See his next book, Liberal Stupidheads Who Are Stupid
Jonah Goldberg, America’s Shittiest Website :
Me and Black America
It’s apparently National Review week here at Sadly, No. Today’s easy meat for the mincer is good ol’ Loadpants Goldberg himself.
You see, something terrible happened to him. Something unforgivably malevolent, something that brought home in uncertain terms who the real victims are in this world of ours.
That is, he was… lightly mocked… DUH DUH DUH.
And to our nation’s wingnuts, having your ignorant codswallop of ideas lightly deflected by good-natured people willing to find the bright-side in your ignorance is ten times worse than any actual oppression that whiny liberal whiners whine about.
But remember, it is liberals who make mountains out of molehills and are just looking for something to complain about. What? IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION? Never heard of it.
- Being lightly mocked for being an ignorant racist ass casually dismissing basic observable reality is proof that liberals are the real fascists… racists too.
Well, let’s add an extra Hitler into the mix.
The dumbest
Nope, I’m whistling for offsides. Someone so aggressively deliberately ignorant as Jonah Goldberg doesn’t get to call others dumb. Sorry, buddy, if you wanted the right, you shouldn’t have spent it writing Liberal Fascism.
and most common liberal response to my column is the smirking rejoinder, “Oh sure, and why should we listen to Jonah Goldberg about black life in America.” Or as Eric Boehlert, the chief intern at Media Matters tweeted: “again, because who knows more about being black in America than National Review writers like @jonahNRO?”
Jonah did so grow up on the mean streets of West Philadelphia on the playground where he spent most of his days, chillin out, maxin, relaxin all cool. How dare you suggest otherwise!
Also, apparently responding to aggressive hateful ignorance with a light joke noting just how little Jonah Goldberg knows about the black experience in America (a fact he will admit again lower down the paragraph) is just stupid and mean and wrong and MOMMY YOU DIDN’T SAY THEY’D GET TO MAKE FUN OF ME! MAKE THEM STOP, MOMMY!
Ah, yes, conservatives much vaunted respect for the hallowed institution of free speech. That is, they are allowed to say anything they want, but no one is allowed to respond about how dumb it is no matter how obliquely or full of grace.
The problem with this response is that it’s a non-response. Worse, it’s a dumb non-response. Even worse than that, it’s a damning dumb non-response. Let’s go in order.
Dear Bob, he’s literally devolving into a 2-year old over this, isn’t he?
No, you’re stupid, you, cause you’re stupid, that’s why, with your stupid face and stupid nose, and stupid stupid stupidhead… MOMMY, HE’S BEING MEAN TO ME AGAIN!
Someone lightly mocks him and he goes full on toddler. How has this man managed to dress himself regularly much less “run” a nationally syndicated magazine’s web presence?
First, I never claimed to have intimate knowledge of black America.
So, he’s taken objection to people humorously noting that he’s far from an expert on the subject of black America, despite you know, full on admitting he’s completely ignorant on the subject.
And here’s the clincher.
Yes, he did.
Because he wanted to speak as an authority on the subject and obviously wanted to be taken seriously even by people with some actual degree of knowledge on the subject, at least enough not to be a point of derision and mockery for them.
And well, he’s not and frankly should have kept his fool mouth shut. Not necessarily because he’s a worthless waste of space that has nothing to contribute to humanity, but rather because no one cares about what ignorant people think about a subject.
I mean, I know nothing about astrophysics. Couldn’t even begin to describe the concepts with any degree of knowledge. I mean, I could start learning if I wanted to, the information is out there, but I have just never been interested enough to bother.
So, I don’t talk about my knowledge about astrophysics. I don’t poo poo the experts in the field and insist that black holes work by feeding people chocolate cake. And go on about how I don’t think dark matter works the way it’s theorized to work, because, that just seems wrong and my buddy Phil says that’s just where the icing comes from.
Because then, I’d just be revealing myself as an idiot. And if the experts wanted to laugh about my chocolate cake theory, I kinda brought it upon myself by not even bothering with the most cursory reading before spouting my fool head off. I’d have given no one anything of substance and at best become an object of ridicule rather than an object of hatred for making experts’ jobs that much harder in my need to fill up space with worthless ideas literally based on nothing.
Apparently in wingnut world this mild pushback is equivalent to being shoved in the gas chambers.
Also, the real source of stupid.
Ah, IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION, do you have no greater champion than Jonah Goldberg?
If anything, I’m dubious of the idea (or desirability) of a monolithic “black America.”
“Black life in America” and “being black in America” is now a monolithic creature known as Black America that marches in lockstep with the one all-consuming goal of embarrassing NRO editors.
English, motherfucker! Do you speak it?
Second, nothing in my column requires an intimate personal knowledge of black America. All I did was make the case, based on the sort of empirical data the self-proclaimed “reality-based community” relies upon, that violent, never mind homicidal, white racism is hardly the chief threat to African-Americans.
Snrk… haha… bwahhahahhahahaha!
Oh, wow, thank you Jonah, we’ve needed a laugh like that. Yes, nothing you wrote in your column required any actual you know, knowledge or awareness of the subject of your column. All you did was ignore the well-documented reality of the subject you were babbling about and throw up your own ignorant and poorly-sourced conjecture assuming the direct opposite because… you actually bothered to get off your ass this time and ask someone to do a google search for you so obviously it trumps.
And you can also see his licking of the wound of Liberal Fascism. He apparently really did believe that he had created a work of genuine scholarship because he vaguely aped the style of a real sociology book and is wondering why it wasn’t crowned as the new single guiding document of all history and sociology as his half-formed notion of science and scholarship says it should work.
It’s just so pathetic that it becomes fucking hilarious.
Nor do I believe that most African-Americans believe that to be the case, at least not from the polls I’ve seen over the last ten years or from what I’ve read
Well, sure, racism is probably not going to top the list, coming in as it does after “economic and social concerns exasperated by racism”.
and heard from black thinkers and friends.
What? The handful of black people you hired to the website to assuage the consciences of racist white people and assure them that there is no such thing as racism and blacks really are poorly educated mud people who need to be returned to slavery, told you what you wanted to hear rather than the truth?!?
As Nicole pointed out yesterday, a chief concern of black mothers in New Orleans is to get their sons out of that pocket of black America safely and educated.
Yeah, people living in New Orleans, the lost city that Republicans created and have constantly stiffed most relief to, especially as it regards to the black people living there or did live there, have been mostly concerned with getting the fuck out before the toxic soup of spilled chemicals and bacteria breeding grounds takes them out.
Obviously proof that black people can’t stand each others presence and therefore are the real racists!
The gist from my harshest e-mailers seems to be that I simply have to take Charles Blow and Jesse Jackson as the final word on black America’s wants and needs.
Or… they are noting that if you want to speak as an authority on black culture or issues of racism, that it might do you good to avail yourself of the literally infinite resources on the subject cataloging in extreme detail the history and modern reality of racism by thousands upon thousands of authors debating and demonstrating their cases.
Or fuck, show some awareness of the vast majority of lived black experiences that you are deliberately ignoring because the fairy tale spun by the black man whose job depends on making white folks feel better about their racism sounded better to you.
But no, you’re right, they just want you to join the Cult of Jesse Jackson and embrace Jacksonism as the One True Religion.
Sorry, I don’t recognize that authority.
It’s hilarious to see wingnuts seek respect or language from academic scholarship and science (fields that are collaborative in nature and are highly suspicious of “single authority” for the potential for bad scholarship) despite their complete inability to think outside of single authorities.
Things work by a single authority telling them what to think, so obviously everything else must be as authoritarian as they are. The entire field of ethnic studies? Obviously just taking marching orders from Jesse Jackson. Biology? Cultists in the religion of Charles Darwin. Facts? All minions of the mean fact checkers at Media Matters!
Which always leads to the point where they try and attack the moral character of whoever they’ve decided is the big origin of whatever field they’re at war at for thoroughly disproving their ignorant conjectures and everyone looks at them puzzlingly and with mild pity.
I’d have sympathy if this wasn’t an age of unprecedented access to information and it wasn’t literally as easy as pushing a button to access the information needed to know how things work.
I’m open to arguments from them, sure. At least in the case of Blow, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that he’s honestly expressing his views (It’s much harder to take Jackson in good faith).
He’s open to their arguments. By which he means he only openly dismisses one of them instantly! That is to say, he dismisses both of them instantly, but only one does he assume is working on behalf of Satan and his Armies of Despair.
See, liberals, couldn’t be more open to this artificial selection of two voices standing in for all of reality.
But I don’t have to find their unpersuasive arguments and assertions persuasive simply because they’re black.
Yeah, I shouldn’t have to find them persuasive just because they’re black! Oh, what, you were actually asking me to find them persuasive because of the literal dump-truck loads of evidence about racism in America including the incident I decided to be a complete fuck about and the arguments coming from actual reality and demonstration rather than just their skin color?
Shyeah right, why would I listen to a bunch of niggers about that shit, what do they know about anything?
But let’s say that this sort of identity politics nonsense is valid.
Um, you’re the one ignoring the scholarly stuff, because, “I know a black man and he signed off on my ignorance”, but it’s them who’re engaging in identity politics for pointing out the bleeding obvious.
Wow. IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION chose their champion well, I didn’t even notice you drop a sweat.
Does this mean Blow, Jackson and Sharpton can never, ever, speak about the tea parties with any authority? The tea parties aren’t as white as their liberal detractors claim (or as Occupy Wall Street, I gather), but let’s also take those claims seriously. How dare Blow ever write about the motives and concerns of a (allegedly) “white” movement? How dare Sharpton sit there on MSNBC and analyze the views of the Republican candidates, particularly now that Herman Cain is out of the race?
Damnitt I demand that blacks only be allowed to talk about black stuff, but shouldn’t be listened to when they talk about black stuff. Then, they should defer to white opinion as they are to do on everything else.
Also, LEAVE TEA PARTY ALONE! Just because it is an obvious meeting place for white supremacists and segregation-supporters lost in the land of post-Obama America, doesn’t mean that people are allowed to point it out. Including the host of white people who’ve been pointing it out.
What does he know about “white America”?
Well, if you were even marginally aware of reality, you’d know that it’s impossible to be ignorant of “White America” in the way that people such as you are ignorant of “Black America” largely due to people like you thinking their admitted ignorance on the subject trumps black experience and lives whereas “white” experiences and lives make up nearly the totality of media and culture.
Thus allowing ignorant shits like you to assume that “white American” culture can be a stand-in for all American cultures…
I lost you at “well”, didn’t I?
Sigh, just have another donut and a good cry about those meanie liberals not bothering to take you seriously and give you the scathing take down you deserve.
You see how stupid that argument is?
It does have a certain resemblance to arguments presented in your posts, yes.
How condescending white liberals can be? Black Americans can be wrong in their analysis of what black America’s biggest problems are. If you don’t believe that to be the case then you have to believe that all blacks think the same way and believe the same things, and that kind of “they’re all alike” argument sounds awfully racist to me.
Relation to previous paragraphs? (Sound of crickets)
Relation to the whining of a poorly-trained toddler? Oh dear, Bob, turn that noise down.
But see, you are the real bigots for not treating this evasive screeching bucket of a temper tantrum as the new guidepost of racial discourse going ever forward.
And if you ever think that a life spent treating mild rebuke far under what you deserve as some horrible slight is a sign of so much privilege that anyone with any form of minority life experience would be begging to trade places for one single day just to make you understand what actual suffering feels like…
Well, then we’ve seen the real face of Hitler, now haven’t we?
First they came for the no-talent wingnut-welfare recipient hacks, and I said nothing, for I wasn’t a no-talent wingnut-welfare recipient hack…
Whoa! Beat the Bastard by that much. > <
Heh, the not-so-fresh prince of bad air…
All I did was make the case, based on the sort of empirical data the self-proclaimed “reality-based community” relies upon, that violent, never mind homicidal, white racism is hardly the chief threat to African-Americans.
Yeah, the constant backdrop of institutional racism is probably a bigger threat to African-Americans. I’m reminded of the bit in The Godfather about a guy with a briefcase being able to steal much, much more than a guy with a gun.
Stupid Doughbob.
I guess it’s true that Doughy Pantsload can never write something without subtracting from the sum of human knowledge.
Heh, the not-so-fresh prince of bad air…
Yo homes, smell ya later!
Black America knows a hell of a lot more about White America than White America knows about Black America. It’s simple – it’s necessary for a minority group’s survival to be very well-versed in the culture of the majority group, particularly since the majority group is often openly and violently hostile to them.
Pantload had to reach pretty far up his ass to pull that one out, but, fuck, you could say that about any of his ‘columns’.
Hey, mingo, how was your trip to NYC?
I don’t always read through all of Cerberus’ stuff. This post was a reminder to me of why I really should.
Pigpen Libel!
Someone remind me: has Jonah ever held an honest job in his life? I know he’s a Lucky Sperm Club* member, but I can’t remember if he ever wrote for a non-captive audience.
*Okay, lucky egg in his case.
All I did was make the case, based on the sort of empirical data the self-proclaimed “reality-based community” relies upon, that violent, never mind homicidal, white racism is hardly the chief threat to African-Americans.
I’m sorry, did ANYONE claim violent white racism was THE CHIEF THREAT to African Americans as a group? Jonah’s article was transparently ignorant bullshit written just to demolish some poor strawman, and damn if he didn’t fail so hard it make the strawman look better in comparison. SAD.
Made, even. Stupid paws.
Mirror logic: If I, as a member of the ruling elite, cannot write about minority groups, then they can’t write about me. IT’S JUST THE SAME!!!
I, as a member of the ruling elite
AK drops the “friendly flightless bird” mask.
Damn straight! Worms, here, now, peasants!!
You can always count on Jonah to bring the stupid. The destruction the Sadlys put on his Magnum Dopus was legendary.
Worms, here, now, peasants!!
Unless you’re wearing Condi Rice boots and a leather bustier, this does nothing for me.
Well, you know I would normally but right now I think it would freak the bus driver out, somewhat
I don’t think I can read this just now. I just heard Mitchy Mconman say that the Dems were being stupid because repealing the subsidies to big oil would do nothing to lower the cost of gas at the pump. When you have no leg to stand on, “oh look a shiny thing!”
Der Loadedhosen plays the same game, though he is surely far less aware that he’s doing it. Strawmen and diversion is all they’ve got.
So I’ve just had all the chucklenuts I can stand right now. I’ll be back later.
Second, nothing in my column requires an intimate personal knowledge of black America.
Quite the opposite. Any kind of knowledge would prevent him from writing this stuff.
Anytime Jonah is being discussed, these lyrics are always playing in my head:
“Beat on the brat, beat on the brat
Beat on the brat with a baseball bat”
nothing in my column requires an intimate personal knowledge of black America.
Jonah, black America thanks you for avoiding intimate contact.
Jonah’s words without all the bloviating.
Further boiling reveals the truth: Nothing my column
My son is ten months old. He likes to crawl around making random farty noises with his mouth. These noises seem infinitely smarter than anything I’ve ever read by Jonah.
So I’ve just had all the chucklenuts I can stand right now. I’ll be back later.
Don’t you have some serious food porn to write?
First, I never claimed to have intimate knowledge of black America.
He probably has a well-thumbed, Cheeto-and-spunk-stained issue of “Black Tail” magazine stuck under the mattress in his old bedroom.
Don’t you have some serious food porn to write?
What about videos with cheesy* background music?
this sort of identity politics nonsense
It is good that right-wing bloggers are immune from the temptation of falling into identity-politics thinking; otherwise they might have have automatically rushed to the defense of some light-skinned guy who shot a black kid, and gone clutching at any straw to yrash the dead kid’s reputation.
The fact is, liberals are the real Hitlers.
Well, the mustache really suited me.
That’s not true. I took the “Which Genocidal Despot Are You?” quiz in last month’s Cosmo, and I am totally a Stalin (the shy one).
If anything, I’m dubious of the idea (or desirability) of a monolithic “black America.”
Is it too soon to dust off my “black monolith” joke?
Heh… dusting the monolith…
Can I make a joke about the real pink slime?
Because even though the yellow, yellow teeth haunt me, it’s such a good name for him and everything he “writes”.
OTb Paul Ryan is still a total wangchancre.
Supporting the troops.
I _should_ have documented last night’s dinner. The chicken and herb dumplings, made using my insanely delicious brown chicken broth was farking fabulous! So easy too. Teh Ho took the leftovers for his lunch today and called me at noon to tell me how astonishingly good it was. I noted that he took ALL of the leftovers. His response: “you can make it again.” and so I shall.
But not tonight. I’ve got some nice Carlton pork chops which I think I’ll just dredge in seasoned flour and pan fry. I dried a boatload of morels last year – I’ll make a chasseur-ish sauce. Prolly serve it with polenta. I’ll try to capture it all for later electronicals presentmentatations.
I shall close by noting the joy it gives me that such extreme hurt can be put upon the Jonahs of this world by mild persiflage. Their skin is fucking tissue paper, really.
First they came for Jonah and I said
“Hey I know a shortcut to his house”
From The Onion’s “American Voices” feature:
“Okay, fine. Let’s assume Trayvon Martin didn’t attack George Zimmerman. Does that make him any less black?”–Chuck Tyrrell, Sanitarian
Chuck Tyrrell
Wasn’t he one of the hidden Cylons?
I dunno anything about Battlestar Galactica (?), N_B, but still I’ll hazard a firm “no.”
Oh, hai, there!
Just the guy who’s been looking for work for 45 months.
Tomorrow’s interview with Severn Trent Environmental Services is a bit of a life-breaker for me, so whatever you need to do, whether it be chicken sacrifice, killing a bankster, et al… all is appreciated. Thank You.
Whatever you do, don’t be dissin’ the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica. I’ll cut a bitch.
Chuck Tyrrell
Wasn’t he one of the hidden Cylons?
Wrong movie. He’s the Replicant that’s so lifelike, he’s easily mistaken for a Republican. Some say he’s too lifelike, as your average Repub doesn’t know such words as “assume”, and certainly can’t use them correctly in a sentence.
JP, Good luck! Even in a random universe with no white-bearded cranky overlord, random good stuff happens to deserving people, and you’re well overdue.
so whatever you need to do, whether it be chicken sacrifice, killing a bankster, et al… all is appreciated. Thank You.
I’ll pray. I’m old-fashioned that way. Hey! Don’t judge me!
Jeffraham, best of luck to you …
I don’t like the sound of “life-breaker.” I don’t want you to be that nervous … all I know is that desperation fucked up some interviews for me. I try too hard and it’s just freaky. In had developed fears and a sense of inadequacy that takes on a life of its own apart from my qualifications or shortcomings. Now that I’m working it’s funny how perspective reverts back to, well, I’m just this guy with certain qualities, obviously very employable.
I started working again a month ago after eight months of unemployment. (I had a longer period of unemployment before that, followed by a nice but six-month contract.) These people got a good interview out of me. Relaxed but energized. Self-contained but not self-absorbed. I think that was the vibe. Low or no caffeine that morning.
Go Jeffraham!! I will be sacrificing some pasta for you this very evening.
The Tyrell Corporation are your chummy robot friends, who are fun to be with.
Those are good observations Golem heart. The only thing I would add is maintain eye contact, especially from the very beginning
Chuck Tyrrell
The guy who had a semi-short, semi-successful Formula One team?
I don’t like the sound of “life-breaker.” I don’t want you to be that nervous … all I know is that desperation fucked up some interviews for me. I try too hard and it’s just freaky. In had developed fears and a sense of inadequacy that takes on a life of its own apart from my qualifications or shortcomings. Now that I’m working it’s funny how perspective reverts back to, well, I’m just this guy with certain qualities, obviously very employable.
I started working again a month ago after eight months of unemployment. (I had a longer period of unemployment before that, followed by a nice but six-month contract.) These people got a good interview out of me. Relaxed but energized. Self-contained but not self-absorbed. I think that was the vibe. Low or no caffeine that morning.
Had to go with all of this.
Yes; I agree. I feel fairly relaxed, as I have an insider, pulling for me. I would, I think, have to say something completely off-the-charts to not get this job. Still, I think being considered in my responses is indicated, and my sincerity of interest in this work will not even be slightly faked, which I think will score highly. I have looked into the certification requirements, and feel most comfortable promising to pass those in half the time (if not less) than what they outline in their job requirements (two years, on the job, without certification? Pfft).
Ah yes, eye contact, very difficult for me to maintain if I’m not feeling right about the encounter.
Sounds very promising, then, Jeffraham.
“Well, if they’re 45 years old, and they show up, and they say, I want insurance, because I’ve got a heart disease, it’s like, ‘Hey guys, we can’t play the game like that. You’ve got to get insurance when you’re well, and if you get ill, then you’re going to be covered,'” Romney replied [to Jay Leno].
Yeah Mitt, when I lost my insurance during those periods of unemployment, I was playing a game. A cynical, calculating, money-grubbing game to sucker other citizens into paying for my health care. Dead broke, bad credit, skills deteriorating, health problems — all part of this uber plan that would culminate in me finally getting a job and being all, “yo I have a preexisting condition u must kuvr bitchez.”
This guy has so little idea how chaotic and tumultuous life in America can be. We work, nearly all of us, from our teenage years until we can’t do it anymore, or aren’t hired or kept on. At intervals — not because we like it that way — we pay for health insurance just as often as we can, and as often as not we don’t use the coverage, or pay a good deal more when we do use it.
Then, when through circumstances often beyond our control, we end up uninsured, Mitt’s there to say we shoulda thought ahead. Jesus motherfucking Christ. He thinks I was uninsured this last time because I waited, all healthy-like, just banking dollars. That is literally what he thinks.
Jeffraham probable should’t watch this till after his interview, even though it contians great interview advice.
totally a Stalin (the shy one).
Shy? Unpossible. All of Sadlyville knows VS is a totes killer vamp in the comments. And from photos, she is mos def the Cute One.
Ibn Thundra: Thanx for Pigpen! He was also a fine harmonica player (e.g., Big Boss Man on ‘Skull and Roses’.
BBBB: Turn on yer linkie thing so that Sadlies can easily get to yer excellent blog!
*turning on the linkie thing*
Jeffraham: I’ve gathered all my good-luck objects on the desk for tomorrow. Little bulldog statue I got at the Grand Canyon when I was four? Check. The Lucky Die (singular of dice) from my teenage boardgaming days? Check. Cool polished agate? Check. Plus I’ll say a prayer. (Like the Major, I’m an Xian.)
You’ll be fine in the interview: You’ve diligently drilled into the EPA website, know the key terms, liscensing requirement, and such like. That shows initiative and commitment. Plus you’ve got a friendly personality and are an articulate guy; those qualities shine through your SN comments. So relax, bro. You’ll be fine.
Jeffraham: I’ve gathered all my good-luck objects on the desk for tomorrow. Little bulldog statue I got at the Grand Canyon when I was four? Check. The Lucky Die (singular of dice) from my teenage boardgaming days? Check. Cool polished agate? Check. Plus I’ll say a prayer. (Like the Major, I’m an Xian.)
You’ll be fine in the interview: You’ve diligently drilled into the EPA website, know the key terms, liscensing requirement, and such like. That shows initiative and commitment. Plus you’ve got a friendly personality and are an articulate guy; those qualities shine through your SN comments. So relax, bro. You’ll be fine.
Thank you, Fenwick. This is much appreciated.
I don’t belittle those of faith — my family are mainly mainstream-to-crazy-conservative people “of faith.” That probably colors my agnosticism. I don’t hold beliefs against anyone until they interfere with provable reality… which is more often than I would like.
… but, I should say…
We have a few of the Christian Motorcycle Association who partake of the meetups and events. We had one Tuesday night, where the wife of one member was showing “funny web graphics” to everyone on her phone, and there was one that was pro-drug testing for welfare recipients that when passed to another CMA guy received a very lukewarm-to-negative reception. I messaged that guy, and thanked him.
Oh, hai, there!
Just the guy who’s been looking for work for 45 months.
Tomorrow’s interview with Severn Trent Environmental Services is a bit of a life-breaker for me, so whatever you need to do, whether it be chicken sacrifice, killing a bankster, et al… all is appreciated. Thank You.
I will slaughter as many Italian soccer players and British rugby fans as it takes for the gods to smile upon you, O Prestonian One.
Nah, but seriously… I’m also in the “looking for work” category right now, so I empathize and am thrilled for you that you seem to have something promising lined up. Best of luck, mate!
Jeffraham probable should’t watch this till after his interview, even though it contians great interview advice.
For a second, I thought you were going to link to the “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” interview gag. Whatever that was from, it’s better.
Best to you, JP.
So, to an asshole like Loadpants, I’d like to ask the question: If George Zimmerman hadn’t been there that night, what would’ve happened? A kid would have gone to the store and come home with skittles and (motherfuckin’) iced tea.
So how can the events as they unfolded be anything but a tragedy and how is the fact that Zimmerman wasn’t arrested anything but a travesty of justice?
And go ahead, tell me that kid would be dead if he was white.
The good herr Doktor Bimler also has interview advice.
Best of luck JP.
Perhaps this should go without saying, but no, he didn’t.
The sole factual reference in that column is an offhanded reference to a Heather Mac Donald column which says that black people commit homicides more often than whites. Say what you will about her column (Really do, it has a lot of problems), it’s at least on some level an attempt to understand her opponent’s claims and respond to them on a factual level.
Goldberg’s column is just gas, and a moment’s thinking should tell us that “the black homicide rate is really high!” is not even kind of enough to disprove the assertion “White racism is the chief threat to modern African-Americans.
tldr: Fuck that stupid Goldberg bastard.
“You’ve got to get insurance when you’re well, and if you get ill, then you’re going to be covered,’” Romney replied
I for one am pleasantly impressed how much Rmonry agrees with Obamacare.
Shorter John Hinderaker:
he will order the New Black Panther Party to kill you and everyone you care about.
Both guys? That might take a while.
so whatever you need to do, whether it be chicken sacrifice, killing a bankster, et al… all is appreciated.
Since you’ll be working potables, I’ll have a drink. My only tip is to leave the Soros supplied mind-control drugs at home for now – there’ll be plenty of time to slip them into the drinking water later.
P.S., Hinderaker’s previous comment on Trayvon Martin took the reasonable position that George Zimmerman should be charged with manslaughter, but also argued that Zimmerman couldn’t possibly be racist because it’s not illegal to say “fucking coons.”
New Black Panther Party . . . Both guys?
I haven’t seen much mention on rightwing sites, either, of the fact that dude who issued the bounty has been arrested.
Switch “exacerbated” for “exasperated” and it reads better.
My 0.02 (or I’m really high and don’t know wtf I’m talking about”
Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™
Since I know Cerb is a literate and intelligent writer, I can assume that the garbled incoherent nature of the shorter is a function of it being a derivative of Fudgie’s original piece.
We need to put this as well as the derivative Shorters of Sowell, VDH, Krauthammer and other conservatives into a collateralized debt obligation and market them to Wall Street profiteers.
All I did was make the case, based on the sort of empirical data the self-proclaimed “reality-based community” relies upon, that violent, never mind homicidal, white racism is hardly the chief threat to African-Americans.
Yeah, the constant backdrop of institutional racism is probably a bigger threat to African-Americans.
I, too, thought that was the funniest part of Fudgie’s column. After all, no one’s is saying that the majority of whites, even crackers and rednecks, would walk up to any random black man and shoot him in the face for shits and giggles.
But this is the empirical definition of “racism” to a crackfucker like Jonah: if he means you no physical harm, he doesn’t hate you.
I would, I think, have to say something completely off-the-charts to not get this job.
Whatever you do, if they ask what you’d do if you won the MegaMillions tonight, do not say “quit my job.”
And good luck.
Perhaps the most odious passage in DP’s original faaaaaaart was this one:
I also think it’s a lot easier for rich black liberals to have an “honest conversation” about white racism than it is for them to engage in an honest conversation about the other problems facing black America that have little to nothing to do with white racism.
I’m not surprised he didn’t want to repeat that in response to all the “dumb” liberals who took him to task, because that sums up his attitude: “Why are we talking about racism when we could be talking about how black people are all a bunch of criminals?”
In Doughbob’s defense, he probably didn’t put much detail or care into writing either this column or teh other one that set off all teh laughing. He’s gots to save all of that up for his book.
What pisses me off is how shameless a liar and transparent a fraud Jonah is. A smarter hack (and NRO has several) would obfuscate and misdirect to reply to his critics. Jonah, though, is perfectly happy to write a column where his central point* is that rich black people don’t know shit about black problems. When he’s laughed at his defense is to take credit for compiling Manhattan Institute statistics he copy-pasted into one of his supporting paragraphs.
*Yep, I went there. Farrrrrrt.
New Black Panther Party . . . Both guys?
I think there’s three now…at this rate, by 2036 they should be able to field a soccer team
Also, let me point out that teh Loadpantses “but Heather Mac Donald says all blacks are criminals” column was complaining about “playing teh race card”. Because some people think that a man who shoots an unarmed teenager should be arrested. Here it is – his problem with race hustlers like Jesse Jackson:
Zimmerman shot an unarmed teenager. And despite all teh “manufactured outrage” or wev teh shitbag assholes want to call it – he’s still walking free. Concealed carry license intact. d00d could very well be patrolling some other gated community at this very moment, armed.
I am all for due process and presumption of innocence and teh Rule of Law. But let’s be very clear about what’s going on here – Zimmerman isn’t even “out on bail” or “released on recognizance” or anything like that. He’s “free to go.” He’s not even “stay in teh jurisdiction” or even “let us know before you leave teh state.”
That’s what this is about. The fact that an unarmed black teenager was shot to death and teh system has decided that a four-hour investigation is moar than enough to let teh killer loose back into society – still licensed to pack loaded firearms wherever he chooses.
If Jonah is such an expert on blackness, why can’t he help Victor Davis Hanson understand when it’s okay to use the n-word?
it pisses me off that the entire nro website is a massive circle jerk and these people really think they have something credible to add to civil discourse…i mean, none of them and i do mean that literally–can write a fucking word without referencing and linking to each other…and they have the wingnut gall to really believe they are ‘producers’ and anyone who doesn’t agree with them is a liberalabortionist…
i am soooo excited for jp…it is really hard to type and to walk when one’s fingers and toes are all crossed…
also too, doc didn’t see any changes in hubbkf yesterday, so that’s good news…still doesn’t make us feel any better that he doesn’t have something bad, but we now have the necessary documents to appeal to his insurance company to allow him to go to mayo…
and i’ll sum up this post with a random ‘fuck you loadberg’ just because i’m feeling sassy…
Glenn Reynolds is losing his mind (in the sense of Bob Dylan’s “Trying to Get to Heaven” line, “when you think that you’ve lost everything, you find out you can always lose a little more”):
He’s also upset by
Obama’s vile, hateful racism:
And Pierce’s:
Also Glenn thinks it’s haha funny that people think race has anything to do with Zimmerman’s extrajudicial conviction and execution of a “fucking coon” he saw walking down the street:
Mark, they also forget that he was answering a question. His answer seems calm and nuanced, at least to anyone sane.
Charles Pierce’s Racist Attack On Antonin Scalia.
His drunk fuckbuddy, Althouse, wrote the column first.
DOJ to Indict SC Gov. Nikki Haley on Tax Fraud Charges. I blame anti-Sikh racism for this persecution.
Right, because all Indians cheat on their taxes.
It’s not that Jonah’s point is false: crimes against the poor are significantly higher than crimes against the rich, and there are by percentage more poor blacks than poor whites.
Ergo, reframing it as “blacks should be more afraid of crimes committed by other blacks than against white racism,” is not inaccurate. Black people should be more afraid of crime since, for example, blacks consitute nearly 50% of murder victims in America, regardless of the race of the murderer (who admittedly is more likely to be black than white as intraracial murders are far more prevalent than interracial ones.)
But he completely ignores the institutional racism that keeps the income levels of blacks significantly lower than the income levels of a random white population of the same size. And it’s that racism that coalesces around crimes like Zimmerman’s cold-blooded murder of Trayvon Martin.
Obviously I’ll have to defer to his expertise on the Italian and Sikh races, because, silly me, I thought those were a nationality and a religion.
His drunk fuckbuddy, Althouse, wrote the column first.
in which, of course, she is equally inept and thinskinned…um…his first name is antonin? which could possibly be shortened to ‘tony’? and, yes, calling a random mexican guy ‘jose’ when you don’t know his name is racist ann…
and i believe the other references he made were more in regards to his catholicism rather than his being italian…
also, opera? not just for italians anymore!
nuance still escapes ann…i bet she can’t even tell the difference between her box of white wine and her box of red wine anymore…
you can tell she had been hitting the sauce (is that too italian?) not only because her garbled *legal* arguments were, well…garbled, she also forgot to manufacture some outrage over pierce using the word ‘baroque’ which i’m sure is totes italian property and not to be used by anybody else…
Zimmerman isn’t even “out on bail” or “released on recognizance” or anything like that. He’s “free to go.” He’s not even “stay in teh jurisdiction” or even “let us know before you leave teh state.”
Word. The gun hasn’t even been taken into evidence, IFAIK.
and i believe the other references he made were more in regards to his catholicism rather than his being italian…
He made a crack about a Medici Pope, which is slightly Italianate (Medicis were all over fucking Europe) but speaks more to a plotter and conspirator than an Italian, per se.
And for Althouse, opera is a fat lady singing, so it’s understandable she’d take that personally. She’s not Italian, after all.
Mark, they also forget that he was answering a question. His answer seems calm and nuanced, at least to anyone sane.
and yeah…totally saying ‘i’m not going to really weigh in on this because of legalities, but i feel for the parents and hey, this kid was black like me, and i worry about my own daughters’ is TOTALLY fanning the flames of racism…hinderaker is so fucking dumb it makes my head hurt…
He made a crack about a Medici Pope, which is slightly Italianate (Medicis were all over fucking Europe) but speaks more to a plotter and conspirator than an Italian, per se.
exactly…towit ann equates this with ‘watermelon’ and black people…she is a twunt of magnificent degree!
“Rincewind considered himself a racist (“the hundred meters, the mile, the marathon, he’s run them all”) before finding out the real meaning of the word”
Calling a man of Italian ancestry “Tony” when that isn’t his nickname
See the problem there is not that it’s racist, it’s that it’s wrong: his nickname is FAT Tony, get it right!
And Ann Althouse is thick as a board, if that’s not racist against wooden blockheads.
I remember when Obama was first elected, I heard Chris Rock (among others) say that he didn’t feel like he was lying anymore when he told his kids that they could grow up to be whatever they wanted to be.
Also too, I’m amused that teh wingers are pointing out that Trayvon was 6’3″. OMG a 6’3″ black teenager – for sure totes teh threatening OMG! IT WAS SELF-DEFENSE!
He was 6’3″ and 140 lbs. He was built like Sheldon Cooper, but 25 pounds lighter. His BMI is 17.5 – about teh same as Paris Hilton.
Also too, I’m amused that teh wingers are pointing out that Trayvon was 6’3?.
Right? I was flummoxed when I read that the first time, because as tall as I am, it never stopped me from getting my ass kicked when I weighed 140 lbs…
Via NRO:
“He picked her up and threw her. It was pure rage. She twisted her ankle. Everyone was flipping out.”
Zimmerman promptly knelt on the lawn outside, then claimed that the woman beat him savagely, bashing his skull against the sidewalk and threatening him with a bag of Skittles.
There’s always a woman to blame.
Either Zimmerman really got his ass kicked or there was never a fight
Via NRO:
Only three comments in that thread, but an interesting tale nonetehless.
Indeed. If you look at that author’s recent posts you’ll see that he’s been pretty adamant in criticizing Zimmerman. The commenters are superpissed.
From the CBS story:
Robert Zimmerman said Martin beat his son for more than one minute.
Put the timer on for 60 seconds and wait till it rings. You’ll know that this is pure bullshit.
Zimmerman’s father also accused Martin’s girlfriend of lying about being on the phone. It’s too bad that Martin’s parents’ lawyer already showed the T-Mobile records to ABC.
I will slaughter as many Italian soccer players and British rugby fans as it takes for the gods to smile upon you, O Prestonian One.
Nah, but seriously…
Son, I am disappoint.
I just don’t understand how … delusional people must be to not get that chasing someone down and confronting them then shooting them can not possibly be self defense.
I just don’t understand how … delusional people must be to not get that chasing someone down and confronting them then shooting them can not possibly be self defense.
From the hindrocket link from about.
Outta the gate:
Barack Obama, Race Hustler
President Obama has fanned the flames of hatred in the Trayvon Martin case, and has not said a single critical word about the outrageous actions of the New Black Panthers, who offered a $10,000 bounty on George Zimmerman–the same New Black Panthers on whose behalf Eric Holder quashed a federal criminal prosecution; or of Spike Lee, who tweeted a wrong address for Zimmerman, presumably to facilitate harassment or even murder; or of the many liberals who have posted on the @killzimmerman Twitter feed; or of the many other Democrats and liberals who have indulged in an orgy of hate with respect to Mr. Zimmerman. President Obama’s interest in the victims of violence is selective: he cares if they look like the hypothetical son he doesn’t have. Or, perhaps more to the point, he cares if an opportunity for political gain presents itself.
Lets see the “black panther” dude has been arrested, Spike lee has issued a public apology and will cover the costs for the unfortunate move the older florida couple had to pay for, I don’t recall any “orgies of hate” coming anywhere but from the bigoted swamplands of the wingtopia, starting almost to the second on 01:01 Jan, 20, 2009 (which cooincidentally the beginnjing of all history).
How many points can one miss, conclusions jumping sharks, and sheer disengenuous sophistry can one pack into a paragraph? Jonah has some work sut out for him.
Also, too, this is a law talking guy, like Earnest T Bass esq. and the Lady of the Winebox.
“He was 6’3? and 140 lbs.”
I remember being built like this, around age 14. I couldn’t manage a second pull-up, let alone beat down a 250# man. Now, Trayvon was almost certainly fitter, but c’mon.
(It’s said that only 5% of American males are taller than 6′ 2″, but that surprises me … I suppose I’m only noticing men taller than me, but they seem awfully common, and look to outweigh Trayvon by about 100#)
The world must be pants-pissingly frightening to Zimmerman’s defenders. They’re color-blind and don’t judge by clothing, so a trip to the mall means being in the company of what are essentially ogres, dozens of them, mixed in with the little people. And it’s unclear where these monsters are going, or what they’re doing. Buying stuff, yes, but as a cover for what?
I’m going have to work doubly hard to make sure this scumbag doesn’t represent me in congress.
I just don’t understand how … delusional people must be to not get that chasing someone down and confronting them then shooting them can not possibly be self defense.
I KNOW, this keeps bugging me.
Getting to the good stuff in the comments to the NRO thread. We know the police aren’t lying about Zimmerman’s injuries* because why would they, and we know the funeral director is lying about Martin’s lack of them because BLACK.
*If you read the actual police report both officers who mention them do it in a very skeptical way. It read to me like Zimmerman made sure they mentioned what sounded like normally unremarkable signs of a minor altercation.
Y’know I have a theory. given that wingnuts are always keeping score, always burninshing their resentements, and must at all times be the victim of opression of some kind or another in their race to don the mantle of Ultimate Martyr™ are always on the look out for payback.
Zimmerman is “their” OJ. i am not sure that Trayvon’s life really enters into the equation so much as an opportunity to pay back all of the darkies who were surprised an overjoyed by the verdict in the Simpson case, regardless of circumstances, in all fairness (at least their very skewed sense of the concept) Zimmerman must go free (even if he’s guilty) ’cause Oj! Shut up!
We are feeling the Repercussions of Bork in the current makeup of the Supreme court. i sometimes wonder if they had let him take the bench whether his radical views might have been marginalized in the long term and someone might have been able to slip a liberal jurist onto the bench.
These shitheels may not be able to string a coherent narrative together,l but they never forget the kid who stole their lunch money or the person who pointed out that maybe their idea’s were a wee bit foolish.
Rove is still pissed off at some twelve year old girl who slighted him while riding a bike with a Kennedy sticker on it. I have read that Grover Norquists dad used to take part of his dessert from him when he was a kid to demonstrate the evils of taxation.
More from Assrocket
What about white victims of black murderers, in cases that have none of the ambiguity and complexity of the Trayvon Martin affair? Obama couldn’t care less about them, evidently because they present no opportunity to fire up his base in anticipation of November’s election. The families and friends of two English students who were wantonly murdered by a 17-year-old African American, also in Florida, have criticized Obama for his indifference:
I have to presume that the 17 year old AA is not walking free in the streets as we speak, so thanks again for missing the point…
Also, IF Martin hit Zimmerman after Zimmerman chased him down and confronted him wouldn’t that be a case of Martin “standing his ground” and defending himself? Or are you only allowed to do that if you have a gun? Or maybe only if you’re white? There, I played the race card. But it seems appropriate at this time.
Yeah, what about that lady whose kids were taken by a black man? Did they catch that guy? NO.
I have to presume that the 17 year old AA is not walking free in the streets as we speak, so thanks again for missing the point…
He is currently serving a life sentence.
so thanks again for missing the point…
Also I will add that, as usual, these wingnuts are not so much missing the point as going out of their way to dull the point in an attempt to make sure their readers all miss the point.
The families and friends of two English students who were wantonly murdered by a 17-year-old African American, also in Florida, have criticized Obama for his indifference:
A 17-year old arrested(16 at the time of the crime, actually), tried, found guilty after a mere 4 hours of deliberation, and sentenced to life without parole. And CHRIST JESUS does Obama have to address every fucking thing? I know they’re grieving but FUCK.
Obama didn’t call them because he’s racist against the British cf. the Churchill Bust Crisis of ’09.
Heh. Just heard on the radidio “If you drive more than one mile to buy megamillioms lottery tickets you are more likely to die in a crash than win the lottery.”
I don’t know if they used one ticket purchased as the basis but still, it made me laugh. And be thankful that our convenience store is less than two blocks from here.
Heh. Just heard on the radidio “If you drive more than one mile to buy megamillioms lottery tickets you are more likely to die in a crash than win the lottery.”
When I buy lottery tickets I always drive at least five hundred miles to get them. That way, if I happen to reach the store safely, I figure I have already beat the odds and I’m a shoe in to win the big money.
He is currently serving a life sentence.
Thanks, you , also, too, tigris (apologies for the earworm earlier this week).
We are now at the state of affairs where if anyone wants to says anything about anything tragic happening to a black person by a non black hand, they have to read and condemn every crime committed by a black person against a white person, regardless whether justice has been serverd or not. then and only then can they discuss the case of the dead kid who’s known assailant (murderer) is walking free.
These guys take Calvin ball to a new level everydayoftheweek.
The high rates of Black on Black crime…who gives a fuck, first they serve a wonderful purpose for the plutocracy for their utility in the justification of the “see they’re all animals” crowd which is not so much an argument as a justification for antipathy and a balm/reacting agent for the lizard brain. However it is prudent not to dig to far under that rock lest someone start attaching economic concerns with respect to the rending of the social compact, and we can not under any circumstances have that. no sirree bob.
The high rates of Black on Black crime…who gives a fuck, first they serve a wonderful purpose for the plutocracy for their utility in the justification of the “see they’re all animals” crowd which is not so much an argument as a justification for antipathy and a balm/reacting agent for the lizard brain.
Indeed, that IS the part Jonah expects himself and other white conservatives to take in this hoped for “honest conversation about the other problems facing black America that have little to nothing to do with white racism.” Otherwise what would be the point?
It would be irresponsible not to speculate, so I’m gonna go ahead and look at what would likely have happened if the kid that shot the two English students had claimed self-defence when the cops showed up. Two white kids wandering around in a predominately black neighborhood would just as suspicious looking as a black kid in a predominately white neighborhood. And he was outnumbered two to one. But I am confident that my odds of driving safely to a store 500 miles away and buying a winning lottery ticket are still about ten million times better than the odds that the African American kid would have been given his gun back and sent home if he had just told the cops that he was “standing his ground.”
To clarify – teh actual murder gun is in police evidence. My gripe is that Zimmerman’s concealed carry license is still valid.
And that he hasn’t been arrested.
It is. These are the fuckers that totally lost their shit when planes hit the World Trade Center, that barely noticed when Katrina drowned NOLA, the ones who lost their shit when the OKC was bombed, only to recover really quickly when the bomber was white, that lost their shit when the compound in WACO burned, etc etc. They only have two settings, blissful ignorance or trouser fouling.
The Dragon-King’s dad has a cavernous hole
He cried when he had to leave jail for parole
He missed all the prisoners fucking him sore
But conjugal visits proved mom was the whore.
America’s Most Wanted
Spoor deposit alert!
I cuntpaste it here, so you don’t have to dog-paddle through a lake of putrid psychic lymph to read it there.
Thus the soft bigotry of collapsing standards wins the day yet again. What the fuck – why would Herr Pantload NOT just sling more bullshit onto his shovel? Worked great every other time he did it!
Kid, you look like you could use a good sandwich. Or three.
Lunch Lady, you’re not serving us Pink Slime are you?
You might want to bring your own Jell-O on Tuesday, kid.
Zimmerman is “their” revenge for OJ.
Fixed (much like impeaching Clinton was revenge for Nixon).
His BMI is 17.5 – about teh same as Paris Hilton.
Haven’t this young man and his family suffered enough without this kind of attack?
They only have two settings, blissful ignorance or trouser fouling.
Thank you sir, where would you like to take delivery of you protion of the intertron, sir?
Get on it, Hallmark!
Nice work Jim!
Just overheard on Science Friday, I had not heard this one before. If Dirac fell on Jane Russell, you’d say look at Dirac on Russell! <rimshot>
Fixed (much like impeaching Clinton was revenge for Nixon).
Thanks, that was exactly the point I was trying to make, I sometimes skip a word or two when trying to cfough up a rhetorical hairball.
I should have also mentioned the Clenis/Nixon dichotomy, as it fits the thesis perfectly.
Silly hoodie, everyone knows Stand Your Ground is only for rednecks a License to Kill.
As long as we’re on the subject, try this gayness test.
r trouser fouling
Close, but no…cigar:
Zimmerman is “their” OJ. i am not sure that Trayvon’s life really enters into the equation so much as an opportunity to pay back all of the darkies who were surprised an overjoyed by the verdict in the Simpson case, regardless of circumstances, in all fairness (at least their very skewed sense of the concept) Zimmerman must go free (even if he’s guilty) ’cause Oj! Shut up!
My spider sense tells me that everything about their reaction to the shooting (their defense of Zimmerman, the “hoodie” kerfuffle, their attacks on the president for being hateful– WTF?) are really just an elaborate shake-and-bake maneuver to draw everyone’s attention away from the real story, which is the sponsorship of crazy, inhumane gun laws by the NRA and ALEC.
Uh, grammar fail- meant “is” rather than “are”- the major peril of the run-on sentence…
As long as we’re on the subject, try this gayness test.
Sure, I’m game.
I saw [redacted]ies. And then two [redacted].
…are really just an elaborate shake-and-bake maneuver to draw everyone’s attention away from the real story, which is the sponsorship of crazy, inhumane gun laws by the NRA and ALEC.
Sure that is part of the game of chaff that the pro’s are using, though i don’t really imagine that there would ever be a groundswell of firestoking on the part of the media.
But i’m sticking with my thesis as regards the mouthbreathing (and vast majority in terms of numbers), of the party
Last time I had to wear a blindfold.
I’m gay! GASP!
Close, but no…cigar:
Oh my! We are not out of march even and he did say Obama was “the anti-war government nig(cha-uh),uh, uh, that America was a source of division around the world…”
Here is the spin by spokes mouth:
“Oh, come on!” Santorum spokesman Hogan Gidley told Raw Story when asked for comment. “Give me a break. That’s unbelievable. What does it say about those that are running with this story that that’s where their mind goes. You know, I’m not going to dignify that with [a response].”
“That is absolutely ridiculous.”
Which of course makes me the real racist here.
Iv’e got a game, let’s think of all the words that start with the letters n-i-g in the english language that have the short I and hard g sounds that aren’t nigger.
I’m stumped! i wish i still had my copy of the two volume micro OED with the magnifying glass tray, then I might be able to come up with something Most likely archaic and not possibly.germain given the context of the remarks.
I agree with the revenge for OJ angle, that could be part of it. They always need to get even with those nefarious liebruls.
Speaking of sociopaths, O’l Crazy Eyes thinks all the uninsured are there by choice:
Niggardly and niggling are the only 2 I can come up with, and as we all remember niggardly is not to be used any more because somebody’s pantied got all wadded up once.
PANTIES, goddam it…
Iv’e got a game, let’s think of all the words that start with the letters n-i-g in the english language that have the short I and hard g sounds that aren’t nigger.
Santorum really was going to say “the anti-war government negator of sound national defense policy.”
Also, too, the crowd was really yelling “Boo-urns!”
I can haz media consultant fee?
To paraphrase the Great Urban Philosopher Chris Rock, white people can use the “N-word” with reckless abandon when black people become the sole practitioners of controlling interest rates.
Ahhh, right you are marion,not sure exactly how they escaped me being familier with both words, but it wouldn’t surprise me if there were no more. Of course none of those words would make sense given the contect of his remarks, nor would he visibly stumble over either of them as he did in the tape.
Can i get you something to drink?
JP, given the time of day, I have to assume that yer process is complete and I hope they’ve given you a corner office and a raise, and given your writings here it is well deserved, so congratulations and stuff?
Jobergh Goldbob evidences the writing style found only in the most urbane and sophistawhatsit literature known to mankind, Mein Kamph, The Projection of the Elders of Zion, the Bulwer-Lytton prize, and A Sale of Two Titties by Giles Wickens with 4 M’s and a silent Q. An infinite number of monkeys with an infinite amount of scotch and infinite^2 double-bit axes could not do the same amount of damage to the terms ‘relevancy’, ‘context’, or ‘irresponsible’, as the progeny of Lucianne can in one subclause.
His intellectually based conclusions don’t measure up to those of the cheese rind that has been in my outside fridge since shortly before completion of assembly, and with which I have had several lovely conversations about, for example, the cause of the mini-earthquakes in Wisconsin, or “Is a frog’s ass watertight”.
In short, I am preparing to have him choke on a bag of honey roasted dicks. I shall inform him that it is southern cooking, and will go just fine with Cheesy grits and a Bud Light. Twatwaffle.
(ps: I am still wacked on anesthetics and am not sure if I have spelled any of this correctly, so forgive me, and I’ll notice it and be mournfully embarrased later.)
Also, too, the crowd was really yelling “Boo-urns!”
Those sure were some first class crafty bastard writers…
Provider, a vodka tonic would suit beautifully just about now.
I haven’t seen you in a bit, and am glad to see that you survived your expedition into the comment swamps of Roy Edroso’s VV blog. Wowsers, but that Floob creature was smelly. By all rights we’re the ones who should be fanning you and feeding you drinks and delicacies.
bag of honey roasted dicks.
Honey roasted?!?!?!. Come on, bees died to bring us that honey, and you are gonna waste it like that? Fer shame!
What you in for paleo?
Provider, a vodka tonic would suit beautifully just about now.
Sounds perfect, you got it.
{sound of glass sliding at enormously high speeds down a 744 mile bar top*, slowing, slowing, coming to a stop.}
Hope you enjoy it Marion. 🙂
*yes I googled the distance
Provider_UppityNegroEmbigulator™ said,
March 30, 2012 at 21:21
Got some longterm chest/lung pains that I am finally trying to get figured out – got a scope and then some biopsy stuff taken from my gut. But also I respond really poorly or goodly to opiates. Another hour or two and I should be more like my normal weird, but for now just chillin.
YUM! Very refreshing. Thanks.
Another hour or two and I should be more like my normal weird, but for now just chillin.
Gotcha, I hope the prognosis doesn’t turn up anything nasty. And btw everything you wrote sounded perfectly coherent to me. Enjoy the trip, and may you soon be at home.
My pleasure! Not everybody realizes how difficult it is to be an internet bartender! We got to keep on top of the liquid Nitrogen glass cooling apparatus, the bar is nearly impossible to keep clean and friction free and after about 775 miles we gotta use the mechanized beer slider to get the beverages to our customers intact.
The next one is on the house1.
Enjoy the trip, and may you soon be at home.
Tanks, and stuff! Wife will be dragging me home shortly.
SlightlyOT – What did I do before smartphones? Oh yeah, I had to be a home to see the random lunacy being spilt by a glob of semi-meiotic cells bearing DNA traces of Luci and a Cuisinart. Not sure what we’ve gained.
“economic and social concerns exasperated by racism”.
They’re also exasperated by by country music
Well, country music does make you suicidal, well, if you’re a melanin-impaired person like me, anyway. (I like to think that’s because people of richer melanin concentrations are too cool to listen to that shite, but it’s probably actually that the crusty white people who control the genre don’t want much to do with them.)
I never read Goldberg’s magnum dopus, but I’m willing to bet there are bits of it that I could refute on the facts, and I’m just a technical writer with a couple of allegedly-useless liberal arts degrees. The guy just doesn’t have a good grip on reality, argumentation, facts, citations, evaluating sources, himself, or, anything, really.
You might want more of those anaesthetics. This comment is epic, something I would expect from our patron saint of bitchslapping. So do please get stoned more often…
Maybe if Trayvon Martin was built like a scary football player type he’d still be alive today. Maybe it wasn’t racism but instead your basic predator pathology that led to the choice of victim, and race was just why Zimmerman felt safe doing it.
Serial killers usually prey on people they can physically overpower and can get away with killing. Stand your ground laws are really about legalizing sociopathy. It’s pretty hard to shoot somebody when you’re genuinely afraid for your life. It’s pretty easy to do if you’re a sociopath with the upper hand.
Hey Pup, usually I try to avoid asking people personal questions, but sometimes you just get so goddamn curious…
Why do you consistently refer to your husband, or whoever/whatever he is, as “The Ho”? I’m sure this is some tender private joke between the two of you, but it just seems kind of…unromantic.
I can take the incoherence, the whining, the absolute refusal to use words according to their actual meanings. But his use of an acute accent where a grave accent is called for will not stand.
OT: It’s the 30th anniversary of the Falklands War. What I mostly remember from back then is the pissy confusion of the National Review, since both Galtieri and Thatcher were wingnut icons.
(Goddamn, I am getting old.)
I don’t want to hear Jonah Goldberg’s thoughts on Black America because he is a stupid, stupid man, not solely because he’s white.
By the charitable graces of a hack blogger< I was allowed to be his apprentice blogger. I am known for writing the most words without really saying much. I'd like you to compare and contrast my total body of work to Jonah Goldberg's.
Best-selling author. Editor of the most influential conservative blog in America. Frequent guest on nearly all political shows, conservative and liberal. Me? You make the call. Call me Irony.
Trixie’s doh boy Jonah:
America f*cker. Race baiter. Morals switcher. Mind bender. Language destroyer. Blotchy fascist puddin’.
Sorry all I’ve got are adjectives and nouns. Such a breathtaking specimen of the rightist “intelligentsia” just doesn’t rate the effort of normal sentence structure. And this medium doesn’t translate hand gestures effectively.
The ongoing moral bankrupcy of these Goopers is just proof they’re in it just for the provoke-gasm.
Does Jonah have an editor or does he give screeds written on the non waxed side of a Blimpies wrapper to Lucy-Ann for transcribing?
Well, country music does make you suicidal
Country music doesn’t exist anymore. What comes out of Nashville these days is just 80s pop with cowboy hats.
mingo said,
Black America knows a hell of a lot more about White America than White America knows about Black America. It’s simple – it’s necessary for a minority group’s survival to be very well-versed in the culture of the majority group, particularly since the majority group is often openly and violently hostile to them.
I think it’s Louis CK that has the line: “Rich people have no idea what it’s like to be poor, but poor people know exactly what it’s like to be rich.”
~ Harry R. Sohl
This is some quality information, that you have provided in the article. Is there a way that someone can utilize it if they haven’t got much money?
[…] man, have had the hardest life possible” shtick that he flopped so hilariously in his old dive out of the way of the reality of racism whine. But it is slightly different in that this time J-Load isn’t even waiting for the […]