They Can’t All Be the Unfinished Symphony

And in breaking news, Andrew Breitbart is still dead.

America’s Worst Unemployed Lawyer, the Supposed Non-Virgin Ben Shapiro, Big Everything:
The Vetting: Obama Embraces Racialist* Prof

Some people on their deathbed leave works of enigmatic quality and stunning revelation that make us ache to know what could have been if they hadn’t been struck dead while trying to complete their work. Such works seem to evoke a mythic quality, both a clue to the creation process of a genius as well as a testament to our flitting mortality and the way death does not kindly wait for convenience.

So too could Breitbart’s final project (an “expose of Obama’s college days”) have been…

You know, if he wasn’t a hack whose only success came off passing work to 3rd rate videographer hacks to form poorly edited video which would have remained in wingnut conspiracy theory limbo if the Bought and Sold Media weren’t desperate for something, anything to create a “both sides do it” controversy as distraction from the various racist/sexist temper tantrums the Right were throwing up in 2009.

But still, Breitbart’s minions, desperate to retain their jobs now that the personality whose cult they formed has shuffed the coil, have decided to “honor” their old boss by posting what their boss had in attempted fanfare.

Sadly, seeing as this is Sadly, No favorite Ben Shapiro trying to do the honoring, it’s even more inept than you would initially suspect. Let me give you the shorter:

  • A black man hugged another black man in front of a crowd that contained at least one black person. If this isn’t directly parallel to a Klu Klux Klan meeting, I don’t know what is.

I’m not kidding. Here let me give you the first line:

Below is footage of Barack Obama praising and hugging Professor Derrick Bell.

No. Not hugging. Why it’s only one step from hugging to kissing. And then one step from kissing to triple anal. And then only one step from triple anal to TOTAL WORLD DESTRUCTION!

And not just anyone, but Derrick Bell…


I mean, I know you got nothing. You know you got nothing, and Breitbart’s whole shtick has basically been taking innocuous and non-controversial incidents and smearing his racist paranoias all over them, but still…

Give me a break. Derrick Bell isn’t exactly controversial. He’s a pretty distinguished law professor, who pretty much founded his field of expertise, which is proving academically the no-duh assertion that laws, enforcement of laws, and willingness of minorities to comply with laws just might be affected by societal racial animosity. You’d probably do better trying to mine Bill Cosby for controversy.

It was spliced and diced by the media to avoid showing just how close Obama was to Bell.

By spliced and diced, they mean released in full by a wingnut lite website before the collected editors of Big Fail could figure out who Breitbart had planned to splice and dice the footage to try and support whatever inane KKK-esque statement he wanted to pitch to FOX News this week.

I suppose if they had enough time, they could have cobbled together something from the ashes to make one last stir for their old boss’s sake, but sadly, Breitbart ends up leaving the same way he stumbled onto the stage, in a drunken and incoherent fart.

More than that, a close associate of the Obama campaign, Harvard Law School’s Professor Charles Ogletree, admitted on our exclusive tape, “We hid this throughout the 2008 campaign. I don’t care if they find it now.”

Yes, would have been great if you had any proof…say on your “exclusive” tape that Charles Ogletree had said any such thing.

Also might have helped your case if say, a) your tape and recording was actually exclusive so that b) it wasn’t publicly available on the PBS website since the actual 2008 election campaign, where it was aired as part of PBS’s The Choice and Frontline.

Especially since PBS acquired that footage from a local PBS affiliate who were the only people to have ever “edited the tape”.

Sure would be embarrassing if your attempted ratfucking just prompted PBS to release the “full footage” unedited.

Oh hey, what do you know, they did.

Well, we found it. And it is damaging, because Barack Obama was as close or closer to Derrick Bell than he ever was to Jeremiah Wright.

Did shouting Jeremiah Wright’s name over and over in 2008 fail so badly that we’re still wiping Santorum off our faces from it? Let’s try it again, but this time, louder and more incoherent.

You’d never guess that this man’s former boss was an untreated alcoholic and drug addict.

Obama didn’t merely sit in the pews – or not — for Derrick Bell. He didn’t just hang out with Derrick Bell for prayers. He said:

“Open up your hearts and your minds to the words of Professor Derrick Bell.”

No! He didn’t just give a generic opening to a distinguished professor speech as part of his duties as the introductory speech!

That’s like Two Hitlers on a Stalin Sandwich right there! He might as well have strung up a white boy and taken his picture with him.

And really, you were stretching with the whole “he attended a church where the preacher acknowledged the existence of racism thing”. Did you really think you were going to have more success with “he attended the classes of a professor who acknowledged the existence of racism”?

I think Barack Obama is more than aware of the existence of racism, and looking at the last two years alone, I really don’t think he needed to have either Jeremiah Wright or Derrick Bell clue him in.

If we did, here’s what we’d be opening our hearts and minds to.

Ooh, let’s hear it. This is the reason for the last rambling paragraph about the evils of Jeremiah Wright and how Derrick Bell is like 20 Jeremiah Wrights in a tin can mixed with Hitler. I’m sure this shocking revelation will at least equal what has been produced by leading white leaders with regards to race over the years or even the nasty racism we’ve seen just in the campaign season for the Republican nominee frontrunners or-

This is a close associate of Jeremiah Wright, a man who was quoted by Jeremiah Wright regularly.

Or… it’s just ranting Jeremiah Wright’s name over and over again… yeah. I know you’ve been making sweet love to Obama saying the big sayonara to his old preacher in the 2008 campaign season as one of the few victories you’ve managed to snatch from the man, but have some fucking dignity.

Or failing that, put on some goddamn pants! The neighbors can see everything.

This is a man who posited that the civil rights movement was too moderate because it accepted the status quo, and believed that the entire legal and constitutional system had to be transformed in radical fashion.

Hey, Ben, come over here, let me whisper a secret in your ear.

No, closer.

The whole fucking civil rights movement was trying to “radically” transform the legal and legislative system they were in, you fucking moronic pile of puke.

Cause that was the fucking problem! The Segregationist South was creating discriminatory laws and corrupt enforcement of them in order to try and eliminate the guaranteed protections the blacks were owed after the Civil War and instead treat them as legally second-class citizens. It took a movement of “radicals” to overturn that and point out the “no duh” of racial animosity that allowed such affairs to continue.

And here’s the thing, Ben, old boy. I know you and the Right have been putting your fingers in your ears and pretending you are little Scarlet in Gone with the Wind, but it’s 20fucking12. That whole civil rights debate, the one back in the 60s? You lost. Badly. So badly in fact that these days everyone tries and pretends they were on the side of those old “radicals”, “communists”, and “racialists”.

People who point out racism existed in the legal system and laws of this country aren’t the “unthinkable radicals out of touch with normal American viewpoints”. You are!

This is a man so extreme that, as we’ve reported, he wrote a story in 1993 in which he posited that white Americans would sell black Americans into slavery to aliens to relieve the national debt, and that Jews would go along with it.

The “aliens” part of that paragraph would have clued in a lesser man that this story might be, what’s the word, science fiction, emphasis on fiction. Robert Heinlein once wrote a story about Libertarians living on the moon launching rocks to try and obliterate the remaining life on Earth. It doesn’t mean we cite that as the reason that Libertarians are scum…

Wait for it…

Okay, now… we let their policies do that for them.

There’s far more coming on Derrick Bell.

Yeah, if you had anything, you kinda would have showed it when you were still almost ahead of the curve. I don’t think you’re going to be able to pull a full Breitbart before your little fail is mocked and ripped apart for the aborted smear campaign it is. Heck, I don’t even think you’ll manage a Glenn Beck style “evil liberal academic of the week” chalkboard thing.

This is just the beginning.

Oh, how cute, the chicken doesn’t realize its head has been cut off yet and is still trying to run.

A point, Ben? No, you just keep gambling on the long-term viability of Breitbart’s self-promotion empire.

And this video is a smoking gun showing that Barack Obama not only associated with radicals, he was their advocate.

Advocate. Introductory speaker. Radicals. Distinguished college professors who invented their own field and who dare point out the “insane” and totally left-field ideas like “whites will promote racial advances for blacks only when they also promote white self-interest” which has been totally disproven by… er… I’m sure one day whites won’t fight to the death each slow agonizing step of black equality and advancement… some day.

Anyways, same things, right?

You know what wouldn’t at all help your case? If you tried to include video of the “evil incident” revealing Obama sounding like he does now giving a generic introductory speech to a non-controversial figure about to speak about racial hiring inequalities in the Ivy Leagues (an issue firmly in the duh side of no duh).

Oh look, that was next.

I notice you didn’t even bother to link to any of Derrick Bell’s “evil black sorcery” or the contents of Bell’s speech or speeches in general. It’s almost like you knew this was an aborted Glenn Beck style smear job and you just wanted to keep your names out in the forefront before people quietly started pretending that Breitbart never existed.

Oh, Ben, what an exciting next couple of years you will have.


One last thing. I can’t help but notice that all of these desperate attempts by Breitbart, his minions, and the various white supremacists who have been coming out of the woodwork to argue that blacks have been as bad as whites and are the new KKK seem to lack… anything.

I mean, there has been a national shared history and trauma of racism against blacks in this country. So much so, that whites aren’t fully able to cope with what has been done in the name of their skin color. Slavery, lynching, segregation, ghettos, institutional racism, employment discrimination, The Bell Curve, the KKK, the Teabaggers, and the unending amounts of often archaic racism from untold numbers of high-ranking public officials and institutions, often including calls for the reinstatement of slavery, the futility of education, and calling for the death of the “lesser races”.

And so, to combat it and feed our media’s aching desperate need for something, anything to feed its “both sides do it” narrative, they’ve managed to find… jack.

And not just, they haven’t found the Black version of the KKK. They haven’t managed to find the black version of the fucking Rotary club. They haven’t even been able to find “reverse racism” and that’s using the calvinball rules they invented to define that nonsense word.

Instead all they’ve been able to find is that some blacks are less than satisfied with our national denial-based coping strategy with regards to racism and like to point out that, you know, racism exists and has existed.

And it was bad enough when they were trying to make that the equivalent to hundreds of years of brutal oppression, but now they’ve managed to move on to arguing that blacks who criticized racism that even the white power structure admits was racist are the equivalent of the KKK mixed with Hitler.

Oh no, that man resisted Segregation and noted that the Jim Crow laws might be an example of laws being influenced by racial animosity! He must be the Nigger Angel of Death come to harvest all our cracker souls!

You know how non-controversial that shit is? We elevated a movie talking about the same exact shit as Derrick Bell to a prized example of timeless and universal Americana (To Kill a Mockingbird (FIXED to correct total brainfart where I thought one thing and wrote down the title for another, damn you books with birds in the title!)).

I swear, after 4 more years of an Obama presidency, the Right will be trying to argue that lynch victims were part of the radical racialism movement trying to destroy White America.

And I’m not sure there’s much further in that direction even our Bought and Sold Media is willing to follow.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Trying to defeat our totally hosed FYWP problems, so I can get the people something to read in the meantime, is invented by me. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

*It turns out trying to sell “racialist” as the opposite of “racist” and putting every single person who has ever noticed any racial inequality in the “racialist” camp doesn’t at all stop one from looking like a white-supremacist. And in fact, just makes it more obvious. Who knew?


Comments: 308

Wyatt Watts III

He’s a pretty distinguished law professor, who pretty much founded his field of expertise, which is proving academically the no-duh assertion that laws, enforcement of laws, and willingness of minorities to comply with laws just might be affected by societal racial animosity.

Somewhere in Hell, this sentence is being read to Brietbart over and over and over again.

Spengler Dampniche

Address my corpse, LIBS!!!


Let’s say that we accept that this is a real tape. Shapiro breathlessly tells us And this video is a smoking gun showing that Barack Obama not only associated with radicals, he was their advocate.
Ah well no, it shows him introducing and speaking approvingly of one guy who was a law professor at Harvard.
He then hugs him. This proves everything bad about Obama while the Saddam handshake proves nothing about Rummy and the Saudi smooch proved nothing about the Mighty Boosh.
BAU for, then


Hey Cerb, from your last thread comment – is this official enough?

I’m sure there’s some fine rotten mangoes there as well.


While Erick vonErickfucker’s bitter tears are indeed sweet to enjoy, I have a “congratulatory” post I’m writing for when Romney officially secures the nomination, so that’s the event I’m trying to keep half an eye on.


I thought “racialist” was the euphemism-of-choice for white supremacist hair-splitters, as in, “I’m a racialist, not a racist.”


Sad in’nit? Wouldn’t it be nice if their heads actually did explode?


Keep fuckin’ that chicken, Ben.


For a smoking gun this one must be a cap gun because that shit is weak.
Absolutely smoking fisking by Cerberus.

Mmmmmm, smoked fisk…


Favorite line from S. Cerevisiae’s link:

He will be the nominee having lost the South, Appalachia, evangelicals, conservatives, and blue collar voters.

You can just taste his despair about just how little Crackertopia matters anymore. Yeah, Erick, the 27% can’t even manage to be the dominant voice in their own orgy of hate with diminished turnout and help from liberals enjoying a good ratfucking.

That’s gotta sting like nothing else.


It’s almost like you knew this was an aborted Glenn Beck style smear job and you just wanted to keep your names out in the forefront before people quietly started pretending that Breitbart never existed.

The burn. It………………………burns.


the civil rights movement was too moderate because it accepted the status quo

I think you will find that Martin Luther King Jnr. was a firm supporter of the status quo. He had a dream that nothing would change. After all, he was a Republican.


I guess hyping this Obama/Bell video is supposed to shock those Americans who have not seen one black man introduce another.

Obama is very good in that clip. But if that’s threatening, I wonder what Breitbartians would make of this:

The intro by a skilled hype-man; the set-breaker, which works me into a frenzy; the whole fucking concert.

My favorite part is a lengthy build-up during which James Brown “raps” (his term) about why he likes “hot pants” … all his preacherly oratorical skills are slowly deployed … finally: “I like hot pants simply because: WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET! –HIT ME!!!” … and the band surely does.


In the United States in the 2000s, the term racialism has been employed by white separatist groups such as Christian Identity, Aryan Nations, the American Nazi Party, and White Aryan Resistance, though it has also been used by more innocuous groups and individuals. Or so Wonkypedia tells us


a close associate of the Obama campaign, Harvard Law School’s Professor Charles Ogletree, admitted on our exclusive tape, “We hid this throughout the 2008 campaign. I don’t care if they find it now.”

Meanwhile in Cerberus’ PBS link:
In 2008, as a part of our quadrennial election special The Choice 2008, FRONTLINE ran the same footage of the speech

I for one am amused by the thought of Buzzfeed paying $1K for the footage of Obama introducing Prof. Bell when the entire film of the rally had been available for free all along.

Privatize the Profits! Socialize the Costs!

And this video is a smoking gun showing that Barack Obama not only associated with radicals, he was their advocate.

Oh yeah? The Left have just found a smoking-crack-cocaine-pipe-video of Andrew Breitbart.


Before 1978 or thereabouts, “rap” was used by yer counterculture types to mean ‘”to discuss (something) in a serious and/or meaningful manner”.

Now gitoffa my goddam lawn.


That tbogg video is shocking, even progressive liberals like Gary Ruppert are gong to hate seeing that.


Of course he can’t show us anything new. Breitbart’s Nigerian lawyer needs more money before he can release the full tape.


I thought “racialist” was the euphemism-of-choice for white supremacist hair-splitters, as in, “I’m a racialist, not a racist.”

Works like this:

A “racialist” LOOOVES White people so damn much he can’t stand it, just wants the White man to get a fair shake, & sure, would prefer that non-Whites stay off his lawn, while a “racist” actively hates non-White people, & burns crosses on their lawns. Or worse.


“rap” was used by yer counterculture types to mean ‘”to discuss (something) in a serious and/or meaningful manner”

Those counter-culture types stole it from the James Brown types.


Sorry for the drive-by comment, but I think you meant ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ not ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ in your postscript. Sorry to nit-pick, but it’s just one of those things that bugs me.

Anyway, keep up the excellent work.


Solar flare hitting the earth shortly. Prepre for the ZOMPOCALYPSE!


I suppose it’s a symptom of tribal authoritarian paranoid-delusion to believe guilt-by-long-ago-association is a meaningful revelation of someone’s character. I understand that in the wingnut mind, “guilt” is a term used to describe someone outside the tribe, rather than any genuine human flaw, but applying this wingnut reasoning to police and the criminals they consort with daily….

This would be cute if it weren’t so fucking annoying, like a little kid who keeps trying to tell the same mangled “joke” over and over and asking “don’t you GET it?!”

The more interesting aspect of these cretins, in my opinion, is their inability to recognize the legitimacy of anyone outside their tribe. To the core wingnuts (and likely many, many others who don’t admit it even to themselves) America is a white, male, pseudo-christiany tribe. period.

Everyone else is here at the sufferance of punks like Ben and his tribal elders, and as long as they mind their manners as guests, he will strut about feeling magnanimous. He might even approve of wealthy tribe members throwing crumbs to the outsiders, patting them on the head, or allowing them to work in the tribe’s factories on fight in their wars with dirty foreigners.

But, if any of these guests get the uppity notion they actually have a say in how America is run, like they are fucking citizens or something, then all bets are off.


I remember as a kid the first time someone excitedly confronted me with the One World Government conspiracy thing–“everyone would have numbers instead of names, and the same money!!!!”

Even at about 10-years old I knew the name thing was bullshit, but I honestly couldn’t see what the fucking problem was with a single currency. Now, I wasn’t hip on macro-economics, but neither were these people–they didn’t give a shit about economics, they were frightened by the very idea of a united Earth. incredible.

Since then, like everyone here, I’ve been confronted by similar rumors–“by 2021 minorities will outnumber whites” and “we’ll all be speaking Spanish by the year 2035” yadda yadda.

Not only does the hysterical nature of these confidences seem like something medieval peasants used as entertainment after a long day moving shit piles around, but the pronouncements are absolutely non-sensational in a young, democratic nation such as ours.

Um, yeah, things change in a democracy. That’s the fucking point of a democracy–being adaptable to changing situations. If the citizens of America adopt another official language, then that’s what we do. If whites become the “minority” then tough shit. What the fuck?!

I’m so very tired of these backwards, flag-waving, jingoistic motherfuckers laying claim to my country as some sort of ethnic nation-state, when they have absolutely no clue what America is supposed to be all about.

Okay…I’m done. thanks for listening.


we’ll all be speaking Spanish by the year 2035? yadda yadda.

Ya soy tan listo.


The Sheriff President is a n* (Gong!)


we’ll all be speaking Spanish by the year 2035?

The problem is, I speak it with the worst Midwestern American accent you ever heard. Imagine Mitt Romney trying to speak Spanish. It’s that bad.


Um, yeah, things change in a democracy. That’s the fucking point of a democracy–being adaptable to changing situations. If the citizens of America adopt another official language, then that’s what we do. If whites become the “minority” then tough shit. What the fuck?!

This, here. Democracy is, for better or worse, organic. In the best sense of the word.


Didn’t you mean “To Kill a Mockingbird”?

Apart from that: Yes!


Tequila wha??

MMMmmmmmm……………………low hanging fruit………….


Since we seem destined to re-fight battles that we thought were settled, where are the tapes of Romney at BYU speaking in support of the apartheid government of South Africa?


One Flew Over the Mockingbird’s Nest?

Tequila Cuckoo?


Damn, Cerberus! Is there any thing I can do for you? Rewire your house, start a religion in your honor? That was simply beautiful!

It turns out trying to sell “racialist” as the opposite of “racist” and putting every single person who has ever noticed any racial inequality in the “racialist” camp doesn’t at all stop one from looking like a white-supremacist. And in fact, just makes it more obvious. Who knew?

The wingers believe that intellectual tendencies are proof that you are a hitlery snob. And then demonstrate that belief by trying to intellectualize the suggestions leaking out of their lizard brains. See Bell Curve (Charles Murray) or Bobos in Paradise (An overexposed idiot).


And his site, Big CrackPipe, is still a rancid rotting mess.


Word up to Cole for the righteous rant.

Of course, the reason they’re terrified of becoming a white-minority nation is because they’re terrified that the non-whites will treat them the same way they’ve treated non-whites for most of their history.


Sorry for the drive-by comment, but I think you meant ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ not ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ in your postscript. Sorry to nit-pick, but it’s just one of those things that bugs me.

D’oh. Fixed that. My brain totally just short circuited when I wrote that and inserted another book with birds in the title. Thanks for spotting it.


Of course, the reason they’re terrified of becoming a white-minority nation is because they’re terrified that the non-whites will treat them the same way they’ve treated non-whites for most of their history.

We’ll take the n****rs and the c***nks, but we don’t want the Irish!



Canuncks? With extra “N” for extra knee?


President Obama hugged another black man?



It’s from Blazing Saddles


I just showed “To Kill A Mockingbird” to my Chinese students, using it to generate discussion on racism, discrimination, jurisprudence, change in American society, et cetera. I try to choose films that come from good books, so that my English majors will perhaps read books that are required reading, or damn well should be required reading, for American High School students. I also wanted to show “One Flew Over The Cukoo’s Nest”. I put that one my list for this term because the other two Freshman English teachers at my college are evangelical christians; I know they feel better when they have some idea of mine to reject. When I brought up these two titles, they had never read either one! I refrained from telling them their education was sorely lacking. I have to work with them, so I don’t get up in their grill about it. Strange though how these two teachers have no problem with discriminating against the students that are uncomfortable attending their bible sessions.

“Hey, Boo!”


I know. I was playing off an old ad on “Channel J”, an early 90s NYC cable porn station.

The phone number for whatever was being sold was 1-900-something-PEEE. “The extra E is for extra pee!”

I’m half asleep. Obscure is easier than funny right now…although I have two naked Dodger butts up at my place.


Obscure is easier than funny right now…although I have two naked Dodger butts up at my place.

Shouldn’t they be at practice? I’m also thinking there is an athlete’s adage against that sort of thing before a game…


I remember that ad. Long after I’d moved away from the City I was back visiting and asked a friend what had changed, what was happening, as it were. He showed me that ad. The cop being peed on was very realistic.


Waaaaay back in the 80s, someone like Bell might have abstractly bugged me, but then I read The New Republic back then. The controversies around him are decades old. And Obama just introduced him and vaguely said, “Listen to this guy.” Wow, stop the presses. I doubt even one of the mouth breathers on Fox could have identified him in a line-up of two.


Shouldn’t they be at practice?

These are 1940s Dodger butts.


I remember that ad.

It wasn’t as good for the ad for Chix with Dix. “You can fuck them up the ass! They can fuck you up the ass!” I didn’t have cable, so I only saw Channel J when I was drunk in a bar at 2 AM.


“You can fuck them up the ass! They can fuck you up the ass!”

Eeny meeny miny moe…no, there are only two of us so we don’t have to do the whole rhyme.


Obama just introduced him and vaguely said, “Listen to this guy.”

And basically said how kindly Bell treated his students. Horrors.

Meanwhile, though, I think you all should know about Ben Shapiro’s radical past. He did, after all, attend a school that was a hotbed of progressive ideology, and he was enrolled in the same department as This Man and This Radical.

I’m sure there’s footage of Ben hugging someone, somewhere.


The phone number for whatever was being sold was 1-900-something-PEEE. “The extra E is for extra pee!”

976-PEEE, but who’s counting.


It wasn’t as good for the ad for Chix with Dix. “You can fuck them up the ass! They can fuck you up the ass!”



I didn’t have cable, so I only saw Channel J when I was drunk in a bar at 2 AM.

Fess up: how many late nights did you spend trying to adjust the rabbit ears so channel 68 came in at least half-way unscrambled?


“Stop raping! Stop raping, you filthy scum! Stop the rape!” — Andrew Breitbart, in hell, being anally raped hourly for the rest of etermity.


Oh FFS. The wingnuts really are running with this story, trying to paint Dr. Bell like some kind of “OMG 1000 times worse than AyersAlinskyWrightHitler”. Check out the Powertools:

Last night the spirit of Breitbart lived on with the release of a video showing Harvard law student Barack Obama celebrating the radical “critical race theorist” Derrick Bell. Bell can’t be written off as “some guy in my neighborhood” as Obama did with William Ayers, or sloughed off like Rev. Jeremiah Wright with the “I-didn’t-really-listen-to-his-sermons” excuse. Obama used to assign Bell in his class on “race and the law” at the University of Chicago. Now we know Obama has an affinity for Bell. Let’s see if the mainstream media asks about this the way the media used to ask Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan about their supposed ties to the John Birch Society. I’m not holding my breath.


Finally, some honest journalism. Don’t let some vile useless shitstain blog overtake the true meaning of santorum. Click the link.


“Behave yourselves! Stop raping, you dirty freaks! Stop raping!” — Andrew Breitbart, in hell, being anally raped by dirty freaks every hour on the hour for the rest of eternity.


Shit. Sorry about the double post. Too much coffee and all that.


And, no, I’m not going to urban dictionary to find out what “naked Dodger butts” are. I’ve learned enough.


“Derrick Bell isn’t exactly controversial.”

Not to mention the fact that he’s dead. But he’s still a SCARYBLACKMAN.


naked Dodger butts

And another band name is born…


And, no, I’m not going to urban dictionary to find out what “naked Dodger butts” are.

Ted Williams had his head cryogenically frozen, apparently Pee Wee Reese and Leo Durocher just had their butts frozen.


That video is sure some harsh shit, alright. A smoking gun of dirty laundry with the lid off!

Pretty well everyone who hasn’t already chugalugged the GOP’s acid-laced kool-aid & gone back for seconds is going to take one look at this footage & ask, “Why are you wasting our time with this boring-ass trivial garbage when we have REAL PROBLEMS RIGHT NOW to deal with?”

So … I think FOX should absolutely run with this 24/7 for weeks on end just like they did with Wright’s ranting & show those liberals a thing or two.

Lefties ALWAYS point & laugh when we’re terrified – just ask Sarah Palin!

Imagine my delight shock & horror at learning that I can no longer comment at BigHolywank (or any other BigSteamingPile site either) unless I register!

Used to be my IntenseDebate profile would let me comment anywhere over there automatically (which was rare, given the commenters’ demonstrable “Precocious German Shephard” level of reading comprehension) … less typing practice for me & fewer aneurysms for them, I suppose.

I guess the Breitbart Shit-Fling-O-Matic 5000’s echo-chambers had some major acoustic issues with trolls from the Reality-Based Community telling them that Santa Reagan isn’t real or that yeah, Bush totally WAS a conservative.

Typical wingnuts: couldn’t take the heat, got out of the kitchen … & blamed liberals.


And, no, I’m not going to urban dictionary to find out what “naked Dodger butts” are.

No need. It is literally what the words say. G’wan, click on my name. You know you want to.


My wife was watching some old ’70’s show on Netflix the other day, and apparently some black character had referred to some (presumably white) character as a “honky”, and she asked me if anyone still uses that term.
I replied “You mean ‘the H word’? Hell no, no one uses that anymore. Not even the niggers”


I called a goose a honky the other day. It had white plumage, too.


I replied “You mean ‘the H word’? Hell no, no one uses that anymore. Not even the niggers”

The slang term is “Republicans”


My wife was watching some old ’70?s show on Netflix the other day, and apparently some black character had referred to some (presumably white) character as a “honky”, and she asked me if anyone still uses that term.

Outside of TV and movies, I don’t recall anyone really using that term even back in the 70s.


So is “honky tonk” just slang for a white boys willie?


In all seriousness, i believe the term black folks actually used back in the days of Jim Crow was “ofay”.


Also, too: If I cared enough about them to try to save them from further beclowning themselves, and if they were smart enough to listen, I would point out that the boat for painting Obama as a radical reverse-racist has long since sailed. The man’s been in office for over 3 years now, and so far he hasn’t made any move to round up the honkies into FEMA camps, no one has been assassinated by a Death Panel, he’s not even tried to take away anyone’s guns, the number of white people in high positions of political and financial power hasn’t declined, he hasn’t changed the national anthem from The Star-Spangled Banner to the Theme from Shaft, and he never got around to appointing Chuck D as Secretary of Kill Whitey.

Even their patented “slander a dead guy/generally unknown private citizen with lies and innuendo, then show a tenuous connection to Democrat who needs smearing” gambit isn’t going to cut it with anyone other than those for whom it’s completely unnecessary anyway, since just the sight of a black man strikes terror into their hearts. For those folks, you could play the video with the sound off and offer no context on Bell at all, and they’d still get the point, because there’s more than one black person in the group, and you know what that means…they’re planning the next Zulu uprising.


I would point out that the boat for painting Obama as a radical reverse-racist has long since sailed.

It’s kinda fun to watch them frantically swim after it, realizing about a half a mile out that they won’t catch the boat or make it back, which is, of course, the fault of all liberals everywhere because OH I HATE THEM SO MUCH


he hasn’t changed the national anthem from The Star-Spangled Banner to the Theme from Shaft

That would be kind of cool, actually. Can we get that on a petition?


I vote for “Let’s Stay Together”, ’cause it’s black, and it’s also Gaye.


Or rather, it’s black, and also Greene


Oh my fucking dog, I cant believe I never found this Richard Pryor clip before – this is how they see Obama:

I was looking for the Eddie Murphy “Kill the White People” reggae song from SNL – I was going to sell it to Ben as Obama in college.


Kermit: Why am I so black and green?


’cause it’s black, and it’s also Gaye.

I could go with ‘What’s Goin’ On’ as a national anthem. Hear that at the start of every ball game and you’re not going to be goin’ out and starting a war every week.

In case anybody could forget.


I found this too funny,

More Breitfail.


I was looking for the Eddie Murphy “Kill the White People” reggae song from SNL

It’s too bad “Lifer Follies” (from when Belushi was still around) isn’t available…

“I’m gon-na get me a shotgun and kill all the whiteys I see..”


OT and not funny. Not funny at all.

Take a look if you can, about 1/2 hour, about Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army, in Uganda, a real butcher. Infamous for creating child soldiers.

(People protesting Kony were drunkenly yelled at by Andrew Breitrot, followed by one of his ‘essays’ detailing how once again he cowed the horrible leftists. Defended by Limbaugh, because it was the Lord’s Resistance Army, until someone on his staff learned google.)

Maybe pass it around.


More Breitfail.

Fucking Internets – how do they work???

Bet they didn’t back up jack-shit, either … because real men know that backups make you turn GHEY.


In all seriousness, i believe the term black folks actually used back in the days of Jim Crow was “ofay”.

Moar Pryor.

Ofey was also Dick Feynman’s nom d’art.


OT and not funny. Not funny at all.

A great cause, and looks like a great video, but the charity itself is apparently questionable. There has been a post up at teh GOS about it. Seems that not so much of the money actually goes to the cause as to “services” and whatnot.

Could be wrong, but I’d want to vet them before forking anything over.


Bet they didn’t back up jack-shit, either … because real men know that backups make you turn GHEY.

A database administrator needs to either have a good backup…….or a good resume.


There’s far more coming on Derrick Bell.

We just gotta pay the Internet bill so we can fire up Wikipedia. Andrew used to take care of these things.


Shit – crappy link. Let me get another one that the FYWP will accept, its not taking the youtube link. Sorry.


“(People protesting Kony were drunkenly yelled at by Andrew Breitrot, followed by one of his ‘essays’ detailing how once again he cowed the horrible leftists. Defended by Limbaugh, because it was the Lord’s Resistance Army, until someone on his staff learned google.)”

I vaguely remember that. Some hippies ruined Breitbart’s lunch or something and so he wrote indignantly without any idea what he’d encountered.


A great cause, and looks like a great video, but the charity itself is apparently questionable. There has been a post up at teh GOS about it. Seems that not so much of the money actually goes to the cause as to “services” and whatnot.

Could be wrong, but I’d want to vet them before forking anything over.

Atchilly, I’d heard something about that, but had not followed up. I’m not focused so much on a charity aspect. Just that, fuckin A, this is horrendous. If we gotta blow up people, couldn’t we put this asshole on the list?



Found: the Obama college tape!


If we gotta blow up people, couldn’t we put this asshole on the list?

The reason Limbaugh came so publicly to Kony’s defense was that Obama has sent 100 Special Forces dudes into Uganda to try and take him out.

Trouble is that Kony has friends in high places — people who find him a useful counterweight to the idea of regional stability. Back in 2006 a US-trained special-ops team went in under UN auspices, but Kony was tipped off and they landed straight in an ambush.

Senator Bob Rumson

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…………..


There’s far more coming on Derrick Bell.

Well, all those rightwingers fapping desperately, it’s no wonder


all those rightwingers fapping desperately

Must. Kill. Brain.


apparently some black character had referred to some (presumably white) character as a “honky”

Conjuring up memories of the Honky Liberation Front, mentioned tangentially in an Alfred Bester novel.


Dick Feynman’s nom d’art.

Dick’s eaten most of the early nineteenth-century British landscape artists, and I’ve learned not to worry.


Derek Bell? What’s so controversial about Derek Bell?

True story actually – as a young woman I worked in a music venue and this Derek Bell and the rest of his band performed there during the ’80s. The band’s rider included a requirement for a keg of Guinness to be installed backstage, and by the end of the show, they were pretty well lit.

Anyway, at the end, during the obligatory “gee, thanks, what a great show guys,” round of handshakes, a very drunken Derek Bell suddenly grabbed me and gave me a big sloppy Guinness-flavored kiss – from which I recoiled, much disillusioned with the man.

A couple weeks ago I told this story to some acquaintances in the context of “what celebrity encounters we’ve had”, and they were totally shocked and appalled – and saddened – that this had happened. I thought their shock was REALLY disproportionate, considering after all the man was an Irish musician, and I said so.

Then they all laughed in relief – they had thought was claiming I’d been accosted by Professor Derrick Bell.


g – you know the wingnuts are going to cut-n-paste that middle bit and just ‘accidentally” change the first name. At least it wouldn’t surprise me.


Yeah, I’m almost daring them to do it.


Archie Bell? And the Drells? From Houston, Texas? Where they don’t only sing, but they dance just as good as they walk?




No, Derek Bell! Of the Chicago Cubs!


I was looking for the Eddie Murphy “Kill the White People” reggae song from SNL

I remember Murphy’s “Kill my landlord” poem and Garrett Morris’s blues song “I’m gonna get me a shotgun and kill all the whiteys I see”, but I don’t remember this.


Oh never mind, I see the link above. Hilarious, and new to me.


I found the Kill the White People clip somewhere, but can’t remember now where it was. I think it’s called the Knights of Columbus sketch; in any case, that’s where the song was being performed in the skit.


Last night the spirit of Breitbart lived on

Then it too died around midnight of TOTALLY NATURAL CAUSES.


SNL Season 4 Episode 9 – St. Mickey’s Knights of Columbus.

Seems to only be available from some streaming sites I’m not familiar with, but that’s how to find it.


Also, too: If I cared enough about them to try to save them from further beclowning themselves, and if they were smart enough to listen, I would point out that the boat for painting Obama as a radical reverse-racist has long since sailed. The man’s been in office for over 3 years now, and so far he hasn’t made any move to round up the honkies into FEMA camps, no one has been assassinated by a Death Panel, he’s not even tried to take away anyone’s guns, the number of white people in high positions of political and financial power hasn’t declined, he hasn’t changed the national anthem from The Star-Spangled Banner to the Theme from Shaft, and he never got around to appointing Chuck D as Secretary of Kill Whitey.

Oh, he totally wanted to do these things, but the Tea Party Movement stopped him, cause they’re heroic.

Pupienus Maximus

DEREK BELL the racer?!?!? But … but … he’s FUCKING IRISH for GAWDSAKE!

[fact checking]

Ok, I was wrong, he’s just another effete Britpuke.

Pupienus Maximus

The term “honkey” was also most famously used in an SNL skit, iirc.


Oh, he totally wanted to do these things, but the Tea Party Movement stopped him, cause they’re heroic.

We will fight him from our Rascals! We will fight him from our Hoverounds! We will fight himm from our motorized grocery-store shopping carts! WE SHALL NEVAH SURRENDER!!!!


Hug or Terrorist man grope?


Great fisking Cerb.

The first paragraph of this Media Matters piece is amusing as well:

Yesterday, the Breitbart empire stepped up to the plate, called their shot, swung, missed, hit themselves in the face with the bat, then took a triumphant trot around the bases as spectators looked on with piteous and mocking wonder.


Jennifer – I found a link upthread. Although to be fair the site was linked by someone else and after watching that link I saw this one.


And this just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.


the Tea Party Movement stopped him, cause they’re heroic


What Amurka-hating liberal can ever hope to stand their ground, once they’ve heard the mighty roar of their majestic War Scooters & the cruel crinkle of their Cheetos bags?

Just be grateful that they haven’t brought out their Depends-trebuchets & cobag-catapults … YET.

Andrew Breitbart

no one has been assassinated by a Death Panel


Pupienus Maximus

We elevated a movie talking about the same exact shit as Derrick Bell to a prized example of timeless and universal Americana (To Kill a Mockingbird

Making us the REAL racists!!!! Also, race traitor Atticus Finch was played by Gregory Peck who was ALSO the man in the grey flannel suit, an elitist socialist anti-business probably ghey!


What Amurka-hating liberal can ever hope to stand their ground, once they’ve heard the mighty roar of their majestic War Scooters & the cruel crinkle of their Cheetos bags?

I’m gonna go buy up a buncha these, repackage them, and sell them as War Scooter accessories. It’s foolproof, I’ll be a 1percenter in no time!


Gregory Peck was in movies with Ghey Mens!!

Pupienus Maximus

Yeah, can’t find the clip of Chase and Pryor. The skit included “nigger” “tar baby” “honkey” and “dead honkey.” 1975. I’ll keep looking.

Pupienus Maximus

I shall refrain from using the phrase “hair on fire” when talking about Richard Pryor’s portrayals of politicians.

Pupienus Maximus

Found it.

Iffen you younguns haunt nebber seed it, you missed a classic.


Yesterday, the Breitbart empire stepped up to the plate, called their shot, swung, missed, hit themselves in the face with the bat, then took a triumphant trot around the bases as spectators looked on with piteous and mocking wonder.

Yeah, not the Breitest Barts on the ol’ Christmas tree, are they.


Anything written by a person who proudly proclaims he is still a virgin at the age of 25 is automatically disqualified from serious discourse.

If this isn’t a rule for living, it ought to be.


I suppose it’s a symptom of tribal authoritarian paranoid-delusion to believe guilt-by-long-ago-association is a meaningful revelation of someone’s character.

I know, right? The fact that somebody working for Ron Paul 30 years ago was kind of racist has no bearing on his current candidacy.

Wait, what are we talking about?

You really need to go over to Breitbart’s place to see just how pathetic this is. They’ve got nothing on Bell, and it shows. All they know about is some short fiction the guy wrote. They certainly aren’t saying anything about his politics. And I don’t mean they aren’t rationally engaging in an informed, nuanced argument against his politics, I mean they can’t even seem to find a small quote that looks bad out of context and rail against that.

Dan Riehl’s the first one to try to unearth Bell’s “God damn America!” moment. Here it is:

”Even liberal white scholars … have to imagine that they are not oppressors. Black people have stories and experiences that provide the basis not only for their lives but for their scholarship.” Does he then consider it impossible for white scholars to understand and to teach on this issue? “It’s not that they can’t, but they do face barriers to their ability to explain the reality of racism in America.”

Truly chilling.

But wait! There’s more! Riehl has a quote from somebody who isn’t Bell, but he’s pretty sure Bell would agree with it!

I will leave the question of whether what’s in the ellipses changes the nature of Bell’s quote as an exercise for the reader.


SNL Season 4 Episode 9 – St. Mickey’s Knights of Columbus.

Dog, SNL sucked back then.

Did anyone catch who the drummer and guitarist was? Steve Jordan and Hiram Bullock. Oh yeah.


If N_B was just talking about TEH BUTTOCKS then he coulda said so.


One of these is going in a block from my office. Anybody been to one? Other than the obvious 420/munchies theme, is there anything interesting about their sammiches? Worth a visit?


And back on topic — There could perhaps be no more fitting final eulogy for Angry Andy than the collective “meh” that this latest ragegasm of the Breitbartian Horde has received. This reasonable response from the remaining sane members of the media is almost heartwarming.


And yes, “Ragegasm Of The Breitbartian Horde” could be a good band name. I’m thinking it might work for a nice light jazz trio, just to throw people off that are expecting death metal.

Sorry, that should be ‘Dëäth Mëtäl’


Talking to myself is evidently my new favorite hobby also and too.


The place did kinda empty out, yeah…


Maybe cat pixels will draw them back in.


Why not tell me about what to eat/do in Philadelphia? I know about the various museums.


Do it first, then eat it.


Smut Clyde said,

March 9, 2012 at 0:28 (kill)

Do it first, then eat it.

Some people say that “kill it” and “cook it” should be in there somewhere too.


Best thing ever from the Richard Pryor Show.


They forgot one detail:

then took a triumphant trot around the bases backwards as spectators looked on with piteous and mocking wonder

Big Bad Bald Bastard

a man who was quoted by Jeremiah Wright regularly

Jesus Christ?

OH, THE HUMANITY, WAIT, NO, THE DIVINITY… NO, BOTH SIMULTANEOUSLY… unless you subscribe to the Arian heresy.


Best thing ever from the Richard Pryor Show.

Was that Herman Cain?


OBS–I’ve eaten at the Cheba Hut here in Denver. The sandwiches are decent, nothing special, but good. The atmosphere is definitely stoner’s basement-chic, and the music is cool. Good place for a Friday lunch with the right kind of friends.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Oh, SMcG, this is the sandwich place in Philly I recommended- anything with broccoli rabe is fantastic- as is the delicious tripe sandwich.


El Manquécito said,
March 8, 2012 at 23:29

If N_B was just talking about TEH BUTTOCKS then he coulda said so.

Not just any BUTTOCKS. Famous Brooklyn BUTTOCKS.


Thanks Steerpike. I’m a bit surprised to see this one going in here in our relatively small city, since there don’t seem to be many of them around. I guess directly across the street from the university makes sense for their target demographic.


unless you subscribe to the Arian heresy.

I have everything except the second issue, the one with the Vaughn Bode cover art.


Still looking for the Ronnie Ray Gun slave trader vid. here is the imdb link which lists Derrick Bell as one of the writers


While I was following up on this I found this. Football fans will be spooked.


Did anyone else listen to To the Point today? Mona Charen got maneuvered into saying that no preventive medicine should be covered by health insurance because she couldn’t rebut the assertion that birth control drugs are preventive medicine. It was beautiful.

I encourage all Republicans to take this stand, for Freedom! WOLVERINES!


Dick’s eaten most of the early nineteenth-century British landscape artists, and I’ve learned not to worry.

And vice-versa, no doubt.


OBS, are you a college town? CH came to Boulder (pop. <100K; home of Univ. of CO) long before it made it to Denver. I was kind of surprised to see it here in the financial district…

Spengler Dampniche

That’s gotta sting like nothing else.

Actually the condition known as ‘cactus taint’ stings more.


Pupienus Maximus said,

March 8, 2012 at 22:51 (kill)

Found it.

Iffen you younguns haunt nebber seed it, you missed a classic.

Ahem, Sir.


Robert Heinlein once wrote a story about Libertarians living on the moon launching rocks to try and obliterate the remaining life on Earth.
That is a VILE EXAGGERATION of the actual actions into which the peace-loving Loonies were forced. Harumph. Liberals.

This is a man so extreme that, as we’ve reported, he wrote a story in 1993 in which he posited that white Americans would sell black Americans into slavery to aliens to relieve the national debt, and that Jews would go along with it.
Robert Heinlein is a man so extreme that, as we’ve reported, he wrote a story in 1964 in which he posited that islamic blacks would enslave christian whites, gelding them to ensure docility.
Teh Great Gazoogle indicates that the book is popular among the Free Republic crowd, unfamiliar as they are with the concept of “satire”.


Yeah Steerpike, Oregon State University in Corvallis (pop. 50k-ish). The only other Oregon location is in Eugene (U of O) so I guess they target the college towns first. Makes sense. I like sammiches, so I’ll give it a try when it opens up.


that no preventive medicine should be covered by health insurance

Sure! And then the cost of health insurance premiums would drop like a stone, right?

Pupienus Maximus

I know about the various museums.

Including the Mütter? I’ll bet you know about the Mütter.

Do NOT go to Geno’s or Pat’s – only tourists actually eat there.

Alas, my all-time favorite Philly restaurant just closed.

I haven’t been to Phil in six or seven years so I will just point to the very reliable PhillyMag.


I haven’t been to Phil in six or seven years so I will just point to the very reliable PhillyMag.

Ah, thank you. In return have this, but you probably know about it.


Holy shit, how did I miss this 90’s HBO show hosted by George Clinton, episode written by Prof. Bell. Alian leader takes the form of Reagan, the POTUS is the warden from Shawshank, V.P. is D’Amato, Sec of State is Buchanan and benson plays a sort of Colin Powell character. Great satire.


That is a VILE EXAGGERATION of the actual actions into which the peace-loving Loonies were forced. Harumph. Liberals.

Nicely played.

I used to love Heinlein’s books, then I ceased being a teenager. I read the newly re-released “uncut” version of Stranger In A Strange Land when I was 19 or 20. My reaction to that was “there’s a reason books are edited” — what a painful read. I think that was the last Heinlein I read.

Pupienus Maximus

Going through the list, the only ones I’ve been to are Morimoto and Lacroix. Both were exellent. Wait, I take that back – Morimoto was spectacularly good.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

This is a man so extreme that, as we’ve reported, he wrote a story in 1993 in which he posited that white Americans would sell black Americans into slavery to aliens to relieve the national debt, and that Jews would go along with it.

Sadly, as they say, no.

It’s their typical playbook- elevate something obscure to a world-shattering importance, knowing that none of their sycophants will look for the material themselves.

Paging Ward Churchill!


Wait, I take that back – Morimoto was spectacularly good.

Morimoto did a turn in Vancouver with a chef he battled on Iron Chef Japan. Yum. Also good because the kitchen at Diva at the Met was glassed in so you could watch ’em do their thing (I haven’t been there in a long time though, might be different now).


the kitchen at Diva at the Met was glassed in so you could watch ‘em do their thing

Must’ve been embarassing for the dude whose job was to piss in the soup.


Morimoto was spectacularly good.

This is the only Morimoto I’ve tried. It was yummers.


I used to love Heinlein’s books, then I ceased being a teenager. I read the newly re-released “uncut” version of Stranger In A Strange Land when I was 19 or 20. My reaction to that was “there’s a reason books are edited” — what a painful read. I think that was the last Heinlein I read.

The only Heinlein I’ve ever read was Starship Troopers. Not much of an insight: Heinlein describes his utopia, a society in which only veterans can vote – wait, was Heinlein a veteran? Why yes, he was. Huh. And that’s… pretty much all there is to it: another variation on “me good, everyone else suck.”



Great find. Won’t of course stop them trying to hammer in those wedges wherever they can between minority groups.

Though it is depressing that the first comment is a teabagger basically ranting
“Nuh uh, Bell is the real racist, black president means no real racism and also I as a white man get to dictate what black people are allowed to feel about the world, but don’t try and make that out as a racist thing.”


Heinlein describes his utopia, a society in which only veterans can vote – wait, was Heinlein a veteran?

To become a citizen you had to have done “federal service” but not necessarily in the military. Although the non-military services are totally glossed over. Also, no women in the infantry too.

Still a very simplistic, fetishistic military story.

And they managed to make the movie worse than the book, although it had its somewhat funny over-the-top farcical moments that reminded me of B movies of the ’60s. They made two direct-to-DVD sequels. Gah.


Take a look if you can, about 1/2 hour, about Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army, in Uganda, a real butcher. Infamous for creating child soldiers.

PRI’s The World did a piece about this video. Sounds like it’s a bit behind the times.


All hail! The holy FSM ISREAL! Ramen!


“and that Jews would go along with it.”

Just watched the complete 34 min clip (link here)

Not only is the antismetic charge false, it is the EXACT OPPOSITE of the truth. Jews are the strongest opponents of the plan.
Spoiler alert, they put the plan up to a vote and there is a “Bradley effect”. The main black character was right. Black people should have demanded to go on the glorious spaceships, then the whites would have thought they were trying to get special privilege and voted in down. Fucking brilliant.

Watch it, its brilliant


Oops, this link should work

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Great find.

Funny what a minute’s googling will uncover. Of course, the Breitbartisans won’t bother trying to find the original text, or excerpts thereof.

Of course, they have this knack for elevating obscure figures to a great prominence in their nightmares. Hell, I’d never even heard of Saul Alinsky or Frances Fox Piven until these gomers made them their public enemies du jour.


B4 triggers the memory cells, yes, George’s is really good. I don’t pay for organ meats, I’ll cook them meself, rapé and other brassicas too, also, but I had one of their roast pork hoagies, night-time, to go and it was a thing of magnificence.

But, you know, Philly is an embarrassment of riches when it comes to sammiches. I’ve hated that town for thirty years but keep having to go back there for one thing or another. It’s an awful place but the sandwiches are really good.


Elementary gazoogling reveals that it could not have been George’s that I had that awesome pork sandwich at because they close at 5. I’ll try and remember where it really was.


And they managed to make the movie worse than the book, although it had its somewhat funny over-the-top farcical moments that reminded me of B movies of the ’60s.

There are maybe two darkly humorous parts to the otherwise bad movie:

When Johnny Rico is enlisting, the one-armed, one-eyed, no-legged recruiting sergeant says “The infantry made me the man I am today”.

The recruiting video at the end of the movie that shows new recruits looking to be around 12 years of age (usually a sign of losing a war, badly).


I recommend an honest campaign for the Republican Party:

We’re scared.


And they managed to make the movie worse than the book, although it had its somewhat funny over-the-top farcical moments that reminded me of B movies of the ’60s. They made two direct-to-DVD sequels. Gah.

Pretty sure the movie was actually parodying the book, which is why they went so over the top on the militarist/fascistic thing.

Good catch on the non-military services, I either forgot or must’ve missed that. That does make the whole thing seem a bit better, but anything that’s anti-universal suffrage is pretty much a nonstarter as far as I’m concerned. You live in society, you’re affected by it and you affect it no matter what you are, so you deserve a voice, period.

(Sorry 4 preaching 2 choir).


And they managed to make the movie worse than the book, although it had its somewhat funny over-the-top farcical moments that reminded me of B movies of the ’60s.

Hey, that was a GOOD movie. Funny and fascist.


Hey, that was a GOOD movie. Funny and fascist.

And Dina Meyer in her underwear.


And infantry too stupid to use hand grenades.


Maybe people just need to adjust their blood pressure medicine.

(Oh, the conspiracy theories about this should be delightful.)


And infantry too stupid to use hand grenades.

In “The Hills Have Eyes 2”, National Guard soldiers keep throwing down weapons as soon as one danger has been neutralized, even though they KNOW that the danger isn’t over. I do detest it in movies when people under constant threat of violence throw down their weapons. It defies all reason. Danger should sharpen the senses, not bring out every stupid impulse one might possibly have.


In “The Hills Have Eyes 2?,

I refused to watch this movie because the title should have been “The Hills Have Two Eyes” or “The Have Eyes, Too.”


Pretend there was another Hills in there.


I read and enjoyed a whole bunch of Heinlein as a teen (except, for some reason, Starship Troopers). I have decided not to reread any of it. No good could come of it.

I intend to go see John Carter [of Mars] this weekend. I tried to read the first of Burroughs’ Mars books recently and did not find myself drawn in. I think I like the idea of ’em.


I read “Stranger in a Strange Land” in high school and did like the part of the impartial witness, though it is admittedly, a teen-aged bong-hit revelation, such was its depth. The grokking stuff didn’t make sense to me, at all though.



I think I want to marry you and have your children. And I’m a guy. Which makes that biologically unpossible.

But I just love you THAT much.


I am very disgusted with the trashy man. In spite of the monster, and the coach, only trashy. I will beat down them all. For this I must strengthen myself. The monster is the same too. Collect all the trashy, righteous fellow; all are unpardonable! You don’t affect me. The trashy strolling is an eyesore.

Don’t serve the devil.


And infantry too stupid to use hand grenades.

That’s pretty much standard in science fiction. Somewhere along the way societies forget how to make hand grenades.

Star Wars was notorious for this.


Fake Gary is writing in code, now. Lemmeesee…The devil is 13 so every 13th letter means something except that he says don’t serve the devil so the letter number is 12. Like it’s going to be 14, yeah right!


Just as I thought, “Obama is a gay, muslin, terrorist hugger”


And infantry too stupid to use hand grenades.

That’s pretty much standard in science fiction.

But not – PRAISE CHTHULU – in video games.


With this budge, even you libs could walk on rabid turble.


A boy has never wept nor dashed a thousand kim.


Someone needs to reboot the Rupperbot.


Was this the gary that dashed a thousand kim
And burned the brainless trolls of freeperdom?


The fact that evil, shameless, lying libs make me uncontrollably spout ridiculous internet memes is all Obama’s fault, and the reason he should be impeached.


I bet 1000 kim on the newcomer


I rode a bike a thousand kim once and my butt was sore for a week.


I would dash five hundred kim
And I would dash five hundred more
Just to be the man who dashed
A thousand kim and laid them at your door


Oh god people, hate to nutpick but this may even deserve a front page treatment. The first paragraph:

After years of puzzlement and curiosity observing modern day Democrats, I think I have finally figured them out.

I’m constantly amazed that modern Democrats have evolved beyond living in caves. I mean what other animal on this planet can disregard all common sense and logic and survive? Scientists have recently discovered that even giant sea slugs that do not possess a brain as such can learn from past experiences. That puts them a leg up over the current crop of liberals in this country. I used to subscribe to the adage that liberalism was a mental disorder, but even Rainman would have a hard time buying into the standard mantra of the present day Democratic Party. In order to believe that Democrats have the answer today, you would have to believe:

From – our friends at the stinker:


What am I saying? I LOVE to nutpick! Those ticks are hard to remove otherwise.

Aplysia californica

Scientists have recently discovered that even giant sea slugs that do not possess a brain as such can learn from past experiences.

Not wanting to be pedantic or anything, but Kandel started researching me in the 1960s and received the Nobel Prize for it in 2000..


I mean what other animal on this planet can disregard all common sense and logic and survive?

It is a puzzler.


Totally off topic, but a few of my little tomato plants have put out little-bitty true leaves. I gave them a little-bitty bit of liquid food just now. One more of the pepper seeds I put on a warmer setting on a warming mat came up; I find that encouraging. I’ll start some tiny herb seeds like lavender and rosemary and various balms, and catnip soon. I can put them out when they’re small and they’ll do fine.

I’m feeling the cheer that has been normal for me for much of my life right now— it’s the little things.


“I would dash five hundred kim
And I would dash five hundred more
Just to be the man who dashed
A thousand kim and laid them at your door”

Ho ho that’s good. My wife owns a couple Proclaimers albums.

Of course, the Proclaimers are identical twins, and they had at least that one video. So my wife’s mom saw it, and assumed, for no good reason, that she was seeing one guy made to look like two, using technological trickery. We said no, they’re twins & it’s a very cheap video.

She’s an uncommonly wierd old woman, but perhaps it’s a sign of the times that she’d think anything other than “I am seeing a film of twins.”


“Scientists have recently [apparently in the 1960s] discovered that even giant sea slugs that do not possess a brain as such can learn from past experiences.”

CAN learn, certainly. Sometimes, though, they yammer on for days in a disgusting psycho-sexual frenzy, dropping sponsors all the while, without really apologizing.


That’s pretty much standard in science fiction. Somewhere along the way societies forget how to make hand grenades.

Somewhere along the way, society regressed to pre-Civil War tactics. (Possibly because stormtrooper aim, or lack thereof, made the precision of modern weapons entirely irrelevant).


I’m constantly amazed that modern Democrats have evolved beyond living in caves.

I could ask in turn how the hell modern conservatives managed to evolve beyond living in caves, but the answer is they didn’t. Liberals did all the evolving for them. They got to reap the benefits and credit their own genius.


“They got to reap the benefits and credit their own genius,”

when they weren’t standing athwart history, yelling “stop, cave sleep good, cave fuck good, me like food fire fuck.”


I notice none of the wingnuts have pointed out that, in the tape, Obama isn’t using a teleprompter…


Wingnut 101.

Questions about a Democrats’ past are most important because they reveal the character and offer a window into the soul of fascist leftwing thought crimes.

Questions about a Republicans’ past are gotcha journalism smears perpetrated by the liberal media to demean and ridicule great Americans like Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Joe the Thin Skinned Congressional Candidate


I notice none of the wingnuts have pointed out that, in the tape, Obama isn’t using a teleprompter…

What I noticed (the real scandal!) is that he can’t stop talking without putting his hand in his pocket.


… which is because his hand re-forms into a tentacle within five seconds of his voice stopping! WOLVERINES!

Alkonholics Anonymous

It’s been too long since we ventured into the lighthearted world of batshit-insane Amy.

Just saying. Shit moats, anyone?


What I noticed (the real scandal!) is that he can’t stop talking without putting his hand in his pocket.
Sticking with the Heinlein theme — I recall from The Puppet Masters that early in the invasion the alien overlords need to be attached to their human victim’s spine between the shoulder blades in order to take control, but later they learn to maintain the enslavement through *any* skin contact. So they can hide themselves in (for instance) a handbag or A POCKET.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

So they can hide themselves in (for instance) a handbag or A POCKET.

Yeah, they could extend a pseudopod to the base of the spine while staying inside your pants. That’s when the transition was made from Schedule Bareback to Schedule Suntan—all naked, all the time.

On Starship Troopers: I liked it, even though I hate nothing worse than these Boot Camp, Humiliation-Breeds-Character-type movies and books, like An Officer and a Gentleman. Strange, huh?

I think it was because the historical background to the Veteran Franchise was very well explained, and really, Federal Service could be anything, like a stint in the Peace Corps (Remember this was before there was such a thing.)

As the Desk Sergeant at the Federal Building told Johnny Rico: “If somebody came in here, blind and deaf and in a wheelchair, I’d have to find something for them to do—counting the fuzz on a caterpillar by touch, probably.” So it wasn’t just a fetishization of militarism, it was a requirement for someone to be willing to put in some effort at some point in their lives to serve the community. I really don’t think such a system could be made to work, but it’s not outrageous to theorize about.

What struck me for 1959—and even in the 60s, when I read it—was a kind of transgressive feeling about the hero whose narration you’re reading and whom you’re rooting for, having an OMG!! Spanish name! So you’re feeling all liberal and tingly from that, and then on the last page it’s revealed he’s actually a Filipino. It’s hard for us to realize how radical that was in 1959. I doubt if any other science fiction author could have gotten it published without changing that—or maybe Johnny Rico’s name altogether.

I guess my point is that Heinlein was a mixed bag, but there’s no other single influence that’s more responsible for my becoming a raging leftie. If he was trying to turn me into a right-winger, or an anachronistic Libertarian in the current sense of the word, he failed miserably.


From – our friends at the stinker:

The scary thing is I actually agree with him on one:

That using the military to oust a murderous thug dictator in 2003 was criminal, and using the military to oust a murderous thug dictator in 2011 was noble.

The correct answer, of course, is that they are both criminal, Obama’s perhaps even more blatantly than Bush’s, and that that’s an entirely separate question from whether either one was noble.

Which is frightening because otherwise he is a tremendous idiot and also kind of racist. My rule is to instantly dismiss anybody who uses the term “job creators” seriously, because they clearly don’t live in the real world.


But let’s not forget Heinlein’s greatest contribution to our culture.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

But let’s not forget Heinlein’s greatest contribution to our culture.

Cool. Oh, I also learned from Farnham’s Freehold how to make nitrogen triiodide, with which I played numerous pranks in Junior High School. Prolly wind up in Gitmo nowadays….


Another Heinlein fan here. Despite all teh questionable treatment of female characters not to mention all teh incest. And all teh military fetishization. And teh glorification of anti-social behaviour and attitudes.

Teh shorts in particular are pretty good. I think he was a pretty darned good storyteller.


And Dina Meyer in her underwear.

Only half, in at least one scene


Another Heinlein fan here.

Megaditto (tongue firmly in cheek)

I liked “Moon” most of all, altho Puppet Masters was pretty good.

The problem I have with Puppet Masters is the name sort of crosses over to the Man-Kzin war series of Neville and Pournelle (another couple conservatives asshats who wrote decent fiction) as Puppeteers. I always had trouble keeping the two straight in my head


Errr, Niven and Pournelle, since someone will jump ugly on that


I haven’t read much sci-fi in a long time.

The last thing I read was David Weber’s Honor Harrington series, which is pretty much Horatio Hornblower in spaaaaaaace.


You want edgy and transgressive, yet classic “golden age” sci-fi? May I recommend the four horsemen: Harlan Ellison, Samuel Delaney, Poul Anderson and Gordon Dickson (with a side-order of Frederick Pohl).

Pupienus Maximus

Podkayne of Mars was very good. The rest was the same shot rehashed over and over. Wich is not to say I didn’t enjoy reading them all. Job was fun.


The scary thing is I actually agree with him on one

I think they were all pretty bullshit examples of what liberals believe.

I only read the Heinlein where they went to Oz, and the whole thing seemed like one big Mary Sue. It also had incest.


That American Thinker genius is so brilliant he doesn’t know that “Rainman” was the Tom Cruise character, not the Dustin Hoffman one.

Pupienus Maximus

Puppet Masters … crossover … What was that John Brunner book …. Players at the Game of People, yeah that’s it.


I think they were all pretty bullshit examples of what liberals believe.

Of course they were. That’s wingnut debating 101:

1. Create a straw-man caricature of a liberal
2. Spend next hour knocking down your own creation
3. Repeat

Pupienus Maximus

You want edgy and transgressive, yet classic “golden age” sci-fi

Ted Sturgeon please. If all men were brothers would you let your sister marry one? And probably the first sympathetic treatment of homosexual characters. I don’t think anyone was more transgressive than Sturgeon.


I think it was Sturgeon who coined the phrase “90 percent of everything is crap”.


I’m a throw a name out there for recent SF work: Ben Tripp.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I don’t think anyone was more transgressive than Sturgeon.

Very true—and Sturgeon’s Law will hold from the beginning to the end of time.

Pupienus Maximus

Yes, Sturgeon’s Law. The full formulation as I recall is “90% of science fictionis crap. But then, 90% of everything is crap.”

He is also reputed to the one who said to L. Ron Hubbard “We’re wasting our time hacking out science fiction. You want to make real money you have to start a religion” or something like that.

steerpike – Ellison and Delaney both cite Sturgeon as a major influence.


Sturgeon wrote some of the best Star Trek (OG) episodes ever.



Is everyone as excited as I am about Chris Hughes’ purchase of TNR?

Pupienus Maximus

Sturgeon wrote some of the best Star Trek (OG) episodes ever.. Some of which were never shot, most notably the one that introduced the Prime Directive.


most notably the one that introduced the Prime Directive.

Oh, you mean that thing that they never actually followed?


The correct answer, of course, is that they are both criminal, Obama’s perhaps even more blatantly than Bush’s, and that that’s an entirely separate question from whether either one was noble.

Nobility comes into play when the one glaring difference between these situations is examined. In Iraq, there was not a serious rebellion underway. In Libya, there was. Neither of these conditions necessarily justify military action in either case, but when the people in the nation demonstrate that they are willing to sacrifice their own lives for the purpose of establishing a government that is not a bloody dictatorship.


OMG! I rate for Theodore Sturgeon! That’s some quality literature right there.


If we proceed to spend the next ten years occupying Libya, “Johnny Alamo” (cute name) might have a point. Not that I supported the invasion in the first place…


Somewhere along the way societies forget how to make hand grenades.

Star Wars was notorious for this.

Leia whips out a thermal detonator when bargaining for Chewbacca’s bounty


I really like my sci-fi. I even enjoy a lot of the 90% that is crap. But I love the 10% that isn’t. It was Isaac Asimov’s short story Nightfall that got me hooked. Now I have a house full of fancy leatherbound sci-fi classics along with a decent supply of paperback not-so-classics.


Is everyone as excited as I am about Chris Hughes’ purchase of TNR?

Great. A Bilderberg member…just what the left needs.


Some of which were never shot, most notably the one that introduced the Prime Directive.

Amok Time, tho, was a great episode.

Pupienus Maximus

While we’re on the topic, I just read Stephenson’s newest, REAMDE. Very disappointing. He’s just phoning it in now. There were at least two MAJOR contradictory events that just … WTF how could you even do that that’s colossally fucked up.

Pupienus Maximus

Amok Time, tho, was a great episode.

Agreed. Just like Sturgeon to come up with the ponfar, getting into primal urges and shit.


Did he also compose the music for that episode?


Pup, that’s disappointing. I have devoured all of the Stephenson I could get my hands on, especially the Baroque Cycle and Cryptonomicon, all of which I have read twice through. I was put off by Anathem–thought it started out so great, but lost its way somewhere in the middle, IMO.


According to Wiki, it was Gerald Fried


Read and liked Heinlein from my tweens through my 20s. Done now.

I have to put in a good word for Iain M. Banks and his Culture space operas. I’ve brought him up in the past and I know several of you have read and enjoyed him. I find his universe fascinating.


I got REAMDE for my birthday. It’s like getting all jizzed up for a climax,and then — dribble. I mean, it features an Iowan who programs video games and used to smuggle weed, you’d think it would be right up my alley. Sadly, No.


“I am learning to say y’all, and I like grits and things”


Sweet IPU, when did they dedicate the first week of March to schadenfreude?

Locally, the wingnut mayor of LEAFS SUCK is feeling teh backlash from his authoritarian mishandling of the transit file. The Koch-Cato thing is a delightful bit of theatre. And now – five minutes of dead air. I’m going to run outta popcorn.

Pupienus Maximus

Oh sweet IPU indeed. Palin: Obama Seems To Want To Return To The “Days Before The Civil War” When People Were Not Considered Equal

From mediamatters.


First they came for Sarah Palin…

and I said “Hey, let me help you with those bags!”


Twitter of the day!/tmorello/status/177956750375391233

Tom Morello?@tmorello

“To Rush Limbaugh: Hey Jackass, stop using our music on your racist, misogynist, right wing clown show. Sincerely, Rage Against The Machine”


Hey Jackass, stop using our music on your racist, misogynist, right wing clown show.

The Fab T-Birds sent a cease and desist notice


Palin: Obama Seems To Want To Return To The “Days Before The Civil War” When People Were Not Considered Equal

Sarah Palin only constructs 3/5 of a strawman to whip.


Obama’s support of a Critical Race Theory Harvard Scholar = reinstatement of slavery.


although she’s right about one thing – there really is an income disparity between slaves and not-slaves.

Helmut Monotreme

So, eventually, will Rush only be able to play Ted Nugent on his show?


The Fab T-Birds sent a cease and desist notice

I think Rush did as well. I mean Rush as in the band “Rush”, not Limp-aww.


Rush, T-Birds, Tom Morello, Peter Gabriel.

So, yes, it seems that he will be filling all that dead air with “WHam bam tango” or whatever-t-f the nuge is known for


So, eventually, will Rush only be able to play Ted Nugent on his show?

Well, there were those right-wing rappers that we made fun of a few posts back. He could probably play music from those knickers.

Pupienus Maximus

So as not to put huge bummer in your day, if you read the linked article just remind yourself that cornered animals are dangerous. It means we have won but the war is far from over.


As long as AFRN keeps carrying the show, none of the other stuff matters. If Pannetta would grow a pair of onions and pull the plug on that sweet, sweet government contract money, the show would wither up and die almost immediately, methinks.

Marion in Savannah

I’m feeling the cheer that has been normal for me for much of my life right now— it’s the little things.

Yay, wiley! You’re right — it is the little things, and especially the little growing things. I’m currently delighting in how well my chives and thyme are doing, and the fact that my gerbera daisies are coming back again. Cheers!


I guess my point is that Heinlein was a mixed bag, but there’s no other single influence that’s more responsible for my becoming a raging leftie. If he was trying to turn me into a right-winger, or an anachronistic Libertarian in the current sense of the word, he failed miserably.

Yeah, I read a ton of his stuff and turned out raging lefty as well. I wouldn’t attribute it to him at all though, I think being the teenage child of lefty parents during the Reagan era was all the push I needed toward the left.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at how many of us are into the fiction of sci. I’m almost done with Cryptonomicon right now, after only finally getting around to Stephenson somewhat recently. Bummer about the new one, I just noticed that one in the bookstore and almost bought it.

I think still my favorite was Phillip K. Dick, but I rate for all the old greats, whether they were nutcase glibertarians or not. Some of them did write damn good books.

And I won’t AHEM DKW about the dead air link ’cause it’s Friday and it’s sunny and warm and I rode my bike to work and I’m just in a good mood for a fucking change.

Pupienus Maximus

it’s Friday and it’s sunny and warm and I rode my bike to work and I’m just in a good mood for a fucking change.

WTF is going on? We’ve had a number of sunny days in February and March. ALGOREISFAT! Alas, John’s bike won’t start so I have to fix it today instead of going for a ride. I think the problem is, in technical engineering terms, a loose disconnection.


Pupienus Maximus,
There was an item on npr about that splc report as well but they didn’t really put it into quite the same context. hmmm.


I think being the teenage child of lefty parents during the Reagan era was all the push I needed toward the left.

That’s funny. Being the teenaged child of righty parents during the Reagan era was all the push I needed toward the left.


So as not to put huge bummer in your day, if you read the linked article just remind yourself that cornered animals are dangerous. It means we have won but the war is far from over.

Well I was in a good mood, reminder be damned.

There’s something about the chart at that page. I can’t quite put my finger on it — something changed in 2000 and then again in 2008 to trigger this rapid decline and then increase. I wonder what that could have been? It’s a complete mystery.


Sorry OBS, but I considered the text of your link a warning not to clickthrough. I mean, I got no idea about what kinda pr0ns turns your crank.

Also re:PKD – the guy was clearly a frigging mad genius, but I never really got into his narratives. Fantastic ideas, but not great stories.


I think the problem is, in technical engineering terms, a loose disconnection.

Just wiggle the thingamajig. Maybe pull it out, blow on it, and put it back in.



And now I’m wondering if clicking on that Nitrogen triiodide link and the “patriot” link in close succession will get me a visit from the Gitmo Grabbers.


“I only read the Heinlein where they went to Oz, and the whole thing seemed like one big Mary Sue. It also had incest.”

The Number of the Beast. Long way from the stuff that made his name — really, it’s the one where he descended from “not as good as he used to be” to “terminally self-indulgent”.


Maybe Heinlein had a really hot sister.


OBS, what do you think of Cryptonomicon? I absolutely loved this! I devoured it so fast I had to go back a couple months later and re-read it so I could take my time and savor it. Then I read the Baroque Cycle, which is an incredible, complex. 300-years prequel to Cryptonomicon, which made me need to go back and read Cryptonomicon for a third time, and then, less than a year later, go back though the Baroque Cycle again. So, yeah, I spent about a year reading those four books (not exactly one right after the other, but pretty damn close together). Nothing else Stephenson wrote either before or after even comes close.


The Number of the Beast. Long way from the stuff that made his name — really, it’s the one where he descended from “not as good as he used to be” to “terminally self-indulgent”.

Oh dawg yes. I had forgotten about that. He goes way off the fucking deep end in that one. There are paragraphs in there that read like the delusional ramblings of a rabid incestuous freak explaining his proclivities in detail to an audience of captives. Ick.


Heinlein contributed indirectly to my current lefty political orientation. He was one of many writers who introduced me, in ways I could understand, to some important ideas about society and potential societies.

Heinlein shined in that department. But the important thing for my development was that I was reading indiscriminately (fiction and nonfiction) from an early age. I read tons of crap along the way, but it was from many perspectives. And I read things I couldn’t understand, without feeling self-conscious about it. I didn’t know any better, luckily.

I dare say alot of conservatives did not have those formative experiences.


OBS, what do you think of Cryptonomicon?

I’ve really enjoyed it. I’ve been taking my time with it just reading a bit each night. I’m looking forward to the Baroque Cycle after this. I don’t typically have the patience to re-read a book that soon, if I like them I’ll typically revisit them in a few years.

Being a major UNIX geek and a dba/sysadmin/developer at various times over the last 20 years I find that some of the technical stuff Randy does isn’t perfect, but it’s far better than most writers manage and doesn’t grate on me too much.


I dare say alot of conservatives did not have those formative experiences.

Yes. It’s almost like they’re only allowed to read certain portions of the Old Testament or Teh Book Of Moron or something.


Current scifi that leans well left: Charlie Stross. Also, damned funny in about half his books.


That’s funny. Being the teenaged child of righty parents during the Reagan era was all the push I needed toward the left.

Yeah, being the teenaged child of righty parents in a Navy town during the Vietnam War, Watergate and the Disco era was what pushed me to the left. Specifically, watching the RW assholes react to all that craziness pushed me to the left.


There’s something about the chart at that page. I can’t quite put my finger on it — something changed in 2000 and then again in 2008 to trigger this rapid decline and then increase. I wonder what that could have been? It’s a complete mystery.

It is indeed a deep, dark mystery.


Geez, you’d think with all this pushing around we’d received we’d have ended up spiteful righties. Or Democratic Congresscritters.


Yeah, being the teenaged child of righty parents in a Navy town during the Vietnam War, Watergate and the Disco era was what pushed me to the left.

I was 8-9 during Watergate. My very-left parents broke their rule about all four of us eating dinner together at the kitchen table so that they could watch the hearings. (Or “wallow in” the hearings as they describe it.) There’s something about watching the president being taken apart in that manner when you’re a child that leaves a certain skepticism about politics.


Stephenson’s early stuff is pretty darn good, Snow crash is very good. I don’t go much on Cryptonomicon or the baroque cycle.
I liked William Gibson and some books by some others. James Tiptree, Vonda McIntyre. John Varley, Spider Robinson, Harry Harrison
I never liked Heinlein was more of an Asimov boy. Find them both pretty silly now.


I dare say alot of conservatives did not have those formative experiences.

Bingo. Conservatives read “Atlas Shrugged” and think they have absorbed everything they need from the intellectual center of their universe, as indeed they have. Ayn Rand, like Newt Gingrich, is what stupid people think smart people sound like.

Marion in Savannah

Vonda McIntyre

“Of Mist, Grass and Sand” was one of the best scifi short stories I’ve ever read.

Surprised no one’s mentioned Clarke yet…


Snow crash is very good

I loved Snow Crash.

I read everything Gibson, Bruce Sterling and Greg Bear did during a “cyberpunk” phase of mine many years ago.

I admit there are a few of the authors folks have mentioned that I haven’t read, I can see I’m gonna have to take a list down to the local used bookstore…

And in “no one will be the slightest bit surprised” news, Democrats continue to be completely useless.


New post upstairs.


“…Ben, most people would turn you away
I don’t listen to a word they say
They don’t see you as I do, I wish they would try to
I’m sure they’d think again if they had a friend like Ben
Like Ben, like Ben” ~ Michael Jackson


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