So … Obama’s a Cross Between Huey Freeman and Shaggy from Scooby Doo?

IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION demands 70 posts on the subject of how scared Obama is of the upcoming general election.

Kevin Jackson, American Shitflinger:
Ten Indications that Obama is Scared

So Kevin Jackson, the black equivalent of a Jew urging his fellow inmates to stop bitching about the showers and just shove in already, has after years of selling his soul for little gain, looked at the looming presidential election and began hyperventilating.

But of course, at our favorite punching bag, the American Thinker, this doesn’t mean a sobering reflection on the series of bad choices that has brought his failure of a life to where it lies now. No, no, no!

No, instead, he’s decided that his fears are now proof that Obama is scared of the election and has decided to try to come up with 10 reasons besides “nuh uh, you’re the one with no chance in the general”. He doesn’t exactly succeed.

And since I’m feeling extra nice, have a free shorter:

  • Obama running for re-election is proof that he’s up to evil blackity black black plots. Also he’s scared of our turgid Republican cocks.

Obama is not the cool, calm, and collected guy that he portrays publicly; he’s far from it. Obama is described privately as a thin-skinned hot-head when it comes to questioning his policies, or anything else, for that matter.

Kev, Kev, Kev! That wasn’t the president’s speech you were watching, that was a rerun of the Boondocks cartoon… or one of President Bush’s old speeches. Or maybe any speech by any conservative ever made…

Actually Kev, have you actually even seen a speech by Obama?

Though there has been a slight shift upward in Obama’s poll numbers, Obama knows the real temperature of the American people. Here are 10 indicators as to why Obama will have sleepless nights leading up to the election of 2012:

Sure, Obama actually has increased approval despite the active stonewalling of all attempts at legislation and the continuing floundering economy. Additionally, he looks to be facing one of 3 people, all with the current popularity of the messy remains of dogs humping, but…

Nuh, uh, you’re the losers! Mommy, the liberals are attacking brave conservatives just trying to tell the truth again. Make them stop, Mommy!

1. Obama started African Americans for Obama. When blacks supposedly voted at 95 percent for Obama in the last election, one has to question his motives in starting this group. The answer is that Obama’s poll numbers among blacks have fallen back to their lowest point, a clear sign that Obama is feeling the pressure. If Obama loses his street cred amongst blacks, he will likely be abandoned by other groups. Obama must have the “race” element in 2012, even though the black vote will be much less significant in 2012. By the way, how would the media have covered “White Americans for McCain?”

Yes, he is so utterly terrified of losing the black vote, the one that’s totally abandoning him for the Republicans because Republicans have done nothing at all racist in the last 4 years that would make blacks even less likely to vote for them, he started a fundraising and outreach group…

in 2007.

Forget magnets, how does time work?

And what’s it say about the level of self-loathing in black Republicans when even they are doing the shameless dog-whistles for White Supremacists?

Okay, this next one is so stupid, I can’t tackle it all at once.

2. Obama started a Spanish-language website.


Wait, what?

Now, most people would call this clever; however, this move could backfire and is a pure sign that Obama knows he is in trouble.

…Because latin@s aren’t actually allowed to vote?

A country that requires you to know English should not have a sitting president with a Spanish-language website.

Damn spics should just go back to Spanishland where they came from.

It would seem to be pandering to the massive non-English-speaking population of Latinos.

Yes… It’s an election year. Thus politicians want votes and thus want to talk to various groups and explain why they understand their experiences/support their issues. You know… the same reason that both George W Bush and John McCain recorded ads in Spanish when they were running for president.

You do know that latin@s are allowed to vote, right?

Obama has not chosen to pander to any other potential immigrant voting bloc, which could have many Africans up in arms.

A) Bullshit.
B) Sure, African immigrants are totally going to leave Obama in droves due to Obama doing standard outreach to the latin@ community. Also, my vagina is capable of downing small aircraft and I’m the President of Djibouti.

Why not develop a website in Swahili or Bantu?

Because those populations aren’t 16% of the population and a former swing vote being actively antagonized by a party of racists who kind of needed their votes to stay relevant in the 21st century?

Asians, Jews, and many other ethnic groups might wonder what Obama’s obsession is with blacks and Latinos, while forsaking them.

Yes, asians and Jews, obviously being as enamored of the zero-sum theory of racial involvement as self-hating black conservatives, are just as incensed that Obama acknowledged the existence of non-white people.

Damn that Obama, I bet he even acknowledges that he himself is not white!

This could lead to the logic that the president is supposed to be the president of all Americans.

He said this like it was a bad thing.

I’ll repeat.

He said this like it was a bad thing. And I don’t even need to glance to the comment section to know that it was eaten up with a spoon by the conservative dreck that read this shit.

If there was ever better proof that modern conservatism stands for oligarchy and white supremacism, then I haven’t read it recently (I’m lying my ass off, pretty much every conservative post ever written is the next best proof of this).

3. Obama’s energy policy is pure comedy. When Obama took office, gasoline averaged $1.89. Gasoline is now at its highest point in history, averaging $3.65 a gallon — and it’s getting higher.

So… Obama is scared… because he controls the gas prices… but the gas prices are going up before an election… and so his energy policy is a joke… because energy begins and ends on oil.

Have I got that about right?

When gas crested at $3 a gallon under Bush

Oh sorry, should have known. Okay, what’s your “you meanie liberals said mean things about Bush, so your person is like twenty times worse, nyah” spat of projection this week?

, Democrats were quick to put Bush in cahoots with the oil companies.

Because he was.

It never had anything to do with gas prices, it had to do with partially invading sovereign nations to directly aid the companies of close personal friends and companies owned by major staff. Not to mention all the various financial, regulatory, and other giveaways he threw their way his entire presidency.

But we can see how you got confused and assumed we were just being mean about the high price of gas.

What with you being an idiot and all.

Obama and other Democrats are blaming Wall Street, offering that high gas prices are “bringing families closer together” or that high gas prices are “saving lives.” Nice try. The problem with gas prices is that they affect the lower end of the food chain the most. Poor people have to plan trips to the supermarket or buy gas in parts of a gallon. “I’ll have ½ a gallon.”

For evidence of these statements, please send an inquiry to:

The Center of a Black Hole
c/o Who the Fuck Gives a Shit

Obama touts green energy, but he has not had a single successful example where his policy has worked, and despite the Truth Teams, Obama has wasted billions on “green” energy while people are suffering from a lack of “black” energy — oil and coal.

Now, some may reason this might have just a skonch to do with Republicans actively squashing even the mildest attempts to promote green energy and move us away from oil and coal.

But I ask you, does Obama personally have a long string of successes with Green Energy legislation?

No, thank you, good day, QEmotherfuckingD looney libs! La la la la, I can’t hear you talk about the immense popularity of green energy in the business world. La la la la, drill, baby drill, hee hee, see cause it’s like a sex term and Palin was really hot.

4. Obama now supports super-PACs. Aside from the multitude of flip-flops or blatant “untruths,” Obama has now decided that for the good of the country, he must embrace the idea of “buying his next election.” I suggest that Obama has forgotten that he bought his first election, and that took everything he had, despite a weakening economy, hatred of Bush, and a less than stellar Republican candidate. Obama vowed to raise $1B in order to fight the right, and his newfound support of super-PACs only proves that he’s panicked about raising money and about what he will have to spend to put the genie — his record — back in the bottle.

Yeah! He’s so scared he’s… accepting funds from legal fundraising sources, because only a complete idiot would hamstring themselves against a future opponent with a theoretically infinite pursestring.

Obviously refusing to roll over and play dead for conservatives means you are either Satan X or Courage, the Cowardly Dog.

I’m not entirely sure that even Kev himself knows which one he’s arguing.

5. Obama has feigned shifting right. When a bona fide socialist begins talk of shifting right, you know he’s panicked. Obama no more believes in the private-sector solutions for the economy than he believes that Rosie O’Donnell would skip a meal. Yet he is suddenly offering to cut business taxes. Welcome to Panderville. Many of Obama’s panic moves will showcase the complete hypocrisy of what he campaigned on or truly believes, and how far he is willing to go to remain in power.

Evidence for any of this?

His Ass
c/o The Wild Delusions that Visit his Mind Every Time he Binges on the Weekly Delivery from the Local Meth Dealer

6. Obama began the Truth Teams, dismantling Attack Watch. Renaming Attack Watch is like renaming the Department of War the Defense Department. Attack Watch was a dismal failure, because the truth is not an attack.

Truth, various baldfaced and obvious lies no longer fact-checked by our absentee bought and sold media. Same thing.

Also resisting our slurs and actually campaigning like… like… some politician running for re-election is um… uh…


Renaming Attack Watch “Truth Team” now allows Obama to stamp out the truth wherever it may occur. Obama is deathly afraid of the unvarnished truth. The Truth Team’s assignment is to varnish it. So now Obama was for Keystone XL and the 20,000 jobs that it didn’t create. High gas prices are good for the economy in the form of higher revenues and more lives saved, due to less driving. Welfare is good for the economy, actually generating $1.85 return for every $1 spent. That’s the truth, and they’re sticking with it.

Yes, you show your absolute contempt for accuracy and reality, by daring to accurately report the reality that welfare produces $1.85 for every $1 spent instead of reporting the fact I found from the homeless man who lives in my trash can that found that every dollar spent on welfares instantly removes $14 billion trillion gazillion dollars from every white taxpayer and kills 12.3 born children.

Pro-tip, don’t try and pick a fight against reality and lose in the same paragraph you’re trying to slam someone for their supposed loose attitude towards the truth.

7. Obama is changing his slogan. Realizing that “Yes We Can” has turned into “Well, I Thought We Could,” and that “hope and change” now applies to getting rid of him, Obama must adjust his catchphrases. Obama’s handlers are testing various new sayings, but the bad news is that nothing is sticking. The new phrases being tested are “Winning the Future,” “Greater Together,” and “We Don’t Quit,” and Obama has begun lacing these in his speeches, but none are resonating, which is why Obama is panicking.

Why, it’s almost like 2012 is a different election than 2008 and repeating the same old slogans would make a candidate look lazy, disconnected, and dispassionate.

Yup, sure is a sign of panicking to engage in no-duh campaign strategies.

I’m not sure how it works on your home planet, but on Earth, trying to win your re-election with common sense competent campaigning isn’t a sign of panicked incompetence.

Though, if conservatives have decided to turn against trying to win an election as “one more thing tainted by Obama’s touch”, that would explain the clown-shoes operations of the current Republican front-runners.

8. Obama’s foreign policy strategy is in shambles. Generally when a president has such a weak domestic agenda, he may be able to recover based on decent foreign policy. This is not the case with Obama. Obama’s foreign policy has made America weak and the laughingstock of the world. It was said when Obama was elected that the world would love us, which has proven simply not the case. Obama has revealed himself to be much worse than Bush in foreign policy, and he has created havoc all over North Africa and the Middle East. China and Russia are positioning to remove the dollar as the international monetary standard, which would devastate the U.S. economy. Their recent decision not to support the U.S. in the U.N. with respect to Syria proves that the Obama administration is not taken seriously. Foreign policy will be a huge influence on Obama’s re-election chances, which is why he will try about anything to shore things up before November.

Yeah, I gotta give him that, Obama will have little to run on in terms of foreign policy. I mean, all he’s got is killing Osama bin Laden, recent movement on North Korea, a quick and efficient skirmish in Libya (rationale for getting involved not withstanding), tactful handling of the Somalian hostage situation, improved standing and regard around the world, restarted motion on nuclear disarmament, and a number of good-looking global initiatives especially with regards to women.

I guess he’ll just have to cede the argument to the formidable foreign policy chops of… hmmm… uh… I think Gingrich might have traveled to Greece once on holiday… maybe?

9. Obama is talking tough. As the saying goes, the shallower the stream, the louder the babble. Most people recognize that the bigmouth at the bar is far from the toughest, yet Obama all but guaranteed that he will serve “five more years” while on a Spanish-language radio program. It is difficult to balance tough talk with “It’s Bush’s fault.” Further, Obama’s constant and incessant apologies (and bowing) don’t jibe with the tough talk. Again, this is a strategy that will likely backfire for Obama, as most people have begun to realize that the tough talker is generally weak, and Obama is no exception.

I gotta admit, conservatives have an unparalleled ability to take meaningless obvious horseshit at the time it was brought up and obsess about it years, even decades later.

Obama did a formal bow at an event back in 2009? Well, that makes him a coward today! Sure, arguing this made us look like inbred monkeys back in 2009, but why not re-air it in 2012? I’m sure it’s just as fresh!

Also, I’d like to meet the fictional Barack Obama that wingnuts talk about. He kinda sounds badass, like a cross between Malcolm X and Shaft.

Obama: He will pimpslap a bitch.

10. There is no real improvement in any sector in America. Obama’s biggest problem is that the economy is being held together with paperclips and Band-Aids. The fragile nature of things does not bode well, so even the slightest uptick in inflation will wreak havoc on the deficit. The prospect for jobs will not improve between now and the election, so the media is the only potential distraction from real unemployment north of 15 percent. Another budget crisis is looming, and most of Obama’s policies are under attack in multiple states.


Just ignore that things have slightly (emphasis on slightly) improved. Also ignore that Republicans have actively blocked any attempt at relieving the current Depression redux. Also ignore that Republicans and conservatives have been trying to deny the existence of even a recession when they aren’t trying to blame it all on Obama. Additionally, that Republican economic policy and the ultra rich were directly responsible for plunging the economy into a Hellscape it has scarce begun to recover from. Ignore that Republicans have been openly running on deliberately sinking the economy directly because they hope to run on “the economy is bad” against Obama. Ignore that Republicans forgot to do it privately and gave repeated public interviews and continue to openly argue that they are doing it. And ignore that Republicans have been directly responsible for every single budget crisis and have repeatedly held the economy hostage for their various temper tantrums.


Probably also didn’t help that the entire Republican Party has been spending the last 4 years whining that the only thing wrong about the economy is that rich people aren’t allowed to keep all of it and generally trying to defend the Galtian Masters of the Universe from even the most tepid criticisms of the Little People whose lives have been so crushed by said created Depression.

Oh well, I’m sure you can get started fixing that for the 2016 election.

Obama has much to be concerned about, despite being “The Money-Giver” to the poor. Americans have reached the end, and words just won’t cut it. Further, Americans have tired of style and want substance. I believe that the new bumper stickers might be “You Had Your Chance!”

Yeah liberals! If our election chances looked as dismal as yours, we’d be drowning our sorrows in cheap alcohol as we speak! And we’d be weeping openly at the terrible participation in your primaries and the terrible choices you have for a potential nominee and the various embarassing/cringe-inducing things they say and we’d look in the mirror and cuss out the stupid freak we saw. Cause it looked like a good idea, it really did. The Tea Party needed some black faces to shove in front of cameras so they could pretend the Segregation Supporter Family Reunion gatherings were totally not all-white. All I needed to do was sell my soul and now I can’t stop. I photoshop myself into various badass action poses just to feel less like a complete chump. Oh god, if only I wasn’t too much of a coward to pull the trigger! SOB!

is what I would say if I was a stupid liberal like you. Yeah. Definitely.

Oh hey, a distraction!


Did Obama Crime Machine Kill Andrew Breitbart?

It took LA a week to declare the cause of death for Whitney Houston but they knew two hours after Andrew Breitbart’s death that it was natural and they told the world as fast as they could. Andrew said he would release footage that would hurt Obama and now the alternative media gadfly is dead. It goes on and on and if that film does not get released in full I call it shenanigans.

I don’t even know where to-


Just no.

What the fuck is wrong with you Alex Jones?

I mean I know you are campaigning against the Timecube guy for most batshit person in the world, but c’mon, have some fucking professional standards!


Comments: 300

Random passer by

Life’s just little bit harder for you isn’t it dear?


Obama’s foreign policy strategy is in shambles.

So far in shambles that Osama Bin Laden’s dead, Muammar Qaddafi’s dead, Raul Castro’s going capitalist and the North Koreans are talking about disarmament. Everything your last chickenhawk-in-chief couldn’t come close to accomplishing in eight years, our guy’s done in less than four.

(GOD, that has to be KILLING them. Especially the Osama thing).

It was said when Obama was elected that the world would love us, which has proven simply not the case.

All that sentence proves is that you haven’t set foot outside of the United States or spoken to a foreigner since the 2008 election, if ever.

Obama has revealed himself to be much worse than Bush in foreign policy, and he has created havoc all over North Africa and the Middle East.

1) If by “havoc” you mean “people actually demanding representation in their government for the first time in most of their lives,” bring on the havoc. A little revolution now and then, it is a healthy thing, no?

2) That’s right, Obama personally mind-controlled that Tunisian kid into setting himself on fire and igniting a revolution. Probably thinks he can mind-control us conservatives next, aheh heh! But you see, we’re too smart for him. We don’t have minds for him to control! WOLVERINES!!!

China and Russia […] recent decision not to support the U.S. in the U.N. with respect to Syria proves that the Obama administration is not taken seriously.

FUCK A DUCK!!! China and Russia refused to support the United States at the UN!!! Unpossible! God, this would never have happened under Reagan. Or Bush. They took them seriously, they did.

Foreign policy will be a huge influence on Obama’s re-election chances

I hate to break it to you, but no one gives a fuck about foreign policy right now. (Which is the default setting for the American electorate, by the way). That may chance – things like another 9/11, or war with Iran, would certainly focus the public’s attention. Barring that, though, no one’s interested in whether or not you think Moscow and Beijing “take America seriously,” let alone whether the world loves us. They’ve got bigger and more immediate problems. (You know, the ones you promised to address in your little teabagger uprising and never came back to).


Obama is going to win this election with the biggest landslide in history. The GOP is now against BIRTH CONTROL? They WANT to be crushed. There is no other explanation.


Okay. I got to here before I needed to post.

A country that requires you to know English should not have a sitting president with a Spanish-language website.

Which country is that, exactly?

Really? Requires? Hmm.


But when I got to here,

Obama’s energy policy is pure comedy. When Obama took office, gasoline averaged $1.89. Gasoline is now at its highest point in history, averaging $3.65 a gallon — and it’s getting higher.

and here,

When gas crested at $3 a gallon under Bush

I just had to call bullshit.

Yoo-hoo! Oh, Bullshit!

Shame it only goes back six years.

I also wanted to repost something I said elsewhere, but was brought to mind by the numbnuttiness up there.

Of course, it’s all Obama’s fault.

Forget that the number of drilling rigs in the US has quadrupled since Obama came in. Forget that the US is set to be a net fuel exporter for the first time in sixty years. Forget that the ridiculous oil prices are despite a fifteen year low in demand. Forget that the price spike is caused by speculators acting on fears of supply disruption fanned by the right wing’s chants of “death to Iran.”

It’s all Obama’s fault.

I’m sure the rest of the snippets will poke me in the aneurism further.


Oh, boy, are this man’s African roots shallow !

A nitpick :
The word “Bantu” is
a) a linguistic term for a group of languages including Zulu and Xhosa
b) an insult to SAfricans along the lines of our ka**ir or your ni**er. Widely used by the apartheid regime to describe black people.

So, maybe he should have stuck to his area of expertise which is ?

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Suezboo said,
March 2, 2012 at 10:11

Oh, boy, are this man’s African roots shallow !
A nitpick :
The word “Bantu” is

a) a linguistic term for a group of languages including Zulu and Xhosa
b) an insult to SAfricans along the lines of our ka**ir or your ni**er. Widely used by the apartheid regime to describe black people.
So, maybe he should have stuck to his area of expertise which is ?

Well, you beat me to it while I was finishing the post, but I’ll just add my reply anyway:

“Swahili OR Bantu”? Has Swahili been evicted from the Bantu family and I hadn’t heard about it?

I know linguistic ignorance is de rigueur in the US—you wouldn’t believe the people I encounter who think Romanian (or Hungarian(!)) is Slavic, or that Finnish is Scandinavian, or that they speak Spanish in Brazil—but for someone of African descent this is just embarrassing.


Why not develop a website in Swahili or Bantu?

As Suzeboo has just observed. Bantu is
a) a linguistic term for a group of languages including Zulu and Xhosa
… the most widely-used being Swahili.
Our man has written the equivalent of “Why not develop a website in Indo-European or English?”



The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Don’t sweat it, Smut. We’ll all three be lost in the shuffle when everybody wakes up tomorrow, anyway. I was just having trouble getting to sleep and as George Carlin said: “waiting for the druuuugs to take effect.”

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Wait a tic. Breitbart’s dead?


Yeah. Hard to believe, ain’t it?

Generally, it seems like the meaner you are, the longer you live.


haha very rev, I hear ya. shoulda trusted the shorter this time for sure.

and yeah st trotsky, breitbart’s dead. DEAD dead. Oh dear.

trying to decide if I want to wade in the cesspool that is comments at whatchamacallit conservative whatever.


Whistle past the graveyard much, Kev?

Expect to see many many more of these articles this year a conservatives try to persuade their fellow nail-biters that there’s actual hope in November, that the Romney-Paul ticket will prevail and will lead America to another Gilded Age.

Point and laugh. Let them know how stooped they sound


What the fuck is wrong with you Alex Jones?

He has an audience, that’s what. Under any other circumstances, he’d be blogging at American Thicker.


I must say that it gives me giggles when I think of the congress critters as voted for targetted assassination of US citizens going

“d’oh, not breitbart!”



You guys are nasty enough to appreciate this, maybe:

When I first learned that Breitbart was dead a few minutes ago, my first reaction was “good”.

That’s the only time that’s ever happened when I’ve heard of somebody dying. I hope he was a good person in his private life, and I feel bad for whatever family he may have, but all of the guy’s contributions to public life were 100% awful (Unless maybe it’s one of those Garfield situations where he did something useful 30 years ago that I’ve never heard of).


As a matter of fact, gas prices crested under Bush, at $4.16/gal in July 2008:

I know that bringing “fact” into this is irrelevant, but there we are.


This just in:

Breitbart still dead!


millennium hand and shrimp


Re: Yoo-hoo! Oh, Bullshit

Yeah, I thought the same thing. Gas was north of $4.50 here in Cali in the summer of 2008 and I’m fairly sure that Dick Cheney was still president at the time.

Lurking Canadian

I’m still dumbfounded by the suggestion that a slight uptick in inflation will have devastating effects on the deficit.

Either he doesn’t know what inflation is, he doesn’t know what the deficit is, or he doesn’t know what devastation is.


yet Obama all but guaranteed that he will serve “five more years” while on a Spanish-language radio program.

Dur-hur-hur whadda maroon! “Five more years!” If he wins, the election, he will serve until January 20th, 2017, which is only 4 years and 11 months! I suppose he’s going to be “president” of all 57 states, too!


That’s the only time that’s ever happened when I’ve heard of somebody dying.

Chris, as I posted at my blog last evening, he presented himself to the world as a cartoon character, a villain of the first order, and showed no compassion for anyone else who disagreed with him. Fuck him. Glad he’s gone.

Some of said, “what about his family?” Go read my piece. I have enough to say on that, too.


As a matter of fact, gas prices crested under Bush, at $4.16/gal in July 2008

Indeed, the only reason they stopped going up and started coming back down was the economic crisis, a combination of speculators finally realizing they might get caught and the slump in demand forcing prices to bottom out.

We would have been at $5 a gallon that winter, to be certain. I remember when it spiked in that summer, it was going up by quarters each week.


I’m still dumbfounded by the suggestion that a slight uptick in inflation will have devastating effects on the deficit.

I posted last year that we needed to stimulate inflation in order to get the economy moving again. A little pain for each of us is preferable to a lot of pain for a lot of us.


I am not terribly surprised that oil companies and speculators. who would love to have a no oversight Republican administration in the White House, are driving up oil prices as we get closer to the election.


Damn! I was hoping Dennis was Breitbart.


Andrew’s immediate incarnation was into the still-born baby of a poor, single mother whose prenatal healthcare options vanished when the ACORN office closed down in her neighborhood. His soul was conscious long enough to hear her moans of pain; his own agony was severe but brief.

Next up: to be born into an Iraqi family in Fallujah and perish five years from now, burned by white phosphorus, when the US again finds occasion to reduce the city.



I know this is OT, but the Sandra Fluke thing is really pissing me off. It’s not just Limpballs smearing her. Midget-brain Gary Bauer has jumped on it too, making her out to be a sex-crazed slut who wants to force someone else to pay for her contraceptives. He also ridicules her as a cheapskate. First off, she isn’t asking anyone to pay her anything. She attends Georgetown which is a private institution that charges HER fees and tuition. Part of those fees go for a group healthcare plan. She wants the plan to cover prescriptions for contraceptives that she and her doctor determine are needed for her HEALTH. So, isn’t this a case of religious bureaucrats rationing healthcare based on something other than medical necessity? And if the government allows this to happen, isn’t the government bureaucracy doing the exact thing that Conservatards said they were against – arbitrarily rationing healthcare for patients? We need universal single-payer healthcare for all and we need it now. And we need to FUCK THESE FUCKING FUCKERS once and for all.


I’m glad Blightfart is dead and actor is alive and it’s driving Dennis to further depths of insanity.


I’m glad Blightfart is dead and actor is alive and it’s driving Dennis to further depths of insanity.

Much like the Dread Pirate Roberts, actor will never die.


Much like the Dread Pirate Roberts, actor will never die.

In fact, I’ve been giving thought to selling the naming rights.


he didn’t blog-whore

Yes, that’s why he was always circumspect to never mention his websites on the TeeVee and made sure whenever he appeared to have them blanked out on the Chyron.


So, isn’t this a case of religious bureaucrats rationing healthcare based on something other than medical necessity?

This is a case were religious leaders are unable to get their followers to actually follow, so they have convinced the Republicans in Congress to pass a law to force their followers and many who are not their followers to follow.


I know this is OT, but the Sandra Fluke thing is really pissing me off.

Creepy John Derbyshire on Sandra Fluke:

I wasn’t aware that school subsidies for female rutting is part of the Jesuit creed, but no doubt it’s there somewhere in the recorded teachings of St. Ignatius.


I know this is OT, but the Sandra Fluke thing is really pissing me off.

More than it is her, apparently.

I have to admit, $3,000 a year for birth control sounds high, but I’m probably missing something here.


You have to question the sanity of a person who vehemently denies that Obama had anything to do with Osama bin Laden’s death, yet believes body and soul that he arranged for the death of Andrew Breitbart.


yet Obama all but guaranteed that he will serve “five more years” while on a Spanish-language radio program.

The Bill Simmons podcast on is Spanish language now? Holy shit, I’ve been speaking and reading Spanish fluently for over two decades now and nobody thought to tell me!


re: “… he didn’t pretend to be gay”

With O’Keefe he didn’t have to pretend.


The Bill Simmons podcast on is Spanish language now?

It’s an easy mistake to make. Simmons is not known for his enunciation


It doesn’t matter if it’s $3000 a year or $30 a year. It should be in every healthcare plan and available to anyone who’s doctor says needs it.


He was far better at his job than you are at yours.

I seriously doubt that Dennis. And my job is quite a bit tougher.


It doesn’t matter if it’s $3000 a year or $30 a year. It should be in every healthcare plan and available to anyone who’s doctor says needs it.

Yes, but if she’s exaggerating, it diminshes her argument and makes it that much harder to convince the unpersuaded of that simple fact.

It’s like global warming, in that respect.


Upon further review, he was much better at blog-whoring than you are

Yea, but I have a much bigger penis.

Which is why you’re here.


Brietbart is dead?!

Dennis is dead?!?!



Yes, and not yet, but gimme a few more weeks


Re: “…but if she’s exaggerating”

I admit I don’t have enough knowledge of what various contraceptive pills cost. As a member of the male species and not in the medical or pharma industries, I simply dont know. However, since she uses them, I defer somewhat to her having a more realistic grasp of that than Rush or Gary Bauer or actor212. I never estimated that they cost $3000. If she did, then great, she can defend that, not I. I did say and continue to say that I don’t care what they cost and that all healthcare plans should provide them.


I predict the existence or possibility of Time-Magnets, and posit that their workings are confusing.


If she did, then great, she can defend that, not I.

Actually, I went to price it out, since I asked the question anyway, and as you point out, I don’t have a fucking clue.

Off prescription, Yaz (a popular brand, so I’m told) retails in the US at $92 a month. OK, so that’s $1200 a year. I’m assuming there’s some medical costs involved with a doctor’s visit at least annually.

Any of the women here– you can chime in, too, DenDen– care to fill in the blanks?


I once had to go to the dump to retrieve a full prescription after someone threw it away. Really just a transfer station but after successfully picking through a dumpster in mid eighties weather I clearly remember that I was saving $146. That she pays 50% more than average is no surprise to me.


If the general public sees recently-dead conservatives (for ex.) treated with respect, and recently-dead liberals (for ex.) treated poorly, many will conclude that the former are the more respectable. We lose this game by doing the right thing in holding our tongues awhile.

Most people are dead, and sooner or later we have to start speaking ill of them. Voices like Limbaugh and Breitbart begin at once because that’s the best time to leverage their media influence. The end goal is that some uncommitted guy goes to work, or to a bar, and hears people badmouthing Ted Kennedy’s fresh corpse (like they would Hitler’s) while speaking reverently of Reagan eight years on. It’s a strategy for a movement that’s allergic to argumentation.

Sorry to rehash all that. Re: Alex Jones, I think the broader goal is to use Breitbart’s death to bolster the idea that Obama has a crime machine. We still encounter moderate cons who reject the more outlandish claims about Clinton while accepting the general premise that Bill and Hillary were/are crime lords.


Medical decisions, including birth control, abortion and sterilization, are deeply personal issues, and should be confidentially decided between a woman, her doctor, her husband, her God, her clergyman, her family, her Facebook friends, her co-workers, her supervisor, her boss’s boss and his wife, the board of directors, shareholders, their clergymen, and of course her insurance company and their shareholders, clergy and various advisors, the Republican Party, knowledgeable pundits, TV commentators and bloggers as well as their readers, viewers, Twitter-followers and their clergy…

But we sure as hell don’t want some government bureaucrat interfering!

Lurking Canadian

I wasn’t aware that school subsidies for female rutting is part of the Jesuit creed, but no doubt it’s there somewhere in the recorded teachings of St. Ignatius.

These unspeakable fuckers. “Female rutting”? Seriously? On the one hand, I’m glad they are finally rvealing their true colours. On the other hand, holy shit dude. You thought a sneerig reference to “female rutting” was a way to win hearts and minds?

Didn’t any of these creatures have parents?


It took LA a week to declare the cause of death for Whitney Houston but they knew two hours after Andrew Breitbart’s death that it was natural and they told the world as fast as they could.

What is this “LA” he is talking about? Is there some collective identity that speaks for the city?

Note that the first mention of ‘natural causes’ came from Breitbart’s own spokespeople.


Note that the first mention of ‘natural causes’ came from Breitbart’s own spokespeople.

But only because Obama was holding a gun to their heads.


Didn’t any of these creatures have parents?

Yes. Dad and his rutter.


Stupid dog!!!

(I really miss ‘Courage, the Cowardly Dog.’ I adored that show D:)

Privatize the Profits! Socialize the Costs!

When gas crested at $3 a gallon under Bush

Sadly, No! Gas crested at $4 a gallon under Bush.

You could look it up!

Oh, I forgot, actual ‘facts’ are irrelevant to wingnuts.


Is there some collective identity that speaks for the city?

You are Borg. Didn’t anyone tell you?


It’s simple. L.A. Reid speaks for Los Angeles, and Babyface speaks for babies. (His oft-misunderstood name implies as much.)

Pupienus Maximus

This could lead to the logic that the president is supposed to be the president of all Americans..

I do not think that word “logic” means what you think it means.

Also, IMAX called, they have a position for you.


I really miss ‘Courage, the Cowardly Dog.’ I adored that show

Me too.

Pupienus Maximus

Obama has not chosen to pander to any other potential immigrant voting bloc, which could have many Africans up in arms.

The fighting in Somalia, Nigeria, Libya, Senegal and elsewhere in Africa is because of Hussein Obama’s pandering to the spics?

Random passer by

You know, if you keep stroking your shotgun that way, you’re going to make a mess.

Pupienus Maximus

I really miss ‘Courage, the Cowardly Dog.’ I adored that show

Represent! And Wishbone too also.


OT: GQ did an interview with Ted Haggard. It’s moderately interesting but gets especially interesting (and kind of sad) near the end:

For the first time since we’ve met, Ted isn’t looking directly at me. “Here’s where I really am on this issue,” he half whispers. “I think that probably, if I were 21 in this society, I would identify myself as a bisexual.” After a weekend of Ted trying to convince me of his unambiguous devotion to his wife and kids, I’m at first too surprised to say anything.

“So why not now?” I ask finally.

“Because, Kevin, I’m 54, with children, with a belief system, and I can have enforced boundaries in my life. Just like you’re a heterosexual but you don’t have sex with every woman that you’re attracted to, so I can be who I am and exclusively have sex with my wife and be perfectly satisfied.”

“But what does it have to do with being 54?”

“Life!” he says. “We live an ordinary life.”

It’s the most intimate exchange we’ve had, and the confession strikes me first as sad, then as nakedly honest, the kind of thing I kept wishing he would say to Oprah or Larry King or any of the other people who have demanded explanations of his muddled sexuality. In a way, hearing Ted talk about his self-imposed boundaries makes it easier to understand how he can seem so fulfilled with his new, cleaned-up life. These days what Ted craves is not total sexual satisfaction but exactly the things he used to have—a church, a loving wife, camping trips with his boys—and getting those things back will require amputating part of who he is and what he might, at some point, have wanted.


Nym, that story reminds me of the recent stories about how Darth Cheney, Mike Bloomberg and Ken Mehlman have been lobbying for marriage equality in Maryland. Cheney because of his daughter, I suppose, Bloomberg because it’s the right thing to do, but for Mehlman, it’s because he has finally come out of the closet as gay, to the shock and surprise of absolutely no one, and he wants to put a band-aid on the sucking chest-wound of his conscience. Mehlman now says, “I can’t change the fact that I wasn’t in this place personally when I was in politics, and I genuinely regret that. It was very hard, personally,” which is fine, but, you know what? too late is too late. He knew damn well who he was, and what he was back when he was pushing the homophobe agenda for his party masters, and it didn’t matter. He could have made a difference then. Now? It’s just sad.


Yeah. I’m torn between contempt for Haggard’s actions and a certain amount of pity at just how much he had to… not sure how to phrase this– “lie to himself” only starts to cover it. “Deny himself”, maybe? The amputation comment in the interview is apt.


I don’t have a whole lot of sympathy. He didn’t “agonize” about whether to come out of the closet; he was forced out. If the story had never come out, he would still be standing at the pulpit, denouncing the gays, telling them they had to pray it away or else burn in hell, telling their parents how awful and evil their gay children are, all the while arranging meetups with rentboys to snort meth and have his dick sucked.

The capos don’t get sympathy just because they now see how evil it was to herd their neighbors into the ovens


She said $1000US a year for three years.


Kevin has to be the least self-aware black man in Amurka, or a deceitful shill for his ‘handlers’. Either choice is correct. Brightfart’s death- wow, sure didn’t see that coming, eh? I guess if one’s heart blows a gasket, because too much cocaine has been applied to it, it’s pretty ‘natural, that you would die. I got no sympathy for him, or his family. He had no misgivings about the impact his fabricated smear campaigns had on the families of those he destroyed- whether it was Shirley Sherrod, or all those folks assisted by ACORN, or Planned Parenthood. BTW, Where’s that ‘bookmark it, libs’ clown at? He and Kev ought to get together and create the seminal fail document for the Rethuglikkkans- it would be awesome!


I don’t care about Ted Haggard’s personal life and never have. It’s his public advocacy for repressing people and denying their civil liberties based on sexual orientation that he needs to account for. So he’s suffering by voluntarily wearing the hair shirt of sexual repression and I’m supposed to care? I’m not arsed to find out, but unless he’s an open and public advocate for equality, then he just continues to be a bigot beneath contempt and undeserving of sympathy.


Courage, the Cowardly Dog was cool before the characters started talking


She said $3000 for three years, i.e., $1000 a year.

And yes, you must have a pelvic exam and PAP smear before they’ll renew your perscription.


I have to admit, $3,000 a year for birth control sounds high, but I’m probably missing something here.

Yes, you are missing something. She said it was $3000 for multiple years – I think it was three years but I can’t find the source. And with doctor’s visits and the full retail price of a prescription, yes, it could certainly cost that much.


<a href=""Shorter Daniel "Baby Dough" Foster, NRO:

Slut-Gate and Gentlemanliness

It was ungentlemanly to call that poor misguided tramp a slut, but Robert Byrd was in the KKK Bill Maher said it first. And really if these trollops would shut up about their “rights” already then poor put-upon Rush Limbaugh wouldn’t have to scold them.


When I first learned that Breitbart was dead a few minutes ago, my first reaction was “good”.

That’s the only time that’s ever happened when I’ve heard of somebody dying.

Yup. Same here. Mum taught me not to delight in someone else’s loss, but Breitblart’s twatters about Ted Kennedy’s death reminded me that there are some obvious exceptions. I’ve kinda been waiting for this. Lawd, take Limbaugh next, now that you’re listening…

Breitblart never showed up for an interview without reeking of last night’s (or the few night’s before) boozy sweat or bothering to shower and shave. He had total contempt for his audience–the audience flipping the fuck out that there are people that don’t want to promote him to sainthood.

Blart would’ve been kicked to the fringes of an Occupy camp, like the smelly, squawking hobo he was.

So fuck his wife and kids too. Fuck ’em. I know that I’ll be happy when Limbaugh dies. Why pretend manners anymore? FUCK ‘EM!


Yep. The Democrats are so terrified of a match up with the current Republican clown show that they are all crying, “Please don’t throw me in the briar patch, Br’er Fox!”

Andrew Breitbart

How the fuck did I become a gay Mormon?




How the fuck did I become a gay Mormon?

Posthumous baptism. Deal with it.


Do dead gay Mormons wear assless Temple garments?


Tornadoes in Bransonbiblebelt.

God Hates Everyone!


From Foster:

The outrage against Rush is highly selective. He considers himself an entertainer, and routinely says outrageous and/or un-PC things in the service of being provocative (in both the good and bad senses of that word). By rights, anything he says should be judged against the standard of liberal political entertainers like Bill Maher, Janine Garafalo, or if you like, Keith Olbermann.

Rush is an impotent drug addict.

I still got the humor skillz.


Submitted without comment because words fail.

“Welcome to “The Obama Sutra” – an outrageously funny and potentially useful book containing tastefully illustrated marital, pre-marital, extra-marital and extraterrestrial lovemaking positions inspired by the words and deeds of Barack Obama.”

Marion in Savannah

I have to admit, $3,000 a year for birth control sounds high, but I’m probably missing something here.

It’s not just for the birth control. You gotta see the doc to get the prescription, and if there is anything even slight odd looking if you’re young they’ll have you in there 3 times a year for colposcopies. Been there and done that, and that cost north of $300 or $400 each time 30 years ago. Christ only knows what they charge now.


anything he says should be judged against the standard of liberal political entertainers like Bill Maher, Janine Garafalo, or if you like, Keith Olbermann.

OK, I agree.

The next time any one of those defames a private citizen for exercising her right of free speech, I’ll judge them.


2. Obama started a Spanish-language website.
Now, most people would call this clever; however, this move could backfire and is a pure sign that Obama knows he is in trouble.
A country that requires you to know English should not have a sitting president with a Spanish-language website.
It would seem to be pandering to the massive non-English-speaking population of Latinos.

The White House had Spanish-language websites under the Cheney administration, although our man here is too locked up in lies as to be worth the 30 seconds it would require to document the details.
20 seconds on the Goofle found this gem, however:

Spanish-language outreach with an emphasis on Republicans’ social values was critical in President George W. Bush’s wins in the 2000 and 2004 elections. As NDN reported, “In Florida, during the 2000 presidential election, then-Gov. Bush dramatically outspent then-Vice President Al Gore on Spanish-language media, a move that was critical to Bush winning the presidency. Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s son, George, himself of Mexican descent, was a prominent figure in the ads.”

Our man finds it hard to talk about Obama without using the word “pure” every few sentences. Why is that?


“Anything Rush Limbaugh says should be judged against liberal David Letterman personally raping Sarah Palin’s daughters on national television, which we all know Whoopi Goldberg said was not ‘rape rape.'”


most people have begun to realize that the tough talker is generally weak

Do tell.


Nope. Can’t bring myself to deliver snark over there. Just not into kicking mental infants that much.

Also worked all night, ergo feeling torpid & oblique.

Obama has already said with his bare naked face hanging out that if the voters decide to bust his ass out of the White House he’s totally fine with that (after all, he’s doing one seriously risky & fucked up gig, for MUCH less than he could make just by writing & selling more books). That he appears both eager & delighted at the prospect of serving again for another term – even after the epic tsunami of FUD, filth & hate he’s inspired just by doing his job – has to just cold freak the livin’ day-glo bejesus out of these poor benighted twunts.

Most people are dead, and sooner or later we have to start speaking ill of them.

Dude made a conscious choice to be a cretinous ratfucking griefer in exchange for money & spurious status which he vigorously cadged from other dickheads of a similar ilk. His then having the good taste to snuff it does not negate nor erase what he truly was & did.

PROTIP: The span of that volume of history which vindicates its participants will never be underestimated by them.


anything he says should be judged against the standard of liberal political entertainers like Bill Maher

And Bill Maher was fired for something he said. So now it’s Rush’s turn.


“The outrage against Rush is highly selective. He considers himself an entertainer,”

This line of reasoning always puzzles me. You can be an entertainer and fulfill other roles at the very same time, and in any case, entertainers (including Maher, Garafalo, and Olbermann) aren’t exempted from criticism. The difference is that Rush (and conservatives generally) don’t want to be criticized at all. They routinely call it censorship, fascism, being silenced, etc. I have yet to see Bill Maher take that nonsensical tack in spite of the many times I have seen him inspire criticism. (Of course I don’t follow Maher very closely, but I’d be willing to bet …)


I don’t think Rush should be fired for what he said, nor does every Republican need to refudiate him (although it’s perfectly fair game to criticize any who refuse to do so); however I don’t think it is appropriate for the Amred Forces Radio Network to continue carrying his program. Of course, I don’t think it was EVER appropriate for AFRN to carry Limbaugh, but they have done so faithfully, for years, and I doubt that this will change that.


The “Rush is an entertainer” bit would be more convincing if there was entertainment on his show, but it’s Two Hour Townhall. Maher and Garofalo tell jokes for a living, Rush does not. I can’t say I give a shit about Olbermann…


I’m sure it’s been said a bazillion times, but I’m really sick of seeing (as in most of the comments at NRO) the argument framed as “free” contraceptives. I don’t know about you guys, but my health insurance costs me:

1. As a trade-off with my monetary compensation.
2. In my own cash contributions to the cost of my policy every pay period.
3. In co-pays on doctor visits and prescriptions.

Furthermore, if I ever end up using it for something not-universal, that doesn’t mean I’m getting some sweet bonus at everyone else’s expense; that’s the essential purpose of a risk pool.


I think your death-camp analogy is a little weak: this person is more on the order of a Jew spared quick and brutal execution who tells his fellow-inmates to work harder and with a cheerful spirit so that the Germans will come around and treat them better….


She said $1000US a year for three years.

And that’s what I get for taking the MSM at face value. Sorry.


She said $1000US a year for three years

$83.33 a month?!?! What a slut!


Do dead gay Mormons wear assless Temple garments?

Magic G strings.

Altho in Breitbart’s case, they’d make an exception


liberal David Letterman personally raping Sarah Palin’s daughters on national television

Yes, that really was a bit of television spectacular, wasn’t it? I remember how striking their costumes were.And the soundtrack that went along with it. But why did Bristol decide to wear the gorilla costume?


$83.33 a month?!?! What a slut!

It’s true! If only she’d gone to Canada, where it’s only a dollar a day, no one would ever have judged her a slut.


Totally OT but it’s a Friday afternoon, so…is there anything better than bourbon?



I understand some folks get ’em free, and that it’s off-topic, but condoms are actually pretty expensive. Daily sex (not my scene) with condoms would cost roughly as much as cable TV.


Not to change the topic but Aeon Flux sucked when the characters started talking too.


Daily sex (not my scene) with condoms would cost roughly as much as cable TV.

Yes but I don’t have to call the TV a cab in the morning.



Does Rush have kids?


Ditto Tom & Jerry


I know this is OT, but the Sandra Fluke thing is really pissing me off.

The Whackyweedia entry on Tom Wolfe provides an insight into the views of social conservatives and their obsessive rumination over the lifestyles of college kids, which might explain why Fluke’s testimony triggered them so violently:

“I Am Charlotte Simmons” […] met with a mostly tepid response by critics but won praise from many social conservatives, who saw the book’s disturbing account of college sexuality as revealing moral decline.

Also too, whenever Rush et al. tell us that ‘honour killings’ in islamic countries of women perceived as immoral are proof that the entire populations there are vile stone-age scum, it’s time to remember that Republican thinking is always about projection.


Does Rush have kids?

No. Three or four marriages and no spawn. He was once detained by customs when he returned from a boy-sex tourism haven with someone else’s Viagra prescription, but I’m sure there’s nothing weird about him sexually.


March 2, 2012 at 22:26 (kill)

Totally OT but it’s a Friday afternoon, so…is there anything better than bourbon?


I watched a show a while back that explained how to make your own bacon bourbon, it was surprisingly easy:

Cook bacon

Combine bacon and burbon in a sealed container, leave over night, or a couple days — I can’t remember exactly.

Strain the bacon out

Freeze resulting concoction. The fat will solidify on top.

Strain the fat out, and re-bottle.

Easy peasy!


Ditto Tom & Jerry

Cat and mice can’t reproduce with each other. I’m not sure if either has children from another relationship.


I watched a show a while back that explained how to make your own bacon bourbon, it was surprisingly easy:

Does this work for tofu? Asking for tigris.


Cat and mice can’t reproduce with each other



Have you ever tried to fuck a mouse?


Does this work for tofu? Asking for tigris.

I think making bacon tofu would kind of defeat the purpose of being vegetarian.


What? No! I was just using that Viagra for . . . an experiment.


Does Rush have kids?

Fortunately the planet has been spared the vile hellspawn that would be the result of Rush reproducing.


Wait. Wha . . .

I’d like to boycott Rush, but I thought he was sponsored by AOL access to teh “internet” or a clean (non-liebral) water tap. Maybe I haven’t listened for a long time.

Who sponsors this fuck anymore? Also, why?


What? No! I was just using that Viagra for . . . an experiment.

Involving young Dominican boys.


5thKolumnisto said,

March 2, 2012 at 23:01 (kill)

Wait. Wha . . .

I’d like to boycott Rush, but I thought he was sponsored by AOL access to teh “internet” or a clean (non-liebral) water tap. Maybe I haven’t listened for a long time.

Who sponsors this fuck anymore? Also, why?

Looks like he’s losing some advertisers over it.


Obama is described privately as a thin-skinned hot-head when it comes to questioning his policies, or anything else, for that matter.

Ten seconds ago, I whispered to myself, “Kevin Jackson blows goats.”

So does that mean Kevin Jackson is described privately as a goat-blower?

Ah, passive voice. What would mush-brained hacks do without you?


I also heard that Kevin Jackson blows goats, and likes to ogle kindergärtners.

Oooh, look, now Kevin is publicly described as a goat blowing pervy perv!


2. Obama started a Spanish-language website.

Soy Mitt Romney.


Some people say that Kevin Jackson blows goats.


Ah, the passive voice. Is there anything that can’t be done by it?

Obama is described privately as a thin-skinned hot-head
I took this as a subtle reminder of the rarefied circles in which Kevin moves, and his privileged access to the most confidential of insider information.


There are multiple rumors on the internet–two on this site alone!–about Kevin Jackson blowing goats. It would be irresponsible not to speculate.


Kevin Jackson has not denied the presistent rumors that he blows goats…


I think El Rushbo is actually going to take some damage over this one. You see, as Don Imus sorta discovered, you can’t say things like that about college girls, even if you’re a professional right-wing asshole who is used to saying things like that about people. Because college girls? They have daddies. A lot of whom listen to right-wing radio assholes, or at least they do up until the point said asshole expounds at length upon why their daughter is a whore.


rosebud: I’m sorry you lost your sweetie to such a terrible disease. May your best times together be ever green and fresh in your memory.

Laughter has a healing power too. May frequent visits to Sadlyville also be as a balm for your hurt.


She said $1000US a year for three years.

Ah, that makes sense, since IIRC the cost without insurance for birth control is right in the $100-120 range. (I cough up $30/month for mine with insurance.)


I read several times on a very credible website that Kevin Jackson blows goats. It must be true.


I think making bacon tofu would kind of defeat the purpose of being vegetarian.

Use Bacon Salt instead. (It’s vegetaran– probably even vegan if you don’t get the Cheddar Bacon Salt– and kosher. No shit!)


The proof mounts.

Hey, what’s Kevin Jackson’s favourite band?

The Mounting Goats.


Cerb: Thanx for the Shorter!

Also, where did you get your medical degree? (I assume you have one because you are a surgeon when it comes to slicing and dicing wingnuttery.)


Well, that spares me the trouble of searching out more Mountain Goats.

Pupienus Maximus

It is amusing to think that “BEHAVE” was the entirety of Blartfart’s valedictory. He went out as he lived, attackig others for his own faults.


Up next on Fox News: Does Kevin Jackson blow goats? Opinion is divided. We report; you decide.


Does anyone remember what a whiny bitch Limbaugh turned into when he slimed Donovan McNabb on ESPN and got fired for it? I think we’re about to see a repeat performance…


The whining maybe. The firing, no. Small potatoes.


Bitter Scribe said,

March 3, 2012 at 1:17 (kill)

Does anyone remember what a whiny bitch Limbaugh turned into when he slimed Donovan McNabb on ESPN and got fired for it? I think we’re about to see a repeat performance…

I don’t think so. I mean really, is anybody truly shocked, (shocked I tell you!) that the Limp one is both racist and sexist? He’ll lose some money over it and it’ll all be forgotten soon.

That Kevin Jackson guy and his goat blowing though, that is a scandal that’s going to stick. Did you hear somebody’s got pictures? That’s what I heard.


Does “Soy Mitt Romney” come in bacon flavour?


Yeah, and, to anyone who thinks we should be “respectful” or “refrain from criticizing” someone just because they’re suddenly taking an unscheduled dirt-nap (I’m looking at you, Lawrence O’Donnell), Ask yourself: how many “nice things” would you find to say if that were Rushbo in the box instead of Blightbart? Or would you just refrain from commenting on his passing? Like hell. If you aren’t dancing in the streets singing “Ding-Ding The Witch Is Dead” you have no soul.


Awwwww Fenwick thank you so much sweetie. You know I do visit Sadlyville every day, and I consider you all my buds even though I’ve never posted here much before.

It is humor that gets me through the day. And this place has some of the best.

Damnit, now I’m tearin up again haha. But in a good way.

That guy made me laugh every damn day. And I think he would like to know I was here, he thought it was so cute that I spent time online talking to people.

This Kevin Jackson guy is quite the vigilante wannabe isn’t he? What a maroon haha.

“Conservatives are cool” omfg haha. Yeah that’s one badass pose. Very Snoop Dogg hehe.

You know what this thread needs? More POOP jokes. And a visit from fake Gary. I’ve never been more entertained than by the trolls that come in here.

Also, Alex Jones – make a decision already – are you a raging rightie or a loonie leftie? Come on dude, the LaRouchies are waiting with bated breath.

Holy crap. Heard something on the Thom Hartmann show today about – what? the Sovereign Citizen movement. Some guy called in and raved for about 5 minutes and I didn’t understand a damn word he said.

Massive entertainment out there without even trying.

Keepin on keepin on every day. You know I will visit teh Sadlies. Keeps me sane and with the mangoes stowed safely in the back of the boat.



Goat blowing has crested under the tyranny of Obama.


Kevin Jackson: The Next Generation Of Caprine Fellation!

Pupienus Maximus

I just heard from a very credible source that Kevin Jackson blows goats.


Poor goats. Really. Talk about your non-consensual sex haha.


If you aren’t dancing in the streets singing “Ding-Ding The Witch Is Dead” you have no soul.

I think this song is better myself. (Personally, I want to hear the Heartland Men’s Chorus do a rendition of it when Fred Phelps cacks it.)


I just heard from a very credible source that Kevin Jackson blows goats.

I won’t believe it until I’ve seen his long form chupacabras certificate. (suck/blow, just semantics, unless the subject is harmonicas)


Just to be clear: I meant a repeat of the whining, not the firing. Of course Clear Channel Communications, or whoever those assholes are, will never get rid of this guy.

A Journal of the Plague Year

Not only did I blurt “HAha!” when I saw the news of Bleitbart’s passing, I also did a jig of joy when Lee Atwater succombed to a painful brain tumor. I’m not saying that I’m *proud* of this, simply that it feels so fucking good to see bad things happen to bad people for once .

As for widows…anyone married to a piece of work like Brietbart or Atwater deserves no sympathy. And children? They’ll grow up to be welfare wingnuts, so fuck ’em in advance.

A Journal of the Plague Year

And this thing about Kevin Jackson and goats? If I hadn’t heard about it from a couple of credible sources, I would never have believed something so shocking and appalling…


My reaction was surprise, followed by “Hell’s full of such”, followed by more surprise when I found out he was only 43. (I thought he was around 56.)


Once Micky Kaus hears about Kevin Jackson traipsing afoot in Kaus’ back fourty, expect salt peter and shotguns. Or a club might be started, but I don’t see Micky as the sharing type.


The mainstream media has been completely silent regarding the numerous reports that Kevin Jackson blows goats. Clearly a high-level cover-up is underway, orchestrated by a sinister cabal of influential goat-blowers.


Somebody get this Kevin Jackson guy off of me!


I liked it when he referred to poor people as part of the “food chain.” That kind of candor is always refreshing.


he referred to poor people as part of the “food chain.”


Yeah, Obama is tossing and turning in his sweaty White House boudoir, agonizing over his chances against the likes of…Rick Santorum? Uh…yeah, THAT’LL happen.


Squeaky: That turn-of-phrase struck me too.

On the Dancin’ On the Graves question: I will do a happy jig over Cheney and Rumsfeld. (If I am spared, I’ll also go all Happy Feets over Dubya, Rove, Gonzalez, Addington, Yoo, Bybee, Feith, and Wolfowitz.)

I’m in one of my cranky-about-war-criminals moods tonight. I suppose I should be glad that Obama’s DOJ and the Congressional Democrats took all that unseemly torture unpleasantness completely off the table in the earliest months of his presidency.


A gøat once bit my sister.

Mynd you, gøat bites Kan be pretty nasti…


A gøat once bit my sister.

Mynd you, gøat bites Kan be pretty nasti…

Tell me about it. And its damn hard to bandage up that area – everytime I go through the country, I’m in danger of tearing out the stitch.


er, stitches. Lots of stiches. Yeah. I mean, when you are equipped with this sort of goat-rope, I can’t go near the petting zoo without a fully equipped team of plastic surgeons on standby!

Ummm, or so I would speculate…


Actually, the “43 years old” thing is somewhat annoying. I don’t have the $13k / week in revolution powder, but I could sho’ nuff be healthier.

But while I do feel sorry for the kids, they can be absolved of his stoopidity, as stated in greater detail above, the wife can pound sand and I hope Shirley Sherrod loots that estate. She, by the way, released a quite gracious statement, and she is a much better human than I.


Soy Mitt Romney is incredibly appropriate since like tofu he takes up the flavor of any sauce he encounters.


Want to wish you well, rosebuddear. Having cracked up online recently, I’m feeling kinda jinxy; but wish you comfort, nevertheless.


rosebuddear, please accept best wishes.


Alex Jones – make a decision already – are you a raging rightie or a loonie leftie? Come on dude, the LaRouchies are waiting with bated breath.

He’d probably say both parties are in on the NWO/ZOG/ILLUMINATI mind-control plot … funnny thing: for someone who earnestly decries the dehumanizing culture of commodification, dude sure loves to pimp tee-shirts, bumper-stickers & DVDs on behalf of his righteous cause. “Fight The Power – make sure you have your credit card ready!”

Other funny thing: his faboys have some harsh selective myopia concerning his many dead-certain predictions circa 2005-2008 that by now there’d be dawn-to-dusk curfews, tanks in America’s streets & FEMA death-camps full of dissidents. Martial law is for him & his felllow nutters what Teh Rapture is for fundamentalists: the sacred unquestionable money-shot of their DIY hate-porn.


There are tanks in the streets, but you can’t see them thanks to the zeta rays emanating from the Illuminati mind-control mini-vans.


the Illuminati mind-control mini-vans.
… with the ‘FNORD’ number-plates so you can’t see them.


It took LA a week to declare the cause of death for Whitney Houston but they knew two hours after Andrew Breitbart’s death that it was natural and they told the world as fast as they could.

Yeah, right, they just thought it would be unseemly to reveal that he was found wearing three wetsuits and had two dildoes up his cornhole.


Here’s the thing about Alex Jones that bugs me.

He’s still alive. He’s still running around loose. He’s still producing his show and selling his knickknacks.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t wish the man any harm, I don’t wish for any sort of governmental hard-assery against him, and, hell, I don’t begrudge him making a buck on the easily fooled. In the grand scheme of things, Jones is an incredibly minor figure in American politics, barely a dent on the journalism scene, and while he swings a big stick on this thing we call the Internet, with all its “new media” freshness, birds of a feather figure in heavy. Here on the ‘Net, we generally tend to run with our own, and no one, but no one puts in any stock in Alex Jones if said person wasn’t already inclined to believe the U.S. government is covering up Russian zombie cosmonauts from the Inner Earth and something weird about Jewish folk.

Yet, the guy goes on and on about how the U.S. government routinely gives its critics and snitches nasal cancer or some shit, and how there’s FEMA camps all over Nevada, and there’s a secret cabal of super ninjas out there to swipe our debit cards, put radios in our fillings, and stare luridly at our pretend girlfriends. He does it all the time, like right there out in the open, and he gives interviews to Rolling Stone and what not. Frankly, I’m baffled.

Furthermore, the sad, sorry fact is the U.S. government and The Powers That Be have done and continue to do inexplicable, awful shit to people who don’t toe what they consider the line. They lie to us. They spy on us. They imprison us with dubious legality. They make us criminals. William Reich. The Gulf Of Tonkin. Marijuana laws. Hoover’s FBI. Nixon’s enemies list. No-fly lists. Bradly Manning. The Kennedy Assassination. Be honest, I’m not entirely convinced that some agency of the U.S. government is behind Dr. King’s assassination. I’m pretty sure The Powers That Be are fucking us raw over gasoline prices. This shit happens.

Guys like Jones and his stories of FEMA camps and curfews and biological assassinations and other assorted horseshit are muddying the waters. When I’m of a certain frame of mind, I sometimes wonder if that isn’t the whole point. Wheels within wheels, maaaan.

As for Breitbart, when I heard of his demise, I actually did feel bad for a bit knowing the fuzzy screwhead died with a heart full of hate. However, I was stoned and had gotten laid the morning before, so perhaps I was merely in a generous frame of mind.

As for the point of the whole post, that picture reminds me of some of the publicity shots I used to get from z-list rappers sucking the last bit of life from the gangsta thing, back in the pre-Jay-Z days when I was doing the whole music journalist days. There’s no such good thing as a not-goofy band publicity photo, and the only ones funnier came from the metal bands. Especially the guys who dressed up as vikings, but the generic plodding death metal band with the Cookie Monster vocals were usually good for a chuckle, too.


Is Jackson’s goatgate going to subside? Frankly I don’t want to hear of his she-nanny-gans any more. This shotgun totin’ career is over Kevin, maybe the Caprine Times is hiring


generic plodding death metal band with the Cookie Monster vocals
The intertoobz, they are yours


Andrew Brietbart was a rabid snarling dog and it is a good thing that the “good lord” finally put him down. The enconiums for this piece of garbage, and the tippy tap dances attempted by those who should know better are driving me crazy…dude was a fucking relentless monster who destroyed the lives of innocents for no other purpose than to stuff his pockets and serve the interests of the powerful. Fuck that bastard with the goatchild of Kaus.

The wingerdom was going to go all in on the rageahol no matter how lightly we tread on the ground formerly walked upon by thier sainted martyr, fuck all of them. Taibbi was no less generous to Brietbag in death as Fox in the morning is to whoever their liberal target du jour is every last stinking day of the fucking week.

Fuck them all, death merchents, weasels, lying sacks of flaming shit, and that is me being generous. A motherfucker who burns a cross in my yard every month throughout the year suddenly up and dies will wait a long time before i sing his praise or worry about his sorry assed family (and while I can’t entirely blame the kids up to a certain point, innocence and all, they have had a much better start than most).

Rant inspired by listening to yet another liberal tapdancing around the fact that a shitbag has died, but I might want to have a future in the entertainment business and therefor must self censor because Fox or some other shitbag outfit (who would have made it up anyway) might say something bad about me.

/end rant


Is Jackson’s goatgate going to subside?

I’m thinking it might be time to create a new blog…One to compile the voluminous documented evidence that Jackson has a Goat problem. The dizzying array of accounts (anecdata, but please, maybe we should be in the reality creation business for a change), lead me to believe that it would be in the service of the nation, mom, and apple pie, that we get to the bottom of this.


/rant on

I mean think of what those shitbirds and jackels did with respect to Wellstone, and CS King in the aftermath of thier funerals. Taibbi’s piece on Blatfart, did not even begin to enter that realm of disrespect, or haymaking in service of the “cause”, and yet the shitstorm was already a forgone conclusion. See TBoggs latest…

/end rant for the time being


Here’s the thing about Alex Jones that bugs me.

He’s still alive. He’s still running around loose. He’s still producing his show and selling his knickknacks.

Guys like Jones and his stories of FEMA camps and curfews and biological assassinations and other assorted horseshit are muddying the waters. When I’m of a certain frame of mind, I sometimes wonder if that isn’t the whole point. Wheels within wheels, maaaan.

You want some real fun, just start a “theory” that he’s in on the plot, and compiles information about his fan base for the Illuminati.


Rant inspired by listening to yet another liberal tapdancing around the fact that a shitbag has died, but I might want to have a future in the entertainment business and therefor must self censor because Fox or some other shitbag outfit (who would have made it up anyway) might say something bad about me.

Amen! I was thinking about writing a piece on this dead douchebag, but haven’t got around to it yet. The fact that he was willing to destroy and honest, hard-working civil servant just to try to paint the NAACP as a “racist” organization earns the fucker a special place in the hell I don’t believe in.


Of course Clear Channel Communications, or whoever those assholes are…

I was reading somewhere today that Clear Channel is owned by… wait for it… Bain Capital. Kinda makes Romney Limbaugh’s boss, don’t it?

I wonder if some intrepid reporter can get him on record giving an opinion about this whole bit.


Wonder no more, because it’s already happened happened..

Okay, but I want the “You’re his boss” aspect in there. It would be fun to, as Bobby Fischer used to say, watch him squirm.


Oh, and re: blartblart. Hasn’t that worthless rectal polyp used up more than enough column inches already? The faster he’s consigned to the ash heap and forgotten, the better. I mean, it’s nice to know that in a couple of years only a few diehards will even recognize his name, but the sooner the better.

Obscurity is too kind a fate for him, but I’ll take it.


So this is that guy that got caught with the goat. Huh.

Typical. I bet he’s always complaining about the nanny state, too.


I mean, it’s nice to know that in a couple of years only a few diehards will even recognize his name, but the sooner the better.

Hopefully, he’ll be known merely as “The Guy Who Made Shirley Sherrod Five Million Dollars”.

At the exact same time, the NAACP was calling out the Tea Party Patriots for racists in their midst. He showed that footage to prove the NAACP had racists in their midst as well, and they should clean their own house before they scolded anyone else about their house.

Don’t forget that his last project on this Earth was trying to prove that the “Pigford” case, which sought redress for the USDA’s inaction on behalf of poor black farmers, was the Most Eeeeevil Government Overreach EVAR!

Was anything that fucker touched free of deep-seated racial animus?


Wonder no more, because it’s already happened happened..

That’s not an answer. “Well, I wouldn’t have called her a slut.” Jesus Christ, if’n he ain’t the most straight talkin’ expresser on earth! (sorry, should the epithet here be “Moroni, if’n he…”?)

Hell, he can’t even figure out where he stands on the whole ‘issue’, you know, the issue cooked up by atavastic sociopaths and robe-wearing pedophile protectors because oooh scary black oogaboogaman. Which means he’s the dumbest human being on earth, as contraception has been around for his entire lifetime. He’s probably heard of it in passing. Oh, I’m sorry Mr. Winger, that just shows he’s the sort of deliberative candidate we need in the White House, right?

Your other candidates? Gingrich buys his birth control from Tiffany’s (“If its only oral, I can deny it’s sex!”). Foamybutt is still trying to make up for his wife having lived with a doctor who performs abortions, 30 years her senior, and the abortion that she forced him to allow her to have for her health (it must have been force, he’s pro-life!) As well, he has as many real kids as Bachmann claimed as foster kids, and if its good enough for him, its required for everyone else. Ron Paul was present when sex was invented, and he was not in favor of it.

Fuck Breitbart. Fuck him with his own rotting dick. Fuck him with Limbaugh’s miniature, Viagra and rent-boy fueled dick. Cokeheads the country round are overjoyed – it’s supply and demand, the demand for disco dust just dropped by 75 percent, the price should come down. Fuck the whole right wing – in the words of TBogg, shut up, dumb people. Go home and masturbate to the Second Amendment section of Penthouse Forum. Fuck anyone who ever at any point gave Cumfart the slightest bit of credibility, even the people looking at his ID on his daily liquor store run. Suffer in oblivion.


Oooh snap!


yay Foul Old Ron


I can appreciate that some people have not encountered enough drunken cokeheads to know the type. It still doesn’t follow that Breitbart appeared or sounded trustworthy.

American movement cons and religious types really amaze with the shady characters they’ll listen to, and give money to. It’s quite a range, too. Pick any way to be creepy, and they’ve elevated at least one of those.


“a quick and efficient skirmish in Libya (rationale for getting involved not withstanding), tactful handling of the Somalian hostage situation, improved standing and regard around the world”

OK, you realize that Libya’s falling apart? That Somalia’s in shambles? That America’s standing is in fact worse around the world according to all reputable polls?

You realize that we’re about to go to war with Iran? And that you’re not protesting it AT ALL?

But hey, go Team Obama!

My God, there is no left left.


Concern trolls are concerned.


And Blightfart would be the judge and jury on what proves what and it has to be 15 times, not 14 or even 1, and it has to a recorded event, blah, blah, blah. No racist here since it can’t be proved to a racist’s satisfaction who’s making a sham offer with some shill’s money that would never be paid anyway. That just screams credibility. Nice try.


Know what else is really weird?

Dang, wearing his autographed Pedobear (TM) hoodie, in the library at the corner terminal, weeping softly and masturbating ferociously to Raggedy Andy’s CPAC speeches, before taking his daily binocular walk around the school district.

Actually, dude, kinda creepy.


Because things don’t happen unless theyre caught on camera. I guess when a tree falls in the woods, it really doesn’t make a sound. Hell, is the tree even there?


My God, there is no left left.

I used to be in the left of the left left, but I left.


I used to be in the left of the left left, but I left.

Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo.


Dang can get a 15- inch dong from this ad I just got in an email and since it’s money back guaranteed, it must be legit, huh.


Did I just blow everybody’s mind?


Goddammit, I broke the web.

My Tags, My Tags, why have you forsaken me?


yup someone broke the interweb.

Pupienus Maximus

Rmoney will wait to see which way the wind is blowing before saying anything definite.

Santorum seems to be excusing it. Boehner though, Boner takes the cake. How dare the democrats use the G(oatblowing)ØP’s de facto spokesman words to raise money against us! It is utterly inappropriate to be called out for our abuses!


I guess we are all italicized americans now.


yup someone broke the interweb.

I already said it was me. Whaddya want, hookers and blow? I’ll call Fedex…

Pupienus Maximus

Since it’s already broken, …


Paleotectonics has altered the website.

Pray he doesn’t alter it further.



Well, technically that wasn’t Paleo.


I guess we are all italicized americans now.



Well, technically that wasn’t Paleo.

Gee Chris. Thanks, I think, uhh, I, uhhh…wait a minute.


On an unrelated note, did anyone ever find photos or footage of hippies spitting on soldiers returning from Vietnam?

At least half (?) the country firmly believes this literally happened, based (it seems) on anecdotes repeated and embellished by people who want them to be true. For my part, I dunno. I heard a study was done.

The Right does not need documentary evidence, ever, when the story sounds good to them.


Those who have yet to read TBogg’s most excellent post sampling the Breitbart hagiogasm really must sample the sweet, sweet Tweet tears, as well as Ace o’Spades purple Pericles praise of that towering giant amongst mere mortals. Epic.


Oh pooh. I over sampled.


Pupienus Maximus said,

March 3, 2012 at 18:42

Since it’s already broken, …

You sir are a most devious bastard



testing testing


Wish me luck, the wife’s gonna buy a car today. We may even hafta drive over to Chicago, dammit.


Good luck Golem!!!

I had previously heard of this broken internet wp feature but this is my first sighting of it in the wild.

And pup’s last dagger was hilarious.


Proof, if it were needed, that a thread can have enough buffalo.


So when the charges for fixing the HTML come in it will be a Buffalo bill?


You realize that we’re about to go to war with Iran?

Is this going to be before or after Obama abolishes Social Security? We need a firm timline for the impending DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM here.


I use 4# timline for crappie fishing.

paleotectonics, breaker of the series of tubes

I’ve tried untagging, I’ve tried doubletagging, using different codes, I’ve tried yelling at my laptop. Srsly, is there anything else I can do on this end or had this become a condition for our Sadlylords, terrible be their visages?


You realize that we’re about to go to war with Iran?

We are going to attack them with Saddam’s secret stash of balsawood drones, that totally proved he had weapons of mass destruction, but the6y couldn’t tell us about it becaquse they were being held in reserve for just this war.

Pupienus Maximus


I will not disclose the secret of making the entire page strikethrough. Because It’s too damn hard too read. When I get to my desktop and use Opera, which doesn’t suffer from that problem, I might tell you how to do it. I won’t do it myself as I have already incurred Tintin’s wrath for precisely such hijinks.

Pupienus Maximus

No, paleo, you can not fix it. The problem can be fixed only by an overlord chirurgeon.


paleo, forget about it you can’t do anything on yer end. seems like a .css file on the server need fixed….although it does only seem to effect the current post.

Dropped a testing in the thread below and all was fine.


“I won’t do it myself as I have already incurred Tintin’s wrath for precisely such hijinks.”


I wouldn’t want to do that either, but watching it break in real time was perty damn funny.
An of course could not help but see if I could push some buttons arround, but I am happy that my experiment with strike was a failure….I’ve seen those threads and they suck to read.

paleotectonics, breaker of the series of tubes

Fudge. Thanks anyhoo.


Obama is described privately as a thin-skinned hot-head when it comes to questioning his policies, or anything else, for that matter.

It’s already been said, but yeah, OBVIOUS PASSIVE VOICE IS OBVIOUS.


Yeah, it’s a bad idea. Righteous Bubba was BANNED for doing it.

Random passer by

That’s a mighty bold statement!

Can you back it up with Italics?!?


I like to avoid the banhammer at all costs generally.


I know it’s true because I know it’s true.

Well fuck, that ain’t gonna work.


Righteous Bubba was BANNED for doing it.

WHAT A JERK that guy was!


Re: On an unrelated note, did anyone ever find photos or footage of hippies spitting on soldiers returning from Vietnam?

It would be on constant display or endlessly looping on World Nut Daily if such a thing existed.


Ah, the elusive “15 times”. Since I heard audio of this event and heard the N-word used at least once, I’ve come to my conclusion and that means the odds of Dang not being a complete idiot are approaching zero.


“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”

– The Republican Party, circa 2001-2009


There is no racism in the Republican party. This is why a Google search for “NigObama” will return absolutely no results.

St. jim, Patron Saint Of Bitchslapping

“Since I heard audio of this event”

“if you have it, which I’m sure you do”

You fail it – it is basic English comprehension.

Also, you bring dishonor on your venerable ancestors with your pathetic display of idiocy. Kindly return your Troll Fu brown-belt to your sensei & commit seppuku ASAP, while you still have some scant few molecules of face left to preserve.


200,000 quatloos to any lib who can produce evidence that Sarah Palin said that repeatedly screaming the N-word is an excercise of “1st Amend.rights” and not being allowed to do so “isn’t American,not fair”.

Why are you not taking me up on my entirely sincere offer? It must be because I am right and you are wrong.


[T]here will be another election in the next year divisible by four.

The regular, open elections held in Obama’s Republic of Hitlerstan are just proof of what a fascist dictator he is also, too.


Obama is described privately as a thin-skinned hot-head when it comes to questioning his policies, or anything else, for that matter.

He’s also described as a time-traveler who went to Mars for the CIA, and it was ON THE INTERNETS so it must be true.

When a bona fide socialist begins talk of shifting right, you know he’s panicked

Or, you know, not a socialist at all, but I suppose arguing in good faith about his bona fides is out of the question.

St. jim, Patron Saint Of Bitchslapping

In a noisy crowd, someone 20 feet away won’t necessarily hear you even if you scream at the top of your lungs. Was this crowd that so piques your fancy at a funeral, perchance? If the screamer is a mere six inches shorter than those around him, the odds of video of his outburst revealing his identity rapidly apporach zero.

Continue to regale us all with your equation of physical reality with the absurd.

Lulzcows are for milking, & apparently your teats are full to overflowing.


Rosbuddear: HUGS. I’m so sorry.


Do you know how many times I’ve tried to whip out my phone and to capture something my baby was doing and didn’t manage to because whatever he was doing only lasted a few seconds? Unless these folks pulled a Breitbart, I find it completely plausible that no one caught a good, audible “nigger.” Then again, I am not a conspiracy-minded wingnut.

St. jim, Patron Saint Of Bitchslapping

“I did NOT say ‘apporach’ just now. The word I used was APPROACH.”

*waves fingers*


Oh Lord, what the Hell, people?

“Righteous Bubba was BANNED for doing it.”

I heard he was fed to the hamsters as a warning to all other thread breakers.


OMG, posting in a borkened fred.

paleotectonics, breaker of the series of tubes

I heard he was fed to the hamsters as a warning to all other thread breakers.

I’m sorry! Sorrysorrysorry! Please, I’ll mowyourlawn/shovelyourwalk/feedyourgoldfish and try to to give them so much they go splodey. SORRY!

Besides, Chez Pup did the bolding.

paleotectonics, breaker of the series of tubes

That’s umm, try NOT to give them so much they go splodey. I’m gonna hang my head in shame, do laundry, and stuff.



Wait. What up about Breitbart?

,,,Googles, googles, googles,,,

OMG. You look away from teh intarspoor for a couple days and all of a sudden talking about hawt college sluts camwhoring themselves is suddenly a conservative value. And teh Breitbart thing too. I guess teh Institutional Left wins this round. Plus hawt college sluts and webcams. Yayys!


Andrew Breitbart is dead?!?


Aw, paleo, it’s nice of you to offer to shovely our walk but unnecessary. We still loves you.


I can’t leave you alone for any time at all.

Tsk. tsk.

Okay, fixed now.

posthumously designated Super Bowl MVP

Came for the snark, stayed for the italicized bolding.
Mr. President Obama seems awfully relaxed for a guy facing diselection.
He makes jokes, and sings acapella, and stands in front of big audiences talking about being brother’s/sister’s keeper. As for his shamble-ized foreign policy, if he gets NoKorea to allow international inspections of its nuclear arsenal/facilities in exchange for food, he’ll get another Peace Prize.


Post that audio if you would, RWW

I would not. I know what I heard when it was broadcast. On XM probably since that’s what I listen to.

Here’s my challenge to you: instead of hiding behind the dead guy’s sham of an offer about the n-word shouted “15 times,” why don’t you come forward with your real name and make a real offer with real money and ask Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, or Lawrence O’Donnell to roll one tape of the Congressional Black Caucus members walking by that rally and having one utterance of the n-word shouted at them.

When I hear crickets chirping, I’ll know you’re fast on the way to 30 Rock with a cashiers check in hand.





Thaaank yooo Cerbs.


good, audible “nigger.”

Well, thats some odd phrasing. As far as I know, audible “niggers” are rarely a “good” thing.


Yup, thanks, Cerb. Our heroine. *clasps hands to heart adoringly*


As I recall, nO one ever documented the alleged spitting, no soldier ever claimed to be the victim, no one ever claimed to be the perp. It just didn’t happen

paleotectonics, contrite and stuff

Thank you, Cerberus. You are good and kind.

Scott, in further breaking news, Breitbart is still dead.


And why not, let’s have an extra free comment fisking:

OK, you realize that Libya’s falling apart?

Yes. Actually, Libya falling apart was kinda the point. My main criticism with his approach was that the heavy involvement of our military took some of the wind out of the sails of the organic protest movements and allowed dictators in the area to remove some of the popular support for uprising by claiming that the organic rebels (and any revolution is stronger when they are organically from the countries themselves) were in the pocket of the US, which thanks to Bush, isn’t a name that evokes good feelings in the “Muslim world” as it were.

That Somalia’s in shambles?

You are aware that we’re talking about the President of the US, not the God-King of Planet Earth, Supreme Ruler of the Seven Seas, and the Messiah Figure to propel us all to the promised land?

It’s not on Obama to personally fix everything that’s wrong with Somalia. Fuck, if all Obama wanted to do was issue an order for US ships to always take a wide path with regards to the lawless state, no one would bat an eye. Somalia is Somalia’s problem. Where it matters to us is in how we react to it as part of the global community, aiding refugees, trying to help nascent forces who want to take the government-less Libertarian Paradise and form it into another oppressive governmented state what with the ability to protect its citizens, allow functional trade, and social services and what not.

But yeah, kinda not in Obama’s job description. Not saying I wouldn’t love for the Somalian people to have lives that aren’t sucking worse than the Mets, but that’s not really in Obama’s hands or at least certainly not just his hands directly.

That America’s standing is in fact worse around the world according to all reputable polls?

Snrk. Sure it is. Yep. Definitely. You know what, I’ll buy it for when Obama was first elected and we got a sugar-high rush of support assuming that the Bush years would be quickly thrown-out like a bad one-night stand. But I’m pretty sure Obama would have to start personally raping the teenage daughters of close allies to reach the nadir of support we enjoyed in the Bush years.

You realize that we’re about to go to war with Iran? And that you’re not protesting it AT ALL?

Not only am I not protesting the impending war with Iran, I’m also not protesting our ongoing war with the Venusians! That’s how lazy and unmotivated I am about the world outside my four walls! In fact, I’ll probably sit out protesting any and all fictitious wars for the rest of my life. Because I simply do not care about the suffering of fictional people. In fact, I may use that saved time to read books and so enjoy the suffering of fictional people made into entertainment, or play video games, and condemn countless numbers of fictitious people to horrible deaths or sufferings.

I guess what I’m saying is that I’m a terrible terrible person.

But hey, go Team Obama!

Definitely! That’s why I’ve never criticized him and certainly have never criticized his supporters and why I gave such a glowing endorsement of Libya what with only citing the success of the speed of military involvement in Libya while cheekily knocking the you know, reason for doing so.

My God, there is no left left.

Indeed. With second-string front-pagers from comedy sites turning to the dark side, there is no hope for anyone. I once wrote down that I thought Obama had a nice hairdo and it personally condemned 14 trans anarchists to Guantanamo Bay. I was thinking about writing a post talking about how I liked Obama’s bluff-calling in the contraception argle-fail, but I’m worried that if I write it, the Sierra Club may cease to exist.

Thank Bob you were here to point out my immense powers, because me just acknowledging it probably just cost the NAACP 4,000 members.

Anyways, we look forward to aiding all your future endeavors here at Sadly, No! Industries. Have a nice day!


Oh, last post was with regards to Tom Allen’s comment in case it wasn’t obvious.


Obama would have to start personally raping the teenage daughters of close allies

Unless they was using birth control in case they is sluts and should be on the internets.


Oh, last post was with regards to Tom Allen’s comment in case it wasn’t obvious.

Figured it out immediatel, having scanned the original, and declining to address the inanity.

You however did a fine job of what i managed to read (about half, sorry to say)


Oh, last post was with regards to Tom Allen’s comment in case it wasn’t obvious.

I hated him even before I saw an episode of Home Improvement.


You realize that we’re about to go to war with Iran?

Maybe. Maybe not.

I’m not seeing the kind of deployments that would indicate we were anywhere close to “conducting operations”.

One carrier battle group is more of a rattling sabre than anything else.


You realize that we’re about to go to war with Iran?

If only we’d elected John McCain!


Alex Jones is a seriously ill human being who has been able to parlay his paranoid fantasies and obsessive compulsive ranting into a decent living. Not great, but really without his website he’d probably be digging ditches somewhere, at least until he got fired for fighting with the Mexican guy who got paid more than he did.

He’s a sad case, but not nearly as pathetic as the people who follow him.


This just in. Andrew Breitbart is still dead.


Boring troll is boring.


The only thing that ever got stuck in Breitbart’s face was the neck of a gin bottle.


Limpballs offers lame-ass half-apology to Ms. Fluke.

Andrew Breitbart

Yup. I’m still dead.


Ooooh no! I wouldn’t touch that link with a 10-meter cattle-prod.


Yup. I’m still dead.

How do you like the accordion? And the barbed and scaly cocks?


While sitting in the lobby of the V.A. hospital in Portland, I heard a Viet Nam era vet say he was spit on. And I saw four other Viet Nam era vets roll their eyes and pointedly ignore the man— like really throwing themselves into what they were reading to tune him out. Perhaps he was spit on by some numbnut. Even so, not recognizing that singular nature of it was DUMB, especially since many anti-war activists— especially Quakers and Methodists— started their outreach with active duty soldiers and veterans. It was the Soldier’s Revolt that ended the war, though. Command was freaking the fuck out about their loss of command and control.

While comparing my inpatient stay at the local hospital to that of the V.A., it did not escape my notice that one of the primary differences was that one was primarily men and war veterans and the other was primarily women and gentle men. The V.A. did not try to impose “respect” for authority because most of the patients were men from a war that was famous for fragging officers and a mental health professional being condescending and speaking to a vet as if he/she were a child would be begging to be punched in the face.

The whole idea that a veteran of a war would be traumatized or cowed by someone spitting on them and NOT punch that person in the face, or otherwise intimidate the FUCK out of them, or even just blow it off as insignificant bullshit is preposterous.


So as not to have any other hapless soul click JP’s link, here is the effluance in its entirety:
“A Statement from Rush
March 03, 2012
For over 20 years, I have illustrated the absurd with absurdity, three hours a day, five days a week. In this instance, I chose the wrong words in my analogy of the situation. I did not mean a personal attack on Ms. Fluke.

I think it is absolutely absurd that during these very serious political times, we are discussing personal sexual recreational activities before members of Congress. I personally do not agree that American citizens should pay for these social activities. What happened to personal responsibility and accountability? Where do we draw the line? If this is accepted as the norm, what will follow? Will we be debating if taxpayers should pay for new sneakers for all students that are interested in running to keep fit?In my monologue, I posited that it is not our business whatsoever to know what is going on in anyone’s bedroom nor do I think it is a topic that should reach a Presidential level.

My choice of words was not the best, and in the attempt to be humorous, I created a national stir. I sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for the insulting word choices.”


Boring troll is boring.

wiley, though, is righteous


You’re either lying or you have horrible memory. Or you’ve convinced yourself of something you heard from someone else that you so desperately want to believe that you’ll not only take his word for it, you’ll just make up something out of whole cloth to perpetuate the lie.

You know dagn, your clearly developed remote sensing abilities combined with your mind reading skills, providing that they exist, would put you in a very powerful position to own as much of the world as you desire…A weekend in Vegas should give you enough seed corn to start your own thinktank, K-street lobbying firm, or any entrepeneurial adventure you could choose to imagine, which might leave you busy, with real things, other than visiting a snark liberal blog to defend the indefenible.

Brietbart was a dumpsterdog race baiting bigot. Your defense of him on this issue makes you someone cut from the same cloth.

Lotsa Folk hate Niggers, which doesn’t make it OK, necissarily, but gives you lots of company in which to pal around. However i can appreciate your frustration that you can’t exactly lynch them with impunity anymore.

Brietbart was, hopefully, the last person who could get away with it, which he did, early and often. So fuck that bastard, and fuck you.


“I think it is absolutely absurd that during these very serious political times, we are discussing personal sexual recreational activities.”

I agree with Rush. Whatever a sociopath does with a Dominican child is a personal matter best left between one’s fat ass and their sex tour operator.

Also, Bill Hicks talks about the FLS (fat lying shit)


I did not mean a personal attack on Ms. Fluke.

OMG you piece of prevaricating shit. Also Too, scared billybob syndrome is working in full effect. Limp has ‘yers on retainer and has been informed that he is likely to lose some scratch as a result.

We really might see the undressing of the emporer.

On another note Roomie has not been by for the last day in a half and this has me a bit worried. neither one of us currently have phones, though we generally give each other a heads up if we are not to be around for awhile, his cat (that I love btb) needing attention and feeding.

I will wait untill the morrow before going to defcon twelve, as like me he is a middle aged gentleman and might have stumbled into something, knowing fully well that I would take care of the little one. And while the absense is out of character, we have only been living together and only known each other for about a year.

And this is not a couple situation, just a couple of guys hard on there luck who managed to find relatively cheap housing to occupy during attempts to get somewhere.

It is now feeding time for the feline overlord, which I will take care of without hesitation as pippi adores and owns me…I just can’t shake the feeling that this will not end well.

In any event too early to call the police.


Look at my poopies. LOOK AT MY POOPIES!


Bye bye, Dennis, look forward to adding your next IP to the ban roll.


I did not mean a personal attack on Ms. Slut Prostitute. I sincerely apologize if she was upset by my demand that she strip naked and film herself having sex for my pleasure.

Now whip ’em out, you fuckin’ whore.


Hey! Hey! Hey guys! Hey! Guess what? No, guess what? No, man, guess what? Hey!


new post.


Alex Jones is a seriously ill human being who has been able to parlay his paranoid fantasies and obsessive compulsive ranting into a decent living.

It’s the American Dream.


UNE @ 0:45 S,N!ST

You rewl. Let’s jam.


Dang turned out to be dung and Dennis at the same time? See what happens when I step away for a few hours.


Cerberus, bottom line, you’re a charity case.

You always will be, too.


Cerberus, bottom line, you’re a charity case.

And yet, DenDen calls me a bigot…



Bozo the Cocksucker

Is that LL Cool J?


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