Dan Blatt: He Was Against Obama Before He Was Against Obama

might be able to have sex.
Dan Blatt, that foul excrescence on the gay body politic, otherwise known as The Gay Quisling or America’s Dumbest Homosexual™, was perhaps in a bit of a quandary when Obama came out in favor of gay marriage. After all, Blatt had been humping the argument that Obama betrayed his gay Democratic supporters by not supporting gay marriage harder than a meth-addled hillbilly on a blow-up doll. Here he is is saying Obama is taking gay marriage advocates for fools. And here is the Repub-licker Dan criticizing Obama for not supporting gay marriage and “playing political football with gay Americans.”
So, what’s our highly-principled Dan doing now that Obama has said he supports gay marriage? Oh, don’t be silly, you know exactly what he’s doing: he’s criticizing Obama for being in favor of gay marriage. Now, the Blatt Flacker says, he’s “trying to sell the Brooklyn Bridge to his gay supporters.” He’s just doing it “to quiet a political firestorm” among gay supporters. Wait, wasn’t it just seconds ago, that Dan was popping the pins holding up his Depends over how Obama wasn’t paying attention to his gay supporters? And now Obama is the worst President ever because he’s paying attention to his gay supporters?
This all just goes to show that Dan is so deranged about Obama that Obama could personally invite Dan to the White House for an orgy with Dan’s beloved Ken Mehlman in the Lincoln Bedroom and Dan would write a post criticizing him for it. We’ve known that Dan would criticize anything Obama did back when he took Obama to task for a federal regulation that would let gay people visit their partners in hospitals. I said then, and I say it again because it always gets Dan’s Beavis and Butthead commenters like V the K and North Dallas Forty worked up into a prissy hissy fit, the following:
Permit me to stop joking around for a moment and to say something directly for a change. Dan Blatt is a loathsome piece of shit who will sell out other gay people in order to curry the favor of straight Republicans who pat him on the head every now but then call him a cock-sucking heels-in-the-air fudge-packed girlie-boy behind his back (even though only the girlie-boy part is actually true). Dan says all this stuff because the probability that any gay man would ever give enough of a shit about Dan to visit him in a hospital, much less to have a relationship with him, is remote — as remote as the possibility that Dan will ever have sex with anyone other than a blind leper in a darkened truck stop in rural Alabama, and even then the leper will have to down a fifth of Jack Daniel’s before he can bring himself to do it. Fuck you, Dan, you wretched, illiterate prick.
On re-reading this, I actually think I was being too kind.
Dan Blatt, America’s Dumbest Homosexual. Not to be confused with Paul Blart, America’s Best Mall Cop.
On re-reading this, I actually think I was being too kind.
Yes, yes you were.
Tintin, it really isn’t healthy to keep your feelings bottled up like that.
We need an equivalent phrase for gay Uncle Toms.
. . . as remote as the possibility that Dan will ever have sex with anyone other than a blind leper in a darkened truck stop in rural Alabama, and even then the leper will have to down a fifth of Jack Daniel’s before he can bring himself to do it.
That is poetry. Still brings tears to my eyes. From laughing.
fabulous quislings?
actually closet quisling probably is a better term.
Made me think of this guy
Shalom, gentlemen.
Gay marry me, Tintin.
This is gonna be cool when Obama condemns melon-fucking.
If loving your comment is wrong, Tintin, I don’t wanna be right.
OT, but I’m getting tired of these clueless “moderates” on sites I lurk at:
Why do white people think black people are sooooo anti-gay marriage when District of Columbia is among the few jurisdictions in the US to have legalized SSM?
Also, too, Republicans are the most anti-SSM demo and they skew very white.
I haz a confused nao.
I guess DC is Chocolate City until it’s coastal elite limousine liberals, or something.
We need an equivalent phrase for gay Uncle Toms.
We need an equivalent phrase for gay Uncle Toms.
How about “dumb motherfuckers”?
Dan Blatts? Uncle Reem-us?
Why do white people think black people are sooooo anti-gay marriage when District of Columbia is among the few jurisdictions in the US to have legalized SSM?
Simple: they think all black people are an amalgamation of Bill Cosby, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Ice Cube (pre-Friday movies).
Nuance? What’s that?
We need an equivalent phrase for gay Uncle Toms.
I vote for “Cousin Dans.”
We need an equivalent phrase for gay Uncle Toms.
A Sowell?
Does anyone have an actual example of a Gay Black Republican seen in the wild? I mean i know there are gay Black folk, and Republican Black folk, but the combination just seems like a bridge to far.
A gay Black person choosing to be a republican? having a hard time wrapping my head around that one.
Pryme – I think it has more to do with how anti-gay the black churches are, which is: very. I’m guessing that in large metropolitan areas that are majority black, the church has less prominence than it does in rural areas and small towns.
Does anyone have an actual example of a Gay Black Republican seen in the wild?
Lloyd Marcus.
Lloyd Marcus?
Ron Christie
Beaten! Peter Kirsanow?
So, I don’t see an “A” in LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and queer), but maybe now is a good time to talk about advocacy for asexual people?
Romantic asexuals and asexual, aromantics require legal protection for their relationships too.
I think there’s a need and should be a legal space for domestic partnership (DP) which is not as-all-encompassing legally as marriage (affecting tax, inheritance, property, custody) but which protects things such as hospital visitation and allows for benefits coverage for employees and so on. Of course there are people who fall on the romantic, sexual end who would want a DP for legal and other reasons. But a broad DP would also allow relatives living together to have protection that are otherwise barred to them by consanguinuity laws.
And yes, I think it should be marriage/CU or DP for each individual. Otherwise you may create a moral hazard. But I think people should be able to have that choice.
DP was thrown out there as a separate-but-equal bone to gay people in committed relationships, but it has a value in itself to gays, straights, and people who are not interested in either kind of relationship but who lives with someone who takes care of them and vice versa.
Most people seem to be very uniformed when it comes to asexuality and marriage laws, but what better time to inform?
Why not both?
Cosby is a bitter old man, can’t imagine Ice Cube hating on gays (he’s not a pandering cowardly shit like Eminem, is what I’m saying), and MLK marched with Bayard Rustin.
Dumb people are dumb.
We need an equivalent phrase for gay Uncle Toms.
Sure you can.
I think the phrase a “danblatt” works just fine. It’s even an onomatopoeia!
Hmm, I was at a revival hoe-down and Mr. Imma pretend I’m more ignant than you, Imma pander like nobody’s bidness PREACHERMAN (the same one that the other Revs at the show kept glancing at nervously) spent WAAAAYYYY more time preaching against college Greek life (“It’s called a HELLenic society for a reason!”) than bitching about gays. We barely got a mention.
I will say, I don’t live in Atlanta, but I’ve heard a lot of bad things about the kinds of things said from the pulpit there. (Of course, that is where Farrakhan is located too.)
But tell us Tintin, how do you really feel?
Ho. Lee. Fuk. GayPutzRiot has got their panties in KNOTS! It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.
I’ll vote for “Cousin Dan.”
So I thought we were talking about post-Friday Ice Cube and not pre-Friday Ice Cube.
Point taken on that 1991 song. I’m afraid when that came out I was more of an MC Hammer fan. (stop laughing!)
Well, you know being gay used to be secret, shameful, forbidden. Now killjoys like Obama and other gay rights group are all about equal rights and mainstream acceptance for LBGT people and they are RUINING EVERYTHING!
stereotypeimage some people get of those three lead them to believe that they would be anti-gay, and since these same people tend to equate those three with “how all black people must be,” ipso facto, all blacks are anti-gay.Jennifer: It’s not the churches as much as the leaders of the church (sometimes it’s just one or two leaders). The congregation tends to be more tolerant, and very few people except the message of every sermon as truth. I’ve always contended that as long as marriage remains something that is not exclusive to the church, the church cannot make any serious claims that is is sacred.
I did not know of this Lloyd Marcus, but he is impressive.
The trollier part of me wants to throw out Tyler Perry’s name.
I’m afraid when that came out I was more of an MC Hammer fan. (stop laughing!)
As a fan of “Parker Lewis Can’t Lose,” I can relate. But I’m still laughing.
We need an equivalent phrase for gay Uncle Toms.
Chickens for Colonel Sanders?
I give Ice Cube a lot of credit because he’s smart and funny and he’s probably not as awful now, but War & Peace came out after Friday and was still not so kind to gay folks.
Am I misremembering or was there a tolerant attitude in Barbershop?
Churches are big on respecting their authoriteh.
Pryme, we’ll have to agree to disagree about the religious blacks vs. rich white male gays thing. I think it goes back to the gay activist organization schisms in the 1990s (basically over class and political lines) and the subsequent Prop 8 blame game, where the same jerky pretend-liberals, in their epic butthurt, blamed the same people who dissed them the first time around (for being privileged, exclusionary jerkoffs).
The sad thing is that for about two seconds some people other than them bought into their drama.
Why? Because he dresses like a 60-something year-old woman and his stories all end with shirtless guys being the solution to all life’s problems?
FYI: for those of you who have yet to see the Boondock’s episode on Tyler Perry, trust me: you missed a classic.
Barbershop had a tolerant attitude, although I don’t recall if homosexuality came up directly.
Also, relevant.
Yes, and his Jesus (and money) saves rhetoric. Nothing he puts out there is overtly political, but it certainly is congruent with typical grassroots Republican beliefs.
He panders to the sort of people who used to ignore politics for being worldly until the Christian Coalition came along.
We need to have a TALK MR. PROVIDER! If you are calling me a
then we shall meet ON A FIELD OF ONIONS!!!
If you mean
Then fucking-A!!! Someone has finally pegged me! Being a crafty one, I am a long-lived bastige.
Shorter TP: Ladies, you can be saved by choosing, and sticking to, the right man.
PS: sometimes that man is Jesus
PPS: just kidding, Jesus is a Good Man™ broker who will get you a fresh model right quick
Then fucking-A!!! Someone has finally pegged me!
Is it still “pegging” when you’re female?
H-o-lee-shit…the cute, tiny little chipmunk who lives under the kitchen porch just dragged home a snake, and is sitting on said porch happily munching away on the deceased reptile.
First I see a chipper kill a rat, now snakes too? Chipmunks is bastiges!
Is it still “pegging” when you’re female?
It is if the pegger uses a dildo.
As to why a heterosexual couple would be using a dildo, may I direct you to this library of informational and educational videos?
maybe now is a good time to talk about advocacy for asexual people?
What, doesn’t regular marriage have them covered? Thanks, week, waitress, veal, etc.
Who knew the little rotters had it in ’em?
I had to get rid of my DMX stuff because the anti-gay/trans rhetoric. Just one day while I was jogging, listening, I thought ” I can’t do this anymore.”
Lloyd Marcus.
Damn. right.
But I thought we got rid of him in the last racial draft!
talk about your brigdes too far.
You owe the nice lady a coke, though you can also bask in the GMTA moment.
Peter Kirsanow?
Thanks but I don’t need any pictures. I am just still trying to wrap my head around the concept.
You might not be so tickled, Jennifer, when that cute little chipmunk comes for YOU! Seriously— arm yourself. Chimpmunks don’t fuck around.
Then fucking-A!!! Someone has finally pegged me! Being a crafty one, I am a long-lived bastige.
Wiley, This.
Though i thought iI made it up, the word that is, and my meaning is used as a term of endearment meaning trenchant and witty people with an edge about them. It was only after I wrote tat particular comment that I came across the Urban dictionary definition, and then got distracted by something shiny and forgot to tell you so.
No offence at all was intended, quite the opposite in fact.
Sorry for the confusion and more so for any temporary anger I might have caused.
You might not be so tickled, Jennifer, when that cute little chipmunk comes for YOU! Seriously— arm yourself. Chimpmunks don’t fuck around.
I’ve had a couple of them find their way into the house. It turns into a Tom and Jerry cartoon when the cat starts chasing them.
Who knew the little rotters had it in ‘em?
No shit!
Jennifer, it would seem that you have a gift for observations of the absurd and unusual. There isn’t a Nuke plant in your vicinity is there?
I’ve had a couple of them find their way into the house. It turns into a Tom and Jerry cartoon when the cat starts chasing them.
I’ve been to that party MK, except found it amazingly difficult to keep four cats at bay while trying to heard the thing outta the house.
Heard that!
No shit, wiley, my first thought was “I’m lucky that the one the cat brought in a year ago didn’t kill me in my sleep.” (We had a chipmunk as an overnight guest because the cat couldn’t catch him and I couldn’t herd him out until the next day.)
Twas not angry, Provider. So you meant “bastiges” like “breastages”. The bat-winged cabbage, however, is more to my liking and more representative of my “hit or miss” approach to most things.
Right on not a gator— it’s bad enough that the mass marriage hysteria of the nineties appropriated the word “relationship” to mean only two people who were married or planning to get married; the busy-body-ness of deciding what relationships are significant according to presumed sexual behavior and legal status is imposing, limiting, and in no way consonant with personal liberties.
We’ve seen how homophobic societies work. Some folks want that, including some gays. But why do they come out of the closet?
Or one could argue for culture without the binary categorization of sexuality. There are precedents, probably more varied than I could imagine, that’d define away homophobia and closeting as we know them. But of course, conservatives by definition wouldn’t seek such a radical shift.
So there’s a worldview (or views) I see as evil; the possibility of a paradigm shift; and then there’s the nothingness represented by Dan Blatt and/or Log Cabin Republicans. What is it? How does it work?…
Shorter Blatt: “IT’S A TRAP!”
Yet again, I find my urge to troll that loathesome sack of human excrement being beaten by the queasy sensation that going on a snarking expedition to GayPatriot-HQ would bear too close a resemblance to kickboxing a Thalidomide baby.
Hoo LORD, is there ever some chronic Sandy Mangina Simplex goin’ on over there.
A chipmunk is just a rat with a good PR man.
I don’t find Blatt loathsome so much as utterly baffling. He sneers at Obama for not coming out for gay marriage quickly enough, but wants everyone to vote for Romney, who is completely against gay marriage, gay civil unions, and, so far as I can tell, gay existence. What could his agenda possibly be, other than sheer delusion?
What could his agenda possibly be, other than sheer delusion?
Self-hatred? And to be fair, who can blame him?
What could his agenda possibly be, other than sheer delusion?
Low taxes, feeling like he’s better than nears?
I always click the links for whacko shit at decent sites like TPM. Josh gets a penny and the whacko pays.
Self-hatred? And to be fair, who can blame him?
“Self-loathing is one of those intuitive leaps that is almost always correct.”
–P.J. O’Rourke
(who can be pretty loathsome himself)
So I’m assuming the author of this delightful, thoroughly researched, and completely coherent document will discard all of his worldly possessions sometime in the next two weeks or so? And is in no way taking money for this book he’s selling, ’cause why would he need that once society collapses?
The first trumpet was blown(um) in Dec, 2008? “The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.” HOW DID I MISS THIS? I think I was in Canada at the time, but they did have TVs. Maybe the fire/blood hail that killed 1/3 of the trees and 100% of the grass got missed because of all the prorogue crisis talk?
And I also suspect that at about midnight on May 27th this person will either have a completely new identity ready to go and hop off to some island somewhere with his millions (as if!), or, more likely, some circumstance that couldn’t have possibly been foreseen will push the date back, oh, another… four? Yeah, four years or so.
An equivalent phrase for gay Uncle Toms? We need an equivalent phrase for African American Uncle Toms. IIRC, Uncle Tom wasn’t really an Uncle Tom. I second the nomination of Uncle Sowell (keeps the Tom, but makes the reference more appropriate), but I also suggest (again keeping the Tom theme) Justice Clarence.
“the final countdown has begun, as the 1,335 days before the actual day Jesus Christ returns began on Tuesday, September 30, 2008.”
Prophetic math escapes me as does the reason why Jesus Christ would have a countdown down so clumsy that it makes the counting of the days of the Iranian Hostage Crisis look restrained by comparison. Guess it’s one of those “mysterious ways” things.
That’s a lot of shopping days until the Apocalypse, though. We should all heed this and stock up on the appropriate Apocalyptic wear and accessories. Perhaps we can all chip in on a “Welcome Back, Jesus” card, a banner, a cake, and party favors. We should also start working on the guest list. Anyone know a lot of lepers? Tax collectors? Promising dead people?
Some people need to get their timelines straight.
Speaking of time, l’m gonna have to re-set my alarm clock.
The author of revelation was a serial exaggerator. That 1/3 of everything that was supposed to get burned up did, in fact get a pretty irritating sunburn. In other news, the battle of Armageddon will actually just be a pay-per view wrestlemaina event. And the final judgement will be a scathing critique of fashion choices.
I will say, I don’t live in Atlanta, but I’ve heard a lot of bad things about the kinds of things said from the pulpit there. (Of course, that is where Farrakhan is located too.)
No. Farrakhan is located in Chicago.
Anyone know a lot of lepers? Tax collectors? Promising dead people?
Just harlots.
I feel fine.
Hey, Jesus was supposed to show for my birthday last year and he never did. Probably smokin’ bong hits with Buddha.
Zow Tintin, you magnificent Frenchman or fag or possibly both. Bravo sir, bravo.
Are we still doing gay Uncle Tom’s?
Because, Judy-est Goat.
We need an equivalent phrase for gay Uncle Toms.
Gays already have one– we call ’em Auntie Toms..
Does this mean I can finally marry my ice cream? That awesome stuff with the peanut butter in it….
My dog! I’m going to marry my dog. First, I’m gonna get me a goddamn labrador. Then I’m gonna goddamn marry it. This, PEOPLE, IS THE FINAL SHRED IN THE DESTRUCTION OF YOUR BELOVED AMERICA!
I’m going to marry my dog. First, I’m gonna get me a goddamn labrador. Then I’m gonna goddamn marry it. This, PEOPLE, IS THE FINAL SHRED IN THE DESTRUCTION OF YOUR BELOVED AMERICA!
Well, that depends on the labrador, doesn’t it?
Quick Lassie! Your husband has a boner!
Because, Judy-est Goat.
Judas Goatse.
What could his agenda possibly be, other than sheer delusion?
Wingnut welfare? Just sayin’.
Oh and Bitter Scribe, rec’d (well I know we don’t rec here like Great Orange Satan, but you know) for the P. J. O’Rourke reference.
P. J. used to be pretty funny (which makes him an almost non-existent breed of wingnut), although he was always a complete dick, even back in his National Lampoon days when he was supposedly a “liberal”.
Starting with runup to the Iraq War, he started getting wayyyy less funny and way more hateful. Sad.
But he does have some pithy quotes, gotta admit that.
Good evening to all you fine people.
I think they called ol’ Peej (who really was a total dick, always) liberal was due to drug use. His and theirs.
Some fill-in for Glenn Reynolds is accusing Obama of violating Joe Arpaio’s first amendment right to be a racist law enforcement officer:
On another note, my rightwingnut Christian boss called me in his office today, and said “Rose I’m kinda concerned. You’ve been kinda scatterbrained and forgetting things lately and I know you’re not like that”. I sighed, said “yes sir, I know that’s true. I’ll try and be more on top of things.” Not to be deterred, he cut right to the chase. “How are you dealing with Patrick’s death?” because Patrick was my coworker as well as my sweetheart and rightwing boss and wife loved him like a son. I looked at him and burst into tears and said “not good”.
He told me “Rose I know you’re suffering from depression, I can tell, forgetfulness and scatterbrainedness is one of the classic symptoms and I know you know that, because you’re intelligent and you read a lot”. “And I know you probably come in here and cry during the day before I come in”. I admitted that was true. Also that being alone in the office all day with constant reminders of Patrick was like living here with his ghost. He sighed and said yeah I know, I wasn’t in love with him like you were, but it gets me too. I see him in everything around here. Every piece of paper with his name on it, everything like that.
Wingnut boss has actually been very much kinder to me than my own family, who just says “suck it up”. They and other coworkers want to forget it all ever happened. No closure from any of them. He pointed out to me that the furnace tech guys who all loved him are not very good at dealing with their feelings.
But he was a Christian pastor for 24 years before he bought this business and he is good at counselling people.
He urged me to get grief counselling, I said well I can’t really afford that, he said go to the VA since you have VA healthcare, and if they don’t cut it, I’ll spring for something.
Wow. So, wingnuts are not all of the same stripe. I just wish I could get through to him about how he’s not voting in his, or ours, best interests.
But baby steps, baby steps. I think Molly Ivins once wrote about wingnuts being very generous personally, but really disconnected from the larger social consequences of their views.
Gays already have one– we call ‘em Auntie Toms..
Can I say that I did not know that (or possibly didnt remember knowing it as it does seem to ring a bell) without endangering my gay card?
haha…………..nah, I don’t think it endangers your gay card. You can’t keep up with every Internet meme, after all. :):):) At least I can’t. It’s like trying to keep up with bands in your youth. I never could. I was always a couple steps behind.
I have known a number of people, rosebuddear, who were perfectly human with the gays in their close acquaintance but outside of that were raging homophobes.
If I was a theist I’d say I’ll pray for you. Instead, I’ll say something that might actually be meaningful. Please make sure you follow through with the therapy – I know very well how easy it is to just … not get to it.
I absolutely do not understand why people that would have gays for close friends (of which I am one) would be raging homophobes. I guess that’s another part of people disconnecting and compartmentalizing their thought.
Thank you – I guess I have to now. Boss just called me to check up because he cares about me – he’ll whomp me if I don’t call and do it in the next couple days haha. You’re right………..it’s real easy to just…….not get to it. Unless you get a kick in the ass from your boss haha.
Best of luck Rose and talking to somebody is very very helpful. Who’d a thought a Right-wing boss would have a clue.
OFFS The Glenn Reynolds sub has learned its duties well. First quote TPM:
Why, that’s outrageous! Holder is firing up the thought police!
THAT IS OUTRAGEOUS! What? What’s that you say? The offenses are outlined elsewhere? They’re not suing because of his attitude but because of actual, criminal abuse? NO! That’s not true – how could I be outraged if there was actual substance to the matter which substance I completely ignore? You can’t expect me to actually read the DOJ indictment! only what lieberal so-called “journalists” have to say about it matters. LALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU
Arpaio is a dick. DOJ just better go after him. I’m sick of him. Like Tintin, I’m just sick of these people.
Never understood the Log Cabin folks, or black Repubs, for that matter. Kinda like the capos they picked to ride herd on the unsuspecting incoming Holocaust victims. They got tossed in the gas chambers, too, once they got too confident and complacent. This Dandy Dan Auntie Tom is a source of rapidly diminishing humor, at this point.
Good comment.
yeah Kiwi. and thanks for the comments. it’s comforting really.
This Dandy Dan Auntie Tom is a source of rapidly diminishing humor, at this point.
As a gay man, my feelings are more in line with Tintin’s. FUCK YOU DAN YOU FUCKING FUCK
Sure, in the long term you’re locked in a death camp and waiting to be murdered. In the short term, you’re king of the hill in that particular death camp.
The corollary to ‘There’s no situation so horrible humans can’t get accustomed to it’ is ‘There’s no situation so horrible humans can’t cheat each other in it’. Humans are weird.
Incidentally, as a fan of le mot juste, it is my happy duty to congratulate Tintin for selecting a word so well-suited for Dan Blatt that it may as well have been invented for the purpose: “wretched”.
A less discriminating arbiter may have accepted “craven”, but as this implies abject defeat instead of preemptive surrender, it is just a touch off. There is no substitute for “wretched” when it comes to Dan Blatt. Ask for it by name.
not a gator: the reason you don’t see an A in LGBTQ is that LGBTQ is a needlessly long version of Q that future generations will read the way we read “United Negro College Fund”. Q is the 9th Amendment, and unless you’re specifically militating for some specific group of specific people organizationally Q covers it (and should, by rights, cover at least LGB without any further clarification).
If you’re outside of the cursus honorum, you’re in the same boat as all the other queers because the patriarchy seeks your destruction as a proxy for theirs and vice-versa. This applies to everything – politics, manners, sexuality, race.
We are all fags in Willard’s sight.
I have known a number of people, rosebuddear, who were perfectly human with the gays in their close acquaintance but outside of that were raging homophobes.
One of the nicest bosses I ever had was also one of the most racist. He was one of those guys who makes a distinction between “blacks and niggers.”
(And yes, I know about Chris Rock. It’s not the same thing.)
just out of curiosity…………..what’s the tq in lgbtq? I get the A part, I feel for that.
T for tran? You all have my respect and sympathy.
We are all fags in Willard’s sight.
Well of course. This guy is another ahole Dubya fratboy. I despise him.
Hmmmm, Chris Rock. Yeah I know what you mean. But……….well……….no buts.
Chris Rock is a dick too.
the final three and one-half years of man’s self-rule that will end by May 27, 2012.
Not what I was expecting for my birthday, I’ll tell you that much.
That’s my grandpa. Like half of his remaining friends are some kind of swarthy but he’s just incredibly goddamn racist. It goes both ways, too – those friends would regard him as racist, but not David Duke racist, you know? (The difference, in my experience, being that Duke had the courage of his convictions.) There’s always mitigating factors when you care if someone lives or dies.
The traditional expansion of LGBT (the traditional acronym, as I am familiar with it) is “Let’s Go Bugger a Texan”. By association / bowlderization it has been changed to “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender”, and the extra letters always translate to something the rich white gays / lesbians running the club think they have discovered, like Columbus thought he discovered America.
Q is fairly conventional now, and stands for “queer”. Sometimes it is QQ – “queer / questioning” – or “Q?”, for the same thing. I simultaneously sympathize with complaints about “alphabet soup” acronyms and quash them in general company because the people making them are usually terrible (GLAAD/HRC corporate-bots, glib phobes) and the point is usually either ‘even gays don’t know how gayin’ works!’ or ‘why should we have to drag this queer dead weight with us through the glass ceiling?’.
“Queer” as I have always heard it used is exactly what it means as an insult – not normal, not one of us, etc. That is why queer is essential to the whole enterprise; the goal must be to destroy the walls around us and abolish normal, not to slip in and join us undetected.
Chris Rock is sort of the black version of “born on third base”; he came from stolidly middle-class people and while he came up poor because America is a shitty country he also came up with education and dignity, and the idea that the guys he describes as “niggers” is him minus a schoolteacher for a mother and a truck driver for a father is so terrifying he devotes a lot of his act to kicking the hell out of them for making him look bad to the white society he craves the approval of.
To his immense credit, he does get pretty irritable about white people appropriating the act – he’s not a straight-up Uncle Tom as Cosby has become in his old age. But it’s a problematic act for a lot of reasons, most of them ultimately boiling down to class.
I think I should specify that by “devotes a lot of his act” I mean devotes a lot of the particular act in which that “I love black people, but I hate niggers” bit came from to it. It’s also a well he goes back to a lot professionally, and it represents some of his more popular material – see this from the Chris Rock show, for instance.
I say this not in anger but in sorrow, because I love Chris Rock. If I had to preserve one comedian’s standup as an example of how to do “blue” properly, it’d be his. (This bit in particular.)
It’s hard to be inhuman to people within your circle; I think generally speaking most folks are pretty reasonable. Those who can maintain the political stance to your face – NO I WON’T GIVE YOU A SMOKE, LAZY BUM! – are real fucks.
Don’t just see a therapist, see someone who can prescribe, if you can afford it. The drugs work.
Sometimes even LGBTQIA; Intersexed and Asexual.
But yeah, at a certain point too many letters makes it tough to say. But then again, I’m not the one that got rolled off the end. But ‘we’ chose Transgender instead of Transvestite or Transsexual, generally, and that happened only in the last twenty years.
Prost, JP! Iz big paycheck, no?
You know shit’s getting seriously fucked up when …….
“the first trumpet was blown in Dec 2008” – ah, that explains it!
That creepy self-loather North Dallas Forty is still making the rounds? Amazing.
People are now talking about QUILTBAG. This has the advantage of being easy to pronounce, and the (dubious) disadvantage that nobody’s really sure what it stands for. Not that it matters what each individual letter means, but some people obsess over these things.
Can John Stossel get any stupider? This will be a high bar to clear: http://world-o-crap.blogspot.com/2012/05/kohn-stossel-give-me-liberty-and-give.html
Quite Unctuous Intracrural Love: Texas! Buy and Go!
As I understand it.
“ABOVE: Dan Blatt and the only living thing with which he
might be able to have sex.”
Question: how long is fruit “alive” after it’s been picked? Is it dead right away? Doubtful.
When do life processes cease in picked fruit? Minutes? Hours? I’m sure it varies.
Is that melon actually still alive?
John Stossel (see S. cerevisiae’s link above):
“A child leaving home alone for the first time takes a risk. So does the entrepreneur who opens a new business. I no more want government to prevent us from doing these things than I want it to keep us in padded cells.”
The child is more likely to be prevented from leaving home by his/her parents, John, even under Obama! The entrepreneur struggles to obtain capital, moreso than the government’s permission. Padded cells are hard to come by.
Stossel is a long-standing nozzle. I think he writes so that he’ll have something to masturbate to. One hand holds the text, the other his crank, and then he gazes in the mirror.
I like to think of John Stossel as The Mustache of Understanding™, but The Nozzle of Self-Abuse works, too.
When you read John Stossel, don’t think “man, this guy is stupid”, but rather think “man, this is freshwater economists’ idea of trenchant and intelligent”.
My favorite part is that the “law” he discusses is one of those postulates that can only be treated as a law if you ignore the data – in classic Austrianoid style, it’s just a priori true that government regulation stifles innovation and data to the contrary are aberrant.
“Smeed’s Law”, by unfortunately-named England traffic bureaucrat Smeed, postulated that traffic speed in London would always be some low number representing the lowest speed people would tolerate, and that changes in traffic safety laws would yield no difference in fatalities because of riskier behavior.
This is considered an iron law in efficient-markets circles, because it just makes sense. The problem is it’s demonstrably false – the Australian state of Victoria, with rigorous drunk driving checks and stringent traffic law enforcement, has gone from one of the highest rates of traffic fatalities to one of the world’s lowest. And this in the 70s and 80s, a time at which Australia was basically where Commonwealth glibbies went to buy land and drive cars.
Still considered an iron law. And Victoria doesn’t count, for . . . some reason. After all, efficient markets.
The Moustache Of Laughter And Forgetting.
Hey, why are you awake? I know why I am. I went to bed at 8:00.
Mad Max 2 is, in fact, a documentary. Then again, so is The Castle.
Hey, why are you awake? I know why I am. I went to bed at 8:00.
Cos it’s four in the afternoon round these parts. Now, who wants to buy some jousting sticks?
Now, who wants to buy some jousting sticks?
Are they sugar-free?
Sugar-free, one -size-fits-all and bio-luminescent, too! I tells ya, these are some damn fine jousting sticks, brother.
Sugar-free, one -size-fits-all and bio-luminescent, too! I tells ya, these are some damn fine jousting sticks, brother.
I saw some on eBay for less.
Okay, gotta go study for my backflow inspection and evaluation certification test that I will be taking in a few hours.
Yay for actual, real money, JP! I know how that relief feels.
Now you can go grocery shopping and have an actual choice in the cereal aisle. It doesn’t have to be the cheapest shit you can find. I just experienced that relief myself – at last! Enough!
Good for you and I’m sure you’ ace the test.
you’ll too.
Yay for actual, real money, JP! I know how that relief feels.
Yay! I got my first paycheck today, too! Whoo-hoo!
I’ll probably be paying 150% of my rent every month for a while, though, catching the landlord up on the ~$6K I’m in arrears. So, I’ll be shopping at Aldi for a while, and no new scooters, tech toys or anything non-essential for a while, yet. Still, it feels very, very good to know what’s ahead to some degree.
Good for you, Jeff.
Lexicon, jousting sticks? What flavour are they?
Chris Rock is sort of the black version of “born on third base”
This might be genuinely the most depressing thing I’ve ever read on Sadly, No! since at least post-election 2004. That “born on third base” for American blacks is just middle-class…
I mean, fuck.
They’re kind of a luscious pepsin-flavored nougat, chock-full of tangy candied cubeb berries, [with] a chewy camphor-gum center.*
*Pynchon: is there anything he can’t do?
Snarky comment # 24.
Sorry too tired – Nytol.
The despicable thing is that a generation of fake-ass yoostabees turned the harrowingly marginal life of a distressing number of urban black Americans into “a plague of illegitimacy”, and in this fashion is it discussed today: the single mother not as a symptom of the criminal negligence of American capitalism but as the thin end of the free-love wedge.
TinTin, question to ponder:
Is Dan actually gay or is he a gay-wannabe who’s permitting himself the facade of homosexuality to cover up his own inability to handle reality?
In other words, he’s decided to hide behind “being gay” because he himself can’t believe that he himself isn’t the most celebrated person in the world, and there must be some reason people hate him, and people (that he knows, at any rate) hate gay people so he must be gay.
Sweatin’ and studyin’.
(btw, don’t read that last link I posted unless you need a sleep aid at this time of day)
The I got mine, fuck you, pull the ladder up behind me, I had nearly a free ride by comparison crowd is really standing on my balls…
Jeffraham Congrats! I have been reading your post (being a gentlemen mechanical engineer) and your discription and the diagram in question has me thinking that I am looking at what might be described as a hydrolic transister (having built a few radios, i have a clue about the beasts).
Your description of the situation indicates to me that you should have no trouble aceing your cert exam, I just wonder if that particular system in question is analogous to a field effect, bi-polar or point-junction transister.
Anyway, my inner geek is enjoying the read.
Best of luck! Though I suspect you will knock that shit outta the park.
Having downloaded the image file of the cock and ball joint with backflow regulation, I have to no longer scroll up as i read your description of the gadjet. I don’t know why i get randomly turned on by mechanical shit, but I do.
So now i have the pleasure of reading your description of the device while simultaiously observing the schematic giving me yet another opportunity to learn some esoteric bullshit which will likely never make me any money, but may save my ass some day.
Thanks. and while I may be the only one who gets through your exercise and go Full Metal Geek in the interim on this thread (apologies in advance) a person has gotta do what he is compelled by nature to do.
I am assuming that the check point ball valves are cylindrical devices with a bore of a certain diameter that can be turned 90 degrees to shut off flow in the system. When running the tests do you modulate the flow in anyway with the shutoffs?
It does occur to me that the answ3er may be contained in the piece, but I have yet to finish it.
Inquiring minds and what such.
UNE, it’s rather an ingenious device in that no matter how it fails (and they fail all the time), it will never allow water to flow from the discharge side of the line to the supply side of the line. Motherfucker who figured that shit out probably got a medal. And it’s a relatively new invention, so far as water distribution systems are concerned. Hell, disinfection of the water supply didn’t even start until the early 20th Century!
I am assuming that the check point ball valves are cylindrical devices with a bore of a certain diameter that can be turned 90 degrees to shut off flow in the system. When running the tests do you modulate the flow in anyway with the shutoffs?
Correct. Most of the units below 4″ in diameter use little screws to actuate the ball valves; bigger units will generally have a valve with a handle on them.
. . .
Some questions answer themselves.
“Hydraulic transistor” — excellent analogy! I don’t think it’s exactly a one-to-one comparison, but from what I remember, that’s pretty damned close to the idea, yeah.
Thanks Jeff, ands food luck!!!!
Alec, you are a funny beast.
Dammit!!! My first real vacation in three years is scheduled to start the 29th. It’ll be just my luck that this will be the first doomsday prophecy in the last 2000 years to come true.
Food luck, gotta love that typo, and alec, I think you might have added “compelled by nature” to your gag.
Thanks Jeff, ands food luck!!!!
Food luck, indeed. 🙂 As in, “I’ll be able to buy food if I pass this cert.” 🙂
Seriously though, gotta run. See y’all around 1:30 p.m. CT.
“Hydraulic transistor”
Thanks for fixing my original misspelling. I try to do it from time to time myself.
A Junction field effect transistor has a gate, source and drain and depending upon the value of the resistors applied at each point one can control the flow of voltage and the amplitude of the signal out put, which is what put me to mind of the analogy.
I think that you have this shit locked down, and once again good luck. I still have my Pastafarian temple in place. 🙂
Dammit!!! My first real vacation in three years is scheduled to start the 29th. It’ll be just my luck that this will be the first doomsday prophecy in the last 2000 years to come true.
Oh well, just take comfort in the fact that we will all go down with the ship if this is the case. Otherwise, have an excellent time while getting back home in time to decompress from the travel related fatigues.
So, wait, have I gotten this wrong, or are you studying for a test on your ability to test testing apparatus?
Go higher up the food chain. Figure out the test the proctor for your certification had to pass to get his job, and then challenge the writer of that test to single combat and take his Quickening.
Units bigger than four inches in diameter?!?!
I’d have thought you’d need two handles, minimum.
Also, how would you get your pants on?
If these backflow whatchawhozits can be compared to transistors, then it is possible to make a logic gate out of them. If you can make a logic gate out of them, you can make a computer out of a bunch of them. If you can, then you should. Please build the world’s first sloshy computer, very slowly computing answers as it sends grey water through a needlessly complex gordian knot of pipes to calculate the answers to questions that could have been figured out in half the time with an abacus.
That would be one gigantic computer. One of these backflow widgets has got to be at least 5 times the size of a vacuum tube.
Helmut, i love your verve. I think that we would be looking at something that would fill the grand canyon hand have the computing power of an Eniac.
I like it, and if I was President I think I would almost have to build one.
Especially if you used a lot of brass fittings and made it look steampunk.
It doesn’t have to look steampunk, it could embody steampunk! such a beast would certainly require pumps which could be powered by steam engines. It would totally add an
authenticawesome flair to add spinning flywheels, hissing steam and huge smokestacks belching smog to the design.Crap!
Hydraulic computing has actually been done. Some of the concepts are different since water and electrons behave differently. Mo(i)stly a flow versus accumulation thing, meaning analog instead of digital. But what you folks are talking about, with logic circuits and such? Also been done.
Hydraulic computing has actually been done.
Thank you for saving me the lecture 😉
You could do teh lecture about fluidics and interfacing hydraulic/pneumatic devices to electronics. That’s actually a pretty big field. Or maybe something about all them sensors and non-electronic solenoid valves used just about everywhere. Not everything runs on electric motors, so if you`re going to have electronic controls, you`re going to need some sort of interface. Automatic transmission for example.
That said, teh idea of a giant steampunk device filling teh Grand Canyon with all sorts of brass fittings and leather straps and goggle wearing dandies running around as technicians is TOTALLY AWESOME.
Imagine a display where each pixel is actually a jet of dyed water. Sure teh refresh rates would be dismal, but that’s okay since teh lag from all teh switches in the hydraulic GPU is going to give you a top fps of 1e-3. Even without graphics set at “Ultra”.
Not everything runs on electric motors
I prefer the biological processor.
It seems, that logic gates have been built, but MONIAC* aside, no one has assembled them into a programmable, turing complete computer, with programmable input, storage, processor, display device (not strictly necessary for turing completeness, but cool nonetheless) and output.
To put it another way, simple small calculators have been built, not full fledged computers.
From the description MONIAC appears to be more of an analog model of an economy, rather that a fluidic digital computer.
If you build a fluidic computer, you risk losing the entire 12th century. And then where will you be when Jonathan E comes looking for information?
N_B, you lost me.
The finest film ever made: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rollerball_(1975_film)
This was written after a trip with a time machine.
Heh, I figured Helmut was simply insinuating that he’s from the 12th century.
He doesn’t say “dost” often enough.
Why would someone build a fluidic computer? Even teh coolness factor fades when you see what actual fluidics components and hydraulic solenoids look like.
Since water and air and hydraulic fluid have actual physical substance, you can do stuff with them that you can’t with electrons (although with electric motors and magnets and analog-elecrtic components you can come pretty close).
But if you really insist on boolean logic operators, than you have to approach it teh same way as with electrons. i.e. as electronics is to fluidics, microelectronics is to microfluidics.
‘dost’ woulde bee morre of the 15the or 16the century. 12the century woulde ƒounde more like the Engliƒhe of the Canturbury taleƒ.
12the century woulde ƒounde more like the Engliƒhe of the Canturbury taleƒ.
All I remember of that is that terminal “e”s are pronounced as separate syllables.
Waiting for a proctors to open up.
Hey, DK-W…just wanted to let you know that when I’m wrong, I like to be spectacularly wrong. I gave Cracked another looksy and it turns out there’s actually some good stuff there. That one regrettable article and horrid user content aside, I was pretty off-base in my critique.
Pointless retrotechnological hydro-mechanical digital wankery is its own reward.
Pointless retrotechnological hydro-mechanical digital wankery is its own reward.
Besides, with all our polluted rivers and waterways you’d be hard pressed to avoid the GIGO scenario.
But tracking down a memory leak should be easier than in traditional programming.
The upside is that the project could be a huge help to my brother, a currently unemployed plumber.
BREAKING: Woman admits she was wrong!
I’m feeling a little trollish today. Anybody want to fight?
I’d also like to point out that I was SHOCKED to find out that Rmoney was a spoiled brat rich kid who viciously bullied kids that didn’t live up to his standards.
I’d also like to point out my frustration at the fact that pieces of shit like him always seem to come out the winners in life while decent people slave away under their fucking bootheels.
I’ve always found that just admitting you’re wrong is fairly quick and painless. And also tends to make you less of an asshole.
Yup. It gets…depressing. But then you see this and you feel a little better.
Hey vs, no problem. You know, the writers at Cracked slave away at teh comedy mines for teh sole purpose of impressing womminfolks, so it’s good that you gave them a second chance.
I’ve always found that just admitting you’re wrong is fairly quick and painless. And also tends to make you less of an asshole.
I’ve always found that insulting women with shopworn gender stereotypes makes you an incredible asshole, which is something I aspire to be. When I have 50 million greenbacks in a Cayman account, I’ll stop doing it.
Silly, you have to get your radio show first. You can’t monetize harassing women on the street or calling women “cunts” on the Internet. Think, tsam, THINK!
Why would someone build a fluidic computer
Because you can, silly boy. The proper question is, having thought of it why wouldn’t someone build it?
The link above is the coolest fluidic computer I have found so far in my arduous 15 minute search of the intertubes. The blending of a pipe organ with a fluidic computer is a nice touch. Clearly something even bigger, even more complex needs to be built.
I once built a pneumatic calculator. Four bits. Just because. The first gui app I ever wrote (X w/ Athena widgets, much blood was shed) was also a calculator of sorts. Thass right bitches, most BADASS slide rule EVAH!
Yes, kid, you are cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.
AWWWW NUTS! I’ll NEVER be good at this. Romney didn’t have a radio show. How did HE do it?
Veddy interestink! And I see a 503 area code! I need to find that guy if only to say “wow!”
the old fashioned way. He inherited it. Then he took that pile of cash his daddy left him and went to Bain capital. There he got together with other rich jerkasses, and bought out companies. They took those companies, raided the pension funds, sold off everything that wasn’t nailed down and laid off everyone they could get away with to pump up the quarterly balance sheet. They then sold the companies at wildly inflated prices to suckers. They, and other companies just like them, repeated this process dozens of times in the 80s and 90s. That is why Romney is rich as Midas, and why we as hard working Americans, can’t have nice things.
Oh. Dang.
good bob almighty y’all are a gabby lot…a girl is gone for one day and there is NO catching up with the threads!
daughter’s check up went well…still cancer free 🙂
Thanks vs, that was super cool! And to paraphrase one of the youtube comments: fucking onion cutting ninjas!
Gah! Why did you have to remind me of that shit!?
Wow, that thing is seriously impressive. I now wonder who commissioned in in the first place, why, and how much it cost. And I also wonder if the woodworker has to take any meds for his OCD.
One of the lead characters in Stephenson’s Cryptonomicon plays the pipe-organ. Playing it helps him design a tube (“valve”) computer to break Nazi codes. I wonder if any of that was an inspiration for this thing.
when I’m wrong, I like to be spectacularly wrong.
It is a way to learn spectacular things, if you’re lucky … the trick is in surviving the tutorial to reap the rewards of the lessons.
Yeah, I bit my lip like a motherfucker when you were in RAEG MOED over that place … as a kid who was Full Gormed over “THE BOOK OF LISTS,” the Cracked posse gets some epic ones onto the Intertronz … but then I’m a tacky enough bilious curmudgeon to love bash.org & the now-thrice-rezombified encyclopædiadramatica.se, too.
I am one of Dan’s “Beavis and Butthead” commenters who has posted on here before and asked you to stop using that picture.
I have also argued many of the same points you’ve made in this post over at GP recently (albeit less bitterly).
Again, please stop using that picture and take it down. It’s inappropriate, and considering the caption, libelous.
“Not much in the 13th century. Just Dante and a few corrupt popes.”
A reasonable belief that a statement made in good faith is true is a defense against libel. So is a statement being factually true.
Ya dingus.
Did someone say fluidic computer? Ah, the Coand? effect. Memories flooding back (so to speak).
If I recall those 1960s Scientific American articles correctly, the main rationale was the immunity of a fluidic missile guidance system to EMP.
I mean, most of the stuff I’ve read there isn’t *that* funny to me. But it’s a perfectly fine place and I went a little koo-koo for cocoapuffs when I went off on it based upon those two unfortunate things.
Thank you so much for giving everyone such a superb chance to read in detail from this site. It is always very ideal plus stuffed with amusement for me personally and my office friends to visit the blog more than three times in one week to read the fresh things you have. And indeed, I’m just certainly astounded for the remarkable knowledge you serve. Some 1 ideas on this page are in fact the most efficient we have had.
I frequent Dan’s site as an occasional commentator, from the left. It is no barrel of laughs, for sure, with its fair share of crazy thinking. However, the above rant, quoted at length (it may surprise you that NDT quotes it at length, frequently, on GP to whip up outrage about Liberal meanness, intolerance, and incivility to obscure talking substantively and rationally about issues), only helps to make Dan’s point (and NDT’s as well, unfortunately).
To those who don’t get Dan’s thinking, two observations. First, it is clear that Dan’s sexual orientation is not first in his political thinking–he really is a Republican first in terms of economics, philosophy, etc. So, he can quite logically hold that even if the Republican Party is down on equal rights for gays, it favours policies that are more important to him. Second, as a conservative, Dan holds to “live and let live,” and a “less government, better government” beliefs, that when combined suggest that government intervention to improve the situation of gays is automatically suspect (“Government is getting involved, cutting someone’s liberties & messing with socially important traditions/institutions, to help someone else’s whatevers …”). I understand the arguments against these views, but the underlying beliefs are coherent given Dan’s hierarchy of values, I think. However, Dan gets strained in his thinking when it comes to things like Obama supporting gay marriage, because, government hasn’t actually engaged in any intervention–yet. So, this is way muddier ground for Dan to work with, and it clearly shows.
I think the criticism you raise in the early part of your post makes an excellent point. Given that, what function does the rant and it republishing at the end serve? Provocation? A reminder of “why we fight”? Doesn’t it miss the mark, whilst its hurtfulness and mean-spiritedness provide comfort to those who use it as “evidence” of liberal “intolerance and incivility” in what is supposed to be a rational debate? It is wrong morally (has Dan spoken to you this way, so that retaliation like this–an eye for an eye–makes sense?), tactically (aid and comfort), and strategically. On that last point: The rant would make more sense if you dropped the personal attacks and targeted the fact that mainstream Republicans can (and do) use GP as cover for what are pretty intolerant points of view, socially speaking: “See, even gay people see things our way…” I think that is the argument, and one you make powerfully and forcefully, elsewhere. Focusing on the “scraps and pats on the head” etc, obscures the issues, and allows those who disagree with you to dismiss you as just being a personal invective hurler.
[…] has another advantage. Because most of them either don’t want to get married or, like Dan Blatt, have as much chance of getting married as Hinderaker has of finding a client in the Fortune 500, […]