Jesus Shrugged

ABOVE: Robert Meyer Goes Galt With Jesus

Robert Meyer, Ruhnoo Muhrka:
Marginalizing Christianity by quoting Jesus

    • In fact, liberals, Atlas Shrugged was Jesus’s favorite book of all time.

  • ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


    Comments: 119


    These dumb fuckers will never really GET that Jesus was a revolutionary will they?


    In fact, liberals, Atlas Shrugged was Jesus’s favorite book of all time.

    Yeah, the Bible was so plain in comparison. I mean, c’mon: a burning bush that TALKS?


    Alternate shorter: Hey, you dumb libs, no fair using the Bible against us! Because if you look very closely, (brandishes Bible) you see that we have a copyright on it!


    Those mangoes were tasty.

    The point being make is that if one judges others, they will themselves be judged by the same standards they use in their own evaluation.

    Yup, he’s arguing that, evaluated in context, “do not judge” totally means one should judge.

    No critique of fundies is more effective than the ones they level at themselves.


    Wait a minute, is he saying…?

    Too many churches have moved away from their core social responsibility of helping the needy, toward a prosperity gospel and/or wasting money on constructing palatial buildings.

    Sadly, No.

    The responsibility of helping one’s fellow man has been crowded out and obscured by government taking that role and increasing taxes to expand on it further.

    The concept of fulfilling need isn’t tantamount to providing people who won’t work with a living. The Christian idea that if a man will not work(not those who cannot work), he should not eat, expresses an ethic that condemns freeloading, and promotes moral and financial responsibility. Thus taking on more individual responsibility reduces legitimate need.


    Meyer photobombs the LAST SUPPER. HARDCORE!


    How did I know this was coming:

    …surveys show that religious conservatives are the most generous of any group in the study when in comes to giving their own money for charity.

    Sigh. I’d be willing to bet a cathedral against a storefront tabernacle that these “studies” count church donations as “charity.”

    As far as I’m concerned, giving money to your church is not charity. It’s a sort of membership fee that you pay for the privilege of spending an hour or two every Sunday among like-minded people in spiritual comfort.


    surveys show that religious conservatives are the most generous of any group in the study when in comes to giving their own money for charity.

    This is weird. I looked everywhere for a link to a survey and never found one!


    As far as I’m concerned, giving money to your church is not charity. It’s a sort of membership fee that you pay for the privilege of spending an hour or two every Sunday among like-minded people in spiritual comfort.

    Yeah, pretty much. I’m sure there are some churches out there that spend all or almost all of their donations on actual charity work, but it sure as hell ain’t the majority.


    Robert often gleans inspiration from looking off his back deck,



    The responsibility of helping one’s fellow man has been crowded out and obscured by government taking that role and increasing taxes to expand on it further.

    He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

    “But Lord, don’t you see! We would have fed and clothed you and all that good stuff but the ebil GUBMNIT!! prevented us.”

    Yeah, I’m sure this argument will fly on the Judgment Day these Christianists believe in.


    Apparently the works of the great philosophers reside off Rob’s back deck.


    The point Jesus made is that we should not condemn anyone when we are even more guilty of the same offense.

    Not exactly; if you are guilty of ANY offense. See, Jesus could throw out the money changers because he, unlike you, was sinless.

    If we actually extended the “judge not” philosophy to its logical conclusion, it would make folly of our law enforcement and courts of law, where people are arrested, judged and punished by other persons as a matter of course.

    “Logical” is not the word you’re looking for, bub.

    The Christian idea that if a man will not work(not those who cannot work), he should not eat, expresses an ethic that condemns freeloading, and promotes moral and financial responsibility.

    1. Jesus never said this and 2. unlike the false limited reading of the rule not to condemn, THIS rule in particular WAS specifically regarding other Christians; they paid money to the church out of which Christian widows, orphans etc were cared for, and that particular money was not to be used to support those who were capable of self-support. Hilarious that he bitches about applying scripture incorrectly to society and then does exactly that.


    Yeah, I’m sure this argument will fly on the Judgment Day these Christianists believe in.

    Judgment Day has been canceled, as Jesus has gone Galt.


    Wingnut: But lord, you didn’t want me to help the brown people, did you?

    Lord: I AM BROWN! WTF? LOL!


    And they’ll know we are Christians by our pursuit of our rational self-interest…


    “logical” is not the word I’m looking for, bub.


    This is weird. I looked everywhere for a link to a survey and never found one!

    Are you suggesting that pious, smug asshats might lie about such?


    Sigh. I’d be willing to bet a cathedral against a storefront tabernacle that these “studies” count church donations as “charity.”

    As far as I’m concerned, giving money to your church is not charity. It’s a sort of membership fee that you pay for the privilege of spending an hour or two every Sunday among like-minded people in spiritual comfort.

    I’m sure they do, and I agree. Frankly, I don’t think a lot of missionary work should count, either, as a good bit of it is PR and membership drives.


    Are you suggesting that pious, smug asshats might lie about such?

    He probably just forgot. Shoot, I’ll be there are hundreds of surveys that prove Mr. Meyer’s thesis.


    By the by, I love how these same people who believe in a literal six day creation and the Noah flood story will handwave passages the most straightforward passages about taking care of the sick and needy and not worshiping wealth. You know, because those parts are the soft suggestions of a vigorous religious ethic, but damn if you think people came from monkeys you’re going to burn.

    I think Jesus said it well of these types: white-washed tombs.


    missionary work should count, either

    That’s only charity for the woman.


    Sigh. I’d be willing to bet a cathedral against a storefront tabernacle that these “studies” count church donations as “charity.”

    They do.


    For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?


    These dumb fuckers will never really GET that Jesus was a revolutionary will they?

    Not as long as he is still dead, no.


    Already going OT

    Herman Cain gets a much needed spanking.


    He must have one of those conservative bibles. You know, the ones that stop at Leviticus and pick up again at Revelation.


    These dumb fuckers will never really GET that Jesus was a revolutionary will they?

    First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then they kill you, then they said that you agreed with them all along.


    This is weird. I looked everywhere for a link to a survey and never found one!

    Also, not one reference to any actual editorial or other source saying any of the things he claims to read all the time. This paper gets a “D” for lack of documentation.


    Also for Dimwitted Dumbass Doofusface.


    The Christian idea that if a man will not work(not those who cannot work), he should not eat…

    Man, fuck a bunch of Saul. If you see someone quoting something douchbaggy from the bibble, it’s usually from him. Who gave him the authority to say “what Jesus REALLY meant here was yadda yadda whatever”? Way to ruin most of the tolerable aspects of your religion, asshole.


    Not sure I can read through a whole article on Renew America, but a quick scan of the sidebar reveals that they’re keeping it real.
    Wes Vernon: Hates commie kids? Check
    Bryan Fischer: Persecuted by Anti-Christian Haters? Check
    Jeannie WTF: Still Obsessed with all things Michelle Obama? Check

    Marion in Savannah

    He must have one of those conservative bibles. You know, the ones that stop at Leviticus and pick up again at Revelation.

    Some of them toss in a bit of Paul… “Wives be subject to your husbands” is a popular riff of Paul’s.


    Also, not one reference to any actual editorial or other source saying any of the things he claims to read all the time. This paper gets a “D” for lack of documentation.

    Q:What are your sources?

    A:Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years.


    First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then they kill you, then they said that you agreed with them all along.

    To paraphrase Barbara Ehrenreich: Today’s Christianists crucify Christ over and over again, to keep him from getting a word out of his mouth.

    Father Son & Holy Spirit Inc.

    Whatever you do to the least of these … ahhhh, fuck ’em.

    Father Son & Holy Spirit Inc.

    What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world, but lose his soul?

    Soul schmoul – we’re talking about gaining the entire freakin’ WORLD here, you crazy putz! What are you, some kind of wise-guy?!?


    Also, not one reference to any actual editorial or other source saying any of the things he claims to read all the time. This paper gets a “D” for lack of documentation.

    also for sucking at spelling and proofreading…


    Q:What are your sources?

    A:Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years.


    Father Son & Holy Spirit Inc.

    Truly, blessed are the meek, for they really are the easiest suckers to con that a hungry grifter could ever ask for – & best of all, even if they catch you red-handed siphoning their wallet dry, you’ll probably still get off scot-free!

    Hell, sing a bittersweet enough hard-luck song & they might even let you keep the loot!


    Hilarious that he bitches about applying scripture incorrectly to society and then does exactly that.

    to be fair, i’m sure the plank of st00pid in his eye made it difficult for him to interpret what he was reading…


    I will gladly accept a beam in my eye if it enables me to zap unleashed pets.


    I will gladly accept a beam in my eye if it enables me to zap unleashed pets.

    I got Beam in my eye when I got too drunk to find my mouth,


    I got Beam in my eye when I got too drunk to find my mouth,

    the burn means it’s working…


    White Jesus would totally build the border fence (to keep brown Jesus out).


    The Bible needs moar TRAINZ! High speed TRAINZ made of magic metal.


    Somebody needs to read Matthew 6 before he goes on to Matthew 7.

    Also, too. If this is what this motherfucker gleans from reading the Beatitudes, he’d starve if eating meant he had to follow the instructions for instant oatmeal.


    The Bible needs moar TRAINZ!

    It’s a shame it left out that bit about the disciples and Mary Mag.


    To the estimated15 to 25 million Americans who are facing forecloseure or eviction from their homes; to those who cannot afford basic medical and dental preventive care, let alone the spectre of an expensive, chronic major health crises; to those who are out of work, or stuck holding 2 or 3 shitty McJobs just to keep their nostrils above the rising floodwaters of debt; to those who wonder how they’re going to be able ot provide for thier aging parents, or who will provide for them when they are aging, broke and infirm–to these people, the fact that the local megachurch salves its blistered conscience with a bi-monthly free pancake and prayer breakfast is a matter of absolutely stunning irrelevance.


    You have got to be shitting me.

    Is cognitive dissonance even possible for them?

    If this were sonic dissonance, it would be the equivalent of Sonic Youth playing Harry Partch covers.


    (If this is a double-post I apologize).

    Some interesting words on Paul here:




    Marginalizing Christianity by quoting Jesus

    Every word of the Bible should be taken literally, except for all that mushy sociamalist stuff about the poor and afflicted!


    I got plans to write a Conservative Bible someday (you know, after my third or fourth best-selling novel that will be made into multi-billion-earning movie blockbusters), but the thing that always stops me is figuring out the “Jesus was obviously a liberal” problem. Do you just rewrite everything he said so it sounds whackamole Republican? Or do you come up with a new character, some musclebound white guy with a blond crewcut, to kick Jesus’ ass every time he speaks up?


    Had to step out of the boat.

    OMG that is the most vile batch of hatred masquerading as Christian love that I have seen in a long time.

    I’m going to shower in some nice downtempo and recover my faith in humanity for a bit.


    Do you just rewrite everything he said so it sounds whackamole Republican? Or do you come up with a new character, some musclebound white guy with a blond crewcut, to kick Jesus’ ass every time he speaks up?

    I would attribute all the peace and love crap to Judas. Then Jesus blows Judas’ brains out with a magic shotgun, jumps on the cross, and rockets into outer space


    Or do you come up with a new character, some musclebound white guy with a blond crewcut, to kick Jesus’ ass every time he speaks up?

    Nah, just give that Jesus feller a makeover.


    Nah, just give that Jesus feller a makeover.

    I guess you could just cast the Governator instead.


    Some interesting words on Paul here:

    No page on that site will completely load for me either on FF or Chrome. Too bad, I’d love to poke around.


    Even if that is unreasonably optimistic, I believe we need to migrate in that direction.

    This is the core of their, um, philosophy, for want of a better word.


    Irony abounds that the US has a tacit mandatory requirement of Christianity for its presidents & other holders of high office … because for a very long time, “render unto Caesar” was held as a teaching to mean that ANY direct involvement in politics was off-limits if you wanted to lead a fully Christian life.

    The influence of this belief had to be erased from mainstream Christianity before there could even be such a thing as a “Religious Right,” either in the US or abroad … along with other long-held Christian beliefs & tenets. The systematic conspiracy to reboot Christianity into a morbid parody of its former self for the servicing of commerce & social control is perhaps the most important historical crime-story never told. Its effects were already evident before radio & TeeVee, but those two modern media gave it its own Renaissance … yet somehow, hilarity soon ensues.

    The same media then produces a mysterious & eerily manifold SERIES OF TUB3S which is in the process of ruining the entire “Imaginary Dad-Cop Is Selling Us All Condominiums In Heaventown Made Of LOVE” scam wholesale, perhaps permanently. Information makes the Baby Superstition cry … & this is a time of an epochal eruption of information (along with the means to archive immense amounts of data in a relatively tiny container, dirt-cheap) – nearly all of it twirling & brewing & breeding over a network designed to survive a thermonuclear war. Sure, the JeebusBorg twits are glad to troll for handouts from the flock online – that fails to negate the potential of said SERIES OF TUB3S to drive them into seeking an honest living.

    To have this much space-age tech & this much prehistoric mumbo-jumbo at the same time = ASKING FOR IT.

    PS: poopenis?

    Marion in Savannah

    Some interesting words on Paul here:

    Thanks for that link! (tigris, it loaded fine here at work on the despised IE). On very first glance my favorite brief quote was Will Durant:

    “Fundamentalism is the triumph of Paul over Christ.”

    The hubby and I have always thought that Paul was a closeted homosexual who had been violated in his baby carriage by his male nurse…


    Marginalizing Christianity by Quoting Jesus

    Wait, that’s really, like, a title? That he’s using to make a serious argument? Didn’t come from Colbert or the Onion?

    Holy Shit. Who do you think Christianity is named after, you dumb fucking fuck?!


    The Pearly Gates – 50 years hence. An atheist is explaining to St. Peter that he never believed in God and stopped going to church when he was 12. Behind the atheist, Robert Meyer watches gleefully, certain he is about to see someone cast down into the fiery pit, which to him is the entire point of dying.

    St. Peter: Yeah. Uh-huh. Now it says here … [fiddles with his Macbook] You started doing volunteer work with the poor at age 15. At 42 you gave all of a significant inheritance to various charities and … you died of a heart attack while digging a well for a village in Sudan.

    Atheist: Ooo, is that a sin? I guess you think I should have spent my life being a selfish pig –

    St. Peter: Look kid, I’ve got work to do. Go. Just … Go. Through there. Those gates there. Yeah, yeah, come back when you’ve got something original to say!

    Robert Meyer: Hey, you didn’t send that guy to Hell!

    St. Peter: Oh hello Mr. Meyer. [Looks at laptop. Glances over his shoulder and rolls eyes.] Right, up here we judge people by their deeds. Now, normally you’d be fucked, but because mercy is big up here I’ll ask you a question. Get it right you go to Heaven. Get it wrong … [Indicates an eternity of torment with a few hand gestures.]

    RM: And if I get in you’ll throw that atheist in Hell, right?

    St. P: No! What the Hell is the matter …? Never mind. It says here you read and wrote about the Bible a lot, so this should be easy. [RM thinks he hears a snicker from behind St. Peter, but ignores it.] The question is, what did Jesus Christ say about feeding the poor?

    RM: Oh, I know that one. You should feed the poor who deserve to be fed but -”

    Jesus appears behind St. Peter: Bzzzt! Wrong, asshole!

    RM: Aaaieeee! A Muslim! In Heaven!

    Jesus: Yeah, that’s right, bitch. M.C. J.C. is an A to the R to the A to the B-Y-E! [Pushes button that operates the trapdoor.]

    St. Peter: Christ, those guys get on my tits. Don’t you think you should warn them?

    Jesus: Nah, I like the surprised looks on their faces.



    Thou shalt not suffer a witch tax-increase to live.


    On the First Day, God created Reagan. And he saw that it was good.


    Thou shalt not kill pre-Americans … but once they’re post-partem? OPEN FUCKING SEASON.


    I come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword premium platform for invitation-only no-bid contracts.


    “But…but this doctor quoted Scripture to prove his point!” bleated Eddie.

    “Don’t forget, Brother Fisklinger, that ‘the Devil can quote Scripture to his purpose.'”

    Eddie thought that was a very nice thought and very nicely expressed, and, although he was not altogether sure that it was from the Bible, he put it away for future use in sermons.

    Elmer Gantry


    Love of money is the root of all free markets.


    Suffer the little children to come unto me inherit our failures.


    As ye reap, so shall ye sow blame the next guy.


    Let he who is without sin cast the first stone call the toll-free number on your screen right now!


    It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven get decent service at a restaurant these days.


    So, uh, granted 2 Thessalonians 3:10 does say “For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: ‘The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.'”

    Here’s a question I have about that, though:

    So fucking what?

    First of all, most government welfare programs ARE based on need, and they will stop when you start making money, or sometimes if the government thinks that you theoretically could be making money.

    But more importantly, unless I missed something, 2 Thessalonians doesn’t say a damn thing about the separation of church and state.

    It seems like a pretty common right-wing view to say “obviously, Jesus didn’t mean for all that charity stuff to apply to the government!” but I don’t think I’ve ever heard anybody support that view with any actual Scripture.

    Or, you know, logic.


    The Christian idea that if a man will not work(not those who cannot work), he should not eat, expresses an ethic that condemns freeloading, and promotes moral and financial responsibility.

    Nothing says “financial responsibility” like “give all you have to the poor, and follow me”.


    Sonic Youth playing Harry Partch covers.
    I would buy that album. But Partch’s microtonal scale is NOT DISSONANCE.


    The real issue is about the condemnation of hypocrisy, not the forbidding of discernment or legitimate criticism.

    Even accepting that this is what ZomJeebus was trying to say, does this tool not notice that the most judgmental among the fundies (of any stripe, from super-orthodox Jews to Islamo-nutcakes to our own homegrown suppurating pustules evangelicals are also the most hypocritical? For fuck’s sake, talk about the log in your eye.

    As I frequently point out, nowhere can we presume or infer that requirements to help the poor are anything but personal mandates imposed by the moral conscience.

    …and if a majority of the people in, say, a representative democracy create a framework whereby the poor are cared for in a manner that charity has never managed in all of history, the Jeebus peeps would celebrate that as a triumph by which they can say, “some of my tax money is going to serve people just like I wanted to do myself, only on a previously unimaginable scale!” right?

    Well, except for the part where those poor aren’t subjected to religious harrangues…wait. It’s not possible that I just discovered the secret sauce in the recipe, is it? That what these people really want is to cruise for converts and feel morally superior to their charity cases? Nah, couldn’t be.


    Robert Meyer: What is a million years like to you?

    God: Like one second.

    Robert Meyer: What is a million dollars like to you?

    God: Like one penny.

    Robert Meyer: Can I have a penny?

    God: Sure, just a second…


    they paid money to the church out of which Christian widows, orphans etc were cared for

    Can’t those widows get jobs cocktail-waitressing or something?


    I got a job for them widows….On my “farm”. See? No welfare required.


    what these people really want is to cruise for converts and feel morally superior to their charity cases? Nah, couldn’t be.

    We have a winner!!

    Sure, the Godbotherers give generously, as long as they get their names out there (the congregation would like to extend its warmest thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Thornton for their generous sponsorship of the Thornton Family shelter for battered pets), their church gets top billing (Come one, come all to the First Evangelical Church of the Holy Redeemer’s annual hot dog cookoff for the homeless!), and as long as there are conditions (The dinner will begin immediately after pastor Shoutmeister’s traditional sermon, hymns, harangue and prayerathon, and a call for the sinners to come forth to receive the lord’s blessing, forgiveness and eating utensils).


    HOLY BIBBLE = YHVH is okay with slavery, okay with incest, okay with torturing a guy & slaughtering his entire family to win a bet, okay with animal sacrifice, okay with multiple genocides, but NOT okay with doing your job on Sundays, cuss-words, eating shellfish, unauthorized crop manipulations, wanking, blood-sausages, blended fabrics, considering teh buttocks of your neighbour’s old lady as a potential pneumatic playground, or sex on the rag.

    * bonus tl;dr book-review *

    Yahweh needs a top-caliber analyst & some good meds.


    I am amazed that that farrago of fables, and fantasies, exaggerations and half truths and lies continues to get the kind of respect that it does. I would have thought that the minute that the bible was available for the perusal of a literate populace in their native tongue, they would have set it and Christianity aside quicker than egg salad that has been sitting out unrefrigerated in the sun at a picnic for four or five hours.

    Although I suppose adherence to that faith can provide the avaricious, lazy and bigoted among us a convenient ‘one stop shop’ to justify all of their prejudices. So its ‘useful’ in that regard I guess.


    It seems like a pretty common right-wing view to say “obviously, Jesus didn’t mean for all that charity stuff to apply to the government!” but I don’t think I’ve ever heard anybody support that view with any actual Scripture.


    …and if a majority of the people in, say, a representative democracy create a framework whereby the poor are cared for in a manner that charity has never managed in all of history

    These people are inherently un-American at their core. They do not understand and do not want “government: of the people, by the people, for the people.” All they understand is tyranny, and that is what they want. As long as it’s their tyranny. Anything not 100% in line with that = WorseThanHitler and, because tyranny is all they understand, must be tyranny against them.

    Fuck ’em.

    Bubba Godbotherer

    they would have set it and Christianity aside quicker than egg salad that has been sitting out unrefrigerated in the sun at a picnic for four or five hours.


    You gonna eat that?


    To be fair to Paul, he didn’t say a lot of the things attributed to him.


    Couldn’t possible give less of a shit what you say your zombie rabbi said. Kindly fuck off.

    Bubba Godbotherer

    To be fair to Paul, he didn’t say a lot of the things attributed to him.

    Jesus, on the other hand…


    I would have thought that the minute that the bible was available for the perusal of a literate populace

    Wanda: Oh, right, to call you stupid would be an insult to stupid people. I’ve worn dresses with higher IQs. I’ve known sheep that could outwit you, but you think you’re an intellectual don’t you, ape?
    Otto: Apes don’t read philosophy.
    Wanda: Yes, they do Otto, they just don’t understand it.


    There I go again assuming facts not in evidence. I’d make a terrible lawyer.


    OK, almost 100 comments, OT we go (Topics is fascist!):

    World’s Greatest Cover Band?

    If you like metal & children. (I don’t, but I know how you people are.)


    If you like metal & children

    I absolutely love children, but I can’t eat a whole one….


    Metal really cuts up your mouth unless you leave it in the milk for a REALLY LONG TIME.




    I would buy that album. But Partch’s microtonal scale is NOT DISSONANCE.

    Quite fairly noted. And his music is damn listenable. One of America’s true great homegrown confounding artists.


    Metal really cuts up your mouth unless you leave it in the milk for a REALLY LONG TIME.

    Substance McGravitas (IF that is his real name!): Are my methods unsound?

    I don’t see any method at all, sir.


    “For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: ‘The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.’”

    to paraphrase in German: Arbeit macht Essen

    Yeah, go with that.


    Also too, when Jeebus fed the 5000 with loaves and fishes, did he ask for a show of hands on who had “worked” and who hadn’t, so the lazy moochers would just slouch off into the sunset?


    No page on that site will completely load for me either on FF or Chrome. Too bad, I’d love to poke around.

    That’s surprising; it worked just fine in Opera, which can be notoriously finicky.


    These dumb fuckers will never really GET that Jesus was a revolutionary will they?

    They don’t get that the Founding Fathers were revolutionary. That oughta be embarrassing.


    The cognitive dissonance is strong in this one.

    He should try reading some Anton LaVey back to back with Ayn Rand’s stuff, and then try to tell us how Jesus felt.

    what an utter fool.


    ..people. Brothers and sisters. You have to read the actual article. This is sheer freaking awesome.

    “The real issue is about the condemnation of hypocrisy, not the forbidding of discernment or legitimate criticism.”

    That’s the start of the condemnation. Seriously. I’d be splitting at the sides from laughter right now, if it wasn’t for my ungodly liberal idea of how moderation in all things is a virtue..


    I was 5 years old when Armstrong reached the moon. I don’t remember anything else about being 5, but by God I remember that. I grew up watching Star Trek, the Jetsons, Lost in Space, anything remotely space-travel related. I devoured Heinlein, Silverberg, Bradbury, Pohl. I expected to live in a world where travel to space was going to be routine, commonplace. I fully expected to be able to visit other worlds. I got gypped.

    I was nine during the moon-walk and wanted to be an astronaut. In the sixth grade I learned that America was the breadbasket of the world and that one day there would be no hunger, no war, and a cure for cancer.

    I was in my late twenties before I realized that much of my disappointment in the world lay in how wholeheartedly I believed in the sixth grade.


    Arbeit macht Essen

    Want freis with that?


    As an eternal lurker (peace be unto thee and all that jazz) . . .

    There is no point mocking this Meyer person, for he does all the work you can possibly do all by himself.


    Makes cry Jesus and Rand both.


    jim said,
    October 10, 2011 at 20:17

    The same media then produces a mysterious & eerily manifold SERIES OF TUB3S which is in the process of ruining the entire “Imaginary Dad-Cop Is Selling Us All Condominiums In Heaventown Made Of LOVE” scam wholesale, perhaps permanently.

    *de-lurk mode*

    Zappa much? Hilarious, dude!

    “Imaginary Dad-Cop Is Selling Us All Condominiums In Heaventown Made Of LOVE” sounds like an awesome Frank Zappa bootleg title…


    Whale Chowder said,
    October 10, 2011 at 21:33

    Well, except for the part where those poor aren’t subjected to religious harrangues…wait. It’s not possible that I just discovered the secret sauce in the recipe, is it? That what these people really want is to cruise for converts and feel morally superior to their charity cases? Nah, couldn’t be.

    I have to agree. You are preachin to the choir (so to speak) as far as I’m concerned.

    Consumer Unit 5012

    Scott said, I got plans to write a Conservative Bible someday

    Andrew Schlafly is beating you to it.

    And no, he’s NOT joking.


    Hilariously, the author is still trying to defend his piece-of-shit article. Comments are running 2-1 against and that’s including his sycophant co-blogger dittoing every comment written by a god botherer.


    Hi! i’m repost you post: to my @vokvfqjt twitter


    (comments are closed)