And She Was Probably Dressed Up All Slutty Too

Shorter Lauri B. Regan, The American Genius:
Female Intuition, Sexual Harassment, and Herman Cain

    • How on earth could that stupid bitch imagine that she could just ask Herman Cain to help her find a job without him reasonably expecting a blow job in return?

  • ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


    Comments: 816


    Jobs for jobs, quid pro quo.


    I’m sure Lauri knows ALL about it!


    Well, it is easier than updating your resume.


    Jobs for jobs, quid pro quo blow.


    I wonder if that professor ever knew how fortunate he was not to have wound up in Jamaica with this delightful young woman.

    Yes, I got off the boat. No, it wasn’t worth it.


    Had Anita Hill succeeded in destroying Clarence Thomas’ career, the country would have lost a great jurist and scholar who has spent 20 years on the bench upholding the principles of the Constitution.

    *slits wrists, plunges wrists in warm bath water*


    Which is why the more the media stokes the flames of Cain’s alleged sexual improprieties, the more the distractions hurt the GOP field and the higher Obama’s poll numbers climb.</blockquote



    As we all know, when wingnuts see one of the daddy-men getting accused of stuff, the woman is ALWAYS a liar. It is pretty obvious from the way that they dress and such.
    It should be such a privilege to get some of the essential fluids of one of the Great Ones that they shouldn’t mind about it. Hell they should be grateful!!


    the country would have lost a great jurist and scholar who has spent 20 years on the bench upholding the principles of the Constitution.
    By upholding a code of silence?


    OT(already?): Nickleback still unloved.


    AK: by serving as Scalia’s second vote.


    So, like, no man has ever helped a woman without expecting sexual favors in return and you’re stupid if you don’t know that because Harry Met Sally argblarg.

    But feminists are the ones who think all men are rapist pigs. Got it.


    The irony here is that I can only assume Herman blew everyone working in the right-wing mediasphere to secure this kind of coverage. Aren’t these the same people who got the vapors a few years back because Obama might have looked askance at some French lady’s butt?


    Well everybody knows that’s how all women get to the er…top.


    Oh god, look people, for the sake of your retinas and the retinas of your children. TRUST THE SHORTER.
    MY EYES! MY EYES! The mangoes, they burn


    No shit, someone in the comments says that “Boys will be Boys”.


    the country would have lost a great jurist and scholar who has spent 20 years on the bench upholding the principles of the Constitution.

    I didn’t know Thomas even spoke. I always figured Scalia just stuck his hand up his ass and worked his mouth like a ventriloquist’ dummy.


    I didn’t know Thomas even spoke.

    I think in his tenure, he has only asked a couple of questions. Remarkably industrious for a jurist.


    I learned from TPM that Cain (a) does not believe that the “court of public opinion” is the appropriate way to choose a president; (b) has not been accused of sexual harassment by far more people than those who have accused him; and (c) is worried about the administration “putting stuff in the caboose”.


    What is it with these guys and teh buttsex?


    Cain (a) does not believe that the “court of public opinion” is the appropriate way to choose a president;

    That’s the core of conservatism right there.


    What is it with these guys and teh buttsex?

    Same as everything else: projection and jealousy.


    What about all the Jews I didn’t kill?


    Since I kinda feel like ripping some scrotum out by the roots while vomiting in a wingnuts mouth, I’m going to trust the shorter before I start getting some hate on, because after 39 years of being feminist, and hearing “I’m not a feminist, but…” for a decade before someone decided that the whole sexist thing is just over already I’m feelin’ kinda testy.


    So a job referral requires a blow job?

    In my day, it merely required moving the onions off my belt and a hand job.

    Inflation. The suck.


    I met my professor at school. He suggested that we go to a park, so I joined him in his car. As we passed the park, he told me that he remembered a nicer locale and eventually pulled to the side of a road, where a path took us into the woods to a small beachy area by the side of a stream. I should have turned around, but this was my professor, a man I trusted and admired, and I was too immature to know how to handle the situation. We sipped wine and talked about school and the latest Supreme Court decisions, but when he began discussing my beautiful eyes, a trip to Jamaica over Christmas break, and how he would love to see me take off my shirt, it was clearly time to go.

    When I asked to leave, he made me wait until he took a skinny dip in the stream — he was not skinny, but I will never forget the dip. I started walking toward the street, and he eventually caught up, and we drove back to school in silence. We never really spoke again, although he did mention my eyes on the one or two occasions on which we bumped into each other; I heard that one of my fellow female students accompanied him to Jamaica that Christmas.

    To say that this experience was traumatic is an understatement. But I learned a life lesson — an easy lesson, for I was safe and unharmed, notwithstanding that I had placed myself in harm’s way. It is sad that a teacher and student cannot maintain a friendship without sex entering the picture, though perhaps there are relationships in which such a situation exists. But any student who believes that a professor wishes to be her friend for no reason other than friendship is not smart. Any woman who believes that a man wishes to help her find a job simply because she is in need of assistance is naïve and opportunistic. Even the esteemed “philosopher” and screenwriter, Nora Ephron, understood the nature of men and women when she wrote the following for the main character in When Harry Met Sally: “What I’m saying is — and this is not a come-on in any way, shape or form — is that men and women can’t be friends because the sex part always gets in the way.”

    And that is the price that women in today’s world pay for wishing to be equals. There is nothing wrong with women going to law school or getting MBAs. But there is something wrong if women do not understand that men are men no matter what their profession. Men like women, and it is usually not because they need a new friend. As Dennis Prager noted in his recent article, “Four Legacies of Feminism,” feminism has “made life — and life for women — worse.”

    I originally had a bunch to say about how she shouldn’t have to put up with this kind of bullshit and should have turned his slimy ass in for harassment, then I remembered that a football coach for Penn State got caught raping children and only lost locker room privileges, so what the fuck are ya gonna do about the ‘old boys’ network? Bloodsucking Ticks.

    But that one statement in there, she almost sounds like she is confessing to fucking every man she has ever met in her life who has ever helped her.


    This is all a plot to make Romney look sane, then, is it?


    As we all know, when wingnuts see one of the daddy-men getting accused of stuff, the woman is ALWAYS a liar. It is pretty obvious from the way that they dress and such
    well, she is a liar except if she accuses a Democrat. Then she gets TV, a book deal and gives Chris Matthews a tingle up his leg without all the yucky stuff.


    Any woman who believes that a man wishes to help her find a job simply because she is in need of assistance is naïve and opportunistic.

    But it’s the liberals and feminists who hate men?


    Oh Christ I wasn’t paying attention I didn’t realise this was written by a woman YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH


    How on earth could that stupid bitch imagine that she could just ask Herman Cain to help her find a job without him reasonably expecting a blow job in return?

    Given that we’re talking about Herman Cain, that’s a legitimate question.


    Except maybe the word “reasonably”.


    Going out on a limb here and accepting that the professor anecdote is even partially true–this woman admits that the experience of being sexually pressured by a trusted authority figure was “traumatic” for her, and yet comes to the conclusion that women should just get over it?


    She advises young women to assume all men (probably even family members) want to fuck them, and then concludes that it is the very desire not to be treated this way is what causes it? As if back in the day when women were legal chattel men treated them more respectfully or something.

    I suppose in her view black Americans should hold Civil Rights activists responsible for racism today–hell, back when you could be enslaved for our skin color we didn’t have this problem. If blacks would only assume every white they meet is a racist, they could get over it.

    I will concede one point–this women was clearly traumatized by her experience. She needs some serious counseling.


    She makes a perfectly valid point: why should unwelcome sexual advances and demands for sexual favors in exchange for career advancement be considered “sexual harassment” rather then “ponies” or “fluffy lil bunnies?”

    Merely because some liberal judges on the Supreme Court or some Lesbian at the EEOC wrote a decision or some regulations defining sexual harassment as unwelcome sexual advances and demands?

    See what feminism has done to this once great country????


    Augghhh…the topic has me dropping typos and bad grammar like a wingnut.

    I have two teenaged daughters, and I’d like to think they have more confidence than to ask permission of male society to be human beings. Recognition that some men feel free to be assholes doesn’t lead to the conclusion that women should give a shit.


    The next time some right wing asshat mentions the rioting DFH’s at Occupy, send him a video of State College, PA from last night.

    THAT’S how spoiled privileged children behave when things are taken away from them.


    Going out on a limb here and accepting that the professor anecdote is even partially true–this woman admits that the experience of being sexually pressured by a trusted authority figure was “traumatic” for her, and yet comes to the conclusion that women should just get over it?


    Stockholm Syndrome.

    I told my daughter to kick the guy in the nuts, then come and get me so I can kick his nuts up through his teeth.

    I was a punter in college, you see.


    I’m just gonna come right out and say it: I kinda feel bad for Nickelback now.


    But that one statement in there, she almost sounds like she is confessing to fucking every man she has ever met in her life who has ever helped her.

    And some who didn’t. I mean, come on, we’re talking males here. Not everyone is going to deliver.

    By the way, she looks like a woman who may have used her perky cuteness to wheedle some favors in her lifetime, as well (Google. I’m not going to violate blog policy.) One whore washes the other, I say.


    Any woman who believes that a man wishes to help her find a job simply because she is in need of assistance is naïve and opportunistic.

    What the what? WTF is this is even supposed to mean? Women are now not allowed to request assistance of men? How about it the roles are reversed? What if you’re a man who needs my help…with, you know, IMPORTANT THINGS…like what the “Find Edges” filter does…but you’ve got a REALLY SWEET ASS?


    OT(already?): Nickleback still unloved.

    By Detroit fans, no less. That’s some serious hurt.


    But any student who believes that a professor wishes to be her friend for no reason other than friendship is not smart. Any woman who believes that a man wishes to help her find a job simply because she is in need of assistance is naïve and opportunistic.

    I help my students because I’m a teacher and that’s what a teacher is supposed to do! Righties really do think all life is about what you can buy don’t they?


    Things I have learned today:

    1. VS likes men with sugary and edged buttocks.
    2. Being trapped on a runway because of bad weather in Philly is as bad as it sounds.


    VS: I actually kind of like Nickleback. They’re still better than KISS, Yes, or Rush.


    I help my students because I’m a teacher and that’s what a teacher is supposed to do!

    Young teacher
    The subject
    Of schoolgirl fantasies…


    Being trapped on a runway because of bad weather in Philly is as bad as it sounds.

    US Air?


    Hi, Alex!

    Welcolm to Sadly, No!

    What the HELL are you talking about?!??!


    But I learned a life lesson — an easy lesson, for I was safe and unharmed, notwithstanding that I had placed myself in harm’s way…. Any woman who believes that a man wishes to help her find a job simply because she is in need of assistance is naïve and opportunistic.

    Jesus fucking Christ, the lesson she learned is that it’s women’s fault for assuming all men aren’t animals? Why stop there? Predators will be predators, right, no matter the age or gender of their prey. She is the worst sort of authoritarian, who enables the abuse of power and responsibility by blaming the victim, as if the abuse were somehow earned and therefore just and right.


    VS: I actually kind of like Nickleback. They’re still better than KISS, Yes, or Rush.

    My older brother (who is like, this big rock/punk/incredibly guitarist guy) likes Nickelback. I have no idea what to make of that.


    Hey! New York City has its own official bee!

    We ought to rename is Lassioglossum Belushi


    My older brother (who is like, this big rock/punk/incredibly guitarist guy) likes Nickelback. I have no idea what to make of that.

    He’s deaf.


    incredibly guitarist

    Well, that was interesting.


    Surprised that she didn’t end up hawking a book… I fucked my way to the top, and so can you!


    1. VS likes men with sugary and edged buttocks.

    I’m actually not much of a butt woman. Gimme some nice broad shoulders on a tall, lanky guy and…excuse me…I’ll be in my bunk.


    Surprised that she didn’t end up hawking a book… I fucked my way to the top, and so can you!

    I think Madonna cornered that literary market.



    VS: I actually kind of like Nickleback. They’re still better than KISS, Yes, or Rush.

    Yow. I don’t think I can think of 4 more dissimimilar bands.


    Yow. I don’t think I can think of 4 more dissimilar bands.

    The Beatle, Screwdriver, Simon & Garfunkle and Rafi??


    Yow. I don’t think I can think of 4 more dissimimilar bands.

    Pretentious art rock bands? I think you can fit Yes and Rush neatly into that category.


    Going out on a limb here and accepting that the professor anecdote is even partially true–this woman admits that the experience of being sexually pressured by a trusted authority figure was “traumatic” for her, and yet comes to the conclusion that women should just get over it?

    So her internship ends, the guy helped her get a job, and then tries to put the make on her. She walks away from it and never sees him again. Yeah, pretty easy to “just get over it.”

    She conflates this with someone working day after day with her harasser, subject to his authority, subject to his power over her paycheck and career – that’s what Anita Hill dealt with.


    She conflates this with someone working day after day with her harasser, subject to his authority, subject to his power over her paycheck and career – that’s what Anita Hill dealt with.

    I can almost anticipate the answer: “Well, then, for heaven’s sake! Get another job!”


    Yow. I don’t think I can think of 4 more dissimilar bands.

    The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band, The Ramones, The Spice Girls and The Black Eyed Peas.


    Yow. I don’t think I can think of 4 more dissimilar bands.

    The Beach Boys, Pere Ubu, Moody Blues, Hot Chocolate


    This Saturday! Live at the Palladium!

    Taylor Swift!
    marilyn Manson!
    Rufus Wainright!
    and Yoyo Ma!
    Together on stage!

    Tickets on sale Now!


    Silver Apples, Carolina Chocolate Drops, Har Mar Superstar, and the Guarneri String Quartet.


    Could we at least stick to bands that sold an album or two?


    I’m sure Lauri knows ALL about it!

    Actually, if you read her piece, she does.

    She talks about being hit on by a creepy-dirty law professor but basically says it was her own fault. It’s the most pathetic internalization of abuse since Clarence Thomas and his crazy grandfather.


    Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass; The Blues Brothers; Sharon, Lois & Bram; and Hanson.


    Dial 999 for SEXYTIME!

    Den kindly shet da fuck UP, bitch!


    Spike Jones, Barnes & Barnes, Rammstein and the Pips


    Dethklok, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Sechs Kies, Tony Bennett


    I would almost have to go see Swift and Manson together.


    Shirley Manson? I WORSHIP her.


    She talks about being hit on by a creepy-dirty law professor but basically says it was her own fault.

    and so ALL women should intuitively know when someone is a creeper, otherwise they are dumb or opportunistic…that’s literally what she says…i like how she doesn’t give other women a pass for the same fucking thing she did years ago…i hate twunts like her…


    Obscure Band You’ve Never Heard Of; Another Obscure Band You’ve Never Heard Of; Third Obscure Band You’ll Never Hear Of, and Really Really Obscure Band No One’s Heard Of Even In Their Home Town.

    For the Win


    and so ALL women should intuitively know when someone is a creeper

    Not as hard as it would seem though – she does outright say she thinks all men are pigs and untrustworthy rapists-in-waiting.


    I used to really like Obscure Band You’ve Never Heard Of until they went commercial.


    But I learned a life lesson — an easy lesson, for I was safe and unharmed, notwithstanding that I had placed myself in harm’s way…. Any woman who believes that a man wishes to help her find a job simply because she is in need of assistance is naïve and opportunistic.

    this is the line that really, really makes feel all stabby:

    But to what end — vengeance? He did me no harm, and I actually learned an important life lesson from him that I have carried with me throughout my career. To prevent others from being harmed? I was not harmed, and I am sure that the young woman who enjoyed Christmas break in Jamaica certainly was not either.

    so, your trauma =/= being harmed? and you’re SURE no other women fell victim to this legal lothario? really? cuz he sounds pretty fucking practiced at it…bruises aren’t the only marks, you stupid, stupid bitch…

    one of the projects i’m working on is a book *highlighting* some of the episodes i’ve been through…and letting them know that this is NOT OKAY…and that they don’t have to be jr. high sex kittens…and that they are WORTH FAR MORE THAN SEX….i know, crazy thoughts, huh? but one thing i learned, about myself anyway, is that if it happens to you early enough without any repercussions to the victimizer, it will happen again…you will find yourself in these situations feeling helpless, cuz you really feel that’s what you’re worth….and i don’t want any more girls growing up feeling like shit about themselves…

    …perhaps i’ve said too much…


    And new light is shed on a dark corner of the Rightwing Welfare Industrial Complex hiring and promotion policies. Dawg knows what Jonah and K-Lo had to do to get their gigs and I don’t want to know.


    Tiny Tim
    Earth, Wind, & Fire


    Third Obscure Band You’ll Never Hear Of

    Didn’t they just do a reunion tour?


    Not as hard as it would seem though – she does outright say she thinks all men are pigs and untrustworthy rapists-in-waiting.

    this is true, she does…yeah, life is more enjoyable with that mindset…


    boots randolph
    josh groban
    english beat

    the morning sun is shining like a RED RUBBER BALL

    The Commodores
    The Cure
    The Clash
    The Cyrcle


    Third Obscure Band You’ll Never Hear Of

    Didn’t they just do a reunion tour?

    Only the guitar play is from the original lineup. The rest are substitutes..


    she does outright say she thinks all men are pigs and untrustworthy rapists-in-waiting.

    But feminists are the man haters.


    “Air feels so left out.”

    I think it’s actually Water that got kicked out the group for some reason. As a nerdy kid, I always wondered why not all four elements? (Note to nerdy kids: Do not share this wonder with your schoolmates.)


    Earth, Wind, & Fire

    Air feels so left out.

    But isn’t “Wind” just air passing?



    Your favorite “Obscure Band You’ll Never Hear Of” sucks.


    Blah. 10:48 is apparently too early in the morning.

    Water. I meant water.


    As a nerdy kid, I always wondered why not all four elements?

    The explanation is pretty simple, actually.

    Maurice White is a Sagittarian (Fire). Sag’s seasonal qualities are governed by the season of the year (northern hemisphere, Fall= earth, southern hemisphere, Spring= air)


    Your favorite “Obscure Band You’ll Never Hear Of” sucks.

    Oh, but you should have heard them before they got rid of the first drummer.



    I thought Alex’s comment was kinda funneh, but I see he’s run aground on Poe’s Law.

    Four dissimilar bands?
    Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, Starship, whoever did teh theme song to The Jeffersons.


    Cain/Paterno 2012: We got your family covered.


    ThiRd Obscure Band You’ll Never Hear Of SOLD OUT MAN. Fuck them.


    Teh Monkees, Menudo, S Club 7, Teh Naked Brothers Band.


    ThiRd Obscure Band You’ll Never Hear Of SOLD OUT MAN. Fuck them.

    The solo projects were pretty good. Except the bass player. Rehab did him no favors.


    Mannfred Mann’s Earth Band, Air Supply, Wet Wet Wet, Teh Arcade Fire


    Oh, but you should have heard them before they got rid of the first drummer.

    I stopped after their inevitable “Hollywood is full of bullshit posers” album, aka, “I couldn’t score with a supermodel or famous actress after we hit it big; what’s up with that?”


    Had Anita Hill succeeded in destroying Clarence Thomas’ career, the country would have lost a great jurist and scholar who has spent 20 years on the bench upholding the principles of the Constitution.

    Yeah, if only. [sigh]


    I stopped after their inevitable “Hollywood is full of bullshit posers” album, aka, “I couldn’t score with a supermodel or famous actress after we hit it big; what’s up with that?”

    I used ot catch them in a couple of little clubs down in the Village, when they used to sing that song about unrequited love in the middle of a planetary cataclism. They were really good.


    I am surprised by Another Kiwi’s reticence regarding actor’s college activities.


    I am surprised by Another Kiwi’s reticence regarding actor’s college activities.

    I can’t help that I’m lucky.


    I used ot catch them in a couple of little clubs down in the Village, when they used to sing that song about unrequited love in the middle of a planetary cataclism. They were really good.

    Yeah, but the real classic was the one about the teenage crush they had back in their shitty hometown when they just knew 2 cords (as apposed to knowing 4 now).


    Yeah, but the real classic was the one about the teenage crush they had back in their shitty hometown when they just knew 2 cords (as apposed to knowing 4 now).

    Ohhhhhhhhhh, the White Album!


    Frm tsam’s link

    Cain’s supporters bewail the unfairness of it all — the three previous anonymous accusers, the fourth identified when coaxed by Gloria Allred, a fifth, and who knows how many more, who years later suddenly feel pangs of conscience — as they reckon up the relative media uninterest in sex-poodle Al Gore, the serial wenching of Bill Clinton, or Eliot Spitzer’s prostituting — not to mention the fact that the National Enquirer was alone in breaking the John Edwards love-child story.

    (emphasis added)




    But any student who believes that a professor wishes to be her friend for no reason other than friendship is not smart. Any woman who believes that a man wishes to help her find a job simply because she is in need of assistance is naïve and opportunistic. Even the esteemed “philosopher” and screenwriter, Nora Ephron, understood the nature of men and women when she wrote the following for the main character in When Harry Met Sally: “What I’m saying is — and this is not a come-on in any way, shape or form — is that men and women can’t be friends because the sex part always gets in the way.”

    So all men are predators and women who don’t keep that in mind are stupid. It has always been that way, it always will be that way.

    And that is the price that women in today’s world pay for wishing to be equals. There is nothing wrong with women going to law school or getting MBAs. But there is something wrong if women do not understand that men are men no matter what their profession. Men like women, and it is usually not because they need a new friend.

    I’m just…. gobsmacked. Didn’t you just say that’s the price women have always paid and that simply for being women? What were you angling to get out of your “friendship” with the prof? Women can only be equals by men granting them something?

    As Dennis Prager noted in his recent article, “Four Legacies of Feminism,” feminism has “made life — and life for women — worse.”

    Because feminism drives women to want equality? Stockholm syndrome indeed.


    Really. Let me get this straight:

    Bill Clinton was IMpeached, based in large part on the daily hectoring of every stinkin’ news media organization from FOX to MSNBC. Eliot Spitzer resigned in disgrace almost immediately upon the daily revelations over the course of a week of his pecadilloes in the papers. Al Gore’s divorce was mocked from all quarters because of the infidelity charge. And John Edwards couldn’t pop his face up without the word “affair” emblazoned on it like a scarlet letter.

    Meanwhile, Newt has been married three times, and his two divorces came directly as the result of affairs he was having, but nobody ever talks about those. Senator Vitter is still a Senator despite admitting to multiple embarrassing visits to hookers. The NRCC held its annual meeting last year IN A STRIP CLUB, AND Michael Steele authorized and paid for a Young Republicans jaunt to a bondage club. John Ensign is still a senator. Vito Fossella fathered a baby out of wedlock in 2008. Bob Allen solicited men in a park rest room in Florida in 2007. And then there’s Larry Craig.

    And that’s just the last four years! It seems to me that if the media’s done anything, it’s gone OVERboard on Democratic sex scandals.


    Politico was “alone” in breaking the Cain scandal. Unlike the Edwards scandal, however, all the other media outlets refuse to STFU about it. I very specifically remember being forced to buy The Enquirer to get all the salacious dirt on Edwards’ phony scumbag pukey ass.


    Nora Ephron, understood the nature of men and women when she wrote the following for the main character in When Harry Met Sally: “What I’m saying is — and this is not a come-on in any way, shape or form — is that men and women can’t be friends because the sex part always gets in the way.”

    Um, that dialogue “took place” in 1977, idiot. Harry said it…and Sally disagrees with him!



    That refers to their current uninterest in those things because CLENIS!


    Because feminism drives women to want equality?

    It should be a gift from their man. You know, like freeing the slaves.


    So all men are predators and women who don’t keep that in mind are stupid. It has always been that way, it always will be that way.

    Corollary: Stay sober and dress like a church lady, or the rape is YOUR OWN FAULT. Men can’t help it. Stop picking on us because we love poontang.


    Stay sober and dress like a church lady

    Because no Muslim women in a burqa has ever been raped.


    Also, women don’t deserve Special Politically Correct Rights, like the presumption that they can trust that a man won’t rape them or sexually harass them. That’s a bridge too far, so to speak.


    Stay sober and dress like a church lady


    Jefferson Airplane
    Jefferson Starship
    Edwin Starr
    Edwin Starrplane
    Edwin Starrship


    But there is something wrong if women do not understand that men are men no matter what their profession.

    so, going to your male doctor or priest should still have you on your guard 24/7?

    Stay sober and dress like a church lady

    sadly, no…ALL men are RAPISTS ALL THE TIME…


    Jefferson Airplane
    Jefferson Starship
    Edwin Starr
    Edwin Starrplane
    Edwin Starrship

    Ringo haz a sad


    sadly, no…ALL men are RAPISTS ALL THE TIME…

    Except when they’re not, to suit the latest wingnut line of whine.


    Except when they’re not, to suit the latest wingnut line of whine.

    heh…that reminds me of one of my favorite ‘neature walks’ line:

    “score! an aspen…you can tell it’s an aspen by the way it is!”


    sadly, no…ALL men are RAPISTS ALL THE TIME…

    To paraphrase the Great Urban Philosopher Chris Rock: “Men are only as faithful as their options.”

    When phrased like that, it’s hard to argue. But I’m sure he was referencing infidelity, not rape.


    You’d be surprised at how many people out there think it’s a woman’s job not to get raped. It never occurs to them to think perhaps the burden should be on the rapist to, you know, not rape women.

    In their defense, though, I really do wish all these 10-year-old boys would quit waggling their cute little behinds in front of assistant football coaches.


    I’ve been a man my whole life, or at least ever since I was a boy, and I have never raped anyone. I feel like such a disgrace to my gender now.


    I feel like such a disgrace to my gender now.

    I sentence you to a three-night binge of beer pong


    I sentence you to a three-night binge of beer pong

    This is a far more cruel punishment than you may realize, I have gout.


    I sentence you to a three-night binge of beer pong

    This is a far more cruel punishment than you may realize, I have gout.

    Well, maybe you need to go ginside


    Shorter disgusting excuse for a woman at the incorrectly and ironically named “American Thinker”:

    If you expect to receive any type of assistance from any man, bring Chapstick.

    And remember how the woman involved in the Anthony Weiner case was viciously attacked by liberals as a whore?

    Yeah. Me neither.

    From tsam’s link, as quoted by actor:

    … sex-poodle Al Gore, the serial wenching of Bill Clinton, or Eliot Spitzer’s prostituting, [John Edwards in there somehwere] …

    These shiteating fuckfaces STILL don’t understand the meaning of the word “CONSENSUAL.” And it’s not even a hard* concept to grasp, as it involves the word “yes” (perhaps more than once) compared to the word “no!”

    We’ve gotta be nearing Peak Wingnut. We. Just. Have. To.

    (* Not even remotely veiled boner reference.)


    Does beer agitate gout?


    Does beer agitate gout?

    Only if you drink it.


    These shiteating fuckfaces STILL don’t understand the meaning of the word “CONSENSUAL.”

    For them it means, “The woman doesn’t talk while the man is handling business.”


    These shiteating fuckfaces STILL don’t understand the meaning of the word “CONSENSUAL

    Or legal vs. illegal. Spitzer, Vitter, essentially the same crime.

    There IS an undeniable difference between these scandals. One asshat built his entire election machine around what they like to call “family values”. The other is just a douchebag philanderer who routinely cheated on his wife with prostitutes.

    Let’s examine the other glaring inequality of this situation. Spitzer, Edwards, Weiner: No longer Congressmen or Attorney General.

    Vitter and Ensign: Still serving senators.


    Does beer agitate gout?

    Boy howdy, does it. I had to cut my beer consumption in half when I was diagnosed.

    Other things that can aggravate gout include mushrooms and processed meat.

    So, farewell to my favorite seven-course meal: a mushroom/pepperoni pizza and a six-pack.


    Well, maybe you need to go ginside

    vodka talkin’ about, willis?


    In their defense, though, I really do wish all these 10-year-old boys would quit waggling their cute little behinds in front of assistant football coaches.

    Good to know that the POS coach and his so-called superiors will have your back if you wanna stick to a few of them boys. How nice that they let you use the athletic facility to conduct your business!

    Strangely enough, there was quite a number of college students at Penn State who need their teeth slammed down their fucking idiot throats too, as demonstrated by last night’s FAILfest.

    You have to be a real piece of shit to stick up for anyone who knew about this prior to Sandusky being arrested. There is no “other side” of this argument. There is no gray area, no middle ground, no fucking defensible position. This was a conspiracy to allow a predator to destroy children.


    Boy howdy, does it. I had to cut my beer consumption in half when I was diagnosed.

    Other things that can aggravate gout include mushrooms and processed meat.

    So, farewell to my favorite seven-course meal: a mushroom/pepperoni pizza and a six-pack.

    That fucking BLOWS. I’m not sure I could continue living without pepperoni and beer. My condolences to you and TB.


    Guided by voices, flying saucer attack, blowfly, the fuggs


    Stockholm Syndrome.

    Or maybe she just possesses such ideological purity that she can look back at her own harassment incident and say, “Stupid bitch had it coming.”

    Positively Goebellian.


    That fucking BLOWS. I’m not sure I could continue living without pepperoni and beer. My condolences to you and TB.

    yeah, it does…and i thought being diabetic was bad…my son who just turned 22 is convinced he has gout because his foot hurts sometimes and he does drink a lot of beer…as his mother, i had to realize that he’s a drama queen and all young men exaggerate their beer drinking prowess…but he’s mostly a drama queen…


    “This Saturday! Live at the Palladium!”
    I can’t wait for the bootlegs to come out. I’d go see it, but I can’t afford the tickets. Hope Marilyn doesn’t interrupt Taylor’s set.

    also “ can tell it’s an aspen by the way it is!”
    Sure – you ever watched Aspen leaves? They got limp wrists, man.

    As for Nickleback, they could be worse. They could be REM. I thought those guys were even funnier than Weird Al, just on teenage-angst-self-importance alone.

    And, I don’t think beer agitates gout as much as frequent trips to the bathroom agitate gout. The pong part is easy-peasy in comparison.


    Strangely enough, there was quite a number of college students at Penn State who need their teeth slammed down their fucking idiot throats too, as demonstrated by last night’s FAILfest.

    Some of them are caught up in the need to find something, anything, worth protesting that doesn’t involve them leaving campus. I blame having to hear stories from parents and other alumni about how “they got things done.”

    Others are blinded because they worshiped the coach as if he was God. To them, surely a guy who’s been around for almost 50 years shouldn’t be held accountable for what his subordinates were doing (neglecting the fact that the university president’s head has also been called for).

    The rest are like, Sure, what happened was a tragedy, but we’re trying to get a bowl bid here! Really sad.


    As for Nickleback, they could be worse. They could be REM. I thought those guys were even funnier than Weird Al, just on teenage-angst-self-importance alone

    you. are. dead. to. me. now.


    Others are blinded because they worshiped the coach as if he was God. To them, surely a guy who’s been around for almost 50 years shouldn’t be held accountable for what his subordinates were doing (neglecting the fact that the university president’s head has also been called for).

    mpr had a segment on this morning w/a sociology prof from the u of m on who talked about the impact the notion of loyalty has on tragedies like this…i didn’t get to hear much of it though, because i had a donor come in just then who was all like, blah, blah, blah…let’s talk about how i can help your organization…blah, blah…


    … sex-poodle Al Gore, the serial wenching of Bill Clinton, or Eliot Spitzer’s prostituting, [John Edwards in there somehwere] …

    Maybe she could remind me again how many of those folks are running for office?


    Maybe she could remind me again how many of those folks are running for office?



    my son who just turned 22 is convinced he has gout because his foot hurts sometimes and he does drink a lot of beer…as his mother, i had to realize that he’s a drama queen and all young men exaggerate their beer drinking prowess…but he’s mostly a drama queen…

    If he had gout, he wouldn’t be a drama queen to howl about it.

    One Christmas I had it in both feet. I had to literally crawl to the bathroom on my hands and knees. Ho ho ho!


    I wonder how many Young Republicans were in that crowd.


    They could be REM. I thought those guys were even funnier than Weird Al, just on teenage-angst-self-importance alone

    Sorry but I gotta stick up for REM.

    I thought they were a breath of fresh air after listening to what we would call “classic rock” for my whole life up to then.

    Pretty much all classic rock can be summed up as “Hey baby let’s do it!” – and that vein had been pretty well mined out by then.


    At least the Penn State trustees discovered a tiny fragment of spine. “Retire at the end of the season” my ass.


    I always get a laugh out of bands like Nickleback. Apparently, EVERYONE in the world hates them, yet they’re constantly on the radio and VH1 and selling millions of albums.

    It’s ok to admit you like them. There are FAR worse bands on the radio than Nickleback.


    It’s ok to admit you like them. There are FAR worse bands on the radio than Nickleback.

    thank you (sniff) I love you man! (hug)


    If he had gout, he wouldn’t be a drama queen to howl about it.

    oh, agreed…he’s just always convinced that any little twinge is the worst possible thing it could be…

    One Christmas I had it in both feet. I had to literally crawl to the bathroom on my hands and knees. Ho ho ho!

    yeah…merry christmas to you! ugh…that would be horrible…i’ve had chronic pain before and i do not wish it on anybody…
    well, a few well placed cases…maybe…


    There are FAR worse bands on the radio than Nickleback.



    he’s just always convinced that any little twinge is the worst possible thing it could be…

    You’re not by any chance of Greek extraction, are you? Hypochondria is a national trait. (About medical matters,that is. National finances, on the other hand…)


    Manfred Mann’s Earth Band


    Throbbing Gristle
    Del McCoury Band
    Smashing Pumpkins


    Or I could just put my ipod on shuffle


    King Crimson
    The Kinks


    Partridge Family
    Peter Gabriel
    Petula Clark


    There are FAR worse bands on the radio than Nickleback.

    Wandered into one of their shows years ago, semi accidentally. Stood in the back for half a song and decided that the band name had to come from audience requests after a show. “Hey! I want my nickle back!”


    Emerson Lake and Palmer
    The Cowsills
    The Plasmatics
    Dr Teeth and the Electric Mayhem


    because his foot hurts sometimes and he does drink a lot of beer…

    Tell him to try switching to margaritas. If his foot really goes haywire, then he might have gout.


    The Originals
    The New Originals
    The Thamesmen
    Spinal Tap


    The Monkees
    Captain Beefheart
    Bad Brains


    She makes a perfectly valid point: why should unwelcome sexual advances and demands for sexual favors in exchange for career advancement be considered “sexual harassment” rather then “ponies” or “fluffy lil bunnies?”

    Cue the Republican Congress to write the Fluffy Lil Bunnies Act of 2012


    I suspect that if JoePa were to throw his hat into the GOP ring he would shoot straight to the top of the polls.


    the country would have lost a great jurist and scholar who has spent 20 years on the bench upholding the principles of the Constitution.

    By upholding a code of silence?

    By having interests with cases in front of your Court pay your wife obscene amounts of money?


    Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band
    Creedence Clearwater Revival
    Captain and Tenille


    here’s one of my favorite stinker comments…only because of the last line:

    The article assumes that Cain is guilty… very bad assumption. The liberal demonizing machinery is doing a very good job of convicting Cain in the court of public opinion. The liberal media… ruthless adversaries. I am not yet convinced that Cain is guilty of anything. Meanwhile, Obama gets a free pass on just about everything.


    Frankie Goes To Hollywood
    Gordon Lightfoot
    The Cranberries


    baby animals
    beach boys
    the babbies


    New Riders of the Purple Sage
    New York Dolls
    New Order


    Starland Vocal Band
    Bob Seger
    Billy Joel
    Ohio Players


    this stinker comment is one of my faves just for the…i do not even know what to call it:

    Decisions and actions have consequences, do they not? The 1960s counterculture generation tore down the moral and ethical ecosystem so carefully built by their forebearers to restrain the more “barbaric” impulses of men, and channel them towards ends useful to society. The same code of conduct prescribed a certain standard of decorum for a young woman trying to be a lady, as opposed to a mere female. Feminism said that women did not need and should not wish to live in a culture governed by manners, social conventions between the sexes, codes of moral conduct, or such ephemera. Now that they have achieved their wish, they don’t like the result. The old aphorism appears to be true, i.e., “The only thing worse than not getting what you want is…getting it.”

    this one because of teh sarcasm:
    Lauri, as a family man with seven children, I’m reminded of how very lucky I am to have reminders -like this well written piece – of my inability to control my ‘urges’ due to my being a mere man. How fortunate that we men have the opportunity to be reigned in and kept in check by the intellectually ‘higher’ authority of those with female instincts and intuition. Imagine what my life would be without such inculcation? Lost… And in prison too! Thank you for your contribution in curtailing my animal within that would not be contained otherwise!


    because his foot hurts sometimes and he does drink a lot of beer…

    Also, tell him nonchalantly to wait 20 or 25 years because the foot will bother him much less when everything starts fucking hurting.


    Vitter and Ensign: Still serving senators.

    Um, no. Ensign resigned the day before he was about to be called up by the Ethics Committee (5/3/2011).


    Dr Teeth and the Electric Mayhem

    I love you.

    Also 59 Les Paul, just because I Can.


    Also, tell him nonchalantly to wait 20 or 25 years because the foot will bother him much less when everything starts fucking hurting.

    heh…this will bring on the: my neck hurts from the car accident, my shoulder hurts from when i was wrestling with joe and dislocated it, my back is fucked up cuz i don’t know why…any and all advice is usually met with, ‘eh…i don’t have time for that…’ god, i miss that kid…


    the romantics


    Worse than Nickleback.

    Even worse still.

    As for Nickleback, they could be worse. They could be REM. I thought those guys were even funnier than Weird Al, just on teenage-angst-self-importance alone.

    Aaaaahahahahahahahahaha. You’re funny.


    Gout is a motherfucker, and if it’s the first attack, it is almost universally unforgettable in the pain scale. A joint that hurts so bad, the weight of a sheet on it causes screaming? Yeah, that is gout.


    The 1960s counterculture generation tore down the moral and ethical ecosystem so carefully built by their forebearers to restrain the more “barbaric” impulses of men, and channel them towards ends useful to society.

    Because before the 60s, no man ever acted on his “barbaric” impulses. They were always restrained by the perfect social ecosystem of patriarchy, low taxes and the unfettered free market.


    “Thread Bear said,
    November 10, 2011 at 20:14

    I suspect that if JoePa were to throw his hat into the GOP ring he would shoot straight to the top of the polls.

    I thought the exact same thing.

    Bbkf, that comment is priceless and one I hear ALL the time. Apparently sexual assault is one of those punishments we should face because we dare to want to be treated like human beings.

    Plus, I’m sure no woman anywhere was ever harrassed or raped before those damn feminists came along.


    Because before the 60s, no man ever acted on his “barbaric” impulses.

    Strom Thurmond apparently didn’t get that particular memo.


    I love you.

    Also 59 Les Paul, just because I Can.

    There you have it, all women are sluts.


    Damn you and your fast fingers, Hogeye.


    “There you have it, all women are sluts.”

    That made me laugh.



    It’s amazing that that seems to be the conclusion of anti-feminists, that it is foolishness incarnate to expect anything other than bestial rutting from a man and yet they are always the ones to come around every time someone accuses someone of rape or sexual harassment to claim that it never happened and besides she’s lying. She’s always lying.

    Not that I’m sure how the “it’s natural” defense is supposed to help them. Someone claiming that they murdered a guy because they’re “fight or flight” instinct kicked in and “only pussies choose flight” wouldn’t be less likely to see jail time for it.

    But anyways, the weird incongruity makes it seem like all the blather about “protecting the innocent menz” is horseshit. It’s almost as if the real thing that gets them riled up is the violation of hierarchy in any attempt to legally resolve an issue like rape or harassment. Men are raping beasts and women take it, judging themselves on how best they can escape the marauding hands and anyone trying to upset that balance, say by trying to argue that it shouldn’t happen or that it isn’t the natural order need to punished and dismissed before that sort of thing catches on.

    9th Century Viking Raider

    Because before the 60s, no man ever acted on his “barbaric” impulses. They were always restrained by the perfect social ecosystem of patriarchy, low taxes and the unfettered free market.

    Oh, the fun I cuold have had raping and pillaging if it weren’t for the invisible hand and the fact that the Summer of Love happened 1100 years too late.


    Gout is a motherfucker, and if it’s the first attack, it is almost universally unforgettable in the pain scale. A joint that hurts so bad, the weight of a sheet on it causes screaming? Yeah, that is gout.

    he did not have this level of pain…one of my friends (who’s a boy!!!) has recently been under attack…and yeah, the sheet thing really got him…that and having to trade in his green bottle of heinie for a green can of 7-up…

    lest i come off as being a horrible mother, i DO investigate any and all of the son’s complaints…still paying off the mri (or ultra sound or whatever it was) he had because he was having chest pains…only to find he’s a healthy young man…and his chiropractor bill is FRIGHTENING…by my self-involved, self-indulgent, inappropriately dressed seventy year old mother is a major hypochondriac, and i sometimes fear he’s got a touch of it…i’ve also had enough weird happenings to know that sometimes something happens and it’s just a one off thing for who knows what reason…


    “There you have it, all women are sluts.”

    i think t-shirts are in order…or perhaps a needlepointed pillow?


    Al corrects Republican bullshit on the history of marriage.
    FRANKEN: I just believe you misstated the history of marriage. Marriage has not existed as a union between one man and one woman for thousands of years in every culture. In many cultures, men have been able to marry many women and young girls. For centuries, women have been treated as chattel in marriage. Further, if the religious purpose for marriage is procreation, why would we sanction marriage between an 89 year-old widower and an 80 year-old widow? I just think we need to be accurate when we talk about the history of marriage, the history of man and woman, the history of our institutions.


    i’m listening to a re-play of the *debate* on mpr…one-l’s voice makes my computer speakers whine…oh, wait…hey, where’d that dog come from?!


    It’s a platonic love because it’s hard to molest people online, as you no doubt know. And no I STILL don’t want to talk about sausage pie.


    Al corrects Republican bullshit on the history of marriage.

    i LOVE HIM and i don’t care if that makes me a slut…


    9th Century Viking Raider said,

    November 10, 2011 at 20:40

    perhaps you accept my gift of…a bottle of wine?


    Guided by voices, flying saucer attack, blowfly, the fuggs

    Took me moment to realize that was more of the bands thing and not some awesome postmodern lit.

    sex-poodle Al Gore, the serial wenching of Bill Clinton, or Eliot Spitzer’s prostituting, John Edwards in there somehwere

    Not a one of them made a decent studio album but there were a couple good live performances.

    Jeff Gannon, Talon News

    You know, I think there could be an opening for Miss Regan at Talon News!

    Think she’d look good all oiled up in a Marine uniform?


    The 1960s counterculture generation tore down the moral and ethical ecosystem…

    The only ecosystem worth preserving, apparently.


    I suspect that if JoePa were to throw his hat into the GOP ring he would shoot straight to the top of the polls.

    Jesus, I’m starting to think SANDUSKY could. And the boys would be blamed, because since when do adult men want to help out kids for nothing instead of something something? NAIVE AND OPPORTUNISTIC.


    Cannibal Corpse
    Wilf Carter
    The Residents
    The Partridge Family


    Took me moment to realize that was more of the bands thing and not some awesome postmodern lit.

    i think
    threw me off…


    These shiteating fuckfaces STILL don’t understand the meaning of the word “CONSENSUAL.”

    It’s because they have a completely fucked idea of what are “bad things”.

    To wingnuts and a lot of these anti-feminists, sex and sexuality themselves are bad, some of the worst things ever. Worse than even murder depending on the target. As such, consensual sex a) doesn’t really matter compared to the horrible wrong of sex in general and b) is actually worse than rape, because both parties wanted to have sex and agreed to it.

    Cause if it was a case of a man inflamed to lust by female impropriety and feminism and a woman trying to fend off the attack of her honor then it’s not really anyone’s fault that “sexual activity” occurred, except for the whore woman who incited it with her whore ways. And if the bad things are only blamed at women, it means that no real people are at fault.

    On top of that, the hierarchy is the glorious constant, the thing that keeps everything else grounded.

    So one of the other horrible crimes that’s worse than murder is someone stepping out of line of the hierarchy. So, women being raped and harassed by men is simply how things are supposed to work. But women and men working side by side as equals or a woman reporting that being raped is not “sex” and in fact a crime and that the world in which we let rapists get away with it is not in fact the “natural one” is an attack on reality itself, on the one thing that lets conservatives sleep at night.

    As such, it’s worse to stand up for rape victims or to have consensual sex than to be a rapist. Hell, it’s actually morally upstanding, because rape is due to your temper being inflamed and by putting women in their place, you are reinforcing the hierarchy.

    And so you get these weird as responses where rape is simply how it is, but the bitches are liars, and consent, how would that matter?


    If a woman is raped, it is the fault of
    a) Men’s human nature (but not the man himself, of course)
    b) The woman
    c) Women’s lib
    d) Democrats
    e) Liberals
    f) Obama
    g) All of the above


    Pretty much all classic rock can be summed up as “Hey baby let’s do it!”

    Liberals ask first, what can I say?


    omg…one-l is going to attempt some ‘analysis’…


    and she is bitching about freddie and fannie execs getting multi-million dollar bonuses…and for them to ask the american tax payers for more money is INSANE!!!


    omg…one-l is going to attempt some ‘analysis’…

    I wish her well and would like to remind her that it’s a process and she just needs to take things one day at a time.


    and wonkette’s live-blog of this is SO on the fucking mark…


    <i.and she just needs to take things one day at a time

    sweet jesus…


    Jem and the Holograms
    Spinal Tap
    Scum of the Earth


    It’s because they have a completely fucked idea of what are “bad things”.

    Wrote a book about it/wanna read it/here it goes


    and she is bitching about freddie and fannie execs getting multi-million dollar bonuses…and for them to ask the american tax payers for more money is INSANE!!!

    Goldman Sachs chairman is named Freddie? Fannie?


    These shiteating fuckfaces STILL don’t understand the meaning of the word “CONSENSUAL.”

    Cerb, as usual, says it better than I, but in a Wonkette thread the other day with a similar phrase (I think it was about the difference between “consensual” and what Cain does), I responded,

    Oh, they understand.

    One involves a woman actually desiring sexual activity, and is therefore evil and full of Satan.

    The other is the only way they ever get laid.


    wait 20 or 25 years because the foot will bother him much less when everything starts fucking hurting

    Made me LOL, because I’m living the adventure!

    I got to hear Nickleback live at Co-op Radio when they were just starting out. Pretty awesome band … then about two EPs later, they came back to the station after a big tour & were acting very Hollywood & smarmy as fuck; I think they were just about to Make It In Teh Big Leagues. After seeing what soulless wankers they’d become, I didn’t even need to listen to their latest “product” to know it would be pure MOR shite.

    Which it was.


    Hmm, everyone did such a good job of mango fisking. Is there really a point into diving over?


    As the theatrics and accusations surrounding Herman Cain’s purported sexual improprieties play out, I have concluded that, if the best that Cain’s accusers can come up with is that he made a pass at a female companion, then Cain will continue his upward climb toward the GOP nomination, and, as an unfortunate consequence, real incidents of sexual harassment will become trivialized and ignored.

    I say innocent pass on a coworker. You say creating a culture of unwanted advances with all female employees including demanding blowjobs if the employee wanted to keep or get the job, not to mention the sexual assault. But I think we can all agree that as long as we need to trivialize and ignore sexual harassment, that I’m right and you’re wrong.

    But seriously, that last line shows serious chutzpah after deconstructing some pretty heinous sexual harassment into “so he hit on a coworker, probably an equal in a neutral environment where she was allowed to say no and go about her business.” As long as I pretend this was the case, people who claim this was a problem really do seem like the ones “trivializing sexual harassment”.

    It also makes me wonder what she’d consider sexual harassment.

    Oh who are we kidding? It’s a liberal having consensual relations or consensual flirtation.

    owlbear at the beginning of the thread repeated her sad Stockholm Syndrome story so I will only quote it in part.


    Isn’t that the proper term of address for actor212?

    I had to literally crawl to the bathroom on my hands and knees.
    I am so going to use the “gout” excuse from now on.


    John Lee Hooker
    John Mellencamp
    John Vanderslice
    Johnny Cash


    Isn’t that the proper term of address for actor212?

    Meh. Could be worse. You could have said wormhole.


    real incidents of sexual harassment will become trivialized and ignored.

    How, by saying any woman who gets harassed and has the audacity to complain deserved it because she was naive and/or opportunistic? Gosh, wouldn’t it be awful if people were that horrible.

    9th Century Viking Raider

    The BeeGees (pre disco)
    Deep Purple
    The Irish Rovers
    The Beegees (disco)


    And instincts are the key. Women have instincts. Smart women listen to their female intuition. At the time that I ignored my instincts and decided to meet my professor, I was not a smart woman

    And there, right there, you can see the exact thought process she used to blame the incident on herself. Used to convince herself that no one would believe her if she told anyone. Used to berate herself for what happened.

    And yeah, that’s exactly what most every harassment, rape, and molestation victim does. My partner internalized her rape as all her fault simply because she was in general attracted to the man who followed her into the kitchen and began raping her after she had said no several times and removed herself from his presence. I did that a little when I received my small little “subway feel up” at a comic convention because I didn’t read my friend’s social cues right.

    I imagine it’s a combination of social pressure (any victim of sexual assault or harassment is often horribly mistreated and claimed to be responsible for so much that we often internalize it before the world can) and that the self-blame grants a sense of control to what is essentially a violation of the self and one’s sense of control over one’s life.

    If it was your fault, then you know what to do next time to prevent it. You can act proactively rather than just worrying. It’s a false sense of security though and too often it lets real blame elide the victimizer, who studies have shown will always violate again.

    But perhaps that’s the third reason we blame ourselves, because it is hard and often impossible to put such a man away, requiring a perfect ability to prove the incident occurred and a jury capable of actually seeing it (which is often not the case) and even then, your own life may be ruined trying to put the one man away.

    It can soften the blow that you let the bastard get away and rape again, if it was just a silly misunderstanding on your part and you shouldn’t have been in the Rape Zone to begin with.

    Sadly though, at its extreme, you get this woman. Willing to blame all rape on angering the beast and not shirking in the corner like a fool. She is still berating herself for that night and the only lesson she has learned is to silence any woman who tries to help victims like her, because no one stopped it from happening to her.

    It’s simultaneously tragic and infuriating.

    To say that this experience was traumatic is an understatement. But I learned a life lesson — an easy lesson, for I was safe and unharmed, notwithstanding that I had placed myself in harm’s way.

    Again, this is the trauma. The need to diminish what happened, the aftereffects.

    And the immediate use of said diminishment to use it as a cudgel against herself. Why had she placed herself in harm’s way? Shouldn’t she be able to notice rapist immediately and always make the right choices? Hell, by her story, she did. She escaped the escalation into assault and the Rapecation, but she must beat herself up for not escaping more.

    And what has been internalized is such a tragic toxic swill.

    It is sad that a teacher and student cannot maintain a friendship without sex entering the picture, though perhaps there are relationships in which such a situation exists. But any student who believes that a professor wishes to be her friend for no reason other than friendship is not smart. Any woman who believes that a man wishes to help her find a job simply because she is in need of assistance is naïve and opportunistic. Even the esteemed “philosopher” and screenwriter, Nora Ephron, understood the nature of men and women when she wrote the following for the main character in When Harry Met Sally: “What I’m saying is — and this is not a come-on in any way, shape or form — is that men and women can’t be friends because the sex part always gets in the way.”

    What she learned is that she can never trust men again, that she must accept sexual assault as the price for ever wanting to escape the kitchen and that this nightmare world of trauma is either complete paranoia or complete surrender. That she was a moron and that all women are morons and it is better to just cede everything rather than shaking the boat by asking to be treated as the human beings she knows herself to be.

    And there is also the culture I was talking about before. The harassment she suffered, the rape she assumes her friend suffered at the hand of the same professor? It’s all just sex. Sexual attraction and sex itself. These rapes and assaults are indistinguishable for her now from consensual sex with a loving partner and that is an archaic tragedy that conservative women have sadly kept alive.

    If only there was some sort of movement that spoke out against that sort of thing and believed women were to be allowed dignity and that sex shouldn’t be synonymous with rape.

    If only.


    The Mekons (Quality of Mercy is Not Strnen era)
    The Mekons (Fear and Whiskey era)
    The Mekons (Me era)
    The Mekons (Natural era)


    Cain is just hoping that the pro-sexist vote overwhelms the anti-black vote in his primary. It might be a really solid strategy.


    Grrr, wordpress is physically blocking every attempt to post my last comment.

    Shorter me: It is a tragic internalization and there are a couple of quotes that pinpoint the exact moment she took the trauma of what happened to her and turned it into a weapon to cudgel herself and all other women with for the rest of her life.

    And instincts are the key. Women have instincts. Smart women listen to their female intuition. At the time that I ignored my instincts and decided to meet my professor, I was not a smart woman

    To say that this experience was traumatic is an understatement. But I learned a life lesson — an easy lesson, for I was safe and unharmed, notwithstanding that I had placed myself in harm’s way.

    Her little “Nora Ephron” rant

    And of course this:

    And that is the price that women in today’s world pay for wishing to be equals. There is nothing wrong with women going to law school or getting MBAs. But there is something wrong if women do not understand that men are men no matter what their profession.



    Several years after my encounter with my professor, I heard that he was up for a position as a federal judge. The Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas debacle had occurred in the interim, and for a brief moment I considered making my story public. But to what end — vengeance?

    In my erased from existence post, I tried to note that there is a nasty internalization game that occurs in survivors. That they (we) tend to focus on something we “should have done” during the event that would have been smarter, better, turning the incidents into our fault for not noticing the red flags or reacting perfectly enough even when we do “act perfectly”.

    Additionally, we also beat ourselves up about our lack of courage taking these beasts down. We don’t report in time or we let them get away or we don’t have enough evidence to bring them down or worst of all, we do and we have the courage to try and take them down and even suffer through the inevitable shitstorm on our persons to do so, but “boys will be boys” so he walks.

    And so we internalize that. The gentle reminder that he’s probably struck again, maybe even gotten into a more powerful position where it will be even harder to uproot them. We beat ourselves up for our cowardice or internalize the incident further into the “not a big deal” file so it is perfectly understandable why you never mentioned it again.

    It can be hard because there is so much to overcome to report these things and it isn’t very safe and sometimes it is only afterwards that we become fully aware just how bad what happened was.

    That guilt isn’t really on us, it’s on the person who attacked us.

    But internalization is a harsh mistress. Sometimes it comes out in self-condemnation. Sometimes it comes out like this article, erasing what happened to her and all women, making it all disappear and “nothing important” all so she can escape the guilt of not doing anything to protect her friend or other victims from this man.

    And that’s really the line that sympathy stops at.


    And in case you thought my last analysis was off:

    But to what end — vengeance? He did me no harm, and I actually learned an important life lesson from him that I have carried with me throughout my career. To prevent others from being harmed? I was not harmed, and I am sure that the young woman who enjoyed Christmas break in Jamaica certainly was not either. Had Anita Hill succeeded in destroying Clarence Thomas’ career, the country would have lost a great jurist and scholar who has spent 20 years on the bench upholding the principles of the Constitution.

    That was her literal conclusion. Hey, she wasn’t really hurt, even though she still carries such intense scars 20+ years later that she still suffers from the psychological effects of her internalizations. And her friend probably just got a free Jamaican vacation, nothing bad happened to her and she was fine.

    I will note briefly that she has no evidence and this is the best example of the fear driving the narrative she has to believe in order to be able to sleep at night. That woman in Jamaica could not have been raped by this guy, could not have scars. No one he ever encountered again could have been affected, because if he did, then she’d feel personally responsible for every attack he made for not reporting him to the Dean immediately and suffering the condemnation of a nation for “the violation of hierarchy.”

    As such everyone’s suffering is non-existant, not a big deal, and hell, didn’t happen, she’s lying.

    Because otherwise she’d be unable to handle her own guilt. And she carries that into dismissing Anita Hill and being glad that the bad guys won. Because she’s already made her devil’s bargain by dismissing the private hells of a million girls just like her and siding with the monsters that destroyed her for life.


    For those of you who so loved my nien, nien, nien plan check out my new health care plan.


    check out my new health care plan.


    Thought it was gonna be “Jump Into The Fire”


    Additionally, we also beat ourselves up about our lack of courage taking these beasts down. We don’t report in time or we let them get away or we don’t have enough evidence to bring them down or worst of all, we do and we have the courage to try and take them down and even suffer through the inevitable shitstorm on our persons to do so, but “boys will be boys” so he walks.

    or sometimes we do report, and STILL nothing happens…and you’re only 10…what can you do?

    But internalization is a harsh mistress. Sometimes it comes out in self-condemnation. Sometimes it comes out like this article, erasing what happened to her and all women, making it all disappear and “nothing important” all so she can escape the guilt of not doing anything to protect her friend or other victims from this man.

    and this is why i am working on my aforementioned book…there is a man i know, who when he was a senior and i was a seventh grader thought he could ‘get together’ with me…a bunch of us were at the movies…in a town as small as ours, everybody hangs together, and if i remember correctly he and i had just been in a play together and of course, i was flattered to have the attentions of a senior…yeah, he basically (against my will) finger-banged me while getting himself off…because of my earlier molestation, i was fucking terrified, embarrassed, humiliated and then the word got out that i was ‘easy’…you can figure out the rest of my high school years…anyway, he comes out to the supper club i work at, with his parents in tow and just acts all, ‘hey, how ya doing?!? yeah, i’m mr. bigwig now…blah, blah, blah…’ i want to smash his fucking face in every time…and then tell his parents what a piece of shit they raised…i seriously can feel my blood pressure rising right now…i cannot say it enough…no child or person should ever have to go through life feeling like they are worthless and are just ‘asking’ for it…


    ya know, cerbs…you are starting to chap my ass…i say all these things, and then you come along and say them a million times better…damn you…


    Oh, FYWP.

    Again with the erasing of my post.

    Okay, another shorter me:

    Um, she has a quote about Cain might not being suited for presidency for other reasons, i.e. he’s black.

    Then she plays her devil’s bargain into a double down on the remainder of her soul by arguing that Bialek had nothing to complain about for being physically assaulted and ordered to give a BJ and that her “every man is a rapist shtick” will probably be followed next week by a “why don’t feminists trust men more?” shame-fest next.

    Then she tried to throw some coins to the idea that maybe there is some women out there who have been treated so badly that they can almost maybe be considered as suffering “harassment and discrimination”, i.e. the lowest levels of assault.

    This is the moment she lost the bet with the devil and became fully a GOP Bot.


    oh, hey…reading this: Then she plays her devil’s bargain into a double down on the remainder of her soul by arguing that Bialek had nothing to complain about for being physically assaulted and ordered to give a BJ and that her “every man is a rapist shtick” will probably be followed next week by a “why don’t feminists trust men more?” shame-fest next.

    made me think of this stinker comment, which actually is my favorite because of its cleaving hanging out and sexy red lips:

    Back in the days of 1973, on my college campus arose Gloria Steinem and Bella Azbug. These women didn’t suggest that women’s liberation was a war against men, but rather an opportunity to push for equal educations and careers. They highlighted the fact that women could engage their brains, too. Yet, somehow, women like Allred found a way to use women’s liberation as a tool to sue men for being men. Today, women want to be sex objects without accountability for their behavior. Bialek appeared on national television with her cleavage hanging out, red lips and sexy hair. Does she think she is representing women in this case? I think she is a tool that Allred is using for a paycheck. Both of these women need to be ussed as an example of what women should not become. I hope Herman cain takes this case to the highest level possible if only to expose the fallacy of “women’s liberation”.



    That’s terrible.

    And yeah, I think your book is a very good idea. It is often so hard to resist that initial urge to internalize and it would definitely help to have more resources out there reminding victims that what they suffered wasn’t normal and it’s not their fault, no matter how much their brain and society is telling them they should have noticed the red flags, known not to take the one action, or been more aware of exit abilities.

    And also why I’m glad to see Rape Prevention in general moving away from “Take Back the Night” and “what YOU can do to prevent being raped” and more towards recognition that whatever happens was the rapist’s fault for raping you and self-forgiveness for not being perfect.

    And yeah, society doesn’t help at all. I remember telling the story of what happened to myself on a forum once as part of an illustration of a point and had someone piece by piece try and deconstruct it and dismiss it because I didn’t act perfectly to prevent it and didn’t remain fully aware of my options at the time.

    So yeah, it’s not just internalization that’s the problem.


    And yeah, society doesn’t help at all. I remember telling the story of what happened to myself on a forum once as part of an illustration of a point and had someone piece by piece try and deconstruct it and dismiss it because I didn’t act perfectly to prevent it and didn’t remain fully aware of my options at the time.

    oh. wow. i can only assume people like that are soulless…or damaged…



    Yeah, there’s a very strong hint of “yeah, it was cute when women thought they were men’s equals, but then they started trying to act like it and assume that men weren’t horny slavering beasts and could handle it if women were just themselves. Stupid bitches, this is why we should never have let the sex objects out of the box.”

    And I find your comments very awesome.


    Bialek appeared on national television with her cleavage hanging out, red lips and sexy hair.

    Bitch needs a burqa

    But not until I’m finished fapping.



    I imagine it was a similar case to our article writer (she was also a woman). That the only way a sense of safety can be attained is to dismiss the life experiences and faults of all other women who are attacked. Because if all those are preventable and they would know to do the right thing then the frightening threat of assault can’t actually get to them.

    You see the same effect with abuse stories. They would know to see the red flags and leave the abuser in time, they have to believe that otherwise they aren’t really safe and that’s just too scary for them to face.


    BTW, this is “cleavage hanging out“?

    Actor is disappointed.


    BTW, this is “cleavage hanging out“?

    Who ya gonna believe? The wingnut or your lyin’ eyes?


    Besides, you know they went out and bought her some cleavage-covering attire just for this occasion. Smacks of manufactured PR moments, dunnit?


    we should never have let the sex objects out of the box

    Possibilities there for an X-rated version of “Teh Sorcerer’s Apprentice”.


    Besides, you know they went out and bought her some cleavage-covering attire just for this occasion.

    In my day, when we wore onions on our belts, a woman stuck a hanky in there and called it decolletage.


    I was only wiping my nose, officer.


    I know Sree Sreenivasan. I’m friends with Sree Sreenivasan. Sree Sreenivasan has used my blog in the CJR.

    This is Sree Sreenivasan


    I was only wiping my nose, officer.

    i snorted out loud at that one…again, glad i’m an office of one…


    Pupienus said,
    I am surprised by Another Kiwi’s reticence regarding actor’s college activities.

    Only a scoundrel,Sir, ONLY A SCOUNDREL, would ask questions about the relationship between a young man and his first abusive Male authority figure, Sir.



    That’s three, three comments erased! And I’m pretty sure it’s because I used the word r*pe. Where * represents a.




    You can tell she has breasts somewhere in there and for moral scolds, that always seems to be indistinguishable from walking around topless. Hell, the only thing they dislike about Muslim Sharia Law is the fact that they use the wrong Holy Book.


    Only a scoundrel,Sir, ONLY A SCOUNDREL, would ask questions about the relationship between a young man and his first abusive Male authority figure, Sir.

    Boy, if you think college was the fir…

    I mean, you’re mother’s the whore!


    You can tell she has breasts somewhere in there and for moral scolds, that always seems to be indistinguishable from walking around topless.

    I’m surprised they didn’t pick up on Allred’s boobies. She’s wearing a tighter sweater.


    …you will find yourself in these situations feeling helpless, cuz you really feel that’s what you’re worth….and i don’t want any more girls growing up feeling like shit about themselves…

    Remember when psychiatrists were talking about how women who were abused as girls sought victimization to relive the experience? What a load of bullshit! What happens is that a child who is being sexually abused is forced to turn off the alarms lest they go mad from the siren in their head. If that person does not learn to turn the alarms back on, then they will miss the signals that women who were not raped in their formative years pick up. Rather than take immediate action to protect themselves and removing themselves from dangers, victims of childhood abuse disassociate, remain in the presence of the predator, and are often victimized. The threat of rape is so prevalent that it isn’t remarkable at all that a woman would find herself in such a situation— it’s not like any woman has to search far and wide to find a man who will force himself on her.


    Okay, WordPress has ated the rewrite as well

    Shorter me again:

    She has a long quote literally arguing that Bialek and all women are idiots if they don’t remember that all men are slavering beasts.

    And I tried to note how feminists have been roasted for years for Andrea Dworkin’s observation that anti-feminists act like that’s the world that is and always must be, which was rewritten by idiots to be “feminists think all sex is assault and all men are abusers”. And this was used as proof that feminists hate men and must be ignored.

    And I made a joke which is erased now and then also noted that the advice was a double-bind and if you escape, it must be nothing and if you don’t, then you are an idiot who didn’t see the signs.

    This comment used to be funny, but WP is a r-



    She has a long quote literally arguing that Bialek and all women are idiots if they don’t remember that all men are slavering beasts.

    Gee, I wonder how much of that is reinforced by sitcoms…






    I do not care whether Bialek’s story is true. It does not matter.

    Finally, one of the wingnuts says what they’ve been wanting to say about this for the longest time.

    That they really don’t care if it’s true or not. Hell, it’s better for them if it is true, because then he is a mean-ass pimp who knows the proper role for a woman and enforces the hierarchy.

    And that’s really it for all of them. They really don’t accept that harassment is a bad thing. And they really miss the days when you could rape a secretary and she’d have to come in the next day, smile of frozen rictus and terror on her face, or be fired.

    In their eyes, they really couldn’t care about what tack they take to defend Cain, they just want to shit on the women who didn’t know their place and role was to remain silent and certainly wasn’t to align with rabble-rousers like Gloria Allred and her vile desire to see reality acknowledged and handled and the laws that exist upheld and meaningful.

    What matters is whether Cain is qualified to be POTUS, and it is time for the discussion to shift away from unproven stories and accusations to the issues of the day. To date, the GOP base has proven forgiving and apathetic regarding not only Cain’s sexual escapades, but also his ignorance on foreign policy matters, and most importantly, his electability in the general election. Which is why the more the media stokes the flames of Cain’s alleged sexual improprieties, the more the distractions hurt the GOP field and the higher Obama’s poll numbers climb.

    It’s required for every conservative column to include a whine about the “liberal media being in the tank for the other side”. Otherwise the media might have some vestigal reminder of their duty to accuracy and blow the whole scam.

    Also allow me to provide a translation for her point:

    “Dear fucking lord, people, he’s black! Can’t you see that? I know we all were having our fun thinking we were pissing off the liberals by supporting this joker, but he’s getting the full Bachmann treatment and is just making us stoop to the moral lows of defending the heinous to back him. Can’t we all just remember that he’s black and we’re probably electing Romney as our front-runner and move on to forgetting that this primary season ever happened? Sheesh!”

    And yeah, that’s the completion. After selling the remainders of her soul, dismissing something worse than what destroyed her life and has her to this day internalizing it as a dire cudgel to fear every second, that has her believing she must view every man she meets as a potential rapist, she doesn’t have anything left to defend the man. He’s too black for her, even though she’ll gladly whitewash his crimes for the good of the tribe.


    Women always get the shittiest jobs.

    Wonder who she had to blow for it.



    Well, seeing as how that was my point as well…

    Oh, oh…


    Sneaky, sneaky.


    That the only way a sense of safety can be attained is to dismiss the life experiences and faults of all other women who are attacked. Because if all those are preventable and they would know to do the right thing then the frightening threat of assault can’t actually get to them

    yeah…and what really sucks is that for a long time (hell, even today) it has taken up too much of my life…


    And yeah, as already noted, the comment tigers, which I ran pretty quickly from, because the raw hatred of MRAs and wingnuts when they are on a “damn bitches stole my precious bodily fluids” rant can be deadly. They are pretty much about blaming feminism for everything.

    Viewing men as abusers, training women to be sexy, inventing the idea of sexual assault which totally didn’t exist before hand, and so on. If it exists, feminists or hippies are to blame. Sometimes I wonder why they haven’t just gone full nutjob and blamed feminism and the Sexual Revolution (which were one and the same obviously) for Hitler and Stalin.

    You know they want to!

    And of course, despite doing her suffering to show she’s not like those other bad women who hold bad thoughts and dreams of justice after they’ve been assaulted and thus is a good woman who deserves to be thought of as an honorary man, she still got a bunch of shit for her token acknowledgments that there could be things a man does to a woman that would be bad and not a woman’s fault.

    You’d think that’d be the first clue that maybe surrendering to Team Evil and trying to destroy the only community that cares about issues like harassment was a bad idea that doesn’t actually protect her.

    But then, that can’t be.

    She learned her lesson in college and now trusts her instincts and thus is protected, always protected. No one else got hurt, always protected. Flabby skin, skinny dipping, oh god, what happened to Jenny, did she even ever return? Oh god, never happen again. I’m good now Daddy GOP, don’t hurt me! I am good now. I am good now!


    tsam, should I be surprised because this is appearing in the Post AND it actually makes sense?? sorry I’m kind of new to this stuff.


    Question: How many wingnut males would kill for the opportunity to blow Cain for a cushy lobbying job?

    Answer: ALL OF THEM.

    It’s not bewilderment–it’s JEALOUSY.


    Am I dreaming this? Can you all see this too?

    I could have sworn that used to say “Two legs bad, four legs good”



    I don’t know.

    Is the Big Lie working?

    I mean, yeah, the 27% is swallowing it like a delicious forced blowjob erupting in their mouth, but it seems that the very notion of the OWS and its popularity is a pretty strong sign that the Big Lie just hasn’t been enough this time. The attempts to blame it on already failed companies, “the debt”, and Keynesian economics have been laughed at by the general populace even as its been doubled down by the professional hacks.

    Hell, even good wingnut hacks have been forced to more argue that Obama and Democrats are evil because of their connections and the totally Democratic plan to bailout Wall Street rather than because they dare oppose mighty Wall Street.

    Sure, they’ve blocked any meaningful legislation, but look at the last 2 years, blocked legislation has kind of been the default. It’s easier to block legislation that is popular and does something than it is to order a meal through a fast food speaker.

    And yeah, unlike the distractions before, people don’t seem to be buying that horseshit in quite the quantity that they’ve done in the past. They don’t even seem to be fully distracted despite some of the most intense full court press in media that we’ve ever seen.

    They’re risking everything to keep that out of the news, and yet it remains lurking in the background.

    So yeah, I don’t think the Big Lie is quite working this time and you can tell how much that’s freaking out the 1%.


    Ah, War Criminal Post.

    Well, well, well.

    Yes, the Big Lie must be working very well in that even the team of “we report what rich and powerful people want you to think” is forced to acknowledge that Wall Street is the current Great White Satan.

    If only we could fight the Big Lie!


    That salty load called “austerity” is still being swallowed by policy makers across the globe.


    The liberal demonizing machinery is doing a very good job of convicting Cain in the court of public opinion.

    Currently revising the lyrics of “Court of the Crimson King” to fit these new circumstances.


    Currently revising the lyrics of “Court of the Crimson King” to fit these new circumstances.

    Court of the Pizza King?


    Is the Big Lie working?

    I mean, yeah, the 27% is swallowing it like a delicious forced blowjob erupting in their mouth, but it seems that the very notion of the OWS and its popularity is a pretty strong sign that the Big Lie just hasn’t been enough this time. The attempts to blame it on already failed companies, “the debt”, and Keynesian economics have been laughed at by the general populace even as its been doubled down by the professional hacks.

    Of course it’s working. But the War Criminal Post isn’t ‘posed to tell anyone it’s a lie.


    That’s three, three comments erased!

    Copy-&-paste is your friend. I sweat bullets every time I forget it.

    This is Sree Sreenivasan.

    The denouement is pure lulz:

    “After he was done with me, I should have kept rolling, because they get to the exit and find they can’t open it. He says, “Have they locked us in?” Turns out they were pulling the door instead of pushing it.”



    For whatever reason WP remembers me, so when I try and repost with a FYWP on the top, then that comment is also eaten, and sometimes it even eats it when I try and rewrite it all over again.

    I think it knows I killed its dog.


    Whuh? Whuh happn? Are the WaPoop editors being held hostage somewhere?


    Speaking of the 1%.

    Heh. That’s quite a stack of butthurt there.


    Speaking of the 1%.

    Colbert did a really funny bit on this the other night.


    Speaking of the 1%.

    What? They’re really just upper middle class. And you just need your own yacht and floating island fortress. Hell, they’re practically business expenses. I earned every penny of this wealth and I’m not running out of ideas on what to spend it on.

    How dare you claim otherwise? I might go galt any second. It’ll be like what I’m contributing now, but less harmful for the planet.


    On the O’Keefe bit:

    Oh that’s rich. He fucked up the one rule of pushers and bullshit artists everywhere. Don’t believe what you are selling.

    Now he’s stuck doing his little song and dance around the only people who still remember what journalism actually is and meant and what is a real expose versus some made-up bullshit to be overplayed in the media as a distraction from real problems and is getting all the respect his “talents” have ever deserved.

    And he’s shocked, shocked I tell you to see no one there giving a shit about his horseshit and to see it as the bullshit it is.

    By believing his own hype that he was at all talented as a journalist, he has trapped himself in his own hell and found himself unable to operate the pushdoor back out.

    I really am holding out for having him eaten alive by wild lemurs, but this will suffice for now.


    By believing his own hype that he was at all talented as a journalist

    You notice the ratchet downwards in who he tries to scam now. It goes from ACORN to Senator Landrieu to Medicaid to NPR to Planned Parenthood to OWS (who bested him by following HIM around with a camera) to….a journalism professor?

    Really? That’s the best he can do now?


    holy cats! how did it get to be this time of day before i heard that it’s this day on the radio?



    Extra hilarious because you can totally see how he would cruise through journalism school while also feeding the “liberal colleges feeding our liberal media” horseshit parade with a giant “expose on Immorality at Journalism School”.

    And here he is, flunking out and looking like a moron and also not getting anything for his heavily edited hit jobs and making the news himself as a giant asshole.

    I don’t think he’s even aware that his scam has a deliberately short shelf life because once your victims can recognize you, they get into the habit of filming and publishing everything you do as insurance against the inevitable heavily edited bullshit reel.


    Cereberus, word word word and word on all o’ deez postesses here.

    St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

    As we all know, when wingnuts see one of the daddy-men getting accused of stuff, the woman is ALWAYS a liar. It is pretty obvious from the way that they dress and such.

    I could say some things about maladjustment to broken homes, various forms of Electra complexes, the natural result of authoritarian daddy-worship being the rejection of anything that can be associated with the feminine.

    But honestly, I think they’re just assholes.


    Now I just want to spray “ASSHOLE” in huge letters on yachts.


    Am I dreaming this? Can you all see this too? I saw the liberal media forcing it’s socialanism down the throat of hard working people…who..were..tied…up..
    Left something in my bunk, BRB



    I’m assuming none of you have yachts.


    I mean, yes, I have a yacht…but I totally had to fire my pastry chef recently!


    I’m assuming none of you have yachts.

    I had a boat once. Now I just use the “boat simulator”.

    I take a cold shower and tear up $100 bills while making boat noises.

    I can be cold, wet and broke without the inconvenience of actually going to the lake.

    Elmer J. Fudd, 1%er

    I own a mansion and a yacht.


    I take a cold shower and tear up $100 bills while making boat noises.

    ROFL! I think you need a better hobby. I heard the hipsters are knitting these days. Or planking. Or listening to that Nirvana and drinking Starbucks coffee.


    Boat – n., hole in the water into which one throws money


    If I won the lottery (and maybe I did — I haven’t checked!), I would buy neither boat nor pool. Those are just idle toys that are more trouble than they are worth, IMO.

    In fact, despite being carless for five years, I probably wouldn’t buy a real car. Several more scooters, yes, and maybe an electric car for in town. For longer trips, I’d rent a ride.


    So, other than the “hip” factor – what’s the advantage of a scooter over say a 500cc motorcycle?

    Back when I was brave enough to ride motorcycles a friend let me try their Honda scooter and it felt really squirrelly compared to the Kawasaki 400 I was riding at the time.


    So, other than the “hip” factor – what’s the advantage of a scooter over say a 500cc motorcycle?

    Not shifting and built-in storage are big plusses for me.


    I have a dinghy, because size doesn’t matter! Unless you’re prone to sea-sickness. Or bruise easily. Or weigh more than 150 lbs.


    because size doesn’t matter! Unless you’re prone to sea-sickness.

    I’ve never gotten sea-sickness from doin’ it.

    Not even on a waterbed.*

    *sorry for yoinking that joke from everybody who was itching to make it.


    Just curious. I came literally inches from being killed by the proverbial “old lady driving a Buick” years ago on my Honda 700 and sold the bike shortly after. Haven’t had the nerve to ride one since.

    And that was before the invention of the Chevy Tahoe, Cell Phone and Starbucks Latte.

    Plus Mrs Kong would really prefer that I not ride one.


    I’m assuming none of you have yachts.

    I have a picture of a sailboat on the wall of my living room. Please don’t spray paint asshole on it. You can spray paint VS RULZ if you’d like, however.

    I had a boat once. Now I just use the “boat simulator”.

    I take a cold shower and tear up $100 bills while making boat noises.

    I can be cold, wet and broke without the inconvenience of actually going to the lake.

    Holy shit. Comment of the WEEK!


    Plus Mrs Kong would really prefer that I not ride one.

    Well, that’s a factor, and I respect that.

    For me, it was more about saving money in the face of abject poverty. I save more than $2400/year riding a 250cc scooter compared to a 1997 Ford Mustang V6 (the car I sold five years ago, this month), and a big hunk of that is insurance.


    I’m 42 years old, and my mom still warns me that she’ll beat the shit out of me if I’m ever caught riding a two-wheeled, motorized vehicle.

    True story.


    I have a dinghy, because size doesn’t matter!




    I see that you live in Nashville.

    Have you thought about going down to Memphis and tossing boxes at FedEx?

    Yeah, I know, Memphis sucks but I think they always need box-tossers and they get full benefits.


    Yeah, I know, Memphis sucks but I think they always need box-tossers and they get full benefits.

    There’s a huge distribution center six miles from me. My understanding is that there’s huge turnover, as they work people like slaves, only part-time, and only (initially) through the temp agencies for like $8.50/hr. If you’re young and strong and can deal with that for a year, you might get on, or so I am told by people who have worked there in the past.


    “I have a picture of a sailboat on the wall of my living room. Please don’t spray paint asshole on it. You can spray paint VS RULZ if you’d like, however.”

    tsam understands that, as an artist, I must be constantly expressing myself in creative ways.


    That wouldn’t surprise me. They seem to work them pretty hard.


    There’s a difference between some Wal-Martish distribution center and FedEx (or is UPS?) . Many differences actually.


    The FedEx hub workers work part-time but they get health benefits. I think there is a shift for the afternoon sort and one for the early morning sort.

    The turnover rate is high. Not sure about the pay. I thought they started out around $12/hour but I could be wrong.


    Color me surprised. Sen. Cornyn says DOMA repeal is a bad idea because of the vast increase in federal funds those icky gays will suck up. We can’t afford to repeal DOMA.

    ESADIAF you pile of excess human baggage.


    Always seems to be money for Iraq invasions and oil company subsidies. Just sayin’


    The local FedEx distribution center is hiring sorters/handlers through a temp agency for 4-hr. shifts, no bennies, $9.20/hour. I just checked.

    If I weren’t an out-of-shape 48 y.o. recent ex-smoker who would likely die in the first or second shift…


    Sen. Cornyn says DOMA repeal is a bad idea because of the vast increase in federal funds those icky gays will suck up. We can’t afford to repeal DOMA.

    Who knew when they were talking about how important “values” are to them, they meant low, low prices?


    It was just a thought. I don’t know if I could do it either at my age.

    Here’s a link to the corporate site. I didn’t have time to go through it but there might be something in there more suitable.


    On top of the Soros bucks, Jeffraham? Why that’s just excessive.
    I got no job either but may have just picked up some weekend science related stuff. Hang in there


    Imagine if you had a Yakt and VS came and wrote “ASSHOLE” on it, then got famous. Would you scrub it off or sell it???


    I believe scrubbing the yacht is the traditional and shopworn response to that


    I’m assuming none of you have yachts.

    I don’t care what your US dictionaries say; if it doesn’t have sails and a coupla masts then it’s not a feckin’ yacht. It’s a motorboat scaled up to accommodate more kitsch.
    The judge’s decision is final. Correspondence will not be entered into.

    I like the closing remark in the Wikiweedia entry on ‘yacht’:

    This size is small in relation to typical cruise liners and oil tankers.


    I’m assuming none of you have yachts.

    It’s spelt Raymond: “Luxury Yacht”, but it’s pronounced “Throatwobbler Mangrove”.


    Imagine if you had a Yakt and VS came and wrote “ASSHOLE” on it, then got famous.
    Some people prefer to use their actual name as a signature.

    Big Bad Bald Bastard

    No shit, someone in the comments says that “Boys will be Boys”.

    Except for Clinton… his penis has the potential to bring a great nation to its knees.

    And the wingnuts claim liberals are “moral relativists”.


    penis has the potential to bring a great nation to its knees



    I could say some things about maladjustment to broken homes, various forms of Electra complexes, the natural result of authoritarian daddy-worship being the rejection of anything that can be associated with the feminine.

    I’m rather convinced that most of the vocal ones are either sociopaths and/or alcoholics, or the children of sociopaths and/or alcoholics. Better to walk on the right hand of the devil than to be in his path, and all that.

    A Journal of the Plague Year

    Late to the party, but what the hell:

    Glen Campbell
    Kana (Japanese singer-songwriter popular with the Goth Lolis; you could of course replace her with the J-Pop star of your choice)
    A Random Mariachi Band


    took me moment to realize that was more of the bands thing and not some awesome postmodern lit. Awesome postmodern lit is beyond my skillset.
    Guided by Voices
    Flying Saucer Attack
    Blowfly I tried to find his version of Shaft but couldn’t – NSFW
    The Fugs


    DKW – my preference is for the compare

    tensor, whose mind is on a certain activity,

    Yoinking the Joke
    Tossing the Box
    Scrubbing the Yacht
    Obscure Band Bingo


    Actually ZRM inspired me with his answer utpthread so:

    Neil Young (CSNY)
    Neil Young (Crazy Horse)
    Neil Young (And the Shocking Pinks)
    Neil Young (Harvest/Harvest Moon)
    Neil Young (Mirror Ball)

    And you could add a few more over the years.




    Xecky is a Long playa


    There’s such a thing as the shit hitting the fan and then there’s a Montana cow pasture hitting a JPL wind tunnel.


    oh my goodness, you people are brilliant tonight! no fair that i had to miss the fun stuff…but i shan’t bitch about working two jobs because i know some of you have no job…but still, i’m getting too fecking old for this…

    also too…Plus Mrs Kong would really prefer that I not ride one.

    this is why hubbkf does not have one…not because mrs. kong won’t let him, cuz i won’t let him…


    Catching up on the day’s threads. Shout out to Cerb on this:

    On top of that, the hierarchy is the glorious constant, the thing that keeps everything else grounded. So one of the other horrible crimes that’s worse than murder is someone stepping out of line of the hierarchy.


    It occurred to me a couple weeks ago after reading that turd on my facebook wall (“our police are way overmilitarized, but that’s okay, because ORDER and AUTHORITAY”) that you really can simplify the entire wingnut ideology to a belief in hierarchy. They think there’s a natural, immutable order to the world (ordained by God, for most of them: by the laws of nature for the small minority that don’t go that way): men lead while women submit, elites prosper while poor people starve, people with guns and uniforms make the rules while civvies meekly obey, The Right People run the system while The Others sit down and shut up. The role of government in that system is to defend the hierarchy to its dying breath, aid and abet it when necessary, and otherwise stay the hell out of its way (which is what “small government” actually means).

    In the case of that post on my facebook wall, the “cops are way overmilitarized” line was a lament that the government needs to aid and abet as much as it does these days – in the old days, bitches, darkies and DFHs knew their place, and there was no need for riot units armed like special ops formations to keep them in their place. And it’s just a crying shame that we have to spend money on that.

    In the case of rape or harassment or mistreatment of women by men in general – the proper response for a woman (in their opinion) is to seek refuge with another man (her father, her brother or her husband) and have him go beat up the offender, or ideally “protect” her from him in the first place. But for a woman to stand up for herself, or to expect the system to give her justice without relying specifically on a male “guardian,” or to walk out into the “man’s world” without the protection of such a guardian and expect not to be in danger, is going way over the line.



    i totes forgot about rasputina…the son went through a phase where he listened to them over and over and over and over until even his friends told him, ‘enuf already!’ that was a long week…


    Also this:

    I do not care whether Bialek’s story is true. It does not matter. What matters is whether Cain is qualified to be POTUS, and it is time for the discussion to shift away from unproven stories and accusations to the issues of the day.

    Interesting point, bringing things back to “the issues:”

    I don’t know if the Cain harassment story will finally sink him, but even if it does, I find it vaguely sad that that’s what it’ll have taken to sink him. The man is a vulture capitalist whose claim to fame is that he fired a bunch of his employees and pocketed the profits; a pig-ignorant moron who wasn’t even aware that China was a nuclear power; a rabid racist and bigot of other kinds (anti-Hispanic, anti-Muslim and anti-gay); and a human being with so little self-respect that he couldn’t even stand by his objection to the word “nigger,” instead equivocating, backtracking and apologizing rather than risk offending the Angry White Conservative party.

    Even if the sexual harassment thing was one giant massive Romney/Perry/Rove/whatever conspiracy against him and the man was clean as a whistle on that front (something I don’t think anyone believes), the guy would still have no business being anywhere near a high elected office. And the saddest thing about the entire Herman Cain candidacy is that it ever got this far in the first place. (You can say similar things about the entire GOP candidate field, to be fair).


    Actually ZRM inspired me with his answer utpthread so:

    Hey! Someone read my obsessive Mekons-content! Thanks, s.!


    “Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science”

    Ahem. Darwin. While rejecting the theory of Evolution, these wingnuts thoroughly embrace a completely misguided social darwinism, and they think themselves “the fittest.” The “fittest” however, in natural selection are not the wienies who started body-building after a bigger bully kicked sand in their face on the beach—it’s the life form that best adapts to change. If brute force were the only requirement to prevail, the dinosaurs would still rule the planet, and we humans would have never developed.


    “‘Even the esteemed “philosopher” and screenwriter, Nora Ephron”

    That’s enough to put this crap out of court right there…:p


    So, has anyone considered photoshopping Rick Corndog Perry into a picture of a smiling Herman Cain?

    Of course, that would be a low-down Alinskyite tactic… and it would be hilarious.



    If you know what I mean.

    And I think you do.


    Plus Mrs Kong would really prefer that I not ride one.

    So she’s ok with you logging thousands of miles a day thousands of feet in the air in a crate that’s probably maintained on a tight budget using non-labor mechanics and parts made in Messico by day-laborers who come to work drunk and leave with one eye out for the drug kingpin who wants them to mule coke to Arizona, as your progress is tracked by ATCs who are distracted and sleep-deprived non-union one-cigarette-away-from-a-heart-attack zombies, but she won’t let you ride a bike that you can maintain yourself?

    What kind of a man are you, ya wimp!

    (see what I did there?)




    You know, I think I finally figured it out – how Conservatrolls can go around arguing that all men are inherently rapey, but it’s the libs and feminists who hate men. Because we expect more of men. When a feminist says that any man is a potential rapist, they say that to mean that this is WRONG and should CHANGE.

    When a conservative says “But there is something wrong if women do not understand that men are men [i.e. RAPISTS] no matter what their profession”, there’s no criticism implied. To them, a feminist saying a man should try to not be a rapist is akin to a asking a lioness to stop hunting gazelle – the feminist is telling them to change some immutable part of their nature.

    That’s it. Men are rapists, nothing can be done. Well, FUCK YOU LADY. I’ve gone through 26 years with a dick without raping anyone not because of some “moral and ethical ecosystem” that restrained my “barbaric instincts” but because I have an actual moral code that I live by. That, by the way, is the much vaunted “personal responsiblity” they are always bleating on about. I can see a pretty lady and not immediately get my dick out and jump on her, no matter how short her skirt is or how low cut her top is. I can do a favour for someone just because it would help them out and not expect a blowjob for it. And if all the men you know can’t – well, maybe you should be looking at what sort of shit your culture tells them instead of saying “boys will be boys” and telling the people demanding that a crime be punished to shut up and stop being so mean to poor Herman.


    Because we expect more of men.

    And frankly, I’m goddamned tired of living up to your expectations!

    Imagine, BATHING? Putting the toilet seat down? Kissing after sex?




    Maybe Adam Sandler’s career has come to the sickening, squishy crashing halt we all hoped it would


    willie waffle on ‘jack & jill’:

    Not so much a movie, but a challenge to your soul. Maybe it is designed to make us wonder if there is a God, and if he will save you from this disaster. He won’t.

    that’s awesome!


    Adam Sandler is to comedy what James O’keefe is to journalism.


    two things i never want to hear or visualize again:

    1)al roker saying “O.M.G.”

    2)dr. rick knabb surfing


    Adam Sandler is to comedy what James O’keefe is to journalism.

    or what joe paterno is to coaching
    still too soon?


    Adam Sandler is to comedy what James O’keefe is to journalism.

    Adam Sandler is to comedy what Rick Perry is to memorization


    I know Smut refuses to discuss the matter but I pity the fool that does not consider these fine boats to be yachts.

    No VS, I don’t have one but I’ve sailed ’em and if you try and paint words on them I will prepare to repel boarders.


    I liked Mary Pols review:

    More than 24 hours has passed since I watched the new Adam Sandler movie Jack and Jill and I am still dead inside.


    or what joe paterno is to coaching

    Not too soon.

    Adam Sandler is to comedy what Jerry Sandusky is to foster care.

    Way too late, in my mind.


    I liked Mary Pols review:

    I know her! She worked with me years ago at an altie paper in SF.

    Great review!


    Holy shit! Peter Travers hated it!

    OMG! Peter Travers is the go-to for horrible films that need a good review! Whenever you see a commercial or ad featuring a Travers’ review, run from the theater! My god! I always thought he was bought off with a case of whisk–




    Adam Sandler is to comedy what Joe Paterno is to responsible adult behavior.

    Seriously, fuck college football. Paterno was supposed to be an exception to the rule but instead is worse than most. He covered up something worse than player payola or grade cheating to maintain an image.

    Put that motherfucker in jail.


    Rick Perry is actually dumber than $arah.

    At least $arah knew that she had to write her answers on her manual teleprompter.


    A smirking, no-talent permanently-preadolescent hack who is sure that some questionalbe early “successes” have made him a superstar forever, and that anything he produces will be hailed as an unqualified success by those who are sophisticated enough to appreciate his unparalled genius, and that anyone who questions his genius can be summarily and contemptuously dismissed for their inability to comprehend his obvious gifts.

    Sandler, I mean.
    I mean O’Keefe
    Or rather Rick Perry,
    GW Bush, that is


    GW Bush, that is

    I had a feeling you were heading here. You had me at “smirking”


    In all honesty, I have not seen a single Adam Sandler movie that didn’t make me flip channels after three minutes.

    In fact, I haven’t seen a single Adam Sandler performance…well, maybe the Hannukkah Song…that didn’t make me shut the show off in disgust.

    But then I always thought Rob Schneider was going to be the successful one out of that batch of SNL


    Adam Sandler has about as much business making movies as Herman Cain does getting laid.


    Sandler, I mean.
    I mean O’Keefe
    Or rather Rick Perry,
    GW Bush, that is

    This could become a very long list, you know.

    Jonah would be there, with the exception on not meeting the “questionable early successes” threshold.


    Add Brietbart and Limbaugh to the list


    Maybe Adam Sandler’s career has come to the sickening, squishy crashing halt we all hoped it would

    As someone who once minored in “Couch Potato,” I can honestly say it will take more than this to do it. But comedians playing multiple characters in the same movie (Eddie Murphy excluded) is usually a sign of decline.

    Then again, he can just do another “Spanglish” or “Punch Drunk Love” and win some hearts buy doing a pseudo-dramatic flick.


    I was able to make it all the way through the movie Spanglish. I thought Adam Sandler did a decent job there. I think mostly though that the movie gave me a glimmer of hope that Adam was finally tired of being a two year old and perhaps we’d not have to be exposed to any more crap like Jack and Jill. Sadly, No!


    I had such high hopes for Reign Over Me. I mean, it looked like a can’t miss, the kind of story Hollywood goes nuts over– guy loses his family in the 9/11 attacks, reconnects with an old friend.

    I figured someone sat down with Sandler and told him, “Look, people are forgetting why you are hired for anything in the first place anymore!”

    It had DON CHEADLE in it, fercrissake! Annnnnnnnnnnnd, it sucked from the get-go.


    So, other than the “hip” factor – what’s the advantage of a scooter over say a 500cc motorcycle?

    Back when I was brave enough to ride motorcycles a friend let me try their Honda scooter and it felt really squirrelly compared to the Kawasaki 400 I was riding at the time.

    You want squirrely, ride one of those old Honda 600 dual-purpose single-cylinder thumpers on the freeway. Center of gravity was so high and the stock tires were always hunting for the rain grooves in the concrete. Made my RZ350 seem like a Cadillac in comparison.


    Knew someone that took one of those Hondas down on a metal bridge right next to the “Motorcycles Use Caution” sign. Made a fair mess it did.


    I was able to make it all the way through the movie Spanglish. I thought Adam Sandler did a decent job there

    yeah, i liked spanglish…and i really like 50 first dates…although he always has to throw something totally disgusting in every movie…and i still have a soft spot for happy gilmore…i will now await the wrath of the sadlies…


    right next to the “Motorcycles Use Caution” sign.

    Seems to me that if you’re the type of person who would use caution you won’t be on a motorcycle in the first place.


    That good news for the makers of the Atlas Shrugged movie.

    Now they can place a blurb on their promotional material saying that A.S. is better than the latest Adam Sandler project.


    i will now await the wrath of the sadlies…

    *scratching bbfk off the Christmas list*

    You’ll get a towel, instead.


    speaking of dreadful performances…did anyone catch rick perry’s top ten on letterman? i tried to watch some clips, but they all have annoying ads in them or are not the full version…what i saw was pretty horrific tho…


    You’ll get a towel, instead.

    i hope it’s one of these!


    i hope it’s one of these!

    They don’t have those at the Motel 6


    Adam Sandler is to comedy what Jerry Sandusky is to foster care.

    Aw, come on. Sandusky was just looking for a good tight-end.


    Adam Sandler is to comedy what Jerry Sandusky is to foster care.

    Aw, come on. Sandusky was just looking for a good tight-end.

    And Sandler played a shower toy.

    I mean, water boy.


    <i.I mean, water boy.

    eeek…possibly the worst movie ever made…right up there with ‘taken’…


    see…it’s so bad it causes tagfail!!!


    right up there with ‘taken’…

    Not sure why Liam Neeson feels the need to become an action hero at this point in his career. It’s like Nic Cage: Don’t let this happen to you.


    Around here the signs say “motorcycle use extreme caution” I don’t even know what that is, extreme caution WTF? And why are they addressing my motorcycle? It can’t read.

    Who is Adam Sandler? Was he in those Alan Smithee flicks?


    Not sure why Liam Neeson feels the need to become an action hero at this point in his career.

    Sly Stallone blames the advent of comic books movies for the decline of good action flicks (I always saw “Taken” a a decent action-drama, but whatever). I would say using the same old actors probably contributed to it.


    Sly Stallone blames the advent of comic books movies for the decline of good action flicks (I always saw “Taken” a a decent action-drama, but whatever). I would say using the same old actors probably contributed to it.

    Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think “Taken” stank the bed, but I had a hard time trying to get past Liam Neeson as an action hero dad type.

    Perhaps that last sentence is the reason. Some decent actors can pull it off (Ethan Hawake, Densel Washington) but as a general rule, if you could have auditioned for the RSC or Julliard, you probably shouldn’t think about movies that might make Michael Bay consider the script.


    Using extreme caution is better than asking you to ‘open joints on bridge’, usually a difficult undertaking.


    Using extreme caution is better than asking you to ‘open joints on bridge’, usually a difficult undertaking.

    What? You just untwist the ends! Of course, in a stiff breeze you lose some good pot…


    And who’s job is it to go around to all the residential neighborhoods with a stopwatch to determine if there are “Slow Children at Play”.


    I had a hard time trying to get past Liam Neeson as an action hero dad type.

    Couldn’t suspend your disbelief during “Phantom Menace” or “Batman Begins,” I guess?

    That’s cool, I still think of him as Oscar Schindler…even though he was Darkman too.


    Next, Herman Cain’s going to claim that pimpin’ ain’t easy.


    Couldn’t suspend your disbelief during “Phantom Menace” or “Batman Begins,” I guess?

    He was dead halfway through the first (and I did like him in that), and felt he detracted from Batman Begins.

    I liked him in Rob Roy, too, but there was a powerful story moving that one along. “Taken” was kind of what they call a “high concept” movie.

    Maybe it was Darkman that keeps lurking in my memory.


    Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think “Taken” stank the bed, but I had a hard time trying to get past Liam Neeson as an action hero dad type.

    the writing was just zomg bad…plus i’m still pissed that he didn’t smack down the ex-wife at the end of the movie…i would have been all…’oh, yeah? I’M going to *lose* her if i *smother* her?!?! yeah, how’d that plan to let her traipse off to Europe with an equally ditzoid friend work out, huh?!?! let’s talk about that?!?!”

    that would have appeased me a bit…and it not only stank up the bed, it stank up the whole goddamned trailer house…


    Some decent actors can pull it off (Ethan Hawake, Densel Washington)

    denzel can pull off anything he wants if you know what i mean and i think you do….*sexy growl*



    the burn means it’s working!


    Oh dear. Worked a 12-hour shift last night. Had a 1-hour nap during the sort and then slept from 8-10 this morning after I got to the hotel.

    I’m completely wired and I start another 12-hour shift at 7:30 pm.


    I have a really hard time with action movies after the brilliance of the Bourne series. The casting, writing, filming, everything in those was absolutely perfect. Also, Saving Private Ryan set the bar way out of reach for mere mortal filmmakers.

    I sort of liked Taken–but I come to expect major plot holes and shitty character development out of that genre. I figure there never would have been an Enter the Dragon without that sort of silliness that makes a movie entertainment.


    To them, a feminist saying a man should try to not be a rapist is akin to a asking a lioness to stop hunting gazelle – the feminist is telling them to change some immutable part of their nature.

    A Republican (a long time ago, I suspect that he no longer is), gun-loving, Calvinist, ex-Army officer friend of mine who had a degree in history— I knew him from art school—told me that he knew of a couple of cultures in which rape, historically, did not exist, at one time. When those peoples were invaded by other raping, pillaging, and burning cultures they said “What the fuck was that?!” They didn’t have a name for it. They did not understand it at all. It made actually no sense to them, and was the most off-the-wall, inexplicable thing they had ever experienced. Gobsmacked, I tell you. The hell rape is a biological imperative or biologically advantageous activity—it is species betrayal.


    Even the esteemed “philosopher” and screenwriter, Nora Ephron

    Something I missed the first time.

    Since when is the dialogue that people put into characters a sign of their true beliefs?

    Are we to believe that Mary Harron believes that women are beasts deserving only to be fucked and killed by a yuppie psychotic? Or that William Goldman believes that if women don’t stay in the home that robots need to replace them to ensure they do?

    Just another example of conservatives being completely baffled by the concept of “fiction” and a difference between movies and television and the real world.

    Probably because they spend so much time in escapist entertainment and so little time interacting with a genuine real world that is so unfortunately filled with non-white people, queers, and women with ambitions beyond housewife. Not to mention all the non-Christians.


    I’m completely wired and I start another 12-hour shift at 7:30 pm.

    It took me 13 hours to get from Minneapolis to New York yesterday – fog shut down the PHI US Air hub. Putting aside my idiocy in agreeing to fly that airline, the experience reinforced my respect for people who work in air travel. You guys must have iron constitutions and very high thresholds for anger.



    I think you are absolutely right.

    But the part that even after I “understand it”, confuses the hell out of me is this.

    The anti-feminists believe that it is natural that men be bestial and women be oppressed, that men can’t help their urges and the world must be arranged around their uncontrollable outbursts, and it is the height of impropriety to believe a man can change or not be a dick and it is even evil to believe they can be better because this is “pussifying” a man into a woman as part of some gynocrat plot.

    So, men are dangerous beasts we can never expect better from, according to them.

    And yet…

    They want to control the world.

    They want to run all the companies, be the sole sex in all parts of government, want to be thought of as glorious leaders and be trusted with everything important and lucrative.

    But if men are grunting beasts who can’t even handle a little cleavage without needing to plot an elaborate kidnapping, why would we ever give them positions of power? Hell, the supposed excuse “women have PMS” is basically just “ok, women supposedly have a couple of days when they are insane, you are insane 24/7”.

    Not to mention that when we encounter someone dangerous to others who can’t change in the real world, we DO NOT let them free. We lock that fucker up and throw away the key, because there is no hope for rehabilitation, only hope to keep him away from those he would harm.

    By their logic, all men, everywhere, need to be locked up for life because they simply can’t handle being around the “fairer sex”. Not in charge of the world, not dictating that women go through complicated rituals to “maybe kinda protect themselves”. Nope, all men in jail starting at puberty or before and women in charge of anything.

    The failure to follow through their supposed beliefs shows that its about “I don’t want to change” and “I don’t want to view women as equals and pay attention to consent and become a better person” and thus hoping that the “natural” gambit will get them off the hook.


    Neil Young (CSNY)
    Neil Young (Crazy Horse)
    Neil Young (And the Shocking Pinks)
    Neil Young (Harvest/Harvest Moon)
    Neil Young (Mirror Ball)

    Neil Young (Trans)
    Neil Young(Le Noise)


    Oof. That anon was me.


    And to the “motorcycles are dangerous” crowd. Yes, yes they are.

    So is life. You can minimize your risk, but you’re never “safe” — people are scared of shit that they are at no measurable risk of being victim of (see e.g. “terrorism” ), but are not scared of driving on the freeway or falling in the bathtub, which kill people constantly.

    Yes, riding is risky. Definitely. I minimize the risk of riding my bike — I ride for fun, on rural low traffic roads, with full protective gear. I’m much more likely to kill myself doing this than to have somebody else kill me.

    Is it more risky than not riding? Yeah.

    So is taking a shower in the morning…


    Since when is the dialogue that people put into characters a sign of their true beliefs?

    since people like pennis have been around…people who think that every thought either spoken or not is the IRON-CLAD TRUTH…



    Remember one thing in your analyses (which I find to be brilliant, btw):

    A wingnut, in defense of a teabagger, will go with the primal instinct defense. A week later, the same wingnut will dismiss primal instinct defense in yet another logical faceplant that tries to make the argument that the gays are gay by choice and out to destroy our society with mojitos and impeccable taste. So while your destruction of their arguments makes sense to someone with the brain power to apply critical thinking to a philisophical problem, it’s also something like Special Relativity vs. the never-ending quest to prove that cigarettes are indeed a health benefit to smokers. One is loosely based on science, but really nothing more than the only possible outcome of science-for-hire confirmation bias. Relativity, on the other hand, well, you know the score here.


    Probably because they spend so much time in escapist entertainment

    which they then whine is liberalcommiesocialistfeministx-rated trash! and should be banned, i tell you…banned!

    the dissonance must be deafening at times…


    Adam Sandler is my personal bane and the actor I most want to punch in the face for all eternity.

    And it’s entirely personal why. In high school on band field trips (cue tired joke about band camp and flutes) we would watch movies on the longer trips and of course that really meant we watched every Adam Sandler movie, sometimes multiple times. So I didn’t get to escape one movie of his “oevure”. Including “gems” like “Click” and “Little Nicky”.

    Those were the years I learned hate for all humanity.


    And to the “motorcycles are dangerous” crowd. Yes, yes they are.

    I’ve always thought of motorcycle riders as people who have come to terms with the fact that a dustup with a car is going to be painful and has a high likelihood of being deadly. As long as you’re ok with that, then there’s no problem.

    And you’ve just proved that this whole Western fascination with showering is really nothing more than GOVERNMENT POPULATION CONTROL. That’s why I only take showers when there are bugs about.


    I really liked Happy Gilmore.


    Cerb must be awfully young. I’m with Pup, I’ve got no idea who this character is. Needless to say there were no movies on our band field trips and we were OK with that. Math team too (math team girls = teh hawt!).


    Is it more risky than not riding? Yeah.

    So is taking a shower in the morning…

    trust me…when you are as klutzy as i am, EVERYthing is a death trap…



    Yeah, I know it’s one argument to get them off the hook and another to praise themselves as moral and another to argue that their enemies are Satan and those arguments are often directly refuting the others…

    Honestly I get the “it’s natural, so lay off and give us control over the world” dodge as a wingnut tactic and as part of a glorious tapestry of logic inconsistency fails.

    But for whatever reason I still trip over that voice of reason that goes “okay, if you want us to view you as monsters that we can never change, shouldn’t we be throwing you all in prison for life rather than measuring our shirts to see if they hint that there’s flesh underneath”?

    I know it doesn’t matter in the game of Calivinball that is Wingnut arguments, but still, it’s one of those things I want to point out to these fuckers over and over again.



    has the worst cheer leaders…


    has the worst cheer leaders…

    bad cheerleaders are the only kind I like


    I’ve always thought of motorcycle riders as people who have come to terms with the fact that a dustup with a car is going to be painful and has a high likelihood of being deadly. As long as you’re ok with that, then there’s no problem.

    The problem is the motorcycle drivers who are too OK with it, apparently, judging by how they drive (zipping around at 30+ mph over the limit, shifting lanes in an eyeblink, passing cars in the same lane.) A nurse I knew used to call them FODs, for “future organ donors.”


    Honestly I get the “it’s natural, so lay off and give us control over the world” dodge as a wingnut tactic and as part of a glorious tapestry of logic inconsistency fails.

    Many things come naturally to men, but rape is not one of them. Anecdotally speaking, I see an attractive woman and DO picture her naked, I do imagine what it would be like to have sex with her, and I do look at her naughty bits. However, for the vast majority of men, the very idea of having sex with a woman who doesn’t want it (whether it be forcible rape, date drug rape, the promise of some reward in exchange, abuse of authority…) is really disgusting. It diminishes the self to the extent that the idea that the only way one could get laid is using some sleazy or even violent tactic to conquer the target of infatuation.

    I guess the bigger point is that there are entitled brats who think women are obligated to give up the poontang. That’s not a symptom of being male, but instead a manifestation of an overinflated sense of self worth and entitlement. I don’t like being told “no” either, but I know what “no” means.


    Anecdotally speaking, I see an attractive woman and DO picture her naked, I do imagine what it would be like to have sex with her, and I do look at her naughty bits.

    you can see through your monitor?!?!?


    I guess the bigger point is that there are entitled brats who think women are obligated to give up the poontang

    i’m not so sure it’s as clear-cut as that…i think some of it is also on over-inflated sense of their attractiveness and the idea (that’s prevalent in pop culture nowadays) that the chicks want it just as bad…


    The problem is the motorcycle drivers who are too OK with it, apparently, judging by how they drive (zipping around at 30+ mph over the limit, shifting lanes in an eyeblink, passing cars in the same lane.) A nurse I knew used to call them FODs, for “future organ donors.”

    Much like pilots, there are old motorcyclists, and there are bold motorcyclists, but there are very few old, bold, motorcyclists.


    i think some of it is also on over-inflated sense of their attractiveness and the idea (that’s prevalent in pop culture nowadays) that the chicks want it just as bad…

    I think this is the distinction between what you might a dog (a guy who gets around, thinks of nothing but sex, terrible relationship material, but certainly not a rapist or serial harasser) and the Cain types who couldn’t give half a shit if the woman wants it or not. HE wants it, therefore it should be given, and you can consider yourself lucky you landed a job out of the deal. It’s just further proof that while a harsh god, I am a fair god.


    Shoter Steven Hayward:

    While the feminist whores are all stamping their feet at the Tupperware party over Herman Cain (ANITA HILL IS A LIAR!!!!!), someone better explain to me why they elected Chris Dodd president after Ted Kennedy said something gross to Carrie Fisher. Hypocrites.


    you can see through your monitor?!?!?

    Yes. Remember that when you’re on here. Both hands on the keyboard!


    Yes. Remember that when you’re on here. Both hands on the keyboard!

    Damn. You’re still jealous I outbid you for the franchise?


    Both hands on the keyboard!

    they are at the 10:00 and 2:00 position, sir!


    Yes. Remember that when you’re on here. Both hands on the keyboard!

    But how will I handle my mouse?

    (I’m supposed to be working. Best VMR I could come up with.)


    and damn you mark f for that link! i got so fricking annoyed by those ponces that i had to comment…damn you…


    Wow, that Steven Hayward article is trying WAY too hard to advertise that he’s never had a date with a woman that wasn’t also his own hand.

    We’ve got the title:


    Yes, in all caps. Because otherwise you wouldn’t get that he feels passionate about his utter contempt for the half of the species with their…firm buttocks and long penises that he longs to fondle, oh why did they have to kick him out of the glory hole!

    And then there’s the opening:

    The ruckus over Herman Cain’s alleged sexual harassment has summoned forth the efforts of the Senior Directorate of the Femintern to stamp their feet and say “it is too a big deal!” It’s become a wonderful excuse for a reunion of the “I Believe Anita Hill” potluck Tupperware parties.

    Hey, Stevie? Think you could cram more sexism and infantilization of women into that sentence? Maybe a line about how they’re probably sucking from the bottle of lies that they use to poison our nation’s young boys with ideas about how women should be let out of the house?

    And yeah, it really bolsters your case that the feminists are whining about nothing when your “defense” is basically “fuck the bitches, who cares about them, they should be harassed”.

    And that really is the big problem with the attempts to make it a “liberals are the real harassers” issue. They really don’t care about harassment. They view it as a good thing, something that makes Cain manlier and more supportable. They just want to see the uppity bitches put in their place for thinking they are human beings and so they are visibly uncomfortable in the role of pretending they care about women or some concept of fairness when they really just want to argue that a world in which a woman is forced to suck their dick for a job sounds like the world they always wanted to live in.

    As such, you get this, where whatever “crimes by the liberals” is going to look pretty impotent compared to the flushing of raw hatred that the conservative needs to let out even to talk about this like he cares about the filthy cootie bearers.

    Oh hey, looks like we’re mango diving this.


    No indeed, there is no denying it, but it is rather amusing to turn to page C2 of Style to see the item in the “Reliable Source” column about recently retired Senator Chris Dodd, and everyone’s favorite champion of the status of women, Ted Kennedy. Seems the actress Carrie (“Princess Leia”) Fisher had a blind date with Dodd back in the 1980s:

    The liquor flowed but Fisher, fresh from her first stint in rehab, was sober and subdued. Suddenly, Kennedy turned to her and asked, “So, do you think you’ll be having sex with Chris at the end of your date?”

    Dodd looked at her with “an unusual grin hanging on his very flushed face,” writes Fisher. That probably won’t happen, she told them. Why? demanded Kennedy. “I’d have to be truly loaded to just fall into bed with someone I’ve only very recently met,” she explained. “Even if that someone is a Democrat.”

    More likely the thought of a romp with Dodd and/or Kennedy caused her to have Jabba-the-Hutt flashbacks, even after she’d been through rehab.

    Hello, Steven? You were going to argue that liberals are the real harassers?

    Any day now?

    I know you couldn’t resist a “Ted Kennedy was fat and drunk” joke, but this really isn’t connected to anything. In fact it makes your point look worse. Ted Kennedy made an off-color and socially inappropriate inquiry into personal lives during someone else’s date, which is annoying and “oh god, Ted is drunk again”, but not really an example of harassment like Cain’s “give me head or no job” dickery or his harrassment of co-workers in a business setting.

    Not quite the same thing.

    I know, I know algoreisfat, tedkennedyprovesliberalbias, and all that. Man, you guys are hurting now that Ted Kennedy is dead and you can’t use him as the go-to “but but but” whenever one of your scandals breaks. Somehow the clenis just doesn’t have the same staying power, not to mention requires you to talk about penises and we know how sweaty that gets you.


    Jabba-the-Hutt flashbacks, even after she’d been through rehab

    someone in the comments gave him kudos for the jabba-the-hutt…and stevie’s all ‘glad someone got that joke!’ and i’m all, ‘eh? that was a joke?…’


    Old, bold motorcyclist REPRESENT!

    I take risks, sometimes big risks – pushing close to the limit on twisty mountain roads for example – but doing that shit Scribe complains about is just fucking stupid. Those are the guys riding what the medical professionals call donorcycles. There are a lot of us sportbikers that ride like that but we do it on deserted rural roads and with the full knowledge of the risk. Hell, that’s what makes it so exciting. We also know that we are much more likely to be seriously injured or killed by a cager (car driver) turning left in front of us or something.

    We tend to do that only occasionally, on a ride selected for its challenges. When I ride in traffic, in town, on the highway I take it easy. The vast majority of the time we ride gently, sanely, carefully. I often mentor the new riders in our “club” (it’s just a web site, not a formal club), teaching riding skills and the like. I frequently repeat my favorite admonition: The single most important piece of safety gear is between your ears.

    BTW, OBS, are you on pnwriders? I know Whale Chowder is. Not that it makes any difference.


    yes, hayward has some crack reporting skills:

    Think I jest? Just go back to the infamous “waitress sandwich” episode involving Dodd and Kennedy about this same time. The Hartford Courant reported it thus:

    “Dodd and Kennedy were also reported to have made a ‘human sandwich’ with a waitress at La Brasserie, another Capitol Hill restaurant. The report had it that Kennedy threw the woman on Dodd, who was slumped in a chair, and then jumped on top of her. She was said to have run screaming from the room.”

    yes, reported to have…always a reliable newssource…after all, nobody ever embellishes or fudges a bit…


    OT, via JoeMax

    I note he was the killing vote, it appears.


    Think I jest? Just go back to the infamous “waitress sandwich” episode involving Dodd and Kennedy about this same time. The Hartford Courant reported it thus:

    “Dodd and Kennedy were also reported to have made a ‘human sandwich’ with a waitress at La Brasserie, another Capitol Hill restaurant. The report had it that Kennedy threw the woman on Dodd, who was slumped in a chair, and then jumped on top of her. She was said to have run screaming from the room.”

    Gives a whole new meaning to the term “Dodd-Frank,” doesn’t it?

    Funny, but I don’t recall the media, or the Femintern, running down this episode during Dodd’s presidential campaign in 2008. Strange how that works.

    Yeah, that sure was improper of… Dodd?

    Oh come on! Dodd was passed out in this story. The only thing you can get him for would be having an obnoxious drunk friend with poor boundary control issues. They probably didn’t “bring it up” because it would just have made Dodd (who was a joke candidate in 2008, let’s remember, not even doing well in the polls like Cain) look better. Haven’t we all had that one drunk or annoying friend that we often have to apologize for/slap our heads in frustration as we try and explain why we’re hanging out with a guy who does a “me so chinese” impression.

    And a Barney Frank? What the hell does he have to do with this story?

    C’mon, you had one job as a hack. Blame this conservative crisis on liberals and instead you send back this mess basically about how Ted Kennedy was an annoying and disrespectful drunk, but we should be mad at Chris Dodd and Barney Frank.

    Also, hey, the “media” didn’t run down the issue in 2008, because they responded to it on time. The media reported it when it happened, hence why you are reading about it in the microfiche as part of your Ted Kennedy obsession wall. And feminist outrage at Ted Kennedy’s disrespect for women was a current issue at the time, hence the uneasy truce between feminists and Ted Kennedy owing to his personal history, but his later run as a strong spokesperson for women’s rights.

    Feminists wouldn’t be talking about this is 2008, because they already discussed it plenty in 1980. Like always, wingnuts are 30 years behind and wondering where the outrage is.

    Also, love the assumption that feminists have never criticized democrats. Feminists weighed in on Clinton, Kennedy, and any number of nominally left figures. Hell, sometimes they hit harder on liberal men acting poorly, because they have the greatest capacity for change, because they are more likely to take seriously the idea of female personhood.

    An assumption that has rather paid off in decreasing sexism in liberal communities (though not fixing the problem entirely).

    But yeah, as far as “why don’t you care about the women in the Middle East under Saddam” deflection, this trips over the starting gate at the first mention of Ted Kennedy.

    They just can’t get over their hatred for him long enough to pretend their dismissal and hatred for women is actually a liberal problem that proves liberal bias.

    But bonus points for assuming that feminists are both monsters from another world and a rebirth of a long outdated Communist term that died in 1942.


    You guys must have iron constitutions and very high thresholds for anger.

    If you work in the industry for any length of time you learn to deal with things that are beyond your control. When I was in SAC the unofficial motto was “You gotta be tough to fly the heavies”.


    Teh Henneberger piece that Steven can’t find. Fuck sakes, he has the name of the author, the name of the publication, the date of the publication and a page reference. d00d probs couldn’t find his own ass with labels reading “NOT HERE” taped to both elbows.

    The “appearnce of Anita Hill”? Here it is:

    This is a conversation we have mostly not been having in the two decades since Anita Hill accused Clarence Thomas of creeping her out at work. But if we have no practice talking about sexual harassment, it’s not because it so seldom happens.

    OMG! Controversial!


    BTW, OBS, are you on pnwriders? I know Whale Chowder is. Not that it makes any difference.

    Yes, I am. Haven’t posted in quite a while though. A more local group spun off from there called “ride44” that a bunch of us Southern-valley folks use.

    Related: here’s a very safe looking motorcycle.

    Oh, and look: Tintin!



    “glad you got the joke”?

    How little does he trust his audience that he was worried they wouldn’t get the most obvious “Ted Kennedy was fat” joke the world has ever seen.

    People were making “tubby kid is Jabba the Hutt” jokes when I was in grade school and that was decades after the movies became popular.

    It’s right up there with “she slathers on her makeup like a clown”. My word, gentleman, that there is subtle humor if I ever did see it.

    Though given his comment section, I can believe he was worried that even that would be too “subtle” for their barely functioning hind brain spasms.


    Note – I’m not scared of motorcycles.

    I’m scared of drivers when I happen to be on a motorcycle. Heck, I’m scared of them when I’m driving my car for that matter.

    And back when I rode motorcycles everybody wasn’t driving a huge pickup truck or SUV with a cell-phone glued to their ear and a large coffee in their other hand.


    Also, bbkf?

    You are a braver woman than I. I tried to look into the eyes of the tigers in that comment section and now my face has melted off and my mind filled with nothing but the atonal screams of children (or is that the new Ke$ha song?).

    How to explain it…

    Everything is the fault of liberals.


    Support for Israel, free markets? Liberals fault for being filthy jew lovers.

    Liberals get away with everything and never get called out for it by the media, just look at the lack of ink on Clinton or Ted Kennedy.

    Fuck, even the Penn State thing is the fault of liberals somehow. They aren’t sure how, but they know it’s somehow proof that liberals are vile people who don’t act moral like conservatives.

    Of course, the most repeated meme is that liberals are blocked by “tribalism” and the like to view issues objectively like conservatives, so hey there’s your projection for the day (the article itself is already counted in that the whole purpose of the article was an aborted attempt at projection).

    Overall, Stevie was wasting his time with even this bucket of fail. All he needed to do was bang a tin and yell “sowee” and the commenters would have fallen over themselves to blame everything going wrong in their lives or in the news is the fault of liberals or liberal bias.

    I honestly don’t know how these people dress themselves, so incapable of actually interacting with others they are.

    I salute the two brave women who tried and insert reality into the insanity factory.

    But damn, that forest is the mind-killer. Fuck fear, fear ain’t shit in comparison.


    I think I know why Steven “can’t find” the link. Wotta douche.

    I am not a fan of teh War Criminal Post, and the article in question really is just a woman-on-the-street* type collection of anecdotes – it’s a good read.

    *NOT an euphemism.


    hind brain spasms.

    i have to quit eating lunch when i’m reading here…that was almost taco salad out the nose…


    I’m always amazed at how trolls who do bother to go to leftie blogs, still seem to replace all their memories with what right-wingers tell them leftie blogs are like. And they do this while they are still at the leftie blog pointing out how they’re assertions are bullshit in real time.

    It truly is a remarkable testimony to the power of brainwashing and cognitive dissonance.

    Also, yes, no liberal comment sections got into huge internal fights over Libya and the ethics of that, with a large number of liberals actually arguing that no, it wasn’t actually a good war at all even though it was short and successful.

    And no liberals criticize the president. They follow him like a puppy no matter what he argues.

    Also, love the pose by war-loving psychotics who supported Bush’s wars of “hey, we didn’t get to participate in Imperialism, so let’s get a late start” that they are apparently the stoic anti-war protestors just because they couldn’t masturbate to a successful war that the black-man-in-chief started.


    Also, bbkf?

    You are a braver woman than I.

    i’m not sure i can bring myself to go back there…the jagwagon who thinks that what’s happening to herman cain is the same as what happened to sandusky’s victims almost makes me physically ill…

    and i agree…i have wondered for years how these people function in the real world…it’s scary that they can pass among us for long stretches of time and nobody knows the depth of their wingnutitude…


    You were actually more interesing when you pre-empted your first post.

    right? i was hoping a ‘major contribut’ was something like a major award and we would all get one!!!


    it’s a good read.

    i agree…and i guess i always thought, during election season anyway, that yeah…things of this nature are not the *real* issues…but after reading that and our discussion here the last couple of days…fuck yeah, its a real issue! lucky are y’all who re-awakened my activist streak…


    I like to bring the tasty mangoes. This one on the same topic didn’t generate much interest at LGM.

    Shorter Andrew Klavan:

    You can’t swing a cat these days without hitting some leftist on CNN extolling the virtues of Gerry Studds. Chappaquiddick! That’s why every liberal reporter at liberal Politico is making millions of dollars while poor Rush Limbaugh has to resort to pirate radio. That’s because conservatives vet their own candidates, which is why we carefully ignore lying liberal liars who say mean stuff. In conclusion, Herman Cain reminds me of Jesus Christ.


    This one on the same topic didn’t generate much interest at LGM.

    Hmmmm….I think I see the problem…..

    You can’t swing a cat these days without hitting some leftist on CNN extolling the virtues of Gerry Studds.

    Klavan, an alleged writer, is raking up thirty year old scandals that no one talks about anymore.


    the jagwagon who thinks that what’s happening to herman cain is the same as what happened to sandusky’s victims…


    God, how vile. I’ve always found it puerile to wish ass-rape on your political opponents, but that’s making me rethink my position.


    This is a conversation we have mostly not been having in the two decades since Anita Hill accused Clarence Thomas of creeping her out at work.

    If I may get serious, I suspect that this doesn’t get discussed much because people don’t really want to talk about the real debate that’s occurring.

    And that’s to many people, the idea that women are allowed to work in the workplace at any position and be treated as equals rather than convenient mistress services is one they vehemently oppose.

    And we frankly don’t want to talk about that or the fact that a lot of powerful people really can’t handle the whole “women are equal and people” issue at all.

    We’d rather pretend that Murphy Brown fixed that issue once and for all and there is no problems that need discussing.

    It’s the same with the abortion debate really. Oh, we hear a lot about the “debate”, but we don’t actually see the debate analyzed. Instead we get frantic cutaways, because the issue is so “controversial” and both sides are “divided”.

    Mainly because we don’t really want to talk about the fact that a large group of people don’t fully believe that women are fully people and furthermore that these creatures should be punished for having a sexuality or otherwise defying their ownership by a male authority.

    And that the debate is really about whether we acknowledge women as full people who know their own bodies or we view them as creatures who must be protected from themselves in case what they produce is a full human being (by which I mean a son).

    Hell, it’s why a lot of issues don’t get really discussed. Because otherwise we have to acknowledge that there are a lot of people who a lot of other people don’t view as fully human in spite of reality smacking that into their face.

    And we really can’t face what that says about our country, especially when the assholes seem to be winning so frequently.


    Klavan, an alleged writer, is raking up thirty year old scandals that no one talks about anymore.

    My apologies. I clicked thru and saw he only raises the spectre of thirty year old scandals, all to defend Herman Cain.


    There are plenty of reasons to hate Herman Cain regardless of whether or not he harassed anybody.


    I was recently replacing a monitor at the desk of a co-worker desk. this co-worker had Rush Limbaugh on his radio. Naturally we was whining like a butthurt spoiled brat about how mean liberals in general and the accusers in specific were being to Herman Cain.

    When he wasn’t ruthlessly slandering the character of the Mz. Bialick, he was whining about how it’s not fair, and Anita Hill was a liar and so on and so forth. It was either ‘she’s a slut’ and ‘they’re so mean to our team!’ It never occurred to that mendacious mental midget that these accusations might say something about the character of the guy they want to nominate, and that character might have some effect on how he would try to run the country. The substance of the complaints did not touch on whether or not the allegations were true. They resembled nothing so much as the excuses made by a hometown fan when a local sports hero committed an egregious foul. Our guy is right because he’s our guy, and besides it wasn’t fair and besides it wasn’t that bad, and besides they had it coming, and the other side does it too.

    I was only too happy to finish and walk away from that radio. Ick.


    The reason is: we’re the good guys. We have to do what’s right. The left doesn’t. Sorry, but that’s the way it works. It’s the price you pay for defending what’s true and good, the price of holding yourself to a high moral standard.

    no, klaven…it’s the price you pay for being a delusional, sanctimonious prick…


    I like to bring the tasty mangoes. This one on the same topic didn’t generate much interest at LGM.

    ergh…this is just so…i…really, can’t think of any words for it…it’s just…


    I was only too happy to finish and walk away from that radio. Ick.

    I’m that guy in the office that everyone comes to with Excel questions….I guess working on PCs and spreadsheets since 1994 qualifies me, but I digress…anyway, there’s one woman who spends her entire day sifting Drudge, and listening to Hannity, Rush and whomever happens to be the flavor of the month of conservative radio. She constantly has questions, some that I’ve answered four times.

    I always tell her when she asks me to come over to turn off her radio and shut down her browser. One day, she had Rush blaring, yammering about something Obamistas did. I told her “Look, he’s got all the answers. Maybe you should call him with your problem.” and walked away.

    Damn, but that felt good.



    i agree…and i guess i always thought, during election season anyway, that yeah…things of this nature are not the *real* issues…but after reading that and our discussion here the last couple of days…fuck yeah, its a real issue! lucky are y’all who re-awakened my activist streak…

    It’s always “funny” how women’s issues always fall under the list of “not real” issues and “distractions” from the “important things”.

    And this election season really brings it home, because what are the “real issues” being tackled? All the real issues have been run away from, so now they are demanding to not talk about “frivolous girl shit” in order to talk about made-up issues like the “debt crisis” and whether or not Obama has quite proved he’s born in America.

    It just makes it all the more obvious that the “real issue” pose has always been about dismissing anything that affects women as meaningless because of the aforementioned inability of a large group of assholes to really view women as full and real people.


    There’s a reason we right wingers vet our candidates

    yes, the vetting of palin was an unqualified success…and really? isn’t he just saying that right wingers vet their candidates so carefully beforehand in an attempt to avoid embarrassment?

    and really? he really, really says: we are the good guys…omfg…his arrogance is mind-blowing…who the hell does this guy think he and the ‘right’ are?


    ergh…this is just so…i…really, can’t think of any words for it…it’s just…

    Depressingly accurate?


    Also, yes, no liberal comment sections got into huge internal fights over Libya and the ethics of that, with a large number of liberals actually arguing that no, it wasn’t actually a good war at all even though it was short and successful. And no liberals criticize the president. They follow him like a puppy no matter what he argues.

    Heck, I remember Libya-related arguments here and as I recall, the President’s view was in the minority.

    Know what’s funny, though? I’ve read a fair amount of conservative comments sections (most of them at PJMedia) over the last decade, and I sincerely don’t ever remember reading that kind of argument, or any kind of argument between conservatives on any substantive policy issue, in any of these comments sections. Not once. It’s really striking when you think about it.


    Using someone else’s full, real name as if it is your own to attack someone personally is not only extremely cowardly, it is three of the things that will get you banned here.


    Sadly I know that being nice to everyone here is one of the reasons I am still employed. this company will put up with pleasant incompetent people for twenty years, but telling people who badly need to hear it, to grow up and figure something out for themselves would get me a fast track to unemployment. It doesn’t hurt that I know what I’m doing, but they keep me around cause I fit in, I can do what I’m told, and I don’t make people upset.


    I don’t know how the Klavan link for everyone else–you all seemed to find the OP–but when I clicked it reverted to the PJMedia home page. Long story short, I saw some other articles and have a question. Why are wingers so incredulous and awed about Leonardo DiCaprio being cast as J. Edgar Hoover?


    telling people who badly need to hear it, to grow up and figure something out for themselves would get me a fast track to unemployment.

    It is, admittedly, one of the perks of being the unofficial go-to guy.


    I’ve read a fair amount of conservative comments sections (most of them at PJMedia) over the last decade, and I sincerely don’t ever remember reading that kind of argument, or any kind of argument between conservatives on any substantive policy issue

    To be fair, when it comes to an issue like Libya many of them have a hard time deciding whether they hate the president more than they love watching war porn.


    The reason is: we’re the good guys. We have to do what’s right. The left doesn’t. Sorry, but that’s the way it works. It’s the price you pay for defending what’s true and good, the price of holding yourself to a high moral standard.

    Every now and then you read this from the conservative blogosphere, and it’s probably the single biggest piece of projection and self-delusion these people will ever engage in, which is REALLY saying something.

    But what’s a lot more common is the statement that “we’re the good guys, the left are the bad guys, and we can’t beat them just by doing what’s right, so we have to use their own tools and weapons against them. Sorry, but that’s the way it works.” It’s the reason things like Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” are trotted out again and again on the right, even though 95% of the liberal world is blissfully unaware of who Alinsky is or what those rules are they’re supposedly following. They need that kind of “they’re doing it so we have to do it to” excuse to justify ignoring all rules and conventions.


    By the way, did anyone notice the pathetic ad for the pathetic little book KliffKLAYVIN wrote?

    The Homelanders series of suspense novels for young adults comes to an action-packed conclusion in The Final Hour! Teenager Charlie West went to sleep in his own bed one night only to wake up in a torture chamber where Islamo-fascist terrorists were planning to kill him. Ever since, he’s been on the run from both the terrorists and the police. Now he’s trapped in a hellishly brutal prison—and time is ticking away toward an unimaginable disaster only he can prevent.

    It’s Jack Bauer meets Harry Potter meets Jason Bourne! It’s Klavan’s wettest possible dream! Only Jerry Sandusky could have a more fetid imagination!


    It’s Klavan’s wettest possible dream!
    o.m.g…i was thinking this the entire time i was reading it!


    My word, that Klaven post, there’s not a single line in there that isn’t projection.

    Not. One. Line.

    And yeah the shorter is wholly accurate. Yep, he argues that Rush Limbaugh, former owner of the most gaudy mansion since Liberace is a broke penniless orphan while an unnamed liberal is partying with billions and receiving blowjobs (you know it must be true when he can’t even cite the mysterious “liberal opinion maker” that makes the real fat loot. He claims that liberals (home of the circular firing squad) meekly get behind their candidates, while conservatives vet theirs thoroughly. And so on. Every line is projection.

    Honestly, I don’t believe Klavan is a conservative.

    I think he’s a liberal Poe who just can’t do it anymore and is hoping the most sarcastic obvious post he can make short of “I’m a secret liberal, dipshits” will clue them in to the scam. Hell, he even rants about the media source that publishes him as being a tool of the liberal media. It’s got to be a Poe, because no one could be that willfully, obviously ignorant of reality…

    (look back at the comment thread from Stevie’s post)

    Never mind.



    We can take J. Edgar Hoover as a self-aggrandizing creep who abused his authority and served eight presidents, mostly as FBI chief, by making them fear he might blackmail them with his confidential files. But must he also be a crybaby?

    The dude had pictures of Eleanor Roosevelt naked. That would make anyone cry.



    yes, the vetting of palin was an unqualified success…and really? isn’t he just saying that right wingers vet their candidates so carefully beforehand in an attempt to avoid embarrassment?

    Which reminds me of the obvious.

    Yes, yes, they do “vet” their candidates, very closely.

    Because “vetting” is a top-down process where the real shakers and movers decide who the candidate will be and then tell everyone else to get really excited about them.

    Liberals are more hesitant about the process, because it’s kind of an authoritarian end-run around the purpose of the primary, which is to have the people decide which candidate they feel best supports them and their issues.

    So even when he’s trying to foist all conservative ills upon the liberals, he still knocks himself out with the box.


    I have to take a short shuttle bus ride from the employee parking lot to my work. One of the afternoon shuttle drivers always has wingnut radio on in the bus. It’s usually InHannity when I go home. So after a long day’s work I have to deal with that crap. And I deal with it by simply laughing out loud any time Hannity says something laughable.


    Herman Cain is THE ONLY GUY talking about the impending danger of China’s nuclear program. You’re an idiot if you’re not voting for this guy.


    I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major Contribut


    Though Hoover and Tolson were close, we simply don’t know whether Hoover was gay, but Black makes the gay theme central to his script, showing Hoover as a young man having an incredibly awkward first date with a secretary (Naomi Watts) and later practically breaking out in hives when attending a dance club with flirtatious women. If Hoover was so weird around the secretary, why did she go on to serve him faithfully for decades?

    why? really? you have to ask why? sigh…


    There’s a reason we right wingers vet our candidates

    Heh. If my understanding is correct, one of the themes of right-wing hostility to Obama is that his initial success in state-level politics was due to right-wing own-goals as much as to his own charisma. That is, the Republican party pressured the incumbent senator to resign for displaying excessive integrity; came up with a “well-vetted” replacement candidate who suddenly exploded in a red mist of sex scandals and fatherhood-unfitness court records; leaving a gap that could only be filled at such short notice by Alan Keyes.

    And now they see the same thing happening again in the Republican primary, and there is no way they can stop it. There will be high blood pressure and poor impulse control.


    If I may get serious, I suspect that this doesn’t get discussed much because people don’t really want to talk about the real debate that’s occurring.


    I’m an engineer. I remember discussions right here at Snark Central about how teh STEM fields are “inherently misogynist.” There’s definitely some truth to teh idea that there are engineers and scientists and other technical folks who resent women infiltrating their field – enough of them to seriously poison teh atmosphere of those endeavours. Teh reason why there aren’t moar women in those fields is because those fields are intentionally hostile to women.

    BUT, my defense of my profession was:
    1. this “inherent misogyny” is part of a lot of other fields of study.
    2. STEM fields aren’t even the worst offenders, but do get to be teh poster child for it.
    3. Engineering at least (I don’t know enough about teh other fields) is making a direct effort to address the problem.

    Anyways, teh point I’m making is that absolutely it’s a hard discussion. It directly challenges longstanding systemic built-in privilege. There will be defensive reactionary responses based both on denying the problem (because the nature of privilege means that some of those that have it honestly do not see teh problem) and perpetuating unearned perks. Plus some people are just assholes that don’t give a shit about teh unfairness of it all. There’s all sorts of issues and roadblocks in teh way of real change. But talking about it is a great place to start. And overcoming all those things that get in the way is how things get done.


    but telling people who badly need to hear it, to grow up and figure something out for themselves would get me a fast track to unemployment.

    I’d be canned by lunchtime.


    I have to take a short shuttle bus

    Must. Avoid. Snark. Of. Death.



    Know what’s funny, though? I’ve read a fair amount of conservative comments sections (most of them at PJMedia) over the last decade, and I sincerely don’t ever remember reading that kind of argument, or any kind of argument between conservatives on any substantive policy issue, in any of these comments sections. Not once. It’s really striking when you think about it.

    That really is and its kind of the proof in the pudding in the whole “who’s the authoritarians” debate.

    But what’s a lot more common is the statement that “we’re the good guys, the left are the bad guys, and we can’t beat them just by doing what’s right, so we have to use their own tools and weapons against them. Sorry, but that’s the way it works.”

    And even more, is simply the thought process of “we’re doing it and they aren’t. But we’re the “good guys” and they’re the “bad guys”. I can’t…wait, of course, they must have been doing it worse and for longer. So I’ll cite Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals like it was the Leftist Bible and thus safely be able to rationalize that our doing it was just a zealous defense against the bad guys doing it so much worse.”

    Hell, that way of thinking is also why every marginalized group is actually a force not unlike the Nazis that want the dominant group completely ground underfoot. Because otherwise they’d have to rationalize that they are the bullies and the assholes but are “the good guys” for fighting “immorality”.

    It’s also why giving them what they want just makes them fight harder. What they are fighting against is their own buried and repressed guilt over what they’re doing fighting against their view of themselves as “the good guys” so giving them more of an inequality between “good and supposed evil” just makes them double down on conspiracy theories on why the supposed evil is even worse to justify their heinous and actually evil actions and beliefs.

    It’s also why the equality they fight every second against is the only real release from their cage of hate and anger.


    bj* media’s idea of women’s lib

    *oh, yes i did…


    Must. Avoid. Snark. Of. Death.

    DO NOT go there…the mood i’m in today…let’s just say it wouldn’t end well for you…


    but telling people who badly need to hear it, to grow up and figure something out for themselves would get me a fast track to unemployment.

    I’d be canned by lunchtime.

    i’d be talking to myself…


    Herman Cain is THE ONLY GUY talking about the impending danger of China’s nuclear program. You’re an idiot if you’re not voting for this guy.

    The number of nuclear weapons that China could actually hit the United States with is roughly equal to the number I carried on one airplane.


    One of the afternoon shuttle drivers always has wingnut radio on in the bus.

    The cab driver that takes us to the hotel in Reno is like that. He always has some right-wing radio on at high volume.

    I’ve always wanted to ask him why he’s driving a cab instead of running Galt Industries or some such.


    Obama is good and Kissinger is bad because Obama is BLUE and Kissinger is RED. therefore we are all good blue ad nit bad red, my little smurflings.

    You have destroyed liberal logic! Meanwhile, anyone holding the inverse position is totally consistent!


    DO NOT go there…the mood i’m in today…let’s just say it wouldn’t end well for you…

    What? You weren’t the one on the short bus.


    The number of nuclear weapons that China could actually hit the United States with is roughly equal to the number I carried on one airplane.

    always with the bragging about the size of your ‘airplane’…


    What? You weren’t the one on the short bus.

    no, but my daughter is…


    The number of nuclear weapons that China could actually hit the United States with is roughly equal to the number I carried on one airplane.

    What if you stacked them one on top of each other? Huh? Hadn’t thought about that, had you, Mr Smarty Pilot Pants!


    no, but my daughter is…

    *sipping herbal tea quietly*

    Um, good point. Do you have sugar?



    Pshaw, girls can’t use anything that isn’t pink and watered down in features from the original! That’s just common sense.


    I think one of the major milestones in growing up for me was when I realized pundits were no smarter than the bigoted loudmouth at the local bar, they just wrote better. Although I sure had an inkling something was wrong when I read a George Will column back in the 1980s where he complained about bad grammar in the lyrics of rock songs.


    *sipping herbal tea quietly*

    Um, good point. Do you have sugar?

    your graciousness has saved you…


    and i only have splenda…


    Pshaw, girls can’t use anything that isn’t pink and watered down in features from the original! That’s just common sense.
    I will write “Lady Excel” the spreadsheet for the modern woman-on-the-go, and make billyuns!


    I have a soft spot for George Will, probably because he’s a bigger caricature than the Balvenie Guy. He’s also really good at being a snide jerk.


    He’s also really good at being a snide jerk.

    He can also type a surprisingly readable column while stuffed in a locker, where I assume the real journalists shove him every study hall.


    You ever wonder if the trolls get tired talking exclusively to the voices in their heads?


    The voices in their heads are probably tired of listening to them too. Would you want to share a cranium with ol’ mr “will be banned and erased any minute now”?


    <i.I will write “Lady Excel” the spreadsheet for the modern woman-on-the-go, and make billyuns!

    and i will totes give it a super-gushy rave review!!!


    Limbaugh Asks If Cain’s Accusers Are Appearing Together Because “They Want To Synchronize Their Menstrual Periods”


    you aren’t a TRUTHER no, but you know who are TRUTHERS? well, truth tellers, anyway…according to klavan…beck, coulter, limbaugh and breitbart…

    …sorry i just can’t get over this article…i’m going with whoever posited the liberal poe theory…it’s just so freaking over the top, that it can’t be real…


    Today, we are all principal contributts.


    Limbaugh Asks If Cain’s Accusers Are Appearing Together Because “They Want To Synchronize Their Menstrual Periods”

    i heard rumor of this…but i can’t click the link…because i hate rush limbaugh with the white hot heat of a thousand billion…whatever the hottest thing is…and times that by infinity…


    nobody will ever pay attention to the contrarian voice, because we are all here to preach to the choir.

    methinks pennis may have tipped his hand…


    The problem gavin, is that you are lying. Repeating your lies over and over doesn’t make them true.


    nobody will ever pay attention to the contrarian voice
    “Contrarian voice” is not the same as “contemptible unclassy douchenozzle”.


    You of course disagree with me because you propose dignity for your actions.

    d’oh…this needs that .gif that jim puts up with the bird w/the monacle and top hat…


    “contemptible unclassy douchenozzle”.

    or freakshow…


    obama launched more wars against muslim countries than bush

    I’m sorry your Bushssiah was such a limp-wristed peacenik pansy, but don’t blame us.


    “I don’t believe racism in this country today holds anybody back in a big way,” Herman Cain said on CNN’s “State of the Union” in October.

    Then Bam! All of Sudden Like Racism existed!

    I mean what happened? Is Racism like Schrödinger’s cat?


    O.K. sparky, name all the Muslim wars Obama started. Note: The Lbyan war was started by the Libyan people and NATO air support was at their request but even counting that (which would be stupid) he’s still down two to one over Bush.


    and he has ended the Iraq war.


    i’m officially calling it…gavin is really pennis…just found a new guise and a new stalkee…


    “Contrarian voice” always sounds more dignified than crazy hobo on the street corner, doesn’t it?

    Seriously, though, it really adds the extra layer of believability to his rants about Gavin being a terrible person, don’t you think?


    mean what happened? Is Racism like Schrödinger’s cat?

    Racism can only be directed at oppressed groups such as white males or black Republicans.



    Well, since Tintin was actor, he couldn’t just blame tintin for his banning, so it must of been the fault of the guy who stopped posting to take care of his kid.

    It makes sense when you’re on whatever mix of methamphetamines and poorly cut coke this guy’s on.


    Irani Megadeths? I prefer the Turkish Yes cover band, “Evet”.


    It makes sense when you’re on whatever mix of methamphetamines and poorly cut coke this guy’s on.

    i think if you include huffing, you’ll have the right mixture that induces this sort of insanity…


    Oh I see, Gavin is posting the future where we have started a nuclear war against Iran. Now he makes more sense but how do we know which of the many possible alternate futures he is speaking to us from. Maybe his future Iran is controlled by robot overlords?


    now you will love a robot war vs. iran stared by obama

    Terminators or Gundams?



    Fools Circel 999wys!


    Oh fuck, damn comment trap.

    I can remember it wuz clear as yesserday when Bigman Cane come down from parlment wif a new Eusa show

    F00ls Circel 999wys.


    Terminators or Gundams?




    I can protect your chicken from Dokken.


    “Ha Ha that is funny but you would have hated a robot war vs. iran started by bush, but now you will love a robot war vs. iran stared by obama, because obama is the good guy.”

    No. I think it would depend on the character of the robots. Robbie the Robot and R2D2 are cute therefore I would be anti war. The Cylons and those dudes in the terminator movies are scary and should be destroyed. You on the other hand are objectively pro-robot-overlords!


    and if they are fembots, we should make it the 51st state.


    and henry kissinger is the bad guy with the nobel pace prize

    the stories of kissinger’s picante making prowess ARE legendary…


    Obama is the good guy with the nobel peace prize, and henry kissinger is the bad guy with the nobel pace prize.

    That’s because Henry Kissenger didn’t start no Super Robot Wars. Pew pew!


    It makes sense when you’re on whatever mix of methamphetamines and poorly cut coke this guy’s on.

    i think if you include huffing, you’ll have the right mixture that induces this sort of insanity…

    also, throw in recently attended a gwar concert…


    “That’s because Henry Kissenger didn’t start no Super Robot Wars.”

    That’s just what THEY would like you to believe.


    Insane, stupid, or troll?

    can we vote for all three?


    the stories of kissinger’s picante making prowess ARE legendary…



    Of course, your robot chicken needs no protecting from Dokken.


    In fairness, a blow job is still a job.


    Today, we are all principal contributts.

    I know someone who I considers the world’s biggest argumentive asshole. He is the principal contra-butt.


    say what you will about today’s date…it is certainly fun to write! also too, hubbkf is shooting our neighbor’s wedding today…i am sad i have to miss it because her invitation’s were hand-made with lots of sparkly stars and moons…her wedding shower was on halloween…i can only imagine how trippy the wedding will be…i alas, will be volunteering at the veteran’s day supper at the vfw…it’s the least i can do…and i feel awful for being remiss in not saying it earlier…thank you to all of you sadly vets…


    I prefer the Turkish Yes cover band, “Evet”.
    They are closer to the Siberian Khatru.


    I know someone who I considers the world’s biggest argumentive asshole. He is the principal contra-butt.

    oh, so you know the asshat who married my mom?!?!


    hubbkf is shooting our neighbor’s wedding today

    Now we see the violence inherent in the system!


    I kinda like the wedding singer


    Jesus fuckin’ Christ. Do you work, badgers!


    Son, do yourself a favor and seek help. Your sickness is treatable. you don’t have to go on living with that toxic shit you’ve bottled up inside yourself. Really, for your own sake please get help.


    Insane, stupid, or troll?

    Why assume these are mutually exclusive qualities?


    truth is, WTC 1,2,7 were demolished by explosives

    Well sure, jet fuel wouldn’t burn hot enough to do that, granted.

    But those planes would have had tanks full of the chemicals that they spray to make chemtrails – and no telling how hot that stuff burns.


    Using someone else’s full, real name as if it is your own to attack someone personally is not only extremely cowardly, it is three of the things that will get you banned here.

    Who did that, if I may ask?

    To my great surprise, I once got nymjacked here (not with my real name, of course). Luckily the guy was lame and the rest of S,N! saw right through him. Kind of flattering, really.


    The fake Gavin.


    So JoePopa is lawyering up. His batshit crazy son Scott, who ran for office on the NAZI ticket, says “talk to the lawyer.” Scott also says Joe is “distraught over what happened to the children and their families. My question is, why did wait all those years to get distraught.

    WP is worse than HITLER!


    Terminators or Gundams?


    John Saxon!


    Fake Gavin is fake.

    He is also a libelous POS. You go away now.


    Ooooohhh. He dropped the “G” bomb on me.

    Libel or not, nobody cares what you have to say, troll. Pretty fucking sleazy to come here and slander a guy who’s not around to defend himself. Maybe you’re holding back the proof that any of your bullshit has a shred of truth for just the right moment? Your moment has arrived, douche. Put up or shut the fuck up.


    Boring troll is boring.


    That’s not evidence. So far, all you’ve done is talk shit and backed it up with exactly nothing. It doesn’t matter if he defends himself or not. Your allegations mean nothing to anyone.



    d00d’s a 911 Truther. He belongs to a cult that makes Young Earth Creationism look almost rational. There’s nothing that you or I could say to make him less credible or moar ridiculous. And what’s worse is that there’s also nothing anyone can do to help him. He’s not going to start taking his meds again, they are all part of teh CONSPIRACY!

    So let’s get back to talking about fembots. Sure they’re nice to look at and all, but none of ’em are moms* so I ain’t interested.

    *I have no explanation for Megyn Kelly.


    Schrödinger’s Racism: the D/R after the name = decay/non-decay of the isotope.

    I see another correction that needs to be made there:

    The 1957 novel, Atlas Shrugged, is known in philosophical and political circles for presenting a cogent argument advocating a society driven by rational self-interest.

    Yyyyyyyyyyno. Unless thirtysomething neckbeards still living with Mommy now qualify as “philosophical/political circles” … though surely their overall tendency toward roundness is beyond dispute.

    Arguments that require magical alloys & free-energy machines to even take on a gloss of plausibility may be fun, but they’re sure the fuck not “cogent” – & that’s leaving aside the simple truth that Rand’s psychopathic ethos would have left the Galt’s Gulch Posse eating their young before long anyway.

    If Rand could’ve objectively* refuted Kropotkin’s Mutual Aid, she’d be famous for more than writing Grade D sci-f that sells well among egotistical jugheads. She didn’t.
    * What I did there: you see it.


    I got a 4 inch explanation for Megyn!


    The three things wrong with the Aglass Chugged DVD are the philosophy, the story and the…the third thing is… it’s the third….which I ….sorry….oops


    so about the truthers.

    d00d, you are loosing UR own conspiracy fragments. Apparently, I look down upon truthers because I’m paid filthy lucre to do so. Mmmmmmm filthy lucre, you taint my soul so bad but teh ill gotten premium bourbon tastes so much moar bettar.


    My SorosBucks are late this week – WTF George, this is no way to run a world-wide empire of evil.


    except for that precious precious lucre. where does that one come from anyway? best not look into that too closely…

    Now I get it. He’s from Goldline.


    Food for thought?

    ( the “?” is there because I’ve yet to RTFA)


    Everyone KNOWS that the WTC disaster was just collateral damage from a couple of stray Greys in X-wing fighters battling it out with a couple of Reptilians in TIE fighters.


    *tells broker to go short on X-wing futures*


    The 1957 novel, Atlas Shrugged, is known in philosophical and political circles for presenting a cogent argument advocating a society driven by rational self-interest.

    Does anyone even acknowledge that crap in philosophical circles? It’s a fiction novel. Sure, it has social commentary and presents one person’s vision of a possible near future, but shit, so does Star Trek. And as with Star Trek, it’s utopian stuff that for the most part only works because it’s set in a fictional universe, whose creator gets to set up all the parameters to make things happen the way he/she wishes they would.


    Teh badgers are having a party!

    Atlas Shrugged is to fiction as James O’Keefe is to journalism.

    Whale Chowder from his phone

    Also: POOP


    Also: POOP

    Finally, a mode of transportation built with me in mind!


    Also: POOP

    D’oh, the better joke would have been: Just what the world needs, a pooper scooter.

    Pay no attention to the man behind the cretin!


    Hey, Gavvo?

    Who cares?

    I mean, apart from you. And maybe your therapist.

    Sounds like you were one of Coach Sandusky’s “teammates” 😉


    Everyone KNOWS that the WTC disaster was just collateral damage from a couple of stray Greys in X-wing fighters battling it out with a couple of Reptilians in TIE fighters.

    *tearing up thirty thousand word outline for four-book alien trilogy*

    Fuck you, Truther.


    Mmmmmmm filthy lucre, you taint my soul so bad but teh ill gotten premium bourbon tastes so much moar bet tar.

    What’s wrong with having it good for a change? Now they’re gonna let us have it good if we just help ’em. They’re gonna leave us alone, let us make some money. You can have a little taste of that good life too. Now, I know you want it. Hell, everybody does.

    A Day Late and Five Dollars Short

    Count Basie
    King Crimson


    Aw, gee, I missed a truther. I love those guys.

    Why do you continue to buy the official conspiracy theory? It’s so fucking stupid and wrong that nobody who isn’t retarded believes in it. So why do you promulgate it?

    Because the reptilian space mummies that implanted alien larvae in my cerebrum asked me to. It seemed like a reasonable request.


    Count Basie
    King Crimson

    No love for Queen Latifah and Sir Mix-a-Lot?


    No love for Queen Latifah and Sir Mix-a-Lot?

    Or Steve Earle?


    No love for Queen Latifah and Sir Mix-a-Lot?

    Farrokh Bulsara should certainly be replaced by Latifah to satisfy the rules (maximum difference between bands).

    Also, too, Duke Ellington, Ronnie Earl, Dame Annie Lennox OBE, and Sir Mix-a-Lot plus wild card Lord Buckley.


    Why am I suddenly thinking of Subby?

    You’re horny?


    Or Leonard Cohen?


    You’re horny?

    I’ll ask you not to make me laugh while the babby is sleeping in the same room.


    I’ll give you three reasons the WTC attack was an inside job:

    1. Jet fuel doesn’t burn hot enough to take down concrete
    2. Nobody actually saw a jet fly into the Pentagon.
    3. Three is…uh…let’s see…jet fuel, Pentagon and uh…I’m sorry…I can’t…oops.


    Three bands that would be weird at the same show:

    1. The JALC orchestra
    2. GWAR
    3. Uh…the third band is…uh…JALC…GWAR…oops.


    Hey I figured it out. Pennis aka fake gavin is indeed posting from a disastrous post-Iran-nuclear-war future (it snowballed). Of course he is desperate to forefend this monstrous catastrophe, and he has the TimeTravelTech™ so he does the only logical thing and comes to the control center of the world intelligentsia, Sadly, No!, to exert his powerful wit upon the readers here.

    And he succeeds. By spreading little seeds of doubt amidst this conclave of influential intellects, his central idea (“Obama’s a poopy-head”) insensibly permeates the halls of power. When Obama, mad with war-lust, commands his subordinates to “Fire ze missiles!!!1!” they intervene – Joe Biden wrestles him to the ground while Elisabeth Warren snips the wire from the Red Phone to the wall with her cuticle scissors… The future is changed; the world is saved.

    The future is changed. Future Pennis is part of that future. He too is changed; Alter-Pennis very vaguely senses that something is wrong, a ghost-like memory from his alternative existence, but he doesn’t heroically intervene in the former flow of futurity. So events bounce back to the doom-laden status quo ante. Which brings back Pennis-Prime, in an infinitesmally worse panic than before, let us call him Pennis-Prime-v.2. Wielding that TimeTravelTech™ once again, he lunges back to the pre-apocalypse past, this time just a couple more minutes farther (by which I mean, earlier) and posts pretty much the same thing again. Which retroactively works, and poof! Pennis-Prime-v.2 is instantly replaced with Alter-Pennis-v.2. And so on, and so on, alternating versions as countless as the natural numbers, the flux of fate ringing like a bell.

    At any rate, that explains why all his stuff is posted in reverse order, in case you were wondering.


    W. Kiernan comes back from the future to explain why the thread is dead.


    Dayum, that’s some nasty low-grade trollage up there. Has it left now? Did its meds finally kick in?

    To paraphrase:

    First: We’re all lewserz because we don’t demand the Immediate! Assassination! of Obama because he’s just as bad as Bush;

    B: 9-11 was obviously an inside job, and anyone who questions that is Hitler times a billion because it was obviously an inside job, QED;

    Point the 3rd: Is, ummm… third point is, ah…EPA! No not EPA, It’ll come to me…nope, can’t remember…oops

    IV: Gavin is a poopyhead because he isn’t here to defend himself, so anyone who reads this blog or comments here is a drug-using child abuser.

    That about cover it?


    That about cover it?

    Dunno. Badgers did jumping jacks between me an’ it the whole time!


    Gavin is Pennis? I thought Pennis was Donalde. That means Donalde is Gavin and Pennis. In addition, actor is Carl, but he isn’t Tintin. There are also several fake Gavins and Pennises as well as a Jay Ambrose and several obvious fake Jay Ambroses. This all adds up to 911 being an inside job, OWS being a Soros funded Communist plot, and Obummer being a descendant of Arch Dutchess Anastasia, which makes him the wrongful POTUS but the rightful Czar of Russia. He’s going to start a war with Iran in which Russia will take Iran’s side, and then Obummer will declare his true identity as both the rightful Czar and the Antichrist and will take power in Russia, reject Czarism, and reinstate Communism. Then Russia/Iran will invade the US and defeat it, imposing Sharia Law and Marxist-Stalinist Communism simultaneously until the Tea Party, Joe the fake Plumber and the Wolverines! liberate the enslaved Murikans and bring about the dawning of a new Randian utopia where the 1% get everything and the 99% get nothing but pay all the taxes and the US government drowns in a thimbleful of water. I have seen the future and it’s a lot like the present.


    I have seen the future and it’s a lot like the present.

    But… hemlines. Rising, or falling?


    In the Randian future, hemlines go way way up so that guys like Cain and Schwarzenegger can grab the goodies a lot easier. Also, buy gold now, lots of it.


    Gavin is Pennis? I thought Pennis was Donalde. That means Donalde is Gavin and Pennis. In addition, actor is Carl, but he isn’t Tintin. There are also several fake Gavins and Pennises as well as a Jay Ambrose and several obvious fake Jay Ambroses. This all adds up to 911 being an inside job, OWS being a Soros funded Communist plot, and Obummer being a descendant of Arch Dutchess Anastasia, which makes him the wrongful POTUS but the rightful Czar of Russia. He’s going to start a war with Iran in which Russia will take Iran’s side, and then Obummer will declare his true identity as both the rightful Czar and the Antichrist and will take power in Russia, reject Czarism, and reinstate Communism. Then Russia/Iran will invade the US and defeat it, imposing Sharia Law and Marxist-Stalinist Communism simultaneously until the Tea Party, Joe the fake Plumber and the Wolverines! liberate the enslaved Murikans and bring about the dawning of a new Randian utopia where the 1% get everything and the 99% get nothing but pay all the taxes and the US government drowns in a thimbleful of water. I have seen the future and it’s a lot like the present.

    Sad, really. All we had to do was reduce the size of government and we could have been spared all this inconvenience.


    There’s tons of War Machine money to made during such “inconvenience”.


    Why am I suddenly thinking of Subby?

    I will never look at a satellite tv dish the same again.


    Men who had sex with animals also reported a higher incidence of sexually transmitted diseases.

    Boy, nobody would expect that.


    Chickens?!!! Aren’t they kind of small? Anyway, now we know who to blame for chicken pox.


    Once again melons are the obvious winners.


    HELLO, where do you think MELONOMA comes from?




    Oh please, next you’ll try to say herpes aren’t snakes.


    If life gives you melons, you may be dyslexic


    Or that swine flu is impossible because they don’t have wings. Well we know better!


    The Three Laws of Robotics are…

    1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

    2. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

    3. Uh, uh…Not the EPA…I can’t remember. Oops.

    Somehow the clenis just doesn’t have the same staying power

    That’s not what Hillary says. Heh heh…


    They must have wings. Swine flu over the cuckoo’s nest, doncha know.


    Perry’s oops is proof if it was ever needed that these wingnut candidates don’t even believe their own bullshit and that it doesn’t matter to the wingnut voters. Eliminating govt programs is all such a big larf, who cares which ones are axed.


    If life gives you melons, you may be dyslexic

    Did you hear about the paranoid dyslexic? He was convinced that he was following somebody.


    Yep. Perry should have just said, “Well, what the hell — I’ll just eliminate ’em all! Yee HAW! [pulls out sixguns, fires each alternately in air overhead]”

    There’d be no more debates. They’d be drawing lottery tickets to see which four of them got to carry him around in the litter.


    I will never look at a satellite tv dish the same again.

    Some fine ads, but I didn’t see a common denominator.


    Some fine ads, but I didn’t see a common denominator.

    It was linked from copyranter somewhere. Just giving credit.(?)


    Hmmm. Deadpan in a text-only environment may not be the key to my success.


    Perry should have just said, “Well, what the hell — I’ll just eliminate ‘em all!

    Yeah. My first thought on it was that the reason this would kill him certainly wasn’t that he was blathering like an idiot during a debate, SOP isn’t it? Rather that any “Conservative” who can’t come up with even three agencies they want to torch has got to be a big ol’ RINO. Hell, Most of The Base can rattle off a dozen or more without provocation that are an existential threat to their Precious Bodily Fluids. Even Ronpaul held up spread fingers and said “Five, motherfucker. Give me five!” Okay, he didn’t say motherfucker, but he was thinking it.



    I’m a bit slow


    Do we start calling him “Dominique Strauss-Cain” now?


    Mr. Grex – We all miss them on occasion.


    When I was in SAC the unofficial motto was “You gotta be tough to fly the heavies”.

    When I was in SAC the unofficial motto was “You gotta drink a lot of coffee and smoke a lot of cigarettes; and talk, talk, talk about anything to stay alert on scope, because from the perspective of a satellite with an infrared sensor the Western Hemisphere is just not that interesting.”


    When I was in SAC the unofficial motto was “You gotta be tough to fly the heavies”.

    I thought that was the SCA.


    I thought that was the SCA.

    Lemming, Lemming
    Lemming of the BDA!


    because from the perspective of a satellite with an infrared sensor the Western Hemisphere is just not that interesting

    I’m guessing you were watching for missile launches? The IR sensor would presumably pick up the heat plume from a rocket motor.


    The guys I know in the SCA say, if you’re going to be dumb you gotta be tough.


    I wanted to re-enact the Mongols but the SCA people would never want to play.


    That dovernment is best which governs least.

    Unless you’re talking warlords. In that case, TEH SKY’S THE LIMIT, BABY!



    I meant to do that, by Crom!


    Let’s face it: if I didn’t have so much liberal bias, the public would take another look at the bold thinking of the Mongols.

    Dont forget, for all his faults, Genghis Khan DID make the trains run on time.


    Actually the guy who was a real SOB was Tamerlane. He made Genghis look pretty tame in comparison.


    Who could have predicted?

    Honestly, I’m shocked. He seems to be a guy who respects–nay, REVERES,–women.


    Honestly, I’m shocked. He seems to be a guy who respects–nay, REVERES,–women.

    Well, he wants to take them for midnight rides…


    But… hemlines. Rising, or falling?

    Depends on how hot she is.


    Mongol Hordes said,

    Could you let your wimmin sack us? I’ve always wanted to be done up by a Mongol whorde.


    Well, he wants to take them for midnight rides…

    Somehow, tho, I don’t see him shouting “THE BRITISH ARE COMING!”


    Somehow, tho, I don’t see him shouting “THE BRITISH ARE COMING!”

    “Regarding the percentage of your raise, one if by hand, two if by ‘V’.”

    Halitosis, brother!

    Dont forget, for all his faults, Genghis Khan DID make the trains run on time.

    He was a devout, God-fearing man. He always respected Second Amendment rights. He kept taxes low. And he wouldn’t have tolerated all this homo rights stuff we see today, nosiree!


    Correctamundo, Major Kong. Saw quite a few missiles and rockets— launches from Cape Canaveral, Soviet tests from Kamchatka, and our tests from the Kwajaliens (sp?). And Skylab coming down. We saw things burning in reentry, too. This is kinda weird— when I was a kid, I saw Skylab flying over Palo Duro Canyon. Later I caught it on scope falling into Eastern Canada, but they may have planted that there, because from what I’ve read since, it fell over Australia. You can never tell with those bastards.


    You can never tell with those bastards

    Too true dat.


    Don’t tell me! I don’t want to know, go away.


    Saw quite a few missiles and rockets

    They were able to modify those IR satellites in later years to where they could pick up on a fighter’s afterburners.

    I was flying Northern Watch in the KC-135 in 2002 and occasionally the Iraqis would send up a Mig-25 to mess with us.

    They were able to pick them up with those satellites from the time they took off.

    Gave us time to retrograde run for our lives.


    the video of WTC7 collapsing neatly at gravity speed into its own footprint,

    Sorry, but when someone says something this brazenly stupid while pretending to know anything at all about physics, I just gotta step in:

    1) Everything falls at “gravity speed”. The speed at which something falls indicates nothing about the cause of its falling, and it falling at the wholly predictable “gravity speed” makes it not really at all remarkable. Show us something falling at 10X the “speed of gravity” or at 1/10th the “speed of gravity” and you’ll have an interesting topic of discussion. As is….nope.
    2) Gravity pulls things straight to the ground, i.e. “into its own footprint,” which even most sub-literate morons know. Something falling straight to the ground is indicative only of the fact that the basic laws of physics are still operative. Had the building “collapsed” into a circle 40 blocks wide, you might have something of note to consider. The fact that, as usual, gravity pulled things straight to ground means that you don’t. And yet, here you are, making a perfect ass of yourself.

    Carry on.


    Jennifer –

    I say the following from ten years of painful experience: there is no argument that will sway a truther. I personally know dozens of people who were at the WTC on 9/11 or worked there afterward (as I did). None of them is a truther because they have all seen the reality of what took place. There were no bomb explosions, there were no unexplainable or unexplained phenomenon. There were no suspicious people there. There was just a royal fuck-up and that is unacceptable to a certain type of mind.


    N_B – I know that the truth won’t sway a truther, but I just love making fun of how fucking STUPID they are, which is never easier than when they pretend that the laws of fucking PHYSICS are malleable to support their looneytune “theories” of how shit went down.

    Seriously, there’s little that says “industrial-strength stupid” more succinctly than some mope trying to argue that things following the well-established rules of physics PROVE some grand conspiracy.


    Seriously, there’s little that says “industrial-strength stupid” more succinctly than some mope trying to argue that things following the well-established rules of physics PROVE some grand conspiracy.

    Physics is based on observations of real phenomena and we all know that reality has a liberal bias…


    By the way, how’s the biz?


    there is no argument that will sway a truther

    That’s been my experience. I was flying patrols over Washington DC and New York for months after 9-11. Even from altitude I could see the wreckage of the plane they claim didn’t hit the pentagon.

    You can’t convince someone that desperately wants to believe it was a conspiracy.


    And don’t even get me started on the “chem trail” idiots.

    I’ve been flying jets for 27 years and I know what a fucking contrail looks like.


    And don’t even get me started on the “chem trail” idiots.

    They’ve seen North By Northwest a few too many times.


    You two are just covering for Big Reptiloid™.


    I’ve been flying jets for 27 years and I know what a fucking contrail looks like.

    But not from the ground! While wearing an Alcoa chapeau!


    things following the well-established rules of physics PROVE some grand conspiracy.

    That fucker Isaac Newton was behind it all. Connect the dots, sheeple!


    I say the following from ten years of painful experience: there is no argument that will sway a truther. I personally know dozens of people who were at the WTC on 9/11 or worked there afterward (as I did). None of them is a truther because they have all seen the reality of what took place. There were no bomb explosions, there were no unexplainable or unexplained phenomenon. There were no suspicious people there. There was just a royal fuck-up and that is unacceptable to a certain type of mind.

    Related: every now and then, I wonder “damn, why was I so much more conservative in high school?”

    Then I read a forty-post facebook argument between people I knew in high school, which begins reasonably enough as a “is it wrong to feel glee at Osama Bin Laden’s death?” and ends in “was 9/11 a conspiracy?” with more than a few people endorsing the view that it was.

    And then I’m like “Oh… that’s why.”


    I think the point they’re trying to make re: “Gravity speed into it’s own footprint” is “as opposed to slowly toppling over, as you might expect if one side was more damaged than the other”.

    Not to say that I buy into all that personally. I lived there too, at the time. My wife saw the fuckers come down. But some people feel the need to think that they’re smarter than everybody else- they know “what’s really going on”.


    There was just a royal fuck-up

    You have to give some credit to those nutballs though, they pulled off the most daring and audacious act of our lifetime. Horrific, evil, yes, but amazing nonetheless. (Hey Provider UNE can I sell you some commas?)


    Truthers. Creationists. Climate change deniers. Flat earthers. Failed moon landingers, whatever the fuck they are called. Area 51. Kennedy conspiracists. People who think Picard was a better captain than Kirk.


    People who think Picard was a better captain than Kirk.



    People who think Picard was a better captain than Kirk.

    Shinier head!


    Truthers. Creationists. Climate change deniers.

    Collectively known as “dumbasses.”


    They were able to modify those IR satellites in later years to where they could pick up on a fighter’s afterburners.

    Have you seen images of things like boiler rooms in Soviet factories? Incredible.

    BTW, of course 9/11 was a conspiracy, as opposed to a spontaneous event or the work of a single person. The way the attack was (not) handled was the biggest air defense failure in our history. Call me a “truther” if you like, but I’ve worked in NORAD and I’ve worked in a conventional tactical radar unit— I’m positive that if every air traffic controller in the country showed up drunk to work on that shift, an unidentified aircraft would not have flown back and forth across half the country without being tracked, reported, and intercepted in most circumstances. Turning off the transponder doesn’t make a plane invisible to radar, it makes, on the screen of an air traffic controller, a big naked blip with no identifying information, which is what we call “a clue.” For whatever reason, the biggest, priciest air defense system in the world failed on every level that day. Rather than treating it as an air defense failure, and firing everyone responsible, people were promoted, the country was worked into a frenzy, and the “War on Terror” was launched. When Bush and Cheney finally answered to this to the 9/11 commission (after stonewalling for quite some time) they appeared joined at the hip, and would not even allow classified transcripts to be made of that historical hearing. Afterward Bush made a press appearance and said something to the effect of, “Now they know how we do things, here…” I’m not so sure that the ruins of the WTC were properly investigated, either.

    It was years after 9/11 before I could see it as just the horrible tragedy that it was and weep, and not see it as an excuse to whip this country into a senseless, murderous fury that led to the destruction of a nation that presented no threat whatsoever to us in the name of “liberating” it. It’s a good thing that isn’t my evil to forgive because I cannot forgive it.


    People who think Picard was a better captain than Kirk.

    What can I say, not a big fan of ham.


    BTW, of course 9/11 was a conspiracy,

    If nothing else, it’s quite obvious the Bush administration lied to us to cover up their incompetence and to make the administration look more “heroic” and capable than they were – that alone destroys their credibility, and opens the door to conspiracy theories.

    One of the key incidents that spurred my doubt of them is the ludicrous story about Bush in the classroom. I sure hope Andrew Card has a moment of remorse before he dies to tell us what he really said into Bush’s ear. My money’s on “Something bad’s happened, but just sit tight till we tell you what Dick plans to do.”


    What can I say, not a big fan of ham.

    I don’t mind kosher ham.


    What I find amazing about conspiracy theories is the natural gravitation to the right in their followers.

    Conspiracy theories crop up everywhere and can have conservative origins (secret communist takeovers, anything the Birchers say), non-denominational origins (moon landing deniers, all manner of UFO nutters) and liberal origins (autism vaccine bullshit, homeopathy, and of course Truthers).

    But what’s amazing is that the longer they stick around for, the more their audience gravitates rightward and the people who fall for it and support it grow to be the same 27% base of scam suckers.

    Like the anti-vaccine panic started as a Hollywood liberal sort of thing, but now is mostly championed by conservative parents who want to marry it to the fear of women having sex with things like the panic over the vaccine to HPV.

    And Truthers, you couldn’t get more of a movement of liberals who scoured their brains to much with acid and huffing paint at the beginning. But now, the remaining torch-bearers tend to be guys like the troll who marries it to anti-liberal rants about “hypocrisy in liberal bloggers”, Randian anti-government insanity, and anti-Obama rants.

    I guess it makes me feel better about “my side” if you can call it that, that whatever insanity starts over here tends to flow downhill to the 27% in the end.

    Certainly it says a lot about both sides introspection, critical thinking, and desire to view reality as is, rather than seeking justification for unrealistic fears.


    People who think Picard was a better captain than Kirk.


    BTW, every feel like everything that can be done with a potato has been done?


    I prefer kosher lobster, but I prefer not think too long and hard* about the bris.



    BTW, every feel like everything that can be done with a potato has been done?

    And now we know who to blame for tuberculosis. THANK YOU.


    And now we know who to blame for tuberculosis. THANK YOU.

    Enough blaming the victim.


    I did too make that blockquote.


    BTW, every feel like everything that can be done with a potato has been done?

    An eye for an eye?


    Pompous douchbags explain why anyone who disagrees with the boss deserves to be fired. Worth checking out for the comments.


    Are you wanting something that has never been done to a potato by anyone or only something you personally haven’t experienced? I might be able to help you with the latter.


    BTW, every feel like everything that can be done with a potato has been done?

    Get some Yukon Golds or similar
    Slice thin and lay the slices out in a baking dish
    Stuff some whole garlic cloves and fresh rosemary sprigs in between
    Drizzle generously with olive oil
    Bake at 425 for 35-45 min


    Truthers. Creationists. Climate change deniers. Flat earthers. Failed moon landingers, whatever the fuck they are called. Area 51. Kennedy conspiracists.

    We owe them a great deal. They have voluntarily sacrificed their own dignity to give the world something to laugh at.


    Bitter Scribe-

    That article is amazing.

    Grr, argh, some people deserve to be fired.

    Are they people who create toxic cultures? Petty tyrants who need to be worked around, ineffective middle managers who make everything about their personal ego?

    Nope, we just need to fire people who don’t believe enough in the magic of the free market and don’t worship their bosses (seriously, number 2 is “non-believers”).

    Yes, because a business can only run perfectly when everyone is a no-nothing yes-man to their bosses’ stupid ideas (number 3 is “know-it-alls” i.e. people who know their shit and try and work around their restrictions or repair the damage of their bosses).

    Seeing as how most of these scum are really only good at firing people to temporarily increase stock price, it just adds another layer to the whole thing.

    I’m reminded of the Fred Clark article on how the only thing keeping our system from collapsing in on itself is the fact that there is an open resistance in businesses to terrible ideas and to still creating the best products they can under the heavy pressure not to. So of course, the rich, showing their usual levels of foresight are turning their massive egos to fixing that last problem, much like the foresight that has them taunting the OWS protestors.

    I have never met a group of people more begging for violent retribution than these jokers.


    And yes, the comments are ripping it apart.

    Some great ones:

    Looking at things from a slightly different vantage point…

    The Victims – employees who speak up when exploited.
    The Nonbelievers – employees who speak up when absurdities rain down from on high.
    The Know-it-All – employees who speak up when the incompetent tell them how things should be done.

    Maddock and Viton’s message to employees in a nutshell: Shut up and (1) work your backsides off, (2) don’t question authority, and (3) accept the local kakistocratic rule. Or else.

    CEO’s take: I got it! Fire all those who are not slavish yes men! That’s the ticket!

    This article is such a great example of bias.
    Victims = Blacks
    Non-believers = Atheists
    Know it alls = Jews
    Code-words abound.

    I feel (and have felt) your pain.
    Sadly, your description is far more the norm than what these 2 have proposed.
    Looking over the brief bio-blurb, they are ‘consultants’ and ‘authors’.
    Yep, Bob and Bob.
    ‘So tell us, what exactly do you do around here?’


    So has “President Obama” (obviously Dr. Wily in disguise) sent his evil robots to attack Iran yet? What’s the hold-up?


    Oh, the examples in the post are the greatest mangos!

    So, what is the evil crime of the know-it-all. Is it interrupting things and making it all about their ego and how they know everything while having terrible ideas?

    Sadly, no!

    “You people obviously don’t understand the business we are in. The regulations will not allow an idea like this, and our stakeholders won’t embrace it. Don’t even get me started on our IT infrastructure’s inability to support it. And then there is the problem of ….”

    The best innovators are learners, not knowers. The same can be said about innovative cultures; they are learning cultures.

    Yeah, that’s right, the example is someone pointing out that their boss’s inane idea is both impossible and potentially illegal. And such a person needs to be fired. Because sure it may be a crime against man and god and breaks most of the laws of physics, but it’s much better if huge amounts of money are wasted demonstrating that their boss is an idiot (and thus getting fired for “underperformance” on “assigned duties”) rather than noting at the start that the boss’s plan to make their toaster work by cold fusion and that there magic energy machine from Atlas Shrugged isn’t so much a plan as a demonstration of the Adams Principle (from before he turned into a raving nutjob).

    And that example from “know-it-all” just makes the other example mangos better.

    From victim:

    “Can you believe what they want us to do now? And of course we have no time to do it. I don’t get paid enough for this. The boss is clueless.”

    How dare you note the boss is clueless after he fired the last guy for noting his plan is both illegal and impossible? Muttering to yourself about how you’re slave to the insane whims of your egotistical moron director is just the first sign that you need to be canned!

    And from “non-believer”:

    “Why should we work so hard on this? Even if we come up with a good idea, the boss will probably kill it. If she doesn’t, the market will. I’ve seen this a hundred times before.”

    Yeah, because noting that your bosses obsession with illegal and impossible products and firing anyone who doesn’t pretend to love the idea means they are a reasonable person who responds to practical advice on ideas that would actually work. Oh, wait, that makes you a know-it-all and that was the first guy fired. And you successfully managed to bury your urge to scream under a faded smile. But now you’ve noted that the hierarchy and your insane boss makes it impossible to fix things without being labeled a whiner or a know-it-all and getting shit-canned.

    Well, a shit-can to you too! Howard Roarke didn’t need any help with his magic energy machine, except for all the help he needed even in the fictional book. I’m the boss for good reasons, I must be smarter than my peons. Who cares if I’ve never seen a computer in my life? I can topple Microsoft and Apple with my magic email sorting doohickey that all my employees laughed at. And then I’ll bang robo-bitches in Galt’s Gulch. I don’t need any employees. I can do it all on my own. I’ll show them. I’ll show them all.

    Hey, a bonus for lowering costs by firing all the workers. I can use this to spread my brilliant insight to another industry in need of a Galtian genius like me!


    Also it’s all written in boss trying to look smart speak. So it’s entirely in buzzword. “Innovation” is repeated every other second, with zero awareness that innovation actually has a real cultural definition rather than being an empty buzzword for “hire us as consultants to improve ‘innovation’ by firing everyone and praising you the boss for your smart fiscal planning, you know you want to, it’s the hot term in all the trade press.”

    A buzzword mango example:

    In our experience, we’ve found the link between believing and succeeding incredibly powerful and real. Great leaders understand this. They find and promote believers within their organizations. They also understand the cancerous effect that nonbelievers have on a team and will cut them out of the organization quickly and without regret.

    Yeah, I want to be a great leader. And I know I believe in my own competence, because I’m an idiot mark and those are the people who over-estimate their own intelligence. Yeah, I’ll fire those guys I hate who demonstrate by their existence that I’m the dumbass I sometimes suspect myself to be.

    Wow, you’re great, expensive consultants, you really have innovative ideas that support what I wanted to do all along!


    Wow. I never realized that Office Space was supposed to be a documentary.




    I’ve been trying to put my finger on just what about that display of douchiness makes it so ineffable. I guess it would have to be the open celebration of ignorance and the characterization of employees with actual experience and knowledge as “know-it-alls.”

    This is the root of much of the political problems we spend so much time on this blog bemoaning. We have one of the two major parties consistently—I mean over decades—telling people that individuals who possess knowledge are ivory-tower elitist smartypants.

    This is the party that thought it was a good idea to place second in line to the Presidency, behind a septugenarian with a bad heart, a woman who thinks Paul Revere warned the British against us. This is the party whose former (mercifully brief) standard-bearer cannot remember the names of the Cabinet departments he wishes to eliminate, and whose current standard-bearer worries about the Chinese getting a bomb that they developed in 1964.

    We put clowns, fools, dipshits and borderline r-words in positions of power, and then we are amazed that they lead us to catastrophe. When are we going to realize that facts and knowledge matter?



    Mistakes were made.



    I’ve been trying to put my finger on just what about that celebration of douchiness makes it so ineffably perfect. I guess it would have to be the sneering at employees with experience and knowledge as “know-it-alls.”

    This attitude is all too familiar politically. One of the two major parties has, for decades, sneered at individuals with serious educations and an actual knowledge base as ivory-tower, elitist eggheads.

    This is a party that thought it was a good idea to put as second in line to the Presidency, behind a septugenarian with a bad heart, a woman who thinks that Paul Revere warned the British against us. A party whose former (mercifully brief) standard-bearer cannot remember the names of the Cabinet departments he wishes to eliminate. Whose current standard-bearer worries about the Chinese developing a bomb that they have, in fact, had since 1964.

    We celebrate ignorance and reap disaster. And are surprised when it happens over and over.


    Also, FYWP


    Watch if you dare. No orifeces are exposed, literally speaking.



    I preface this by saying I am not a truther. Not even a little bit. But here’s what the “gravity speed” (I usually see “free fall speed”) thing is about.

    There’s a theoretical maximum speed profile for a falling object (the thing we learn in physics class) that describes what the falling body will do in a vacuum. The truthers claim that the top of the building falls in accordance with this speed profile, which is somewhat surprising, since it was not falling through a vacuum, but rather through (1) air and (2) the other 100 or so floors of the building.

    Now, I have no idea if it actually falls at free-fall speed (this is strange language, BTW, since free-fall isn’t a “speed”, it’s a constant acceleration, but whatever, it’s their conspiracy theory, not mine) or not. Further, I do not know if under the circumstances (the lower floors being weakened by failure of the structural steel), it would be expected to fall like free-fall (the lower floors having already fallen and therefore out of the way). But, all things considered, it is a meaningful question to ask, it just doesn’t say what they think it says.


    Truthers claim that the building was destroyed by a “controlled demolition”.

    However, buildings destroyed by controlled demolition collapse from the bottom, not from the top down like the WTC did.


    From the Bloomberg article:

    “I wanted a happy culture. So I fired all the unhappy people.”
    —A very successful CEO (who asked not to be named)

    Nothing cheers up a workforce like lay-offs.


    The lay-offs will continue until morale improves.


    I wanted a happy culture. So I stored my petri dish on top of my pr0n stash.


    Since I seem to be stuck with clarifying a theory/ viewpoint that I don’t actually subscribe to, I’ll point out that the “collapsed into it’s own footprint at free-fall” meme mostly applies to WTC7, as our recent troll did in fact claim.


    its. I HATE when I do that


    William Shatner was better as Buck Murdock.


    Revolta –

    Given that you’re not making the truther’s point but discussing it…

    I’ll point out that the “collapsed into it’s own footprint at free-fall” meme mostly applies to WTC7, as our recent troll did in fact claim.

    WTC7, like most steel-framed buildings of its era, had floors rated for 2 hours in a fire and columns rated for 3 hours. It caught fire in multiple locations when flaming debris from the north tower hit it during the north tower’s collapse, 10:30 AM; it collapsed at 5:20 PM, almost seven hours later during which there was effectively no effort to put the fires because of the lack of fire-fighters and FDNY organization after the WTC 1 and 2 collapses. In other words, it outperformed the code design requirements by a considerable margin.

    The collapse appears to have begun near the top (where (1) the columns are smaller and therefore have less inherent capacity to resist the effects of heat and (2) the heat was the worst as it rose off the fire floors below) but was exacerbated by the presence of large transfer trusses over the Con Ed transformer plant at the base of the building. Finally, and perhaps most importantly for this discussion, the collapse began significantly slower than gravity acceleration but approached that value as more floors pancaked and the effect of rapidly increasing falling mass overwhelmed the air resistance and whatever strength was left in the over-heated columns.

    The thing about pancaking is that when the first floor falls on the second, it probably doesn’t even exceed the static load capacity of the second floor (although the dynamic effects are nasty). But when the first and second hit the third, they do. And when the first through tenth hit the eleventh, they rip through it with little resistance. With each floor that the stack drops, the strength of the next floor matters less.

    Really, no mystery.


    There’s an abundance of criminal conspiracies surrounding 9/11, nearly all of them already part of the public record.

    PROTIP: ignore the planes & the buildings.

    The number of simultaneous NATO war-games going on was so over the top that it effectively amounted to gross dereliction of duty (imagine if AQ had been able to put four fully-loaded B-52s in the air that day instead of passenger jets). The chickenshit non-response of Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeld was grounds for impeachment, if not indictments for high treason. So too was the inexplicable “decision” to leave Air Force One flying in a circle in one place for more than an hour, thus making it a sitting duck. The hasty & all-too-thorough clean-up of all the crime scenes was itself a crime. The vigorous avoidance of taking responsibility on the part of both NORAD & the FAA for their (at best) marathon of epic fail (“Another plane just hit the second tower!” “Everyone just left the room.”) should’ve cost both organizations their charters & budgets, as both had just proven their utter uselessness in a crisis. The same – & much worse – can be said of their affiliations with Ptech, a company with known links to terrorism … or of the FBI’s unconscionable delay in raiding its offices ( a raid which predictably turned up nothing, since they had been given abundant warning to sanitize said offices). The intentional slowdown of FBI translations of wiretap transcripts both before & after that day was at a minimum gross dereliction of duty, & short-circuited a system that otherwise almost certainly would have prevented the attacks. The 411 days of stonewalling before finally appointing a commission to investigate was both criminally negligent & gave substantial aid & comfort to known enemies of the state. The massive restrictions (& active ignorance) of said commission was another clear-cut case of both criminal negligence & criminal conspiracy after the fact. The subsequent blanket promotions of the people who screwed the poodle was an absolute obscenity – & arguably yet another case of both criminal negligence & criminal conspiracy after the fact.

    Eleven major criminal conspiracies, just off the top of my head. Give me an hour & an Interwebs connection, & I bet I could find another 30 or 40 that are just as heinous.

    You know what’s REALLY crazy? There are some tinfoil-hatter whackaloons out there who posit that the Truther subculture was in fact a prefab COINTELPRO-style psyop, one of whose main goals was (& is) to systematically discredit skepticism of the official version of events, & to prevent the public at large from demanding straight answers regarding all of these very real – & unprosecuted – crimes.

    ( brb, checking for alien implants)


    “put out the fires”



    Shorter Maddock & Viton:

    1: If beatings continue long enough, morale DOES improve!
    2: Who are you going to believe, the boss or your lying memory?
    3: Regulations? We don’ need no steenking regulations!


    In our experience, we’ve found the link between believing and succeeding incredibly powerful and real. Great leaders understand this. They find and promote believers within their organizations. They also understand the cancerous effect that nonbelievers have on a team and will cut them out of the organization quickly and without regret.

    Not even going to attempt a strikethrough, right now. So— In our experience, we’ve found the link between being obsessed with money and mercenary really gives a huge short-term gain. Myopic CEOS and grifters understand this. They find the enablers and bootlickers within their organizations. They also understand that their anti-social behavior cannot be easily glorified when there are responsible people of conscience on a team who see the long-term consequences, defend reality, and consider the dignity of others to be of the utmost importance.

    “Management” as it exists on the pedestal of American society and culture is a sociopaths “how-to guide” to exploiting people, places, and things, for gain far excess of the CEO’s contribution to the organization. How to get management to whip the wage slaves, and how to leave anyone lower on the totem pole end up with the bag of shit, or the felony charges…


    imagine if AQ had been able to put four fully-loaded B-52s in the air that day instead of passenger jets

    So beyond the realm of likelihood as to be possible only in James Bond movies or Tom Clancy novels.

    Unless the B-52 has been “cocked” on alert (loaded, fueled and preflighted) it takes a lot of time and manpower to put one in the air.

    Back when we did keep them on alert, they were very heavily protected. I’ve seen SAC crewmembers with a loaded M-16 pointed at their head because they didn’t follow that day’s security protocols to the letter.

    Even if AQ somehow managed to get a hold of one, they don’t fly like an airliner. It’s an early 1950s design with a lot of bad handling quirks.


    My favorite conspiracy theory. Posted on good old Usenet on September 12, 2001.


    BTW, every feel like everything that can be done with a potato has been done?

    Is this a challenge? (asking on behalf of Substance McG).

    Great leaders […] the cancerous effect that nonbelievers have on a team and will cut them out of the organization quickly and without regret.
    This is all very well if the purpose of an organisation is to feed the CEO’s fragile sense of self-worth. Not so good if the organisation is intended to survive in a competitive environment.
    So you have someone writing, for BusinessWeek, that the first priority of management is to shoot any messenger who tries to bring word from the outside world that a business plan is not working? Because the “Create your own reality” strategy worked so well for the Bush administration. Which non-US power is paying the author to sabotage the US economy?

    I have a student who did his PhD on narcissists in business administration (he’s in HR himself and has access to no end of observations). Gonna send him a link to this article.


    I guess it would have to be the sneering at employees with experience and knowledge as “know-it-alls.”

    I am old enough to remember when having staff who remembered what had worked in the past and what hadn’t worked was called “institutional memory” and was viewed as a good thing.


    Stephen Fry recently put it well;
    “There are many people on Earth who need to be killed, and nearly all of them are management consutants.”


    I’ll point out that the “collapsed into it’s own footprint at free-fall” meme mostly applies to WTC7, as our recent troll did in fact claim.

    I’ve seen that about one of the two main towers.

    It’s still utter bullshit.


    My favorite conspiracy theory.

    Wow. I’ve never seen that one, and I’ve seen the Bush/Lizardo conspiracy.


    Truthers. Creationists. Climate change deniers. Flat earthers. Failed moon landingers, whatever the fuck they are called. Area 51. Kennedy conspiracists. People who think Picard was a better captain than Kirk.

    Macs rule!

    St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

    People who think Picard was a better captain than Kirk.

    Particularly when everyone knows the best one of them all was Sisko.


    Particularly when everyone knows the best one of them all was Sisko.

    Yeah, I don’t see Stewart pulling off that role in American History X.


    In our experience, we’ve found the link between believing and succeeding incredibly powerful and real. Great leaders understand this. They find and promote believers within their organizations. They also understand the cancerous effect that nonbelievers have on a team and will cut them out of the organization quickly and without regret.

    Chairman Mao also had great faith in the ability of humanity to overcome reality with sheer belief, which is how you ended up with backyard furnaces producing only pig iron. Wasn’t good economics, but Mao really didn’t trust “intellectuals” and knew that the simple farmers, the people of the land, the common clay of the new China, would be able to overcome the limits those pointy-headed know-it-all nonbelievers had in mind.

    Which is where the GOP’s been headed for years…


    Is this a challenge? (asking on behalf of Substance McG).

    I wasn’t kidding. And of course I had to share with Substance.


    BTW, it is my wish that hot potato sex will finally be the death of this thread and bring us a fresh, new one.


    Do you have any idea how humiliating it is I actually like 300 and Sin City? Seriously, you can’t fathom it. I’d sooner admit to having every episode of Saved by the Bell on DVD.


    this claptrap was carried in the strib yesterday…since pompous assholes were brought up upthread, it felt apropo: bobo trigger warning!!!


    Do you have any idea how humiliating it is I actually like 300 and Sin City?

    only redeeming quality of sin city: clive owen…


    eh…there will be nightmares tonight…


    bobo trigger warning!!!

    Here too – Bobo’s pop psychology gone wrong

    He sez this – “They say people, they ask people, “If you saw something cruel, if you saw racism and sexism, will you intervene?” Then they hire actors, and they put it right in front of them. People do not intervene. It’s called the bystander effect.”

    I’m no expert, but I am pretty sure that what teh experts have discovered – and refer to as the actual bystander effect – is that the more people witness something bad, the less likely any one individual is to intervene. So, you know, nothing to do with what Bobo is trying to explain.

    So anyways, another episode of Evil or Stupid, brought to you by SlackMedia Inc.


    Do you have any idea how humiliating it is I actually like 300 and Sin City?

    Actually I liked both of them. Even if 300 had about as much to do with the Battle of Thermopylae as Sin City did.


    Do you have any idea how humiliating it is I actually like 300 and Sin City?

    Well, you said nothing about All-star Batman and Robin, so you’re forgiven.


    re: Frank Miller

    Let’s just skip over teh parts that are obviously wrnog – teh blatant stereotyping, teh pretending that there’s no inequality problem, teh OMG OOGABOOGA ISLAMOFASCISM. I’m a kind and generous Dragon-King so I will give him a bye on his inherently anti-social derangements. Let’s also skip over teh irony of Frank fucking comic book hero Miller ranting about iPad and iPhone weilding nerd-l00sers needing to go back to mom’s basement.

    Even given all that – he is still a moran. Even if teh entire Occupy movement is made up of nothing but twenty-something slacker jerkwads that live in their mom’s basements, spending all their time analyzing exactly where Frank Miller’s work with Teh Dark Knight suddenly turned completely to crap. Let’s say that that is true. WTF d00d?!?! Doesn’t this provide ample evidence that there is something fundamentally fucked-up with society? That people at the age for entering adulthood have no adulthoods to enter? Srsly d00d, cinch your onion belt a little tighter around your armpits and yell at them kiddies to go get jobs all you want – but WHERE ARE TEH JOBS?

    Really. This whole “don’t they have anything bettar to do with their lives” bullshit? No they don’t. THAT’S TEH FUCKING POINT.


    Doesn’t this provide ample evidence that there is something fundamentally fucked-up with society?

    That’s usually my response when presented with the “ZOMG! 47% don’t even pay any taxes!” argument.

    I tell them maybe they should be more upset that almost half the country don’t even make enough to be worth collecting income taxes on.


    “Here too – Bobo’s pop psychology gone wrong”

    Don’t know if this has been discussed here because I have been away and I choose not to read every comment, but here is my $0.02:

    Joe Paterno is well-known to be both Catholic and Republican; therefore the right is walking right up to excusing inexcusable behavior to protect a member of the tribe.

    Also, too: If this was a prominent Dem, the clowns and sociopaths participating in the Republican debates would have tied that person to the Democratic Party and pronounced it a cornerstone of liberalism.


    Found this juicy little mango in that story.

    There is a time and place to exercise your First Amendment rights

    Odd, but I never seem to hear that applied to the Second.


    Really. This whole “don’t they have anything bettar to do with their lives” bullshit? No they don’t. THAT’S TEH FUCKING POINT.

    I love how conservatives have spent the last three years saying that big government interference caused the economic crisis and big government interference is keeping unemployment very high, yet at the same time are now saying that all these unemployed, as per Herman Cain, should be blaming themselves and could totally solve all their problems if they’d just pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

    Which one is it? Are people being fucked over by their oppressive government (which would mean the unemployed aren’t guilty of anything, they’re the primary victims of what the GOP’s complaining about), or are people just lazy schlemiels who could totally find a job if they tried at all (which would mean Socialist Tyranny isn’t actually the economic burden they make it out to be)?


    Occupier gets a free ride, just not the free ride he was hoping for.

    So glad free speech is meaningless to you, Naziboy.


    Odd, but I never seem to hear that applied to the Second.

    Not even for ex-cons



    I was an eye-witness to an early TeaParty disruption of Congressman Lloyd Doggett’s Town Hall in summer of 2009. I am sure you cheered these disruptions all over the country that year. So…………go fuck yourself.


    Maybe Dennis fantasizes about being handled roughly by an ex-marine?


    Maybe Dennis fantasizes about remembers being handled roughly by an ex-marine?

    Fixed that for ya


    Not even sensual solanaceae can mash the onward plodding of this shopworn cottage fried thread.


    After Dennis loses his cushy janitorial engineer banking job, perhaps he can work here.


    For years, Rhodes has had trouble finding Americans willing to grab a knife and stand 10 or more hours a day in a cold, wet room for minimum wage and skimpy benefits.

    Um, maybe it’s the minimum-wage and skimpy benefits rather than the “dirty” part that’s keeping people away? Just a thought.


    bobo trigger warning!!!

    Church inequality is unacceptable. It would be uncouth to wear a Baptist or Catholic or Jewish jersey to signal that people of your faith are closer to God. It is wrong to look down on other faiths on the grounds that their creeds are erroneous.

    That is why you never, ever see a person wearing a cross or a star of David on a chain around their neck. There are no cars driving around the highways with little fish decals on them. Never have I seen a bumper sticker proclaiming that Jesus is lord or that God is my co-pilot.


    That is why you never, ever see a person wearing a cross or a star of David on a chain around their neck. There are no cars driving around the highways with little fish decals on them. Never have I seen a bumper sticker proclaiming that Jesus is lord or that God is my co-pilot.

    Ain’t no billboards, either.


    Um, maybe it’s the minimum-wage and skimpy benefits rather than the “dirty” part that’s keeping people away? Just a thought.

    Oh but hey! It’s a *job* man! You should feel LOOXOORIOUS you found one!


    Dennis, if you doubt me, then you just don’t know Gingrich. That would be one of many things that you don’t know, and I am sorry If you feel I am picking on you because of your ignorance. But, there it is.


    DenDen, you were banned. Twice.

    Go away, since you’re too stoopid to take a hint. Twice.


    Occupiers that are telling their tribesmen not to report rapes

    Then how do you know anyone’s been raped, DenDen?


    Sheesh, DenDen’s become stoopider since he’s been banned.


    Um, maybe it’s the minimum-wage and skimpy benefits rather than the “dirty” part that’s keeping people away? Just a thought.

    dang…yesterday hubbkf and i traveled out of town to do some shopping…which inevitably includes a stop at teh walmart…(i know, i know…teh walmart is evil and i do hate it, and we do shop locally as much as we can, but at times we HAVE to venture out of town to purchase items such as underclothing or shoes…i shit you not, we do not have a store in our town wherein you can buy underclothing…) anyhow, i was chatting with our cashier who is literally counting down the days til she turns 65…she said they have her scheduled 6 days a week w/12 hour shifts…6a-6p…her feet were killing her and she looked absolutely exhausted…what kind of life is that? she told me a bit of her history and it sounds as though she’s kinda gone down the food chain, having worked as a cashier for other big chains her entire working life…i’ve worked 2-3 jobs my entire working life and yeah, it sucks at times, but i still can’t imagine being stuck in a walmart for 72 fricking hours a week making diddly squat for pay…again, i ask…what kind of life is that?


    Oh wait! Maybe DenDen’s the rapist?


    what kind of life is that?

    Life at the biggest private employer in the world.


    Um, maybe it’s the minimum-wage and skimpy benefits rather than the “dirty” part that’s keeping people away? Just a thought.

    At maximum hours without drawing overtime, minimum wage is about 15K a year or almost two thirds teh poverty line. Teh guy is having trouble staffing full-time physically-intensive factory jobs at two thirds teh poverty line. Quelle surprise.

    I suppose this is teh answer to teh WHERE ARE TEH JOBS question. American enterprise needs moar slave labour!

    Srsly – sweatshop style labour for two thirds teh poverty threshold. FuckAWESOME!


    For years, Rhodes has had trouble finding Americans willing to grab a knife and stand 10 or more hours a day in a cold, wet room for minimum wage and skimpy benefits.

    and this won’t change until joe hoverround is willing to pay a few bucks more for his all u can eat catfish buffet…


    I was on a business trip last week and through the weekend so I didn’t have a chance to monitor this thread. I don’t know what was up with the character assassination by some commenter directed at former SadlyNo contributor Gavin, but I’ve deleted all those emails referencing Gavin. I’ll deal with Dennis again in a few moments.


    Welcome home, me TinTin


    and this won’t change until joe hoverround is willing to pay a few bucks more for his all u can eat catfish buffet…

    Keep your gubmint hands off my filets!


    Rape! Drugs! Violence! Perversion! MADNESS!

    Or, as translated into Congressional lingo, “recess.”


    FSM bless Tintin.


    God is my co-pilot.

    It seems the height of reckless arrogance to fly with an individual implicated by his acts in so many airplane crashes, car crashes, shipwrecks, dangerous storms, oil spills, plagues and fires. Has he ever had to answer for his involvement in any forum at all? I don’t think the FAA ever investigated him, much less the NTSB or MSHA.


    Maybe Dennis fantasizes about being handled roughly by an ex-marine?

    The article says the thug was former NYPD, not Marines. So far, the only war veterans to show up near OWS rallies have been the ones telling the cops “fuck the fuck off and leave these people alone.”


    Occupiers that are telling their tribesmen not to report rapes

    Then how do you know anyone’s been raped, DenDen?


    “No survivors? Then where do the stories come from, I wonder?”


    Church inequality is unacceptable. It would be uncouth to wear a Baptist or Catholic or Jewish jersey to signal that people of your faith are closer to God. It is wrong to look down on other faiths on the grounds that their creeds are erroneous.

    Wait, what the hell? Bobo’s on the political correctness/don’t hurt other people’s fee-fees train now? Next thing you know he’ll be calling to ban prayer in public schools!



    “All I was doing was trying to stop this historic occasion from being disrupt-ed. There is a time and place to exercise your First Amendment rights,’’ said Hiltunen, of Bergen Beach, Brooklyn, who was identified by people at the ceremony as an ex-Marine.


    By the way, Hiltunen retired from the force in 1994 on a disability.

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm….I’m thinking he’s committing fraud


    I stand corrected.

    Fraud? I would never accuse any conservative of any such thing.


    i still can’t imagine being stuck in a walmart for 72 fricking hours a week making diddly squat for pay

    Lincoln freed the slaves.
    i guess the Walton family never got the memo.


    Conservatives don’t commit fraud!

    No, they circumvent and subvert market regulations, both governmental and common-place, that they deem unfair to efficient exploitation of resources.*

    * in all seriousness, I watched a lecture by a socialist economics professor who pointed out that re-regulating the markets made absolutely no sense, since the boards of directors of corporations would simply subvert and eliminate them again anyway.


    Well, if Kevin Hiltunen is ex-NYPD that means he’s a private citizen who just committed assault.


    Well, if Kevin Hiltunen is ex-NYPD that means he’s a private citizen who just committed assault.

    It does seem that way, yes.


    That swearing in, by the way, was for the replacement member* of Congress for Anthony Weiner



    in all seriousness, I watched a lecture by a socialist economics professor who pointed out that re-regulating the markets made absolutely no sense, since the boards of directors of corporations would simply subvert and eliminate them again anyway.

    this is basically my argument against the flat tax…besides making people at or below the poverty line ‘having skin in the game.’ corporations are still going to find a way to not pay their fucking taxes…


    Well, if Kevin Hiltunen is ex-NYPD that means he’s a private citizen who just committed assault.

    kevin hiltunen squeezed and pulled and hurt my neck…1989


    * in all seriousness, I watched a lecture by a socialist economics professor who pointed out that re-regulating the markets made absolutely no sense, since the boards of directors of corporations would simply subvert and eliminate them again anyway.

    That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Because you can’t win forever you shouldn’t fight? Even if the rules only last 10 or so years, what about 10 or so years with no financial bubbles? 10 or so years where no one’s (or lots fewer) saving go up in smoke because they invest in the flavor of the day before it goes bust? 10 or so years or people playing by the rules and getting prosecuted when they break them? I think it’s a good deal or at least a better deal than business as usual.


    For years, Rhodes has had trouble finding Americans willing to grab a knife and stand 10 or more hours a day in a cold, wet room for minimum wage and skimpy benefits.

    Which is why, following the dictates of The Free Market, blessed be Its Invisible Hand, Rhodes began raising the offering wages until he could find people…

    what? He didn’t raise their wages? He just bitched and complained about the minimum wage and started importing illegal aliens and threatening to turn them in to the INS if they complained about their working conditions?

    You mean…The Market…failed, in this case? Couldn’t find an equilibrium where all the rational wealth maximizers were satisfied? I’m shocked. I’m gobsmacked! Who ever heard of such a thing?


    That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Because you can’t win forever you shouldn’t fight?

    Actually, his solution was even better: restrutcture corporations to more closely hew to the Marxian business entity.

    Or as we call them here in the State, Silicon Valley.


    I watched a lecture by a socialist economics professor who pointed out that re-regulating the markets made absolutely no sense, since the boards of directors of corporations would simply subvert and eliminate them again anyway.

    That’s like saying we should abolish police departments because the mob will just try to pay them off.


    I watched a lecture by a socialist economics professor who pointed out that re-regulating the markets made absolutely no sense, since the boards of directors of corporations would simply subvert and eliminate them again anyway.

    That’s like saying we should abolish police departments because the mob will just try to pay them off.

    Here’s the thing, and he has an indisputable point:

    It took boards of directors 60 years to gather the political strength, to pour enough money into the system and politicians pockets, to game judicial elections and otherwise subvert the system to get rid of FDR-era regulations, which they did frighteningly fast once they got a critical mass.

    With that critical mass in place already, how long before they subvert..if indeed they even have to…any new regulations?


    Marxian business entity.

    I don’t know what that is. It sounds like it could be the villain of the week on Star Trek.


    The science is irrefutable, libtards.

    Genghis Khan = Al Gore!!!


    I don’t know what that is. It sounds like it could be the villain of the week on Star Trek.

    The workers own the means of production


    Genghis Khan = Al Gore!!!

    This is why conservatives can afford to be climate change denialists: they know all they have to do is unleash a plague or a world war, and things will go back to normal.


    The workers own the means of production

    I’m satisfied with that as a solution. But we won’t get there from where we are now, without the streets running with blood. This is unacceptable to me. I don’t own galoshes.


    This is unacceptable to me. I don’t own galoshes.

    That’s why he mentioned the Silicon Valley. This is the model many start ups out there pursued.


    With that critical mass in place already, how long before they subvert..if indeed they even have to…any new regulations?

    Oh, sure. But by the same token, they already had that critical mass (even more than they do today) a hundred years ago: somehow, we managed to pass and enforce regulations that, even if they were eventually subverted, did a hell of a lot of good.


    That’s why he mentioned the Silicon Valley. This is the model many start ups out there pursued.

    Oh. ok. I understand the point you were trying to make now. Still, how many of those companies are still in business, and are still employee owned?


    Still, how many of those companies are still in business, and are still employee owned?

    Well, HP, Apple….Now, employee owned, that’s a different story, but keep in mind they’re operating in a system where selling out is valued over the true capitalist system of competing in a thriving industry.


    Hiltunen is a Patriot Nazi.

    And so are you, DenDen


    But by the same token, they already had that critical mass (even more than they do today) a hundred years ago: somehow, we managed to pass and enforce regulations that, even if they were eventually subverted, did a hell of a lot of good.

    Yes, but corporations weren’t people back then. There was a critical piece missing.


    Here’s the thing, and he has an indisputable point

    No he doesn’t.

    Look, if the political system can be used to rig a regulatory framework, it can just as easily be used to rig the rules around corporate structure or ownership.

    Regulatory capture or rent-seeking, call it what you will, is everywhere all the time.


    Hiltunen is a Patriot Nazi.

    And so are you, DenDen

    Isn’t that massively overestimating both of those schlemiels?


    Hiltunen is a Patriot.

    I’m reminded of the Simpsons episode where the Grandpa was going to commit assisted suicide.

    His last wish was “I want to listen to the Glenn Miller Orchestra and watch footage of cops beating up hippies”.


    I call fake Dennis. Even Dennis isn’t enough of a moran to know why it was spelled m-o-r-a-n.


    I want to own the means of producing Pet Rocks™.


    With that critical mass in place already, how long before they subvert..if indeed they even have to…any new regulations?

    This potantial danger doesn’t strike me as a logical premise with which to justify the status quo so much as yet another bloody good reason to PITTER-PATTER, GET THE FUCK AT ‘ER while you can in regards to a dose of long-overdue judicial diligence.

    The general public might enjoy a chance to lay wagers – with much entertainment-value to be had therein – on just how many 20- or 25-year hard-labour sentences without parole it would take to successfully discourage such subversion, as that number grew ever-faster day by day.

    It is at least possible that the real number would be shockingly small – as recent developments have amply proven, the oh-so-pampered, oh-so-privileged Masters Of Teh Market have a known crybaby bias.


    For the edification of Dennis, here’s Newtie:

    “Woody Allen had non-incest with his non-daughter because they were a non-family.” He adds, “It fits the Democratic Party platform perfectly.” Bush distances himself from the remarks.”

    “A South Carolina woman, Susan Smith, murders her two sons. Gingrich draws the only logical conclusion: “I think that the mother killing the two children in South Carolina vividly reminds every American how sick the society is getting and how much we need to change things. The only way you get change is to vote Republican.”

    “People like me are what stand between us and Auschwitz. I see evil all around me every day.”

    Following the House GOP’s triumphant 1994 election victory, Gingrich sends all the Republican freshman House members copies of the GOPAC memo suggesting they refer to their opponents as “traitors.”

    Gingrich tells Fox News that liberal financier George Soros’ opposition to George W. Bush might be due to his ties to drug cartels: “[He] wants to spend $75 million defeating [President] George W. Bush because Soros wants to legalize heroin.”

    Asked whether he agrees with then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s comments that opposition to the Bush administration’s Iraq policy is tantamount to appeasing Hitler, Gingrich responds, “Yes.”

    2010 Gingrich argues that Muslims don’t have a right to build a mosque in Lower Manhattan: “They’re trying to make a case about supremacy…Nazis don’t have the right to put up a sign next to the Holocaust museum in Washington.”

    Now that you have been shown, you will have to find another excuse for your ignorance, moran.


    Dennis is Frank Miller.


    Woody Allen had non-incest with his non-daughter because they were a non-family

    I don’t actually know shit about Woody Allen, but wait – he did not have incest with a woman who wasn’t his daughter, because they weren’t part of a family? What’s wrong with that?

    I think that the mother killing the two children in South Carolina vividly reminds every American how sick the society is getting and how much we need to change things. The only way you get change is to vote Republican.

    So the children can kill the mother first by abolishing her welfare!

    I see evil all around me every day.

    Of THAT, I have no doubt.

    Nazis don’t have the right to put up a sign next to the Holocaust museum in Washington.


    Yes they do.


    I was sorry to see Gingrich’s comparison of himself with General De Gaulle didn’t make it in there. Of all the pretentious blowhard statements he’s made over the course of his career, that may have been the worst. Well, one of the worst.


    Dennis is Frank Miller is Dennis Miller!



    BTW, there’s a major chink in the armor of the “OWS movement is nothing but a bunch of rapists” argument, and it’s this: OWS is occupying a space. For days, weeks, months on end. That means any number of people–and in a ginormous metropolis like NYC this number will be not inconsiderable–being in, near or adjacent to the protest will NOT be an actual protester. So the idea of labeling the OWS movement as a bunch of rapists, while I’m sure tempting!!!!, is probably not founded on any sort of sound methodology.

    Oh, and another thing, Dennis–JUST SO YOU KNOW–what you said was dead wrong. In fact, protesters have tried to get help from police regarding the alleged rapes and harassment. The police have been, let’s just say, less than helpful. GET YOUR SHIT CORRECT, DENNIS.




    Dennis is Frank Miller is Dennis Miller!


    Douches of this magnitude HAVE to be related. Somehow. I just know it.


    Douches of this magnitude HAVE to be related.

    I believe Dennis is a jewish miller and Frank is an Irish miller, but all douches are related deep, deep down inside.


    Authoritarianism is prevalent on both sides and you can’t deny that.

    Oh gee, let me guess. “Both sides are just as bad” – so always, always vote for the Republican?


    Yo DenBob! I know Joe Paterno. I know Tim Curley. I know Jerry Sandusky I know Graham Spanier. I met McQueary a couple times. I know all those folks. It was a cover up. That’s not a theory but a fact. You are an apologist for criminals, pedophiles, sick motherchildfuckers. You make me want to puke. You are among the most vile, disgusting people that I know of.


    I think that the mother killing the two children in South Carolina vividly reminds every American how sick the society is getting and how much we need to change things. The only way you get change is to vote Republican.

    So the children can kill the mother first by abolishing her welfare!

    i read this more as, ‘hey, let’s make all women give birth to babies they don’t want! and then, just for fun, we’ll make sure they don’t have the support systems they need, especially when they are overwhelmed and in a precarious mental state! FREEEEEEEDOM!!!!11!!’


    Oh BTW, it’s not Paterno’s voting record, he brought Bush Pere to campaign on campus. He’s donated LOTS of money. He has worked time and again to promote and endorse R candidates. Eat shit fuckface.


    Dennis is Frank Miller is Dennis Miller!

    actually, i read the original as ‘dennis is dennis miller’…which seems appropriate since i first thought dennis miller to be amusing when he first thrust himself into the public’s consciousness…in short order, it became clear that he’s really just an annoying doucebag…


    New thread!

    Too soon!


    Church inequality is unacceptable. It would be uncouth to wear a Baptist or Catholic or Jewish jersey to signal that people of your faith are closer to God. It is wrong to look down on other faiths on the grounds that their creeds are erroneous.

    Wait, isn’t that the purpose of most religions? Isn’t the whole point that we have a direct line to god and they are incorrect? That our team is going to heaven and their team is going straight to hell?

    Seriously, I see most religion as hyper-refined tribalism. What about that is incompatilbe with “signal(ling) that people of your faith are closer to God?”


    Dennis is Frank Miller is Dennis Miller IS TEH FUCHING FERRETS.


    Poor DenDen.

    JoePa is a conservative. He helped raped little boys.

    DenDen’s jealous: he didn’t get no daddy-love.


    You are an apologist for criminals, pedophiles, sick motherchildfuckers.

    I don’t apologize for anything that went on there

    Even worse, Poops. He supports it. He likes little boys being butt-raped. So long as Penn State gets into a bowl game.


    Dennis, why do you rape little boys?


    Dennis, why do you rape babies?


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