Standing Athwart the Kinsey Scale Yelling Stop
Bob Unruh might have some other reasons to hate the Kinsey scale.
Bob Unruh, Wing Nut Daily:
Exposing Kinsey Sex Atrocities Goes Global
I’m surprised that wingnuts don’t go after Alfred Kinsey more often. I mean, let’s be frank, the conservative opinion on sex is that if one puts their fingers in their ears and pretends any information about sex away, then that will also make sex and sexuality go away.
To a wingnut, as long as they don’t hear about it, then it must not ever occur, and their teenage daughter’s swelling belly must be because she has really let herself go on her exercise routine.
To be fair, that’s probably by design. A psychotic deliberately trying to ignore any evidence that gays aren’t minions of Satan (pshaw, like we don’t all know that they’re Venusian slavers come to rob us of promising conservative politicians) isn’t likely to look up exactly who did the research that proves they’ve been around forever.
“Luckily” for us, Bob Unruh is a well-read escapee of the mental asylum and wants his fellow inmates to know that there was a guy that looked into this nasty sex stuff they are all ashamed of, but its okay, because he’s really Hitler Times 12.
Perhaps, I should let Bob explain.
Alfred Kinsey’s belief in child sexuality, with all of its impacts on children and society, now circles the globe, but a campaign to reveal the truth about his efforts to legitimize pedophilia is following right behind.
My word, this certainly is a shocking development. Please, Bobby, tell me quickly your proof of this incredible assertion!
Judith Reisman, a visiting professor of law at Liberty University, popular lecturer and former consultant to four U.S. Department of Justice administrations, recently concluded a trip in which she delivered seminars on the fallacies of Kinsey’s arguments in Rome, Ireland and London.
One of her books exposing the agenda of Kinsey’s lifelong campaign recently has been translated into Chinese.
Okay, good for her. The proof?
“The Kinsey Institute is very active in the sexology field, holding conferences in every major nation in the world. They’ve been training the sexologists, sex educators in every country,” Reisman told WND.
“There’s not a single country that educates the public about sex where the institutional position, [the teachers], have not been trained in the Kinsey model,” she said.
There is no proof is there? Damn, I always get my hopes up for no damn reason.
Her books, including “Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences” and “Sexual Sabotage,” show that Kinsey’s research was based on “illegal sexual experimentation on several hundred young children.”
My word! Maybe one sentence this will no longer be just a naked unsupported assertion that flies in the face of you know, reality. What? I’m allowed hope, right?
His research results came not from a scientific cross-section of American, but from “hundreds of sex offenders, prostitutes, prison inmates and exhibitionists,” she documents. Kinsey, Reisman explained, used these people to represent the sexual activities and behaviors of the “Greatest Generation.”
Okay, fine. Spoilsport. So, yeah, the proof of deviant child molestation on the part of Kinsey is the fact that he studied abnormal sexuality as well and thus interviewed rapists and pedophiles to understand what caused those desires. Naturally, she lumps this in with interviewing non-abusive “sex criminals” of the time such as exhibitionists, prostitutes, and anyone who was in prison. And this somehow means that Kinsey’s research can be safely burned and never looked at.
Who wants to be the first to inform the wingnuts of the world that peer-reviewed research and verifiable results don’t just disappear if you smear the original researcher of the subject enough?
Or should we just wait and see if one of them manages to get that meaningless step actually correct first? I mean, why not go with an easy one like knocking James Watson for being racist, thus DNA is a communist plot that doesn’t exist?
Or would knocking a historical figure for something true just violate the deeply held conservative belief in being wrong 100% of the time?
The”K Bomb,” as she calls it — the “studies,” claims and “research” launched from the institute’s headquarters behind the gothic limestone Indiana University façade — have been used to “subvert” the nation’s traditional morality.
The impact has been seen worldwide.
Why yes, recognizing behaviors exist and that denying them away don’t make them go away is in fact the exact same thing as conjuring them into existence in the first place.
Hence why there was no sex and no one was born before the Sexual Revolution. Fuck the 6000 years crap. Real Patriots know that no one was born before 1969.
Kinsey’s extreme view of sexuality is typified by a statement posted on the website of the North American Man-Boy Love Association, which advocates sex between adults and children.
The statement, from Kinsey’s book “Sexual Behavior in the Human Female,” defends adult-child sex and accuses those who object to it of being responsible for “serious effects” suffered by children.
“When children are constantly warned by parents and teachers against contacts with adults, and when they receive no explanation of the exact nature of the contacts, they are ready to become hysterical as soon as any older person approaches, or stops and speaks to them in the street, or fondles them, or proposes to do something for them, even though the adult may have had no sexual objective in mind. Some of the more experienced students of juvenile problems have come to believe that the emotional reactions of the parents, police officers, and other adults who discover that the child has had such a contact, may disturb the child more seriously than the sexual contacts themselves. The current hysteria over sex offenders may very well have serious effects on the ability of many of these children to work out sexual adjustments some years later.”
Oops, there’s the main mistake.
How many times do I have to tell you people? Never quote reality in your deluded ramblings. It’ll just prove you wrong. Like here, where you quoted a section noting that lying to a kid and just warning him about “adults” and “sex” without context is just going to fuck them up and turn them into the type of repressed psychotic who thinks that passages about basic child psychology are actually support for child molestation.
Not that you would know anyone like that.
The acceptance of Kinsey’s research of rapists, pedophiles and others has helped foster widespread sexual experimentation and an anything-goes atmosphere.
It has resulted in a “gutting” of the nation’s tough laws that previously had kept pornography and predators at bay, she explains.
Yes, before porn, there was never any rape… Well, that might be an accurate statement considering that I imagine cavemen were drawing figures in heat in the dirt around the time Homo Sapiens speciated from Homo Neanderthalis. But still…
Why do I keep getting the same creeped out feeling about wingnut writings on sex where I suspect the real objection to the study and growing awareness of rape is more worry that people might put two and two together with regards to their particular brand of “showing loving affection”?
Reisman has lectured at Princeton, Notre Dame, Georgetown, Pepperdine, Johns Hopkins, the FBI, the U.S. Air Force Academy, the University of Jerusalem, University of Haifa and Tel Aviv University. She has been cited by the London Times, Time, Newsweek, the New York Times and the Washington Post. She has appeared on “Entertainment Tonight,” “Larry King Live,” “Donahue,” the”Today” show and “Crossfire.”
She’s been listed in “The World’s Who’s Who of Women.”
See, she’s not some random nutjob! She’s in “Who’s Who”. You know, the scam book that’ll print any name that sends them a check? Why are you laughing?
On her recent trip to Rome, she presented her research to the Alliance of the Holy Family International, including Cardinal Raymond Burke, Cardinal Ricardo Vidal and other leaders of the organization.
A Vatican organizer of the events called Reisman’s work critical to the ministry of the Catholic Church.
Well, I’m glad she’s not associated with child molestors like Kinsey!
Reisman also delivered presentations in Ireland, where she trained nurses and doctors about the true methodology of Kinsey.
The country that had one of the biggest Church molestation scandals of them all? Well, I’m glad she warned them all of the real threat facing their children.
WND Managing Editor David Kupelian, shortly after publication of “The Marketing of Evil” in 2005, predicted publicly that the next “liberation movement” to assault America would be “the mainstreaming of adult-child sex.”
Now he has noted, “The same godless logic that leads to normalization of homosexual marriage will lead also to the de-stigmatization and decriminalization of pedophilia.
Slippery Slope! You know, the slope would be easy to walk on if we just pretended all the masturbating WNDers away. Let me demonstrate. Woah! Oh dear Bob in Himmel, I got some in my mouth. I think I’m going to be sick!
Remember, consensuality has replaced morality in today’s legal system, so a young person ‘consent’ to have sex will ultimately trump the old-fashioned desire to protect the innocent.
I don’t even know where to begin with this statement other than calling every woman, man, and goat who might ever come in contact with this man and warn them to stay far the fuck away. I mean, I know wingnuts don’t get consensuality, but holy fuck!
Also, since adult-child sex is a ‘cultural preference’ in certain non-Western countries, child-molestation lobbyists are now making the argument that criminalizing adult-child sex amounts to condemning another culture. So that’s where multiculturalism has brought us.”
It always comes back to the multiculturalism for the proud not-at-all-racists of Wing Nut Daily.
Funny that.
Why if it wasn’t for the multiculturalists shoving their big brown cock of Kinsey down their throat, they’d be able to pretend away non-white people and thus solve racism for good.
See how we stop the conservatives from achieving greatness?!?
I believe it is ALEC behind the anti-Kinsey whoopla. I will go looking for some links to this claim- I think it was Firedog Lake.
Frist! Can I haz a medal?
Damn you KWillow! Okay, you can have the medal.
she delivered seminars on the fallacies of Kinsey’s arguments in Rome, Ireland and London.
Curiously, Kinsey’s arguments work without any fallacies on other parts of the planet!
Sex is for making babies & it makes your body ugly afterwards & let’s not talk about it, shall we?
I believe it is ALEC behind the anti-Kinsey whoopla. I will go looking for some links to this claim- here it is:
Exposing Kinsey Sex Atrocities Goes Global
That sounds like it was spit up by Janusnode… or it’s a bad translation:
“Gorbachev sings tractors. Turnip! Buttocks!”
Its hard for me to even imagine the muddled-mind, the twisted emotions, of someone who is opposed to sex education, the most effective way of stopping un-wanted pregnancies & abortions.
Except, I guess they want “unwanted pregnancies.
OMG it’s right there, people!!
behind the gothic limestone Indiana University façade
Gothic limestone and ivy. Classic behaviour of three types of …bad people… the homos and the ….swarthy and…oops.
Oh jeebus I done the tag fail agin. I’m taking the fish defense.
Poor baby. If he reads Kinsey, he can no longer hide from his depraved and perverted lusts. Sex in humans is not strongly directed and we will do pretty much anything that feels good. This is not really unique to humans, but is widely seen in all primates, which routinely engage in masturbation, male and female homosexuality, and adult-juvenile sex. Humans are born with the sexual response (the experience strong pleasure from genital manipulation and males become erect and females lubricate), though true orgasm does not seem to develop until somewhat later. Juvenile sexuality is also normal in a wide array of cultures around the world. Among the San (Bushmen) peoples of southern Africa, children begin sex play at around 5-6. There are several cultures around the world where it is believed that girls cannot develop properly if they do not have sex before puberty.
It is largely the social stigma attaching to these situations which causes trauma in children and recent research indicates that many adults who were molested as children only became traumatized much later, when they came to understand what had happened. This is not to excuse or legitimize pedophiles, who can and do cause great emotional harm. It is the recognize that it is the cultural context and not the actual sex which is traumatizing.
Wonder what our boy would do if he knew that bestiality was one of the most common crimes prosecuted in Puritan New England in the colonial era? One rather enterprising young man, Thomas Granger, does rather stand out.
Researching deviant sexual behavior causes deviancy.
Calling out racism is itself racist.
Noticing that the rich are taking all the money is class warfare.
At least conservatives are consistent.
“Gorbachev sings tractors. Turnip! Buttocks!”
“The tablecloth sneezes high up and the crocodiles laugh in the sun. Then the snake fell out of the tree and ate the baby.”
I’m in a goofy mood.
Sex is for making babies
Actually, it much more for making friends in humans (and to a lesser extent in other primates). That is why we are the only mammalian species (other than demand ovulators) with continuous female sexual receptivity (in other mammals they are only receptive when they can get pregnant), concealed ovulation (where other species conspicuously display fertility with visual, behavioral, and olfactory cues, not even the female knows for certain when she is ovulating in humans), and the female orgasm (yes, ladies, that is yours alone).
child-molestation lobbyists
Do such people even exist? Who are they lobbying, i.e. what person in any position to affect legislation is meeting with them? There are reporting requirements for lobbying organizations, you know, so the author should be able to find some evidence.
are now making the argument that criminalizing adult-child sex amounts to condemning another culture
And do they really make such an argument? I mean seriously, that’s another claim which requires some proof, the whole thing whiffs distinctly of straw. At any rate, how would any of it affect Kinsey’s work, which, to my understanding, was not so much prescriptive as descriptive of what was really already happening but not talked about, no matter what Herr Unsinn wishes to pretend about TOTALLY real lobbyists who REALLY REALLY exist?
“Oh jeebus I done the tag fail agin. ”
This is why we can’t have nice things.
Kiwi, you’re innocent. This time, at least.
Tag Fail fixed.
“Oh jeebus I done the tag fail agin. I’m taking the fish defense.”
You’re off the hook, Kiwi. Close forensic analysis indicates the broken tag begins in KWillow’s 23:04. Let’s stone KWillow!
(Actually, I’ve got some sweet smoke going right now, so I’d be delighted to stone KWillow. I’m a sharing person.)
Wow! It’s fixxored! Like magic. Thank you, Sadly Overlords!
“Who wants to be the first to inform the wingnuts of the world that peer-reviewed research and verifiable results don’t just disappear if you smear the original researcher of the subject enough?”
They’ve been doing it with Darwin for 150 years and didn’t get that message. It’d be a waste of perfectly good breath.
I would be skeptical of claims of sexuality in young children, except that I recently found out I have a four year old who loves to play with his junk.
I suppose a wingnut would say I was committing bad parenting when I tell him I will leave him alone and he should call me when he’s finished, instead of a more traditional approach like ironing his hands or smashing him across the face with a steel ruler.
I wouldn’t bet money on it, but it really wouldn’t surprise me if it turned out that NAMBLA was a false flag operation of some sort to give whingenuts something to hyperventilate over liberals about.
I recently found out I have a four year old who loves to play with his junk.
This is pretty common (in both sexes), but most parents actively discourage it and they generally quit until the hormones kick in at puberty (which also seems related to the onset of true orgasm).
OMG it’s right there, people!!
behind the gothic limestone Indiana University façade
And I happen to live within a mile or two of that facade…
They’ve been doing it with Darwin for 150 years and didn’t get that message.
Also climate change, pollution, and a host of other issues. At bottom, conservatives hate all science because it tells them things they do not want to hear and demonstrates that wht they believe is absolutely false.
Remember, consensuality has replaced morality in today’s legal system, so a young person ‘consent’ to have sex will ultimately trump the old-fashioned desire to protect the innocent.
Hence “age of consent” laws… what a maroon!
One rather enterprising young man, Thomas Granger, does rather stand out.
Too bad he wasn’t born centuries later, he could have been a GOP gubernatorial candidate.
The”K Bomb,” as she calls it — the “studies,” claims and “research” launched from the institute’s headquarters behind the gothic limestone Indiana University façade — have been used to “subvert” the nation’s traditional morality.
The impact has been seen worldwide.
Does this mean that I should build a bomb shelter in my backyard as it seems my hometown is now gonna go on the Nucular target list?
I knew it wasn’t me.
I am also wondering about the sexualisation of children by advertisers, not all advertisers, but enough to be noticeable. If Mr. Brainiac is going to go after Kinsey who was, actually, more interested in Gall wasps for most of his life the he should take a swipe at advertising. But he was an educator and scientist and I suspect that is his major crime in the eyes of the Wangnut.
However, sober reflection upon the effects of Kinsey on society will lead to an obvious conclusion because before Kinsey’s first public talk in 1935, there was no paedophilia. For the average Wangnut, two weeks ago was Ancient Greece so, you know.
Wangnut = wingnut obsessed by junk
At bottom, conservatives hate all science because it tells them things they do not want to hear and demonstrates that wht they believe is absolutely false.
I think it goes deeper than that- science is dependent on the universe being “knowable”, and that there’s no need to invoke divinity to understand it. Rather than trusting to God, science tells us “open the hood, see how it really works.”
Does this mean that I should build a bomb shelter in my backyard as it seems my hometown is now gonna go on the Nucular target list?
No need to protect yourself from the blast, it’s a sex bomb.
Releasing Tom Jones on folks with no warning!! Jebus man, now I want to bugger the vacuum cleaner.!!
No need to protect yourself from the blast, it’s a sex bomb.
Then a human sized condom then, ’cause there might actually be a blast…
If you know what I mean and I think you do…
I can help you with that.
I figure this is the best thread for posting this underappreciated gem.
Jebus man, now I want to bugger the vacuum cleaner.!!
Does this mean you’ll be running for governor in Georgia?
Thankyou ma,am the internet is truly about folks helping each other.
Have a look at Judith Reisman’s Whackypedia page she’s a laugh a minuet.
The”K Bomb,” as she calls it
Nothing says detached and impartial like a pejorative nickname.
Also: Decameron. Greek urns (yeah yeah, I know, how much?). Cro-Magnon sculptures. Other primates’ behavior.
I figure this is the best thread for posting this underappreciated gem.
Heh. Thanks. I am downloading that for possible use as a musical intro to the sexuality lectures of my Anthropology of Gender class this spring.
One strait-jacket, please.
Och lassie, I’ll hear nuthin’ bad aboot Decameron Highlanders
Have a look at Judith Reisman’s Whackypedia page she’s a laugh a minuet.
Great, now I feel bad about having mocked a crazy person. DARN YOU KIWI, DARN YOU TO HECK!
Hey, B^4, I have a couple of questions for you at my place. *tugs sleeve*
Reisman has said that she believes that a homosexual movement in Germany gave rise to the Nazi Party and the Holocaust
Which, of course, is why the Nazis specifically targeted homosexuals for their final solution (
tigris, I report the facts ma’am, you deride people that sleep under bridges and talk to other folks who aren’t there.
Anyone care to bring up the pornographic drawings discovered in some of the ancient Egyptian burial sites? The various sexual practices of the Greek Gods – or Spartan warriors? “Droll Stories” by Balzac?
Oh, that’s right – none of that existed until the Kinseys got that time machine…
Have a look at Judith Reisman’s Whackypedia page she’s a laugh a minuet.
“Erotoxins”? There’s a deep mine of batshit lunacy there.
Do I even want to know?
Erotoxins the evil twin of Botoxin
Oh, that’s right – none of that existed until the Kinseys got that time machine
I thought the hippies invented sex in the 1960s?
Anyone care to bring up the pornographic drawings discovered in some of the ancient Egyptian burial sites?
Not to mention that father-daughter and brother-sister marriage were common and widespread among all strata of society in Roman Egypt
Do I even want to know?
That is what you are in danger of contracting if you have sex with a conservative.
I thought the hippies invented sex in the 1960s?
No, we just popularized it. 😎
Sex is a filthy disgusting thing you only do with someone you love.
Of course, we all know that women didn’t have orgasms until the 70’s.
I think “erotoxins” figured in an X-Files episode or two.
Of course, we all know that women didn’t have orgasms until the 70?s.
Women hae orgasms?!? Don’t tell the wingnuts or they will start crying.
Sex is a filthy disgusting thing you only do with someone you love.
I thought that was cooking organ* meats**.
Women hae orgasms?!?
Only in Scotland.
Only in Scotland.
Good to know that somebody is enjoying themselves there.
Sex is a filthy disgusting thing you only do with someone you love.
And only in the missionary position, on Wednesday nights after bowling, for procreative purposes only.
What about the bonobos?!?!?!
the missionary position
On the doorstep, ringing the bell?
What about the bonobos?!?!?!
They’re not mentioned in the Bible, so they don’t exist!
They’re not mentioned in the Bible, so they don’t exist!
Possibly they missed the census because they were all too busy fucking.
Completely OT, I was browsing through e DVDs at Tarzhay and saw Grand Prix on BluRay for ten bucks. Digital transfer from the original 65mm it looks really good. And it’s almost fresh all these years later. But the best part is the special features – a “making of” and “flat out formula one in the sixties” that are each worth the price of the disk, and a few other interesting extras.
/Pupienus movie tips
Of course, we all know that women didn’t have orgasms until the 70?s.
Well, no one, did before Kinsey. Him and his damn science.
When will everyone here realize that N_B is a comedy genius?
This made me giggle because I read so many historical romances. And, you know, they’re all, like, Scottish Highlandsy and stuff.
Well, no one, did before Kinsey. Him and his damn science.
Actually, everybody knew that up until the early 19th century and it was widely believed in England and elsewhere in Europe that women could not conceive unless they had an orgasm. One more thing you can thank Queen Vickie for ladies.
Does anyone else notice that wingnuts think The Ghey Menace is all about the sodomy only? I mean, it seems that, for them, defines LGBTQ. They never seem to wonder about the other letters in the acronym, like the dykes. Why is it always about the menfolks? And teh wimminfolk – meh.
Is it because of Leviticus’ saying or self-doubt or what, do you think?
yeah, they’re completely obsessed with buttsex. And I guess that they don’t know there are ways for straight and lesbian couples to have buttsex, too.
Heh, Digital Transfer
OT – Fenwick and I would like to setup a met with Balto-DC-NOVA Sadly Naughts. If interested please email me acrannymint (at) We have to prove to those SanFran, Boston, NYC guys that we mid-atlanticans can be must as funky.
I have it on good authority that Atlantis sank centuries ago, so I can only conclude that you are an imposter.
Way to blow my cover. Now everyone will know I’m really Bootsy Collins.
Better than being Funky Winkerbeam.
We have to prove to those SanFran, Boston, NYC guys that we mid-atlanticans can be must as funky.
okay just not must – what can I say, I’ve been hittin’ the sauce
Completely obsessed with the butt-thex. And also what they’re doing to the topsoil.
We have to prove to those SanFran, Boston, NYC guys that we mid-atlanticans can be must as funky.
okay just not must – what can I say, I’ve been hittin’ the sauce
Better than “funk-ass musty.”
It occurs to me that “buttthex” is the only known word with three consecutive Ts.
Just as “diuretic” is the only one with three consecutive Ps.
Item the first: teh funnymentalists are even more obsessed with buttseks than I. Thats because they aren’t having it.
Secondo: i already tole yuz, S,N! The Portlanding will never be topped for funkiness nor for level of intoxication. Phtpthptphtphpthtt
It occurs to me that “buttthex” is the only known word with three consecutive Ts.
What happens on the links, stays on the links,
Ooooh Tishiro Mifune is in Grand Prix. That would be worth seeing
We’ve got pasta, meatballs, and “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf” queued up.
(Sorry for the length.)*
Lurking Canadian: friends of ours would suggest to their male child ‘Show me your hands!,’ or just ‘Hands!.’ in order to get him to get them out of his pants in public without directly telling him that he was doing something bad—I believe this is called ‘directing a blocking behaviour’, and I guess it worked because he’s about seventeen now, and I haven’t seen him put his hands down his pants for about thirteen years….
More generally: Remember, folks, that these are people to whom Respect for Authority is not just the key to maintaining society, it’s really the entire goal of having one in the first place. As such, this makes any kind of authority disagreeing with them extremely dangerous—and they’re not stupid in that, either, as demonstrated when a few generations of children raised to accept the unquestioned authority of Torah or Christian writings sometimes found it very easy to transfer that attitude to Marx.
They do not encourage asking questions and wising-off, so any untoward strain of belief may infect them…similarly, I think that’s why, generally speaking, we on the Left aren’t as uncomfortable with Big Evil Gummint doing things—we know in our hearts that it will screw up a lot of it, its representatives will act like clowns, and that IT IS FITTING AND PROPER THAT WE OBJECT IN THOSE CASES, where the Right wants a government guided by righteous (that is, rich or fanatickal) men which is WORTHY of our obedience.
As for buttsex: I now have something resembling gratitude toward Rick Santorum—finally, an anti-gay politician is willing to say publicly how much he hates and wants to have criminalised lots of stuff that straight people do…not as good as the legal requirement that any anti-{same-sex marriage} bill or measure have the words, ‘…and no blowjobs, ever,…’ added to its body and title, but it’s a start.
*YOU make the joke—I’m bitter.
We’re not like bonobos because we’re not like bonobos.
What, no “most spectacular deaths of F1 in the sixties”?*
*I quit following F1 in the ’70s, the yearly carnage kinda spoiled the enjoyment. Also, too, USAC Indy Car.
You said ‘prix’.
I’m a little late to the party, but why are they picking on Alfred Kinsey now? The man died in 1956!
I made nan pizzas with heirloom tomatoes and fresh basil and mozzarella. I’ll be blogging abou it soon.
I’m a little late to the party, but why are they picking on Alfred Kinsey now? The man died in 1956!
Because these are the most sex-obsessed, in their own twisted way, people on the planet.
Does anyone else notice that wingnuts think The Ghey Menace is all about the sodomy only? I mean, it seems that, for them, defines LGBTQ. They never seem to wonder about the other letters in the acronym, like the dykes. Why is it always about the menfolks? And teh wimminfolk – meh.
Is it because of Leviticus’ saying or self-doubt or what, do you think?
I think a lot of it is because they view gay people as defying God by the simple act of existing… that, and I think that a lot of the worst offenders have their own deviant sexual desires that totally freak them out… see “two wetsuits, one dildo”.
Heh, Digital Transfer
We’re not like bonobos because we’re not like bonobos.
Right. We only share over 98% of our genetic code and a large portion of our behavioral repretoire and cognitive abilities with them (as well as a most of our sexual proclivities, except they don’t do plushies).
I didn’t make a pizza out of anybody’s grandma.
The pushies must have been what Megan had in mind.
You almost have to have a pushy person during intercourse.
I didn’t make a pizza out of anybody’s grandma.
So, no “House of Substance” pizza?
So that’s why I got “plushie” past auto-correct! I didn’t type it at all.
A victory, yes, but another such victory and I am undone.
So, no “House of Substance” pizza?
Well, it was under seasoned, yes, but not goatse pizza.
Ooooh Tishiro Mifune is in Grand Prix. That would be worth seeing
Not a big part but hefty enough. He’s a thinly veiled Soichiro Honda in the role.
Look, now I know who Soichiro Honda is . This is more learning and shit!!
The Portland SNOWPOCALYPSE wasn’t. Almost though, in the gorge.
consensuality has replaced morality in today’s legal system
I can see the appeal of morality trumping consent…
“But I don’t want to fuck you.”
“Shut up. The Pastor says it’s moral.”
the “studies,” claims and “research” launched from the institute’s headquarters behind the gothic limestone Indiana University façade
OMFSM the studies are coming from INSIDE THE UNIVERSITY.
Is it because of Leviticus’ saying or self-doubt or what, do you think?
I never understood what is meant by that bit in Leviticus about “not lying with another man as with a woman”. Does it mean “thou shalt not allow thy partner to hog the duvet”?
The”K Bomb,” as she calls it
I believe it was an N-bomb in the original.
I never understood what is meant by that bit in Leviticus about “not lying with another man as with a woman”.
I think that means you are not supposed to tell him that you will respect him in the morning.
You’re not supposed to rip him a vagina. Use the bumhole, silly!
Neither of the above-mentioned gentlemen could take on a raging bull like Sonny Chiba.
OMFSM the studies are coming from INSIDE THE UNIVERSITY.
When was the last time you checked the researchers?
Duveting the hog.
my Anthropology of Gender class
Dr Dick: I enjoyed reading your comment at 23:12. Now I’m even more intrigued. Are you a professor? I always imagined you as a physician. In any event, I’m curious to learn more about what you do. Do you have a specialty?
Duveting the hog.
Not with my hog you don’t!
Fenwick –
I am a cultural anthropologist and a university professor. My research has been with Native Americans, primarily the so-called Five Civilized Tribes, and I also have topical specialties in gender, race and ethnicity, and political economy. I am also a proud socialist and 4th generation union man.
I heard your hog is kind of a slut.
A long time ago, when I could still run without falling down, I dated a girl from Baton Rouge. Her mother was a big round coonass from Pointe a la Hache (Plaquemines Parish) who raised tiny dogs which she sold to squirrel hunters. She had this one dog though that she really loved and refused to sell. She called him King.
One weekend Big Mama had a party at the lake house. Everybody around was invited to come eat crawfish and drink Dixie beer. Preston, my girlfriend’s brother, brought his girlfriend Angeline from White Castle, a tall skinny girl who wore her blonde hair in a beehive about a foot tall. Well, when she went to sit down on the couch with her plate of food, Big Mama’s little dog King ran up the back of the couch, jumped on Angeline’s beehive and began humping it. This caused a little commotion. Preston swatted King off Angeline’s head and Big Mama locked the dog up in her car.
The next morning Big Mama told my girlfriend and me to take the dog to the vet and have him put down, just like that. I was shocked that she could just get rid of the dog without so much as a blink. She said, “We can’t have no kinda dog around here that would do that to a grown woman’s head! Now y’all take de dog down to Doc Dubois and have him put down. Tell him I’ll come by later on today an’ pay de bill.”
Girlfriend and I grabbed King and put him in the car. Oh, he was real happy about that because King just loved to ride in the car. When he rode with Big Mama he got to drive even. This was going to be a sad trip to say the least. My girlfriend was crying and I was trying to think of some way to avoid having the little King put down. When we pulled up in front of Doc Dubois’ office, I said, “This don’t feel right.” But that’s all I could manage at the moment because I hadn’t devised a plan. My girlfriend was just sobbing.
We took the little happy King into the vet’s office and the girl at the counter asked what the problem was. I told her that the dog belonged to Big Mama, and that she wanted the dog put down. The girl stared at me for a second, then asked, “Why?” I told her what had happenned at the party. She said, “Aw, that’s common. Dogs are always humping people’s legs and all. I’ll call Big Mama and fix this, okay?”
Well that came as a big relief and even my girlfriend stopped crying. The girl made the call while we were still in the office. We heard her say “Big Mama, they ain’t nothin wrong with this dawg. It’s common for dawgs to show sexual feelings on humans. The problem is when it’s the otther way around, see. So we can’t put your dog down, no ma’am, not for something like this. It’s normal. Yes ma’am. Okay. I’ll tell ’em.”
The girl turned to us and said “Big Mama said for y’all to take him to Preston’s, and he could give him to his girlfriend Angeline. She said if King loved Angeline that much she should have him.”
Was this before or after her marriage to Billy Bob Thornton?
Big Mama’s little dog King ran up the back of the couch, jumped on Angeline’s beehive and began humping it.
“Bitch in Heat” brand hairspray was on sale at Piggly Wiggly.
Solidarity, Doc: I’m a proud socialist, too. And though I’ve never been a member of one, I’m a union man all the way. (King Harvest Has Surely Come: )
What got you interested in your work and specialty? Where do you do field research? Can you speak any Native American languages? What was the subject of your dissetation?
I’m curious to learn more, Doc.
((Also I learned from your 23:18. Most of it was new to me.))
Since Kiwi and Smut aren’t around right now, it’s up to me to post the head-humping parrot video.
“It’s the pervy hippies! It’s liberal Hollyweird! It’s that sicko Kinsey!”
Hmm … is that some misdirection I smell? Why yes, yes it most certainly is.
Pedos almost always tend to be authoritarians, & the right wing is their natural home in politics.
What got you interested in your work and specialty? Where do you do field research? Can you speak any Native American languages? What was the subject of your dissetation?
Oy, that is a lot to cover. My interest in Native Americans stems from growing up in Oklahoma (in the Cherokee Nation) and the fact that my first wife was Cherokee (as is my son). My field research was conducted in Oklahoma with the Cherokees, Seminoles, and Creeks, though most of my research has been historical (I am what is called an ethnohistorian). I do not presently speak any Native languages, though I used to speak a little bit of Muskogee (the language of the Creeks and Seminoles) and a few words and phrases of Cherokee. My dissertation was on changes in the political system of the Seminoles from 1700-1900. My other interests grew out of my other research. The gender thing came because the Cherokees have a very different system from the Creeks and Seminoles (who are culturally pretty much the same), even though all they share many cultural features and were neighbors for probably 3000-4000 years or more.
We both think this would be fun.
Also we’re all in this together: The Census Bureau treats Baltimore and Washington as a single Metropolitan Statistical Area. Like Dallas-Fort Worth or Minneapolis-St Paul. But way, way cooler.
Coriolanus is one of Shakespeare’s most overtly political plays. There is little of the reflective monologues and self-questioning to be found in other tragedies such as Hamlet, Macbeth and King Lear. This lack of self-reflection finds its equivalent, according to Fiennes, in modern politics. In his notes, Fiennes lists George Bush and Tony Blair, for example, as two modern-day politicians who match “the arrogance and intransigence” of Coriolanus.
The larger political dimensions of the play were underlined by the nineteenth century British essayist William Hazlitt, who wrote of Coriolanus: “The whole dramatic moral of Coriolanus is that those who have little shall have less, and that those who have much shall take all that others have left”.
German playwright Bertolt Brecht wrote a well-known adaptation of the play in the early 1950s, which was first staged in Frankfurt in 1962. His interesting essay on the subject, “Study of the First Scene of Shakespeare’s Coriolanus,” composed in the form of a dialogue, is included in Brecht on Theatre (edited by John Willett, 1992). Brecht describes the opening scene: “A group of plebeians has armed itself with a view to killing the patrician Caius Martius, an enemy of the people, who is opposed to lowering the price of corn.”
“I mean, let’s be frank, the conservative opinion on sex is that if one puts their fingers in their ears and pretends any information about sex away, then that will also make sex and sexuality go away”
Oh, is *that* why they do that? I assumed it was just the conservative arousal response. 😉
Thanks for the reply, Doc.
I used to live in extreme SE Kansas (Independence, Coffeyville). Tulsa was the closest ‘big city’ and the best television signal. So I have an empathetic understanding of your laments about the sheer insanity of Oklahoma politics. I think Oklahoma is the Craziest State in the nation. Yes, crazier than Texas.
one puts their fingers in their ears
I see the deliberate misspelling there.
Pupienus movie tips
How ancient is Fenwick? When I was a junior in high school, I saw Grand Prix in a movie theater. Twice. It looked terrific on a big screen. Fine ensemble cast. Also, it’s directed by John Frankenheimer. Thumbs up, say I.
I am having a hard time believing Reisman’s name is back in the news. The woman was a laughing stock of the 80s when the AG Report on Pornography (Meese and company, courtesy of Ronnie Raygun) came out. Her “expertise” on these matters stemmed from her extensive career as…a consultant for Captain Kangaroo.
When she tried suing the Kinsey Institute in the early 90s for defamation and such following the release of her her book knocking the Kinsey Institute, it was “dismissed with prejudice.” Funny how that never gets mentioned in her bios.
From Wiki:
They also don’t mention her seminal work on Captain Kangaroo, or the reason she might have some bats in the belfry when it comes to Kinsley:
She has an impressive list of publishers:
Kinsey, Sex and Fraud: The Indoctrination of a People
Judith Reisman et al.; Huntington House; Lafayette, LA (1990) ISBN 978-0910311205
“Soft Porn” Plays Hardball: Its Tragic Effects on Women, Children and the Family
Huntington House; Lafayette, LA (1991) ISBN 978-0910311922
Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences: The Red Queen and the Grand Scheme
The Institute for Media Education; Crestwood, KY (1998) ISBN 978-0966662412
Kinsey’s Attic: The Shocking Story of How One Man’s Sexual Pathology Changed the World
Cumberland House Publishing (2006) ISBN 978-1581824605
Sexual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America
WND Books (2010) ISBN 978-1935071853
rodert !!
Thanx for another wonderful story from True Enuff Life. I enjoy reading them very much.
Ronin (1998)
One of my favorites. The car chase has to be one of the top 5 ever done.
DeNiro has the best line in the movie when he’s asked “Have you ever killed anyone?”
“I hurt somebody’s feelings once”
Ronin (1998)
One of my favorites
Me too! Top-notch cast, tight and intricate plot. Imo, the car chase rivals Bullit.
Have you seen The Train ? Gets my vote for Frankenheimer’s best film. It’s in my personal pantheon of Thoroughly Excellent Films. Highest recommendation.
Fenwick, keeper of kool,
If’n you was to ever wander thru MSP, you’d amend that statement. We haz a ton o’ fun, so, there. N’yaah!
Screw Texas. Except Austin.
Oops. I was wrong, paleo. Meteorologically, the Twin Cities are w-a-y cooler than DC-Baltimore. In a similar manner, DC-Baltimore is way cooler than Dallas-Fort Worth.
Oregon? Ha! Oregon doesn’t have any Metropolitan Statistical Areas with TWO cities! So demographically, they don’t even count in this discussion.
Now you Oregonian kids get offa my lawn!
Happy Birthday, y’all.
paleo: I’ve experienced Minnesota winter. My step-brother (now a professor of geology in Oregon–which I have also visited) went to Carleton College. I drove there (from Iowa City) for his December wedding.
Minnesota is mos def cooler than the mid-Atlantic!
My work here is done.
I love when wingnuts go after 70 year old studies that have basically been discredited for more legitimate reasons than the reported results.
When I was a junior in high school, I saw Grand Prix in a movie theater.
In Cinerama or not? We had one of them three-screen theatres.
Two last things before I slip into the shadows:
This has been a thoroughly engaging and entertaining thread so far, both on-tropic and off. One of the very best, in my opinion.
(2) When will everyone here realize that N_B is a comedy genius?
N_B is fookin’ brilliant.
My interest in Native Americans stems from growing up in Oklahoma
Mine comes from the short suede skirt the Land-o-Lakes squaw wore.
In Cinerama or not?
Regular screen. That was all we had in Lawrence (KS) when I saw the film.
I think Grand Prix was the first time I went back to the theater to see a movie again. Thumbs up, say I.
I never understood what is meant by that bit in Leviticus about “not lying with another man as with a woman”.
I think it means that when he asks you have to admit that those pants do indeed make his ass look fat.
I never understood what is meant by that bit in Leviticus about “not lying with another man as with a woman”.
Lying to a man about coming in his mouth, silly…
I think it means that when he asks you have to admit that those pants do indeed make his ass look fat.
This is why I avoid talking to Newt Gingrich.
Mine comes from the short suede skirt the Land-o-Lakes squaw wore.
I covered that part with “my first wife was Cherokee.”
I covered that part with “my first wife was Cherokee.”
See, that would explain my Rita Coolidge phase, if I had done that.
I made a mistake in my story last night and I’d like to apologize for it. I should not have referred to Big Mama as a “coonass” when I could have just as easily and as accurately and without the implicit racism described her as a Cajun. The word I chose is outdated and offensive. That many Cajuns, or Louisiana French, living in and around the Atchafalaya Swamp often and proudly refer to themselves with this label does not mean it is acceptable in general usage: it belongs to them exclusively to use and to no one outside their community.
I used to live in Louisiana. I’m familiar with the term but never used it.
There weren’t many Cajuns in Shreveport anyway. Geographically and culturally it’s a lot closer to Texas than to South Louisiana.
Oops. I was wrong, paleo. Meteorologically, the Twin Cities are w-a-y cooler than DC-Baltimore. In a similar manner, DC-Baltimore is way cooler than Dallas-Fort Worth.
But Tamps-St. Pete is waaay hawter!
Unfortunately, I am closer to the Everglades City-Chokoloskee metropolitan area.
You’re right rodertrudis, and I should really stop referring to my friend’s catahoula as a coonass hog dog, but it’s lots of fun to say.
Hogging the dog.
Hogging the dog.
Or dogging the hog, if its D-KW’s mom
But Tamps-St. Pete is waaay hawter!
On the other hand, we cheat by adding those Flag Base One weirdos in Clearwater to the numbers.
But Tamps-St. Pete is waaay hawter!
On the other hand, we cheat by adding those Flag Base One weirdos in Clearwater to the numbers.
Curiously, the coldest night I’ve ever spent in my life was one night in Clearwater when the fog rolled in.
rodert rudis said,
January 16, 2012 at 18:13
Thereby proving, somehow, that you and/or they are the REAL racists.
I am, at this very moment, considering going up to Clearwater on 3/15 to catch this show.
See, that would explain my Rita Coolidge phase, if I had done that.
Except that my wife was a full-blood whose parents were native speakers of Cherokee. We were married in a Cherokee Baptist Church (the only part of the service I understood a word of was the vows, as everything else was in Cherokee). She was also tres hot.
From the Wiki: Judith A. Reisman is an American cultural conservative writer best known for her criticism and condemnation of the work and legacy of Alfred Kinsey. She is noted as “the founder of the modern anti-Kinsey movement.”
Who makes a career out of condemning and criticizing 60 year-old research? I mean, Kinsey’s work was flawed for a lot of reasons, as was that of Masters & Johnson and Shere Hite. What these researchers did was to treat sexuality as a science, something to be studied openly, rather than hidden away, shrouded in myths and taboos, or snickered at. And THAT is what the wangnuts hate most (I do like that term; I hope Kiwi doesn’t mind if I borrow it). They want sex to be icky and repressed, especially gay sex. They don’t like it when people, especially children, are allowed to learn about things like that as if they are normal, natural bodily functions.
She was also tres hot.
Nice hair.
Not her, you.
No worries, steerpike.
This really is the wangnut’s finest hour. To rubbish some science that they don’t understand on the grounds of their whackdoodle morals.
It’s all part of the overall goal of repealing the entire 20th century. In fact, there are a lot of things about the 19th century they’re not exactly crazy about. Come to think of it, let’s just take a do-over on that whole second millennium. That’s the ticket! Let’s party like it’s 999!
And, back then you didn’t need to know why things happened either, time came in, tide went out, the king (always a king) was in his castle, God was on a cloud and all was right with the world.
Time and tide are interchangable in rightwayupland
She was also tres hot.
Why’d she marry Weird Al?
Let’s party like it’s 999!
Herman Cain! Is that you?
It’s the culmination of a trend that might be traced to the Reagan era. At least, that’s when I recall politics become more about demonization of your opponent than reality or facts and stuff. They made “liberal” a dirty word. Dirty because liberals are nasty evil people, not because of anything to to with the value of liberal policies.
They simply don’t talk about ideas or facts. They don’t even care what the actual results of some policy might be, it is purely identity politics. It’s religion, that’s what it is.
You know, I tried making Bob Unruh’s name into a Thu’um. All I got for my troubles was a trip to low orbit courtesy of a giant’s club… and an arrow to the knee.
Okay, maybe I’ve been playing too much Skyrim lately…
Everybody knows Orlando is more Goth than Tampa. Everybody knows that.
Thomas Granger was the inevitable result of sexual puritanism — the original sexual puritanism no less. “Divers sheepe” has now become a mighty oak on my mental landscape.
It’s the culmination of a trend that might be traced to the Reagan era.
…and the toxins of Lee Atwater.
JAB: I didn’t understand any of the references in the first and last sentences. (I’m guessing these are computer / electronic games?) My ignorance therefore made the middle sentence sing with pure out-of-context goofiness. I love this sentence:
Hey! Has everybody gone to the new thread?
It’s all references to the same game: Skyrim – the fifth game in the Elder Scrolls series. Here’s a quick guide to the references:
1) One of the in-game powers is the ability to create magical effects by shouting (which might explain why those nice Christians outside your local abortion clinic are always shouting at the women who patronize the place) – in one of the in-game languages, it’s referred to as Thu’um. The most famous of which is the one featured in the trailer: FUS RO DAH (Unrelenting Force – the game’s version of the Force Push from Star Wars).
2) Getting knocked into orbit by giants has to do with the way damage handled in the game engine. If you do more damage to an enemy than is required to kill them (or vice versa), the extra damage gets translated into ragdollizing the unfortunate victim, as seen here.
3) The infamous “Arrow in the knee” meme. This has to do with one of the stock phrases the guards in the game use. EVERY ONE OF THEM. Goes like this: “I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow in the knee.”
Why, yes. I have played too much Skyrim lately.
J.A. Baker, from one knees-filled-with-arrows former-adventurer to another: