I Want What Scott’s Smoking.
Posted on November 29th, 2011 by Tintin
ABOVE: Scott Mayer, Jared Loughner (left or right? You decide)
Scott Mayer, The American Genius:
Hollywood Hypocrisy in the Hypokrisis Industry
- No one in Hollywood can complain about income inequality until someone makes a movie where JFK is played by a Negro.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
And the part of Pol Pot ought to go to the most QUALIFIED actor, not the most qualified Asian actor.
But you liberals just don’t get that, do you?
Actually the one one the right looks like JL after 6 months of those sweet prison meals. That is to say he’s a bit doughy.
err, left. right?
Clearly he has never seen Bubba Ho-Tep.
Don’t bogart that joint, Tintin.
Imma trust the shorter; the shorter alone impairs my cognitive abilities.
When they do a biopic of Cain, can a white guy play him?
Clearly he has never seen Bubba Ho-Tep.
“President Johnson is dead.”
“That wouldn’t stop him!”
So because film makers have won at the game of capitalism, they should abandon any principle?
Two paragraphs in, and I can tell this idiot does not understand the difference between being famous, being rich and being wealthy.
Hollywood Hypocrisy in the Hypokrisis Industry
I see Scott has subscribed to Victor David Hanson’s
Buttsecks pitcherGreek word-o-th-day calendarAre his little panties still all up in a knot because a black dude was cast in Thor?
someone makes a movie where JFK is played by a Negro
Because we all know what happened to JFK, right?
And if anyone has seen either “The Last Mohican” or “The Last Samurai” can tell you, it’s not an issue of income inequality in Hollywood moreso than, “Can a black guy other than Will Smith sell tickets to a white audience?”
Is this one of those stereoscopic fusion images?
Are his little panties still all up in a knot because a black dude was cast in Thor?
If there’s anything characters based on comics are known for, it’s consistency.
dang tag!
Forgoing my better judgment yet again, I got off the boat. Huge. Straw. Man. Nothing but straw man. Well, there’s all that projection that leads to the the hay stuffing, but that is to be expected from a whinger.
Nobody can forget the scene when Optimus Prime increased the harvest by SEVEN PERCENT.
When they do a biopic of Cain, can a white guy play him?
Jeepers that has Box office Gold written all over it, eh?
I guess that sitting at home watching Red Dawn on endless repeat gets a tad monotonous for these buttheads so they have to take a swing at something that they can be sure will not notice them.
Tag taga tagga
dang tag!
Du er velkommen
Also, “the stars should start producing movies’. Insider kowledge of Hollywood, there.
Hollywood keeps casting Morgan Freeman as God, still not good enough?
That new Kevin Costner movie, Dance With Tractors sounds really good!
ho, ho, pryme! i am glad to see that i am not the only one to make this egregious tagfail!
This is why I didn’t major in computers (despite my parents claim to the contrary).
The part of Barack Obama is to be played by Pat Boone
I will be so excited to see Tom Cruise play lead in the next Tyler Perry’s Madea Does Something Stupid movie. That’s box office gold right there.
I heard the part of George Wallace in the new movie “1968” will be played by the comedian George Wallace.
Second: since Hollywood embraces far-left ideology, the stars should start producing movies with a biased, far-left slant. Oh, wait — they already do that. Okay — they should just stop trying to hide that bias and present fiction as fiction instead of fact, as they do now.
from the comments…submitted with no comment…
[sigh] If only John Wayne were alive to star in a remake of Malcom X… Ooh, maybe Fred Thompson is available!
This is why I didn’t major in computers (despite my parents claim to the contrary).
heh…i had to take computer science to fulfill my math quota in college…i’s too stoopid for reglar math…and hey, at least your epic tagfail didn’t happen with your very first post here…
It appears to me that this allegedly ‘left-wing’ blog leans to the right!
i wonder how scott enjoyed that runaway boxoffice smash ‘atlas shrugs’?
I heard the part of George Wallace in the new movie “1968? will be played by the comedian George Wallace.
i think it would play better with wallace shawn in that role…
We pay these people to intentionally lie to us
No, you pay them to tell you stories. Just like your mommy and daddy did. Did you just call your parents liars?
Wow. This from the people that have made a saint out of the actor they elected president. Twice.
“i think it would play better with wallace shawn in that role…”
they should just stop trying to hide that bias and present fiction as fiction instead of fact, as they do now.
so…almost every movie i’ve ever seen wasn’t real? they were all just a ploy to get me to surrender my soul to the evil left? and prolly become a communist obamabot? wow…that just…blows…my…mind…
Off topic top tip for any of the jobless Sadlies — Fox News is hiring!
You’re welcome.
Wow. This from the people that have made a saint out of the actor they elected president. Twice.
i know! that’s what makes that particular comment so priceless!
“so…almost every movie i’ve ever seen wasn’t real? they were all just a ploy to get me to surrender my soul to the evil left? and prolly become a communist obamabot? wow…that just…blows…my…mind…”
Wait til we come for your body….conform….conforrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm….CONFORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!
“I heard the part of George Wallace in the new movie “1968? will be played by the comedian George Wallace.
i think it would play better with wallace shawn in that role…”
What about Dee Wallace?
Reagan was assimilated, so he doesn’t count. Nor Schwarzenegger (holy crap; his name is in the spellcheck!). Or Sonny Bono.
“I heard the part of George Wallace in the new movie “1968? will be played by the comedian George Wallace.
i think it would play better with wallace shawn in that role…
What about Dee Wallace?”
Or Wallace and Grommit!
Fox News is hiring!
I don’t think I can get my boobs big enough. I can fake the blank stare, tho.
A few of them weren’t real, but most are. For example, the original Star Wars is an excellent and perfectly accurate historical re-enactment.
And my favorite documentary of all time is Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
Of the few fictional movies ever made, I think Bowling For Columbine got a bad rap and was actually fairly good, if a bit far fetched.
What?! Everyone’s comment receiving exactly the same emphasis?? What are you people, SOCIALISTS?!?!?!?!?!?
I wonder if a close italics tag will do something? I presume someone’s tried it already, and it hasn’t worked, but in case not … well, here goes …
The role of Bill Clinton will be played by George Clinton
The part of Abraham Lincoln is to be played by Fred “the Hammer” Williamson, with Pam Grier as Mary Todd Lincoln
Is something wrong? The page looks fine in my browser (Opera)…
And now I feel like I’m both vaguely superior and missing out at the same time.
Obvious Captain is Captain Obvious:
He had something going for a minute there. Jack Bauer approves, yes?
Oh, no. I guess that’s the exception to the rule.
The role of Bill Clinton will be played by George Clinton
The role of Thomas Jefferson will be played by George Jefferson, who in turn will be played by Sherman Helmsley, who in turn will be played by Leona.
Is something wrong? The page looks fine in my browser (Opera)…
No need for superiority. It look aight in IE9 too. L to the O to the L!
Now I’m nostalgic for the italics, which I guess makes me itali-nostalgic.
“Don’t be too hard on the isolated enclave of Hollywood”
To quote those eloquent poets Beavis and Butthead “Heh Heheheheheh he said hard on”
Maybe JFK could be played by Chris Matthews, since he’s openly begging to have him interred so he can smoke Jack’s hog.
And now I feel like I’m both vaguely superior and missing out at the same time.
exactly how scott feels…
The parts of Beavis and Butthead should be played by Amos and Andy.
Reagan was assimilated,
WHAT? He survived that attempt.
Now I’m nostalgic for the italics, which I guess makes me itali-nostalgic.
Italicism is theft.
WHAT? He survived that attempt.
zombie reagan!!!
The part of Amos and Andy should be played by Statler and Waldorf…wait what
“Maybe JFK could be played by Chris Matthews, since he’s openly begging to have him interred so he can smoke Jack’s hog.”
tsam just threw a hanging curve ball to zrm.
No, the problem with Hollywood is their profession. We all pay them to play make believe.
Also you pay them to prop up the economy of Arkansas by filming on location there.
Italicism is theft.
Plus, despite the Thatcheresque leadership of their brilliant but now former PM, their economy is roaring along nicely.
Is something wrong? The page looks fine in my browser (Opera)…
And now I feel like I’m both vaguely superior and missing out at the same time.
Is the blog broken AGAIN? I love Opera. Oh, TINTIN: I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. This time.
And smedley says SWING AWAY!
Now I’m nostalgic for the italics, which I guess makes me itali-nostalgic.
You know who else was Itali-nostalgic?
The part of a Middle-Eastern Jewish carpenter will be played by a sandy-haired, blue-eyed all-American Adonis
or else!
Strange that you deny an allegation that was never made….
Wait–let’s go with exhumed. Interred bodies are hard to fellate. At least that’s what I’m told by a friend.
“The part of a Middle-Eastern Jewish carpenter will be played by a sandy-haired, blue-eyed all-American Adonis
or else!”
Hey! I put (after)life into that role!1!!1!
Italicism is theft.
This Machine Kills Italicists.
Pathetic candidate is pathetic.
I just saw video evidence of the 999 guy singing at the podium of the National Press Club.
Shorter Cain;
Listen white chocolate: We got ta stop fuckin’ now cuz I’m runnin’ for president.
Necrofellating: A sure threadkiller.
Wait; people are still paying attention to Cain like he’s viable? I thought after
Karl Rovethe media torpedoed him he was yesterday’s news.Sadly as the pictures that begin this article attest, there are people out there giving the whole world a bad impression of us weird Uncle Fester looking dudes.
Wait; people are still paying attention to Cain like he’s viable?
More of the media just needlessly (though fun) piling on. We have to dismember the corpse to prevent the ability to shamble and bite.
In all fairness, Hollywood was responsible for the financial crash.
I can tell he thinks he’s made a WIWWY WIWWY good argument! I bet he needs almost no help cweaning up after himself when he goes poopy, too!!!!!
oooooooooh, somebody’s not gonna be happy when he reads this.
Ossie Davis:
“They dyed me this color– that’s how clever they are!”
America is waiting feverishly for someone to finally make a movie about the tenth president of the U.S., John Tyler… and when they finally do, he must be portrayed by Willie Tyler (and Lester).
He put “income disparity” in scare quotes then goes on to talk about Hollywood folks should spread the wealth (an idea I would support, btw, fucktard). So, does income disparity exist or not? Or does it only exist in a bubble in Hollywood? I’d love for him to clarify!
America is waiting feverishly for someone to finally make a movie about the tenth president of the U.S., John Tyler… and when they finally do, he must be portrayed by Willie Tyler (and Lester).
The First Lady will be portrayed by Waylon Flowers and Madam.
So, does income disparity exist or not? Or does it only exist in a bubble in Hollywood?
In a world where “income inequality” “exists,” only one “man” can Solve the riddle and save Hollywood.
Don LaFontaine
Damn! I thought you was dead!
There’s a standup comic–can’t remember his name–who does an amazing Don Lafontaine. Btw, that guy made sick $$$ money doing those VoiceOvers.
He put “income disparity” in scare quotes then goes on to talk about Hollywood folks should spread the wealth (an idea I would support, btw, fucktard). So, does income disparity exist or not? Or does it only exist in a bubble in Hollywood? I’d love for him to clarify!
this brings up a question: so, it’s okay for the wealthy corporate dudes to be all…’hey! we work HARD for our money and we’re worth it!’ and then take no blame for wrecking shit? is that what scott is implying here? it’s only bad because it’s the hollywood left?
Let’s face it, they aren’t members the Hoover Institute or the Heritage Foundation, they’re members of the SAG(Screen Actors Guild).
Yeah, they have real jobs.
He put “income disparity” in scare quotes then goes on to talk about Hollywood folks should spread the wealth (an idea I would support, btw, fucktard). So, does income disparity exist or not? Or does it only exist in a bubble in Hollywood? I’d love for him to clarify!
The goalposts are mounted on a flatbed truck, barreling down I10 at 75 mph.
btw, what is it with all the damned shambling? I mean, they’re hungry right? They’d do better to conserve calories and just sit there waiting for food to come to them. Its not like they’re making any serious efforts to find any damned branze anyhow, just wandering about.
Uggo chick Republican in disbelief Herman Cain never hit on her.
He put “income disparity” in scare quotes then goes on to talk about Hollywood folks should spread the wealth (an idea I would support, btw, fucktard). So, does income disparity exist or not? Or does it only exist in a bubble in Hollywood? I’d love for him to clarify!
and furthermore, does he not get that out there in hollywood, they aren’t gambling with other people’s money? and that a lot of times, they themselves have put up a sizeable chunk of cash to get a picture made? and that the prop guy really wants to be a prop guy? and is maybe working his way up? not like say, a coalminer who works in shit conditions for relatively shit pay and is only working in the coalmine because it’s the only fucking job there is? and some rich old guys are getting richer off his work? does he really not get this? or is he, just like the rest of his cohorts making money off of their own lies and fact twisting?
yeah, yeah…i know the answer…
I like that The Heritage Foundation is like Wingnut Mensa. *sigh*
Also, big ups to all the Bubba Ho-Tep fans out there. Yeah, it starts off as a cheesy horror/comedy, but ends up as a sensitive, elegaic rumination on the plight of the aged.
Wait; people are still paying attention to Cain
likebecause he’sviablenot Romney?Fixed!
The shambling is for exercise. They would never be fit enough to catch their unsuspecting prey if all they did was wait for food to walk by.
btw, what is it with all the damned shambling? I mean, they’re hungry right? They’d do better to conserve calories and just sit there waiting for food to come to them. Its not like they’re making any serious efforts to find any damned branze anyhow, just wandering about.
uh, dfh…are you aware that it is WRONG to just lie there and wait for someone to feed you? you MUST shamble for your food! otherwise you are no better than a dirty fucking hippie…
btw, what is it with all the damned shambling?
Many zombies forget to pee before they are turned and now are condemned to spend eternity with full bladders.
Yeah, it starts off as a cheesy horror/comedy, but ends up as a sensitive, elegaic rumination on the plight of the aged.
I totally rate for Ossie Davis!
Yeah, it starts off as a cheesy horror/comedy, but ends up as a sensitive, elegaic rumination on the plight of the aged.
Also, Army of Darkness? Totally allegorical about the Vietnam War.
I like that The Heritage Foundation is like Wingnut Mensa. *sigh*
The shambling is for exercise.
I envision an untapped market for Richard Simmons “Sloughing To The Oldies.”
You magnificent bastard!
LOL! Well done.
“btw, what is it with all the damned shambling? ”
Let us be realistic here, OK. They shamble to keep the flies off.
James Cameron told such a masterful and magnificent lie with Avatar, that some people were so wrought with despair that it wasn’t reality, they actually chose to end their lives.
I felt like killing myself after seeing “Avatar,” too, but that wasn’t the reason.
Uggo chick Republican in disbelief Herman Cain never hit on her.
From the TPM story
Classy lady right there. Y’all sure she’s single?
“in politics we want a virgin to do a hooker’s job”
That’s an insult to honest hookers everywhere.
that some people were so wrought with despair that it wasn’t reality, they actually chose to end their lives.
You know, I have to wonder. If so many people were driven to suicide, who’s telling the tales that they killed themselves over Pandora?
said he’s “never been anything but a gentlemen – and I am not an unattractive woman.”
By Uzbekibekibekistanstanian standards.
said he’s “never been anything but a gentlemen – and I am not an unattractive woman.”
He’s not into a lady with a bigger gun than he’s got.
So, has Cain pulled out?
I know in my soul that deep down I’m really a giant blue alien cat-person from a style-over-substance blockbuster!
It must be hard.
So because film makers have won at the game of capitalism, they should abandon any principle?
In the wingnut world it is simply impossible to win at the game of capitalism if you do have principles.
So, has Cain pulled out?
It would be a first.
So, has Cain pulled out?
He entered her face…RACE, entered this race to stick in her…IT….until her end…THE end, stick in it til THE end!
“So, has Cain pulled out?
It would be a first.”
I hadn’t heard that he was into firsting.
He’s not into a lady with a bigger gun than he’s got.
Especially since his is black and hers is pink.
Seeing those two pictures up top, my only reaction is: “Please consume freely! We have MASS QUANTITIES of beer and potato chips!”
None of these changes will prevent Hollywood from remaining prosperous if all of the Hollywood liberals’ assertions regarding others are correct — right? So who will be the first to step up — Moore? — Clooney? — Sarandon? Don’t hold your breath!
okay, in my real job, i work and raise money for a non-profit foundation, so i could not let this shit stand without saying something…a little googling and common knowledge led me to this:
susan sarandon: unicef ambassador, donates to 29 charities
george clooney: one word: darfur, donates to 23 charities
i wasn’t sure which ‘moore’ he was referring to so:
demi moore: donates to 8 charities
michael moore: donates to 1 charity
mary tyler moore: sits on the international board for juvey diabetes, gives to 3 charities
george lucas: partnered with stand up 2 cancer where star wars stuff was auctioned off or sold, donates to 7 charities
steven spielberg: established the righteous persons foundation with his proceeds from ‘schindler’s list’, donates to 8 charities
scott is such a douche…
“in politics we want a virgin to do a hooker’s job”
Which is why we’ve made sure there are no other jobs availlable.
michael moore: donates to 1 charity
Yes, but he supports many more causes than he donates to. He probably raises more money for them by raising awareness of them. For instance, he’s big on disarmament. Not a big glamorous charitable cause, more political, but undeniably a cause.
Yes, but he supports many more causes than he donates to. He probably raises more money for them by raising awareness of them. For instance, he’s big on disarmament. Not a big glamorous charitable cause, more political, but undeniably a cause.
he also has been ‘bid’ on at charity auctions…
What? I’m sure bankers and hedge fund managers are equally as generous. Not.
I’m sure bankers and hedge fund managers are equally as generous
You often hear of hedge funders given millions to hospitals for a wing or ward, curiously for a disease them themselves just contracted, thus ensuring the best possible treatment a rich man can afford.
Then, when the grant runs out, the hospital turns it into a gift shop.
“You often hear of hedge funders given millions to hospitals for a wing or ward, curiously for a disease them themselves just contracted, thus ensuring the best possible treatment a rich man can afford.”
Free Market working, bitchez!
Ooooh, I love “not” jokes. I learned about them with Borat.
Granted, they’re kind of shopworn.
What? I’m sure bankers and hedge fund managers are equally as generous. Not.
somewhat relevant
so…i know the chronicle of philanthropy isn’t the most exciting publication out there, but wow…apparently it put everyone to sleep…
Hm, looking at that photo up top, Rick Scott/Jared Loughner…separated at birth?
Apparently, either USAid or someone just cut the global grant for HIV/Aids funding, so next year, thousands of people here will be without their meds.Probably die.
When they do a biopic of Cain, can a white guy play him?
They’ve already done one – it ran as a serial on SNL, called The Ladies’ Man.
suezboo…where’s here?
is this what you are referring to? either way, it sucks…but it doesn’t surprise me…sadly…
Rick Scott just screams “cut-off-your-genitals cult member” to me. Seriously, what is WITH those crazyeyes? Jesus.
bbkf, Yeah. That’s the one I meant. I live in rural South Africa, AIDS capital of The World.
To quote those eloquent poets Beavis and Butthead “Heh Heheheheheh he said hard on”
Did you know Beavis and Butthead is back with new episodes? It’s true. Don’t ask how I know.
Ok, I know because I watch them. In the first one, they figured from the Twilight movies that “chicks dig dead guys.” So they see a crazy, unshaven homeless guy, mistake him for a werewolf, and ask him to bite them…which he does. It devolves from there.
bbkf, Yeah. That’s the one I meant. I live in rural South Africa, AIDS capital of The World.
that’s too bad…about the funding cut i mean…well, also about the aids epidemic…i hate it that there is such extreme wealth and such extreme suffering in this world…and that instead of helping, some people choose to hoard what they will never be able to spend in a million lifetimes instead of using it to do good…
…but, on the upside, the fam and i are planning on coming to s.a. for a cousin’s graduation in 2013…
Don’t ask how I know.
Ok, I know because I watch them.
c’mon, jennifer! say it loud…say it proud!
Uh. Yeah. Because all the names you see in that 20 minutes worth of credits that follow a movie, have nothing to do with that “star” (scare quotes intentional) making so much money, and they’re all just so lucky that people want to pay money to see the result of all their hard work, education, experience, and corroboration because argle blarhekgjueiorhjioea rewapo.
bbkf, you’ ll love it here – everybody* does. And talking “income disparity” – come see it in the raw.
*I mean visitors, obviously
Damn, I am loving Quickmeme.
Megyn Kelly, proof positive that beauty is only skin deep.
And talking “income disparity” – come see it in the raw
yeah, i can imagine…we had a beekeeper and honey plant in town and for awhile he was hiring south africans through some work program…there were all kinds…one kid (who is still in the u.s.) came from a pharmaceutical family, and the kid that came with him came from pretty low income…this was a way for him to learn a trade and either stay in america or bring his new trade back to s.a. with him…the rich kid came because he had ‘family’ problems…sadly, though his mom was killed right in their driveway and he hadn’t seen her for over a year…the next two that came were middle class, but they told some pretty vivid stories about some of the conditions in areas…they were all a pretty charming bunch and we had lots of good times with them…two of them hendry and brendan used to make ‘chicken pot’ and we’d sit around drinking beers while it cooked on an open fire…man, it was good!
The “day” all those rightards seemed to “simultaneously” “discover” scare “quotes” was a “sad day.” Apparently “using” them is, in their “mind”, the absolute “zenith” of “intelligent” “wit”.
Damn, I am loving Quickmeme.
thank you for introducing me to yet another time waster, you bastard…
also, i could sooooo get into ‘business cat’
Oh, that’s eggstra-speshul st00pid! Hey, genius—when was Hollywood’s most prosperous era? It begins with “Great” and ends with “Depression”!
Hey, genius—when was Hollywood’s most prosperous era? It begins with “Great” and ends with “Depression”!
it’s almost like people were trying to escape their problems!
But a lead actor or actress can make well in excess of $100K a day during a movie shoot, while someone like the prop guy most likely makes little more than $100 a day
Most likely? Jesus Christ, he couldn’t even be bothered to look up the fucking data to support his own point? Besides which, the CEO/worker disparity is average CEO to average worker, not tippy top CEO to average worker. According to the BLS’s Occupational Employment Statistics, mean hourly pay for actors is under 30$.
For what it’s worth: only 3% of the top salary earners are celebrities of any sort, sports and music as well as acting; 61% are executives and/or some financial hooha. The highest paid actor of 2010 was Johnny Depp, estimated to have gotten $100 million. The highest paid CEO was McKesson Pharmaceuticals’ John Hammergren, who netted $1.2 billion that same year. Google ceo 100 million and you get loads of links with that amount as a bonus or “golden parachute…” these guys are getting the highest paid superstar actor’s entire year salary as a lagniappe for not working anymore, “Ransom of Red Chief” style.
Thank you, tigris.
So let’s see—Joe, who’s not a plumber, but plays one in real life, is automatically some kind of political pundit, but if you’re not a doctor, but play one on TV, you’re not even entitled to have an opinion. Have I got that right?
This idiot couldn’t pick a worse example. Below the line jobs in the movie industry are heavily unionized, pay extremely well, and have better benefits than other industries, which most of us would kill for. The 99% in the film industry is damn well cared for compared to the rest of our society. If other industries paid as well as television and film production work, there would not be an occupy movement.
So let’s see—Joe, who’s not a plumber, but plays one in real life, is automatically some kind of political pundit, but if you’re not a doctor, but play one on TV, you’re not even entitled to have an opinion. Have I got that right?
wow…you scared me there…i had to do a double take to make sure that really wasn’t joe the plumber…cuz, man…if that dood is making bank now as a *writer* there would be no reason that i also, cannot make it in that profession…it really would cause me to question every fucking thing…
There you go with all those “numbers,” tigris, and “data” and “comparisons based on numerical data.” Knowledge is the devil and it stinks of sulfur around here. The POINT is (let me put this in all caps so you can hear it) LIBERALS ARE HYPOCRITES BECAUSE BIGBOXOFFICEHITMOVIESTARS MAKE MORE MONEY THAN EXTRAS AND THE TECHNICAL GUYS WHO HOLD SHIT AND SHIT! YA SEE!!! SEE WHAT I DID THERE! WHY AM I STILL SCREAMING/ OH CAPSLOCK ARARHAGAEII UTGIDL’
Damn, I am loving Quickmeme.
Three words: Ordinary Muslim Man.
caring dads always lube
Three words: Ordinary Muslim Man.
now i hate you pryme! do i look like i need more distractions?!?!
caring dads always lube
i just cannot imagine any way, shape or form that ad could be applicable too…it’s just wrong, wrong, wrong…
Those “WTF” pictures have ensured that I will eat considerably less for dinner.
A caring dad will always lube
That place where the fellas put their tube
Santorumized: lube and fecal matter
He’s still just a piker compared to your mätter
The highest paid actor of 2010 was Johnny Depp, estimated to have gotten $100 million. The highest paid CEO was McKesson Pharmaceuticals’ John Hammergren, who netted $1.2 billion that same year.
The real difference is that Johnny Depp puts asses in the theater seats… if he stopped being successful, the paydays would vanish. The CEOs who ran companies into the ground still got their golden parachutes.
Fuckin’ free markets, how do they work?
Also too, I adore the Socially Awkward Penguin.
Socially Awkward Penguin.
i forgot about him…great, i am nevar going to get anything done!
The real difference is that Johnny Depp puts asses in the theater seats…
Yes. Whereas I’m not noticing a lot of new Steven Seagall movies, which gives me a very small sliver of hope that the human race may yet survive….
I’m sure the new Scott Mayer movie will be an international blockbuster!
My very own quickmeme.
Inspired by yours.
Steven Seagal: Misunderstood genius.
Steven Seagal: Misunderstood genius.
Gross. That guy was ALWAYS gross. He had the acting chops of John Forsythe and that stupid-ass ponytail, plus the hairline that always looked like it had been applied with shoe polish…I never got the appeal, I think it was mostly guys who thought he was badass and some of those misguided souls may have thought he was attractive to women….blech. Someone told me that my ex-business partner dropped by to see them and was going on and on about how rich her new “boyfriend” is (not how much she loved him or even liked him – but how much money he has) – they said she showed a picture and dude looks like Steven Seagal. She was bragging about how she was going to move in with him that weekend, and was expecting the girl she was telling to be jealous.
Imagine sucking Steven Seagal’s dick for a living…this is what she expected everyone to be jealous of.
On the other hand, just goes to show, karma is still functioning.
Steven Seagal: Gross grossperson.
I don’t know why, but that made me literally LOL.
It makes me laugh out loud too. I don’t know why, but it’s the funniest sort-of word paired with a not-word word in the history of word pairing.
Ladies and gentlemen, the last acceptable form of racism.
She also said that in politics, “we want a virgin to do a hooker’s job.”
Is somebody here on acid but sober enough to explain what this means to me?
Although note that J.D. is actually capable of acting (see Ed Wood, Fear and Loathing) and instead just phones it in with Burton-grade horseshit, so let’s not go sucking his dick just yet.
The budget to Jack & Jill was 79 million dollars, in spite of special effects and staging readily outdone by SNL Digital; it literally breaks for commercial in the theaters. And the producers? You guessed it: Adam Sandler’s own pet company! Hooray for Hollywood &c.
Surprise! Turns out industrial capitalism was actually treating us pretty good and its ideological enemies on the extreme right completely and permanently dismantled it in the West, leaving a yawning void of neo-aristocratic entitlement and grinding, generational despair. Welcome to the new normal!
What this means is that in some jurisdictions the crime of solicitation actually takes prosecutory priority over statutory rape? Don’t ask me, it’s not my scene.
Betcha $50 Steven Seagal, gross grossperson, uses a TON of Axe Body Spray.
“we want a virgin to do a hooker’s job.”
I think it means that politics is (are?) a dirty game but that we want our politicians to be all squeaky clean and not be serial adulterers and such. Then again I don’t really speak wingnut all that well.
What is it about these white guys? What exactly is it that makes their tiny, fat little faces stare out of too-big heads, their soft, formless brow still looming like Neanderthal ridges over sunken, beady eyes?
“Joe” “The” “Plumber”, this tool, pretty much any given member of the Utah state legislature – all horrible squinty beady little rosaceous fucks, the waste of Europe, the holy-roller idiots willing to sell away good lives to become good Mormons in the Promised Land – for which read Utah – or else brought over in some other Christian fervor, wifing down and producing so many children they run out of unique faces after the second generation.
Born high-school Greco-Roman wrestlers, ruddy and sweaty but constitutionally incapable of coming by rubor honestly, men of stupid and common opinions, boyish but withered before their time. Men who want to be seen watching football, and beating off to Playboy. The broad-backed Protestants of Nixon’s racist dreams, the white trash with the whip hand. When foreigners look at us and aren’t seeing gangsters or cowboys, these are the faces they have to look at.
They don’t hate us for our freedoms, they hate us for Scott Mayer. And no wonder: more baffling that we don’t.
I am partial to Philosoraptor myself.
What exactly is it that makes their tiny, fat little faces stare out of too-big heads, their soft, formless brow still looming like Neanderthal ridges over sunken, beady eyes?
They’re Chaschmen.
OTOH, I’ll betcha Actor would have a somewhat different interpretation……………..
I get what you’re saying, but look at the cover you just linked and look at the guy on the left up there and tell me you’d throw the weird alien out of bed first.
Hey, if I could grow an ass-ponytail, I’d be rich and you wouldn’t dare call it dumb.
Dumb ass-ponytails never prosper. Why’s that? How come? / If an ass-ponytail prosper, none dare call it dumb.
Men who want to be seen watching football, and beating off to Playboy
Whoa–easy now!
I do not know why it’s so fashionable to be a small man with small ideas these days. I suppose that it has something to do with the pervasive opinion that avarice and selfishness are American virtues that can be a source of national pride and the foundation of a perceived exceptionalism. Even when I was a dumbass teenager, I thought it would be a good idea if a really really smart person was running the country, rather than your average butthole who thinks the non-sequitur on the bumper of his fucking truck is really really clever. It’s the secret handshake of the fantasy land idiot squad. Don’t tax those job creators.
Well, speaking as one of the guys you’re describing, I always thought literally Neanderthal blood. Then for decades we were told Cro Magnon and Neanderthal never interbred. Now it seems we’ve changed our minds on that…
I like to think I could pass the subway test, but who knows?
The ultimate disillusion: Realizing that America is run by a pack of beady eyed, dumbfuck bedwetters.
It’s not a dumbass ponytail; it’s a stupid-ass ponytail.
Obviously, not all ponytails are created equally. What looks ridiculous on an old fat guy can be quite fetching on a handsome youth.
All of this talk of casting reminds me of Phil Ochs’ spiel leading in to his song “Ringing of Revolution”, when he speaks of the song’s film version, in which “Frank Sinatra plays Ho Chi Minh . . . John Wayne plays Lyndon Johnson . . . and Lyndon Johnson plays God.”
My wedding pictures from 1993 show me in a STUNNING pony tail draped over a black tuxedo.
And I’m sure gross grossperson Steven Seagal goes around fouling the air with the scent of Axe bodywash/spray/what have you. He’s exactly the kind of guy who would be a big enough douche to not only know about the concept of “layering fragrance” but to actually practice it as well.
while someone like the prop guy most likely makes little more than $100 a day
Sadly, No.
Damn soshalist yoonyuns!
That’s a pretty strong claim. We’re talking a face that takes up maybe a fourth of the real estate of the head, from dead level center. Tiny little heads, buried in fat.
There’s nothing wrong with being a pinhead, but these people are somehow prosperous pinheads, as though having wee little brains has permitted them to pack their heads in flab to pass as normals, which they just barely manage.
“Gross Grossperson” sounds Scandihoovian, too…does that make Herman Cain “Groper Groperson”?
I was in a movie once, almost by accident. I was hitchhiking home one weekend, caught a ride as far as Madison, Georgia, where they used to film a lot of movies because of all the fine old homes. So there I was, walking through the middle of a scene carrying my little blue suitcase when somebody yelled at me “Who the hell are you?” So I stopped and looked around and a pretty girl in a tennis outfit came running up to me and asked me if I would start over, if I would walk down the street again just like before. “Well,” I said, “I’m really just trying to catch a ride.” So she put her hand on my arm and squeezed a little bit and smiled and I said, “Sure, what about my suitcase?” And she said, “Absolutely! You have to carry the suitcase!”
It’s been so long ago now that I don’t even remember the name of the movie, but if you happen to be watching a movie made in 1972, and just happen to notice a scruffy boy with a little blue suitcase walking across the street, that would be me. Glory days.
Like this guy, only way worse. There’s a specific Basin & Range state legislator from a couple years back I’m trying to locate – he’s a real treat, and his face basically looks like an afterthought by a resentful creator.
Below the line jobs in the movie industry are heavily unionized, pay extremely well, and have better benefits than other industries, which most of us would kill for. The 99% in the film industry is damn well cared for compared to the rest of our society…
Do tell. I had exactly one two-week run as a grunt in the Big Show, doing instrumental music work for Disney. Worked out well, but landing that job was a fluke and I don’t expect it to happen again, being disinclined to an LA move and temperamentally unambitious.
It was fun to be paid like a lawyer or dentist and treated like a minor celeb for a few days, but I’m more agrarian and frugal in everyday nature.
Too many windows open, Reverend Battleaxe?
Nah, actually I’ve got a huge hydrocephalous-looking head with a face that wraps around the sides—kinda like the guy from the last thread. Can’t be Neanderthal, though, ’cause I’ve got a chin. Like Jay Leno’s got a chin….
Other good examples: Erick Erickson, Jake Knotts, Bob Marshall – hell, half of the guys on Adam Cadre’s old “Who’s Who” project – but especially Paul Wimmer, who seems to be giving the game away.
No, that was meant for that thread…have we been discussing the Burzynski situation over here? I’ve been on and off.
Yes. Whereas I’m not noticing a lot of new Steven Seagall movies, which gives me a very small sliver of hope that the human race may yet survive….
Last I heard, he killed a puppy, playing deputy sheriff on some reality TV show, so maybe he’s toast.
Ha ha, EJ brings the research. Mayer’s premise was bullshit pulled straight from his ass.
They’re Chaschmen.
I believe they prefer the term “Chinamen.”
Too soon.
Oh, I nearly forgot. I met Herman Cain once. There used to be a great soul food restaurant called Son’s Place at the corner of Hurt St and Dekalb Ave. in Atlanta. Everybody in my shop would go there on Fridays for the fried whiting plate (oooh, the potato salad was the best too!). Herman must have been a friend of Lenn Storey, the owner (Deacon Burton’s son, that’s another story altogether), because they were hugging when I met him. Lenn was a Viet Nam vet and we used to sit at the same table once in a while. Well, Lenn saw me and said to Herman, “Herman, meet my friend, Robert.” We shook hands. It was cold weather because I remember that he had on a long black wool coat which looked really expensive. He was really friendly and had a big smile.
Wimmer looks like George Costanza that summer they all grew mustaches.
Do tell. I had exactly one two-week run as a grunt in the Big Show, doing instrumental music work for Disney. Worked out well…
Good for you. Maybe you were lucky. My sister used to be a TV writer, and she says Disney was universally loathed, at least among writers. They had a reputation for treating people like slaves.
Don’t all ponies have ass ponytails?
Just sayin…
Six years of catblogging, and only 2.5 of that, employed. *sigh*
I am partial to Philosoraptor myself.
feck…i looked at all 55 pages of him today cuz i like him that much…nobody can waste time like myself…
Don’t all ponies have ass ponytails?
Just sayin…
srsly? yr in paris and that’s what you come up with?
Six years of catblogging, and only 2.5 of that, employed. *sigh*
this does NOT sound like ‘yay! i got a job!’ kind of talk…
also, rodert? you really need to remember more stuff…you’ve done some pretty neat things…
Imagine sucking Steven Seagal’s dick for a living…this is what she expected everyone to be jealous of.
So. I’m getting ready for a bath, then I’ll put a movie on to fall asleep to, and that movie must scrub this image from my brain. I’m thinking the Count of Monte Cristo. Dawg, I hope it works. I don’t want to have nightmares. Maybe another shot of vodka and cranberry juice will destroy the contaminated brain cells.
Re: Groper Groperson
I think Grope Anydottir is a bit more accurate, but whatevs.
If we’re playing that game, have a thing.
this does NOT sound like ‘yay! i got a job!’ kind of talk…
Well, dunno just yet. Interviewer seemed a bit concerned about my showing up on a scooter, wondering how reliable they were, etc.
If we’re playing that game, have a thing.
[/Peter Griffin, slowly backing out of room]
Well, dunno just yet. Interviewer seemed a bit concerned about my showing up on a scooter, wondering how reliable they were, etc.
uuuhhh…just as reliable as a car, i’m guessing? and i would hope that you look smart enough to find other transportation or wear bad weather gear if it was raining super hard…srlsy…if you don’t get hired because of your scooter, i am coming down to nashville and will junk-punch that d00d..
is it wrong that i am now addicted to ‘storage wars’? between that and the steven seagal/gross grossperson talk, i feel kinda white trashy…
is it wrong that i am now addicted to ‘storage wars’? between that and the steven seagal/gross grossperson talk, i feel kinda white trashy…
I am in no position. I haven’t had cable in years, and I still have analog rabbit ears, which fortunately, because of where I live, lets me still pick up a large number of network affiliates (not the ABC one, as its mast is directly line-of-sight behind the CBS affiliate’s mast from where I am), even after the digital switchover.
So, I’ve taken to watching free stuff on hulu, which is getting larger, and better. Looks like the first two seasons of Battlestar Galactica (SyFy reboot) is now available without the $8/mo. subscription. Also, I enjoyed the hulu original, Booth At The End, and will be trying out others.
is it wrong that i am now addicted to ‘storage wars’? between that and the steven seagal/gross grossperson talk, i feel kinda white trashy…
It’s only wrong if it hurts. Storage Wars is gripping. At least to some small degree.
uuuhhh…just as reliable as a car, i’m guessing?
As long as it’s not a cheap-ass, Chinese piece of crap, which mine isn’t (but which a lot of people around here seem to know about, hence the likely cause of the worry).
Good for you. Maybe you were lucky. My sister used to be a TV writer, and she says Disney was universally loathed, at least among writers. They had a reputation for treating people like slaves.
I was lucky: two weeks of private hotel suites, meet-you-at-the-airport rental car key-dangling, and double-scale union pay to the tune of near-lawyerly hourly compensation. Wished on that star, been there, and fine without it.
Based on this:
…When was the last time you saw JFK or Jackie O portrayed by black, Hispanic, or Asian actors?…
and this:
…hypokrites engaged in the art of hypokrisis…
and this:
…do they really need to have multiple mansions, dozens of cars, and monthly $150K parties…
and this:
…Moore? — Clooney? — Sarandon? Don’t hold your breath!…
His obvious water retention issues and unfocused eyes suggest that he’s spending several hours a day fried on homebrew K2 and playing Trine on easy.
Not that there’s any thing wrong with it if you want to write for American Thinker but it looks like he’s snorting bath salts and tokin’ spice. Based on his head shape and skin tone, he’s having dosage management issues. Spice and bath salt dosage is tricky. Quality control for spice/balth salts is the free market (though that’s changing in some states) so ebay buyers beware: Scott Mayer could happen to you.
Or, brain damage, maybe both.
srsly? yr in paris and that’s what you come up with?
I’m home. I was in Paris for 52 hours.
“52 Hours in Paris” sounds like it should be a movie.
A movie about sleep deprivation, boring meetings, and pimps’ bad English.
So, where were we on self-deprecation?
Anyhoo, here’s a potential lady-friend for Junior Fudgie Loadpants.
“The First Lady will be portrayed by Waylon Flowers and Madam.”
I was on his (her) sitcom a few times. He spent all day on a dolly, pushing himself around to hold her up into camera range and hit her marks.
Oh geez. Ladies, self-deprecation for works for us too.
I always thought when I found out about your second job, it’d be super-hero, not hooker. This does explain the furry thing, though.
Anyhoo, here’s a potential lady-friend for Junior Fudgie Loadpants.
I bet if he had hit on her it wouldn’t have penetrated the hairlmet.
I always thought when I found out about your second job, it’d be super-hero, not hooker.
I do own merchandise from the Brooklyn Superhero Supply Company.
BTW: http://www.superherosupplies.com/
When I dress up as Cranky Head Chef no one notices I’m wearing a costume. 🙁
BTW, where’s Sexy Cranky Head Chef? I’m pretty sure there’s rule somewhere that says there has to be a “Sexy” version of every costume.
I know that Sexy Taxidermist costume really gets engines revving.
What? Nobody wants to talk about sexy taxidermy? That’s weird.
Nobody wants to talk about sexy taxidermy?
A winner of the Bulwer-Lytton one year began “His eyes slid down the front of her dress.”
What? Nobody wants to talk about sexy taxidermy? That’s weird.
As this is teh Intartrance, obligatory link.
BTW, where’s Sexy Cranky Head Chef?
Ask and ye shall receive.
A winner of the Bulwer-Lytton one year began “His eyes slid down the front of her dress.”
I read that. The Clumsy Taxidermist, right?
OTOH, I’ll betcha Actor would have a somewhat different interpretation……………..
Of which? Economic disparity in Hollywood or virgins doing hookers’ jobs?
I have informed opinions on both, you see.
Slightly relevant: Scotty should read up on Akira Kurosawa.
“What? Nobody wants to talk about sexy taxidermy? That’s weird.”
Well, when I was about eleven and sneaking around in my dad’s dirty mags, I found a photospread of a young lady wearing a “smock.” Any lady wearing a “smock” is sexy to me.
Economic disparity in Hollywood or virgins doing hookers’ jobs?
Funny you mention that; apparently one off-the-wall economic indicator is “attractive women working in restaurants/bars.” As the theory goes, when the economy is good, these women are working as models and “actresses,” and when it’s bad, they’re serving drinks in outfits two sizes too small to drooling patrons.
Steven Seagal: Misunderstood genius.
I preferred the work of his brother, Jonathan Livingston.
Funny you mention that; apparently one off-the-wall economic indicator is “attractive women working in restaurants/bars.” As the theory goes, when the economy is good, these women are working as models and “actresses,” and when it’s bad, they’re serving drinks in outfits two sizes too small to drooling patrons.
I read the survey (came out just after 9-11, if I recall). It sort of makes sense, if you think about it: when the economy is good, all levels of entertainment make more money. When it’s bad, people will save money that they’d spend on local productions for other things, and opt to go out less frequently but see “bigger” shows.
I know one thing that made me cut back on my theatrical endeavours was the economic collapse in the dot-com bubble. I couldn’t afford to run from audition to audition (and I was getting paid gigs, too, unlike about 99% of actors) which were becoming scarcer and scarcer.
It was kind of scary, too, because people I’d known in the biz for decades were dropping out: agents, casting directors, actors, directors. So I figured I could always come back to it later, and have my choice of projects anyway, so I cut way back. For a while, I was out completely (funny how a steady and healthy paycheck will do that…)
Hurt fee fees
Hurt fee fees
The teatards can’t understand why they didn’t get the tasty, free vegetable spray. Or the fancy flashbang pyrotecnics. Or perhaps it’s the wonderful baton massage they feel left out of.
Could this be Steven Seagal’s best work?
Could this be Steven Seagal’s best work?
To me, it was ironic that Jean Claude Van Damme’s best acting came in a movie where he was poking fun at his image (“JCVD”).
He must have gone thru hell to get there, tho.
I hope Seagall never wakes up to his idiocy. It’s too juice to make fun of the shoepolish he wears as hair dye.
Gross grossperson has now entered the “fat Elvis” stage. In one pic, he’s even foregone the shoe polish and let the natural old-man color show through.
I would argue that he was already at the ‘fat Elvis’ stage when he started his movie career and now has progressed to ‘late stage Marlon Brando’.
According to the wiki, he was a douche even before he got into acting – he married a woman here while he was still married to a woman in Japan, then cheated on both wives with the woman who would become his third wife.
I do not understand why any woman would have ever had anything to do with him. Even when he wasn’t fat Elvis/Marlon Brando, he had “major league asshole” stamped all over him.
I would argue that he was already at the ‘fat Elvis’ stage when he started his movie career and now has progressed to ‘late stage Marlon Brando’.
Hell, based on his clothes, he’s gone full Cookie Monster.
You never go full Cookie Monster.
I do not understand why any woman would have ever had anything to do with him
One his aikido students was legendary superagent (head of CAA) Michael Ovitz, who boasted he could make anyone a star and then was challenged to prove it.
He picked Seagal
Allen West thinks Cain should pack it up. Is it wrong to want Cain to respond to this?
Yeah, I never understood how he got to be an action hero in the first place. I just have a hard time envisioning him as a badass when the only thing any given bad guy would have to do to defeat him would be to make him run a quarter mile or so. I could totally understand casting him as the mean drunk, the old sheriff, the violent ex-boyfriend, the has been football player, all of those roles are custom made for Steven Segal. You could find a more believable action hero in any health club or halfway decent martial arts dojo in the country.
Well actor212’s comment clears up a huge mystery for me.
So, I’ve taken to watching free stuff on hulu, which is getting larger, and better.
i’ve been catching up with lots of stuff and finding just plain more interesting stuff on hulu…we are actually toying with giving up our direct tv subscription and going old school…
ou could find a more believable action hero in any health club or halfway decent martial arts dojo in the country.
I can’t help thinking how much better Under Seige would have been if it had starred Chris Farley.
Well, yeah, I had heard the Ovitz story, but that still doesn’t explain why any woman would want anything to do with him, at least not pre-Ovitz-created-stardom. After that, well, a lot of women are whores for anyone with a big bank account. Like my ex-business partner – ready, willing, and able to suck dick – even for a low-rent Seagal look-alike – for room and board. Sad but true, so please don’t lecture me on trafficking in misogynistic stereotypes.
You could find a more believable action hero in any health club or halfway decent martial arts dojo in the country.
He, um, was head of the biggest aikido dojo in Japan at one point. His name there was Take Sensei (mountain teacher, probably a reference to his height but if you go with the more ambiguous idiom “great”….)
One of the things I found refreshing in his films, as a one-time student of Asian martial arts, was the believability of his style: aikido is a grounded, circular form, a really good street fighting method, utilizing the energy of your opponent against him without letting him too close.
“I can’t help thinking how much better Under Seige would have been if it had starred Chris Farley”
Oooh. How about Gordon Ramsay?
Like my ex-business partner – ready, willing, and able to suck dick
Got a number?
Got a number?
Got money? Seriously, actor, I don’t think you’re nearly shallow enough to find her interesting, even with the dick-sucking.
Somewhat OT, is it sexist of me to wish that the wontons in my soup did not look quite so much like one-testicle scrota?
Well, yeah, I had heard the Ovitz story, but that still doesn’t explain why any woman would want anything to do with him, at least not pre-Ovitz-created-stardom.
Seagal has made his career latching onto larger-than-life figures wherever he went. His Japanese days saw him train with Seiseki Abe, who was pretty much a first generation aikido instructor, and learned directly from Sensei Ueshiba after he returned and refined aikido during his stay in Mongolia durign WWII.
No small matter in Japan, to be sure. It would be like someone here learning to box from Ray Arcel. In certain circles, you’d get laid by just showing up.
Got money?
Not an issue. Got a number? 🙂
I vote for Kermit the Frog.
something that bears repeating loudly and often…
Funny you mention that; apparently one off-the-wall economic indicator is “attractive women working in restaurants/bars.”
more research
I am not and did not disparage the man’s martial arts skills. I believe that if he wanted to, and if I was within arm’s reach, he could mess me up in more ways than I care to consider. But his stature, lack of acting talent, and lack of any kind of charisma, make me wonder why a casting director would chose him to star in a movie, Or at least why they would choose him for more than one movie. Mysterious, tongue tied, wooden faced badass makes an interesting first film, but he has never tried even once to grow as an actor. Stallone did Copland, Schwarzenegger and Ventura did Predator, then governor, even Jean Claude Van Damme did that JCVD movie mentioned earlier. He just seems to be evolving into an increasingly ridiculous parody of himself.
Gross grossperson has now entered the “fat Elvis” stage. In one pic, he’s even foregone the shoe polish and let the natural old-man color show through.
ewww…now my monitor smells like axe…or as my son calls it ‘ass’
Mysterious, tongue tied, wooden faced badass makes an interesting first film, but he has never tried even once to grow as an actor.
Lots of reasons, I’m sure, but at the top of the list has to be inability.
Seagal’s first movie made a fair amount of money. The first Ryback film did well at the box office, too. It’s hard to argue with that as a formula for keeping at it. That he hasn’t had a successful film since speaks well of the American audience.
Somewhat OT, is it sexist of me to wish that the wontons in my soup did not look quite so much like one-testicle scrota?
not sexist at all…i’m pretty sure nobody wants their food to look like that…
I pretty much think anyone who has a big ego just because they’re a celebrity is a ridiculous parody of themselves. Because if it’s just celebrity that’s supporting that ego – not talent or some kind of accomplishment – it indicates such a total lack of self-awareness, cluelessness, and self-respect that you almost have to pity them. “I rock because other people know who I am!” is almost as lame as “I’m superior because I’m white.”
ugh…blustery snow in the forecast for this evening…
ugh…blustery snow in the forecast for this evening…
ha, ha…and if i turn on fox news, it’l just be blustery…
ugh…blustery snow in the forecast for this evening…
ha, ha…and if i turn on fox news, it’l just be blustery…
Actually, on Fox, the lede would be “So Much for ‘Global Warming’!”
“I rock because other people know who I am!” is almost as lame as “I’m superior because I’m white.”
We live in a culture that admires celebrity, and people aspire to that status, with no accomplishment other than getting on the TeeVee.
Ever watch local news broadcasts here and, say, in England? In other civilized nations, you never see roaming gangs of people behind the reporter making dooshes of themselves in a location shot, describing the tragic death of a child or something.
Actually, on Fox, the lede would be “So Much for ‘Global Warming’!”
What I just don’t get about climate change denialism is that so many of those who practice it know from personal experience that the climate has changed during their lifetime. Our first frost looks like it will occur tonight – that’s a month later than it used to be. Up until a few years ago, we always got a killing frost by the last day of October. In fact, it was traditional that you could count on it turning cold and nasty on Halloween. Now, not so much. When I was growing up outside Atlanta in the 60’s – 70’s, our house didn’t even have central A/C. There was one window unit upstairs in my parents’ room, and another small one in the bedroom off the family room downstairs, and none at all on the middle level…and we didn’t run them most of the time yet were able to remain comfortable in the house. That wouldn’t be possible now – you could go without A/C in the Atlanta area, but you’d be uncomfortable most of the time, because it’s just flat-out hotter than it used to be.
I can’t imagine the brain gymnastics that are required to reject your own personal experience in favor of a party line that also flies in the face of science.
But if you admit that climate change is real and that it is man-made, it pretty much demands you change your lifestyle to minimize its impact. Which is why they have stuck with the classic 3 excuses: It isn’t happening, It’s not my fault, It’s not that bad anyways.
The other day It was 60 degrees when we left Rhode Island and snowing when we got to Memphis. Tell me that’s normal weather.
We live in a culture that admires celebrity, and people aspire to that status, with no accomplishment other than getting on the TeeVee.
this annoys me no end…i long for the days when people thought being on tv or in the paper was a bad thing.l..
Ever watch local news broadcasts here and, say, in England? In other civilized nations, you never see roaming gangs of people behind the reporter making dooshes of themselves in a location shot, describing the tragic death of a child or something.
their whole news culture is so vastly different to begin with…if you ever did see this sort of thing over there, chances are it would be a bunch of americans doing the dooshing…
Is it wrong to want Cain to respond to this?
No. As a matter of fact, HELL NO!
The other day It was 60 degrees when we left Rhode Island and snowing when we got to Memphis. Tell me that’s normal weather.
glad to hear you made it through the flight…looking out my window, the sky looks like it is indeed going to let down some snow…the five inches we got two weekends ago is long gone…as a minnesotan, i could totally get behind global warming during the winter months…
Is it wrong to want Cain to respond to this?
No. As a matter of fact, HELL NO!
i look forward to a response…i would really, really look forward to it if he tag-teamed with perry on it…
Mysterious, tongue tied, wooden faced badass makes an interesting first film, but he has never tried even once to grow as an actor.
Chuck Norris’ acting chops cause entire species to go extinct.
Seagal is a true mystery, a riddle wrapped up in an enigma then dipped in batter and deep-fried and served with cheese sauce. So much about the man is patently ridiculous nonsense, so much that is such utter and obvious bullshit. I mean really, a Buddhist police man? WTF?!?
But OTOH, teh d00d does have an actual black belt in Aikido. d00d did testify in court against the mafia. d00d is an actual recognized tulku lama.
That the man is hard to
killunderstand, major understatement. What isn’t in doubt though, his movies sure did suck.None of that answers, or even hints to the answer of the riddle of the shoe-polish hairline.
The only action-star I ever liked was Schwarzenegger, just because he at least didn’t seem to be taking it too seriously.
Ever watch local news broadcasts here and, say, in England? In other civilized nations, you never see roaming gangs of people behind the reporter making dooshes of themselves in a location shot, describing the tragic death of a child or something.
I’ve always believed that the existence of a monarchy (for better or for worse) was the key component in why such things are different there than here. Americans don’t have some group/family that has nationally-ingrained reverence, at least not from its point of origin. The good thing about that is we can pick and choose our “royalty” and almost anyone has the chance to be in the spotlight. The downside is some people can’t handle it and people who praise you going up will usually be the ones laughing at you on the way down.
The good thing about that is we can pick and choose our “royalty” and almost anyone has the chance to be in the spotlight.
In her latest show, Kathy Griffin was ripping on the media coverage of Kim Kardashian’s wedding, in particular the widely-repeated nonsensical claim that “the Kardashians are our version of royalty.” Encouraged by the groans of the audience. Griffin’s response was: “no, I think they’re more like our version of a family of dirty whores.”
Gross Grossperson’s first movie, Above The Law, was actually watchable. Most of the credit goes to one of the finest women ON THE PLANET, Pam Grier.
It actually had a good story, and despite his inability act, they used people who could act to cover that up.
The only action-star I ever liked was Schwarzenegger
He was custom made to play a mindless barbarian and a mindless machine. I enjoyed Twins, but that movie would have been awesome if Arnold had just had some acting ability.
Needs nerdy glasses also too.
The action star I like best is the great Jackie Chan. Jackie Chan FTW.
The action star I like best is the great Jackie Chan. Jackie Chan FTW.
The Forbidden Kingdom would have rocked if they didn’t feel the need to shoehorn some American kid into the story so “certain audiences” wouldn’t be turned away.
obs, thank you.
the widely-repeated nonsensical claim that “the Kardashians are our version of royalty.”
The actual American version of royalty is the progeny of those who own businesses, large or small. They have all the disadvantages of actual royalty (random selection via heredity without regard to qualifications, sense of entitlement) and none of the advantages (cool ceremonies and general amusement value).
Right now I have to deal with the fresh-out-of-college daughter of the company president. She’s a nice girl but doesn’t seem to know how to do anything other than post things to Facebook. I’d be grateful if she could remember to actually attach the files she attempts to e-mail.
“Needs nerdy glasses also too.
Woah! I’ll be back in five………..or three.
This deserves much mockery – Brent Bozell butthurt: http://news.yahoo.com/lets-kill-cains-campaign-080000411.html
In her latest show, Kathy Griffin was ripping on the media coverage of Kim Kardashian’s wedding, in particular the widely-repeated nonsensical claim that “the Kardashians are our version of royalty.” Encouraged by the groans of the audience. Griffin’s response was: “no, I think they’re more like our version of a family of dirty whores.”
I’m sorry. I’m missing the distinction.
Most of the credit goes to one of the finest women ON THE PLANET, Pam Grier.
I think Pam Grier circa 1970 or so was possibly the most beautiful woman ever.
The action star I like best is the great Jackie Chan. Jackie Chan FTW.
Jet Li???
YunFat Chow????
Zhang Zyi?????
Michelle Yeoh???????
I enjoyed Twins, but that movie would have been awesome if Arnold had just had some acting ability.
Kindergarten Cop was pretty good, but that was more about his reaction to the kids than anything else.
But the film I think he gets the most underrated for is Last Action Hero. You take that uberannoying little brat out of it, and the film is not a half bad parody?
This deserves much mockery – Brent Bozell butthurt: http://news.yahoo.com/lets-kill-cains-campaign-080000411.html
Oh that is delicious. “Hey, we fucking invented candidate smearing, YOU can’t smear OUR candidates! UNFAIR!”
Bozell forgets that Flowers was the FIRST allegation and that the second allegation, Paula Jones, was picked up faster than you can say “9-9-9”.
But the film I think he gets the most underrated for is Last Action Hero. You take that uberannoying little brat out of it, and the film is not a half bad parody?
Totes agree except for the brat part. That kid wasn’t half as annoying as the kid(s) in the Terminator series.
Totes agree except for the brat part. That kid wasn’t half as annoying as the kid(s) in the Terminator series
The Connor Chronicles? Never saw it. It was FOX.
The only reason Cain has lasted this long is the soft bigotry of low expectations of Republicans.
Wikipedia on Gennifer Flowers:
So yeah, Gennifer Flowers vanished.
Hard to believe a Seigal discussion with no mention of “Machete”. Like Carradine he has begun to embrace the caricature.
Good food pron here tonight. I’m feeding a bunch of workers their first real Mexican meal. Espinazo con verde, frijoles charros, arroz, ensalada de Caesar de veras y flan de miel de abejas.
That’s pork backbone slices with their little choplets in a Oaxacan green mole. ( I know there’s a different Yucatecan version; I do that pretty well too, not a Pueblan green mole w/pumpkin seeds either ). Espinazo con verde means “spine with green” which I think is a great name for an entrée. For the frijoles I use fresh local black-eyed peas instead of dry beans, big improvement. Not going to go into the salad so as not to provoke Pup but it is a for reals Messican Caesar and there are anchovies involved.
Carmelizing honey for flan is no fun but with all these bee workers coming I had to have some kind of honey dessert and what is more Mexican than flan?
Oh yeah, there’s artesian bread coming out of the oven this afternoon too, made with hippie grown organic spelt. Figured it was a waste to make fresh tortillas for a bunch of gabachos.
The Connor Chronicles? Never saw it. It was FOX.
No, I meant the movies. Was it the same kid in Term 1 vs. 2? Can’t remember (or couldn’t tell).
Anyway, since TLAH was parodying the Term movies (among others), the TLAH kid would have to be a little annoying.
Funny, that sounds nothing like, and way better than, any of the food I can get at any variety of “Mexican” restaurants here in town.
Oh yeah, there’s artesian bread coming out of the oven this afternoon too
Sounds wet.
Unless you mean “artisan” 😉
Whee! AT&T has switched their hold music from static-filled bossa nova to static-filled schmaltzy piano. Seriously, if they can’t get better line quality on their analog phone lines, I don’t know why we expect them to have better luck with our digital circuits.
Not going to go into the salad so as not to provoke Pup but it is a for reals Messican Caesar and there are anchovies involved.
I refer you to Julia’s recollection of having Caesar Cardini make his salad for her (and her family).
Carmelizing honey for flan is no fun but with all these bee workers coming I had to have some kind of honey dessert and what is more Mexican than flan?
Not _more_ Messcan but sopapillas draped with honey are wickedly good.
No, I meant the movies. Was it the same kid in Term 1 vs. 2? Can’t remember (or couldn’t tell).
Oh, the young John Connor. Yea. He was annoying. In both. Different actor, tho.
Funny, that sounds nothing like, and way better than, any of the food I can get at any variety of “Mexican” restaurants here in town.
You want real Messcan, go buy any of Diane Kennedy’s books and make it yourself. Rick Bayless also. Too.
Rick Bayless also. Too.
PBS usually has the shite cooking shows, like Lidia’s or Kimchi Chronicles, but Bayless rates.
OBS, you think this place is bad try Duluth – scandahoovians think Taco John’s is good Mexican *shudder*.
There was no “kid” in the First “Terminator”. The idea was that he was sent back in time to kill Sarah before she conceived him. The kid appeared in “T2” as a young teenager (agreed–annoying), and then in T3 as a twentysomething. (odious).
The Debbil made Robert Stacy McKKKain do it.
There was no “kid” in the First “Terminator”.
Right. I meant to point that out (the annoying character was Connor’s roomie) in the first one, there was no kid.
I’m still working out the kinks on this new trackpad work provided. I miss mousing, but I miss the pain of carpal tunnel much less.
The Debbil made Robert Stacy McKKKain do it.
I’m thinking he made that subtly homophobic but openly closeted comment tongue-in-cheek.
Geez El Manquecito, I feel like such a piker (prolly cause I am). Do you cook professionally?
I’ve got some single flower pine honey that a friend imports from Greece. I’ve never heard of carmelizing honey before but I think I know what I’ll be doing this weekend.
There was no “kid” in the First “Terminator”.
That was not intended to be a factual statement.
Sopailpillas require good sage honey. What a great invention and nothing to do with Mexico.
DK is good, as far as she goes. I recommend Susanna Trilling as the best Mexican cookbook there is. Believe it or not, “Mexico: The Beautiful Cookbook” is remarkably good.
St. Julia has been vague on the issue of anchovies. [because my Mom was a fan I have talked to her]. The non-Julia version that I believe is that the very large croutons served with the original Cardini Caesar salad were “buttered” with a paste of anchovies, garlic and parmesan. I didn’t want to start this but I am adamant that a real Caesar salad uses anchovies.
actor: in the food world substituting ‘artesian’ for ‘artisanal’ is a common “joke”, an intentional Spoonerism, meant to produce laughter. Sorry.
As a non honey fan, I prefer sopapillas with chocolate sauce.
As a devotee of Dada, I prefer sopapillas with hot tar.
X-treme cuisine!
Making Chicago style pizza tonight.
Don’t worry purists, I made New Yawk style last week.
As a devotee of Dada, I prefer sopapillas with hot tar.
And a mustache.
Don’t worry purists, I made New Yawk style last week.
What kinda cheese did youse use? Mossarella or MAWTZrell?
I’m jealous. I’m gonna be having food from whatever crap restaurant is down the street.
You will dine here. Chthulhu demands it.
Or here. He’s not fussy.
I’ve got some single flower pine honey that a friend imports from Greece.
Sorry to break it to you kg but your friend is full of POOP. Pines and all other cone producing evergreens are wind pollinated and are not a nectar source for bees. The hot and dry hillsides of Greece host a whole bunch of aromatic herb species that are bee pollinated, including sages and oreganos. That’s what the piney Greek honeys are, perennial deciduous herbs. Perfectly good desert country honeys, too strongly flavored for use in baking.
Caesar’s daughter has been quite adamant as well, for a very long time, that the original did not have anchovy. Don’t get me wrong here – I rarely give a fat flying Philadelphia fiddler’s fuck about authenticity. I make my Caesar the same way I make everything, the way *I* like it, and wrt Sneezer salad that means anchovy.
I like Diana Kennedy because she doesn’t go with any fancy shit – very simple, authentic cuisine.
Anyone interested in kicking up their culinary game a few notches should watch Jacques Pepin’s stuff, all of which is on-line at KQED. The “Fast Food My Way” series are brilliant. I am tempted to say something about Rachel ray here but Jacques would look me up and kill me. I would deserve it.
For breakfast it is fingernail clippings sauteed in unclarified butter spread on toasted supermarket bagel. Wine pairing: Purell™ Hand Sanitizer.
actor: in the food world substituting ‘artesian’ for ‘artisanal’ is a common “joke”, an intentional Spoonerism, meant to produce laughter. Sorry.
El M: that would be a Malapropism, not a Spoonerism. Sorry.
I know that Sexy Taxidermist costume really gets engines revving.
Smutbait noted.
Oh, don’t get me wrong, I actually like the stuff they call “Mexican” at a few of the local restaurants. I just know that it’s an Americanized version.
Typical liberal elitist food.
Pine honey is made not from nectar, as usually done by bees, but from the honeydew excreted by a insect, an aphid, Marchelina hellenica, which lives by sucking on the sap of certain pine species. Aphids leave an exudite, the honeydew, on the trunks of these pines. Pine honey is produced only on a number of Greek islands or in areas of western Turkey.
Aphid rancher is totally my new life goal. I hope I don’t have to sing “Rawhide” in Greek…
Noting noted.
Confession: I just finished one of my favorite lunches, a well toasted English muffin, slathered with mayonnaise, liberally doused with granulated garlic, recipient of some fine braunschweiger and a slice of mild cheddar. With milk and potato chips. Anyone with white trash roots has to indulge them sometimes, y’know?
Another confession: I finally made it through the UM for my new camera. I am afraid of my camera.
A support center at which my wife worked for a while got a number of digital radio stations free for hold music owing to some kind of deal. These were, to put it nicely, eclectic – bullshit chiptunes one week, vaudeville the next.
a well toasted English muffin
And what tropical island did the dear boy vacation on, Pups?
And now I have a hankering for Leberknoedeln. Off to the store!
a well toasted English muffin
Toasting the muffin.
For brunch it is green beef in white plastic jug vinegar; side choice of hard-boiled lizard eggs or raw brown rice, garnish of red or brown beard hair to choice. Wine pairing: W Ketchup™ sangria, America’s only toilet hooch.
thanks El Manq> I think I’ll spit in his face the next time I see him and demand a refund.
Still tasty.
Now I’m afraid I’ll learn that my wildflower honey is really just ground up chinese newspapers.
Fearing the camera.
Oh wait, that’s only a euphemism for escapees from the Center For The Visually Unpleasant.
You should be so lucky! Ground up chinese newspaper honey is artisanal honey–quite rare and expensive.
Whee! between the power outage, AT&T’s line issue, and routers and server issues, (and the IT manager and network admin being in training all day) our factory has been unable to ship orders for four hours on the busiest day of the month. Things are moving again, but there will be consequences! Meetings! Redesigns of Infrastructure! Serious talking-tos from consultants. Consultants getting serious talking-tos from managers! More meetings! Dramatic and expensive recommended courses of action! fun fun fun.
Honeys made from honeydew, something that only happens around the northern and eastern side of the Mediterranean are something off by themselves, not to be thought of as honey. If your bees have to assault aphids they’re desperate, starving, hardly proper bees anymore. Because the original vegetal fluid has been processed by two different species of insect it is a very different sort of syrup ( one species GOOD, two species BAD ).
I’ve been waiting for AK or someone similar to tell me that in upside-downie land it’s all different and the best honeys come from conifers.
For lunch it is saucisses florentines* on commemorative Barry Goldwater 1964 plate; wine pairing: beer.
Here’s an old family recipe for saucisses florentine:
1) Preheat oven to 150 degrees.
2) Remove Bar-S™ brand chicken franks from the freezer. If you must substitute, find a cheap, poultry-based hot dog that tastes like dog food smells.
3) Remove brick of frozen spinach from the freezer. Use at least four dry ounces for every frank.
4) Using a culinary hammer – the rustier the better – shatter Bar-S™ brand chicken franks. You’re done when no piece is bigger than any one of your baby teeth. Remember that they looked bigger then because you were smaller then.
5) Reheat spinach in a stout pot.
6) Mix Bar-S™ franks and reheated spinach in casserole dish.
7) Top with generous layer of W Ketchup™, America’s only ketchup.
8) Heat for three hours, or to taste.
9) Serves one.
For lunch it is saucisses florentines*
* ??
You librul leetests and your “lunches”
Box of Milk Duds and ginger ale here.
Ain’t that America! You’re right up in MB’s wheelhouse there.
Is it possible to carbonate Jell-o like soda?
Thought I’d share something that’s been amusing me all day.
Former Arapahoe County sheriff Patrick J. Sullivan was arrested in some sort of meth sting.
He’s being held in the Patrick J. Sullivan Detention Facility.
I would link something but I don’t know how. Happened in Colorado.
Aphid rancher is totally my new life goal. I hope I don’t have to sing “Rawhide” in Greek…
Only very quietly, as to not damage the aphids’ hearing, so no worries if you mispronounce some of the words.
I slander my dear, dedicated parents, who used to room with a line cook and who do Mexican and Italian better than anyone. But like a fat, feckless version of Lord of the Flies, Sadly is always just a bad day from blowing the conch and ritually sacrificing the fattest, most useless boy to Heston Blumenthal.
And that’s why I hurt you – because I love you, Sadly. Because I love.
You’ve never made Jell-O with seltzer or some sort of soft drink? It’s not exactly what you’re after but it’s not half bad.
My mayor.
Please, Alec Baldwin, run.
Linky for Jill’s story
Sadly is always just a bad day from blowing the conch and ritually sacrificing the fattest, most useless boy to Heston Blumenthal.
Blow the conch? Sounds like a typical Friday night here.
It’s a tough recipe. I hope you can follow it.
Is it possible to carbonate Jell-o like soda?
I don’t know but when my wife opens her new SodaStream on xmas we’re going to find out bitches!!!@!@!@ Plus liquor.
Thank you Actor!
Is it possible to carbonate Jell-o like soda?
You can carbonate lots of things. There’s a town in Viet-Nam that makes noodles from a carbonated spring and has turned it into a tourist magnet. Cao lao!!
There’s some serious culinary credentials. How much does s/he still owe you?
Brent Bozell butthurt:
judging by his typing skills, i am now wondering if bozell is bitterscribe’s company’s president’s daughter…
I refer you to Julia’s recollection of having Caesar Cardini make his salad for her (and her family).
true fact: up until this very moment, i thought caesar salad was italian…
Re: Seagal:
I was going to relay what the movie reviewer in the P.I. here said about him, but now I think it was Stallone he was talking about—I’m only just now getting to where I can remember which movies Stallone, Schwarzenegger, and Seagal were in; they just run together in my head. Anyway, he called Stallone “The most limited major actor since Rex the Wonder Horse”, but it applies to Seagal as well.
OBS: I think I was the first to link to that pic of Kari Byron* a long time ago…I won’t say “I’ll be in my bunk”, ’cause I’ve been in my bunk.
Pup: I agree Jacques’ Fast Food My Way has been very informative, but on the theme of gorgeous redheads (which will mean nothing to you), I notice he’s had Claudine on with him again in a few of them. I really learned a lot from that series Cooking With Claudine, but mainly—God, I love that girl!
PBS usually has the shite cooking shows, like Lidia’s or Kimchi Chronicles, but Bayless rates.
hey, now! there is no better cooking show than america’s test kitchen…
OBS, you think this place is bad try Duluth – scandahoovians think Taco John’s is good Mexican *shudder*.
even worse: taco bell…
hey, now! there is no better cooking show than america’s test kitchen…
It jumped the shark with the hour long holiday special and then the studio audience crap.
I say that as someone with a paid subscription to CooksIllustrated.com, too.
I’ve been waiting for AK or someone similar to tell me that in upside-downie land it’s all different and the best honeys come from conifers.
The trees providing sap to be processed as aphid-poop are evergreens but the Angiosperm genus Nothofagus rather than a conifer. Also the ‘honey’ in question is a rather unappealing syrup that the marketers have to promote for its supposed health benefits (extra enzymes from passing through two insects’ intestinal tracts rather than one) rather than its flavour.
scandahoovians think Taco John’s is good Mexican *shudder*.
Say what you will about Taco John… at least they have Whiplash the Cowboy Monkey.
I love Rick Bayless and I love America’s Test Kitchen.
And Everyday Food for that matter.
It jumped the shark with the hour long holiday special and then the studio audience crap.
i eagerly await the episode wherein the cook the shark they jumped…
Here’s the problem with PBS: They’ll greenlight a clever but modest show, like This Old House, or America’s Test Kitchen. The show will be accessible to everyone, even if you’ve never picked up a hammer or a ladle in your life.
As soon as the show gathers a loyal critical mass audience, BAM, it jumps the shark and suddenly becomes this elitist “We had to reframe this million dollar home because the owner decided at the last minute to splurge on the indoor infinity pool on the second floor solarium.”
I like those shows because they give me ideas that I can execute, until they get to the whole “We made a bourguignon in a half hour using ground beef and a canvas sack in an adobe oven, which by the way, our sponsor can build for you for $100,000.”
Y’know, give me three different ways to finish a doorway or why clarified butter works better when sealing a tenderloin than whole butter. That I can work with, not the solar powered garage door for the boat dock.
I love Rick Bayless and I love America’s Test Kitchen.
And Everyday Food for that matter.
omg…hubbkf is always coming home from work with recipes especially from atk…his most notable effort: weinerscnitzel…it was divine…we have the beef tenderloin episode on dvd and one of these days when i have an extra hundreds of dollars to spend, i’m buying the best one i can find and…ohhhh…
Here’s the problem with PBS: They’ll greenlight a clever but modest show, like This Old House
again: hey, now! i will be on air on pbs december 10th and i do not want any of your negativity, mr.!
but i agree, toh has come a long ways from nawm making biscuits with his radio awm sawr…
food pron trolling: i am planning on making knoephla for christmas eve…any good recipes?
I’ve never made a bad recipe from ATS. NEVAR. 100% success rate.
ATK, rather.
What the heck is it?
Thomas Sowell’s message to Republicans is to go bananas.
bbkf, you making the actual soup or just the dumplings?
but on the theme of gorgeous redheads (which will mean nothing to you),
Don’t be so sure.
Oops—I lied. This is the Kari Byron picture I linked to…
While I’m eagerly waiting in anticipation for what that asterisk is pointing too, I will note for the record that for a second I thought you were actually complaining about a redhead link.
I’ve never made a bad recipe from ATS. NEVAR. 100% success rate.
Yea, and I’m not saying they’ve gone completely off the rails, just like TOH sometimes manages to slip in a pedestrian mantlepiece into a renovation.
One of the things I enjoy about ATK is that they tell you WHY they’re using the ingedients they’re using and how the results came out using others, or other ways of preparing a dish.
That, plus I imagine myself sandwiched (heh!) between Yvonne the baker and Bridget.
I do not think that is Kari. Not complaining though.
Today on This Old House Norm arrives to tell the owners the entire foundation must be rebuilt.
This is the Kari Byron picture I linked to…
ten…no, fifteen. And stay outta my bunk.
but on the theme of gorgeous redheads (which will mean nothing to you)
I gotta go with Julianne Moore.
Today on This Old House Norm arrives to tell the owners the entire foundation must be rebuilt.
One of the big fictions on TOH: no one ever cries when they get bad news.
“First, you dig a ditch…” “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!”
THAT’S real life renovation!
Oh. Wait. My bad. Tube socks are hard to type with.
bbkf, you making the actual soup or just the dumplings?
actual soup…
And Goldwater scared the daylights out of people with the way he expressed himself, especially on foreign policy, where he came across as reckless
hey, thomas sowell! i just learned something from history…herman cain is barry goldwater!
I do not think that is Kari. Not complaining though.
Further research is required.
Well, they’re basically potato dumplings, so my instinct would be to mold them, quick fry them in some light oil so that you sear both sides, them dump them in the broth to start making the soup. But then I like a little snap in my creamy soups.
Some pretty good recipes all over the web, I see.
herman cain is barry goldwater!
As a Senator, I’ll bet Barry knew the president of Uzbekibekibekibekistanstan personally.
Some pretty good recipes all over the web, I see.
yep…i’ve checked them out…just wondering if pup or el m had any super good recipes…
First pics up on this page.
Is it like some upper Midwestern Scandinavian thing?
But seriously, as frightening as the thought of Barry Goldwater in the White House was, and I never thought I’d be in the position of defending him, but comparing him with a moron like Herman Cain is just beyond the pale.
I think that was the year that the mainstream Republicans started thinking his actual policies were communist and would have laughed him off the stage at a convention.
In other news, apparently the world really needs to listen to some fourth-rate hack scribbling into the aether on a third-rate website.
Wow, that’s a giant mess of crazy. Yes, he literally argues that “diversity” is having the only black actors he can think of play JFK and Jackie O.
But I think it’s hilarious that the whole thing is basically this:
“Incorrect statement. Hey, liberals, you are hypocrites because my straw man incorrect belief about something is incompatible with its actual reality. Got you all good there! Conservatives forever.”
Basically, he has on article of faith that Hollywood is this monolithic liberal institution that only exists to promote liberal values and is in fact the source of all liberalism and is a hallowed un-criticized institution that embodies all of liberalism.
And he thinks that because he’s an idiot who apparently didn’t realize that Hollywood is “liberal” for the same reason that the media is “liberal” and that’s because “liberal” is a code-word for “has too many damn Jews in it”.
But yeah, he’s shocked that Hollywood more resembles a business that has a veritable monopoly on product and that star actors who can guarantee ticket sales are paid more than stage hands who are treated like scum and that Hollywood doesn’t really have much diversity and so on.
And it’s entirely because he believed it when he was told that Hollywood was this Mecca of liberalism that embodied his own dim understanding of liberal values. And it stems from the very first paragraph where he somehow thinks that a few actors acknowledging the obvious (that income disparity is a bad thing) means that they are the High Priests of this opinion and that they are the only ones talking about this totally made up problem and why aren’t they sucking off the 1%s dicks and how dare some of them be in the 1% and so on.
Maybe I’ll go back and do a proper mango dive, but yeah, it’s the appallingly standard wingnut thing of having a rage fit over reality not comporting with your straw man understanding of an institution and thinking this proves liberal hypocrisy, thus demonstrating that they a) don’t know how liberalism works, b) don’t know hypocrisy, and most importantly c) don’t know how anything anythings.
It’d be sad if it wasn’t so inane.
Is it like some upper Midwestern Scandinavian thing?
jah…basically a potato soup with thin little potato dumplings…
But seriously, as frightening as the thought of Barry Goldwater in the White House was, and I never thought I’d be in the position of defending him, but comparing him with a moron like Herman Cain is just beyond the pale.
i’m sorry…i’m too young to know barry goldwater…i was just *reading* history like thomas sowell was trying to teach us…
Other scintillating columns at ClownHall: Confirmed: Bill Ayers Hosted Fund-Raiser for Obama and Is God Performing Football Miracles for Tim Tebow?
*outstretched hand* this bowl will not fill itself, madam.
This one has a particularly wonderful headline.
“d Is God Performing Football Miracles for Tim Tebow?”
OMG!!! i just checked my yahoo mail and guess what?!?!?!?
not only have i won $10,000,000USD from pch lottery, but i also got a very exciting email from one mark zuckerberg which starts out like this:
This is to inform the bearer that You have won the sum of $1,000000 OUR 2011 SWEEPSTAKES (Facebook Inc) This is a bonus to promote our users worldwide through this online lottery, Which is fully based on an electronic selection.
obviously mark was too excited about my winning $1,000000 OUR 2011 SWEEPSTAKES that he completely forgot about punctuation! i am so excited!
This one has a particularly wonderful headline.”
I read a couple of paragraphs. Please stop me before I read more.
*outstretched hand* this bowl will not fill itself, madam.
i know…it sounds awesome, doesn’t it? i have never had it, but hubbkf had some up nort not too long ago and his little polish/german/russian butt fell in love…
bbkf, that is lame. What about your small penis?
bbkf, that is lame. What about your small penis?
wow…i have to check my email more often…i just checked out my mac mail and got an email from obama!!! he’s inviting me and hubbkf to double date with him and michelle and all i have to do is contribute $3…how awesome is that?!?!
Sorry to burst your bubble, but that is Alex Sim-Wise.
Bursting the bubble.
i’m sorry…i’m too young to know barry goldwater…
You didn’t miss much. His big thing (like William F. Buckley’s) was resistance to the “tyranny” of civil rights legislation. When he said “extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice,” what he meant was, “do anything you can to preserve your liberty to abuse black people.”
I love it. If you don’t make a shit-ton of money and you denounce exploitative income disparity, you’re obviously jealous of the wealthy. If you do, then you’re a hypocrite. I guess the term “self-hating rich person” was too, er, Hollywood?
Sorry to burst your bubble, but that is Alex Sim-Wise.
ya know, the least algore could have done when he invented teh internets was to have a function that would ensure accuracy…then things like ‘the great who is the hot red-head chick war of aught 11’ wouldn’t have to happen…
Planned Parenthood now hiring someone who wasn’t aborted
Townhall now hiring writers whose level of brain development might lead one to believe they were.
Just in case everybody’s Asshole-o-Meters haven’t been ‘sploded today…I give you this.
Now we know why Tintin is too busy to post very often.
Just out of curiosity, are you gonna sue those bastards Spielberg and Jackson for copyright infringement?
I know right? The body count just keeps going up.
Y’all maybe ought to start a cooking show. Each couuld host a different show every day, each with a tasty theme. Honestly, I’ve never read so much about cooking and food as I have here at Sadly.
Today’s lunch (where the climate is perfect): two thick snapper filets rolled in finely chopped garlic and chiles, sauteed in butter over low heat; gallo pinto with chunks of chiltomas and spring onions mixed in; white rice cooked with grated carrots; corn tortillas cooked on an old plow share over charcoal; sliced cuajada; melocoton fresco with limon indio.
So what you’re saying is: “Fuck Google”. I can get behind that!
I know how all the totally irrelevant crap on the first 12 pages that come up every time I search for something get there—they paid more than the ones I was looking for. But it works that way on Images, too? Fuck!
Planned Parenthood now hiring someone who wasn’t aborted
Hey, that would be like ClownHall now hiring someone delivered via vaginal, rather than anal, birth.
rolling the snapper…
antidote for asshole overload
Tigris misses the perfect goatse opportunity AGAIN.
Wow, that is goatse-worthy asshole right there. If only gawd had ever said anything about moneylenders or rich folks and eyes of needles, &c…
Sorry bbkf, never made knoephla. My Cherman chops drop off the further east one goes. Do they even cook food east of Berlin?
Sorry bbkf, never made knoephla. My Cherman chops drop off the further east one goes. Do they even cook food east of Berlin?
dang…i will have to brave it on my own…i will have to poll old cherman ladies and pore through old church cookbooks…but ya know, it’s potatoes and more potatoes…what could possibly go wrong? and also, east of berlin, food cooks you…
antidote for asshole overload
Awww, geez… all out of insulin… fading…
Re German food terminology;
A long time ago, my supervisor brought in this Christmas cake and I said: “Ah, you made julekake again!”
–“Actually, it’s stollen.”
“Oh. sorry—I just remembered you made julekake last year.”
–“Well…it’s the same stuff—I just stopped calling it julekake, because nobody knew what I was talking about. I can’t believe you remembered that!”
“Ah, you made julekake again!”
–”Actually, it’s stollen.”
“Oh. sorry—I just remembered you made julekake last year.”
I will thank everyone in advance for sparing me their bukake recipes.
and also, east of berlin, food cooks you…
As we discovered on the night train from Berlin to Krakow.
I have the urge to say something about a Bûche de Noël but I fear it would be misunderstood.
I prefer Bier de Garde because it doesn’t require any umlauts. And it’s beer.
I have fond memories of making Bouche de Noelle for French class each year of high school (for extra credit, natch). Ah, simpler times.
When I wonder why I wasn’t getting laid then I should think of this
but ya know, it’s potatoes and more potatoes…
Don’t forget the kraut!
Those knoephla look like an unholy hybrid of Spätzle and Kartoffelkloesse.
I have fond memories of making Bouche de Noelle for French class each year of high school (for extra credit, natch). Ah, simpler times.
When I wonder why I wasn’t getting laid then I should think of this
I can’t believe nobody was going for your big log.
Noelle’s mouth?
Okay, you’re stuck with me, tonight. Disqus is being a cock over at Eschaton.
Disqus is being a cock over at Eschaton.
You misspelled “Dennis”.
You misspelled “Dennis”.
Disqus is being a Dennis over at Eschaton.
You guys! Sadly, No! is a treasure trove of useful information.
The Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co is a super-heroine’s Martha Stewart! Look at what I just ordered:
Satin 58″ Cape, Item No. 6032. I have that “itchy tag” thing, and so satin is perfect!
A Flight Tilt Indicator Item no. 5055. I can never have too much help figuring out which is up.
I didn’t order the MYLAR FORCE FIELD because I have a roll of mylar in the garage and can make one myself.
DEFLECTOR BRACELETS. These compliment all my outfits and I do look great in shiny bangles— I can’t get enough of them and fine jackets. If I could just find an affordable pair of leather boots that doesn’t have a zipper…
I looked at the magnetism, and wondered if there is a product that uses the power of magnetism to REPEL, and will keep an eye out for it. If that eye I put out is YOURs, my condolences.
Since Clouds is too shy to release his super-hero self in public, I ordered some Cloning Fluid so that I can be my own sidekick—Item No. CF44.8-09.3
I thought about ordering The Butler, Item NO. 56530, but what I really need is a Secretary and an Editor.
Thanks, Sadly, No! What a bunch of pals you are.
I looked at the magnetism, and wondered if there is a product that uses the power of magnetism to REPEL, and will keep an eye out for it.
But how does it work?
I never got into Eschaton. It took me so long to worm my way into the hearts and minds of S,N…do I have the pure STRENGTH OF WILL to do the same with the Eschaton crowd? I don’t know. What I do know is their commenting system is shit.
I’d like to let everyone at Wonkette glory in my presence more, but I’m just not sure I can be arsed. You have to be fucking vigilante to create any sort of presence there. And as a Lazy-American, I find that deeply offensive.
Of course, now I feel like I’m just being baited.
Do they even cook food east of Berlin?
I can only speak for Prague. I rate for goulash & dumplings. Not a place where people go to lose weight.
vs – don’t bother. You’ve got to dig through a whole lot of shit in Eschaton comments to find a pony. The shit-to-pony ratio is LOADS lower here. You might like the crew over at edroso’s though – lots of overlap with the Sadlies, but some folks we rarely or never see around here, too.
A very funny and useful comments section there.
Oh, I’m familiar with the alicblog crew. They’re intimidatingly smart and funny. Which makes sense cuz there are so many S,N folks there.
I would participate in alicublog’s comments except for the fact that Roy is using the WORST commenting system EVAR (Echo), and has set it up in the WORST POSSIBLE way (breaking after very few comments to a new page of comment… which with the nesting feature that cannot be flattened, makes it impossible to see all the latest comments without continually going back through the pages of comments, looking for the needles in the haystack).
You’ve got to dig through a whole lot of shit in Eschaton comments to find a pony.
What can I say? I have a lot of friends there. 🙂 Side-effect of being a regular there for eight years, I reckon.
Yeah, it’s terrible and not that fun to read (brilliant commenters aside).
That might be a strength. People say the funny thing and take off.
Oh yeah, that’s an absolute deal-breaker for me. I will not even try to follow, never mind participate in, a threaded forum format. Infuriating!
(I see underscore doesn’t work here, huh?)
What I do know is their commenting system is shit.
One of the regulars wrote a commenting system specifically for Eschaton. A-man wouldn’t look at it.
It had all the features that site needs (real-time updating, since it’s more chat-room than commenting; a user-controllable built-in killfile with a couple of levels of banishment; HTML options, including keyboard shortcuts; nesting or chron order, which can be toggled, etc.). I use it at my catblog. It’s not attractive, and a lot of people are scared by the Win3.1 graphics and MANY, MANY controls (which can be ignored, really). It’s solid, and it works very well, but until dirk makes it pretty, no one will ever want it, unfortunately.
Oh yeah, that’s an absolute deal-breaker for me. I will not even try to follow, never mind participate in, a threaded forum format. Infuriating!
It’s fine, if you’re waiting until all the commenters have abandoned the thread. You miss a LOT if you you try to use a multi-page, nested system in real time.
That might be a strength. People say the funny thing and take off.
Lol. Everybody goes out on top.
But it works that way on Images, too? Fuck!
GIGO, remember? If enough stupes have tagged that image as “Kari Byron” then Google will bring it up as a search result.
Sort of how a huge chunk of “Weird Al” MP3s out there turn out to be Bob Rivers.
I hadn’t thought about how the commenting structure was feeding back into the content but, still, the comments at Roy’s place are reliably good.
I hadn’t thought about how the commenting structure was feeding back into the content but, still, the comments at Roy’s place are reliably good.
They are, yes! But I find I need to start reading two posts back, where people are no longer commenting, in order to see all the comments (an anal thang with which only I am afflicted). I invariably want to comment on something, then, where no one will ever see it (and I will never check for a followup).
This one has a particularly wonderful headline.
Wingnuts really are terrible at understanding anything other than “everyone must be forced to do this” and “absolutely forbidden”, aren’t they?
I’m thinking also of their panicked responses to gay marriage (but, but if everyone is gay, who’ll have the children to survive as a species). They really can’t comprehend that something might need to be in place to serve a minority demographic and that worldviews can exist other than forcing everyone to do something or banning it completely.
See also their confused reactions to disability services (but but, I don’t personally need a handicapped rail) or really any government service known to man (anything I use is good, anything I don’t is obviously where all that government waste is hiding) and their resistances to diversity in general (acknowledging that some people aren’t me and need the same things I need is trying to force me to be someone I’m not with government storm troopers).
This is completely off-topic, I guess, but it sounds like there are some photographers in the commentariat….
I laughed like everybody else when Dennis Finch said to Elliott di Mauro in Just Shoot Me: “My God, you’re a genius! You took one of the most beautiful women in the world and somehow made her look good! What did you use, some kind of film?”
I thought of this when I was looking for pictures to reply to Pup and the Major: “Well, I’ll see your Josh and Julianna and raise you Sara and Jenica.” But it seems like every actress I look for, there’s pictures from “Chuck Espinoza Photography”—must be a big-shot photographer.
So my question is: How can he take some of the most beautiful women in the world and make them look like this? It’s not just her, it’s everybody. A: How does he keep getting work, and 2: Does he just hate women and it infects his camera? How does this kind of thing happen? As a dabbler myself, I’d appreciate some photographic insight.
Cerebus, you’re so naive. If gay marriage is legalized, that means mandatory buttfucking for everyone. Can’t you see that?
Reverend, I don’t think those were bad pics…though she is made-up and airbrushed to within an inch of her life.
The first two especially, it seems to me like he told her: “Imagine you’re smelling one of Newt Gingrich’s farts.”
Here’s a photo of me, from today. Non-medicated, of course.
(an anal thang with which only I am afflicted
It might be obsessive or compulsive in today’s diagnoses but it has absolutely nothing to do with your toilet training or cornhole. BAD SCIENCE.
Yeah, Cerberus, it’s very Cartesian. “I exist, therefore everyone must be exactly like me.” But if gays exist, or are acknowledged to exist, that means everyone must be just like them—including me! I’m so scared!
“Here’s a photo of me, from today. Non-medicated, of course.”
LOL. That’s a pretty great picture.
LOL. That’s a pretty great picture.
It’s the optic yellow helmet. So slimming!
I can only speak for Prague. I rate for goulash & dumplings
I am making goulash this very evening! Browsing through the meat section the other day at the discount store – where I rarely buy meats and only some produce but everything else is CHEAPCHEAPCHEAP – and stumbled upon some very nice shin beef marked “soup bones.” Umm, no, these were very small bone shanks surrounded by LOTS of meat. Priced at like $1.49 / lb. I bought a shitload.
I make it the way I learned in Vienna. Curiously, my “recipe” is for all practical porpoises identical to the recipe p[oasted at one of my favorite food carts, Tabor, run by a great guy from Prague. I have never had their goulash, as I can’t go there and NOT get a Schnitzelwich. There is one significant difference in our recipes, that being my use of both Hungarian sweet paprika and hlaf-sharp as well. I
sometimesusually add a wee bit of smoked Spanish parika as well, just to be kinky. I like to serve it with dumplings (not the kind they serve, I generally make Serviettenknödel) but The Ho will probably insist on spätzle.Alas, I do not have the appropriate pivo on hand but the Widmer “BRRR Winter Ale” should suffice.
Oh yeah, that’s an absolute deal-breaker for me. I will not even try to follow, never mind participate in, a threaded forum format.
You should hear the commenters whine when I turn threading on at my joint. Funny!
Just in case everybody’s Asshole-o-Meters haven’t been ‘sploded today…I give you this.
I am oddly disappointed that the link was not goatse.
You should hear the commenters whine when I turn threading on at my joint. Funny!
Ideally, that should be user-controllable. It’s very useful for trying to catch up on a long conversation, and understand the context… much less so in a fast-paced conversation where you’d rather just see the latest comments as they fly in.
FortyToo is, AFAIK, the only system that allows the user to make that choice on-the-fly, and back again.
Massive hole opens up in Oklahoma and getting wider! Chunks around the edge keep falling.
Massive hole opens up in Oklahoma and getting wider!
Talk about your goatse…
Yes, I failed French even with the extra credit.
You don’t know your goatse from a massive hole in the ground in Oklahoma, Jeffraham!
Rice, raw veggies, Samuel Smith* Oatmeal Stout. I’m a polar bear of simple tastes.
*If that is his real name.
I got a cheap digital snapshot camera, and the UM is incredible. Finding how to change an option is more difficult than figuring out how to use every feature on a Nikon FA without any manual at all.
Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and cabbage.
I got a cheap digital snapshot camera, and the UM is incredible. Finding how to change an option is more difficult than figuring out how to use every feature on a Nikon FA without any manual at all.
That’s why I’ve been buying the Canon point-n-shoot that costs $110 at Dell online every time I’ve decided to upgrade. The UI is pretty consistent and intuitive, the quality is high (I end up giving my old camera to someone who needs one, and it continues to work for years… even the one that fell off the scooter at 55MPH). It’s not the fanciest, nor the most hi-res, but the latest one, a Powershot A1200 does HD video, and even has great sound!
Started catching up from the beginning of the thread. The comment that got brought back yelling at movies for “lying to people” because you know, they are fiction and all that, really hits home how wingnuts and especially evangelical wingnuts have no ability to process the difference between fiction and reality.
I mean, it’s already obvious that most of them base various eras of human life on the TV or movie outputs of those times (50s and 80s happy and sunny, 70s and 90s dour and troubled, 00s full of American success against terrorist plots, and so on). But then you get freaks like that who seem to be unable to process that books and movies are fiction unless they print on the cover “this is a work of fiction with absolutely no connection to reality, please ignore this in favor of the Bible which should be the only media you consume and by that I mean also fail to read that”. I suspect it comes from reading the obviously cobbled together and often metaphorical Bible in random order as if it were a literal, straight-forward reading of absolute and unerring truth. Makes it difficult to see blatant fiction as anything other than competing truths.
Day old response to vs:
He put “income disparity” in scare quotes then goes on to talk about Hollywood folks should spread the wealth (an idea I would support, btw, fucktard). So, does income disparity exist or not? Or does it only exist in a bubble in Hollywood? I’d love for him to clarify!
Yeah, that’s one of the best parts of a wingnut who’s hepped himself up on projection and is going to get back those mean liberals who called them that mean name (racist, hypocrite, bigot, flaming asshole who should be shat upon by Sinistar) or acknowledged an existing concept (racism, sexism, income disparity) by working out how liberals are the TRUE Xs and are silly for believing in Y.
They often slip over themselves and demonstrate the liberals point and accidentally admit a real problem. This is especially true when the conservative feels they can tackle “hypocrisy” because this usually ends with the delicious double fail of them demonstrating that they have no idea what hypocrisy is or what the liberal is even arguing while they simultaneously accidentally admitting the existence of the problem as long as it is the liberals fault.
So you get the conservatives who have been whining that racism is just a word blacks made up to get preferential treatment and steal the resources of white people or that income disparity is just another word for being envious of rich people for their success admitting that these things operate under regular old Earth logic as long as its a problem only seen in their “enemy’s” circles. So Hollywood (bastion of liberals don’t you know) is regular racist or rich liberals are the real problem of income disparity.
The best part is I doubt they’d even be aware that they basically just admitted that their “normal” arguments are bad-faith claptrap intended to dismiss a real issue. Just as they are unaware that they’re attempt to “in your face, LIBS” just demonstrated that liberals are kind to call conservatives merely “stupid” when aggressively training to lose an intellect contest against particularly dull rocks would be more accurate.
Massive hole opens up in Oklahoma and getting wider!
Oh shit, did Perry get too close to Inhofe? The singularity of stupidity will doom us all!!!!11!!!
Massive hole opens up in Oklahoma and getting wider!
Herman Cain sez:
Don’t worry, muthafuckas, I GOT this.
acon & beggs, freddies, toast…breakfast at supertime can be awesome…
It’s the optic yellow helmet. So slimming!
indeed…did you remember to take it off though for your job interview?
tsam FTW
There was a hot redhead conversation and I wasn’t here? I must be slipping.
Karen Gillan (I appreciate the obvious lack of photoshop on that image. She has a real skin texture, almost like an actual person! Amazing! Also, love her eyes in it. Gorgeous hazel.)
Lauren Ambrose
Christina Hendricks (Of course! Not natural, but she pulls it off well)
The hottest redhead whose existence I’m aware of is a non-famous person who I know personally, and posting a picture would be even creepier than my usual objectification posts.
indeed…did you remember to take it off though for your job interview?
Of course! Locked it underseat by its D-rings, I did.
Alicia Witt. Sorry.
Of course! Locked it underseat by its D-rings, I did.
just thought it might have something to do with the weird vibe you were getting off interview guy…who really will get junkpunched by me if you do not get the job…
uck…two disturbing things i found out on the frisky:
lea michelle and taylor swift have auditioned for the role of eponine in the newest les mis…taylor swift? really? if that happens, les mis is dead to me forever!!!
The band Hanson is launching their own beer…twerps….if they call it mmmhop i will kill them…
just thought it might have something to do with the weird vibe you were getting off interview guy…who really will get junkpunched by me if you do not get the job…
No; that would have been the riding jacket and the Frogg Toggs pants. It was raining the past two days, non-stop.
i realize my last two comments are pretty violent…i do not know what’s gotten in to me tonight, but i seriously mean what i said…and not in a ha, ha tsam throat slitting way…more in a i am a crazy ass bitch sort of way…wtf?
Why am I a throat cutting meme?
Can I switch to being a junior zombie?
Why am I a throat cutting meme?
because you know who said so and he is NEVAR wrong…
It’s part of the lore now. It’s like me linking to THIS.
It’s like me linking to THIS.
that is so AWWWWWWWWWW-ful…
Felicia Day.
It’s part of the lore now. It’s like me linking to THIS.
I was all geared up to look away from a prostate…you know, after 20 or 30 seconds.
Neko Case.
Jeffraham, the photographer and the lighting are important. As or more important is the make-up.
And, like yeah, totally what you said about the digital cameras. Clouds (my s.o.) gave me my first digital camera (Eve) as a Christmas present. After having much fun with it for a while and pouring (poring?) through the manual again and again, I described to him what I wanted but wasn’t getting and he said, “You need macro.” Then he researched cameras with macro and gave me a list of cameras in my price range that he thought I might like to buy myself, and I picked the G-7 (Adam) and started taking the pictures I wanted most to take.
After someone living in a house I was temporarily living in stole Adam, I bought a Canon S5 1S. After I pointedly and loudly spent a day on the telephone in the common area of the house talking to the police and pawn shop owners about my camera with a thorough description of the camera, the model number, serial number, and descriptions of the pictures on it Adam mysteriously reappeared in my room. Since I had two cameras that served me well, I sent my surrogate daughter the A Powershot a couple of weeks ago. Her father was happy to see his gift passed on to his daughter, and I was glad to see it find a home where it would be used and loved instead of sitting in my Craftsman chest nostalgically remembered but doing nothing.
Dragon-King Wangchuck, inspired by your food porn on the Gobble Gobble Akhbar thread, I just finished baking some teriyaki glazed dark meat chicken parts that I made with a teriyaki/pineapple glaze, low sodium soy sauce, white wine (note to self: put rice wine on grocery list (even if you have to go to the chinese market to get it (and weren’t you just looking for an excuse to go there, anyway. It’s on the way between the butcher shop and the grocery outlet))), and the juice of five fresh very juicy mandarin oranges. I just finished just now because I had to thaw the chicken and let it marinate for a couple of days.
It’s tasty.
Thnx for the inspiration.
Can I switch to being a junior zombie?
Besides, you can be part of the Klingon tradition. You know, “One thousand wingnuts’ throats may be slit in one night by a running tsam”.
Jeffraham, the photographer and the lighting are important. As or more important is the make-up.
eeep. Coming so soon after a Substance link (that I did NOT click, because aversion therapy WORKS, y’all) I can only see this comment in relation to Mr. Goatse.
Seriously, the Sadlytariat needs to pony up for my therapy bills.
Why does everyone accuse Mitt Romney of being a flip flopper? 15 years ago he said he would be more of a friend to gay people than Ted Kennedy and now he strongly supports man dates. Perfectly consistent, don’t you think? Around the same time, he said “A portion should be an eagle.” A portion of the state seal should be an eagle! Fuckin’ misquoting media! Get it? I fail to see any inconsistencies whatsoever!
Okay, I’m late to the party with this, but I just can’t believe Steven Seagal ever studied aikido, let alone was a big-time sensei. In Japan yet. Is this true?
I spent a lot of time at the NYC dojo and got to know many aikido students, including my eventual wife. All of those people were very humble & mild in spite of their amazing abilities. In fact the further advanced they were the nicer and humbler they were.
It’s not generally a martial art that attracts arrogant assholes. O.o?
It’s not generally a martial art that attracts arrogant assholes
JR, I have been working in taekwondo for quite a few years, and I can say that we don’t get many of those either. And when they do show up, the actual work kind of either makes them decide to pursue something else, or humbles them. I’ve seen both.
I agree that really skilled and gifted martial artists are generally pretty easy going. I guess being able to destroy someone if the need arises gives one a certain equanimity. Heck, a couple of weekends ago, I was at a seminar with a 74 year old Master who put each and every one of us in varying degrees of hurt (the class was in joint locks) without much effort.
I was a huge Herman Cain supporter until I found out he cheated on his wife. That’s why now my vote is for Newt Gingrich.
Seriously, the Sadlytariat needs to pony up for my therapy bills.
I offer free Zen therapy. Are you interested?
I spent a lot of time at the NYC dojo and got to know many aikido students, including my eventual wife.
Which one? I’ve been looking…the one on 37th Street?
… Planned Parenthood now hiring someone who wasn’t aborted…
That is one of the better all-purpose headlines I’ve seen. Need a quick headline? Here ya go.
For example:
SadlyNo Labs Run by the Unaborted
God: Not Aborted
All Motherfucking Onion Writers: Not Aborted
Ron Paul: Not Aborted by Mother
Jonah Greenberg: Lucianne Confirms Abortion Failed
No NYPD Officers Aborted at Fetal Stage
Also, damn, “Confirmed: Bill Ayers Hosted a Fundraiser for Obama” is a real headline. Well, now we know.
No man, NYaikikai. Since 1964.18th st. Look it up.
Kinda early to be winning the internets, dontcha think? At least let the rest of us get our coffee, ok?
if they call it mmmhop i will kill them…
Start killing.
And if that don’t kill it, nothin’ will………………..
Besides, you can be part of the Klingon tradition. You know, “One thousand wingnuts’ throats may be slit in one night by a running tsam”.
Around the same time, he said “A portion should be an eagle.
I did just see Herman Cain proclaim that “Stupid people are ruinin’ this country”.
I’ll let the magnitude of that irony stand on its own.
Awesome. Glad you got some good foods in. It’s not that I have anything against Buffalo style chicken wings, I’m just anti-monoculture.
I’m surprised that the surprising thing about Steven Seagal is that he’s a 7th dan Aikido sensei. I mean, yeah, sure there’s a lot of spiritual mumbo jumbo and self-awareness and humility and discipline yadda yadda in the martial arts. A lot of schools of Aikido, that spiritual shit is crazy-ass cultish.
But teh d00d is also a fucking recognized tulka lama. He was recognized after his hit action movies with their glorification of violence. Fucking Buddhists have marked him as part of a line of serene and enlightened beings. Wrap your mind around that.
A buddy of mine studied there in high school. He gave it generally glowing marks but mentioned it’s not a place for newbies. Considering it’s been longer since I studied any martial art than most people here have been alive, I consider myself a newbie.
But teh d00d is also a fucking recognized tulka lama. He was recognized after his hit action movies
with their glorification of violencegenerated enough money that he was able to donate tens of thousands of dollars to the Free Tibet movement.Fixed AND explained that fer ya.
Clearly in light of the rash of sinkholes and earthquakes in Oklahoma, they need to take serious precautions to repel the escalating violence of the mole-people.
I offer free Zen therapy. Are you interested?
What is the sound of silence?
stupid tagfail
Heck, a couple of weekends ago, I was at a seminar with a 74 year old Master who put each and every one of us in varying degrees of hurt (the class was in joint locks) without much effort.
My first classes in judo were in a Y, when Y’s were the place to go to sleep, not to pick up dudes (Ok, yes that happened, but it was very quiet.)
A travelling Japanese executive sat in on one of our classes. I’ll guess he was about fifty, fifty-five. We’re all pre- and teenagers. Our sensei was first dan but he knew this guy. This man had a belt thick as my thigh.
He did one-finger sweep-throws. Never moved his arm. Flicked his finger at precisely the moment his foot caught a calf and flung me to the mat. I don’t think I’ve ever fallen so fast, before or since. Thank god we spent the first month learning to fall or I’d still be con– Ooooh, a chicken!
What is the sound of silence?
One of Simon and Garfunkel’s greatest hits?
It is time for you to go, grasshopper.
I will venture into the north woods and build a zen temple and live bait shop. People from all over will venture thence to get enlightened and nightcrawlers.
,,,generated enough money that he was able to donate tens of thousands of dollars to the Free Tibet movement.
Buddhism is still organized religion, so I appreciate that money has a lot to do with it. But Richard Gere? Not a tulku. Teh Beastie Boys? Not tulkus.
As a follower of the Invisible Pink Unicorn, bleesed be her garish unsee-ability, I’m not an OMG SPIRITUAL! kinda guy, but teh Rinpoche is, and he’s the one that commited his religion to recognizing Seagal as an advocate of Buddhism.
I’m not an OMG SPIRITUAL! kinda guy, but teh Rinpoche is, and he’s the one that commited his religion to recognizing Seagal as an advocate of Buddhism.
Why do you question his wisdom, grasshopper? Does not the air sustain you? Yet you cannot see it.
I will venture into the north woods and build a zen temple and live bait shop. People from all over will venture thence to get enlightened and nightcrawlers.
Do not forget your training, and to keep the prices modest!
Does not the air sustain you? Yet you cannot see it.
Fuck. Maybe I should submit my name for the 15th Dalai Lama….Or Dolly Llama. Or Doilied Momma.
Let me practice:
What is the sound of one hand fapping?
If there is no tube sock, is there fapping?
What is the sound of wind breaking on a rock?
Last night, a UPS driver showed up very late to deliver a birthday gift. Opened it this morning and found a Powershot A2200! One of my friends took pity on me after hearing my complaints. Reading through the UM, it seems way more straightforward at first glance. Now waiting for the battery to charge and to buy an SD card for it. My other digicam used XD cards and this didn’t come with one.
SD cards used to be woefully slow and undersized for the given resolution, so was put into the cheaper cameras, but give SanDisk et al credit: they’ve worked hard to upgrade the line. My Nikon DSLR uses them exclusively now, even for video.
Sure, sure, whatever kid but nobody but you wants to watch orphan children being fed into a woodchipper while corporate suits laughingly count the profits from selling the orphanage.
By the way, the toxic waste in the sewers bit wasn’t funny.
Hollywood Script Agent said,
You sound suspiciously like Lunch Lady.
I think the 1% might be very interested in that movie. If we can get 1% of 300000000 to watch it, at 8$ a ticket, if you can make your movie for less than 24,000,000 we can make a profit. Add the overseas market and video sales, and we could have a winner.
I think the 1% might be very interested in that movie. If we can get 1% of 300000000 to watch it, at 8$ a ticket, if you can make your movie for less than 24,000,000 we can make a profit
Dude. One Percenters won’t pay only $8 to watch a movie! Charge them $20, give ’em three-D glasses and call it an “art film”.
By the way, I want two percent of the gross for that consultation. I’ll cut you a slack on the internet streaming revenue. I’ll take a point and two thirds for that.
Dude. One Percenters won’t pay only $8 to watch a movie! Charge them $20, give ‘em three-D glasses and call it an “art film”.
Breaking News: Actor212 quits finance job and in one bold stroke becomes powerful Hollywood producer. New film “Woodchipper avec Orphans” entrances critics. Plutocrats tearfully exclaim, “Finally, someone to tell our story!”
Frank Luntz’s advice on OWS? Just lie, baby!
“Sure, sure, whatever kid but nobody but you wants to watch orphan children being fed into a woodchipper while corporate suits laughingly count the profits from selling the orphanage.”
Silly liberals! They wouldn’t feed the orphans into a woodchipper. What a waste! They would put them to work as unpaid “apprentices” doing the work that the Messicans used to do before they got run off.
New film “Woodchipper avec Orphans” entrances critics.
Deschiqueteuse, s’il vous plait.
I can see it now, sailing into Cannes on my Hargrave yacht with the infinity pool….
They wouldn’t feed the orphans into a woodchipper. What a waste!
Smedley’s right. Why, the cost to sharpen blades alone makes the premise unbelievable.
Shark tank. We need a shark tank.
“I can see it now, sailing into Cannes on my Hargrave yacht with the infinity pool….”
The unicorns I bought at Neiman-Marcus will take care of them.
No, charge $500 and have a marketing campaign that stresses how most people can’t afford it. They’ll stand in lines to show off.
No, charge $500 and have a marketing campaign that stresses how most people can’t afford it. They’ll stand in lines to show off.
I’ll cut you in for 25% of my take if you delete that suggestion.
Start killing.
omg…they didn’t for reaz, did they? i can’t look…
Shark tank. We need a shark tank.
they would have to be an endangered species of sharks…and once the sharks are plumb full of orphans they will make some sort of pate out of them to serve at their fancy schmancy parties…
omg…they didn’t for reaz, did they? i can’t look…
Fraid so
Hollywood Script Agent said,
December 1, 2011 at 18:30
You gotta work with us here, kid.
Now, casting…I see Brad Pitt as the guy who pushes the kids into the shark tank….
Fresh and unedited from ASW:
“Don’t you wish everyone had missed the 60s?”
Mangoes have been know to grow well in such manure.
Shark tank. We need a shark tank.
With laser beams?
Mangoes have been know to grow well in such manure.
The headline serves as a shorter, for those of you tempted to leave the boat.
There be hippos there.
Shark tank. We need a shark tank.
With laser beams?
*snapping fingers*
Not you, me!
OK, gang, here’s the high concept: a laser woodchipper serves orphan sushi to the sharks….
I was envisioning some Cruella de Ville type doing this actually.
I was envisioning some Cruella de Ville type doing this actually.
Ann Coulter’s not union. Sorry.
Shorter Luntz’
talkinggrunting points:“Now let’s not quibble about who murdered who…”
Also, too, get some whitening toothpast, dude! Spewing that much shit has left some nasty stains, just sayin’
OK, so we’re fucked….
I was envisioning some Cruella de Ville type doing this actually.
two words: ian mcshane
two words: ian mcshane
Go on.
So, move your production to Somalia, underpay your star and kidnap your victims, I mean extras.
NOTE to self: Make sure she always swallows
So, move your production to Somalia, underpay your star and kidnap your victims, I mean extras.
Hm. I guess we could write off the warlord bribes as “catering expense”…
Go on.
speaking for mr. mcshane, it’s tempting to re-create ‘swidgen’ from deadwood, although his persona in ‘kings’ maybe be more effective…he can go either way…
Frank Luntz’s advice on OWS? Just lie, baby!
He’s getting shredded in the comments.
Speaking of Ann Coulter, she just went full metal crazy:
speaking for mr. mcshane, it’s tempting to re-create ‘swidgen’ from deadwood, although his persona in ‘kings’ maybe be more effective…he can go either way…
Can he handle a chain-saw?
Speaking of Ann Coulter, she just went full metal crazy:
You never go full Coulter.
Her crazy goes to 11
in reading the comments on the luntz piece, this caught my eye:
In Depth with David Brooks
doesn’t depth have to be measurable?
Can he handle a chain-saw?
quite masterfully…
Can he handle a chain-saw?
quite masterfully…
Get his agent on the phone. I need to hear him recite the soliloquy from Hamlet while chewing on a can-full of Spam.
doesn’t depth have to be measurable?
Not necessarily, however depth must exist to be called depth. Let’s not call it depth, but instead refer to it as egghead intellectualism that is destroying America.
“Frank Luntz’s advice on OWS? Just lie, baby!
He’s getting shredded in the comments.”
New plan: put Luntz in the shredder.
New plan: put Luntz in the shredder.
why does smedley hate shredders? and sharks?
New plan: put Luntz in the shredder.
I was actually envisioning a line of people to beat the shit out of him, like in Airplane!
I was actually envisioning a line of people to beat the shit out of him, like in Airplane!
Oooh! Double feature!
You know, I have long wondered if Luntz was closeted, so I just went to Mr. Google, and, what do you know? “He is unmarried.”
I guess those “Who Is John Galt?” bags didn’t sell as well as they hoped.
“He is unmarried.”
I’m sure he’s just too busy
prancingbunnyhoppingcruisinggoing around the country working to settle down with a nice girl.I am uninterested. He’s not an elected official, so public outrage won’t get him to resign, be impeached, or replaced. The republican campaigns that use his odious expertise are unlikely to stop hiring him unless he’s caught on film with a dead woman or a live boy. I for one will continue to revile him for the things that are verifiably true. 1. He is working day and night to make the US a worse place to live for everyone but the 1% and their pet lickspittles, toadies and lackeys. 2. His teeth are foul.
1. He is working day and night to make the US a worse place to live for everyone but the 1% and their pet lickspittles, toadies and lackeys. 2. His teeth are foul.
also, he doesn’t play well when he is interviewed by colbert…
Is it not irresponsible not to speculate on the kind of personality defect one must have to be a chief enabler of a party that thinks you are less than 100% “normal?”
(smedley goes for the rare triple negative. Judges?)
Remember when Obama was assailed because he is an elitist intellectual professor? Then he became Preznit teleprompter, somehow while remaining an elitist intellectual. The morning I heard some GØPers declaring their allegiance to the Newt because he’s so smart, a professor and real intellectual.
I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.
It is easy to mistake that for criticism of GLBT status, rather than criticism of the self loathing closeting of that status. And I am totally not recommending that you should put on your conservative disguise and lob those speculations on right wing websites instead.
Luntz being gay would be positive and humanizing news, as it would cause people to doubt that he’s an amoral sexless pod person of the “it’s a cookbook” variety.
(smedley goes for the rare triple negative. Judges?)
i give it a 9.9.9
The morning I heard some GØPers declaring their allegiance to the Newt because he’s so smart, a professor and real intellectual.
I like that he values family and traditional marriage highly enough to have had three.
I like that he values family and traditional marriage highly enough to have had three.
yes, the more you have of something the more patriotic, christian and full of values you are…
also, he’s written a bunch of books that are gop all the way…that probably explains why he’s on a-okay intellectual…cuz obama didn’t write his own books and they are not full of *facts* that the gop are aware of…
“It is easy to mistake that for criticism of GLBT status, rather than criticism of the self loathing closeting of that status. And I am totally not recommending that you should put on your conservative disguise and lob those speculations on right wing websites instead.”
Yes. And I understand that there are wingtard trolls trawling websites such as this in a quest to “prove” that we are the real bigots.
Yes. And I understand that there are wingtard trolls trawling websites such as this in a quest to “prove” that we are the real bigots.
well, until this website is portrayed by a person of color, then yes…yes we are…
Massive hole opens up in Oklahoma and getting wider!
Talk about your goatse…
I’ve allus said that if God wanted to give the Unite States an enema, he’d stick the tube in Oklahoma…
Seen elsewhere, but true and worth repeating:
Newt Gingrich sounds like what a stupid person thinks a smart person sounds like.
You’re gonna need a catchy brand name for those woodchippered orphans.
Might I suggest: Soylent Veal?
Utterly OT, but I think the thread is shopworn enough:
This was linked over at Pharyngula. It’s an nice concise example of why a place must be particularly stunning for me to be willing to leave Oregon for a visit.
I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.
Maybe you could move to Uranus.
As the kids say, I made audible chuckling noises.
I for one will continue to revile him for the things that are verifiably true. 1. He is working day and night to make the US a worse place to live for everyone but the 1% and their pet lickspittles, toadies and lackeys. 2. His teeth are foul.
3 He slurs gays regularly.
Might I suggest: Soylent Veal?
AHEM, sort of.
You’re gonna need a catchy brand name for those woodchippered orphans.
Might I suggest: Soylent Veal?
That’s better than my Chipped Biff
That’s better than my Chipped Biff
Or Tournedos Ross.
If you use Belgian kids they could be “Brussels Sprouts.”
Lamb chips
Ouch. I was born in Belgium and my parents regularly referred to my brother and I as Brussels Sprouts.
No matter what we call it, it’s Kindergarten fresh!
You know what they call Brussels sprouts in Brussels?
I was born in Belgium and my parents regularly referred to my brother and I as Brussels Sprouts.
Dude, your safe on two counts:
a) this was pretty much your idea and
2) You’re too old and the meat’s too gristly.
escalating violence of the mole-people
They’re all up (under, actually) my front flower beds. I’m just waiting for my house to sink into their burrows…
kinder tartar…
I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.
kinder tartar…
Tartare tots…
We don’t have mole-people round these parts; we’ve got shitloads of chipmunks instead. While they aren’t as hard on plant bulbs, they can, for example, destroy a driveway or sidewalk by burrowing under and causing them to collapse in places. I think I mentioned recently having seen a chipmunk vs. rat battle play out on the sidewalk during one of my daily walks; to my surprise, the chipmunk killed the rat. I had no idea that they were sworn enemies, but apparently it is so.
My next-door neighbors, the fundamentalist Christian Republicans with the obnoxious barking dogs that were dumped in the backyard 5 years ago never to leave again, have been having a problem with chipmunks under their house. Unfortunately, the access to their crawlspace is in their backyard with the dogs, so my cat refuses to rid them of their problem. Over here, she drags up 3 or 4 chipmunk carcasses onto the back porch every month. And even more rats.
Jennifer, one of the girls at the office has [GASP] armadillos that dig up her shrubs. The most exciting thing I’ve seen in the wildlife area was a good-sized possum eating out of the cats’ dish, while the cat was all hissed and fluffed and snarling, but keeping a good distance away. There are days when I yearn to live on the 10th floor again!
Tartare tots
We’d run a kosher line: Torah tots
I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.
Some Funky Winkerbean will clear that right up.
Oh GAWD, possums are disgusting. Like big white rats w/tails.
We don’t have mole-people round these parts; we’ve got shitloads of chipmunks instead
Those are just mole-people who took a vow of celibacy. They run the local woodchipper.
Armadillos carry leprosy. DO. NOT. WANT.
We used to have quite a few racoons in the neighborhood, but I haven’t seen one around here in several years. I think that racoon disease that went around must have wiped them out, at least in this neighborhood. I had one that was almost tame – he would have come in the house if I would have let him but I have a rule against wild animals in the house so the most he ever did was stick his snout in through a barely cracked open door to sniff around.
The most exotic wildlife I’ve seen here was the roadrunner that was walking around my neighbor’s front yard a few years back. They’re flightless, so just imagine how far he had walked to get there…
Also a few years ago there was a bear in the front yard of some folks about 6 blocks away from here…when people started gathering, the bear went up a tree, and then some dumbass Barney Fife shot and killed it because he said he was afraid that some of the gaping morons who had gathered to look at the bear would get hurt if the bear came down. My thought was: tell the gaping morons to disperse and if they don’t, arrest them. Clear the area and allow the bear to come down and wander off. But NOOOOOO, like everything else, stupid people had to fuck things up, and the bear had to die instead.
Baby Bop is sleeping on me. I can’t reach the remote. “The Talk” is on. I want to saw off my ears.
I like that to elevate him to Not-Romney-Of-The-Month they’ve had to willfully ignore more about his past than it took to sink the Cain campaign.
Those are just mole-people who took a vow of celibacy. They run the local woodchipper.
Neat tying up of 2 areas of discussion, plus I larfed.
Those are just mole-people who took a vow of celibacy. They run the local woodchipper.
Oh yeah? Then how come there’s so many of them if they aren’t getting it on?
Oh GAWD, possums are disgusting. Like big white rats w/tails.
Armadillos = rat tanks.
Also, too: no one ever answered my question: How much cock would a Hedgecock cock if a Hedgecock could cock cock?
So they’d be creamed Brussels sprouts?
There’s a priest joke in there somewhere.
Or maybe that should be: How much Hedge would a Hedgecock cock if a Hedgecock could cock Hedge?
tigris said,
December 1, 2011 at 21:29
Oh GAWD, possums are disgusting. Like big white rats w/tails.
Armadillos = rat tanks.”
I was gonna say…
I spent a lot of time at the NYC dojo and got to know many aikido students, including my eventual wife.
Which one? I’ve been looking…the one on 37th Street?
How many eventual wives does John Revolta have?
How many eventual wives does John Revolta have?
“All of them, Katie.”
Speaking of John Revolta, I watched Saturday Night Fever recently, not on a dare, but because it was on and I wanted to see if it was as stupid and ridiculous as I remembered it being 30 years ago.
The answer is: it was even moreso.
Tartare tots…
bless you! i was trying to think of something with tots…it was right in front of me, wasn’t it?
Oh yeah? Then how come there’s so many of them if they aren’t getting it on?
I didn’t say they keep it.
Armadillos carry leprosy.
So they work for tips?
Also a few years ago there was a bear in the front yard of some folks about 6 blocks away from here
one night last spring a mountain lion walked right by my house…hubbkf was gone and it scared the crap out of me…a dude not too far away got a picture of it on his trail cam…it eventually got hit by a car in virginia or somewhere out east…
Armadillos = rat tanks.
Exactly what I was thinking.
one night last spring a mountain lion walked right by my house…hubbkf was gone and it scared the crap out of me…a dude not too far away got a picture of it on his trail cam…it eventually got hit by a car in virginia or somewhere out east…
Might not have been the same one. But it was Connecticut. He visited a house I own as well. I have a casting of his paw print. When I took it to the local rangers, they had no idea what kind of animal it was, because we don’t get cats larger than lynx around here.
but as far as animals go, this one is the ickiest…i’m heading up to that area this weekend and suffice it to say that i will not be venturing out of doors during the evenings…
Obligatory Emerson Lake and Palmer is a frightening thought. Emerson Lake and Powell KICKED ASS though.
You haven’t lived until your boisterous, gregarious mutt of a dog has decided to investigate the family of skunks that had taken up residence under your front porch. Poor dumb dog just can’t figger out why no one is very friendly for awhile after that happens…over an over again.
Inherited a house with a pet door for a large dog, which we used to allow the cat to come and go as she pleases. One late night, with the cat snoozing between my legs, I heard the sound of a critter eating the cat food. I swear, the cat looked at me as I looked at her and it was a Three Stooges gag: “Did you hear that? Neither did I.”
Yep. Raccoon.
Tarkus. Oh man, that had fallen down my memory hole long ago. Now I shall have to spend the day listening to 70s pretentious prog rock.
Might not have been the same one. But it was Connecticut.
ahhhh, yes…connecticut! our dnr guys (we live right next to a national wildlife refuge) were pretty sure it was the same one…
the family of skunks
I was barely able to intervene with my four year old daughter who insisted on petting the “nice Persian kittehs”
I swear, the cat looked at me as I looked at her and it was a Three Stooges gag: “Did you hear that? Neither did I.”
that visual made me laff…
Poor dumb dog just can’t figger out why no one is very friendly for awhile after that happens…over an over again.
just like last summer when i hit a skunk with my car…sister would not ride with me for weeks…
Raccons are smart buggers. Once when I lived a block away from here in a rent house with only one window A/C unit, I used to open windows and doors whenever possible to cool the house…the back screen door, leading into the kitchen, was wooden and it would scrape the the porch floor when opened. One night I was sitting on the couch watching TV and I heard someone opening that screen door. Having no access to a better weapon, I jumped off the couch, grabbed the broom on my way down the hall, and was preparing to start wailing on the intruder with the broom handle. Rounded the corner into the kitchen and…there’s the door, standing open about a foot, no one in sight. I go to the door, look out, and see a racoon shagging ass out to the alley.
Another time, after I moved here, I was sitting on the couch reading at about 1 in the morning, when someone rang the doorbell. I jumped up, switched on the porch light, looked out the window, and saw a racoon running down the front steps. I have some of those great old metal lawn chairs I painted with a cow pattern, and one of them sits right next to the door. The bugger must have been curious about the doorbell, since it has a light in it, and climbed up on the chair to investigate.
I read about that mountain lion – it made national news because apparently it had been chipped and so they were tracking its travels. Didn’t know it had dropped in on any of you guys, though.
I have a copy of some pictures of a mountain lion taken that I believe were taken in WI from a kitchen through a sliding glass door onto a deck where it was standing looking in. Apparently the homeowner’s kids were playing in the kitchen.
I had a chipmunk get into the house one time.
When the cat went after it the following 30 minutes closely resembled a Tom and Jerry cartoon.
It finally decided to go back out the way it came in.
I had a chipmunk in the house incident last spring which I detailed exhaustively at my blog. It came into the house in a cat’s mouth but it too ended up leaving under its own power, with some prompting from me and a yardstick.
Now I shall have to spend the day listening to 70s pretentious prog rock.
Last weekend I digitized Argus by Wishbone Ash.
I remember why I didn’t replace it on CD.
Nikon DSLR would definitely be #1 on my buy list (I have many Nikkors) but for the recent disasters that hit their manufacturing facilities. Also have a number of M42 lenses I’d like to use. So methinks I go Pentax or Canon, whichever gets me the best features.
Wait a minute. A cat could take care of chipmunks, but dogs can’t?
pretentious 70s prog rock
Possibly my favorite genre of all time. my ‘pod is chock full of awesomeness from Yes, Gentle Giant, (old) Genesis, Alan Parsons, Tull, King Crimson and, yes, ELP.
Yes, Gentle Giant,
I am working through digitizing my old vinyl, backwards alphabetically because I am perverse that way, so I haven’t hit the Gentle Giant yet. But there were decidedly fewer Yes albms than I remember. Must have given some of the lesser ones away (I am looking at YOU, Tormato).
Our house backed onto a state game land. We would frequently get visited by deer when we were hot tubbing. We would just open the door for Vasco (Bagoas’ predecessor) and he’d take himself for a walk. Several times we watched the little guy – maybe 50 pounds sopping wet – chase away a 400 lb. black bear. Alas, he also enjoyed rolling in bear POOP; nastiest stinky stuff on earth for a dog to roll in.
(The sound of) POOP.
Looking at tomato.
Geez, I have no prog coming up in the playlist today unless Chrome counts.
“Tales from Topographis Oceans” is probably my fave Yes, although I don’t have access to the kinds of substances that made it seem so incredibly awesome back in the day
(I am looking at YOU, Tormato).
I hope you kept Going For The One. I’d love to have that one, again.
I’d sing “Owner of a Lonely Heart,” but I’m afraid my voice will get stuck in that falsetto and dogs will start following me.
Possibly my favorite genre of all time. my ‘pod is chock full of awesomeness from Yes, Gentle Giant, (old) Genesis, Alan Parsons, Tull, King Crimson and, yes, ELP.
No Renaissance? I mean, you can’t really get more pretentious than they were.
That said, I’m ashamed that prog rock takes up an inordinate amount of space on my iPod, nearly crowding out my seminal* punk collection
*VEjR– mostly because that’s the bodily fluid I most directly associate with my days on Loisaida
You mean “pretentious prog rock Thursday” wasn’t already a tradition in your household?
I just perused my collection, and was somewhat surprised that I was limited to choosing between ELP’s Tarkus, Yes’s Fragile, Traffic’s The Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys or just about anything Pink Floyd ever did. I thought I was more pretentious than that. I’ll have to check the as-yet-un-digitised vinyl collection for moar.
On that note, I just got a “2011 remastered” edition of Wish You Were Here with a bunch of bonus material that actually doesn’t suck. If you’re into that sort of thing.
But thumbs up…ok, lighters up….for Gentle Giant.
I’d sing “Owner of a Lonely Heart,” but I’m afraid my voice will get stuck in that falsetto and dogs will start following me.
Ah. Their disco tune.
I still fire up the first U.K. album, occasionally.
I do have to admit to having a soft spot for Yessongs as that was the first album I ever got vomit-drunk to.
I wonder why?
WTF is that? I can’t tell what end is what. I’m terrified.
I first read this as “I am looking at YOU, Tomato.” and I wondered why anyone would be cross at a tomato. Tomatoes are our friends and delicious.
No Renaissance? I mean, you can’t really get more pretentious than they were.
Nope. But I still liked their stuff – I thought Annie Haslam was great.
n that note, I just got a “2011 remastered” edition of Wish You Were Here with a bunch of bonus material that actually doesn’t suck. If you’re into that sort of thing.
Hints have been dropped in anticipation of Xmas.
WTF is that? I can’t tell what end is what. I’m terrified.
It looks like it was a wolf. With mange.
This, on the other hand, is a dog that washed up on shore after being nibbled by fish.
Didn’t Yes do, like, 17 videos for one song back when MTV was just starting? Or am I remembering that from the milk and Oreos-induced haze of my childhood?
Good god. That is bizarre.
“Misremembering” I should have said. By now I trust you all speak “vs-ese” and can decipher my posts, no matter how riddled they are with errors.
“Misremembering” I should have said. By now I trust you all speak “vs-ese” and can decipher my posts, no matter how riddled they are with errors.
I have moved beyond deciphering and just chuckle at them.
Good god. That is bizarre.
ugh…between the mystery creature of alexandria mn (you can google that) and this pic, i am going to have nightmares tonight…can’t…stop…shuddering…
Nope. But I still liked their stuff – I thought Annie Haslam was great.
I’ve always suspected that Spinal Tap was based in part on Renay (the manager character looks suspiciously like Miles Copeland, played by Tony Hendra)
Yeah, well, at least I don’t shamble around being all slow and brain eat-y.
With regard to animals, we have the bears and cougars around here, and not just the PAC12 teams. I haven’t seen bear sign near town in a while, but cougar sightings are common enough that there are big warnings posted at the trailheads. I’ve also seen a couple bobcats, and wonder how many of the “cougar” sightings are really just freaked out people that have seen the signs and think “cat bigger than housecat == cougar”…
I did see 10 black bear (including two adorable cubs and their mom) on my last trip down to the lower Rogue river.
Thinking about meeting a 200lb cat is enough to make me a bit nervous when I’m running by myself in the woods, but not enough to make me stop. Interaction (and the only recent attack I’ve heard of) so far seem limited to juveniles coming into town seeking food, or to people that stumble upon a den with cubs.
Skunks and raccoons are constant pests, but at least they’re cute. There are also tons of digging ground squirrels and their cuter and less-damaging gray cousins.
It is clearly chupacabra.
Stay classy, Republicans!
Saw a couple deer in my front yard this morning. Drove my dog crazy.
‘sipping tea quietly’
Stupidest thread EVAR.
Living in a big city has its advantages. Of course, we’re not far from bear country (NJ) and we do have coyotes living within the city limits.
And there’s always the alligators in the sewers…
Stay classy, Republicans!
He just looks like he’s one bundle-o-confusion about sexuality, don’t he?
Wisconsin. Republican.
“Are u the kind of girl that likes secret contact with an older married elected DA…the riskier the better? Or do you want to stop right now before any issues?”
Multiple women came forward after the initial scandal broke, including one who claimed that Kratz took her on a date to an autopsy.
Multiple women came forward after the initial scandal broke, including one who claimed that Kratz took her on a date to an autopsy.
Y’know, in some circumstances, that could be kinky.
Not THIS one, no.
Mona Charen:
we do have coyotes living within the city limits.
no way?!?! being out in the boonies we always hear coyotes…one of the eeeriest sounds in the world…last night when i went to my mailbox, there were six deer munching apples off the neighbor’s trees…they just looked at me and went back to munching…one of the coolest things we’ve seen is a flock of wild turkeys* nesting in the trees in our yard…
*actual birds not booze…
Oh, and comments on that Charen piece are amusing.
Yeah, it’s almost like it’s shopworn and threadbare.
Clever nym too, wherever did you come up with such a thing of beauty?
Of course, we’re not far from bear country (NJ)
You are IN bear country.
no way?!?!
Every five years or so, a story pops up on the news about one being spotted in Central Park or neara the Bronx Zoo, followed by a few days of frenzied “OMG! My cat’s disappeared!” (well, lady, maybve if you fed it instead of going out on dates every fucking night, it might not have abandoned you…)
So my working assumption is we see only about one-tenth of what really goes on here. Central Park, probably clear, but the parks up in the Bronx and eastern Queens? That’s where I’d start to look.
PS I’ve seen five possum in the city limits.
You are IN bear country.
Fortunately, those kind don’t attack the kids at the bus stop.
He was married and had two small children to care for in the ’60s. No time to
occupy anything, smoke pot, or have casual sex.go to Vietnam.Fixed
Oh, and comments on that Charen piece are amusing.
The one about rock stars lifting Delta and blues music to a national audience? So full of self-referential condescension, I nearly jumped in on it.
Oh, and comments on that Charen piece are amusing.
My translation may be a little rusty, but I think it boils down to “Brown people and Hippies ruined everything.”
Please, someone explain to me. What is the deal with all these people obsessing over hippies in the year two thousand freakin’ eleven?
What is the deal with all these people obsessing over hippies in the year two thousand freakin’ eleven?
Fuck, dude! They’re stressing over MAYANS 3500 years later!
What is the deal with all these people obsessing over hippies in the year two thousand freakin’ eleven?
i dunno…the same reason george will is still bitching about affirmative action?
What is the deal with all these people obsessing over hippies in the year two thousand freakin’ eleven?
But you do have to admit the powerful impact hippies have had on American culture if, almost fifty years later, you can scare the shit out of white people by putting on a dashiki and tying your hair back in a pony tail.
I would guess that they are nursing a 50 year butthurt because they were too square to get invited to all the cool parties.
Shorter Mona Charen
“Vote for that square Mitt Romney not that hipster doofus Newt Gingrich”
you can scare the shit out of white people by putting on a dashiki and tying your hair back in a pony tail.
that explains the looks i got this summer…i thought i was ‘boho’…
No Renaissance? I mean, you can’t really get more pretentious than they were.
*stink eye*
Please, someone explain to me. What is the deal with all these people obsessing over hippies in the year two thousand freakin’ eleven?
The GOP in general (and conservatives in particular) are always a few generations behind. To them, hippie-bashing is still mainstream. In 2008 they honestly thought using the Red Scare tactic of “socialist” would dissuade people from voting for Obama. In Mississippi, slavery was still legal up until the 1990’s (oopsies!).
At one time, “conservative” meant: “Let’s hold on to the things, traits and habits that are working for us; change for the sake of change doesn’t make sense.” Now it’s become, “It sure was cool when brown people worked for free, children were allowed dig in coal mines for five cents and women stayed at home birthin’ babies and fixing dinner. Let’s go back to that!”
Oh and don’t get me started on that church in Kentucky that just banned interracial marriage…
My sister introduced me to that particular band, right after she numbed with Kitajima
Their fortunes were wiped out when the market for show tunes, porkpie hats and accordions collapsed overnight in 1967.
…He was married and had two small children to care for in the ’60s. No time to occupy anything, smoke pot, or have casual sex.
Don’t you love how transparently she tries to equate OWS with those dirty casual-sex having, pot-smoking 60s hippies who are all grandparents (and great-grandparents) now?
But she’s come up with a fun game here.
Remember when we had a president who had been too busy running the CIA and Reagan black ops to have time to learn about grocery scanners? Don’t we wish everyone had?
Remember when we had a president who had been too busy snorting coke off hookers’ asses to complete his duty to the National Guard? Don’t we wish everyone had?
Feel free to add your own.
No time to occupy anything, smoke pot, or have casual sex.
indeed…i bet sex in the romney household is strictly formal and procreative in nature…
but as far as animals go, this one is the ickiest
No-one looks their best after drowning and bloating and losing most body hair. Not to mention a photo angle that’s foreshortened the hindquarters and exaggerated the size of the head.
Carnivora teeth. Imma guessing that it started out as a young bear.
Also, too, Ruby Rocket.
I can’t quite put my finger on it, but there’s something about her I like.
I’ll be in my bunk.
Just to clarify, that last comment was *not* about Romney.
indeed…i bet sex in the romney household is strictly formal and procreative in nature
Something tells me he changes positions a lot.
But you do have to admit the powerful impact hippies have had on American culture if, almost fifty years later, you can scare the shit out of white people by putting on a dashiki and tying your hair back in a pony tail.
To be fair, I’d be scared shitless if I saw someone wearing a Nehru jacket.
Or maybe just horrified.
I can’t quite put my finger on it,
Then you’re doing it wrong.
FWI: The thing I like is her obvious appreciation for comic books. Get your mind out of the gutter.
Who are you, Herman Cain? Sheesh!
Hmm. And hmm again.
Carnivora teeth. Imma guessing that it started out as a young bear.
and then in its teens started hanging out with the wrong crowd, drinking, doing drugs and sleeping with other species?
Mitt Romney also missed the sexual revolution in the 1970s because he was putting dogs on top of vehicles, or something
Is Herman Cain going to be the new go-to guy for “horny politician” jokes? Bill Clinton jokes have been a bit shopworn for years now.
Here ya go: http://www.comicsalliance.com/tag/Best+Cosplay+Ever/
(She’s starred in a few of them)
This is still my favorite-ever housepet vs. bear story. That picture just kills me every time I see it. “Doesn’t like anyone coming into his yard,” indeed.
This is what’s playing here now as I unpack groceries.
If missing the 60s is what it takes to get the R vote why do they keep nominating old people?
I can’t quite put my finger on it,
Then you’re doing it wrong.
It could just be that small, you know.
If missing the 60s is what it takes to get the R vote why do they keep nominating old people?
THink about it: Bush missed the 60s in the TANG. Cheney missed the 60s because he was
serving in Vietnamgetting five draft deferrals.You know, military stuff!
Interesting thought: Will Vietnam be the first war we’ve fought in that has no president who seved in it? (Did any president serve in Korea, come to think of it?)
(Did any president serve in Korea, come to think of it?)
HW was actually a fighter pilot and was shot down in it.
That was in WWII in the battle of the Philippine sea, not Korea.
Al Haig.
That was in WWII in the battle of the Philippine sea, not Korea.
You’re right. My bad. Who the fuck was I thinking of, then?
Benjamin Franklin “Hawkeye” Pierce served in Korea and later became President in the magical fantasy land that exists solely in my head.
Does that count?
Benjamin Franklin “Hawkeye” Pierce served in Korea and later became President in the magical fantasy land that exists solely in my head.
Arnie Vinick?
Arnie Vinick?
He lost to the Messican.
Proving once again that the electrified fence and alligator-moat are absolutely vital.
Apparently Carter served during the Korean war but wasn’t sent to Korea. Two presidents, Zachary Taylor and Andrew Jackson, served in 4 wars!
Proving once again that the electrified fence and alligator-moat are absolutely vital
Damn Messicans, taking our fictional American jobs like television president…and he married a blonde white woman!
Upcoming plays:
What, no Japandroids?
Gah, I love that variety. Cat power! *notes dangermouse song*
Carter served during the Korean war but as he was an engineering officer in the Navy, I don’t think he got very close.
Also, “ex-gays” keeping it classy.
They’re in the work library, but only this one.
But thumbs up…ok, lighters up….for Gentle Giant.
Geez. I saw them open up for the J. Geils Band once in the ’70s. Possibly the worst double bill EVAR.
Freaked my cousin Marty out so bad he had to leave & nevar saw Geils. And he was a Chicago cop.
Although, he was tripping at the time…………………………….
Hippie music.
I couldn’t do a full afternoon of prog rock as evidently I’m in a darker mood. I put the album this came from instead.
Put on the album. Sheesh.
putting on the album
Omitting the word.
Hmm, let’s mangocize this Mona Charen piece.
Hello, I’ve been paid to pimp Mitt Romney, likely on behalf of the real paymasters who are only too aware that everyone else in the Republican race would get their asses handed to them like Alan Keyes. But apparently not aware enough to know that the Evangelical hordes you’ve trained to bark like seals for “the tribe” don’t consider Romney part of the tribe and no amount of shining that shit log is going to change that.
Really, wouldn’t we all be better off if the 60s never happened? You know with that thing that occurred in 1964, you know what I mean, with the darkies being allowed to actually vote and thinking they have rights…I mean hippies, no racist dog whistles at all. By the way, if we elected Strom Thurmond, we wouldn’t have the troubles we’ve had these days.
Uh, yeah, see, I don’t know what you think “missing the 60s meant” but living through it wouldn’t be “missing” it. Oh, you apparently think that because we conflate the minority youth movement that had its heyday in 1969 and most of its cultural impact in the 1970s with “the 60s” in our media that the 60s was nothing but free love and pot and thus anyone living the life that most people were living in the 60s (i.e. the repression we associate with the 50s) must have “missed” it.
What a dipshit.
Ha ha ha, any protest movement is immediately equatable with hippie protests. Hey, what did those youth protestors protest in the 60s? Hmm, civil rights, against hostile entrenched bigotry and police brutality. The end of a meaningless war we were only in to show we were big and tough to the Soviets and was killing their close friends who got sucked up by the draft and which we later admitted was a stupid war we could have ended years earlier with the same effect, against again, entrenched bigotry against “youth culture” in general and naked police brutality.
And if we’re talking about the “hippie-infused” 70s protests that you’re actually conflating with the 60s, I’ll just note that even the conservatives publicly acknowledge that all the minority rights issues raised then were right in hindsight (not that they’ll ever give them credit or stop trying to tear apart the reputation of those movements or anyone who’d associate with them or stop trying to privately destroy what those movements accomplished while whistling constant dog whistles like “the 60s should never have happened”).
Also again, hippies weren’t on anyone’s radar until the Summer of Love in 1969. I’ll grant pot-smoking, but seeing as how that was the youth drug of choice back in the 40s and 50s and is less of anything than cigarettes and alcohol, I’m not granting much on it. And the “Sexual Revolution” and “Free Love” shit was early 70s, ending in the beginning of the 80s with the AIDS scare, growing awareness of STDs, and the post-Disco hangover of realizing you fucked someone proud of a chest mullet.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could return to the fictional 1950s that existed in our 1960s television shows we watched as children when black people didn’t exist, the white suburbs and their repressed and sexist familial structures was the only definition of America and we could pretend that gays, non-Stepford women, minorities, and any one with a liberal opinion simply didn’t exist and pretend that the economic boom was entirely because Madison Avenue had great ads that showed off capitalism’s peachy keen shine and not because of extensive liberal economic policies.
Also, black people didn’t have rights. I can’t stress how important that was and why we always seem to bitch about things that occurred in the 70s but are always careful to note that we’d rather the 60s never happened.
Was that dog whistle subtle enough? Cause I think some of my mouth breathing readers in the back might have missed it.
Gentle Giant is probably THE pretentious prog band, but I like a lot af their stuff. I was introduced to them with “Civilian” and “Giant for a Day”, which are regarded by the pretentious purists as the band’s “commercial sellout” albums. I only discovered stuff like “Free Hand” and “Octopus” later, which would be kind of like backing into the good early Genesis like “Nursery Cryme” and “Foxtrot” only after hearing abortions like “Invisible touch”.
Given that it’s ALWAYS PROJECTION, I think the TWO staff might want to keep an eye open for assassination attempts in the near future.
hippie music
Typical liberal! Are you smoking pot and having casual sex now, too?!
hippie music
Holy fuck. I wonder if he actually said “Hey, you do want that guy who has been beating you to get prosecuted, don’t you?”
Let’s harvest some comment mangos while we’re here:
Yes, the 1920s with the beginning of the Great Depression, the 1930s with the deepening Depression and Hoover’s hideous responses to it, the massive purge of promising people and gutting of union strength in the Red Scare of the 1950s, Reagan’s folly of the 1980s and its complete raping of the American economy and the remaining safety net. The 2000s and it’s too many fails to count record of just sad ineptitude that included the loss of a major American city and the first attack on American soil in 60 years.
All bitches compared to the decade that black people asked for their full rights in.
Whoops, who let in the mean liberal with their mean “actual reality” unfair poopyheadedness. Unclean! Unclean!
We’re pretty damn aware that communists ain’t going to scare much longer and the whole “Cultural War” of refighting the 60s is just getting sad at this point. We’re really hoping that “Bill Clinton got a blowjob” and “a bunch of morons in a cave using improvised tools and shit they bought off us may be a real threat, maybe” can sustain us a little longer. Yeah, we don’t really buy it either. Maybe we can get an extra year or two just yelling “The President is a N-“.
Yeah, nostalgia is always great what with whatever era you were a child in being pretty sweet relatively speaking to being an adult.
I don’t…I don’t even know where to begin on this one.
Um, is there a single fact in there that isn’t balls-out insane levels of wrong?
Beep boop, I repeat what I just read. Beep boop. I hate new enemy, we have always been at war with new enemy, he is a secret liberal and a traitor, beep boop. Beep boop, I am not Mona Charen sockpuppeting myself so hard I creamed my pajamas! Beep boop, beep boop, beep boop, oh yes, mmm, beep BOOP!
I cite this, because if this is a conservative, this is the first conservative I have encountered in a DAMN long while who seems to get sarcasm and biting wit. I salute you, rleisenman, for overcoming the distinct disadvantage of your compatriots and…
He’s going to turn out to be one of the sadlies, isn’t he?
What is the sound of silence?
No, actor. That’s not it. Tell me your problem and I’ll show you how it works.
And yeah, I think the money hacks are feeling a little antsy. Romney is the guy they need to win, so he can be the “moderate” taking the party back from “the extremists” while doing whatever he’s told, but the lunatics have gotten their first real taste of blood with the Tea Party rebranding initiative and thus are calling for their candidate to be so crazy it makes Sarah Palin look like a reasoned constitutional scholar.
I think they’re starting to sweat that maybe this time the beast won’t yank back and fall in line and especially about the fact that they’ve been milking “Reagan was popular in re-election so listen to conservatives forever” and so aren’t looking forward to a likely shellacking in 2012 causing them to do some desperate spin to explain why it’s just a fluke and shouldn’t be taken as some sort of endorsement for maybe trying a liberal idea, like for once.
Possibly the worst double bill EVAR.
Gee, that’s an awfully big gauntlet laying there in the middle of the thread………..
What’s funny about Mona Charen, is that I know what she looks like. I’ve seen her speak on TV several times. She is truly loathsome and loathsome-looking. Witchy in appearance. And when I read that little snippet from her I could practically hear the pearls crunching and bursting as she white-knuckled them. The idea of people having fun, not-in-marriage sex just fucking terrifies conservative women. It’s the weirdest fucking thing.
ee, that’s an awfully big gauntlet laying there in the middle of the thread………..
802 is “the middle” of the thread, then?
802 is “the middle” of the thread, then?
Not unlikely, given.
It’s because of what it slams against their cognitive dissonance. These are women who have basically sacrificed their lives to be shit. To believe their hard training that they are “naturally” “best served” to be “helpmeets” caring for unattentive man-children who take them for granted and living in a Feminine Mystique nightmare because that’s “God’s place for them”.
And even if you dump all that on the maid (including the part where you have to sexually service your husband and get fuck all in return) and run to be a pundit on TV ranting about how all other women should live lives like that, you still have to contend with the fact that you gave up good sex, a chance to really enjoy oneself and figure out what you really like, because you’re too wrapped up in all that training and how it screams “bad girl” at you if you so much as let your mind idlely drift to shirtless Jacob.
And so, dirty sinful women enjoying their bodies and not being punished by the eternal hellfires and God’s wrath, living lives of their own choice and not sacrificing their youth and their lives to what a bunch of creepy old men thought of their sex lives just rubs it in their faces what they’ve given up for the sake of “fitting in”, “not rocking the boat” and “being a good girl”.
They don’t fully trust that the promised post-mortem punishment really exists so they demand it manifest in reality (which is why you get the conservative women gleefully cackling about how childbirth is the “punishment” for having sex, how STDs are God’s punishment for “bad sex”, and that rape, sexual harrassment, and assault are all “punishments for dressing like a harlot”).
Hell, this is also the reason that conservatives are so hung up about the media image of “the 60s” and those dirty nasty hippies. The hippies went out and had fun. They tried out drugs, they got to have lots of sex, they lived in relative freedom, and in the depictions of them, they lived rather carefree and enviable lives. Yeah, it wasn’t actually all like that, but to conservatives, it feels like going to college expecting an endless college movie and instead spending 4 years a virgin constantly studying and convinced that all this time “undeserving people” are off living the college movie fantasy.
It’s also why they fixate so much on the “consequences” arising “directly from the hippie lifestyle”, because that shows that they were punished for straying from the flock and enjoying themselves.
And that’s basically what conservatives are about, demanding everyone suffer endless punishments because they never had the balls to resist a status quo that made them miserable.
And it’s why they will continue to cheer as things get worse for themselves, because to them, it’s better that people who “went off reservation” get punished than the status quo not suck and the suckier the status quo, the more they envy anyone they can imagine having a better life and the more they want to see those filthy liberals punished for it (also why conservatives always rant about the liberal elite while seemingly talking about unemployed or underpaid types who just happen to go to cheap ethnic food shops and know something about the world).
I think you guys are overanalyzing the whole hippie obsession. When the GOP appointed Eric Cartman as Chief Ideologist, his insane fear of hippies came along for the ride.
Oh and of S McG’s list: I’ve heard of Ritchie Valens, LadyGaGa, June Carter, The Rolling Stones, and The Supremes. (And in the case of Lady GaGa, I really mean “heard of” rather than “heard”.) God, I’m old!
(including the part where you have to sexually service your husband and get fuck all in return)
Hey, room and board ain’t nothin’!
Pup: if you don’t want to wait ’til xmas, eMusic has all of Pink Floyd’s stuff, and they give you $20 credit if you sign up. I think you can still sign up and then immediately cancel after you’ve used your bonus credits…
Danger Mouse
I have entered to win a signed copy of Aqualung’s 40th Anniversary Collector’s box set. So now I am waiting until after they draw someone else’s name and then I will go out and buy it.
Posted by Tengu at Wonkette:
Herman Cain has just announced that he’s dropping out of the race to spend more time with your wife. “
Hmmm, I wonder what the all time world record is for consecutive comments by a single commentor?
Typical liberal! Are you smoking pot and having casual sex now, too?!
I’m actually making love to a cannabis plant while typing this.
Typical liberal! Are you smoking pot and having casual sex now, too?!
Uh, and don’t drink the bongwater, folks… been a lonely, yet busy, day.
Hmmm, I wonder what the all time world record is for consecutive comments by a single commentor?
I’d say “Ask Dennis” but his ban seems to be holding.
I’d be in the running, but I’m leaving work now.
Who likes Kraan? Thats kind of prog
Captain Kirk loves KRAAAAAAAAAANNNNNN!!!!
Zombies love Kraaaaaaaaans.
I’m actually making love to a cannabis plant while typing this.
Cerberus said,
December 2, 2011 at 1:50
“Puritanism: the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.”
Hey Substance McGravitas, you know how you were like a couple days ago saying “hey, you should totally take down flaming pile of dog poop by Michael Brown”.
Well, you started a series on my blog, starting with an even longer me-styled takedown of his post. So congrats.
And since I’m already blog-whoring (get your blogs here, we’ll swear she’s overage and knows all the kinks), fans of my over-winded and thorough mango rippings here should feel free to check it out, freak over the size, mumble something disparaging and never ever go to my site again.
Ovarian cancer sucks.
Raccoons are the smartest animals. Doody Black swears he taught one how to play wiffle ball by putting peanuts in the ball. He found the baby raccoon under his trailer, abandoned by the mama raccoon. He raised it using a regular baby bottle filled with evaporated milk. He used to take it to work with him on a leash. Somebody complained about the little animal getting into their lunch box, so he had to leave it in his Isuzu Pup, which didn’t work out because the raccoon, named Rocky, figured out how to roll down the windows and escape. Rocky got out and went in to the locker room where everybody kept their lunch and made a real mess. One day Rocky left and never came back. Doody put up posters all over Decatur county with pictures of Rocky that said Lost Raccoon, Likes Peanuts. Call Doody Black. Doody has a picture of Rocky in the same frame with a picture of his sister Wanda on his night table.
It’s mah burfday tomorrow! Want new thread! Want new thread!
*rolls on floor like three-year-old*
Yes, I know I barely comment at all, but I read. And Sadlies being witty is a good birthday present.
Okay, well, by SadlyNo! time, it’s apparently my birthday now (though my own clock says it’s only 10:50pm on Dec,1, here in US, parts Eastern).
Time to open presents!
Love is a many splendoured thing …
It’s mah burfday tomorrow! Want new thread! Want new thread!
much haps to you address…a new thread is not too much to ask for as a gift…
It’s mah burfday tomorrow! Want new thread! Want new thread!
Mine was today.
I didn’t get a new thread.
🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
Love is a many splendoured thing …
GAH! that spiders really do make that sound when they walk will have me creeped out, like, forevar! i had just finally gotten over it (with minor triggers) after watching ‘arachnophobia’ when it first came out…thanks, jim…
chris…you should have said something earlier, so a new thread could have been arranged for…not that that would have helped or anything…but, happy birthday to you!
That sucks man. You all right?
That sucks man. You all right?
hugs to you, jp…i’ll never understand why some of the best people are taken from us way too soon…
That sucks man. You all right?
Oh, sure. I mean, it sucks and all. I met Tara a couple of years ago, after she was diagnosed. She was always the most positive, upbeat, funny, effervescent person you could possibly imagine (and one of the few scooter folx here I could talk politics with without an argument). But as her partner said, “Don’t be sad — know that she died with her loved ones at home, and remember the good times we had with her.” That’s what I’m trying to do, most of all. And we did have some very good times, together.
hugs to you, jp…i’ll never understand why some of the best people are taken from us way too soon…
Thank you. I’m just sad that she didn’t make it to her son’s college graduation this coming May. She made it past her birthday in October, and felt she had it licked.
I’m just sad that she didn’t make it to her son’s college graduation this coming May.
i really missed my dad at my college graduation…since i was non-trad and it took me five years to get through hubbkf threw me a massive party with a band and everything…i wanted to have a special tribute to him because as sick as he was he was so proud of me going back and was so so supportive, but hubbkf knew that i would bawl and be a mess the rest of the night…so instead i just went outside, toasted the sky and had a quiet drink with my dad…it was awesome…
Jumpin’ spiders. Me and a friend were at the entrance to a state park one day, and studying this spider on a rail while someone else was buying a pass. One of us wondered out loud about what kind of spider it was, and as if to answer us, the spider JUMPED. In sync we said, “It’s a jumping spider!” It looked just like those two in that mating dance, too.
On that reefer madness thing— I bet it is more than the lower consumption of alcohol at work. What little time I’ve spent driving in my life, I drove better when stoned. That may sound like the same bullshit excuse that alcoholics use, but it’s not. For me, being high on sensimilla means having far fewer absence seizures. It also means feeling more three-dimensional, and thoroughly enjoying tasks that would bore me otherwise. Mary Jane is a gift to domestic service. Washing dishes is a sensory treat when stoned. I need to start working on getting that prescription next week. I’m long overdue, and by now I have four acronyms that marijuana is prescribed for. I’m just not sure all four of them are contenders in this state. Though two of them certainly are.
Don’t be sad — know that she died with her loved ones at home, and remember the good times we had with her.
“He went the way he would have wanted. At home, surrounded by his family, and with his mouth stuffed full of schoolgirls’ hockey socks.”
Happy Birthday!
As for Floyd, I have the vast majority of mine in uncompressed WAV files burned from the vinyl. With my new 2TB external HD I have plenty of room.
JP, man, condolences. She must have been pretty special to put up with you.
“He went the way he would have wanted. At home, surrounded by his family, and with his mouth stuffed full of schoolgirls’ hockey socks.”
I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather did, not screaming in terror like the passengers in his car.
I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather did, not screaming in terror like the passengers in his car.
I actually got the chance to use that at the wake of a bus driver.
(don’t worry, he died at home…how he crashed his bus there I’ll never know)
I hope you both have money…serious KEYBOARD money. Because if I had been sipping my coffee at the same time I was reading your comments, you both would have owed me a new one. What would I do with two keyboards? Ambidextrous typing, bitches!
Omg, Baby Bop is double-fisting the binkys. I think he may have a problem.
Happy birthday lips and Chris. Mine is the 3rd, so we’ve got a start on an all SN advent calendar.
Pressie for addressmylips
Mine is the 3rd, so we’ve got a start on an all SN advent calendar.
Mine is the 19th, or, as I like to think of it, the negative sixth day of christmas.
My old friend Venola Schmidt (who died in 2000) played poker every Saturday night with old, old friends (people who had been friends for forty years or more and moved around the country together organizing unions) and one Saturday night one man died peacefully at the poker table with a straight flush. For real. ‘Nola didn’t make shit up.
Probably had a heart attack when he drew the inside cards.
My birthday is also the 19th, which I believe is also the start of Saturnalia. I haven’t had much luck with arranging the debauchery, but I have the drunkenness down.
The last time I had a straight flush, I felt a little heart flutter. For reals. I think that would be a good way to go. I am sure my poker buddies would give my winnings to my lovely widow………..
Have I mentioned lately how much I HAAAAAAAAATE Newt Gingrich?
Seriously, he is a repulsive “human being.”
I’ve gotten a royal straight flush on the video poker machines more than once.
Here’s a pic, even.
(That one required 3 wild cards…but I’ve gotten them natural, too. Say hi! to Donnie and Marie!)
I think “human” being might be a bit too strong a term for the GinGrinch. That said, I think he’s way more beatable than the Romnoid, who now appears to be sinking like a sack of batteries. As transaparent and soulless as Willard is, most observers agree he would have a better chance of beating Obama.
Helmut Monotreme said,
December 2, 2011 at 17:26
My birthday is also the 19th, which I believe is also the start of Saturnalia. I haven’t had much luck with arranging the debauchery, but I have the drunkenness down.
I thought Saturnalia started on the solstice…
Hey! When did the soft-core lingerie link at the bottom of the page go away? This bus ride to Pittsfield isn’t getting any shorter.
This bus ride to Pittsfield isn’t getting any shorter.
Your seatmate is glad it isn’t getting any longer. So to speak.
Hmmm. Riding the bus to Pittsfield……………
Small mercies: the bus is not crowded. If I sit diagonal across two seats I actually have enough leg room.
The Ho’s natal anniversary is Dec. 23. His family always combined his B’day with Xmas so he always felt cheated. As a result, I have to make a big to-do about it. The meal has to be something non-wintery and you know how fucking hard it is to find non-Xmas themed gift wrap this time of year?
Go here
Riding the bus to Pittsfield sounds like a V-sex-with-Ben-Roethlisberger-R, and is pretty icky.
This bus is giving me a pain in the ass, just as Roethwhatever might.
I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather did, not screaming in terror like the passengers in his car.
you owe me a new monitor…and another cup of coffee…
“I’m opposed to giving people money for doing nothing,” Gingrich said,
Except when it’s Fannie Mae giving Newt the money.
Thanks for the burfday wishes, and right back at everyone whose parents got busy right around St. Patrick’s Day (roughly).
If we’re going to do calendars, though, I vote for a “Sadly-a-Day” calendar. One of those things with a cruelly cutting but hilarious quote about the perfidy of Republicans, or something.
Shouldn’t be too hard to come up with 365 of them – especially this coming year, with the Grinch and Uncle Touchy, and Mittens trailing behind.
Also, apparently Newt is completely unfamiliar with the UC process. Recipients don’t ‘do nothing’.
But yes, he is repulsive. It seems to be what the Republican lizard-brains are responding to; hate and violence.
Small mercies: the bus is not crowded.
You mean riding a bus to Pittsfield isn’t SRO? SURPRISING.
In an interview with ABC News, outgoing Democratic Sen. Byron Dorgan of South Dakota said only well-paid politicians believe those collecting unemployment are lazy.
isn’t dorgan from NORTH dakota? i know i sound picky, but c’mon…even though there is NOTHING there (aside from the badlands and that huge honkin’ oil patch) show the northern square state a little love, man…
Newt rags on poor people after he brags about getting paid more than some families make in a year for basically farting through his mouth for an hour. I’d like to hit him upside the head with a shovel.
The Ho’s natal anniversary is Dec. 23. His family always combined his B’day with Xmas so he always felt cheated.
i know, right? one of my brothers was born dec. 23 and the next year my other brother was born dec. 26…my dad blaims going to the nash finch grocery convention two years in a row…but anyhoo, yeah, double birthday party with matching cakes and usually matching *gifts* at christmas every year…and with 6 kids in the family, you can bet there weren’t a lot of extra pressies…
Go here
or just painstaking unwrap presents when you get them earlier in the year and then painstakingly iron it so it looks brand new…if you aren’t up to it, i bet you can find a grandma who is…
So let me get this straight: Republican voters have been turned off by stories about Uncle Ruckus cheating on his wife…so they’ve thrown their support behind Newt Gingrich?
Your honor, the prosecution rests.
Also, apparently Newt is completely unfamiliar with the UC process. Recipients don’t ‘do nothing’.
yeah…the few times i actually had to use it i dreaded the prospect…nothing like having to go apply for jobs in a county of less than 5,000 population numerous times…one time when hubby was on the uc, he actually drove about 75 miles out and applied at a doll factory…it made those lovely little plastic indian squaw dolls with *authentic* beaded buckskin dresses…the factory was actually located along the minnesota river and was pretty old school and architecturally cool…has since gone out of business…wonder why?
I’d like to hit him upside the head with a shovel.
Pennis, of course, is SHOCKED at your violent, eliminationist rhetoric.
“I’m opposed to giving people money for doing nothing,” Gingrich said,
Except when it’s Fannie Mae giving Newt the money.
Hey, he never said he was opposed to getting money for doing nothing.
year for basically farting through his mouth for an hour. I’d like to hit him upside the head with a shovel.
you are lucky that i already spewed my remaining coffee on my monitor reading n_b’s earlier comment…
isn’t dorgan from NORTH dakota?
Why do we even HAVE two Dakotas?
The dolls weren’t anatomically correct?
Why do we even HAVE two Dakotas?
duh! cuz the indians get EVERYTHING!!!
The dolls weren’t anatomically correct
we’ll never know…they wouldn’t let hubbkf touch the dollies…also, i don’t think they were even culturally correct…
One Dakota
Two Dakotas
Three Dakotas
When the wing nuts
Take control
We’ll have
Dakotas even more
Indeed, one of Newt’s favorite songs is about that. and getting chicks for free.
“bbkf said,
December 2, 2011 at 19:11
year for basically farting through his mouth for an hour. I’d like to hit him upside the head with a shovel.
you are lucky that i already spewed my remaining coffee on my monitor reading n_b’s earlier comment…”
😉 I am here all week. Cover your monitors.
Hmmm, I wonder what the all time world record is for consecutive comments by a single commentor?
one sign that you may be a prolific poster her is when you even *copy* your emails before sending them out to make sure they don’t get eated…
“Pennis, of course, is SHOCKED at your violent, eliminationist rhetoric.”
Where’s tsam to desensitize him?
😉 I am here all week. Cover your monitors.
pfft. I am drinking vodka and Red Bull. You can be funny as you want, I can’t afford to waste good booze by spitting it out.
Desensitizing the pennis.
The penis, mightier than the sword.
This bus ride both sucks and blows.
“Pennis, of course, is SHOCKED at your violent, eliminationist rhetoric.”
he’ll REALLY be shocked when vs sneaks up behind him and whacks him in the head with a shovel…
Also, apparently Newt is completely unfamiliar with the UC process.
You’d think such a bright guy would know how this shit works. I’m very tempted to accuse him of pandering to booger-eating hillbillies and contemptuous assholes.
Where’s tsam to desensitize him?
Here I am. Light the target.
I’m trying a new weapon today. I’m going to take a cat, get it wet and pet it backwards until it’s raging mad, then grab it by the tail and swing it at Pennis’ face. That cat will dig in and THRASH his fugly mug.
you know, besides posting here at sadly, one of my other favorite ways to avoid doing actual work (which comes with a HUGE amount of guilt) is to check out the other sadlies’ blogs…hmmmm, imagine my chagrin when i clicked a sadlies’ nym to check out their blog only to find that I HAVE NOT BEEN INVITED TO READ THE AFOREMENTIONED BLOG!!! really, do zombies NOT have feelings at all?!?!?
fugly mug might rank right up there with gross grossperson…
Submit your IP address and a head shot.
899. Someone else gets the glory
My blog is soothing and rejuvenating. And yesterday’s post features a 500-foot PENIS.
My blog is soothing and rejuvenating. And yesterday’s post features a 500-foot PENIS.
i know! i was both soothed and hawt at the same time!
We’ve got bad Christmas decorations over at our joint, bbkf. Drop on by.
or just painstaking unwrap presents when you get them earlier in the year and then painstakingly iron it so it looks brand new…
When I was a wee one my mother and I didn’t have a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out of, and we saved gift wrap for years. There were 3 or 4 sheets that were “special,” and the rule was you couldn’t cut them, but had to wrap a gift big enough to need the whole sheet. I almost wept when the last of that wrapping finally gave up the ghost, after about 50 years of use. (They used to make paper that had some PAPER in it back in the day…)
Three Words: Women For Cain.
Pleeeeeeeeease be real: http://2012.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/12/herman-cain-launches-women-for-cain-with-brutal-attacks-on-husbandless-accusers.php?ref=fpblg
Pennis, of course, is SHOCKED at your violent, eliminationist rhetoric.
Dennis neither is, nor ever was shocked by anything written here by any left-wing loon. They all are who they are.
Looking back, though, I probably should have died my hair red and posted a pic on my blog and linked to it here. Wouldn’t have mattered how irritating I got, I’d have been a lifelong member of the hot tub club with a permanent immunity.
We finally saved up enough money to buy a pot to pee in, but it was several unpleasant years before we could afford a window to throw it out…
We are kindred spirits. About half of my Floyd is digitized off of vinyl.
Hey, if you’re in town, Corvallis Brewing Supply and Les Caves are doing a “Being Belgian” beer dinner (12 beers and four food courses) on Monday the 19th… Cost and tickets aren’t available yet, but should be soon. Limited to 25 people. I’ve been to every one of these that Nick and Joel have done — they’re great fun.
We’ve got bad Christmas decorations over at our joint
(They used to make paper that had some PAPER in it back in the day…)
i know! i love the feel of really good wrapping paper and sometimes splurge on it…which probably isn’t a good investment for someone whose wrapped gifts inspire others to make remarks about third graders’ wrapping abilities…
I think “human” being might be a bit too strong a term for the GinGrinch.
Newt Gingrich, like Hoo-Hoos™, Summer’s Eve™ or Bean-O™, is a consumer product.
Newt Gingrich, like Hoo-Hoos™, Summer’s Eve™ or Bean-O™, is a consumer product.
leave our hoo-hoos out of it!
Thanks for that, vs, but I usually just pick up a couple extra brown paper bags at the grocery store and use that.
he’ll REALLY be shocked when vs sneaks up behind him and whacks him in the head with a shovel…
VS is the Shoveler? I guess it’s not surprising, but I thought the Shoveler was a male….
holy cats! just what are you upside-downers doing down there?!?
damn nymfail! ha, ha…the lady on the radio is talking about tax refunds and a ‘tool’ you can use to get them…she said ‘where’s my refund, tool?’
You might have somehow found one of my old blogs. I start them at the drop of a limb, you know.
I just puked all over myself. Huge insects + vacuumslayer= no…just, no
I fear three newspapers more than I fear one hundred thousand bayonets.
Pleeeeeeeeease be real: http://2012.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/12/herman-cain-launches-women-for-cain-with-brutal-attacks-on-husbandless-accusers.php?ref=fpblg
Zounds. “Women for Cain” sounds like a personal eHarmony site.
, but I thought the Shoveler was a male….
I like how the “women for Cain” site is full of vicious, anti-woman vitriol. Irony, do you never nap?
Irony was foully murdered during Dubya’s mis-administration, and is now a zombie.
Except when it’s Fannie Mae giving Newt the money.
Freddie Mac, he corrected.
Irony is a shambler!
You might have somehow found one of my old blogs. I start them at the drop of a limb, you know.
oh, ha ha…i must have! thank you…and i take back my remark about zombies not having feelings…cuz you are all about the snuggles, aren’t you?
He is a zombie filled with love! And beer.
bbkf; be forewarned that if you comment at my shabby joint, the first comment will be moderated, but after I approve it, you’ll be good to go. There are SOME decent regulars there, many you may reconnize. and with the first-comment-moderation infringement on troll’s First Amendment Rights, the comment sections have less shit on the walls.
OWS? They ain’t shit, yo.
Bitches wouldn’t even let me case their crib for a video project in PEACE, yaknowwumsayn?
Freddie Mac, he corrected.
Thank you, M.O.O. I was shooting from the hip, saw the correct attribution elsewhere, and wondered whether anybody would pick up on it here.
Not only are they gigantic, but THEY HAVE JOBS! Quoth AK:
There are SOME decent regulars there,
And then there are the filthbots…but I know nothing about that sortt of thing!
cuz you are all about the snuggles, aren’t you?
*asks legal advisor if they can sue women everywhere*
There are SOME decent regulars there,
At any given moment, the odds are 50/50 that VS is banned.
Those giant cricket things are creepy as hell but the crab creatures in the comments…
Somebody should hit them with a shovel and/or slit their throats.
Somebody should hit them with a shovel
I wouldn’t advise that. It might grab the shovel and now it’s got a weapon!
Circa 1981, I snuck up to a wild beaver within ten feet, & the great barmy bastard must’ve been up near 20 kilos.
A rodent should not be the size of a dog.
I like how the “women for Cain” site is full of vicious, anti-woman vitriol. Irony, do you never nap?
it is also chock full of religious wingnuts…here is my favorite:
“Mr. Cain, To me you are the embodiment of the prayers of every faithful believing slave who turned to ALMIGHTY GOD for deliverance from slavery and inequality. You are the embodiment of Martin Luther King Jr. ‘I have a dream’ speech. You are the only hope I have for a future in America!Be strong and of good courage Mr. Cain, Our God Reigns!
her accompanying photograph looks like she just sniffed a dead mouse…
sniffing the mouse….
Look! I found a picture of VS!
sniffing the mouse….
moderating the comment…
Look! I found a picture of VS!
definitely not her best side…
Smoking the sweet smoke…. self-medication to help get through the holidays.
So far, this has been my worst season in a decade. I seldom leave my bed. I sleep as much as possible seeking refuge in my wonderful and strange Dream Movies. If I could, I would completely hibernate through Halloween, Thanksgiving, $mas, and New Year’s.
I met with the prescribing psychiatrist yesterday: we sharply ramped-up the anti-depressan dosaget; we’ll taper back in mid-Jan. Until then, I’ll meet with my counselor each week.
I believe medical marijuana should be legal. I know it has psychological benefits for me.
Holy mother of crabs, that “women for Cain” site is hilarious!
I’ll admit that when I heard that you sent $ to a woman w/out your wife knowing, it gave me pause.. I wouldn’t appreciate my hubby sending $ to another woman w/out my approval… but then I thought about and discussed it with everyone I know. We came to the conclusion that you’re a good man worth the benefit of the doubt. We figure that you’re probably a very busy man who comes in contact w/ tons of people daily, and that you probably both have friends the other isn’t friends with, and that you have helped other people, men and women, without discussing it, because that’s just what you do, you’re a softie (stop that now!) and got taken advantage of. That happens.
Either someone’s a poe, or someone’s husband has also been giving money to strange women for *totally* reasonable reasons, he explained. *whistle innocently*
I demand the still-unpaid tuition fees.
Blogwhoring lessons up next!
“zombie rotten mcdonald said,
December 2, 2011 at 20:43
Look! I found a picture of VS!”
It’s uncanny!
What IS it with Republicans and apostrophes? From WFC:
I have 2 cat’s who can punctuate better than this broad. There future’s are assured because they have 2 in staff at home…
but then I thought about and discussed it with everyone I know.
this is my fave line in this comment…i bet she has lots of friends…
re: Cain Campaign
Shyamalan didn’t foresee that the dead who do not know they are dead become vicious woman-haters.
Somebody should hit them with a shovel
In Russia, shovel hits you.
Fenwick said,
December 2, 2011 at 20:45
keep your chin up buddy…i know that is hard to do what with your ridiculously long beard and all…but try…
Whatcha wanna bet those women on Cain’s “here, lick my wounds” site are about as real as those mega hot totally not porn stars that are desperate to hook up with me on those adult dating websites?
Whatcha wanna bet those women on Cain’s “here, lick my wounds” site are about as real as those mega hot totally not porn stars that are desperate to hook up with me on those adult dating websites?
Well, it’s not that I’m doubting you or anything, but why wouldn’t all of those upstanding vanilla white bread ladies be rabid Cainiacs? Does he have any black women supporting him? Or is it that they’re just not allowed to post photographs?
In soviet Russia, whores blog YOU.
Wait, what?
Thanks for yer encouragement.
BTW, I trimmed my beard in October, before my surgery.
Previously, I was going for a Gandalf / Leo Tolstoy look. Now I’ve shortened it to a Gabby Hayes* thing.
(*Younger Sadlies may need to google GH.)
but why wouldn’t all of those upstanding vanilla white bread ladies be rabid Cainiacs?
They’re just looking to score a little Cain cane. Taking a cue from Sarah Failin.
You mean 100% absolutely, guaranteed, money back and everything, real?
Wait, what…? You mean?
Aw damn.
Thanks for yer encouragement
given from one who knows the hideousness of depression…actually, most days i would not even get out of bed except that i have to pee so bad…
Fenwick, Gabby Hayes was MUCH better looking than Leo Tolstoy, and more entertaining into the bargain. I think you’ve made a good beard choice there. Hope you start to feel better — depression is the depth of the pits. Been there, done that. If you have a component of Seasonal Affective Depression bright lights can help a bit…
Linky is a fun Firefox add-on that lets you open a bunch of links at once. And you know, all those Women for Cain have links to images of various sizes. Opening them all at once in one tab is an interesting walk through the weird. This one for instance.
omg…the just played josh groban’s ‘o holy night’ which always leaves me weak-kneed and weepy…they followed it up with elvis and ‘silver bells’…NOT good music flow…fyi…btw…josh g is going to be sitting in for regis next week…i might have to break my vow to never ever watch that show…
It’s the randomness of it that really gets me all shovelly. For FSM’s sake, you’d think they could at least be consistently wrong.
This one for instance.
should have a trigger warning…make sure spearhoc knows there’s a redhead behind that link…
Those are some, uh, interesting eyes.
Oh man, that was entirely the right play and I missed it. TUITION REFUND.
Holy fucking shit. I’ll never sleep again.
And Fenwick, I know I’m not a regular commenter, but I’ve been on the depression train too, and it sucks. Take care of yourself first, and tell anyone who doesn’t agree to DIAF.
And weed should be legal. obvs.
Whatcha wanna bet those women on Cain’s “here, lick my wounds” site are about as real as those mega hot totally not porn stars that are desperate to hook up with me on those adult dating websites?
one of the commentors at tpm has their number:
Dear Herman–I have never been, as a true American woman, so sexually aroused by a GOP candidate as you. I think of you when my husband is on top of me, which isn’t real often. The mahogany baritone you use to whisper sweet nothings in my ear just makes me juice up so goshdarn much, I can’t believe it. And your looks put Sidney Poitier to shame. And you make Harry Belafonte look like a dog. I want you in the White House, sexy Herminator the Sperminator, you have my loyalty and love forever! Those scarlet harlots coming out of the woodwork are just no count women who don’t speak for me.
Those are some, uh, interesting eyes.
She looks like she’s in some transition state between being human and zombee… (Now, now, ZRM, zombees are WAY different from zombies. Zombees are too stupid to crave branes. They moan and shamble in search of dung.)
Those are some, uh, interesting eyes.
she makes onel look like she has no eyes…
Christmas wrapping paper? This may not be possible for you, but in our family our yuletide gift was wrapped in feed sack material. My Aunt Ida used to paint little Christmas trees on Little Debbie’s and County’s gifts. My mother washed the feed sacks to get the smell out.
Penis is mightier than the sword? The penis is the reason for the sword I always figured.
The penis is the reason for the sword I always figured.
then lorena bobbit should be awarded the nobel peace prize posthaste!
Wait. None of The Ramones had a beard.
This one for instance.
I will not sleep for DAYS. Thanks for that.
The attached pic.
“Dear Herman–I have never been, as a true American woman, so sexually aroused by a GOP candidate as you. I think of you when my husband is on top of me, which isn’t real often. The mahogany baritone you use to whisper sweet nothings in my ear just makes me juice up so goshdarn much, I can’t believe it. And your looks put Sidney Poitier to shame. And you make Harry Belafonte look like a dog. I want you in the White House, sexy Herminator the Sperminator, you have my loyalty and love forever! Those scarlet harlots coming out of the woodwork are just no count women who don’t speak for me.”
Omg. *tears of laughter*
mega hot totally not porn stars that are desperate to hook up with me
Ask and the Internet will provide: http://imaginarygirlfriends.com/
Now if they only had one for politicians who needed supporters….
Protip for the single folks: do not date people who use a picture 4 decades old in their dating profile.
“We are not career politicians, but individual’s that realize something is going very wrong in DC. We have no one to blame but ourselves and it is up to us to take measures to correct it! “
Sounds Marxist, what with the proletariat overthrowing and all that
Imagine one of those giant coconut crabs hanging off the back of her head by her adorable hair-bun. It’s making her head lean at that ridiculous angle and her eyes bulge out. The weird grin is because she thinks it’s one of her 17 grandchildren being precocious by tugging on her hair. The grin will turn to a grimace as the crab’s claws reach for her throat.
Why anyone is still covering Cain is beyond me. That train done rolled outta the station long before Ginger came out.
Two, of all the women and families who are still supporting Uncle Ruckus, why aren’t his own wife and kids ever on the business end of a camera or microphone? I’ve only seen clips of one interview with the Mrs (the only one she’s done, AFIAK), and when they asked her if she though her husband would make a good president, her response was something like “Well, yeah, I guess he would be, I think”. Not exactly a ringing endorsement. From his (adult) children? Not a peep. makes you wonder.
Third, when Cain said he had just been helping a (secret) friend financially, and that he had done the same for “lots” of people, why didn’t the reporter say. “Name. One.” Seriously, if he’s that much of a big-hearted guy who just randomly help folks (men and women) who need his help, let’s have some names. Even one other person you graciously helped out with “rent and monthly expense” with no strings attached. (A male name would certainly help make that case…)
“I’m opposed to giving people money for doing nothing,” Gingrich said,
Wait until you hear his stance on “chicks for free”
Imagine one of those giant coconut crabs hanging off the back of her head by her adorable hair-bun. It’s making her head lean at that ridiculous angle and her eyes bulge out. The weird grin is because she thinks it’s one of her 17 grandchildren being precocious by tugging on her hair. The grin will turn to a grimace as the crab’s claws reach for her throat.
now I’LL never sleep again!
Think how much you’ll get done!
Seriously, if he’s that much of a big-hearted guy who just randomly help folks (men and women) who need his help, let’s have some names.
yes, why are these fine folks not stepping forward to lend truth to hermie’s claim? i find this especially odd since the reps are always blathering on about how the gubmint should not take care of the less fortunate, private citizens should do so…
perhaps their coming forth would skew the ‘people getting money for doing nothing’ meme?
i don’t know…
Think how much you’ll get done!
and it’s less addictive than meth!
Shorter Cain Campaign
“The candidate merely likes big butts, cannot lie”
“The candidate merely likes big butts, cannot lie”
So is Bill Clinton now retroactively forgiven? And un-impeached? Thought not…
This one for instance.
What has been seen…cannot be unseen.
Was Bachmann talking of her husband: “[Gays] can marry a man if they’re a woman. Or they can marry a woman if they’re a man.”
Seriously, if he’s that much of a big-hearted guy who just randomly help folks
Herman Cain is Knuckles the Dog?
Fenwick, you are always welcome at my place. I can’t say it will help you out any, but when I get blue traveling has always helped me out. That’s at least part of the reason I’m always moving. Seeing new stuff and adjusting to new routines seem to take my mind off all the regrets and mistakes. This place has such a wonderful climate and is so inexpensive I don’t know if I’ll leave like ususal. We’re up high on a plateau and only about thirty minutes from the Pacific. I have a few books with me, a bunch of cd’s, and I bought a television.
With Substance is always goatse…you just never know what form goatse will take–that’s how he gets you! Except for the adorable puppies and anime kittens. BUT THOSE DON’T COUNT!
Don’t make me cry.
Would it be impolitic of me to say that Herman seems to have a case of Vanilla Fever?
omg, this guy wants you to put the lotion in the basket.
Sorry I missed it, Lippy—Happy Birthday!
I always tell people I was born exactly 9 months after Halloween: “Make of it what you will.”
I always tell people I was born exactly 9 months after Halloween
As long as your Pa didn’t like to chop up babysitters while wearing a worn William Shattner mask, it’s all good.
omg, this guy wants you to put the lotion in the basket.
W. T. F???
As an aside, the WFC staff must have
workedslaved all night long creating that place. All of the “endorsements” appear between 10:41 PM on 12/1 and 11:58 AM on 12/2. That’s some speedy writing…W. T. F???
i fervently hope there are no sadlies hanging their head in shame and embarrassment right now…
So you’re saying it’s Dennis?
The hideous crab creature? Yes.
OBS, they have one of those giant isopods in a jar in Cordley Hall. Still not as scary as that giant crab but I would rather eat the crab before it ate me.
I’ll be out of town the 19th so I will miss the beer dinner, which sounds very tasty.
The land of the misfit blog commenters.
“conservatives made us this way, and now they don’t want to give us more money….bastards”.
I always tell people I was born exactly 9 months after Halloween: “Make of it what you will.”
I always tell people I was born exactly 9 months after the Cuban Missile Crisis, ’cause it’s true. Thanks, Mom, Dad!
I was born 9 months after my dad’s birthday.
I was born 9 months after my dad’s birthday.
Your dad was goddamn precocious!
Why you little…!
Would it be impolitic of me to say that Herman seems to have a case of Vanilla Fever?
Without knowing the particular genealogy of the women invalid, the two women he was most faithful to (by that I mean, he kept coming home to them) both look like they’re of African descent.
Invalid = involved.
Sheesh. Apple’s Lion OS sure has a funny of way autocorrect!
It only took 6 minutes for someone to mention Bubba Ho-Tep. All’s right with the world in this thread.
Its so amazing love can be and what you get
when you don’t expect. I cant share my story here.
but i am here to confess about how i love my man and
how he loves me so much than before he walked
away from me and didn’t want to do anything with
me.I wanted him so much and couldn’t do with out
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