Girl Scouts, Satan, and You

“Would you care to join us in our Rainbow Squirt Pledge of Purpose?” “To promote niceness. To make the world prettier. To share candy with everyone. To obfuscate the true nature of the Milkman. To protect the Milkman at all costs. To eliminate all who threaten to reveal his secret objective”
(Picture courtesy of Jennifer of 3 Weird Sisters)

Betsy M. Galliher, Where Do You Think? They Write Half Our Material These Days:
Girl Scouts: The Awful Truth


Just no. I refuse to believe this is a thing. I refuse to believe that the right-wing really is doubling down on demonizing the fucking Girl Scouts as evil slutty mcslut sluts. Nope, not doing it.

I mean sure, there was that open letter by Bob Morris, but this was rural Indiana and this was after the Republican Party in 2010 started running the most insane third-stringers it could find for all of its offices.

And yeah, there were all those websites, but fuck, the TimeCube guy has a website. It’s not hard for the schizophrenics of the world to learn enough web design to follow a wordpress template. Hell, even I can manage it.

So no, I’m refusing to believe it-

  • The Girl Scouts are literally the Rainbow Squirts from the Milkman Conspiracy (google it) and are being trained to become nubile young lesbo sluts for our Liberal Overlords.

Oh goddamn it.

Fine. Apparently, the right-wing has decided that just arguing that Catholic Bishops have the right to ban everyone’s contraception everywhere, trying to pass Ultrasound Rape Bills as “abortion education bills” in every state, and screaming at the top of their lungs that they think every non-asexual woman is a dirty slut who deserves death just isn’t quite enough to show the world how much they despise and hope for the death of women.

As such, we’ve got them doubling down as well on a minor controversy that I had assumed dead about how the Girl Scouts were supposedly Slutty Hitler Clones because some of the people who support them also support adult women being human beings as well. Oh fuck it, it’s so stupid, I’m gonna let Betsy Von Sant explain it instead:

Indiana freshman Representative Bob Morris is learning the hard way that the Girl Scouts of America is to the progressive agenda as the Komen Foundation is to Planned Parenthood, and the Catholic church (or so Obama presumed) is to an Obama abortion mandate. What is — in one word — cover.

Yeah, the meanie liberals pointing out that our attempt to defund PP’s work on breast health because supposedly abortion, ban contracpetion because supposedly abortion, and overall spend the last few years going on a woman-hating kick that’d make the main character of American Psycho go “hey now” again on supposedly abortion, is totally their fault.

They made you blow your cover and fail to keep the obvious undercurrents of hatred of women out of your “pro-life” PR campaign. They made you double down on being against all forms of sex and all forms of protection and all forms of women’s health.

And now they have made you decide to pick a war with things that have around 90-100% approval ratings.

Now they are making you act like chumps and try and blame it all on them. My word, does their perfidy know no bounds?

In a private e-mail to fellow House members, leaked to a northern Indiana paper, Morris outlined why he chose to abstain from a nonbinding resolution honoring the Girl Scouts of America on its 100th Anniversary — an organization Morris believes to have become increasingly “radicalized,” with ties to Planned Parenthood, the United Nations, and abortion and LGBT advocates.

Overnight, Morris became the fodder of mainstream media and late-night hosts. Even Morris’s fellow Indiana House Republicans joined in the mockery, purchasing cases of Girl Scout cookies and crunching away in front of Morris during a House session. Indiana House Speaker Republican Brian Bosma went so far as to don a Girl Scout badge sash for a Gridiron dinner in the same week, where featured as each table’s centerpiece was a box of Girl Scout cookies marked “Caution: Contents Radicalized.”

Yes, the private e-mail that he shopped around to every one of his fellow legislators and then pissedly published on the web when they turned around and laughed in his face about it. Yes, how could that have gotten out?

Also, in the wake of the various circling of the wagons for Rushbo, this loser, and so on and so forth, I am reminded of every time a conservative tried to sell themselves as “the party of individual liberty”.

Hint to conservatives, if you don’t want to be seen as the party of petty authoritarians, bristling in rage at anyone and everyone who dares point out the Emperor Has No Clothes, you might want to at least tamper down all the bristling in rage at everyone who notices one of your “leaders” has depantsed himself in public again.

You might also want to at least temper that and not have the same willingness to go to the death for a drug-addled radio personality or a third-rate state legislator as you would say a God-King with the ability to kill you with his thoughts.

Just saying.

It comes as no surprise that calling out one of the great vestiges of iconic girl power and time-honored Americana garners great public outrage, especially amongst Morris’s fellow Republicans, where real honor appears to be going along to get along.

What?!? Obsessing about the Girl Scouts as hotbeds of Communist Infiltration to Steal Our Precious Bodily Fluids ends up sitting poorly with the pubilic? You don’t say?

What Morris’s fellow Republicans fail to understand is that in collective outrage, there is truth — exposed.

Ah, good old conspiracy reasoning. If people boggle at the complete insanity of your paranoid delusions and their messy divorce from reality, then it just means that you were RIGHT ALL ALONG. And the outrage is just the footsoldiers of Satan trying to bully people off the scent.

Given the Right’s policy of bullying any critics off any criticism and the truism of IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION, I’m starting to think we should be making some criminal investigations soon.

And the truth is that, for all the generations of earnest, jumper-clad cookie entrepreneurs the GSUSA has lovingly nurtured, the organization is moving left at a fast clip, even if only at its highest levels of leadership. This may be news even to most scouts, if not the parents, citizens, and business leaders who volunteer their time and talent as troop leaders. In fact, it might be news to anyone who doesn’t understand the language of progressivism — global, reproductive rights, climate change, empowerment, diversity, sustainability, fairness, community, social justice, universal, green — think nearly any advocacy, save capitalism.

We’ve labeled as Left any positive advocacy for pretty much anything, leaving us just with cheering the most sociopathic leaders we can find and anything that makes the world a worse place (especially if it hurts those mean liberals).

Given that, OMG, the Girl Scouts are now leftists! The PTA! Oh no, even the troops are hotbeds of seditious liberals! When will it stop?

Okay, as long as we keep labeling more and more things as liberal and purge them from things “good conservatives” support, we’ll eventually be the majority again.

Still, the larger point seems to have been lost amidst all the shock and awe Morris elicited. Why are the accusations so altogether unthinkable in the first place?

Because it is insane? Because it is quite literally what Tim Schafer thought up when he was parodying what occurs in the mind of a person suffering from paranoid schizophrenia? An exaggeration of what we consider one of the saddest ways a mind can turn on its owner?

Not saying universally-beloved Americana is immune to criticism to its darker elements. Certainly liberals have made very strong arguments about unsavory behavior by such luminary organizations such as the Boy Scouts and the Salvation Army. But see, they had some recognition that their arguments would be resisted. They had to have evidence, personal experience of harassment, and need to collect huge swaths of information and slowly built up their case on facts. They didn’t just go, oogedy boogedy boo, girl scouts are evil because some nutter on the internet thinks so!

Full disclosure: I am as endeared to the doe-eyed keepers of the Thin Mint for which I would sell my soul most days as anyone. I cringed when I heard Morris’s original remarks. It was just the crazy talk the left feeds upon — and the right, consequently, takes such pains to avoid. These were the Girl Scouts of America he was talking about, for heaven’s sake. Like millions of other scouts and now a parent to scouts, I’ve experienced only the best Girl Scouts has to offer — lessons in leadership, character, entrepreneurship, Christian ideals, service to others, and macramé — under the tutelage of leaders with no pretense or agenda.

And yet, here you are a week or two later willing to discount all your lived experience to defend a random crank legislator from the midwest because he has a R after his name and was mocked by liberals.

I don’t think you yet fully appreciate what that says about you.

Frankly, what Morris was suggesting was so far-fetched that it was almost as unthinkable as suggesting that Republicans don’t always have conservatives’ best interest at heart;


Yes, as proven by the high employment, low need for outside aid just to keep functional and the wealth of aid and infrastructure for all who need it in conservative-dominated districts.

the church has been infiltrated with agents of social justice;

And yet, it didn’t stop you trying to use that line of bullshit to argue that the myriad of respected Church officials caught buggering children or having gay orgy affairs were just agent provacateurs from social justice organizations.

our own prestigious military has in its ranks enemy Islamists and apologists;

Oh Bob, she’s going to end up being a follower of Pamela Geller and arguing that all of these are true so her insane conjecture must also be true, isn’t she?

the public education system to which we entrust our children is full of radical, anti-American educators; the mainstream media — the fourth estate — is a virtual arm of one political party; women’s reproductive health includes the right to practice infanticide; and Sesame Street Muppets endear children to government.

Oh Bob in Himmel. Yeah, it turned out when you labeled all the underpaid and overworked educators trying to make the shoestrings of our education system function largely with their own personal sacrifice and energy dirty hippie traitors, they ended up not being very sympathetic to your “tough fiscal responsibility choices” bullshit, did they? As for the rest, PROJECTION, your usual popular bullshit becoming much more bullshit the more you keep expanding it to hatred of all women of all ages, and I don’t even know where to begin, but I’ll start with do you know what PBS stands for?

What’s next — asking us to believe that the man elected to keep the American dream alive could govern antithetically to individual liberty? Shall we see if James O’Keefe can fit into a brownie uniform?

Oh god. You said it, now I can’t stop picturing it in my mind. Fine wingnuts, Big Bird is beaming gay porn into my fillings, just make the image go away. (Sob)!

The question we should be asking ourselves is, why not? Why wouldn’t we expect the Girl Scouts of America to have contemporized its agenda with the willing assistance of progressives, as has every other American organization under the sun?


Did you just cede every, single organization in America to the Left. Like, I know you have ceded any organization not actively motivated by the destruction of the Earth, liberals, or both, but, did you just give us the rest. Like even Fox News? Even the Heritage Foundation? Even CPAC?

Cause, I gotta say, we don’t want all of this. You’re going to have to own the responsibility of a few, specifically the ones you’ve broken with your narrow-minded ideology.

Also, no takebacks. They’re ours now and if we want to turn them into abortion heavy dyke-factories, that’s our right, no complaining about the damage being done to “your” daughters.

No one doubts that the vast majority of GSUSA troops function fairly autonomously, as intended, with nary a murmur of Planned Parenthood, but it still behooves parents to know the company their daughters keep (literally) and the agenda that company espouses — the same company to whom millions of scouts entrust $750 million in gross cookie sale revenue annually.

Uh uh. I see you trying to leave some wiggle room for later. You want to go full wingnuts on the Girl Scouts because it turns out that women who think girls are full people also think grown adult women are full people? Then you get to leave the whole cookie box with us and enroll your daughters in Bible Camp for their “enriching life lessons” and “personal empowerment”. And they can push their noses against the glass at all the Girl Scouts having fun in their giant inflatable pool of vaginas.

What follows is a long quote from 100 Questions for the Girl Scouts, yet another Timecube-esque obsessor about little girl shorts, I mean scouts.

I’ll save you the read. It basically says:

  • What? The Girl Scouts aren’t completely divorced from reality? Then they must be witches and we can burn them! Also, any republican who is female is not really a republican so that I can remain a conservative without feeling I have been marred by girl cooties.

The GSA’s Leadership and Board reads like the who’s who of leftism — not that you would know from their accomplished bios at the GSUSA site. The more provocative findings will require one’s own research.

Well then, it’s not really a “Who’s Who” then, now is it, Carol?!?

I feel we’ve entered a new phase in wingnut arguments. First, they decided that they didn’t need to use facts in their arguments. Then they decided they didn’t really need to use arguments as we mortal creatures understand them. And of course, there is their long-standing war with reality, but I feel now they’ve started warring with the idea that their posts need to use words with actual definitions.

There’s not much further we can go before wingnut becomes its own distinct language consisting of nothing but poorly-formed scare tactics, dog-whistles, and the occasional grunt… if we’re not there already.

There are personal connections to Amnesty International, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Human Rights Campaign, the National Council on the Research of Women, Women’s ENews, the green movement, and the wholesome and teen-friendly (cough, cough) MTV. One GSUSA board member actually sits on the board of the International Planned Parenthood Federation. Family Watch International does an excellent job of detailing the connections.

My word, you mean that the GSUSA board members are full human beings who actually care about things rather than being paid hacks trying to figure out how to drain the treasury and retire to a “think tank”?

And how dare so many of these women connected to the empowerment of young women be connected to the empowerment of all women! That’s, like, against the rules or something!

Seriously, though, this couldn’t be any more of a non-issue if it was actually trying.

Anyone can do the research

And yet here you are, failing at it.

— even just a read of the GSUSA site itself — from the heroines the Girl Scouts’ literature promotes — Elizabeth Gurly Flynn, for one, a founding member of the ACLU and chairwoman of the Communist Party

Oh no, not the ACLU! The… organization that always comes to bail your asses out when you really stick your mouth in it. Why, any woman, no matter how iconic or accomplished should ever be mentioned to the light of day, if she is connected to organizations the right-wing has a hate on for. Why, if that happens, people might see that said people weren’t horned demons come to rape our livestock.


Not just horned demons come to rape our livestock.

— to recommended links, Media Matters, and “teenwire,”

Uh, yes, the Girl Scouts include, um, yeah, teenagers, who um, yeah, kinda need resources relating to them.

Yeah, I don’t think it’s that far away from the AIDS scare or that far away from the total failure of abstinence education to start beating the drum of no sexual education resources ever.

to name just two; and readings, Girltopia and Journeys.

NO, NOT READINGS! It’s Poetry, it’s come back to kill us all! EEEE!

What is that? It’s not actually a reading, but rather two all-day girl scout events apparently picked out of random to serve as “scary words” for the hindbrains of the conservative audience?

Two extremely generic events, with very little to object to.

Simply put, the evidence is more than overwhelming that the GSUSA is proving to be just one more illustration of the quiet creep of progressivism.

Well, yeah, if you’re going to claim that anything that acknowledges that women are functionally different than waste paper baskets or that there is such a thing as an environment as “dangerously liberal” you are going to find a lot of generic things as “creep of progressivism”, but that’s not exactly a quiet phenomenon. It just seems that way because you won’t shut up.

For anyone who believes that progressivism must be exposed in all its insidious glory — rooted out whenever and wherever it is found — relying on the good faith of any organization, even the iconic Girl Scouts of America, is an unaffordable luxury.

Liberals are the real eliminationists!

And yet, as a private entity, with questionable tax-exempt status, considering that it is arguably politically active, the GSUSA is free to contemporize as it sees fit.

Oh? And the candidates for office they have supported are?

I mean, that’s what that means. You do realize organizations like HRC with “social issue campaigns” have tax-exempt status right?

But fuck, let’s not even get into that. Let’s just whistle past the graveyard of churches, which not only are so very involved in social issues, that they literally have been writing legislation and demanding massive amounts of legislators to light themselves on fire with fail, but have actually abused the fuck out of their tax-exempt status with regards to support for actual candidates, the one thing they’re not supposed to do above all others.

But no, it’s the Girl Scouts not becoming just another arm of the Republican Party that’s the real problem.

There are plenty of parents who will happily embrace the change, if not simply refuse to question the organization’s intentions. Sounds like a voting bloc to me.


Do those words even mean something?

Because… there are parents… who don’t care about your paranoid conspiracy theory… or else don’t think that mentioning that women, gays, sex, and the environment exist are dealbreakers… even though, obviously there is “information” for the suitably cuckoo-for-cocoa-puffs crowd… then that means they are a PAC?

Did you even… for a second try and run this through your head as a coherent thought?

Others, like Morris, will opt for an organization that defines character as he would for his own daughters, such as the American Heritage Girls, formed in 1995 as an alternative to the GSUSA, “dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.”

Oh, the group with an up-front and direct political message and intended propaganda scheme.

So, really, your main issue is that you’ve lost “normal” and now want to whine like little babies about that. Speaking as a lifelong freak you’ve been trying to kill for years in the name of conformity, may I just say: fuckevouz tu.

In a second letter to Indiana House members, Morris subsequently apologized for painting the entire Girl Scout organization with such a “wide brush” and for the haste with which he did some of his research.

Because yeah, maybe trying to publicly make a big deal about a formality because of the 5 minutes you spent reading racists on Wing Nut Daily is a bit “hasty” and “apology-worthy”.

While Morris bemoaned Michelle Obama as the organization’s honorary chair

A) Hasn’t that been the role of the First Lady for awhile? I seem to remember Laura Bush doing a few Girl Scout appearances and ceremonies.

B) Seriously, what the fuck is with the Right’s hate-on for Michelle (okay, yes, it’s the black thing, but I mean, beyond that)? Newsflash wingnuts, she hasn’t actually done anything other than be offensively black.

— and I agree, Mrs. Obama’s fondness for tyranny is no example to young, capable, idealistic girls — it is true that every First Lady since Edith B. Wilson has served as chair.

Sure, it’s been a nice meaningless honorific for the last 90 years, but can’t they SEE that she’s a… n(mumble mumble mumble)?!?

Mrs. Obama might have a thing or two to say about all those cookies, especially considering that she has enlisted the GSUSA to her Let’s Move! campaign of government largesse, but she herself can hardly be blamed for the GSUSA’s leftward lurch.

Telling people that they might want to exercise to prevent early death by heart disease and trying to keep the school lunches from poisoning children is “government largesse”.

Newsflash conservative porkers of the world, Obama isn’t coming to steal your donuts and twinkies. You can continue to freebase them off your hyperextended stomach as you catapult to any early grave all you want with no damn consequences.

In fact, try and set a record with it. Because the sooner you all die of heart attacks, the sooner I can stop living in a world where wingnuts are en masse attacking the fucking Girl Scouts for admitting that there is such things as “an environment” and other controversial subjects such as “girls exist”.

Still, Morris owed fellow Republicans — likely most interested in teaching Morris a lesson in pecking order — no apology, in my thinking.

Oh fuck me, it’s the double down, apologies are for faggots shit again.

Again, Carol, it’s not about you and having your leaders look like strong macho he-men in the “Game”. It’s about your various fuck-ups trying to save their jobs when their unending fucknozzlery is threatening to screw them so bad, they start to wonder if they are actually female constituents.

They aren’t apologizing as a power play. They are apologizing because you and the 27% are the only ones eating this shit up and frankly you just don’t have the numbers or support you once did. History has left you behind and you’re not even bothering to play catch up.

Perhaps when the Girl Scouts introduce the Sandra Fluke merit badge in contraceptive affordability, Republicans will better recognize testicular fortitude when they see it.

There needs to be a word to express all the fuck yous this sentence requires to address. Gigafuck you? SPACEfuck you?

Once progressivism takes root, it’s nearly impossible to weed out entirely.

Let me translate this into sane for you all:

Once history lurches forward on its limping leg after we’ve unleashed our shotgun barrels at it, no amount of effort seems to be able to rewind time and make our archaic obsessions relevant again. This like all things, is liberals’ fault.

With the honor the GSUSA still evokes, it might be downright impossible. A generation of young, empowered girls can carry a lot of water for progressives.

How dare an organization dedicated to the empowerment of young girls, actually try to empower said girls? They should be breaking their spirits so they better accept their fates as broodmares for the Future Gilead State!

It’s like the Girl Scouts forgot the whole damn point of their organization!

It is infinitely easier once that generation no longer knows God, Country, or conscience.

No, please, do keep on claiming the only true voice for religion and tying it to your backwards and vile philosophies.

That’ll totally help religion keep surviving into the 21st century.

Most unfortunately, failing to recognize progressive cover is usually a lesson realized once it’s too late.

What? It wouldn’t be a conspiracy theory if it didn’t end with “if only everyone believed our insane conspiracy theory, then we’d be spared the no-doubt terrible fate to befall us in the near-but-indeterminate future that never actually seems to ever arrive no matter how many times we bitch that it’s coming any day now”.

I mean, the Illuminati would fucking murder someone of the Order forgetting to include that.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Turning shorters into longers is invented by me. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 425


It amazes me that people who concentrate their efforts on matters such as these have enough presence of mind to avoid being arrested for masturbating in public, or rubbing their own feces in their hair.


Slutty Hitler Clones

Worst porn ever.


I can’t even snark anymore. They’re all barking mad.


the fucking Girl Scouts

And there you have it.


Camping trips!


Georgetown Women’s Law Democratic Club

This is too clever by a half halved.


Hey Cerberus, I’m gonna post an image over at my joint that you need to copy and paste to this post. Will post when I have it done.


And, you know, “Attack of the Slutty Hitler Clones” sucked too.


Makes you wonder where all this will end. These clowns are marginalizing themselves at a rapid clip, but they aren’t about to go away. What kind of nonsense will they be believing 12 months from now?


Where Do You Think? They Write Half Our Material These Days

What has Rodin to deserve this?


Obama abortion mandate

Hot damn, I get an abortion AND a date? SIGN ME UP!

the church has been infiltrated with agents of social justice

Jesus wept.

as has every other American organization under the sun … progressivism must be exposed in all its insidious glory — rooted out whenever and wherever it is found … Once progressivism takes root, it’s nearly impossible to weed out entirely…. failing to recognize progressive cover is usually a lesson realized once it’s too late

This is the same tale they always tell, the beleaguered few fighting, eternally, a battle that cannot be won with a fair fight. It more than excuses every possible sin, it blesses it, it makes cheating holy, and democracy, the will of the people, the rule of law, even their own claimed traditional morality be damned. Authoritarian little shit.

Mrs. Obama’s fondness for tyranny

Evidenced by her totally voluntary recommendations that kids eat better and exercise some. OMG BLACK LADY HITLER!

Pupienus Maximus

global, reproductive rights, climate change, empowerment, diversity, sustainability, fairness, community, social justice, universal, green

Amen sister!

think nearly any advocacy, save capitalism.

Capitalism needs advocacy now? Whodathunkit?

Pupienus Maximus

Perhaps when the Girl Scouts introduce the Sandra Fluke merit badge in contraceptive affordability, Republicans will better recognize testicular fortitude when they see it.

Yeah, that’s … wait, what? WTF does that even mean? When the GSA do that thing the Rs will see that the GSA has balls?


Ok, Cerb, I’ve posted the image – clip away.


I’ve gotta admit, I got way too many lulz out of the Boy Scout flap a few years ago over letting gays in the scouts…I was like, “what do they think, that if gays are allowed in the scouts they’ll have a new merit badge in COCKSUCKING?” Then I would laugh maniacally – because picture in your head what that badge would look like, with the little round-head people they use on public signage…

Pupienus Maximus

I cringed when I heard Morris’s original remarks. It was just the crazy talk the left feeds upon but then they fed upon that crazy talk and it lost its craziness!

feeds upon — and the right, consequently, takes such pains to avoid

Um. Ummmmmm. I just. I can’t. I don’t even.


Pup Max-

They are trying! They are trying so very hard to be sane, but us mean old liberals and our having unapproved lives just keeping pulling them back in.

Why won’t we leave them alone?!?


Thanks, it’s now the top pic.

Pupienus Maximus

Obama abortion mandate

Hot damn, I get an abortion AND a date? SIGN ME UP!

A MANdate? Yeehaw I get a gaybortion,


Every time I read one of these, I always get off the boat to see if these people really have slipped off their meds as badly as is implied, and usually the reality is much worse. It’s almost as if these people are so upset the TimeCube guy was getting all the attention they are willing to lobotomize themselves just for the web hits.

Seriously, these people will pretzel logic something until the atomic structure of their argument collapses in on itself, creating a singularity so dense not even sanity can escape. I for one welcome this as it will make it much easier to identify (and thereby avoid) them.


Capitalism needs advocacy now? Whodathunkit?

Obviously it can’t succeed merely on its own merit in the free marketplace of ideas.


Sir Craig-

It gets worse when you realize that the posts are just the tip of the iceberg of crazy and the comments are infinitely worse than even that.


I was just about to say that the comments are truly demented. Can those people buy a pack of gum without having to confront the evils of liberalism? Unbelievable.


Slutty Hitler Clones

Worst porn ever.

Worst…OR BEST?

“The Girls From Brazil”!


It was just the crazy talk the left feeds upon — and the right, consequently, takes such pains to avoid


There’s not much further we can go before wingnut becomes its own distinct language consisting of nothing but poorly-formed scare tactics, dog-whistles, and the occasional grunt… if we’re not there already.

All who speak Correct Thought speak well.


Worst…OR BEST?

I’m comfortable saying worst. But, then, I’ve never been a huge Hitler fan…even though I am liberal.


Slutty Hitler Clones

Worst porn ever.

Worst…OR BEST?

“The Girls From Brazil”!

“They Saved Hitler’s Cock”!


Well, this is embarrassing to admit, but Mr. Slayer and I are making a big *thing* of watching “Game Change’s” debut on HBO tonight. I know it’s a village idiot story based on a village idiot book, but I am oddly fascinated.

I even bought popcorn.

And pre-movie dinner is steak with Bearnaise sauce, roasted mushrooms, red onions and cherry tomatoes with balsamic vinegar and potatoes gratin.

I’m oddly excited. Hey, I have a baby. I get excited about the little things these days.


the quiet creep of progressivism

Put succinctly- progress

tony in san diego

“There’s not much further we can go before wingnut becomes its own distinct language consisting of nothing but poorly-formed scare tactics, dog-whistles, and the occasional grunt… if we’re not there already.”

I think you have described the devolution of Gulliver’s Yahoos!


Mr. Slayer and I are making a big *thing* of watching “Game Change’s” debut on HBO tonight.

Palinism strip bingo?

“They Saved Hitler’s Cock”!

I’d guess that was a small “thing.”

Pupienus Maximus

I STILL can’t get my head around that shit.

“It was crazy talk when I read it. when people laughed at how crazy it was I leapt to defend it because it’s somehow no longer crazy.”

That right there, ladies and germs, is everything you need to know about the whingnut brain.

Pupienus Maximus

I am both relieved and disappointed to find that a google search using “slurry Hitler clones” (with quotation marks) reutrns only this page.



It gets worse when you realize that the posts are just the tip of the iceberg of crazy and the comments are infinitely worse than even that.

I was reading those, and I swear even the tinfoil hats needed tinfoil hats, the batsh*t crazy was that bad. It was like listening in on a doomsday cult campfire singalong.


Mr. Slayer and I are making a big *thing* of watching “Game Change’s” debut on HBO tonight.

Palinism strip bingo?

Hotter! Sitting on our asses and eating popcorn!


Holy fuck, the stupid burns strong in this one.


Hotter! Sitting on our asses and eating popcorn!

Could be hot. Depends on which orifices are popcornated.


doomsday cult campfire singalong

I call dibs on this for a band name.


First they came for Betsy M. Galliher

and I said “Here! Let me hold the door for you!”

Stag Party Palin

“… the organization [GSUSA] is moving left at a fast clip, even if only at its highest levels of leadership.”

Have you ever been on a train as it leaves the station and it looks to you as if the station is moving? These turnipheads suffer from the same kind of delusion. The GSUSA isn’t moving to the left; the wingnuts are leaving the station to the right. And, they’re leaving so fast that they see a red-shift at the GSUSA.

Now that’s science.


These clowns are marginalizing themselves at a rapid clip

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” – Napoleon Bonaparte


vs – I’m with you in the oddly fascinated camp…looking forward to Game Change. HBO movies are usually pretty good, even when the subject matter is unpleasant.


I saw a preview for Game Change and both Julianne Moore and Ed Harris were so close to their intended targets it was scary.


Slutty Hitler Clones
– – – – – – – –
Worst porn ever.

I thought Francisco Franco’s cephalopod bondage videos were even worse, even though the fascist uniforms were well tailored.


It was like listening in on a doomsday cult campfire singalong.

And again we return to GIRL SCOUTS.


It was like listening in on a doomsday cult campfire singalong.

And again we return to GIRL SCOUTS.

They now have an eschatology merit badge.


It was like listening in on a doomsday cult campfire singalong.

And again we return to GIRL SCOUTS.

And now I’m picturing the mutants at the end of Beneath the Planet of the Apes in brown skirts with sashes.


vs – I’m with you in the oddly fascinated camp…looking forward to Game Change. HBO movies are usually pretty good, even when the subject matter is unpleasant.

I enjoyed “Recount” as much as I could “enjoy” something that made me grit my teeth throughout the whole thing.


Could be hot. Depends on which orifices are popcornated.

Note to self: Do not get freaky with N_B if popcorn is around.


I thought Francisco Franco’s cephalopod bondage videos were even worse, even though the fascist uniforms were well tailored.

But I heard the coprophilia scenes in “Cephalo” were quite tasteful.


I saw a preview for Game Change and both Julianne Moore and Ed Harris were so close to their intended targets it was scary.



think nearly any advocacy, save capitalism.
… the same company to whom millions of scouts entrust $750 million in gross cookie sale revenue annually.

Help! I can’t remember what words mean anymore!


the coprophilia scenes in “Cephalo” were quite tasteful.


I though we hadn’t even mastered Smell-O-Vision yet.


…with ties to Planned Parenthood, the United Nations, and abortion and LGBT advocates.

No Trilateral Commission? Wingnut FAIL.


…with ties to Planned Parenthood, the United Nations, and abortion and LGBT advocates.,

I don’t care who they’re working for. The Samoas are that good.


The Girl Scouts are literally the Rainbow Squirts from the Milkman Conspiracy (google it) and are being trained to become nubile young lesbo sluts for our Liberal Overlords.

OK, somebody needs to call th men in white coats to take care of this person, as this is a full blown psychotic episode, unlikely to end well without intervention. On the other hand, broadcasting this could be the best recruitment campaign the scouts ever had, as this is way more exciting than merit badges.


It was like listening in on a doomsday cult campfire singalong.

They were originally called Samoras. TRUFAX.


Oh fuck. Italics sposed to be: …with ties to Planned Parenthood, the United Nations, and abortion and LGBT advocates.,

I don’t care who they’re working for. The Samoas are that good.


the comments are truly demented.

Really great stuff…

The Girl Scouts exist as a Liberal Socialist organization, for the purposes of indoctrinating young girls who will one day serve as Liberal Socialist flag bearers!
– – – – – – – – – –
Satan, the AUTHOR of Confusion and Hatred, is a card carrying Liberal Socialist.
– – – – – – – – – –
Tragically, all the organizations that were founded by Christians have been infiltrated by radicals of all stripes and changed into indoctrination centers for leftwing radical causes.
– – – – – – – – – –
It is hard to believe the Leftists among us are working against our Liberty and our way of life with such devoted diligent malignancy.
– – – – – – – – – –
You have to give the progressives credit where it is due. They are incredibly efficient at infiltrating and eventually comandeering every cultural, educational, social and government institution they can find.

So… wingnuts are aware that they’re becoming culturally irrelevant and that most institutions in America no longer promote their ideology. But to them this is not happening because their beliefs have been voluntarily discarded by most of their fellow citizens; instead, it’s happening because an enormous conspiracy of incredibly diligent and efficient neo-communists have patiently infiltrated every organization from the Girl Scouts to AARP in order to further Satan’s agenda through mass brainwashing.

Good, sound thinking.


But I’m addicted to their Mint cookies!

That is how the Romans did it. Bread and circus…

My mind became exceedingly blank after reading these two comments. It’s as if together they form an anti-thought. The most I can articulate is “wha—?!”.


I don’t care who they’re working for. The Samoas are that good.

Most powerful cookie in the universe!

Tragically, all the organizations that were founded by Christians have been infiltrated by radicals of all stripes and changed into indoctrination centers for leftwing radical causes.

They’ve even infiltrated… you got it… AMERICAN THINKER!!!!@!@!!


For those who need a breather from this poisonous lunacy:

George Takei doing a happy dance.


And again we return to GIRL SCOUTS.
They now have an eschatology merit badge.

Receiving a activity badge for Immanentising the Eschaton is too easy in the Boy Scouts. Everyone has one.

Seriously, these people will pretzel logic something until the atomic structure of their argument collapses in on itself, creating a singularity so dense not even sanity can escape.
The Event Horizon of Epistemic Closure.


Aside: are Samoas the ones called “Caramel Delights” out here in California?

‘Cause I finally tried some the last time cookies came around, and they’re pretty good, but I don’t see them dethroning Thin Mints any time soon.


Sure the girl scouts are Evil Nazi Sluts, but they are only the beginning of the wimmins insidious plot to TAKE OVER THE WORLD:

feminism has overrun the planet like a giant swarm of locusts. they consume, devour and ultimately destroy everything in their path as there agenda is the total eradication of the social construct with a world wide nanny state in control of all assets generated by males, hell all assets period. there very good at what they do.

From the answering comment:

It is very difficult for a Conservative to believe the dedicated & devoted Evilness of Communism can happen here in the Land of Liberty. Communists, Leftists and Progressives are in league with Satan, the father of lies. Barack Obama has proven that a Communist will say or do anything to achieve their godless utopia of science, technology, terror and death.


Mango, mango, mango…


feminism has overrun the planet like a giant swarm of locusts. they consume, devour and ultimately destroy everything in their path as there agenda is the total eradication of the social construct with a world wide nanny state in control of all assets generated by males, hell all assets period.

Now I am become FEMINANNY, destroyer of worlds.


and death

It has a beat.


Wow, S. cerevisiae, I think you’ve found the real Gary Ruppert!

Mango, mango, mango…

I don’t think the Girl Scouts make that flavor.

Wyatt Watts III

…such as the American Heritage Girls, formed in 1995 as an alternative to the GSUSA, “dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.”


“Hello, Mister, would you like to buy a box of delicious pasty thin unsalted communion wafers?”



i was having a sad, ‘cos i saw Peter Bergman’s obituary at the NYT yesterday.

but as i read Cerb’s post here today, i was obvious that he’d Firesign-rayed this poor woman’s mind on his way out – her climate control is now permanently set to ‘Land of the Pharaohs’. well played, sir!

thanks also to Jennifer – that pic requires add’l dissemination.


Now I am become FEMINANNY, destroyer of worlds.

Now I am picturing a giant mechanical Mary Poppins.

How much you wanna bet that guy is paying out a shit ton of alimony?


I for one welcome our new nanny overlords.

Davis X. Machina

Now I am picturing a giant mechanical Mary Poppins.

You didn’t think of the end of ‘Spaceballs”? I did.

To really screw things up you need a FEMINANNY and a Hoover.


C’mon, it looks like the usual nuttiness of momblogging.

*Scans the comments*

Good suggestion about Chavez, the new GSUSA CEO. Check out this well documented article revealing all the problematic ideology she brings to Girl Scouts: (link removed)

I would like to know WHY your link was removed by the “moderator”. Are we now being censored in HERE?

She knows more than three knots. She’s a witch!


It’s Megamaid! She’s gone from suck to blow!


I for one welcome our new nanny overlords.

Does this involve strict discipline? AFAF.


To really screw things up you need a FEMINANNY and a Hoover.

J. Edgar Hoover has risen from the dead and is hanging out with feminannies? The Liberal-Socialist brainwashers must have gotten to him.


I would like to know WHY your link was removed by the “moderator”. Are we now being censored in HERE?

She knows more than three knots. She’s a witch!

You’ll wonder how I was able to call it.

Ah, yes, the great American Thinker freakout of 2012.

Pupienus Maximus

The Ho is on live all evening so I’m enjoying some smoked trout, scrambled eggs and nice toast. He doesn’t go for fish, much. He has already suffered through John Tesh, live in the studio. The guide said the current show was Hugh Laurie with, among others, Dr. John in a Nawlins blues fest. Alas, it’s Marvin Hamlisch with some Adina thang of whom I was never previously aware. Her husband, with whom she just did a duet is fucking hot though. Taye Diggs can sing!

Next up, Yanni! I better make sure to save some gin for him for when he gets home late. He’s gonna need it.

Pupienus Maximus

The Event Horizon of Epistemic Closure.

I hate you.


If the past two weeks have taught us anything, it’s this: Conservatives see thinking, independent-minded women as liberal*.

*(add that to: minorities, non-religious people, religious people who believe in helping others, the poor, the non-poor who believe in helping others, self-described Republicans who don’t feel like God, Guns & Gays are critical political issues, the non-Fox News media, immigrants, people who think the Civil War is over, historians who won’t put Ronald Reagan in their Top Three Bestest Presidents EVAH, people who go to/graduated from/teach at college, unions, Hollywood, the comic book industry…)


their godless utopia of science, technology, terror and death.

That’s silly. In my godless utopia, the terror is optional–and ladies drink free!


Btw, Julianne Moore was amazeballs.


The Event Horizon of Epistemic Closure.

I hate you.

“liberate tutame ex inferis conservatism”

(anyone need an extra pair of eyes?)


Relativity ISREAL:

From Galliher & her ilk’s warpspeed-rightward POV, it’s impossible NOT to perceive the Girl Scouts as 9/10’s of the way to being the fuckin’ Shining Path + b00blets … or Bill Ayers as the left’s less-martyry, less-pimpy Horst Wessel … or the SPCA as Red Guards in training … or President Obama telling kids in American schools to do their homework as sinister Marxist brainwashing. The contemporary political praxis of the GOP – one that involves interesting hijinx like “Emergency Consultants” voiding city elections at will & mandatory superfluous pseudomedical violations of women’s liberty & basic human dignity – is textbook fascism.

If you can’t take the Godwin, get out of the corporatism.

The reason they sneeringly let Ron Paul run for Grand Big Kahuna on their ticket is because he siphons stoner dumbass youth votes away from Democrats by the million. Power-hungry old cretin though he be, even he has to know that his is a (practical-)joke campaign: Anti-war = Pro-Al-Qaeda in Teh GOP 2.0. The others all basically want like hell to be able to do bitchen hella wicked kewl stuff like launch SLBMs & declare martial law & have secret torture-chambers & spy on whoever they want – exactly like the average normal imaginative eight-year-old would. Like the bulk of fascist parties before it, this one is pro-theocracy to boot – because that’s doing such wonders for the Iranians & Saudis right now.

Romney, Santorum & Gingrich may yearn to gin up a war with Iran, but you can bet they’re both taking notes on & envying its mullahs while they’re earnestly waving their pompoms & jiggling their silicone titties for one, too.




Did she break into the Lebowski “Va-gi-na” during the debate scene?


Whoops, forgot to refresh. The va-gi-na was for VS.


Whoops, forgot to refresh. The va-gi-na was for VS.

No thanks, I already have one.



And, no there was no bush or Bush in the film.


No thanks, I already have one.

You can always use another…in case the one in the jar gets lost.


OMG, after watching Game Change, I almost feel sorry for Palin, not for her general ignorance but for her mental illness.

I say “almost” because neither of those explains or excuses her for being a nasty bitch.


Jennifer, that has clarified it for me, thanks. I thought that lately Mooselini had changed something in her screen persona and it is what you say. She cannot understand how the rest of us dummies do not see the Godhead a-shinin’ like a National guitar from her forehead. And she is getting fed up with us. I’m looking for a big boil over from her close to the election. Losing her shit at some lame arse Foxist question about Obama.
I reckon



Trust, but verify.


They’ve even infiltrated… you got it… AMERICAN THINKER!!!!@!@!!

In the vast Satanic headquarters cave deep under Mount Doom, a Liberal-Socialist operative bows before the throne of Lord Soros.

“Listen well, slave” said the Dark Lord “for you have been entrusted with the most difficult and dangerous task of any of my minions. You must infiltrate the last bastion of decency left in the Upper World, that stronghold of courage and honor known as American Thinker. Once you have gained access, you will subvert it by REMOVING THEIR COMMENTERS’ LINKS! Then the world shall be powerless before my might and none will dare resist me as I fulfill my insane ultra-Stalinist agenda of enacting single-payer health care and providing adequate funding for infrastructure maintenance!”


Jennifer, Game Change has been on the ‘net for at least a week. You’re supposed to feel bad about Sen. McCain, not Gov. Palin. Poor John McCain–even his Vietmanese torturers couldn’t have put him through what the R’s did in their rush to anoint their sockpuppet.

That ol’ coot’s only alive today because he didn’t “win”. And we’re all lucky for that.

John Revolta, in Hell

Anointing the sockpuppet.


liberate tutame ex inferis conservatism
I was thinking more Kyrie Eleison.

The va-gi-na was for VS.
No thanks, I already have one.

Anyone can use a spare.


Moment of silence.
Expect more Airtight-Garage-of-Jerry-Cornelian tribute blogging at Riddled.


the church has been infiltrated with agents of social justice

Bring back the social injustice or I will never darken a church’s door again.


I will never darken a church’s door again.
Inquiring minds are wondering whether Substance has ever darkened a church’s door except with spray paint or urine.


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prolly way off topic and nobody is still up, but this is what my son just said,’god must be pretty incompetent if he keeps asking for money…’


Anyone who thinks that the Girl Scouts don’t promote capitalism has never been a Cookie Parent.


They now have an eschatology merit badge.

Hey, earning the Daughters of Cthulhu badge isn’t easy.

science, technology, terror and death

But yeah, those are the main components.


oh. my. god.

the trouble is, I try to imagine talking about this stuff to my dad, who is 81 and a “traditional wingnut”. If I tried to tell him that “hey dad your buddies are now touting the Girl Scouts as a subversive organization”, he just flat out wouldn’t believe me. Would say I’ve been spending too much time on the Internetz haha.

He’s an Eisenhower Republican, doesn’t even understand how his party has been hijacked.

I think I’ll just feed him a few Thin Mints and Shortbread when he comes over for coffee tomorrow, no?



Cool Coach Urban Meyer says you’re a sissy lib! Boo-fuckin’-yah!

Typing is cheap: Put your money in your mouth.


Holy fuck, what’s next on the wingnut agenda?

Head Start = Santanic Commie Muslim Indoctrination Camp for Kids?


It will be impossible to pinpoint when peak wingnut happens, mainly because the insanity just keeps going up, up, up, up, up, up and AWAY.

Lurking Canadian

They’ve even infiltrated… you got it… AMERICAN THINKER!!!!@!@!!

The commie infiltration is coming from inside the house!


He’s an Eisenhower Republican, doesn’t even understand how his party has been hijacked.

Eisenhower had a 91% top marginal tax rate, wanted to create a Department of Peace, and built the interstate highway system.

They wouldn’t let him anywhere near the GOP today.


OMG, aint it the truth. Dad has always maintained that he votes GOP because they “protect the veterans”. To give him credit, he DID figure that GWB Junior was a complete asshole and didn’t vote for him in 2004 or 2008. but it hurt him to do it.

I pointed out to him that it’s todays GOP that wants to do away with my veterans healthcare and his veterans retirement. He withdraws like a turtle poking its head back into the shell.

And he knows its true too. The newsletter that he and I get from the VA says so. Of course their solution is not to vote for more and better Democrats oh no. Their solution is to demonize the President. Why am I not surprised?


oh excuse me I meant to say didn’t vote for John McCain in 2008. Still lost in the fog of grief for my sweetie. Sorry. Some days are better than others.


OT (except insofar as the overall topic is wingnut paranoia):A fine piece of whackaloonacy from an Alex Jones commenter:

Obama’s favorite slogan was “Yes we can” when you play this backwards it sound like “Thank you Satan”. He would get crowds chanting this.

I’d never visited the Alex Jones site before. Great stuff, if you’re a fan of delusional idiocy like I am. I’m going to have to start tracking down and bookmarking some of the more unhinged sites from deep in the fever swamp.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Substance: You know, by getting “so close”, I’m pretty sure you put the Elder Sign on S,N!. Thanks a lot, jerk.

Pupienus Maximus

Turn me on, dead man.


Sadly, No! will be eaten first.


Whoa. This is certainly mystifying.

I’m not sure if I’m a sick fuck or if I’m on to something here, but this sounds an awful lot like wishing/hoping/dreaming that Girl Scouts ARE indeed nubile sluts, ready and waiting for their manly man masters to come and give them the business….

Somewhere, Freud is doing a fat rail and saying, “See, vuht did I tell you?”


First they came for Betsy M. Galliher

FINALLY a good use for the UC Davis Pepperspray Fascist.

Get her, piggy!


Eisenhower had a 91% top marginal tax rate, wanted to create a Department of Peace, and built the interstate highway system.

Eisenhower saw swarms of uneducated and malnourished zombies hit the draft lines and get turned away. That’s what started him down the path of the “domestic liberal and foreign conservative” worldview.

Today’s Republicans are SO STUPID…

(How stupid are they?)

They’re SO STUPID that they don’t see the necessity of health care, education, infrastructure and proper nutrition as a matter of NATIONAL fucking SECURITY. That’s how stupid they are. That’s why they should all be junkpunched really really hard.



Playing to an empty room again. The bartender isn’t even laughing. Jerk.


hah. well I’m still here and I’m laughing. Or crying, take your pick.

Yes they should all be junkpunched. Really REALLY hard.

Hangin out in dead threads. Yeah I know. LOL


Naw, I’m here, tsam.

I was thinking of my conservative friend yesterday and his complaint that he “pays too much taxes.” So I started really giving that some thought.

He’s maybe a 10%er income-wise — good but not great. Let’s say he pays 40% in taxes overall (about average).

Now I want to ask him: if you could pay 50% of your income in taxes (like in, say, Sweeden) and in return get fully funded universal health insurance, roads that weren’t full of potholes, fully funded state colleges, proper support for the homeless, functional and fast rapid transit…would you?

Of course, he’d say “no” because FREEDOM! WOLVERINES!!1! but I gotta say I’d be all over that.


Im not dead yet!



not dead yet. haha

these guys don’t have a clue. I lived in teh Evil Europe. Believe me, they loves them some universal health care, big safety net, and etc. and they don’t give a damn how much they have to pay in taxes for it. I envy them.

Although i spose as the Evil Moooslims start moving in droves there they might get more like (ulp) us.

It’s so easy to turn people on each other instead of the real culprits. Sigh.

Slappy the Invisible Super Monkey

We’ve labeled as Left any positive advocacy for pretty much anything, leaving us just with cheering the most sociopathic leaders we can find and anything that makes the world a worse place (especially if it hurts those mean liberals)

Suffering for my amusement is; in fact, teh only reason for humanities’ existence.



Whale Chowder-

I recently came to a revelation about “taxes are too high” when my uncle was giving me advice about “keeping an eye on how much is taken out of your paycheck in taxes”.

Now, that was always weird to me because despite always being at the highest withholding rate, not much is ever really taken out, but then I don’t really make that much and I don’t have health insurance or 401Ks or other things that take money out of my paycheck.

And then it struck me. Most people subconsciously include money taken out of their paycheck for their health insurance or for their private 401K or for any number of additional private-industry safety nets as “taxes” and put all their bitterness about the lost income on taxes themselves.

Which makes it even more worthwhile for us to fight for universal health insurance, robust public transportation, and a stronger social security net, because everyone is already calling all their little fees and dings “taxes” whether or not its the government taking their cut.

So just having one big takeout for all the government services and having those services be all inclusive would actually make people feel better about taxes, because they wouldn’t be displacing all their private-industry headaches on the catch-all terms taxes and “government”.

Cause I’m pretty sure when these people say “I’m paying too much in taxes”, they aren’t just talking about money withheld from paycheck for taxes + money spent in april to cover the remainder, but rather anything remotely touched by “taxes” such as their 401Ks, health insurance premiums, utility bills, mortgages, etc… And yeah, they probably are too high, but not really because the taxes are the real problem.


Hey, some moron psycho just shat himself. Would somebody haul that POS outta here please?


Ranavalona, the deranged nymphomaniac queen of Madagascar

The world needs more deranged nymphomaniac queens.


(Enter hook)

It really is amazing that the right-wing goes all in on “employers own their employees and what they can do with their money” and “women should be punished every time they even think about sex” and as the egg runs off their face over that, all they have to say in their defense is “B-B-But SLUTS! They’re slutty! And that’s bad!” and they feel the need to do it on every single topic everywhere as if this will somehow remove all the egg on their face all at once.

I suppose I should be grateful that we finally live in a society where that no longer is the guaranteed win trump card it used to be.


Hey, some moron psycho just shat himself.

Hey, my post was off-topic but I didn’t think it was that bad.

Or did I miss something?


Wasn’t me.


Or did I miss something?

Copypasta troll.


I guess I should elaborate. A copypasta troll appeared and was promptly expunged.

John Revolta, in Hell

Eisenhower saw swarms of uneducated and malnourished zombies hit the draft lines and get turned away.

Not turnin’ them away anymore.


Eisenhower saw swarms of uneducated and malnourished zombies hit the draft lines and get turned away.

Which I believe was where food stamps got started – people were showing up for military service with visible signs of malnutrition.


Of course, he’d say “no” because FREEDOM! WOLVERINES!!1! but I gotta say I’d be all over that.

Right==do you want to buy more tires and more front end alignments and extra fuel to go 150 miles out of your way to get from one city to another, or pay for really nice roads? Do you want to go to a doctor who kant spell to good lol or someone who was educated in a world class school right here in your own neighborhood? Do you want to go ahead and smoke cigarettes cuz you know cancer is covered or….well, that’s not the best example ever, but you get my drift. I’d be all up in it too.

How you doing, WC?


To expand on my point–you’re going to pay for it one way or another. It doesn’t take a PHD economist to figure out that if we all pay into a giant, not for profit fund, we’ll get far better results than choosing to buy shit from yet another greedy corporate pig who thinks electricity and food and gas are luxuries.


tsam, you sound kinda like a slut to me.

What? That’s what we’re calling people who favor comprehensive not-for-profit healthcare, right?


tsam, you sound kinda like a slut to me.

I am a total slut. You got money?


A copypasta troll appeared and was promptly expunged.

Judging from Snorghagen’s excerpt at 21:47, the usual lazy noddy copy-pasting some ahistorical racist fantasies from Mark Steyn.
Steyn, a racist scumbag? Who’d have thought it.


Will you boink for art?


Will you boink for art?

Just a minute, I’ll check if the Frau Doktorin is busy.


Will you boink for art?

For yours? YES.

Pupienus Maximus

I am a total slut. You got money?

That would make you a whore, not a slut. Not that there’s anything wrong with being a whore, I’m just pointing out the distinction. I have myself been, at various times, both a slut puppy and a whoredog.

Pupienus Maximus

Will you boink for art?

What’s the matter with art that he can’t or won’t?


That would make you a whore, not a slut. Not that there’s anything wrong with being a whore, I’m just pointing out the distinction. I have myself been, at various times, both a slut puppy and a whoredog.

I’m going to categorize any nihilistic, hedonistic horn dog as a either a slut or a whore. I will fuck for anything, including nothing.


Time to fuck, then?

I wish!


Angry Samoans = badass.


For yours? YES.



Stumbled upon at the YOOTuBex

Funny! The very last scene is the best, so hang in there.


For yours? YES.

In fact, I just spent my whole day moving into my OFFICE! I need a piece for the wall…so, what do you suggest?

Pupienus Maximus

Angry Samoans – the girl scout’s revenge cookie.


I will fuck for anything, including nothing.

Wow, some truth there. Most dudes would be much more promiscuous than most women if they thought they could get away with it but of course it’s the WOMEN who are sluts.

As the parent of a young woman I am appalled that we are re-fighting the war for women to be the agents of their own FUCKING destiny. What the fuck is wrong with us as a nation?

Otherwise, tsam, I’m OK.

Pupienus Maximus

Most dudes would be much more promiscuous than most women if they thought they could get away with it

After a life filled with all sorts of nastiness because I’m a fag, I LOVE reading that kind of shit. Being a young gay guy can be difficult but it’s incredibly easy to get laid.


As the parent of a young woman I am appalled that we are re-fighting the war for women to be the agents of their own FUCKING destiny. What the fuck is wrong with us as a nation?

Ya know, on a longass drive to Lewiston this week, I finally figured out all of this racism, bigotry, misogyny, etc…

There was a time, not so long ago, that the white propertied male defined the role of all others in society. Their use of religion and violence worked very well until the last 40 years or so. Their dominance and power over others has gradually waned as women, blacks, hispanics and asians have begun to define their own roles in society. Turns out their roles are as widely varied as their population numbers–what a surprise, right?

When you hear Rush the fat loser piece of shit call a young woman a slut and insist that she post sex videos of herself online so he can watch them, you’re witnessing the temper tantrum of a petulant, small (figuratively, of course) crybaby lamenting the loss of his power to relegate women to the place he likes to see them–bringing his Cognac and cigars while he face fucks a 12 year old cabana boy.

I’m sure I’m not telling any of you anything you don’t know, I just feel like I finally put all the pieces together for myself and felt the need to share.

Promiscuity isn’t supposed to be a gender-specific descriptor.


I am appalled that we are re-fighting the war for women to be the agents of their own FUCKING destiny. What the fuck is wrong with us as a nation?
Uh yep, that’s what the rest of the world is saying (not the theocratic or fascistic or authoritarian parts of the world… heh).


Uh yep, that’s what the rest of the world is saying



After a life filled with all sorts of nastiness because I’m a fag, I LOVE reading that kind of shit. Being a young gay guy can be difficult but it’s incredibly easy to get laid.

Ugh–you guys are so lucky (in that regard). I guess that’s your one little reward in the ocean of SHIT you constantly have to swim through.


Fuuuuuck…it’s 15:15 Pacific and I have not eaten a single bite of food today. I did, however, drink like 9 beers or so I think.

Can one of you guys give me a ride home?


the organization is moving left at a fast clip

This illusion sometimes occurs when the observer is moving rapidly right.


In other news, the important part of the US for Rick Santorum is its military, which he would like to have under his control:
“I’m running to be the commander in chief for America.”


Again; Hate on the Girls Scouts for teaching young girls not to be dependent on a fucking man. Again with the fucking role definitions.

Stupid assholes. They should all be JUNKPUNCHED. Where’s bbkf? She has work to do.


This illusion sometimes occurs when the observer is moving rapidly right.

Is that like when you’re watching a train go by the right and you get this eerie feeling you’re moving left? Funny, I was a moderate until the Bush administration….


In other news, the important part of the US for Rick Santorum is its military, which he would like to have under his control:

SOMEBODY has to do away with all that icky sex in the military.


In fact, I just spent my whole day moving into my OFFICE! I need a piece for the wall…so, what do you suggest?

omg, congrats. I’m soooo happy for you. This strikes me as “good omen-y.”

And somehow this seems appropriate too.


Most dudes would be much more promiscuous than most women if they thought they could get away with it but of course it’s the WOMEN who are sluts.

While I’m pretty squicked out by the constant minimization of female desire, I have to say I kinda agree with this…and I always wondered how *WE* got tagged with the “slut” label.


I always wondered how *WE* got tagged with the “slut” label.

Duh, because WE have the penis!


VS, love both those pieces.


And somehow this seems appropriate too.

That one gives me a feeling of being lost. I LOVE it, but it has a “rudderless ship” vibe to it, no?


Hey–what happened to “You never called”?

I think that was the title…called back?


That was my favorite. That was an early piece, right?


This is absolutely magnificent.


Thank you do much, WC.

tsam, actually that piece is supposed to have more of a feeling of whimsical defiance…but I can totally see where your interpretation would come from

I’ll link you to “answer” when I’m not typing one-handed.


Tsam wants a piece against the wall of his new office? Way TMI.
What’s wrong with the desk like everyone else?


when I’m not typing one-handed.

Hee hee hee….


For yours? YES.

She does make some fine, fuckable art.





Tsam wants a piece against the wall of his new office? Way TMI.
What’s wrong with the desk like everyone else?

It’s all about the exploration, amigo! TMI is talking about your BMs. Sex talk is always in demand.


TMI is talking about your BMs. Sex talk is always in demand.

The recent re-acquisition of citalopram (badly needed) tend to make mine a bit squirty for a while, but I did wake up with wood a few times in the past week, so… progress!


This is my favorite of those I don’t own, because of the saturated color; but all VS’s artwork has a wonderfully strange gravity to it— very dream-like and other-worldly.

Joni Mitchel once talked about the difference between a painter and a musician being that nobody ever said to Vincent Van Gogh, “Hey, paint a Starry night, again, man.”

With digital art you can do as many encore’s as you like. Guess that’s been true of photography for a long time, but original paintings take it to a whole new level. Affordable art rocks. The ease of reproduction drives the price of each painting down, but the images can give a lot and be sold a lot while not needing to be kept in controlled environments, and not taking up a lot of space.

I always thought the measure of a society was not what art was in the museums, but what is in the homes and OFFICES of regular people. There will always be a place for paintings but not many can afford it.


“but I did wake up with wood a few times in the past week”

So glad I had swallowed that mouthful of beer, first.


He that lies down with wood, shall rise up with termites. Also splinters. And possible disbarment proceedings in the case of a tree surgeon.


Hi Wiley. Had my first interview with Mr. Wit today. Spent over an hour telling war stories.


Well, sertraline also works well for me, but for me has all the same side-effects as citalopram except the best one: delayed, thermonuclear orgasm.


Well, sertraline also works well for me, but for me has all the same side-effects as citalopram except the best one: delayed, thermonuclear orgasm.

I take Sertraline, and yeah, it DOES take forever. I’m trying to decide if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Seems to work out well for the victims beneficiaries.


I take Sertraline, and yeah, it DOES take forever. I’m trying to decide if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Seems to work out well for the victims beneficiaries.

I was saying that for me, sertraline does not have this side-effect. Maybe a little, but the orgasms are just ordinary (still good, but NOTHING like the ones I have on citalopram, which are literally earth-moving). Everyone’s different in how they react to this shit, though.


Oh–well the orgasms for me are fairly ordinary, but it takes me literally upwards of 2 hours to get there. Good exercise…?


Good exercise…?

Haa! Yeah, I suppose. It’s just that given the nearly-similar efficacy in treating my depression, I prefer the citalopram for that one reason, alone. 🙂 It doesn’t affect everyone the same way, though. I’ve actually slept with a couple of women who were taking it who were convinced they were no longer able to climax. One literally wasn’t, despite hours of tender ministrations of all available tools; the other had an experience (after ~2.5 hours) similar to the one I describe for myself.

Pupienus Maximus

Curiously, The Ho has been watching Gay Sex in the ’70s on Fletnix. My god, I had forgotten. He guffawed at one point at seeing the the tray with a bowl of coke on it being passed around, people hoovering up mass quantities. He couldn’t quite believe it was really like that. And the bowls of blow at Halston’s table at Studio. I didn’t tell him I had been at that table.

John Revolta, in Hell

nobody ever said to Vincent Van Gogh, “Hey, paint a Starry night, again, man.”

Edvard Munch was in the other night……………….he said he painted The Scream at least 4 or 5 times.

Guy’ll draw it on a cocktail napkin if you buy him a Bud Light.


Glad to hear it Major Kong. It’s nice to be able to tell your Cold War stories to someone who knows a lot about it, especially someone who knows what was at stake, ain’t it? And knows how boring it could be.

Some more info about my event was recently declassified. Apparently, the USAF is by far the worst branch when it comes to declassifying—they’ve been sued over it. I don’t have it in me to file FOIA requests, right now, and maybe never. But perhaps most of what I want to know will be made public before I die. That would be sweet.

Am wondering if you and Fenwick have been looking to see what’s public about your roles, if you have nagging questions you want answered. Just curious.


he said he painted The Scream at least 4 or 5 times.

That is actually true, in case some did not know.

Pupienus Maximus

he said he painted The Scream at least 4 or 5 times.

Meh. Vivaldi wrote the same concerto 23 times.


he said he painted The Scream at least 4 or 5 times.

Meh. Vivaldi wrote the same concerto 23 times.

Carl Hiaasen has written the same book six times, or eight, or however many times he’s written it.


Am wondering if you and Fenwick have been looking to see what’s public about your roles, if you have nagging questions you want answered.

I really haven’t spent a lot of time dwelling on it. That chapter of my life is over and I’m working on other ones.


Meh. Vivaldi wrote the same concerto 23 times.
Carl Hiaasen has written the same book six times, or eight, or however many times he’s written it.

That’s nothing. I made the same poopy 48 times.


BTW, that picture up top is going on my office door tomorrow.


VS all three images are beautiful, The Burton-esque one actually reminds me of a Gaiman story.

Enraged Bull Limpet

Galliher Sings Tractors: Turnips! Buttocks!


Dear Betsy,

Psychonauts is not a documentary.


jim, Still B&Eing Chapel Perilous After All These Millennia

witnessing the temper tantrum of a petulant, small (figuratively, of course) crybaby lamenting the loss of his power to relegate women to the place he likes to see them–bringing his Cognac and cigars while he face fucks a 12 year old cabana boy.

PedoRush says “DO NOT WANT.”


I envy you, Major Kong. Hate to say it, but it’s true.


tsam, don’t shout at me but I would like to support that there Kiwi.
The Rest of The World is looking at the USA and saying WTF?
I mean, second wave feminism was mostly generated and pushed by American women. The R of the W followed their lead – and now, this ?
I say again, sir, WTF?


test driving new Nom de blog…


The Girl Scouts are literally the Rainbow Squirts from the Milkman Conspiracy

I saw this movie: Richard Gere plays an enterprising reporter who visits a small town in West Virginia to investigate reports of a giant, bug-eyed monster who preys on young folks at night, never quite hurting any, but scaring them. He also has a predilection for predicting major world events.

Also, he leaves two quarts of two percent and a pint of cream.


The fact is, Communists, Leftists and Progressives are in league with Satan, the father of lies. Barack Obama has proven that a Communist will say or do anything to achieve their godless utopia of science, technology, terror and death


The fact is, Communists, Leftists and Progressives are in league with Satan, the father of lies.

And we would have gotten away with it too. If it weren’t for you meddling kids!


Technology and terror?! Mabel, load my gun and gas up our Hoverounds, we’re marching on Washington again!


Well, sertraline also works well for me, but for me has all the same side-effects as citalopram except the best one: delayed, thermonuclear orgasm.

i would be lost without my sertraline…only bad thing is i’ve been on the max recommended dosage for quite a few years now…i hope it never wears off…also, the orgasm thing? interesting…and good to know…


Oh–well the orgasms for me are fairly ordinary, but it takes me literally upwards of 2 hours to get there. Good exercise…?

whoa…i do not have this kind of patience…i would get pretty crabby if this were the case…

eh…who wants to work for me today? i have a severe case of the mondays…


The fact is, that movie about Sarah Palin is a bunch of liberal lies, hoey, bs and a hit piece by biased liberals.

Another fact: that soldier in Afghanistan should be getting a medal instead of apologies from our groveler in cheif.


hoey, indeed!


The fact is, Communists, Leftists and Progressives are in league with Satan, the father of lies.

Also atheists. And bastards.


Who’s the mother of lies? And does her son spend the with a strict Freudian analyst?


In league with Satan, obey his commands, with the goat of Mendes sitting at his left hand.


The fact is, Communists, Leftists and Progressives are in league with Satan, the father of lies.



VS – Would you like a Caucasian, ma’am?

Helmut Monotreme

In league with Satan, obey his commands, with the goat of Mendes sitting at his left hand.

Satan likes fresh yoghurt.


Who’s the mother of lies? And does her son spend the with a strict Freudian analyst?

Oh to be Jung again…


godless utopia of science, technology, terror and death

Actually, that does sound rather pleasant. We’d have the same terror and death we have with religion, only more logically.


And cooler iPads apps. Too. Also.


the goat of Mendes sitting at his left hand.

Oh, that Mickey Kaus…


In league with Satan

There just hasn’t been enough Venom in these threads.

‘Cuz you’re WILD, man, WILD.

Helmut Monotreme

Wait, I thought we were in league with Santa?


Come on. The American League has to be the league with Satan, cuz, you know, that’s the league with the Damn Yankees.


Exactly how is an organization whose most public event is selling high-quality goods at lowish prices for profit “anti-capitalist.” I swear every day some new loon crawls out from their rock and proceeds to sound like a bad parody of the genuinely mentally ill. (Real mentally ill people have the similarly weird explanations about the world, but they don’t express themselves coherently so critiquing them is way more difficult.)

Pupienus Maximus

Head Start = Santanic Commie Muslim Indoctrination Camp for Kids?

Cost of attending is a Soul Sacrifice.


We’re in league with Santana?

Oy vey, como va?


VS – Would you like a Caucasian, ma’am?

oh, dog! we watched this AGAIN yesterday…hubbkf has never seen it…the son and i giggled while he was just mildly entertained…


We’ve got to change our evil ways.


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Paleo, it’s too early thank you!

Webtender tells me this:

“Creator/contributor’s comments:

A Caucasian/White Russian is the favorite drink of “The Dude” in the movie “The Big Lebowski.””


Ugh. Why doesnt the strikethrough tag work?


Oooooh, Substance did you ever wear an awesome outfit like that venom guy when you played?


I have done a small amount of web-based research about American Thinker, and what I found was shocking.


We’re in league with Santana?

Oy vey, como va?

Like seven inches from the noonday sun…


VS, spell “strike” out.


Exactly how is an organization whose most public event is selling high-quality goods at lowish prices for profit “anti-capitalist.”

Your question contains its own uniquely American answer.


N_B & Tigris are now my favorite comedy duo.


Captialism exists everywhere in the world, and is officially embraced, tolerated or encouraged to varying degrees by different governments, but only in this country is it fetishized and raised to the level of a state religion.


Or Capitalism, for that matter


Oooooh, Substance did you ever wear an awesome outfit like that venom guy when you played?

At one point one of us found a whole set of what must have been marching-band outfits at a thrift store. They were red and gold and shiny with CAPES.

The minor drawback was that you could not get the smell of rotting onions out of them.



Awesome. Except for the smell thing.


No Capes!



Awesome. Except for the smell thing.

smelly capes, smelly capes
where were they storing you?

smelly capes, smelly capes
it’s not your fault!


smell of rotting onions

Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Gardening Club Band?

Pupienus Maximus

What’s the point of making your costume smell of rotting onions in the first place?


Garlic would have been more appropriate.


Doesn’t Satan play for the Devils?


bbkf, I guffawed.


Doesn’t Satan play for the Devils?

No, he plays for the Bruins


bbkf, I guffawed.

good to know i still got it…

i just heard that one of my favorite donors died…he was 90, used to be a cop in the next county over…my first visit with him was at his behest…i had no idea who he was…anyhoo, i was wearing a really loud vintage tie which he got a kick out of and when i told him that i had to have hubbkf or my fil tie it for me, he went a got a tie from his bedroom, stood me in front of a mirror and taught me how to do it…he was a die-hard republican and fervent catholic, but he was such a sweetheart and had some hilarious stories…aidan got to meet him when i last visited him and they got along famously…he gave her ‘dating’ advice which made her giggle…he lived a long and full life and was ready to meet his maker and be re-united with his beloved ‘bernie’…they met when she stayed with his family as a schoolteacher…sigh…


Doesn’t Satan play for the Devils?

I don’t follow hockey, but I do remember that he gave a speech at the United Nations the day before Hugo Chavez. Whole place smelled of sulfur, I recall…


The world needs more of these.


interesting…and good to know…

I was trying to keep with the theme of TMI. 🙂 But again, YMMV, as our brains are almost as individual as… well, yeah, y’know.

Pupienus Maximus

I was trying to keep with the theme of TMI

Three Mile Island is a theme now? Appropriate, I suppose, for the whinger meltdown.


I was trying to keep with the theme of TMI. 🙂 But again, YMMV, as our brains are almost as individual as… well, yeah, y’know.

as what, jp?!?!? snowflakes? fingerprints? what?!?!? i’m a liberal and you know i don’t use my brane…except for thinking evil obamathots…and for planning my next gaybortion and for spewing hate and the partyline…c’mon!


As I said, Satan plays for the Bruins. (also I just noted the very appropriate numbers at the end of that URL) So if we are in a league with Satan that means Sadly,No! is an NHL franchise now. Cooool!!!. Seeings how we’re all godless liberals, I figure every one of knows how to score. In fact, if we load up our forward lines with our super-slutty feminazis we will decimate every current scoring record. The downside is, as liberals, we will be naturally weak on defense. But I figure we have a few excellent junk-punchers that can play on the back line and help out there. And if we put Cerberus in goal, ’cause nothing gets by her, then Lord Stanley’s Cup is ours for the taking.

I’ve only been on ice skates once in my entire life, so I expect I will play the healthy scratch position, but I still want to wear # 24.


“Curiously, The Ho has been watching Gay Sex in the ’70s on Fletnix. My god, I had forgotten. He guffawed at one point at seeing the the tray with a bowl of coke on it being passed around, people hoovering up mass quantities. He couldn’t quite believe it was really like that. And the bowls of blow at Halston’s table at Studio. I didn’t tell him I had been at that table.”

Oh, you’re the asshole who sneezed. (Like him, I’m a bit too young, but I watched that Woodsy Allen movie.) These days we have Girl Scouts deliver Thin Mints and Caramel deLites. You don’t want to cross those Girl Scouts. 🙁


As I said, Satan plays for the Bruins.

oh my…he is quite devilish looking…also, do i get to be a junkpuncher? cause that would be awesome…


also, do i get to be a junkpuncher? cause that would be awesome…

You were exactly who I was thinking of as I typed that.


And as far as I know, there is no specific rule in the NHL against junk-punching.


also, do i get to be a junkpuncher? cause that would be awesome…

also, i’ll need a couple of scrappy females so we can be the hanson sisters…


You were exactly who I was thinking of as I typed that.



also, i’ll need a couple of scrappy females so we can be the hanson sisters…

ulp Yes. Do go on…


This is just too good. Check #2.

#2 may vary for different people in different places. POOP.


I figure every one of [us] knows how to score.

Just try and get me out of the crease.


#2 may vary for different people in different places. POOP.

I know…check the rest. There are at least two other gems.

Of course, since the topic is Girl Scouts, there’s always going to be people who will dismiss the list on the grounds that we’re discussing women.


@Pryme –

Looked at a couple of yer posts at yer place – nice Doctor Lady, I think my voice is changing…


Bush’s address to the Scouts was closed to the media at her request.



Satantorum is running for president on the neo-fascist ticket.


As I said, Satan plays for the Bruins

Not for two seasons now. He left at the end of the 2010 season, moving over to Moscow and now Bratislava.


Bush’s address to the Scouts

Vagina monologue?


I know…check the rest.

Oh, I get it. I was looking at the search results and not the slideshow.

Clearly the face behind the question marks is…

   ._   .-'           /|`.     
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And as far as I know, there is no specific rule in the NHL against junk-punching.

Well, a) you’d have to be an idiot, because NHL players wear steel plated cups (not unlike the toes in workboots) designed to stop a frozen puck at 110 miles an hour from hurting the junk and b) it would be a match penalty (immediate ejection and probable suspension) for an attempt to injure.


Too bad there was never an NHL goalie named Jesus – think of the headlines every time he faced Satan.


Not for two seasons now. He left at the end of the 2010 season, moving over to Moscow and now Bratislava.

Yes, but I really want to be an NHL franchise so I borrowed the Obama time machine.


“Caution: Contents Radicalized.”

Also what it says on the crotch of my jeans.



but…but…How do YOU know her?!? And how’s my dog!?!


Does your dog bite?


Well, a) you’d have to be an idiot, because NHL players wear steel plated cups (not unlike the toes in workboots) designed to stop a frozen puck at 110 miles an hour from hurting the junk

You really think that would be an obatcle for bbkf when she’s really fired up?


Too bad there was never an NHL goalie named Jesus – think of the headlines every time he faced Satan.

I swear this is a true story: There was a player for the Mets named Tim Teufel.

He once faced a picture named Jim(?) Gott.

Teufel is German for Devil. I’ll leave it to you to guess what Gott translates to.


“Zat…ees nought…mah dogk.”


You really think that would be an obatcle for bbkf when she’s really fired up?

Depends on how fresh her nail polish is.


Or an OBSTACLE even?


The fact is, Communists, Leftists and Progressives are in league with Satan
Fecking big money leagues.


He once faced a picture named Jim(?) Gott.

And then he faced the actual PITCHER, Jim Gott…


I saw an OBATCLE at Comic-con in the Klingon area, where they where using it to prepare gahg!


Or an OBSTACLE even?

Blame daylight saving time. I know I do.


Blame daylight saving time. I know I do.

I blame my keyboard. It always goes all qwerty on me when I’m not looking.


I blame my keyboard. It always goes all qwerty on me when I’m not looking.

Ironically, Dvorak was Satan’s teammate in Buffalo…


wev. Youse libs are all a bunch of Obotcles.


Youse libs are all a bunch of Obotcles.

Obotcles. That’s what dangles from an Obopenis.


I saw an OBATCLE at Comic-con in the Klingon area, where they where using it to prepare gahg!

I’m a big nerd, and I don’t even know what this means!

Ironically, Dvorak was Satan’s teammate in Buffalo…

A friend of mine often used to get stopped by cops when he wore his Satan jersey.


A friend of mine often used to get stopped by cops when he wore his Satan jersey.

That’s probably the only jersey I ever wanted (and would pay actual NHL merch prices for). They came in baby size.


A friend of mine often used to get stopped by cops when he wore his Satan jersey.

He missed the NY trifecta (quadfecta, if you count that Jersey team) when the Rangers refused a trade for him.


Omg, substance is baby-sized!


You really think that would be an obatcle for bbkf when she’s really fired up?

Depends on how fresh her nail polish is.

ha! i laff in the face of steel nut-cups!!!


i laff in the face of steel nut-cups!!!

Lemme get mine, and you can get on your knees and show me…


“Caution: Contents Radicalized.”

Also what it says on the crotch of my jeans.

grrrrrrr, baby, grrrrr!


Omg, substance is baby-sized!

That just means there’s less of me to love.


Why are you trying to get my fired? I am laughing so hard.

Oh, right. I have no job. Well… the cats are looking at me funny.


I’m a big nerd, and I don’t even know what this means!

It means I’ve either had too much, or too little, to drink. I need a solution…


Obotocles: Worst philosopher EVER.


Also, Homercles cares not for beans.


hormelcles revolutionized the canned meat process of thought…


Obamacles – The first socialest ruler of Greece.


Now I can’t wait for football season. I want to get a Satan hockey jersey and wear it to the next Broncos game. I will then be ready to mingle with all the “Jesus” Tebow jersey folks.


It means I’ve either had too much, or too little, to drink. I need a solution…

When in doubt, err on the side of moderation.

Especially when it comes to moderation.


Pairacles: Lowest winning hand in a Greek game of poker.


“global, reproductive rights, climate change, empowerment, diversity, sustainability, fairness, community, social justice, universal, green — think nearly any advocacy…”

Guilty as charged This is bad because?

“…save capitalism.”

Ah yes, GSA cookies are taken from each according to their abilities and given to each according to their need. Or something.


Obamacles – The first socialest ruler of Greece.

Don’t forget Zuko, who ruled Grease through oh those summer nights.


Ah yes, GSA cookies are taken from each according to their abilities and given to each according to their need.

I’ll take two boxes of Proletariat Cremes and one box of Trotsky Mints.


godless utopia of science, technology, terror and death

Neal Stepenson called, said he’s already written the first 856 pages.


Manacles – founder of the Greek prison system.


Ah yes, GSA cookies are taken from each according to their abilities and given to each according to their need.

Please sir, could I have Somoa?


Neuticles — prosthetic testicles for neutered pets. No fer reals.


godless utopia of science, technology, terror and death

Neal Stepenson called, said he’s already written the first 856 pages.



I’ll take two boxes of Proletariat Cremes and one box of Trotsky Mints.

I like the glazed Lenin bars.

Please sir, could I have Somoa?

Also the name of a campfire treat made with Marxmallows.


Samoas sound kinda muslimy. I bet they are halal.


Manacles – founder of the Greek prison system.

Also, leather bars


I like the glazed Lenin bars.

I rate for Chefoils

Helmut Monotreme

I want to know what is so terrifying about a USA with a single payer health care system, robust social safety net and cheap high quality and widely available education. I lived in Norway for 3 years in the ’80s and I didn’t notice any nameless horrors, just you know, good infrastructure, and an active, well educated populace.


I didn’t notice any nameless horrors, just you know, good infrastructure, and an active, well educated populace.

Yes, those are nameless horrors to the current batch of “conservatives” in ‘Murka.


I want to know what is so terrifying about a USA with a single payer health care system, robust social safety net and cheap high quality and widely available education

You went and answered your own question:
good infrastructure, and an active, well educated populace.


OBS will now AHEM me, the SNOB.


I lived in Norway for 3 years in the ’80s and I didn’t notice any nameless horrors, just you know, good infrastructure, and an active, well educated populace.

Yes, but that was to keep the populace quiet while the jötnar ravaged.


Yes, those are nameless horrors to the current batch of “conservatives” in ‘Murka

must also take into consideration the ‘pulled OURselves up by the bootstraps’ meme…


Wow. I see gay and metrosexual men are being targeted and murdered in Iraq. Fantastic.


I see gay and metrosexual men are being targeted and murdered in Iraq.

See? We turned them into Little America after all!


OBS will now AHEM me, the SNOB.

Moi? I am not that kind of snob! Good day.

I said good day!

Pupienus Maximus

Cleaning up my imgur pics, I ran across this blast from the past.

Pupienus Maximus

I note once again, that screencap was on The Ho’s account.


Wow. I see gay and metrosexual men are being targeted and murdered in Iraq. Fantastic.

And burning Korans and killing civilians in Afghanistan.

I wonder how long it will be ’til e reach the next highest point on the ever taller Wingnut Peak and some jackhole shows up at one of the usual haunts with a detailed article about how awesome all that is.

No, I’m not going to go look to see if it already happened. ‘Twouldn’t surprise me.


You were exactly who I was thinking of as I typed that.

Funny that, she was exactly who I was thinking of when I read the original comment.


Santorum says teleprompters ought to be illegal. Is this an example of the rats fucking themselves? The way their memes feed off one another is duh-inspiring.


OBS, yeah, we’ve got two nice clusterfucks going on now, huh?


Santorum says teleprompters ought to be illegal.

So, I’m sure, does every Republican who wants to come off like Sarah Palin and end up with her approval ratings…


You may enjoy this crackpot idea.

it gave me some lulz…and made me feel less junkpunchy…


Perry, following Santorum’s lead, wants telescopes to be illegal.


Maybe you need a photo of a cat drinking rainwater to wrap up your workday.


OBS, yeah, we’ve got two nice clusterfucks going on now, huh?

Yes, the latest in a long line of continuing clusterfucks are clusterfucktastic. It’s almost like Afghanistan is where empires go to die or something.


Santorum says teleprompters ought to be illegal

On what basis? I mean HOLY SHIT is that a dumb fucking idea. Also nanny-state anti-capitalism, but ideological consistency is for chumps.


Santorum says teleprompters ought to be illegal

But you can still write stuff on the back of your hand, right?


Santorum says teleprompters ought to be illegal

How do you think I got through my SATs?


Slutty Hitler Clones

Worst porn ever.

Worst…OR BEST?

Worst. Hitler only had one testicle.


Yeah. See Zombie Reagan give a decent speech without a TelePrompTer.


Worst. Hitler only had one testicle.

That would at least be different.


Worst. Hitler only had one testicle.

Ein Volk! Ein Reich! Ein testicle!


Btw, the girl in the photo… possibly Drew Barrymore, from the flick, Firestarter? Really looks like her at that age.


She does, yes, but not that is not drew.


She does, yes, but not that is not drew.

You’re absolutely certain?


On what basis? I mean HOLY SHIT is that a dumb fucking idea. Also nanny-state anti-capitalism, but ideological consistency is for chumps.

basis: jesus is rick’s teleprompter…


Worst…OR BEST?

Worst. Hitler only had one testicle.

And Mao Zedong and Francisco Franco and Ahnold and Bruce Lee! Coincidence? Unpossible!


basis: jesus is rick’s teleprompter…

Morse Code through the papal buttplug.


basis: jesus is rick’s teleprompter…

Palin used the same guy. They should fire him, he’s crap.


They should fire him, he’s crap.
but boyhowdy, can he fundraise!


basis: jesus is rick’s teleprompter…

I doubt he gives a shit what Jesus would really have to say.


but boyhowdy

Damn, I haven’t heard that in a while. I had a cousin from Oklahoma that came up here to visit way back when I was 13 or so. He was hanging out with me and my friends whereupon he heard us loudly cussing as us evil godless liberal children do over here on the evil left side of the country are wont to do. He was flabbergasted and informed us that wasn’t nice and that when you’re mad or excited, you should just say “boy howdy” ’cause that’s what his dad (yes, a republican redneck oilman) told him.

We didn’t beat the crap out of him, but it was discussed. He was quite a bit younger than us so we just mocked him mercilessly for the rest of his visit. While liberally sprinkling our copious cursing with “boy fucking howdy” and “boy howdy that’s some stupid shit” and such as.


Uh, I’m not gonna eat all this satan, anyone want to trade for girl scouts?


Uh, I’m not gonna eat all this satan, anyone want to trade for girl scouts?

I might. Does yours come in convenient pocket-sized transubstantiated wafer form like jesus does? Is it habanero flavored or just boring old brimstone?


You’re absolutely certain?

I’d bet folding money.


We didn’t beat the crap out of him, but it was discussed. He was quite a bit younger than us so we just mocked him mercilessly for the rest of his visit. While liberally sprinkling our copious cursing with “boy fucking howdy” and “boy howdy that’s some stupid shit” and such as.

I want to be frenz with OBS.

For some reason this story made me giggle.


Santorum says teleprompters ought to be illegal except as provided for in subsection(c) or (d)

(c) mutherfucker politician is white

(d) mutherfucker politician is a Republican

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Santorum says teleprompters ought to be illegal except as provided for in subsection(c) or (d)

(c) mutherfucker politician is white

(d) mutherfucker politician is a Republican

That’s pretty redundant.


Santoricles: Where all those Man-On-Boy rumors from ancient Greece began.


She does, yes, but not that is not drew.

But what if not she is not drew?


But what if not she is not drew?

Then it’s possible she’s a decent actress.


Satan comes in lots of forms and flavours, all, to my well traveled and adventurous taste, equally bad. The dry Japanese rusks made from it have distinct communion wafer characteristics.


But what if not she is not drew?

A painted trollop.



Thanks to El M, I’ve learned that Taiwanese satan Looks like POOP.


but boyhowdy
– – – – – – – –
Damn, I haven’t heard that in a while.

Ross Thomas’s ‘Out on the Rim’ features a slimy Australian pimp named Boy Howdy.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Satan comes in lots of forms and flavours, all, to my well traveled and adventurous taste, equally bad.

But is there gluten free gluten?


But is there gluten free gluten?

There’s corn and rice. I’ve sometimes even seen bits of tofu passed off as gluten, but there’s nothing quite like real mock duck.


Mocking the duck.


wabbit allspice


Mok-Duk would be a great name for a villain.


She does, yes, but not that is not drew.

But what if not she is not drew?

Shut up! I am trying this new thing called “confused foreigner grammar.”. All the cool kid are doing it. I’m not surprised you didn’t know about it. Memes. Internet. Starbucks and such.


Why it not Drew?!


How is babby Drew formed?

Pupienus Maximus

It’s not Drew. She was called Draw at the time.


“Draw you goddamned belch.”



John Revolta, in Hell

Well hi all…………………..I finally got a night off from my gig at the Emerald Piper and brother, I can use it. I thought this was gonna be an alright deal when they first offered it to me but it’s turning out kinda diabolical*. Seems like I’m stuck for all eternity playing Irish music for badass guys who really don’t care for it much. And they aren’t shy about it either. Tupac and Biggie finally found something they hate more than each other: me. And the so-called bouncers are no help at all…………their job is to keep people IN. Oy.

I was gonna relax and watch some TV but the only thing that’s on is old Donny and Marie reruns. They tend to show the same one over and over again. Right now it’s the one with Andy Gibb…………….maybe I’ll just turn in early.

P.S. If there’s any goddam Girl Scouts down here they’re keepin’ ’em well away from the musicians. Naturally.

*What I did there, do you see it??


“Draw you goddamned belch.”

well, ain’t that a bag of tits? that’s twice in a month you’ve gotten to use this one…


Damn, I haven’t heard that in a while. I had a cousin from Oklahoma that came up here to visit way back when I was 13 or so. He was hanging out with me and my friends whereupon he heard us loudly cussing as us evil godless liberal children do over here on the evil left side of the country are wont to do. He was flabbergasted and informed us that wasn’t nice and that when you’re mad or excited, you should just say “boy howdy” ’cause that’s what his dad (yes, a republican redneck oilman) told him.

We didn’t beat the crap out of him, but it was discussed. He was quite a bit younger than us so we just mocked him mercilessly for the rest of his visit. While liberally sprinkling our copious cursing with “boy fucking howdy” and “boy howdy that’s some stupid shit” and such as.

needs more leeches, railroad tracks and dead bodies…vs, it also made me giggle cuz i have memories pretty close to it…


Right now it’s the one with Andy Gibb

oh, jaysus! back in the day i had the biggest crush on him…is he wearing tight white pants and a silk baseball jacket?!?!?


I clicked on the original source article for this post (at the “American Stinker”) and I have to say, my heart goes OUT to you guys! I cannot imagine having to stomach employment that entails regular forays into that swamp of bilge. I dearly hope you are paid well.

John Revolta, in Hell

He’s wearing some kind of black suit………………….he & Marie look like they’re about to jump each other any minute. Ewwwwwwwwwww………………….

I’d say hello to him for you if I ever see him but I don’t think it’s too likely. I hear they’ve got him WAY down in the lower depths somewhere. Shame.


that’s twice in a month you’ve gotten to use this one…

I just repeat it over and over again, Tourette’s like. Sooner or later it has to be appropriate.


Sooner or Later

good tuneage…


I’d bet folding money.

Well, I worked in the blossoming VHS rental business, back in the day. And I seem to recall Ms. Barrymore being depicted on the slipcover of said film in a loose curl perm as a long-haired blonde, which is the only reason I have any doubt. I don’t remember anything about the flick itself, but that little girl looks SO much like her… I had to wonder.


you are absolutely correct mr. prestonian…drew is/was totes blonde…also, the only thing you need to remember about firestarter is that it’s a typical adaptation of a stephen king book, meaning it sucked balls…


Well, I worked in the blossoming VHS rental business, back in the day.

as did i…back when you could rent a player…


as did i…back when you could rent a player…

We rented players. Both VHS and Betamax, and had half our stock in Beta for the longest time! I am old.

I still can’t get over how much that kid looks like a young Drew Barrymore.


We also sold A/V gear, including the astounding Sony… um… well, they were astounding when the Challenger blew up.


Sony XBR System? I dunno. Still Trinitron tube, really big, component set up. Very spendy back then.


Must have been the Trinitron 32″ XBR… at the time, the only bigger tube TV was the Mitsubishi 35″, which was a behemoth.


Okay, didn’t mean to be an early 1980s Sony geek. C’mon. Speak!


New post.

Remember, if you notice any glaring grammar or spelling errors in this next post, it’s due to intentional irony and not at all because I’m an idiot who left myself open to the obvious retort.


Also let me know if that excuse at all works.

Privatize the Profits! Socialize the Costs!

Long before the ‘Girl Scout controversy’, there was the ‘Beatles controversy’.

1) Take a trip down memory lane in Wingnut World


2) Now take a trip down memory lane in Non-Wingnut World:


So… the Beatles and Communism? Hmmmm… we report, you decide!


So it turns out the internet has a lot of information on this, which is to say on Nubile Lesbian Sluts in Girl Scout uniforms earning their knot-tying merit badges on one another. I’m going to investigate this in more detail, for America.


[…] – But at least none of the GOP presidential contenders have gone after the Girl Scouts yet. […]


“Once progressivism takes root, it’s nearly impossible to weed out entirely.”

Funny, Ms. Galliher sounds an awful lot like one of her heros from Norway…

BTW, what the hell is she doing WRITING? Surely that cuts into valuable sammich-making and baby-aquarium time… 😉


Hold the fort. This may seem totally nutty but there is a rather insidious logic behind the propaganda that all girlscouts are just “slutty hitler clones.”

The idea is that by presenting something so utterly off the wall that even his fellow Republicans (act like) they are offended, whenever the GOP presents other arguments, said conspiracies will appear, by contrast, much more reasonable.

It’s a disgusting tactic from an even more disgusting corporatist plutocracy.


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