So it appears the leader of Hezbollah has agreed to a ceasefire resolution. You can tell this is genuinely good news because Pam is P-I-S-S-E-D about it. We’re talkin’ whole paragraphs written in all CAPS and bold:
A CEASEFIRE IS WRONG WRONG WRONG. OUR ONLY HOPE IS HEZB’ALLAH WILL REFUSE AND SAVE THE FREE WORLD FROM OURSELVES (like Yasser Arafatbastard saved Jerusalem for the Jews by refusing it when Barak offered it in the Cliton White house.) […]
DO NOT PASS THE RESOLUTION! Why is Abu Dana (Olmert) agreeing to the resolution?
The fact is that the Ceasefire is considered a hudna by Hizballah, it gives them enough time to get more ammo so they can attack again.
The fact is that this ceasefire is a poison pill from the anti-semitic UN and Israel should look into removing idiots like Olmert.
Capslock: Proudly proving the inneptitude of it’s users for twenty years.
When you have the law on your side, pound the law.
When you have the facts on your side, pound the facts.
When you have neither on your side, pound the table.
Incidently, wouldn’t the ceasefire also give Israel a chance to rearm, regroup, and replan as well?
Half time works both ways, kiddies.
Well, Hizballah is the one losing right now, so they have more to gain from a ceasefire.
Gary- Gavin and I would like you to write a guest post for us sometime. We think your unique perspective and insights would provide much-needed balance to our blog. Contact me if you’re interested using the “CONTACT” tab at the top of the page.
Somewhere out there, the nice men in white coats are searching desperately for their lost patient.
Ironically, the general concensus is that Olmert is a disaster, although for differing reasons.
Note Gary’s implicit statement that peace equals anti-Semitism. And the poison pill is usually a surprise, disastrous point hidden inside an agreement, not the agreement itself. Just a semantic point, although in general, I am anti-semantic.
This will also give Israel a chance to re-arm and redeploy, as well as determine if their is a winning, more politic, strategy if hostilities resume.
Gary exhibits ignorance of the obverse.
Gary- Gavin and I would like you to write a guest post for us sometime. We think your unique perspective and insights would provide much-needed balance to our blog.
Brad, that’s the funniest thing I’ve read all day!
Coulda fooled me. Last four weeks he’s kept up the killing, er, admirably.
The fact is that the Ceasefire is considered a hudna by Hizballah, it gives them enough time to get more ammo so they can attack again.
Y’know, Gary, I haven’t seen any indication that either side is low on “ammo”, tough guy. Seems to me that the UN Resolution isn’t worth the 100% Cotton Bond it’s written on. If peace breaks out on the Lebanese border this week, I’ll admit to having been wrong, but to think these particular folks are gonna hang ’em up, put ’em down and back off strikes me, as I am so fond of saying, as insufficiantly cynical.
The Israeli troops will continue to occupy a portion of Lebanon. Hezbollah will continue to fight them. Israel with call in some fast movers. Hezbollah will fire some artillery rockets. The suits in New York will argue. The suits in Washington will posture, pontificate and seek political advantage. Women, children, the old and the sick will continue to die.
Children, how could anybody deny the fact of evolution? It seems to me that humans are evolving. They are losing their humanity. They are becoming something else, because humans could not do this, and humans could not stand by and let it happen…
Gary exhibits ignorance of the obverse.
Gary exhibits ignorance of the universe.
Should be a hellava guest post. Can’t wait.
De-evolution is very real.
I think the Israeli government is signing on to this thing mainly on the assumption that less fighting = less chance Atlas Blathers will make a return trip to Israel to yammer on camera and annoy the shit out of beleaguered IDF soldiers.
You know it, I know it, and the American people know it.
Re our gal Pam
1. The vidcap is right up there with the J-Pod beluga photo and the Michelle Malkin vicaps used by TBogg. Nice work.
2. I always cite the Ayn Rand Institute for my critical back-up.
3. I wonder if Pat Tillman’s folks know he’s so prominently displayed on her site.
4. After careful thought..most careful indeed, I have decided (unilaterally) that Gary Ruppert is far the intellectual superior to Pam and suggest we hold a putsch to install him at Atlas Shrugged.
“The Fact Is,” with Gary Ruppert. Coming to a street corner near you this fall!
> …refusing it when Barak offered it in the Cliton White house
The Cliton White House, Pam? Quite the opposite.
The last Gary Ruppert entry did not begin with “The fact is…” It’s a phony Gary!
Okay, but going on the assumption that Israel is winning (which I would debate, but would need a day or two to really learn up on) I still don’t see how a ceasefire would upturn the balance of warfare.
Hezbollah has been sitting up there for decades, arming and fortifying thier positions. You really think a month off is what they need to really sock it to Israel?
The fact is that is the IDF hasn’t been able to route out Hezbollah by now, I doubt they would be able to at all without inflicting severe causualitys among civilians and civilian infrustructure. Everythime they blow shit up, they further inflame their opposition, and create an exponentially more uphill battle.
Oh. Here’s why I would debate the winning: if it’s going so well for Israel, why the ceasefire agreement?
Back to Crazy Pam’s Deli, could someone explain why the US would have to accept this resolution?
Back to Crazy Pam’s Deli, could someone explain why the US would have to accept this resolution?
Maybe because, according to Pam, if we don’t then
But then someone will need to explain that whole thing too, I guess.
Re: why Israel is accepting the ceasefire: Billmon, mon. Billmon, yo. Billmon RULZ.
This bitch is meshuggaah. Nothing to see here.
The last Gary Ruppert entry did not begin with “The fact is…� It’s a phony Gary!
Clearly, this is the case.
I myself am confident that the Israeli government has the ability to tell the difference between a “cease-fire” and a “peace treaty”. Clearly, Pammy and Gary have less confidence.
Why do Pammy and Gary hate Israel?
Yeah, well, Condi is Bolton’s boss, so she gets to do that. That’s the way the ruggala crumbles.
Capslock: Proudly proving the inneptitude of it’s users for twenty years.
from Bash.org: HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU TELL THAT I’M 13 BY LOOKING AT WHAT I’M WRITEING?????????????????????????????????????????????????????
She right: when a war is going badly, the ony thing to do is to keep on fighting.
So… then Hezbollah is good? When will Pam’s brain explode?
So… then Hezbollah is good? When will Pam’s brain explode?
Who says it hasn’t?
R/e “Ruppert: The Column,” ugh! Go ahead and do this if ya want to Brad, no skin off my nose. But since I am well aware that gary is sloppin’ over with bullshit, I promise you I shan’t waste any time reading such a virtual, electronic shit-log. If it was a print publication, it’d be a shame trees had to die, but since it’s just pixels and electrons, no harm done, I suppose. It’s still a waste of space, though.
I like the idea, marq. Nothing makes you work your own thought process over like having to explain it out in full.
Besides, it’ll be fun!
No, no, Marq, it will be comedy gold!
If it actually caused Gary to write a thoughtful piece where he had to offer a position and defend it, instead of spitting out a series of talking points, most demonstrably false or unsupported opinion, I think it would make for a fascinating read. One thing the wingnuts don’t do, indeed, apparently cannot do, is offer real, thoughtful defenses of their theories. WHY we invaded Iraq. Why Iraq was more important than al Quaida. Why staying the course is good for Iraq, or America. Why we should not have a diplomatic dialog with NoKor, Iran or Syria. Whatever the point, I would LOVE to engage them in thoughtful dialog rather than talking points, ad hominems, straw men and personal insults…
Pff.. Way to harsh the buss, Mikey.
See, the thing is that, until about Katrina, I was a complete no-nothing about politics. Governtment was this things that ran in the backround and send me bills in the mail.
It wasn’t until the complete and totaly abject failure that is the Bush Administartion came to light that I started paying real attention to the bullshit.
I guess asking “why?” makes me a trator-esque son of a bitch. And moonbat, whatever THAT means. That’s not an insult, it’s two nouns put together. That’s like calling conservatives “soccerdidgeridos”.
See, I LIKE discorse. I like discenting opinions. That’s how good ideas become great plans, through debate and angling viewpoints and compromise and conflict.
When you lable your opponents as pro-terrorist and evil satans because they think there might better ways to do things, you betray a core value of America and Democracy. Then there’s whole hypocracy thing that repubs go through like kettlecorn.
…shit, I lost what my point was. Something about agreeing with Mikey about thoughtful debate, not “the Taliban-wing of the democrats just won a victory for their Hezbollah overlords.”
i’d have to agree with fluffybunnyfeet: Billmon did predict that Israel would want a way out of their disasterous crusade (according to his own analysis of the shituation).
But you nailed it, SG. They have gone a long way toward changing the rules. In China, the Legislature meets once a year. Why? Because they have no power, they serve as window dressing to the real power, the party. These guys have attempted to replace debate with authoritarianism. In a one-party state, consensus is unnecessary. Through the tyrany of the false dichotomy, and the power of marketing communications, they have gone a long way towards eliminating the value of the loyal opposition, and hence the two party system. “You’re either with us or your with the terrorists”. The new Big Lie.
Their problem is this is only good for campaining. It’s a lousy way to govern. So you get decisions based on ideology, and priorities that lead to New Orleans and Iraq and the Energy Bill and the Bankruptcy Bill and the Pharma Giveaway and…
If it’s all about the accumulation and preservation of power, then they are winning. But like every imperial power in history, in their hubris and mindless adherence to doctrine, they over – reached. And the time to erase this sad experiment from the history of American Politics is now…
Y’know, I read that billmon piece. And while well thought, and logical, I’m pretty sure it’s wrong. Why? Because it utterly ignores one simple fact that should be pretty goddam hard for Americans to ignore at this point. And that is that when a people are occupied by a foreign military, they fight. It has always been this way, and it always will be. The short form is the well known canard “Nationalism is the most powerful -ism”. And this is true. So no matter what the Israelis intention is, as long as they are in Lebanon, they will come under attack by Hezbollah guerrillas. And they will take casualties. And they will fight with what they have, artillery and air. Tanks and Armored Infantry. And that will give Hezbollah cover to launch artillery rockets on Northern Israel. And Israel will respond with air strikes. And what will cause this cycle to be broken?
Huh? Was that some kind of Freudian whatsits?
Deranged noodlehead.
Did anyone listen to her one-on-one interview with John Bolton (rather long compared to the amount of time Bolton seems to normally devote to interviews with less important figures, such as journalists from major news organizations)?
“Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances.”
–Grand Moff Pamela
The really, really neat thing about a ceasefire is that at least for a little while
people aren’t being blown up.
And if I hear one more overfed American maundering on like an armchair general
with his oh so cogent analyses of strategy and tactics, well, fuck, I don’t know
what I’ll do, but I swear I’m gonna do something.
[P.S. My cat is intellectually superior to BatshitCrazy Pam.]
Good analysis, XipeTotec. This has been a really weird war. That’s kind of a “duh” statement, but really, what was the point of all of this nonsense? It sure as hell wasn’t to get those two soldiers back. To destroy Hezbollah? Possibly, but why bomb the hell out of Beirut?
I know, I know, the neocons were hoping this would set off World War III (or IV or V, they can’t agree on the numbering of them), but I know that wasn’t what the Israelis wanted to do. I think it was to get hezbollah to quit firing rockets at them. This is entirely reasonable, but I don’t think their strategy here is going to do them much good.
To J-Pod and the Powertools, this is a huge defeat for Israel, because, oh hell, I don’t know what their idiotic idea of victory would have been. I think they really are disappointed their predicted “Clash of Civilizations” didn’t take place.
Mudge said,
August 12, 2006 at 22:23
4. After careful thought..most careful indeed, I have decided (unilaterally) that Gary Ruppert is far the intellectual superior to Pam and suggest we hold a putsch to install him at Atlas Shrugged.
Yeah–but how does Gary look braless, in a tank top?
I know…Its not like we won’t get plenty of more chances at Armageddon :).
This is my little “armchair general” pet theory (anonymous, whatever you are going to do…do it now) but I think we will be getting a much better chance if Bush goes ahead with a military attack on Irans nuclear facilities.
I think that this really was orchestrated by Iran as an attempt to send a warning to the US – a demonstration of what will be a larger orchestrated uprising in response a US/allied military attack on their nuclear facilities.
I think that explains the signs of elaborate planning in the kidnapping attack (a kidnapping is more likely to generate this kind of response than a conventional raid), as well as Hezbollahs obvious material preparation for some kind of Israeli offensive – especially their better-than-expected arsenal, including a “demonstration” attack on a relatively minor vessel using a sophisiticated anti-ship cruise missle capable of posing a threat to even some of our most expensive ships. Hezbollah has not forgotten when we had a battleship shell Beruit. They blew the element of suprise and they are not stupid, so its reasonable to believe it was a deliberate show: Furthermore, we dont know how many more Iran has given to their various clients and I’ll bet the US navy is going to be more careful before they send their $$$ ships close to certain coasts if things with Iran heat up.
If Bush is set on an attack, and I am right about this, we will be seeing a much worse version of this in the near future.
near future = before the next president is sworn in.
Iran could be fun, cause they do have the means to hit back. Like, the F-14 we sold them (that are probably in disre-pair to the point of not being useful, to be honest).
But hey, they were our friends before they were our enemies!
God, I hate it when we sell shit to anyone. Never a good plan.
God, I hate it when we sell shit to anyone. Never a good plan.
But if we don’t run guns, who will?! What have you got against short-term-thinking money-making Some Guy? So what if it goes against our own interests, as well as makes a mockery of the various ideals, doctrines, moral stances and other items we might hold to be self-evident, WE NEED TO MAKE MONEY!
What are ya, some kind of poverty fan?
Also, Abu Dana? Father of Dana?
Is there a reason Pammy’s talking in Arabic?
I don’t have any special inside knowledge regarding the current kerfluffle in the Middle East, but a few things are very clear to me:
First, I don’t even know who really started this thing, whether that be Iran via Hezballah or Israel (yes, this is actually unclear…), but Israel lost this “war” by all the measures that matter: they marched into another country and got completely embarassed militarily by a guerrilla force (not only in terms of the extremely high attrition among the IDF but also in that they failed so completely in their stated goals and had to repeatedly ratchet expectations down); they indiscriminately bombed the shit out of Lebanon and completely lost public support amongst their neighbors and the international community at large; and with this ceasefire they’re left with this pathetic public posture of the muscle-head bully who misses every punch and then expects his opponent to be grateful for being “allowed” to walk away.
Second, the wingers masturbating over the idea of this regional proxy conflilct devolving into a larger direct war are going to be sorely dissappointed – not only will the international community not stand for it, neither will Israelis (unlike in the US, incompetence in war actually has consequences with them…). Another dry hump for the neocons, though not for lack of trying. They pulled out the stops in as much as they could – the “this is our war” rhetorical alignment of US interest with Israel, the accusations of anti-semitism to get everyone to fall into line, the diplomatic walking-in-place for as long as possible. They’re trying to go to Tehran, trying somehow to allow Israel to fuck with Lebanon long enough to draw in Syria and Iran, the fucking idiots, but they aren’t going to get there this time.
Third, this will happen again soon, this proxy war devolving into outright war maneuver – where the rest of the world watches as the US conspicuously holds back a diplomatic settlement between two parties long enough to allow a real war to break out. I can see it either resulting from Israel having to swing that big regional stick again, or from Iranian or Syrian “interference” in Iraq. Probably be rolled out for real in Spring ’07 or ’08, unless there’s a huge change in domestic politics between now and then. We can hope, I guess, that warmongering goes out of style between now and then, but the only way I see that happening is if the Dems manage to take congress and are able to yank the debate toward something radically different.
Woah, that was long. Oh well.
BTW, that screen grab is priceless. She’s explaining the effects of eating lead paint as a kid?
Good point, I’ll go halfsies on the ball gag.
The fact is that Hezb’allah must stop all attacks immediately while Israel must stop all offensive operations and “Israel is acting in legitimate self-defence”***.
The fact is that Israel can wipe out Hezb’allah but the west will hold Hezb’allah responsible for breaking the ‘ceasefire’ if they defend themselves
The fact is that “Hezb’allah is a terrorist organization and “terrorist organizations cannot conduct legitimate military operations”***.
*** – John Bolton, from his talk with Pammy.
What gets to me about this whole thing is … how many ways can a wingnut spell the name of their sworn enemy?
et seq.
I think it’s “Hezbollah” – anybody else?
poor lost liberals
patio furniture
cosmetic surgery
lasik texas
outdoor grill
Is Gary a Sadly, No! sockpuppet?
“It was supposed to go in here but I put it in my eye. I am a stupid broad.”
I think it’s “Hezbollahâ€? – anybody else?
That depends. If you’re going with the Classical/MSA pronounciation, then it’s Hizbullah (from Øزب الله = hizbu ‘llaahi). All the rest is modelled on the semi-colloquial pronounciation and there are several options. Definitely not “Hezb’allah”, though, and “Hisbollah” is also not good.
poor lost liberals …. vitamins, patio furniture, cosmetic surgery, lasik texas, outdoor grill
What is that? The Laura Bush Home Kit?
bulbul, thanks for clearing that up.
I’d also like to add that it’s “Hizbullah” in the UNGEN and ALA-LC transcriptions of Modern Standard Arabic (there should be a dot below the “H” and a macron above the “a” but its usually avoided because not all web browsers are set to read Latin-Extended or Unicode fonts) and “Hezbollah” in older transcription systems. The main difference is in the vocalizations. The kasra is transcribed as a short “i” in ALA and as an “e” in older systems. The damma is transcribed as a short “u” in ALA and as an “o” in older systems.
“Hisbollah” is a transliteration of a misspelling — the letter “sin” is used in place of the letter “zai” which is as correct as switching letters in our beloved Bamela’s name would be.
“Hezb’allah” or “Hezb’Allah” puts an unnecessary hamza (transliterated with the apostrophe) between the ba’ and the lam. It also ignores the genitive damma, which changes “Party of God” to “A [political] party is God” — not beyond belief given these wingers’ attachment to the GOP.
Finally, the capitalization in “Hezb’Allah” is to emphazise the word “Allah” to remind everyone that these are Muslims practing Islam as the wingers see it: A “bloodthirsty” “death cult” worshipping Mecca’s 6th century “pagan” “moon goddess” and following a “scriptual command” to kill all Jews. Then they say “Religion of Peace My Ass!” and the rest of us wonder how anyone can take them seriously if they keep misspelling a widely publicized name.
Pammy doesn’t pronounce the “H” word consistently.
In her interview with Caroline Glick last week, she followed Glick’s lead in saying “CHHKHHCHCHezb-Allah.”
But in the Bolton interview, she follows his lead and pronounces it in what, for lack of a better word, might be considered a “normal” way.
Interestingly (well, OK, not very), she persists in saying “eye-ran” (as Glick does) even though Bolton says “ee-ron.”
(My TV’s buggered, can you tell?)
Thanks bulbul and RZ – now my next bit of Pam-mockery will be accurate.
Oh no, the troll bot hit the spam bot! It’s like that episode of Star Trek! Now it will e*n*l*4*g*e our p33n1s and laugh at how small it is!
Pammy uses “Abu Dana” to name Olmert because it’s Arabic and she doesn’t like him and Arabs are, y’know, evil, so she wants to make the connection.
Or maybe she thinks that Olmert’s unwillingness to kill every single Lebanese RIGHT NOW! show’s that he’s not on Israel’s side. As her banner states: “If you’re not part of the solution, you are the problem” and we all know that she thinks that Arabs are a “problem”.
As her banner states: “If you’re not part of the solution, you are the problem�
Shouldn’t that read “the final solution”?
It gets worse over at atlasshrugs. She is now not just advocating, but demanding that we invade Iran forthwith.
Why? because war is inevitable, and we will do best if we invade on our timetable instead of waiting for Iran to escalate the conflict.
And we are just so ready and prepared to invade Iran right now….
Why is she pointing to her mouth like that? Does she want me to put something in there? O.K., I’ve got some stale dog biscuits that need a new home. Sit girl! Good girl. Good girl.
Dana Olmert is a prominent Israeli peace activist, so that’s probably what Pam is referring to.
um… Dana Olmert was a prominent Israeli peace activist.
Oooh, Pam wants transcribers for her latest love-in with Bolton. We should email joke transcriptions.
Short version:
Pam:[muffled sounds of ass-kissing]softball question #n
Bolton:MMMMMmmm, that’s good objective journalism!!
I don’t care about who “wins” or who “loses” from the ceasefire. I’m happy to have the killing stop. Dead civilians—on both sides—have already lost. Enough already!
Jeffery Faulk said,
August 13, 2006 at 19:25
“Why is she pointing to her mouth like that?”
She’s signing: “Re-insert bio-nozzle or the crazy bitch gets it!”
[…] Pammy has been a very nauwwwwty girl. Brad caught her in a batshit tantrum over the Ceasefire Resolution. Then she reiterated her belief that Olmert and Condi stabbed Israel in the back. So then, presumably after a post-ragegasm ciggy, she accuses of Google of “Jew-hate”. […]
I can’t wait for Gary to have his own TV show on Fox News. They can call it “The Ruppert Fact Is” and, in its lighter segments, can discuss topics as:
* How to get Mountain Dew off your Stargate DVDs
* Cheetos: How Many Is Too Many?
* The Lovely and Talented Ann Coulter, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Penis
* Adam Yoshida: But He’s Canadian!
[…] What a surprise, huh?! I mean, no one could have seen that coming, what with Pamela Gellar Oshry’s total hatred of diplomacy, bizarre hatred of that “sell-out” Condi Rice, and links to — and outright sympathy with — terrorist websites. […]
[…] the wingnuts aren't nearly as upset about Pam's warmongering and anti-peace screeds. As for what she thinks of the U.N., well, she and John Bolton are obviously two peas in an […]