Don’t Forget The Alligator Moats
Posted on October 17th, 2011 by Tintin
Shorter Irky Irkyson, Red Scare:
Herman Cain Singlehandedly Revives an Old Stereotype
- Liberals who don’t think the idea of an electrified fence frying beaners trying to sneak into the U.S. is funny have no sense of humor.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Yes We Cain!
Uncle Crazybread–kills wetbacks dead!
Will we ever get rid of that stereotype of the black guy as the entertainer, not to be taken seriously?
I thought Erik was busy slurping on the great big collective dong of the rich so as to facilitate his own oppression. Nice to see he can multi-task, like a PRICK.
It’s funny ’cause if they were drybacks the electricity wouldn’t conduct and they’d be safe.
Are Messicans made of bacon?
Then it’s not funny, 53Proof.
Forgive me for retrieving rotten mangoes but…
Irky thinks death of brownskins is funny, is my takeaway.
Soooo…people who go “Yeah, totally, electric fence!” are a bunch of dumb suckers too?
Wouldn’t it be fun if we kidnapped Irky and left him in Juarez without his passport and made him walk home?
There’s nothing the wingnuts like better than an order of refried beaners.
Herman’s new pizza: “Chipotle Jalapeno Mexicano”
I’m gonna put an electric fence around that fat fuck’s refrigerator.
Erick has gone so far without any discernible talent. I mean, really? The humorless liberal? That is like Palin lazy.
Hmmm. I’m on the fence on this issue.
Speakin’ of alligator moats, I’ll leave this right here.
Are there records of anyone laughing before being informed that it was a joke?
To put it another way — since only liberals were foolish enough to take Cain’s words literally, and they’re not going to vote for him, why did he feel the need to clarify them?
There’s nothing the wingnuts like better than an order of refried beaners.
And a side of Tio Pepperspray.
Are there records of anyone laughing before being informed that it was a joke?
I’m starting to think that Cain is a performance artist pulling one huge, extended violation of Poe’s Law. From “I don’t have the facts to back this up” to “Buy used” when asked about taxing food, Cain is a perfect Poe… I keep waiting for him to give up the game.
I keep waiting for him to give up the game.
How would this be different from the Winebox or Ol’ Dr. Mr. “Mrs. Dr. Perfesser”?
And Cain will say his 9-9-9 plan was also a joke any day now…..
…and Irksome will buy it.
How would this be different from the Winebox or Ol’ Dr. Mr. “Mrs. Dr. Perfesser”?
Cain is different because he’s a public figure. He’s so crazy, but he’s treated as something other than a loon. Damn, I’m so hoping for the “reveal”.
Erk also thinks the idea of a federal government* being able to frag the shit out of people who were minding their own business in foreign countries but unable to do the same against the same within our borders is a RIOT!
*To use his construction. Perhaps he’s edging towards U.S. Military = Federal Gubbermint = Skreee! Doubleplusungood!
BBBB, sorry to harsh upon your buzz but surely you haven’t forgetten Palin already.
Considering that this poor chap has to work three jobs, I’d hope you guys could cut him some slack.
I’m rather happy for this opportunity to forget Palin.
Maybe her 15 minutes (extended LP version) is finally up?
LOL–Even Micheal Steele couldn’t defend Cain. He was acting a little ticked (On that creepy Bashir guy’s show) that the sales tax on his bread and milk would go from zero to 9%.
Cain is a worse candidate than Ron Paul. The problem is that Repig voters are looking for a candidate who is a fucking psycho and doesn’t act like a psycho. The problem is that none of these guys have good handlers like Bush did.
On the contrary, conservatives, we find you very humorous! It’s just that we laugh at you when you’re trying to be serious, not when you’re trying to be funny.
The problem is that Repig voters are looking for a candidate who is a fucking psycho and doesn’t act like a psycho.
So, Hannibal Lecter?
@BBBB; I don’t think it’s performance art at all. I think you’re looking at the net result of years and years of Stockholm Syndrome and the effects of fatigue caused by constant rationalizing and compartmentalizing beliefs.
He hates all this PC liberal shit but he also has a problem with a Texas bigshot having the word nigger painted on a rock outside of his fort…
The brain has defense mechanisms for sudden extermination of all your self respect.
So, Hannibal Lecter?
YES. I believe that’s a perfect example.
The brain has defense mechanisms for sudden extermination of all your self respect.
Crack cocaine?
He was acting a little ticked (On that creepy Bashir guy’s show) that the sales tax on his bread and milk would go from zero to 9%.
In Nashville, the tax on milk is 8.25%. Just sayin’.
Crack cocaine?
Well, there are many, that’s just what I use.
In Nashville, the tax on milk is 8.25%. Just sayin’.
The weird thing that many Teabaggers forget is that Cain’s Nein! on sales is in addition to state sales taxes. Cuz states sure as hell ain’t gonna excise one of their only sources of tax revenue, especially if they are forced (as most will) to index their state income tax to the Fed rate of Nein! percent.
As they say in the deep woods, that dog ain’t gone hunt.
Well, actually, there is a lot funny about it — a massive federal government capable of launching a stealth bomber from the heartland to drop bombs on Afghanistan is incapable of securing its own border
Well, see, there’s funny-strange and funny-haha. Which do you think that is? No hurry, I’ll wait.
We should rejoice. Humorless liberals are our greatest PR advantage in 2012 with independents who just want something to smile about.
Hopefully it’s enough to make people forget you’re unfunny assholes laughing about killing people. Tee hee!
Humorless liberals are our greatest PR advantage in 2012 with independents who just want something to smile about.
Wow, Tig, even I couldn’t wade that deep into the swamp for that mango!
Really? That’s his best hope for electing a Republican in 2012? That the American people will have a collective toothache or something?
Really? That’s his best hope for electing a Republican in 2012? That the American people will have a collective toothache or something?
Well, I mean, dentistry IS theft, after all…
Gee, just for shits and grins, maybe Mexico will stop oil, vegetable and electricity shipments, not to mention automobiles and machine parts and the communities along the border can just tap into the fence to power border communities. Now, that’s funny!
In Nashville, the tax on milk is 8.25%. Just sayin’.
Well, MOST states exclude food items from sales taxes. It’s little surprise that a the giant jackwagon farm like Tennessee would tax food the same as it taxes a new Bentley. Washington has an 8.7% sales tax, but food is excluded.
I think Steele said he was in Maryland, which also excludes food from sales taxes.
the communities along the border can just tap into the fence to power border communities. Now, that’s funny!
Actually, that is!
“Hey vato! Oye! Gimme dem jumper cables!”
In Nashville, the tax on milk is 8.25%. Just sayin’.
Also, you should be ticked about that. That’s an exceptionally regressive tax.
It’s little surprise that a the giant jackwagon farm like Tennessee would tax food the same as it taxes a new Bentley.
A new Bentley? 9.25%.
But it probably gets some rich people’s tax exemption.
I stand corrected. I’m sure Tennessee is a progressive paradise.
our greatest PR advantage in 2012 with independents who just want something to smile about
I was under the impression that the presidential election was about choosing a competent Executive rather than a National Jester, but I am willing to be corrected.
Also, you should be ticked about that. That’s an exceptionally regressive tax.
Are you kidding? I’m proud to pay a 4x-greater percentage of my income to taxes than Al Gore or Nicole Kidman (warning: big-ass PDF).
Oops — maybe it’s just 3x. I haven’t opened the big-ass PDF in a few weeks.
I’m proud to pay a 4x-greater percentage of my income to taxes than Al Gore or Nicole Kidman
In fairness, Kidman’s probably got nicer tits.
Same for Gore.
Why do people always warn about pdf’s?
You need shitty Adobe software for it and it can be a headache, and they can take a long time to load. As a constant consumer of PDFs, they are my likeliest source of browser-crashes next to Flash. They can also be a security risk.
“In fairness, Kidman’s probably got nicer tits.
Same for Gore.”
What about the “big-ass?”
Why do people always warn about pdf’s?
a) Because they require Adobe, which means your system will almost automatically check to make sure it’s running the latest Reader version and if its not, will prompt you to download and install it which will require you to shut your browser down
b) Because they’re usually big ass since they include all the font and print info embedded in the document
c) Because shut up, that’s why.
Yes. That’s right. The GOP should use its massive humor stockpiles to blast a path to the White House.
What about the “big-ass?”
I don’t know that his ass would be bigger than the one’s, or smaller than the other’s
(talk about leaving a fastball out over the plate…)
Y’all are forgetting Erick’ Third Law of Racial Dynamics: Nothing any Republican says or does can be considered racist or morally contemptible because — HERMAN CAIN, Motherfuckerz!
That sounds like 3 phony excuses to be a contrary jackass in exchange for someone doing you a square and shooting a nice link your way.
“Jokes, Not Jobs!” is the kind of message that’s sure to resonate with the American people.
That sounds like 3 phony excuses to be a contrary jackass in exchange for someone doing you a square and shooting a nice link your way.
Also, because it used to be really hard to
steal entire pages worth of blogpostingscopy and quote PDFs.You need shitty Adobe software for it and it can be a headache, and they can take a long time to load. As a constant consumer of PDFs, they are my likeliest source of browser-crashes next to Flash. They can also be a security risk.
As a constant consumer of netporn, let me just say…HA! Pikers.
“Jokes, Not Jobs!” is the kind of message that’s sure to resonate with the American people.
Let them eat hot cross puns!
Yeah, Conservatives are way funnier than liberals.
That’s why Fox News’ 1/2 Hour News Hour was such a runaway success and why shows like the Daily Show and Colbert Report wallowed in obscurity.
“Jokes, Not Jobs!” is the kind of message that’s sure to resonate with the American people.
Well, to that I say fool me once…shame…shame on you…..fool me ….CAN’T GET FOOLED AGAIN.
An electric fence? Seriously? I guess he figures Mexico hasn’t developed bolt-cutter technology yet.
“Fixed defenses are monuments to the stupidity of man” – George S. Patton
Humorless liberals are our greatest PR advantage in 2012…
Considering what else they’ve got going for them, he’s probably right.
Shit motes and laser beams. Bears and pumas. Hill and gully riders. These are serious border security proposals.
I will accept the label of humorousless liberal if it helps keep Herman “And in the end the dough you bake is equal to the dough you bake” Cain as GOP frontrunner a little longer.
Instant death for crossing the border? Heck, even North Korea only puts you in a labor camp for 5 years. So he wants to be crazier than Kim Jong Il?
humerusless liberals have been effectively disarmed!
Well, actually, there is a lot funny about it — a massive federal government capable of launching a stealth bomber from the heartland to drop bombs on Afghanistan is incapable of securing its own border
Well, there is a humor to it, I mean, a kernel of black humor, of laughing because the reality of the situation is heart-breaking to really dwell on and you need to lighten it up and make a joke of the subject-matter.
Of course, it’s a right-winger, so he fucks up the whole progression of the black humor joke and also missing the point that black humor isn’t often a “laugh out loud” funny sort of thing.
I mean, the usual procession would be “we have the ability to send a specially designed ‘stealth bomber’ to blow the shit out of countries that wouldn’t be able to handle a regular old bomber with bombs that individually cost more than it would cost to feed at least a hundred starving people for life and let them drop with indiscriminate aim and carefree nature, but we always claim we’re too poor and it would be too great an expense to keep a starving family here in the states from dying of hunger.”
But yeah, a right-winger who has no idea what humor is, but assumes that liberals must be humorless? Oh, HAI, projection, nice to see you there!
fuck, the dough you make is equal to
I love how the “writers” at this site go ahead and spell out the N-word instead of using “N-word” or at least “ni***er” in the “shorter” posts. It must be a great way to voice your inherent racism without seeming to be racist. I think you just love the way the word looks all spelled-out…you love to say it out loud because of the way it just rolls naturally off your racist tongues…all the while you’re projecting YOUR racism onto whomever is the subject of your mindless drivel, but somehow have managed to convince people that it’s conservatives who are the racists. Neato trick!
Way to stay on topic there, boogs.
An electric fence? Seriously? I guess he figures Mexico hasn’t developed bolt-cutter technology yet.
Pretty much, if they got their wet dream, it would be about 5 seconds before every border town in Mexico was being powered by the Fence’s grid and there were rows of over-priced shops selling insulated gloves and rubber-handle wire-cutters.
And the real dirty secret about the border, besides the fact that companies don’t want the border really closed, because it’s a strong source of essentially slave labor and keeps food cheap enough to prevent middle-class rioting is that there is no way to really prevent the immigration of people desperate enough they will allow themselves to be packed into trunks or walk across deserts just to be a non-person in a country that hates them. They will always be more ingenious than your attempts to stop them and the more you try to show you hate them, the more you convince them to try and join criminal organizations when they are over here rather than being the productive citizens they want to be.
Not to mention that we are directly responsible for the “problem” by having our factory farms and factories directly destroy many of the border towns in Mexico for short-term profit, completely destroying the means those villages used to support themselves before. Probably why conservatives learned to fuck people over so far away they can’t just walk into your country afterwards.
Well, there is a humor to it, I mean, a kernel of black humor, of laughing because the reality of the situation is heart-breaking to really dwell on and you need to lighten it up and make a joke of the subject-matter.
You know what this kind of “joke” reminds me of?
Irky must be the kind of guy who starts off any number of sentences with “If we can put a man on the moon…” and ends them with some bizarre non-sequitor which he somehow figures, merely by the juxtaposition next to such an incongruity, is funny.
“If we can put a man on the moon, why can’t I smoke at my desk?”
OT: Congrats, Kiwis.
Although I will note that the winner does NOT have an enticingly high forehead, he does have an off-puttingly scraggly beard. I think there may be birds in there. WHO HELPED HIM CHEAT.
Not to mention that we are directly responsible for the “problem” by having our factory farms and factories directly destroy many of the border towns in Mexico for short-term profit, completely destroying the means those villages used to support themselves before. Probably why conservatives learned to fuck people over so far away they can’t just walk into your country afterwards.
My understanding of Mexico’s internal problems with respect to El Norte is that border towns feel pressure from villagers in the south (like, say, Chiapas) who’s poorer residents flee to the north in search of good paying jobs, which pushes northern Mexicans across the border to look for work.
In turn, southern provinces are under pressure from poor immigrants from Central American nations like Guatamela who move north in search of good paying jobs, and like one big Newton’s Cradle, knock the Chiapans et al north, which pushes…
OT: Congrats, Kiwis.
Didn’t I read there were allegations of cheating, like missing tiles?
If we can put a man on the moon, how can trolls miss the point so badly even mission control couldn’t get them back on track?
I love how the “waiters” at this site go ahead and spell out the N-word and then try to hide the letters in between lots of other letters, such as:
Nice trick, but you can’t fool me.
Dammit. People at my company want serialized barcodes on their carton labels. every square millimeter of space on the current label is already covered with either barcodes or text. So i thought about moving to a 2d barcode. And then I thought, why not be cutting edge? Some companies are already using 3d barcodes, we should be the first to implement 4d barcodes.
There is a Samson-like power in those things. But for eggheads.
If Cain is the nominee he will hear lots of liberals laughing, independents, too.
Oh, hey, Dennis found a new nym.
Oh wait, no, we’re supposed to interact like we don’t know the score.
Yes, random and totally honest debater on serious matters, we would tout suite like to discuss with you the internal ethnic studies debate on whether or not the shielding of the word is a good thing because it discourages the history and protects those who would be targeted by it and affected by it even in innocent context or a bad thing because it makes it seem like the problem with the word is only related to the word itself rather than its history as a tool of oppression and an expression of unpersonhood and thus fleeing from the word erases the real problem for a more “fixable problem” and of course the very fraught side issue of reclamation, who is allowed to reclaim and under what contexts and are certain words un-reclaimable.
As a fellow ethnic studies buff, I’m sure you have a strong background in this internal debate and are making your point from your long history with the subject and not as a transparent and woefully under-aware attempt to play “gotcha” at liberals and push the tired conservative six-year-old tactic of “nuh uh, you’re the real racists!”
I mean, that would just be madness.
every square millimeter of space on the current label is already covered with either barcodes or text.
You work for Dr Bronner?
Viewing PDFs does not require any Adobe software. This is true for OS X and Windoze as well as, of course, Linux.
“actor212 said,
October 17, 2011 at 22:49
OT: Congrats, Kiwis.
Didn’t I read there were allegations of cheating, like missing tiles?”
Yup. Brit accused of hiding the g.
Hiding the G
Spot on!
Short regoob*:
Supporting candidates who are bigoted and use the Southern Strategy to this day, and whose policies purposefully make life worse for minorities is not racist. But spelling out a word? Now that is really racist!
(* Hoping the post was snark, but don’t recall seeing this person post here before, so I’m not giving him/her/it the benefit of the doubt. Just not in the mood today.)
Yup. Brit accused of hiding the g.
Hmm, where is she, anyway? Did anyone find her later?
No, but after we make this label 1″ wider like they want to accommodate their request for a serialized barcode, I totally have room for some extra text. I think I’ll download Janus node and feed it some really bad translations of some Kabbalah texts.
he does have an off-puttingly scraggly beard.
TileBird concealment devices.“Substance McGravitas said,
October 17, 2011 at 22:53
he does have an off-puttingly scraggly beard.
There is a Samson-like power in those things. But for eggheads.”
AND mad scientists.
Irky must be the kind of guy who starts off any number of sentences with “If we can put a man on the moon…” and ends them with some bizarre non-sequitor which he somehow figures, merely by the juxtaposition next to such an incongruity, is funny.
Like an Andy Rooney who shit his pants yesterday and is suffering from a painful rash. Right?
Why does the YouTube player on iPad suck so suckily? Do any of you folks have problems with _very_ slow loading, insufficient buffer size and general suckiness?
I think I’ll download Janus node and feed it some really bad translations of some Kabbalah texts.
There is a Samson-like power in those things. But for eggheads.”
AND mad scientists.
And very douchy hipsters, provided that obligatory birth control glasses and a trainload of condescension accompany them.
Do any of you folks have problems with _very_ slow loading, insufficient buffer size and general suckiness?
Not generally, no. It could be your wireless connection.
Have I shown you my etchings?
I hear this in the same tone of voice as that “Leave Britney Alone!” guy.
PDF is the file format of liberal fascism …
PDF is the file format of liberal fascism …
I thought that was liberal Flashism?
Wuzza-wuzzup, loony libs? Da Cool Coach is LOL to the WALL, y’all! The funky fact of the matter is, the Hermanator has you silly socialists and your smelly Wall Street protests runnin’ scared! Badoodle-boo-yeah! You best believe that your precious Obummer is gonna get tossed out on his behind when ConservoMentum ’12 comes, and then the Yes We CAIN plan will be initiated! You dorks are goin’ down!
Ya hear that, libs? SPREAD of TRUTH all over your butts! Urban out.
I thought that was liberal Flashism?
**polite clap**
Schmear of lulz.
See, Dennis? This is how you troll.
I thought that was liberal Flashism?
**polite clap**
*forgets to check for upskirt cam*
I swear there’s some behind-the-scenes rejiggering going on at YouTube. Some choppiness that struck last month for me on an old Mac and Firefox is now, for some reason, gone.
StretchedLarge PDFs from Substance McG, are always safe, however.Why hasn’t Herman Cain married someone called Lana?
YouTube on my mobile Apple devices will not recognize my login information. It makes me want to hurt somebody.
A family member called “Nova” would be too much to hope for.
Yup. Brit accused of hiding the g.
He was a Cockney. It was part of his CULTURE.
Or Lyda.
Troll logic:
Not being a racist + spelling the word “nigger”= racist
ACTUALLY being racist + being polite enough to demure when using the “n” word= not racist
Up is down. Down is up.
I want to go to bed.
Sadly Pop Quiz: Who said this?
“I have been a long-time advocate for states’ rights. However, I believe as Abraham Lincoln did – that states don’t have the rights to legalize moral wrongs.
“Mr. Cain, Congresswoman (Michele) Bachmann and Governor (Rick) Perry all believe 50 different definitions of marriage is fine, I strongly disagree and will continue fighting for traditional marriage between one man and woman.”
This is all just a giant Borat-style stunt to hype an upcoming movie. Personally, I can’t wait to see Citizen Cain.
“Smut Clyde said,
October 17, 2011 at 23:22
Yup. Brit accused of hiding the g.
He was a Cockney. It was part of his CULTURE.”
I was gonna make a dumb joke about his “GULTURE.”
Might be related to this. Flash is evil.
I strongly disagree and will continue fighting for traditional marriage between one man and
ShorterVerbatim Katie Kieffer at clownhall: ” I think humans who reject reason by acting like squirrels have no business preaching about God.”And that can only be Frothy Rick.
I can prove it to you watch the rotation
It all adds up to a funky situation
So get up get, get get down
999 is a joke in yo town
Get up, get, get, get down
Late 999 wears the late crown
999 is a joke
If his slacks don’t fit I’m not cutting them for him. He can get a 4th job and buy new pants.
“Substance McGravitas said,
October 17, 2011 at 23:25
YouTube on my mobile Apple devices will not recognize my login information.
Might be related to this. Flash is evil.”
I was hoping the huge new update would fix this. I just checked-nope.
The funky fact of the matter is,
Super Sarah the Power PalinRick “The Big Stick” Perry Chris “Jesus” Christie Rudy America’s Mayor Giullianithe Hermanator has you silly socialists and your smelly Wall Street protests runnin’ scared!I can’t wait for the taunting triumphalism when Willard “Teh Mighty Mittster” Romney finally gets the nod.
Oops, forgot
SPREAD of TRUTH all over your butts!
Hey, you said it was honey!
Urban out.
Wait, what? Already? But now I’ve got truth all over my butt and CERTAIN EXPECTATIONS.
Brit accused of hiding the g.
He was a Cockney. It was part of his CULTURE
I was thinking of William Burges’ Tower House in London, in which he had the mantelpiece in the drawing-room inlaid with the letters of the alphabet… except the ‘H’, which had been dropped. No pictures available BUGGRIT.
Mr. Cain, Congresswoman (Michele) Bachmann and Governor (Rick) Perry all believe 50 different definitions of marriage is fine
No mention of Mormon polygamy in that list. Holding back for later?
damned tag fail!
“We should rejoice. Humorless liberals are our greatest PR advantage in 2012 with independents who just want something to smile about.”
That’s some funny shit!
Actually, that tangent reminds me of the other big right-wing ranting point about how “gangsta rap and street slang” is “allowed” to use the n-word, but they are not (because there are electric shock collars that instantly cause any wingnut using the word in its old purpose intense pain, rather than just making their racist asses look even more archaic.
What the wingnuts always miss about street slang using the n-word (I know, wingnuts missing the point, call the presses), is the purpose of the street using the slang. On the obvious level its about reclamation, defanging a word designed to hurt your community and making it a badge of pride much like “gay or queer” or even “bitch and slut” within the communities.
But it also in many of the original gangsta rap pieces and street slang uses was a bit of actual dark humor. Basically a street version of noting that their cities, their culture, and obviously the authorities that they interacted most with (cops) viewed them as subhuman beasts, as the vernacular nigger, even though that word was not necessarily used (though in NYPD and especially LAPD, I guarantee that word was probably dropped as often as a KKK reunion). A recognition that when the powers that be talked about “the unmanagable streets”, “animals gunning each other down”, “endemic crime problem”, and so on, what they were saying was nigger nigger nigger. That the emotional contexts had simply moved on to new words and this was a means by which to halt that desire to forget and move on and root it in the real in the crude manner of the street vernacular.
So it was part reclamation badge of pride “me and my niggers is tight” and recognition and acknowledgment of the level of cultural racism they still interacted with (essentially, “we are viewed as niggers and will be viewed as niggers and treated as niggers and it is up to us niggers to break out of that and address a world that would prefer to dismiss it as that “old n-word problem” without looking as how it effected current culture today).
Of course, wingnuts being the idiots that they are reduce this to “waaah, they are allowed to use the word we made up to hurt them, why can’t we use it to continue hurting them” BS, but pointing out the thinness of dog whistles in actions and words is a long and storied tradition. Because what they so often mean is the emotional context of nigger which never went away, anymore than the emotional context of bitch or the emotional context of gay even though they may have moved to new words (humorless feminists in the former, fag in the latter).
And of course, wingnuts being creatures of magic words, of bad words, and holy words, and devoid of real interaction with life as is, react entirely as a game of words. There are bad words and good words and context and intent matters not. It’s all about just avoiding the wrong words so that you can be a “good person” without ever doing anything real or important or even riding yourself of all the negative connotations to words that made some words “bad”.
Okay, enough serious. Let’s get back to mockery.
Liberals don’t have one and many of us have forgotten it. They are starting to come back out of their caves and from under their bridges to be angry on TV about Herman Cain smiling.
Once again wingnuts mistake mockery with fear and anger.
I don’t think there’s a single person on the left who is even remotely angry about Herman Cain. Some who think he’s a bad joke? Oh yeah, by the truckload, but as a force of anger, meh, not nearly as much as Perry and Bachmann can enlist (and again being able to make people mad is not necessarily a positive trait).
But because we make fun of the sad and desperate damage control by wingnuts to try and argue that a bought straw poll by a candidate who is as we speak sabotaging his own campaign means that their movement invigorated by racist anger about having a black man in charge will lead them to elect the slightly more palatable black guy and liberals are therefore the real racists, that somehow means we must fear and hate the guy.
I think the conclusion on the street is more “heh, how stupid do they think we are?” mixed with “my word is that sad how that poor man is made to live by his devil’s bargain”.
There was more sadness at how Cain had to go face-to-face with the depth of racism in his party over the whole “Niggerhead” thing and the conservative response to it and the palpable racism we can obviously see at all levels.
It’s a tragic tale, it’s also darkly humorous.
But scary? Hate-inducing?
Not as much. But to wingnuts, mockery is hate, mockery is scorn, mockery is oppression to those who’ve left lives of no real worries. In the same way that pushback and the free speech of others is “PC attacks against their freedom of speech”.
Do any of you folks have problems with _very_ slow loading, insufficient buffer size and general suckiness?
I noticed my fave YouTube vids kept freezing this weekend. I don’t really think it’s my machine (almost-new iMac).
Conservatives need to give up humor entirely. They know not what it is.
999 is a joke
Everyone knows the math don’t never come correct
You can ask my man right here with the broken neck
He’s a witness to the job never bein’ done
He would’ve been in full in 999 and some
Was a joke ’cause we always jokin’
I’m the token to your life when it’s croakin’
You’ll need to be in a pawn shop on a
999 is a joke but we want ’em
If I have my way the poverty will come quicker
The banks huddle up and call a flea flicker
The reason that I say that ’cause they
Flick you off like fleas
They be laughin’ at ya while you’re crawlin’ on your knees
And to the strength so go the length
Thinkin’ you are first when you really are tenth
I hope you don’t wake up and smell the real flavor
Cause 999 is a fake life saver
So get up, get, get get down
999 is a joke in yo town
Get up, get, get, get down
Late 911 wears the late crown
Ow, ow 999 is a joke
“I’m the token to your life when it’s croakin’”
The perfect campaign slogan for Cain?
We should rejoice. Humorless liberals are our greatest PR advantage in 2012 with independents who just want something to smile about.
Ah, there’s the rub.
The really do believe that the 1980 election was a magic ritual and have decided that by aping certain factors that led to it, they can recreate it in full. I mean, they had a well-meaning semi-liberal trying to fix the gaping problems of a previous criminal administration and years of ratfucking. Check. They have the complete shitbombing of the American economy by Republican obstruction. Check. And now they are trying to figure out how to argue that whoever their candidate is will be that “ah gosh” sunny guy who promises vague means of making things sunny and better with little to no policy ideas. Check in progress.
But 1980 was not a magic ritual, it was a unique situation and despite the constant hagiography and the bizarre drugs they must have been doing in the 80s, people aren’t really in the same location. People have a few too many real problems, especially in the middle class to be really all that swung over by “Hey, I’ll make you forget your worries for awhile” and may be a little burnt out on distraction after 8 years of “let’s bomb another country in patriotic fury until you forget about how we never actually addressed the 2000 recession.
Not to mention that the Republicans have been a little too obvious as the force shitcanning any attempt to help real people and a little too obsessed with protecting the exact people that have been making everyone else’s lives shit.
I mean, not saying it won’t work, no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public, but it’s much less likely to work and probably guaranteed to fail if they continue thinking that all they need to do is recreate the circumstances that launched Reagan and sit back.
I don’t want something to smile about. I have a guitar and there is porn and masturbating, and good food.
We don’t always elect our presidents.
But when we do, we prefer competent people.
C’mon you fuddy duddies this is just like “DON’T TAZE ME BRO” but with even more win!
Is this for real? FY AT&T for your crappy slowslowslow 3G.
OT, but check this out
Anyone want to tell me what Mr. Downing said? I don’t get it. “Secure” is “relative”? What does that mean? I believe that it’s embarrassing, but the expression that it’s “relative” leads me to think that nothing much was “learned”.
Here in Texas, almost all of the border is a river (OK, all of it.). Since you can’t really put a fence in the middle of a river, the fence has to be placed several miles inside US territory, which means a whole lot if American territory is outside the fence. Lots of people end up having to cross the fence to go to work or shop, and they never leave the US. Besides being expensive and ineffective, it effectively cedes thousands of square miles of American territory to Mexico. I’d say that it’s one of the worst Republican ideas ever, but there are so many…
It was just a
trial-balloonjoke, silly liibs!If he wanted to get a big laugh, “I should be taken seriously as a contender for the White House” would’ve been a much safer & more successful punchline.
*****CAIN 2012: The Joke’s On YOU, America!*****
Is this for real? FY AT&T for your crappy slowslowslow 3G
And that is why missionary work totally counts as charity.
Is this for real?
Here’s a local link, which makes it look like not quite:
It says there’s been no digging or findings yet, that they’ve pretty much just started. No queen or Bilderburger links yet, either.
Since this is the LAPD I’m guessing things can only be secure when the number of brown people in the area = 0.
As that number moves away from 0, so does the level of security.
Pupenius has tapped into a rich seam of batshit crazy there. See also:
Holy shit. Apparently it’s real. And expanding.
It’s real and not real. Canadian governmental/religious crimes against native people have been pretty awful, but the mass graves bit sounds like the Satanic panic of some years ago.
I nevertheless would be unsurprised to find that rapists-in-the-name-of-religion had fucked and killed some kids.
secret quantum access Tesla-technology time travel Project Pegasus,
Now THAT is some good batshit crazy there.
Indeed. Clif High and George Ure should be household names! “”Planetary-level whistle blowers”” are in short supply.
When were the child killings alleged to have taken place? I get that the school closed in 1970 and there was a coverup, but when did the mass killings take place?
Ah, yes. That’s right. For the wingnuts, “Just Kidding” excuses any and all vile commentary and anyone calling them on it can be dismissed. The Coulter Gambit, as it were.
Wasn’t it Wilhelm Keitel who began his Nuremberg defense by opening with “What’s the difference between a Jew and a pizza?”
He would later recount his dismay at “What a tough room” it was.
I shall google.
Without digging at all, my bet is that the answer is “continuously all the time whenever they liked”. In other words it’s exceedingly unlikely.
But read this and it’ll help you understand why such fantasies take flight.
“There’s no exact tally, but hundreds of First Nations children disappeared after being taken from their homes to attend residential schools from 1870 to the mid-1900s. That’s the most startling discovery for Murray SInclair, the Manitoba judge who is chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission examining the effects of residential schools on First Nations Communities.”
I am guessing that Andrew Basiago has found out that the path to wealth, devotees and speaking invitations is to rip off Icke and the Face-on-Mars bullshit, and recycle it with his own OTT craziness:
Read the mortality rates bit on the Wikipedia.
Did that project include drinking a metric ton of orange sunshine? He might have actually experienced what he says he did.
Sorry, but I’m stuck on the “Planetary-Level Whistleblower” and am trying to put it to song to rival the forced lyricalness of “e-lek-trickle ba-na-na”.
Thanks Sub McG, it seems that there was mass killing of Squamish Indian children (mostly late 19th century/ early 20th century) This makes more sense and I am not all that surprised. I am sure the defense will say, “This is old news, the past is the past, let’s move on.”
And very douchy hipsters, provided that obligatory birth control glasses and a trainload of condescension accompany them.
Fucking webcam…
“e-lek-trickle ba-na-na”.
Needs more ‘tekeli-li’.
Andy has been identified as a “planetary-level whistle blower” by the Web Bot project of futurists Clif High and George Ure. The Web Bot analyzes the content of the World Wide Web and uses Asymmetric Linguistic Trend Analysis (ALTA) to predict future global trends.
This is quite funny. The Web Bot project is a couple of scammers with an electronic Nostradamus program which they’ve gussied up with mathematical-linguistics jargon so they can sell uselessly vague predictions to gullible nimrods; then release after the event with explanations of how they were predictive.
Evidently it is sufficiently well-established in True Believer circles to be cited as an authority by other scammers like Andy Basiago, who make up their own bullshit and attribute it to spurious Web Bot predictions.
Hmm, I doubt a massacre as such as the story of the natives in the area was really one of disease and a pretty surprising amount of co-operation with the authorities at the time. In the museum in Victoria there’s a native response to a newspaper editorial from around then complaining about indiscipline in the natives; the response is pretty much about most of their villages dying of disease, so cut us some slack. At the time natives were finding employment on the fishing boats in the area.
BTW, I figured out the Apple mobile devices YouTube thing. (In that it kept telling me my user name and password were incorrect and I knew they were correct.) Sign in using your Google email and password. It’d be nice if they let us in on that little secret, but I guess they think knowing how to use the YouTube app is none of our business.
so far I got
every trip is getting shorter teleporting takes no time
” so cut us some slack.”
It’s always the quite neighbors who don’t bother anyone who turn out to be the mass murderers.
At the time BC was not really on the map anyway, and isolated outposts produce weirdos who do awful things. I’M LOOKING AT YOU, KIWIS!
BC’s second premier renamed himself Amor de Cosmos. We had hippies before hippies.
Stupid hippie.
Here in Texas, almost all of the border is a river (OK, all of it.). Since you can’t really put a fence in the middle of a river, the fence has to be placed several miles inside US territory, which means a whole lot if American territory is outside the fence.
Oh, I’m sure they’ll figure out something. Place the fence several miles inside Mexican territory, for instance.
Given everything is projection with these fuckers, the idea that all the “Reconquista” bullshit they’ve been harping on has been cover for their need and want to invade and occupy Mexico isn’t far-flung from precedent.
From the Red State comments
Hear that? Perry is being “crucified” because of “a rock”.
…their need and want to invade and occupy Mexico isn’t far-flung from precedent.
Yeah, maybe that’s the real reason they hate Woodrow Wilson: dumb fucker had an excuse to occupy Mexico and pissed it away.
isolated outposts produce weirdos who do awful things. I’M LOOKING AT YOU, KIWIS!
We had a Social Credit party for a while but we IMPORTED IT from ALBERTA.
OT (as if there still was a T), but this from Rushbo is too priceless not to share:
After spending half an hour lambasting Obama for sending advisors to oppose the “Christians” of the raping, abducting, limb-amputating Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda:
Is that right? The Lord’s Resistance Army is being accused of really bad stuff? Child kidnapping, torture, murder, that kind of stuff? Well, we just found out about this today. We’re gonna do, of course, our due diligence research on it.
I feel better knowing he’s on the job.
Combat veteran give the NYPD the business
Combat veteran give the NYPD the business
I love that guy.
Cain’s line would have been funneh if it was sung like a show tune and performed by Marcus Bachmann wearing leather chaps and harness. Aww now does that make Reichy Reichtardson hava sadz?
At the time BC was not really on the map anyway,
Fifty four forty or fight! MANIFEST DESTINY!
BTW, this may be my very favorite p-shops. Earache is just the WORST.
BTW, this may be my very favorite p-shops. Earache is just the WORST.
Needs a BB gun in a shoulder holster!
Shorter Wingnuttia: We need a conservative leader who pretties up our bigotry and cravenness and won’t poop his pants or barf on himself when speaking in public. Still lookin’!
Ok, I’m going to start smacking the fuck out of any kid I see wearing those fucking Guy Fawkes masks. Either interpretation of it is not really the message we’re after. NOT HAPPY>
Is there life on Mars?
Is there life on Mars?
I’m not concerned with life. The important question is whether or not there are more candy bars.
It’s real and not real. Canadian governmental/religious crimes against native people have been pretty awful, but the mass graves bit sounds like the Satanic panic of some years ago.
The fact that one of the related articles links at the bottom tries to link the perfectly horrible in themselves Catholic abuse scandals to Satanism has me wondering about their credibility.
Amor de Cosmos knows, but he ain’t talking.
O.K. Which one of you jokers is responsible for this? And what keywords do you recommend to make a prediction that the Republican Party will disappear up its own ass?
As with everything, I blame the Kiwis.
From deep in the fetid swamp of Breitbart’s comments section…
We must stop hippies from inciting the overthrow of the banks or the entire country will become a liberal chaos riot zone.
Holy shit, Erickson kinda got his ass handed to him in the comments over there.
the entire country will become a liberal chaos riot zone
Will there be cake?
Cuz I like cake.
Re: that whole Journolist thing…yet again, the wingnuts’ ability to self-project is fucking breathtaking.
Some comments over there are in character, however:
That’s the whole comment, by the way. I can’t find anything to indicate that this piece of shit was “joking”.
Holy shit, Erickson kinda got his ass handed to him in the comments over there.
Yeah, apparently some of them have figured out that alienating the fastest growing U.S. demographic group is not a genius long-term political strategy.
That’s the whole comment, by the way. I can’t find anything to indicate that this piece of shit was “joking”.
He wasn’t joking, but he was being sarcastic IMO.
He wasn’t joking, but he was being sarcastic IMO.
He’s really good at it.
Ah The journolist II comments are charming
Wow. Who knew that OWS was about having everything handed to us for free?
He wasn’t joking, but he was being sarcastic IMO.
He’s really good at it.
I should start charging for the setups.
Re: the Project Pegasus nutter. I couldn’t open the link (damn you, slow 3G data service!) so I couldn’t decide whether this was serious or a discordian-style prank, but the concept is lifted directly from Marvel comics. Project Pegasus was a secret facility specializing in the research of unusual energy sources, alternate dimensions, and time travel. It also served as a prison for super criminals.
I should start charging for the setups.
That was a nice clean one, right down the middle.
That was a nice clean one, right down the middle.
We aims to please. Gnight.
hispanics are less than human. They are the bottom eaters, the job stealers, the welfare users that have made the country bankrupt, all by themselves. It has nothing to do with liberal economic policies. It’s all those horrible brown skinned people who have destroyed the entire country, and economic system.
Translation: no, it really isn’t about politics at all. It’s all about race. As if there was ever any doubt.
That’s the whole comment, by the way. I can’t find anything to indicate that this piece of shit was “joking”.
Not getting out of the boat and not asking anyone to do it for me, but for those of you who have or will, did you happen to notice how other commenters reacted? Just curious. The damning thing about those comments isn’t so much that they appear but that so few people in those blogs ever seem to object to them. (And when they do, it’s usually to wash their hands of it by accusing the person of being a “liberal infiltrator” trying to “discredit us.” Introspection just isn’t their thing).
Lifetime membership in Project Pegasus is currently being offered for a one-time fee of $100. To become a lifetime member of Project Pegasus, and support Andy’s efforts to lobby the US government to disclose its teleportation capability, so that this life-advantaging technology can be used by humanity to achieve planetary sustainability, send a personal check, cashier’s check or money order, together with your name, postal address, telephone number and e-mail address, to:
Andrew D. Basiago, Esq.
PO Box 2311
Vancouver, WA 98668 USA
(360) 980-4100
Not getting out of the boat and not asking anyone to do it for me, but for those of you who have or will, did you happen to notice how other commenters reacted?
I saw no reaction at all.
It wasn’t a joke, btw
Sherrif Joe convinced him that it’s a good idea after all.
It wasn’t a joke, btw
Sherrif Joe convinced him that it’s a good idea after all.
Sweet Jesus, this guy’s flip-flops would put Mitt Romney to shame.
Sherrif should look like sheriff, I think.
I blame society.
I am a CPA: Certified Pampas Ass!
Another commenter’s sig line.
Pompous? I…what?
LOL–test out the 999 calculator. It instantly removes part of the price of your car–with the “hidden tax”.
Re: the Project Pegasus nutter.
Shit! They’re on to us.
Yes, Obama, Axlerod and Van jones, all backed by the numerous unions. This is their playbook for the 2012 campaign.
Financial backing most likely from Soros’ hip pocket. There was never anything grassroots about the protests–the ads on Craigs List for protesters to be paid for showing up. They had detailed instructions on which trains, subways, etc. to take. Brietbart and Company are doing a fantastic job in getting this info out to the public. Naturally, the good old journ-O-lists got their talking points from the WH and Dems as well.
The truly funny aspect of this—–one protester on a video in LA was protesting with her sign that read “OBAMA LIED”. Apparently she didn’t get her copy of the talking points for subject matter.
Pompous? I…what?
His ass is, quite literally, grass.
Srsly, worse sig line evar, though.
Researchers conclude that world’s oldest joke was a fart joke.
Heh. I see from the snippet posted from that nitwit Dana Loesch’s comments that this idea is floating around about taking down the banks. I also love that the commenter thinks there’s anything anyone could do to *stop* anyone from spreading this idea around.
I don’t really want to take them down because it would do really ugly things to the economy…though at least if we did, the fuckers who fucked it up would get a taste of the fallout too. But the threat of doing it makes it a very potent bargaining chip. Because as I’ve said, what the fuck are they gonna do if all of us decide en masse not to pay them back? As someone else said, there’s that old saying about how if you owe the bank a thousand dollars, you’ve got a problem; but if you owe the bank a million dollars, the bank’s got a problem. And we all owe the banks fucking TRILLIONS of dollars.
They’d best watch their goddamned step.
Ok, I just fucking give up!
Ah yes, because evidence that it is not is just more proof that it is and Hitler would have so used twitter if he were alive today also FART!
1. Fuzz E. Math
I like nefariousness as much as the next guy, but that’s a hashtag, as in #Lookatthesestinkyhippies on Twitter.
That’s all it is.
It may “just” be a hashtag, but that doesn’t lessen its significance as a power symbol. The swastika, after all, was “just” a Buddhist good luck symbol before the Nazis adopted it and started using it to indicate something else. And how did the Nazis alter it for their purposes? They rotated the Buddhist swastika 45 degrees, to give it a new association.
In fact, pointing out that the symbol may have originally had a different association, and then was later rotated to give it a new purpose, only makes it echo the swastika even more.
[Kill me now]
So, when can I expect them to denounce the Confederate flag as another of these “power” symbols? Or are they going to keep insisting that traitor flag is a flag not for traitors?
Why do you hate white people St Trotsky? Fuckin papists!
You mean there is a symbol that has the potential to be manipulated by anyone in any way to mean anything ON MY PHONE!!! Gawd, help us! I have to hit the so-called pound key after I enter my so-called social security “number:”(ever notice how it’s seven numbers—NOT one?(u huh)) to order my medication and hit it again after I punch in the so-called rx number which is actually numbers and a letter that you don’t type in. What’s that all about? Gawd knows what signals I’m sending out and what kind of prediction a phone call scanning BOT might make from that— AND I JUST CAN’T STAND IT ANYMORE!!! IT’S EVERYWHERE! EVERYWHERE I LOOK SOMETHING IS SOMETHING ELSE AND IT’S BAD! IT’S ALWAYS REALLY BAD AND IT’S NEVER JUST INTERESTING OR KINDA CUTE IT IS ALWAYS NEFARIOUS.
I think I’ll take Substance’s word for it and blame kiwis.
Why do you hate white people St Trotsky?
They’re just so… so… white.
The RX symbol can also look like a swastika if you squint a little and tilt your head just right and take a lot of acid.
another goddamn tag fail
Verbatim Katie Kieffer at clownhall: ” I think humans who reject reason by acting like squirrels have no business preaching about God.
Well, teabaggers like to hide nuts in their mouths- does this mean they need to stop mentioning the Big G.?
I leave this quote (I love Charles Pierce) for the insomniacs.
Charles Krauthammer, waxing wroth because there isn’t enough “Americanism” in the quotes selected for the King monument, and because the tiny desiccated locust that is his conscience is beginning to itch him a little
Read more:
O.K. which one of you guys posted these? Kudos.
47. Tea Bags are Beautiful
All the people who have responded saying this post is “stupid” are ignorant and unwilling, or more likely intellectually unable, to debate the important issue raised by Zombie. After all, THE important issue relating to Occupy Wall Street protests in New York and across the world is the symbol made out of orange tape that AT LEAST THREE protesters in Denver had on them, and the angle that AT LEAST two of them rotated it on their sleeve!
And for all of you saying “what about the Tea Party” the tea party’s symbol was a tea bag! Tea Bags are a symbol of a loving, peaceful caress, not of power! And they didn’t rotate the tea bag, they dangled it off their hats in front of their faces! Don’t you see, you have to look deep in to the symbols, really wrap your lips around them, to fully grasp the meaning.
49. ever
The Tea bag symbolizes a hairy naked nutsack, dangled in the face of a friend
# 49 (Oooh Nazi symbol!) kinda stepped on #47’s wit so I shall withdraw his kudo.
My favorite
Have to get up early so I’m not going to bed. ARRRG. If the right believed half the stupid shit they say about liberals, they would be terrified of us. It pretty clear that they’re either looking for an excuse to hurt one or more of us or projecting, or both. Are the afraid of the letter “Z”? Perhaps they should be.
The RX symbol can also look like a swastika if you squint a little and tilt your head just right and take a lot of acid.
I could point out that this isn’t really necessary from both ends. The people who are in the midst of seeing swastikas where # signs are don’t need to take a lot of acid, largely because they don’t get those prescriptions with Rx symbols on them filled in the first place.
Fair point
Are most of the comments being made by the 27%? It’s really gobsmacking all these people jumping on the hashmark/hitler bandwagon, what is most mind-bending are the ones expressing the wish that OWS keeps using the symbol so that everyone else in the U.S. can join their hallucination and see how truly totalitarian the movement is because, hey—-hashmark, pound sign, tic tac toe, hitler.
50. ever
Pajamas were worn by the viet cong and the followers of Pol Pot, you genocidal commie bastards!
64. Low Hanging Fruit Sack
You raise some interesting points. Most interesting is a reading of this article as code, by reading only those letters forming a Fibonacci sequence (if the first letter is in position 0). Decrypted, it reads: “I, too, enjoy testicles in my mouth.” Try it.
That hashtika story is pretty funny. Apparently Hitler was anti-capitalist AND anti-Marxist and admired by liberals even tho he was anti-liberal.
Go fig.
Hitler means totally hate-able. Focusing on anything that Hitler actually did just ruins the whole comparison.
Barcodes? Hitler? Oh, yes. Yes. A barcode does look like a Hitler Mustache.
Are the afraid of the letter “Z”? Perhaps they should be
Shya, I saw an episode of Sesame Street that was “brought to you by the letter ‘Z'”, and Sesame Street is Marxist induction for toddlers.
-hashmark, pound sign, tic tac toe, hitler.
Tic tac totalitarianism!
#Earache is just like Hitler.
If you don’t find this funny, you’re a humorless conservative.
And I bet you have a lot of prescriptions for that very reason, you sick fuck!
Dibs on band name.
It’s 6:52 in the morning here, and I am making this thread my love slave! Take that thread! Yeah! You know you like it!
I have been up since 4:45. Yay for me!!!!
Good morning vacuum slayer.
Did your babbie wake you? I hear those things feed often at all kinds of hours. They’re kinda cute though.
Morning, wiley. What are you doing up so early?
Yeah, he woke me, then fell back asleep for a bit, but I was wide awake and never followed him back to Nod.
He is supernaturally cute, so I forgive him.
Remember people: Always douche in the morning. It keeps you fresh all day.
I haven’t gone to sleep yet. I have to leave early to ride to Portland to see my neurologist. I’m lucky if I can fall asleep before the sun comes up these days. Sigh. My favorite sleep schedule is 4 am to noon. I do not like watching the sun come up and listening to those wrens warbling their brains out—I love those little birds—but SHUT UP LITTLE BIRDS. Even after an all-nighter, I’ll be lucky to fall asleep before midnight tonight. Harumph.
Yeah. Babies are neat. Hard to believe we were all babies once. My favorite ages are 4-5 though. They give me energy.
I have been up since 4:45. Yay for me!!!!
I left for work at 8:30 last night and I’m going to bed………………now.
Sweetest dreams.
I left for work at 8:30 last night and I’m going to bed………………now.
I left to have a beer at 6 last night and am now at the tail end of a graveyard shift.
So, despite what some asshole who looks like me and shares my names has to say, I support the OWSers. I’m thinking of donating mylar blankets but I figured I run the idea behind the S,N! brain trust first. Any suggestions?
I was thinking about bringing some toothpaste. The blankets would be good- it’s not that warm out during the nights.
So, despite what some asshole who looks like me and shares my names has to say
Ned Beaumont, Sr?
He doesn’t look like a polar bear either?
No, I’m sorry—it’s the other way around. YOU don’t look like a polar bear like that other guy doesn’t?
Tic tac totalitarianism!
Oh, WELL played, sir!
*polite golf clap*
My favorite ages are 4-5 though. They give me energy.
More blood, but not yet too polluted with crap. Ann Coulter agrees.
I’m thinking of donating mylar blankets but I figured I run the idea behind the S,N! brain trust first.
Sounds good. My only issue with mylar blankets is when the wind is up, they tend to, um, end up in the Battery. Ever see Central Park after the marathon?
I’m thinking more along these lines. I brought down a care package of canned food and powdered soups over the weekend. Not sure if they’re using them but it cleaned out my kitchen cabinets ahead of the makeover. I’m hoping to get that new Kitchen Crasher on DIYNetwork to accept my invitation.
Tic tac totalitarianism!
I don’t care about getting AHEMed. This deserves moar recognition. Bravo, sir!
Any suggestions?
How about getting them some drums?
Will there be cake?
I can’t find anything to indicate that this piece of shit was “joking”.
This is because you are humorless. ROTATED HASHTAG!!!
A barcode does look like a Hitler Mustache.
Only if you print it out tiny and tape it to your philtrum. He, wait, so would a hash mark! GASP!
Does the bagpiper take requests? “I Want to Hold Your Hand” oughta sound good on bagpipes. (Confession: I don’t think anything sounds good on bagpipes. In hell there are head lice and bagpipes.)
Only if you print it out tiny and tape it to your philtrum.
How much does Hitler scan for?
I don’t think anything sounds good on bagpipes
Mull of Kintyre
Amazing Grace
Nut Brown Maiden.
O.K. I always wondered what this song was called. I like it. Sounds magical.
But I do not like Amazing Grace on bagpipes.
How much does Hitler scan for?
According to the laws of supply and demand he’s either priceless or at an all time low price. I guess if you think a pound sign is damned near a swastika you should be looking for Hitler at the dollar store.
Hey! Has anyone thought to sell Hitler Collector Plates or Hitler Beanie Babies? They could be worth a lot someday.
Does the bagpiper take requests?
She refused my suggestion of “Disco Inferno.”
According to the laws of supply and demand he’s either priceless or at an all time low price.
See, this is important because I need a megalomaniac to complement the new divan I bought, so I’m comparison shopping. I have a pretty good price on Pol Pot.
I was going to go with Bush but he’s remaindered, and I’ll probably need to restore him.
How much does Hitler scan for?
Sechshundertsechsundsechzig hash marks.
But I do not like Amazing Grace on bagpipes.
Oh boy, the McSlacker clan does not compute.
Nothing tops Flower of Scotland however.
Sechshundertsechsundsechzig hash marks.
Hash sechts?
Frei Hitler! Frei Hitler! Mit Ainkauf.
Frei Hitler! Frei Hitler! Mit Ainkauf. Auch
Fest dass fur Sie
stupid tag fail
Imagine me as President.
You couldn’t if you tried.
No tax to pay for used food.
And the borders are electrified.
Imagine all the people, scrounging day-to-day.
Imagine me as President.
You couldn’t if you tried.
No tax to pay for used food.
And the borders are electrified.
Imagine all the people, scrounging day-to-day.
That would sound damned fine on the bagpipes.
O.K. I always wondered what this song was called.
You are joking, right? Teh one bagpipe song that everyone knows teh name to? Okay, well since no one knows teh lyrics, here you go:
The girl from Ipanema?
That song is meant for piano, played Forcefully.
Okay, all y’all can go back to commenting again. I’ll stop Force choking teh thread to death.
“My favorite ages are 4-5 though. They give me energy.
More blood, but not yet too polluted with crap. Ann Coulter agrees.”
Oh, they have just as much crap. They just know not to put it in their pants by then.
re: Project Pegasus
WTF?! Pegasus? Those horsey d00ds can fly! They don’t teleport. Teleporting horsey d00ds are unicorns.
Let them eat pizza.
Why do bagpipers march while playing?
To get away from that goddamned noise.
Let them eat pizza.
I guess that excludes Godfather’s heat-lamped, cheese-laden pieces of cardboard.
I guess that excludes Godfather’s heat-lamped, cheese-laden pieces of cardboard.
In some ways, I really want Herman Cain to have to enter primaries like Illinois and New York and force him to eat a slice of real pizza.
His gut will probably burst.
To get away from that goddamned noise.
Geez, I’m link-happy today.
In some ways, I really want Herman Cain to have to enter primaries like Illinois and New York and force him to eat a slice of real pizza.
As a teenager with non-discriminating tastebuds who lived in the Omaha area during the 1980s, I must confess to eating my share of Godfather’s pizza. Omaha was the epicenter of that chain and it was a break from the other pizza alternative in my town (Pizza Hut).
However that was before the original owner (Willy Thiesen) sold the franchise to Pillsbury. Once Cain came in and had heat-lamps installed in all the Godfather’s locations, that killed it for me.
Wow. Them pajama peoples is scary and funny. By way of The Great Dictator? Aside from the basic silliness of linking the octothorp to HITLER, the movie was a brutal satire on Hiltre and the Nazis and antisemitism. It set the tone for our national view of the third Reich. Total PHAIL.
I must confess to eating my share of Godfather’s pizza. Omaha was the epicenter of that chain and it was a break from the other pizza alternative in my town (Pizza Hut).
The only good Hut pizza is the blueberry dessert pizza.
I’ve had Domino’s, the Hut, and Papa John’s. Even the worst local pizza in New York (try kosher pizza sometime) is light years better than what most of the rest of the country calls pizza.
*glaring at Chicagoans*
I said “most”!
NY pizza is only exponentially better than Chicago’s
I’ve had Domino’s, the Hut, and Papa John’s. Even the worst local pizza in New York (try kosher pizza sometime) is light years better than what most of the rest of the country calls pizza.
It’s a testament to Herman Cain’s skills that he took a mediocre pizza chain and transformed it into something truly gawd-awful.
Yeah, well, none of you East coast elitist pricks will open places out here with real pizza. The closest thing we have is Rocky Rococo’s. I don’t know if that’s a national chain or not, but they rule.
It’s a testament to Herman Cain’s skills that he took a mediocre pizza chain and transformed it into something truly gawd-awful
A small scale George W. Bush, if you will.
The closest thing we have is Rocky Rococo’s. I don’t know if that’s a national chain or not, but they rule.
Maybe yes. Maybe no. Do you know what this is?
The closest thing we have is Rocky Rococo’s. I don’t know if that’s a national chain or not, but they rule.
Especially if you were a freshman student stumbling back from the bars seeking late-night food. Ah memories!
Especially if you were a freshman student stumbling back from the bars seeking late-night food
Wait. You guys ate *real* food after binge drinking?
White Castle haz a sad.
Normally I’m happy to wallow in my LEAFS SUCKian good fortune to have teh awesomest food evar, but talk of pizza reminds me of teh city’s weaknesses*. We got a handful of mom&pop shops with wood-fired ovens that are good, but generally speaking, teh pie up here is mediocre at best. Chain-wise, teh best of teh lot is Pizzaville (seven – free sex – free sex – free sex) .
*Also Mexican food.
NY pizza is only exponentially better than Chicago’s
Try New Haven, Beaches!!!!!!
P.S. During my short spell in NYC (1984 – 12/2005), there was a place on 22nd and Fifth that rocked.
(try kosher pizza sometime)
Forgive my ignorance, but how is kosher pizza even possible? Aren’t meat and dairy items supposed to be separate in kosher meal settings?
Try New Haven, Beaches!!!!!!
Please. Who’d want to?
Forgive my ignorance, but how is kosher pizza even possible? Aren’t meat and dairy items supposed to be separate in kosher meal settings?
Yes, so it’s meatless pizza.
You think that’s tricky, I’ve had kosher French onion soup, replete with cheese
Um….that’s a memory I’d prefer be left undisturbed….
Unless we’re talking about vegan pizzas.
White Castle haz a sad.
We don’t have THOSE HERE EITHER. Late night shit food here is Jack in the Box and Taco Bell.
Late night shit food here is Jack in the Box and Taco Bell.
OK, you get a free pass with teh Jack
NY pizza is only exponentially better than Chicago’s
I guess if you like ketchup on cardboard…..
Yeah, well, none of you East coast elitist pricks will open places out here with real pizza.
In 1981, my father spent an extended period working in DC and commuting home on the weekends from NYC. As he reports it, his first day there he asked a co-worker where the nearest good pizzeria was and got the answer “South Philly.”
Those alligator moats are SHIT, do you hear me? SHIT MOATS!
Apizza Scholls.
Gonna go lassoo me a case of the trots at Pizza Ranch! Gotta build dem SHIT MOATS WITH ISREAL ALLIGATORS.
Gonna go lassoo me a case of the trots at Pizza Ranch! Gotta build dem SHIT MOATS WITH ISREAL ALLIGATORS.
Or am I mixing up S,N! memes again?
NY pizza is only exponentially better than Chicago’s
I guess if you like ketchup on cardboard…..
It beats snot over bubblegum.
The shit moat troll?
Why is it that New Yorkers seem to so universally dislike Chicago pizza?
I’ve lived in both places and actually like both.
I have three words for you:
Why is it that New Yorkers seem to so universally dislike Chicago pizza?
Because you can’t eat a piece of deep dish on the run.
OK, you get a free pass with teh Jack
All you get with the Jack is a 2 day sentence of crampy diahrrea.
You also get, free of charge, lousy service from a sour pussed 16 year old bastard who is SO SICK of drunk old people…
Because you can’t eat a piece of deep dish on the run.
If the pizza’s giving you the runs then you should probably call the health department.
all their crusts are sourdough which makes nasty pizza crust
NUH-UH! I love sourdough crusts, it’s what I make at home.
The closest thing we have is Rocky Rococo’s. I don’t know if that’s a national chain or not, but they rule.
Semi national, I believe.
Started in Madison. I went there all the time when there were two restaurants (yes, they were actual restaurants, not fast food) Before they franchised, the pizza stomped the stuff they serve now into a mud hole.
And the slices they serve now are OK for fast food.
Please. Who’d want to?
Silly actor212 is silly.
Insisting on one style of pizza is just insanity. It’s a bunch of stuff on dough. If that can’t be varied food itself must be rethought.
Some of you might get to Nashville for a conference on occasion, ‘specially if you work in healthcare. If so, and you want to test out my “best pizza in the South” hypothesis, please visit Coco’s Italian Market in West Nashville, 51st Ave & Alabama (NOT the Cafe Coco in midtown!), and order the meatball pie.
Insisting on one style of pizza is just insanity. It’s a bunch of stuff on dough. If that can’t be varied food itself must be rethought.
I agree, and I’m SO HUNGRY.
Insisting on one style of pizza is just insanity.
Oh sure, make fun of my religion.
I agree, and I’m SO HUNGRY.
NUH-UH! I love sourdough crusts, it’s what I make at home.
*making note* Don’t let Tig make pizza for dinner.
Heresiarch! There is a platonic idea of pizza-ness. All pizza must be judged on how closely it approaches the universal ideal! And after I’m done judging all of pizza, I will get started on re-thinking food itself.
Before they franchised, the pizza stomped the stuff they serve now into a mud hole.
Stomping stuff into mud holes? They must have stolen the process from Godfather’s
I used to eat at godfather’s regularly long ago in the mid ’80s. I thought they were as good as Pizza Hut and better than Domino’s or Little Caesar’s . Have they squandered their hard won mediocrity?
See my post above:
However that was before the original owner (Willy Thiesen) sold the franchise to Pillsbury. Once Cain came in and had heat-lamps installed in all the Godfather’s locations, that killed it for me.
Stomping stuff into mud holes? They must have stolen the process from Godfather’s
I think Little Caesar’s has now beaten Godfather’s to the bottom of the crappy pizza pile.
You know the old joke that goes “Pizza is like sex. Even when it’s bad…it’s still pretty good.” That guy never had Godfather’s or Little Caesar’s pizza. Or fucked D-K W’s mom.
Pizza nostalgia: back in the late
Cretaceous Period1980s when I lived in Saskatoon, these folks had a franchise there for about two years. At first, everyone thought they were total goofs for making customers cook their own – & then we tried it out, because eh, what the hell, it was cheaper than any of the available pre-cooked ones.Oh Jesus, that pizza was so goooooooood.
ha, ha…this is pretty funny…i *like* the ‘mayor dalton’s prostate’ page on fb and here’s its latest: I’m sorry, Herman Cain, but The Mayor can’t imagine there’s no pizza.
Eyes right, bbkf. There’s been a new thread for like an hour, you know.
I got yer sign right here…
I don’t think anything sounds good on bagpipes
I beg to differ.
I’ll see your “Acee Dee Cee”, and raise you Metallica.
On a kazoo!
It is painful to think about this
It is not funny at all, just interesting style
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