Ah C’mon Right-Wing, You Know You Want to Call Them Sex Traitors
Helen Bot Not Know What Privilege Is, But Know it Make Master Sad. Helen Bot Must Make Master Happy… Helen Bot Knows What Makes Master Happy… Helen Bot Destroy Person Who Mentions Privilege… Only Way to Prevent… Helen Bot Not Want to Dwell.
Dr. Helen, PJ Tatler:
Uncle Tim: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is*
Let me get one thing straight before I begin. PJ Media is not the bottom of the barrel for one’s wingnut career.
PJ Media wishes it was the bottom of the barrel. It stands outside in the cold winsomely peering through a frosted over window wishing it could be the floor that the barrel stomps on with its shined up jackboots. The barrel refuses to be in the same county as PJ Media.
And no wonder with sections like the “PJ Tatler”. I was boggling a scant two months ago that PJ Media carried a fucking Lifestyles section. And now, we have a section named after a misspelled version of something elementary school bullies call their victims. I’m expecting the next section rolled out will just be PJ Goatse and instead of a tab it’ll just be fucking goatse!
Sigh, so yeah, now their tab is filled with “Columnists” bunched up in the corner like the sad pack of bottom-rung losers they are, the shudder PJ Tatler, the PJ Lifestyles bullshit, Ol’ Perfesser languishing in the minors like he belongs, the hilariously bad local TV station level PJTV, and the PJ Institute. Which is just darling, because really, nothing says dignity and totally not being an obvious wingnut welfare mill that doesn’t even understand how the think tank scam works than sticking it after 3 jokes and a punchline.
But Cerberus, you might say? What about the post? Don’t you have some acerbic annihilation to impart?
… Sigh, yeah.
Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):
- Nuh uh, straight white men don’t shut down and whine like babies at the first mention of privilege! Let me demonstrate that by shutting down and whining like a baby at the first mention of privilege on behalf of straight white men. Do I get to join the honorary male club now? Huh, do I? Do I?
If sexbots ever get invented, don’t expect to see “slutty” versions of famous actresses to be the most powerful models. Expect to see endless versions of Dr. Helen. Because to the sort of sad sack of shit that would purchase one, the chance to fulfill endless sexual fantasies will always pale in comparison to having one of those vile feminine harpies joining on their bitching crusade about how Suzie is a bitch for not recognizing their inherent genius and superiority (and isn’t that worth a lifetime of sucking the dick of a smug asshole? Huh Suzie?!?).
A reader (thanks!) sent me a post by John Scalzi, the science fiction author of such books Old Man’s War and an upcoming book titled Redshirts: A Novel with Three Codas. Scalizi’s post is entitled: “Straight White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is”:
So, yeah, John Scalzi, hard at work trying to become the sci-fi writer who is the awesomest as a person instead of just as a writer (sadly, not an overly difficult accomplishment), wrote a piece on privilege.
It’s well-written, uses a strong metaphor, and tries to make a novel approach to the tireless task of giving assholes the Privilege 101 conversation.
Sadly, it was always doomed to failure because no matter how nicely or novel you present it, the type of straight white man that devolves into fits over a privilege conversation will do so for all privilege conversations.
And that’s simply because they don’t object to the conversation so much as the very reality. Not just that reality, but all reality.
And that’s because they need two things to be true:
1) The continued existence of privilege for them and discrimination for others, at the same levels it has always existed, in order for them to feel the high thrill of “succeeding” and thus feeling like anything other than a complete loser who makes a dog’s breakfast of their lives.
2) And a complete global denial of the existence of privilege. It doesn’t count as winning when everyone can see the blade marks of where you hamstrung all the other competitors before the race. They need to pretend that it was only their own hard work (of being born into the right genetic patterns or parentage) that made them what they are or else 1 might as well be a Participation medal at an Elementary School Athletics Competition.
So, yeah, the first and only step is to whine and bitch and scream and pound on the ground whenever anyone so much as breathes a word of the stacked deck. Let’s let the Helen Bot demonstrate:
I’ve been thinking of a way to explain to straight white men how life works for them, without invoking the dreaded word “privilege,” to which they react like vampires being fed a garlic tart at high noon. It’s not that the word “privilege” is incorrect, it’s that it’s not their word. When confronted with “privilege,” they fiddle with the word itself, and haul out the dictionaries and find every possible way to talk about the word but not any of the things the word signifies.
Scalzi gives some lame analogy about computers and being male in US society in which straight white men have it the easiest and minorities and women and all others are born into trouble:
Not bad on the distraction scale. Cut the quote off before you get to the meat of the post. Make an eye-rolling dismissive shorter that tells rather than shows. A good solid setup…
Or at least it would be if Dr. Helen hadn’t been stupid enough to write down the fucking title of Scalzi’s post! Yeah, his title kind of is his main point, in fact, the analogy he makes is right there in the title. “Straight white male is the lowest difficulty setting”. The lazy tigers of PJ Media don’t even need to move their mouses to see Dr. Helen’s complete fail.
Heck, to make it easier for them, she adapted the title of his post for her own damn post. An adaption, mind, that requires them to actually click on the link or read Scalzi’s title in order to even understand.
At this level of lazy self-destruction, I’m pretty sure it qualifies as a cry for help. So many posts writing about how bitches deserve to die and their rapist masters should be given free blowjobs all day every day to a jungle of tigers that will roar at anything she puts down… At this point, she wants to get caught out, for someone to fix her broken processor and get her out of her dungeon.
What? We’re just here to point at laugh. Ha ha, stupid robot, can’t even get out of a little quicksand!
So that’s “Straight White Male” for you in The Real World (and also, in the real world): The lowest difficulty setting there is. All things being equal, and even when they are not, if the computer — or life — assigns you the “Straight White Male” difficulty setting, then brother, you’ve caught a break.
I say “bullshit.” Straight white men are today’s whipping boy.
Yes, verily, for straight white men have long been kept out of the very halls of pow… Ah, truly their earning potentials have long been reduced by… Ah, of course, they are often over-prosecuted for victimless crimes and have their neighborhoods designated the “bad ones” simply because they… Maybe they are more targeted for hate crimes or have numerous current laws targeting them specifically for second-class citizen… Oh.
You meant that sometimes people DARE ask their holy selves for a hand out of the gutter they dug for them and sometimes even politely ask them to at least stop pissing on them while they’re down.
Well, hold on there, Theodore Joadson! I’m not sure people can take such a frank story of such immense and horrific oppression!
Scalzi’s fawning commenters start out telling him how brilliant his little essay is while this Uncle Tim and some (but not all–some commenters fight back) of his sycophants eat it up.
Yes, whenever commenters praise a good work of craft, especially at a blog they regularly read because they agree with the content more often than not, that is no truer sign that the work is completely without merit and isn’t even worth a response.
A true work of art and erudition is one that is universally panned, even by those who usually have tolerance for the author’s crap and which is repeatedly debunked by anyone with half a brain cell.
I see nothing at all wrong with that construction.
Though… um… Helen Bot? How is that supposed to scan with the fact that every single conservative comment thread is nothing but the tigers jumping over themselves to praise the author and nominate them for sainthood? This is another one of those cries for help, isn’t it?
Uncle Tim? What the flying fuck level of stupid is this shit? An Uncle Tom is a black person who will do anything to stay in good with the dominant power. You know, like you do with regards to throwing your fellow sisters under the bus.
What you are thinking of is a race traitor, or rather a sex traitor. I.e. someone who dares try and treat the underclass as equals thus “betraying” the dominant class.
But I guess using the first word that popped in your head was a little too obvious for even the broken dog-whistled current Republican Party. So instead we get this nonsensical insanity instead.
And on a related note, how is “being a sex traitor” the “easiest difficulty setting” to follow your IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION? Cause by the very analogy you’ve shat out, that’s simply impossible.
Cause either Scalzi reality is right and straight white men are the most privileged group of people and thus siding with women drops you a rank. Or Helen Bot’s green-skied mirror-universe is correct and women are the most powerful group of people on the planet and thus men who curry their favor are inherently second-class citizens.
I know it’s a petty thing to pummel her on, but I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t mind anymore that the premises are from Saturn and the facts are from their fucking distended assholes! I just want them to be internally consistent. Or at least, if not that, then not immediately disproving itself before the internet professional snark brigade can get a good solid boot in.
Seriously, wingnuts, you got to leave me something to work with!
In my upcoming book with Encounter Publishing entitled “Male Strike: Why Society’s War Against Men is Suicidal and What to Do About It,” I discuss these Uncle Tim types (those who put down other men) whose life is made easier by pandering to women and other men who are either Uncle Tims themselves or White Knights trying to save a damsel in distress.
In my upcoming book: “Please love me and treat me like a man instead of a useless woman” I discuss such important topics as how I wish my robotic joints would allow a sex change so I could be less of a burden on male society and why my inventor apparently thought that the Stepford Men’s Association was a bunch of pussy-loving faggots.
Also, not to interrupt a good tantrum, but was there going to be any actual response to Scalzi’s post?
I mean, you literally quoted the section where he said explaining privilege causes straight white men to shriek in horror and shut down and have basically just called him a man-hater who was attacking men for it.
I know and you know that you’ve got nothing, but you could make it a little less obvious that your side thinks politely pointing out the existence of reality is equivalent to 3 Hiroshimas and an Auschwitz?
There is always a benefit to putting down straight white males. What’s yours, Scalzi?
Yeah! Treating women like full human beings, acknowledging basic reality! There must be something in it for you! Like getting into women’s pants!
…not that anyone would ever want that.
I mean, Glenn constantly tells me that whenever he beats me for lacking a robot penis he can lovingly stroke! So what is it? Opting out of the incoming Gynocracy? Free money from the Abortion Industry? The fabled ability to interact with the world that exists rather than pining for a past that never was?!?
What is your secret Scalzi?!? TELL ME!!!!!
My question to readers is, what is the best way to handle an Uncle Tim who puts down other men, laughs at their misfortune and even gets ahead politically with this behavior?
Yeah, how do you handle the strawman I created, readers? My diodes have literally given up after so much misuse that I can’t even be arsed to finish my own setups. Yeah, this guy is an enemy of the Manosphere and blah blah, tell me why he’s a demon fag and post it under my name.
Apparently, not only has Jonah given the right their template for every single post they ever write anymore (“no, you see, it is actually (X group that is genuinely being oppressed) who are the real oppressors”), but apparently has also given them his work ethic.
Hey, why not skip that step as well and just let liberal snarkers write your posts for you. At this point, we could do it better than you ever could.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Turning a 5 paragraph post with 3 brain cells of thought into a 12 trillion word beast is invented by me. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
*You know, I’ve seen a lot of stupid shit in my time as a front-pager at this site, but I’ll admit… I wasn’t actually expecting to see someone literally try to pull a “No, you” in the fucking title to their projection filled “I’m rubber, you’re glue” post. Oh sure, I expected any number of posts that were basically saying it, but that had at least enough shame to hide it. This though? It’s her hogtying the popular girl and dipping her pigtais in ink in order to make the boys like her… while she’s in her fucking 40s! There might be sadder sights at Sadly, No, but frankly, not by much.
Maj. Kong, your mother must be so proud.
I’m so far behind in my SNo! reading that I haz a permanent sad.
“Straight white men are today’s whipping boy.”
I’ve never understood this sentiment. These people are such precious cupcakes that they cannot withstand the slightest bit of snark from coloured folks or feminists without going HELP, HELP! I’M BEING OPPRESSED!
It’s as if the only way to get into the cool club is to out-victim the true victims.
Straight white men are today’s whipping boy.
I usually have to pay for that sort of thing.
Actually, it never occurred to me before that in the dog-eat-dog world of the jockish right, where winning is everything, white guys might want to prove their innate superiority by showing what better (and more deserving) victims they can be.
I say “bullshit.” Straight white men are today’s whipping boy. Shouldn’t that be “whipping boys” since the subject “men” is a plural? I am trying not to be snarky since my own grammar is an amusing melange of mostly forgotten simplifications, but she is critiquing (well what else are you going to call it) someone else’s writing.
Also, hey Mrs.Ole Professor!! Your upcoming book made me nearly upcome my dinner. have a care ,madam!
Straight white men are today’s whipping boy.
They’re also copying Jonah’s “The white male is the Jew of Liberal Fascism.”
boy whipping boy whipping boy whipping boy whipping boy whipping boy whipping boy brb
Dr. Helen bot is late to the party. This is an old meme. The last time I saw the like, it was Hannity or someone of that mental, ahem, caliber using as evidence all the goofy white male characters in TeeVee sitcoms and commercials who are perpetually bested by the crafty women around them and made to look like complete buffoons. It also proves beyond doubt that Hollywood and the media are overwhelmingly liberal. And by prove, they mean just accept the absurd premise and flawed, subjective anecdotal observations thrown around like money poop, because that’s all there is to any wingnut argument anyway.
Monkey poop. Dammit!
Conservatism: the nagging fear that somewhere, a dark skinned and/or female citizen might have enough to eat.
Not even Japandroids could keep me awake last night.
GOPStraight White Man’s Party is hoping to get these guys to be the featured artist at their convention.Six years ago, Glenn and Helen were all over Scalzi like a tropical disease.
I figured the PJ Tatler would be a hateful section detailing the insanely opulent lifestyles of a bunch of spoilt, inexplicably rich sodhats while sucking them off in dazzled astonishment at how much money they have. But a whole section for that would probably be redundant, especially with Mitt Romney running for President.
“Straight white men are today’s whipping boy.”
What a waste. Surely the good doctorette could have squeezed in a few more adjectives eg, Straight-white-Christian-college educated-professionals with nicely clipped finger nails are today’s whipping boy.”
Actually, it never occurred to me before that in the dog-eat-dog world of the jockish right, where
winningwhining is everything, white guys might want to prove their innate superiority by showing what better (and more deserving) victims they can be.Ficksed!
Six years ago, Glenn and Helen were all over Scalzi like a tropical disease.
Mr. Clyde, sir, while you tempt me with the discription embedded in your link, i tend to make it a point to avoid rewarding hacks like Earnest T. Bass esq. with page views, as well the possibility of increasing that hacks revenue by even a tenth of a cent is somewhat anathema to me. Granted, I will exit the boat on occassions (however now that Cerb does such a thourough and devestating carpet bombing of most of the mango plantations in questions) I find those forays to be less often necessary.
I guess what I am slowly getting around to is the admission that i have used up my yearly insta-hack hit quota and was wondering if you might be so kind as to post a snippet of Robo-Hicks slobberings assuming that they are something more substantial than a dropped link and an approving heh-indeedy.
Thanks in advance for your kindness sir.
…inexplicably rich sodhats…
Well played, Bozo. i think that I am tempted to add this to my arenal of invective.
As I put it in the last thread, when helen-bot’s post first came across the transom, and while Cerb has alluded to it Uncle tim is just a slightly more pc version of “Nigger lover”, with women and other members of the disadvantaged or under privileged classes serving as stand ins for same.
We are all
SparticusNiggers now.…
On another more cheerful note, it just occuyrs to me that it would be really cool if there could be some way to condence and or convert sadly thread (others of course as well) to an ebook format, so that folk who find themselves behind, Like Mr. Chowder above, or say away from the interwebs, or even when sitting down and making boom boom on the toily, could fire up their kindle or whatnot and catch up on the wit and wimsy.
i guess I might have to have a peek around.
was wondering if you might be so kind as to post a snippet of Robo-Hicks slobberings assuming that they are something more substantial than a dropped link and an approving heh-indeedy
Can’t be arsed embedding the links to the podcasted interview:
Teh Whackyweedia entry on Scalzi also points us to a 2008 Glenn Reynolds interview with Scalzi (only available to PJMedia subscribers), ’10 Years of “Whatever,” Hate Mail & Practicing for the Apocalypse With John Scalzi’.
I guess I might have to have a peek around.
It seems that there are plenty of converters around, and while I dont have one of the devices to test the ouput on I did find a reader that I could use on me linux box, and the conversion is passable.
I used this one. though there are others.
Can’t be arsed embedding the links to the podcasted interview:
And I couldn’t be arsed to listen to it. One thing to read the slimey trail, another entirely to allow it to impact any other senses.
Thanks for the blurb, it was quite enough to suit my curiosity on the matter. You sir, are a Gentleman and Scholar!
I’ve never understood the bizarre hostility to the concept of privilege. It’s not really a controversial observation that white men don’t have to worry about getting hooted at by construction workers, is it? Is it the Mrs. Dr. Robot’s belief that her robot husband has to deal with a lot of construction workers who catcall him?
The robot is the Jew of liberal fascism.
Let me get one thing straight before I begin. PJ Media is not the bottom of the barrel for one’s wingnut career.
PJ Media wishes it was the bottom of the barrel. It stands outside in the cold winsomely peering through a frosted over window wishing it could be the floor that the barrel stomps on with its shined up jackboots. The barrel refuses to be in the same county as PJ Media.
I… have to say I find that hard to believe, unless we’re counting things like Stormfront as also part of the barrel. I read PJMedia for about a year or two after the election just to use it as a bellwether for what the other side was thinking, and it’s a pretty good combination of the bad and the worst. I can think of other websites that are as bad, but few that are worse.
Cerberus – you should get out more. PJ Tatler is more likley a reference to the British Tatler magazine rather than anything to do with playground bullying. I once stood in a queue in a (British) Safeway’s supermarket behind Clive James who was reading Tatler, but then all Australians are oiks!
For fuck’s sake, she’s married to Glenn Reynolds, a douchebag wrapped in a tampon. That would make any woman batshit crazy by default.
Though… um… Helen Bot? How is that supposed to scan with the fact that every single conservative comment thread is nothing but the tigers jumping over themselves to praise the author and nominate them for sainthood? This is another one of those cries for help, isn’t it?
I did notice that while reading their comments section. Big difference between this website (or Balloon Juice) and PJMedia: I honestly don’t remember ever seeing a single argument between the people in the PJM comments section over anything that mattered. You know, there’d be the occasional “what do YOU think – are liberals evil or stupid?” arguments, but disagreements with each other over politics or over their politicians, never. Like, you’ll see people here arguing whether Obama did the wrong thing or could have done something better than he did or whatever; I never, ever read them talking about their politicians that way. You’ll find people disagreeing over how to run a country, but not at PJMedia. Etc, etc, etc. It’s pretty striking. Maybe it changed in the primaries when all the candidates were at each other’s throats.
Flying monkeys descended on John Scalzi’s blog. The Mallet of Loving Correction rained down upon them.
Scalzi collected his deletions here.
Wait, it really is a reference to The Tatler? Fucking right-wing Americans envying us our class system? It sucks, people, it cold sucks. And the likes of you wouldn’t be allowed within 900 feet of Goga Ashkenazi, so cheg on.
Le Donalde? America’s Shittiest Website ™? Whatever hole Brian Fisher crawls out of?
I’ve never understood the bizarre hostility to the concept of privilege.
They don’t mind the concept of privilege, they use it all the time to whine about so-called “liberal elites” (or worse, about black people, immigrants, Muslims, union workers, government workers and poor people, all of whom are supposedly benefiting from an unfair advantage). They just mind the assertion that they’re benefiting from any privilege at all. Because let’s face it, no one wants to admit that they’re assholes who were born on third and didn’t earn a damn thing.
Don’t know Scalzi’s work. May have to read some now..l
I think their hostility to privilege has a lot to do with how difficult it is to spell.
Because let’s face it, no one wants to admit that they’re assholes who were born on third and didn’t earn a damn thing.
Yeah, but most descriptions of privilege I’ve seen go out of their way to emphasize that it isn’t your fault for being on the receiving end of privilege — it’s not like you could help it. No one says you should demand that department store clerks should follow you around if you’re white, or that you should demand that construction workers should whistle at you if you’re male. Entertaining though that may be…
Don’t know Scalzi’s work. May have to read some now…
He’s quite good. I’ve only read a couple of his novels, but they’ve been a lot of fun. And his blog is awfully good, too. He once taped bacon to a cat.
And I couldn’t be arsed to listen to it. One thing to read the slimey trail, another entirely to allow it to impact any other senses.
Though it would be mildly amusing to know how the Mrs Dr Professor Helen went from loving Scalzi’s books to acting like he was the one who swapped superglue for her haemorrhoid cream, it wouldn’t be *that* amusing. Perhaps she discovered he wasn’t One Of Us after all.
Don’t know Scalzi’s work. May have to read some now.
Charlie Stross rates for him.
Charlie Stross rates for him.
I’m putty in your hands.
Taping tuna to a dog would be funnier than taping bacon to a cat.
He once taped bacon to a cat.
Allright, i’m sold!
I should’ve linked to the bacon cat post when I mentioned it the first time…
Well. Irony got fucked in the ass again.
What do you call women who are so fucking desperate for tongue baths from misogynist men that they will drop trou and take a dump on all their fellow women?
I loved this nugget in Scalzi’s followup, where he discusses some of the reactions he’s received:
Perfect! (Except for the assumption that most of those whiners are capable of figuring out anything.)
I also just discovered that Scalzi has had previous entanglements with Dr. Mrs. Robot — basically, Dr. Mrs. Robot took exception to Scalzi’s wife laying some minor smackdown on a douchebag in a bar who got drunk and assholey with her…
Oh, and Whatsherbutt links to something called “The Red Pill Room” (the third word seems appropriate) for what she calls “a good discussion of Scalzi’s lame post.” Here’s the nut graf:
Seeking exotic barmaid for fun and romance. No kids please. Call 1-555-GO-GALT.
What do you call women who are so fucking desperate for tongue baths from misogynist men that they will drop trou and take a dump on all their fellow women?
Thanks for the link to the bacon on cat post, John.
/tips hat
The Helenbot is married to a guy who spent $22 to have a 12-pack of motherfucking iced tea mailed to him from his favorite porcine radio ranter, then went on to praise said radio shill for being a genius businessman because, hey…he suckered him into spending $22 on something he could have made himself for under $2.
And the Helenbot remains married to said moron doofus, which tells you all you need to know about the Helenbot.
I think the choice of te word “privilege” for the concept was a mistake. It is the right word from an etymological perspective (private law) but it doesn’t really match the everyday meaning of the word. Not getting catcalls, not getting stopped by te cops for no reason, not being presumed to be a criminal…these are not “privileges”. They’re fundamental rights that some people don’t have.
I like Scalzi’s Low Difficulty concept better, as a means of explaining to people who don’t already get it.
Fundamental rights that some people don’t have is the liberal of fascist Judaism.
Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out. Oh wait. Do.
Also, BUH-BYE.
Dudes. Seriously, don’t go away mad, just go away. You can only be a Keyboard Warrior for so long. At some point, you’re going to have to ACT.
I actually was aware of the British Tatler and was thinking about how to include a joke about it in the post, but it ended up getting edited out.
Basically, yes, it’s possible that they were trying to emulate the Tatler or borrow the name for some bizarre reason involving perceived slights or in-jokes, but frankly I’m not willing to give them that much credit.
The Tatler is a standard “lifestyles of the rich and famous” mag and the PJ Tatler well… no, just no.
It’s literally nothing but posts whining about how white men are the most oppressed group ever and minorities are sneaky fuckers getting away with everything. “Brave Artist Makes Brave Stand by Making Brave, Courageous Christ Popsicles”, “Do Privileged White Men Really Rule the World?”, and so on.
Yeah, sure, they bothered to include a picture of Richard Steele looking like a douche in the header, but if that’s all it takes to claim a historical tradition to someone then call me the next James Cameron.
Yeah, that’s about what I was getting at. That there is the bottom of the barrel and somewhere so beneath it can’t even get an invitation is poor PJ Media.
A reasonably well-educated Straight White Male can make a decent living doing all sorts of things in a third world country — and have a lot of fun while he’s there. Why go tromping off to Mordor when you can hang out in a distant village with exotic barmaids, intriguing ales, and the potential for adventures beyond the Divorce Court and Weekend Dad modules?
I like that this is presented as if it is a counterargument to privilege.
No, no, we’re not privileged, we totally have the ability to go anywhere in the world and be treated as the dominant group with the easiest chance of assimilation into the highest ranks of the society without any effort!
Also, we’re so not privileged that we fantasize about “Dark Continent Expeditions” to distract us from how our lives lack any genuine struggle or hardship whatsoever.
Take that, Scalzi!
Not to mention, the immense lack of privilege needed to be able to see third world nations as “cool bars” and “cheap women” one can exploit to death instead of where one was born and where one will probably die after a lifetime of being exploited by rich asshole tourists looking for a place to let their id fly free without any inconvenient “laws” getting in their way.
‘Money poop’ may have been a typing error, but it’s an interesting concept. I can imagine finding little green turdlets in my otherwise empty wallet.
Le Donalde? America’s Shittiest Website ™? Whatever hole Brian Fisher crawls out of?
I’ll put the first two in the “as bad” column. Le Donaldeeee might be worse but I never look at his crap anymore since the you know who is Tintin debacle. Fischer’s SPLC-identified hate group was around before teh webbicles I think but in any case they aren’t primarily a web site.
I should clarify – I enjoyed his Tintin fiasco but lost interest after that dwindled away.
Monkey poop.
Might want to fix that typo, Cerb.
Pointing out typos does not a grammar nazi make, though i am not suggesting that you are not a Grammar nazi.
Carry on.
Sometimes the simplest things are the best on a breezy Satuerday morn. A couple of slices of bacon and a single egg scrambled (lazily) in the bacon grease.
Mmmmmmm bacon……….
Sometimes the simplest things are the best on a breezy Satuerday morn.
Like a scooter ride around the neighborhood, running errands, smelling the wonderful air.
“Goatse”? What’s ‘goatse’?
Link, please.
Actually, I recall feminists’ complaining about men who appear to be supportive just to increase their chances with women, and (though I have no source at now) I believe I’ve read at least one radical feminist who opines that this is the only reason any man ever gives any kind of lip-service to the Cause…so if we want to make Dr Helen’s head assplode, we can just praise her for agreeing with feminists, especially the more radical ones.
Dr. Helen, PJ Tatler:
Uncle Tim: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is*
Reading the title of the good doctor’s post, in your post, I thought Uncle Tim was going to be a real person. Possibly some actual, distant, make-believe, relative the hellbot could beat up on, rather than the usual straw man. Then halfway through your post I read:
Uncle Tim? What the flying fuck level of stupid is this shit? An Uncle Tom is a black person who will do anything to stay in good with the dominant power.
Un??vable! In a world full of stupid analogies, that one moves right into my top ten list! How fucking obtuse, insulting, disgus…grrrr…gnash…spittle… I could set my Hoover to blow instead of suck, point it at my keyboard, and expect better. Robot? I think not.
I hate to ask, but what is the asterisk for?
Check the bottom of the post. It’s a footnote.
Footnotes are the Jews of piedmont fascism!
Mmmmmmm bacon……….
Bacon covered with cat hair, not so mmmmmm.
Garnishes are a matter of personal taste.
OOOPS! Yesterday was the anniversary of the Mt. St. Helens eruption and I neglected to post this.
I’m sitting in a hotel room in Tallahassee, eating the “scooby snack” I saved from this morning’s flight.
On the early morning flights we get these little snack boxes that contain various things like cheese, crackers, granola bars etc. I think some of the airlines will sell you one of these for a highly inflated price.
The crew force unanimously started calling these things “scooby snacks”.
GIS for “money poop” (with quotes) returns surprisingly dull results.
> OOOPS! Yesterday was the anniversary of the Mt. St. Helens eruption and I neglected to post this.
Proof that not everyone who wanted to get laid in the ’70s did…the desire and frustration bubble up from just under the surface of that prose like…like…well, some evil version of a bodily fluid.
A planet teetering on the edge of crisis, and this is the kind of shit they want us to be concerned about…
You thought you would have your way forever…
Christ, what a blithering twunt.
I must’ve missed the “Those SWM’s Have It So Damn Easy Party” on my last ballot.
Likewise the cited Meanie McMeanerson who’s apparently spending his days cackling at what a perilous hellscape of agony & despond the world is for all his fellow pale-penis-persons.
My guess is that if you run any good antivirus program on the HelenBot, the only thing left when it stops will be either a wig or an IUD.
Further proof that the white man is the real oppressed minority.
MajorK, ever think about smuggling a hot plate and some bacon onto a flight when you are gonna be riding in the jump seat and cooking up some crispy goodness at 35,000 feet?
Just wonderin’
Most of our planes don’t have galleys, or even a coffee maker. That was all taken out to save weight. Most don’t have a standard 110v electrical outlet either.
Our MD-11s and 777s that fly international routes have galleys and the crews get hot meals.
The rest of us get box lunches if the flight is considered long enough. Otherwise we just get a scooby snack and a thermos of coffee.
You’d be hard-pressed to find a more lovable cat in this galaxy.
Cat pimpin’ s pretty gross. Who wants to fuck pus–oh. Wait.
Curly looks a bit perturbed (purr-turbed?) in that picture.
Curly looks a bit perturbed (purr-turbed?) in that picture.
He generally does in all pictures, but I assure you, he has the most pleasant personality possible in a cat. I think right before this photo was taken, he had been head-butting and face-rubbing me and the Furminator.
Still couldnt find a place to comment.
Speaking of cats, I didn’t realize they like to “graze”. So much for my chives.
JP, did I read a “Passed the Test” in Curly’s caption? Right on, kiddo!
Major, cats use any kind of grass-type vegetation as an emetic. Wanna cough up a hairball? Chew some plant.
Still couldnt find a place to comment.
You should see something below each post like this:
Posted by Jeffraham Prestonian at 12:48 PM Comments
Labels: Music, Politics, Video
If not, let me know!
JP, did I read a “Passed the Test” in Curly’s caption? Right on, kiddo!
Thank you! Yeah, I just went in calm, and waited on a slow dude from Austin Peay to take his test before the proctor (who was also the kindly instructor from the class) could watch me do my two practicals. I did them both flawlessly, including the test form reports. Felt good to get that out of the way first thang Friday morning. And then, the rest of the day was spent in the lagoon! A good Friday, with lots of honest work (with plenty of rest and re-hydration breaks).
You thought you would have your way forever…
Love it, blogged it. Honestly not a fan of the vocals, so much, but otherwise, perfect! Your band/project?
Most don’t have a standard 110v electrical outlet either.
I was afraid that was the case.
Major, I see your feline overloard has the diamond back cattler tail pattern.
I picked up some weet grass in a pot for my roomies cat, but she didn’t seem interested much at all, though she does enjoy her some of the backyard grass.
I picked up some weet grass in a pot for my roomies cat
I think oat grass is what they really like.
She seems to like thyme quite a bit. I have a pot of it out on the patio and I see her snacking on it every time I let her out there.
She seems to like thyme quite a bit. I have a pot of it out on the patio and I see her snacking on it every time I let her out there.
She’s a Holstein cow cat! Love ‘er.
Update on squirrels, chipmunks & birds:
I now have at least 4 squirrels who harrass me with cute looks whenever I go out on the back patio. Some of them, at least, have decided they will eat peanuts; the others hold out for pecans (which I had to buy because the little ones I got freebie ran out). My original squirrely, the young one, will climb up to the bedroom window if I’m not out there when she thinks I should be; yesterday she climbed the screen. I’m just waiting for her to do that while the cat is lying on the sill (I’m still only running AC for a few hours each day; the rest of the time that window is open). The cat continues an uneasy truce with the squirrels; I think the worst part for her is that they are not giving her the respect of at least pretending to fear her awesome predatory skillz.
I am overrun with chipmunks; there is one that has a burrow at the base of the redbud by the corner of the back patio – I first became aware of both chipmunk and burrow when the cat chased him into it and had her arm shoved down a hole up to the elbow. This chipmunk comes out several times a day, climbs partway up the redbud, and sits there shrieking until someone goes out there to scare him away.
On the opposite side of the back yard, there is another chipmunk living under the shed addition to the garage; he likes to come out, perch on a small stump, and shriek at the cat when she’s lying on the patio. Funny thing here – when a bird comes down and makes noise, the cat talks back – I’ll hear a chirp, then a “mrowr.” When they bitch at her, she bitches back. She doesn’t talk back to the chipmunks though, because she’s always trying to figure out how to get close enough to eat them. Doesn’t talk to the squirrels, either.
Then there’s another chipmunk living under the kitchen porch on the side of the house – that’s the snake-slayer I mentioned the other day.
My downy woodpeckers brought their 3 offspring down to the suet feeder yesterday to show them how it’s done. The purple house finches nesting under the kitchen awning are raising their second brood of three this year; they finally found the finch feeder a few days ago and have been putting it to good use. Have also seen the robins & thrashers feeding their fledglings on the ground under the suet feeder.
Today I went out and dug and divided irises and dug up a few spots for tomato plants. I don’t have the energy to do the fancy raised bed thing this year, so I just dug a few spots along the chain link fence on the south side of the house, planted the seeds & watered them in. They should do ok over there, and I can tie them to the fence as they grow. I’m growing the old standby Better Boys and some of those yummy Purple Cherokees. The basil is going into pots on the patio, and a couple of months from now I’ll be eating caprese salad for lunch every day.
Privilege is the white man’s burden. We should pray the overlords keep pulling that heavy load and don’t go all Galt on our asses! Please, please what would we do without brave CEOs to show us the way.
I’m reading the comments on Scalzi’s post. I’m earning tonight’s rum.
N_B, I beg you–stop!
From the product description in the POOP link at 20:02:
Why should dogs be the only ones allowed to drink out of the tiolet?
People are always asking me that.
I had a friends cat that came up to her door carrying a dead and bloody chipmunk in its mouth. The cat was puzzled by her shriek and refusal to let him back in the house.
One morning I was awakened by my wife yelling. Apparently the cat had brought a still-living mouse upstairs and deposited it in the bathroom at my wife’s feet while she was doing whatever it is women spend 2 hours every morning in the bathroom doing.
So I had to rescue the poor little critter, which by now had climbed up the water line that goes to the toilet and was hanging on for dear life.
Major, I’m sure the cat was annoyed by her refusal to eat the nice food mama cat brought.
My project, yes. Gotta work with the throats the good lord gave us, what can ya do?
I hear ya, J. Neo. When I sing children shriek, houseplants curl up and die, animals hide. What I lack in quality however I make for with volume.
My singing voice most closely resembles the sound of a wombat being fed through an industrial wood chipper.
Actually wombats have been known to hurl themselves into industrial wood chippers to escape the sound of my singing.
There are four different voices there. I wonder which one is rubbing our correspondent the wrong way?
Cerberus, you’re the next James Cameron.
OK, I discovered a new source of mangoes and amusement – someone who wades into the birther swamp and comes out alive: http://badfiction.typepad.com/badfiction/2012/05/dispatches-from-birtherstan-17-18-may-2012.html
Sample mango:
Wanna cough up a hairball? Chew some plant.
ACK ACK Thbbft
A couple of slices of bacon and a single egg scrambled (lazily) in the bacon grease.
Grilled fresh porcinis (from the golf course) on toast. With coffee.
Dinner will be porcinis on pizza. Lunch may well be a porcini-related activity as well. No-one else around here seems to know that they’re edible.
Gotta work with the throats the good lord gave us, what can ya do?
Oh, mine is horrible. If I ever locate the few mp3s with me on vox, I will prove it! 🙂 Still, the name of the project and of the tune, to say nothing of the excellent lyrics make this well worth the price of admission!
There are four different voices there. I wonder which one is rubbing our correspondent the wrong way?
Oh, it’s fine. Fine enough for me to blawg about it, embed it and put a h/t to your blawg! 😉 What more can I do? 😆
Grilled fresh porcinis (from the golf course)
I didn’t realize porcinis even grew in North America. All I can ever find is dried porcinis.
I didn’t realize porcinis even grew in North America. All I can ever find is dried porcinis.
I find them in these little pasta donuts… tortiseinis, or somethin’. Good eatin’!
No butthurt here. Much appreciated. Thanks.
In NZ we have porcini AND golf-courses!
Actually these are not the true Boletus edulis but a mixture of Suillus luetus and S. granulatus… the porcino’s yellow cousins.
Didn’t the Last Poets chant?:
Eventually the National Review will learn to save time by retracting their articles even before publishing them.
Man those are some rotten mangoes:
A somewhat-photogenic meezer, taken just minutes ago. HOT FRESH PUSSY PIXELS!
That guy has dug up some high quality whackaloonity. Thanks for the link.
Uncle Tim? What the flying fuck level of stupid is this shit? An Uncle Tom is a black person who will do anything to stay in good with the dominant power. You know, like you do with regards to throwing your fellow sisters under the bus.
I think her point, as stupid as it is, is that straight white males are no longer the dominant power, and that Scalzi is selling out to they Gynocratic Power Structure.
Selling out to the Gynocratic Power Structure.
I think her point, as stupid as it is, is that straight white males are no longer the dominant power, and that Scalzi is selling out to they Gynocratic Power Structure.
I would say she doesn’t actually have a point (besides the top of her head). She’s just reacting without thinking about it. As with the Xians, the SWMs conflate loss of hegemony with persecution.
Losing the hegemony.
On another more cheerful note, it just occuyrs to me that it would be really cool if there could be some way to condence and or convert sadly thread (others of course as well) to an ebook format, so that folk who find themselves behind, Like Mr. Chowder above, or say away from the interwebs, or even when sitting down and making boom boom on the toily, could fire up their kindle or whatnot and catch up on the wit and wimsy.
i guess I might have to have a peek around.
There are widgets to allow conversion of blog posts to PDFs- I have one as a “footer” for each of my posts.
My diodes have literally given up after so much misuse that I can’t even be arsed to finish my own setups.
The prefered usage is to follow “arsed” with a gerund, rather than an infinitive. e.g. “I can’t even be arsed finishing my own setups.”
Fixx0red for great
justicetrollity.it just occuyrs to me that it would be really cool if there could be some way to condence and or convert sadly thread (others of course as well) to an ebook format, so that folk who find themselves behind, Like Mr. Chowder above, or say away from the interwebs, or even when sitting down and making boom boom on the toily, could fire up their kindle or whatnot and catch up on the wit and wimsy.
“What is a smartphone, Alex?”
I love critters…..
Jennifer: I enjoyed reading about yer squirrels, chimpmunks, and birds.
JP & the Major: Thanx for cat photos. (I always rate for Curley.)
Also, JP: Also enjoyed the lagoon photos; cool to see what peeples do, and their workplaces. Also green turtle! (I really do love critters.)
I mixed up a marinade with some soy sauce, pureed garlic, brown sugar, cayenne pepper, orange juice, salt, a touch of honey and tamarind paste. Chix thighs marinating, soon to be grilled. Broccoli and farfalle with toasted pine nuts, olive oyl, butter, fresh grated parm regg. I see Ina Garten has popularized the dish and good for her – I’ve been making it since forever. Hmm, she doesn’t seem to know about the joys of preserved lemons. BWAHAHAHAHA! Did you know Ina worked for OMB on nuclear policy for Ford and Carter? The ubiquitous green salad, too.
Jacques Pepin gets a hat tip for the quick and easy “popover.” I’m using some marionberry jam I made last year in place of his apricot jam.
If I wasn’t already two sheets to the wind I’d take pictures and shit but like I said way back when, I just can’t be bothered. By the time the chix hits the grill I’ll probably be walking in a force 9 gale so deal, bitchez.
I butterflied some chicken breasts tonight. Marinated in olive oil, garlic, fresh oregano, lemon, white wine, mustard. Grilled ’em. Served with potatoes gratin with fresh oregano and goat cheese.
“Anonymous said…[Reply] he is an illegal alien muslim communist homo treasonous fraud, straight up. All Patriotic Americans know this. I am sick of the charade. (who seriously) is responsible to arrest him. Is it the U.S. Provost Marshall and a Joint Chief? Go up the chain of command. If someone knows this answer please comment. I will camp on their doorstep. May 3, 2012 2:33 PM”
This almost sounds like a parody troll.
My Google search for “buttered breasts” was highly disappointing.
OK, if it’s What We Are Doing Time, I’m heading to a free dance performance in a vacant lot at 3400 W. Third St., next to the Ralphs. Starts at 1900, better hurry.
Catch y’all on the flip-flop.
This almost sounds like a parody troll.
As w/ punk, it’s hard to parody something as extreme as right-wing lunacy.
Okay, tasted the marinade. Lacking, Some Thai red curry paste, black bean garlic sauce and some ground coriander seem to have done the trick. Film at eleven. No wait! No film but I will tell you how marvelously well it turned out.
I like Scalzi’s Low Difficulty concept better, as a means of explaining to people who don’t already get it.
Some people will never get it because they are determined not to, regardless of how easy to understand it’s made for them.
John Boehner is now the 45th President of the United States. That’s no bull, either.
SOMEbody’s driveway doesn’t quite make it to the road.
I’m pretty sure all the crying Boehner would do at his swearing in would cause him to die of dehydration. Who’s next in line after him?
It’s pretty hard to get someone to understand something they’re getting paid better than everyone else – & respected more, listened to more attentively, treated nicer, ad nauseum – to ignore.
As a white dude who wears a uniform for his job, I regularly interact with folks who I just KNOW would cut their left foot off, cook it & scarf it down if I told them to with a straight face. This does not inspire power-trippiness so much as despair for our collective future.
Don’t let anyone tell you that fashion isn’t important – wars are as much extreme fashion contests as anything, & good ol’ Doc Milgram proved that you can easily get regular Joes & Janes to literally electrocute each other to death, as long as you put on glasses, a nice clean lab coat & carry a clipboard.
My singing voice?
Let’s just say I can save buku monies on Hydro bills by singing at my butter when I want to melt some.
OK, I discovered a new source of mangoes and amusement
My reaction.
I regularly interact with folks who I just KNOW would cut their left foot off, cook it & scarf it down if I told them to with a straight face. This does not inspire power-trippiness so much as despair for our collective future.
If you didn’t tell them to scarf down their own feet, you could have a permanent source of nutritious soup-stock.
Seems the GOP’s attempt to use SSM to ratfuck the black vote has just hit another teeny-tiny snag.
That’s awesome! I imagine it won’t be too long before a lot of black churches drop their anti-gay stances. I worked with a guy who was (unsuccessfully) on the “down-low”- he was music director for his church. Rumor has it (yeah, a cheap shot, but I’ve often heard it from friends and co-workers) a lot of churches have gay choir directors or bandleaders.
I am SHOCKED that any religion with strictly sex-segregated clergy might actually contain teh ghey!
Also, JP: Also enjoyed the lagoon photos; cool to see what peeples do, and their workplaces. Also green turtle! (I really do love critters.)
That’s a once-every-60-days part of my job (and everyone’s at the plant — even the boss!); it’s an “all-hands” event, ’cause it’s a big job, somewhat physical, so we swap in and out, taking turns.
Most of my job is riding around in a truck, stopping in businesses and testing their backflow preventers (reduced pressure principle assemblies). But every 60 days, I’ll do 8-12 hrs. in the lagoon!
Cerberus said,
May 19, 2012 at 17:27
The Tatler is a standard “lifestyles of the rich and famous” mag
No, it’s a standard “lifestyles of the rich and unfamous” mag. In the UK, Hello, OK and the rhs of the dailymail.co.uk cover the famous, Tatler just covers the rich scum who run the country!
I’m pretty sure all the crying Boehner would do at his swearing in would cause him to die of dehydration. Who’s next in line after him?
I believe that would be Daniel Inouye, President Pro Tem of the Senate.
After that, they go through the cabinet, starting with…Hillary!
…No, just no….
There’s no reason to overrate Tatler. Though, yes, I can see the confusion.
My name is Ozymandias, king of thread killers:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Well, I’m still awake, in the middle of rehabbing an old Dell Dimension 3000. Ubuntu 12.04, biotches.
JP: The riding around and testing sounds like moar fun, to be sure! I dint imagine the lagoon cleaning was the only thing you did….not after all the hoops you successfully jumped through to get the job.
Always good for morale when the boss pitches in and gets his/her hands dirty. The best officers in a unit do that.
You can only be a Keyboard Warrior for so long. At some point, you’re going to have to ACT.
Assumes facts
not in evidence.I dint imagine the lagoon cleaning was the only thing you did….not after all the hoops you successfully jumped through to get the job.
I would happily do it for 40 hours a week to be working for this outfit, though. The benefits are amazingly good, and it’s just a fun job, altogether. I’ve made a lot more money before, but I’ve never been this happy and at peace with my work environment.
Oh. Sorry Cerb. I did read your asterisked note, just missed the asterisk. Thought the asterisk was in the original. Just to lazy to click through.
Tap, tap, tap….is thins thing on?
This must be what the rapture might feel like to us heathens.
I’m gonna make coffee. Today is Ubuntu Day.
Is anyone going to be able to see the annular solar eclipse this afternoon? It looks like clouds for 300 miles around at least here in Oregon. Today I wish I still lived in AZ.
Is anyone going to be able to see the annular solar eclipse this afternoon?
Looks like Nashville is too far east.
In Birther news, Oily Tits haz a hissy because WeirdNutDaily carried a Google ad for her opponent in the CA senate primary. Hilarious.
Looks like Nashville is too far east.
Jeffraham, upon further review, I think we are gonna catch a partial eclipse starting around (00:27UTC) your time and maxing around (00:49UTC) your time, It looks like I get about just over a half hour before max (00:24-00:56).
If I have read the chart correctly it would indicate that in both of our locations the Eclipse will still be in progress as the sun sets, so no end time is given. Time for me to start thinking of the best place to check this thing out, and poke some holes in som cardboard so I can view this thing safely.
Also be warned that the second transit of Venus this decade is set to occur on the 5/6 June this year.
This will be the last one any of us get to see in our lifetime. During the 2004 transit I found a cool website that showed the thing in real time, So I imagine that there will be another available for this one.
Jeffraham, upon further review, I think we are gonna catch a partial eclipse starting around (00:27UTC) your time and maxing around (00:49UTC) your time, It looks like I get about just over a half hour before max (00:24-00:56).
Good time for a scooter ride!
Good time for a scooter ride!
But of course, And i am sure you know where a good western facing bluff or highpoint is for checking this thing out.
Then next transit of Venus will be in Dec. 2117, so don’t miss this one kids.
For those who might miss the Eclipse Here is a place to watch the thing online.
BTW thanks S. for clueing me in, while I hope that I would have stumbled across the news during my netterly travels, there was no guarantee, so a tip of the hat in your direction. I was a junior asronomer growing up so I would have beeen thouroughly pissed withmyself if I did not take this one in. A little over 4 hours before the webcam comes on.
Takes all kinds, I guess. Oh well, you and Scooter Libby have fun, now.
Solar eclipse = SadlyRapture!!!
Also: NSFW.
I am delighted to report that dinner was FAAAAABULOOOOOUUUSSSS! Served the grilled on a bed of greens which I had drizzled lightly with olive oyl and cider vinegar.
which I had drizzled lightly with olive oyl
BWAHAHAHA! Jim, I love that license.
“World’s Leading Obama Eligibility Challenge Web Site”
This is the Header of the Taitz page linked above (had forgotton that i had opened the link in a new tab). Thats some good shit they are smoking over there, wish I could get my hands on some.
Now to find what she is getting on about. ‘Tis a slow day, and I think i might have to go hunting for mangoes.
In light of the Million Moms “Streisand effect boycott” of JC Penney’s should we expect a spate of LGBT ads in the hopes of drawing a boycott? Mmmmmmmaybe.
It is almost like making fun of the mentally disadvantaged, well actually it is, ’cause that is how we roll. There isn’t really any “good shit” over there, but of what AI have read this is the best so far.
On a Washington Examiner piece I was compelled to leave the following in the comments:
I have been searching for a couple of things for awhile, a bag of hammers and a box of dogwhistles, and it would seem that now I have found them both. Thanks for keeping ’em warm and safe for me guys.
Feel free to use it or any variation thereof if you deem it necessary.
And i am sure you know where a good western facing bluff or highpoint is for checking this thing out.
I’m thinking somewhere on the western periphery of this route, yes. If I could get up that fire tower at the intersection of Petway & Wiley Pardue, I’d be golden. But is skeered of heights (not to mention it’s got to be illegal to climb that thang, anyway).
Looks like I may need to throw some business JCP’s way.
Another one.
Footnotes the more you have the more truthy the document. I do like how these little factions are showing up Mouthbreathers going full metal wingnut on Jerome Corsi, and hating on WND, because of google ads…Fucking priceless.
I tried posting as Gary Ruppert over there but got dumped into moderation. Sigh.
If I could get up that fire tower at the intersection of Petway & Wiley Pardue, I’d be golden. But is skeered of heights (not to mention it’s got to be illegal to climb that thang, anyway).
I was thinking about trying to con a buddy in taking us down to a firetower in a state forest about 20 miles south of here. As far as I know it is not illegal to climb or at least the 15-20 times I have been up there no one has told me to get down. I will admit that I have to swallow a few lumps starting about halfway up the thing as I get a little squicked out about the heights myself.
I also feel like dropping the bag of hammers/dogwhistle gag into that Orly thread, but that bitch is crazy (multiply a Geller and a Bolton and even then you might fall short) fucking squared, and i already have me a stalker.
But it would be appropriate.
I tried posting as Gary Ruppert over there but got dumped into moderation. Sigh.
Maybe you’ll get lucky and slip one past the goalie, it is also possible that you have been beaten by another fak Gary and that that name is in the banhammer file. You might try something like FreeMoldavia or BarryOutNow.
That dumbfuck Herodotus doesn’t have any footnotes at all.
The truth is in the footnotes, people!1
1. my god, these people are idiots, from vacuumslayer’s “My god, These People Are Idiots”
You know who else used lots of footnotes?
Knowing more than Corsi seems akin to saying someone knows more than the crazy person with soiled pants who yells at you on the street.
I was thinking about trying to con a buddy in taking us down to a firetower in a state forest about 20 miles south of here. As far as I know it is not illegal to climb or at least the 15-20 times I have been up there no one has told me to get down.
The one I mentioned would be under the purview of TWRA, who’re not prone to have a good sense of humor. We work with them at the water plant, as there’s some protected wildlife around us, there.
Y’know, I think back to just a few months ago, and how terribly depressed I was, and compare it to today. I am undoubtedly one of the luckiest sombitches on the planet. I have sunshine and puppies shooting out my ass at rates too cheap to meter, and yet I am not manic. Lovin’ this here life, y’all.
That’s awesome, JP. Though I confess the anal-puppage sounds a tad painful.
From Taitz’s website:
Orly Taitz dares to take on the powerful breast enhancement industry!
Thanks to the Scribefor introducing the Orly Taitz hissy fit into the conversation mix.
Also to Provider: Thanks for providing–see what I do there?–the live eclipse link. I’ve saved it for the transit of venus. In my old age, I’ve discovered a duffer’s interest in astronomy–mainly for the purdy pitchers of the cosmos, I suppose. My nephew-in-law is an astrophysicist whose specialty is exoplanets..
I’m pleased to report my melanin is darkening. Could be the sun, but I prefer to attribute it to yer nym-tag, brother.
Today I decided not to go back into the psychiactric unit. I’m gonna try to keep fighting this on the outside. I hope there is room for me in the intensive outpatient clinic. I may sound normal in the comments; I have mad skillz–and long, long practice–in using The Mask.
I’m pleased to report my melanin is darkening.
Holy crap — mine too!
I’m gonna try to keep fighting this on the outside.
Best wishes, Fenwick. I’ve struggled, but probably not as deeply, and cheap meds keep me on a good footing.
I just had to share this newly discovered, awesome bit of Internetty goodness: A YouTube to mp3 sound converter.
(And for everyone out there who’s been using it for months or years: Good for you. I don’t want to hear it.)
You are most welcome Fenwick, though i am very sorry to hear of your current difficulties. Hang in there, you know that you are always free to vent your spleen round here or bend an ear if need be.
Ooooh, a radical catholic nymstealing scroll-troll!
In the face of your tyranny, your bullying, your mockery, your boundless hate, we will continue to
persevereage, die off and become less relevant by the minute.FYT. HTH.
Thenk yew for the lenk.
What’s with this whole “disordered” meme, anyway? I thought gays were usually stereotyped as neat freaks.
I see that our HolyRolling NymJacking CopyPasta is back, to tell us what he thinks his invisible sky buddy wants him too.
Copy Pasta just can’t seem to keep his mind off of the shapely bums of other men, and the only way to keep himself from expressing his latent urge to oil up a young virile man and do naughty naughty things with and to him is to invest an inordinant amount of energy in the interests of his invisible sky buddy.
BTW Eclipse cam from Japan has just started…we are about an hour away.
Bitter Scribe: I had not heard of this prior to your notice. Thanks! Dunno how much I’ll use it, but I have it bookmarked in my tool bag, JIC.
Let’s hope so. If they don’t persevere, I’ll have less to mock.
Someone’s not thinking from a global perspective.
Someone else can’t read polls, chart trends.
You don’t have the right to go through life without being heckled or bullied, as you heckle and bully the Christians you hate, as you mock with the most disgusting outrages imaginable all that we hold sacred.
I really need to peruse my Gospels and find that part where Jesus invoked the two wrongs (even if one of them is only a percieved one) make a right.
Sounds like a fan of Sharia Law, eh?
Yes, the biggest problem with the world is a lack of people.
Ya’know Catholic Coward, you could have all of the homo sex your heart desired if you weren’t such a coward. Frankly none of us would mind.
Fortunately your Bronze aged superstitions will collapse when the rest of the world does. And you will have to limit your pogroms to areas within walking distance.
I’ll admit to having some guilty pleasure at watching the secularists in Europe slowly realize that by pushing Christianity out of the public square, they’ve invited Islam in.
That’s mighty white of you, friend.
You strike me as one of those fools whose faith is on such an unstable foundation, that only through sheer force of numbers do you feel justified, which is some pretty weak sauce.
A person who had a real, deep and abiding faith, would not feel necessary to jack nyms and berate people on the internet, while also exhibiting pride in a percieved future conquest, and satisfation in the potential suffering of others.
Authoritarian scolds, we certainly need more of them around.
Nymjacking is so lame. Look, I know you want to slurf up my hot cock and have me shoot a load into your eager hole but honestly, I won’t be able to get it up knowing it’s you. How about you tonguejack my shit box, eh?
They may take our lives, but they’ll never take…our approval!
+1 f’in LOLWUT?!
But apparently we can have their underwear.
In the case of “nymjacking,” the big lie is that there is someone who does it who is not a pathethic twerp.
Conservative Catholics rarely wear underwear and when they do it’s usually something unusual.
I didn’t catch that…tears are streaming uncontrolably down my cheeks. Like I would seek the approval of a bunch of kid diddling (celibate) adherents of some bronze age mythology.
Still overcast but the eclipse has started in Japan.
The “disordered” idea is literally propaganda, coming as it does from a statement issued by the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith (Christians don’t reproduce as such, so they must recruit). It does not carry the weight of a Papal statement made ex cathedra, but might well have been initated by the Pope whilst wearing those divine Pradas.
Yes, because the only two choices are Marxism and Catholicism. THERE ARE NO OTHER CHOICES.
Which is silly because that was hardly the thrust of Provider’s comment.
Your point is that you’re a fucking asshole who doesn’t even have the balls to get his own nym.
Yes, stupid Bronze Age mythology. We need a nice, modern, scientific approach to the world–like Marxism-Leninism.
Nice try, there bub, but…..Fail!!! And on so many levels. I am sure* you can rustle through your bag of tralking points and logical fallacies and come up with a more appropriate rejoinder.
“It is better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”
*I would of course be lying.
No, it wasn’t. The thrust was that it’s harmful. And that is, of course, true. Nitpick all ya like, you know you’re wrong.
Just so. That’s why I worship Ba’al.
It’s hard not to take someone taking your name personally. It’s…personal. Idiot.
Don’t take it personally. This is just to avoid the Badger Filter.
Why don’t you go fuck a badger? But don’t take that personally.
Don’t take it personally. This is just to avoid the Badger Filter.
At least the cowardly Lion is honest about his reasons for being a coward. This way he temporarily avoids the oppression which would otherwise accrue. While leaving a few steaming dumps for the host to clear up at a later time.
Dude I could give fuck all how old and venerable your tradition of superstitious belief is or whether you want to follow a religion invented by a science fiction author on a bet, as far as I am concerned you are a member of one cult and Hubbard when he found out he could make bank decided to run with scientology which is also a cult. There is no difference to me at all and both are equally valid.
I am just a bit surprised that you didn’t neener neener not a bronze age cult, but an Iron age cult. I don’t have a problem with Jesus per se, had some great ideas, but the idea that he is the son of god is preposterous to me, as are you.
My main problem with the invisible sky buddy (or space buddy) cults is when assholes like you and yours attempt to acquire political power and excercise it with the intention of shoving your idiotic belief systems into our secular government.
But please continue to demonstrate the weakness of your faith (while I am sure that you fancy yourself a warrior for the papacy). Unfortunately, you will not convince anyone here that you are anything less than an authoritarian assmunch.
And as far as it goes, the Catholic Church has abrogated anything resembling any moral authority on any subject, by covering up serial abuses by priests of children in their flocks.
Fake Scribe is cowardly, discourteous, and deceptive. Tell me where the Bible stands on deception. Do you think the Lord would approve of your lying or of representing yourself as someone you are not?
These questions come from a Christian, by the way.
I personally favor crucifixion for nymjackers. With a crown of shredded earbuds.
Do you seriously think we’re going to let some fuckhead who posts under other people’s names tell us who is and isn’t a grownup?
And who equates the very foundation of Western Civilization (The Catholic Church in all Her glory) to a two-bit cult like Scientology?
if he was just a nice guy with some great ideas why was he crucified? The sign above him didn’t say “Jesus of Nazareth, He Told us To Be Nice”, but “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews”
I guess the only difference between Che Guevara and Jesus, was that someone neglected to put up a sign over Guevara’s body that said King of the Jews. That is a powerful argument you just made as “proof” that he was the son of god.
Dude was a revolutionary (provided he existed at all) and revolutionaries are often killed (see King, Martin Luther).
You are quite amusing, keep digging into that back of irrational belief and logical fallacy, because watching you make a fool of yourself is quite entertaining for me since the japanese weather has yet to break and the eclipse is not yet visable. Please do continue, And I would suggest that you use my name to beat the badger filter. I give you permission.
Mr Gawd’s Friend, is lying to us for our own good. Also, Gawd will forgive him, not us.
A sophomoric and facile understanding of what God is in the Catholic tradition. Come back when you’ve read some books written by grownups for a change.
Dude, I am not gonna argue with you on your terms, dumbass. I imagine that I actually have a better understanding of your religion and its traditions than you do, but I have no interest in a theological argument with a disengenuos idiot. But i might suggest that you actually crack open a couple of History books, and possibly sit in on an elementary logic class or two.
When nothing else works always reach for the ad hominem. Classy. Plus I think that a fellow Christian asked you about a question.
Awesome, Just saw a glimpse of the disk of the moon covering the sun…About 13 minutes to totality in Japan.
But nobody ever says “stupid information age superstitions”, do they?
The fuck you say? Like the nation of Germany, f’rexample?
You don’t get out much, do you?
The crescent sun is proof that Islam is the one true religion!!!11!!
And who equates the very foundation of Western Civilization (The Catholic Church in all Her glory) to a two-bit cult like Scientology?
I do! ‘kay?
the very foundation of Western Civilization (The Catholic Church in all Her glory)
We are sad now.
Six minutes to totality which will last for about four and a half minutes.
Poor Classical Greeks! Look, we’ll put columns on all our buildings, ‘kay?
Or he was misquoted. Or he was a composite of several different people from the period. Or he was entirely myth. Or any of several hundred other possibilities.
Don’t give me that C.S. Lewis bullshit.
There will be other cameras set up on the west coat when the eclipse hits the states. I post links when I find them. But for the short time the clouds broke just before and during totality was awesome.
I can’t wait until it gets here (though i will only get to se a partial).
Love this shit.
Provider: I tried accessing that page but so far it’s just black.
(Unless that’s the actual eclipse…)
Too lazy to embed, but here is one for later as the eclipse comes into the view of this camera.
Provider: I tried accessing that page but so far it’s just black.
(Unless that’s the actual eclipse…)
That footage kinda sucked, because both of the Mt. Fuji sites were weathered in, but they did have a feed that did have shots of the thing, but you had to catch it at just the right time. The coverage went back and forth. i only saw what I saw because I spent about 10 minutes paying attention to nothing but the feed.
It was pretty poorly executed if you ask me, because they would leave the feed to have a chat with the dudes on the summit of Fuji. Not unlike turning the camera on some kid in the crowd during a tie game with thirty second remaining and leavining it there until the horn sounded.
Sorry if you missed it, but there will be others, and hopefully by the time it gets to the west coast there will be clear skies.
another site, though I was unable to get in for the Japanes portion, but according to the site it should be arriving in the states in just over an hour.
No homonym-jack.
He said he was the Son of God. Liar, Lunatic, or Lord. Your choice.
Oh, noes, he’s using C.S. Lewis!!! Of course, there’s a fourth “L” which is more cogent- “Legend”. Jesus Christ was not the first deity of a cult who was born of a virgin, or rose from the dead. He’s a little Mithra, a little Osiris. Hell, even Odin was hanged from a tree.
But you can’t just say he was a “nice guy” (if he was just a nice guy with some great ideas why was he crucified? The sign above him didn’t say “Jesus of Nazareth, He Told us To Be Nice”, but “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews”).
Assuming that the event actually happened, a sane person would characterize that as Roman waggishness. To take a Jewish criminal and crucify him in public with a sign reading “King of the Jews” would simultaneously chasten and ridicule a not-too-popular minority in the Roman Empire.
the very foundation of Western Civilization (The Catholic Church in all Her glory)
Of course, the Catholic Church is founded on the twin pillars of Near Eastern monotheism and Aristotelian philosophy. Thomas Aquinas did much to reconcile the two, and is still a major theologian.
Damn, didn’t Sister Mary Benchpress teach you anything, troll?
Personally, I take a lot of issue with a lot of the stuff Jesus said in the Bible even beyond the claims to divinity.
The Sermon on the Mount ranks “thought-crime” on the same level as actions. Thinking about fucking a woman is the same as actually fucking her, hating someone is the same as actually killing them, etc.
Speaking as someone with rather severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, I can’t choose the thoughts that go through my head. Believe me, I’ve tried. I get disturbing images flashing through my brain and medication has barely been able to scratch the surface of the problem. The only thing that’s remotely helped in this whole ordeal has been attempting to not beat myself up for thoughts that I have no fucking control over.
Mess cleaned up.
It turns out the Clean Up Button is not fooled by nymjacking.
Thanks Cerb!
I will have to grudgingly credit the troll for stating that he nymjacks to get past the Badgerin. Oh maybe a half point for candor.
In Eclipse news about thirteen minutes before it hits the west coast.
This site did not work for me the last time so I hope it works this time around.
Good luck, and our Oregon contingent while unlikely to experience totality should have a hell of a show waiting for them weather permitting of course.
Why is everyone talking about Eclipse? Breaking Dawn Part 2 is the next one.
Weather is not permitting here in Corvallis right now. I thought about driving down I-5 toward Cali but chances didn’t look that much better and I only have half a tank of gas.
Why is everyone talking about Eclipse? Breaking Dawn Part 2 is the next one.
Breaking Dawn 2: Vampiric Boogaloo
I’d refer to it as Breaking Dawn 2: The Quickening, but the baby already got born in the last one.
Eh…to be a bit more specific, Jesus said “I am the son of God; I am the son of Man.”
Makes a bit of difference, you know. For the less literal-minded among us, some of us take that to be not Jesus saying “God did my mom” but “all sons of man are sons of God,” which, quite frankly, is more in line with pretty much everything else he said than “look at me, God’s my Dad!” In point of fact, Jesus never made claim to the virgin birth or a lot else.
I know I’m not alone in finding it curious that, in a population subjugated by Rome and hence familiar with Roman religion and myths, that this idea of a god impregnating a human woman pops up again. True, it’s not Zeus in the form of a swan doing the nasty with some cute young thing, because the Hebrews were pretty fucking uptight when it came to sexual matters, but it’s the same idea. It also conveniently absolves Jesus’ unwed pregnant mother…because otherwise, how are you going to get people to buy the idea that the Messiah was born to a slut?
Then when you get into the whole “if he was just a nice guy with some great ideas why was he crucified?” thing, where should we start? Every people, in every culture, in every generation have seen one person or another who is more of a moral and/or ethical absolutist than the society at large…and those people are the nails that stick out and get hammered down. Here’s just a partial list: Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, the woman recently freed in Myanmar or Burma or whatever they are calling it. We could go on…and on…and on. That, in fact, is what makes the story of Jesus so compelling – because it’s all too common in human history. If it weren’t for all the simplistic superstitious religious mumbo-jumbo grafted on to it, what you’ve got here is humanism. Jesus himself didn’t lard that stuff on; it got added by his followers. His basic message is “do what’s right, stand up for what’s right, don’t back down, and yes, it may come at a cost – just look at me – but it’s what the world needs.” As for what’s right, we should note here that he said your duty was to love your neighbor only second to God. Not love your neighbor unless he’s a fag. Not love your neighbor unless he’s a sinner, because then you don’t have to care about ANYONE else, and the point here is the opposite – you’re supposed to care about EVERYONE else, no matter what their unique individual “sins” may be.
In short, take the twisted, black and ugly thing you’ve made of what the man really had to say, and shove it up your distended anus.
In short, take the twisted, black and ugly thing you’ve made of what the man really had to say, and shove it up your distended anus.
Bible buttplug?
Eclipse has just started
Imma gonna get me a solar filter for the Venus transit June 5th because I doubt I will be around for the next one (unless that robot body shit really comes true).
Thanks Cerb.
This is why I generally don’t quote nymjackers’ posts in my replies–so they disappear more thoroughly after cleanup.
Imma gonna get me a solar filter for the Venus transit June 5th
If you have any 3-1/2″ floppies lying around, they work fine.
Remember to take them out of the plastic case.
Smut, I was thinking about an 70mm aperture filter for my small scope. Someday I want to have enough money to drop on something like this: http://www.optcorp.com/product.aspx?pid=15369
God just for the hell of it I went dream shopping on a bunch of astronomy sites – I could easily spend more on a scope than my last car then you get into accessories and an observatory…
Anyone got fifty grand to spare?
I suppose it is a lot like high end audiophiles, beyond a certain point you need to have the truly discerning eye/ear to know the difference that extra $5000 gets you.
God just for the hell of it I went dream shopping on a bunch of astronomy sites – I could easily spend more on a scope than my last car then you get into accessories and an observatory…
I’d think what you’d really need is the ability to move somewhere remote enough to actually see the stars, with no light pollution.
I always liked reframing the CS Lewis “3 Ls” question as 3 Ms “Misunderstood, Mistranslated, or Misappropriated?”
We saw the eclipse here in Central CA about 45 min ago. C like a cookie, that’s good enough for me. (You can use a 3-1/2″ floppy even in the case for eclipse-viewing, though you have to squint through a small aperture when you pull back the metal protective shuttle. Our college sent us inexpensive but effective filter glasses as part of the usual ‘alumni, give us money!’ letter.)
> I’d think what you’d really need is the ability to move somewhere
> remote enough to actually see the stars, with no light pollution
Not to try to win any depressive prizes…but right now “L5” sounds about right.
Targeting the weak: it’s not just for jackals any more.
Not to try to win any depressive prizes…but right now “L5? sounds about right.
Not to try to win any dumbass prizes, but what’s L5?
I grew up in northeastern Minnesota, you can get some amazing dark skies there. I once took my 8 inch Celestron up to a closed-for-the-winter wayside rest with a huge horizon southeast over Lake Superior. It was about -30 F. and completely calm and moonless. After my eyes got dark adapted there were so many stars I could hardly navigate. I could recognize Orion but there were dozens of stars around and inside the constellation that I had never seen before. Limiting magnitude had to be at least 6.5, I have also naked eyed a couple of difficult galaxies up there so it still gets pretty dark.
L-5: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L5_Society
I have a weekend layover in Tallahassee so I rented a car and drove down to see my stepdaughter who works in Gainesville.
Now, radio sucks pretty much everywhere but radio in this part of Florida sucks especially bad. As I scan the dial:
Country station……”click”
Another preacher……”click”
Classic rock station……”click”
Yet another preacher……”click”
Christian rock station……”click”
Another country station……”click”
Yet another country station……”click”
Hey, it’s another classic rock station……”click”
Right wing talker……”click”
Holy crap! How many damn country stations do they need down here?……”click”
Another right wing talker (is there any other kind?)……”click”
Is this the 3rd or 4th classic rock station, I’ve lost count……”click”
Thank God for NPR
Wow, that is depressing.
I read a New Yorker article about light pollution a few years ago. It’s not just a problem for stargazers. It seriously fucks up the migratory patterns of birds and insects.
And a lot of it could be eliminated simply by designing outdoor lighting better, so less of the light is wasted upward. This would also potentially save energy.
Major: I have no hard evidence to back this up but wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the decline in over-the-air radio coincided with the rise of satellite.
Major: I have no hard evidence to back this up but wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the decline in over-the-air radio coincided with the rise of
satelliteClear ChannelFixed
Atchally, it’s my understanding that it all started with the rules changes allowing one company to own more than one media outlet in a market. Clear Channel, and Missouri’s favorite bloviating puddle of parrot puke, began their respective rises with that little ‘adjustment’.
Also, I blame teh Eagles. And Bachmann-Turner-Underwear. And the Eagles.
I suppose it is a lot like high end audiophiles, beyond a certain point you need to have the truly discerning eye/ear to know the difference that extra $5000 gets you.
Exactly, though if you have patience and time to spare, grinding your own mirror and building your own scope, particularly if you use a Dobsonian mounting system, could result in better optics than commercially available resulting in a perfectly servicable scope.
A properly programmed Pic and some servo’s could be brought into service to create an inexpensive motor drive (if you needed tracking for lengthy exposures).
General ATM resourse pages:
Mirror blanks/kits:
It does seem that the blanks have dramatically risen in price since I last checked them out but S. I think you might find some of the links interesting. I Still want to grind my own mirror and make a Newtonian reflector, but if I happened to come across what someone thought was a broken or dodgy scop that could be had for a pittance, I might start wth a mirror, determine its focal length and make it the centerpiece of a new, partially homebrew telescope. I always keep my eyes open for a chunk of glass that could possibly be pressed into service as a mirror, just haven’t come across one yet.
Knowing exactly the commercial porn aspect (who wouldn’t want a schmidt cassegrain 16 inch for portability and light gathering with integral motor drive and ccd accessories.
Check out the lower rent side of town, before you give up the dream.
I was in Winnipeg a while back, and we were at a sports bar watching the Canadian Super Bowl (yes there is one).
The half-time act was none other than Bachmann-Turner-Overdrive. They all looked to be about my dad’s age but they sounded the same as they always did.
“Uncle Tim? What the flying fuck level of stupid is this shit?”
In addition to the play on ‘Uncle Tom’, I think it’s a coy reference to Tim Wise, and an attempt to label him the white version thereof.
Exactly, though if you have patience and time to spare, grinding your own mirror and building your own scope, particularly if you use a Dobsonian mounting system, could result in better optics than commercially available
OK, I’m no expert on telescopes, but how is my homemade mirror going to be better than what Zeiss Optics (or whoever makes these commercially) can construct?
That sounds like me building a better car engine than Mercedes using hand tools and some scrap metal I found in my garage.
Major, Zeiss makes awesome coated, precise rare-earth lenses that are second to none but you don’t need that for a Newtonian reflector. For light gathering/buck they can’t be beat and they don’t need fancy lenses until you get to the eyepiece (which can get expensive as well).
That sounds like me building a better car engine than Mercedes using hand tools and some scrap metal I found in my garage.
John Galt could do that.
If he weren’t fictional.
And if he weren’t an asshole.
This would also potentially save energy.
BUST OUT THE GARLIC…Wait, what do we use to ward off eco-vampires?
First of all, Light pollution is a definite bitch to deal with, secondly, waste of energy makes every one of the bastards that hate us with the heat of a million suns, money. Lots of money. Boatloads upon boatloads of money.
Remember the shit that got out after the Enron Sponsered rolling blackouts in Cali about “who cares if we are screwing aunt Milly?” That one tripped the circuit breaker that had previously held my cynicism in check. Blew it to smithereens, and i have yet to find a replacement.
Anyone who thinks that Confederate Party Authoritarian Sociopathy does not constitute an existential threat to the Republic needs to check into a calibration center.
On the Astronomy front, we only have to wait 5 years and a couple of months before an actual total eclipse of the Sun returns to our part of the globe after a 38 year hiatus, and Holy crap, it turns out that the maximum eclipse takes place about a 120 miles from where i am now. If I can mange the slings and arrows during the interum, I just might see a total, before I choose to shuffle off the mortal coil.
I just might see a total, before I choose to shuffle off the mortal coil.
Would a Total Eclipse of the Heart do?
Provider, if I’m still around for that one I am going to stake out the clearest skies on the path of totatlity and camp out there. Unless I am in debtor’s prison by then.
OK, I’m no expert on telescopes, but how is my homemade mirror going to be better than what Zeiss Optics (or whoever makes these commercially) can construct?
I wasn’t refferring to Zeiss you can procure mirrors from the Meade, and other scope manufacturers of reasonably prices scopes to start with your homebrew Job. However, like anything else if you have the time and patience one could grind opticts that rival zeiss the testing equipment is not terribly difficult to contruct, and essentially you would be employing the same techniques. A properly parabolic mirror is in no way analogous to a Merlin engine only so far as one is a much more complicated construct. A machinist worth his salt and given enough time and the proper castings could construct a merlin in his garage, but making a mirror for a newtonian is vastly less complicated.
You make a decent sourdough, no? Newton ground his own mirror (or more likely had an assistant do it for him), and I imagine that it was a lot easier than composing the Principia.
Just saying. Also, never underestimate what a motivated engineer with a paucity of tools can come up with in his own garage.
Would a Total Eclipse of the Heart do?
Been to that party on too many occasions, yet here I stand (being somewhat half serious here, though I appreciate the gag).
I figure that you only have about 150 miles to travel to see the thing and if I remember correctly it will pass over Jeffrahams place. Frou years from now we should set up the preliminaries for some eclipse parties.
I figure that you only have about 150 miles to travel to see the thing and if I remember correctly it will pass over Jeffrahams place.
We can ROCK that mutha in Twitty City, now.
Provider, if I’m still around for that one I am going to stake out the clearest skies on the path of totatlity and camp out there. Unless I am in debtor’s prison by then.
Dig. It. While I have yet to regain my facility for speed afoot, I may have to rely on craftyness to to stay out of said hooscow.
I think that the path of the next one might pass over your direction on its way to mine. Also regarding the transit of V the 3 and 1/4 floopy solution to a solar filter might just work*, though i might recommend a second floppy to cover up the hole in the first.
I also have no idea which type of scope you are planning to employ, or the diameter of the lenses or mirror involved, but i must admit that while I am jealous that you might take it in real time on your own scope, I am happy to run into another astronerd on the snarertubes. I still regret missing the ride to last centuries greatest eclipse with a maximum in baja california in ’91.
Happy hunting, and if you have not already, you should really check out the ATM links, there is some totally safe for work amateur telescope porn therein.
might work*
* I really have no idea as to the efficacy of the solutiohn proffered, but the low rent engineer within thinks that it worth a try.
eclipse parties
Well I’ll be damned. Looks like this sucka gonna pretty much pass right over my house too. KC Sadlies take note!!
Corvallis too. In fact it sez here that on the left coast the sun will actually rise while eclipsed. This sounds pretty neato.
Hmm. It sez here that that’ll actually happen out in the Pacific someplace. Who’s got a boat?
I’m shocked; they actually have classic rock stations. Aren’t they “Ov Teh Devil?”
I swear, Occifer, it was dead when I found it!!1!!1!
Shorter GOP campaign strategy. Because it worked so well last time.
Never mind the next eclipse, the last transit of Venus for over a century happens June fifth.
Transit of Venus.
Alternately, transit of Uranus.
Transiting the Venus…Hoooyeaaaahhhh…
Provider, I have been an astro-nut since I saw the first moon landing as a kid. The folks took me to the Air and Space museum and Kennedy Space Center a few years later. I wish I still had the “Space Race” card game – It would be worth a bunch on e-bay. I do have a commemorative plate with all the Apollo mission patches around the outside.
INever mind the next eclipse, the last transit of Venus for over a century happens June fifth.
I’d Ahem you but can’t be bothered to find the link.
Provider, I have been an astro-nut since I saw the first moon landing as a kid. The folks took me to the Air and Space museum and Kennedy Space Center a few years later. I wish I still had the “Space Race” card game – It would be worth a bunch on e-bay. I do have a commemorative plate with all the Apollo mission patches around the outside.
I have to admit to a bit of jealousy concerning the trip to Air & Space and the mission patch plate.
/momentarily shakes fist in Yeasty’s direction.
When i was a we one, my old man was into Astronomy picked up a Celestron Schmidt Cass (now that I mention it, I now know where my tuition money went) and many a winter’s night were spent gazing at the stars. I remember getting on a roof somewhere when I was 7 or 8 and looking at comet Kahoutek. Shortly afterwards i would send letters to Nasa asking them to send me brochures on what they were up to and it was always a good day when the manilla envelope stuffed to the gills arrived with my name on it..
Those were the days.
I can only imagine what the sky looked like in NE Minn..
Cerb, you really think Dr. Mrs. Perfesser doesn’t wear the pants in that family? Really?
I have to admit to a bit of jealousy concerning the trip to Air & Space and the mission patch plate.
My kid went to Space Camp. I nearly died. As consolation, I went out and bought a NASA bike jersey.
That may be true for say, a big block chevy like a 454 or something, but the sheer amount of mechanical voodoo in a Merlin should not be underestimated. The Merlin engine was bleeding edge technology back in the day, and fabricating things like sodium cooled valve stems would be mighty tricky to do in a garage workshop. The scale of the engine must really be seen to be believed. The cylinders were the size of coffee cans. Also ‘given the proper castings’ handwaves away a tremendous amount of precision casting, tempering, and forging. Serious airplane racing teams with millions of dollars in the bank have examined the idea of making merlin engines under license and have abandoned the idea because of the expense. A fanatically dedicated machinist, with access to world class foundries and heavy industrial precision machine tools and a team of skilled helpers could build one, but it would at that point be an engine factory that could build as many as you wanted.
The skies are as you imagined, provided you dress up as the Michelin man.
The Merlin engine was bleeding edge technology back in the day
Note that the United States never even developed an equivalent engine to the Merlin, but had to build them under license from the British.
And then only Packard (which was the US automotive equivalent of a Rolls Royce) could build it.
I believe Allison also built them under license.
The Merlin was the engine the British put in the P-51, right?
Yes. The early prototypes of the p-51 had pretty mediocre performance until they changed to use the Merlin.
Now if you really want to see bleeding-edge piston engine technology:
Sexism killed the radio star.
I will see you and raise:
The airlines originally switched to jets not so much for the speed as for the reliability. Those late-model piston engines were tremendously maintenance intensive.
The Boeing 377 used four Pratt and Whitney R4360s. Early in its service life, it suffered so many engine failures on long flights, it was referred to as the Boeing Trimotor. More development and practice taught maintenance and flight crews how to go much longer between failures, but by then as you said, the jet age had begun.
Meh. Scalzi lost me when he declared that if he’d been in that shower at PSU he’d have ninja kicked that child molesting jock into next tuesday since there was no way there could have been any doubt as to what the hell was going on because… well, BECAUSE! JOCKS! BLARGH!
Here’s a geek who never fought back and now writes middling war-mongering power fantasies to make up for it.
Nope, the analogy has merit. I’m Team Scalzi.
At least this time it isn’t bothering to nym jack, perhaps due to finding out it doesn’t do any good. Anyway, how do you know he’s a geek who never fought back? Projection – u haz it.
Wow. That piece by John Scalzi is about the most on-target explanation of white privilege I have seen. It also, more implicitly, identifies the point of confusion I think many of my fellow white heterosexual males have with this notion. Consider the following clause:
I think what trips a lot of us white menfolk up is the notion of default here. Yes, visible minorities (to use the Cannukistanian term) have specific help in the form of affirmative action. And I can think of any number of ways in which people are more willing to help out women (especially attractive women) more than men (don’t get me drunk and then started on why men don’t ask for directions; short answer: when women ask for directions they actually get useful information, whereas who wants to spend much time giving a potentially threatening man directions?). Of course, all these specific ways in which minorities and women can get help pale in comparison to the ways in which white men get a leg up every day, but I think a lot of us whitemenfolk get hung up on the specific ways in which women and minorities do get more help and don’t see the bigger picture that these cases in fact stand out because they are not the default way things are.
Snorghagen skrev:
It reminded me of the William S. Burroughs routine about how “When a certain stage of responsibility and awareness has been reached by a young banker he is taken to a room lined with family portraits in the middle of which is an ornate gilded toilet. Here he comes every day to defecate surrounded by the family portraits until he realizes that money is shit.“
Apologies Helmut, I occassionally traffic in hyperbole and I can see that that particular example got away from me.
[Note to self: can’t get anything past these crafty bastards, so behave accordingly.]
Sadlyviille is such a very odd place. OT conversation bounces from eclipses to super-powerful aircraft piston engines to the digestive tracts of kittehs. Also cooking, beer, motorcycles, critters, history, comix, a remarkable range of subjects, really.
Is there a reichwing site that has even a modicum of this sort of OT range? (I never visit them unless via SN.) I’ll wager their only OTsubjects are guns, war, or maybe US football.
Observations of veteran mango-hunters?
No problem Provider_UNE, your example just hit one of my little obsessions. If a moderately talented machinist could make a merlin, I would have already gotten started. Not that I am moderately talented, or a machinist. But I did take a course in programming CNC machines 15 or 16 years ago.
I just found on wikipedia that at the beginning of the war, it took 10,000 man hours to make a merlin. By the time Ford of Britain was done improving the process, they got it down to 2,727 hours. So basically its a project I will pick up again, when I win the lottery. sigh.
So basically its a project I will pick up again, when I win the lottery. sigh.
I got a bunch of those, projects that is. I still feel a bit the fool for picking that particular example, but it did elicit some interesting discussion. There are a number of examples like the Merlin of shit that will never be made again, do to the loss of skills, materials and machinery. A shame really. i always wonder what it was like to be the last old school Pattern Maker.
Major Kong (May 21, 2012 at 5:12) Here’s what some people can do with hand tools and scrap metal:
Of course, I don’t know anyone that could do that. I don’t think so anyway, but you never know.
“Goatse”? What’s ‘goatse’?
Link, please.