Gobble Gobble Akhbar!
Posted on November 21st, 2011 by Tintin
Shorter Pammicakes “Tits Boom Bah!” Geller, The American Genius
Happy Halal Thanksgiving
- Eating a Butterball turkey this Thanksgiving will turn you into a filthy Muslim.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Mmmmmm, still has that new thread smell.
In a little-known strike against freedom, yet again, we are being forced into consuming meat slaughtered by means of a torturous method: Islamic slaughter.
Why, it’s almost as bad as being forced to read Pammy musings about things that she has no understanding of.
The horror!
We demand to be allowed to consume meat that is slaughtered by whatever torturous method we desire.
Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™
It’s interesting: when Butterball came out with its Kosher turkey (essentially the same fucking thing), no one batted an eye.
Hey, Pammy? That panda you’re eating…it’s halal.
Also, finger Ling-Ling good!
If the hajib fits…
Torturous Islamic Slaughter would be a good band name.
But if Pammy becomes a Muslim, she will want to go bomb people and kill everyone who doesn’t agree with her and — okay, not really that much different from normal, I guess…
This might be one of the best parody trolls I’ve seen, Bozo. Nicely played!
*golf clap*
Herp A Derp Derp Weinerschnitzel would also be a great polka band name …
Is that a halal butterball baby panda?
Herp A Derp Derp Weinerschnitzel would also be a great polka band name …
Jah! Dey cood sing der “Who shtole der Keshka”
Not to pick on the Jews, but Kosher beef slaughter doesn’t look all that pleasant in its own right. The standard modern method of a steel bolt through the brain doesn’t sound all that great, either.
Too early in teh thread to go OT? LEAFS SUCK has their official decision regarding Occupy Toronto’s eviction from St. James Park. They are to pack their tents and get out ASAP. The ruling is quite interesting, it holds that the encampment does in fact constitute political speech, but that the Charter rights of the protestors is not important compared to local residents right to enjoy a park. Seriously – the encampment must be disassembled because political protest is inconvenient for locals.
It’s pretty ridiculous on its face. To justify the position, Judge Brown actually resorts to the slippery slope argument – OMG, what if a zillion protest groups suddenly started monopolizing all public space! OMG!
I want to be clear on this – a judge has decided that Toronto’s parks by-law trumps freedom of expression and freedom of peaceful assembly. That is his actual interpretation of the issue.
Anyways, Occupy Toronto has stated that they aren’t going anywhere, so it’ll be interesting to see what happens next.
They’ll call out the mounties. The RCMP will pull out the big guns. Occupy Toronto will be powerless in the face of a polite request to move along.
Go YYZ, eh!
But now I want a hot turkey sandwich with extra gravy.
“Is that a halal butterball baby panda?”
Why yes, yes it is. And I thought the tribe only ate Chinese at Christmas?
I prefer halal weinerschnitzel to kosher weinerschnitzel.
In other culinary news: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFDgSKbapzY
Is that a halal butterball baby panda?
… or are ya just glad to see me?
PETA welcomes the GOP’s endorsement.
Well, it’s not as great as cancer or AIDS, but it’s alright. The thing is, we can get celebrities to pose naked, just not the ones that you’d want.
Seriously – the encampment must be disassembled because political protest is inconvenient for locals.
So the new World has gone from “DON’T TREAD ON ME!” to “DON’T INCONVENIENCE ME!”
(also, “DON’T TAZE ME, BRO!” Too. Also. And.)
we are being forced into consuming meat slaughtered by means of a torturous method: Islamic slaughter.
Pammy thinks her meat animals commit suicide. Actually, if they know their destiny they just might.
“Is that a halal butterball baby panda?”
Why yes, yes it is. And I thought the tribe only ate Chinese at Christmas?
Her last name is Geller, so she’s one of the Twelve. Whichever was the most psychotic tribe, I’m sure.
They’ll call out the mounties. The RCMP will pull out the big guns. Occupy Toronto will be powerless in the face of a polite request to move along.
It sounds like a job for the O.P.P.!
Where are the PETA clowns and the ridiculous celebs who pose naked on giant billboards for PETA and “animal rights”? They would rather see people die of cancer or AIDS than see animals used in drug testing, but torturous and painful Islamic slaughter is OK.
So I’m guessing Pammycakes never bothered to teh Google before spewing her shit…
Where are the PETA clowns and the ridiculous celebs who pose naked on giant billboards for PETA and “animal rights”?
Yeah, because they’re notoriously silent about killing animals for food.
May I submit for your approval (‘cept for the resident culinary fool PMax, who may hit me)…
Thanksgiving Dinner Not Safe For Any Religion
Occupy Toronto will be powerless in the face of a polite request to move along.
That may be true, but what is Teh Man going to do when teh protestors form a line to take tents down one-by-one in a nice and orderly fashion? They could stall teh eviction for weeks!
So in Pammy’s world, Hispanic immigrant workers at Hormel’s rendering plant in Austin, Minnesota are yelling “Allahu Akbar” as they slaughter turkeys. Wouldn’t the locals notice?
In case Pammy’s really curious about PeTA’s recent activities…
WordPress has fucked me again. The series is available at your nearest adult reading establishment or Redtube.
Thanksgiving dinner not safe for any religion:
Work, stupid WP
One more thing…
Hispanic immigrant workers at Hormel’s rendering plant in Austin, Minnesota are yelling “Allahu Akbar” as they slaughter turkeys.
They cover it with loud tapes of “Uff Dah!”
I didn’t get off teh boat, but here’s PETA’s 2011 Thanksgiving campaign.
WordPress has fucked me again. The series is available at your nearest adult reading establishment or Redtube.
Thanksgiving dinner not safe for any religion:
Work, stupid WP
That is unconscionable. I will tolerate many things from religion, but plagiarism is where I draw the line.
Although in fairness, there’s some really really really small print on the ad that says that Halal turkeys are okay.
In case Pammy’s really curious about PeTA’s recent activities…
Sorry PETA, they’re actually boxing Ken Garoo. Y’know, I’d always wondered what the G stood for.
Using the phone this a. m. so I wll ask if anyone has linked the relevant Palin vid. Not that I doubt any of you.
Pups, just for you
Is Pamela a J_w? Is that why she spells God “G-_-d? Can she not understand that “Allah” means “God” or G-_-d? Is that too hard?
How does a person get stupid and petty enough to say the following:
Meat is fruit?
I highly recommend that all these wingnut morons restrict their diets so that they eat absolutely nothing that is halal, which will leave them with a diet of bacon and alcohol, and spare us too much more of their incessant tantrum.
However “tortuous” it is to cut a cow’s throat— I’m assuming that the non-halal methods don’t involve giving cows Demerol and a blow job before killing them— how is anyone being “forced” into consuming Islamically slaughtered meat?
I cannot, for the life of me, comprehend how these people get out of bed in the morning and dress themselves without being overcome by outrage that forces them back into their bed with a box of wine and a handful of valium to keep themselves from going mad.
I’m assuming that the non-halal methods don’t involve giving cows Demerol and a blow job before killing them
OK, I need to wrap my mind around the procedure for giving a cow a blow job.
I’ll be in my bunk.
actor212, PETA – Prepare for Enfant Terrible’s Ahem.
OMG! It’s worse than you imagined!
I cannot, for the life of me, comprehend how these people get out of bed in the morning and dress themselves without being overcome by outrage that forces them back into their bed with a box of wine and a handful of valium to keep themselves from going mad.
perhaps they think of Ann Outhouse and recognize that doing that doesn’t prvent going mad.
actor212, PETA – Prepare for Enfant Terrible’s Ahem.
*I* chose the authorized Countdown w? KO version, not the underground “lamestream media” version.
*sheepish grin*
It’s time for the Occupy Pammie’s Bra movement to get started.
“OK, I need to wrap my mind around the procedure for giving a cow a blow job.”
What? Those aren’t penises on that udder?
We have met the requirements for the following certifications: USDA Approved, Russian Approved, Halal Certified
Vladi Putin boxed it to death?
It’s time for the Occupy Pammie’s Bra movement to get started.
I’m allergic to silicone.
Russian Approved
That one’s important because the ones that Russia doesn’t approve of may have polonium.
I’m allergic to silicone.
Ahh, that would explain your obsession with potatoes.
actor212, PETA – Prepare for Enfant Terrible’s Ahem.
Jesus, it’s like I’m not even here. Well if I’m invisible can we turn up the heat? Because I am totally shedding these clothes.
So Pammy thinks that there SHOULD be restrictions placed on a free market enterprise?
Because I am totally shedding these clothes.
*sipping herbal tea quietly*
It’s interesting: when Butterball came out with its Kosher turkey (essentially the same fucking thing), no one batted an eye.
Nope. It’s quite different. In Jewish ritual slaughter, the invocation needs only to be made once per slaughtering session whereas dhabihah requires an invocation to be made before each slaughter: although meat slaughtered according to the kosher laws is still considered halal by most Muslim authorities. On the other hand, other than the issue of how often to make an invocation, koshruth is generally stricter than what is required for halal, so most Jews would not accept dhabiha meat as kosher.
That being said, it seems that, yet again, Pammycakes is merely recycling anti-Semitic rants (I went off the boat — those mangos look like standard issue anti-Semitism with new labels put on) about the evil kosher-tax, etc., by changing every mention of “Jews” to “Muslims” and “Kosher” to “Halal”. I can’t wait for Pammycakes to write a book called “Protocols of the Elders of Palestine” or some such or to rant about how Muslims use the blood of Jewish, Christian, Sikh and Hindu girls to bake flatbread for Iftar.
Nope. It’s quite different. In Jewish ritual slaughter, the invocation needs only to be made once per slaughtering session whereas dhabihah requires an invocation to be made before each slaughter
So she’s objecting to chanting.
OK, I need to wrap my mind around the procedure for giving a cow a blow job.
I’ll be in my bunk.
Jesus H Lactose Intolerance, trumpeting your bovisexual urges to the world is not helping your campaign to coach college football.!
Jesus H Lactose Intolerance, trumpeting your bovisexual urges to the world is not helping your campaign to coach college football.!
I would whey in on this, but I’m not sure I curd.
Now I want a panda burger.
Eh. It’s kinda creepy but it’s still more than a few steps up the ladder from Jerry Sandusky. However, I will not hire actor for any career where the care of bovines is involved.
Cow well hung
Now I want a panda burger.
I’m thinking more of a bird wrapped in a bird wrapped in a bird wrapped in a pig wrapped in a panda. YUM!
OT – UC Davis pepper spray cop tribute.
However, I will not hire actor for any career where the care of bovines is involved.
What if I show a little calf?
The only difference between this and Kashrut slaughter is the recital of the prayer. Of course, for Mad Pam that’s the torturous part.
Me, I prefer my turkeys crucified.
OT – UC Davis pepper spray cop tribute.
The Guernica one was pretty good. So was The Accolade.
Finally, the one I hoped was parodied
So…..what’s the method us Christian Turkey slaughterers use? We slice their throats and bleed them out, just like halal.
So the only difference is we Murkins don’t mumble “bismillah allahu akhbar” over the dying bird. Those gotta be some filthy, filthy words.
I’m thinking more of a bird wrapped in a bird wrapped in a bird wrapped in a pig wrapped in a panda. YUM!
Sounds delicious.
I’m not much of a turkey fan (it wasn’t as big in the UK when I was but a wee lass), but Pammy makes me want to buy several hundred of them and send them to her. Raw. By the slowest shipping means possible.
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!
I’m not much of a turkey fan (it wasn’t as big in the UK when I was but a wee lass), but Pammy makes me want to buy several hundred of them and send them to her. Raw. By the slowest shipping means possible.
My vote is for frozen and flung at her front door, but that’s just me.
As God is my witness I thought turkeys could fly.
Wait… don’t buy halal turkey because Thanksgiving represents inclusiveness? Wouldn’t doing that be the um, opposite?
A better argument would be that Thanksgiving represents racism, entitlement, religious intolerance, and genocide. In that case, sure, pressuring companies not to produce halal meats just to stick it to Muslims is a fine take on an old tradition.
They do at the plant where they make McRibs.
So the only difference is we Murkins don’t mumble “bismillah allahu akhbar” over the dying bird. Those gotta be some filthy, filthy words.
Good Christians don’t chant “praise be to God” until after the bird is cooked and on the dinner table.
My vote is for frozen and flung at her front door,,,
WTF is up with wingnuts?
First they’re all 53% “WE GLAD WE PAY TAXES!” and now they’re all “WONT SOMEONE THINK OF ANIMALS!”
They’re gonna start sticking flowers in people’s guns any day now.
They do at the plant where they make McRibs.
McRibs are made of shoggoth. TRUFAX.
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Pammycakes R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!
Good Christians don’t chant “praise be to God” until after the bird is cooked and on the dinner table.
Some of us wait until the relatives leave.
My vote is for frozen and flung at her front door,,,
Giblet chunkin’
McRibs are made of shoggoth. TRUFAX.
Actually, it’s made out of shoes
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Pammycakes R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!
What does Mr. Pammycakes say while munching Pammy’s carpet?
I’ll take Thing I Never Wanted To Know for $800, Alex.
McRibs are made of shoggoth. TRUFAX.
Two Deep One patties, “special” sauce, Nyarlothep manifest as cheese, Pickled Old Ones on Yuggothian fungi.
What does Mr. Pammycakes say while munching Pammy’s carpet?
Are her lady-parts kosher?
Can’t be eatin’ ’em if they’re not.
I blame teh madness for my inability to spele Nyarlathotep. Question, has anyone done a Nyarlathotep Cat yet?
She has the Innsmouth look.
Looks to me like Pam “I’ve got Bette Davis’ Eyes, In A Little Jar Under The Bed” Gellar is getting sliced up in the comments like …
*takes off sunglasses*
*still has a second pair of sunglasses on*
… a well-broiled pope’s nose.
Sorry but we already had Thanksgiving up here, eh?
@JPBarlow: Pepper Spray soon to be declared a vegetable.
That’s Geller (and the rest of the right-wing clown car) for you: Can’t enjoy their holidays unless they stop someone else from enjoying theirs.
Ehhh…correct me if I’m wrong…but…aren’t the slaughter practices for both halal and kosher exactly the same, except in one case it’s a mullah saying a prayer while the animal’s throat is cut, and in the other it’s a rabbi? So pray tell, how is it MOAR “torturous” for the animal having its throat cut because the words are in Arabic rather than Hebrew? Does the Arabic make it hurt worse or something?
And isn’t Pammy a Jew?
Also, too: maybe the solution here is to waterboard the turkeys before they get their throats cut, because as Pammy can tell you, waterboarding ain’t torture…
Silly Jennifer, the Jews are the Chosen People. Therefore, when the words are spoken in Hebrew, God steps in and makes sure that the bird does not suffer. If the words are spoken in heathen Arabic, then God steps in to wreak his vengeance on the evil bird which dies in terrible agony. Then there is a whole scale of “heathenness” that God regards all other languages, with English coming in just below Hebrew and Klingon rating just above Arabic.
I actually got out of the boat to look at the comments. From my superficial perusal I can only assume that the only comment taters thus far are all Sadly Naughts, since they’re all raking her over the coals.
raking her over the coals.
Open-pit barbecue Pammy…DO NOT WANT.
She’ll bash Muslims and then invoke “freedom and inclusiveness”? Sure…
I think my own artistic contribution to the UC Davis pepper-spraying incident will be my new book, A Child’s Garden of Police Brutality.
Okay! Some people just don’t like Cattlecar Galacticow, and I’m jiggy with that!
You people are tempting me to get out of the boat, but there’s no way Pammy’s mangoes* are worth it.
Religious nutcases are fucking hilarious — a family “friend” is a fairly recent nutso evangelical convert. He was preparing a ribeye roast for a big family meal and was using Kosher salt as part of a rub preparation. I jokingly poked at him that I hoped he knew that was Jewish salt (and yeah, I know it’s not “kosher” that way — it’s used in “koshering meat”, bear with me) and then pointed out the star of David on the package. He was horrified. it was hilarious.
But then this is the same guy that told me last time I saw him that he was really looking forward to his upcoming road trip through “Yo. Sem. Ight.” as he hadn’t heard of it before, but it sounded like quite the park.
I said — “you mean Yo. Sem. It. Ee?” — Him: blank questioning stare… “No, I’ve heard of that place. This one is Yo. Sem. Ight.” — me: “…Ok, have fun…”
(Veiled Oh Dear FSM, No! Don’t Go There! reference)
Open-pit barbecue Pammy…DO NOT WANT.
Interestingly enough, she’s halal.
A Child’s Garden of Police Brutality.
VERY late to thread– had to peruse record collection….
Yep, already got it:
Sensational Alex Harvey Band
Tangerine Dream
Talking Heads
Torturous Islamic Slaughter
No problem. I picked up a fresh crate of kittens this morning.
The Ho just shared a comment with me but did not provide attribution. I must share anyway, even though it properly belongs in a previous, shopworn thread. “Newt Gingrich is what a stupid person’s idea of a smart person.”
Paul Krugman said it. I love that shrill bastard.
OOOOH, Pupienus, that’s full of win!
Funnier with grammar fail.
The true face of Newt Gingrich.
Quoth the Krug:
No problem. I picked up a fresh crate of kittens this morning.
My sister recently adopted a kitten from a shelter. She had already picked it out while its litter was being fostered by her friend. But apparently there was some problem with the tags, so her only identifying information was that it was the fattest of its siblings.
It takes a lot of courage to walk into an animal shelter and request “your plumpest kitten, please.” This is especially true when you have identifiably Asian features and your lips are chapped, so that you are constantly licking at them.
She who lives in a glass non sequitur shouldn’t throw hissy-fits.
You feelin’ me, girl?
…and do you know if the local market carries plum sauce?”
Listen, if that Butterball (which I got this weekend at Costco for $.99 a lb.!!) is going taste just as good once seasoned, wrapped in bacon, and then smoked on the grill for several hours, I don’t give a damn how the thing is killed.
Tasty is tasty, whether kosher, halal, redneckian (shot in the melon w/ a .38), mybossed (strangled w/ bare hands), or Santormized (you don’t want to know … ) — don’t matter to me much.
But I’m the kind of liberal who thinks people should eat tasty animals, so …
Personally, I can’t stand Butterballs – they’ve got the highest level of crap injected into them. I don’t like the flavor of them and definitely am not down with the chemical brew they use to shoot them up.
Of the non-organics, Riverside seems to have the lowest level of “enhancement”. I did also one time find one that hadn’t been “enhanced” with “broth” at all, but never could find it again and have since forgetten what brand it was.
Is this the right room for an argument about BSG?
I demand meat ritually slaughtered in accordance with the Cult of the Phrygian Great Mother, Magna Mater.
Also a new halal product, Pepto-Bismallah, for dealing with post-turkey heartburn.
Hey, what about my Newt? I made him into an evil gnome, people!
I eschew turkey – in the family of meat, it’s the one that makes me FEH.
Wild duck, however = MAGIC!
The only way of slaughtering meat that is acceptable to BBBB’s religious beliefs is for the animals to be torn apart by Maenads in a Bacchantic frenzy, maddened by the blood-red wine of Lesbos and the cold clear water of the Hippocrene. Or so I am given to understand.
Also relevant.
I demand that pedestrian quit being so funny or else reveal his/her* secrets of funniness to us.
*sorry…if you have revealed your gender at any point, I missed it.
Ducks are magic?!!!! Is that how they manipulate us into giving them bread crumbs?
This is not just awesome … this is AWELOTS!
Wuzza-wuzzup, loony libs? The funky fact of the matter is, Da Cool Coach’s Thanksgiving SPREAD sure as heckola won’t be including this wacky Islamophobic turkey! Ya better believe that America won’t be eating what Butterbuttheads are servin’, if ya feels what Da Cool Coach is rappin’ at ya!
Now, the Urbanator being a Super Sleuth and all, found out the real meaning behind this. Yeppers, it’s that ol’ Michelle Obummer trying to force her silly socialist eating agenda down our throats! Wuzza-wuzzup with that? Don’t tell us what to eat, ya clowns! Badoodle-boo-yeah!
Hear that ConservoMentum coming down the track, libs? Better wise up. Urban out.
“Yours” hah! As if you did anything to that picture at all — that’s obviously an unretouched original.
I bet C.U.M. sits at the kiddy table at Thanksgiving… IYKWIMAITYD.
I had to share this. I mean, it’s like they want to
lose their genitals in an unfortunate smelting accidentlose their heads to the guillotine or something.Shoes For Industry!
Damn you, Newt!!!
*sorry…if you have revealed your gender at any point, I missed it.
I use male pronouns, thanks for asking
My best comedy advice is to waste at least eight hours a day on the internet.
Ducks are magic?!!!! Is that how they manipulate us into giving them bread crumbs?
Proof! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vBqAPuhoPs
I’ve never understood why our national bird symbolizing freedom from hunger was named after an Islamic-majority nation in the first place! Anyway, true American traditionalists won’t touch a turkey unless it’s been musket-blasted as God intended, and with real lead shot– none of that commie “non-toxic” steel or alloy crap.
I had to share this.
I never would have guessed that the tumbrels would be made by Mercedes.
Anyway, true American traditionalists won’t touch a turkey unless it’s been musket-blasted as God intended
I believe in the 21st century, God intends that turkeys get slaughtered mechanically by minimum wage workers, all caught on camera while wingnut pin-ups get interviewed in the foreground.
Top Ten Most Overrated Actors/Actresses of All Time
by Ben Shapiro
Ducks are, indeed, magic. I happen to be roasting one tomorrow, and then I will roast the veggies in luscious, luscious, non-halal duck fat.
That reminds me of feeding the ducks in Regent’s Park (London) many years ago – I felt a tug on the back of my coat, and turned around, but there was no-one there. I went back to feeding the ducks day-old bread, and felt a tug again. I whirled around, expecting a friend playing silly buggers, and instead, there was a tiny little snow goose, looking up at me hopefully. I guess it felt that if it went around the back*, it would get more bread. It was highly cute.
*Veiled sodomy reference
Oregon Beer Snob said,
November 21, 2011 at 20:48
I swear to God there’s something in the water at those fundie churches and institutions that makes people lose brain cells.
I have a relative who’s going through seminary and it’s been physically painful to watch him literally get stupider with each facebook wall post. He was always religious and never a liberal, but back in the day I remember him being able to complain about Jerry Falwell’s hypocrisy, root for environmental causes (somewhat) and say that he believed in evolution (even if it was directed).
Not anymore. Since landing in Baptist seminary, it’s been like watching the Fox News ticker – every other post is part of the War On Mainstream God-Hating Society, and he appears to have become a full-blown creationist. Oy, vey & gevalt.
I had to share this.
Unbelievable. Next toy manufacturers will start selling Mobile Tech Command Centers and Barbie’s Dream Unmarked Vans.
McConnell & Boehner: going for Teh CHAMP10NSH1P.
I happen to be roasting one tomorrow
(brb, spit-mopping)
Only turkeys decapitated by the bite of a Leucomorph and defeathered in the mouth of a deodad are served at my place.
I am heading out this afternoon to pick up my organic, free range, heritage breed fowl beast. I have been informed that the Leucomorphs and deodads are equally organic and that the decapitation and defeathering are accompanied by spells given by Pandelume himself. The farm is in California – it seems legit.
Semi-related. From someone I know who is thinking of getting into the comic strip business.
mmmmmmm, roasted rich executive…erm, I mean duck–DUCK!!
I read in the last thread he put Katherine Hepburn and Meryl Streep on this list. *sigh*
Also, he is 12–what does he know?!
Substance McGravitas – IF that is his real name – is about to receive a most forceful and adamant A-FUCKING-HEM.
Top Ten Most Overrated Actors/Actresses of All Time
by Ben Shapiro
1% Job Creator Barbie would rather risk decapitation at the hands of a sticky, grubby 7-year-old girl than given up even a dime of her pretend money.
has anyone done a Nyarlathotep Cat yet?
What does it do endlessly, and remember the annoying soundtrack.
Ducks are, indeed, magic. I happen to be roasting one tomorrow
How do you roast a duck? Tell jokes about its mother?
There are few man-made things that are visible from space: The Great Wall, maybe the pyramids….South Carolina has added one.
That reminds me of feeding the ducks in Regent’s Park (London) many years ago
The Ho and I picked out some delicacies in Harrod’s food court and headed across the street to picnic in the park. Izzat Hyde Park? I don’t remember. Anyway, we had some cheeses, pates, crusty bread and Belhaven Scottish ale. Some of The ducks, geese and other winged beasts were gathering at our feet, underneath the bench for the bread crumbs we were inevitably dropping. We then made the mistake of tearing off some bread bits and tossing them to the critters whereupon the entire feathered population swarmed us. Just for shits and grins I fed one of them a bit of duck pate. The duck closed its
Tell jokes about its mother?
Make remarks about its’ corkscrew penis.
Mouth once, twice then spat out the pate and made the most godawful noises. Noises I had never heard a duck make before. I think it was saying “IT’S US THEY’RE EATING US!!!” because ALL of the birds immediately went away.
Fuck you iPad.
David Frum calls out the GOP.
I swear, why do they wait until it’s too late for them to do a damn thing about it?
And how did it know what duck tastes like, hmmmmmm?
I swear, why do they wait until it’s too late for them to do a damn thing about it?
All part of their “Wash/Rinse/Repeat” strategy: claim the people who came before them were frauds/sell-outs, and that they represent true Conservatives. People vote them back in, they screw the country over up a little more, get voted out, and the cycle repeats…
Thankfully it’s not a big deal, after all they can just light the pile on fire and it’ll go away eventually.
Speaking of Barbie…
The Ho and I picked out some delicacies in Harrod’s food court and headed across the street to picnic in the park. Izzat Hyde Park?
Hyde Park is in Westminster. Harrod’s is in Knightsbridge. I don’t know there’s a park with a pond near there. Maybe behind the museum.
And how did it know what duck tastes like, hmmmmmm?
Well, considering that I know what adult human males taste like…
I have a relative who’s going through seminary and it’s been physically painful to watch him literally get stupider with each facebook wall post. – Chris
In my denomination, we have the opposite situation: going through our seminary turns most folks into dirty hippy liberal socialists. We have our share of GOoPers in the pews, but just because Bobo is affiliated with my denomination and it has “conservative” in its name, doesn’t stop our seminary from reliably turning out bumper crops of lefty Rabbis.
What does it do endlessly,,,
Harbinges* doom and teh coming of teh Old Ones.
*Wot? Harbinges is too a word.
re: 1% Vans.
Sprinters. OMG. They may be branding them Mercedes now, but those are Dodges. I guess a half million conversion includes a replacement powerplant because they originally made those things with dinky little engines. Econolines were the go to conversion van because OMG service vehicles needed to be able to actually pull weight! As a camper conversion or portable office it kinda makes sense – the only advantage of the Sprinter was you can stand up inside one. But wow. It youstabe a ghetto-van.
Hyde Park is in Westminster. Harrod’s is in Knightsbridge.
Oh wait. No, the London Corner in Hyde Park is in Westminster, but Hyde does jump the A4 and behind Carriage Drive, so yes, probably Hyde
Make remarks about its’ corkscrew penis.
Oh my. That is impressive.
Yep, Hyde Park. The pond is “The Serpentine.”
I think they have a turbo diesel with a decent amount of torque now. But conversion or no, why would anybody want to associate themselves with anything that “Jon&Kate+8” tainted?
Yep, Hyde Park. The pond is “The Serpentine.”
Yea, I remember having the same confusion when I was over there, and walking amongst the embassies.
I swear, why do they wait until it’s too late for them to do a damn thing about it?
In David Frum’s defense*, he’s been saying that for years now. Subby embedded a Blogginheads where he’s calling Jonah out on teh SOSHULASM! back in May 2010. I do believe it was Grifty McQuits-a-lot that pushed him over teh edge.
*I know, defending David Frum. It’s because I have such respect for his late mom.
In David Frum’s defense*, he’s been saying that for years now.
True, but it would have been more helpful if he said it while he was in the Bush White House.
As a speechwriter? Look he had axes of evil to grind and no time to warn of the right-wing dive into OOoogaBOOgogaa crazeeland.
But yeah, David Frum’s a shit.
“Pupienus said,
November 21, 2011 at 22:34
Speaking of Barbie…”.
I had to stifle a laff becuz sleeping babby on me.
A saw somewhere recently a graph that showed exactly where our problem, politically, lies. I wish I could find it again. Basically it had one graph to show that the approval rating for Congress is at an all time low. The problem was that it also had another graph that showed that when people were asked to rate their own Congress-critters the approval ratings were positive. It seems that everybody knows that Congress is dysfunctional, but nobody wants to admit that the person they voted for is responsible. No wonder the same idiots keep getting re-elected.
Assclowns of the Week #89: Occupy the Catbird Seat/Thanksgiving edition is now up.
On the spit this week:
El Rushbo
Newt (twice!)
UC Davis thugs
Bloomberg and the NYPD and much, much more.
Please toss in a penny for guy, while you’re at it. There’s a love.
POOP…now with more Elvis and Hitler!
Oh sure! NOW they decide to grow a soul!
(emphasis added)
Dude, this economy is fucked! We can’t take anything more out of it, so it’s time to batten down the hatches!
I did also one time find one that hadn’t been “enhanced” with “broth” at all, but never could find it again
And you won’t. The packers get to sell that giant dose of saltwater at the market rate for Grade A poultry.
Say! Those folks over at Pup’s Barbie link are some fun. Frinstance:
It’s a good thing Rick Perry will never become President. He’d never pardon a turkey.
And you won’t. The packers get to sell that giant dose of saltwater at the market rate for Grade A poultry.
Yep. I know – they tried foisting that polluted Tyson chicken off on us at my Kroger some years back…got to where every fucking package of chicken had a message in 5-point type: “Enhanced up to 15% with a broth solution“. Which was saltwater plus probably chemicals. The chicken tasted like shit – I bought a package by accident thanks to that tiny 5-point type, and the cat wouldn’t even eat it.
So I complained to the store management. Told them, “I don’t appreciate being charged $2.50 a pound for salt water, and if I was on a salt-restricted diet, I wouldn’t even be able to buy chicken in your store.” They listened and actually did something about it – a few weeks later, for the first time in months, they started stocking no-added solution Sanderson Farm chicken. And as the months went by, it crowded out all the Tyson shit, to the point that they no longer carry it. It seems I wasn’t the only one that didn’t much care for that nasty shit.
It’s a good thing Rick Perry will never become President. He’d never pardon a turkey.
Thanks for reminding me of this.
And as the months went by, it crowded out all the Tyson shit, to the point that they no longer carry it. It seems I wasn’t the only one that didn’t much care for that nasty shit.
I only buy kosher chickens, like Empire. Altho given Pammy’s shitfit here, I may think about patronizing my local halal place.
I don’t have the time to read this whole thread, so ahem me if you must, but does this idiot not realize that:
1) the slaughter process she describes is exactly, I mean EXACTLY, like kosher slaughter;
2) in the vast majority of cases, halal certification is, like kosher certification, a “default” certification, meaning that it certifies the absence of forbidden ingredients and/or processes, not the presense of anything in particular;
3) Anti-semites bitch about kosher certification in exactly the same way, using exactly the same reasons and language, as she’s using here?
1) the slaughter process she describes is exactly, I mean EXACTLY, like kosher slaughter;
I thought so too, except it turns out with kosher chicken, the ritual only has to be blessed once, but halal requires a blessing before every killing.
And muslims can eat kosher, but Jews can’t eat halal. I think.
I officially declare the death of yoga
Teh Kahtei won’t quit
Yo-Sem-Ight Sam is my favourite Looney Tunes character.
Jennifer, I know what you mean. I once bought some Tyson boneless, skinless chicken breasts because the store was out of the regular kind and I figured, what the hell, white meat is white meat, right?
The Tyson stuff was brackish. I had to marinate it or drown it in barbecue or soy sauce to render it edible.
Teh Kahtei won’t quit
Damn right she won’t. She’s getting paid 400 large per year. All that blather about “the university needs me….healing process blah blah blah” translates into “there’s no fucking way I’m voluntarily leaving a job where I get paid almost a half mill per year to schmooze donations out of muckety-mucks. I might end up having to WORK for a living!” She’s gotta know that if she leaves/get canned, there aren’t going to be any offers for a chancellorship anywhere else forthcoming.
The problem in a nutshell: Kahtei’s one of the 1%, and just like the banksters, she’s convinced that she’s critical to the process.
With any luck she will be feel, just as confused and disappointed, maybe even betrayed when the govenring boy of the UC system gives her a pink slip. Seriously. She shouldn’t let the door hit her on the ass on the way out.
Back to the turkey article…I’m 99% sure that the assertion that all Butterball turkeys are halal-slaughtered is bullshit. Poultry is mass-slaughtered unless there’s some reason not to do it that way, and that reason is invariably kosher or halal processing.
What is w/ y’all? You been sleeping or something? I had to read this whole thing to be sure I wouldn’t get the Ahem of Doom for posting Geller & Dumbo Hoft dancing.
And no mention of the shit-fit Pam threw when she discovered Campbell’s was selling halal soup? Or was that Debbie Schlussel-Woozle? Can’t quite remember. (Scorecard, crazy Jewish dames, yada.) Either way, it’s hee-larious, as if eating this or that after it’s been blessed/cursed/whatever will let the Islamic monkey moon-god demon into your soul or whatever.
From the M.B. in-box, no turkey trottin’ this yr:
Yo, Semite!
Bee Ess. Jewish people don”t go camping.
So there’s a war on Thanksgiving now too, huh? You know this is how it starts… So the Muslims have their brown grubby mitts all over this holiday…no biggie, right? But what happens when the islamofascists start trying to pervert NATIONAL ARBOR DAY????!!!!
I’m 99% sure that the assertion that all Butterball turkeys are halal-slaughtered is bullshit
Careful with that axe Eugene! Halal certification of slaughter facilities takes into account modern techniques. Recordings of the blessings are allowed and the very greatest part of poultry slaughtering in this country is done individually, upside down in a kill cone by slashing the artery but not the windpipe so that the bird bleeds out and makes an attractive product. Even in the giantest facilities this is how it’s done, that’s just how one kills chickens. It’s halal!
And speaking of the Muslims co-opting things.
I officially declare the death of yoga.
Please do. The yuppie/yoga connection (even in the small town I live in!) is too much.
If it will not die on its own please feel free to to Kevork it.
That is all.
I’m 99% sure that the assertion that all Butterball turkeys are halal-slaughtered is bullshit.
It looks like her only source is Butterball’s own claim that their turkey is halal. I would bet that this simply means that the company slits the throats of its birds and drains out the blood, which was standard industry practice anyway. Maybe they also pay someone to mumble a prayer or play it on a recording loop. Whatever.
The turkey still isn’t halal. For that to be true, it would have to be fed a vegetarian diet and raised under humane conditions. In other words, no factory farms. This is actually a major topic of debate among Muslims in the U.S. and there is wide agreement that you have to go to a kosher or halal butcher for genuinely halal meat.
So fine, require labeling, but Pam can rest assured that her Butterball turkey lived a short, agonizing life filled with torture and chemicals and then died under less-than-halal conditions.
Relevant. I only drink 100% pure grain alcohol.
In a way it’s poultry night chez Manqué. I’ve been experimenting with sous vide. Last night I lay six leg quarters down in a jerk marinade and a sous vide cooker @145F. I did them two at a time for different times from 25 to 14 hours. Then seared them over hardwood coals. The results: not much difference between the times, perhaps the 25 hours was a little much. Using a torch is better than the grill. Very, very good chicken (still just chicken, but still…). Oh yeah, I raised, killed and froze the chickens in question. Don’t remember invoking any deities at the time.
What a waste. Do you just not WANT a pony?
I am making cheeseburgers. Yes, you can haz.
What a waste. Do you just not WANT a pony?
Only eaten pony a couple of times (vive la France!). DO NOT WANT.
Did you know that you can pony yourself? YOU CAN!
This is why you should always handle and cook turkey properly. Make sure to cook to an internal temperature of at least 165 degrees to kill e. coli, salmonella, sharia, listeria….
So there’s a war on Thanksgiving now too, huh? You know this is how it starts… So the Muslims have their brown grubby mitts all over this holiday…no biggie, right? But what happens when the islamofascists start trying to pervert NATIONAL ARBOR DAY????!!!!
HOLY FUCKING SHIT! We better invade some shit right now.
Howcome nobody wants to attack Home Depot for their fucking War on Saturday? HUH? WILL SOMEBODY ANSWER THAT? WAKE UP SHEEPLE.
While out shopping I got a new camera. Target had $50 off any digital camera (with a few exceptions) with the trade in of a working digital camera. My working but senile Panasonic (which was a top rated cam back in th day) just went bye-bye. I can’t wait to play with the new kid.
If I don’t get too distracted and/or drunk tonight will be white lasagna for meatless Monday. Shitload of veggies, white sauce, lotsa cheeses, what’s not to like?
Hey Pup, give me a good, easy eggplant preparation. I don’t buy eggplant very often though I should, because I like it…the issue is I just don’t know many ways to prepare it, and I have one right now – they were too pretty to pass up.
DKW said, “Sprinters. OMG. They may be branding them Mercedes now, but those are Dodges.”
Incorrect, sir. They have always been Mercedes vans, built in the Old Country and brought here unassembled to beat the taxes on trucks. Upon assembly in the Old South they were rebadged as Dodges or Freightliners. Now that Daimler and Chrysler have parted ways, Mercedes dealers are selling them with Mercedes badges.
Also, re: halal slaughter…I’ve actually been to a halal butcher shop in Dallas with some friends from Pakistan. They had lots of skinned goats hanging up and the smell was not pleasant. I just kept thinking about how horrified Mickey Kaus would have been.
I don’t mean to criticise, but the Hitler-Pony really should have the swastika as a cutie mark instead of an armband.
Not disagreeing with you pedestrian but you seem to think that words still have meaning. All label descriptions have legal definitions. Organic, Natural, Free Range, Halal, Kosher, you know. And by the legal definition, largely written by some lobbyist {not lobbeyist, we’re all lobbeyists here}) says that poultry killed this way is halal. Hence your idealistic utopian ideas about what halal is are neither here nor there for labeling porpoises.
Incorrect, sir. They have always been Mercedes vans, built in the Old Country and brought here unassembled to beat the taxes on trucks. Upon assembly in the Old South they were rebadged as Dodges or Freightliners. Now that Daimler and Chrysler have parted ways, Mercedes dealers are selling them with Mercedes badges.
I still think, thanks to their size, that they’ll make excellent tumbrels. We may need to modify them a bit, but when the time comes, these might even be better than the totally bitchin’ chopped El Caminos I had in mind…
Good lord I understand this comment. I commend you for your excellent attention to the asses of cartoon ponies!
I still think, thanks to their size, that they’ll make excellent tumbrels
They’ll be handy mobile fortresses for the impending zombie apocalypse as well. Just something to keep in mind.
Did you know that you can pony yourself? YOU CAN!
Present for VS!
See also.
I’ll be in my barn.
Luvs me some eggplant parm. I recently made it in a fashion totally unlike my usual and it was damn good. That’s not surprising since I was riffing on a Mario Batali reipe. He’s so damn good I can ALMOST overlook the clogs. As you can see it’s very simple and the result is as far from American Italian kitchen eggplant parm as you can get.
That said, I still like the traditional way, breaded for a bit of crispiness. In either case, I INSIST on salting the yegg plant. Slice that puppy into ~1/2″ rounds. Toss ’em in a colander then sprinkle liberally, heh, with kosher salt and toss them a bit. Let them drain for at least half an hour then rinse and pat dry. Then it’s the old three step process – dredge in seasoned flour, then dip in beaten egg, finally toss in a bowl of bread crumbs seasoned with oregano, thyme, marjoram, whatever eyetie herbs you like. Fry those beotches in olive oyl (I use extra virginity for everything but light here would be okay, or even veggie oil) until nicely browned on both sides. Drain on paper towels.
Spoon some tomate sauce (Mario’s basic sauce as in that link is the way to go, and you can customize it to your liking. I frequently add some red pepper flakes and recommend it for this dish.) Lay down some of them yeggyplant slices, some sliced mozzarella, dust heartily with fresh grated parmesan and if you have it some fresh, torn basil leaves. drizzle a tad more sauce on top then repeat for another layer. Or two. Top the final eggplant with more mozzarella . Bake in a preheated 350 ovenfor 30 – 45 minutes, until the top is bubbly. Feel free to let it go longer to get some browned cheese or hit it with the broiler for a minute.
My brother has one of them Mercedes Sprinters. It’s largely stock, he uses it to haul his motorcycle for longer trips. For silliness he prefers his Pinzgauer.
If I could find my Halal, I’d finger the hell out of it.
John Scalzi has a rabbit named Cthuhlu, Lord Snuggleston.
I’ll be in my barn.
Well, YHWH the Wind God should be no stranger to Arabic, since the Hebrews borrowed him from some Arabic-speaking tribe in the first place, and since everything else is the same, wassa fuckin’ diffo, Pammycakes?
The real question is: where does that extra “o” in my ‘nym come from? I didn’t type it—I haven’t typed it again since the first time (well, the first time in each browser.) Firefox just stuck it in there…weird.
where does that extra “o” in my ‘nym come from?
You need a full cookiectomy.
The real question is: where does that extra “o” in my ‘nym come from?
Teh Firefox has been infiltrated by filthy ebol mooslums also. You just got a gratuitous O. That’s not such a bad thing, is it?
Thanks, Pup. Eggplant parm will be on the menu sometime this week.
I don’t need to worry about a halal turkey. I have a horseshoe over the door, I have murdered every black cat in the neighborhood, I never break mirrors or walk under ladders. Also, I had a dream where I foresaw not dying because I eated a halal turkey. I was visited by an angel who told me not to worry too much about it. She had something to say about the compulsive masturbation, but we won’t get into that right now.
Anyway…I’m good. No worries.
Talk about extra ‘o’s.
Waterlogging ham was just a conspiracy to sell water for several dollars a pound, I’ll go along with that. I think “enhancing” turkey was an attempt to give you the advantages of brining without having to do it yourself—which is a total pain in the ass, if you’ve never brined anything but a pork chop. It should be the same as a turkey you brined yourself, but it’s just…not. They should really give it up. (It’s still not as disgusting as waterlogged ham, though.)
Knoowledge is poower.
Knoowledge is poower.
Reading can be fun-DUMB-MENTAL.
If you’re locked in the Scaife rendering plant.
Did you know that you can pony yourself? YOU CAN!
I am sadly excluded. There was no option for a cubical head.
I’d just like to say thanks for having me click that right as Mr. Slayer was talking to me behind me. Now, he thinks I’m into pony play.
Plus…NO FRECKLES option.
Or was there?…I didn’t finish.
Now, he thinks I’m into pony play.
That should make office gifting more interesting.
Relevant horsey/pony tunes.
Oh, it was already dead? I needn’t’ve bovvered? Bugger.
You just say “NAY!”
Do spur marks go away after a while?
No reason, just curious.
Y’all are just trying to change my mind about the edible attractiveness of ponies. NOT WORKING.
FAUX Nooze news:
“Because of the controls for partisanship, we know these results are not just driven by Republicans or other groups being more likely to watch Fox News,” said Dan Cassino, a Fairleigh Dickinson political science professor who took part in the analysis of the PublicMind data. “Rather, the results show us that there is something about watching Fox News that leads people to do worse on these questions than those who don’t watch any news at all.”
Talk about extra ‘o’s.
Did it sound like I was falling off a cliff?
“Rather, the results show us that there is something about watching Fox News that leads people to do worse on these questions than those who don’t watch any news at all.”
Gee, I wonder what that could possibly be.
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said,
November 22, 2011 at 5:26
I’d read something like that before. If you’re living in an alternate universe, naturally the more you pay attention to that universe’s news, the farther you’ll be from the way things really are.
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said,
November 22, 2011 at 5:26
I think it comes down to confirmation bias. I don’t think Fox viewers are dumber and less informed because they watch Fox, but rather hopelessly misinformed and even willfully ignorant and seeking validation from people who aren’t afraid to celebrate everything that is wrong with the human race. Also, forget not the eye candy factor.
Chris – you’re probably thinking of Al Franken, from Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Idiot. Franken’s way of describing it was so side-splittingly hilarious that I can still paraphrase it; it went something like this:
“In this survey, respondents were asked to rate how well-informed they were on current events and news. The Limbaugh listeners consistently reported that they were the best informed, while a questionnaire of these respondents asking about news and current events revealed that they were actually the worst informed. Social scientists call this phenomenon ‘false certainty. I call it, ‘being a complete fucking moron.'”
Also, forget not the eye candy factor.
Bill O’Reilly is JUST DREAMY
Did I really just quote and comment on my own comment? How rude.
Not really, but commenting on your comment on your comment is rude.
Hey Pam,
Drizzle some bacon grease on your god damned turkey and it won’t be halal any longer.
Problem solved.
Not really, but commenting on your comment on your comment is rude.
I went too far.
Pro tip: Abe Rosenthal of the NY Times once quoted himself quoting himself. Kids, don’t try this without a safety air bag composed of petri-dish-grown chunks of your own ego.
Fox News claims to be the most watched and highest rated tv news network. They also constantly take swipes at the evil and bised mainstrem media. If Fox is the most watched and highest rated then Fox IS the evil and biased MSM!
In other news, the GOP continues to drift toward Stalinism:
Tebow, anyone?
This thread need some jalapeno sauce.
43 minutes between comments and I post the same link. ifthethunderdontgetya, how do you know that that is not the Holy Spirit?
I like the Where’s Waldo being pepper sprayed one but that’s just me.
Charles Johnson steals material from Tintin, the end is nigh.
@Vacuumslayer –
“Ducks are magic?!!!! Is that how they manipulate us into giving them bread crumbs?”
Don’t blaspheme the ducks. They will get you sooner or later.
“How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.” — Lord Peter Wimsey
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said,
November 22, 2011 at 7:42 (kill)
The M.C. Escher one is excellent.
I like the Where’s Waldo being pepper sprayed one but that’s just me.
The Tiananmen Square one is also quite pointed.
Charles Johnson steals material from Tintin, the end is nigh.
I know, I can’t get used to it! The other day he was quoted by a pro-immigrant attorney on my twitter feed. And his commenters, that’s what really spooks me. Can you really just trade in for new ones? How long does that take?
“Can you really just trade in for new ones? How long does that take?”
He must have just banned them all and started from scratch.
“Kahtei’s one of the 1%, and just like the banksters, she’s convinced that she’s critical to the process.”
Only 400K a year? Sorry, I don’t think that qualifies for 1% by income. (Takes about a million IIRC.) And I’m sure she doesn’t make it by net worth; the figures I have indicate you have to go around 5 bigbig ones for that.
No, just a loyal 1% wannabee.
Things like this are what gives me any hope at all for the future.
Some of these are fucking awesome.
I mean, seriously
One I was expecting
there is something about watching Fox News that leads people to do worse on these questions than those who don’t watch any news at all.”
Someone has a wee problem with “correlation != causation”.
Coming soon: the rumor that OBAMA FAMILY EATS HALAL TURKEY!!11!!
Seekrit muslin!
I watched the Davis video again last night on KO. I swear to God, the cop chuckled before he stepped over the protestor and started spraying.
Needless to say, FOX is passing the meme that pepper spray is just a condiment.
The standard modern method of a steel bolt through the brain doesn’t sound all that great, either.
Call it, friendo.
FOX is passing the meme that pepper spray is just a condiment.
And a good honest Amerkun one too. If Obama has his druthers, all the cops will be forced to use poofy grey poupon spray.
FOX is passing the meme that pepper spray is just a condiment.
So the cop was planning to the eat the protestors? Imagine that!
Hey, you know who we haven’t heard from lately?
Glenn Beck.
Funny how that works – take away the crazy man’s TV show, and he goes away.
Fuck you iPad.
I thought the ducks had taken you hostage, or something.
Hey, you know who we haven’t heard from lately?
Glenn Beck.
You’re all just jealous that the voices only talk to Glenn.
FOX is passing the meme that pepper spray is just a condiment.
Ahh, Megyn Kelly. Stay classy.
Actually, this is a pretty good approach to helping folks understand pepper spray. It’s not exactly comparable since the highly concentrated heat has the potential to cause much more acute damage, but there is an actual objective measure of “heat” – Scoville units. Tabasco sauce is about 2,500. Habanero peppers are about 100 times hotter at 250,000. Law enforcement grade pepper spray? Five million.
Droplet size is highly variable depending on the spray nozzle, surface tension of the liquid, spray velocity, type and nature of carrier, &c. Also, the duration of the spray and degree of overspray will effect the dosage that is meaningfully “servicing the target.” Let’s assume a fifth of a teaspoon of pepper spray (1 mL) being applied to a protestor. That’s the equivalent of about half a gallon of Tabasco sauce. To the face.
It’s a food product, essentially.
Re: those pepper spray pictures, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Re: Megyn Kelly and all the other Fox News Femme Bots…I guess I don’t get the fuss over their supposed attractiveness. Most of them are actually pretty mediocre-looking…and are wearing so much make-up it would have to be removed with a trowel. Seriously, it’s kinda gross. Plus, the hair that’s dyed 12 shades lighter than their actual hair color and doesn’t resemble any color in nature? Ewww.
Also, DK-W, I was wondering if you could give me the PERFECT Asian-style glaze to put on my wings tonight. I WON’T DO HOT TONIGHT–I JUST WON’T!
Ahh, Megyn Kelly. Stay classy.
Teh gawker commentators are taking this one to the house.
Megyn Kelly on the Bataan Death March, “It was a bit of exercise, essentially”.
Mustard gas… great on hot dogs! Agent Orange… a tasty way to get your vitamin C! So, what, now Congress declares pepper spray a vegetable(along with pizza and Megyn Kelly) and serves it in school lunches? If she’s so sure it’s a condiment why not agree to drink a shot glass full? Or just spray it on her tongue?
I volunteer to administer this…condiment.
LEAFS SUCK update – despite the court ruling that Freedom of Assembly as guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is subservient to the Toronto Parks By-Law and the eviction notices are constitutional, there are still tents up. There is no plan to actually remove the protestors as of yet, in fact when midnight rolled around the population of the encampment swelled in numbers and the drum circle started up for two hours. No heavy police presence was seen.
You hosers just don’t know how Democracy™ is supposed to work.
Maybe they found a mouse in their beer—eh?
Also, DK-W, I was wondering if you could give me the PERFECT Asian-style glaze to put on my wings tonight.
General Tso Chicken. A glaze/sauce originally intended for fried chicken bits and with heat so not that different from Buffalo wings. Although you should adjust the spiciness to the level you’re accustomed to. Soy for salt, sugar or hoisin for sweet, ginger, red chili flakes, vinegar and cooking wine. Here’s an epicurious General Tso recipe.
My general rule for asian sauces is 3:1 sugar to salt, i.e. a tablespoon of sugar to each teaspoon of salt. Hoisin and soy aren’t exactly comparable in sweet/salty to sugar and salt but pretty darned close. The epicurious has sweet coming from hoisin, sugar and rice wine vinegar – which complicates the mix, so if you’re going with that for proportions, don’t mess with it too much.
To simplify (for half a pound of wings), I’d go with a 2 Tbsp of hoisin, 1 tsp of rice wine vinegar, 2 tsp soy. Ginger and red chili flakes as you feel comfortable. Teensy splash of mirin if you’ve got it. Cook together in a saucepan. When your wings are finished frying, dump them in the sauce, swirl ’em around to coat thoroughly and then set on a baking sheet. Finish them under the broiler for a minute to help set the glaze. Garnish with chopped green onions.
You rock, DK-W. Thanks so much. That sounds perfect.
My, you’re thorough! At least that’s what my mom says.
Option 2. It’s early enough that you can start marinating wings for satay, but this one’s moar work. First puncture each wing with a sharp tined fork – it’s a marinading recipe. Make sure you get through the skin and into the meat.
Marinade – lemon or lime juice with the following added in: tumeric and garam masala (or curry powder if that’s what’s in the pantry) and a messload of chopped garlic. Crack in a couple stalks of lemongrass if you have any. Soak the chicken in this for as long as you can.
Normally these are grilled, but you can bake ’em too if you’d like. About half an hour at 350 F, for a single layer of about a pound. It depends on how many wings you’re doing and how big they are. Just do them however you normally cook your wings.
Serve with the spicy peanut dipping sauce. That’s a big blob of peanut butter, enough cream or coconut milk to loosen it up, a squirt of sambal. You may need to add some sweetness depending on your peanut butter. Combine these in a sauce pan over low heat. Add any bonus flavours you liek – garlic, more red chilis, sesame seeds, wev.
I pass a Planned Parenthood clinic on my way to work each day. Once a month for about eight months now there have been anti-abortion protesters out in front of the clinic. I have yet to see a large squad of riot police with pepper spray, tear gas and rubber bullets show up to disperse them. I know the anti-abortion movement has a long history of violence and property damage, even a murder here and there, but I guess as long as you take a bath first little indescretions like that can be overlooked.
Soak the chicken in this for as long as you can.
I know I don’t have to tell you this but the nature of public forums requires that I make the raw chicken caveat. This is for dinner tonight. An overnight marinating is about as far as I’d go. Don’t be eating chicken that’s been sitting raw in your fridge for weeks because you were marinating for as long as you can. Also note – marinating in the fridge. Raw meat, especially chicken, should not be left at room temperature for extended periods of time unless you know what you are doing (i.e. having Republicans over for dinner).
If I can get the waaaaaaaaangs defrosted in time, a marinade and dipping sauce sounds really appealing.
*that’s what your mom said
wearing so much make-up it would have to be removed with a trowel.
In fairness, vs, HD TV really brings out the flaws and imperfections in a face. Katie Couric, for example, used to be fairly modest in her make up, and then the Today Show went HD and she started clowning up. I thinnk Meredith Viera once basically said “Fuck it,” and let every one of her 56 years shows.
Jumping to thread-end, so if this has already been addressed, feel free to *ahem* your dear old Auntie, but did anyone else hear the Marketplace interview on NPR the other day about artificially-inseminated turkeys? Turns out that close to 100% of turkeys consumed in this country are reproduced artificially. Generations of hybridizing and selecting for birds with grotesquely hypertrophied (but delicious!) breasts have rendered the species unable to, um, “do it” at all, so the only way they can lay fertilized eggs is to use artificial insemination. This is an extremely labor-intensive, manual process, both “pitching” and “catching” as it were. So somewhere out there is a job description, and a job title, something like “Turkey Jerker”.
Also, DK-W, I was wondering if you could give me the PERFECT Asian-style glaze to put on my wings tonight. I WON’T DO HOT TONIGHT–I JUST WON’T!
Commie hippie pinko…Buffaloing ain’t good enough fer ya???
artificially-inseminated turkeys
OK, look: I admit it. There were too many of them and not enough Viagra, OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK????????????????????
How come half the time I try to comment at Whiskey Fire, the “post” and “preview” buttons are inactive? Anybody else have this issue? It’s really frustrating. I HAVE WITTY THINGS TO SAY.
Option 3.
Them wings are dissenting rabble rousing terrorist wannabes. Pepper spray ’em. Then beat them with a baton.
Try rebooting. Sometimes you get cookie issues at typepad sites.
the raw chicken caveat
A little-known codicil in the WWF by-laws.
I told you I’m bored with hot wings.
World Wrestling Federation has some weird rules.
A little-known codicil in the WWF by-laws.
World Wrestling Federation has some weird rules.
What? It’s about the lucha libradors.
How come half the time I try to comment at Whiskey Fire, the “post” and “preview” buttons are inactive? Anybody else have this issue? It’s really frustrating.
Thudner is applying condiments to the commenters.
you can make a really nice asian glaze using honey, sesame oil, soy sauce, garlic, sesame seeds and ginger (and whatever else you like).
one other thing that I started doing a long time ago that made a huge difference is to break down the wing into the three separate pieces before marinating and cooking. the little wing tip at the end can be used for stock or whatever (not much to eat there).
Thudner is applying condiments to the commenters.
Dibs on the mango chutney!
the little wing tip at the end can be used for stock or whatever (not much to eat there).
Are you kidding? It’s the perfect handhold for flinging excess hot sauce at your dinner mates!
“Condom-mints.” Is that a new flavor of Girl Scout Cookie? DO NOT WANT!
Say, didn’t you used to be The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knoowledge
Also, too: pretty much anything is delish if you use the toasted sesame oil. I have this super-simple recipe for whole fresh or frozen green beans: I steam the beans to crisp-tender and while they’re steaming, I brown some slivered almonds in toasted sesame oil. When the beans are done steaming, I toss them in the oil with the almonds, add a sprinkle of salt, and…delish & easy.
He who controls the spice….
War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength, Knoowledge is…. Help a dictator out here!
Peaceful protesters are being assaulted with chemical weapons, and what I’m seeing on the national news right now is that somebody’s kids spilled flour all over their living room. Is that “Knoowledge”?
Moar, please
Also, too: pretty much anything is delish if you use the toasted sesame oil.
Doesn’t that short the toaster out?
Knoowledge is…. Help a dictator out here!
Like Ignatz Radzky-Wadsky?
Police are at St James Park now, only observing. Some of the structures are being taken down by the Occupiers but the library yurt is being left standing with people chained to it. Looks like the strategy is for the civil disobedience portion of the program – the refuting of the eviction notice – will be carried out by a token segment of the encampment. Word is that they are looking to relocate and reOccupy a new space.
Like Ignatz Radzky-Wadsky?
No, like in Krazy Kat.
re: sesame oil
It’s very aromatic, a little goes long way. Also, it has a low smoke point, so be careful not to burn it. I like using it as a finishing oil – added to hot dishes just before serving.
I like using it as a finishing oil
So does your mom
*wiggling eyebrows*
I got an Asian-style “Cup-o’-Noodles”-type thing a while back that had a little packet of “sesame oil” along with it. Turned out to be untoasted sesame oil! Will literally suck all the taste out of your tongue for hours! Don’t buy sesame oil at a health food store, ’cause that’s what you get.
I actually buy them already cut up, which is really handy.
And I love that mixture. You can use it on so many things. In fact, I like to make Udon noodles with some of those ingredients. (That will be one of our sides tonight.)
I had problems with the “preview” button at Whiskey Fire (only when using a link) with Firefox.
With Google Chrome everything seems to work pretty well.*
* I thank my Information Technology expert and all-around Good Will Ambassador, M. Bouffant, for tipping me to Chrome.
Do you toast sesame oil with pepper spray?
I like to make Udon noodles with some of those ingredients
No Udont
(someone had to say it)
With Google Chrome everything seems to work pretty well.*
Also Macs suck.
Also Macs suck.
You still on your iPad? I think you might want to fix the autocorrect.
It’s a food product, essentially.
It was foretold, yet we did not heed.
You can use Opera on a PC?
Also, Windoze sucks. (Had to be said.)
Also, Windoze sucks. (Had to be said.)
Lemme know when I can get Skyrim on a Mac.
I’m pretty sure you can only get those airplanes.
Have I ever posted a half-way decent joke here and not pooped all over it with bad spelling or a left out word? EVER?
Hey, at least your name is supposed to have two consecutive identical vowels in it.
Have I ever posted a half-way decent joke here and not pooped all over it with bad spelling or a left out word? EVER?
How the fuck would we know? You’re in nearly everyone’s killfile and the rest don’t bother to read your comments.
I think we’ve all forgiven you for the unpardonable sin of misspelling your name once, Reverend.
Me, I have a…record. A very bad record.
“How the fuck would we know? You’re in nearly everyone’s killfile and the rest don’t bother to read your comments.”
Ouch. I do hope that’s a joke.
tl;dr: epicaricacy = English for Schadenfreude
So, hey, if pepper spray is “essentially” a condiment, isn’t pot “essentially” an herb? And maybe also cocaine? LSD is derived from rye ergot, right? It’s “essentially” a mushroom! How can they be against any of these wholesome things? Oh, and why stop with foods: gay couplehood is a consensual social union with sex and emotional support, hey, it’s “essentially” marriage!
Dammit, Fox news better get the fuck on with supporting shit.
“A woman who was pepper sprayed during during a raid on Occupy Seattle last week is blaming police after she miscarried Sunday.”
I wonder where the “pro-life” crowd stands on this.
Omg, that’s horrific.
So, hey, if pepper spray is “essentially” a condiment, isn’t pot “essentially” an herb?
More Research Is Needed…
I wonder where the “pro-life” crowd stands on this.
Already seen an asshole claim lefties are hypocrites for being pro-choice and anti-police-brutality-caused miscarriage at the same time. I guess they think “pro-choice” means forced abortion like “pro-life” means means forced birth. That and as always not understanding what “consent” means.
I’ve seen the term “pot-herbs” used in some recipe somewhere. I’ll check it out and get back to you….
Ouch. I do hope that’s a joke.
I thought the raspberry made it clear.
Hey, and I’ve seen “pot liquor” referenced! RESEARCH GRANT!
I, Chromist & alleged big-deal authorized-to-post-items entity right there at Whiskey Fire (‘though I doubt that affects comment posting) have nonetheless had problems w/ those damn buttons at WF. Maybe it is a cookie issue.
re: teh Megyn-BillO clip.
It’s a food product essentially. Drawing snark, as well it should, but in Megyn’s defense I don’t think she was actually suggesting anyone use it to kick up their barbecue. And there are all sorts of examples of how her fembot empathy chip has been fried. Consider that immediately after they say that pepper spray is no big deal, they discuss whether it was actual full-strength pepper spray because the protestors didn’t exhibit enough pain and suffering. And especially with Papa Bear, you can hear the disappointment in their voices. Afterall, UC Davis is “a fairly liberal campus”.
Also too, Kelly states that police are allowed to use reasonable force in effecting an arrest and some of the protestors (not shown in video) where resisting arrest. In fact as an example of resisting arrest Megyn cites one female student who was, and I blockquote:
Maybe it is a cookie issue.
Right. I should probably eat some cookies before posting at Whiskey Fire.
Also, may I have your autograph?
But then again, it’s a food product, essentially has really great mockability.
Drawing snark, as well it should, but in Megyn’s defense I don’t think she was actually suggesting anyone use it to kick up their barbecue.
Don’t tell that to Homer Simpson.
Oh. My.
We’ve ALL had sex with our moms!
(05-20) 04:00 PST SAN FRANCISCO — The main study cited by law enforcement agencies to support using pepper spray is apparently tainted by a conflict of interest on the part of an FBI agent who conducted the research.
The pepper spray study was conducted in the late 1980s by FBI Special Agent Thomas W.W. Ward at the FBI academy in Virginia outside Washington, D.C. But Ward did not disclose at the time that he had accepted $57,000 from a pepper spray manufacturer that was laundered through a Florida company owned by his wife, Sheri.
Also Cf also too.
Hmmm, monotheistic religion based on a Holy Book that dictates moral codes one must adhere to in order to participate in the Resurrection?
Islam is just Christianity , essentially.
Have I ever posted a half-way decent joke here and not pooped all over it with bad spelling or a left out word? EVER?
Only unintentionally.
And maybe also cocaine?
That’s just another form of chocolate.
Incapacitation? That’s just having a bit of a rest, essentially.
Christianity is Judaism for Dummies™.
Islam is Christianity for Dummies™.
Wahhabism is Islam for Dummies™.
I’m not looking forward to the next simplification.
Fisting? Just an amateur colonoscopy, essentially.
Afterall, UC Davis is “a fairly liberal campus”.
Best known for it’s dental & veterinary schools. That’s some serious liberalism. (Not even to mention the cows on campus from the Ag. Dep’t.)
Also, may I have your autograph?
I’ll let you know next time I’m appearing at a former blogging star convention selling autographs. You certainly deserve a discount.
When you have an orgasm the baby is unaware of what you are doing
Um, wouldn’t that be the embryo or fetus, then?
A woman not letting someone grab her? I dunno if that’s resisting arrest, it’s moar like a date with actor, essentially.
Tasing? ECT, essentially.
A woman not letting someone grab her? I dunno if that’s resisting arrest, it’s moar like a date with actor, essentially.
When you have an orgasm the baby is unaware of what you are doing, but does experience the euphoric hormone rush that you will experience.
Obvious question, does the fetus know when you’re faking it?
[catching up]
This here is my favorite “pepper spray cop” image so far, although this one was the one I was going to make if somebody else hadn’t. Mine would have the spray directed toward the living person though, and would’ve been better proportioned scale-wise. Shit, now I want to make it anyway and that seems petty.
Also too, Capsaicin, the “hot” active ingredient in peppers and pepper spray, is registered by the EPA as a biopesticide and is commonly used as a ground-applied termite treatment, as well as
bearhippy repellent. One of the repellent products I just looked up (1% Capsaicin spray) has this warning on the label (pretty standard language):I sure hope those cops are careful to wash up properly after spraying all those hippies…
[/catching up]
A woman not letting someone grab her? I dunno if that’s resisting arrest, it’s moar like a date with actor, essentially.
I like it when she puts up a fight.
Best known for it’s dental & veterinary schools. That’s some serious liberalism.
Also too, Capsaicin, the “hot” active ingredient in peppers and pepper spray, is registered by the EPA as a biopesticide and is commonly used as a ground-applied termite treatment, as well as bear hippy repellent.
It’s odd, then, that it’s an anti-inflammatory. My doctor tells me to eat jalapenos when I have chronic pain.
Eating jalapenos gives me chronic pain…
And maybe you should try the chronic, for your pain?
This here is my favorite “pepper spray cop” image so far
In light of Ms Kelly’s insights, this one works rather well.
My other complaint about the “it’s a food product, essentially” meme is that teh hashtag #FakeMegynKelly is redundant.
Police brutality? That’s just very personalized customer service, essentially.
And maybe you should try the chronic, for your pain?
I can crank some out.
Jumping to thread-end, so if this has already been addressed, feel free to *ahem* your dear old Auntie, but did anyone else hear the Marketplace interview on NPR the other day about artificially-inseminated turkeys?
Hell, there was a Dirty Jobs episode about it back in 2008. Bit of episode here.
You can use Opera on a PC?
If Wikipedia’s to be believed, its public debut edition (Opera 2.0) was Windows-only, with other OS versions developed to meet demand.
I’ve been using it on PCs since, shit, the middle 90s. Actually *paid* for it back before it went to ad-supported and then totally free.
When you have an orgasm the baby is unaware of what you are doing, but does experience the euphoric hormone rush that you will experience.
For a given value of experience (science nerd alert), by which the flood of hormones will indeed affect the usual flood of hormones…briefly, and in no real meaningful way as to affecting growth as far as we currently understand. And as for them “experiencing” euphoria, yeah, that clump of neural fibers ain’t even approximating complex enough to process shit like that until their out of the birth canal and has lived on its own for at least a couple of months, if not longer.
Megyn Kelly gets paid to use her mouth, so she is a cheap whore, essentially.
On the OP since I missed the initial onslaught, conservative monotheists despite their professed beliefs in a monotheistic system, really do act like they believe in a polytheistic universe where magic spells are all powerful.
By which I mean, of course the idea that a magic spell for a different God (through prayer) is powerful and has the ability to turn your meal into a weapon against your own magic prayer to get into Heaven (Lord’s Prayer or in the form of Conservative Jews, magic prayer to the God of the GOP to let their sinful Jewish asses into white christian Heaven), so it becomes an assault if those magic words are uttered, same if the Jewish words are uttered (not that Geller wants to dwell on that with her audience).
And that’s why it’s an “assault” that a non-careful Christian could eat something that has different magic spells (prayers) on it, because their careful work to save their soul (saying the Lord’s Prayer or belonging to the “right” church, usually) could be threatened by these counter-spells from the “demonic religions” (what, they may believe in multiple god-level forces, but they aren’t silly enough to believe that any religion besides theirs is the right one).
If that still seems, even if you bought their insane worldview, like over-privileged whining about having to pay attention to the world when they didn’t have to before, congratulations, you’ve discovered the heart of conservatism.
Even when you invent insane reasons you are being “assaulted” by “secret attacks” by a minority, you still end up whining about your privilege being threatned.
Cerberus said,
November 22, 2011 at 21:14 (kill)
Party pooper.
When you have an orgasm the baby is unaware of what you are doing, but does experience the euphoric hormone rush that you will experience.
I would have guessed it would be more like:
“Ow! My head!”
“Ow! My head!”
“Ow! My head!”
“Ow! My head!”
it is an antiinflammatory but I prefer OBS’s solutions
Hey, I didn’t mango dive into this bucket of crazy, let’s see if I can find some new stuff.
Legal definition of Halal for Labeling, and that’s by the statutes of the UN. US Law is even more loose, by which I mean:
In the U.S., there can be no legal definition of kosher or halal, therefore, no legal mechanisms to regulate the standards used by food manufacturers. Legally, manufacturers can use either word on product labeling. They can call their products ‘halal’ or ‘kosher’ simply if they believe that their food meets these standards.
So in the US, it doesn’t even just need the small bar of avoiding banned foods, using industry standard execution, and muttering a single word. If the company goes, hey, our standard execution style is Kosher/Halal compliant and it’s not an obvious banned animal, push me over with a feather boys, because I’ve just expanded our market like crazy.
And from the halal site, I thought this line was great:
This practice of labeling a food or ingredient like gelatin as ‘kosher’ is effective in attracting a significant portion of the “kosher consumer” most of whom are Muslims.
So basically she felt left out of the anti-Kosher crusade and is basically protesting the same thing with a new name. Given her commenters don’t need to support that big of a cognitive dissonance, that’s why their comments look like a search-and-replace from anti-kosher rants.
For the last time, I thought that was the toilet!!!
…Mormonism is Scientology for Dummies;
Scientology is Clive Barker for gullible dummies
It’s her own fault, essentially.
I report at length on the meat industry’s halal scandal: its established practice of not separating halal meat from non-halal meat, and not labeling halal meat as such.
Wait. So the meat industry prepares meat to a degree that exceeds Federal guidelines, then doesn’t tell anyone about it, and this is somehow, you know, BAD?????
Everyone already covered the whole, halal slaughter is industry slaughter practice and is definitely kosher slaughter practice already.
I’ll note that this of course means that she’s arguing that most religious people are vegetarians, especially observant jews.
Wait, what was that line again?
Hmm. So who was the lucky person who pointed out that kosher eaters were the most likely to be exposed to such meat, what with kosher being exactly like halal for labeling and all.
A) PETA is a troll organization and has been for some time. Getting them for hypocrisy on animal rights and where they focus is like shooting a dead fish in a barrel that is conveniently shaped to be the exact width of the gun you are using.
B) I must have missed PETA’s “halal meat is great” campaign, because it seems that they protested halal practices when they constantly and unendingly protest industry slaughter practices, animal slaughter for meat in general, and otherwise promote a type of vegetarianism that makes people want to punch them (you see, I’m morally superior because I only eat vegetables types).
It’s odd, then, that it’s an anti-inflammatory. My doctor tells me to eat jalapenos when I have chronic pain.
A doc I used to work for was using capsaicin spray in the treatment of rhinogenic headache. Apparently the capsaicin somehow desensitizes pain receptor cells. If you’re interested try googling F. A. Kuhn, MD and capsaicin and see if you can get any of his stuff without having to pay for medical journal stuff.
I think she’s setting up the argument that there’s this secret movement to magic spell meat as muslim meat (which will infect you from the inside and won’t make you a pure Christian anymore) and not tell anyone so that people are scared that their meat is secret Muslim meat.
Why these people also seem to believe that the Christian magic spells they put on their meat before consumption (calling down the blessing) wouldn’t counter this, I’ll leave to a more distinguished theological scholar.
In short, these are crazy people who have noticed that muslims have about as much power in this country as left handed bicycle repairmen and that’s not feeding their Cold War replacement need for a secret force taking over America, so they’re trying to make them the new communists with the same level of paranoid horseshit.
Sadly, the best they got is secret meat infestation.
There must be some Black Mass like way that Ms Gellar could reverse the horrible curse and throw it back on the mullahs. Like reading the Qran backwards while wearing an inside-out burka in a pentangle of candles over her Butterball.
Halal turkey, it’s a sekrit plot to enslave teh world to Shania Law, essentially.
A doc I used to work for was using capsaicin spray in the treatment of rhinogenic headache.
There are any number of topical capsacin products on the market now. I find they work ok for some aches and pains, but most I end up taking NSAIDs for. That said, my achy knee really benefits from a jar of peppers.
Sadly, the best they got is secret meat infestation.
I did see a bunch of recent anti-flouridation yard signs in Maine recently.
Not only was I recently in Maine but the yard signs were recent as well, also, too.
In short, these are crazy people who have noticed that muslims have about as much power in this country as left handed bicycle repairmen
Smile when you say that, stranger
Here are a couple different takes that others did on the pepper spray/Kent State image, both better than the first version I linked to above.
As I noted, they’re trying to make this the new communists under the beds and it just doesn’t have the same… pop.
Also, it’s a privilege whine. They have to be aware of other culture’s existence…in their supermarkets in the suburbs where they go away from having to know about anyone other than themselves and “proper people”! It’s “supremacism”, and they’re being “forced” to consume these niche products.
And they will tell you politely that their turkeys are also non-Halal as well. They’re trying to sell a product and noted that doing nothing let them slap on a sticker on a selection of their products that aided their sale. If you complain enough, they’ll print up a second sticker saying “certified non-halal” that will also be the same damn thing.
But glad this is more important than any other current issue to you.
Yes, the great inclusiveness that is shown here what with the rants about secret Muslims secretly musliming up our GOD-FEARING FOOD in the same manner as they bitch about kosher food doing the same damn thing and pretending like the same thing is something far more sinister because there may be an additional phrase uttered (unlikely). American White Christian God be praised for this inclusiveness.
Conservative Christianity and Judaism have none of this, hence the lack of calls to war against Muslim nations over “inherent” Muslim qualities, the free and open support for women’s reproductive rights and consent, and the strong support for OWS protestors and the loud outcry over the tactics employed against them to extinguish their free speech and right to assembly.
I did see a bunch of recent anti-flouridation yard signs in Maine recently.
Why do people have a problem with prepping for deep-frying?
Wait. Doesn’t Thanksgiving actually represent being grateful to the natives* for showing the pilgrims how to get enough food to live in the Brave New World?
*By giving them smallpox infested blankets and stealing all their land.
Why do people have a problem with prepping for deep-frying?
Have you ever seen what a flour bomb can do?
paleotectonics said,
November 21, 2011 at 18:09
That was Freaking awesome. Somebody at work showed me a couple episodes a couple of months ago and I had completely forgotten about the show.
So while I wait for the Greatest Bean and Ham soup (with bacon also) ever to grace the planet I plan to watch a few more episodes because those bastards are insane, which puts them right in my wheelhouse….
The conundrum is catching up on this thread…and with the wetsuits back from the cleaners contemplating a foray for mangoes.
If Cerberus is afoot, i will probably join fenwick on deck for drinks.
(OK here is the plan, page down five times, check out one episode…repeat until finished…fit in a Vodka run afterwards…break!)
Meh, the whole thing is just…sad.
And the entire time, I just was thinking, can you really get up on your high horse about “halal” slaughter being cruel when you support the same damn thing by industry standard and kosher requirements?
And more critically, how she can all talk about “bad old mean muslim” slaughters at all when she hand-waved her guilt away when it turned out she was personally responsible for egging on a Norwegian man to shoot up a bunch of kids in the worst one-man shooting massacre of all time? Especially when her response to that human cruelty was basically to try and spin it as the kids deserving it and what not. Not to mention the support for fascist groups around the world.
I mean, I know I’m not expecting good faith, rather the opposite, but there is a certain level of heinous where someone wanting you to give a shit about their petty bullshit just leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
Yeah, I’ll give a shit about a specific type of animal cruelty (that would be the same type of cruelty that would be inflicted on them normally. Don’t like it? Don’t eat meat), let me just forget the huge amount of human cruelty and pain you’ve gleefully supported and are trying to incite around the world.
Oh wait, I’m sorry, I don’t have the Borg implants necessary to do that.
How you do it.
I should start a movement to demand that meatballs and pasta be prepared according to
some made-up magic crapa holy rite to appease teh FSM.Boil noodles in holy water, only tomatoes grown on USA AMERICAN SOIL
Here are some funny Amazon product reviews of pepper spray.
I’m going to start a movement that drops from my butt to Pammy’s mouth.
I was thinking more along the lines of boiling in beer, meatballs made only from meat slaughtered by PIRATES!
Obviously God worked through the Natives, granting them the food and shelter they needed to survive the winter, then obviously, the Natives were corrupted by their heathen Gods who were actually the Devil in disguise. This demonic possession made their hearts hard against God’s love as demonstrated by the Pilgrims in their efforts to convert them. As such, the slaughter that had already started was retroactively necessary.
Basically, being conservatively religious means never having to acknowledge that your team has ever done anything wrong or received any kindness from a source other than your chosen God(s).
Pretty sweet setup really for the sociopath who is tired of that pesky “guilt” feeling.
I was thinking more along the lines of boiling in beer, meatballs made only from meat slaughtered by PIRATES!
Needs salad tossed by NINJAS!
I like the Where’s Waldo being pepper sprayed one but that’s just me.
You talkin’ to me? You? Talkin’ to me?
It’s Islamic supremacism on the march, yet again.
I missed the last march; how did that go?
Her mangos are rather desperate. I haven’t dared look into the tigers in the forest, as I damn well know what Breivik-shaped beasts lurk there.
I’m going to start a movement that drops from my butt to Pammy’s mouth.
Human can’tipede?
You know, my teenage daughters often sit quietly on the couch like the UC Davis students. Perhaps I should pick up a can of Essentially Condiment Spray™ for motivational purposes.
Wow, I made a ton load of fresh pasta this week and never once thought of the FSM. Another deity NOT APPEASED. Skreee!
Human can’tipede?
Win for the Occupy movement!
I really didn’t need to know about that particular fetish, thanks.
What does Mr. Pammycakes say while munching Pammy’s carpet?
If we ever meet in meatspace, I simply might have to kill you.
If I were you, I might keep a card of whatever invocation you need to be spoken over your lifeless body required to pass into your makers realm, in your pocket.
Or I may simply have to kill myself…In which case you would be off the hook.
time for another episode, I guess, so’s I can remove this foul taste from my mouth…
Wait. So the natives were agents of God when they first met the pilgrims and only became corrupted by heathen practices afterwards? How’s that work? Same as magnets I guess.
OT (OccupyToronto) – a bunch of G20 protestors had court dates today and a segment of the encampment has left on a solidarity march with/for them. Just in case you’re wondering about any reports about St. James being deserted.
There has been a wide range of feelings about getting arrested and it looks like a lot of people who were uncomfortable about going that far with the protest have cleared out. At the same time, others have been arriving with overnight gear. Plus there’s those guys who have chained themselves behind the makeshift barricade around the library yurt.
I really didn’t need to know about that particular fetish, thanks.
But it’s who I am. I refuse to hide in a closet, OBS!
If we ever meet in meatspace, I simply might have to kill you.
So human centipede, no problem, but the love of a man for his silicone-inflated hate-mongering second wife/second husband, that’s an issue?
Y’know what this country needs?
Fewer witch trials
So the natives were agents of God when they first met the pilgrims and only became corrupted by heathen practices afterwards? How’s that work?
Howard Zinn borrowed Barry’s time machine.
No problem. I picked up a fresh crate of kittens this morning.
My sister recently adopted a kitten from a shelter. She had already picked it out while its litter was being fostered by her friend. But apparently there was some problem with the tags, so her only identifying information was that it was the fattest of its siblings.
It takes a lot of courage to walk into an animal shelter and request “your plumpest kitten, please.” This is especially true when you have identifiably Asian features and your lips are chapped, so that you are constantly licking at them.
This made me larf out loud it did…This is HiFreakingLarious!
Through the ancient and mystical magic of “what can we believe that assauges any and all guilt and justifies our prejudices against people we hate for note being as white and christian as us”.
I think there’s also a movement in those circles to just cut out the natives from history altogether. They already argue that talking about any slaughter or mistreatment of natives is “anti-American propaganda” that justifies their conservative whitewash attempts of the history books.
But I think there’s a good crowd that extends that to even the children’s stories of the natives.
So Thanksgiving didn’t involve any natives at all, just the Pilgrims receiving a bounty from God, thus why they need to say Grace before their meals.
I think the end goal is to make White Christians the actual natives and brown-skinned people of all types thus, the dirty foreign invaders bringing disease and war (which will naturally include the former natives).
Through the ancient and mystical magic of “what can we believe that assauges any and all guilt
I read “assuages” as sausages.
Concern troll is concerned.
WHY do all these assholes on the TV keep talking about “the black vote” as if it were some monolithic, singular thing you can win or lose? It’s becoming quite tiresome.
We don’t need no government oversight!
You never go full Limbaugh
Instead of turkey this Thanksgiving, try some of the long pig
And I’m going to bet that all those assholes won’t ever tackle the real heart of the matter of why the “black vote” is as monolithic as it is.
That is that we’ve decided on a two-party system where any vote outside is considered “wasting your vote” and one of the parties is nakedly obviously rehashing Jim Crow-era bigotry.
Nope, it’s this big mystery that probably is just up to blacks being stupid and/or the real racists, not them going “welp, I could vote for disappointing or wants me dead, guess I’m going with disappointing again”.
Next up, the shocking “monolithic nature” of the gay vote, the Hispanic vote, or the Muslim vote.
But not the White vote, because that would be silly, they just have a regular old vote, because no one views them participating in democracy as an inherently underhanded tactic that needs to be stopped or controlled.
And that’s why it’s an “assault” that a non-careful Christian could eat something that has different magic spells (prayers) on it
These are the Christians who “will pray for you” when you resist the persuasive power of their well-reasoned arguments.
Turkey frying destroys any number of homes every year in the US, helped by the fact that many fryers are used on redwood decking. Will no one think of the decking?
Best solution I’ve seen is using a chain hoist for controlled immersion.
From actor’s link:
Yes, yes, you’re right. They do in fact hate Michelle Obama for her “uppityness”. In fact, that would be the root of all the hate for both Obamas in the giant racist burp that was the obsession with the Teabaggers, the hatred of this black family’s “uppityness”. For them thinking they wuz worthy of being president and having money or any of the other things that iz only for white families thats loves Jesus and all.
Thank you Limbaugh for stating it so succinctly and nakedly as to the exact reason for all the unhinged bitterness that you and yours likes to keep stoked with the “base”.
Also, is he losing his touch? Cause I thought he was a good enough grifter to know that “uppity” got outed as a dog whistle so long ago, that not even schoolchildren fail to know what that means.
Guess not, either that, or he’s just stopped giving a shit about pretenses.
Smut Clyde-
I believe the translation for that would be “I curse you with a hex.” But since that’s trademarked by Evil Movie Witches Incorporated, they had to go with the civil-sounding dog-whistle instead.
Turkey frying destroys any number of homes every year in the US, helped by the fact that many fryers are used on redwood decking. Will no one think of the decking?
Funny you mention that…
I think she’s setting up the argument that there’s this secret movement to magic spell meat as muslim meat (which will infect you from the inside and won’t make you a pure Christian anymore)
This must be the flipside of Mormons “baptizing” Holocaust victims and other dead people.
“These are the Christians who “will pray for you” when you resist the persuasive power of their well-reasoned arguments.”
I prefer my arguments well-seasoned.
I prefer my arguments well-seasoned
Apparently, so does UC Davis
Funny you mention that…
Like any red-blooded Amurican is gonna take turkey frying advice from a Canadian.
What is it with you people and your fetishes? Sheesh.
Josh Marshall is just now almost but not quite noticing that the media is pushing a narrative about protest violence and ignoring the underlying message:
With “new media” like this, who needs CNN?
What is it with you people and your fetishes?
I report, you decide.
Don’t tell, but I have this thing where I like to take a part of my body and wiggle it around in another person’s body.
Turkey frying destroys any number of homes every year in the US
Gallons of hot oil – check.
Open flame – check.
Wood structure – check.
Alcohol consumption – check.
I mean really, what could possibly go wrong?
I deep-fried a turkey once, I thought it was quite a hassle for little reward. The nice big stainless steel pot and propane burner were re-purposed and are now a permanent part of my brewery.
Best solution I’ve seen is using a chain hoist for controlled immersion.
We still talking baptism?
WHY do all these assholes on the TV keep talking about “the black vote” as if it were some monolithic, singular thing you can win or lose?
“Why,” indeed.
Don’t tell, but I have this thing where I like to take a part of my body and wiggle it around in another person’s body.
Congressman Young?
I mean really, what could possibly go wrong?
They haven’t made a wacky comedy called “Thanksgiving” yet, right? The only thing out there is the John Candy movie, right?
Did I really just quote and comment on my own comment? How rude.
I think that you showed a bit of verve in so doing, also elan. WTF lets throw in some flair as well. Well played sir.
At this point I am sure that there is a new thread, and as funny as this one is, I will never catch up…
I believe the translation for that would be “I curse you with a hex.”
I’m saying this to the next person who promises to pray for me.
They haven’t made a wacky comedy called “Thanksgiving” yet, right? The only thing out there is the John Candy movie, right?
There’s a few movies about T-day and the comedic possibilities (i.e. bringing the new fiancee home to meet the relatives), like Home For The Holidays.
And who knew Substance had a toe/ear thing? SICK.
Here is an actual headline:
Non-Muslims in America and Europe don’t deserve to have halal turkey forced upon them in this way, without their knowledge or consent.
Is it stuffed down their throats?
Their reality passed our satire years ago.
I know, right!
And this is obviously not something that happens with every liberal-leaning protest throughout history where the media bends itself backwards to try and avoid talking about the issues the protestors are talking about as that would force them to actually debate the merits of those issues seriously and that would give up the game that the conservatives haven’t really had anything to bring to the table in possibly ever.
Non-Muslims in America and Europe don’t deserve to have halal turkey forced upon them in this way
What does one have to do to earn the privilege of the special turkey forcing?
Like I am going to click that headline, Substance.
What happened to the old days, when you’d post wholesome links to gaping anuses?
O wait, it’s Clownhall, it IS gaping anuses.
I’m still waiting for them to run out of not-even-fooling themselves dog whistles for black and just go “n***er, n***er, n***er, like they want to.
At the current rate, I’m doubting it will last through the entire 2012 election cycle. Especially since they already made a n***er scandal into a “how dare you object” scandal.
“Don’t tell, but I have this thing where I like to take a part of my body and wiggle it around in another person’s body.”
Responses to Sub link:
1) They’re not going to last the whole 2012 election before going Full Wallace.
2) Yes, a brilliant move on part of the Republicans to ensure the economy stayed in the shitter through obstruction so you could blame it on the Democrats not fixing the economy around them. Definitely gives you nice soundbites of “with unemployment at X, Obama is a poopyhead, vote for me”. One problem. You forgot to distance yourself. You’ve now spent 3 years and probably the full 4 arguing for the rights of the rich, shitting on the jobless and openly fighting against any jobs bill you can. People are dumb, especially moderates, but way too many have been noticing that it isn’t the democrats passing their favorite bills that’s responsible for this shitstorm and really aren’t buying the shit you’re selling, especially after falling for it in 2010 and getting more of the same but worse.
Obviously though, it won’t keep that from being their war-drum for 2012.
But yeah, when you’re running a con, it doesn’t help to show the crowd how the con works and then loudly announce you’re running it.
This butterball thing sounds hot. How do I get involved?
zrm, I love that link cuz its one of those things where Obama absolutely CANNOT WIN. he has a black agenda? BAD! He doesn’t have a black agenda? BAD! *sigh*
Is it stuffed down their throats?
In the south, we always dressed it down throats.
Of course, in my world a butterball is made with butterscotch schnapps.
UKBristolDave has been awol for a while but, to his credit, brings the lulz when he shows.
When I was in high school we’d start off with alcohol and a long game of Truth or Dairy.
The headline IS the mango. I propose, rather than a shorter, a longer version:
Obama’s shufflin’ yassa-massa watermelon/fried chicken snoop-dog blackity-coon negro uncle Remus birthin’ no babies hip-hop sho’ nuff mammy uppity poll tax birth of a nation tar baby gangsta black panther black-eyed pea soul brutha blackblack darkie spearchucker nightfighter how-dare-you-call-us-racist black agenda.
AA: I say, I mean I do believe that you left out Ole Man River and Lucky Ole Sun too, also.
They’re not going to last the whole 2012 election before going Full Wallace.
NOW PLAYING: PUMAs Part 2: Schizophrenic Boogaloo!
I usually say “That’s great – you pray for me, I’ll do the thinking for both of us.”
Clicking that link causes severe loss of brain cells. Consider yourselves warned.
The whole article is one glorious mango of butthurt though, I’ll give it that.
And yes, “Glorious Mango of Butthurt” would be an excellent band name.
Turnabout is fair play.
I think she’s setting up the argument that there’s this secret movement to magic spell meat as muslim meat (which will infect you from the inside and won’t make you a pure Christian anymore)
Couple years back The Ho and I were watching some Christianist teebee show (know your enemy, he always sez) which had some nut case railing on about how the Xmas tree was a PAGAN SYMBOL and all the evil, demonic symbols people have in their homes. And it was especially awful, according to him, because people DIDN’T KNOW THEY HAD EVIL SYMBOLS IN THEIR HOMES!11!! ‘Course we larffed heartily. Sadly, lots of people believe that kind of shit. It actually goes hand in hand with theism but I don’t want to start a war with Tintin.
And Pupienus fires the first salvo in the War on Christmas! Bravo, comrade!
Know who’s casting spells? CHEERLEADERS. Ban the pom-pom, good Christians!
Ban the pom-pom, good Christians!
My eyesight ain’t what it used to be. I read that as “porn-porn” no that can’t be right “porn-pom?” no that makes no sense (even for S McG) und so weiter.
Ban pom-poms? I strenuously object.
And it was especially awful, according to him, because people DIDN’T KNOW THEY HAD EVIL SYMBOLS IN THEIR HOMES!11!!
Like books by Richard Dawkins
Ban pom-poms? I strenuously object.
That reminds me. I’m out of asswipes.
If you don’t want evil cymbals in the house you shouldn’t let your teenage son buy a drumkit.
Best solution I’ve seen is using a chain hoist for controlled immersion.
Good god. I’ve been frying those things for years.
I’ve never hurt myself or anyone else doing it. You have to be pretty fucking dumb to start a fire or hurt yourself with those things.
And it was especially awful, according to him, because people DIDN’T KNOW THEY HAD EVIL SYMBOLS IN THEIR HOMES!11!!
It is almost as if the Christianity espoused by many people is a magical-thinking world-view in which words have magical power regardless of any belief in them, and their side claims to have more powerful spells than all the other sides.
Ban pom-poms? I strenuously object.
I went to a very small high school and played on the basketball team. Most of the other schools in our class were Christian schools. One of them had cheerleaders with skirts down to the ankles and after the first time we played them they asked us not to bring our cheerleaders to their school again. It seems our cheerleadres were way to risque.
Holy Fuckballs! Just got off the phone with PG&E and I swear my interaction with them demonstrates not only the bullshit of “Durrr, more money and less regulation means more innovation and savvy”, but also just how much PG&E really don’t give a fuck about anything since they have monopoly status.
Basically, shit got stolen, tried to resolve the situation on PG&E site, stop payments, couldn’t, decided to deal with it when new checks and account information came in, bank delayed for forever because “who uses checks anymore” is apparently their motto. Meanwhile the autopay freaked out and bounced itself stupid against a rock and triggered a “penalty box” for “bounced checks” despite no checks passing hands.
Calling the company, they had no way of interpreting how their own system worked, what an e-system was, how to understand their own resolution system, had no system to resolve things so I could, you know, pay them, nor any ability to process the fact that they were wasting billions by having an e-system that was completely out of whack with industry practices.
The solution? I am required to use a less secure system with far greater effort and cost on their part instead of a more secure and reliable system that is more beneficial and guaranteed for their benefit because they have no functional policy for direct resolution nor an ability to understand how “direct access to a secured bank account with confirmation with bank” differs from “personal check”.
I have never so thoroughly encountered a group of people so deliberately and purposeful braindead and self-defeating by direct orders and training and I’ve encountered some pretty high level stupidity with other monopolistic companies.
The irony is that the system I was yelling at them was a stupid one is one I would have loved to have online minus the calling them up, what with it only requiring card number and all.
They have no system for informing the customer that this is the only means of payment, thus ensuring they get at least one bounced check a month from people already behind.
Why, you might say, that sounds like a cynical and most likely illegal attempt to fleece the poor through poor business practices!
And I think we just found out why they have a complete dysfunctional system at least 15 years out of date.
It is almost as if the Christianity espoused by many people is a magical-thinking world-view in which words have magical power regardless of any belief in them, and their side claims to have more powerful spells than all the other sides.
Naw, people couldnt’ possibly be that st00pid, right? Right?!?!? OMFG We’re doomed.
And fucknuggets if interacting with business after business with openly illegal business practices who know they’re never going to get called to the carpet doesn’t make me even more respectful to the rule of law and being a good little peon.
My god, I’m so respectful, I want them to have even less regulation and investigation so they can be even more blatantly criminal without reprecussion. That’ll make me think twice about even jaywalking!
tsam said,
November 22, 2011 at 22:17
The comments are Comedy Gold!
Thread needs moar POOP.
Most of the other schools in our class were Christian schools. One of them had cheerleaders with skirts down to the ankles and after the first time we played them they asked us not to bring our cheerleaders to their school again.
A former boss (great guy) played basketball in college in an athletic conference that included Oral Roberts University. He said the ORU cheerleaders were always painfully sexy. One of God’s little jokes, I guess.
Gawd, I leave for ten hours of cooking, and the thread is hyoooouge.
actor, I roast the duck by saying unkind things about its mother while I stuff leftover apples in its body cavity. I have also made game pie, roasted parsnips and turnips, a thing called banbury tarts, which are essentially mince pies in a modified form, and alas, all of it is being used to show the punters at Jamestown how the English didn’t actually celebrate Thanksgiving. Only a small part of it will be eaten, the rest will be prodded by schoolchildren and adults with poor impulse control.
For two days, I’m going to be dressed in ye olde englishe clothinge, telling people all about how in the old days, people wiped their asses with sticks, punctuated by the occasional shriek from someone who’s never actually seen a live chicken before, and is suddenly making the connection between that running thing with feathers and last night’s dinner.
Believe it or not, it’s great fun. And a totally awesome way to spend a holiday that marks the start of the genocide and cultural destruction of untold numbers of Native American tribes. A few years ago, we got to meet the Prince of Denmark, and his brother, the Pretender to the Throne. He was very polite as he was being shown all the replica armor in the fort, especially considering, as his “handler” said to my husband, “he’s got the real thing at home”.
Also–DO NOT attempt to cook a bird larger than 15lbs in those standard fryers. That’s one mistake rookies make that causes a flood of flaming oil.
My information on fried turkeys was that the idiots try to fry them from frozen, which results in a truly wonderful cloud of steam and oil droplets, which immediately catch fire.
I watch Mythbusters too much.
My parents forbade Christmas trees because of the whole pagan thing. They also didn’t allow any books or movies with magic in them (basically anything Disney was out).
I didn’t think about how silly this was until years later, when I realized that their objection to the Little Mermaid was that octopus sorceresses might actually exist and that I would be tempted to choose that as a career goal.
So you’re saying I should not put Jeff Goldblum or Shelley Duvall in my fryer?
I think it always speaks well of a person if s/he likes Mythbusters. Could Jaime and Adam be any cuter? And Carey and Tory and Grant? ADORBS. The whole gang.
Attention spelling Nazis! Stand up for your Hitler!
OT: Tee hee hee.
One of them had cheerleaders with skirts down to the ankles
Yes, but that Jenny Daniels has shoes that leave nothing to the imagination. I CAN SEE YOUR TOE LENGTH, WHORE!!!
While the lame-stream media continues to bang the gong of Darwin award turkey fryers everywhere, my personal anecdata is that all the home deep fried turkeys I’ve had were excellent. n = 6
I think it always speaks well of a person if s/he likes Mythbusters.
Even zombies?
I miss Scottie.
Could Jaime and Adam be any cuter?
I have the hots for everyone on that show. I even watch Head Rush (which is essentially a repeat of some old Mythbusters episode with some extra bits thown in) on G4 because of Carrie. But I looooooove Jamie and his awesome ‘stache. I have such a thing for facial hair.
(And I want Jamie’s sunglasses!)
I miss Scottie.
I do too – I never saw why we couldn’t have two female mini-mythers – and I remember there being some nasty rumours going ’round when she left, but I think it turned out that she wasn’t as into the talking stuff as Carrie, and I think she still works for Jamie, doesn’t she? I seem to feel like I see her in the background in some episodes, sometimes.
According to teh wackypedia, she was last in a special in 2009, but take that for what it’s worth.
So you’re saying I should not put Jeff Goldblum or Shelley Duvall in my fryer?
You can, but you must cook them in 15lb pieces.
Daffy Duck would fit nicely. Donald also, too. I think.
If you only have time for one cute cat pixel today, make it this one.
So, all those steaks come from females? Is that correct? All cows are female? Fair warning— I’m feeling very fragile right now.
I’m feeling very fragile right now.
If the word “steer” doesn’t mean much to you, you might want to investigate this later.
If you have time for moar, check these out.
Here you go Wiley…
In the first paragraph, first link:
I watch Mythbusters too much.
I didn’t think that was possible.
I don’t always overcompensate for my big fat ass and belly and embarassingly small penis.
But when I do, I use pepperspray on kids.
The veal calves can sometimes be fried whole, if they are especially undernourished.
Some comedy involving Sarah Palin and Roger Ayles:
(Hope WP doesn’t eat it this time.)
The Angry Drunk. And Kari Byron is a fucking goddess.
Live blog tonight
Yep. Another clown car rodeo.
Stupit tags. I blame Romney.
This is an epic thread – too many good comments and links to count.
I’m all excited because today I met with the graphics guy for my newest catalog & the packaging design for my cookie mix which I’m gonna start producing (hopefully) in April. I plan on selling at the farmer’s market through the summer when I don’t have fundraising sales going on, then putting it in the fall catalog. And gradually, expanding it to include more varieties (I’m starting with the world-famous better-than-crack oatmeal chocolate chip). I’m not making money – yet – but I’m at least seeing a point in the not-too-distant future where I will be.
Her mangos are rather desperate. I haven’t dared look into the tigers in the forest, as I damn well know what Breivik-shaped beasts lurk there.
A few distractions along the way, but thanks Cerberus, for bringing what you done brung, I think I’ll stay on the boat this time.
Actor, by the time I got to, or missed whatever human centipede ref made above….something regarding the stabbing of pre-frontal cortex….blorp.
This is an epic thread – too many good comments and links to count.
Agreed! I am still trying to catch up. finally made it to my first comments.
Back upstairs…..
One of them had cheerleaders with skirts down to the ankles
Like that’s a rarity after homecoming. The trick is to find one still wearing a skirt.
Could Jaime and Adam be any cuter? And Carey and Tory and Grant? ADORBS. The whole gang.
EXCEPT the perky twee li’l hipster who subbed for Kari while she was on maternity leave. Almost made me stop watching.
Actor, by the time I got to, or missed whatever human centipede ref made above….something regarding the stabbing of pre-frontal cortex….blorp.
My work here is done
Deener update: I made Asian sticky wings with a reduced soy, honey, garlic, ginger, sesame,lime glaze.
As as side I sauteed some onions, garlic, Chinese cabbage & shitake mushrooms in some sesame oil, chicken broth, brown sugar and soy sauce, then threw in some leftover spaghetti noodles.
Everything was spectacular.
EXCEPT the perky twee li’l hipster who subbed for Kari while she was on maternity leave. Almost made me stop watching.
I admit, she was a little tiresome. I think it was because she was trying to imitate Kari, and it wasn’t authentic at all. Meh.
Herman Cain just called Wolf Blitzer “Blitz”
No, I’ve seen her on Overhaulin’ before that—she’s pretty much the same. I didn’t mind her. She’s no Kari, but then who is?
Herman Cain just called Wolf Blitzer “Blitz”
That man is a credit to my race!!!
Mythbusters is OK, but I really miss Junkyard Wars even though the Host’s and Hostesses annoyed the crap out of me most of the time.
The episode where three teams (USA, Brits, and French) build airplanes over the course of two days was freaking awesome.
No, I’ve seen her on Overhaulin’ before that—she’s pretty much the same.
Wow. Okay, I take back the “imitating” charge, but wow. I’m probably being unfair because I love Kari, but… wow.
Suddenly, I’ve got this image of Jamie and Adam inviting Tabitha (of Tabitha’s Salon Take Over) on Mythbusters.
Hilarity ensues.
Suddenly, I’ve got this image of Jamie and Adam inviting Tabitha (of Tabitha’s Salon Take Over) on Mythbusters
omg. WANT.
A former boss (great guy) played basketball in college in an athletic conference that included Oral Roberts University. He said the ORU cheerleaders were always painfully sexy. One of God’s little jokes, I guess.
Is it wrong of me to expect the real joke about ORU cheerleaders is they suck at oral?
Some comedy involving Sarah Palin and Roger Ayles
Palin pulled off one of the greatest scams in our political history. How much money does she have in her PAC, which she now can spend on herself?
Santorum: “[Before the Bush Administration] Africa was a country on the brink of meltdown and takeover by radical Islamists”
Santorum: “[Before the Bush Administration] Africa was a country on the brink of meltdown and takeover by radical Islamists”
GIve him a break. Maybe he thinks Iraq is in Africa.
Palin pulled off one of the greatest scams in our political history.
Only because they allowed her to fleece the people. Anyone who was paying attention pretty much knew she was transitioning from actual politician to political celebrity.
GIve him a break. Maybe he thinks Iraq is in Africa.
Well they share some of the same letters. Close enough!
Only because they allowed her to fleece the people
You mean the people who allowed themselves to be fleeced. Tough tit.
They’ve already done the only question Heritage and the AEI really care about: Bomb Iran, or Nuke Iran?
Suddenly, I’ve got this image of Jamie and Adam inviting Tabitha (of Tabitha’s Salon Take Over) on Mythbusters.
Hilarity ensues.
Only if they casually pepperspray her. Even better, get that fucking prick Gordon Ramsey on there and nail them both.
I’m fed the hell up with people thinking that being a fucking insufferable asshole = good leadership. Neither of these pricks deserves one shred of respect. They’re nothing but dicks.
I’m fed the hell up with people thinking that being a fucking insufferable asshole = good leadership.
I got forced out of a decent stay-at-home job by someone like that. I bet my former boss never misses an episode of Asshole Chef or whatever they call that thing Ramsey is on.
Everything was spectacular
Geez, ask for advice and then ignore it. thanx. Anywho, glad it went well. Freedom from Buffalo monoculture is the only thing that really matters.
re: deep-frying turkeys
The tips vid hits on all the important points. One extra tip – how do you know if you’ve overfilled wth oil? Personally, I love my birds moist so I brine ’em. In the frying pot. After the bird comes out of the brine, I measure down to the brine level to see how much head space to leave. Easy peasy.
Starting with cold oil, you can deep-fry a fifteen pound bird in an hour and a half. It is remarkably tasty and not greasy at all. I’m told the sekrit is temperature control – never letting the oil drop below sime critical point. I don’t know since I’ve never had a bird turn out badly.
Are the Republicans having like 46 debates or what? Haven’t they had time enough to cover all the issues, Defense, God, Illegals, and Taxes? What? What did I leave out? Oh, Gay Marriage! Perry really is an idiot isn’t he? And Cain, what a hoot. He’s really why I’m watching this debate, he cracks me up. Cain: “Okay, first, number one, I wouldn’t wait a minute longer. Two, these things are difficult and require hard work. And number four, I’d throw them all out.”
One extra tip – how do you know if you’ve overfilled wth oil?
The fryers are made to hold precisely 3 gallons (take THAT METRIC SYSTEM) of peanut oil. If you have a bird that’s 15 lbs (take THAT METRIC SYSTEM) or less, it will not overflow.
Tip 1: Dry bird.
Tip 2: RTFM.
Tip 3: Get a syringe, inject all the butter the meat will hold (Alternatively, there are a bunch of different flavored sauces available if you don’t want just plain butter)
Tip 4: Lower the bird in SLOWLY
Tip 5: Stay close and monitor the fryer
Tip 6: Monitor the temperature of the oil–it needs to stay as close to 350° as possible. Overheating will ruin everything.
Tip 7: Cook the bird to exactly 160°.
You don’t need to engineer a hoist system. Your time is better spent eating crackers and cheese and watching football.
This only takes around an hour to cook, so time the cooking accordingly.
It’s meat miscegenation, I tells ya!
Never deep-fried a turkey.
I HAVE stir-fried turkey breast/thighs. Kung Pao Turkey with Pumpkin Seeds makes for a nifty Asian-fusion Thanksgiving main course.
it will not overflow.
How much oil do you add? Plus you can’t always get exactly the same sized bird every time. Personally, I find it easier to just measure the brine head space. If you’re not brining, you could just do water displacement.
Also too, what about the oil? Returned to the jugs it came in for use in another frying. You want to do this draining because you end up with burnt crumbly bits that will sink to the bottom of yout oil.
But totes – dry the turkey. Don’t spend too much time dicking around with some sort of fancy hoost or splash guard or wev. Turn the flame off when adding the bird. Best done slightly drunk but not totally shit-faced.
And those progressive agents are at it again right now in the series of GOP presidential debates. Does anyone really believe questions coming from MSM moderators aren’t ultimately asked to trip up the candidates and then elevate and orchestrate the re-election of their furor?
And worst of all, those goddamn lieberal lamestream moderators only allowed audience questions from liberal gotcha mongers like Marc Thiessen and David Addington!
Politician takes a meaningful, principled stand for something not completely stupid.
re: headspace.
Leave some freeboard. Even a well dried turkey will be shooting steam off something fierce during the cooking and your oil will bubble like crazy. Three or four inches is a pretty good target.
How much oil do you add? Plus you can’t always get exactly the same sized bird every time. Personally, I find it easier to just measure the brine head space. If you’re not brining, you could just do water displacement.
The boxes that contain the oil have exactly 3 gallons in them. I just dump the whole thing in there and make DAMN SURE that bird does not exceed 15lbs. That has worked every year for the last 10 years. I will say that your displacement measurement is a smart idea for those of us who aren’t a little…shall we say, lazy?
Those of YOU, I should say. I’m not the most careful or diligent turkey frier in the whole wide world.
Anyway, using the box and a standard sized commercially available fryer (rather than making your own out of something else, which is how the rednecks started the whole trend), leaves about 6″ of empty pot.
It does splatter a little, and you do get a few pinpoint sized burns on your hand when lowering it and trying to fish it out of there, but it seems to work just fine.
Just call me old fashioned but I just roast the damn bird and save myself a trip to the burn ward.
Also too, Desert Bus for Hope V underway and already over $200K.
Me, I have a…record. A very bad record.
I hear this in the voice of Dougie Houser from Starship Troopers: “I’m looking for a different kind of bug…a smart bug.”
I’m not really big on the genre, but I can’t be the only mildly dyslexic person to have raised an eyebrow when first seeing this name.
I’m a bit weird, I guess, because I don’t care for fried or brined birds. Everyone touts their “juicyness” but turkey is supposed to be a bit drier than other meats, at least that’s my preference. Not dried out as in overcooked, but drier than say, chicken. In any case, what’s always worked just great for me is to roast the bird, breast facing down, for most of the cooking time, then take it out and flip it over and let it cook breast up for the last 30 – 45 minutes. The natural juices flow down into the breast for most of the time it’s cooking, and the last 30 – 45 minutes browns the breast quite nicely. I’ve never had one come out bad doing them this way.
My protein contribution this year is grilled duck legs with a raspberry-chipotle marinade and baste, accompanied by wild-rice dressing and some proletarian braised collard greens.
The insanely great kabocha squash pie with ginger caramel sauce is a go as well, if all goes well.
Best use of “valuing, saving, preserving, & other yada yada our freedoms” so far this yr. At this point you can only figure she’s trying to scare Butterball into giving her money, a free case of giblets or all the spare change under the cushions in the conference room to keep her from starting this shit earlier & louder next yr.
No “Ahem.s” if any one else was as clever earlier. Been busy halal-ing turkeys on the balcony & haven’t had time to read the whole mess. (Whole lot of invoking if you want to get it right every time.)
The Great Waldo Pepperspray
This coupon may be redeemed for half an Internet.
Ahhh. So cows don’t have a penis. A cow has a vagina and a clitoris. So, here’s my correction:
I’m assuming that the non-halal methods don’t involve giving cows Demerol and eating them out before killing them.
I know this is going to sound weird, but somehow that sounds more disgusting to me than giving a bovine critter a blow-job.
She wants us to do WHAT to the Turkey?
Get this. “Remove the giblets, stretch the wings out and suspend the Turkey between two poles.Bind the legs together with leather straps, spank the Turkey while calling it names, and finally ejaculate all over it while screaming, “OH GOD, I LOVE FUCKING TURKEYS!!”
Holy Shit!!
Spanking the turkey?
Another M. B. has written a book, & provided an example of Dunning-Kruger in action.
oof hrm, ahh, apparently, we’re Gellerizing the Turkey.
OT (OccupyToronto) – Cops mobilizing now.
I’m assuming that the non-halal methods don’t involve giving cows Demerol and eating them out before killing them.
I know this is going to sound weird, but somehow that sounds more disgusting to me than giving a bovine critter a blow-job
Sounds to ME like you’re a little homooophobic.
Just call me old fashioned but I just roast the damn bird and save myself a trip to the burn ward.
Really? Do you use hand lotion? Cuz I find…
Oh, you’re talking turkey.
how do you know if you’ve overfilled wth oil?
Sounds to ME like you’re a little homophobic.
*polite golf clap*
Nicely played, sir!
Now singing Auld Lang Syne. LEAF SUCK PD is tardy with their 4 AM raid.
Sounds to ME like you’re a little homophobic.
Hee hee, someone’s autocorrect is overzealous.
OT – Livestream needed rebooting just after curfew lifted. It’s up again and things are eerily, creepily quiet.
Paddy wagon just rolled out. Reports were that they had three buses set up in different staging areas.
Cruisers have been sitting on Adelaide for a while yet. They have a mobile HQ truck deployed. Medics have been prepped for the engagement. And still bupkes. Looks like LEAFS SUCK PD is waiting for rush hour before moving in. Or something.
Fuck it, Imma make me some breakfast.
Okay, they’re finally moving into the park. Stay safe Occupiers!
Homoophobia?! Really?! You think I’m afraid to— I can’t do this with a straight face— nevermind.
Hey, if the mooo fits……………….
As the First Nations can attest, LEAFS SUCK never uses excess force…
oh wait…
I actually I didn’t ignore advice, taking into account stuff both you and kg said to me about making glazes/ratios/etc. I wanted to do the marinating thing, but didn’t find the time.
When I told Mr. Slayer we were NOT having Buffalo wings, he genuinely seemed butthurt…then admitted the sticky wings were delicious. Ha! Victory is mine.
As the First Nations can attest, LEAFS SUCK never uses excess force,,,
Actually,,, I am as surprised by this as anyone, but it’s been totally peaceful. Although the police prepped officers in riot gear, those cops did not enter the park. It’s been only the regular uniformed guys. Looks like they waited as long as they did specifically so that it would not be a pre-dawn raid and so that they would not have to deal with the fact that the park was Occupied after curfew.
Looks like our police forces can learn. This is the exact opposite response as G20.
And it is working. As HM pointed out, Canuckistanis are powerless against polite requests. Most of the remaining protestors are packing up and leaving. In the light of the reasonableness of the police response, the protestors have started packing up the library yurt – what was going to be the Last Stand.
I’m disappointed to see the encampment dismantled and judge Brown’s decision is a ridiculous affront to democracy – but for the first time in a long long while, I am not ashamed of my local police force.
Hogeye Grex said,
November 23, 2011 at 6:44
Bellator Fighting, that’s spoonerism I’d like to avoid.
Correction – the Last Stand yurt is still up and Occupied. It was a different yurt that was voluntarily packed up by the protestors. So the possibility of conflict still exists. We’ll see what happens in the next few hours.
As a WASP through and through who has relatives going back to the Mayflower, I wonder what Pammycakes is even doing celebrating Thanksgiving. I don’t spin a dreidel or attend a seder…unless I’m invited.
Who invited her?
Next she’ll try to tell me I’m not on her ‘side’ in the War on Christmas, then where’d I be?
Next she’ll try to tell me I’m not on her ‘side’ in the War on Christmas, then where’d I be?
Setting up the “War on Christmas Machine Gun nests™*” of course.
Come on people!
*WOCMGN gag attributes to my old friend Tena
Canuckistanis are powerless against polite requests.
“Leave or I’ll ask you to leave again, eh?”
I know this is going to sound weird, but somehow that sounds more disgusting to me than giving a bovine critter a blow-job.
Hm…Don’t ever take your computer to a repair shop.
LOL–no, that didn’t sound weird at all
Remove the giblets, stretch the wings out and suspend the Turkey between two poles.
Write Butterball and politely but firmly demand your turkeys be crucified… FOR FREEDOM!
Provider – I haven’t seen Tena around for quite some time. I tried to recruit her as a Sadly regular, but she has never frequented this place. For a while I would run into her over at TPM; then she posted quite a bit at Greg Sargent’s WaPo blog, but for the past year or so I’ve not seen her anywhere. Another fine commenter who wasn’t good enough for Big Blue Baby.
Last Stand yurt
That sounds so….weird. Like someone forgot the “og”
(and yes, I know what a yurt is. Mongoloids run in my family)
Remove the giblets, stretch the wings out and suspend the Turkey between two poles.
Will two Bulgarians be a good substitute?
Canuckistanis are powerless against polite requests.
“Leave or I’ll ask you to leave again, eh?”
Their idea of pepper spray is to sprinkle some black pepper on your nose
Leave or I’ll ask you to leave again, eh?
More or less. The most offensive thing the police has done so far is they made announcements through an amplification system. LEAFS SUCK PD scored a handful of LRAD’s for G20, but it was being used in loudspeaker mode. They did this once or twice right at the beginning of the “raid” and then were convinced to use the Peoples Mic instead. Not joking.
Original deadline to clear the yurts was 9AM, but the library yurt is still being defended. OTOH, there are enough remaining tents and stuff that the clean-up crews already have plenty to do.
0 arrests. 0 injuries. 0 deployments of “food products, essentially.”
BTW, I sure wish I could find the post HTML did several years ago, I believe regarding his trip to Denver for the DNC convention? Anyway, he describes running into the big A and pretending to be overcome with awe, like A was some huge star and he was a star-fucker. It was HIGHlarious.
Meanwhile, some guy apparently just cured tooth decay.
Definitely not a pro-jobs move, dude.
Provider – I haven’t seen Tena around for quite some time.
Jennifer, I last saw her at Bag News Notes, but didn’t connect. Just sent her an email, something I should have done awhile ago, informing her that I have stolen her Machine gun nest gag, and that I miss her voice.
I should try to see if I can dig up that thread cause when I first read that, I nearly crapped my pants and destroyed thousands of dollars of electronic equipment. Thankfully I followed my rule of swallowing whatever you have poted prior to reading.
If she gets back to me I will tell her that you were thinking about her as well.
Relevant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRrISZAF7lo&feature=related
Will two Bulgarians be a good substitute?
Are you sure that you didn’t mean Vulgarians? ’cause that is how it read when I initially saw it…Am I making up words now…
Anyone up for some French Toast…Made with cranberry bread?
“Vulgarians” has a long (well, 2 decades, anyway) and storied history. It was part of Spy magazine’s immortal description of Donald Trump: “short-fingered vulgarian, Donald Trump…”
A friend of mine lost her two cats to an apartment fire after some idiot decided to deep fry a turkey on his 3’x5′ balcony. I’ve had a deep-seated animosity against those fryers ever since
Their idea of pepper spray is to sprinkle some black pepper on your nose
“‘There’s certainly too much pepper in that soup!’ Alice said to herself, as well as she could for sneezing.
There was certainly too much of it in the air. Even the Duchess sneezed occasionally; and as for the baby, it was sneezing and howling alternately without a moment’s pause.” -L. Carroll
“Vulgarians” has a long (well, 2 decades, anyway) and storied history. It was part of Spy magazine’s immortal description of Donald Trump: “short-fingered vulgarian, Donald Trump…”
That is a wonderful neologism, and what is amusing to at least me is the reminder that during a rehearsal with the last band I was in I tried to inadvertantly rewrite Devo’s Gut feeling. A memory inspired by S. cerevisiae’s link. It also happened in a previous band channelling a baseline from a song from Nirvana’s first album…In any event I am enjoying the trip down memory lane and now that I think about it the last time I saw the word was the last time you meantioned that trump quote, either here or at Roy’s place.
Just so you know Jen, You have always been one of my favorite people on the internets.
/Blowing kisses

This french toast is gonna be made before any of the west coast gourmands are likely to respond…And of course French Toast isn’t exactly Rocket Science…And I don’t have shaved almonds, or vanilla extract..But I am curious as to any variations on the theme that any of the Foodie-Nauts might have regarding SurrenderMonkeyToast.
Definitely not a pro-jobs move, dude.
Yer kidding, right? We can expand the all-volunteer army and declare war on Ahmadinejad’s teeth! That’s 32 new war theatres alone!
Definitely not a pro-jobs move, dude.
Oh, and obligatory….DENTISTRY IS THEFT!
(as is dentitstry…)
“Vulgarians” has a long (well, 2 decades, anyway) and storied history
Spy published in the 1980s.
Errrr, three, and the 90s. ::blush::
Hey! I was right! It WAS the 80s!
And the first known use of “vulgarian”
Just seconding Provider’s praise, Jennifer. Another admirer.
Okay, cops back on the LRAD. A lot of protestors have vacated, but fresh folks have arrived – some from teh Unions to assist with packing up. Library yurt and the gazebo that served to centre the General Assembly still Occupied. Dispersal order has been read repeatedly – the group in St James park have no been declared an unlawful assembly.
I’m not good enough either, yet I still do it.
OT for D-KW, If the LEAFSUCK where does that leave my Lightning?
Just so you know Jen, You have always been one of my favorite people on the internets.
Just seconding Provider’s praise, Jennifer. Another admirer.
It took 30 long years, but I finally made it. I always wanted to be Homecoming Queen!
,,,where does that leave my Lightning?
With two playoff seasons moar than teh Leafs since lockout.
The country of Vulgaria was introduced to the world at large in the 1968 travel film Chitty chitty Bang Bang. The locals would of course be Vulgarians.
Unlawful Assembly is a good band name.
Seriously though thank you.
I just wish everyone wanted to talk about my cookies. (not a V-anything-R)
The locals would of course be Vulgarians.
Did they have ridiculous hair?
I always wanted to be Homecoming Queen!
I think the line forms behind Poops
Speaking of….
A gag record from 1967 or ’68 was “Star Trip—Aboard the Starship Intercourse”. One of “Mr. Smock’s” lines was “As you know, I am a Vulgarian and am incapable of emotion.” I’ve been using “Vulgarian” for “Vulcan” ever since.
Also what the crewmembers told Captain Cork during the mutiny: “Up your asteroid, Captain Cork!” “Yeah, in your nebula!”
Jen, If yer still around, just heard from Tena. She is well and has other things intruding on what used to be her internet time. I told her that you said hey and expressed that you missed her presence.
I had not expected such a quick reply and basically wolfed the second piece of toast so i could reply.
BTW, for those of you keeping score at home, the first course of SurrenderMonkeyToast™ was the BoMb!!!!
Ivanna Trump was a short fingered vulvarian
It took 30 long years, but I finally made it. I always wanted to be Homecoming Queen!
This. Right. Here.
I think my watch fell under the bleachers…Wanna help me find it?
where does that leave my Lightning?
Behind my Wild, heh heh.
“The locals would of course be Vulgarians.
Did they have ridiculous hair?”
Surely it would be growing in awkward places.
The OED:
¹Read the story
The OED:
Verily, thou ƒucketh
Pennsylvania may be safely back in Democratic hands in 2012
From actor’s link:
Aside from the numerous opportunities for inuendi, the graphic presented represents the height of both men at 6’5″. Also, too:
While size is not a problem, technique might be…
There we go
You’re the vulgarian, you fuck!
I always liked how Cleese made it sound like he was almost in respectful awe of Otto’s vulgarianishness.
Snarkopathy. Does it exist?
While size is not a problem, technique might be…
At 19, most women think technique means he lasts longer than a TeeVee commercial.
Snarkopathy. Does it exist?
It’s a form of herbal healing, using humors.
Charles Pierce’s take on last night’s debate is a thing of beauty:
You know what they say about big hands and big feet.
…big gloves and socks.
You know what they say about big hands and big feet.
actor, you are the Snarkopath in Chief.
Shaken or stirred?
There we go
You know what they say about big hands and big feet.
Big mouth?
Sasquatch Shaved…
actor, you are the Snarkopath in Chief.
I am snarkopathetic, to be sure
Just trying something:
That’s a real “long s”, which shows in preview, but so do a lot of things that don’t make it past WP.
Nope. Oh well.
Very OT: Moar about the shiny new Subaru mentioned a couple threads ago.
200hp, 2500lbs. WANT!
200hp, 2500lbs. WANT!
Oh. Dear.
I didn’t know you were a lesbian. I thought you were a dude.
I was shocked to learn my dad was a lesbian.
12 yards long, two lanes wide – sixteen tons of American pride _Canyonero!
12 yards long, two lanes wide – sixteen tons of American pride
Jonah Goldberg?
I don’t know why I torture myself by reading car magazines and web articles. I’d need another $10000 in take home pay before I could ever realistically get a nice new car without trying to live on cat food. I suppose at some point I will have the opportunity to buy today’s new hotness in 5-6 years when it has 75K on the odometer.
My whining is done. It looks like a very nice sports car. It still needs all wheel drive and a turbo before I would consider buying it with my hypothetical extra income.
At 6ft5ins tall, Carl is just two inches shorter than beanpole Stoke striker Peter Crouch.
Tall women like tall men, and short women like…………tall men.
Actor, that even fits the tune.
That’s the Impreza WRX and it already exists…
This new car should be a bit more refined and have way better handling (although my Impreza has been tuned to handle quite well, that’s not its natural state).
And silly actor, lesbians drive Foresters!
Tall women like tall men, and short women like…………tall men.
I’ve never been attracted to tall men. I’ve always gone in for the guys my height or just a little taller (I’m 5’4″).
And silly actor, lesbians drive Foresters!
So you’re a eunuch?
I’ve never been attracted to tall men.
*scratching Jennifer off the
shortlong list*I’ve got jeans taller than you.
I suppose at some point I will have the opportunity to buy today’s new hotness in 5-6 years when it has 75K on the odometer.
That’s been my philosophy with Audis. I bought my 2004 in 2009 with 48k on the odometer. I paid $26k for a car that was $72k new.
I can’t quite get your point. I’m probably not hearing it properly because of the
screams of the children in the back ofnoises coming from your Sprinter van.I enjoyed that. And then I got distracted by a video of Lake Bell. Damn you Esquire!
I can’t quite get your point. I’m probably not hearing it properly because of the noises coming from your Sprinter van.
I was just wondering why you needed to buy a strap on, is all.
not as a 2 door convertible coupe, which is what that BRZ is. If they could make it the size of a Mazda Miata or BMW Z4, they would have a serious sports car on their hands.
It’s a Subaru. It’s probably the least penis-substitute-ish sports car possible (except maybe a Miata). It’s not like I’d be buying a Corvette or Porsche.
That’s been my philosophy with Audis. I bought my 2004 in 2009 with 48k on the odometer. I paid $26k for a car that was $72k new. and If I wait another 5-6 years, I might be able to buy that Audi from you for the $15k that my budget allows. Still, if you don’t drive the wheels off of it in the meantime, it could be a fun car.
Stupid blockquote breaky-ness. Hmmph.
Agreed. Note: There’s s’posted to be an STi version in the works. Still won’t be AWD though. Also too, the BRZ isn’t a convertible.
(I know I’m boring all the sane people to tears, I’ll stop.)
It’s a Subaru. It’s probably the least penis-substitute-ish sports car possible
I think you want a penis substitute that’s bigger than….
According to the article you linked, one is coming soon if the original succeeds.
Actor, did you take a trip to Pittsburgh last night?
I missed that, neato.
Actor, did you take a trip to Pittsburgh last night?
I swear I had nothing to do with Sidney Crosby’s latest concus–
Hang on! The truck spilled it all over the road? That was supposed to be safely stored in my vault deep in Copper Mountain, awaiting the end of the zombie apocalypse
Now I have to go fill ANOTHER Mason jar….
You’d think that someone who assumes all topics are about his dick would have a platform, maybe one of those new-fashioned weblogs or something where he could be all my dick all the time. Instead of being here all dick all the time.
You’d think that someone who assumes all topics are about his dick would have a platform, maybe one of those new-fashioned weblogs or something where he could be all my dick all the time.
But you’d be wrong.
How do you like my dick, dick?
The Last Stand yurt situation has been resolved. Man, those OccupyToronto folks are extremely violent anarchists!
How do you like my dick, dick?
As miniatures go, I’ve seen better.
WTF? Do you canuckistanis not have tear gas and pepper spray? Where’s the violence? The people demand their war pron!
Man, those OccupyToronto folks are extremely violent anarchists!
Jeez, not even a firehose?
Used em all up last summer.
How do you like my dick, dick?
As miniatures go, I’ve seen better.
Funny, that’s what your mom said.
Used em all up last summer
Listen, I know the Vancouver riots were big but ALL the pepper spray AND tear gas?
The people demand their war pron!
Sadly true. The #OccupyToronto hashtag is full of anti-protest jerkwads that are upset that skulls weren’t cracked.
,,,but ALL the pepper spray AND tear gas?
First Vancouver riots were this summer, LEAFS SUCKian riots were 2010. Second, it’s SOSHULASTIC utopia. That means rationing. I’m sure there are huge stockpiles of the stuff, but until Kapuskasing goes through their mandatory allotment, no moar will be released.
full of anti-protest jerkwads that are upset that skulls weren’t cracked.
Tell ’em to watch a Calgary game.
200hp, 2500lbs. WANT!
OHO! That changes my attitude. Is the ghost of Colin Chapman now working at Subaru?
“This is why we can’t have nice things“.
(I say this everytime I’m exposed to this stuff, but dangit, I’m writing a screenplay. There’s no way it could be come out any worse than this…no way.)
Like I always said about the “seven stranded castaways” on Gilligan’s Island, what other kind ya got?
I was watching something on the Speed Channel the other day. They ran a 1980s Ferrari 308 (the Magnum P.I. car) against a 2011 Camry. The Camry dusted it. Likewise a Toyota minivan easily beat a 1980s Delorean.
The Emperor understands! My thoughts prezactly.
Hit submit too soon—I mean, they’re violating authoritarians’ senses of hierarchy…the worst violence of all!
Hometown paper ruins my day:
Urban Meyer to be next Ohio State football coach, sources confirm
In this football obsessed town, it’s going to be CUM all over every media.
CUM in the news, CUM on the magazines,CUM on the radio, CUM on the internet. CUM spouting off, CUM shooting straight.
Which ever looney lib hey diddly diddlio did invent CUM, I will be sending you a cleaning bill for my brain bleach use.
I don’t know how I’m going to make it through this.
At the SCCA Solo2 Nationals a few years back (2004?) one of the head folks took media people around the North course in a minivan, and then also did a run in a pristine vintage Superbird. The minivan with lots of passengers was faster.
They ran a 1980s Ferrari 308 (the Magnum P.I. car) against a 2011 Camry.
The 308 only cost around $30K when new. It was a shit Ferrari. Much like Tom Selleck, it looked hot but was disappointing when you put it through its paces.
You could watch movies that Alan CUMming starred in.
You could cook something with CUMin.
You could scrape the sCUM from your pond.
I don’t know how I’m going to make it through this.
Don’t let it acCUMulate.
stryx can’t even deal with the precum.
stryx can’t even deal with the precum.
Yes. It left a nasty taste in his mouth.
The 308 only cost around $30K when new.
$30K gets you a pretty nice Camry. Or a Kia Sedona.
It’s bad enough that when I see Little Ricky, I picture dirty stained sheets.
But now I’m going to have the frothy mixture of hot spunk and Ned Flanders in my mind every time I see this guy.
Charles Pierce, from smedley’s link:
I love Charles Pierce.
Speaking of DeLoreans, OMG when did this happen?!?!
Batteries supplied by Flux Power – if only they were supercapacitors instead.
As long as we are doing motor pron, Drooool.
When Motorweek did their 25th anniversary show, they found that the (first-generation) Prius they had just tested was only a second slower in the quarter-mile than the “Smokey and the Bandit” Trans-Am they tested their first season.
Wow, 130,000 pounds is a lot of money.
I think I’d take this for 5k instead. I like two-strokes.*
The 308 only cost around $30K when new.
Which was a fair bit of money in the late 70s – early 80s time frame.
Yeah, I know it was a “cheap” Ferrari but I recall buying a brand new Mustang 5.0 in 1987 for $15k.
Assholes all up in da joint!
actor was especially disappointed with Tom Selleck after putting him through his paces. IYKWIMAITYD
It’s a Subaru. It’s probably the least penis-substitute-ish sports car possible
A Lesbaru? Really? That’s your evidence that you don’t have any use for a strap-on?
Shorter Grover Norquist:
You guys SHUTUP! Stop picking on me!
I get it, I like cars and therefore you think I am compensating for a small penis.
Here have a beer.
Perhaps someday I’ll be bold enough to pull off the x-mas gag of putting fake blood and police tape in the shapes of Santa and a few reindeer in front of the mall so that poor parents can tell their children that Santa and his reindeer were killed in a drive-by so there are no x-mas presents this year.
Shorter Grover Norquist
Any word on whether he’s going to “allow” any tax increases for the Middle Class? Or do they not count under his pledge rules?
I pity the fool who has to compensate for a small penis. I feel no need to compensate whatsoever.
Anyone up for some French Toast…Made with cranberry bread?
Have recently developed a taste for French Toast made with Texas toast, but French Toast made with cranberry nut bread?! ZOMG!!! I’m making some cranberry nut bread for Thanksgiving dinner and will surely save some for this obviously ridiculously marvelous dish.
I get it, I like cars and therefore you think I am compensating for a small penis.
If that was the case you’d be driving an F-350 Super Duty or its equivalent from GM or Dodge.
Grover Norquist, the third most famous Grover in our nation’s history, coming in a distant third after the Sesame Street muppet and the 22nd and 24th President (Grover Cleveland who, according to wikipedia, is the only president ever elected to non-consecutive terms), has never raised his voice when the middle class has gotten screwed in the past, so why should he start now?
I make a god damn non-traditonal traditional T-day feast. The bird – a fucking free range organic heritage breed in this case, properly decapitated by a leucomorph and defeathered in the mouth of a deodand accompanied by Pandelume’s incantations – will be disassembled. And don’t even fucking brine that bitch, that brining crap is for wusses and poseurs. Leave the legs whole but debone those goddamn thighs. The backbone and trimmings – including the fucking thigh bones! – go into a hot oven to roast to a nice dark brown. Toss some quartered onion, carrot chunks and a rib or two of celery in for the last 30 or so minutes. When that’s done dump that shit in your stock pot and add water and a bouquet garni then let that brew simmer for several hours. And lissen up bitchez: deglaze that fucking roating pan with some motherfucking French vermouth. GET THAT FUCKING FOND INTO THE POT.
Now then. Smear a dollop of butter into the thigh meat, season lightly with salt and pepper and strew a wee bit of sage chiffonade in before suturing those motherfuckers back together. Massage some butter (USE UNSALTED BUTTER FOR EVERYTHING YOU DUMB BASTARDS!) into the legs and season. Rub some butter over the breast (jeezus, actor, get a grip …er .. I mean go fap someplace private, mmm k?) and season. You can put some herbs on those huge tits if you like.
Make your favorite stuffing (NO, it’s NOT “dressing, it’s stuffing god fucking damnit and please, for the love of all that is holy actor, just fucking stop already!). I like a mushroom, herb, oyster and chestnut bad boy m’sef. Mound that STUFFING shit on a greased half-sheet pan then plop the booby bits on top. You should have extra stuffing which you may cook in its own fucking dish but it is STILL STUFFING GOD DAMNIT. The breast goes into a 350 Fahrenfuckingheit oven. And here’s the best part – it only cooks for 70 to 90 motherfucking minutes! The legs you damn well better put on a rack over a deep sided oven pan of some sort and those go in for the last 40 minutes. BAM MOTHERFUCKERS!
Very traditional cranberry-apple-orange relish. You don’t fucking mess with perfection, you snotty cunts.
Make a nice mushroom “soup” using some shiitakes, chanterelles, maybe some maitake, just use some fungus with great goddamn flavor. Shallots, thyme, heavy cream, you get the fucking idea and if you don’t your’e a fucking moron. Add fresh steamed greany beany. Top with thinly sliced red onions dredged in rice flour and fried to a crispy delicious golden brown.
The sweet potates are basically Tyler’s brilliant pecan streussel topped invention. What you can’t use the fucking google? Piss off, I aint doing every fucking thing for you ya lazy bastard fucks.
Make yer fucking gravy using that brown turkey stock and the brown bits deglazed from the roasting pan(s). You deglaze that with motherfucking French vermouth, you got me punk?!?
Basic mashed potates but they are made with an Imperial fucktonne of butter, a dollop of sour cream and heavy fucking cream. You use milk for that shit you are DEAD motherfucker.
Homemade rolls. Don’t be putting any of that store bought crap on the table, what are you, some stupid fuckwad?
wiley: it’s Thanksgiving babe! Make that chalk outline in the shape of a turkey so they’ll know why there’s no……
I barely cook at all and I would pay a bunch of money for a cookbook by Pup. An uncensored cooking show would be awesome too.
I am pretty sure Toronto is the French toast Mecca of North America. There are many many good slabs of eggy bread along Queen Street. Plus in Kensington Market you can get it with BLACK METAL.
I just had an idea for a great new cooking show: Chef Abuso, or perhaps The Foul-Mouthed Gourmand. He hurls invective at you as he shows you how to cook properly.
Nominations, anyone?
I demand YouTube.
Shit. Your comment hadn’t posted when I was writing mine, Helmut.
200hp, 2500lbs. WANT!
Yeah. That’s NC Miata weight and about 30 more HP. That’ll get up and go and stock 215 x 17 tires means you can put some meaty (225? bigger?) R compounds on that bad boy and do some serious cornering. That’s the first car I’ve seen in some time that looks like it’ll bring something new to the table and shake up the Solo 2 classes again.
Also, the big expensive Honduh? You won’t have to bid against me, Pup.
I am not a big fan of the Trig jokes – I am with bbkf – but OMG STFU!
I like that Honda of Pup’s; oval cylinders w/8 valves each, what could go wrong? Unfortunately it’s a Honda and made for small people. My elbows and knees would ruin the aerodynamics.
And Pup, which am I, a wuss or a poseur? Herb brining turkeys may be something your sainted Julia never thought of but it makes reliably great birds, especially if you’re using unpredictable farm raised heirloom style pavolotes. Ease up dude!
I gotta side with Pup on the issue of brined birds. Not a fan.
New Thread!
Like I always said about the “seven stranded castaways” on Gilligan’s Island, what other kind ya got?
Slightly different, but still stupid: I heard some idiot on the radio yesterday singing “Now that you’re gone, I still want you back”.
Still annoyed.
OK, Pup, I went back and read it again and I won’t quibble with the substance of it, that’s a perfectly good T’giving spread, with extra invective. If you eat a lot of homegrown birds you’ll find that brine is your friend. The rest of it (cream not milk in the taters, make your own rolls already, you better not roast turkey if you don’t know how to make a decent gravy, etc.) I can sign off on with pleasure. I’ve been assigned desserts for our celebration tomorrow and I’m already despairing of how the turkey will be ruined by my well-meaning friends. My contribution: blue hubbard squash pie made with cane syrup and honey and an angel food cake layered with Meyer lemon curd.
I am not a big fan of the Trig jokes – I am with bbkf – but OMG STFU!
She’s a selfless wad of awesome because AMERICA!
And “shorter Grover Norquist” would be what, 3 feet tall?
which am I, a wuss or a poseur
I’m taking the fifth. For that matter, I’ll take all the fifths. I don’t brine the heritage birds precisely because I think they have great flavor without it. Some bland, broad-breasted white that’s been sitting a freezer for a year or two? Yeah, it needs help. One of teh things I miss about my former residence was shooting a wild bird every year. Gawd fucking damn now there’s what a turkey should taste like!
Props for recognizing the source of my method. I would never say St. Julia can do no wrong but I learned a LOT from her, starting with the black and white shows from the 60’s.
Also, The Ho uploaded some segments I did for the local PBS station a number of years back. I’ll see if I can find them. Not that I was able to perform to S,N! standards in that environment.
Those Julia Child shows were the only TV I ever watched with my mom.
I’ve killed and et an awful lot of homegrown and wild birds and it is amazing the variety in them, even of identical meatbirds raised together and killed the same day. Brining is a way of making the tough ones better to eat and it doesn’t hurt the tender ones any.
Wild turkeys are so common here that folks treat ’em like partridge, cut out the breasts, throw the rest of the bird away and poach the breasts (you know how).
Do I need to say that a brine should emphasize the bird flavors and not overwhelm them?
I get it, I like cars and therefore you think I am compensating for a small penis.
No, not at all – it’s just that we were talking about strap-ons and it is the stereotypically lesbian car.so… maybe it isn’t really that funny.
I have no car and therefore INFINITAH PENIS!!!
poach the breasts (you know how).
In an aromatic broth, of course.
Here have a beer.
People who drink massively hopped IIPAs are obviously compensating for small penes.
[sips actor212’s herbal tea].
Or for not having one at all.
Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?
Let’s just be thankful we’re not having:
Thanksgiving in Turkey
Dr BLT ft. Greg Pisano
words and music by Dr BLT © 2011
uncensored cooking show
Allow me
(closest I could come with YouTube)
I tried that Butterball link, see that they’ve removed the reference to Halal-Certified. Score one for pammycakes.
I hate to miss a Geller thread here, but I’ve been working in Oregon’s dial-up and moldy motel room country. I can’t tell Bend from Boise at this point.
Bacon, blowjobs, alcohol, Demerol–stay outta my head, Wiley!
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