More Monkey Business From The Giraffe Lady

Jeannie Deangelis, perhaps because of her tragic resemblance to a wild-eyed giraffe on a methamphetamine binge, is, not surprisingly, all over David Axelrod for having made his monkey butt comment about Newt “Eye Of” Gingrich.
David Axelrod, who slightly resembles a proboscis monkey himself, has reintroduced name-calling into the political arena — specifically animal name-calling. Although the animal kingdom provides apt descriptions for many politicians (think Chihuahuas, sloths and the Aye-aye), thanks to political correctness, analogies have been banned from the animal farm.
Nevertheless, in an attempt to get the Obama 2012 campaign moving in the right direction, David broke with politically
correct protocol by tying monkeys on sticks to aquatic amphibians, saying about Newt Gingrich that “The higher a monkey climbs on the pole the more you can see his butt.”
The liberal PC police must have honed in on animal analogies during that lost weekend I spent in Rio dousing myself with cachaca and chasing beach boys because I don’t really remember when we liberals dropped the ban hammer on comparing politicians to animals.
Oh wait. She’s thinking of this:
There’s no denying that 74-year-old Marilyn Davenport, an Orange County, California Republican Party official described as “a ‘petite grandmother’ who taught Bible study and had a heart condition,” failed to use good judgment last spring when she sent an incendiary email featuring a photo of a Papa and Mama chimpanzee cradling a baby chimp that was Photoshopped to look like President Obama. . . . Marilyn’s profuse apology did not impress Orange County GOP chair Scott Baugh, [who] called for Nanny Davenport’s immediate resignation.
. . .
Marilyn Davenport’s obvious poor judgment aside, why, in some circles, does an image of a monkey instantly evoke racial overtones?
I don’t think I’m going too far out on a limb by suggesting that Jeannie probably doesn’t know a single black person if she can’t see why referring to a black person as a subhuman primate found in Africa might have racial overtones. Hell, I think it’s safe to say that every time Jeannie sees a black person she either changes the channel or rolls up her car windows, locks the door and jams the accelerator to the floor.
During WWI, enlistment posters depicted Germans as ‘mad beasts’ that looked like King Kong, which makes one wonder if, at the time, the insult was directed toward Germans or gorillas.
And I’m sure that Jeannie wonders whether calling black people “coons” is insulting to the raccoons or to black people.
But Jeannie is saving for last her best argument as to why monkey isn’t a racially derogatory term.
How about Mr. Rogers? Fred hugged Koko the ape. Looking back from a more enlightened perspective, could the man in the tennis shoes who lived in an all-white neighborhood be the reason white cardigan-wearing people, based on their outerwear, look a lot like racists?
I would call that tortured logic, but it would be an insult to torturers. Best I can figure, Jeannie is saying that apes don’t remind racists of Negroes or Mr. Rogers wouldn’t have hugged Koko, which means that comparing a black person to an ape is a term of affection intended to precede some gentle cuddling and mild foreplay.
Moreover, by calling a doughy white guy from Georgia a monkey, David Axelrod may have unintentionally reclassified monkeys and placed them in the neutral category when it comes to racial overtones surrounding animal references, email imagery and political name calling.
At last we get to what is always the ultimate point anytime a white wingnut writes about race, namely that black people have no right to get all huffy when white people use racially derogatory language. Usually the reason is some variant of this: “Rappers use the n-word about other blacks, which makes it perfectly okay for me to do the same thing.” But I have to give Jeannie credit for a new and even more stupid variant: because one white guy once referred to one other white guy as a monkey, all white people are now perfectly free, indeed encouraged, to call all black people monkeys.
It’s this kind of intellectual rigor which keeps the loyal readers of Renew America coming back again and again.
I stopped right there.
Fucking analogies, how do they work?
A picture of a monkey doesn’t. A picture of a monkey clearly meant to evoke racial overtones, like, say implying a black man has monkeys for parents does. I would say that Jeannie is as dumb as a monkey for not understanding the difference, but…insult to monkeys and all that…
Also too, what does the ancient racist being a Bible school teacher and having a heart condition have to do with anything? Do those two things mitigate racism? Cuz…I’ve been clinically depressed at times in my life. Would it have been ok to burn crosses on people’s lawns then? You know, as a stress reliever?
To add, somebody’s late to the Petty Party.
I dare somebody to read the comments. I am not drunk, so I will not.
I dare somebody to read the comments.
Sorry, I don’t think I could afford that much therapy.
I don’t see any comments. Am I just looking in the wrong place?
I’d brave the comments, if only I could find them.
Oh, was she afraid that that little mind-fart was even too offensive and dumb for RA readers?
There’s a place to comment (using Facebook), but I’m not seeing any of them there yet. I’m not personally familiar with the site, so I’m not sure if I’m just looking in the wrong place.
What about Mr. Rogers? NOTHING. You leave that man alone.
Why do black people get so mad when I call them nig-nogs? Isn’t that what they are?? Helloo-oo????
Not surprising, greasy wops like Jeannie DeAngelis just don’t get it. I’m a bit surprised she didn’t cite how we called the French surrender monkeys and the French are mostly white!
As for the comments, I’ll bet a guinea dago right for the “you’re the real racist” trope immediately. No need to grease the skids.
Only comment I can see so far:
It’s the new paradigm. Only white people, preferably conservatives, can call people racists.
Unless Herman Cain wants to say liberals are racists. He’s exempted also, too.
Oh, and comparing people to Nazis or to Hitler is just beyond the pale. Totes unacceptable!
Unless you’re saying liberals are like Nazis or that Obama is like Hitler. Then it’s OK, and being all outraged about it means you’re just like Hitler.
And I’m just like Hitler for pointing out the blatant nature of conservative hypocrisy.
why referring to a black person as a subhuman primate found in Africa might have racial overtones
Not to mention that it displays a profound ignorance of about 200 years of racist depictions and characterization.
The Monkees were the real racists.
It’s not even the numb-nutted inability to understand why the bible-loving granny’s expression was racist that’s the stunner here. As usual, conservatives can fail to understand things on the level of understanding language and how it works, never mind getting into the hard stuff like the obvious. That is, crazy eyes lady starts out by bitching about something that didn’t even happen, i.e., no one called anyone a name in the first place. This is on a par with people who thought Michael Dukakis had referred to Ronald Reagan as a rotten fish head when he said “a fish rots from the head down.”
Metaphor, analogy, simile…they’re all lost on these morons. They’re so fucking stupid they don’t even understand the language they want to codify as the official tongue of the realm.
David Axelrod, who slightly resembles a proboscis monkey himself
Having done the extensive research of FUCKING GOOGLING IT, no, he doesn’t look at all like a proboscis monkey. He does, however, like like a young Mr. Whipple. Gerard Depardieu is more the proboscis monkey type.
has reintroduced name-calling into the political arena
You know what? He didn’t. He used a common saying so fucking old it appears to have been known at least as early 1395 where it appears in the Wycliffe Bible relating to Proverbs 3:35, or so the internet leads me to believe. Of course he’s saying something bad about Gingrich, that the higher he rises in life the more visible and obvious his flaws, but Jesus Christ, lady, only a complete fucking moron thinks he’s actually, literally calling Gingrich a monkey. PS for the hard of thinking, THAT was name calling. Idiot.
Also: Newt Gingrich = evil Keebler elf.
This is on a par with people who thought Michael Dukakis had referred to Ronald Reagan as a rotten fish head
This was truly outrageous, as everyone knows that Reagan was a rotten fish butt.
This is on a par with people who thought Michael Dukakis had referred to Ronald Reagan as a rotten fish head when he said “a fish rots from the head down.”
What’s even worse was someone who explicitly said that when he knew better: George H.W. Bush. You know, the “mature” one.
People are so (justifiably) incensed with his son that they tend to forget what a devious, weasally little shit the old man was. He would lie out his ass, engage in the most outrageous slander, if he came out one more vote ahead.
I sure hope Jeb confines himself to corporate boards or whatever the fuck he’s doing now. This country can’t take much more from that family.
Also: Newt Gingrich = evil Keebler elf.
More of an evil Munchkin-Flying Monkey hybrid if you ask me.
Hey hey!
That’s uncalled for!
reintroduced name-calling
Re-introduced name calling? When has there not been name-calling?
This of course, from the folks who coined “Hildebeast” and “Obummer” and “Klintoon” and “Algore.”
I remember the good old days when you could talk about “lipstick on a pig” and everyone knew you were talking about Sarah Palin.
Why is it that threads balloon up to 300 comments when I’m away, but when I watch a thread from the start, it stalls at 28?
It’s my breath, isn’t it? That or my addiction to public masturbation.
He’s just monkeying around.
Also: Newt Gingrich = evil Keebler elf.
He does bear more than a passing resemblance, with all due apology to Ernie.
Okay, now I wanna comment just to ask a sincere question about “cocksucker”.
Also: Newt Gingrich = evil Keebler elf.
Wait, there are non-evil Keebler elves?
David Axelrod, who slightly resembles a proboscis monkey himself
Yeah, Jeannie, we know all about those big-nosed Jews. Glad you could demonstrate your complete lack of racism so clearly.
Look, we all know if there’s one form of expression that has never been the least bit racist, it’s World War I propaganda.
I sympathize, Spear. Weekends and evenings are when I have the most time available to mix it up on a funsy comment thread, and are also the times teh Sadlies seem to go into slo-mo hibernation.
Yeah, Christopher, there actually was a lot of racism directed at Germans during World War I and II.
Race is a social construction, of course. Different ethnic groups come and go within racialised categories. We think of, say, the Irish as white, today, but that wasn’t the case in the Victorian era or early 20th century.
Germans haven’t always benefited from not being a racial other. I know from history taught here in Canada that there were German Interment Camps in British Columbia during WWII. Those “German as ape” posters, and talk about “fritz”, “kraut” and so on didn’t emerge from a vacuum.
Did they, Vaccumslayer?
Did they what? I’m lost.
OIC now. I’m afraid my darling is part-Kraut.
Look at old American political cartoons from the 1800s. The Irish are often portrayed as hulking, subhuman, apelike brutes.
Also, octopus monsters.
The above link is SFW. It’s not Japanese porn, I swear.
Great news, everyone. I ran into one of the partners of the construction firm I worked for until Dec 08 – the partner who wasn’t an asshole, and his wife. Turns out that they’ve finally had enough of the partner who WAS an asshole, they’ve kicked him out of the business, and given him through the end of the month to get all his shit out of the shop (which they own). What makes this so delicious is that the asshole is the reason I left, and prior to when I left, he constantly was shooting his mouth off about how he could “buy and sell” the other partners and how he was going to buy them out or push them out. Seems it’s not so easy to do that when they’re the ones that own the property in which you’re shooting off your mouth.
I’ve been experiencing near-orgasmic levels of schadenfreude for the past several hours now. It’s like Christmas came early this year!!!
Come back and tell the story when it’s orgasmic.
Ahhhh….ahhhhhhhh…AHHHHHHHH!!! OH GOD!! YES, YES, YES!!!!
Come back and tell the story when it’s orgasmic
But when I say this at the library’s story time, people look at me funny.
Well, most people don’t get that excited about Goodnight, Moon.
Excellent, Jennifer.
*hands Jennifer a towel*
Well, most people don’t get that excited about Goodnight, Moon.
I’m surrounded by philistines.
Also: Newt Gingrich = evil Keebler elf.
Needs goatee.
Newt=evil GNOME
Also: Newt Gingrich = evil Keebler elf.
Needs goatee.
At first I thought you said “needs goatse” and I was thinking, “no, he’s got that pretty well covered already.” I mean, dude is basicall one huge walking asshole…
Executive summary, please.
Philistines are an invented people.
At first I thought you said “needs goatse” and I was thinking, “no, he’s got that pretty well covered already.” I mean, dude is basicall one huge walking asshole…
And a gaping one, at that.
I should have added, “… dagger, gold lamé belt that ties, and optionally, thigh-high boots, depending on gender or orientation,” just to make it more clear.
Is this ok?
Is this ok?
No. That’s really dumb.
Okay, now I wanna comment just to ask a sincere question about “cocksucker”.
Wherever does one find rooster pops?
Does it strike anyone else how these wingnut poutrages are always always ALWAYS about semiotic fart-bubbles that have little to no relevance to anything going on in real-time way out here in Realityland?
Teh socialist motherfuckers who write SesameStreet be brainwashing mah chillins! HES GOING 2 TAKE AWAY ALL UOR GUNS!11!!!11111!! Yeah, okay, sure, we already saw Obambi’s birth-certificate – ergo FUCK YOU, long-form only or GTFO! A Muslim mosque at (several blocks from) the WTC site is EXACTLY LIEK 9/11 HAPPENING OVER & OVER EVERY SINGLE DAY! Soros gave that lefty website a M1LL10N D0LLARS – where is your IOKIYAR now, hippies? Obama looked so smart debating McCain because he had a secret earphone/implant/eldritch-WiFi, even though no matter how often I review the video or *e*n*h*a*n*c*e* I still can’t see one – so QED he totes had one on … because you’d EXPECT to not be able to see such advanced Kenyan technology, sheeple! SARAH PALIN BLOOD LIBEL!!!!!!!
Conservatism: it’s not an ideology any more – it’s a game of Meatspace Dodge-Tag.
Their reluctance to defend the venal sociopath who turned already-ailing US politics into a hybrid between a whorehouse & a circus geek-tent proves yet again that liberals are the REAL racists!
tl;dr = Axelrod needs to apologize to all monkey-butts everywhere – AT ONCE.
The fact is, liberals ARE the real racists. Us conservative white Americans standing up for our heritage get taken to jail by the PC police while teh lazy darkies take our tax money to buy drugs.
I’m really glad Cerberus is up in the house now and it’s helping Tintin get even better too, also, so I want to get jim to start posting as well. GIVE jim THE KEYS!
the fact is, by the way,
Not racism to prevent damage of pool by hair products that onoly darkies use and keep people who cause trouble out of it, its private property, what happened to freedom?
The fact is, I wonder why liberals in Ohio are so outrages bout redisticting, because reverve raccism, making sure darkies get elected when ntheyd have no chance without afirmative action bias?
Redistricting issues= bite me. We won, you lost.
It’s Cincinnati. No big surprise there.
the fact is, fuck off, tiresome parody troll
what happened to freedom?
From the gospel according to Kristofferson:
A. it’s just another word for nothing left to lose.
2. this freedom’s just a feeling coming down.
what happened to freedom?
9/11 changed everything.
Most doms charge…so they tell me.
Most doms charge…so they tell me.
That’s been my experience. Oops, said too much.
Subs, on the other hand, will go for free if you just give in to their desire that you look at their goatse pix.
When you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.
So, looked at the animal/celebrity pics, most weren’t very good but the chow was excellent. Some of the celebrity mirror image photos are amazing, though. I’m now convinced Keira Knightley and Natalie Portman came from the same petri dish.
“a subhuman primate ”
Actually, many members of the animal kingdom debate whether humans are as highly evolved as other animals…
Gladly, Not Fucking Likely.
I would want to rewrite anything that constituted a post on Sadlynautville ……………….. indefinitely.
Besides, did you see what sorts of awful things happened to the Cabllero family legacy that was the SCTV network, once he foolishly “gave the keys” to a bunch of crazy Canadians? The best Tri-City area TeeVee channel ever – ruined & driven off the air by deranged poutine-heads.
Smart snark-blogs NEVER go Full Canuck.
A little off subject, but I would like to try and clear something up. The very distasteful and offensive word “coon” did not, I believe, come from the animal the raccoon. It came instead from the word “barracoon”: I recall first seeing the word barracoon in Dickens’ Great Expectations. Our word “barracks”, or soldiers quarters, comes from the Spanish/Portuguese word “baraca”.
Baraca Bama?
Jennifer, I know that schadenfreude well. And I just deleted what I had written about it because I have my own blog now and that’s where this story belongs. Just this:
OIC now. I’m afraid my darling is part-Kraut.
ZOMG!! That would make yer babbie part-part Kraut.
We may be forced to eat him.
“David Axelrod, who slightly resembles a proboscis monkey himself, has reintroduced name-calling into the political arena…”
If it’s only been two minutes since the last time it happened, does it really count as a reintroduction?
When you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.
I can handle that. What I object to are the abyss’s chuckles of amused disdain.
tying monkeys on sticks to aquatic amphibians
IIRC there is no tying on sticks involved, but rather a leather sack, large enough to contain a venomous snake, a dog and a rooster as well as the monkey and the Newticle. Also she has omitted the throwing-in-the-river-Tiber part of the process
I am watching a show called “Faces of Earth” and I keep seeing shots of Seattle. Have any of you lived/visited there? Is it as stunning as the show makes it look?
Ms Deangelis may have a “resemblance to a wild-eyed giraffe on a methamphetamine binge” but she barely approaches Callista Gingrich who always appears to be getting a firm goosing from Newtie wielding their six-figure, pearl-studded Tiffany dildo.
Is it as stunning as the show makes it look?
Seattle’s pretty great. Especially in the summer. The weather can be grey and drizzly much of the year, which is the only drawback.
Callista Gingrich who always appears to be getting a firm goosing from Newtie wielding their six-figure, pearl-studded Tiffany dildo.
I’ve seen older pictures of her, before she got the black light-ready vinyl hairlmet and injection-molded rictus facial, and she actually used to look like a normal, not unattractive human being. Future Mrs Gingrich’s should consider this as an object lesson on the personal existential risks of becoming a Mrs Gingrich.
My understand of Seattle, and in fact much of the Pacific NW, is that it is ideal for gardeners and that can grow just about anything. I would move there in a heartbeat for that reason alone, but there are other benefits as well.
Yeah, I hear it’s just very rainy and gray…but damn…what splendor.
I’d move there but housing is expensive compared to Ohio and the commute to Memphis would kill me.
We have people that do it, but I couldn’t handle 4 hours in the jump-seat just to get to work.
The northwest sucks, everybody should stay away. And the beer is terrible.
The northwest sucks, everybody should stay away. And the beer is terrible.
But they’re so welcoming! :-p~
I’m confused, is she arguing for or against the monkey sex?
Is it true that the signs at the Oregon border used to say “Welcome to Oregon – Now go home.”?
Ahhhh….ahhhhhhhh…AHHHHHHHH!!! OH GOD!! YES, YES, YES!!!!
That’s hawt.
Yes, the Pacific NW is nothing but rain and gloom – it is a truly awful place to live.
The problem with the northwest is the same as the problem with California: you’re fully 3000 miles from the ocean.
Welcome to Oregon – Now go home
But leave your money first.
I hate every ape I see
From chimpan-A to chimpanzee
So you’ll never make a monkey out of me
Oh my god! I was wrong!
It was Earth all along!
You’ve finally made a monkey
Yes, you’ve finally made a monkey out of me
On topic: Gingrich the Newt.
About Seattle, late fall through summer can be gray and depressing. At one time, I believe Astoria, OR (right at the mouth of the Columbia) was the suicide capital of the US; not sure if that’ss still true if it ever was.
There’s noplace more beautiful when the sun shines though.
Back in the 80s, the bumper stickers in California said “Welcome to California, now go home.” The ones in Oregon said, “Don’t Californicate Oregon” The Seattleites had not yet gotten their hipster snob on and thus didn’t have bumper stickers.
When I lived in Montana, there was a popular T-shirt making the rounds, with a picture of the outline of the state, with various items marked on it that said, “forest fires!” “Blizzards!” “Grizzly Bear attacks!” and the like. Below was the caption: “Go back to California and tell them it’s not safe here!”
Major – no.
Everything they say is true. It’s always raining, usually cold and there’s nothing to do. If you live in California you should just stay there and not even visit. Do you hear me California? Stay the fuck away, dammit.
Astoria was where The Goonies was filmed. How they moved it to Arkansas I have no idea – movie magic I guess.
For your holiday viewing pleasure.
I think you may want to stay out of Minnesota too.
On my most recent drive across the US I stopped in at the Texas Catholic Superstore. Got in the door and the first thing that was said was “Let me guess: you’re from Portland!”
Because of the pale skin and mossy hair?
My understand of Seattle, and in fact much of the Pacific NW, is that it is ideal for gardeners and that can grow just about anything.
Tigris, this is actually true. And there are so many gardeners there the level of knowledge and skill is incredible. A neighborhood gardening group might include a world-famous horticulturist who leads seed-finding expeditions in the Himalayas, or an old rose specialist. Little old lady arboretum volunteers routinely grow exotic bulbs from seed.
When I lived there, you could find rare and unusual perennials onsale in the racks outside the supermarket – once I actually bought a Meconopsis in a 4″ pot at the Madison Park grocery store.
It’s true a little bit north as well.
That botanical garden and the woman (very pale but not mossy) are all I remember from my visit to Vancouver.
That botanical garden and the woman (very pale but not mossy)
It sounds like you had a narrow escape from Poison Ivy.
I bet they don’t grow okra.
Okra’s a big deal for various Asian communities.
I have a good friend here in Atlanta who’s recently been working temporarily in Seattle for a few months, and he adores the place. With one exception, and these are his words, not mine: “The women are hideous.”
He says this is almost a meme amongst the people he works with. Surely this can’t be the case?
That botanical garden and the woman (very pale but not mossy)
Non-mossy woman at nearby QE Park.
He says this is almost a meme amongst the people he works with. Surely this can’t be the case?
I’d take it with a large grain of salt. Especially if he’s from Georgia originally.
They have this thing that “Southern women = teh hot, everywhere else = bunch of hairy-legged radical feminist dykes” or something.
…the clinging cross looks like it might be useful in a bar fight
They have this thing that “Southern women = teh hot, everywhere else = bunch of hairy-legged radical feminist dykes” or something.
He might be that way, but he travels all over the world, and I haven’t previously thought he was prone to that mindset. It might just be his proffession (he’s a coder for a big firm), and it’s some sort of in-joke.
Fucking Titans. What a disappointing season.
Uh, Subby, hate to point this out, but that thread you linked to? The okra grower was in Ontario, and said his attempt to grow okra the previous year had failed. And given that he had just put the plants out in June and was still having to row-cover them to keep them warm, my guess is the current attempt he was reporting about probably failed as well, in terms of yielding much of any use. For one thing, you aren’t going to get enough okra to use with only 6 plants.
I said “I bet they don’t grow okra” because it likes hot (not warm, HOT) weather and lots of sun. That’s not to say that someone might occasionally have luck with a single crop in a year where the weather was unusually warm in a place like the Pacific NW or Canada, but that would probably be about the extent of the success with it.
From my experience, Seattle women run the expected spectrum from gorgeous to not so much. It is true that in the wintery months the sheer covered-upedness, particularly with bulky raincoats, makes ’em all look more or less alike. As with so many other issues, summertime makes it much better.
For average beauty per capita, though, I still have to tip my hat to Paris.
…the clinging cross looks like it might be useful in a bar fight
For my money, that does not look like a pleasant sort of dildo.
New post, comrades.
Oh sure, now that I’ve wieghed in on the beauty of Seattle women.
Oh, quite right. Nevertheless okra grows well enough here during its season to have local suppliers for the name restaurants and snootier produce stores.
People tend to forget that the climate west of the Cascades is mild due to the maritime influence. Even though it’s pretty far north, it doesn’t get as cold as the high plains eat of the mountains.
In 18 years of living in Seattle, I think I saw serious snow down in the city twice.
For average beauty per capita, though, I still have to tip my hat to Paris.
Subby and g would be awesome neighbors. Thanks for the information, guys.
Before I catch up with this post and comments, just wanted to answer a question from a comment in the last thread.
Oregon alone has six growing regions. I’m guessing Washington might have as many. You can grow okra here. The place where I get all my heirloom seeds has four varieties of okra that are bred to grow here.
I don’t have these seeds because there are only two vegetables I know of that I HATE— okra, and lima beans. My mother tried to make me eat boiled okra once and she was very sorry because she’s even queasier than I am.
I can stand a little in gumbo or fried in cornmeal breading, but it’s not worth my time to grow it for that. Also, one of the worst summer jobs my family ever had was helping a friend of the family harvest okra (in Texas). It was a horror of hot, sweaty, itchiness. I hate the fuzz with a passion.
And the plants are UGLY. BOO okra.
Best I can figure, Jeannie is saying that apes don’t remind racists of Negroes or Mr. Rogers wouldn’t have hugged Koko, which means that comparing a black person to an ape is a term of affection intended to precede some gentle cuddling and mild foreplay.
And kittens. Negroes remind us of cuddling tiny kittens.
I don’t have these seeds because there are only two vegetables I know of that I HATE— okra, and lima beans.
OMG, wiley! EVERY TIME Mom made lima beans she made my sister and me eat some with the remark “how can you know you don’t like them, you’ve never had them before!” EVERY. DAMN. TIME. And they grew it in the garden, so she was saying this most days in the summer, THEN she canned enough for about 80 families for the winter. Luckily okra wasn’t served nearly as often and cans like crap(though she put it, and limas, into an awful vegetable soup which she then canned), but yes, it’s also gross.
Ahhhh….ahhhhhhhh…AHHHHHHHH!!! OH GOD!! YES, YES, YES!!!!
I’ll have whatever Jennifer’s having.