Double, Double Boil and Twitter

ABOVE: Andrew Breitbart (left drunk) and Cynthia Yockey (right stupid)

Shorter Cynthia Yuckly, America’s Dumbest Lesbian™ aka A Conservative Lesbian:
What I propose to protect conservatives under attack on Twitter

  • Andrew Breitbart’s death had nothing to do with his being an overweight drunk with high blood pressure. No, liberals killed him with their mean tweets. To avoid other tragic conservative victims of mean liberal tweets, I propose a “wave of love” hashtag that we can tweet to other conservatives as a life-saving antidote.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 210


Froostest? Rilly?


If it were actually possible to tweet someone to death, I would change my mind about never creating a Twitter account.


Wait. I thought Obama killed Breitbart to hide the files about is hugging some black dude. Plus comptrollers.

Hagar The Horrible

That’s my kinda woman.


Is this “wave of love” anything like a wave of santorum?


“A Conservative Lesbian?” Rilly? Doubly warred-against, but she is full of love. I almost feel sorry for her except I suspect she likes being crapped on.

Her readers, OTOH, are winners:

I sat down in front of my casting furnace and turned about twelve pounds of lead alloy ingots into bullets with my assorted two and six cavity bullet moulds. I fear that your wave of love will eventually need to be backed up with rifles.

Now that’s love.


That’s my kinda woman.

She might need a hair cut.


I think we should congratularte Breitbart on one week’s sobriety

Marion in Savannah

Holy FSM… I thought the shorter was so absurd that I actually got out of the boat. The shorter is a pure distillation of her gibberish. My favorite comment in reply to her “waves of love” is this one, by Peter Davis:

I sat down in front of my casting furnace and turned about twelve pounds of lead alloy ingots into bullets with my assorted two and six cavity bullet moulds. I fear that your wave of love will eventually need to be backed up with rifles.

The wave of hate from the left has always led to a wave of death, wheter the Giullotine of Paris, the Gulags of Stalin, the camps of Hitler, the killing Fields of Cambodia or the mindless slaughters of Africa. The left is working up to a new Kristalnacht and love isn’t the answer. I wish it were but history says different.

Waves of love indeed…


liberals killed him with their mean tweets.

Maybe he shouldn’t have snorted them.


I think we should congratularte Breitbart on one week’s sobriety

I’m not so sure he’s sobered up yet.


Now that’s love.

Love is never having to say, “Incoming!”


And holy fuck, she’s complaining about what great big meanies liberals are for tweeting mean things about people she likes and her commenters are talking about KILLING PEOPLE.


I think we should congratularte Breitbart on one week’s sobriety

lighted match to the corpse toxicology report pics or didn’t happen


I’m not so sure he’s sobered up yet.

I heard they had to bury him because the crematorium was worried about the risk of explosion.


Whereupon (theoretical Twitter-twat) jim immediately Tweets back:

“Schmaltzy waves of love notwithstanding, you STILL suck a big fat bag of goat dicks. #nou #fail #waveofbile #yhbt”


I sat down in front of my casting furnace and turned about twelve pounds of lead alloy ingots into bullets with my assorted two and six cavity bullet moulds. I fear that your wave of love will eventually need to be backed up with rifles.

Y’know, when someone you love and admire…whether they deserve it or not…dies, it’s nice to light a candle or say a prayer or perhaps donate to a charity or even plant a tree.

No, these asshats have to cast bullets.


Nevermind her commenters – her example tweet is as follows:

@ToxicLeftist, you have generated a #waveoflove for @SarahPalinUSA (or @michellemalkin or @AnnCoulter). BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!* #tcot #tlot

IOW, #waveoflove is intended to be used in spite. Also note, while her original intent was to express support @Breitbart, what she is now proposing is an army of conservatards that mass spam @anyone who tweets anything they don’t like. In a #waveoflove.

The Principal Contributt

I always thought the right needed a wave of “grow the fuck up and face reality” more than anything else, personally.

Oh and I say this while creepily reprogramming my fantasy super death ray satellite, which totally beats creepily made fantasy bullets. So there. *sticks out tongue*


And holy fuck, she’s complaining about what great big meanies liberals are for tweeting mean things about people she likes and her commenters are talking about KILLING PEOPLE.

This was so full of win that I posted it over there, Tig. Cleaned up a little, of course, since she’s too big a pussy (go ahead) to let her comment stream go uncensored.


I propose a “wave of love” hashtag that we can tweet to other conservatives as a life-saving antidote.



It’s mean to tempt me to get out of the boat. Mean I say!


@ToxicLeftist, you have generated a #waveoflove for @SarahPalinUSA (or @michellemalkin or @AnnCoulter). BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!* #tcot #tlot

Good, maybe they’ll turn into actual human beings






@ToxicLeftist, you have generated a #waveoflove for @SarahPalinUSA (or @michellemalkin or @AnnCoulter). BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!* #tcot #tlot

Out of context, I would have assumed that this came from either a malfunctioning computer or a comic book villain.


Love Stinks!

The Principal Contributt

To be fair, “insinuating killing people I don’t like” is one of the four general states of a conservative, so with righty commenters you always get a 25% chance of it.
The others, of course, being “screaming how things I don’t like is apparently against the constitution”, “projecting own faults on liberals/minorities/women/etc.” or “hypocritical faux outrage.”


Also too,

We just have to do this enough to make it a trending topic a few times to be able to force the mainstream media to cover it. How sweet will that be?

Wow. It truly is amazing how delusional these folks are. #waveoflove is going to trend on the powah of conservative tweeters. Any day now. Trending topic despite Twitter’s obv left-wing bias.

FFS, she can’t even be arsed enough to bother with her own idea – oh yeah that indestructible spam shield is gonna be teh bizzombles.


#waveoflove is going to trend on the powah of conservative tweeters

It might, once the porn spammers get a hold of it


J. Geils said,
March 9, 2012 at 21:38

Love Stinks!

Yea, yea!




On a side note, I’d heard Stormfront was having a big ol’ freakout over that blood pressure med that may dampen racist tendencies. Anyone care to look? I’m not sure I want to venture over there while weakened from a bronchial illness…


“You destroy darkness by turning on the light.”

I thought that was how you made the cockroaches scatter.


The fact that patriotic conservatives are forced to turn to fantasizing about killing people proves just how evil, disgusting, and shameless you America-hating libs are. Obama should be impeached over this, but never will because of the liberal media.



Winning an Internetz on a Friday is extra special, because it comes with complimentary shots of your favorite single-malt or Anejo. Congratulations!


I suppose that after being chastised with a #waveoflove, teh only proper response is baby don’t hurt me.


I call Bullshit Gary: the spelling was too good


Also too, only one week until teh first anniversary of Breitbartocalypse.


Herp derp. Second anniversary. wev. I blame teh alcohol induced blackouts from the day after.



Apparently so…

WARNING: Probably NSFW. My firewall won’t let me open Stormfront flat out.


“It’s like trying to kill starfish by chopping them into five pieces and throwing them back in the ocean. Starfish can regenerate their limbs, so what that does is give you five times more starfish.”

When I chop the limbs off, I’m left with a disc-shaped central piece. Toss it right, and it skips before sinking under. Cold comfort, knowing that not five but six starry monsters will result.

Setting that inaccuracy aside, I commend Yockey for choosing a simile involving a familiar (albeit politically-incorrect) American pastime.


I blame teh alcohol induced blackouts from the day after.

Don’t you mean the millions of angry tweets from racialist Liberals?

Andrew Breitbart

Is it me or does something stink down here?


“You destroy darkness by turning on the light.”

Waitaminute. Don’t wingnuts believe that sending waves of healing light is hippy-dippyish?


Is it me or does something stink down here?

Nope. Just you


When I chop the limbs off, I’m left with a disc-shaped central piece.

Um, the arms need a chunk of the central disk, so all you’re doing is making one starfish to replace the one you chopped up

Helmut Monotreme

Golem heart,
The quote was “chopping them into 5 pieces”, not as you infer “chop their arms off”, the count of pieces would in fact be 5. This has been your “distinction without a difference” pedantic correction of the day. Which should reflect more poorly on me than you, cause it’s me that little error annoys like grit in my teeth.


I thought that was how you made the cockroaches Republicans scatter.



that little error annoys like grit in my teeth



“Um, the arms need a chunk of the central disk,”

A chunk wouldn’t be enough. How the fuck would her five pieces manage to eat, etc.?

Look at me, I’m paranoid you’ll think I believed her premise in addition to wanting to base a joke on it.


Actually, I was wrong. There is one starfish that can regenerate from just an arm:


#waveofstarfish would be AWESOME.


Maybe they can keep their waveofloves in little jars, which they could then give to toxic liberals.


Magic Dick said,

March 9, 2012 at 21:42 (kill)…

I’m fairly certain there’s a rule on the intarwebs that any mention of Magic Dick must include a link to Whammer Jammer. For folks that only know J. Geils by “Centerfold” — they did better things.


I fear that your wave of love will eventually need to be backed up with rifles.

No need for a love wave here. I can just feel the love emanating from the PC screen.


@ToxicLiberal What you need is to go to Charm School #flavoflove


A brief OT as a quick note to Cerberus: I think I remember a post of yours a while back about “pickup artist” type douchebags…? I think you’ll like today’s XKCD comic…


IOW, #waveoflove is intended to be used in spite.

Well, sure. Just like “Merry Christmas!” is intended to be delivered with a challenging mad-dog glare signifying, “how dare you impinge upon my religious freedom!”


“There is one starfish that can regenerate from just an arm:”

Hmm, or even the tip of an arm. Maybe they use stored-up nutrients to get started. They only have one mouth, but —

“[I]n a great many species, the cardiac stomach can be everted out of the organism’s body to engulf and digest food. In these species, the cardiac stomach fetches the prey then passes it to the pyloric stomach, which always remains internal.”

Apparently the pyloric stomach is central, and the cardiac ones are at the base of each arm. I still don’t see how they’d enable eating and digestion, especially in the case of the severed arm-tip.

All I know is that I’m done making what seem like reasonable assumptions about starfish. They’re far more alien and complex than I’d imagined.


Sorta related to sea stars. Sorta. But I thought it was funny.


Maybe they can keep their waveofloves in little jars

Who do you think you are?

Pupienus Maximus

I will NOT be arsed to learn about this twittler thing with the mystery code symbols and whatnot. I shall venture forth onto the interducts to find something I can understand.


And it’s time once again to play Name That Whinger!

Decided to take yesterday afternoon and the better part of the evening off from politics. Don’t get those who spend their entire day reading about it and obsessing about it.

Yes, this was written by the proprietor of a politics blog.

When I did check the blogs as I ate my late-night snack, I caught a few things of interest, one which led me to contemplate a post which, well, Glenn Reynolds had already written by the time I beganmy morning blog read.

Well that rules out Jonah.

Pretty much says it all. Democrats won the first round of this fight, by TKO, according to John Hinderaker, but by not leaving the field once they won the game, they snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

Name that stunningly insightful analyst of a whinger!


Hey, in that not-edited-at-all picture up top, it looks like Breitbart is drinking from a fancy socialist you’re-a-peein’ Stella Artios glass chalice! As any fool knows, you can only drink Stella Artios beer from the special magic chalice.

Why did Breitbart hate America? He should have drank himself to death with a real ‘Murkin beer like Budweiser, Coors, PBR! I’m horribly offended by this affront to true American values. Harumph.


So. They’re all starfish now. Did someone say something about hand grenades?


‘Twas the renowned liberal, Matt Drudge, what killed the Breitbart beast.

I’m not kidding


I’m not kidding

I believe you. There’s no way I’m clicking that link.

And Pupienus, I cheated by using teh googolz. I won’t ruin the suspense.


I sat down in front of my casting furnace and turned about twelve pounds of lead alloy ingots into bullets

A “casting furnace” to melt lead? Most people are content with the stove-top.


a post which, well, Glenn Reynolds had already written by the time I beganmy morning blog read…. Pretty much says it all.

Zounds, did he both “heh” AND “indeed?”


The fact is Twitter will enabel conservatives to send up in smoke hashtags like #teabag that liberals use to denigreat a true patriot. Missiles are no match for the truth that shall be reveled with our “love waveing” hashtag. Andrew Breitbart is an American idol who shall live in infamey for as long as there is one conservatives heart beating. One mans meat and potatoes are another mans livelyhood that even libs cannot stifel.


But but but TWELVE POUNDS, Smut. He might want to check that his fume hood is working.

Pupienus Maximus

A “casting furnace” to melt lead? Most people are content with the stove-top.

By “casting furnace” he means a battered old camp stove.


A “casting furnace” to melt lead? Most people are content with the stove-top.

I’m guessing he probably makes steel jackets too, just in case the Feds come snooping around.


Now THAT’S more like the Ruppert we’ve grown to know and love!

Just not the real one…


Not clicking on actor’s link, but I assume it’s the same scoop that Wonkette has?

All the more fun, because it’s John Zieglerishcious!

On February 18, 2008, Michelle Obama famously told two different crowds that Barack’s success running for president was the first time in her “adult life” that she was “really proud” of her country. When Breitbart ended his shift that evening the story dramatically led the Drudge Report. However, just a few minutes later when Drudge himself stepped in, the link (along with two others charging Obama with plagiarism) was suddenly nowhere to be found. The story quickly died and never reached the level of “common knowledge.”

for reals!! Apparently, the story that Michelle Obama said that thing that every wing-nut repeats like Gospel, was quashed, by the sinister forces! (even though Ziegler describes it as “famously”) Now the secret is out!

Why Ziegler was sworn to silence about it until Breitbart’s death, we’ll never know.


But but but TWELVE POUNDS, Smut. He might want to hopefully didn’t check that his fume hood is working.

Fixxored for moar ebil lieberal death threats and tyranny and such as.


Now that I know my awesome power, I will embrace it AND BE MEANER THAN EVER.


He might want to check that his fume hood is working.
Harumph. Lead-laden exhaust fumes from the tetraethyl in the petrol is what MADE AMERICA GREAT before the liberals took it out.

The Great Gazoogle informs me that NASCAR had an exemption to bath its spectators in lead fumes until the Pb(C2H5)4 was finally phased out in 2008, for the sake of the health of the drivers.


The Great Gazoogle informs me that NASCAR had an exemption to bath its spectators in lead fumes until the Pb(C2H5)4 was finally phased out in 2008, for the sake of the health of the drivers.

See, NASCAR has always been on the cutting edge of vehicle technology, occupational safety, and environmentalism! Truly salt-of-the-earth folks.


Not clicking on actor’s link, but I assume it’s the same scoop that Wonkette has?

Seeing how actor has a comment in that thread, I’m guessing yes. In reply to an earlier comment “Zeigler, Breitbart and Drudge”,

It’s sounds like a Dion DiMucci song from the 60s, only not so good.

o/~ Anybody here seen my old friend Andy? Can you tell me where he’s gone? He peed a lot of people but it seems the good they…well, Andy wasn’t good but he died young, so…. o/~

Now that’s funny.


I sat down in front of my casting furnace and turned about twelve pounds of lead alloy ingots into bullets

If that’s your idea of a fun Saturday night I think I know why you haven’t had a date in a while.


Twelve pounds of bullets? Twelve pounds?


In that same Wonkette thread

I have a theory the ghost of Breitbart walks the earth in anger since his final “smoking gun video” was such a dud.

Oh, I know, Alex! “What is ‘The Flying Douchebag’?”


I think I may have a solution to America’s recent Goose vs. Gander issues.


Twelve pounds of lead for bullets. Hmmm. Back in the day, when there were a lot of alerts among the U.S. troops stationed in Germany because of the Bader Meinhoff gang; we carried 120 rounds of ammunition on guard duty. That was six clips with twenty rounds each which maybe weighed three pounds with the clips. I have no idea how many bullets you can get out of twelve pounds of lead, but if you fire blindly on fully automatic; I bet you could chew them all up and spit them out in five minutes or less including the time it takes to change the clips.

That guy sounds like he’s preparing to open fire in a public school to make as many kills as he can before he gets shot down, not like someone who is preparing for a guerrilla war in which small bands of fighters must be swift and travel lightly. Near monkeys could cast bullets while battles are in progress and more plans are being made. He could be that near monkey; but even if he was in the military, he was probably a grunt who has no idea whatsoever about how to wage a war, much less how to survive a tweet.


I sat down in front of my casting furnace and turned about twelve pounds of lead alloy ingots into bullets
That stuff in your trousers is NOT lead, bucko. Also, too, important: inscribe a cross on each bullet or the devil will make you miss.


Not clicking on actor’s link, but I assume it’s the same scoop that Wonkette has?

Seeing how actor has a comment in that thread, I’m guessing yes.

And you would be correct. I assumed on a Breitbart thread, Breitbart related material would be relevant and on topic.

Not that “topic” is a high priority, of course.


Back in the day, when there were a lot of alerts among the U.S. troops stationed in Germany because of the Bader Meinhoff gang; we carried 120 rounds of ammunition on guard duty.

And how much could African swallows carry?




I have no idea how many bullets you can get out of twelve pounds of lead, but if you fire blindly on fully automatic; I bet you could chew them all up and spit them out in five minutes or less including the time it takes to change the clips.

An infantryman in Vietnam carried 250 rounds. One vet told me that he carried double that (500 rounds) and went through it all in one 15-minute firefight. He also said that 15 minutes was an exceedingly long firefight in that war.



Listen, if the little man isn’t getting to attention, it doesn’t matter why AND it makes me depressed…


Listen, if the little man isn’t getting to attention, it doesn’t matter why AND it makes me depressed…

Yeah, but a $4/mo. prescription for Zoloft is a better deal than a $10/fuck Viagra.


One vet told me that he carried double that (500 rounds) and went through it all in one 15-minute firefight.

M-16 I presume?


M-16 I presume?



120 rounds of ammunition

There is an alternative universe in which the Puckle Gun was commercially successful and people now speak of “squares of ammunition”.

Pupienus Maximus

A .45 prolly fires a 230 grain round. About 475 grains per ounce, so let’s just so two rounds per ounce. 32 rounds / lb. 384 rounds in 12 pounds.

Helmut Monotreme

There is an alternative universe in which the Puckle Gun was commercially successful and people now speak of “squares of ammunition”.

Don’t be silly. They would have used round bullets, the Bader Meinhof gang weren’t Muslim.

Pupienus Maximus

Not that I, as a leftyloon lieberal effete wimp would have ever loaded ammo or even know anything about it. Heh.


Brtbrt wsn’t n mnr thn th vrg cmmntr hr, h ws jst lt mr ffctv t wht h dd thn wht ths blg ds. Brtbrt tk dwn crn. xpsd t fr wht t trl s. Ths blg gts t’s flck t g pst fk rvws n s t’s prfrrd frm f lbrl ctvsm. Brtbrt nvr bckd dwn t nbd. Ths blg hs tw ppl rnnng t wh r frd t str dwn nbd n n w nd wsh t rmn nvsbl. t’s lttl mr thn th lbrl blg qvlnt f Th Sprfcl, jst gssp st fr ht tb clbbrs wh cn’t wt fr lll n th thrd t pst bt dssrt rcps.


Can you use hand-cast bullets in modern guns? I figured he was kicking it ye olde fchool and casting it for his matchlock.

Pupienus Maximus

Loading the ammo.


Yeah, actual soldiers don’t usually carry the Hollywood clip. Some of the fakiest things in movies that WILL NOT DIE is the clip that fires a thousand rounds on automatic, and the silencers that makes guns go “FWTHT”.

One of my favorite unreal automatic scenes ever was part of a movie I saw (I have no idea what the name of it is or what the rest looks like) in which our three heroes are running in a concrete tunnel in which they are arranged so that each one has about a foot of clearance above their head, while they are being chased by a bunch of bad guys firing machine guns and missing. It boggles the mind. I have to wonder if a lot of wingnuts buying guns have completely unreal fantasies about how guns, bullets, and the laws of physics actually work.

Pupienus Maximus

Cleanup on aisle four!


Oh. Look what the cat drug in.


I have to wonder if a lot of wingnuts buying guns have completely unreal fantasies about how guns, bullets, and the laws of physics actually work.

Gravity is just a theory!


Puckle demonstrated two versions of the basic design: one, intended for use against Christian enemies, fired conventional round bullets, while the second variant, designed to be used against the Muslim Turks, fired square bullets, which were considered to be more damaging and would, according to its patent, convince the Turks of the “benefits of Christian civilization.”

Conversion by the sword? Meh.




Actually I wish I could reload ammo, but living in a condominium doesn’t really suit itself to reloading ammo.

The only reason being that I like to shoot .45 Long Colt, which is an old “cowboy” round and costs around $40 for a box of 20 at the range.


Some of the fakiest things in movies

While we’re at it, let’s talk about light-based weapons that fire single shots, like bullets. Those are my BIG favorites.


Breitbart took down Acorn. He exposed the unrest in the forest, and the trouble with the trees also, too.

In conclusion, it’s not racism if you pretend you were talking about lynching all the “knickers”.

A fearless vampire hunter

Can you use hand-cast bullets in modern guns?

Some bullets are not commercially available.


The only reason being that I like to shoot .45 Long Colt, which is an old “cowboy” round and costs around $40 for a box of 20 at the range.

I keep meaning to search craigslist for reloading stuff for my weird-ass .38-40 Colt revolver for similar reasons.


Major – do you have a Peacemaker?


Wait, I’m a liberal, I’m not allowed to own guns! I’ll turn myself in to the FEMA death camp in a minute.


I sat down in front of my casting furnace and turned about twelve pounds of lead alloy ingots into bullets with my assorted two and six cavity bullet moulds.

All that lead exposure explains a lot.

Lurking Canadian

This is just another conservative attempt at violating the 2nd Ammendment, which clearly grants liberals the right to tweet type-A assholes to death.

Pupienus Maximus

I havent been able to get cartridges for my .33 Winchester (Model 1886) for thirty years. Well, I stopped looking about thirty years ago. I was damn careful to pick up spent casings before going to gut the deer.


…light-based weapons that fire single shots, like bullets.

Pulse light guns? You don’t believe that? What I don’t believe is the battery life on those babies.


I love your suggestion, JP, but I don’t think you made the arousal measurement/depression connection clearly enough. If depression is a significant contributor to a patient’s Bob-Dole-Yes-We-Have-No-Banana syndrome, AND if the penile-tumesce-o-meter shows that Little Willy is showing more interest in other Little Willies than he is in Little Wendies, then obviously the depression is due to repressed homosexuality. In that case, rather than providing Viagra, which would only perpetuate the denial, the patient should be referred to counseling to come to terms with this true nature. His wife and family will be notified of his new status, and he will be encourage to get a divorce, hook up with a Rentboy, sell his Buick, buy a Fiat and move to Venice Beach. All in the name of providing information to patients, and saving taxpayer money, of course.


Obama fuels 755% growth in extremist groups



If depression is a significant contributor to a patient’s Bob-Dole-Yes-We-Have-No-Banana syndrome, AND if the penile-tumesce-o-meter shows that Little Willy is showing more interest in other Little Willies than he is in Little Wendies, then obviously the depression is due to repressed homosexuality.

Well, as I am a liberal, and have no wish to stigmatize closeted gays in any way, I don’t want to suggest to lawmakers how they might expand on any results of this testing — only that they introduce legislation calling for the testing, itself.

Lurking Canadian

While we’re at it, let’s talk about light-based weapons that fire single shots, like bullets. Those are my BIG favorites.

That’s actually not so crazy, depending on what properties your handwavium has. Maybe your batteries do not permit high enough currents for phaser fire, so instead you use a trickle current from your battery to charge a superdrnse capacitor, then use the cap to power your phaser. You would get short bursts.

My favorite movie combat tactic is the strafing run by the airplane, which has apparently never killed a single pedestrian.


I havent been able to get cartridges for my .33 Winchester (Model 1886) for thirty years.


Major – do you have a Peacemaker?

We have two replica Peacemakers. One for me and one for my wife.

We also have a Marlin lever-action rifle in .45 Colt. I ended up giving that one to my wife because she liked it so much.


Yeah, you could have pulse light weapons, I guess, but I don’t see the point if everybody’s gonna be as rotten a shot as they are with lead. Give me a solid beam of light and I’ll clean up the place pretty quick.

Oh, my God, I’m having a discussion about scifi weaponry on the internet. Must go kill myself now.

Pupienus Maximus

Why thanks, Major! As I said, I stopped looking thirty or so years ago. the gun hasn’t been fired but half a dozen times since but gets oiled regularly.


Fuk me. Just looked at sale prices on that gun. Jeebus fooking Keerist!


and the silencers that makes guns go “FWTHT”.

Not as hilarious as the ones in Atlas Shrugged that actually make the gun totally silent…


and the silencers that makes guns go “FWTHT”.

Or shotguns (or any firearms, really, but especially shotguns) being fired in closed rooms, tunnels, cars, elevators, etc, with no apparent hearing damage. I will cheerfully admit I know Jack Shit about guns, but I know if you fired a shotgun in a closed space like that, you might be able to hear normally again, but it won’t be soon.

Pupienus Maximus

Not as hilarious as the ones in Atlas Shrugged that actually make the gun totally silent…

You actually watched that movie?!?


I don’t remember the numbers, but I do remember the pattern of strafing being described as “putting a bullet in every square inch” of the targeted area. Perhaps this is just the company’s PR; but strafing is very precisely indiscriminate.

The weirdest (and most creepily wondrous) part of being under mock attack by A-10s was the fact that they were going so fast that you couldn’t hear them when you could see them so clearly that you could see the pilot’s head and mask clearly enough that you could make out his breathing tube and see its texture. Then you saw the afterburners on the horizon and BOOM! It was a very full silence, as if the jets had sucked all of the sound out of our little staging area .

I’ve always had mixed feelings about it, but cannot deny that it was one of the most awesomely beautiful things I’ve ever seen. Me and another boy-crazy comrade in arms stood up and waved. One pilot seemed to be nodding back (everyone else took cover and was pretending to get a bead) and then rocked his wings as if to say “hello”. Whether or not he saw us, matters not— it was fucking hot. Would hate to be on the wrong end of that. It kept me up many nights— the fact that I was so thoroughly aroused by this experience. I’m shuddering as I type this.

One thing is certain, your mind really can see “in slow motion” during extraordinary events.

Well, and a strafing run isn’t going to spare pedestrians.


Well, and a strafing run isn’t going to spare pedestrians.

Remember, smut is thinking about Spads and Stukas, not anything modern.


Also, since Disqus fully sucks, I will be boring and/or entertaining you here, this evening.

Just a heads-up.


Remember, smut is thinking about Spads and Stukas, not anything modern.

Remember who we’re talking about… Smut is thinking of a dirigible with a trebuchet mount.


You actually watched that movie?!?

I mean in the book. The move presumably never got to the commando raid on wherever the baddies took John Galt to torture him.


thinking of a dirigible with a trebuchet mount

I will be in my bunk, ahem.

John Revolta, in Hell

Well, this place ain’t so bad actually. I got a gig in a bar called The Emerald Piper. The only beer they’ve got is Bud Light, but hey, it’s Hell after all.

Also, everybody in the crowd seems to be either black or Italian. They don’t seem too crazy about bagpipe music, but I tell ’em to take it up with the management.


Remember, smut is thinking about Spads and Stukas, not anything modern.

So not true. My Yakovlev-9, let me show you it.


I got a gig in a bar called The Emerald Piper.

I like a good The Sopranos reference on Fridays.


When I think aircraft I think of the Beaver. It is a bush plane.


It is a bush plane.

You can clear brush pointlessly with the propellor?


Well, this place ain’t so bad actually. I got a gig in a bar called The Emerald Piper. The only beer they’ve got is Bud Light, but hey, it’s Hell after all.

It’s not so bad if you mix it with amaretto.


Can you use hand-cast bullets in modern guns?

No reason why not.

I figured he was kicking it ye olde fchool and casting it for his matchlock.

That’s what I was thinking too. Black powder rifle to use against the modern military. Brilliant!

Lurking Canadian

In the 1930s, my grandmother was a bush pilot and flew a Beaver.

Sadly, she was not nearly as awesome as that makes her sound, although maybe she would have been, had she not opted for marriage and motherhood.


I’d heard Stormfront was having a big ol’ freakout over that blood pressure med that may dampen racist tendencies.

This explains why Breitbart wasn’t taking his blood pressure meds.


So not true. My medieval woodblock print of a Yakovlev-9, let me show you it.

This will be the end of the horse powered Zeppelin. Which end remains to be seen.


Silent Scream ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Slayer
I'm Born Again (Bahama Mama) ||||||||||| Boney M
Stay Awake (Mary Poppins) |||||||| Julie Andrews
Pretty Polly |||||||||||||||||||||| B.F. Shelton
Little Boy Blue |||||||||||||||||||||| Tom Waits
Things That Scare Me ||||||||||||||||| Neko Case
Who Are You |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| The Who
Soul Sister |||||||||||||||||||| Allen Toussaint
think like us |||||||||||||||||||||||||| Solvent
Goin' Out West ||||||||||||||||||||||| Tom Waits
The Revolutionary Spirit |||||||| The Wild Swans
Dear Landlord || Mirah & The Black Cat Orchestra
Can't Buy Me Love |||||||||||||||||| The Beatles
Cripple and the Starfish | Antony & the Johnsons
One For My Baby |||||||||||||||||| Frank Sinatra
I Want Candy |||||||||||||||||| The Strangeloves
Anaconda ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| The Melvins
Huddle Formation |||||||||||||||||| The Go! Team
River Deep Mountain High ||| Ike and Tina Turner
I'm Old Fashioned |||||||||||||||| John Coltrane


Well, and a strafing run isn’t going to spare pedestrians.

We could do a “pilot visual” bomb run in the B-52 from low-level.. It was supposed to be your last-ditch, nothing else is working method of putting a bomb on target.

You’d line up on the target and count down “5..4..3..2..1..Hack!” as the target went under the nose and the Radar Navigator would release the bomb.

I literally flung a practice bomb off the range the first time I tried to do one. Got a severe chewing-out for that one.

During a big exercise (Global Shield or some such), my Navigator got us totally lost, but out of sheer dumb luck I actually saw the target (a bunch of concentric circles with a lead-in line) and managed to “shack” it with a pilot visual.

Fool’s luck, of course, but at least we didn’t toad it up during a major exercise and make a name for ourselves.

Pupienus Maximus

My Yakovlev-9, let me show you it.

It looks just like a Telefunken U47, I’ll wager. With leather.


Yak-9’s are pretty cool looking:


This information about the Iranian bombing of an Iraqi nuclear power plant just declassified:

According to Tom Cooper and Farzad Bishop of Air Enthusiast, who have written by far the most informative (if unsourced) piece on the subject, Target: Saddam’s Reactor, eye witnesses reported that two bombs hit the dome of the reactor and bounced off… One Iranian Air Force pilot even described it as a failure; he was quoted as saying that due to the lack of damage the US-manufactured bombs had inflicted, “we might as well have our planes drop a sack of rocks on the Iraqis.”

I must say, it never occurred to me that a bomb might bounce. Wouldn’t that be a pisser?

Pupienus Maximus

I was making a Frank Zappa reference.

I have a yen for œufs à la neige tonight. Best get busy then.

Pupienus Maximus

I can’t speak to bouncing but they can be skipped.


Sometimes the bombs don’t fuse properly.

There are certain safety mechanisms to keep the bombs from exploding while they’re attached to the airplane. Sometimes they don’t arm after they’re dropped.

Pupienus Maximus

There was a good piece on the dam busters on the history channel or the war channel or whatever. I can’t be bothered to look it up.


My Yakovlev-9, let me show you it.

Bah! Only the most modern aeronautical designs are good enough for me.


Skippy bombs. Neat. It’s nice to know that someone has addressed the problem of how to drown an entire community from the air because water is heavy.

Perhaps the wing-nuts need to get to the drawing board. Deep down inside they surely know that love is not all you need and that love does not conquer all. They need more waves and these waves should be carefully coordinated blitzes of transcendent feeling, shocks of affect, blinding bolts of the attitudinal, pulsing specters of mood—-

This is war.

And war requires planning, strategies, tactics, logistics and most of all waves of feeling.

The Patriot groups are sad and a bit frightening, but I suspect that in the case they decide to take violent action that they would be crushed mercilessly beneath the heel of a militia with much better training and fewer issues. The hate groups might do something that would break a lot of hearts and horrify the world, but no way would they gain more followers who would benefit their cause by acting on their impulses. The Patriots are a lot of little murder/suicide by cop cults once they move beyond the sweaty, breathless men in the woods with weapons and a lot of chest beating and loud talk stage.


It’s nice to know that someone has addressed the problem of how to drown an entire community from the air because water is heavy.

We drowned countless North Koreans during the Korean War by bombing the dams and causing massive floods.

For obvious reasons you probably didn’t learn that in history class.


Well, in the mobile radar unit I was in (which really felt like anachronism incarnate after serving in nuclear forces) the rules about not executing civilians were stated, and then followed by a statement such as, “Of course, if he still refuses to give you the gasoline, shoot him.” I don’t have too many rosie views of what we do and don’t bomb. Hell, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were pretty much the only targets that hadn’t already been burned down by incendiary bombs. Never underestimate the power of attrition.


Lead rifle bullets will fuck up a bore pretty fast, the clean-up is not worth the cheap-assedness of it. Lead in high-speed handgun ammo is not as bad, only because the barrel is shorter and easier to clean. A few jacketed rounds help cleaning it out, too. An old, obsolete riflr like that .33 or a .45-70 might be alright w/ lead. Of course, melting the lead without proper ventilation or overheating (so it fumes) can lead to being unaware of the lunacy of lead bullets in a proper battle rifle (M-16, Kalashnikov, H-K, etc.). I don’t even think non-jacketed lead stuff will feed in a modern autoloader, too soft- probably deform and jam. We used to alloy lead with wheel-weight metal, it was harder & lighter. Now wheel weights are made of steel, so is shotgun shot. But I’m a liberal sheep, what would I know about weaponry? Back in the day, I was way into the shooting sports, I would burn up about a thousand rounds a week, in practice. So, I wouldn’t have *any* idea why lead bullets in a modern rifle would be a less-than-efficient choice.


TGIF my shiny metal ass.

March 10th = B-Day.
March 10th = stuck with another “surprise” 12-hour shift.



Ouch, Jim. Happy birthday, and hope you get a nice, long break to relax, celebrate, and recover. Twelve hour shifts are a bitch.


Damn Jim, that bites. Just celebrate it on your next day off.

John Revolta, in Hell

Could be worse……………………..


Yep – there’ll be some primo brews being quaffed next “weekend” (MoonDay to Wotan’sDay) fer sure.

Happy wishes are much appreciated.

Bright Side: hell, at least I actually HAVE a steady job to bitch about … & other than the thousand natural shocks that aging meat is heir to, I’m in pretty robust health.

Hi-ho, hi-ho, this is really gonna blow …


Could be worse……………………..

I Ell-Oh-Ell’ed!

Okay, enough fickin’ aboot – LET TEH FUN BEGIN!


Have a good one Jim. You’re right about having a job.


Yak-9?s are pretty cool looking:
They are well-thought-of receive grudging approval from people who used to drive Spitfires during the late European unpleasantness.


He didn’t seem that overweight.

I think he was more of a Ronnie Wood-style drinker, where one’s only source of nutrition becomes booze because solid foods just lose their appeal.


Here’s a song for all you sluts (excuse me, Vagina-Americans)


Doesn’t a 12-hour shift mean drinking at work is A-OK (in moderation, of course)
Also, Dirigible+trebuchet, kinda sexy
Yakovlev-9, sexy
Telefunken U47, ultra sexy
Don’t even get me started on Thorens, or Grundig, or anything else tube-based..
SubMcG: The Shape of Things to Come–Headboys.


“Doesn’t a 12-hour shift mean drinking at work is A-OK ”

Actually, I think it’s mandatory.


And so the thread died, not with a bang, but with a whimper.


Jim, your bad luck is our good luck because…well I don’t actually know why.

Happu birfday anyway.

Pupienus Maximus

Merry natal date!


Congratulations on another year of defeating centrifugal force’s attempts to fling you off the planet.

Pupienus Maximus

I can appreciate the desire to make something special of one’s birthday but it is just like every other day, the first day of what’s left of your life.


Unless you’re dying today in which case it’s the only day of what’s left of your life.


Tintin, the referenced post attracted 15 comments from a poster with 256 Facebook “likes”. This is like challenging the short bus to a fight.

@ToxicLeftist, you have generated a #waveoflove for @SarahPalinUSA (or @michellemalkin or @AnnCoulter). BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!* #tcot #tlot


. . . as Friedrich Hayek explained in his 1945 book, The Road to Serfdom. You can download the free Reader’s Digest condensed version . . .


I live with my father, who will be 96 next month, and take care of him. I cover my expenses with donations from this blog. If you enjoyed this post, please donate . . .

I see Social Security fraud or cat food and a refrigerator box in Yockey’s future.


The Road to Serfdom

A lesser Hope and Crosby effort.


I downloaded that condensed Hayek. It’s more than 140k.



A lesser Hope and Crosby effort.

Yeah, neither of them could serf and they didn’t look great in the bathing togs.


I downloaded that condensed Hayek. It’s more than 140k.

To be fair, a large percentage of that is BOOB.


Yeah, neither of them could serf and they didn’t look great in the bathing togs.

A lot of the movie was just them on line at the DMV. After all, they also serf who stand and wait.

Pupienus Maximus

Serf Dom? Kinky!


Serf City, USA, a little known Hayek/Wilson collaboration.


A lot of the movie was just them on line at the DMV. After all, they also serf who stand and wait.

They were online? They must have been serfing the net.


Grrr. Jan & Dean & Hayek, of course.


Grrr. Jan & Dean & Hayek, of course.

The flip side was Dead Man’s Laffer Curve.


Serf city: Santa Cruz or Huntington?


Grrr. Jan & Dean & Hayek, of course.

The flip side was Dead Man’s Laffer Curve.

Neither can match the Ma Rainey classic C C Free-Rider.

John Revolta, in Hell

they also serf who stand and wait.

Keep it up, buddy. We’ll be seein’ ya.


the Ma Rainey classic C C Free-Rider.

Wasn’t that the theme song for The Dukes of Moral Hazard?


The Dukes of Moral Hazard?

Ah, the 70s. The US as a whole discovered that the south still existed. The DoMH, Dallas, and, of course, Southern Rock. Who can forget the guitar solo on Libertarianbird?


Who can forget the guitar solo on Libertarianbird?

Ah, yes. And then there was Ken Lay’s smokin’ rendition of Call Me the Breeze…

Well, I got that green light, baby
I got to keep movin’ on
Well, I might manipulate the energy market in California
Might ruin some investors down in Georgia, I don’t know

Pupienus Maximus

Sweet Home White Alabama.


Sweet Home White Alabama


Sweet Home Red Alabama.

I am eternally indebted to SN for introducing me to this fine piece of music.


I am eternally indebted to SN for introducing me to this fine piece of music.

Holy crap. That’s some get-ups they have!


Serf city: Santa Cruz or Huntington?

HB ROOLS!!!!!!


Serf city: Santa Cruz or Huntington?

I was just in Huntington WV. Probably not the one you were thinking of.

Plenty of serfin’ going on there.


HB ROOLS!!!!!!

I prefer a 2H – I bear down hard when drafting.

Pupienus Maximus

Remember that asshat whining about insufferable Portland? I shall him this link and watch his lil haid go splodey.


“I prefer a 2H – I bear down hard when drafting.”

I don’t know much about pencils, but the standard #2 is too soft. I have an odd way of writing that puts extra pressure on the point. Automatic pencils are right out.


New York Times paid former CEO $24 million

Question: “How many law students could have been provided with free contraception for a year for the $24,000,000 The NY Times is spending on Janet Robinson’s exit bonus?”


Have a free new post.


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