, maybe the Stasi, being the East German agency, isn’t the right citation. Even though they were modeled more on the KGB than the Gestapo. Also even though the Stasi were KGB’s minions.

German intelligence wasn’t fantastic at figuring out which Germans were working against the regime unless and until they started handing out leaflets on the street. If you build an intelligence organization to cultivate double agents and secret intelligence-gathering infiltrators, that’s what you get. If you build an intelligence organization to falsify charges against people you dislike for political reasons and infiltrate the ranks of despised organizations as provocateurs, that’s what you get. They’re not readily interfertile strategies, and one of the biggest follies of intelligence is assuming if someone’s good at pulling fingernails without breaking a sweat they’ll be good at listening impassively to banal radio traffic without going stir-crazy, or that either of those will be good at seduction.


Oh, don’t sell the Nazis short when it comes to counterintelligence. They were good enough to sniff out the Rote Kapelle (Red orchestra) network of Communist spies in the middle of the war. Not to mention the half-dozen or so assassination plots against Hitler they nipped in the bud, before the Staufffenberg one that almost succeeded.


Am I misremembering, though, or were Rote Kapelle mostly overtly Communists, including several who had left Germany for obviously communist reasons? I always thought they were mostly there to make sure that if some kind of massive resistance movement evolved in Germany it would go in a way suitable to Stalin, i.e. roughly the function Thalmann served pre-war.


Which isn’t to say “shock horror, they’re Communists”, because duh, but rather that even if they weren’t spies the Gestapo and Abwehr would have had a clear ambit to arrest or kill them. They had a way harder time with people whose ideology was less open and well-documented.


Ummm, maybe the Stasi, being the East German agency, isn’t the right citation. Even though they were modeled more on the KGB than the Gestapo. Also even though the Stasi were KGB’s minions.

The man said we used Nazis to fight Soviet spies, so yeah, I should technically have said KGB. But when the Eastern Bloc needed something done in West Germany, I would’ve thought they’d leave it to the STASI… ethnic ties and all making for easy infiltration, plus the STASI was really good at what it did even by East Bloc standards.

alec said,
May 25, 2012 at 2:33

Thanks for the explanation.


By the way –

Has anyone actually told Sowell that he’s, you know, black?

It might be like the moment Wile E. Coyote has run off the edge of the cliff, looked down and realized he’s run off the edge of the cliff.


Theodore Dusterburg?
Harumph. I will resort to my fall-back position that Dachau was not a “labor camp” as specified by Fumento, so Fumento is still full of lies and bullshit.

“There you go again,” the Gipper would have said in his soft but powerful voice.
Fumento waxes nostalgic about one of Reagan’s favourite tactics of intellectual dishonesty — avoiding a difficult question by pretending that the questioner somehow deserves reproach for insisting on an answer — in the context of complaining about the intellectual dishonesty of Reagan’s heirs. LOLWUT.

His moist-panties reverence for Reagan and his MANLY MANLY VOICE just squicks me out.


Has anyone actually told Sowell that he’s, you know, black?

It might be like the moment Wile E. Coyote has run off the edge of the cliff, looked down and realized he’s run off the edge of the cliff.

Much as I hate to drag Dave Chappelle into this…

But when the Eastern Bloc needed something done in West Germany, I would’ve thought they’d leave it to the STASI… ethnic ties and all making for easy infiltration,

They infiltrated left-wing organizations of all kinds in West Germany, and first and foremost seduced copacetic journalists. I wish I could remember what the official name for the latter was – they referred to male honeypots (mostly for women, oddly) as ‘Romeos’, that’s all I can remember. It’s a huge thing of theirs.

(That and surveillance.)

His moist-panties reverence for Reagan and his MANLY MANLY VOICE just squicks me out.

Well, it’s not like he could moisten himself over any other part of Reagan these days, the pace of decomposition considered.


Am I misremembering, though, or were Rote Kapelle mostly overtly Communists, including several who had left Germany for obviously communist reasons?

That doesn’t sound right. The leader was Harold Schulze-Boysen, a grandson of Admiral von Tirpitz, and prominent figures were high officials in the ministries of economics, labor and propaganda.

Pupienus Maximus that's all, just the nym and nothing but the nym

Has anyone actually told Sowell that he’s, you know, black?


Pupienus Maximus that's all, just the nym and nothing but the nym

Hey, it’s slow going on an iPad! FY alec.


Harumph. I will resort to my fall-back position that Dachau was not a “labor camp” as specified by Fumento, so Fumento is still full of lies and bullshit.

Of course, it’s not like Fumento would want to claim Duesterburg as a martyr – no, I think if backed into a corner he’d have to find a way for Stahlhelm to be secret liberals.

Mostly I think he’d fall back on the dissenting priests hustled into camps after Gleichschaltung. That’s a neat trick: no matter who you are, if you align with some dopey kind of fundamentalism you can pretend Hitler would have tried to kill you, instead of giving you a nice lapel pin and encouraging you to buy war bonds.


That doesn’t sound right. The leader was Harold Schulze-Boysen, a grandson of Admiral von Tirpitz, and prominent figures were high officials in the ministries of economics, labor and propaganda.

Huh, you learn something new every day. Although with Schulze-Boysen taken in mind it seems astonishing that due diligence would have permitted most of them to get anywhere – a little digging and their backgrounds are often on the far left (theses on American labor, running KPD-aligned presses, etc). Schulze-Boysen’s case is particularly incredible: he couldn’t have been more explicit about his affiliations if he wore an “ASK ME ABOUT SOCIALISM IN ONE COUNTRY” badge around the office, but he consistently got away with it because he had aristocratic officers on both sides of the family, in one case literally escaping imprisonment as an anti-Nazi on his father’s appeal.

Good on them, certainly, but it does contribute to a picture of German intelligence as sloppy and easily thwarted by pulling rank.

Pupienus Maximus that's all, just the nym and nothing but the nym

But when the Eastern Bloc needed something done in West Germany, I would’ve thought they’d leave it to the STASI… ethnic ties and all making for easy infiltration,

They infiltrated left-wing organizations of all kinds in West Germany, and first and foremost seduced copacetic journalists. I wish I could remember what the official name for the latter was – they referred to male honeypots (mostly for women, oddly) as ‘Romeos’, that’s all I can remember. It’s a huge thing of theirs.</

Not only that, Baader-Meinhof and lots of the neonazis were funded and supported by the Stasi. They were also used by KGB in Poland and elsewhere, places where even Germans were preferable to Soviets.


Incidentally, if you have a little over two hours to kill (in this economy) “Ordinary Fascism” is worth a watch as a historical artifact; at the point it was made (1965) the idea had firmly set in that the Nazi phenomenon (which is what the Soviets usually mean by ‘fascism’ – Mussolini is seen with indifference there) was not unique to Germany but possible anywhere.

But – and this is what makes it interesting – by that point the Cold War was so deeply entrenched that both sides basically censored existing history to support their exact version of events. There are more or less indisputable facts in this documentary you will rarely if ever encounter in Western documentaries, and more or less induspitable facts which are studiously ignored here but never would be in the West. (The standout examples are the direct bankrolling of Hitler by large industrialists and the Hitler-Stalin pact, respectively.) It’s also got some pretty choice manipulation of source material to present an argument that material spiritually but not factually supports. (Especially when it purports to translate German, take it with a grain of salt.)

So as a factual documentary it’s not great, but if you’ve ever wondered what The World at War looked like on the opposite side of the Iron Curtain look no further.


You want to know what a “Balkanized America” would look like? Just like it looked before the civil rights era: every ethnic group living in their own self-contained universe (black vs white in the South, all the patchwork of WASP, Irish, Italian, Jewish, Polish, etc in the North). Forced integration – in other words, liberalism – is pretty much the only thing that’s ever tried to fight Balkanization, while conservatism’s pretty much cool with bringing it back.

And this was due to red-lining, a practice that started with the Federal government thanks to such wonderful leading lights as Wilson, a true believer in academic racism.

From the time the Republic started, and even before, there is a history of increasing legal and physical exclusion based on race. Blacks fought alongside whites in the Continental Army but by the 1860’s it was a big fucking deal to be able to train and equip a Black combat unit, when they were allowed to serve at all.


Yeah, I caught that. Pretty egregious and a desperate attempt at a variation of “both sides do it” (both sides suffer from it!) Maybe he’s trying to talk about Hitler’s tensions with Wehrmacht officers… but even then, they had to actually do something (or be suspected of something) before they were arrested and/or shot, which is a far cry from all the liberals, socialists and communists who were arrested for being liberal (not to mention everyone else on his list). In any case, always thought the Wehrmacht’s image as tragic anti-Hitlerian hero was way, way overdone in our memories of World War Two.

Wow, you actually know what he’s talking about.

Yes, one or two soldiers objected to shooting Jewish peasants in the Einsatzgruppen and were executed. (Actually, there is only one I know about.) Most went right along. The Einsatzgruppen probably killed more Jews than all the death camps combined.

A couple of army officers conspired to kill Hitler late in the game, after he had killed or silenced most of his enemies. They failed.

The idea that conservatives were persecuted by the Nazi regime is utter nonsense.

Just checked on the Night of the Long Knives page.. Hitler did take out some direct political enemies* but in crushing the SA leadership he consolidated his position with the army. But this was all final actions, when the SA thing had run its course after the activities of 1933 (much more important… and many more killed):

*including 1 or 2 *cough* conservatives which only goes to show that Hitler was one to hold a grudge

Feb 27, 1933 Reichstag Fire occurred, said by some to have been set by SA, at the time officially blamed on Communists
Feb 28, 1933 Law for the Protection of People and State (“Reichstag Fire Decree”): civil liberties suspended. Gleichschaltung (“coordination”), the process of exerting totalitarian control over Germany, begins. Over the next five months, the Nazis systematically force all opposition political parties to shut down.
Mar 5, 1933 General Elections result in slim majority of Hitler’s coalition, though not a majority for the Nazi Party.
Mar 22, 1933 Dachau concentration camp opens, begins receiving political prisoners [not mentioned: SA beat and tortured prisoners, killing many spontaneously, then sloppily covered it up]
Mar 23, 1933 Enabling Act, passed with help of Catholic Center Party, effectively hands the legislative powers of the Reichstag over to the Chancellor. Act permits Chancellor and cabinet to issue laws without a vote of Parliament and to deviate from the Constitution.
Apr 1, 1933 One day boycott of Jewish shops.
Apr 7, 1933 “Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service” – Jewish and Communist inclined workers from the Civil Service purged, around 5% removed in total. Nazi governors appointed to rule the German states. End of federalism.
Apr 26, 1933 Hermann Göring forms the Gestapo (secret extrajudicial police force) in the state of Prussia.
May 1, 1933 Trade union offices are stormed by SA.
May 2, 1933 Trade unions banned from Germany.
May 6, 1933 DAF Deutsche Arbeitsfront (German Labour Front) is created.
Jul 6, 1933 At a gathering of high-ranking Nazi officials, Hitler declares the success of the National Socialist, or Nazi, revolution.
Jul 14, 1933 Hitler proclaims the Nazi party “the only political party in Germany.” All others banned.


And this was due to red-lining, a practice that started with the Federal government thanks to such wonderful leading lights as Wilson, a true believer in academic racism.

Yeah, I’ve never understood why Glenn Beck gets his shorts in a knot over Wilson, who was as strong a White Champion as we’ve had in the White House. Maybe because Wilson didn’t go far enough in invading Mexico?


Also, you have to realize the SA was the “left wing” of the Nazi party, a group of violence-loving useful idiots, famously called “brown on the outside, red on the inside”. They’re the common clay of the old Europe, aka morons, for whom the “Socialist” label and socialist planks in the party platform were for.

Oh yes, the Nazis had quite the party platform, all of it lies, of course.


Wilson invaded Haiti and started the ball rolling on the utter exploitation and impoverishment of its people and raping of its land but he failed to establish a naval base while he was at it?


Oh man Rick Scott is such a maroon. Check out the wonkette


Blacks fought alongside whites in the Continental Army but by the 1860?s it was a big fucking deal to be able to train and equip a Black combat unit, when they were allowed to serve at all.

Adam Cadre’s presidents section (search for ‘prompted by U.S. presidents’) is a pretty fantastic review of the exact history of Reconstruction as it related to executive power.

(Brief summary: the South went to war because it could no longer control the North with pliable Northern politicians; the North beat it, but then under Johnson it allowed existing Southern elites to reestablish themselves and refused to rewrite any fundamental part of the social contract or law in occupied states – which seems to have prevented the South from being reorganized as a non-racist society, as the defeated Southern populace was accomodating and fearful and became insolent and violent when left to its own devices. Then a series of decent, non-racist Presidents struggled and ultimately failed to maintain democratic values in the face of armed insurgency. Then enough states saw black voting rights rescinded to end the chances of the prewar Republican coalition, and a new one emerged to take its place.)


Mostly I think he’d fall back on the dissenting priests hustled into camps after Gleichschaltung. That’s a neat trick: no matter who you are, if you align with some dopey kind of fundamentalism you can pretend Hitler would have tried to kill you, instead of giving you a nice lapel pin and encouraging you to buy war bonds.

Lol, no kidding. JWs also. It lets them pretend to some sort of great virtue and principle instead of being demented spreaders of an icky, abusive cult.

In Germany, traveling in the lovely-looking-but-wouldn’t-want-to-live-there stix some of my more reputable ancestors came from, the special plea was, “But we (SW Catholics) suffered under Hitler, too. They took our special chalice to melt down for the war effort. Boo hoo. Boo hoo hoo. Why are you frowning, I’m so sincere right now!”


*I’m being so sincere right now

with apologies to GladOS

haha, just kidding, I don’t apologize


Oh yes, the Nazis had quite the party platform, all of it lies, of course.

A pal and I were discussing the question of if Huey Long was fascist the other day, and we had to conclude that it’s kind of a moot point when asked of anyone who never got the opportunity to exercise what they considered real power – the whole point of fascism is you campaign on economic populism then use a thin veneer of it to sustain politics of corporatist centralism.

If Pantload was right about anything by accident, it was a relationship between Hitler and FDR – the difference being that they were both centralists. They both agreed that the best relationship between the commonwealth and the state was the state unifying the commonwealth in the interests of efficiency… where they differed was that Hitler sought centralism for a new Germany constituted along racial lines and Roosevelt sought centralism for the regeneration of an existing American economic order, plus or minus a few egregious abuses.

And centralism is now the dominant ideology; the left in America has largely abandoned it in favor of a romantic anti-centralist liberalism and the right has adopted a centralism of the market – they tend to work together to remove power arrogated to the commonwealth, with the liberals being shocked and angry every time the market-centralists arrogate it to narrow business interests instead. We’ve gone a bizarre full circle and we have a black Hoover urging us to get together with the business community and have consumer confidence and a human silver spoon campaigning on empty slogans so as to sneak into the control room and tie all of America together under a single dominion for its own good. The difference being that the centralist mostly wants the American economy to be efficient so it can be efficiently sucked dry and sold for parts.


Oh, don’t sell the Nazis short when it comes to counterintelligence. They were good enough to sniff out the Rote Kapelle (Red orchestra) network of Communist spies in the middle of the war. Not to mention the half-dozen or so assassination plots against Hitler they nipped in the bud, before the Staufffenberg one that almost succeeded.

According to study of Gestapo documents they were shitty at intelligence, but relied on the amazing proclivity of the German people to denounce, spy on, and tell on each other.

They failed at cracking up spy networks in Nordic countries b/c the Norwegians and Danes fucking hated the Nazis. What happened in France is that Frances was split between collaborators, resisters, and opportunists/contingent collaborators. In France few French Jews were deported but most immigrant Jews were turned over to the Nazis. Poland lost a shooting war so at the end of the war there were some guerillas in the woods (must admit not much knowledge of this, but Jewish sources refer to this frequently) but not much else.

Also, too, the upper classes seem to have been overall shitty at conspiracies and suchlike.

OTOH, the college students that started “White Rose” had the Gestapo baffled until they got sloppy. Their fatal error was that they thought the student body would rise up and join them in resisting the Nazi regime. Ha ha, like that woulda happened.

But hey, think of how few people stood up to the “With us or against us, why do you hate America?” bullshit after 9/11? Now, think how many would have said anything if Bill Maher had not just been canceled, but disappeared?

Fear makes people stupid. This is how fascists gain power.


They both agreed that the best relationship between the commonwealth and the state was the state unifying the commonwealth in the interests of efficiency

FDR went too far sometimes, it’s true, but he wasn’t nucking futz like Hitler and he didn’t kill anybody to get into power, either. Unlike Hitler, who was fucking bankrolled by war profiteers, FDR was considered a class traitor by industrialists and richypoos, and he delayed preparing for WWII (a detail which is often denounced today) as opposed to the Nazis, who were full steam ahead on the war machine in 1936.

As for the state setting the tone through regulation, incubation of industries, chartering monopolies and regulating them, enforcing competition in other industries, subsidizing strategic industries, etc, I’m not sure why any of this would be controversial in any nation but for the right wing noise machine poisoning the well of civic debate so the moneybags can raid the treasury repeatedly without getting caught.


Don’t read this blog.

I unfortunately did not follow your advice. Lovitz is a class act to be sure. Nice to know that Bristol Palin’s Ghost writer and the Anchoress share a blooging space.

Lovitz pays fifty percent in taxes, apparently, and apparently, voted for Obama. I think he is lining up for the Dennis Miller slot in the wingnut welfare sinecurious gravytrain.

I am loathe to admit that at once upon a time, in my youth, I occasionally found both Miller and Lovitz amusing, though to cut myself a tiny bit of slack, they actually were on occasion.


“Both sides were victims” is a convenient national myth in Germany, and was only tolerable to the extent that the early CDU preferred to stick to people whose collaboration with the Nazis had been minimal at best. Where we went wrong was even pretending it was anything else – that opened the door for its logic to be expanded.

Wow, I didn’t even know this, maybe because I studied actually Nazizeit history and not center-right-weepy-christian-soldier heart bullshit fakestory.

It’s not at all controversial that Hitler put away some of his political rivals once he had the means… and this is not the same thing as systemically taking out anyone who subscribed to an opposing ideology.

In fact, Hitler and the Nazis’ attitude seemed to be that conservatives were the only legitimate constituency (aside from those sainted rural types they fellated at every chance), and everyone else was a suspected subversive. Thus, Hitler views as a personal threat opposing conservative leaders… even his lieutenants were afraid of him, afraid he’d turn on them like he had others… because they might woo those “real German” conservatives. (Just watch some Nazi propaganda films for some idea of what they mean by real Germans, as opposed to slutty, Jewy, crazy, slutty, cheeky, immoral socialists at their carnival-rides-and-sex-with-girls youth camps.) A conservative is a rival; a socialist is an enemy of the state.

Btw, Duesenberg was a Jewy Jew per the Nazis, so bad example.


Mischlung, zw. Grade to be exact.


Off topic: For once, I’m not blog-whoring, I’m voice whoring. If you want to catch 20 seconds of me in a documentary or about 70 minutes of me monologuing, email me at NB64NB at gmail.

On topic: There is no race-baiting too low for the Repubs, and there will always be Sowell and his peers available to whitewash it.

On the off topic: Nazis were bad people. Don’t emulate them.

Off topic again: this is some damned good port Mrs__B got.


According to study of Gestapo documents they were shitty at intelligence, but relied on the amazing proclivity of the German people to denounce, spy on, and tell on each other.
They failed at cracking up spy networks in Nordic countries b/c the Norwegians and Danes fucking hated the Nazis.

Part of it, I think, is the general ethos that relying on Intel is “soft power” and an admission of weakness. Real Aryan men don’t look for spy rings or find the assassination plot. Real men deter assassination plots with manly shows of force, i.e. killing civilians in reprisals. In Denmark, for instance, the Germans didn’t much care if the resistance killed Danish collaborators, but there was hell to pay if they touched a German.

The excellent crypto capabilities of the Wehrmacht and German Navy do not count because shut up that’s why.


Wow, you actually know what he’s talking about.

Yes, one or two soldiers objected to shooting Jewish peasants in the Einsatzgruppen and were executed. (Actually, there is only one I know about.) Most went right along. The Einsatzgruppen probably killed more Jews than all the death camps combined.

A couple of army officers conspired to kill Hitler late in the game, after he had killed or silenced most of his enemies. They failed.

The idea that conservatives were persecuted by the Nazi regime is utter nonsense.

Pretty much. And I don’t even mind that they mention the friction between the Wehrmacht and the Nazi Party/SS, I just take issue with the way they’re lionized.

Yes, a lot of the German high command didn’t like Hitler. If I had to guess, I’d say that had nothing at all to do with his policy of exterminating minorities, or his suppression of civil rights, or his creating a dictatorship – and a lot more to do with the simple fact that Prussian Officer-Gentlemen don’t like being ordered around by a working-class Bavarian pipsqueak who never rose higher than an NCO in the service. Ditto the foreign policy. I don’t remember the German military having a problem on general principle with the whole “let’s start another world war and who gives a fuck how many people it kills” thing – they were just afraid Hitler would lose the war by not knowing what the fuck he was doing. (Rightly, as it turns out).

Hence my issues with all the portrayal of German officers as tragic figures doomed by their love of country (sounds like of like the Robert E. Lee mythology, doesn’t it?) that you usually see in the popular imagination.


A conservative is a rival; a socialist is an enemy of the state.

That about ties up the Nazi period in a neat little bow, doesn’t it?

I find Hildebrand’s factionalization of the Nazi Party compelling, but of course he uses it to try and exonerate Nazis he sympathizes with instead of asking hard questions about his own ideology. (What, so the Wilhelmine Imperialists just wanted to conquer half of Europe, ethnic-cleanse its native populace, and resettle it with neo-medieval fiefs under the rule of their own Junker cousins? Sign me up!!) For the purposes of history, the fact that various right-wingers had objectives tangential to Hitler didn’t mean they weren’t willing to do whatever Hitler asked of them. What should it matter that they killed millions of people for apple-polishing instead of out of some personal passion?

Btw, Duesenberg was a Jewy Jew per the Nazis, so bad example.

And ironically he managed to escape the war basically intact because of it – they outed his Jewish blood and his followers deserted him, and then he wrote a big weepy book about how his marginally less anti-Semitic megalomania-fest was derailed by that meanie Hitler. Boo hoo!


Wilson invaded Haiti and started the ball rolling on the utter exploitation and impoverishment of its people and raping of its land but he failed to establish a naval base while he was at it?

Not even close. The history of the island of Hispaniola and Haiti specifically has been one of genocide, plague and violence since Columbus and his brother set up shop there. the natives were already forced to mine gold and dying of smallpox epidemics by 1507.
The one shining bright moment in their history when they threw off French oppression to become a free nation in 1791, was quickly soiled when they had to force freedmen back to plantations to pay their crippling war debt. Sadly the country was historically powerful enough to keep from being conquered but nowhere near powerful enough to fight off the Monroe doctrine and the indeminty of 150 million francs (imposed by the french in 1825 though later reduced to a mere 80 million) The impoverishment of that island began in 1492 and never even slowed down since.

Helmut Monotreme

Dammit, that last bit on Haiti was me.


Wow, I didn’t even know this, maybe because I studied actually Nazizeit history and not center-right-weepy-christian-soldier heart bullshit fakestory.

It’s a classic rhetorical maneuver in that part of the world. The Austrians refer to themselves as Hitler’s first victims… ignoring the fact that it was the same townie petit-bourgeois and rural shitwipes who successively gave Dolfuss the power to eradicate all resistance to the forces of national conservatism and then voted for union with Germany.

And floating somewhere just beneath the surface for much of the right (and a depressing number on the relative left) is the private conviction that the SED was just as bad as the NSDAP – worse, even, because at least the NSDAP wasn’t a foreign imposition. This reached a tragicomic extreme when anti-Stasi activist but also eurolib buffoon Joachim Gauck was nominated for the Presidency, and Left refused to vote for a man whose chief conviction about the modern day was that Left were every man jack of them Satan incarnate. (And also hostility to immigration and the Occupy movement, but whatever). The German establishment was shocked, shocked that Linke insisted on living in their dreary communist past, the only possible explanation for their decision.

Don’t ask “What has Germany done for me?” but “What has Germany done for me lately?” The answer may surprise you.


Yeah, I’ve never understood why Glenn Beck gets his shorts in a knot over Wilson

The income tax was instituted by Wilson as a method to finance WWI. Wilson is therefore a hated figure by all anti-tax jihadists.


While I was in the service, the first place that I visited was Dachau.

In my later long journey as a civilian, I saw palaces and ancient ruins and art museums and cathedrals and castles and so on.

But nothing–absolutely nothing–was like Dachau. It left a lasting imprint on me.


OK, this Nazi intelligence stuff is interesting but to bring us back to tone-deaf robots we have this: http://wonkette.com/473568/ungrateful-west-philly-african-americans-inhospitable-to-poor-mitt-romney#more-473568

Oh lord, I have but one prayer – please tell Mittens he needs to go speak at Pine Ridge (or one of dozens of impoverished Rez’s out there). I’m sure it would go over swimmingly.


But nothing–absolutely nothing–was like Dachau. It left a lasting imprint on me.

Relevant. (Or if you’re impatient, but you’re missing out.)


But here in the streets of West Philadelphia, the emotion surrounding his contest with the nation’s first black president was raw, as dozens of neighborhood residents shouted, “Get out, Romney, get out!”

Am I the only person who heard this and immediately imagined a series of little tableaux of Mitt Romney showing up somewhere unwelcome and being asked to leave by increasingly patient humans?

It is the National Air and Space Museum. A group of schoolchildren are surprised and delighted to see Mitt Romney hanging his expensively-coiffed head from the Spirit of Saint Louis.

“Mr. Romney, please,” says the tour guide. He smiles falsely and asks what her question is.

“Get out!”

“I’m glad to see kids today with an interest in space technology,” he says. “That’s been the future since I was a kid.”

“Get out, Romney, get out!”

Security arrives, but Romney is nowhere to be found. Was it all a dream??

Meanwhile, in West Philadelphia, a white man in a suit emerges from a school janitor’s closet, as if out of thin air. He has no idea what he is doing.



It would have been great if Mittens would have broke out into the theme from Fresh Prince of Bel Air.


The income tax was instituted by Wilson as a method to finance WWI. Wilson is therefore a hated figure by all anti-tax jihadists.

No. The 16th Amendment became law on February 25, 1913, a week before Wilson took office and a year and a half before World War I broke out.

Oregon Beer Snob

S. cerevisiae, I appreciate th respite from the ww2 history lesson. Were you able to get to the Oakshire tasting tonight? The Hop Vice was an alcohol-per-dollar value at $3 for a pint of 9+% beer…


Doh! I spaced it OBS. Crap.

Oregon Beer Snob

And yes, these comments are being posted from an iPad, the combination of this terrible virtual keyboard and fywp is painful.

Oregon Beer Snob

There’s always next week… Can’t remember the brewery off hand but it’s bound to be decent.


I stand corrected.


I wonder why they don’t hate on Taft like they do Wilson. Maybe it’s a fat versus skinny thing?


Prussian Officer-Gentlemen don’t like being ordered around by a working-class Bavarian pipsqueak who never rose higher than an NCO in the service

A similar line of thought seems to underlie Fumento’s rejection of the modern Republican movement. I mean, he agrees entirely with the Teabaggers’ political agenda. He just doesn’t feel that they’re the right sort of people who deserve to be in power. A pack of rowdy commoners. He likes his authoritarian thugs to come from the proper patrician class, “Ever-consummate gentlemen like Buckley”… IOW, people who used purdy words when defending apartheid or promoting the violent oppression of the dusky-hued classes.

D-squared wrote somewhere about “the strange world of Michael Fumento, a man who is such a grandiose and unselfconscious hack that he brings a kind of grandeur to the role. I can no more summarise what a class A fool he’s made of himself in these short paragraphs than I could summarise King Lear.” The guy hasn’t changed.

My nipples explode with delight at the thought of what Thersites at Whiskey Fire will have to say about Fumento’s fewmets, him being such a big fan of civility uber alles.


A similar line of thought seems to underlie Fumento’s rejection of the modern Republican movement. I mean, he agrees entirely with the Teabaggers’ political agenda. He just doesn’t feel that they’re the right sort of people who deserve to be in power. A pack of rowdy commoners. He likes his authoritarian thugs to come from the proper patrician class, “Ever-consummate gentlemen like Buckley”… IOW, people who used purdy words when defending apartheid or promoting the violent oppression of the dusky-hued classes.

There was some beautiful article I read on what I imagine was one of the blogs about different strains of conservatism or something, and one of them was elitist – prickly, well-educated, smart but not quite as smart as they think they are (and God, how could they be). What the kids these days call a “douche bag”. The author identified in this camp Buckley and Mencken, among a couple of other figures who elude me off the top of my head – possibly P.J. O’Rourke. This guy fits right in with those. They’ll reliably wash up after a few elections despairing of what horrible racist thugs their beloved party has become, but in truth they’ll always despise 99% of the people voting the ticket they vote – they just decide to air that when it becomes convenient for their legacy.

It should be noted, as the article I believe noted, that these people (a) are made to look good by apple-polishing legacy-scrubbers and (b) are made to look naive and ignorant by history, even as they strive to prove themselves better than their peers. Nobody held a gun to Mencken’s head and forced him to ramble on about negro inferiority.


“Why do they hate Wilson?”

Because he was the brains behind the original United Nations, which we all know is a radical one-worlder plot by the communist bankers of Jewdom to un-exceptionalize America (and take mah guns).

No, seriously. That’s why.


Aha: here, under “Meet the Rightists”. I disagree with Rosenfedler’s wider point about left vs. right vs. liberal (I think he drank too much of the Clinton kool-aid in the 90s, although part of that is his online presence being contigious with the Clinton administration) but I like the cut of his jib and will forgive him a few horrible mistakes.


A lot of what he says is sensible, but he completely loses me at the “can we learn anything from the right?” section.

Pundits scorn “poll-driven” politics; but arguably the Left has gone very wrong when it’s indulged its own hobbyhorses instead of concentrating on problems and remedies relevant to the average American.

My man, what people call “the Left’s hobbyhorses” are things like gay rights, poor people’s rights, immigrants’ rights, the rights of whoever’s unpopular at the moment (Muslims for now). The entire reason the Left works on them is that their problems are not those of the Average American, hence why “indulging” them is unpopular (and why ludicrous words like “hobbyhorses” and “indulging” are thought to be appropriate). But they need to be solved nevertheless.

Increasing the wealth beats redistributing it. Some people don’t get enough of the pie. Reslicing it just makes enemies; better to make a bigger pie.

The pie kept getting bigger after Reagan: the problem is that whatever increases were made in the pie’s size were pretty much all just gobbled up by the richest 1%. It’d be nice if all we had to do was increase the wealth, but there is a reason why redistribution is necessary; it isn’t just some “hobbyhorse” we’re sticking to out of sentimentality for the days of old.

Why not come up with other solutions to the problem that address (or defuse, if you like) conservative concerns?

Well, recent events should have made it clear why not. We had an argument about health care in the nineties; they introduced a “market-based plan” based on a government mandate to buy health insurance rather than a government service. The next time around, we adopted their plan and tried to pass it through Congress. They universally denounced it as the most radical left-wing experiment since Mao’s Cultural Revolution, voted against it and continue to try to tear it down. “Address conservative concerns” is a logical impossibility, as is “defusing” them.


but he completely loses me at the “can we learn anything from the right?” section.

I agree with you 100% there, and if he’d stand by it now as opposed to when he wrote it (based on the references, I’d guess early 2000?) I’d pretty happily call him a buffoon for every one of those. 90s liberalism was a depressing case of victory disease without any actual victories to show for it, and I fear that unless someone lights a fire under the Democrats’ asses from the left we’re due for a repeat of it.


Unrelated, but hilarious: I love that someone has been posting “Who is John Galt?” banner ads on Krugman’s krugblog, apparently in service of some kind of new Atlas Shrugged movie. I think it must be some variant of Asperger’s that keeps people who think that’s a great catchphrase from realizing the only obvious answer is “who gives a shit?”


Atlas Shrugged Part 2



“Who is John Galt?”

A badly written pastiche of a sociopath?

Every time the subject of Rand comes up, my mind returns to this wonderful quote,

— There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.


When I was a child, I was taught not to make fun of the galt and the lame.


The real John Galt was actually a pretty interesting guy whose name is forever besmirched by that Ayn Rand doorstop.


I am struggling to catch up on a few days worth of S,N! While still celebrating at the same time. The home team did good.


Jeebus, youse guys talk a lot of WW2. Imma call Godwin on this thread.


Isn’t this one of those applications (especially mid 20th century) where structural and systemic failings can be mitigated by raw talent? i.e. Whomever ended up paying Alan Turing’s salary had excellent crypto.


Not to propagate teh whole romantic spook mythology. I was just asking.


home team did good.


So is the EHCL like triple A …..I See Double A Hocky. Good for you guys. Idig the minor league sports myself.


I just saw that picture of Jonah over at the corner. Roy sent me fwiw. They must have paid a stylist some good money as well as a barber, because if you didn’t know any better,you might be conned into thinking that he might have something to say that might be worth listening to.

His wife may have been tempted to ask “why don’t you dress like that more often?” but declined on account of knowing that it would be a waste of time. Besides, the blank shooting Cabana boy takes care of those needs without the sweating or “I’m sorries.”


David French (they managed to slip another one past the goalie and into a Law school associate professorship) starts off his column thusly:

I have no idea whether Barack Obama’s recently discovered bio and Elizabeth Warren’s periodic (and selective) ethnic box-checking represent mistakes, misrepresentations, or some combination of the two, but I do have first-hand experience with the powerful academic incentive to make one’s background as exotic as humanly possible.

As perhaps the only regular Corner poster who’s also a veteran of an Ivy League law school admissions committee (at Cornell, where I taught for two years), I’m unfortunately completely inadequate for the task of communicating to readers how critically important “diversity” is to admissions and promotions in academe. Simply put, once you approached a certain threshold of academic accomplishment — and that threshold was variable by ethnicity — then diversity trumped all else.

Now of course Mr. French, I have no idea what a hand up you may have gained from a legacy admission status that vaulted you into the Ivies with a “gentleman C” gradepoint average at prep school, but I will say that I have listened to both parties in question, and take it from me that both of them are sharper by leaps and bounds than any tool writing at the Corner. The fact that you only taught at Cornell for two years is suggestive of a couple of things, one, that you realized that you were never going to be tenure tracked and two that you could not cut it in the “Marketplace”. After all, you are writing at the Corner fergawdsakes and not making bank at some High end Law Firm in Manhattan or DC.

But do please go on using the same specious reasoning as was used to suggest that Obama’s Sat scores were lower than those of GWB, you know, because the average scores of everybody from that particular class were lower while attempting to impugn the accomplishments (rather remarkable in both cases) of the parties in question, by suggesting that they cheated their way into school on the basis of no evidence whatsoever.


I had not finished French’s Masterwork before commenting on it above and felt that my previous speculation somewhat vindicated by the following:

And if you think competition for Cornell Law School admissions was intense, that’s nothing compared to the quest for tenure-track teaching jobs. Simply put, there are an awful lot of really smart liberals seeking precious few positions (many academically-minded conservatives sadly don’t even bother to try), and the right kind of diversity can be an immense advantage.

In this case, i think we have arrived at the “poorly sewn bootstraps” defense mingled with a dash of “I was discriminated against because I am a white male conservative”

Do these guys even read what they write?


Tag fail all mine!!! i am pretty sure that ya’ll will be able to figger out where he ended and I began again.


Jeebus, youse guys talk a lot of WW2. Imma call Godwin on this thread.

Sorry. I’ve been this way ever since the History Channel starting running nothing but Pawn Stars 24/7.


Sorry. I’ve been this way ever since the History Channel starting running nothing but Pawn Stars 24/7.

They had to stop putting real history on because it confused all the conservatives who usually get their history from Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. They just got tired of all the letters and e-mails from conservatives complaining that the got the history wrong.

Helmut Monotreme

They just got tired of all the letters and e-mails from conservatives complaining that the got the history wrong.

You’re not really suggesting that Jesus, ancient aliens and Robert E. Lee didn’t win the Civil war for the south?


You’re not really suggesting that Jesus, ancient aliens and Robert E. Lee didn’t win the Civil war for the south?

No, of course not. It was Jesus, Sean Hannity and Robert E. Lee that won the War of Northern Kenyan Aggresion.


A garden gnome Thanksgiving?



My stalker (one Sally Rakowski) left a comment for me on yesterdays post, and I felt compelled to address “her” “concerns” with my soul or something.

My good friend Sally who I met first in the comments at Balloon Juice a couple of weeks ago, who proceeded to follow me to Sadly, No!, tried to get my attention by liking some of my comments at the Alicublog left a question for me in the comments of the post below.

Kent, Just wonderin’, since you’re so obsessed with George Tierney, do you think the same justice should be served for your dishonestly cheating other honest students by writing papers for slackers in high school and college? I mean, you’ve put it out there on a blog with your picture, so it’s public information, right?

First, let’s deal with Tierney.

Honey pie, it is human nature to stare at trainwrecks and marvel at clown cars. So when you happen across a guy on the internet who has managed to stuff both of his feet into his mouth and keeps chewing, reaches his knees, grunts his approval, and keeps chewing, only deciding to stop chewing once he recognizes that his penis is slapping the underside of his chin, which might make him gay…Let’s just say that is like watching a car filled with clowns driving a runaway freight train into an ammo dump. If you are not fascinated by that spectacle, then you might have a problem that is beyond the scope of this post.

Anyhoo I have to say that I am proud of the penis chin and ammo dump imagry. There is more of it over at my joint if you are interested in reading the rest.

Also, thanks to the jskit details page a couple of suspicions I have had about “Sally” have been answered. Early on I was pretty sure that this “Sally” was a dude playing dressup on the interweb. When a brand new commenter at alicublog by the name of Sonnie Penn replied to a couple of my comments, I was pretty sure that it was “Sally” taking a new name for a stroll. Imagine my surprise as I scroll down the page of “her” jskit comment history and find that the second comment on the list was posted under the name of Dennis. And of course all of “her” work as Sally and Sonnie as well.

I always get a kick when my suspicions are proven correct. I just wonder if this is the same dennis that tried to get up in actor’s kitchen.


ahahahaha…this is something i think y’all will appreciate…it’s kinda on-topic what with history and jeebus…and provider, take special note because this email is from the asshat…and the ‘stepdaughter’ he refers to is my sister…

Hi Carl,

My take is slightly different than guilty or not, jail or not for John Edwards. My take has to do with the socially acceptable level of morality and ethics. Where are morality and ethics taught? Today? 100 years ago? 200 years ago? When our founders wrote the words “unalienable rights” were they thinking that if the whole group decides, reaches a consensus, for morality and ethics than individuals, even those who disagree, have morality and ethics or were they thinking individually its our responsibility to living in moral ways with ethics, then as a result their community will have moral, ethically standards?

You and I have had discussions about religion and the impact of the Bible on choices made by our founders. One of the choices, within the first 50 years of our country, was the United States federal government printing of the Bible for use in public schools. My step daughter describes the Bible as just a history book. She usually says that in a dismissive way. Of course its a history book, never has been anything but a history book. Goes along with the notion that we either learn history or be doomed to repeat it.

Would a learned person be wise to learn history as a leg up on those we individually compete with for an improved life style? Like the signs given during a baseball game its to our advantage to keep our next move unknown, we don’t have to tell everyone our next choice and how we know what choice to make.

Enter temptation. We know our goals, we know a little about the path to our goals, when a short cut appears how do we know whether to take it or not? Knowing the history of morality and ethics helps. The Bible contains a history of morality and ethics choices, good and bad choices. Throughout history those who are better educated repeatedly have an advantage over those less educated.

Back to John Edwards. He appears to have been caught up in an moral and ethical breakdown. Like birds of feather, he appears to have surrounded himself with people of similar ethics. When operating out of public view their/witness testimony about that period seems to indicate low end moral ethics. Now that the public has placed light on those people is their testimony their best attempt at making themselves look good by comparison to Edwards or are they explaining how they look good when viewed through the prism of the finest in personal excellence? I think those involved/witnesses are doing their best to make the public’s light move away from them to anyone but them.

Edwards is a symptom of not learning morality and ethics. How do we convince ourselves to learn that lesson? If we’re parent or grandparents how do we teach that lesson to those in our family? By example? Starting with our next choice?

We get more of what we pay attention to. What are we paying attention to? What is in fashion in your neighborhood? Is whats fashionable your decision?

That’s my story and I am sticking to it…

if someone can give me a really good synopsis of what he’s trying to say (besides wtf?) i would appreciate it…

also, he himself does not read the bible nor go to church…fox news is his god…

also, too, furthermore i did not know he knew actor…or tintin…


My stalker (one Sally Rakowski)

alright, this still creeps me out…also, it’s further proof that hubbkf’s people are polish and NOT russian…or prussian…


It’s not racism if you’re long-winded about it.


if someone can give me a really good synopsis of what he’s trying to say (besides wtf?) i would appreciate it…

Wow! I was initially going to suggest that they have an opening at the Corner for a writer of his calibre.

My second impression (partially predicated on some of the background you have shared about his knowitall tendancies) was that this was a perfect example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

As to what he is going on about? Damn good question. However it does seem like a slow day and I might give a stab at editing the obvious mistakes and see if that clears anything up.

He seems like a real treat!


if someone can give me a really good synopsis of what he’s trying to say (besides wtf?) i would appreciate it…

Well, besides for the obvious “WTF?” I think it was just a really long winded way of trying to say “Things were way better in the good ol’ days.”

Of course once the very thin veneer of whitewashed history is stripped away it’s clear to anybody that pays even the slightest bit of attention that “the good ol’ days” never existed.

Then again I could be over analyzing this. Maybe it was really all about the mating habits of the African Swallow?


“Things were way better in the good ol’ days.”

one of his favorite rants is that public schools have gone to hell in a handbasket and kids were MUCH better educated, especially in history than they are nowadays…i have tried pointing out to him that there is more history to learn than back in the fifties when he was going to school and that something’s gotta give which is why there isn’t the founding fathers fellatio fest that he recalls from his youth…he’s also fond of handing out that lameass 5th grade history final exam that is so popular amongst fox news emailers…he is a major twatwaffle…


He seems like a real treat!

i know! imagine hearing this sort of twattle every time he’s around…then wonder why i’m not a raging alcoholic!


I have cleaned up the first paragraph a bit so it seems to make a bit more sense, but lacking the context which generated this response it still seems a bit….loopy. The second graph seems to be attempting to butress his belief that the bible is the foundation of Morality and should form the basis of an ethical code for society, but admit that I am stabbing in the dark on this one.

My take is slightly different than guilty or not, jail or not for John Edwards. My take has to do with the socially acceptable level of morality and ethics. Where are morality and ethics taught? Today? 100 years ago? 200 years ago? When our founders wrote the words “unalienable rights” were they thinking that if the whole group decides, reaches a consensus, for morality and ethics, then individuals, even those who disagree, will have morality and ethics? Or were they thinking that individually its our personal responsibility to be living in moral ways with ethics and then as a result their community will have moral and ethical standards?

You and I have had discussions about religion and the impact of the Bible on choices made by our founders. One of the choices, within the first 50 years of our country [ed – quite probably after all the founders were dead, if it hapened at all, which would mean that this “choice” had fuck all to do with the “Founders”], was the United States federal government printing of the Bible for use in public schools. My step daughter describes the Bible as just a history book. She usually says that in a dismissive way. Of course its a history book, never has been anything but a history book. Goes along with the notion that we either learn history or be doomed to repeat it.
[ed – This is Palinesque, word salad territory, here.]

I’ll see if I can parse the rest.


he’s also fond of handing out that lameass 5th grade history final exam that is so popular amongst fox news emailers…

You so have to send me a copy of that!!!


Next time he goes on about how great the ’50s were tell him that Ward was fucking the secretary every lunch hour, June only avoided a complete psychotic break by downing a dozen martinis a day, and The Beaver got his kicks torturing and mutilating cats down by the creek. And don’t even get me started on the complete freakshow behind the real My Three Sons.

I mean he already wholeheartedly believes a fictitious history, why not take it to its natural conclusion?


Of course once the very thin veneer of whitewashed history is stripped away it’s clear to anybody that pays even the slightest bit of attention that “the good ol’ days” never existed.


Maybe it was really all about the mating habits of the African Swallow?

Or possibly a cryptic queary about the unladen airspeed of same.


One of the first things I discovered studying some history in college is that 90% of what you learn in high school is bullshit. Oh yeah, the dates are correct but the superficial gloss they give you in high school doesn’t teach you anything.


Next time he goes on about how great the ’50s were tell him that Ward was fucking the secretary every lunch hour, June only avoided a complete psychotic break by downing a dozen martinis a day, and The Beaver got his kicks torturing and mutilating cats down by the creek.

have you ever read ‘the beaver papers’? it’s the “lost” season of leave it to beaver with scripts written by literary giants…cracks my shit up every time i read it…


Check out the picture: http://wonkette.com/473580/who-would-win-in-a-barfight-joe-the-plumber-or-joe-the-biden

It’s like B^4’s evil clone…or someone got him wet after midnight.


Since I listen to more music at work than at home I’m gradually bringing the home library to work to see what I have, erase what I don’t want and rate what I do. I’m on B.40 Dogs (Like Romeo And Juliet) ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Bob Schneider
Super Human |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Buckethead
Toxic (album mix instrumental) ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Britney Spears
Moonlight In Glory |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Brian Eno - David Byrne
No Rain ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Blind Melon
Say It Again |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Badly Drawn Boy
All Is Full Of Love (King Mix) |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Björk
The Weather |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Built To Spill
I've Had It |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Black Flag
An Everlasting Love |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Bee Gees
Jackpot |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Bob Cobert
Your Cheatin' Heart ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Baby Buddha
Davenport Blues ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Bix Beiderbecke
Can't Stay Away |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Bootsy Collins
Babybird |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Baby Bird
Birds and Ships ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Billy Bragg & Wilco
Louisiana Hayride ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Boswell Sisters
Queen Jane Approximately |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Bob Dylan
Schopska Pesen | Bulgarian State Radio and Television Female Vocal Choir, The
So What'cha Want ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Beastie Boys


Thread Bear said,

May 25, 2012 at 20:05 (kill)

very thin veneer



have you ever read ‘the beaver papers’? it’s the “lost” season of leave it to beaver with scripts written by literary giants…cracks my shit up every time i read it…

No I haven’t, I’ll have to find that, sounds like something right up my alley.

No Rain — Blind Melon

Man — I haven’t heard that in a while. Have to dig it up.


You so have to send me a copy of that!!!

this link is the closest i can find to it…this is an 8th grade final exam from kansas…but he claims this is very similar to what they had in the 50s in minnesota…and of course the fucker aced it…


Since I listen to more music at work than at home I’m gradually bringing the home library to work to see what I have, erase what I don’t want and rate what I do. I’m on B

can you and i do a radio show together?!?!?! pleasepleaseplease?!?!?


Man — I haven’t heard that in a while. Have to dig it up.

Surprised me that I have it.


For some reason I decided it was gonna be all ’70s music today.

I’m currently listening to The Who Who’s Next. After that it’ll be Pink Floyd’s remastered Wish You Were Here. Then maybe Bowie’s Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars.

It was rather embarrassing how long it took me to figure out that the title for “Baba O’Riley” was just that, and not “Teenage Wasteland” as I imagined it was.


Am I the only person who heard this and immediately imagined a series of little tableaux of Mitt Romney showing up somewhere unwelcome and being asked to leave by increasingly patient humans?

Willard Mitt Romney, will you please go now?
The time has come.
The time is now.
Just go.
I don’t care how.
You can go by foot.
You can go by cow.
Willard Mitt Romney, will you please go now?

(Apologies to Seuss and Buchwald.)


For some reason I decided it was gonna be all ’70s music today.

You mean that Stairway to Freebird stuff?


bbkf, I have to give up, though if i get bored, i might try another stab. It is clear that he does not have a firm grasp of the meaning of some words, or at least that better choices would more clearly reflect his intended meaning.

I can definitely see the strain that might I might develop in the back of my neck if I had to listen to a pompous know it all who can barely seem to string together a couple of coherent thoughts.

I will think of you over the Holidays.


You aint gone ’70s until you throw on your vinyl of Tales From Topographic Oceans


can you and i do a radio show together?!?!?! pleasepleaseplease?!?!?

Fly me, I’m yours.


It was rather embarrassing how long it took me to figure out that the title for “Baba O’Riley” was just that, and not “Teenage Wasteland” as I imagined it was.

If it makes you feel any better, I am sure that buried away in my subconscience somewhere is a similar but possibly more embarrasing memory, one which I will share if i can remember it.

Now off to make a yogurt, tahini, cucumber, garlic, basalmic vinegar dressing to serve with some sauteed yellow squash and zuccini. for lunch.


Fly me, I’m yours.

ha! i don’t even get paid for the radio work i do now! perhaps we can do an online show…


You mean that Stairway to Freebird stuff?

There will be no Skynard! I can’t guarantee there won’t be some Zeppelin in there, but it won’t be Stairway. And this all depends on how long I can stand working before I decide it’s more fun to declare the start of the long weekend and go drink beer. And remember, this weekend is the big race! NO, not that one. The Monaco Grand Prix, silly.

You aint gone ’70s until you throw on your vinyl of Tales From Topographic Oceans

No turntable at work… Hmm, why not? I should remedy that — I could listen and digitize my vinyl while I work.


It was rather embarrassing how long it took me to figure out that the title for “Baba O’Riley” was just that, and not “Teenage Wasteland” as I imagined it was.
My favorite version.


the following is an e-mail exchange between superdave the it guy and me:

me: How good are you at fixing printers? I have a jam that I cannot un-jam…looks like some disassembly is needed…

superdave: I hate to brag, but… I’m ok.

I’ll stop over about 2:00 if that works.

me: Never mind…I fixed it! Wanna know how? With my awesomeness, that’s how!

superdave: Geesh… don’t even give a guy a chance to be awesome… lol

me: That prolly would have been too much awesome for my little office to handle…windows would have blown out…

who wouldn’t want to work with me?!?!?


And remember, this weekend is the big race! NO, not that one. The Monaco Grand Prix, silly.

I got to see the time trials for Monaco a few years back. Couldn’t get tickets for the actual race, of course. It was still very cool.


kids were MUCH better educated, especially in history than they are nowadays…i have tried pointing out to him that there is more history to learn than back in the fifties when he was going to school and that something’s gotta give which is why there isn’t the founding fathers fellatio fest that he recalls from his youth

You could also point out that this is bullshit; I’ve read old history lesson books, and they were at least as full of crap as today’s books, it was just different crap. So, what, more people could parrot the white-washed falsehoods back in the day than can now? Big fucking loss. I suppose it’s possible he’s talking about the fact that kids don’t learn by rote now, so maybe fewer could tell you the names of Columbus’s boats, but that’s not a sign of ignorance per se, just that teaching methods and what’s emphasized has changed. Either way, Mr “I’m Not Ignorant of History YOU are” is wrong: Congress didn’t print the Aitken Bible, they just endorsed it as a seemingly correct non-imported translation.


And remember, this weekend is the big race!

we get to spend the weekend going to graduation parties and watching land o’ ducks league baseball

beer options at ball game: mich golden light (meh…it’s tolerable) or busch light (gag)


You aint gone ’70s until you throw on your vinyl of Tales From Topographic Oceans

The 70’s in pictures


One of the first things I discovered studying some history in college is that 90% of what you learn in high school is bullshit. Oh yeah, the dates are correct but the superficial gloss they give you in high school doesn’t teach you anything.

If you ever want to get really depressed, look at a high school history textbook. It’s astonishing and heartbreaking how they’ve pounded, bleached, steam-cleaned, extruded and granulated history into this bowl of nauseatingly bland mush. History is literally a recounting of the most interesting things that have ever happened, and they’ve made it into intellectual gruel. No wonder most Americans have the historical awareness of fruit flies.

The reasons are well-known: the teatards in Texas and California who guide the textbook selection process for the whole state (and thus the nation).

Plus, when the U.S. Education Dept. tried to put out a history curriculum–you know, an actual curriculum, with specifics about what should be studied–Lynne Cheney, who’s every bit as useless as her husband, had a hissy in the Wall St. Journal op-ed page about how they mention Harriet Tubman too much and the Wright Bros. not enough, or something. Terrified education administrators (who seem to terrify easily) responded by backing away from anything specific. In their place we get meaningless crap about helping the student relate to the meaning of the development of the process of the blah blah blah. Diane Ravitch goes into the appalling details in her book.


beer fizzy yellow water options at ball game: mich golden light (meh…it’s tolerable) or busch light (gag)

Those aren’t American beers! Why does that baseball league hate America!?!

Pupienus Maximus that's all, just the nym and nothing but the nym

I missed FP1 and 2 because they were on Thursday. 🙁 But I watched online and I felt better.

Also, for vs.


beer fizzy yellow water

I blame InBev and FYWP for the tagfail.


perhaps we can do an online show…

I have a voice that is just perfect for the totally deaf.


I missed FP1 and 2 because they were on Thursday. 🙁 But I watched online and I felt better.

I have them on the DVR but haven’t watched yet. And I probably will watch Indy too, unless there’s something else to do.


Wow, there are some serious, thoughtful, rational, and completely sane voices on the right after all. Whodathunkit.

(Spoiler: no, there aren’t)


Both men agreed that the shadowy “globalists” who control the world’s agenda oppose all the work they do.

The world has an agenda?


From OBS’s link:

Corsi explained that he was “desperately” working on his stories because “if Obama wins, we do not have a First Amendment, we won’t have a Fourth Amendment, we won’t have a Bill of Rights, people like you and me we’ll be in thought education camps – if they allow us to live, our families will be destroyed, private property will be confiscated. People think this is radical. All the plans are laid out and signed in executive orders.”

I am really leaning toward the parralel universe, wires crossed theory of wingnuttery. But then William of Ockham whispers something about known liars and Charlatans and the fleecing of Rubes and I think he has a point.



me: Never mind…I fixed it! Wanna know how? With my awesomeness, that’s how!


Right wingles history is the history of awesomest, bravest, magicalist superheroes who are the real victims.


“don’t let ’em Breitbart you,”

Make you a fat, drug-addled, drunken slob with severe but ignored health and anger management issues?


Fleecing of the rubes is it, I think. There seems to be an inexhaustible supply of them.


WXRT in Chicago is going to be featuring 1970’s this weekend as part of their 40th anniversary. Wheeeee!!!


Those aren’t American beers! Why does that baseball league hate America!?!

heh…i will have to point this out to them…i have been bitching about the beer choice, or, lack thereof in this case, for years…


WXRT in Chicago is going to be featuring 1970?s this weekend as part of their 40th anniversary. Wheeeee!!!

also too, i am sick to death of ‘rock’ from the 70s…we have three ‘classic’ rock stations in the area and they play the same fucking shit overandoverandover…

i worked at the first ‘classic’ fm station out here and the music library was pretty decent at the time…now the other two stations have the same fucking library, so it’s the same shit everyday on every station…none of them seem to realize the opportunities they have to set their station apart just by a) adding some deep cuts b) adding some b-sides or other album cuts c) have a real live person sitting in front of the mic d) play something that isn’t ‘classic’ rock or fuckingcountry…

i sometimes feel it is my duty to leave my job here at the foundation and return to radio and set things fucking right out here…


Right wingles history is the history of awesomest, bravest, magicalist superheroes who are the real victims.

And the Demoncrats are portrayed as equal parts Dr. Moriarty and Baby Huey


we have three ‘classic’ rock stations in the area and they play the same fucking shit overandoverandover…

Most of them seem to have maybe a 12 song playlist.


People Like You And Me Will Be In Thought Education Camps

How do you know you hate thinking and education if you’ve never tried it?

Pupienus Maximus that's all, just the nym and nothing but the nym

You aint gone ’70s until you throw on your vinyl of Tales From Topographic Oceans

Well, yeah. And Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus also. And such as.


Corsi explained that he was “desperately” working on his stories because “if Obama wins, we do not have a First Amendment, we won’t have a Fourth Amendment,

I thought there was only the 2nd Amendment? You mean there are others? Who knew?


i worked at the first ‘classic’ fm station out here and the music library was pretty decent at the time…now the other two stations have the same fucking library, so it’s the same shit everyday on every station…none of them seem to realize the opportunities they have to set their station apart just by a) adding some deep cuts b) adding some b-sides or other album cuts c) have a real live person sitting in front of the mic d) play something that isn’t ‘classic’ rock or fuckingcountry…

Yeah, the “classic rock radio” formula is seriously fucked up. Pink Floyd did more than “We don’t need no…” and “Money”, Zeppelin did more than “Stairway”, The Who did more than “Magic Bus” and Queen did some pretty rockin’ stuff that wasn’t “Bohemian Rhapsody” or “We Are The Champions”.

If they still used vinyl I’d tell them to turn the fucking album over once and a while. The fact that now it’s all digital and they could do a better job just clicking by the “genius” button in iTunes is really depressing.


bbkf I hear you loud and clear but XRT isn’t that type of station…stream it sometime and you might be surprisingly delighted (IOW, I really meant the Wheeeee!!!)


Corsi explained that he was “desperately” working on his stories because “if Obama wins, we do not have a First Amendment, we won’t have a Fourth Amendment, we won’t have a Bill of Rights, people like you and me we’ll be in thought education camps – if they allow us to live, our families will be destroyed, private property will be confiscated. People think this is radical. All the plans are laid out and signed in executive orders.”

“There’s a vast liberal conspiracy to kill me and my family even as we speak. I’d better stay in my summer house in New Jersey so I can continue to write on the subject, which would be impossible in Toronto or London.”


I thought there was only the 2nd Amendment? You mean there are others? Who knew?

I thought that same thing too — maybe they think the 2nd has already been repealed by some majik ezecyoutiv ordur or something.


On an unrelated but still hilarious note, WOLVERINES!!


Most of them seem to have maybe a 12 song playlist.

Been awhile since i listened to mainstream radio, but that seems about right.


bbkf I hear you loud and clear but XRT isn’t that type of station…stream it sometime and you might be surprisingly delighted (IOW, I really meant the Wheeeee!!!)

might have to…thanks!

Pupienus Maximus that's all, just the nym and nothing but the nym


Does anyone else find that redolent evocative of vs’ work?


What kg said. I understand most mainstream radio sux, but XRT is cool.


what should my new ringtone for texts be? current is yakety sax…


what should my new ringtone for texts be? current is yakety sax…

Definitely this.


Ooh, this is a good one too.


Ooh, this is a good one too.

this would probably drive my dog insane…


this one cracks me up…


this would probably drive my dog insane…

What, your dog hates Star Trek or something?


All dogs go to heaven; hate Star Dreck.


All dogs go to heaven; hate Star Dreck.

“Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.”

–Mark Twain


All dogs go to heaven

you have no idea how many times i watched this cartoon…


Who the fuck requires you to install an SQL database to read their reference work? JESUS.

I miss the days when you could install a book on a shelf.


History is literally a recounting of the most interesting things that have ever happened, and they’ve made it into intellectual gruel. No wonder most Americans have the historical awareness of fruit flies.

Is there a US version of “1066 And All That”?


Smut – Zinn is the most general. The best written is “Son of the Morning Star” but it only covers the career of George Armstrong Custer.


Who the fuck requires you to install an SQL database to read their reference work? JESUS.

he does? wow, he’s gotten to be kind of a dick since he started ‘christian mingle’ and got all techie on us…


off to ply alcohol to the hapless…have a lovely night in the hottub!


“the Left’s hobbyhorses”

I’m always tickled when I see ‘hobbyhorses’ used this way in public discourse. The idiom comes from Laurence Sterne’s novel Tristram Shandy (which I’m currently rereading). I totally rate for gentle Uncle Toby and his endless sieges-in-miniature conducted on the bowling green of the Shandy estate aided by the loyal Corporal Trim.


Who the fuck requires you to install an SQL database to read their reference work? JESUS.

Typical of that fucker.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster (praise be to his noodly appendage!) reads the reference work to you and gives you beer.


Zinn is the most general.
Not sure if Zinn is trying to do the same thing as 1066 &c.


what should my new ringtone for texts be?

Digitise a Siamese cat miaowing. The Frau Doktorin’s Siamese (Doodleberry Fairypoo Cupcake) uses his Outside Voice ALL THE TIME.


Cool story, bro.

Sowell is one of the good ones. He’s white on the inside like nigger jim.

So…check this shit out, y’all.

My 15 year old daughter, as you may know, is a total sweetheart. The high school she attends is downtown Spokane, and is an open campus. So during the mid-day hours, there are a few hundred bratty teenagers roaming the streets looking for … shit, digression, sorry…

Anyway, she’s downtown, a car pulls up. Dude says “hey, we’re from out of town and lost, can I borrow your (i) phone?” Of course Jordan, being the nice person she is, lets him borrow it and off the fucking piece of shit goes. Stole her iPhone.

The moral of the story is: If you ever wonder why your boy tsam hates humanity enough to harbor megalomaniacal genocide fantasies, there is your answer.


People Like You And Me Will Be In Thought Education Camps

How do you know you hate thinking and education if you’ve never tried it?

And who doesn’t love camp?


once the very thin veneer of whitewashed history is stripped away

I have little expertise in interior decorating but it seems to me that veneer AND whitewash is over-doing things.


I have little expertise in interior decorating but it seems to me that veneer AND whitewash is over-doing things.

The veneer makes it all smooth, and the whitewash makes it, well, white.


Thread Bear: Nifty version of ‘Baba O’Riley’ !

Let me reciprocate with an unusual thinga-ma-bob: Isolation of John Entwistle’s bass work on ‘Baba’. Skip forward to 1:25 where the music begins. Late in the piece the film is damaged for a short space., but the music is unaffected

I hope Provider and other Sadly bassists will enjoy this, too.

Imo, John Entwistle was the greatest, bestest, most wonderfullest, most spectacularest electric bass player EVAH.

Sub: I noticed Bootsy Collins on yer playlist. I also rate for Bootsy!


Crap forgot the link:


Zinn is the most general. The best written is “Son of the Morning Star” but it only covers the career of George Armstrong Custer.

Wow, that Zinn is a true Renaissance Man. I have his book on the art of roadbike maintenance at home.


I’m always tickled when I see ‘hobbyhorses’ used this way in public discourse. The idiom comes from Laurence Sterne’s novel Tristram Shandy (which I’m currently rereading).

Really? Most interesting. The earliest I can remember reading it is in some doggerel about (then-contemporary) La Follette, rhyming “his hobby” and “is Bobby”.

Sowell is one of the good ones. He’s white on the inside like nigger jim.

Ay, nonna that! No slanderin’ Clemens under this roof!!

The moral of the story is: If you ever wonder why your boy tsam hates humanity enough to harbor megalomaniacal genocide fantasies, there is your answer.

Why genocide the world when Spokane is right there?

I have little expertise in interior decorating but it seems to me that veneer AND whitewash is over-doing things.

What, would you polish a turd with just veneer on it?


Is there a US version of “1066 And All That”?

“America (The Book).”

Or if you’re into vintage stuff, National Lampoon’s High School Yearbook Parody has a nifty history textbook spoof.


Off every topic here— playing Scrabble last night, I had a seven-letter word on my rack but no place to put it. It was a worthless “MIRACLE”.


There is movement afoot in Senate to name the bison as the ‘national mammal’. (Not gonna link to a Huffpost article.)

For a while I thought that it should be the pig. But then I recalled that pigs are very intelligent.


Imo, John Entwistle was the greatest, bestest, most wonderfullest, most spectacularest electric bass player EVAH.

I would have to put James Jamerson (Funk Brothers/Motown session guy) just a hair above Entwhistle.

But I love the hell outta both of them.

Pupienus Maximus that's all, just the nym and nothing but the nym

I very much enjoyed Baba O,Riley as performed by the Blue Man Group. The part where a giant hammer is swung against the grand piano on its side is especially sweet.

Pupienus Maximus that's all, just the nym and nothing but the nym

Maybe it’s a baby grand but still.


Off every topic here— playing Scrabble last night, I had a seven-letter word on my rack but no place to put it. It was a worthless “MIRACLE”.

You gotta get Super Scrabble. More room.


These people exist. Yikes.

I can’t believe I am gonna try to watch the whole thing. /shakes fist in Pryme’s general direction.

Q: “What’s worse than killing six million Jews?”
A: [pauses to think for a second] “The attempted slavery of thre hundred million Americans”

And to think i am only 53 seconds into this and have 12 minutes to go. FML.


And don’t even get me started on the complete freakshow behind the real My Three Sons.

3 sons, 1 cup?


Q: “What’s worse than killing six million Jews?”
A: [pauses to think for a second] “The attempted slavery of thre hundred million Americans”

Wow. Just wow. I got nothin’


[waving arm] Jamerson here, too.


Wow. Just wow. I got nothin’

Yeah, I had to pause the thing at that point and go out for some fresh air. The last 3 or 4 minutes are brilliant though as the interviewer compares the economic numbers between Democratic and Republican administration. Also when everyone says that the New Deal had nothing to do with getting us out of the great depression, and cites WWII as the cause, he then reminds them of the massive deficit spending, government takeover of manufacturing the higher taxation which is when the faces start going blank and you start to see a couple of thousand yard stares as it slowly dawns on them that Rush had not prepped them to respond to that.

If you are up to it I highly recommend checking it out, and not in a misery loves company kind of way.


Yo sparks!!!

We should start a club.


These people exist. Yikes.

That was really entertaining.

Pupienus Maximus

That was amusing but alas, they don’t care about facts. We can destroy the tea party just as effectively as we can destroy theism. Sad but true.

Pupienus Maximus

[ |X] [ |X] [ |X]

TURKEY! Third federal court strikes down DOMA.

It’s getting better all the tiiiime….


This Time Next Week
By Kathryn Jean Lopez
May 25, 2012 7:56 P.M.
You could be having dinner with me and a Catholic cardinal in D.C.



You could be having dinner with me and a Catholic cardinal in D.C.

Either she’s coming on to you, old chum, or she is trying to pimp you out to a cardinal.


Better get that powerpoint “History of goatse” presentation up to date, Subby


Either she’s coming on to you, old chum, or she is trying to pimp you out to a cardinal.

Either way sounds pretty awful.


Cardinals are lovely red birds and I have never discriminated against them because of their religion.


Unless it’s a transfinite cardinal who cares?


WTF is Cantor talking about?




These people exist. Yikes.


Gotta love the nasal little darling who hates Marxism … but doesn’t have a fucking clue what it actually IS.

Bonus hilarity in the “monkey with a marble” faces they all make when the real numbers prove how full of shit they are.

What’s been almost as funny is to see people like the goombah I linked to in the previous thread suddenly discovering in 2012 that the American Right is batshit-insane & baaaaaawing about “I didn’t leave the GOP – the GOP left me” (Hi there, Andrew Sullivan! How’s it hangin’, David Frum?)… as if this will magically erase nearly a decade of their public pronouncements of starry-eyed rapture over how magically delicious Bush’s taint was while he gave America fiscal AIDS & made its politics into Lord Of The Flies 2.0 – or as if their now supposedly rehabilitated intellectual street-cred even has any real value in such a horrendously degraded political culture.


DAE think that maybe the singularity has happened and these … things … seemingly sentient creatures … pipples are the viral non-self-aware homunculoids results of a horrible glitch?


Bonus hilarity in the “monkey with a marble” faces they all make when the real numbers prove how full of shit they are.

My favorite is at the very end, when county republican chair realizes he has been punked but good and get all “dont use this footage” before walking away.


What’s been almost as funny is to see people like the goombah I linked to in the previous thread suddenly discovering in 2012 that the American Right is batshit-insane & baaaaaawing about “I didn’t leave the GOP – the GOP left me”

The best part of that was his insistence that his positions are based on empirical evidence, then he totally faceplants by botching up the basic facts of the Sandra Fluke “controversy”. Still not out of that bubble yet, dub-mass.


Gotta love the nasal little darling who hates Marxism

Hating Marxism is like hating monarchism, or Bonapartism, or the Roman Empire. Who gives a shit? Who, in the year 2012, still defines their politics in opposition to Marxism? It’s dead, Jim.


I would have to put James Jamerson (Funk Brothers/Motown session guy) just a hair above Entwhistle.

Righteous. Is it possible for two pilots to break the sound barrier? If so, these were the guys. I totally grooved on Jamerson’s sound without the least knowledge of who he was. (Also dug James Brown…but I at least eventually discovered who Bootsy Collins was.)

I’m only a listener, Provider; you are a playa…so I imagine you’ve already seen this signature solo. But for other Sadlies may not have had the pleasure of seeing The Ox’s work, ladies and gents… the mad electric bass skillz of John Entwistle of The Who.


Hey, Sadlies! Sorry; I got tied up in a few dozen stuffs, tonight, so this is a drive-by & g’nite pimping of a rusty old Chevy pickup in a dilapidated barn. I caught this at lunch break, today.


Thanx Pryme ! (link at 1:43) Laughed my ass off.


@ Fenwick

Thanks for that—Entwhistle sure was a bass playin’ fool, yessirree.




Sorry, sorry, sorry: MUCH better quality HD visuals of the Entwistle solo. Dint know this existed !!! You can really see this fretwork so much better!!!


Since we are off topic and on to bass players…

I am not at all in any way musically inclined. The only thing I can play is the stereo and I even play that off key sometimes. I am a huge fan of the guitar greats – Hendix. Clapton et al. – but it occured to me some time ago that the vast majority of the songs I love all have a strong bass line. It was then that I started paying more attention to who the bass players were in my favourite songs and I learned at that time that time that I’d been a Jamerson fan for some time and hadn’t even realized it.

Now, just for the bass players and fans out there I will throw out this link.


Stephen Jay is the bass player for Weird Al. As the bass player for a “novelty” band he is probably doomed to never go down in history as a serious musician, but I think he’s damn good.


A new cause for righty bloggers.

And most of our favorite wingnuts are in on it…Patterico, Donald “American Power” Douglas, Robert Stacy McCain


Tonight on Fox – Ann Coulter, Ted Nugent, Rush Limbaugh and the ghost of Andrew Breitbart discuss the Left’s lack of civility.


thunder – do you live in Columbus?

I noticed a picture of The Book Loft on your blog.


Yes, I’m here right now.

The book loft is about 7 or so blocks away.


Really late to the party, but random thoughts: re: the “I used to be a Republican” guy over at Salon – dude, you’re still repeating Limbaugh’s lies about Sandra Fluke; don’t know in what way you don’t still fit in with the “new” crazy Republican party.

Re: Pup & 3rd federal court striking down DOMA – reminds me of that toolbox North Dallas 30-watt trying to make some stupid case that full faith & credit doesn’t apply to marriage laws. Surprisingly, he ran away when I asked him, “ok, fine…then why did they bother passing DOMA in the first place?”

Re: the Left’s “lack of civility”: Fuck you, you motherfucking mouth breathing 1% taint licking trogladytes.


Yes, I’m here right now.

You must live in German Village. Nice area. We live up in Westerville.


I’m across the highway on the downtown side.

I walk over the footbridge to get there.


Now, just for the bass players and fans out there I will throw out this link.



A new cause for righty bloggers.

I kind of support that kind of activity for them. Keeps their minds off actual politics and on scare stories that only matter to them.


What’s been almost as funny is to see people like the goombah I linked to in the previous thread suddenly discovering in 2012 that the American Right is batshit-insane & baaaaaawing about “I didn’t leave the GOP – the GOP left me”

Actually, if we are to take him at his word, he suddenly discovered in 2012 that he left the GOP in 1982. Latency ISREAL.


He didn’t leave the GOP in 1982, he simply flirted with a democratic waitress and dreamed about having an affair.


It’s dead, Jim.

Oh, heavens no! I’m pretty sure Marxism is alive & thriving on Wall Street even as you read this … they simply intend to skip the messy Revolution-y part & avoid becoming human sieves, in favour of their preferred option: selling the proles the rope with which to hang THEMSELVES … & they’re doing a bang-up job of it so far – definitely got the Class War part down pat, & the worker alienation quotient is through the roof!

All hail the Supreme Soviet of the Morgan-Sachs Corporate Commune!
Happiness Is A Warm Dividend!

A new cause for righty bloggers.

That hair shirt looks absolutely PERFECT on them.
They can leave it on for as many years as they like, with my blessings.

Civility is always a pleasant trait to encounter.
Civility is also how a bastard cons a fool.

PS: C/o the NY GOP: RESISTANCE THIS BILL IS FUTILE. All your fail are belong to you!


Waitaminute, I thought that African-American women were abortin’ their group out of existence. I wish these guys would keep their stories straight.

Also, too:

“Continue the practice [of birth control], and the sons of the yellow man or the black will some day fill the President’s chair in Washington.” — Reverend Wendell Corey of Notre Dame, about 80-90 years ago


Waitaminute, I thought that African-American women were abortin’ their group out of existence. I wish these guys would keep their stories straight.

You twist the facts to suit whatever narrative suits your ultimate goal, and often times within the same sentence. thin Obama, who on the one hand is an unvetted teleprompter reading, shiftless and lazy incompetant, while simultaneously being the most treacherous and shifty, evil incarnate, diabolical fiend that would put any Bond Villian to shame.

“Continue the practice [of birth control], and the sons of the yellow man or the black will some day fill the President’s chair in Washington.” — Reverend Wendell Corey of Notre Dame, about 80-90 years ago

While I don’t doubt that such a thing was uttered at the time frame in question, I have had a bit of difficulty in locating what I would consider a solid source for this quote on the gizoogle, and have been unable to find any reference to a reverend Wendell Corey, or a bio of any kind unless attached to that quote. Any supporting documentation about Corey or the quote would be appreciated.


It’s very quiet around here today. I am beginning to suspect that everybody is off doing fun things for the holiday weekend. I suppose I will just have to get actual work done while I am here at work this weekend. Damn!

Lurking Canadian

Hating Marxism is like hating monarchism, or Bonapartism, or the Roman Empire. Who gives a shit? Who, in the year 2012, still defines their politics in opposition to Marxism? It’s dead, Jim.

Oh yeah? Well fuck Bonaparte, says I, and when you’re done, fuck Diocletian too!


Hating Marxism is like hating monarchism, or Bonapartism, or the Roman Empire. Who gives a shit? Who, in the year 2012, still defines their politics in opposition to Marxism? It’s dead, Jim.

I’m more of a Xerxist myself.


Vive l’Empereur!



Make the connections people.


A new cause for righty bloggers.
And most of our favorite wingnuts are in on it…Patterico, Donald “American Power” Douglas, Robert Stacy McCain…

There’s some fine frothy language there, declaring TOTAL WAR on the Left, in language taken straight from the Sportpalast speech, which would be more impressive if they hadn’t already declared TOTAL WAR on the Left every couple of years.


Make the connections people.

WTF are PIAPS. i initially misread it at first placing an R, I and M. into the word.

If we could somehow manage to beam the wingosphere int William of Ockhams grave you could hook it up to a turbine and generate enough electricity to power London for a year.


PIAPS = HITLERY= Pig in a Pants Suit.

Thank dog for the Urban dictionary, I almost stumbled into the rabbit hole.


Hogeye, that was a nice find. how the hell did you stumble across that shit. i think I have just seen the craziest site on all of the internets in all of the universes. I mean if you threw the Scotch-Irish versions of Gellar, Bolton, The illuminati, the entire militia set, a dozen Alex Jones listeners and a limbaugh and the whole tea party movement into a blender and multiplied the resulting mass by a factor of 12, you would be approaching the crazy dripping from the site in question.

This Ralph chap makes Teirney seem like a perfectly reasonable dude in comparison.


That’s gotta be a piss-take site. No could be that deranged and still be able to blog, with pictures.
Very funny.


This is absolute proof that there is no God. If there were one Thomas would have been struck by lightning.

Helmut Monotreme

So remind me again how the jesuits steered an iceberg into the Titanic?


Sure, Provider! Sorry I can’t visit here more often, but I’m in.

I wanted to link a YT video of Jr. Walker’s Mutiny, but there doesn’t seem to be a clean copy there. One is of a guy trying to do the bass line and making a few mistakes, the other is an extended remix. Ah, well.


Night and a starless sky,
Berg on wild billows tost,
With ten above and ninety below
And deck bestrewn with melting snow,
Swift plunging to her doom.


So remind me again how the jesuits steered an iceberg into the Titanic?

They used secret technology developed by the Sapphic Caliphate.


So remind me again how the jesuits steered an iceberg into the Titanic?

The power of Christ compels you!


Step away for a moment and the joke writes itself…

So remind me again how the jesuits steered an iceberg into the Titanic?

The Sapphic Caliphate used a special Vulva-Powered generator to produce the Sheela Na Gigawatts of power needed to move the iceberg.


The power of Christ compels you!

From the comments, ans possibly the first time I have larfed at a comment on YouTube.

The what? of who does what???


Yeah, that Wonkette post is how I found the site. It took a little digging to find the Titanic post, which just made me howl repeatedly with laughter.

I love the “connections” pic. Lesbian Avengers!!! Oh Noez!!!

The video is amazing too. The Jesuits, of course, also started the Federal Reserve and WW1. OOOGA BOOOGA!!!!!

I don’t know if you can make up this sort of crazy. The monomaniacal PIAPS bit seems like the sort of thing the truly deranged just can’t put down for even a moment, no matter how out of context. If it’s a Poe, it’s a fucking incredible one. Hats off and a hearty golf clap to the author if it is.


OMG ! I’ve always kinda liked Hillary Clinton but if she is at the centre, nay, the very heart of a web of Evil like that, I shall be forced to -um- stop liking her.


I love the “connections” pic. Lesbian Avengers!!! Oh Noez!!!

Truly a thing of… I dunno what. So, the Pope is involved in Islamofascism and Esperanto leads to Lesbian Avengers. I can’t even begin to puzzle out Guru Maggots.


OMG ! I’ve always kinda liked Hillary Clinton but if she is at the centre, nay, the very heart of a web of Evil like that, I shall be forced to -um- stop liking her.

No way, Suezboo- you must enter her web of Evil and become one of her minions, one of her Islamofascist Jesuit Lesbian Minions.

Come into the web, you juicy little fly… you know you want to.


OMG ! I’ve always kinda liked Hillary Clinton but if she is at the centre, nay, the very heart of a web of Evil like that, I shall be forced to -um- stop liking her.

I’d like her better as an evil mastermind actually.


Oops, that was me. Forgot to change my name back.


Woah man, that is a special kind of crazy. If it’s not a Poe that is TimeCube level insanity.


While I don’t doubt that such a thing was uttered at the time frame in question, I have had a bit of difficulty in locating what I would consider a solid source for this quote on the gizoogle, and have been unable to find any reference to a reverend Wendell Corey, or a bio of any kind unless attached to that quote. Any supporting documentation about Corey or the quote would be appreciated.

My source is a *book* that I read some 20 years ago. Of course, I don’t remember which book. It may have been Bernard Nathanson’s “Aborting America”. The topic was the tendency of anti-abortion and anti-birth-control people to utilize racism in their arguments.


Rode to Bickleton WA today. The ride through the canyon was good but given the boring, rough, windy road one has to go through to get there it ain’t worth it. Shan’t be back.

Blofelt is buying it this time! Kick ass James!

Chix tits poaching in court bouillon. Making wontons to be fried – pork cooked w/ five spice and toasted sesame oil, then scallions, water chestnuts and some shoyu all wrapped in wonton skins (yeah, I jus bot em, fuck off.)p. Some of them, anyway, the rest will go into soup. The poached chix will go in to a salad with cucumber, red peppers, noodles, romaine and a spicy peanut sauce, based more or less on a Ming Tsai thang.


My source is a *book* that I read some 20 years ago. Of course, I don’t remember which book. It may have been Bernard Nathanson’s “Aborting America”. The topic was the tendency of anti-abortion and anti-birth-control people to utilize racism in their arguments.

Fair enough, thanks. i was wondering why I couldn’t find any biographical information on Wendell, though I guess not everybody has been transferred to the google.


When you click on the “WORLD SAPPHIC SOCIALIST CALIPHATE” link on that site, you get a 404.

I haz a sad. I want my World Sapphic Socialist Caliphate.


I haz a sad. I want my World Sapphic Socialist Caliphate.

Not if it’s run by the Jesuits! The site reads like a weird mash-up of Ian Paisley and Glenn Beck, with a heavy dose of psilocybin ‘shrooms.


The pooch has been screwed.


OK, surfing through the TV guide I saw Sharktopus on the Sci-Fi channel and I just couldn’t resist. It is everything the title suggests, with many lovely bikini-clad women getting eaten (and not in the good way). They really are stretching for new mutant creatures, aren’t they?


a special Vulva-Powered generator to produce the Sheela Na Gigawatts of power

Stealing that.


Digitise a Siamese cat miaowing. The Frau Doktorin’s Siamese (Doodleberry Fairypoo Cupcake) uses his Outside Voice ALL THE TIME.

I can relate.


See, had you gone to bed at 11:00 p.m., you TOO could have awakened at 1:00 a.m. with a sore shoulder, and gotten up to have some coffee with me.


Sharktopus is awesome.

Indeed it is. I was wondering how they were gonna bolt the two animals together, though I thought that the thing would have the cephalopod beak and the Great White’s Jaws.

Of course Roger Corman and Eric Roberts are involved.


Sharktopus has a mouth at each end, recreating the joke about why the crocogator is the meanest animal alive.

Also, blogwhore: wolf picture at my place. Actually, a picture of a picture, but that’s not important now, Shirley.


Sharktopus is awesome.

I’d move to someplace North Dakota. I figure it would at least take it while to walk there.


Glad ya’ll like the video form the other day; the last few minutes makes the early hair-pulling stupidity worth it.

And now time for the new movement called “wiferism”: http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/heather/bill-maher-takes-shot-birthers-parody-romn


I’d move to someplace North Dakota. I figure it would at least take it while to walk there.

I don’t know about that, damn thing seemed pretty able to get around out of the water. it could just wrap its tentacles around a bus or freight train if it was in a hurry. Besides, do you think once the Army caught wind of Sharktopus that they wouldn’t be looking to one up the situation with the addition of Lungfish and Condor DNA with a bit of hound dog thrown in for superior ground tracking abilities?

I think I smell a sequel!

Our intrepid young protagonist lifts his single engine Cessna into the air and heads for the open spaces of the northern plains looking for the quiet life. A thousand miles away a genetically engineered mutant is being given a sample of a scent to follow….



just posted a comment over at yer place on the wolf thread. Apparently in the dimly lit mists of time I apparently set up a wordpress account using as an identifier some unholy lengthy alphanumeric string of characters. I’m the guy with the cletus avatar and I have “recovered the long lost account and changed my publicly visible name to the one I use.

Anyhoo just a heads up.



I immediately approved the comment. I said to myself, “Self, anyone with that name MUST be serious.”


“Self, anyone with that name MUST be serious.”


i have gotten myself into alot of computer related trouble by setting shit up so complicated that I will either forget what it was or bork the input.



Looks like I’m stuck with that albatross of alphanumeric soup for the time being.

i updated my puterator this early morning, managed to bork my display environment by saying yes to a file overwrite (I presume, it was very early I had just gotten up and discovered that the process had stalled needing my input). Once it had finished and i rebooted, I was tossed into Gnome 3 (which blows goats if you ask me) so now I have spent the past three hours trying to get everything back the way i like it. Otherwise, I’d be halfway through the outline of the sequel to Sharktopus by now.

On the plus side I now am rolling with Firefox 12 and have spell check back and just added puterator and Sharktopus to the dictionary.


That should do it.

I didn’t know you spoke elvish.


I didn’t know you spoke elvish.

Neither did I, until now. Pretty sure there has to be some Uranium in North Dakota which could activate a latent allele on chromosome 13 turning our protagonist into a Tolkien Troll (but smart and with good hair) just in time to face the SharkHoundOctoRaptor (also just added to the dictionary) in time to save the girl of his dreams. After a seven minute Battle Royale The screen fades to black. The next scene opens upon what appears to be a barbeque. a veritable sea food and poultry with a side of dog extravaganza.

Protagonist: “What you got there?”
Asian neighbor: “Kimchi that my Grandmother made”
Protagonist: “We got you covered”

Roll credits.



Oooh! I like it!


Oooh! I like it!

I’m glad you do. After all your notion of going off to North Dakota to avoid the Sharktopus was the primary inspiration for the Army version which got the ball rolling. That and I’ve seen too many of the scifi channel Saturday night movies to count.

Now as far as the creature is concerned should we start with the Sharktopus, Bolt on some wings and Raptor legs with talons, a set of hound dog forelegs and a sharktooth filled hound dog snout on the face of the shark?

Or should we have a Robust Hound body with the octopus taking place of the tail, wings, dorsal fin, gills and a grill a bit wider than a hounds but filled with three layers of shark teeth?

Theae are important questions people!


and scantilly clad ladies without being completely exploitive.

Don’t gorget about this part. Maybe Smut Clyde can help you out with that.


Or even Forget about it.


I love that photo of Sowell. Usually you expect to see a feeling of relief on someone’s face after they let go of a big stinky one. Sowell looks positively overjoyed.


I suggest a viewing of Roger Corman’s Humanoids From the Deep for pointers on how to get more T&A into your monster flick.


Don’t forget about this part. Maybe Smut Clyde can help you out with that.

Don’t you worry. As of now I’ve got an outline covering the beginning and the ending a justification for the design of the new mutant and more importantly a pitch for a sequel.

The middle will consist of a pastiche of horror, adventure, and suspense cliches with plenty of opportunities for the exploitation of T&A and for the Ladies (though i doubt it will make the final cut) a wet boxer contest. Dumbassed Militia types\Rednecks will be feasted upon as well as snotty rich bastards, there will be a couple of characters that everyone will like that will be forced to die, but as humanely and quickly as possible.

The protagonist retiring from a twenty year stint in the army is headed to NorthDak to be reunited with his teenaged daughter whose mother had recently passed away. She probably also has the allele (the basis for the third movie).

There you go. just needs a bit of fleshing out (not too much though, this is the scifi channel we are talking about.


2 hours 20 minutes of sadly time and voila a scifi channel production is born. And most of that time was spent catching up on the blogs, configurating my recently updated computer, shooting the breeze with the roommate.

Thanks goes out to the Yeast man for bringing our attention to Sharktopus in the first place. Thunder for finding the Trailer, Major Kong for planting the seed. Thread Bear for providing the tangent which led to the denoument and last but not least, my inner SillyBilly who came to my rescue after a couple of frustrating hours trying to get my computer back in trim after I pissed in my own bowl of cheerios this morning.


This just leaves me confused.

What is it about: “Every person with a platform should be using it to encourage obedience to God; instead, you teach all things contrary to Him: fornication, adultery, idols, fags.” that you do not understand?

Oh lordy, to be a copy writer for the West-borough Baptpapist Church.
where they can read the hearts of men:

You have sinned away your day of grace & so enraged your Creator that you’re now seeing His condign wrath poured out on you continually.

oh and this part really needs to be featured in the :movie”

“[They] have done evil in my sight, saith the Lord…And the carcasses of this people shall be meat for the fowls of the heaven, & for the beasts of the earth…”

A simulacrum of the Phelps brigade will experience serious eatage at the hands of the SharkHoundOctoRaptor. In fact it will be the one scene with the highest cgi cost as in each tentacle will be grasped a protester. They will all of course be sniffed for worthiness and those that pass with be eaten those that don’t will be crushed in two while another is swept off the ground to take its place…


This just leaves me confused.


Dog works in mysterious ways, vs.


Sowell looks positively overjoyed.

Well if you were so impacted on a continual basis and managed to drop a deuce about once or twice a month (the latter if you are lucky) you might make somethinfg resembling an O face too.


Face it vs, you’re just mad that they find nickelback worthy of protest anfd yet they never protested at a Spinal Tap concert


I just don’t know what the Westboro folks want from people. I guess everybody’s supposed to wear a sandwich board detailing the evils of buttsex 24-7. But those have gotta be uncomfortable to sleep in.

And, honestly, I’m guessing the guys in Nickelback don’t spend a lot of time thinking about gay buttsex. I reckon they have no strong opinion on it, either way.


Face it vs, you’re just mad that they find nickelback worthy of protest anfd yet they never protested at a Spinal Tap concert

I’m not gonna lie–that stings a bit.


Sounds like a hell of a movie, Provider. That trailer for Sharktopus has the one great bungee jumping scene, which you could see being set up well in advance: “honey, you’ll be screaming in no time!”


I just don’t know what the Westboro folks want from people.

They want them to get mad, confrontational and then get physical so they can sue their asses. Virtually every one of them has a law degree and they have studied carefully so they know just how far they can go to incite a confrontation without being liable themselves. It is just a big business and God has nothing to do with it, except for giving them tax exempt status.


Wow, that’s a new level o’ vile there.


It also explains why they go out of their way to piss EVERYBODY off. After all, any potential ally is just one less potential lawsuit.





All of those images came up on a Gazoogle image search for “shark hound octo raptor”. Yes, even that last one.


The second photo is loaded to the gills with win.


It might be fun to watch them protest an Insane Clown Posse concert, just to see them get stomped by a bunch of pissed off Juggalos.

Or maybe some gangster-rappers. Except that might get a little too violent.


Sounds like a hell of a movie, Provider.

Thanks S.ir! And thank you for setting the mood and bringing back memories And I am gonna steal that line, but I thin a roller coaster might be involved at night.

Also i though there ought to be at least one drive in scene, and I think i will just have to have Bringing up baby playing in the background plus the Drive in scene is a perfect cliched T&A vector.

This shit is just writing itself.


Sounds like a hell of a movie, Provider.

I could do a cameo as an Air National Guard interceptor pilot.

“Holy crap! Look at the size of the tentacles on that thing!”




Now that’s what I am talking about!!!

Although in my mind the raptor is of the hawk eagle variety along the line of Shark bat, but nothing is set in stone of course.

i swear to god that if 2-3 or ten of us spent a couple hours a week brainstorming we could cough up a new b movie every 2 weeks. We start with riffs sequels, tangents and by the end of six months we might have the material potential for a blockbuster on our hands.

Just sayin.


I already have the theme song for our next project.


I could do a cameo as an Air National Guard interceptor pilot.

“Holy crap! Look at the size of the tentacles on that thing!”

Hell yes you could!* [Note to self: Air national guard scene] Because at some point Its prowess for flight will have to be demonstrated. What’s the overall length of the type of craft likely to be flown from one of your ho-dunkier ANG bases, or better yet the length of a trainer?

[25 feet of shark, 10-15 of tentacles, approx 40 feet long 8-12 feet wide 50-60 foot wingspan maximum cruising altitude 20K ft. max spd dive 350-400mph]

This also fits in with the fact that I hoovered up all of the 50’s sci fi movies on You Tube a month and a half ago.

*[Major Kong, actor and Technical Consultant]



The second photo is loaded to the gills with win.

Just for vs, in case you’re not familiar with the Zooborns website.


OK now, for at least an hour I was rocking the Bio hazard and radiation ASCII bits where the question marks are now, y’know because there simply has to be a bit of that shit in the story. it is like someone took my mojo.

lets try again.


Mojo is back at least temporarily.

I just don’t know what the Westboro folks want from people.

I always notice that their signs always read “God hates fags”, never “Jesus hats fags” so they are levitcine humpers who don’t want to keep Kosher or pay any mind to any number of old testament law while operating under the protective veneer of xtianity so they can have their hateful cake and tax exempt status too. matthew 6 is not a part of any bible they recognise.

Also too, what thread Bear said above, also, too. They are choosing the Nickleback Concert for the same reason they target military funerals, hoping they catch someone with a short fuse connected in some way to someone with deep pockets. Those fuckers are worse than remora (who actually provide a service to the shark host……..

{possibly consider a side story a crack squad of Remora Rangers…]


I have to add them every time. Now I get it.


I lurves me some lemurs!!!! And baby animals of all types. of course


What’s the overall length of the type of craft likely to be flown from one of your ho-dunkier ANG bases, or better yet the length of a trainer?

An F-16 is roughly 50 feet long with around a 30-foot wingspan.


I lurves me some lemurs!!!! And baby animals of all types. of course

Need less marinating time.


An F-16 is roughly 50 feet long with around a 30-foot wingspan.


i am still tweeking my tator, the browser version flash version worked fine with espn3 yesterday, but with both packages upgraded to new versions, not so much luck YouTube is good to go, but I have run into a couple of other sites that don’t want to play nice. This is just a long winded version of i haven’t had time to check the google for the aircraft stats.

Thank you.


I just don’t know what the Westboro folks want from people.

Their whole deal is trolling people to do something about them then suing their pants off. Really, several of the Phelps clan are lawyers and they are extremely litigious. Petty much their entire source of income.


Their whole deal is trolling people to do something about them then suing their pants off.

That’s going to bite them in the ass one of these days.

Somebody’s going to go totally berserk on them someday and kill or injure one of the badly enough that you just won’t be able to get enough from a lawsuit to make up for it.


Somebody’s going to go totally berserk on them someday and kill or injure one of the badly enough

I am not ashamed to say it can’t happen soon enough.


I believe I mentioned this already, but it’s just so much fun to say it again…

The Everblades won the Kelly Cup!


Pupienus has it right, they are trolls trying to get a reaction. I wish people could just ignore them but then they would just keep doing more extreme stunts to get attention. Truly vile people.


Your daily Zappa: Beatles edition.

Picture yourself with a whore from New Orleans . . .
Loisianna Hookers with herpes da da da . . .

Also, Zappa, Lennon and either a very disturbed stray cat or Yoko Ono. Also too, don’t move the mike stand Frank WTF!


have you ever read ‘the beaver papers’? it’s the “lost” season of leave it to beaver with scripts written by literary giants…cracks my shit up every time i read it…

I’ve had that book for many yrs. (A gift. First [trade paper] edition, from 1983. Dunno if I’ve had it that long.) & just read it for the first time a couple of mos. ago.

Pretty funny, depending on the literary giant.


She’s a woman & she’s Oriental, that’s why nobody likes her music!!


Sharkalligator related

Also, too. I saw that Zappa medley live, back in the day. I think I saw it in Hartford, but it might have been Springfield, so it might have even been that very performance. That was the tour that he teamed up with the NOW registering voters in the venue.

Crap. I’m getting old.


She’s a woman & she’s Oriental, that’s why nobody likes her music!!

Well, there’s that minor problem with not being able to sing. That might have turned a few people off.


Singing is highly over-rated (Talentist!!) esp. when you can wail like that.


For some odd reason I just now decided to find a vid of . Takes me back, that does.


i am still tweeking my tator

That’s what you crazy kids are calling it, these days?

I know the feeling. Only gonna be adding product forEVAR. No, I’m not nearly done, yet.

We can blame VS for this one.


Ahh, Ian Drury!

Funny, I was also just checking the past.

Freedom of Choice.


Trickling in on the way to a new thread.

/this is not a new thread warning…


Damn them!

Of course, I haven’t turned my tv on in almost two weeks. What will they do to me???


What will they do to me???

I guess it all depends … do you float?


Not necessarily, but I can swim with a coconut tied to my neck…


Is the response of every conservative male to a liberal woman who speaks her mind “suck my cock; no seriously, suck it?”


Freedom Of Choice

That’s an O for Awesome right there, dude …


Subs you sent me to the corner….bastard, well i made the mistake of not checking the url before hitting that link…so really my fault, but……

/shakes fist


Reportedly, U.S. Attorney Christie physically embraced Qatanani, praising him as “a man of great good will,” at an Islamic center in Passaic that was closely linked to the Holy Land Foundation Hamas-financing case — which the Bush Justice Department was prosecuting at that very time.

Holy shit, Fat Boy is worse than Obama was when he hugged that Harvard professor! Reportedly.


Dead was exactly my thought.

Also, the “eco-friendly” tote bag at the bottom. Think Andy’s spinning yet?


“EXCUSE ME WHILE I SAVE THE WORLD” is spot on because he totally did that.


I can swim with a coconut tied to my neck…
African or European coconut?


That’s not a coconut tied to his neck, that’s his head!


CHE! (Or maybe BRE!)



Okay, the last one wasn’t there, but come on.


This post at sadlyno has 450 comments, the original post by Sowell has 18 comments. Maybe all is not lost.


Funny, I was also just checking the past.

I have just been Living in the Past


This post at sadlyno has 450 comments, the original post by Sowell has 18 comments. Maybe all is not lost.

That sounds like a shot across the bow (or a reason to take a break from organizing my bookmarks)
From a luminary in the comments;

And despite their dwindling numbers, whites will continue to be treated as the oppressive majority until such time when a new scapegoat must be enlisted and punished as the root of all evil. Lather, rinse, repeat. But no oppressor will ever satisfy quite like the white man.

I Got sucked into Sowells first sentence, then sucked into working on a piece about the concept of the coming “white” minority which will doubtless occur in time. However long after that tipping point occurs persons of predominantly European descent will remain the dominant homogeneous cultural majority.. Person born of African American ancestry will not outnumber those of European ancestry in five generations, nor will persons of Asian or Latin ancestry. And until the secret meetings start in the interest in forming an axis of non-European ancestry, these guys are crapping their underoos for no legitimate reasons (fear, ignorance and hate are not legitimate.reasons IMO).

Sure, the lesser lights of the Euopanistanis have the sinking suspicion that their previous leg up will no longer be operative in the game of “the Devil takes the Hindmost” and will find much less support for previous remedies to that particular station (lynchings, race riots, etc). I might almost feel for Fredx10, if I was not reasonably certain that he has muttered “fucking niggers” or some variation thereof within the last week.


I’m up for the secret meetings. (I enjoy conspiracies.) I must be a race traitor or sumpin.


Fenwick, If such a scene transpires you will surely be on the newsletter subscription list.

BTW, i am sure you have seen 7 days in May (which I am watching right now). I think it makes for a perfect memorial day entertainment. I am pretty sure they don’t show it on the TV anymore. It is hard not to see Curtis lemay as the inspiration for Scott, chairman of the joint Chiefs played by Burt Lancaster. Douglas, March, and Gardner are awesome as well.

Happy memorial day to you fine sir, and all of the other Sadly, No! Veterans out there.


You know, the way I see it is that if you are worried about becoming a minority race at some time in the future then this would be a really good time to stop making race a thing. If you start treating difference in skin color the same way you treat difference in hair color and put a little peer pressure on the folks around you to do the same then you won’t have to worry about wether you are becoming a minority or not.


If you start treating difference in skin color the same way you treat difference in hair color and put a little peer pressure on the folks around you to do the same then you won’t have to worry about whether you are becoming a minority or not.

This would be awesome, if we were talking about rational actors. It would also be awesome because those of us with the dark hair would suddenly become the overlords. On the other hand, it would be relatively trivial for everybody to adopt the dominant hair color and then all of this talk of minority vs majority would be moot.

Unfortunately the perceived loss of privilege is what really sticks in their craw.

Since it is a slow day, and i still have the tab open,let’s find another genius commenter at the Corner.

Andy D
05/21/12 08:09

The sad thing about this is that although the left panders to minority voters, the promises the left makes with those voters are promises that are never fulfilled. Those promises can’t be fulfilled because if they were, the left wouldn’t have any snake oil left to sell those voters. Consider the recent statement by left-leaning radio personality Santita Jackson who appeared as a guest on Sean Hannity’s radio show. She stated that Rick Santorum was racist because he didn’t want black people to succeed without using “other people’s money”. When you realize “other people’s money” means tax revenue converted into programs then the fallacy of the left becomes apparent. To paraphrase Santita, the left only wants black people to experience success commensurate with the quantity of government assistance they use to attain that success. This is despite overwhelming evidence indicating that government assistance and success rarely go hand in hand. It’s hard to point to a single man or woman, now a successful businessperson, who points at a battery of government programs as being the source of their success. Yet it remains the top selling point for the left in swooning minority voters.

Until voters realize the left is essentially keeping them on the plantation they’ll keep voting left and losing out in life.

Now this Andy character is a free thinker of the highest order, and nothing short of original. Now take the first sentence for example. Replace the word left with right and minority with evangelical, and you actually have an honest description of of winger governance. Next we meet “left-leaning” (a weasel construction) Santita Jackson (anybody ever heard of this person?) who manages to parrot a right wing view of what “the Blacks” want which just so happens to fit perfectly the demonize and disrespect narrative of the Shiftless and lazy negro that has been cultivated since the end of slavery. And because Andy is not sure that everyone heard the dogwhistle, feels the need to paraphrase giving himself an opportunity to bust out the thesaurus and thrall us with his rhetorical chops. Then there is this beaut:
It’s hard to point to a single man or woman, now a successful businessperson, who points at a battery of government programs as being the source of their success.

Andy, I hate to break it to you , but this is evidence of nothing, lots of successful people have managed to completely blind themselves to the impact of government spending on their ability to succeed. One might call it the “Bootstrap Fallacy”.

Sticks the landing with the “Plantation Analogy”. That is some top shelf wingnuttery.


Unfortunately the perceived loss of privilege is what really sticks in their craw.

Alas, that’s the nub of it. Progressive wish for a better world for all, conservatives wish for a better world for themselves.


Btw, if you’re not doing anything, I would dearly love your multiple choice opinion of what next to add to the product list.



Brad Nelson
05/22/12 00:11

Applause. We should count ourselves lucky to receive the wisdom of Thomas Sowell . . . and even luckier if Americans would take his advice.

“Recieving the wisdom”

i swear, if i run into any 14 year old kids, I am really try to make sure that this is what the kids are calling it these days.

One of our own slips one past the goalie:

rodert rudis
05/24/12 16:01


“We should not change our views to get voters but it is tough to know what to do, especially when minorities have been taught not to even listen to conservative voices.”

Truly amazing. Which conservative voices would you have the minorities listen to? Rush, Savage, Boortz, or how about Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the Arizona sheriff who runs a torture chamber for Latinos? Has it occurred to you that when minorities do listen to conservative voices, what they hear are the hate filled rants of racists and bigots? Change your messenger to a reasonable voice and the message to one of inclusion instead of exclusion and you might have some success in winning over the minorities to your side.

Allow me an example: after 911, how many Republicans went on the stump to defend Muslims living in America against charges of being un-American, despite the fact that most Muslims were Republican? Only one, as I recall, George W. Bush. Every other Republican Senator and Representative used the anger against Islam to strengthen their political standing with the most ignorant of their voters by either ignoring the threats against Muslims or even encouraging them.

The fact of the matter is that the Republican Party, long before Nixon’s Southern strategy, have used race, religion, and minority based themes to divide voters. Well, now you have divided yourselves nearly out of existence. And you wonder why the minorities won’t listen to you!


It is a slow day here at S,N! I guess everyone is out enjoying the holiday. Me? I’m stuck working because we never close. I don’t want to work, but the money’s good. I hope the rest of you are out there having one of those days.


Alas, that’s the nub of it. Progressive wish for a better world for all, conservatives wish for a better world for themselves.

This. right. here.

We are almost in bumper-sticker territory with that one.


I hope the rest of you are out there having one of those days.I hope the rest of you are out there having one of those days.

I’ll be around to keep yoou company as I don’t have any serious plans for the day, just planning on whipping up some chicken bean burritos and maybe roasting, grilling and frying some chicken thighs and legs. Oh and I might help Jeffraham with his poll. and finish watching seven days in may and put the finishing touches on the latest version of the OS I just installed on my computilator while adding words like the previous to the spell check dictionary)

I hope you are getting at least time and a half mon frere.


Jeffraham, i have added my .02 to your poll.


Consider the recent statement by left-leaning radio personality Santita Jackson who appeared as a guest on Sean Hannity’s radio show. She stated that Rick Santorum was racist because he didn’t want black people to succeed without using “other people’s money”. When you realize “other people’s money” means tax revenue converted into programs then the fallacy of the left becomes apparent. To paraphrase Santita, the left only wants black people to experience success commensurate with the quantity of government assistance they use to attain that success.

No, Mr Deep Thinker, the reason it was racist is because Santorum assumes, as do you, that blacks make up the bulk of the assistance rolls(and also that a large proportion of the black population is on assistance and doesn’t pay taxes), when the truth is whites are not only the bulk but disproportionately so. In short, bite me.


No, Mr Deep Thinker, the reason it was racist is because Santorum assumes, as do you, that blacks make up the bulk of the assistance rolls…

I remember sometime shortly after St.Reagan made great hay with the Welfare driving Cadillac canard, that I noticed an uptick of footage of black folk attached to any news item about crime or welfare. After awhile I would start to cringe if the pre-commercial tagline indicated that the next story was going to be about either subject, knowing that they were going to window dress the story with the least flattering images of Black people they could manage to dig up.

Mr. Deep Thinker was probably steeped in that sweet, sweet tea of dehumanization of the “not one of us”. Reagan played a great game of divide and conquer. His early policies all but killed off the family farm and as all of those previously hard working salt of the earth types were getting angry he pointed a finger of blame on a straw person created from whole cloth. And this is where I usually like to remind people “yet another example of when Negroes came to the inadvertent rescue of Plutocracy.”

Burrito time.


Waiting for lunch to finish itself up so here we go again;

05/22/12 09:51

I’m glad Dr. Sowell is a realist here. I keep hearing some conservatives say that Latinos will vote for republicans because Latino immigrants come from socially conservative backgrounds. They often say the same about the future of the black community. They cite things like black voters supporting prop 8 in California and Herman Cain running for president as evidence that black voters will move in the conservative direction. People believe that because Cuban Latinos dislike Castro and often vote republican that the whole Latino community will soon come around to fiscal conservatism, free markets and all other conservative platforms.

Aside from the first sentence, Zac gets off to a surprisingly rational start, like he might be one of those ‘atives you might have a friendly debate with, In fact if he had not let the cat straight out of the bag, I might be inclined to think that this was some material with shich I could work.

Unfortunately that is completely naive. Pointing at outliers and believing them to be a trend is not sound reasoning. It may be true that Latinos and Blacks have some conservative views but that is not the way they see it. The vast majority of most ethnic and racial minority groups have voted democrat (and more to the point voting for liberal candidates and policies) for quite some time and there is little sign at all that the future will be any different. In fact, most children of Latino immigrants end up more liberal than their parents, mostly because of how our public schools teach them how to view their ethnicity and place as an “oppressed group” in society.

So far so good, and as every good artist knows it is good to mix it up from time to time to keep your audience guessing, keep their attention, maintain their interest. Once we move past “…end up more liberal than their parents,…” he let’s another cat out of another bag and one suspects that he might have a bushel of individually bagged kittens waiting in the wings. At this point it becomes apparent that most of these jamokes have absolutely no respect for the minorities in question and seem to assume if they just consumed the never ending line of bullshit from conservative outlets, they would come into the light. They seem completely unaware of the impact their seething contempt might have on groups of people who might be a bit more sharp than they realize. I’ll admit (to my eternal shame) that I had a glimmer of hope for this character. I also expect that a fusillade of un-bagged kittens is near.

If conservatism is to maintain any power it will require the ability to reach out to these groups. Unfortunately, the left has so rigged the system that most Americans want to identify with some “victimized” group and demand their share of victim hood.

Whineth the oppres-sed white man.

Elizabeth Warren in a sense is part of that (though I know there’s more to that story than just wanting to be a victim.)

Do, pray, tell!

It being perfectly clear that he has a substantial understanding of the ways and motivations or the Negro and Latino population, it should not surprise that he understands the mysterious ways of the Female.

In modern America it is assumed that reaching out to different groups is to give them certain benefits and vote a certain way on various pieces of legislation. It is assumed that reaching out to Latinos means supporting amnesty for illegal immigrants and decreased border controls. It is assumed that reaching out to blacks means supporting Affirmative Action in college as well as businesses and allowing statistical disparities as proof of bias.

Zac, Zac, Zac, i can tell that you were rushing it, that you were really trying to keep it together before you blew the last of your wad. Again you get a good start out of the gate with the first sentence, though the subtext of that first sentence is clear once you parse the meaning of “different groups” as opposed to business as usual which means spend all of your political capital serving the interests and funneling all of the benefits you can to the privileged monied interests. The rest descends into a nearly Paliesque whinge implying the oppressive nature of not getting all of the goodies all of the time.

The conservative answer is to say “We don’t see people as belonging to groups but as Americans.” That is a wonderful answer but the left already has most minorities convinced that such a mentality is just “cover for continued racism.” We as conservatives have to realize that many minorities are now convinced that in order to reach out to them we have to change our positions and view them according to their group identity. I wish it were otherwise but that is reality. We should not change our views to get voters but it is tough to know what to do, especially when minorities have been taught not to even listen to conservative voices.

He stumbles right out of the gate like a blinder-ed pony that has had the smoke of pretty stories blown up its wazoo for its entire life. Then it becomes every thing you can do to avoid the cloud of terrified kittens coming at you from seemingly every direction (and while cute as hell, a terrified kitten flying through the air has some very sharp claws and will use them, and it will hurt if you are in the line of fire). Add the condescension, the patently explicit implication that the “coloreds” can’t think for themselves.

Following that train wreck with ” …but it is tough to know what to do,…” Of course it is, especially when you so thoroughly demonstrate a complete lack of respect for, a complete lack of understanding of, the very people with whom you wish to communicate. What you fail to realize is that when you showed up at the plate thinking you were the lead off hitter, you find that your team has two outs, no man on and the count to you is 0 balls and 2 strikes, such is your lack of self awareness. And you finish with that great conservative canard, that minority are little more than well trained dogs, or maybe monkeys who have no agency, but “..have been taught not to even listen…” Do you even read the shit you are saying? It is patently offensive, and all of you bastards repeat the Tropes over and over again. We are very near the end, I promise.

I don’t know really what can be done. We absolutely cannot compromise our principles hoping that will gain us minority support but many minorities believe that is the only acceptable form of outreach. I think the only thing conservatives can do is decide to participate more regularly in the institutions that propagandize liberalism: the media and education. How many conservatives get upset that liberals run the schools? Most do, but I know very few conservatives who wanted to become teachers when they grew up. I know a LOT of liberals who did. In college most of the students choosing to study teaching were liberals, even before they got to college. I know very few conservatives who want to be teachers. Can we be surprised that liberals run the schools if only they want to go into education? The same is true but to a lesser extent when it comes to journalism. I don’t really know what else can be done but the choice must not be between compromising our principles and losing every battle.

I will only add that in the main this persons seems like he might come to see the error of his ways at some point. He might have some nice wingnut welfare sinecure waiting for him, but unfortunately, he actually believes this shit, and if he ever actually became aware of the truth, he could no longer fight the “good” fight.

Thanks for your indulgence.


If you start treating difference in skin color the same way you treat difference in hair color


A Ginja said,



On the Phelps clan, it’s also going to bite them in the ass, because despite the laws and how lawsuit trials are supposed to be handled, most people decide them based on who they like the most.

I’ve been in the jury box as they decided to give less than the minimum because the plantiff was blackity black black and insufficiently giddy about the white man.

So, yeah, they’ve managed so far by staging their incitements in areas where they’ll likely be enough god-botherers to counter the people who hate them, but now that they want everyone to hate them, Real America TM isn’t going to be the easy cash cow it is now.

Eventually, they are going to go for a lawsuit and the jury will decide on zero money for them because they are assholes and then they’ll be really screwed.

Not to mention what everyone else mentioned about the more they drift into arenas with drunk angry men with short fuse territory, the more likely that an errant punch will be a shivving or worse.


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