In Case You Were Wondering What Adam Has Been Up To

ABOVE: Adam Yoshida

Shorter Adam Yoshida, The American Canadian Stinker
Could We See World War Three in Our Lifetimes?

  • The only way to avoid war is to declare war on a bunch of countries.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 1065


Damn! I hate it when conservatives insist on sharing their creepy sexual fantasies with the rest of us.


What do you mean “could we”? Or “Three”?


lol. Adam is an ‘AmericanThinker’, too?

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Because clearly the thing Adam Yoshida needed to be taken seriously was a stupid bowtie.


Adam is an ‘AmericanThinker’, too?

Only for all values of “American”= vile Canukistanian infidel furriner and all values of “thinker”=braindead nonsentient netbot.


Because clearly the thing Adam Yoshida needed to be taken seriously was a stupid bowtie.

Sadly, in young Adamned’s case, it actually does make him look more serious.


He’s George Effin’ Will’s MiniMe.


So “sober” now means worrying that China will start a war before they try political reform, because they are in an unsustainable bubble and have more men than women due to the one child policy. And worrying that Greece, for instance, might seek to “truly defy a pan-European consensus” and that that might cause “military action against them” that “might be trumped up by the Franco-German alliance”. And the “potential” for Iran to develop a nuclear bomb. (You never know when potential might rear its ugly head.) And that Turkey and the U.S. might get involved in a shooting war because Turkey appears to have “a secret ambition” to recreate the Ottoman Empire. And that Mexico’s problems with drug lords and the “ten million” Mexicans living illegally in the U.S. could start a war. It’s difficult for this guy to see how this problem can’t be resolved without “some sort of conflict.” And the grand slam— You see, “when you consider them as a whole, they create a real risk of a cascade of chaos that could consume the whole world.” This last statement reminds me of the wonderful description of an economic collapse of the American South as foretold by SadlyNo!

I don’t think this guy would know sober leadership if it jumped up and bit his ass.


He’s George Effin’ Will’s MiniMe.

You know you are fucking doomed when you make Tucker Carlson look serious and thoughtful.


I don’t think this guy would know sober leadership if it jumped up and bit his ass.

I doubt that he has had a sober moment since his 13th birthday (which may have been last week).


Quotes from this remarlkable young man

Referring the long-time Liberal Government of Canada:

“They put their stamp on every institution in this country – a Maple Leaf-shaped boot stamping down across the Canadian face forever.”

and, in a “recommendation” to a future Conservative Government:

” A large-scale buildup of the Armed Forces will do more than prepare Canada to fight in an increasingly-dangerous world, but it will also create a powerful military-industrial complex that a future Liberal government would be loathe to confront.”

Hence the American war machine, and hence the one developing in Canada. It’s not about external enemies at all, is it. And it never was. Scratch a conservative, find a fascist. Every Single Gorammed Time.
May this little creep DIAVSF.

The Tragically Flip

Ok, I tried to take his thesis seriously for a second, and even accepting his paranoid worst case scenarios I still don’t get how a bunch of regional or country specific wars amounts to WW3.

The whole 18th and 19th century are chalk full of local wars and even some bigger ones between the colonial powers, but none of these are generally consider “world wars.”

WW1 had that whole set of interlocking inflexible treaties and WW2 had that “madman in charge of a major industrial power” thing. I see neither feature today.

The Tragically Flip

” A large-scale buildup of the Armed Forces will do more than prepare Canada to fight in an increasingly-dangerous world, but it will also create a powerful military-industrial complex that a future Liberal government would be loathe to confront.”

Another point for “evil” in the grand stupid versus evil debate about conservatives.


Tell you what Adam, when you’ve got as many combat hours in your logbook as I do feel free to lecture me on military matters. Until then STFU.


“The Blast of War: A Narrative History of the Third World War.”

…China’s economic growth
….a European conflict
… Iranian nuclear bomb
……….the enduring problem of Mexico

It is easy to imagine, as I have done in The Blast of War, how these problems — without sober world leadership — could escalate into an interlocking series of wars that would in combination result in the greatest armed conflict since the Second World War.

Adam seems really angry other countries aren’t keeping the United States’ best interest in mind when they make decisions.

And has a fantasy about how to “solve” the problem.

The Tragically Flip

Who is China going to attack?

Russia? Nukes.
India? Nukes.
Taiwan? US law requiring it to defend the island, and again, Nukes.

Maybe they’ll invade Mongolia or Laos or Bhutan or one of the Stans, and that would be bad, but not a world war. I guarantee America wouldn’t intervene in any of that.


I still insist that bow ties are cool. Yoshida looks like a douche because he is a douche.


I took the time to get the spelling of “Venkman” right, but I didn’t bother to proofread the rest of the nym.

Go me!


a Maple Leaf-shaped boot

Boy, those sure must make it hard for the Liberal Government to walk.


You can almost hear the violent fapping as he types one handed. He is truly deranged.


We used to wargame a scenario where China and Vietnam, plus other regional players fought over the Spratley Islands – which have oil reserves and are contested by several countries.

Not sure how likely China would want to tangle with Vietnam again. They got their asses handed to them by the Vietnamese second string in 1979 (the Vietnamese first-string were busy cleaning up the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia).


…there is another parameter that has created the conditions for an unimaginable disaster: the fact that the United States increasingly appears unwilling or unable to provide the sort of leadership necessary to move the world through these troubled days.

It’s the fact that the President is a Democrat, and he’s black, isn’t it?

We would do well to recall that, in history’s greatest war, the Nazis refrained from using chemical weapons — even during the final battles in the dying days of the Third Reich — for fear of Allied retaliation. War on a global scale is still possible.

No. The Nazis refrained from using chemical weapons in battle for the same reason that chemical weapons were so eagerly banned after WW I—you’re as likely to kill yourselves as well as anyone else, and it created paranoia and fear that made it difficult for the troops to advance after launching a chemical attack because no one could tell if the air was still poisoned without taking a big breath and seeing if it kills you.


You can almost hear the violent fapping as he types one handed.

As I said up top. Very disturbing. This young man desperately needs to seek help for his sexual addiction.


Wiley, you’ve mentioned before that you were in the Air Force?



whoa…vs has her own fires now? cool!


also, too…i am fairly impressed that the st. ronnie fellating didn’t occur until the last paragraph…wtf?


also, too, again…i apologize for drunk posting last nite…however, i am still whizzed off at the lack of recognition of brilliance regarding my halloween costume…tomorrow my key club kiddies, the daughter and i have the honor of working the games at our nursing home’s halloween carnival…those old fuckers better fucking get it…


the st. ronnie fellating didn’t occur until the last paragraph…wtf?

There is growing evidence the Ronnie did actually raise taxes on rich people, seriously tarnishing his halo.

Gone are the days of ZombieRonnie rising up to save the world.(can’t risk higher taxes) Nowadays he can only add his blessings to a call for violence and oppression.


Ya. I was in the Air Force. ’78-’82


Oh geez … I am SO sorry this schmeeb is a Canuck.

The world situation today is as unsettled as it has been at any time since the late 1930s.

As “unsettled” as during the Berlin Blockade? The Cuban Misslie Crisis? The implosion of the Soviet Bloc? I must be missing one major bitch of a crisis somewhere … is he referring to the thing with Bette Midler ragging on Lady Gaga for stealing her “mermaid drag in a wheelchair” routine? Don’t worry, Adam: I hear Le Gaga & Dame Bette kissed & made up, for reals!

given the unsettled nature of the Middle East today, I think that we might well find ourselves in a shooting war with the a Turkish government, whose secret ambition appears to be the recreation of the Ottoman Empire

Yeah, I’m sure Turkey is dying to go to war with its main source of military hardware, just like the US can’t wait to bomb its #1 customer for war-toys. Adam’s ambition appears to be blowing smoke up his own arse & it is most certainly NOT a secret.

Maybe we’ll get lucky & he’ll celebrate next Earth Day by running his SUV in the garage with the door closed?


I still insist that bow ties are cool.

A man’s tie should point downward, to emphasize his genitals. Why would you trust a man whose tie points sideways, emphasizing his ears?


Ya. I was in the Air Force. ’78-’82

get out! so was hubbkf! do you know him?!?!?


however, i am still whizzed off at the lack of recognition of brilliance regarding my halloween costume

I missed that part of the thread and can’t be arsed…what’s the costume?


Why would you trust a man whose tie points sideways, emphasizing his ears?

hey, a gal needs something to hold on to…


I missed that part of the thread and can’t be arsed…what’s the costume?

devil in a blue dress…only two people *got it*…but one was 24 year old officer hottie who told me that’s one of his favorite songs…and he’s a real cop…not a pretend one…saw a lot of those last night…i didn’t realize that law enforcement nowadays is made up of scantily dressed whores…


Heh. With my help, Mrs__B has settled on her first-ever costume for work tomorrow, and it’s an obscure one: a half-mask borrowed from a friend, some blood dripping down her face below the mask, and an old-fashioned-looking dress.

Any E.A. Poe fans out there?


get out! so was hubbkf! do you know him?!?!?

Maybe. I was in the 2nd Communications Squadron at Buckley, Field Colorado. Was stationed on Lowry AFB in Denver.

then, I went to Bremerhaven, Germany and was in the 606 TCS (traveling circus and sideshow), stationed on Karl Shurtz Kazerne.

I was an Aerospace and Warnings Systems Operator, or “scope dope”.


Oh—and I went to tech school twice in Biloxi, Mississippi. Haven’t slept. Can’t remember the name of that base right now.


I’m pretty sure that we have always been at war with Eurasia.


Or somewhere east of there


Isn’t kiwiland somewhere near them parts, A.K.?


get out! so was hubbkf! do you know him?!?!?

lackland and mountain home for hubbkf…

Any E.A. Poe fans out there?

hmm…i am stumped…all my feeble brain can come up with is the mask of the red death…


i am stumped…all my feeble brain can come up with is the mask of the red death…

The party-goers in that story: masks and bloody faces.


The party-goers in that story: masks and bloody faces.

indeed…i’m sure you do not associate with total maroons like we are forced to…somebody should be able to guess it…


Isn’t kiwiland somewhere near them parts, A.K.?
In the friggin wasteland now, thunder. but never mind I’m sure our new overlords will look after us


didn’t realize that law enforcement nowadays is made up of scantily dressed whores

In my fantasies? Oh, absolutely.


Looks like after blowing all his money on utility bills, he has managed to get the his internet service turned back on.


hehhehheh…you said blowing!


Scantily dressed whores is what Halloween is all about!


I thought it was about buying loads of candy, pretending it is for children.


And that Turkey and the U.S. might get involved in a shooting war because Turkey appears to have “a secret ambition” to recreate the Ottoman Empire.

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and speculate that “last night’s session of solitaire Risk” is not a solid foundation for foreign policy.


Just looking at that picture makes me want to take a shower.

These creepy little creeps don’t want war for any rational reason, they want war because they’re perpetual 12-year-olds who think war would be SO COOL because there would be all these super-cool weapons and espionage and intrigue and maybe I’d get to score with a super-hot foreign agent and POW! BAM! KABLOOIE!

Yuck. Isn’t this little twerp also an objectivist? It’s like everything I hate wrapped up into one horrible package.


Hallowe’en is all about buying loads of scantily dressed whores, pretending they are for children.

That’s what I heard at S,N!


I’m waiting to buy mine on the day after when they go on sale.


Hallowe’en is all about buying loads of scantily dressed whores, pretending they are for children.

plus alcohol.

On the plus side, it is raining here for Trick-or-Treat time, so nobody is going around to the houses. All this candy is for US!


Oh—and I went to tech school twice in Biloxi, Mississippi. Haven’t slept. Can’t remember the name of that base right now.

You’re thinking of Keesler AFB

I was in the 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale. B-52 driver (obviously).


And this is why Major Kong should get a B-52 (Bombers R and bring the sadlies to NZ for a summertime Christmas. I don’t think it’s too much to ask.


World War Three?

Yes, that’s obviously inches away. World War One was a mess of treaties getting most of the major world powers stuck in a conflict with each other. And World War Two was basically a madman who wanted to take over the world and had the military machine to do so, which was only really a “world” conflict rather than a trans-european one, because of Japan and its desire to get its violent expansion on, USA involvement near the end of the war, and of course the last gasp of colonialism that was occurring during the war including the adventures in Africa to try and shift around who owned what.

Hell, there’s probably a historic case for arguing that we’ve already had World War Three and it was the Cold War, what with two major superpowers trying to get at each other in proxy regional conflicts with “vassal states” and constantly threatening the entire world with annihilation if the other side didn’t praise their dick size enough.

And it’s pretty obvious someone misses that state of affairs and is trying to bring back the existential dread that made it so easy to sell conservative foreign and domestic policy.

But let’s go mango hunting.


You really wouldn’t want to ride in one.

As big as they are, most of that is stuffed full of fuel and electronics. They didn’t leave much room for the crew. There were 6 ejection seats for the crew, plus 3 jump-seats for instructors.

Plus what they called the “10th man” seat – which was sitting on the floor with your back to the instructor pilot’s jump seat. I had to sit in that “seat” for 10 hours once just so I could get 10 minutes in the pilot’s seat to get one air refueling to keep my monthly currency.

They’re also incredibly noisy inside. So loud that you could only talk over the intercom.


Let’s start a war! Because mangos are money!

Three months ago, in this space, I asked whether, if present trends were to continue, we could find ourselves embroiled in something like a Third World War.

What present trends? The cooldown of the blowback from our new colonialism experiment under Bush? The fact that some countries aren’t bowing under our giant cock? The fact that any country with sense is trying to achieve financial independence from us because of our tendency to crash the world economy?

I decided to delve into the question a little more deeply and, as a result, have produced a new e-book entitled The Blast of War: A Narrative History of the Third World War.

That was three months, and now he has a book. I’m not dissing fast writing, but what he’s basically saying here is that he rambled on for 250 pages, shat it into a pdf and is now trying to hock it to the rubes he scares so they can keep him in his house for another year. So, really the present trend he is worried about is the present trend of his mortgage coming due.

The world situation today is as unsettled as it has been at any time since the late 1930s. Indeed, I believe that the underlying cause of this is the same as it was in that era: irresolute policies by Western leaders that will, if they are not corrected soon, leave nations with no choices except for abject surrender and all-out war.

Irresolute? Irresolute? You think that World War Two was caused by people being “irresolute”? Okay, fine, let’s play with that. Who’s Germany right now? Who has an overwhelming military force and investment that threatens neighboring superpowers and a right-wing underbelly that threatens to take over the operating systems by force or deception and otherwise intends to use the military apparatus for undesired invasions of sovereign nations?

Hint, it starts with an U and ends in a nited States of America.

Time and time again world leaders have chosen to punt dangerous problems down the road rather than take the risks necessary to resolve them today.

That wasn’t World War Two’s problem. They didn’t think “Hey, let’s solve the Hitler problem next year”, they made some choices that they thought a settlement of basic grievances and the surrender of some less valued sovereign nations would curb the bloodlust and Hitler wouldn’t come after them. With the military machine, it’s not even a good bet that proactive military assault would have worked like they intended as a lot of Hitler’s military success came in the exploitation of “strong zones” that weren’t as strong after the military advances that had occurred between the wars so that a couple country buffer zone could be rolled over in a week bypassing strong defenses.

Having those forces inside german territory as German tanks rolled into France probably wouldn’t have worked any better.

Also, invasion as first plan, and having the world hope the country will stop after a few unloved countries were taken over and invaded pretty well describes the world’s response to America over our Iraq and Afghanistan adventures of stupidity. So, again, the “existential threat” is us and our trigger-happy military apparatus when in the hands of wingnuts.


Okay, so what are the mangos of WORLD WAR THREE?

Some of these problems, such as China’s reckless pursuit of short-term growth as a substitute for political reform

Seriously? China’s oncoming implosion is a “global threat” on par with motherfucking Hitler? Yeah, they might even do some invasions, but they’ll probably stick to central Asian nations that have found massive reserves of oil and natural gas to try and corner that to have a chip to bargain with when their economy goes pear-shaped either because they are way too tied to our fail machine of an economy or because of their short-sighted children policy.

Wait a minute.

“reckless pursuit of short-term growth as a substitute for political reform”. Um… doesn’t that describe to a T the American capitalist system, recklessly pursuing the best angle for non-stop profit and trying desperately to fend off much needed political reform to prevent straight up criminal abuses, the continued suffering of anyone outside the 1% and a complete and utter collapse? And frankly, we’re more militaristic than China is and more likely to do something stupid if we collapse. China is kinda prepped for it since they’ve abandoned communism entirely for this weird sort of fascist capitalism thing.

unsustainable global debt loads

Seriously? The made-up debt crisis bullshit?!? I know you wingnuts have a buzzword quota for all your posts so that your chimp readers “encounter this problem everywhere and it has them worried”, but how is this supposed to fucking matter?

Also, global debt loads? Um, there is no such thing. The world doesn’t owe some alien overlord, they owe each other or citizens who are invested in the debt. A “global default” would matter balls all, just like Europe owing us a shit-ton after World War Two didn’t start World War Three between us and the Western European nations.

Iran’s headlong rush towards nuclear weapons


They might use it like North Korea did.

You know, as a deterrent against invasion by better armed neighbors and a mad America who has been itching to start something with them for a good long while now.

They might even make some empty threats to try and gain some minor political power or economic concessions. Hitler’s war machine this is not.

And frankly the “they’ll get the bomb and then!” threat lost a lot of fear potential after North Korea got the bomb, with their insane leader and abused populace and did nada with it. Nothing against South Korea, nothing against Japan, nothing against US west coast. It’s a safety blanket at this point. Something to keep Mad America away from their borders. Again, Iran getting a nuke or not only matters in as much as our desperate desire to use that threat as an excuse to wipe Iran off the map.

Again, the Hitler-esque threat is that shadowy force of evil known as USA-stan.

the illegal movement of ten million Mexicans into the United States

Again, nice to see the buzzwords but how is this a Hitler level threat. We’ve had illegal immigration, fuck every country has had illegal immigration or violation of borders for centuries, we’ve even cheered a bunch of it like when East Germans tried to illegally violate the border agreements and became illegal West German citizens.

Oh, right, the wingnut new conspiracy theory that all these people coming out of economic depression of border towns caused by us to try and live in the USA and become responsible members of our society aren’t just people trying to find enough to live and find opportunity but rather the front men for an invasion force of Mexico to annex parts of the US.

Given history, I feel safe calling that projection. We’re far more likely to decide our military force means we can try and expand our borders than it is for Mexico to decide to invade and expect the tanks to not just roll straight into Mexico City the next day.

Europe’s lackadaisical economic integration

Again, this is a buzzword and has no connection to a Hitler-level threat. Oh, noes! Hell, it’s not even really true. Yeah Europe is hurting, but that’s more because we, good ol USA tanked the goddamn global economy. European nations on the most part are doing well based on how unconnected they were to us and how well they resisted objectivist fairy tales on how they could become a “European powerhouse” in the economy by following libertarian Free Trade horseshit.

And yeah, not really related to war. Unless you think Germany or England is going to start shooting each other over an economic downturn and wouldn’t instead wait until a dodgy World Cup Final like they’re supposed to!

The question is what shade of terrible the results will be.

With that smattering of horseshit?

Well, absent the rogue element of an unhinged American foreign policy headed by morons like you?

Pretty much nothing. Europe will try and learn their lessons about economic distance from America and the values of socialist economies like Scandanavia which has shown almost no downturn, Iran may pursue a nuke, but will pretty much only use it to try and prevent the invasion America has been howling for since 2003, China will collapse as “evil foreign boogeyman who will totally take over and make us all vassals of non-white people” object of fear, but might try and secure some natural resources. Any conflict will be related to our unwillingness to move away from oil because oil barons own our government and thus again, whether or not we try and invade and start a shooting war in one of our patented foolish expeditions to try and secure the dwindling oil supplies. And things like the debt crisis don’t even deserve a response.

So, yeah, we could face World War Three if we decide to start World War Three which has been the case since the Soviet Bloc collapsed and we were the sole remaining superpower and hell, probably before since we were always the more insane and trigger-happy superpower.

I don’t know how this is related to “irresolute policies by the West” unless you think that the other countries should be invading us before we decide to unilaterally start WW3 because President Perry demanded it.

Which if you’re saying that, kudos on a hell of a risky policy position for a right-wing nutjob, and a true sober analysis of the greatest threat to world peace right now.


FYWP, it ate my long breakdown of his bullshit “troubling signs”.

Shorter me, none of the troubling signs are troubling absent a psychotic gorilla named the USA deciding to use them as bullshit justification to go on a Conquer-the-world spree and so arguing that they are “dangerous” because of “irresolute policies by the West” is just laughingly bullshit.

He also basically cited three right-wing buzzwords unrelated to global conflict: the made up “global debt crisis”, illegal immigration, and “China’s reckless pursuit of short term growth as a substitute for political reform” which better describes the American failcomony and our responses to it, so score one for team projection. Also Europe’s “lacksadasical economic integration” which is a completely made up problem about Europe’s economic woes which basically hit as strong as the economies were connected to our fail or pursued Libertarian policies at the behest of Objectivists like him (Scandanavian countries barely blinked during the “global collapse”). You’ll note these are all just right-wing memes related to other scares and have nothing to do with military threat.

His sole potentially military threat was Iran might get the bomb which is only a problem in our desire to use that as a precursor to invasion. Hell, Iran should get the bomb since that is a really good way to prevent invasion from Mad Man America.

So, yeah, the existential, Hitlerian threat to World Peace is essentially just us deciding to go apeshit over made-up horseshit so I’m not sure where the “irresolve” comes in outside all the countries in the world needing to invade us before we get the chance to elect President Perry.


Mango bomb!

there is another parameter that has created the conditions for an unimaginable disaster: the fact that the United States increasingly appears unwilling or unable to provide the sort of leadership necessary to move the world through these troubled days

We elected a black man! And he’s a Democrat to boot!

and for liberals (and not a few conservatives) to argue for reductions in defense budgets

Oh hey, halfway through a bunch of unconnected buzzwords and “I iz smart guy blather”, we finally get to the real bug up his ass.

We’ve noticed we’re spending more than the rest of the world combined on the Military and maybe we don’t need that to fight some pissants in the desert so maybe we can actually cut a little and put it to work actually helping people rather than propping up the erections of wingnuts.

And to people like Yoshida, that’s akin to chopping up his penis and denying him access to his pornography for weeks! And he’s not going to stand here as people think about maybe, cutting off just a little waste here and there, but not real cuts, no no, that would be being “weak on foreign policy”. THAT’S THE REAL HITLER!

And besides, we’ll need that Stealth Bomber to drop a new ICBM on the debt crisis!

a world without American leadership will be an anarchic place where, without anyone able to assert himself, more and more states will be tempted to resort to aggression to achieve their foreign policy objectives.

Yes, without “American leadership” (I’m sorry, did I miss the memo where minor cuts to our overblown military budget meant we were going to shut our doors completely) then there’d just be chaos everywhere.

Like the ethnic cleansing and segregation in Iraq or the rule of tribal warlords in Afghanistan or the setback of popular revolutions in the middle east when we decided to stick our dick in it and make it all about the “West’s important contribution to the fight for democracy”

Yes, those poor blighted vassal nations would be powerless to determine their destiny without us to serve as the great Satan, blundering in like an idiot and blowing up everything in a thousand mile radius.


a world without American leadership will be an anarchic place where, without anyone able to assert himself, more and more states will be tempted to resort to aggression to achieve their foreign policy objectives.

Shorter – If we don’t start enough wars someone else might start wars.


I […] have produced a new e-book entitled The Blast of War: A Narrative History of the Third World War.

1. I am relieved that he decided on Narrative to relate his history, rather than (for instance) interpretative dance, or flower-arranging.

2. Is he selling his e-book through Amazon?


Ok, now we get him trying to use logic to connect these unconnected right-wing memes into “we need more bombs”. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

In the face of the degradation of Communist ideology, the sole reason why the party’s authoritarian regime survives is because it has managed to take credit for economic growth. When the growth stops — and it will — and the party is suddenly sitting on more than a billion poor people (and the few hundred million wealthy ones seek the exits), how will the party seek to sustain its rule?

I dunno, probably by trying to learn lessons from our Ruling Class’s mistakes and thus try and avoid taunting the poor seeking restitution nor claiming that they’ll never let things improve.

I dunno, they went from communist to fascist capitalist to avoid one form of collapse. Sadly, the ruling party is probably well established to avoid the consequences of that. If it did end, they’d go down like any other tyrannical power. Oh wait, they’re the YELLOW MENACE! Okay, grr, China bad, commies, take over America.

If they were faced with a well-armed United States with a web of external alliances, they would have little choice but to take their chances on internal reforms of some sort.

Uh huh. Or their economy is completely tied into ours and relies entirely on ours and so lives or dies by our success or failure. The “growth ending” would be America collapsing again. Our military power doesn’t matter shit all to them compared to our economic power.

If it came to a military showdown, they have quite a few nukes themselves. Us being belligerent would be about as meaningful as our old staredowns against the Soviet Union except the Chinese weren’t stupid enough the first time to destroy their economy to “keep up” and so is unlikely to fall for it a second.

On the other hand, if faced with a distracted United States and a divided Asia, who is to say that the Chinese — who, it must not be forgotten, will have, as the baleful legacy of their one-child policy, tens of millions more young men than women — will not, in the time-worn fashion of endangered regimes throughout history, seek to resolve their problems through war?

Yes…that…totally….follows…logically…Too many men, equals call to war.

It is astonishing to consider just how little attention we have paid to such a truly dangerous situation.

You got us there. We don’t really spend much time imagining a non-existant conflict that couldn’t matter less to us and which we’d be powerless to stop regardless. China is currently mobilizing and “cheating on the borders” to secure the Central Asian oil and natural gas boom that was discovered and ensure the pipelines go to them. We don’t make a fuss because they’ve got nukes and even with all our spending, we’re not going to get into a straight-up conflict with China.

Here we have a powerful regime likely to suffer severe internal issues surrounded by weaker states filled with the resources that that nation needs. I think that, in the likely event of war, future historians will be amazed by how little attention was paid in advance.

Huh, that sounds more like the US and its foreign policy of reckless and unsubtle invasions of sovereign nations for resources that it needs. But yes, of course, loose cannon America equals hero, China bad and all yellow and foreign with its Asian commieness and BE SCARED damn you!


Hell, there’s probably a historic case for arguing that we’ve already had World War Three and it was the Cold War, what with two major superpowers trying to get at each other in proxy regional conflicts with “vassal states” and constantly threatening the entire world with annihilation if the other side didn’t praise their dick size enough.

Last time (a while ago admittedly) that I looked at GlobalSecurity.Org, they were referring to the war on terror as “World War Four,” with the implication that the Cold War had been the third one like you said. I don’t know if any real historians hold that view of it, though (I’d imagine not).

Wonder if that ever would happen again, though. Not that I’m buying what Canucklehead’s selling, but mankind’s capacity for war being what it is, we may in fact end up seeing a war between two major nuclear powers at some point. 🙁


I can has the Batley Townswomen’s Guild re-enactment of “The Blast of War: A Narrative History of the Third World War”? Kthnxbai


Also too Adam’s picture could only be improved by the addition of the captioned words F. H. GUMBY. REGIUS PROFESSOR OF HISTORY AT HIS MOTHER'S


Oi, this shit just goes on and on. H/t to wiley for his concise reduction of what is said.

Yup, he goes on about how Greece will start a shooting war in Europe over debt crisis bullshit. Yeah, cause Greece really thinks it could withstand a European invasion.

Also, weren’t the wingnuts all, “EU evil, EU will never succeed” and all that crap, because what would happen if “European consensus was defied” would be the dissolution of the EU at worst. It would be a shame for the continent that that experiment failed, but I don’t see that being an inherently bad thing for Europe. They managed to not kill each other just fine without it and things like the Balkan conflict didn’t erupt into continental war and that was a much bigger threat. Hell, the EU always seemed like a potentially bad thing with its potential to give Europe all the problems of the US with the more backwards states limiting the social progress of the less backwards states, which is why Scandanavia has a one foot in, one foot out policy with regards to it.

We have good cause to be worried about the potential of an Iranian nuclear bomb.

This is all he says about the only potential military issue on the list. That we have good cause to be worried. Apparently war with Iran is such a shibbeloth on the right that I’m expecting half of them to die of blue balls on the day Iran actually gets the bomb and invasion becomes impossible.

However, I think that we have ignored another serious threat: the gradual transformation of Turkey into an Islamist state.

So here’s a conspiracy theory about Turkey. I don’t even know where to begin, either in the whole, Turkey has always had Muslim and Arabic roots what with having connections to several pan-Middle-East empires or the fact that a shooting war with Turkey would be a) stupid and b) meaningless. Seriously, a potential fear-based misadventure is not a call to more American stupidity.

I think that we might well find ourselves in a shooting war with the a Turkish government, whose secret ambition appears to be the recreation of the Ottoman Empire, sooner than that.

There is a level of stupid it is hard to even face directly.


Secret ambition? Recreation of the Ottoman Empire? That would then try and get into a shooting war with us? Oh wait, “might find ourselves in a”. Yes, if we’re stupid enough to just continue an overall campaign of trying to take over the Middle East to show them brown people who has the biggest cock, then yes, we might “find ourselves in a shooting war”. Again, this is a call for action against the US, not a call for the US to become even more insane.

It is difficult to see how the enduring problem of Mexico will be resolved without some sort of conflict.

Maybe to you, because you are a fucking idiot.

Not only is Mexico in internal chaos as a result of an ongoing war between drug cartels and the government, but the more than ten million Mexicans illegally residing in the United States also create an issue that will not be easily resolved.

Cutting off the unregulated arms sales to Mexican drug lords, legalizing drugs here to avoid supplies, stop arming and paying off Columbian drug lords over our bullshit “they aren’t fellating American company” chip on the shoulder over Venezuela?

No, no solutions other than war.

Also, point one for the glorious right-wing conspiracy theory that a) the drug war hasn’t been mostly contained in Mexico, tragically so and b) every single immigrant is connected to the drug war and so SCARY MESSICANS!

But yeah, shooting war would handle what is in essence a Columbian cartel dispute trying to find proper channels to American consumers.

And this person makes a decent living writing this horseshit?



Yeah, there is also the fact that he’s basically just selling World War Three, because that has a very deliberate cultural meaning. It basically colloquially means “nuclear armageddon”, even though it can mean global conflict.

What this is is the usual desperate attempt to connect the paranoia and conservative leanings of the Cold War into the meager and pathetic conflicts of today in order to protect our bloated military budget and the ability to smack around any country that thinks it can cockblock American business interests by citing “global security” or the “War on X”.

And the grasping of straws reveals just how empty they are coming up, especially now that Obama has defused the War on Terror by capturing bin Laden like a punk and showing Al Queda to be the mickey-mouse outfit it was.


You really wouldn’t want to ride in [a B-52].

As big as they are, most of that is stuffed full of fuel and electronics.

I take it you’re also going to nix my dream of wing-walking on one.


Cutting off the unregulated arms sales to Mexican drug lords, legalizing drugs here to avoid supplies, stop arming and paying off Columbian drug lords over our bullshit “they aren’t fellating American company” chip on the shoulder over Venezuela?

Oh, that and jail time for any banker whose company is found to be laundering drug money in any way.

Watch those funds dry up quicker than a right-winger “pro-lifer”‘s tears when switching to discuss the death penalty.l


Last mangos, because, fuck this guy.

Each of these individual situations carries with it some danger of war.

I’ll note that even his “we’ll be doomed if we’re not a bunch of belligerent assholes” scare examples pretty much were universally “only could be started if we’re belligerent assholes”. So, yeah, if we let the Yoshidas of the world anywhere near power, then yes, there is quite a danger of war.

It is easy to imagine, as I have done in The Blast of War, how these problems — without sober world leadership

Vote Republican! Be afraid! BUY MY BOOK!!!!!!

— could escalate into an interlocking series of wars that would in combination result in the greatest armed conflict since the Second World War.

Yes, let’s assume his delusions are a) at all connected to reality and b) miraculously happened at the same time.

We’d have: China invading a few central asian neighbors, the EU giving the bitchslap to Greece, a random shooting war between the US and Turkey, and a random shooting war between the US and Mexico.


Who needs Hitler rolling over Europe when you have Greece going down like a bitch, China doing some aggressive expansion of tiny countries, and the US getting entangled with two more weaker nations they should beat easily and nonetheless getting their asses kicked because they have no idea what they’re end goals are.

Truly, the greatest conflict of all time!

By no means should we place our faith in the ability of nuclear weapons to deter such a conflict. While these weapons were, to some degree, effective in preventing a direct war between the United States and the Soviet Union, none of the conflicts which menace the world today offers anything like that war’s balance of terror.

Just ask North Korea about the ability of nuclear weapons to deter conflict.

And they really are desperate. Um, the terrorists we stomped like children when we stopped treating it like a War on Islam and instead like a police problem might develop a bomb and then use it and then, who will be right then about the need for more unsuccessful military adventures!

Only a prepared and engaged America can use its military power to stop wars before they happen or, failing that, ensure that aggressors are speedily defeated. As tired as some Americans may be of the burdens of global leadership, we would all do well to remember what the probable alternative is.

War will prevent War!

And invade any nation that prepares like Hitler and talks about starting global conflicts in order to demonstrate its might and power.

Hey, why are you invading us? We’re just trying to protect you all against the conflicts that must be happening everywhere! Invade! Ha ha ha ha, vote Republican, be scared of foreigners! The Cold War never ended! We can still rule the world, the train ride hasn’t ended! Colonialism 2! Please god, don’t let this erection go untreated, I haven’t had a new war since 2003 that I could really jerk off to and Libya doesn’t count!


Ugh, seriously though, it’s about the desperate desire to justify the American Wingnut Erection machine…I mean military budget and small-country-bitchslapping unit. They need to have the biggest cock, that’s getting bigger and they want their country to be central to every conflict everywhere and show its the big boss for American companies around the world. That’s what gets their dicks hard.

And they are really frightened that the comedown off the Cold War and the realization that the world isn’t out to get us and hell, we might even be the belligerent baddie that “global conflicts” used to be raised up to defeat.

That people will start drifting away from using fear of foreigners and brown people to support insane right-wing policies that make their lives more miserable, may even call for the draining of the military budget in real ways and the movement of that money into improving our domestic problems. That people might actually wake up from the neo-con high and realize that we’re doing more harm than good “policing the world” and we could deal with the modern problems better with global police work and good foreign relations.

In short, that people like Yoshida will have to get real jobs and forever suffer blue balls from people no longer dying in droves in order to let them masturbate to completion like the selfish bastards they are.


You really wouldn’t want to ride in one.

you’re only making it sound like even more fun, you know…


Also, weren’t the wingnuts all, “EU evil, EU will never succeed” and all that crap, because what would happen if “European consensus was defied” would be the dissolution of the EU at worst. It would be a shame for the continent that that experiment failed, but I don’t see that being an inherently bad thing for Europe. They managed to not kill each other just fine without it and things like the Balkan conflict didn’t erupt into continental war and that was a much bigger threat. Hell, the EU always seemed like a potentially bad thing with its potential to give Europe all the problems of the US with the more backwards states limiting the social progress of the less backwards states, which is why Scandanavia has a one foot in, one foot out policy with regards to it.

I think our wingnuts look at the EU with the same combination of contempt and unease that European noblemen looked at the early United States (or the French or other republics). Or also the way communist countries looked at capitalist ones. It’s an affront against their ideology (beyond nationalities, peaceniky, made up of those faggy “socialist” countries they hold in such contempt), so they believe it can’t work and has to fail. But every year that goes by and it doesn’t, something inside them gets more and more irritated and wonders when it’s going to get a move on and actually fail so they can be vindicated. (Or if, God forbid, it might survive and prove that they’re wrong).

So here’s a conspiracy theory about Turkey.

Generous way to put it. To me most “foreign policy” commentary in conservative blogs evokes shitty Tom Clancy fan fiction, this one being a perfect case in point.


Oh, that and jail time for any banker whose company is found to be laundering drug money in any way.

Good lord. YES.


To me most “foreign policy” commentary in conservative blogs evokes shitty Tom Clancy fan fiction

Oh, that sums it up perfectly. I may have to save that one for future plagiarizing.


You know, I had been thinking just the other day, “I wonder if that Adam screwball from Canada is still writing his fevered jibberings, stuff so out there it makes me sad rather than angry, sad that a young man is working so hard to keep his ownself angry and terrified. No one’s mentioned him since Christ was a cowboy. Maybe he’s not writing anymore. Maybe he’s gotten laid and/or stoned and sees the world through a gentler light. I hope so.” Alas.


given the unsettled nature of the Middle East today, I think that we might well find ourselves in a shooting war with the a Turkish government, whose secret ambition appears to be the recreation of the Ottoman Empire

Okay, so if it’s a secret ambition, how does he know? And isn’t he a’tall worried that the Turkish government, their wicked scheme revealed to the world, will send some Janissaries or some sort of dervish-type to whack him? Boy, I would be, especially if I thought said government was attempting to resurrect an empire known particularly for not fucking around when it came to whacking dudes.


So who here’s actually been to Turkey?

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! (Waves hand frantically)

They seemed like a really nice bunch for the most part.

I wouldn’t want to get on their bad side, mind you. In the “tough” department they’re right up there with the Israelis. Just ask any North Korean that ran into them from 1950-1953.


Dear Sadly, No! That pshop is missing something. Like a sheep with a buttplug sticking out of it. Or a partially inflated Maggie Thatcher doll. Or a sheep with a partially inflated … You get the drift.

We would do well to recall that, in history’s greatest war, the Nazis refrained from using chemical weapons

We would do well to recall they didn’t use it on the battlefield. Apparently this fucktard has never heard of Zyklon B.

Fucktard also seems supremely confident that in the event of his much desired war with … Jesus, everyone his ass won’t wind up scampering about with a rifle and a very heavy pack.

Also too, some rightwank hack concern trolled that China’s one child policy + preference for male children = horny yellow hordes swarming over the world in search of wimmin before this little gobshite started wasting oxygen. Maybe suggesting a group of people would wage all out war to get some nookie is an improvement on suggesting said group lures women into their laundries cum opium dens for purposes too dreadful to mention. But I don’t think so.


So, OT: you remember when George Bush invading Iraq TOTALLY scared Qaddafi into getting rid of his WMD programs, cause he was scared of Bush, cause Bush had proved that he was the man and don’t mess with Texas and whatnot?

Yeah, neither do the Libyans.


Adam Y is so old school I had to post. I think this means Ruppert is not far behind.

I take this to mean that you are reading Adam’s e-book now, and will report back soon?????


Major Kong, were you in ’79?

About the debt crisis plunging us into WW III—Wouldn’t it be a lot easier just to kill a bunch of bankers? I mean really. How stupid can the whole human race put together be?


This guy reminds me of a one panel political cartoon when George H.W. Bush was President— the President is portrayed as a child hunkered under his blanket and crying, Uncle Sam walks in and asks, “What is it now, George?” and George answers, “Cubans!!!”

This little hummers screed is so chock full of fail it’s hard to narrow it down, but the following has me particularly curious:

Indeed, I believe that the underlying cause of this is the same as it was in that era: irresolute policies by Western leaders that will, if they are not corrected soon, leave nations with no choices except for abject surrender and all-out war. emphasis added

Not to be pedantic—this guy says he just published an e-book, right?—shouldn’t it read “no choices but abject surrender or all-out-war?” It’s rather difficult to do both at once.


I was on active duty from 1984 – 1992. I was in the Air National Guard until 2006. I retired as an O-5.


WTF?: ” We would do well to recall that, in history’s greatest war, the Nazis refrained from using chemical weapons — even during the final battles in the dying days of the Third Reich — for fear of Allied retaliation.  War on a global scale is still possible.”

What does remembering something the Nazis didn’t do have to do with demonstrating the possibility of global war?

Adam rambles on like a mentally disordered fucktwit, stringing random historical giblets together.



I think his proto-thought is this:

Nuh uh, global ungh war yeah baby is still ungh lower yeah possible even though we’ve got ohgodohgodohgod nukes, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Woo, yeah, so just cause we don’t have nukes, doesn’t mean we can’t still blanket the world with our sweet hot conventional warfare jizz even against nations that have nukes.


Addendum to self-

The connection to Hitler being that Hitler managed to still fight a conventional war even though he had chemical weapons. The irony being that as far as straight up warfare, the nazis did stick to the rules, avoiding the stuff banned in WWI. We decided what else was banned in warfare based on whatever they did that we didn’t. Hence why slaughtering civilians is a war crime, but not deliberately bombing civilian targets.


Nonetheless, it is still incredibly stupid.

And a conventional invasion of a nuclear power would still be one of those “do you feel lucky, punk” moments.


Fuck Adam Yoshida and the macrowave he got baked in.


shouldn’t it read “no choices but abject surrender or all-out-war?”

I think it’s OK either way, though it does sound a bit odd to say “and.” It’s like saying “the presidential candidates are McCain and Obama,” you’re just enumerating choices instead of candidates, if you see what I mean.


The irony being that as far as straight up warfare, the nazis did stick to the rules, avoiding the stuff banned in WWI. We decided what else was banned in warfare based on whatever they did that we didn’t. Hence why slaughtering civilians is a war crime, but not deliberately bombing civilian targets.

On a related note, I’ve heard that Germans and Americans both collected a ton of live prisoners during the war because both of them were known to generally adhere to the Geneva Convention as far as POWs went. And that with the Russians and Japanese, who hadn’t signed the convention and had a reputation for ferocious cruelty, ended having a lot of their enemies die or kill themselves rather than surrender, knowing that falling in enemy hands would be worse.

An interesting lesson in the value of treating your prisoners right. You’ll get more of them and therefore more people to question as intelligence sources.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knoowledge

The Germans didn’t use chemical weapons in WWII because Hitler had been in WWI, spent the last month of the war in the hospital from being gassed, had seen them in action, and knew they were worthless—just about as harmful to your guys as the enemy. Too bad some of these chickenhawks haven’t had similar experience.

As for the accusation of “Western Leaders” (especially one particularly dusky one, I’m thinking) engaging in Chamberlain-esque appeasement of…well…somebody! There’s got to be somebody!…I guess Iran is about all he could come up with, barring his fantasies about the Mad Turk: I kind of agree with the school of thought that international politics was running without a flywheel because the US was abdicating its responsibilities as the world’s most powerful nation from 1918-1941, with the results we saw.

Now we have a controlled experiment running. In the first test, powerful empires were brought to their knees and broken up into successor states, the US sat around with our fingers up our asses, and then crashed the world economy. Hilarity ensued. In the test currently running, one great empire was brought to its knees, broken up into successor states, the US is running wild, sticking our cocks into anything that moves, and then we crashed the world economy. What will happen differently?

As far as Iran’s nukes: thinking you can prevent someone from acquiring 70-year-old technology is pathological in itself, but the real test of whether Iran would do anything with them will have to wait on the determination of whether they work or not. North Korea isn’t a fair example because their second nuclear test was a failure. Not a miserable failure, like their first one, but a failure nonetheless. My theory is that they overcooked their reactor fuel in hopes of getting more plutonium out of it, and it’s got too much 240 in it. Supposedly we exploded a device using reactor-grade Pu in 1977, but I’m sure it took incredibly sophisticated design, and we know nothing about its weight or yield. The physical possibility that the North Koreans could hit the Aleutians with a 6-kiloton device after a week of highly visible preparation (if they wanted to commit suicide) is really a piss-poor excuse for an existential threat, and Iran is much further away. These wingnuts are the most delicate little flowers, aren’t they?


We’ve had illegal immigration, fuck every country has had illegal immigration or violation of borders for centuries, we’ve even cheered a bunch of it like when East Germans tried to illegally violate the border agreements and became illegal West German citizens.

Even I have never written anything as stupid as this. Seriously, what kind of foolishness is this?



As I understand it, the wingnut rationalization for why Iran must not ever get the bomb is that the Iranians are Muslim, which means apocalyptic crazy, and that if they ever got a bomb they’d immediately use it on Israel. The 9/11 attacks and the Muslim-fear and “these people are capable of anything” sense that came after them, plus the saber-rattling antisemetic shit Ahmadinejad spouts whenever he’s near a camera, have done a lot to turn that idiotic fucking idea into conventional wisdom.

Personally, I’d actually feel safer if the “Islamic bomb” had been an Iranian rather than Pakistani product, but that ship sailed years ago. More’s the pity.


However, as Mark Steyn points out in his excellent new book After America….

I went searching for mangoes and found this rancid one. Excellent and Mark Steyn should not be used in the same sentence.

(well, except for; “Hugh Hewitt gave Mark Steyn a blowjob that was a long was from being excellent”)


The comment mangoes are fun too;

“In 1977, shortly before his death, my grandfather called the family together. He warned us about an upcoming Civil War that would come about due to the entitlement mentality that the USA had created……………… blah, blah, blah, kill the liberals…. blah….”


Looks like after blowing all his money on utility bills, he has managed to get the his internet service turned back on.

eh, ‘utility bills’, is that what your calling imported donkey pron magazines now?

I think our wingnuts look at the EU with the same combination of contempt and unease that European noblemen looked at the early United States (or the French or other republics).

Its also the other pole of power argument that scares them. Imagine, another bunch of white guys get a large confederations of states together, with its own currency…. perhaps we aint so special after all!!!


Major Kong, you’re just a young Gen-X whippersnapper, ain’t ya’? I was 17 when I enlisted in ’78, and had graduated high school a year early. My s.o. turned 15 in ’84. I turned 23 that year and started attending the University of Texas at Austin, majoring in Art History, after working for a year to re-establish my residency.


So…Mr. Yoshida is running the Cain campaign now? Figures. They knew this sexual harassment business was going to surface and so Adam is trying to point out that Cain has the highest GOP WW III score. Herman’s been waiting for WW III to be released for five years:

…The anatomy of WW III is unlike any we have ever fought. Unfortunately, this fact has escaped too many people who believe that traditional diplomacy, appeasement and concessions to the terrorists are the keys to our success. Nothing could be further from the truth….


…The anatomy of WW III is unlike any we have ever fought. Unfortunately, this fact has escaped too many people who believe that traditional diplomacy, appeasement and concessions to the terrorists are the keys to our success. Nothing could be further from the truth….

Ummm, yeah………………..could somebody remind me again who all these people are who’ve been pushing for diplomacy, appeasement and concessions to the terrorists? ‘Cause I think I missed out on that there…………………..


Someone give me a reason to not just jump off a bridge…




Could be trolls under there………………


Major Kong, you’re just a young Gen-X whippersnapper, ain’t ya’?

I’m 49. I was in College 1980-1984.

It ain’t the years, it’s the mileage.


Another reason.

For you yeast lovers.


Can’t we disqualify Yoshida from American Idle?


Someone give me a reason to not just jump off a bridge…

Unlike other forms of suicide, you can’t change your mind


I’m 49. I was in College 1980-1984.

It ain’t the years, it’s the mileage.

Get off my snow-covered lawn.


Its also the other pole of power argument that scares them. Imagine, another bunch of white guys get a large confederations of states together, with its own currency…. perhaps we aint so special after all!!!

That too.


I notice Adam Yoshida hasn’t decided to enlist to defend the great white north from Ottoman Empire II Electric Boogaloo. What is it with these wingnuts wishing for a reprise of the crusades? Have they been itching for a rematch since the fall of Constantinople?

Luckily for the west, no wait, luckily for Christendom and civilization itself, we can hide behind the maple hordes of the great white north when that happens. Surely the Turks will be quaking in their curly toed shoes when the Canukistani heavy moose cavalry shows up to save the day. Truly it will be a great day when the Caliph will be forced to eat Canadian bacon as a gesture of absolute surrender.

Seriously? That’s dumber than every Steven Segal movie ever made.



FOX would call gummy bears “jellied grizzlies” just to scare people.


Look; it’s not my fault; he said it…and without the slightest hint of irony.


Sometimes the jokes just write themselves.


By MJ LEE | 10/31/11 9:46 AM EDT

Karl Rove said Monday that Herman Cain has failed to properly respond to the POLITICO report that at least two women accused him of inappropriate behavior, saying he needs to say “yes or no.”

Wingnuts are happily screeching about the lieberals for ‘racism against Cain’. But this came through Politico. It’s Roveney.


Look; it’s not my fault; he said it…and without the slightest hint of irony.

as the mother of a retarded person, i really don’t know what to say about this…unless his parents are pretty well off, i would suspect that he receives something like ssi each month, in which case GOVERNMENT HANDOUT!!! otherwise, if his family can afford to pay for all his care needs, personal needs and schooling out of their own pocket…NOT THE 53%!!! also, too…if he is indeed mentally disabled, and does indeed work for jp morgan, they are probably getting his *services* at a greatly reduced rate or are part of a special GOVERNMENT program…either way, i feel sorry for him that he has people in his life that would manipulate him like this…


if he is indeed mentally disabled, and does indeed work for jp morgan, they are probably getting his *services* at a greatly reduced rate or are part of a special GOVERNMENT program

If he’s indeed working a full time job, he is receiving no assistance, disability or otherwise.

My brother has worked for over 40 years, hasn’t taken a dime of SSI or disability. I can’t read the article (frikkin’ firewall) but I suspect that he’s not receiving intense therapy or care and if he is, its optional.


If he’s indeed working a full time job, he is receiving no assistance, disability or otherwise.

true…if he’s getting paid a full wage…teh daughter works everyday, but some of her jobs she’s paid less than $2/hour…she can make up to a certain amount, then it comes out of her ssi…as does her housing, etc…my guess is that he’s high functioning and living at home…here’s what his note says: I was in special ed until sixth grade; no one ever expected me to go to college; now i have a degree–i paid for it; i also have a series -7; i paid for that, too; i’ve taken what is rightfully mine and wouldn’t ask for anything more;


I was in special ed until sixth grade; no one ever expected me to go to college; now i have a degree–i paid for it; i also have a series -7; i paid for that, too; i’ve taken what is rightfully mine and wouldn’t ask for anything more

So basically he’s low normal, like any other wingnut. Even has his broker’s license!


ooops! hit submit when i didn’t mean to!

people used to call me a retard, but now i’m a broker for j.p. morgan; because of my PROUD affiliation, i cannot show my face; but god dammit, i am the 53% VIVA


dammit! i did it again!


i think it’s pretty sketchy…also he says he has taken what is rightfully mine and wouldn’t ask for anything more…to me, that says GOVERNMENT MONEY…


So basically he’s low normal, like any other wingnut. Even has his broker’s license!

i knew i could count on you to make the appropriate joke…


So basically he’s low normal, like any other wingnut.

And he thinks he invented work. Just like any other wingnut.


And he thinks he invented work. Just like any other wingnut.

I mean, hats off to him (altho he might consider thanking us libs he wasn’t incarcerated in a “home” like Willowbrook or Creedmore, but mainstreamed into the general school population) for overcoming what appear to be serious obstacles in pursuit of a livelihood.

But that doesn’t make him anything more than another corporate drone.


It’s the “I’m the first person ever to put in a day’s work” attitude that really torques me off.


It’s the “I’m the first person ever to put in a day’s work” attitude that really torques me off.

He probably got a Special Olympics medal for it.


It’s the “I’m the first person ever to put in a day’s work” attitude that really torques me off.

indeed…especially with his handicap…i’m trying to formulate a quip about the caliber of brokers that jp morgan hires, but can’t quite get there…


“I’ll die on that hill,” GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum said when asked about his pledge to fight for a federal ban on same-sex marriage.

wow…somebody’s saviour complex is getting out of hand…


And he thinks he invented work. Just like any other wingnut.

There was one from this couple in the 60’s who -despite benefiting from the government-run military- attempted to make the “on our own argument,” complete with the claim that they where able to pay for college on a part-time job salary and contributed to “landing a man on the moon.” Oh, and they’re proud Tea Party folk.

A few commenters noted how these two, after benefiting from government programs, now want to make sure future generations never get the same opportunities they received (how possible is it to pay to go to a four-year university on a part-time salary nowadays?)


i’m trying to formulate a quip about the caliber of brokers that jp morgan hires, but can’t quite get there…

Now now, dear, don’t make fun of him. He’s probably the one in charge of the credit default swaps desk.


(how possible is it to pay to go to a four-year university on a part-time salary nowadays?)

Not. Not even a community college.


There was one from this couple in the 60?s who -despite benefiting from the government-run military- attempted to make the “on our own argument,” complete with the claim that they where able to pay for college on a part-time job salary and contributed to “landing a man on the moon.” Oh, and they’re proud Tea Party folk.

i did not know that lsd flashbacks could be a permanent state…


i did not know that lsd flashbacks could be a permanent state…

It can store for years in fat cells, so obviously they’ve been dieting a lot.


James Lileks proves his gaydar is shut off

BTW, James? That odd sensation you get at the gym in the shower with the other boys? You know, when they drop the soap at your feet?


despite benefiting from the government-run military

Ahhh, I love these guys. Especially when they start raving about “government bureaucrats paid for by my tax dollars!”


That’s not a blast of war, just a particularly noxious fart.

These assholes just love the thought of throwing other people into the meat grinder.


The Lunch Lady enjoys a little mystery in life, kid. Franks and beans?


These assholes just love the thought of throwing other people into the meat grinder.

If world war 3 does get started in the next ten years or so, my money on it being because some dumbshit like Yoshida here get to fly an armed drone and gets trigger happy.


If world war 3 does get started in the next ten years or so, my money on it being because some dumbshit like Yoshida here get to fly an armed drone and gets trigger happy.

I could see a clown like Yoshida paying 100 bucks an hour to fly a drone in some arcade, terrorizing peasants in some third world backwater.

Shit, I’d be shocked if someone at Cato hasn’t already suggested this.


“I’ll die on that hill,” GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum said when asked about his pledge to fight for a federal ban on same-sex marriage.

One can but hope.

Also, on the 53%er, special ed could be for a whole bunch of issues, and other kids calling him “retard” is not a diagnosis. It wouldn’t be the first time a rightie stretched the truth to make some inane point about how he succeeded in the face of the incredible odds of being a white male in America, while glossing over all the help he did get like small classes and specialized individual attention provided at taxpayer expense.


Rick Santorum promises to die.

As always, he gets all frothy as a result of teh buttseks.

Typical politician, not keeping the very promise which would truly make our world a better place!


Heh, Rick’s such a goddamn prig:

He said that he felt equally strongly about repealing all federal funding for contraception, calling it “a license to do things in a sexual realm.”

Yeah, that sounds really terrifying.


Rick Santorum promises to die.

It’s kinda hard to nail a guy to a cross made out of lube and fecal matter.


Also, on the 53%er, special ed could be for a whole bunch of issues, and other kids calling him “retard” is not a diagnosis.

this is true…didn’t even think of that…which could also be why his picture was blurred out…regardless of his *proud* affiliation w/jp morgan…


He said that he felt equally strongly about repealing all federal funding for contraception, calling it “a license to do things in a sexual realm.”

what does he have to worry about? nobody ever got preggos from buttsecks or blowjobs…


It’s kinda hard to nail a guy to a cross made out of lube and fecal matter.

Heh. You said “nail a guy.”


“a license to do things in a sexual realm.”

Wait. We need licenses now????


Also, on the 53%er, special ed could be for a whole bunch of issues, and other kids calling him “retard” is not a diagnosis.

Of course, in his case, they’d be right


Happy Hallowe’en, EU sillies!

Who ya gonna call?



“a license to do things in a sexual realm.”

I have dual citizenship!


yes, the sanctity of this must be protected at all costs…


The sanctity of large asses?


I have dual citizenship!

What are you, like, the Queen in the Tales of Nookia?


The sanctity of large asses?

I’d worship at that altar.

Really? Filed, eh? I find that hard to believe


Little Adam’s secret ambition appears to be masturbating furiously with a warm, still-smoking gun barrel atop a pile of foreign corpses.

I mean it’s just as obvious as Turkey’s “secret ambition”, right?


Really? Filed, eh? I find that hard to believe

apparently he wanted to come back to mn to live and she did not…i suppose big life plans get lost when you are planning a megamillionmarriagemediablitz….


I mean it’s just as obvious as Turkey’s “secret ambition”, right?

To headline the All Gurls Revue at the Gaiety on the Castro?


The sanctity of large asses?

don’t knock ’em til you’ve tried ’em…


apparently he wanted to come back to mn to live and she did not

Oh jah! Her butt would need it’s own fireplace, dat’s fer shure.


Oh jah! Her butt would need it’s own fireplace, dat’s fer shure.

uff dah! you sure got that dere right, dere…


This is a good read about “Inequality Deniers.” I don’t read that site often, so I’m not familiar with the commenters. Apparently a bunch of conservative trolls showed up to suck some 1% cock. If you’re into that sort of thing, it’s somewhat amusing.


uff dah! you sure got that dere right, dere…

Jah, dat dere is the troot!


Nah, he’s not a drunk! No sirree!


Maybe they’ll invade Mongolia or Laos or Bhutan or one of the Stans, and that would be bad, but not a world war.

Leave Bhutan out of this.


Don’t worry D-KW, with your mom as the “secret weapon” Bhutan will be fine.


Rick Santorum promises to die.

Alas, like the rest of his campaign promises…


Leave Bhutan out of this.

What are you, some kind of nosy Bhutanski?


Reality stars and pro athletes don’t have such a good track record. Look at Jay Cutler and Kristen Whatsherbutt.


Reality stars and pro athletes don’t have such a good track record.

Personally, I’m thinking Humphries got it in his head that if he married her, she’d put out more.


Personally, I’m thinking Humphries got it in his head that if he married her, she’d put out more.

I have a hard time believing that an NBA star–any active NBA player, really–would have trouble getting laid.


I mean it’s just as obvious as Turkey’s “secret ambition”, right?

I was led to believe that Turkey’s secret ambition is to just get through Thanksgiving in one piece.


I was led to believe that Turkey’s secret ambition is to just get through Thanksgiving in one piece.

get in mah bel-lay!


I have a hard time believing that an NBA star–any active NBA player, really–would have trouble getting laid.

Dude, he played for the Nets. The NETS!


Best Sports Related Photo Of ALL TIME

That is AWESOME.


calling it “a license to do things in a sexual realm.”

Looking at Princess Mary, I’m guessing the realm is Denmark.


Best Sports Related Photo Of ALL TIME

Oh, thank you SO FUCKING MUCH for reminding me that I turned off the TV in disgust after Luck’s pick-6 and missed the miracle comeback.


That is AWESOME.

I probably should have rated that PENIS


I have a hard time believing that an NBA star–any active NBA player, really–would have trouble getting laid.

Dude, he played for the Nets. The NETS!

OK, you’ve got me there.

I still remember Arsenio Hall’s (whatever happened to him?) riff on the Nets, specifically Quentin RIchardson, who got bounced for eating a hot dog during a game.


Dude, he played for the Nets. The NETS!

If I’m out in a bar being harassed by a chick I don’t want to have anything to do with, I tell her I play for the Nets.

Or that I’m Tim Tebow.

Actually, Nets > Tebow


If I’m out in a bar being harassed by a chick I don’t want to have anything to do with, I tell her I play for the Nets.

ha, ha…now i know your secret so won’t be deterred…


Looking at Princess Mary, I’m guessing the realm is Denmark.

Speaking of Bhutan, have you seen Jigme’s sisters?


If I’m out in a bar being harassed by a chick I don’t want to have anything to do with, I tell her I play for the Nets.

ha, ha…now i know your secret so won’t be deterred…

There’s worse teams in NY…


Speaking of Bhutan, have you seen Jigme’s sisters?

You can’t fool me! That’s a Pokemon!


Make room for the Gipper.

Won’t happen. They want dead Presidents, and the GOP keeps resurrecting him.


They want dead Presidents, and the GOP keeps resurrecting him.

It’s all fun and games until they roll a rotting corpse up to the podium for the 2012 Presidential Debates.


They want dead Presidents, and the GOP keeps resurrecting him.

Zombie Reagan in 2012!


It’s all fun and games until they roll a rotting corpse up to the podium for the 2012 Presidential Debates.

Please. We may not like Der Mittster around here, but there’s no reason to be that rude to him.


It’s all fun and games until they roll a rotting corpse up to the podium for the 2012 Presidential Debates.

Hey, McCain was leading for a couple of weeks in 2008!


Having (mercifully) forgotten about Mr. Y I went to refresh my memory. I found that using the single search term “yoshida” returns a page with zero links to the twatwaffle pictured above.

Yoshida's ® Marinade & Cooking Sauces- Flavors

Hidehiko Yoshida - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shigeru Yoshida - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yoshiyuki Yoshida - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Show more results from

Yoshida Group Online - Portland,Oregon

Yoshida Foods International -

Yoshida Sushi Bar - San Marino, CA, 91108 - Citysearch

Hiroshi Yoshida was a leading figure in the shin hanga (new print) movement. He worked primarily as a painter until his late forties when he became fascinated ...

Hidehiko Yoshida MMA Stats, Pictures, News, Videos, Biography ...

Searches related to yoshida

yoshida doctrine

yoshida brothers

yoshida sauce

yoshida restaurant

yoshida mma

yoshiyuki yoshida

yoshida porter

yoshida shigeru

Oddly satisfying to see that.



The fourth link from googling “adam yoshida”:


It’s kinda hard to nail a guy to a cross made out of lube and fecal matter.

Also hard to nail a guy made out of lube and fecal matter to a cross.


Someone at the FDA has as a sense of humor.

And is it wrong that I thought of this place first when I read the title?


Later in the process of dehydration, the child may have

sunken eyes, cheeks, or soft spot on the top of the head

yipes…this would freak my shit…


sunken eyes, cheeks, or soft spot on the top of the head

And here my ex blamed my drinking….


WTF? Seriously, this can’t be legal. It can’t be.


WTF? Seriously, this can’t be legal. It can’t be.

Why not? It makes sense (most of the time.) If you borrow for a house, you’re on the hook for the money, not the value of the house.

Now, in a market where house prices collapse, it ought to be incumbent on the banks to forgo the deficiency, I agree, but it’s perfectly legal.


WTF? Seriously, this can’t be legal. It can’t be.

From the WSJ article linked to:

He says deficiency judgments will eventually be bundled into packages that resemble mortgage-backed securities.

What could possibly go wrong?


My neighbor across the hall, a Marine Iraq vet with five young children, was completely underwater on the mortgage for his condo. He lined up a buyer, but because she wouldn’t pay off the entire mortgage, the mortgage holder wasn’t interested. The guy had to do a strategic default to get the bank’s attention. The deal finally went through, for at least $20K more than the bank could possibly have made through a short sale. And all the Marine vet homeowner had to do was wreck his credit rating to save the bank that money.

Of course, they’ll probably show their gratitude by going after him for the rest of their money. And the assholes who demand support for “our troops” will be behind them all the way.


Dyck O’Neal Inc., an Arlington, Texas, firm that invests in debt.

again, what could possibly go wrong?


If you borrow for a house, you’re on the hook for the money, not the value of the house.

True. But if you get swindled out of your own house, then sued by the people who swindled you (who, BTW, knew the true value of the house all along)…to me that sounds like it’s the plot of a Will Ferrell movie or Lex Luthor-centric issue of Superman.


True. But if you get swindled out of your own house, then sued by the people who swindled you (who, BTW, knew the true value of the house all along)…to me that sounds like it’s the plot of a Will Ferrell movie or Lex Luthor-centric issue of Superman.

That’s why I added that condition to my statement.


So you’re suggesting that a bank should…………….take a loss??

What the hell country you think you’re livin’ in, pinko???


Pupienus said,

October 31, 2011 at 23:17


Thass col’, bro.


It seems that the transaction is 3 sided and two sides are playing a game that while legal, is totally immoral. The linked article suggest that the debt is usually sold at about 8 cents on the dollar. The seller of the debt sees a potential to realize $8000 for every $100,000 in bad loans. The buyer sees a potential $100,000 plus interest for an investment of $8000. Both sides need to be smacked.

The seller: you wrote the bad loan, you foreclosed on the mortgage and you took the hit when the house sold short at auction, cry me a goddamn river, that ought to teach you not to oversell a loan. The buyer, seriously, what kind of shit-weasel tries to go after an additional hundred grand or so from the wreckage of another American’s dreams? These transactions ought to be illegal. The buying and selling of debt, is another layer of abstraction that makes it tougher for the average investor to tell a good investment from a scam, and it gives unscrupulous people another way to fleece investors. Also it removes any incentive from the lender to do any kind of due diligence on their clients, and it enables bubbles like the one that collapsed in 08.

Where the hell is the public interest in allowing those kind of transactions?


Speculative investors bought more than half of homes sold in Lehigh Acres in 2005 and 2006, Bob Peterson, a real-estate agent, estimates.

A large portion of the foreclosures in the area are from speculators. Many of those are Europeans and it may be difficult to get money from them. Many others are people who made a fortune at the height of the boom and can afford to pay the banks back, however they did their investing through a corporation and have since declared the corporation bankrupt, so they’ll not be very forthcoming. Once again, it is the little guy that pays the piper. The people who will get hit hardest with this are the ones who can’t afford it. The ones who, when they went through forclosure, lost their home and not just some piece of investment property.


I mean this isn’t the fifties and sixties where anyone who was out of work [who was male, white, and under 30] could just go get a factory or construction job if they found themselves out of work.
The people with these lawsuits against them, just had a house foreclosed. Usually because they are out of work. If they could have found an income, they wouldn’t be in that situation to begin with. Donating plasma doesn’t pay real well. Unemployment doesn’t pay real well. Welfare doesn’t pay real well. The fact that millions haven’t turned to crime is a source of astonishment to me. What the hell do the destitute have to lose? Their freedom to starve anywhere they like? Prison would be a step up for a lot of people, at least prisoners have food, a bed and health care.


Pupienus said,

October 31, 2011 at 23:17


Why does everybody pick on that poor kid? It’s not like he’s the only Godbag in the NFL.


relevant…last night i read these two articles in vanity fair…pretty good stuff…sadly…


Why does everybody pick on that poor kid? It’s not like he’s the only Godbag in the NFL.

Why does everybody pick on Adam Yoshida? It’s not like he’s the only bloodthirsty maniac on the internet.


The people with these lawsuits against them, just had a house foreclosed. Usually because they are out of work. If they could have found an income, they wouldn’t be in that situation to begin with.

yes, but they might be BAD APPLES and have *strategically* defaulted…where would we be if we didn’t have institutions like the banking industry making sure everyone is being honest? huh? answer me that, mr. smart guy!


Why does everybody pick on that poor kid? It’s not like he’s the only Godbag in the NFL.

just the most egregious…


The increase in deficiency judgments has sparked a growing secondary market. Sophisticated investors are “ravenous for this debt and ramping up their purchases,” says Jeffrey Shachat, a managing director at Arca Capital Partners LLC, a Palo Alto, Calif., firm that finances distressed-debt deals. He says deficiency judgments will eventually be bundled into packages that resemble mortgage-backed securities.

Jesus fucking Christ. These people really are the carrion-feeders chewing the blackened, rotting flesh of a dead empire.



damn your eyes for reminding me about latrell sprewell!!!


Jesus fucking Christ. These people really are the carrion-feeders chewing the blackened, rotting flesh of a dead empire.

And poisoning themselves in the process. Remember how well the original “mortgage-backed securities” worked?


California is a “non-recourse” State, meaning that the bank can’t sue beyond what it held for security. This is actually smart. Theoretically, such an arrangement would keep the banks from issuing absurd loans. Y’know, sort of making sure the bank has skin in the game, as it were. You shouldn’t be able to charge interest if there isn’t any risk.



Sorry. All better.


damn your eyes for reminding me about latrell sprewell!!!

Say what you want about Sprewell, but he knew who deserved a good choking.


Remember how well the original “mortgage-backed securities” worked?

Worked great, for the people that wrote them.

I suspect the phrase,

Sophisticated investors are “ravenous for this debt

means “Our marketing people are working 24/7 on making sure that every pension fund that still isn’t bankrupt will be buying up this latest flurry of worthless paper we’re kiting.”


Say what you want about Sprewell, but he knew who deserved a good choking.

if only he would be into self autoerotic asphyxiation…


spear, is there anything which christina’s ass would NOT be relevant to?


The mortgage debt is secured by the title to the real property. Foreclosure results in the bank receiving full marketable title to the property instead of the amount owed. That is how it works in California. The creditor can choose to obtain the security through foreclosure or choose to collect the debt as a personal obligation, but it cannot do both. I’m astounded that other states don’t follow this and that courts are letting these lenders play heads I win, tails you lose. (Make that not actually astounded).


I’m shocked, shocked to find the game is rigged.


I decided to delve into the question a little more deeply and, as a result, have produced a new e-book entitled The Blast of War: A Narrative History of the Third World War.

Proof positive that any butt-reaming asshole can self-publish by e-book a crayon edition of worthless bilge and then shamelessly promote it on a blog. Color me unimpressed.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

The fourth link from googling “adam yoshida”:

Y’know, come to think of it, that raises a question I had the entire time we were first introduced to ol’ Adam. What was the deal with the octopus? Is this some H.R. Pufenstuff shit or what?


I still insist that bow ties are cool.

Sadly, no.


More octopus! Less bowtie!

Have you guys checked out Young Adam’s youtube, um, rants? Canada, I am sorry. OTOH, he only has about 30 hits a video and way too few comments.

Also, check out Adam’s Libyan National Anthem video. Yoko? Adam?


World War three would be a perfect plan for getting all these mind-numbed lefty robots out of the way of the important wall street investment bankers.

Conscription could make the world a much better place.


LOL! Halloween advice The Ho *should* have learned.


In honour of Halloween, here’s the latest in my ongoing series of drawings based on 19th and early 20th century vampire fiction.


I think Adam takes the black lamp cone on his desk, puts it on his head, and then cuts his hair while looking in the mirror.

I mean, who else would do that to him?


More octopus, less bowtie.
Glen Baxter includes ‘Calamari’ in his “Great Culinary Disasters of Our Time” series of cartoons, but my respect for copyright and intellectual property prevents me from scanning it. Also, lack of a scanner.


is there anything which christina’s ass would NOT be relevant to?

Famine in Ethiopia.

Also, Don Draper’s PENIS.


Also, lack of a scanner.

Take a photo. You can use teh camera you keep in teh bathroom.


“Great Culinary Disasters of Our Time”
Fucksocks. I tell a lie. It was “Walmsley seemed to be experiencing some difficulty with the seafood salad”.


Take a photo.

Just type it all in
    _    ____   ____ ___ ___ 
   / \  / ___| / ___|_ _|_ _|
  / _ \ \___ \| |    | | | | 
 / ___ \ ___) | |___ | | | | 
/_/   \_\____/ \____|___|___|



omg…i am stealing that!


…More octopus, less bowtie…

Fucksocks. That’s quite enough octopus for now, thanks. I was doing okay until Adam’s hair in his videos started looking like tentacles.


About the only thing that would look good on Adam would be tar and feathers.

Well, maybe a pack of about 20 rabid dachshunds.


facepalm. Major Kong,of course—you’re a retired officer. We enlisted do it the other way around. Your’e a year my junior, then.


We call it Nashvitality, bt you may call it TRANYA!

Fed judge slaps Guv Haslam’s redneck, rightwing patties. Yee-the-fuck-HAW.


Well, maybe a pack of about 20 rabid dachshunds.

Regular, light, menthol or non-filtered?


Hope folks had a nice Halloween.

In other news, la sizable chunk of Americans apparently want sunshine blown up their ass. (Hope WP doesn’t eat this post.)


In other news, la sizable chunk of Americans apparently want sunshine blown up their ass. (Hope WP doesn’t eat this post.)

That is truly the most pathetic polling performance by the American people I ever remember reading.

I’m not even sure the half-of-us-believe-in-creationism poll is in the same category.


a sizable chunk of Americans apparently want sunshine blown up their ass.

How is this a surprise? This is that same 36% again. The ones that still think that W did a great job.

These morans would vote for Reagan tomorrow if given the chance, and yes I mean Zombie Reagan.


And BTW, for some of us, Halloween is just beginning……………………..


And BTW, for some of us, Halloween is just beginning……………………..

For some of us, every day is Halloween.


These morans would vote for Reagan tomorrow if given the chance, and yes I mean Zombie Reagan.

Zombie Reagan, you say?



“who is to say that the Chinese — who, it must not be forgotten, will have, as the baleful legacy of their one-child policy, tens of millions more young men than women — will not, in the time-worn fashion of endangered regimes throughout history, seek to resolve their problems through war?”

The Japanese will save us.


GCMZ, I’m… reading… that sentence… as if… it were recited, by William Shatner.

Maybe the Chinese will seek to resolve their problems by adopting the ghey agenda- after all, isn’t sexual orientation a choice?


Yeah, you laugh, but what exactly do you do in a country where you’ve got maybe 50 million more young men than young women running around?

I’m investing in vintage Village People records.


I’m investing in vintage Village People records.

Fuck that, you should invest in 55 gallon drums of lube.


Hmmmmmm………….is that the largest size they have?

Cause, you know…………………….


So, you’re looking to buy a whole tanker full of lube?


Jesus fucking Christ. These people really are the carrion-feeders chewing the blackened, rotting flesh of a dead empire.

Well, at least we will know who to shoot first, come the revolution.


a whole tanker full of lube?

Well, the holidays are coming up………………..


Fuck that, you should invest in 55 gallon drums of lube.

Wow! 1500 bucks is a fairly low barrier of entry to start my sex/bicycle chain lube empire.

Also. too, Ipod nano, 8 gig sixth generation in the also purchased category.



Well, the holidays are coming up…

Worst holiday special ever: A Very Brady Santorum Christmas.


Wow! 1500 bucks is a fairly low barrier of entry to start my sex/bicycle chain lube empire.

Don’t get your dong caught in the chain, old chum!


Don’t get your dong caught in the chain, old chum!

Shouldn’t be a problem, ‘t’aint long enough, though it does put to mind some gymnastic maneuvers (in the dark), that might get me close…

“Give me danger, man”


I thought that word wrap might be my friend, I was sadly, mistaken.

Sadly Mistaken would make a nice title for a fail related blog, or a band name.


BTW, the local University School of Journamalism (Earnie Pyle was a distinguished alum) is hosting David Fucking Brooks for a yap and gab on the morrow.

Several compelling urges incline me to stay a mile away, as I am not certain that I would comport myself with dignity during a live appearance of that example of beltway hacktacularity.

In general I have a good deal of control over myself, and while I don’t generally suffer fools kindly, I generally give a body at least a couple of chances before I do whatever is necessary to remove the ghastly foolish from my realm of influence (because a brother is gonna likely go nuclear) for the safety of all involved. Also, too, I like staying out of Jail.

If I knew that a certain Doghouse, or Drifty were to make an appearance, knowing that I would have (If not cell, then) blockmates, might make the decision easier…In any event I am torn…This is the reason I can’t have nice things. I can not stand in the line of a fusillade of bullshit and keep my mouth shut.

The gorge rises…


2 comments down.

Has anyone assembled the do not say list, or words to avoid list for the first ammendment killing WP?



David Brooks is gonna be in my town tomorrow.

Then i said a bunch of things.

One or more of them was not deemed suitable for publication.




Shorter Assrocket:

Yes, I criticized the OWS movement for saying things they didn’t actually say, but that is in fact central to my point.


my gorge has risen and been gored by WP.

Risen by the knowledge that Brooks is in town and gored by the fact that apparently WP will not let one use the Phrase “does not suffer *blank* kindly.”



Muy feliz Dia de Los Muertos! Calaveras y ratones de chocolate a todos lados!


well holy shit! you can’t use the word f00l or f00lery…what is up with that?!?!


happy day of the dead to you also manque! bring on the chocolate!


ot: hubbkf had a horrendous thing happen to him yesterday at work. an elderly lady came to the tv station cuz she couldn’t get through to her cable company…makes sense, doesn’t it? anyway, she claimed that she had been calling them all day and the number they provide does not work…so hubbkf, ever-helpful, dialed the number and got right through. old lady proceeded to lose her shit. she stated that it was all the n!gger’s fault…this caused hubbkf and the membership director who was also present no small amount of discomfiture. hubbkf begged her pardon, but to whom was she referring? that n!gger in the white house who is taking away our freedoms and on…hubbkf told her he could not help her any further and walked off before he said something he regretted, leaving her in the hands of the membership director who is much better dealing with racist old ladies…he was still upset last night at about 8:30 when i got home…i mean really, wtf is wrong with people?!?!?


i mean really, wtf is wrong with people?!?!?

It is amazing the power, the institutionalized power tht we n!ggers have in this country…betwixt being up in yer biscuits eating yer gravy, drinking yer milkshakes, and per the memo last week, tying yer cable tubes…All the while driving escalades and hummers paid for by hard working white folks tax dollars.

Sorry that hubbkf had to deal with that. It is one thing to deal with racists in cyberspace, where there is an element of detachment…Another thing entirely to deal with it in meatspace,

Praise be that hubbkf had someone whose ability to suffer a f00l was around to assist, lest he throttle a git.


GCMZ, I’m… reading… that sentence… as if… it were recited, by William Shatner.

Maybe the Chinese will seek to resolve their problems by adopting the ghey agenda- after all, isn’t sexual orientation a choice?

I think Shatner would vote for the female robot option.


No fooling?

no fooling…hey, how come fooling works?


No fooling?

no f00ling…how come u can use that word but me and une can’t?

Praise be that hubbkf had someone whose ability to suffer a f00l was around to assist, lest he throttle a git.

indeed…he knew he was going to say something that would have resulted in job loss…

my flab is still gasted by the whole thing and i wasn’t even there…


No f00ling?

no f00ling…how come u can use that word but me and une can’t?

Praise be that hubbkf had someone whose ability to suffer a f00l was around to assist, lest he throttle a git.

indeed…he knew he was going to say something that would have resulted in job loss…

my flab is still gasted by the whole thing and i wasn’t even there…


Actually Brooks is in town today…

are you going to meet him at the applebee’s salad bar?


indeed…he knew he was going to say something that would have resulted in job loss…

my flab is still gasted by the whole thing and i wasn’t even there…

Two things.

Part the one: I completely appreciate a survival technique that threatens, yet leaves ones tongue intact.

Part the one/A: There have been many times that for whatever reason I was spared from what would have led to a dangerous confrontation.

Part the two: I have not yet seen someone else riff on the flabbering of gasts or gasts being flabbered until now. Hubbkf is a very lucky man, and I have a new crush! 🙂


Hubbkf is a very lucky man, and I have a new crush! 🙂

oh, hey…now im blushing…


y’all have fun today…i am off to sioux falls to see my godson’s career-making performance…he’s in a last comic standing sort of competition there and tonight is judging…catch y’all tomorrow…


no f00ling…how come u can use that word but me and une can’t?

ampersand numbersign one one one semicolon


are you going to meet him at the applebee’s salad bar?

We actually have one of those, though I truly doubt that he will make an appearance.

I really am torn about attempting to witness the “talk” and waiting for the Q&A to ask some very pointed questions, or just staying away. Friedman was here last month, and the well of patience simply would not allow the interactions possibility (don’t need any jail-time).

Similar calculations will need to be made…And Madeline Allbright will be in town tomorrow…


oh, hey…now im blushing…

My work here is done!! 🙂


I mean, who else would do that to him?

Selfless hair care professionals trying to warn the public at large what kind of tool they are dealing with, should they try to interact with Adam face to face, would totally give him the ol’ Moe Howard look which he currently sports.


Hubbkf can take reassurance in the fact that that horrible old woman will almost certainly die before he does, and ideally very soon.


More octopus, less bowtie.

Release the cracking.


OT – some wingnut news about LEAFS SUCK.

Mark Schatzker writes a weekly humour column for teh Globe’s LEAFS SUCK edition and is “famous” for his die-hard obsession with steak. Teh fake quotes are actually kinda funneh – in an unintentional sort of way. Teh one making teh rounds is about how Bay Street types have been in their offices for hours since before “Jeremy, 38” got to teh St. James park. Hee hee. Bay Street typically doesn’t open before 10AM. Those high-powered capitalist types do not drive in from Oakville at rush hour. Moar funneh is teh dismissive tone – that Occupy Toronto is being written off as “fizzled” and over. Last week, that wasn’t that bad a guess as Occupy Toronto nevar really got that much momentum. Today, however,,,

Right now they are winterizing teh camp and they just got joined by Mohawk Warriors, a group that has some experience with prolonged encamped protests.


i mean really, wtf is wrong with people?!?!?

My stock answer to asshats like this is “Obama is about as responsible for ________ as you are for production capacity at a Ford factory in Mexico.”

Seems to confuse them enough to shut them up.


Right now they are winterizing teh camp and they just got joined by Mohawk Warriors, a group that has some experience with prolonged encamped protests.

Imma take this and blogwhore….


Some Wall Street fuckstick threatens to take my job. I’m so scared.


My stock answer to asshats like this is “Obama is about as responsible for ________ as you are for production capacity at a Ford factory in Mexico.”

Seems to confuse them enough to shut them up.

Ahhhh. It would seem that you have stumbled upon a cause of wingnut mental vapor lock. Kudo’s.

We need to assemble a few more samples of same…The more angles to better tangle the wingnuttian “brains”!



Off to omelette!!!

taters, onions, garlic, brocolli, sharp cheddar, mushrooms, and some locally laid free range eggs. did I mention the locally raised bacon?

Yum and Yum!


Ooooh, Maple Syrup.
link stolen from some commie athiest in alicublog comments.


I’m so scared.

We discussed this a couple threads back. Long story short, this asshat couldn’t do a real job if his life depended on it, and the fear dripping off the page here is proof of that.


Obama is about as responsible for ________ as you are for production capacity at a Ford factory in Mexico.”

Obama is about as responsible for ________ as you are for reintroducing the McRib at McDonald’s.”


link stolen from some commie athiest in alicublog comments.

He must be the athiest atheist on the blog.


Obama is about as responsible for ________ as you are for reintroducing the McRib at McDonald’s.

I’m so going to claim I made that one up use that.


A friend of mine was educated in a Soviet military academy, and this is basically what they were taught. The best way to prevent an attack is to have a strong military. But you can’t have strong military (either from a preparedness point of view, or in the perceptions of potential enemies) unless you attack other countries. These two concepts were not considered to be either contradictory or destabilizing.


We discussed this a couple threads back.

Link please?


Link please?

Oh no, you don’t! I was not born yesterday!


The best way to prevent an attack is to have a strong military. But you can’t have strong military (either from a preparedness point of view, or in the perceptions of potential enemies) unless you attack other countries.

Ah, the Llap Goch doctrine!


Could be a few very good reasons why SolyndraGate isn’t going to be Watergate 2.0 …


Could be a few very good reasons why SolyndraGate isn’t going to be Watergate 2.0 …

Not least of which is the fact that it was the Bush administration who invited the arrangement in 2007.


Some Wall Street fuckstick threatens to take my job. I’m so scared.

My suspension of belief was shattered upon reading this:

We’re used to not getting up to pee when we have a position. We don’t take an hour or more for a lunch break.

and this:

Do you really think that we are incapable of teaching 3rd graders and doing landscaping? We’re going to take your cushy jobs with tenure and 4 months off a year and whine just like you that we are so-o-o-o underpaid for building the youth of America.

and this:

We’re going to landscape our own back yards, wash our cars with a garden hose in our driveways.

Why? Because these aren’t the guys who busted their ass through manual labor or generating business contacts or working odd hours to make their moola. If anything, these guys are a generation after those guys. No, these guys are the ones who make money by playing with money. And anyone who believes they’ll ever give that up to scoop dead animals off the street to “make an honest living” deserves to be tricked out of their paycheck.

Oh, and that “lunch break” swipe is still cracking me up.


Oh, and that “lunch break” swipe is still cracking me up.

For some reason the word/neologism Moochacha came to mind.

Those whores of Smash&Grabylon would be lucky to get the hose reeled back up before deciding that a drive through car wash was the way to go.

Landscaping…Ha…PastyMan, Please!


Just for grins I got off of the boat and noticed at the very bottom of the page something regarding Tigers and toothpicks. How many of the latter might be necessary to protect one from the former.

Find out more at some place called

That is as far as I want to go, but it did pique my curioso…


Landscaping…Ha…PastyMan, Please!

Having done a little landscaping work myself, I would pay good money to watch a day-trader do it. SRSLY!


Could be a few very good reasons why SolyndraGate isn’t going to be Watergate 2.0 …

i’m just glad that *muffingate* is now a non-story…wonder if o’reilly did an emily latella when the news officially came out that the $16 wasn’t just for fucking muffins…no, i doubt it because that info was already available when he ran his original segment about said muffins…and he prefaced the story by fapping on and on about honesty and integrity in the news…i almost flung my television against the wall over that one…


Oh, and that “lunch break” swipe is still cracking me up.

Actually, that’s pretty true of line brokers and the quants who watch the markets like hawks looking for ways to improve the algorithms. You rarely see them in restaurants, but usually at the food cart.

But this guy doesn’t sound like a line broker or floor worker.


Obama is about as responsible for ________ as you are for reintroducing the McRib at McDonald’s.”

Obama is about as responsible for ________ as you are for your mother’s neglect to say ‘no’ to your dad that one night…


Oh, and that “lunch break” swipe is still cracking me up.

actually, i would like to know who the eff gets an hour lunch break anymore…the only ones i know of are gov’t workers…


Between this and Colbert, you think Huntsman is going to finally get noticed in the GOP field?

By the way, he’s spawned some hotties….


But this guy doesn’t sound like a line broker or floor worker.

No, he sounds like a semi-deluded shithead who is dreading an imminent collision with the real world.

Go ahead, tell your next potential employer all about your experience trading credit-default swaps. I’m sure she’ll be impressed.


Oh, and that “lunch break” swipe is still cracking me up.

It’s particularly strange when one of his, I’ll-hold-my-breath-till-I-turn-blue, take my ball and run home threats to go Galt is that he’ll stop tipping 35% on his business lunches. If his business lunches are street meat consumed from some dodgy food cart, I’m thinking the guy who runs the cart can live without the extra 70 cents a day.

And I would like to formally apologize for Mr. Yoshida. As you know, we have a policy of exporting our most objectionable wingnut assholes (cf. Frum, D; Black, Lord C. of C) but for some reason, Yoshida insists on staying and corrupting the brand. I think somebody needs a visit from the maple-leaf-booted secret police with a quickness.


Obama is about as responsible for ________ as you are for your mother’s neglect to say ‘no’ to your dad that one night,,,

In teh defense of clueless fucksticks everywhere, they’re moms have a hard time (heh) saying no.


Tax and spend Republican….Eric Cantor?


Go ahead, tell your next potential employer all about your experience trading credit-default swaps. I’m sure she’ll be impressed.

It’s such a strange example of drinking the “meritocracy” Kool-Aid isn’t it? I mean, let us grant, for the sake of argument, that they guy’s the best damned CDS trader this side of the Pecos. Does he genuinely think that qualifies him to be…fuck, anything else? Schoolteacher, bricklayer, cabinet maker, clergyman, hairdresser, barrista, sanitation worker, police officer, firefighter, fill-in-the-blank? There are plenty of occupations that don’t earn much money, especially not compared to entitled Wall Street assholes, but it does not follow that the people who do them are not trained professionals with years of experience and appropriate credentials.

Just because you CAN rank everybody in the country on the basis of salary doesn’t mean the ranking is meaningful. It’s like saying the best paid player in the NBA is a better baseball player than some journeyman infielder, just because he makes more money. It’s plainly ridiculous, and yet this letter keeps popping up.


actually, i would like to know who the eff gets an hour lunch break anymore…

I get ’em. Mind you I live in another country and have a union to back me.

It certainly is mysterious to imagine that places in the financial districts of New York and Chicago are empty at lunch time because the geniuses are so busy.


It’s such a strange example of drinking the “meritocracy” Kool-Aid isn’t it? I mean, let us grant, for the sake of argument, that they guy’s the best damned CDS trader this side of the Pecos. Does he genuinely think that qualifies him to be…fuck, anything else?

Blackjack dealer? Race track tout?


Stay classy, Republicans

Shows that they (1) know little about zombies and (2) they just wanted an excuse to have a picture with a bullet through his head. “Removing the head or destroying the brain,” anyone?


I’m beginning to think she wasn’t that popular in high school, despite being a skinny blond.

FWIW, she wasn’t a blond in high school.


It certainly is mysterious to imagine that places in the financial districts of New York and Chicago are empty at lunch time because the geniuses are so busy.

this is not how i remember the movie ‘wall street’ either…


Some Wall Street fuckstick threatens to take my job. I’m so scared.

He could take my job. All he needs is:

ATP Certificate
Current FE Turbojet Rating or written (FEX or Basic/turbojet) taken within previous 18 months only applicable to candidates notified and offered a BI class that may include B727 Second officer positions.

1500 hours total fixed-wing time as pilot-in-command (PIC) or second-in-command in multi-engine turbo-prop A/C or jet A/C or combination thereof, including a minimum of 1000 hours total fixed-wing pilot-in-command in multi-engine turbo prop A/C or jet A/C or combination thereof.

Of course, I had more than double that and if I hadn’t known several people at the company my resume would still be sitting in the pile with 5000 others.


Stay classy, Republicans

i was able to read this and only threw up in my mouth a little…

this, I’m beginning to think she wasn’t that popular in high school, despite being a skinny blond., however, i was not able to bring myself to look at…


FWIW, she wasn’t a blond in high school.

That begins to explain some things…


He could take my job. All he needs is:

he’s talking about ‘main street’ types of jobs…yours more of a ‘main skyway’ kind of job…but your point is well taken…except by those titans of worthless trading…they can do ANYTHING!!!


…you think Huntsman is going to finally get noticed in the GOP field?

Thanks for reminding me he’s still around. I keep getting him confused with Pawlenty.

A Tea Party bigwig tells Bachmann to quit (the statement seems to have been scrubbed, although curiously, the comments are still there).


in high school, despite being a skinny blond.

Some have claimed she wasn’t even a she.


He could take my job. All he needs is:

Bah! All he needs it MicroSoft Flight Simulator! Mythbusters proved that!


You know, with a couple of hundred hours using microsoft flight simulator, using a virtual cockpit with thousand bucks worth of controllers (control yoke, pedal, thrust control levers, flight computer interface) and add-ons for the precise airplane, and more add-ons for the exact airport, and more add-ons for simulating realistic levels of air traffic, the average person could totally put a real airliner on the runway with only major airframe damage 3 out of 5 times. The other times would be smoking craters either in the runway or short of the runway.


Some have claimed she wasn’t even a she.

do. not. even. start.


Dennis, you have no fucking idea what “crony capitalism” even means.


I keep getting him confused with Pawlenty.

easily distinguished…one is vanilla pudding with a toothy grin and the other is vanilla pudding with a smirk…


Dennis, you have no fucking idea what “crony capitalism” even means.



Thank the Lord when crony capitalism works in your favor.

Hey, any consultant, any book about job hunting, any seminar you ever attend about how to find a job will advise you to ask your friends first.

I’m kind of surprised you didn’t know– unless you’ve never worked a day in your life!



You understand “hypocrisy” as well as you understand “crony capitalism.” The charge of utter conservative cluelessness will stand.


Sure I do, Bitter

i know i’m going to regret this, but dennis, how does knowing people in the industry in which you are applying to and are more than qualified to work for equal crony capitalism?


Crony capitalism isn’t making sure your friend who’s out of work knows about job openings. Crony capitalism doesn’t mean making sure your friend gets an interview for a posted job. Crony capitalism is investing $10,000,000 in your frat buddies hedge fund whether he knows what he’s doing or not. Crony capitalism is getting appointed to run the SEC straight from an investment bank and after your turn is up, heading right back to wall street. Crony capitalism is real estate agents, lenders, investment banks and insurance companies, teaming up to put millions of Americans in homes they can’t afford and betting that they will default, and each one making a killing on commission and none of them caring if the houses, mortgages, or mortgage backed security will be worth more than an empty can of old English 800 tomorrow, because hey, its not your money anyway.


Thank the Lord when crony capitalism works in your favor. Occupy your local city park when it doesn’t.

Internal recommendations (and I had at least 5) will only get you the interview.

I still had to pass a simulator check (in a DC-10 simulator, never having flown a DC-10) plus two days of interviews and testing.

Plus everyone else being interviewed was every bit as qualified as myself. I think 8 out 10 got hired from my group. I’ve heard of other groups with as much as an 80% failure rate.


I am certain that I could do whatever it is that Dennis does, better than Dennis. If the job involves a skill-set that I have yet to acquire, give me a couple weeks,


PUB (&c, &c), the evidence is that Dennis’s job is to come here and troll us.

It is my considered opinion that you couldn’t do his job. You could never be as obnoxious as Dennis. Not after two weeks of training. Not after two CENTURIES of training.


I still had to pass a simulator check (in a DC-10 simulator, never having flown a DC-10)

Artificial simulation, eh?


If the job involves a skill-set that I have yet to acquire, give me a couple weeks,

Yeah, a fortnight of glue huffing and crystal meth ought to do teh trick.


I forgot to tell you that you’ll be charged with your first time out and we’ll be resetting the clock back 10 seconds for the delay in having to review an incorrect judgment on your part.

Dennis – I just wanted to confirm your mistaken sense of superiority by reminding you that you’re a worthless chunk of garbage injection-molded into the shape of a human being. It’s fortunate that you have no sense of self-worth, or trolling among people who don;t care what you say and know you’re garbage might actually hurt you.

Please, now, tell us all how what I’ve said is proof that all liberals argle barge boo.


“Not to change the subject or to go off-topic here since there is no topic or subject, but I just had an excellent Boar’s Head turkey sandwich on a wheat flatbread, topped off with some Hellman’s mayonnaise and a nice piece of lettuce (the iceberg variety) with a slice of American cheese. For a side I had a ripe Gala apple and a Diet Minute Maid Lemonade to wash it all down. For dessert I chose a Snickers Mini from someone’s bowl of leftover Halloween candy. I might go back to try a Baby Ruth, though I’m not sure right now. Simply heavenly food porn. OMG, delicious! Please don’t be jealous, Pupienus.”

What was the point of this?


Oh, and Dennis –

It didn’t hurt having 500 combat hours, 2 Air Medals and DFC (yes really) on my resume either.

You can put that in your turkey sandwich.


What was the point of this?

He thinks he’s making fun of the side conversations that take place here. He thinks he’s a wit and he’s half right.


He thinks he’s making fun of the side conversations that take place here. He thinks he’s a wit and he’s half right.

he also thinks he can get one of us (me) to interact with him since he used this same ploy early on in his trolling and i fell for it…well, i’m an older, wiser and much more jaded bbkf than i was then…

hey vs, did you take pookietronic out trick or treating?


i’m an older, wiser and much more jaded bbkf than i was then…

That’s hot.


So we discuss food…and that’s amusing to him? Weird.

Oh, to be in a troll brain.


Oh, to be in a troll brain.

You know those inflated bouncy castles they set up at fairs for the little kids? yeah.


That’s hot.

yep…and i can’t turn it off, either…btw, who won the mini_b costume battle?


“hey vs, did you take pookietronic out trick or treating?”

Does trick-or-treating = trying to get him to fall asleep in a drool-stained Halloween-themed onsie? Because, yes, we did that.


who won the mini_b costume battle?

He did. He was in diapers and nothing else most of yesterday evening…call it a Vitter costume.


“You know those inflated bouncy castles they set up at fairs for the little kids? yeah.”

Nah, can’t be that fun…but the germy, vomit-covered part is prolly right.


okay, bye y’all…the daughter and i are heading off for fat daddy’s in beeyoutiful downtown sioux falls…


the daughter and i are heading off for fat daddy’s

Store? Sandwich? Pr0n reference? You decide.


I’ll have the Rule 34, with lettuce and mayo.


I applied for those Llap Goch lessons— typed in my name, age (84), and my address like this:

22 Twain
Illinois, Montana

and have failed already—before I began. I don’t believe this— it’s the story of my life! I can’t do anything! They won’t let me!

I’m gonna go cry now.


Internal recommendations (and I had at least 5) will only get you the interview.

Kong, you really think he’d understand a thing about core competencies? About merit hires? We’re talkign Dennis here, who sucked dick to get anything he’s ever gotten.

Including blown.


Rookie mistake. Never let a Llap Goch master know where you live.


He thinks he’s making fun of the side conversations that take place here. He thinks he’s a wit and he’s half right.

Dimly, no less.


Was up on a ladder stapling shakes and had to listen to M Bachman giving a speech on the radio. Wow. Couldn’t help wondering whether she floats.


Couldn’t help wondering whether she floats.

She weighs less than a duck. Makes less sense when she speaks, too.


Was up on a ladder stapling shakes

BTW, doesn’t this get messy? Or do you use double-thick shakes from Friendly’s?


Please mark this post confidential, for D-KW’s eyes only

You have been warned.


Re Wiley at 19:21, 10/30, it was Keesler, as has been noted above. I was in the Public Affairs office from 78-82, so I probably bumped into you at the BX or took your picture for the Keesler News.


I remember ten years ago when Yoshida was a semi-regular troll at the soc.history.what-if newsgroup. All the other Canadians hated him because he was such an obvious quisling.


Nobody should take those silly OWS hippies seriously – after all, they have no specific demands!


You have been warned.

That headline had me worried, but when I read teh article I knew it didn’t apply. Motherly types have no problems with arousal or lubrication when I’m around.


Motherly types have no problems with arousal or lubrication when I’m around

Thirty weight motor oil?


Poor DenDen. Still pedalling that tricycle, I see…


I have not yet seen someone else riff on the flabbering of gasts or gasts being flabbered until now.
Oh look!.
Tigris does it too!

Muy feliz Dia de Los Muertos! Calaveras y ratones de chocolate a todos lados!
Chocolate Chili black lager.




Portland, Oregon – This afternoon, Portland Police officers from Central Precinct responded to the Bank of America branch located at 121 Southwest Morrison Street for a disturbance involving a group of zombies that were in the lobby.

Officers arrived and observed a red substance and pieces of paper stuck to the glass in the lobby and large group of people dressed like zombies leaving the location. One of the employees of the bank identified one of the zombies as the person that vandalized the glass.

27-year-old Timothy John Swenson was arrested and booked into the Multnomah County Jail for Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree and Criminal Mischief in the Second Degree.

Portland Police Bureau News Release

I thought you said it was vandalism, DenDen?










I know I’ll stop finding that funny at some point. That point seems a long ways away.


I know I’ll stop finding that funny at some point. That point seems a long ways away.

Possibly when Dudeskull is trained to Dennis in a bowl?


♪ It’s my poopy and I’ll smear it on my face ♫

Lucy The Wonder Dog

I know what somebody wants for Christmas!


DenDen, why are you denying your fecalphilia?


I know what somebody wants for Christmas!

I don’t that purse goes with DenDen’s skirt.


I thought you said it was vandalism, DenDen?


Um, that’s answering my question, DenDen?


Maybe you need a thong from my collection. It sounds like you need to focus your attention better.


Are you, perchance?

Jeebus what a fekkin idjit. Everyone knows actor is Tintin.




Trust the badgers… Trust the badgers…

In non-troll-related news: Charles Pierce is on today.


Oh dear. Herman Cain is walking the dinosaur, suddenly.


I thought you said it was vandalism, DenDen?

Why would I answer that question?

I thought you said it was vandalism, DenDen?


Muy feliz Dia de Los Muertos! Calaveras y ratones de chocolate a todos lados!
Chocolate Chili black lager.

I normally don’t eat anything much spicier than a potato, but that particular chili beer sounds tempting.


The Cain trainwreck is both sad and funny to watch, even though it does sort of pain me for Rove to be getting away with yet another ratfuck. Anyway, this is great:

“The reason I forgot them is because they were ridiculous. I dismissed them out of my mind,” Cain said. “I said if she can make that stick and call that sexual harassment, fine. But it didn’t stick, OK? So, I don’t remember what they were. The only thing that I remember is the one gesture that I made, talking about the height.”

He continues (in my mind):

I mean, how could any woman misconstrue the simple act of me moving close to her, saying, ‘Hey, you’re about the same height as my wife!’, holding my hand at chin level to indicate the height.

And then slowly lowering my hand. Lowering my hand as if there were some sort of slight force, a vague resistance — a reluctance perhaps — to the lowering, to about belt buckle height.

And then thrusting my hips while making an ‘O’ face.

I mean really, how could anybody see that as vaguely sexual?


Smut, that beer looks incredible – I suppose it’s only local.


I mean, how could any woman misconstrue the simple act of me moving close to her, saying, ‘Hey, you’re about the same height as my wife!’, holding my hand at chin level to indicate the height.

Hey! He stole my etchings!


I’m surprised nobody’s linked to this yet. Everybody was talking about it at the Applebees salad bar.

Why oh why, did I click that. Shorter this and every Bobo:

I have no fucking idea what I’m talking about, but I really like coloring.


I’m surprised nobody’s linked to this yet. Everybody was talking about it at the Applebees salad bar.

Pssobily because he’s not that far off base here in his conclusion:

The zooming wealth of the top 1 percent is a problem, but it’s not nearly as big a problem as the tens of millions of Americans who have dropped out of high school or college.

Estimates are that college graduates will make on average $2.1 million more than non-college graduates.

Nearly twenty years ago, Bill Clinton recognized this and tried to get a comprehensive education and jobs bill passed that would fund retraining for workers, specifically those in industries that did not require college degrees, like manufacturing

Guess who stopped the bill. Just guess.



I really hate tendonitis.


Shorter Verbatim Elizabeth Scalia:

Former First Lady Laura Bush, and former first daughters Jenna and Barbara have been included in Glamour magazine’s Women of the Year issue.

That’s nice. [ . . . ] I mean, these are all-three beautiful, poised women. Glamour has them looking like they need to find a loo. Ah, well, what else would we expect, I guess? [ . . . ] Glamour couldn’t bring themselves to praise these three women without punishing them, as well, so they served up this unflattering pic. How petty.


Estimates are that college graduates will make on average $2.1 million more than non-college graduates.

But…aren’t a lot the OWS protesters young college grads who can’t find jobs?


I’m surprised nobody’s linked to this yet. Everybody was talking about it at the Applebees salad bar.

Shorter Brooks: You’re either living in the wrong state, or you have too much education for your own good.


But…aren’t a lot the OWS protesters young college grads who can’t find jobs?

You catch on quick, Padawan. There’s the flaw in Brooks’ argument.


And only Bobo could make this yet another fake red-vs.-blue thing.

No offense, vs.


Everybody was talking about it at the Applebees salad bar.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Did Bobo really claim that teh best way to address inequality was by attacking teh middle class?


Thank the Lord when crony capitalism works in your favor.

Obvious response already made, but one thing I’ve noticed in my 17 months of unemployment since getting my Master’s is that the current economy, or rather entrance into it now almost entirely depends on nepotism and connections. It’s about knowing someone on the inside that can give you an in, not necessarily having strong qualifications or background.

As such, making those connections is the most important skill to have in school, rather than focusing on working hard on your subject or disappearing into work. It becomes really the only thing that matters anymore because things have really become so bad that only the once derided “getting a job through a buddy” method is really the only one left (and from what I’ve heard from family members being honest, has often been the main in for a very long time).

This reality adds a whole new level to the usual “they brought it on themselves for being out of work” bullshit and the “they should have worked hard and made something of themselves” and “I worked hard and rose to this position on my merits and no one’s help.”

Not only did they not, but they probably wouldn’t have even been there without their buddy Frank already being there and giving the good word.


There’s the flaw in Brooks’ argument.
Extensive quoting due to paywall.

Total U.S. student-loan debt, which exceeded credit-card debt for the first time last year, is on track to hit $1 trillion this year.

The members of the class of 2011 have a frightening footnote on their diplomas: Most Indebted Class Ever–and this year’s seniors are on track to surpass them. Average student-loan debt for new graduates has reached $27,300, according to Mark Kantrowitz, publisher of and sites that help students plan and pay for college. Add the loans parents took out for their children’s education, which students frequently pay back themselves, and the number rises to $34,400. That’s a nearly 8% increase over last year and a 36% hike (adjusted for inflation) from 10 years ago. And with student loans, unlike real estate or business debts, you can’t walk away through bankruptcy as General Motors did.

But neither these statistics nor the voices of students, crushed by debt, at protests in cities and on campuses throughout the nation are likely to keep the families of high school seniors from seeing a brand-name education as a ticket to a better life. They’ve long been told that higher education, much like buying a house, is an investment in the future–even as the cost of college has soared 538% over the past 30 years. That’s more than four times the growth of consumer prices and almost twice the increase in health care costs. Meanwhile, says Lawrence Mishel, president of the nonpartisan Economic Policy Institute, “the wages of those with a college degree have been roughly flat for 10 years, and it’s not really improving relative to those with less education.” In other words, all those tuition hikes aren’t necessarily leading graduates to better paychecks. That letdown, coupled with rising debt loads, could stunt economic growth in the long term if today’s grads end up being too poor to start a business or buy a house or send their own children to university.

Emphasis added


Not only did they not, but they probably wouldn’t have even been there without their buddy Frank already being there and giving the good word.

When I was a kid, I interviewed for a job at Bear Stearns, replete with fast-track Series 7 license, no cold calling, yadayadayada. I didn’t even have a degree, much less on in business.

I wouldn’t have gotten the interview if I hadn’t been dating Ace Greenberg’s daughter at the time (herself the first woman with a seat on the NYSE).

Luckily for me (else I’d probably have been there in 2007 still) I failed the lie detector. Odd they had a problem with stealing. You’d think that would be a pre-requisite to be a broker.


Takedown in comment #61 at teh Grey Lady.

I thought rampant, uncontrolled deregulation of the financial industry was the problem, concentrating 40 percent of the country’s wealth into the hands of one percent of the population. But apparently I was overlooking the scourge of college graduates, lauding their B.A. degrees in General Studies over the overweight high school grads who chain smoke while they seethe in resentment at people making $35,000 a year.

Hard to believe, but it actually improves from there.



Oh, thanks!

Here’s one I just made.


that beer looks incredible – I suppose it’s only local.
Very local, from a micro nanobrewery, served in one pub. Word spread through a frenzy of twittering and the stuff ran out after 1-1/2 hours. S’alright, I drank your share.

a disturbance involving a group of zombies that were in the lobby
Zombie actions translated: “I’m mad at derivatives traders…”
An interesting display of mind-reading / ventriloquism / projection.


From actor’s link:

That letdown, coupled with rising debt loads, could stunt economic growth in the long term if today’s grads end up being too poor to start a business or buy a house or send their own children to university.

That is someone who needs to talk to some young ‘uns.

I don’t know a single person in my age group, even the ones who managed to luck into being “successful” that is anywhere near imagining they could “buy a house” or ever afford to “send their own children to university” based on saved income, or even really in a position to save their income what with paying off student debt. And that’s the successful ones with decent paying jobs, the rest of us slobs are basically hoping they’ll still be able to afford apartments or escape whatever couch they are crashing on and live on their own someday.

As far as “start their own business”? Bwahahaha, yeah, sure, because there is such a functional safety net that that is at all possible. Though ironically, that might be up, because being out of work after college with no one hiring you makes you start looking at projects and wondering if you could support yourself on them someday.

But yeah, those are middle class dreams of the 50s and 60s. By the 2010s after Reaganomics and 40 years of stagnation, our dreams couldn’t be further away. A house is a pipe dream, saving for our children to go to college is a sick joke, and so on. We dream of one day being out of debt or being able to have actual money in the savings account or to be making positive incomes that actually do more than drain what we’ve already got.

And that’s the college graduates.

If that’s the point we were supposed to panic, when those dreams were no longer reachable, then we’re about 30 years late, cause now we’re in “we don’t ever dare dream”.




I was in the Public Affairs office from 78-82, so I probably bumped into you at the BX or took your picture for the Keesler News.

One more reason not to reveal my true identity. Did you happen to see a young women in the Club drink a bottle of champagne through a straw? Or jokingly doing advance and cover moves to the mail room with a buddy of hers?

I got fuckin’ crabs from the mattress in a dorm at Keesler. I also gained five pounds from eating so many of those marvelous biscuits. As soon as it was chow time, everybody ran to the cafeteria to get some biscuits.


I don’t know a single person in my age group, even the ones who managed to luck into being “successful” that is anywhere near imagining they could “buy a house” or ever afford to “send their own children to university” based on saved income, or even really in a position to save their income what with paying off student debt. And that’s the successful ones with decent paying jobs, the rest of us slobs are basically hoping they’ll still be able to afford apartments or escape whatever couch they are crashing on and live on their own someday.

I smile bemusedly when my offspring tells me her dreams of a future. It saddens me that she’ll have to wait for her inheritance to even begin to pile up what she hopes to do with her life.

I told her to go to grad school and maybe in two years things will have improved a little (also told her to study Chinese, but she tried a few years ago and got rousted). She seems to be paying heed.

I’ve reached the age where my daughter actually listens again.


DenDen, that wasn’t an invitation for you to pipe in. The conversation between adults simply can’t interest you.


Pictures are worth an Imperial fucktonne of words.

I actually tried posting that at my blog. I realized people would get pissed.



When all you have is POOPAY, every problem looks like a bowl.


S’alright, I drank your share.

Cool, I hope it was good stuff. I may have to put a bug in the ear of the local brewmasters to try something similar.


Unlike you on that subject, I know what I’m talking about.



Science explains DenDen in five easy steps.

It’s like they read everything he’s ever posted and did a article on it.

(“Bear = Run Away;” I chuckled)



One last point: I see that David Brooks is arguing that the oligarchy issue, if it matters at all, is a coastal phenomenon, not the issue in the heartland. Let me point out, then, that we have one country, with a tightly integrated economy. High finance is concentrated in New York, but it makes money from the United States as a whole. And even when oligarchs clearly get their income from heartland, red-state sources, where do they live? OK, one of the Koch brothers still lives in Wichita; but the other lives in New York.

Put it this way: having much of the wealth your state creates go to people who are in effect absentee landlords, whose income therefore shows up in another state’s statistics, doesn’t mean that you have an equal distribution of income. Out of state shouldn’t mean out of mind.


It’s such a strange example of drinking the “meritocracy” Kool-Aid isn’t it? I mean, let us grant, for the sake of argument, that they guy’s the best damned CDS trader this side of the Pecos. Does he genuinely think that qualifies him to be…fuck, anything else?

This is actually a recurring thing in Atlas Shrugged. Were you a good philosophy professor? You’ll make a fine line cook in a diner. Big-time banker? Farming’ll be a snap!


Please excuse my brother. Sometimes after his tape of old Barney episodes plays itself out he wanders onto my computer and has fun typing out what he heard on Fox News. I really should be more careful of what channel the VCR is set to.


(“Bear = Run Away;” I chuckled)

The sub-photo caption was the killer joke for me.


The sub-photo caption was the killer joke for me.

My personal faves:

“I will yield that the sky is blue, if you acknowledge that the moon landing was engineered by an unfrozen Walt Disney.”

“My compulsive, life-shortening habit is completely different from overeating. Namely, it’s much sexier.”

“Most of the people in this calculus class would cut my throat for a value meal.”


Yeah, damnitt, why waste time acknowledging and analyzing the inequalities that make up my life when I could be doing hyphenated extensions of common words that I can to get employed.

Because as we all know, writing snarky comments on a comedy blog is all that one can ever do, their life constrained by that and that alone, so no outside world could exist and thus no activities could occur within it, say, that already happening, plus developing at least 4 new skillsets, joining several groups for networking purposes, and so on.

It’s almost like there’s some sort of generalized thing wrong with the global economy that’s preventing new blood from having an at all easy entrance into the workforce, something that needs to be addressed if only we could find time internalizing it all as “I’m just not Xing enough”, you know, like I did, giving myself multiple psychological breakdowns from stress and preventing myself from doing anything other than look for jobs for an entire year of my young adult life, a year simply ate by our current economy and the cultural pressure to blame myself first and foremost for any “personal” failure to acquire that which the system has made ever more difficult to acquire even with a master’s degree in biology and more skillsets than Dennis could ever dream about.

Luckily my partner is learning from my “mistakes” as they were (not networking like a bunny when I was still in college and instead being all introvert consumed by my work). So she’ll probably be all right when she graduates, or at least not as fucked as I am.

But hey, if we never acknowledge what’s going on and instead devote all of our time to…no, wait, I still did that advice, like back in month 1, so really there is no way to keep conservative trolls from turning it into “it must be your fault”.

It’s almost like the real thing they fear is acknowledging the reality of our situation and how we got here. As if facing that demon would somehow make it more real and that it would become something that could affect them. And as long as they pretend it is “laziness” or “poor planning” that screws you, then it can never affect their lazy entitled asses because they are “different”, “they understand the game”, “they’ve never had to rely on anyone.”

Because if we dirty hippies are right, then they aren’t protected from their own policies and are just as liable to be fucked by them and then the solution isn’t as simple as “punish the hippies for being lazy” and actually involves hard difficult slogs against those who have made the system as it is and all the terrifying nuance that comes with it.

I can sympathize with this human fear.

But nonetheless I must note, didn’t Dennis get himself a one-way ticket on the ban train for being a creepy stalker troll?


This is actually a recurring thing in Atlas Shrugged. Were you a good philosophy professor? You’ll make a fine line cook in a diner. Big-time banker? Farming’ll be a snap!

Funny how the fear of communism involved all these groups making the same salary, yet the Go Galt Crowd actually believes that they can preform these tasks interchangeably with little problem.


I’m surprised nobody’s linked to this yet. Everybody was talking about it at the Applebees salad bar.

Lazy, sloppy, truthy bullshit, as usual. Jesus Christ is he vile.


It’s almost like the real thing they fear is acknowledging the reality of our situation and how we got here.

That’s just it. It is fear, fear and “but for the grace of God”.


I’m surprised nobody’s linked to this yet. Everybody was talking about it at the Applebees salad bar.

So Bobo’s upset about cutbacks in Pell Grants then.



Well of course, it’s probably the necessary belief to justify all classism. The work done by the “lowers” must be incredibly simple, require no actual skills, and could be done instantly by the “superiors” sight unseen, because otherwise you might have to acknowledge that the lowers possess skills the superiors don’t have and that maybe the giant gap of wealth is not exactly wholly earned.

Basically, a day laborer or a teacher has a job a hedge manager could just walk into and do if their talent didn’t demand a high salary or otherwise, why are they superior or their skillset so much more valuable? And why would it be okay to view the lower classes as scum who could and should be wiped out to make way for the rich.

You also see this repeated in racism and sexism. Anything that is black dominated, could obviously be dominated by whites if they really cared and “debased” themselves to compete like that. Sometimes they might acknowledge that the blacks dominate a certain activity, but that activity is wholly without merit, “base barbarism” and the like that’s not the domain of “civilized gentlemen”.

And sexism? Wooee. Just listen to your average MRA or general male douchenozzle when asked about “women’s work” like raising kids, cleaning and upkeeping a house with kids, making sure the man is pampered, laundered, taken care of and destressed while the woman doesn’t get time off.

Most often it’s described as “lazing about the house, playing with the kids”. The work is assumed to be easy for a man to master if he felt like it and wasn’t “already tired from his hard job at the button-pushing factory”. The few men who actually have to take up the job for a weekend might acknowledge that its difficult but assume they would quickly master it if they were forced and would be able to juggle it and a job better than a woman would with it as their full-time “job”.

Why? Because to think otherwise would be to admit that a woman could be as skilled or motivated as a man and not genetically less superior and that threatens so much that it becomes easier to think that the work is simple and could be picked up with no trouble by a man.

Basically, you justify the superiority complex by assuming that the work of the lesser beings is simplicity itself that could be picked up in a day, not that you’ll ever test that theory so long as you’re needed with the “real hard work” of the “superior classes”.

This is also why women and other “lesser beings” climbing the ranks into the “good jobs” freaks them out and also why they are really frightened by the sneaking thought that maybe “pushing around some paperwork plus basic math” might not be a million times more valuable than a schoolteacher’s job and that their job might be the one that any untrained slob could walk into and master in a matter of weeks and the “lowers” job would be the one to kill their overpampered asses.

Because if that’s true, they aren’t being rewarded for their genetic superiority. They’re just greedy fucks.


Oh bob, Bobos horseshit about how red versus blue is explained by there not being a 1% in the sticks or you know still a 1% that’s making rural lives shit is pretty abhorent, but one piece reminds me of what Amanda Marcotte of Pandagon (yeah, I know, some people here hate her, but bear with me) has said here and there.

Today, college grads are much less likely to smoke than high school grads, they are less likely to be obese, they are more likely to be active in their communities, they have much more social trust, they speak many more words to their children at home.

There really does seem to be a resentment among the “red america” folks not for genuine income gaps and inequalities but rather what are perceived as “cultural inequalities”. In short, that they repress themselves for God, living shitty, non-uppity lives and still get shit upon by the 1% and see the poor and similarly classed people in the “blue states” dating who they want, watching foreign movies, buying better produce for about the same price, and in general just living freer with about the same economic impact.

Thus, the blue America lifestyle and the lifestyle of liberals everywhere serves as a reminder that the income inequalities might really have something to do with economic inequalities rather than a product of social repression and God’s grace given unto those who show a great deal of self-sacrifice. But since so much of life has been given up to the Gods of conformity, it becomes easier to view the “lucky bastards” in the cities as the real problem and “dragging them down” as the real solution rather than focusing the rage on the people who really are profiting from making all of our lives suck that much more.

Also why they constantly view the “blue staters” as getting something for nothing, when the tax flow goes the other way. They aren’t talking about genuine income flow, but rather the perceived cultural freedom and having that occur without the “cost” it would have in the more repressed cultures. In short, the liberals haven’t “paid their price” for being able to go out in public with the type of people they are really attracted to, having choices in entertainment, or having a genuine culture to experience and give flavor to their lives.

Like Bobo argues, but is unaware he is arguing, the conservative mindset is unable to grasp that the radical differences in culture are due to deliberate social philosophy decisions, and instead just see people they hate getting something that they themselves don’t have. And so don’t think “if I stopped hating the gays, I could actually marry Steve rather than meeting him at the truck stop every night”, but rather “those degenerate fags get to marry Steve when I can’t. I will make their lives hell for this!”


Also love his “the delusions of the social conservatives” matter more than actual real inequality hand-waving horseshit. Yes, we should all be ashamed that those with liberal social policies have better lives and are happier than conservatives who chose a repressed society, that’s a much bigger inequality than the crushing income inequality that make it such a powerful incentive to conservatives to blame all their problems on the ethnics and the queers.

And yeah, not having a safety net sure isn’t a problem compared to all the people who could really use a safety net or the fact that college has been priced out of the hands of more and more Americans or that the jobs after college or high school are no less there.

Yes, the stagnant class mobility is nothing compared to the fact that conservatives feel liberals have better lives and resent that.

And no, I’m not making any of that up:

The zooming wealth of the top 1 percent is a problem, but it’s not nearly as big a problem as the tens of millions of Americans who have dropped out of high school or college. It’s not nearly as big a problem as the 40 percent of children who are born out of wedlock. It’s not nearly as big a problem as the nation’s stagnant human capital, its stagnant social mobility and the disorganized social fabric for the bottom 50 percent.

Also, he dares end with this:

If your ultimate goal is to reduce inequality, then you should be furious at the doctors, bankers and C.E.O.’s. If your goal is to expand opportunity, then you have a much bigger and different agenda.

Yeah, cause income inequality has no affect on class mobility, oh, wait, yes it does. Not to mention that he was a prime cheerleader for “rip up the safety net because DEBT!!!!” and here he is whining about the non-functional safety net as if a) it was a separate problem, b) that it was related to the conservative bitterness over liberals leading better social lives thanks to freer social values that value being yourself over conformity to social convention, and of course c) like that hasn’t been part and parcel of the OWS protests.

The OWS have been talking about the student debt problems, the broken safety net, the lack of opportunities or jobs, and so on. Part and parcel of having a movement that doesn’t impose a single talking point, means that all this is covered and regularly brought up. Hell, most of the problem is that the rich have been deliberately blocking and attacking the safety net problem thus preventing people from even saving themselves from the sinking ship.

But of course that would escape stooges like Bobo, because their talking points are that the OWS is about “eliminating banks” and “punishing the rich” and they wouldn’t be as effective hacks if they didn’t freebase the product first to make sure it was pure propaganda.


Cool, I hope it was good stuff. I may have to put a bug in the ear of the local brewmasters to try something similar.

Good idea. Nick (or whoever’s actually brewing the beer at Block 15 these days) would do a fine job. I personally wouldn’t trust either of the other two breweries to do it justice.


Shorter Cerberus’s fantastic last comment:
Red-state denizens stew in a giant gumbo pot of resentment, Cultural, Racial, Intellectual and Tribal. And do so voluntarily for a bitter taste of “moral superiority”!



Shorter Cerberus’s fantastic last comment:

referred to last one before the last one, which was also awesome.



Cool, I hope it was good stuff.

Alcoholic mole in a pint glass.
And another pint glass. And…


This is actually a recurring thing in Atlas Shrugged. Were you a good philosophy professor? You’ll make a fine line cook in a diner.

Today I got my lunch at the deli counter of the supermarket next door. Three women, all of them foreign-born from their accents, rushed around like Japanese beavers making sandwiches, baking and slicing pizza and ringing up orders. As I watched them, it occurred to me how much I would like to stick one of those “I’m going Galt” assholes behind that counter for five minutes and let him freak out.


(“Bear = Run Away;” I chuckled)

You know what that bear said to Dennis?

“You don’t really come here for the huntin’, do ya?”


I got the pictures in the mail, wink, wink. Heh-heh.


Takes a careful brewer to make chocolate chili beer that isn’t loaded with fail but I trust Herr Smut on this.

In other news fresh Maine venison in an onion red wine sauce on fresh dug red spuds. Mixed fall greens. Heirloom apples folded into puff pastry turnovers.


OBS, that’s who I was thinking of. They are so good with interesting beers – like this:


Bitter Scribe, I have that kind of experience all the time. Just about every time I interact with someone in a service role, I have a moment of disconnect when I realize that this clearly competent individual, who is discharging his or her duties in a satisfactory manner, probably works this job full time but doesn’t earn enough to support a family. The below living wage job is a crime against humanity.

And Brooks is once again making me wish I still believed in He’ll, because it comforts me to imagine him writing his columns there.


OBS, that’s who I was thinking of. They are so good with interesting beers – like this:

Oooh, that sounds yummy! I’m a sucker* for beers like that (was thrilled to be able to get Rodenbach Gran Cru on tap at Les Caves).

Somehow or another I can never seem to make it down there while those beers are available though. I’m always there the day before the come out or right after they sell the last one.



Wisconsin Senate Committee Votes To Allow Guns Within The State Capitol

What could possibly go wrong?


Ann Coulter: ‘Our Blacks Are So Much Better Than Their Blacks’


I don’t recall ever thinking to myself: “Gee, if I could just take my gun with me when I go to the State Capitol”.


Does the new law include an”Except if they look kinda…you know..Middle Eastern” clause?


Dead before it reached 500? Sad.


Dead before it reached 500?

It’s just restin’.


Ann Coulter: ‘Our Blacks Are So Much Better Than Their Blacks’

Boosting Cain is all very well until the Republican power-brokers primary voters kick him to the kerb; or he’s earned enough money and leaves the race, whichever comes first. But I’m confident she’ll happily blame it on liberal racism.


liberal racism

J’accuse! That is redundant, sir!


‘Our Blacks Are So Much Better Than Their Blacks’
And had I been the one delivering that speech, I don’t know if I’d have used the language of ownership to describe Cain’s status within the Republican party.


‘Our Blacks Are So Much Better Than Their Blacks’

Um, let me guess, they “know their place”?


I don’t know if I’d have used the language of ownership to describe Cain’s status within the Republican party.

Let’s go serfing now
Ever one’s relearning how
Come and lose your pride with me!


Re: Yoshida
Remember when the Left blogs though this guy was a neverending laugh parade, so much so that there were blogs solely dedicated to ripping his “ideas” apart? Those blogs are gone, and Adam Yoshida still lives in his basement. I think that when “conservatism” finally collapses he will still be ranting, him and the reanimated corpse of William F. Buckley.


“In Zeus We Trust”…that’s what I say…which is weird cuz he once dressed up as a swan and tried to bang me.


I can’t stop laughing at this – from Charlie Pierce on Mitt’s upcoming speech:

“It truly is like that breathless moment under the Mexican circus tent right before they bring out the monkey who can suck his own dick.”

Read more:


And I said, “oh NO, SIR. I am not falling for that again.”

Zeus can be such a dick.


Swans are tough. Muscular, ill-tempered, and sharp beaks. Fucking penguins is easier.

So I hear.


You’re not helping your “I’m not a furry” case.


Featheryism is not furryism.


You’re not helping your “I’m not a furry” case.

In N__B’s defense, I have seen no claims of not being a “feathery.”


Stoopit, slow fucking fingers.


Actually, I prefer reptiles, but scalyism carries a social stigma.


Featherists often contract chirpes.


For which they got to chiropractors.


“go to,” too

William Shakespeare (or whichever Earl they're pushing these days)

Oh yes, indeed, go to, thou foul and scurrilous knave, go to!


Foul and Scurrilous Knaves – death metal band name.


Scalies catch herps.


Scalies catch herps.

Throw them back, they’re too small.


Of course it’s a feckin’ cold sore. What the feck do you expect?


Furries get Lupus.


The fact is, liberals are all full of lies and never use facts, as well, there class warfare is straight from the Hitler and Saul Alynsky playbook of freezing the oppoents urine and then blaming hard work to take the wealth.


Urine? Rugged, is that you?


Our Whites are so much better than their Whites.


Death of Irony Part MMCCCXXXII

Donald Trump is Not Amused by Jon Stewart’s ‘Totally Racist’ Bit
“The tone of his voice, the inflection – UNbelievable”


Our white are whiter than white because they have not been thrown in hot water with red t-shirts.


Rugged, is that you?

I wish. He and Lonny Martello were my favorite parodies.


a.k.a. felonious gramma. I didn’t want to reveal that identity, but I was responding to bill and forgot to change the handle. But, anyway

Why is Dennis here? Are they fumigating his mother’s basement again? He really needs to stop doing that.


okay…little drunk here…godson got 2nd place in the comedy contest…there are a lot of sucky *comics* out there in Sioux falls…and I’m just going to ask Dennis to fucking fuck off already…and fuck u already and fuckity fuck fuck u dennis!!!


GOP Reps: We got our priorities straight, yes siree bob.

Nothing like that heady scent of raw fear, mixed with naked hypocrisy:

After seizing control of the House in November 2010 elections, Republicans adopted new rules forbidding most symbolic resolutions on grounds that such measures are a waste of time.

Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor cited the new rules in May as the reason the chamber would not pass a stand-alone measure marking the US raid that killed Al-Qaeda mastermind Osama bin Laden.

Having a black guy who was the son of an immigrant and of a single mother succeed, where their lily-white trust-fund baby abjectly and obviously failed — that must really, really hurt. We need to grind this point into their faces, constantly and forever.


Why is Dennis here? Are they fumigating his mother’s basement again? He really needs to stop doing that.

I was trying to figure out whether it was the end of the month for him and he’d run out of meds, or if it was the start of a new one and he just got back on them.


[Zeus] once dressed up as a swan and tried to bang me.
It belatedly occurs to me that the doctor who attended Leda when she laid Castor and Pollux* would be called a Cobstetrician.

* Also Helen and Clytemnestra.


Furries get Lupus.

It’s never lupus


I was trying to figure out whether it was the end of the month for him and he’d run out of meds, or if it was the start of a new one and he just got back on them.

Well, with the weekend snow, both could be true.


Bobo starts with the following:

We live in a polarizing society, so perhaps it’s inevitable that our experience of inequality should be polarized, too.,

I’m sure that someone here can write the rest in 100 words, or less. I’m gonna hit the sick in a few. Too tired to wri


It’s too early to do bobo, wiley. Spare yourself.


OK. Question for stereophiles, technogeeks and geeks in general. I am dealing with limited desk space in my new set up and need a reasonably-priced speaker set for my desktop that has a very small footprint. Any recommendations?


to do bobo



I am dealing with limited desk space in my new set up and need a reasonably-priced speaker set for my desktop that has a very small footprint. Any recommendations?

Two parakeets.


Two parakeets.

And a dog.


Or a parrot that can mimic a dog.


The sub-woofer, right?

N_B goes right back to the featherism, I see.


The sub-woofer, right?

To go with teh tweeters.


okay…little drunk here…

Wait; you’re supposed to be sober when you post here?



Bose would have the best sound for the size, but probably wouldn’t meet the “reasonably priced” part.

Sony and Logitech both have decent speaker sets in the $60-$100 price range.


Geez, Major Kong, those all have huge sub-woofers…which is the issue I’m dealing with now. My Logitech one is practically a square foot. That’s a lot of real estate in a small kitchen nook.

I will poke around amazon.


Bose gets a lot of hate from audiophile snobs, but they really do manage to cram a lot of sound quality into tiny little packages. Companion 3 Series 1 speakers are about as small as you can get. But they will cost you twice as much as other desktop speakers.


Bose is outta my price range. 🙁 Believe me, I’d love to go there. But I’m the only person who listens to music on my ‘puter and I’m pretty sure hubby’s get pissed if I went all Bang and Olufsen.


I bought a pair of speakers for the “crash pad” down in Memphis a while back. I think I got them at Best Buy for around $40. No subwoofer, but the sound is still pretty decent.

You should be able to find something similar.


I’m pretty sure hubby’s get pissed if I went all Bang and Olufsen.

Most men jump at the chance for a little bang & O.


Creative Gigaworks T20’s are pretty small form factored 2.0 speakers (no subwoofer). They come in around a hundred bucks.


I’ll check those out, DK-Dubs. Thanks!

Also, N_B is banned.


I’m pretty sure hubby’s get pissed if I went all Bang and Olufsen.

Tell him they’re tennis players.


DenDen, the conversations between adults cannot possibly be of interest to you.

And certainly, your “contributions” could not be less interesting to us.


How small a footprint we talking about, vs?

So far, I’d agree with DK-W, Logitech probably makes the best reasonably priced speakers, but if you can stuff a sub-woofer under your desk (if you know what I mean), Harmon Kardon has a really good (and stylish) system for about $100.


Pretty small, actor…’cuz my printer–while small–is squished in here too. I’ll snap a photo later and show you all.


I disagree, actor. I think Dennis can be useful. Please, Dennis, regale us with the sort of joke that Rand Paul can no longer tell for it might offend the ladyfolk.


This is the set I had in mind. For some reason, Google Shopping showed them for $104, but now the best price I can find is $139. Still, eBay probably has them cheaper


If you’re willing to shell out teh bucks, teh Tivoli Audio iPAL is a fantastic as a speaker. One box, takes up almost no space, will easily fill a room with sound. Unless your kitchen nook has a thirty foot ceiling.


Those are great-looking. Ok, this liberal is BOOK-MARKING.


Teh HK Soundsticks look pretty awesome, but I’d want some sort of case around my speakers if they were in a kitchen.


I’ve bookmarked the ipal, too, DK-W. looks like it might be a good investment that won’t break the bank.


I’d want some sort of case around my speakers if they were in a kitchen.

They’re lucite, so it’s easy to clean up even the stickiest mess from watching por–


The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knoowledge

I’m told Cambridge Soundworks has really gone downhill since Henry Kloss died, but before that, they were head-and-shoulders above anything in their price range; or twice their price range for that matter.

They used to have some nice compact sets, and I’m sure there are some on eBay—just make sure they’re at least three or four years old.


Crutchfield just got a really nice write-up in Consumer Reports.


Shorter Jonah Goldberg:

I am optimistic about America’s future because China’s full of poor people, Global Warming ain’t shit, and most importantly it seems less likely than it did three years ago that we will slow the pillaging.


Hey DenDen,

For the man in your life

See? We help everyone!


From markf’s link, a sample Fudgie the Whale paragraph:

Across the liberal ferment, those inflated expectations have been lowered like a Thanksgiving Day parade float put back in the box.

Good ol’ Jonah found his dad’s thesaurus, and still hasn’t figured out how to put a saddle on it.

“Ferment”? LOL! I think you mean firmament, J-Ho…and what is it with you and fat jokes, son? One might almost think you have an image issue.



This is teh intartubules. Someone asked for tech advice. On teh intarnazz. R U new to being online or something?



Alternate Shorter Jonah:

I am optimistic about America because of these things I found on Wikiquote.


Thanks for the input, everybody. This actually helped, gave me a good place to start.


R U new to being online or something?

He was not aware of all internet traditions


OK, now for something completely different…I was wondering if everybody could tell me how they make their Chicken Cacciatore. (I’m sure everyone has their own spin on this classic; I kinda just take the basic outline and go from there.) Also, do you ever make it in the slow-cooker?


Alt. Shorter Jonah

I am optimistic about America’s future because teh stonewalling of commie dictator Obama’s totalitarian totalitarianism has derailed teh commie dictatorial totalitarian totalitarianism. And what about issues or facts or actual things that are actually happening? Who cares!


I was wondering if everybody could tell me how they make their Chicken Cacciatore

Ask the waiter


Oh man, nothing like Jonah to ruin the food pr0n. Still, I think of clicking


“Ask the waiter”

You’re an actor…so, YOU, then?


You’re an actor…so, YOU, then?

I’m a star, not an actor.



[This is a Test]

Now, everyday we try to search the Web to find something that we just feel like writing a comment upon that will make others unhappy about the comment, and we found another jewel, today’s comment was made the one and only Media Messiah Imperial President of [The Empire] The Israeli-American Empire, quote This review is aimed at ensuring that we [The MIC Military Industrial Complex of the Empire] have adequate measures in place and to identify areas where adjustments would be appropriate, unquote, this in response to the sinking of a South Korean Warship by a Submarine of the North Korean Navy, an act of war in a war that is still in progress. The question is does anyone really know what this guy is talking about, the [PRK] The Peoples Republic of Korea, North Korea is a Nuclear Armed nation under the umbrella of protection of yet a larger Nuclear Armed Sphere of Influence in the [21st] Century the [PRC] the Peoples Republic of China, Red China, a member of the [BRIC] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, and Peoples Republic of China, [21st] Century Spheres of Influence, and the country [The Empire] is the most financially in debt too. So, what was this all about, This is a Test and the [PRK] got a slap on the wrist, a Sanction, like the [PRC] didn’t sanction the event, and will not comply with any sanctions, to a country within its [SPHERE OF INFLUENCE] and under its umbrella of protection.

[Did You Get The Message?]

Come on give me a break! What is an appropriate response what are adequate measures in the [21st] Century, you have got to be kidding, this is not the Korean Police Action of [1950-1953], this is not [6] Six years after [WWII] World War Two, and forget about duck and cover, there isn’t enough ducking and covering to save anyone from a Nuclear Winter. The [PRC] has been sending messages that [The Empire] has no business in its Sphere of Influence, and to begin a phased withdrawal from its Sphere;

* Forcing an [Empire] Spy Plane to land on Chinese Territory.

* Chasing an [Empire] Spy Ship out of the Sea of China.

* Closing its ports to [Empire] Men of War, and any Battle Groups heading to the Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/ Hindu Cush.

* Demanding and having the demands met that the [Empire] stop all military aide to the Nationalist Chinese held up on the [PRC] Island of Taipei, and stop any further interference between the [PRC] and its breakaway province.

Get real folks, the [PRC] is well aware of any actions or non-actions taking place within it [SPHERE OF INFLUENCE], and to think otherwise is less than critical thinking, and dangerous thinking since the Nuclear Club Door has been kick in.

[Marking Territory]

Where does Japan fit into all this mess, well the answer will be a missile defense system, along with a way to drag the Japanese into a war on the Korean Peninsula, its just that simple, vise just [EMPIRE] troops to ship from the Land of The Rising Sun to that of the Land of the Morning Calm, after the [3rd] Third Nuclear Weapon, since Hiroshima and Nagasaki goes off on Nago, Okinawa Marine Corp. Base, well the Japanese will be needed to balance the [2M] Two Million Route Chinese Armies backing the [2M] Peoples Republic of Korea Army pouring into the [ROK]. That’s if they even get them there before the Peninsula is completely taken by the forces of the [PRC] and Kim Jung ILL will have completed the work started by his father Kim IL Suk giving the [EMPIRE] its worse defeat in the [Empire’s] history. So, did you hear again a missile defense system, do we know of yet another missile defense system, the Foothold Europe missile defense system maybe? The fact of the matter [ALL] the [SPHERES OF INFLUENCE] are Marking Their Territory, this is our spot in the sand box and yours is over there, the review should aim at taking our toys out of the [PRC’s] spot in the sandbox, and adequate measures in place and taken to identify where any adjustments where possible would be appropriate to make it happen very rapidly.




I was wondering if everybody could tell me how they make their Chicken Cacciatore

First, I slide my tiny little penis in, then I keep fucking that chicken til I catch her toe-y…….


You left “Myra” off, Anon.



The question that now has to be asked has the American-Israeli Empire [The Empire] brought down the last Emperor of Japan. Now General Douglas MacArthur was careful not to in anyway down grade the importance of the Japanese Emperor at the end of [WWII] World War Two, but the [20th] Century is now over, and almost [7] Seven decades have passed, in which time the Far-East has been turned upside down, by the Communist Revolution of Chairman Mao Tse-tung, of the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China, a Revolution that continues to this day around the globe, one brought about by [The Empire] The [NYSE] New York Stock Exchange, and the [MIC] The Military Industrial Complex of [The Empire], and now the same short sighted thinking which brought about the Communist Revolution in China, is seen in the county of Cuba East / Japan. Once again [The Empire] is playing The People against a government which it [The Empire] feels it has the complete control of, a government that has broken each and every promise given to its people, while offering only an apology.

The Questions for the Dreamers, Thinkers, Workers, and [NetCitzens] of the Japanese [21st] Century are;

* Do they accept the apology of the newly elected Left-leaning Japanese government that took office in September, but after its election, reflection, and assessment and having promised a New Japan is now offering more of the same, the continued Status Quo of the [20th] Century into the [21st] just more or the same the [20th] Century Quo?

* Does Japan remain tied to [The Western Empire] the Israeli-American Empire, of [NYC] New York City, the [NYSE] New York Stock Exchange, and under the thumb of [The Empire’s MIC] Military Industrial Complex, Japan as [The Empire’s] Foothold Cuba East, and is the Megatropolis Empire the New Central Government of Japan, or is Tokyo, or is the Last Emperor, just the Governor of Japan, and Tokyo, simply, a state capital of [The Empire]?

* Does Japan once again become mired in [The Empire’s] Wars of Economic Stimulus?

* Do the Japanese Citizens, those who’s families have given all to the soil and government of Japan, simply remain quite as they are asked to continue to accept a never ending occupation of their homeland with yet another agreement the so called [2006] Japan-U.S. Roadmap for Realignment Implementation, repairing [The Empire’s] roads, at their expense, the coolies of the [21st] Century, an agreement allowing the [47K] Forty-Seven Thousand, [FOOTHOLD] Troops of Far East Occupation, to remain on Japanese soil, with almost half the occupation force on the southern Japanese Island of Okinawa, in a new upgraded Marine Corp Air Station Futenma, built to [The Empire’s] specifications?

* Will Japanese Ports continue the port calls of any American-Israeli Empire, nuclear-armed warships to Japanese ports, in violation of any and all past agreements, all of which are ignored by [The Empire] violating the hallowed anti-nuclear principle of postwar Japan?

* Is all hope for a closer relationship with [PRC] People’s Republic of China, within the Chinese Sphere of Influence, of the [BRIC] Sphere’s of Influence, of Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, and the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China, been ended?

* Does Japan stay tied to the declining [Empire] Dollar based economic system forgoing the dream of the creation of a [ASEAN] Association of Southeast Asian Nations, of [16] nations using a single [ASEAN] trading currency by [2020] within the bloc and [PRC/ASEAN] Sphere of Influence; Australia, Brunei, China, India, Indo-China [Vietnam], Indonesia, Japan, A United Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, The Paracel Islands, The Philippines, and The Spratly Islands?

On Friday, the [28th] of May, 2010, will the Status Quo, be maintained, will the wheel of fate be stopped, altered, turned back to the [20th] Century by [The Empire] and the puppet Central Government of Tokyo, and its Emperor, or will fate have its way, will the people of Japan, betrayed by its own Central Government its Emperor seek a new path a new way in a new Century, rejecting unending foreign occupation, and foreign domination? Will [The Empire] have over played political and military its hand in the [21st] Century, will it have gone too far, by not replacing boots on the ground with mutual defense pacts and agreements, an unwelcome guest is not a guest but an intruder? Will this be the era of the Last Emperor of the Land of the Rising Sun? Japan’s Last Emperor!!



Clinton M Y R A you’ve GOT to be KIDDING!


Now, with the power of example guiding us, there’s reason for hope.

Well, I know the riots in England heartened me.




Now, we got an E-mail from David Scott of (, and it read David Scott has left a new comment on your post “GOMENESAI TOUR II”: So what’s the big scoop on the current situation with the Korean Conflict? Well Dave should have know better we did a dump job on the poor guy, for which we should say were sorry, but we sort of got a kick out of it. So what is the big scoop about the on going Korean Conflict, it’s all political theater, the Israeli-American Empire, simply know around the world as the [EMPIRE], is in an increasingly rapid state of decline, and to stay in the game at all need to maintain it’s [2] Two Footholds, the European Foothold in Germany, along the Russian Federations Sphere of Influence, and in the Far East in Japan the now Cuba of the Far East, neither Cuba nor Japan want [Empire] Foothold Troops of Occupation on their soil. The [EMPIRE] is aware that the day they lose one of the [2] Two Footholds they lose both of them, and they are losing rapidly their Foothold Hold in Japan, and the [SOSE] Secretary of State of the Empire, Hillary Diane Rodham- Clinton is doing a great job of almost single handily prying that Foothold out of Japan, With her My Way Or The Highway Non-Diplomatic State Department, yes Hillary got her signed agreement, but its something like the time [FDR] Franklin D. Roosevelt had it out with the Supreme Court, they handled down a ruling against [FDR] and the old boy just looked at them and said now enforce it! Now, we will quote ourselves from a previous posting, The Ire of the Japanese people was finally brought to the point where there can no longer be any middle ground, as the [SOSE] Secretary of State to the Empire Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton, in her usual My Way or the Highway performance, ignored, downplayed and brushed aside the overwhelming Japanese peoples demands that the [EMPIRE’S] troops of Foothold Far East be removed from the soil of Japan, that the occupation of Japan be ended. But, The Clinton State Department forced the signing of the so called [2006] Japan-U.S. Roadmap for Realignment Implementation, and more than just kicking the can down the road, has lit the fuse to the powder keg of Japanese private citizens and Ire over the continued occupation of their country, unquote.


The [EMPIRE] media is covering the Far East mostly do to the fact it’s so bad, Hillary doesn’t want it covered but here’s how its shaking out;

* The latest Japanese Government which is Parliamentary is coming apart which will mean a new election in September and the [EMPIRE] and Hillary in particular has caused a bigger headache then they now have, they didn’t like the present government of Japan, we tend the believe that they are going to really hate the next one, and that election is in [120] days.

* And the [EMIC] Empire Military Industrial Complex is sticking it to the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China Sphere of Influence for not backing them on Sanctions against the [PRK] Peoples Republic of China in the [UN] United Nations, Ya! Like that was really going to happen, but the [EMPIRE] arm twisted the present government of Japan into letting [EMPIRE] military assets in particular [59] Fifty-Nine [Empire] carrier Fighter Aircraft, which the Nationalist Chinese Island of Taipei says its not going to accept or put up with as the Japanese are extending its [ADIZ] Air Defense Identification Zone, a line that a military aircraft must first provide flight details to the national airspace into which it is entering or will meet with prompt interception by military means, in other words they could use what ever means to take it down. Now, for those of you who can’t quite grasp the concept, Israeli-American Empire fighter aircraft become legal targets of the Nationalist Chinese, but that also means the Red Chinese, mainland government has that right, as they consider the Nationalist Chinese Island as their territory, including its airspace.


Now, most [Jar Heads] Marines like Gibbs from [NCIS] Naval Criminal Investigative Service came from one of those town that standing under the one traffic light in town, that had a constant speed trap and if you drove one kilometer over or under the speed limit you when in front of the local barber shop judge who gave you a stiff fine, and from that point beneath the traffic signal one could see the town limits in both directions, and that is why they joined the Marines to get away from it. Well, Guam is that one traffic light town but the only difference the edge of town drops off for leagues into the Pacific Ocean with a lot of big sharks, and for a female its like Jimmy Buffets song Sharks to the left, Sharks to the right and you’re the only meal in town. A family sent to Guam either comes back with more in the family, or no longer a family due to D-I-V-O-R-C-E. The advantage to the one traffic light town there is a way out, and if you run out of something you can simple drive down the road and get it, it don’t work that way in Guam, you run out, guess what you have to wait until a supply ship or cargo plane fly’s more in. So what does this have to do with anything Guam Senator Judith P. Guthertz, who is the chair of the Committee on Military Buildup and Homeland Security in the Senate, got [8K]Eight Thousand Marines relocated from Japan to Guam, you got it [8K] more Marines in a one traffic light community, at taxpayer expense with [EVERYTHING] having to be provided from large distances at cost, big costs


So, my only reply to David Scott of (, this whole thing is not a scoop of horse manure, it’s a massive pile of horse, manure. The short term gains in no way out weight the long term losses created by the hurry up and get it done My Way Or The Highway Clinton mantra, see we have an agreement, now lets see how much of it is implemented.





Clinton M Y R A you’ve GOT to be KIDDING!

Clearly you are unaware of Internet traditions.


Well, I know the riots in England heartened me.

I’m more about the riots in Rome, myself. Break a few heads. That ought to start getting the message across.



[PILE] not [SCOOP]





I was wondering if everybody could tell me how they make their Chicken Cacciatore

Train it to make a sound like a Queen?





Train it to make a sound like a Queen?

Fuck. That was funnier than mine.

WC is banned.



I was wondering if everybody could tell me how they make their Chicken Cacciatore

Train it to make a sound like a Queen?

Restaurants and kitchens, very very frightening
Cacciatore! Cacciatore! Cacciatore! Chicken-O


Cacciatore! Cacciatore! Cacciatore! Chicken-O

Mama Leone left a note on the door, she said “Sonny, move out to the country”


I was wondering if everybody could tell me how they make their Chicken Cacciatore

With a [PILE] poop, not a [SCOOP]!


Restaurants and kitchens, very very frightening
Cacciatore! Cacciatore! Cacciatore! Chicken-O

*sigh* If you can’t beat ’em…

Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia, Farfalle


Goddamn you, N__B!

Now I have this gag running through my head of Bing Crosby singing Bohemian Rhapsody!


Hey all you smartasses: Jokes and punnery never put nothin in my pot.



Hey all you smartasses: Jokes and punnery never put nothin in my pot.

Yea, but I get sometimes he got laid…


those inflated expectations have been lowered like a Thanksgiving Day parade float put back in the box

The inflated things are called BALLOONS. Floats are the decorated vehicles that drive the route. I know it confuses you, but they don’t actually float, and they don’t get put in boxes after.

And because I can never pass up a chance to link this…



I bet there’s a bustle in your hedgerow, too. Don’t be alarmed now!


they don’t get put in boxes after.

They do at Chez vs!




“The inflated things are called BALLOONS. Floats are the decorated vehicles that drive the route. I know it confuses you, but they don’t actually float, and they don’t get put in boxes after.”.

LOL! What a putz.


Featheryism is not furryism.

I’m into the Finnish


I’m into the Finnish



Reagan National Airport now has a new pigeon potty.


Someone’s going to have to explain this one to me:

Due to an editing error, yesterday’s edition of The Post incorrectly reported that Gov. Cuomo gave raises to his staff after he came into office, when, in fact, he reduced his salary and the pay of his top aides by 5 percent.

An editing error? What the fuck kind of editing can you possibly screw up so badly?


?’Killing In The Name Of’ -I co-authored this song. -Jenny Joelle ?. The nazi’s stole it, they stole it. They started saying I was a nazi when I wrote this song. Because no one is supposed to defy facism. “Fuck you/ I won’t do what you tell me” -I’m quoting myself. They even gave me rank, out of desperation. Tresse paysanne, mother lover.
“Now you do what they told you” …”And now you do what they told you.” … “and now you do what they told you.” … “and now you do what they told you.”…”Fuck you/ I won’t do what you tell me”…”Fuck you/ I won’t do what you tell me”…”Fuck you/ I won’t do what you tell me” -I quoted myself. I love listening to a song I love over and over.
Sincerely, Jenny Joelle (Tane Indira, Alethea Work)


There’s at least one editor who doesn’t know what “many” means. And is probably banking on readers not knowing how a median is calculated.


vacuumslayer said,

November 2, 2011 at 17:04

Thanks for the input, everybody. This actually helped, gave me a good place to start.

Wait, an audio question on a blog and all the answers didn’t involve DIY tube amps and horns? WTF kind of hipster liberals are you people. Your membership cards are all revoked.


WTF kind of hipster liberals are you people.

A mid-50s hipster who remembers what a pain in the ass swapping tubes was.


The median monthly rent for those living in apartments whose information is readily available is $1,850.

So they live in dingy rat-infested studios in the shittiest neighborhoods in town? Hardly “opulence”.


“kind of hipster liberals are you people?”

A lazy one. Also not hip.


Someone’s going to have to explain this one to me:

Due to an editing error, yesterday’s edition of The Post incorrectly reported that Gov. Cuomo gave raises to his staff after he came into office, when, in fact, he reduced his salary and the pay of his top aides by 5 percent.

An editing error? What the fuck kind of editing can you possibly screw up so badly?

OK, I’ll take a stab at it. This is pure guesswork:

1) WaPo reported originally that the staff got raises.
2) Cuomo or his handlers read this and went batshit because, even though it’s true for most of the staff, he cut his own pay and that of his top aides, and he wanted credit for that.
3) WaPo ran the correction to appease him.


There’s at least one editor who doesn’t know what “many” means. And is probably banking on readers not knowing how a median is calculated.

Ok, now I’m confused. Last week they were all DFHs and unemployed bums who were too lazy to get a job and this week they’re all rich frat boys who are just there for the beer. It’s getting really hard to keep up,=.


Oops. I meant NY Post just now, of course, not WaPo.


Oops. I meant NY Post just now, of course, not WaPo.

Ahhh, see, there’s the more likely source of the “error”….


When your friends and family beg you you to take your pills, that is evidence that they love you and want you to get better. That is not evidence that they are part of the conspiracy. If you hearing voices that other people can’t hear, that is a sign you need help. There is no conspiracy. The reactionary right can’t work together any better than the radical left.

I have heard that the percent chance of being able to keep a secret is the square of the number of people that know it. The scale of the conspiracies you persist in describing would take the effort of thousands of people. Napoleon himself said that it was important to never attribute anything to malice that could adequately be explained by incompetence.


Napoleon himself said that it was important to never attribute anything to malice that could adequately be explained by incompetence.

But what’s this got to do with chicken cacciatore?


Wait, an audio question on a blog and all the answers didn’t involve DIY tube amps and horns?

Thanks for the link OBS.

You’ve got a friend in GeekJesus.


It also reinforces the persistent critique of protesters as entitled, upper-class agitators with few legitimate grievances.</i?

1. Protest
2. Get arrested
3. ??????
4. Profit!


Due to an editing error, the previous post was all in italics. Perhaps I could get a job at NY Post.


Shorter The Daily Caller:

NEWSFLASH – MUST CREDIT DAILY CALLER – BREAKING – Housing costs are higher in NYC than in teh rest of America.


Why not just send in money for pizzas and write comments on snark blogs about how inspirational it all is instead?

Have you considered the ever so slim possibility that these people actually believe that economic disparity is a major problem for this country. Not all rich people are greedy pricks you know.


Moar self-refuting bullshite Pennis?

Northeastern limo liberals, huh? Occupy has been camping out in Zuccotti Park since September 19. Either these “limousine liberals” are pretty fucking dedicated to teh cause or they aren’t particularly representative of teh movement. Or both.


I don’t think you think that, either, because if you did, you’d be telling us how you got arrested. And you’d be encouraging everyone else here to go get arrested, too.

Pascal’s Wager was never a good argument.


And you’d be encouraging everyone else here to go get arrested, too.

I dunno about Thread Bear, but I’d liek to wholeheartedly support Pennis getting arrested.


Wow. The Daily Caller has found that among the nearly 1000 OWS arrestees they looked at, ten of them gave the address of a really nice house as their residence.

So that’s what, 1%?

Rings a bell somehow…





In addition Dennis

Sometimes I draw on the walls with my poopies. It makes Mommy cross.




DenDen, no one is interested in your words. Or anything else about you.


Occupy has been camping out in Zuccotti Park since September 19. Either these “limousine liberals” are pretty fucking dedicated to teh cause or they aren’t particularly representative of teh movement. Or both.

Or they’ve been living in apartments they’ve been sharing with people and then lost a job and had to move out.

But it wouldn’t occur to Tucker Carlson to investigate that bit, no sirree!


Dennis is angry because those kids are out there standing up for what they believe in, and he can’t even stand up to take a leak.


So, 99% of the 99% living in unremarkable circumstances is suddenly “news”?

Also, that in NY and its environs, the average house is more expensive than the national average? Who knew?


Occupy has been camping out in Zuccotti Park since September 19. Either these “limousine liberals” are pretty fucking dedicated to teh cause or they aren’t particularly representative of teh movement. Or both.

So which is it? Are we a bunch of elitist limousine liberals or a bunch of freeloading welfare queens?

If they can’t even keep their straw-men straight I’m not sure how they expect me to.


OK, questions:

1.) The first argument against the OWS was that they were dirty, smelly, mooching hippies. Now, they’re rich party kids? Which is it?
2.) If it’s the latter, wouldn’t that make them worthy of praise, not mockery, since, according to wingnut logic being rich makes you moral, productive and, oh yeah, apparently EVERY SINGLE RICH PERSON IN THE WORLD is a job creator?
3.) Are the protesters in Oakland rich party kids?
4.) Will the wingnuts ever get their stories straight?


If they can’t even keep their straw-men straight I’m not sure how they expect me to.

Scorecards! Gitcher scorecards hyear!


I could go with the most men

You heard it from his own mouth, folks!


So they live in dingy rat-infested studios in the shittiest neighborhoods in town? Hardly “opulence”.

I was laughing at that Daily Caller article. Median house price of $305,000!!! OMG! What’s that get you in New York, a time share on a parking spot?

Still, it misses teh whole point. Actually it reinforces teh message of teh 99. They are teh 99. Some of them are teh 93rd percentile. Because as regal and opulent a home they find – it pales before teh offensive lairs of teh top 1%. Teh top 1% really do have so much that it is beyond teh imaginings of Tucker’s inkPOOP-stained wretches.

Teh cutoff for teh 1% is around a third of a million a year. The net worth cutoff for teh 1% is seven figures, and teh first figure is only barely a “1”. Those half million dollar homes? You’d need to own three of them to have a chance at being considered top 1%. Those hated limousine liberal professional protesters? Pampered in their trust fund luxury? They are still part of teh 99. It’s only teh folks who have way moare wealth than that that are being targetted.


1.) The first argument against the OWS was that they were dirty, smelly, mooching hippies. Now, they’re rich party kids? Which is it?
2.) If it’s the latter, wouldn’t that make them worthy of praise, not mockery, since, according to wingnut logic being rich makes you moral, productive and, oh yeah, apparently EVERY SINGLE RICH PERSON IN THE WORLD is a job creator?
3.) Are the protesters in Oakland rich party kids?
4.) Will the wingnuts ever get their stories straight?

Also, 5) The protestors at OWS are apparently 27 year old men who missed protesting in the 60s and 70s in Selma who think this may be their last chance.



Median house price of $305,000!!! OMG! What’s that get you in New York, a time share on a parking spot?

A box in the Times Square subway station, actually.

But you get a view of your neighbor’s ass!


Ehhh, I think it’s a better one than TB’s for why these rich clowns are driving down to Zuccotti Park to get arrested. I could go with the most men living lives of quiet desperation reasoning, but I think there are a lot of guilt-ridden NE libs who wish

No, that really is a weak argument.


A brief survey of the literature reveals a recipe pretty similar to how I do it.



What do they believe in, actor?

They believe in democracy*

*some assembly required.

DenDen, no one cares about you and your shit. You blew off any goodwill months ago.


Let’s take a look at teh 1% again.

This graphic is particularly egregious. Looking at only teh growth in inequality teh 1% has made in teh past thirty years – they could buy one of those half million dollar homes EVERY FUCKING YEAR. In cash. And that’s just on teh EXTRA money they’re taking home – i.e. in addition to wev mansions they’d be normally buying.

Go and find teh most pampered and wealthy of teh OWS core and vilify them all you want – because odds are that they’re still part of teh 99. Teh 99 really is everybody. Everybody you know or meet or talk to. It’s not 99 out of 100 folks – because teh top 1% really do live in a whole different world.


When I got out of college–



No, No, DenDen! That Daily Caller article YOU cited mentioned the average age was 27 years old!

So unless they got their hands on Obama’s Magic Time Machine, they missed Selma by about, ooohhhhhhhh, 25 years or so!

Nice try, Dickhead.


Let’s take a look at teh 1% again.

Citing math to DenDen is like describing colours to a man blind since birth.


*Ahem* me if necessary, but this takedown needs to be reposted.


The only part that I am saying that is your fault is that you want to work in that same system that every cell in your body screams out its hatred for.

No, asshole, what I want to do is join Starfleet, but guess what? We all have to live in fucking reality, genius.


No, asshole, what I want to do is join Starfleet, but guess what? We all have to live in fucking reality, genius

*polite golf clap*

NIIIIcely played, sir!



All DenDen knows about life, he learned in Angry Birds

In addition Dennis

I appear to be approximately 50-ish, since I was fresh out of college at the beginning of St. Ronald’s exalted reign. I still live in Mommy’s basement annoying people on snark blogs because I got laid off from McDonald’s.


DenBob brings to mind a Thomas Paine aphorism: To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.’


No, asshole, what I want to do is join Starfleet, but guess what? We all have to live in fucking reality, genius.

My luck, I’d join Starfleet and they’d hand me a red shirt.


Then why are they yelling and screaming at bank tellers and branch managers

Are they?


I still live in Mommy’s basement annoying people on snark blogs because I got laid off from McDonald’s.

That explains why you’re so “sympathetic” to bank tellers, DenDen. They’re YOUR 1%!


My luck, I’d join Starfleet and they’d hand me a red shirt.

Yea, but you’d get officer’s pips if you avoid annihilation on your first mission.


DenBob brings to mind a Thomas Paine aphorism

He’s not dead. He’s only cold because of the assless chaps.


By the way, how come we’re not talking about the four old white redneck terrorists?

Send to Gitmo!


Okay Pennis, let’s try this again.

When you graduated college teh unemployment rate was in teh 9% range, but no one was protesting Carter’s last years in office. Guess what? At teh same point in time in this recession – i.e. after a full year of near double digit unemployment – no one was protesting. It’s only as we’re closing in on teh second fucking anniversary of >9% unemployment that folks are goint to teh streets.

You had college loans? You know what teh average debt load of a college graduate is today? It’s over 20K – what was yours? Also too, average salary for college grads is declining like mad.

You know what Pennis? You are part of teh 99, although you may have met people who made their way to teh top 1%. That’s not happening any moar. Teh gulf between 98th percentile and 99th percentile has just gotten bigger and bigger and bigger – let alone what’s happening to teh folks making less than six figures a year. If you were graduating college now, you would not only be part of teh 99, but so would your entire graduating class. And everyone they knew too. And none of them would have a chance at breaking that barrier.

All those dirty lazy kids hanging out liek bums in teh park? They were told to work hard and stay in school and things will be okay for them. They worked hard, they stayed in school. All they have to show for it is crushing debt loads. Social mobility is at an all-time low. Teh folks at teh top are there because they cheated – and they’re cheating still – and their primary goal is to stay at teh top, while everyone else remains merely everyone else.

Seriously, teh prospects for everyone not born to one of teh ultra elite families is worse now than it was thirty years ago when you finished school. Everyone except teh 1%. How is that something you can defend?


OK, more questions:

Now, let’s say for arguments sake that there are rich people down there protesting. They would either be there because:

1.) They genuinely believe in the cause or
2.) They’re just spoiled kids doing it for a larf

Now if you believe 2, to discredit the OWS movement, you’d have to believe that a sizable portion of said movement is made up of rich brats. Do you REALLY think that’s true? Because if you do, there’s a wingnut named “Zombie” who disagrees with you. He’s implying that the OWSers are all freaks and drug addicts did some awesome (totally not biased) photojournalism to prove his point.

Whether you acknowledge that rich folks are down there or not, it DOES NOT HELP YOUR ARGUMENT.

Of course if you believe 1 is the case, you have to give me a good reason why wealthy people are excluded from caring about those who less so.


I can’t imagine why protesters would protest at the branch of a bank that has boned so many Americans. Clearly they should move their protest to lawns of mansions in the gated communities where the presidents and CEO’s of banks live. Clearly the presidents and CEO’s of the most reviled industry in America will allow them a full unprejudiced hearing and immediately do everything they can to redress the unfairness in the American economy today.

Or just maybe, they might not. They just might turn up the stereo and drown out the noise of riot police clearing the rabble, if they are even at home and not living it up on vacation. Just maybe the protesters thought they might talk to someone who had to listen. Maybe the protesters thought they might take some action to show their displeasure in a tangible fashion. Perhaps they thought of a way to draw attention to the way a certain company or two is not really working to the benefit of its depositors and decided they did not want to do business with a company that’s business practices could show the local loansharks a thing or two about heartlessness.


How is that something you can defend?

Because! You know! He’s an idiot!


Really DK-W? Then why are they yelling and screaming at bank tellers and branch managers and calling them the 1%? Why are they being targeted when they make less than you do as a teacher?

Who fucking cares?

Really Pennis. Who. Fucking. Cares?

OWS has a point. It is irrefutable. Maybe some of them are making it badly – although teh folks at Zuccotti Park most definitely are not. You want to be upset about teh handful of misbehaved jerks that Faux News thinks are teh entirety of teh movement, go right ahead. It is after all, incredibly stupid and completely off teh mark – which is par for teh course for you.

Srsly d00d – it is not a case of “everyone associated with OWS is a saint”. That’s your type of “with us or with teh terrorists” type of thinking. But teh movement has very valid greivances. Because teh system is so very fucked up.


Clearly they should move their protest to lawns of mansions in the gated communities where the presidents and CEO’s of banks live.

First, you have to figure out which one of their homes.

PROTIP: If your candidate can’t immediately answer “one” to the question “How many homes do you own?” they aren’t like you or anyone else you know.


Never helping your community is helping your community.

Poor Stossel, his mustache will never achieve the level of understanding that Friedman’s mustache has… he’ll forever be the Mustache of Almost Grasping the Point.


he’ll forever be the Mustache of Almost Grasping the Point

Stossel? “Almost”? He’s more the Joseph Farah “Point? What point? There was a point?” mustache.


Poor Stossel, his mustache will never achieve the level of understanding that Friedman’s mustache has… he’ll forever be the Mustache of Almost Grasping the Point.

Those two mustaches should get together to form a radically centrist mustache.


I agree with that logic–



Dennis is the pubic crab in Stossel’s mustache, on loan from Ann Coulter’s lady garden.


Any recommendations?
Two parakeets.

The same amount of money would buy you a real keet.


In the past three years, a ten percent drop in real income for the 99%ers


Two parakeets.

The same amount of money would buy you a real keet.

Do two parakeet beat three of a kind? I can never keep that straight.


Let’s put this another way –

Even if we accept Pennis’ fictional protesters – the ones who have as their only goal, increasing teh suffering of bank tellers who are barely making a livable wage. THAT is what offends him. OMG, teh poor bank tellers and branch managers! How awful for them!

Where is your fucking sense of perspective? Teh assholes of teh 1% are grabbing moar and moar of teh pie – not because they want or need it. They have so fucking much wealth that they could not hope to spend it all. They are doing it because for them IT IS ALL A FUCKING GAME.

They work to add another million to their already nine figure net worths – just for teh sake of it. They aren’t investing that money or creating jobs with it – they are using it as a part of their penis-measuring contest with teh other 1%ers.

All of this as we approach a third year of > 9% unemployment rates. While tens of millions of people are without health insurance. While teh foreclosure rates are so fucking high that banks own roughly teh same share of housing as they did during teh Depression.

And yet for teh people who are complaining about this historic inequality – all Pennis has is contempt. “Buy them another pizza.”



To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

For that latter purpose, I call your attention to the rectal-smoke-upblower kit.


Two parakeets.

Damn Cult of Set ain’t what it used to be.


UR still on that Gawker-glibertarian thing?

Let me see if I understand your complaint. You are saying that I misrepresented libertarians by connecting the ideology with the notions presented by some random dude in a Gawker comment thread. That’s your complaint right?


I call your attention to the rectal-smoke-upblower kit.

I’ll need to buy a couple for my toadies, minions and flunkies. Also my yes-men.


If you’re writing that, by definition you’re certainly not thinking it.

Funny dictionary you get there, DenDen.


Because teh “pet peeve” I have – teh unfair accusation I level at glibertarians is that they claim that government should get out of providing any social safety net since private charities can take up teh slack.

Because for you to have any point at all, that accusation has to be false. That glibertarians don’t actually believe that private charities should be doing all those things so that we cn have smaller goverment and tax cuts.


Two parakeets.

Damn Cult of Set ain’t what it used to be.

That’s more two pair-a-teats.


I can never keep that straight.

My flush beats your straight anyway.





I can never keep that straight.

My flush beats your straight anyway.

D’oh! I guess I walked right into that club.


VS, My harman kardon speakers are a bit older. They’re boxy and have 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 foot print each. The ones in this picture are smaller and cooler, and if my speakers ever die, I’m going to get those super cool little speakers. I’ve had these speakers for about eight years and they don’t appear to be dying. Or if I have a lot of money, all of a sudden, I’m getting those super cool little speakers for my desk and hooking the boxy ones up to my new flat screen.

Marion in Savannah

Those two mustaches should get together to form a radically centrist mustache.

You know who else had a radical centrist moustache….


Stossel link: “Almost all economists say it’s nonsense,” he said. “And the reason is: We should buy things where they’re cheapest. That frees up more of our resources to buy other things, and other Americans get jobs producing those things.”

So if I only buy cheap Chinese crap, I can afford to buy more expensive American made stuff I don’t ever buy? Wow, “almost all economists” are idiots.


You know who else had a radical centrist moustache….

Charlie Chaplin?


D’oh! I guess I walked right into that club.

Fell for it in spades.


Fine asshole. Forget about random Gawker thread glibertarian, here’s your actual asshole glibertarians:

Instead of “reforming” failed programs, we should eliminate the entire social welfare system for individuals able to work. That means eliminating not just AFDC but also food stamps, subsidized housing, and all the rest. Individuals unwilling to support themselves through the job market should have to fall back on the resources of family, church, community, or private charity.


If we did this right–including a massive slashing of taxes for the rich and middle class–we’d see private dollars take care of the deserving poor after the bums have been forced to work or starve.


The Libertarian Party offers a positive alternative to the failed welfare state. We offer a vision of a society based on work, individual responsibility, and private charity.


Where is your fucking sense of perspective? Teh assholes of teh 1% are grabbing moar and moar of teh pie

As I’ve said before, if those awful poors are the ones freeloading and taking all the monies, how come they’re fucking poor? No, it’s the top few sucking the marrow from the fractured bones of America who are taking all the money.

Or, as Mr. Snicket said,

3. Money is like a child—rarely unaccompanied. When it disappears, look to those who were supposed to be keeping an eye on it while you were at the grocery store. You might also look for someone who has a lot of extra children sitting around, with long, suspicious explanations for how they got there.





on that note,



The Libertarian Party offers a positive alternative to the failed welfare state. We offer a vision of a society based on work, individual responsibility, and private charity.

Right, because that’s never been tried and failed. Jesus, I almost hope every one of those assholes gets automated out of a job, but I don’t suppose that would change anything because their inability to find work or enough private charity to survive would obviously be different.


D’oh! I guess I walked right into that club.

Fell for it in spades.

You can be really heartless.


We offer a vision of a society based on work, individual responsibility, and private charity.

Of course you also have Ayn Rand arguing that altruism and charity were bad things, unless you got your jollies at the spectacle of poor people abasing themselves for coins in which case it was beneficial.


Why does Terry Pujols need $30mm a year? Why aren’t the OWSers protesting A-Rod and the big piece of that same pie.

They’re protesting the even richer assholes who pay them that, shithead.

Jesus fucking Christ DenDen, you’re embarrassingly stoopid!


The Libertarian Party offers a positive alternative to the failed welfare state. We offer a vision of a society based on work, individual responsibility, and private charity.

Because Arbeit Macht Frei.


Holy crap, these are amazing-looking. Like something out of a sci-fi movie.

$1k, yowtch.

Looks like the same driver as my crappy Logitech, too.

But yeah, the housing is pretty slick.

Logitech makes a really small 2.1 deal for dirt cheap. I have the next bigger ones, and they sound ok, but the sub is probably too big for you with those. I also have a pair of Altecs that are discontinued, but sound pretty good for not having a sub. I’d bet they have a direct successor that behaves about the same.



Ever think about wireless speakers?

How about an iTunesable radio?

This way, you could move the whole kit off the counter and put them anyplace you wanted


You guys pick out weird comments from anonymous freaks and discuss them at length as if they were the speakers for conservatism and glibertarianism, when most of the time they’re no different than Cerberus casually journalling her thoughts at the end of the day here.

You may wish to read this.


Shorter DenDen:



Okay Pennis. Here’s what I said that apparently so offended you:

Glibertarian roasting in teh comments. Mentioning it because he brings up one of my personal peeves about Glibertarians.

Yeah, I used that one guy to springboard into a criticism of libertarianism – that is true. My criticism of them was that they argue that private charites can and should replace government in providing social services. THAT IS FUCKING TRUE. I WAS CRITICISING LIBERTARIANS FOR THINGS THEY PROFESS TO BELIEVE!!!

It’s not controversial. Fuck.


If anything, Gawker thread d00d is actually less offensive about private charities taking over than most glibertarians – a possibility I concede in that original comment.

Not to say that this particularly glibertarian is racist. Maybe he only hates teh Ghey instead. Then again, maybe he has hate enough to spare.


My Altec Lansing setup looks like this, but is just two satellites and a sub. Older, but it rawks the haus.


You guys pick out weird comments from anonymous freaks and discuss them at length as if they were the speakers for conservatism and glibertarianism, when most of the time they’re no different than Cerberus casually journalling her thoughts at the end of the day here.

You know, people like Rush and Beck started out as “anonymous freaks,” and look at them now!*

*(They’re still freaks; but with cash)


Yeah, it’s really unfair of you guys to pay attention to what people actually say.


Show me one OWS sign or one hippie protesting baseball owners

Sometimes The Set of All Rich People includes All Rich People. Crazy I know.


Hey DenBob! I’m having mushroom soup. Whole Paycheck had chanterelles for $4.99 / lb (!) so I snagged a huge-ass boatload. Also some criminis and shiitakes too just because I goddamn could. Coarsely chop those motherfuckers, saving some of the crimini for slicing to be added later. Saute over medium high in butter until they start to brown. Add a couple-three finely sliced leeks (white parts only) and cook until soft. Strip the leaves from a number of thyme sprigs and toss em in dat shit. Give it a good grinding of black pepper and add a few tankers-ful of veggie broth. Simmer for a while. Thicken with beurre manie, dose with some cream and correct seasoning.

I made a huge batch the other day and am now having the last bowl with a crusty roll slathered with Irish butter. OM NOM NOM.

FWIW, last night i made chicken fried steak. That’s right, chicken fucking fried fucking steak. White gravy, mashed potate, steamed broccoloccoloccoli. Yum.

Now suck my cock.


Show me one OWS sign or one hippie protesting baseball owners or the outrageous prices they charge to go to a game these days, actor.

Show me one ball player who fired one of the OWSers, dimwit.


Society’s biggest problem is baseball players gambling with people’s retirement money to buy worthless mortgage-backed securities. Yes, it’s time we come clean about this.


Sometimes The Set of All Rich People includes All Rich People. Crazy I know.

Somoene did a study of who makes up the one percent.

Surprisingly, actors and other “celebrities” (because I refuse to be associated with the Kardashians) were the numerically largest group, followed by athletes, then I think doctors, lawyers, then bankers.

Dollar-wise, however, you can pretty much reverse that pecking* order.

OWS is in the right space and protesting the right people.



Well, I’m using those idiots who think it’s cool to put bank tellers, branch managers and all their customers in harms way by putting on masks and zombie costumes and parading around in bank lobbies

Had I known that this was how you put people in jeopardy I would never have let my zombie daughter parade with her zombie Barbie in the Zombie Walk.



Yes, I said it! And the world is ending!


Show me one OWS sign or one hippie protesting baseball owners or the outrageous prices they charge to go to a game these days, actor.

That is simultaneously one of the reddest herrings and speediest goalposts I have ever seen. No one fucking cares about baseball ticket prices. They are a symptom of exactly what OWS is protesting. Namely if the bottom 99% of wages had risen with the 1% for the last thirty years, the average employed person could still easily afford season tickets at current prices.


By the way, if you want a really good look at the One Percent, check out this film, made by a scion of the “Johnson & Johnson” family

He also blogs alongside James Wolcott at Vanity Fair. Same name to the column.


bank tellers, branch managers and all their customers in harms way by putting on masks and zombie costumes and parading around in bank lobbies



put bank tellers, branch managers and all their customers in harms way by putting on masks and zombie costumes and parading around in bank lobbies



Fuck you actor, and not in the nice way like you used to beg me for.



They were also vandalizing. With sticky notes!


Okay Pennis.

We can agree that bank tellers should not be harassed. I can concede that point. I still haven’t seen any actual evidence that there exists any protesters who actually think what you’ve attributed to them but wev.

Harassing teh little guy, teh wage slave to teh Big Bank – not cool. Those little guys are indeed part of teh 99.

As for putting them in harm’s way? That’s not teh protesters. Your one story is about some guy that stuck a sticker on a window. Teh cop over-reaction included teh detaining and arresting a BoA customer who wanted to close her account. If there’s lunacy there, it’s not teh protestors that are displaying it.

As to why I’m not in New York getting arrested – it’s because I’m chickenshit. I’ll admit it. I do not rate for tear gas or “less-than-lethal” crowd control techniques. I started pretty soft and have gotten softer as I age. If you’re looking for Internet Tough Guy, well that ain’t me.

So Pennis, why aren’t you down in Manhattan patrolling teh banks to keep teh branch managers safe?


DenDen has a point: we probably didn’t alert the authorities to those clowns wearing tri-corner hats and colonial uniforms. Those folks carried muskets in the day! They were trying to overthrow the American system!


Fuck you actor, and not in the nice way like you used to beg me for.

You’ll come around.


Gee….aren’t tellers behind these big thick glass partitions now?

I know nearly every bank on Wall Street uses those, except maybe Amalgamated but then Amalgamated started as a union-sponsored bank so the robbers stayed away since they were the good guys.


Go bone up a little about bank branch security, actor.

Really? You mean tellers behind three inch thick bulletproof glass were in danger from costumes and make up?????

Can I borrow your drugs?


Somoene did a study of who makes up the one percent.

Your study.

Arts and entertainment rates pretty low at about 2%.

Teh top 4 jobs are Executives (non-finance), Doctors, Lawyers, Executives (finance) making up around 2/3.


“FWIW, last night i made chicken fried steak. That’s right, chicken fucking fried fucking steak. White gravy, mashed potate, steamed broccoloccoloccoli. Yum.

Now suck my cock.”



Arts and entertainment rates pretty low at about 2%.

Yes, but they rated tops in the number of people who wer ein the one percent, according to the study I saw the other day.





Go bone up a little about bank branch security, actor.


I got it! The protestors held a fart-in!


Dennis evidently still has butthurt about zombie-dressed Hallowe’en reveller leaving blood-stains red sticky smears inna bank foyer, whom Dennis has assumed on the basis of telepathic insight to be an OWS protester “mad at derivatives traders”.

I am personally more concerned with straw men harrassing the bank tellers.


Go bone up a little about bank branch security, actor. You’ve obviously watched Dog Day Afternoon too many times and you probably think John Dillinger was a pretty cool guy.

We get it really. Enough is enough. We realize there is no depth to which you won’t stoop, no lie too facile, no statement too mendacious, in your effort to keep thinking you are on the side of the angels, and everyone who disagrees with you is clearly a bolshevik.

Shouldn’t you be off somewhere ignoring the homeless, or cheering on a collection agency? Just remember to look surprised when you get your ass downsized. Pretend no one ever told you it would be like this when you can’t get a job. Act shocked when your house gets foreclosed.




I am personally more concerned with straw men harrassing the bank tellers.

And their little dogs, too!








straw men harrassing the bank tellers.

Don’t be afraid, smut.


OH, FUCK YOU, ACTOR!!!! If Ahem me I’ll cut your throat.


OH, FUCK YOU, ACTOR!!!! If Ahem me I’ll cut your throat.

You’re lucky I have a pot of water boiling.




OH, FUCK YOU, ACTOR!!!! If Ahem me I’ll cut your throat.

Was I possessed by tsam for a moment? I meant “Damn you and your fast fingers!”


Dennis also said,

November 2, 2011 at 22:38 (kill)


Stop the presses!!!


Why does Terry Pujols need $30mm a year? Why aren’t the OWSers protesting A-Rod and the big piece of that same pie.
Show me one OWS sign or one hippie protesting baseball owners or the outrageous prices they charge to go to a game these days, actor.

As far as I can tell, Dennis wants to tar the OWS movement with the brush of “politics of envy” but he can’t be arsed finding evidence, so he has pulled a Goldberg and asked actor212 to conduct the research for him.


So. How ’bout that bowtie and WWIII?


Was I possessed by tsam for a moment? I meant “Damn you and your fast fingers!”

You are always possessed by tsam.


I’m saying there are reasons why a crowd can’t just loiter in a bank branch or lobby, and contrary to actor’s idiot non-point, not all tellers sit in perfect safety behind 3 inch bullet-proof glass.

And to rebut your idiotic rebuttal…on Wall Street, they do, and I defy you to find one, just one, branch of a major commercial bank down there where the tellers are NOT behind glass partitions from the counter to the ceiling.

Go on. I can wait.


Had I known that this was how you put people in jeopardy I would never have let my zombie daughter parade with her zombie Barbie in the Zombie Walk.

I’m just gonna come right out and say it: LITTLE MCGRAVITAS IS A MENACE TO BANKERS SOCIETY!


As far as I can tell, Dennis wants to tar the OWS movement with the brush of “politics of envy” but he can’t be arsed finding evidence, so he has pulled a Goldberg and asked actor212 to conduct the research for him.

Pretty much.

Plus, what DenDen forgets is that ballplayers salaries are paid by our disposable discretionary income, whereas bankstahs make their money off holding, then losing, our hard-earned money and mortgages.


the guard has far less control and he has no idea if the guy dressed up as a zombie is a harmless OWS DFH or some guy who wants to rob the place

Equally true, of course, of people not dressed as zombies.
I think we can all agree that banks would run much more smoothly if people just gave them their money and never entered a bank foyer again.


Wait. You mean that because people dressed up as zombies and walked into a bank, that put the staff there in danger? Because they were dressed funny?

What. The. Fuck? Because in your crazy fantasy land some security guard loses his shit over zombie cosplay and shoots everyone?

If crazy ass security guards shoot up teh place because they are stupid idiots like you – that’s not teh fake zombie’s fault. Fuck. They weren’t bank robbers. They weren’t armed. Teh only people in danger is basically you because I can’t understand how someone so stupid can continue to breathe on their own.


I think we can all agree that banks would run much more smoothly if people just gave them their money and never entered a bank foyer again.

“Welcome to Megabank. Leave your money and get out.”


Must suck being a bank guard in Alaska. Everyone’s wearing a ski mask.


I’m not at OWS because Soros hasn’t paid for my airfare…yet. Meanwhile ACORN is there holding down the fort – god bless ’em!


You mean that because people dressed up as zombies and walked into a bank, that put the staff there in danger? Because they were dressed funny?

You may not know this, but Halloween is an American bank holiday. So is Easter, Christmas, any wedding day, days where the local school holds its annual pageant, and to grandmothers who smeared too much pancake make up on.

All, you know, to protect the tellers.


OMG! Pennis is putting all of us at risk! What if some cop thinks he’s a super evil criminal mastermind and ultra terrorist! They don’t all dress liek bin Laden you know! Then maybe teh CIA black ops d00ds are going to hunt us all down for talking to him! OMG! It’s all Pennis’ fault if we get extraordinarily rendered to Syria or something!


Dennis is like a Baptist with his Rentboys. Just cannot get ENOUGH of it.


FWIW, last night i made chicken fried steak.

So how did you teach the chicken to fry a steak?


So how did you teach the chicken to fry a steak?

They learn on their own, and pretty quick too… if you take hostages.


So how did you teach the chicken to fry a steak?

By roti.


They learn on their own, and pretty quick too… if you take hostages.

You fry that there steak or the eggs are poached!


Only an idiot like Dennis would get shot dead pressing an alarm button trying to save money that’s not his and is fully insured against theft anyway.


By roti.

Oh Pluck U…


By roti.

I thought ghoti was fish.


So how did you teach the chicken to fry a steak?

Well, if you can teach them to catch a Tory…


Well, if you can teach them to catch a Tory…

She told a funny!

Holy shit! Is the world ending???


I made it an offer it couldn’t refuse. “Either fry the steak or there’ll be steak fried chicken on the menu.” Worked a charm.


Only an idiot like Dennis would get shot dead pressing an alarm button trying to save money that’s not his and is fully insured against theft anyway.

Dennis is dumb enough to get shot trying to save 15% on his car insurance.


Dennis is dumb enough to get shot trying to save 15% on his car insurance.

Boy, that gekko is getting tough.


“Holy shit! Is the world ending???”

Kill file engage!


If we did this right–including a massive slashing of taxes for the rich and middle class–we’d see private dollars take care of the deserving poor after the bums have been forced to work or starve.

I’m sure that my 96 year old grandma could do phone work like customer service or selling credit cards to people who have declared bankruptcy. To think that that woman who had to turn down a full Fulbright scholarship to study art in NYC because her father didn’t approve, who raised five children as a single woman working as a newspaper and typesetter in three cities in the fifties and early sixties, who did such a great job of making and ironing all our clothes that everybody asked her who her “nigger lady” was and couldn’t believe she did it all herself, who took care of me and my cousin and saw my cousin through a degree in Chemistry and a degree in Library science, who took care of my cousin’s children while she got those degrees, who has made hundreds of quilts and the best homemade noodles you’ve ever had, who is so in need of caring that she has never been without a coddled pet, who always had a garden, who was so independent that she didn’t want to use a shower chair because she was afraid she might become “dependent” on it—this women needs to get a fucking job and find something better to do than laze about the nursing home where she’s been staying since she tripped over her dog (she denies this because she can’t bear the thought of anyone being angry with her dog). I’m going to call my grandma right now, and ask her what the hell is wrong with her parasitic ass.


Snarking at rightwing blogsters who post on rightwing blogs that hold themselves out as representing the Right is totes the same as pointing at “some d00d” and saying he’s a representative of an entire movement.


I’m going to call my grandma right now, and ask her what the hell is wrong with her parasitic ass.

Don’t forget to cut off her dog food and make her starve, too.


Snarking at rightwing blogsters who post on rightwing blogs that hold themselves out as representing the Right is totes the same as pointing at “some d00d” and saying he’s a representative of an entire movement.

Sasquatch Isreal.


I thought ghoti was fish.

Only if you use the received pronunciation.


DenDen has a point

but if he arranges his hair carefully you can hardly see it.


I think we can all agree that banks would run much more smoothly if people just gave them their money and never entered a bank foyer again.

I think that’s called “Internet banking.”


but if he arranges his hair carefully you can hardly see it.

And here I though that was his Gandolf costume.


And here I though that was his Gandolf costume

The grey is accumulated flop sweat.


We need more grandmas in the Wolverines!


Where’s DenDen? I want to mock him more over the “assault with a deadly Stickie” thing…




Defend your Second Amendment rights against the stickie grabbers! If stickies are outlawed only outlaws will have stickies!


Wow, so you’re saying all bank personnel are in perfect safety from bank robbers all day long, every day because there’s are glass partitions protecting them from all harm.

No, I’m saying you”re a fucking idiot.


Wow, so you’re saying […]

No. No, he was not. Another strawman goes up in flames.


Defend your Second Amendment rights against the stickie grabbers! If stickies are outlawed only outlaws will have stickies!

You can have my stickies when you can pry them out of my cold dead hands.

Also, my tape dispenser. Also.


Careful with those stickies, DenDen! They might be loaded!


Idiotic troll is idiotic.

Yeah, if you’re not a bunch of hypocrites then why DON’T you stupid libs protest A-Rod & Kobe falsely foreclosing on all those mortgages? Oh, wait.

Plus tellers are at dire risk from people in funny outfits with signs, red paint &/or Post-It Notes!



Plus tellers are at dire risk from people in funny outfits with signs, red paint &/or Post-It Notes!

That there is some fancy talkin’ yer doin’ that there Post-It Notes…why cain’t you say Stickie? Aintchew Murican?


Maybe if we gave the tellers enough stickies to wrap themselves up in, they wouldn’t need those big ol’ glass partitions to protect them from bank robbin’ zombies with magic markers?


twenty people parading around acting like idiots is a definite security risk.

I’ll be sure to call the DHS when your relatives come over for Thanksgiving.


This seems to echo DenBob’s approach. The way to keep the bankstas from stealing your money is to not have any for them to steal!

DenDen's little voice

We know you’re not coming here for the hunting if you know what I mean and I think you do. You have established that your debate skills count heavily on lies, red herrings, straw men and deliberately missing the point. Are you that thirsty for abuse? Are you a patent medicine salesman? An investment banker? A mortgage broker? A University of Chicago economist? Do you need other people for other people to tell you what a fraud you are because your customers and co-workers are too gullible to see through you? Does the guilt at being a charlatan and a terrible human being eat at you? Are you losing sleep? Are you gaining weight? Are you turning to drugs and alcohol and anonymous gay sex at truck stops? Is the strain showing at work? Does your wife notice? Are you dropping the ball at work? At home? In bed? Do you need a rest? A break? Are the voices getting louder? Harder to ignore? What are you going to do about it?


If there’s anyone who deserves to walk into a bank in costume and get shot, it’s these assholes.




Plus tellers are at dire risk from people in funny outfits with signs, red paint &/or Post-It Notes!

Imagine the disruption possible with an entire costume MADE OF pos-tit notes!!

Dodgy Bob the Bank Robber

Ooooh, protesters trailing cops and cameras, what a fine time to rob a bank.


When you find a judge who’s sympathetic to that kind of an excuse for a protester as to why he shouldn’t have been arrested

Key assumption seeks like-minded evidentiary basis.


I’m guessing you’d pretty much think

We know, you keep guessing. Try thinking for a change there, DenBob.


Perhaps you’d with the same fate for the assholes who did this a few Halloweens ago, Bitter, but I kinda doubt it.

I prefer the same fate for assholes who constantly spout non-sequiturs.


I’ll just leave this here for possible future use by Tintin.


That settles that. DenBob is definitely an assumed persona. No one could be that st00pid™ yet be alive.


For DenDen these DFHs going into the marble- lined bank lobby and defiling it with their costumes and snarky sticky notes is like heathens looting a cathedral and taking a dump in the holy water. He’s nothing if not devoted to his gods Croesus and Mammon.


Why do you think they were arrested ..

Love the old “since they were arrested they must have been doing something wrong” trope. I’m just saying.


Ooooh, protesters trailing cops and cameras, what a fine time to rob a bank.

I larfed, I did. Audibly.

Dodgy Bob the Bank Robber

And what a huge PR move for the banks, too, at a tough time for them.

You made a funny!


Oh for FSM’s sake people, the dancing badgers don’t do any good when you leave mangoes covered in Dennis poop all over the rest of the thread. Ick.

And as the feces-covered snippets of “thought” of his show, Dennis has no original ideas, or even a point. All he wants to do is fight straw men and keep you all occupied (see what I did there?).

And also, too: I thought it was banned? WTF happened?


Pay twenty or so hippies $6.50 an hour to do whatever, post stickies on the counter and act like zombies, whatever, and keep robbers away forever.

$50 bucks and I won’t puck all over your pretty glass doors again today.


And also, too: I thought it was banned? WTF happened?

Nobody can be banned from anywhere on the net except temporarily. While our hosts are busy puffing away in the opium dens of the Far East you’ll have to live with it.


I’ll just leave this here for possible future use by Tintin.

I haz a nightmare.


You can have my stickies when you can pry them out of my cold dead hands.



I’ll just leave this here for possible future use by Tintin.

I haz a nightmare.


Looks like I missed lots of fun or,er, something. Glad I got something done in the real world, even walking miles up and down ladders laden with air tools and shakes is more fun than arguing with Dennis, if that is his real name.

Dennis, over and over again,

Y’know, stuff that could happen could happen. Possibly. AmIrite??


Nobody can be banned from anywhere on the net except temporarily. While our hosts are busy puffing away in the opium dens of the Far East you’ll have to live with it.

Yeah, and since the banned thing knows it’s banned, it had to work to actively circumvent the ban. It takes a particularly fucked-up type of creature to feel so self important as to actually have to work to force its unwanted presence on others.

Shorter me: trolls are stupid and hideous creatures.


Yes, Dennis was gone for awhile, but then a sewer line got backed up, and bloop, he came bobbing up to the surface again. An unsuccessful sewercide.


Unrelated: There’s a new record for World’s Highest Airship.



How the fuck does it work!?!


Plus tellers are at dire risk from people in funny outfits with signs, red paint &/or Post-It Notes!

It would have been much better if they were Real Americans exercising their Second Amendment rights.


Don’t forget to cut off her dog food and make her starve, too.

Capital idea! The invisible hand holds carrots and sticks. She and the dog could also be given treats, so long as they’ve earned them by pushing at least half of the value of her work uphill so that the 1% can remain the 1% and have the disposable income necessary to purchase an NFL team or a small third world country where many small hands make light the making of textiles, clothing, and shoes.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Unrelated: There’s a new record for World’s Highest Airship.


The “Tandem” craft is intended to demonstrate the first stage of radical plans which would see enormous, permanently inhabited “Dark Sky Stations” floating high in the atmosphere at the edge of space

So, who’s gonna be the first Rand-worshipper to propose “airsteading”?

Although… Bioshock 3: Atmospheric Boogaloo would kick ass…


This over at crooksandliars is depressing.

Luckily no matter what happens, the 1% will still be able to buy an iPad2 covered in gold, diamonds and crushed T-Rex fossils.


So, who’s gonna be the first Rand-worshipper to propose “airsteading”?

Bob Shaw novel — “The Shadow of Heaven”.


Derbyshire wonders if there is such a thing as “Sexual harrassment”.

Is there anyone who thinks sexual harassment is a real thing? Is there anyone who doesn’t know it’s all a lawyers’ ramp, like “racial discrimination“? You pay a girl a compliment nowadays, she runs off and gets lawyered up. Is this any way to live?

Of course he stole that from the NY Post, who outright claim that it’s mostly all lies, trying to keep a good man down and whatnot:

Maybe Cain did harass some employees. But the dirty little secret among lawyers that defend business people from lawsuits — and among those lawyers who bring them — is that an enormous percentage of such claims are frivolous, if not flat-out lies.

This, of course, appears right next to a spectacularly tantalizing invitation to view bikini and lingerie models printed by this same rag.


“Dark Sky Station” is a cool name!

I’m so there if this ever gets finished!


Badass comment from this NY Post … thing:

This is simply a witch hunt. The left HATES Cain. Cain is NOT speaking or acting like an Obama black boy. According to Demoncrappers, it is perfectly fine to send pictures of your weiner around to underage girls. Ask Anthony Weiner. BUT when you have a black man running for President and he’s CONSERVATIVE, FACTS don’t matter. He’s guilty and another womanizer like Bill Clinton or the Breck girl, Jonathon Edwards – OOPS, I forgot. Dmoncrappers have no moral values and that is okay. Because Cain is a REPUBLICAN, then he lust be vilified and the LEFT becomes a mob of extreme Puritans. Never mind that LIBERALS and Demoncrappers are the exact OPPOSITE of EXTREME Puritans.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

When Cain’s history of harassment inevitably comes out, who’ll be the first rightie to blame Clinton for Cain’s sexual peccadilloes?


Because Cain is a REPUBLICAN, then he lust be vilified and the LEFT becomes a mob of extreme Puritans.

Even crazy communist libertines know that “hey, suck my dick because I’m the boss” is a smidge over the line.


Even crazy communist libertines know that “hey, suck my dick because I’m the boss” is a smidge over the line.

Oh. Uh, YEAH. I totally knew that already.


Oooh, Demoncrappers! That’s so clever!

I saw an item today, can’t be arsed to look it up, wherein Perry’s pollster claims that when he was the pollster for the NRA (the Cain org., not the Chucky cold dead hands one) he witnessed Cain sexually harassing women. Even cited a particular instance at a DC restaurant. (para)Quoth he, “everyone knew this was coming.” I wonder if he was the one that tipped Roverer.


This is what caught my attention:

Obama black boy

I don’t know what that is, but I DO NOT LIKE IT.

Also this:

Ask Anthony Weiner

I tried to ask him, but I can’t find him since he lost his job.


It absolutely cracks me up that these people thing that the Democrats had something to do with this Cain thing. Right, cap’n crazybread takes a lead in the polls over Willard, and the Dems crap themselves. Sure. And then they leak something to “Politico” of all places. Are you fucking kidding me?

Like the Dems wouldn’t love to have the pizza guy as the nominee. A head-to-head between Obama and Cain would be hilarious to watch. Popcorn sales would skyrocket!

This could be Rove, but it also has oneLtwoN’s jammy VP-wantin’ fingerprints all over it.


This could be Rove, but it also has oneLtwoN’s jammy VP-wantin’ fingerprints all over it.

Whoa Nelly, does that bring up “one heartbeat away” nightmares galore!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

And then they leak something to “Politico” of all places.

That’s the funny part. Yeah, and Tucker Carlson was always a liberal because he featured that post on Shely’s migraines.


Is there anyone who thinks sexual harassment is a real thing?

I know it’s a real thing. The second time I had to tell my First Shirt not to make crude, personal remarks to me I invited him to our quiet study room, looked him in the eye and said, “I like you. I enjoy working with you. But the crude and personal sexual remarks I’ve kindly asked you once not to make are a problem. If I have to ask you again, it will be in a meeting with “the Captain” (the officer in charge whose rank was Captain, so we called him that because it sounded Star Trekky and not like stilted military lingo), the Commander, and your wife.” I held eye contact for two seconds longer then walked out with my head held high, and he never so much as made a sexist peep in my presence. Not bad for an 18 year old young woman, huh?

Sexual discrimination is real, as well. I had a job on landscaping crew for the University of Texas. We were a special team that ripped up old beds and planted new ones. After working there for nine months, never missing a day, and never being late, I was told that I was going to be let go because I was going to start school in the Fall anyway. My other two male crew members (who I could keep up with shovel for shovel) were offered permanent jobs even though they had been late, missed days, and were caught stealing from the University. They were caught stealing garbage, but nevertheless they were caught and it was noted in their records. As soon as I found out, I stood up in our little work warehouse (where we played cards and fucked around when it was raining) and said really loudly, “I’ll be damned if you’re letting me go!” The crowd parted like the Red Sea before Moses before I—one pissed off woman stirring all their primordial fears of the destroyer mother— barreled to the office. I spent my last four months working at the Chancellor’s house with two professional horticulturists, a pond, two green houses, five acres, and a mansion with a huge circular driveway.

The last Chancellor’s wife was a real fruit cake. She was totally anal and would send the notes she left for staff to a calligrapher. She kept insisting that the driveway was not white enough. Finally the crew used a cleaner that made all the grass around the driveway curl up and die. And all the little birds, raccoons, squirrels, possums and other little furry animals dropped dead. The crew chief put on a football helmet and walked circles around the mansion many times in protest. Then, the crew got permission to go organic. So, when I worked there, I got to learn what they were doing to bring life back to the grounds and keep it. I walked the four or five miles to work and back every day. I was always on time, and never missed a day. It was so unbelievably fucking sweet. I loved that job. Most of the time there I was quitted smoking, but one very hot August day I accidentally cut my palm with a fine pair of Swiss shears. I heard it, felt a twitch then looked at palm, thinking, ‘No. I didn’t.’ Then I watched as my palm pooled with blood. My first thought was, ‘Damn, I want a cigarette.’ And so ends the story of the only scar I have from landscaping.

Homeless ObamaCommieZombies

We’re coming for your bullets and bank deposits, Dennis…


Is there anyone who thinks sexual harassment is a real thing? Is there anyone who doesn’t know it’s all a lawyers’ ramp, like “racial discrimination“?

Shirley Derbyshire — the great contrarian intellectual of NRO — would not stoop to the everybody-knows argumentum ad populum that is too stupid for even Dennis to use it. Because that would be really sad. This is not even an argument, so much as Derbyshire asserting his tribal bona fides by showing that he accepts the received opinion.

Notice also too the title of his piece, riffing on the “Kill all the lawyers” line from Henry IV.2, because everyone knows that without tort lawyers there would be no torts. Lotsa smart people have pointed out that the line, in context, comes from a would-be dictator, describing his strategy for eliminating all obstacles to his dictatorship.


wiley–you should either blog or write a book or both. You’ve got some great stories.


According to Demoncrappers, it is perfectly fine to send pictures of your weiner around to underage girls.

I won’t wait for the citation.


Because Cain is a REPUBLICAN, then he lust be vilified

This is why you shouldn’t type while fapping.


This is why you shouldn’t type while fapping.

Sticky keyboards aren’t enough of reason?


Eh. With all the coffee, soda, and alcohol that’s been spilled on mine, I’d hardly have room to judge.


You know what’s bad? Sticky stuff and feathers. What a mess!


VS has a poultrygeist?


It’s the ghosts of all those chickens I use to make Chicken Catch a Tory.


chickens I use




I must be easy to troll because I’m going to respond to you despite teh fact that you are obviously a complete and total idiot. We are talking about a story you brought to us, and you don’t even fucking know what happened in it.

1. Yeah banks don’t liek people loitering making teh line-ups seem long and being intrusive of their actual operators. NOT FOR SECURITY REASONS. For fuck’s sake, you accused other people of having a faulty notions of bank robberies, but you are teh one claiming would-be bank robbers hang up loitering in one of teh most video surveilled places open to teh public immediately before they commit felonies? That they would intentional draw attention to themselves, hang about to make sure everyone got a good look at them, and then try and rob teh place.

2. They were arrested? They arrested one guy for two misdemeanors. Both charges notorious for being so ridculously broadly defined that anyone could be charged at almost any time. Whoop-de-frigging-do.

3. And now you are accusing us of not understanding bank security. Oooh, get some DFH’s and kumbayah! No one ever claimed any such retarded shit – you are teh one that said that teh zombie protest put teh lives of teh bank staff at risk. Based entirely on your perverted sick fantasies of shooting unarmed protesters for wearing zombie make-up.

Seriously Pennis, you are wrong so often and in so many ways, that it’s starting to look liek you aren’t just randomly grasping at straws. I mean, broken clock and blind squirrels and all that. But you’re batting average is so bad it’s a negative number.


P.S. That one guy they arrested, such a notorious endangerer of bank staff? You know, you’ve been masterbating to teh thought of him ruining his life with a criminal record (of a Class A Misdemeanor!)

He was relased teh same day he was arrested. We probably won’t be able to tell you when his record gets expunged because they are probably going to drop teh charges.


You know what’s bad? Sticky stuff and feathers.

Tar and feathers baby? vs is RACIST.



On Halloween, no less! Unheard of!

If we did this right–including a massive slashing of taxes for the rich and middle class–we’d see private dollars take care of the deserving poor after the bums have been forced to work or starve.

What stopped them from taking care of the deserving poor when there were no income taxes?

Snarking at rightwing blogsters who post on rightwing blogs that hold themselves out as representing the Right is totes the same as pointing at “some d00d” and saying he’s a representative of an entire movement.

But all the OWS protesters are rich because a couple are, or dangerous because one zombie costume guy put a post-it someplace, etc.

Maybe Cain did harass some employees.

But if he did he really didn’t because they’re mostly made up even when they aren’t?

Is there anyone who thinks sexual harassment is a real thing?

No indeed, Humbert Humbert.

Dmoncrappers have no moral values and that is okay

Which is why Wiener and Edwards are co-presidents. Boo us!


What stopped them from taking care of the deserving poor when there were no income taxes?

“Deserving poor” is an oxymoron, thilly.


Why is it okay for “bums” to starve? Did I miss the point where having anyone starving in the street stopped being a sign of a horribly ill society?


Oh gosh, N_B, you’re such a dumb, naive liberal. People are always going to fall through the cracks…and since you can’t save all of them right away you should make no attempt to save any of them ever.


A few hundred people are marching across the Hawthorne bridge, in solidarity with the Oaklanders. They crossed barriers to do so, the riot squad is waiting on the west approach.

Earlier today lieberal fag mayor Sam Adams was on one of the local reichwing AM radio talk shows. Referencing that he has not evicted the OWS folks from the downtown parks at not inconsiderable expense for police overtime &c., they said “WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO AUORIZE SPENDING THAT TAXPAYER MONEY?!?!?!?”. Um, I was elected mayor?


Since Pennis brought up that Gawker thread and teh private charity lark that glibertarians are always going to, I’m going to air my complaint again.

It’s not that this private charity scheme would never raise anywhere near as much money as is currently being spent. It is plainly obvious to all but the most willfully ignorant (i.e. teh average glibertarian) that this lark is pure bullshit. No, as a generous Dragon-King, I grant this huge gimme. I say “okay let us suspend logic and all observed human nature to this point and assume that you are right – despite having no reason or backing for your claim. Abracadabra – private charities magically do end up with as much or even moar resources to deal with society’s less fortunate.”

I object to it on different grounds – a moar fundamental one.

What’s teh difference between government providing and private charities providing? Government is bound by that pesky Bill of Rights thing – that non-discrimination requirement. Private charities are not. They help whom they please – or rather whom their donors feel are worthy of help.

Teh “why can’t charities do it?” bullshit is all about giving teh wealthy complete control over welfare, Social Security and Medicare. It’s about teh rich and powerful not being powerful enough because they don’t yet have teh power to declare who us to starve to death.

That’s what it’s about. It’s about OMG, I don’t want any of my tax dollars going to those people (i.e. niggers, and maybe teh phaggortzes too) – those people should all just starve to death or die of extremely trivial medical afflictions. Yeah, that is so much teh moar moral position than taxes.


PS: Some Like it Hot is on TCM right now.


What if he attacks you with a pointed stickie?


Wow. I don’t offer you martinis enough, DK-Dubs. That was awesome. Thinkk I need a cigarette.


As someone in the BLART field I can tell you: what Citibank did was over the line … with vandalism you call the cops & DO NOT fuck with the vandal (unless you have a yen to meet your ancestors in Teh Happy Hunting Grounds prematurely). Never mind the incident with cops arresting the lady in the business suit for the heinous crime of trying to close her account – that was just straight outta KGB Country.

But ya gotta admit, those OWS zombizzles are VEWWY SKEWWY … not like those harmless old geezers in the Tea Party!



Timothy Taylor, who works for teh Globe and Mail’s Report on Business magazine doesn’t know tax rates are. Not that he doesn’t know how high they are – he doesn’t understand teh concept. I am not kidding:

Why are VATs and sales taxes so unpopular? One common critique is that they are regressive. On average, poor families spend a higher proportion of their income on consumption than rich families, who generally have surplus earnings to save. But if you measure a VAT or sales tax relative to total spending by individuals—the rich generally spend a lot more than the poor—those taxes actually look progressive.

FFS. Regressive taxes have teh poor paying a higher tax rate than teh rich, liek ALL CONSUMPTION TAXES DO. Consumption taxes only “look progressive” to rich fucks who hate paying their share and stupid idiots who somehow manage to get jobs writing for business magazines.



Corn libel!


DKW, that is complete macroeconomic FAIL.


Not you, him. Damn I need to write clearly.


d00d fucking recognizes that saving rate increases with income. Therefore consumption taxes are regressive. Period. Yet immediately after he acknowledges that basic fact – “looks progressive.” They don’t “look progressive.” Just because teh wealthy are already so stinking fucking rich that they blow through multiples of teh median income without even thinking about it – that does not make consumption taxes progressive.


it’s all a lawyers’ ramp, like “racial discrimination“


wiley–you should either blog or write a book or both.

I’m working on it, VS. I’ve been going through thousands of photos, and I have all kinds of stories, poems, research I’ve done on my specialty (housekeeping and caregiving), and lots of ideas. Clouds was doing research on blog software today, then while using my computer for something he discovered that “My Web Search” pops up sometimes when the “Google” address is typed in the address bar. It pissed him off, so he started looking at a way to get rid of it. He spent an hour working on it and got close (he’ll kill it with the next thrust), but he had to eat and I had to sit down after doing so much laundry and doing wii-bowling and wii-batting practice on my new flatscreen. I got hot and sweaty and kind of tired. So now I’m going to all my daily haunts and yakking my brains out.

The website is my book. It will be called “My Life in Order” and it’s not a linear order, it’s an attempt at an integrated work/life/health/art/spirit heart path—like Bakti Yoga, or Sufism. It’s all connected, it’s just not something you live or read from start to finish, because wherever you are, there you are.


it’s all a lawyers’ ramp, like “racial discrimination“

Oh. Oh, my.

*mind boggles*


I mean, he really says that. In fact, he leads with it.

National Review…………………………..didn’t they used to be, like, semirespectable?


Is there anyone who thinks sexual harassment is a real thing? Is there anyone who doesn’t know it’s all a lawyers’ ramp, like “racial discrimination“?

Derbyshire on “what everyone knows” in 2007:

…the essential nature of cant, large numbers of people say it because it’s a thing to say when you haven’t really thought about the matter much, or at all.


protesters for wearing zombie make-up.

Whattaya mean, “make-up”?


Hey, anything been going on around here?


Pup, I think my favourite bit out of all the great bits is the Tango Scene. Jack Lemmon’s face is a masterpiece. Hope you enjoyed it again.

Fenwick, who is sore


I’m sore, but I’m home again. Every day brings some improvement. Nevertheless, this recovery seems more dificult than the operation in March.

Thanks to all the Sadlynauts for the support and good wishes last Friday.

It may be a while before I can return to my deck chair on the Sadly Boat;; sitting is uncomfortable. And the docs adviised me to stay away from mint juleps for a couple of weeks….

Fenwick, who is sore

921. Will this thread break the 1,000 comments barrier?


Welcome back, Fenwick … hope the soreness subsides soon.

How I know I’m getting closer to going Full Fossil: the owies don’t just disappear after a few minutes any more.


It worries me a little that DenDen is making out zombies in a bank lobby to be a thought crime.

Does that bother anyone else, that this glibertarian is about to Orwell our society?


Fen! HOw’d it go?


Mustache of Almost Grasping the Point

You know who else had a


Hey Fenwick, glad you pulled through. Hope it takes this time.


And the docs adviised me to stay away from mint juleps for a couple of weeks,,,

Doctors are evil. Have a speedy recovery Fenny.


Hey everyone! Fenwick’s back!

Pfft. Doctors would probably advise against a B52 flight to New Zealand, too.


Which is silly because everyone knows that hobbit magic helps the healing process.


And I heard that the Frau Doktorin has some goodies too


And the docs adviised me to stay away from mint juleps for a couple of weeks,,,

Have a beer. Beer ain’t drinkin’


George Jones, after crashing his car while drinking a pint of vodka said; “A pint? That’s not drinking.”


And the docs adviised me to stay away from mint juleps for a couple of weeks,,,

Use a long straw


Beer ain’t drinkin’

Pain don’t hurt.

DenDen's little voice

Have a beer. Beer ain’t drinkin’

Sometimes I wonder if I have anything in common with the people here. And a comment like this comes along and I am reminded that I am indeed among my people.


Concerned Dennis is concerned.

You authoritarian worshipers never get tired of licking boots, do you.


Occupy Oakland protesters force banks, port to close

DenDen also opposes the First Amerdment right of free assembly.

Tell me, DenDen, what rights DO you suport?


Thoƒe “Coloniƒtƒ,” who would dreƒs up in Indian coƒtume and terroriƒe good loyal Britiƒh ƒubjectƒ ought to be drawn and quartered from the high yard-arm of a ƒolid ƒsailing veƒsel!

We muƒt have ƒecurity, above all elƒe!


It seems to me that activism demands, you know, action, DenDen.

If you oppose their actions, perhaps you should go pick up a gun and stand guard over whatever you treasure so.

The men’s room at the bus station?


Hey, all y’all probs already know that Pennis is full of shit and that any resemblance between what he says and actual reality is purely coincidental. So anyways, what he’s whining about now is police over-reaction.

Item – downtown and teh port were closed. By teh call for a general strike and a march. An almost completely peaceful protest – two people were injured. Both protesters that were struck by a car driven by an asshole like Pennis. IOW, the only violence that day was by perpetrated by a shitbag anti-protest driver.

Item – teh violence that erupted that night was because a couple hundred cops decided that just past midnight would be a good time to descend upon the camp and lob a shit-ton of teargas. Were there some Black Bloc shit disturbers there? Yes. And they had been disavowed by the main camp. But much like Pennis who automatically assumes everything that he doesn’t like is grouped together under one single giant umbrella of evil conspiracy, Oakland PD started waking people up so that they could shoot them with “less-than-lethal” projectiles.

And his position is that this whole thing is a “security issue” and what’s really needed apparently is some sort of severe crackdown by teh police or something.


Oh, and the Marine vet who you guys claimed was hit by a projectile from the Oakland police? Not so much.</i?

Oh dear! So the sheriff says the, um, sheriff didn't fire the projectile?


Fucking idiot.


St. D-KW,

When DenDen types, he lies.

Hell, his own computer asks him four times for his password, just to be certain!


Hey! President Obama says he won’t raise your taxes, DenDen. Shouldn’t you believe him? He has more authority than a thieving weasel sheriff!


As I said, any relationship between Pennis’ fevered imagination and actual fact is purely coincidental. From his link:

The Sheriff’s Department said an internal investigation unit is reviewing the incident, but it’s unlikely the identified deputies caused Olsen’s injury.

So – “unlikely” as determined by SF Sheriff’s Dept investigating itself = total proof.
Also – Teh SF Sheriff wasn’t teh only police force there.

But I guess in Pennis’ world, Scott Olsen’s injury is a result of someone putting on zombie make-up or maybe putting up sticky notes.


Rush Limbaugh: Claiming sexual harassment is a tool of liberals.

Who knew Rush was a leftist two decades ago?


So – “unlikely” as determined by SF Sheriff’s Dept currently ongoing investigating itself = total proof



But I guess in Pennis’ world, Scott Olsen’s injury is a result of someone putting on zombie make-up or maybe putting up sticky notes.

Dinsdale Piranha, no doubt.


Why does DenDen hate America so? Is it our freedoms?


protesters were throwing bottles at police at the time of Scott Olsen’s injury.

Olsen was hit by a bean-bag round, not a bottle.


EPIC Fail, DenDen!


Jeez, DenDen, you’re sounding stoopider and stoopider with every spin you do. Better sit down before you puke.


Oh dear! After initally denying it, Oakland PD admits that they did fire beanbag projectiles (also flash-bang grenades) – at protesters. Injury is consistent with a “less-than-lethal” projectile strike. Scott Olsen was struck near the barricade. In the flash-bang video where you clearly see a cop in riot gear throw a grenade into teh crowd of people who rushed to help him you also see that those folks had to rush over to him. IOW he was standing pretty much away from the other protesters at that moment. His skull was fractured and he had brain swelling. Although it’s not immediately clear, there’s no obvious bottles lying around him. If the bottle had broken, the injury would likely have been much different, what with all that sharp glass going across his face.

BUT, SF Sheriff’s Department is pretty sure that it wasn;t one of their guys what done it.

Therefore – must be a protester’s fault.


PS: Some Like it Hot is on TCM right now.

watched it again…i swear watching marilyn could totes turn me ghey…


Hey, DenDen!

Whatever happened to that mythical money center bank in the Wall Street area with friendly tellers who aren’t behind plates of glass thicker than your dick is long, all threatened by people in costumes who hadn’t committed a single crime and were undfer the “innocent until proven guilty” justice system?

You were supposed to find it.

I’m waiting!


“Mostly peaceful” protesters were throwing bottles because why, mostly kind and benevolent Dragon King-Wangchuck?

English ain’t your first language, DenDen?


i swear watching marilyn could totes turn me ghey…

Zombie Marilyn was probably arrested at DenDen’s mythical bank.


“Mostly peaceful” protesters were throwing bottles because why, mostly kind and benevolent Dragon King-Wangchuck?

You know, I’m pretty much a pacifist. “Most peaceful” is a bit of an understatement in describing me. But I can certainly imagine a situation where I might throw a bottle at someone. For example, if they were fucking shooting at me.

No check that, I’d probably just surrender or run away if they were only shooting at me. I ain’t no hero.

But if they were shooting at my family, then all bets are off. I suspect that a lot of those protesters have bonded pretty strongly with one another.

Oakland PD has admitted to violating their own crowd control procedures. They were shooting into an unarmed crowd. After gassing them. And for extra shits and giggles – deploying grenades designed specifically to disorient and confuse and prompt unreasoned responses.

There are about a million reasons why a “mostly peaceful” protest might end up with some people throwing bottles.


There are about a million reasons why a “mostly peaceful” protest might end up with some people throwing bottles.

Right wing agitator should be at the top of the list


You know that “you bring a knife, we’ll bring a gun” thing? In this case teh protesters *might* have brought some people with bottles and *maybe* rocks – perhaps a half brick! The cops brought hundreds of officers in riot gear with tear gas, bean bag rounds and flash-bang grenades. The protesters chanted at teh cops and hurt their feefees. The cops broke a guys skull, caused life-threatening brain swelling and then attempted to prevent other protesters from coming to his aid.

Just stop Pennis – there is no fucking way you can make Occupy Oakland look bad in teh light of teh actions of local law enforcement.



Troll feeding is starting early today.



Right wing agitator should be at the top of the list

Nah, they wouldn’t try that kinda shit at one of teh Occupy protests.


Now with all the violence you see everyday with the DFH/OWS protesters…

What violence?

I think you’re confused, Dennis.

You must mean the “isolated incidents” of murder and mayhem committed by your fellow wingnuts, year after year?

Here’s the deal, Dennis. You want to complain about violence? You’ve got your own side to police up or else you’re either 1) ignorant, 2) a total hypocrite. (And with your type, both is a distinct possibility.)


Troll feeding is starting early today.

We are almost at 1,000 comments, you know. And it’s an Adam Yoshida post, to boot.


Via Crooked Timber, an article about the abuse women receive on the internet when they write stuff:


I just saw that, S_McG.

Reminds me of what you see on youtube.


*Read the whole thing.

Yeah you get a good flavour of just how much bullshit it is. The general strike was entirely peaceful. There was all of one incident that caused any injuries. Some asshole drove into two protesters.

If a newsreport* wants to talk about the violence that erupted after midnight, that’s great. It should be covered. But when you lead into it by claiming that Oakland was overrun by terrist thugs all day Wednesday, you clearly mark your reporting as pure bullshit propaganda.

*Newsreport is being used very generously here. It’s teh flipping Washington Examiner.


Bill Sparkman, the census worker who committed suicide by faking being murdered by a tea partier</I

All this time you spent googling all this would haved been better served finding this mythical bank you keep claiming was under attack by zombies.


The very stark difference, though, is……I’M NOT CHEERING FOR IT, am I?


You want to see just the first chapter of your book?


DenDen, how many times did you have to change your underwear when the zombies were all over Wall Street? Did you call mommy?


I do have to thank Pennis for reminding me that, despite this being teh Intoorjizzle, I really ought to be making the effort to not be so bloody offensive and irritating. Like by feeding teh troll.

So, thanx Pennis for reminding me how unpleasant people can be when they’re online. You are an excellent warning sign to me to moderate my own annoying ticks. And with that said, I bid you good day.


Yeam there’s no Teabagger violence. Ever.


I tried, really tried, to “get” Dennis. I can’t. DenBob is just too warped and pathetic. DenBob, why are you? What horrific events came to pass that could twist you into a sniveling, haughty masochist?


That last link? Treason.

DenDen, why do you hate America so? Is it for our freedoms, you traitorous bastard?


Actor. that shit’s old. Have some fresh treason

You’re right, I totlaly forgot we had fresh Teabagger violence.

Which DenDen has been cheering on all day today.


because he knows he was peeing his pants

Aaaaand there he goes with the projection again.



James Gordon had a song about this sort of thing, but I can’t find a link.


Three penis wine so very fine
We’ll drink it right down pass it all around
So stimulating so intoxicating
Three penis wine
And everybody’s gonna feel so fine
Drinkin’ three penis wine

Oo three penis wine so very fine
We’ll drink it right down pass it all around
So stimulating so intoxicating
three penis wine c’mon
Drink it with your brother trust in one another
Yea yea


Also a reminder, World Toilet Day is the Saturday after next.


Aaaaand there he goes with the projection again.

In 1777, he’d be bringing up shit about the French and Indian Wars that those crazy colonists did.


Also a reminder, World Toilet Day is the Saturday after next.


Also a reminder, World Toilet Day is the Saturday after next.

DenDen will be flushed with pride that he can, errrr, flush.


But Geo. Waƒhington ambuƒhed and killed an innocent French patrol! He waƒ a royaliƒt! Why iƒn’t he fighting for the Britiƒh? I would be greatly concerned by thiƒ act of brutality if I waƒ rebelling againƒt my King!


FUCK! I missed national deviled egg day! I shall celebrate a day late.


Hey, how come them Galtians didn’t stand by the local businesses at OWS?


I shall celebrate a day late.



“Pupienus said,
November 3, 2011 at 18:02

FUCK! I missed national deviled egg day! I shall celebrate a day late.”

Ooooooooh, nice.


DenDen, you still haven’t walked your earlier claim that you never cheered on right wing violence, when here you are bragging about it JUST AFTER A PLOT TO KILL AMERICANS WAS ROLLED UP!

By your OWN standards, that’s cheering it on! Why are you such a traitor?


The only reasons I can figure out for DenDen’s continued presence is A:he’s a masochist and just needs the punishment and it too cheap too pay a dominatrix. or B: he’s the worst snitch/agent provocateur/investigative journalist ever. He’s just trying to bait one of us into a legally actionable threat of violence so he can make his internet snitch quota with the 101st fighting chairborne or perhaps get a junior FBI informant merit badge or write a shocking expose of leftist hatred for his blog and all of the web spiders and spam bots that read it.



SteveM at nomoremisterniceblog wrote about that Wall Street restaurant on Tuesday. Seems they served shitty, overpriced food (as per Yelp! items posted before OWS began). Wingtard owner wants to punch some hippies rather than look at his own business practices.


?? Rock You Like A Herman Cain ????


thudner: I am putting you on notice. I am going to spend all day thinking of a horrible song to put in your head. Because I am actually pretty busy have nothing better to do.


As nature intended:

♬♪ Rock You Like A Herman Cain ♫♩

I am going to be cheerfully thinking about that all day long.

“Give her inches and feed her well” is probably something Herman shouldn’ta said.


Now with the thousands of arrests and calls for the death of capitalism and bankers being hung in effigy and rocks being thrown and cops and defecation on cop cars and public parks and rapes and molestations and foot-sniffing and window-smashing and fires and businesses being closed, the Fellini-esque display of squalor, incoherence, lawlessness, drugs and lewdness…. it’s like now all of a sudden you have new life after three full years of trying to remain optimistic over Obama’s abject failure.

I know I’ll hate myself for engaging, but do you REALLY believe this is what OWS is all about?

Also, do you consider The New York Post a reliable news source?


I am greatly amused by the constant POUTRAGE over the alleged cop-car defecation…

1. There was no picture of shit.
2. Only a picture of a guy with his pants down.
3. In a photo that could not be determined to actually be at an OWS protest.
4. of a Police Car. Which is, you know, paid for by the City and the People and thus is ours anyway.
5. Shit washes off.

I fully support shitting on cop cars, if those cops are beating and tear-gassing peaceful protesters.

In fact, our little scared boy here seems to be quite overwrought; but I think the question, little Pennis, is not why are the protests being pushed towards violence by the cops and the administrations, but given the level of fuckery over the past ten years by the Banksters and Gangster and Asshole Republicans in destroying the middle class and demonizing the poor, why aren’t there more riots?

And you ought to be asking yourself, when are they coming for me?




3. In a photo that could not be determined to actually be at an OWS protest.

This is the part that bugs me the most. I can take a picture of a clan rally and while it may bear a striking resemblance to a Tea Party rally, it doesn’t mean it actually is one.


Regarding teabagger violence, I want to remind you that there’s violence on both sides of the political spectrum. In fact, Whole Foods parking lots are hotbeds of hatred.


FUCK! I missed national deviled egg day! I shall celebrate a day late.

EVERY day should be deviled egg day…


calls for the death of capitalism and bankers being hung in effigy and rocks being thrown and cops and defecation on cop cars and public parks and rapes and molestations and foot-sniffing and window-smashing and fires

Foot-sniffing? Foot-sniffing is now evidence of lawlessness?

Did they arrest Dick Morris?


I was born as teh Godfather Herman Cain
And I howled out policy ideas insane
Oh, it’s all NINES, Cain’s gonna sexually harass
Her ass ass ass.


EVERY day should be deviled egg day…



In fact, Whole Foods parking lots are hotbeds of hatred.

That’s pretty fucking funny. Someone needs to do one for Wegmans.


?? Rock You Like A Herman Cain ????

g damn you!


Sorry, vaccumslayer, you can apologize and wish it away and say you want proof of his actually shitting on the cop car all you want, but your side owns that one.

OK, but I still don’t know what we’re owning.


“One of genius Steve’s 20 examples that he felt so compelled to include from Yelp was of a guy complaining that no one goes there because it’s too crowded.”

Geez, DumDum. That’s an old joke. I am surprised that you………….oh. joke. nevermind.


Sorry, vaccumslayer, you can apologize and wish it away and say you want proof of his actually shitting on the cop car all you want, but your side owns that one.

Wear it proudly.

Pearls were clutched.


Whole Foods parking lots are hotbeds of hatred.



Sorry, vaccumslayer, you can apologize…

I must have missed where vs apologized.


Hey, fuck feeding the B-O-R-I-N-G troll and check this bit of hilarity out. I’m convinced that Herman Cain’s popularity in GOP polls is one extended middle finger to Romney, and the wingnuts seem to be bearing this out.

The real question is, will they suck it down and eat the inevitable Mitt sandwich, or will they go third party?



It’s getting real in the Sadly, No! comment thread.


I know I’ll hate myself for engaging, but do you REALLY believe this is what OWS is all about?

if OWS is NOT about the foot-sniffing, I can no longer support it….


I must have missed where vs apologized.

When you make shit up as often as Dennis does, the line between reality and dreams does, indeed, become very blurred.


if OWS is NOT about the foot-sniffing, I can no longer support it….

Dood. Don’t you know that to be a good Murkan, you gots ta be alls about the PANTY-sniffing?


Beware, Wall Street overlords! Tremble in terror before the unstoppable might of our POOP!

Yeah, get back to me when some OWS folks make plans to cook up a batch of good wholesome ricin … or a homemade dirty-bomb … or some nice friendly MADE IN USA pipe-bombs for the local letter-carrier.

Marion in Savannah

Hey, fuck feeding the B-O-R-I-N-G troll and check this bit of hilarity out

Page not found… They’ve apparently yanked* whatever was there.



FUCK! I missed national deviled egg day! I shall celebrate a day late.

NO. Deviled egg day is OVA.


NO. Deviled egg day is OVA.

Yolk yolk.


Pooping on cars > talking about 2nd Amendment remedies

BTW, who among us has not gone to a rally, smoked a few joints, sniffed a few feet and then pooped on a car? I mean, COME ON, it’s practically expected.


OK, but I still don’t know what we’re owning.

actually, i don’t think someone can actually own poop…it’s more like we borrowed it…


actually, i don’t think someone can actually own poop

I think you own while it’s still in your body, but after it leaves it it’s up for grabs. Why anyone would want to grab it is a discussion for another day/thread, but there you have it.

Marion in Savannah

bbkf, if we can’t own poop how can we make shit moats? Or are they constructed with borrowed or stolen supplies?


Page not found… They’ve apparently yanked* whatever was there.

It was an article about how the Freepers have banned any Romney supporters. The good people at Rumproast have it covered.


Actor, why did you soil yourself so much here over Bill Sparkman, the census worker who committed suicide?

Mostly because his family did not believe he committed suicide.

Gotta problem with that? Or are you suddenly gonna get all heartless over his family, too, you raving bastard?


Today I had an endless round of exchanges with the graphic designer for one of my magazines.She just could not understand the bar chart I needed her to design.

This woman had been a full-time employee. She was laid off and is now a “contractor.” IOW, her hours have been slashed and her benefits taken away.

This is why I couldn’t get too exasperated with her for making a hash of that chart. (Well, maybe I could if she were a royal bitch, but she’s exactly the opposite). Besides, she had limited time to spend on my magazine because she has to attend to the other “contractor” gig she needs to survive.

Welcome to 99% land.


I am greatly amused by the constant POUTRAGE over the alleged cop-car defecation…

1. There was no picture of shit.
2. Only a picture of a guy with his pants down.
3. In a photo that could not be determined to actually be at an OWS protest.
4. of a Police Car. Which is, you know, paid for by the City and the People and thus is ours anyway.
5. Shit washes off.

Actually, I’ll give a pass on this one. The photographer (who works for a Toronto paper, by the way) says he saw the man taking a dump, It is a NYC cop car, to be sure.

However, there was absolutely no connection made between that episode and OWS, nor was any attempt made by the photographer to ascertain if the man was in fact a protestor and if in fact he hadn’t contracted some intesitinal bug.

In other words, all we have is the word of a photographer tha he saw a man taking a crap in the street near a cop car.


SteveM at nomoremisterniceblog wrote about that Wall Street restaurant on Tuesday. Seems they served shitty, overpriced food (as per Yelp! items posted before OWS began). Wingtard owner wants to punch some hippies rather than look at his own business practices.

It’s no wonder the guy was put out of business after he lost 1%er business.


I first came to this site a few months ago when you mocked a photo of a man holding a sign that read “Sasquatch Isreal.” I knew then that you lefties really were a bunch of anti-Semites.


Yeah, get back to me when some OWS folks make plans to cook up a batch of good wholesome ricin … or a homemade dirty-bomb … or some nice friendly MADE IN USA pipe-bombs for the local letter-carrier.

Oh jim, don’t you know? In DenDen’s mind, Terrorist plot by right wingers involving a major media outlet < a man with an intestinal flu.


Yeah, get back to me when some OWS folks make plans to cook up a batch of good wholesome ricin … or a homemade dirty-bomb … or some nice friendly MADE IN USA pipe-bombs for the local letter-carrier.

Oh jim, don’t you know? In DenDen’s mind, Terrorist plot by right wingers involving a major media outlet < a man with an intestinal flu [is less than] a man with an intestinal flu and no convenient bathroom


I’m serious DenBob – I’m really trying to understand but I can’t get past the fact that you go way the hell out of your way to behave in a totes inapprpriate manner on a snark blog. A site where the regulars either pity you enjoy smacking you upside the haid. Why do you do it? What need does it fill for you?


I own my shit. I AM THE 1%.


I first came to this site a few months ago when you mocked a photo of a man holding a sign that read “Sasquatch Isreal.” I knew then that you lefties really were a bunch of anti-YoSemites.

Damn long eared galoot hatin’ cowboys. Fuck ’em


DenDen hates people who’s family members commit suicide.

Why does DenDen hate Americans? Why is he such a fascist little traitor?


PM, it’s because actor banned him at actor’s blog, so this is the only place he can interact with the object of his desire.


The rest of us just fulfill his need for debasement.


BTW, who among us has not gone to a rally, smoked a few joints, sniffed a few feet and then pooped on a car?

Absent the rally, that’s my usual desperation Friday night date.

For rally, substitute jello wrestling.


PM, it’s because actor banned him at actor’s blog, so this is the only place he can interact with the object of his desire.

Y’know, I’d almost apologize, except he’s revealed himself as an admitted criminal supporting fascist, which he’d never do over there.


I’m Herman – Cain I am
Herman – Cain I am I am
I’m running to be teh GOP nominee
My only competition’s Romney
I’m ready for teh Gotchas,
About Uzbeki-beki-beki-beki-beki-stan
I’m teh GOP frontrunner named Herman
Herman – Cain I am.

Christian Extremist

EVERY day should be deviled egg day…

In our house it’s Jesused egg day.


That and the picture of the guy taking a crap on said cop car at Zucotti Park

DenDen, I know the street where that photo was taken. It was blocks away from Zuccoti.

Especially since the cops don’t park next to that park, ever.

Now, go find me that bank you claim was TERRORIZED by zombies.

Come on boy, I own you, so dance, bitch.


DenDen’s entire case comes down to a few turds from a man with diarrhea versus the brutal beatings by Teabaggers, folks.

Just keep that in mind.


♬♪ Cain Cain Cain... Cain of fools... ♫♩






You know you want it.


Own this, DenDen: you’re a dying breed who is holding the rest of the country back.

Now go finish the job and let us be.


< never banned me-that’s a lie

Nuh uh, dood. You went full metal jacket bozo on me.


However, there was absolutely no connection made between that episode and OWS, nor was any attempt made by the photographer to ascertain if the man was in fact a protestor and if in fact he hadn’t contracted some intesitinal bug.

Besides which isn’t the person who brought this up the same one who was decrying nutpicking right wing comments? I guess if something happens once in NYC it’s a data point, but if it happens multiple times anywhere right of center it’s just another unconnected anecdote.


Come on baby dry your eyes,
Wipe your tears.
Don’t let anyone see you cry.
Here’s a cash settlement.

I wouldn’t ever try to hurt you,
I just needed someone to hold me,
To come on up to my hotel room,
To fill this space of emptiness.

I’m only Herman,
And shitty pizzas I make.
I’m only Herman,
Born to make mistakes.

So many nines in my tax plan,
And tons of cash it will save teh rich.
We’ll pay for it by cutting programs
And leave teh poor lying in a ditch.

I’m only Herman
At competence I fake
But I’m not so good at it
I hope no one notices until it is too late


“Now go finish the job and let us be.”

You really want him to go back to Georgia and make more ricin?


♬♪ Mental wounds still screaming
Driving me insane
I’m going off the rails with Herman Cain ♫♩


Nuh uh, dood. You went full metal jacket bozo on me.

Of course, you could have been drunk. Or off your meds.

Marion in Savannah

I first came to this site a few months ago when you mocked a photo of a man holding a sign that read “Sasquatch Isreal.” I knew then that you lefties really were a bunch of anti-Semites.

Okay, people. Enough is enough. You’ve got to stop stealing Dennis’ name. Even HE isn’t this stupid.


I guess if something happens once in NYC it’s a data point, but if it happens multiple times anywhere right of center it’s just another unconnected anecdote.

hat tip to Tig.


Is Dennis Le Donalde in drag disguise?


Conservtives never poop on cars. They wear their Depends with pride, dammit!


guy taking a crap on said cop car

Guy w/ his pants down, pointing (maybe rubbing) his bare ass at/on a police car. No poop, shit or dung in the picture.


It would be in your archive and easy for you to find.

Oh, if it was that easy…but Echo deletes posts from blocked posters!


Well, since this thread is again covered in Dennis’ foul droppings, might as well add to it. Here, have some Canadian POOP.
But this turd-mango did make me chuckle:

Now with the thousands of arrests and calls for the death of capitalism and bankers being hung in effigy and rocks being thrown and cops and defecation on cop cars and public parks and rapes and molestations and foot-sniffing and window-smashing and fires and businesses being closed, the Fellini-esque display of squalor, incoherence, lawlessness, drugs and lewdness…. it’s like now all of a sudden you have new life after three full years of trying to remain optimistic over Obama’s abject failure.

Among his normal batshit insane stuff, the gem of “foot-sniffing” really stands out, so to speak. I hope Dennis doesn’t kick around these parts toe much longer, it’s getting really funky around here.

Dennis — I dare you to search for “foot” over at, it’ll make your head explode change your life.

Also too related.


I will only accept Rock You Like A Herman Cain if it’s sung while holding the mic backwards.


You Caint always get what you want
You Caint always get what you want
But if you go with me girl, I’ll get what I need


I hope Dennis doesn’t kick around these parts toe much longer

I see what you do here.


?? Mental wounds still screaming
Driving me insane
I’m going off the rails with Herman Cain ??

You sir win one internet! Congrats!


Is Dennis Le Donalde in drag disguise?

He certainly seems to be one of D.D.’s fans, but he’s not as crazed as Donalde & doesn’t go off w/ the “liberal ass clown” or whatever Donalde’s phrase of the day is all the time. Maybe he’s Donalde when the medication is working.


Blame it on the Cain (Cain)
Blame it on the stars (stars)
Whatever you do don’t put
the blame on you
Blame it on the Cain yeah yeah
You can blame it on the Cain


Herman Cain is the name and I rode on the scandal train
Romney’s punditry came and tore up “our blacks” again


Do not get into a shit-flinging contest with ME! For I have more poop than you!!111!


DenDen’s just jealous because his Teabagger movement is a mockery of American values of fortitude and gumption, while the OWS has endured night after night fighting for what they believe in.


Because shitting on cop cars when sick has nothing on the teabaggers


I wanna know, have ever seen the Cain,
I wanna know, have ever seen the Cain,
harrassing the office staff ♫


This would be an awesome time for Bouffant to send Dennis looking for that one video….


Huh, did we mock the “Sasquatch is real” sign holder or the rattlebrain who thought it said “Sasquatch Israel” and was therefore PROOF that liberals were antisemitic because OMG SASQUATCH?


Huh, did we mock the “Sasquatch is real” sign holder or the rattlebrain who thought it said “Sasquatch Israel” and was therefore PROOF that liberals were antisemitic because OMG SASQUATCH?

Might have been a decoy DenDen, tig, but I noticed that too.


I first came to this site a few months ago when you mocked a photo of a man holding a sign that read “Sasquatch Isreal.” I knew then that you lefties really were a bunch of anti-Semites.

Okay, people. Enough is enough. You’ve got to stop stealing Dennis’ name. Even HE isn’t this stupid.

That was hilarious… damn Poe’s Law (applied generally to wingnuts… Poe’s Law, Ruppert’s corollary?) makes it impossible to determine whether dimwit is a bone-stupid right-winger or a parody troll.


In re: Sasquatch Isreal

Funniest follow up ever, from the folks at James Randi’s site.


I only see what people quote, so I don’t ever know if it’s real or what.


New thread!!!


I wish.


Jackson Browne:

“It’s Cain, runnin’ all round my brain.”

Eric Clapton:

“He’s got nines,
He’s got nines,
He’s got nines,
Herm Cain”

Elvis Costello:

“Blame it on Cain
Ooh-ooh-ooh please don’t blame it on me
It’s nobody’s fault
That she worked in the company”

Everybody is singing about this dude.


♬♪O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For penis-swinging anecdotes
That feature Herman Cain♫♩


New tread, fer realz


actually, i don’t think someone can actually own poop

Excrementistry is THEFT!!


Whale Chowder said,

November 3, 2011 at 20:47

New tread, fer realz

Wow, my timing was close! Funneh.


Poor DenDen. He’s now left to the final desperate act of the scoundrel: “OK, well, they’re right, but what have they done for me lately?”

Remind me. What’s the Teabagger movement done for the nation lately?


Poor DenDen. He’s now left to the final desperate act of the scoundrel: “OK, well, they’re right, but what have they done for me lately?”

Monty Python had this covered.




On a cold autumn morning,
He’s teh Hero of teh Right!
Leading polls is Herman Cain,
Be president he just might.

When the darkness has fallen down,
And the times are tough alright,
The sound of evil laughter falls
Around the world tonight.

Fighting hard, fighting to cut funds
Ensuring wastelands evermore
The scattered souls will feel the Hell
Bodies wasted on the shore

On the blackest plains of Hell’s domain
He watches them as they go
For he is always Herman Cain, teh rest of you can blow.

So now we’re flying and free!
Of entitlements and welfare moms
They’re left out in the wilderness
While the rest of us carry on

Far beyond just tax cuts
Far beyond a means test
Deep inside the social contract TEEEERRRRMMMS!

So far away! We wait for that day,
When the hippies oh so wasted are all gone
Vote Herman Cain, for lifetimes lost in a thousand days
Vote Herman Cain and he will carry on.

[Guitar Solo]

As the (commie) Red day is Dawning (WOLVERINES!)
And the liberals raise up a cry,
They’ll raise their hands to the heavens above,
With resentment in their eyes.

Running hard the conservative right
Has a burning in their souls
To banish liberals to a fallen land
Perhaps to Mexico.

It’s their darkest dreams and they believe
It’s their destiny this time
And endlessly
They’ll all be free

But their count of votes GOP
Is so far beyond reality
They’re alone in desperation
Now the time has gone

Lost inside, they’ll never find
Their way back to this real world
Day after day their misery must go on!

So far away, they wait for another day
2012 was so wasted and gone
On Herman Cain, election lost for a thousand days
But through Usurpers reign, they will carry on.

[Crazy ass guitar solo – RED SNAKE OF DOOM]

So far away, they wait for the day
Since 2012 was wasted and gone
On Herman Cain, election lost for a thousand days
To One L – twenty sixteen it shall belong.

Now there they stand, limp dicks in hand
They fapped so hard, we still can’t understand
They’ll break civil society if they possibly can
For teh Freedom of every man!

So far away, they wait for the day
Since 2012 was wasted and gone
On Herman Cain, election lost for a thousand days
To One L – twenty sixteen it shall belong.


Nu thread. Guess I took too long. Anywho, bookmarking for next November – just in case Romney crashes and burns.


Also, too.

One guy pooping on cop car is less fucked up than many people letting their children piss/poop in the WWII Memorial Fountain, like the Teaturds did.

Just sayin.


(comments are closed)