Innocence Isn’t All It’s Cracked Up To Be

ABOVE: Michael Medved

Shorter Michael “Mr. Pornstache” Medved, Clown Hall
Contrasting Executions

    • The only reason the media provided all that coverage of the execution of Troy Davis in Georgia and not the execution of Lawrence Brewer in Texas is that Davis was a member of the privileged Negro race and Brewer was a member of the oppressed white race.

  • ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


    Comments: 461


    Yays! Nu thred!


    Hat trick! three first posts in a row! what do I win?




    Nothing to do with the white supremacist confessing without coersion and saying he’d do it again?


    Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™

    Yea, and never mind that the Buck execution’s stay was given wall-to-wall coverage until Davis was executed.


    One day after the Georgia execution of convicted cop killer Troy Davis, Texas executed another brutal murderer

    Good thing both murderers were brutal murderers who deserved to die.


    Good thing both murderers were brutal murderers who deserved to die.

    Now, in fairness to Medved, he could have been referring to the last prisoner Texas executed. The syntax would allow for that.

    Bozo the Cocksucker

    There are generally blog posts above the threads, you know.


    Nothing to do with the white supremacist confessing without coersion and saying he’d do it again?

    Maybe because it was one of the fouler hate crimes of that decade? Maybe because it set back the perception of race relations in Texas by fifty years or so? Maybe because almost nobody on the Texas death row gets a pardon even if they are almost certainly innocent? Maybe because a whole state is glad to have him gone so they can go back to pretending everything is just fine with race relations in Texas?


    Wow I never knew I was being oppressed all my life. Thanks second tier movie reviewer!


    But unlike the Davis case, this death penalty provoked scant media attention and no international protests. Racial factors obviously influenced the dramatically different coverage.

    I thought it was because there was doubt about Davis’s guilt and none about Brewer’s. But I guess obviousness is more obscure than it used to be.

    God, Medved is a tool. I couldn’t stand him when he was taking cheap shots at easy targets like Ed Wood, and I can’t stand him now.


    didn’t medved used to be a movie critic? maybe he should go back to that…


    “One day after the Georgia execution of convicted cop killer Troy Davis, Texas executed another brutal murderer—Lawrence Russell Brewer, who participated in the racially-tinged dragging death of James Byrd in 1998.”

    Racially-tinged? These guys can’t write a paragraph without giving themselves away…


    ahhh, i see he was…



    this phrase jumped out at me as well…i wish medved would stop forcing it down my throat…


    Racial factors obviously influenced the dramatically different coverage.

    Does Medved really think that, if there was an innocent white man who was being marched down to Edison’s chair (*poke*), the media wouldn’t throw an even BIGGER conniption than for Davis, who was presumed to have done it because, you know, blackityblackblackaceofspadesblack?


    A better case for comparison would be Cameron Todd Willingham. Did the white guy get less coverage? Will some nitwit eventually tell us how big Nathan Deal’s balls are because he executed a most likely innocent guy? I do think there was a difference, in that it seemed to me a larger number of people assumed the black guy was probably guilty. Medved doesn’t help lessen that impression.


    better case for comparison would be Cameron Todd Willingham.

    Argh, that was the name I meant.

    In fairness to me, Buck was just the frikkin’ week before.

    I swear, Texas must have a complaint department in their appelate courthouse…


    the racially-tinged dragging death of James Byrd

    Damn you! I stayed in the boat because I didn’t want to read anything Medvedev actually wrote, knowing how mad it would make me. I got yer racially tinged right here you fucking bigot.


    I swear, Texas must have a complaint department in their appelate courthouse…

    “Dear Complaint Department: I understand the odds on my appeal were very long. But did that judge have to deny it with an evil cackle and end his opinion with ‘neener neener’? Sincerely, A Condemned Man.”


    “Dear Complaint Department: I understand the odds on my appeal were very long. But did that judge have to deny it with an evil cackle and end his opinion with ‘neener neener’? Sincerely, A Condemned Man.”

    This here “death sentence” the salesman sold me seems to be of lesser quality than the life without parole the white guy in the next cell got…


    Maybe because it was one of the fouler hate crimes of that decade? Maybe because it set back the perception of race relations in Texas by fifty years or so? Maybe because almost nobody on the Texas death row gets a pardon even if they are almost certainly innocent? Maybe because a whole state is glad to have him gone so they can go back to pretending everything is just fine with race relations in Texas?

    I don’t see how any of this pertains to being an oppressed white male.


    Wait a minute. This fucking pornstached nerd was a movie critic? Whoa. Considering how clueless most critics are about movies, I’d say he should avoid topics like this.


    This fucking pornstached nerd was a movie critic?

    A fairly accomplished one, actually

    He was, sadly, on our local stations for almost a decade before he and Jeffrey Lyons were hired away for a Siskel/Ebert rip off.


    I thought it was because there was doubt about Davis’s guilt and none about Brewer’s. But I guess obviousness is more obscure than it used to be.

    Now you’re being silly.

    If Davis wasn’t guilty, they wouldn’t have executed him! After all, if you’re not guilty, you have nothing to fear. Q.E.D.


    I stand corrected, Medved and Lyons *replaced* Siskel and Ebert


    Aw man, I thought I was doing ok, and now I find out I’m being repressed. Guess I better call up the ACLU with my list of complaints about how dreadfully awful it is being a white man in this horrible society of yours, you oppressive non-whites!



    Wait a minute. This fucking pornstached nerd was a movie critic? Whoa. Considering how clueless most critics are about movies, I’d say he should avoid topics like this.

    He wasn’t just a movie critic. He specialized in making sophomoric jokes about bad movies, liberally sprinkled with xenophobia and homophobia. (Rock Hudson was gay, OMG that’s hilarious!! He should have been the leading lady!!! Get it??)

    For awhile he was one of the At the Movies guys, paired with some forgettable yutz whom he bullied unmercifully.

    God this guy is a waste of carbon.


    Guess I better call up the ACLU with my list of complaints about how dreadfully awful it is being a white man in this horrible society of yours, you oppressive non-whites!

    Come see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! I’m being repressed!

    What? The curtains?


    Hey Pup, thanks for the tip.

    Racial factors obviously influenced the dramatically different coverage.

    Jesus Christ, could this guy’s head be any further up his ass?


    He specialized in making sophomoric jokes about bad movies

    You make that sound like a bad thing…

    liberally sprinkled with xenophobia and homophobia

    Damn, knew there was a catch somewhere…


    God this guy is a waste of carbon.

    There was that moment of schadenfreude after he vigourously defended conservative director Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ only to weeks later have to attack him for the anti-Semitic tirade Gibson went on.

    That was juicy.


    If brutal murderers would stop brutally murdering people we wouldn’t have to worry about executing innocent people. SO QUIT IT.


    liberally sprinkled with xenophobia and homophobia

    Damn, knew there was a catch somewhere…

    Oh, it was nothing you didn’t hear from the guys in college*!

    * If you went to KKK University in KKKville, KKKia….


    This fucking pornstached nerd was a movie critic?

    Medved, your pledge name is Pornstachio.


    I stand corrected, Medved and Lyons *replaced* Siskel and Ebert

    “Took over from” might be a better way to say it. Neither Medvedev nor Lyons could replace Roger Ebert. Although, it occurs to me that Medved’s writing could challenge Ebert’s screenplay for quality.


    Hey Pup, thanks for the tip.




    Quite warm, anyway.


    Neither Medvedev nor Lyons could replace Roger Ebert.

    Or Siskel, rest his soul. As much as I admire Ebert, in some ways Siskel was a more reliable barometer of my own taste. (Although that’s not necessarily a recommendation.)


    “America won’t truly be a post-racial society until my friends and I can call people n*****s without getting criticized.”

    – Michael “Mr. Pornstache” Medved


    As much as I admire Ebert, in some ways Siskel was a more reliable barometer of my own taste

    He also had an enticingly large forehead.


    For awhile he was one of the At the Movies guys, paired with some forgettable yutz whom he bullied unmercifully.


    The show was titled Sneak Previews. It was the original Siskel & Ebert show, which they were forced off of. It ran on PBS


    I think I was more on board with Siskel, but the two of them had reliable tastes. It doesn’t matter if a critic likes things I don’t like, it matters if I can use their outlook to figure out whether I’ll like it or not.

    Mark Kermode is a reliable guy.


    It ran on PBS

    ahhhh, yes…that’s it…


    Mark Kermode is a reliable guy.

    With a name like that, and goatse hoverover text… I ain’t a-clickin’ THAT!


    Mark is reliable, as is the guy with my name.


    Welcome to Big Stone Head Care Foundation Website

    Looks fine!



    Medved sucked as a movie reviewer. I mean, SUUUUUUCKED. He was a reliable studio shill in that he could be counted on to pronounce whatever big-budget dreck they were hyping as “the blockbuster of the season!” or whatever dumb-as-shit catchphrase you want to throw out there. I seriously can’t recall him ever giving anything a BAD review, though to be fair, I never watched him more than once or twice, which was all it took to figure out that he was just a studio mouthpiece.


    Looks fine!

    Actually, there are two headers (viewed with Firefox and Windows XP).


    I seriously can’t recall him ever giving anything a BAD review

    I think the Golden Turkey shit counts.

    Medved gave other bad reviews, but they were inconsistent because he’s nuts. He wasn’t good at his job.


    He wasn’t good at his job.

    That’s kind of a wingnut prerequisite.


    Actually, there are two headers (viewed with Firefox and Windows XP).

    I’ll second that, for both Opera and Firefox on OSX.


    Personally, I don’t like Firefox. Opera is ok, but I think Chrome



    Rock Hudson was gay?


    bbkf: I never use flash, but do you need both the “embed” tag and the “object” tags that are in there now…? If Firefox and Opera interpret them both, but other browsers don’t recognize one of the tags, that would explain teh discrepancy.



    Dogs are way better than cats.


    now you can finally see who won the golf tournament

    IE9 (SHUT THE FUCK UP) sees the header twice and a rather large empty area at the bottom of the page.


    Dogs are way better than cats.

    Ferrets RULE. I’m a third way kinda guy.


    Ferrets RULE

    They are adorably wiggly, I’ll give you that.


    No they’re not, I hate their guts. I’m just honing my trolling skills.


    Well then that was pretty weak trollign, how ’bout:

    “I’m very concerned about your lack of recognition of pets in the weasel family, especially the best and most awesomest pet evar, teh ferret.”


    They are adorably wiggly, I’ll give you that.

    Yeah yeah but ARE THEY GOOD EATING?


    I bet you could give us an excellent recipe…


    Golden Turkey Shit

    Awesome name for that cornpone-punk hybrid band I was contemplating.


    No they’re not, I hate their guts. I’m just honing my trolling skills.

    Add something like “Of course people with conventional suburban ideas choose dogs or cats, and hey, I wish I could be like those easily-satisfied folks.”


    All right, I’ll quit cluttering up teh thread with randomness, have a good weekend folks (it’s my Friday, beer:30, and I’m heading out for vacation).


    “I’m very concerned about your lack of recognition of pets in the weasel family



    I hate their guts.

    My girlfriend had a ferret ‘way back when. It would crawl up under the covers at the foot of the bed and bite my toes in the middle of the night.

    I used to take it “ferret bowling,” a game I invented, wherein the ferret played the role of bowling ball, the hallway was the lane, and the wall at the end was the “pins.”


    pets in the weasel family



    Honing the trolling skills.


    “I’m very concerned about your lack of recognition of pets in the weasel family, especially the best and most awesomest pet evar, teh ferret.”

    This is excellent condescension. However THIS:

    “Of course people with conventional suburban ideas choose dogs or cats, and hey, I wish I could be like those easily-satisfied folks.”

    Is a masterful back-handed insult with a nice layer of superiority. This is hipster level trolling right here.


    My girlfriend had a ferret ‘way back when. It would crawl up under the covers at the foot of the bed and bite my toes in the middle of the night.

    That must have been AWESOME. I really don’t enjoy being bitten by small animals. Or large ones for that matter. I’d be rather unhappy about this situation.

    Ferrets are hilarious, though. All the stoners had them because they liked getting high and getting the ferrets all wound up and laughing at the way they acted.


    Yeah yeah but ARE THEY GOOD EATING?

    Clearly you are not from the South, otherwise you’d know that anything you can kill with your pickup is good eating.


    I really don’t enjoy being bitten by small animals. Or large ones for that matter.

    Did the girlfriend also bite?

    Uh… AFAF!


    Clearly you are not from the South, otherwise you’d know that anything you can kill with your pickup is good eating.

    Brewer was a cannibal?


    Did the girlfriend also bite?

    Well I can say SHE WAS GOOD EATING.


    Dogs are way better than cats.

    Not this year, the Cats won the Grand Final and the Dogs didn’t even get into the playoffs.


    Brewer was a cannibal?

    Would it be all that surprising?


    Ferrets RULE. I’m a third way kinda guy.

    Now we’re talking


    Medved is a bitter and shriveled soul-less crank. Last month he wrote a screed in the Daily Beast criticizing Obama’s Rosh Hashannah message – he’s so addled with hatred he can’t even accept a holiday greeting with a teaspoon’s worth of grace.


    Westboro Baptist cunt tweets that Jobs is going to hell and that their church is going to picket his funeral–FROM A FUCKING IPHONE.

    Seriously. I’m running out of patience with these fucking attention whores.


    Richard Gere said,



    their church is going to picket his funeral–FROM A FUCKING IPHONE.

    I for one approve the idea of a virtual picket line.


    A dog is an idiot’s sort of a pet,
    The middle is smelly and both ends are wet.
    They gnaw on your sweater and stocking and shoes,
    And it’s YOU who has to go gather their poos.


    their church is going to picket his funeral–FROM A FUCKING IPHONE.

    There’s an app for that. iDbag, I believe it is.


    I meant the tweet was sent from an iPhone…which is like totally ironic because, you know, like Steve Jobs was like the iPhone CEO guy.




    I meant the tweet was sent from an iPhone…

    I like my idea better.


    I like my idea better.

    Well, I do too. I just don’t want to be unclear.

    iDbag is a popular app among all oppressed honkies.


    their church is going to picket his funeral–FROM A FUCKING IPHONE.



    I was hoping bbkf would chime in so I could say GOD HATES TAGS.


    tsam, you do know that WBC are merely successful trolls, yes? TheIr schtick is intended to cause outrage so that people can attack them and then they sue. Rinse and repeat.




    There could be an interesting contrast if one could find a state where the historical white and black roles are reversed. Comparing two southern states each with a history of racism and each with a predominantly white power structure is a mug’s game. He’s also making a generalized (and stupid) conclusion about ALL executions simply on the basis of two executions each performed by a different state. It proves nothing. The fact is the killer of James Byrd had confessed, so what time was spent on appealing exactly what issue? Medved’s whole premise is fer shit and his cavalier throw away that the Byrd murder was merely racially-tinged and not motivated 100% by out and out racism is an insult to the victim and his family.


    Dogs and cats are conventional pets,
    As are hamsters, fish and ferrets
    Iguana’s are becoming more common,



    Well, to be fair…who doesn’t.

    I mean, other than crazy Scotsmen and they’re, you know, crazy.


    Well, to be fair…who doesn’t.

    Go to your room! In the interests of full disclosure, I’ve never had the real thing- just the closest approximation that can be made in the States because the Big Government Nanny Staters ban the sale of lights.


    Cats and dogs are for boring drones
    Fishes and birds will satisfy clones
    Hipsters and those of the awesome set
    Love pot bellied pigs and of course the ferret

    Pigs and weasels and lizards and snakes
    Those are the pets for hipsters’ sakes
    Anything less is of course just a bore
    An additional thing: YOUR MOM’S THE WHORE


    You know why vampires can be warded off with crucifixes?



    Why you shouldn’t go to the local racetrack:




    All Scottish cuisine started out as a dare….


    Actually, there are two headers (viewed with Firefox and Windows XP).

    Also in Chrome & Widowmaker 7 Ultimate, the browser & OS that suburban scumbags DON’T use. Nyaaah!
    OT: Medved is one of them Judeo-Xian Jewish people, the kind of retrograde douche-wad who’ll never be able to get beyond the Tanakh.


    tsam, you do know that WBC are merely successful trolls, yes?

    Yeah, I know. They just take it a little too far.

    I guess I’m kinda mad today. I realized something as I was listening to Ashbrook on NPR droning on with some stupid bitch about what a big fat saint Jobs was that nobody ever acts like this when a volunteer for the Southern Poverty Law Center dies. Nobody remembers any Doctors Without Borders, or UNICEF workers. They just try to make a hero of an asshole whose primary objective was to feed a fucking greedy corporation and make a fuckload of money. I know it doesn’t matter, but it seems like we Americans are exceptionally good at forgetting people who selflessly help others without recognition and canonizing people who build and sell stuff.

    The stupid bitch on NPR said a lesson America needs to relearn involves working very very very very hard. Yeah, after my 11th hour of work today, I am feeling very lazy and appreciate the fucking advice, bitch.


    Nothing is clean in heaven because



    There was a wee Scottish carpenter who worked at the construction company where I was a project manager. A few months after he started working there, I got him pretty good…asked him one day if he’d been to the local Scottish restaurant. He gets all excited and says, “nooo, what’s it called?” And I say, “MacDonald’s” in a Scottish accent. Wee man turns red in the face and starts sputtering, “ooooo, FOOK YOU!!!”


    All Scottish cuisine started out as a dare….

    With the help of a fuckload of alcohol…

    Or is that the Irish? I can’t keep my pasty gingers straight…


    Don’t be crying to the Lord because


    No luxury sports cars, either!



    I had one. They’re every bit as unreliable as you think they are.



    Well, of course she does. She had an entire universe to create and only six days to do it.

    ALSO: check out Mr. Deity for confirmation.


    B^4 – I seem to recall hearing a year or two back that haggis can now be imported. Real haggis.

    Whale Chowder from his phone

    Only steel wheels in heaven because



    ,,,droning on with some stupid bitch about what a big fat saint Jobs was,,,

    Ugh. I would have snapped at that. If there is one thing Jobs wasn’t it’s a saint. Even amongst teh cultists it’s recognized that he was an insufferable asshole – er, I mean deeply committed to the vision. The stories about him as a boss – about how employees were frightened to be in teh same elevator as him for fear of being unemployed by teh time they reached teh ground floor. And yet he’s praised to no end. Teh guy was teh CEO of a comapny that grew massively and dominated teh industry. There are personality traits that help with that sort of thing. A ruthless disregard for others for example.

    And teh disconnect amongst teh fanbois. Also not a secret – Jobs had a distinctly uncharitable view about charities. This is an unfortunate piece from less than two months ago. It argues that sure Jobs was a tightwad with no public record of charitable giving despite his massive wealth, and that under his watch Apple as a corporation gave less to philanthropic causes despite the massive growth and expansion – BUT that’s okay because Apple products improve everybody’s quality of life so much. Fucking really? Making teh iPod is teh same as working for teh poor? Holy fuck, I appreciate that you lurve your Apple products, but teh overlap between Apple users and folks in need of charitable assistance is a lot smaller than you think.


    I guess I’m kinda mad today. I realized something as I was listening to Ashbrook on NPR droning on with some stupid bitch about what a big fat saint Jobs was that nobody ever acts like this when a volunteer for the Southern Poverty Law Center dies. Nobody remembers any Doctors Without Borders, or UNICEF workers. They just try to make a hero of an asshole whose primary objective was to feed a fucking greedy corporation and make a fuckload of money. I know it doesn’t matter, but it seems like we Americans are exceptionally good at forgetting people who selflessly help others without recognition and canonizing people who build and sell stuff.

    As bad as this sounds (especially since I know we have veterans on S, N! to whom I mean no disrespect by what I’m about to say…) I increasingly have a similar reaction whenever I hear people gushing about “the troops.” Namely, that there are a ton of people in other agencies who risk their lives for a living working in war zones – Doctors Without Borders would be one example, I think they lost a hundred people in Rwanda – but like you said, no one remembers them.

    Not that people should have less respect or gratitude for soldiers, but I often wish I saw just a little bit of that sentiment bleeding over into some of the other professions that deserve it.



    Crying or drinking?


    Menstruating women aren’t allowed in the temple because GOD HATES RAGS!


    A bit of intertronz sleuthing reveals that (one of) the bans preventing real haggis entering the country was “under consideration” and that the ban hasn’t been lifted. That said, the reviews of the haggis you can get rates it pretty highly, but not authentic.


    I’m not exactly an advocate for an influx of haggis.


    BUT that’s okay because Apple products improve everybody’s quality of life so much. Fucking really? Making teh iPod is teh same as working for teh poor?

    Heard a dipstick on the radio spouting the same exact line today: “Jobs was more interested in providing employment & yada, by keeping Apple going he was doing more for humanity than any Bill Gates-type w/ all his charitable donations.”

    Hey Jobs, tell that to your slave-laborers from your perch in hell, self-righteous asshole.

    Other guy on the radio (Insufferable drug-addict Pat O’Brien, if you must know): ‘Yeah, Jobs made it important & necessary to get the newest thing, & the very day it came out, too. I have about five Macs & an iPhone & a yada & a yada fucking yada, also.”

    Fuck I hate consumers. W/ a white -hot passion, & most of all ones who are sort of aware how they’re being manipulated, & embrace the manipulation.

    Also, fuck a bunch of “design.” Form follows function, all else is pretension. And vanity!

    Lurking Canadian

    Even amongst teh cultists it’s recognized that he was an insufferable asshole

    Well, yeah, sure he was an asshole…but look at my shiny phone!

    No argument, BTW. That he was an asshole was part of the legend.


    “Not that people should have less respect or gratitude for soldiers, but I often wish I saw just a little bit of that sentiment bleeding over into some of the other professions that deserve it.”

    Meh. Nobody gives a shit about soldiers. People pay lip service, but nobody really cares.


    M. bouffant hates me and everything I love!


    “Thank you for your service.”


    Meh. Nobody gives a shit about soldiers. People pay lip service, but nobody really cares.

    Okay, that’s true enough.

    Probably another big part of why the universal “support our troops!” gushing irritates me. That it basically translates to “shut up that’s why” and very rarely to actually supporting the troops.


    That and putting that yellow ribbon on your car makes multiple deployments to meaningless wars ok.


    “Probably another big part of why the universal “support our troops!” gushing irritates me. That it basically translates to “shut up that’s why” and very rarely to actually supporting the troops.”



    P.S.: Would have thrown in a “some manipulation is OK” disclaimer, witchie-poo, except you stopped using @manipwitch as your Twit-handle.
    “Thank you for your lip service.”

    Lurking Canadian

    I’ve never understood why “support our troops” is equivalent to “be in favour of whatever insanity the troops political masters dream up”. Why can’t “support our troops” mean “let’s make sure they don’t risk their lives except in a good cause”?


    Just like “rah rah fetuseswomb-babies,” until they’re born, at which point they can obviously fend for themselves & we shouldn’t take away their freedom to die in a free-market economy. “Support the troops” (Which usually translates as: Do not criticize insane/stupid wars that kill & maim our glorious warrior caste & their civilians for no reason.) until they come home, then cut veterans benefits & services.


    To many, war of any kind is a good cause. Shows we’re tough, Friedman style. “SUCK. ON. THIS.”


    Well, I appreciate the job the troops do, and I wish they were all home.

    The difference is that I don’t need a snide fucking bumper sticker to prove it. I’m sure all the maimed, unemployed, PTSD afflicted soldiers really take comfort in seeing those fucking magnets stuck all over SUV’s with giant V8s. I know I’d be glad to be one of the fortunate ones who got to participate in fighting it out for the last of the oil on the planet.


    I increasingly have a similar reaction whenever I hear people gushing about “the troops.”

    That’s alright. All I wanted was a fucking job when I got off active duty. I could have done with a little less gushing and a lot more hiring in 1992.


    Friedbrain was on NPR yesterday (WTF is Ashbrook’s problem?).

    He was taken to task by a caller over his rabid support of globalism and outsourcing, directly after one of his phony screeds about how bad globalism and outsourcing is for the country.

    His response? “I didn’t DO it, and I can’t STOP it.”

    But concern trolling for the poor giant corporations who would surely have gone under if they didn’t send all of our jobs overseas is totally forgivable. What a fucking jerk that guy is.


    It’s like people praying for the tsunami/flood/earthquake victims. It costs one exactly nothing and makes one feel good about themselves. Actually doing something to help takes too much effort. Jingoistically putting a bumper sticker on your car is easy and makes one feel good, it matters not that it doesn’t actually accomplish anything else.


    The really nice thing about supporting the troops is that we do it strictly with bumper stickers.

    Cuts to the GI Bill
    Shitty health insurance
    No help finding jobs
    Spotty or nonexistant treatment for PTSD and other psychological issues.

    But we do get politicians gushing on about them when elections draw near. I’m sure that’s helpful.


    Jingoistically putting a bumper sticker on your car is easy and makes one feel good, it matters not that it doesn’t actually accomplish anything else.

    I swear it’s a status symbol. “I support the troops, DO YOU?” I don’t think that anyone besides the people with kids over there serving give a rat’s fat fucking ass. I didn’t see much of a clamor to end either of those wars from really anybody besides us crazy liberals.


    Oh, here’s a good one, a distraction before I type something rude (& true) about people who enlist & thereby enable the whole fucking war machine in the first place.


    Nice. They at least have the honesty to CALL it plutonomy, yes?


    I didn’t see much of a clamor to end either of those wars from really anybody besides us crazy liberals.

    OH and Ron Paul. But then he might be talking about the Star Wars. It’s hard to tell.


    Also, fuck a bunch of “design.” Form follows function, all else is pretension.

    I am inclined to say something harsh.

    But I am still coming down from the Mekons high, so….heh.


    Don’t quote me out of context: And vanity!

    And don’t mind me. Been up since about 0800, on four hrs. sleep, & ain’t et nuffin but BBQ tater chips, cookies, coffee & aspirin.

    (Alright, I’ll admit I just had a peanut butter sandwich.)


    Polls have been closed for an hour – it’s been called for teh Liberals, but majority or minority gubmint still in question. NDP will be gaining seats, but nowhere near as many as I had hoped for them. Unfortunately teh Progressive Conservatives are also picking up seats – but at least it ain’t liek teh last two election

    So teh Libs dropped a lotta seats to both opposition parties, but they had a lotta seats to drop. Probably won’t know if they’ll be at 54 or over until morning.

    In case any of y’all were wondering.


    er, that’s supposed to be “teh last two election days in LEAFS SUCK.”

    Lurking Canadian

    My riding has been flipping back and forth all night. Who’d have thought Perth-Wellington would be the kingmaker?

    I’m just glad to see the forces of Mordor turned back at the gates. I’ll gladly take a Lib/NDP coalition.


    Just had a peek at it. That is one tight race. I’m in Brad Duguid’s riding and I think they called that one for him around 9:05 PM.


    Hey Jobs, tell that to your slave-laborers from your perch in hell, self-righteous asshole.

    It wasn’t Jobs on the radio, was it? I dislike the hagiographies, too, but let’s not go too far the other way, either. He was just a guy who did some stuff, you know?


    It wasn’t Jobs on the radio, was it? I dislike the hagiographies, too, but let’s not go too far the other way, either. He was just a guy who did some stuff, you know?

    I went through this when Reagan died, when Michael Jackson died, Princess Di, Heath Ledger, on and on and on. All just people who did some stuff. Fred Shuttlesworth got barely a passing mention. That’s my whineyass fucking complaint. I know we shouldn’t be tearing down Jobs, but the comparisons to Da Vinci, Edison, et al are becoming quite nauseating. I’ll concede Henry Ford. I think that’s a fair comparison.


    Progressive Conservatives



    Those two terms must mean something different up in LEAFS SUCK


    OH MY!

    I’m in Brad Duguid’s riding



    Naw, it was some ass-wipe who does financial reports for a sports show (You can imagine, right?) ‘though he may have been quoting Jobs, or just getting his riffs from the link here: Dragon-King Wangchuck said, October 7, 2011 at 2:41

    He was just a guy who did some stuff, you know?

    Yeah, me too. Kicking & screaming every time I had to do stuff though.


    I’ll concede Henry Ford. I think that’s a fair comparison.

    The iProtocols of Zion.


    OH MY!

    Seems a bit redundant for hippies to occupy Portland.


    It’s a kinda weird story. I think teh oddest part about it was that in 1984, teh Progressive Conservatives were elected to power running on Free Trade.



    Clearly you’ve never seen Brad Duguid.

    Lurking Canadian

    Progressive Conservatives

    As I understand it (why yes! I am too lazy to google!) it resulted from a merger between two parties (the Progressives and the Conservatives) who were tired of splitting the Not-Liberal vote. That was back in the day, when “Progressive” probably meant the sort of anti-democratic type that got Jonah Goldberg convinced he had discovered fire.

    The party was actually reasonably leftist (we used to have a thing called a “Red Tory”, which was essentially a left wing Progressive Conservative). The PCs ruled Ontario for a long, long time (like 1940-1980 or something) during which they set up almost all of our social safety net.

    In the present, the Red Tories have been purged. At the federal level, this was accompanied by the destruction of the old PC party and the creation of the new Conservative (no P) party. At the provincial level, the wingnuts just took over, but kept the old name.


    Seems a bit redundant for hippies to occupy Portland.

    Pastoral charm.


    OH MY!

    Seems a bit redundant for hippies to occupy Portland.Coals to Newcastle.


    He was just a guy who did some stuff, you know?

    Yeah. I’m gonna shut up about Steve Jobs now. I mean these are teh days when you’d most expect teh cultists to act all cult-y – and it’s a shitty thing to do to be blaming ’em for it. So idolatrize your graven imagery and such Apple fans. Get it out of your system. But please do move on and recognize that Apple was more than just one man. Because really, Apple does make some nice products and it would suck for them to close up shop because teh cash injections from teh Apple-ddicted early adapters funds a lot of it.


    It’s a kinda weird story. I think teh oddest part about it was that in 1984, teh Progressive Conservatives were elected to power running on Free Trade.

    These are the Clintonesque types, then? Or Mexicans?


    So then Canada is suffering from an political spectrum that looks like it’s being viewed in a funhouse mirror just like the US. Overton Window shifted to where Nixon would be considered a liberal?

    (Sorry, I’m COMPLETELY oblivious to Canadian politics and history)



    Teh Progressive Party was actually a bunch of Manitoba farmers that eventually ended up spawning Social Credit and teh NDP. Teh name change was because of this guy. So teh oxymoronic misnomer was a result of opportunistic regional pandering that totes backfired and went up in smoke.

    If only Alberta had as many seats as Manitoba.


    RE: those yellow-ribbon magnets – I can’t remember now the last time I saw one of those. Seems like they’ve gone out of style since Bush left office.

    Those things enraged me no end. Every fucking one of them was made in fucking CHINA; pray tell how does slapping a made-in-China magnet on your gas-guzzler “support” anything other than exporting currency? I got into it with a radio host who started concern trolling about some maintenance workers at a west coast college being ordered to remove the yellow ribbon magnet from their state-owned vehicle because someone had complained about it being a “political statement”. And the host went on and on about how it wasn’t. So I called in and said, “if it isn’t a political statement, then what IS it?” And he tried all kinds of lame-ass reasoning to prove that it wasn’t…I finally just said, “look, I don’t know ANYONE who doesn’t support the troops. But explain to me how buying a magnet made in China and putting it on your car actually does anything to “support the troops”. He finally admits that it doesn’t ACTUALLY do ANYTHING to “support the troops.” So, I say, it’s essentially just advertising. And when we do advertising on behalf of an issue or cause, we call that a “political statement.” He disagrees again and I continue to challenge him by saying, ok then, what IS it? He can’t come up with an answer. I finally end the call by saying people who REALLY support the troops would support repealing their Bush “tax cuts” so we could afford body armor for the troops; that would be REALLY supporting them. This left him spluttering for a good 30 minutes after I hung up the phone.

    Goddamn I hate the stupidity of this country.

    Lurking Canadian

    Overton Window shifted to where Nixon would be considered a liberal?

    Well, yes and no. The Liberal party has, since the founding of the country, won elections by occupying The Center. When The Center moves, they move too. As a result, during the 1970s, the Liberals dominated the country for twenty years or so as a center-left party that was nearly, but not quite, European social democrat in outlook. During the 1990s, on the other hand, they dominated the country for fifteen years or so with a proud policy of free trade, low inflation and balanced budgets.

    You really can’t understand Canadian politics without considering two factors: regionalism and multi-party elections. Our population is not evenly distributed. The Liberals of the 1990s used to win every single seat in Ontario, but not much anywhere else, and that was enough to win majorities. (A Canadian majority government has essentially dictatorial powers, limited only by the Constitution.) It also leads to considerable unhappiness in the parts of the country (cough…Alberta…cough) that don’t get to singlehandedly pick majorities.

    The other issue is the number of parties. Right now, at least at the federal level, we have the Liberals (nominally center-left), the NDP (definitely leftish of center), the Conservatives (somewhere right of Bismarck) and the Bloc Quebecois (quite far left on economic issues, but only present in Quebec and mostly focused on nationalism). As a result, the Conservatives can win elections (and currently hold a majority) even though upwards of 60% of the population votes for somebody else.

    So yeah, we’re messed up, but we’re messed up in different ways.

    Lurking Canadian

    Teh Progressive Party was actually a bunch of Manitoba farmers that eventually ended up spawning Social Credit and teh NDP.

    Yeah, I foolishly went to wikipedia only after posting. If only I could use my laziness for good instead of evil.


    Did’jall watch Ken Burns Prohibition? Part 3 is just too fucking evocative of the TP, current conservatism, et fucking cetera.


    It also leads to considerable unhappiness in the parts of the country (cough…Alberta…cough) that don’t get to singlehandedly pick majorities

    Our South. Half the time they wave the Confederate flag, the other half they’re all butthurt about not getting every damn thing they want. All they want is to keep being racist, get rid of education completely, and an ATV for every good white man.

    Lurking Canadian

    Now imagine all that, and a metric fuckton of oil Kind of like Texas, except the Texans have already pumped out all their oil. The Albertans have still got theirs in the ground.




    These are the Clintonesque types, then?

    Teh Orwellian types. 1984. Uh, wait, I meant Reagan.

    Anyways, yeah – mid 80’s we got Brian Mulroney and teh PC’s as our federal gubmint. He got back-to-back majorities and sheparded through some of the most unpopular legislation in Canuckistani history. Then teh party died in teh next two elections going down to just Elsie Wayne of teh magic sweaters and Jean Charest who would later switch to being a Liberal. It was replaced by a new redneck movement from Cowgary that was so fractious and anti-establishment that it actually invaded teh rest of Canada twice – first as Reform and then as Alliance.

    So we had teh olde skule conservatives in teh PC party – mostly fiscally conservative and socially, well not liberal – but less conservative. And we had teh new guys from Alberta who were much moar about hating teh poor and teh gays and teh anyone that they can’t immediately identify with. Teh old guys had teh prestige (despite being a laughingstock of a political party) and history, but teh new guys had teh votes. So they merged despite PC leader Peter McKay promising in writing that it would nevar happen. That’s our federal Conservative party.

    In teh provinces however, Brian Mulroney’s egotrip only damaged teh PC brand – as opposed to completely destroying it. Thus we have provincial Progressive Conservative parties. But despite being totally independent of the federal party, they do take a lot of cues from one another, so Ontario’s PC’s are pretty Reform-Alliance-esque.

    And that’s your lesson in Canuckistani politics for Ontario Votes Day. And as I sign off, it looks like 53-37-17, or one seat shy of a majority for the Liberals.


    Now imagine all that, and a metric fuckton of oil Kind of like Texas, except the Texans have already pumped out all their oil. The Albertans have still got theirs in the ground.

    Yeah, us Americans thank you for destroying the environment up there so we can haz lotsa oil.


    GOP = Party Of Ideas … their best idea being, that since their ideas usually suck, the way to win is to cheat like a motherfucker.


    Yezzz, Episode Three (“A Nation of Hypocrites”) is the one I saw a couple of days ago.

    “In their extremism they eliminated all moderate support.”


    and an ATV Hoveround for every good white man.



    This has got to be the most fucked up news I’ve seen in a long time.

    I mean, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…

    It’s so wrong on so many levels.


    Obviously more widely available firearms would fix the problem.


    Along with my Invisible Hand!




    Also not a secret – Jobs had a distinctly uncharitable view about charities. This is an unfortunate piece from less than two months ago. It argues that sure Jobs was a tightwad with no public record of charitable giving despite his massive wealth, and that under his watch Apple as a corporation gave less to philanthropic causes despite the massive growth and expansion

    Yea. And? So?

    First, it turns out that he may have funded (before he developed pancreatic cancer) an entire $150 million cancer ward, privately hush hush.

    Maimonides would approve more of that than Bill Gates’ very public hairshirtings.

    Second, how much did you give to charity last year? Why should your standard hold for everyone if it doesn’t even hold for yourself?

    Look, no one said Jobs was a saint. He was an amazing genius. He was a designer, he was an innovator, he brought technology to the masses…

    …and made a fair buck doing it. That to me sounds like the essence of capitalism.

    But no one is submitting his name to the Pope for beatification.


    Overton Window shifted to where Nixon would be considered a liberal?

    Even liberals have to admit that Nixon was the most liberal Republican president since Roosevelt, TR.

    He was forced into it, kicking and screaming, by the antiwar protestors and Watergate investigators breathing down his neck


    Nixon was certainly the last competent president we’ve had. He learned that social issues matter from Eisenhower, I think. He was still a conservative, by and large–he just wasn’t as dumb as the current wave of zombie victims whose answer to EVERYTHING is cut taxes and deregulate and kill as many people as you can.


    So much for not talking about Jobs. Man, I am easy to troll.


    Fine. Okay. Maybe Steve Jobs was some sort of mega super awesome save-teh-planet kinda guy – but TOTES IN SEKRIT, hush hush. Great. But that kind of special pleading benefit of teh doubt has no valid reason to support it and is also teh kind of shit that we openly mock when displayed by others to whatever their idols are.

    And as for Gates’ “public hairshirtings” – d00d. We are talking about very well known public figures. Gates’ OMG IT’S ALL FOR TEH PR BECAUSE M$ IS EBIL!!11! public actions raise awareness for his causes. His very public attention-whoring has cajoled and pressured billions out of other mega rich tycoons. Steve Jobs has raised awareness for all of ONE cause – cancer research. And not by talking about it, but because he was afflicted.

    I mean lookit what you’re saying – OMG, who cares if he was charitable! OMG he was totes mega-charitable but not for selfish reasons! OMG public giving only counts when you do it teh way I imagine Jobs might have! OMG it’s not liek anyone’s saying he was totes awesome other than being an übersuccessful capitalist (your archetypical selfless and generous type)! OMG but Jobs was totes awesome!

    How’s this – we’ll stick to our point of agreement – that Steve Jobs epitomized capitalism and was so bloody good at it that he’s a class of his own.


    Even liberals have to admit that Nixon was the most liberal Republican president since Roosevelt, TR.

    Funny how history does that. In another 70 years, I’m sure someone will be talking about how liberal Reagan was.



    Second, how much did you give to charity last year? Why should your standard hold for everyone if it doesn’t even hold for yourself?

    Contrary to all my previous statements, I am not, in fact, a billionaire. I don’t do enough, which doesn’t leave me much room to criticize, however, again, I’m not a BILLIONAIRE.

    Look, no one said Jobs was a saint. He was an amazing genius. He was a designer, he was an innovator, he brought technology to the masses…

    …and made a fair buck doing it. That to me sounds like the essence of capitalism.

    Fair enough. But then I’m not a capitalist, so I have a hard time with it all.

    My main bitch is that Fred Shuttlesworth gets a 3rd page mention. “Oh by the way, this guy died”. Steve Jobs gets all this coverage, all this talk, and in some ways he DID change the culture of America.

    Shuttlesworth knocked the underpinnings out of institutional racism in what is arguably the epicenter of institutional racism. I know I’m a pussy liberal, but I consider the advancement of humanity the greatest accomplisment of all.


    Funny how history does that. In another 70 years, I’m sure someone will be talking about how liberal Reagan was.

    If conservatives weren’t so fucking stupid as to think that Reagan was a good president, they would be throwing him under the bus for doing such liberal things are raising the debt ceiling.

    It makes me LOL to sit through about 5 minutes of those debates and hear his name about 150 times. It’s a tickly sort of nauseous feeling.


    If conservatives weren’t so fucking stupid as to think that Reagan was a good president, they would be throwing him under the bus for doing such liberal things are raising the debt ceiling.

    They need a God-figure somewhere in their past that they can look back to and worship as THE ideal conservative, onto whom they can project all of their fantasies. I mean, who else are they going to pick? Bush, who left us with the current disaster, not to mention Iraq and Katrina? Nixon, who resigned in disgrace under the threat of impeachment? Goldwater, who handed them the worst electoral defeat of their history? Reagan’s the only one not-toxic enough in the minds of the public to lend himself to it.


    It makes me LOL to sit through about 5 minutes of those debates and hear his name about 150 times. It’s a tickly sort of nauseous feeling.

    I watched the first 2007 Republican debate with a liberal friend in a room full of Republicans. Every time Reagan’s name came up, the two of us made an audience wave like we were at a soccer game, going “yaaay!” in a slightly derisive tone. The Republicans were NOT pleased.


    Hey, if any of y’all were wondering – 53-37-17 held up. It’s one seat shy of a majority for teh liberals, but with a nearly doubled representation from teh NDP we’re looking at them governing liek a majority again.

    Teh part I’m most proud of isn’t teh increased representation by teh conservatives – it’s that we finally dipped below 50% voter turnout! Yayys Democracy!


    ot: al roker is really annoying…

    semi ot: thanks to those who checked my site…ever since i switched to windows 7 that thing hasn’t been right…according to our our current web designers/host it will take a butt-load to upgrade it so it’s compatible w/w7… so, we are in the process of going in a totally different direction with a free wp site and using razoo as our donation’s processor, which i am excited/nervous about…


    OT: via Media Matters – The Blaze has decided to attack the newest Muppet.

    Um, “Occupy Sesame Street?”



    I suppose I should have expected this.


    Teh part I’m most proud of isn’t teh increased representation by teh conservatives – it’s that we finally dipped below 50% voter turnout! Yayys Democracy!

    Voter apathy, the greatest American export!

    Lurking Canadian

    I suppose I should have expected this.

    Won’t somebody please, PLEASE, at long last, THINK OF THE BANKERS?


    “Everyone’s got a thing they want to protest, some of which is not realistic,” Bloomberg said during his weekly Friday radio show, according to The Village Voice. “And if you focus for example on driving the banks out of New York City, you know those are our jobs … You can’t have it both ways: If you want jobs you have to assist companies and give them confidence to go and hire people.”

    Driving the banks out of NYC? WTF? He’d better hope missing the point isn’t a terminal condition.


    You can’t have it both ways: If you want jobs you have to assist companies and give them confidence to go and hire people.

    If giving the world the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression, not being held accountable to for it to the tune of even a single penny, and getting bailed out by the government didn’t give them confidence that they have NOTHING, NOTHING to worry about, then WHAT THE FUCK WILL?


    Driving the banks out of NYC? WTF? He’d better hope missing the point isn’t a terminal condition.

    What an asshole. He hasn’t missed the point at all. It’s just more of that same old false flag shit that Fox and Friends are selling by the bucketload.

    I’m disappointed because after he did the right thing for the Islamic Community Center, I was kinda warming up to the guy. I guess now that his back is against the wall, we see who he really is. Just another filthy rich spoiled brat who thinks all the money is rightfully his.


    Next up: Where was the public outcry when hundreds of Nazis were being hung for their crimes?!

    Yuck. Just … yuck.

    Jesus Christ, could this guy’s head be any further up his ass?

    Michael Medved – The Human Ouroboros.


    a teensy glimmer of hope on teh ghey front…


    OT: via Media Matters – The Blaze has decided to attack the newest Muppet.

    I KNEW IT.

    I read about her in the paper day before yesterday and my first thought was an imaginary malnourished little girl is going to send the fReichtards into full feces flinging mode.

    Soon they’ll be going after Bambi for crying after the hunters shot his mom. Hell, and his dad for teaching Bambi how to avoid them.


    mango from the blaze comments:
    wait, hold on, stop the papers. I thought our children were fat and lazy? now what is it, American children are fat or malnurished? make up your mind! forget it make a muppet that has a drug problem, because I think the SS writers are on dope.

    dog, these people are assholes!


    now what is it, American children are fat or malnurished?

    Because it’s not possible to be both, right? Hint: “mal-” means “badly” and it’s referring to nutrients, not calories.


    because I think the SS writers are on dope.



    wait, hold on, stop the papers

    Stop the papers? I think YOU’RE ON DOPE, HOPHEAD!

    Helmut Monotreme


    Wait a minute! I thought the term was ‘Hopped up on goofballs’? can you even get hopped up on reefer?


    Globe and Mail on the muppet nontroversy: “Pink-faced Lily, however, may not reflect the true ethnic composition of poor America. ”

    Yeah, Sesame Street, the fuschia-Americans are really a minority of the malnourished in America. Um, wow.


    can you even get hopped up on reefer?

    I’m sure I heard some Red Foreman type dad screaming that at one of my friends when we were quite hopped up on ACID. So I don’t know.

    Helmut Monotreme

    Yeah, Sesame Street, the fuschia-Americans are really a minority of the malnourished in America. Um, wow.

    When I would leave my previous (low rent) apartment building to go to work I recall that very few of the children (of lower income families, I assume, given their residence in a low rent apartment building) I saw lined up for the school bus in the mornings were muppets, although a few of them were fuchsia.


    can you even get hopped up on reefer?

    This is a question for which we must discover the answer… FOR SCIENCE!

    Helmut Monotreme

    This is a question for which we must discover the answer… FOR SCIENCE!

    that’s Nobel Prize caliber research right there.


    bravely volunteering to be a research subject FOR SCIENCE!

    jim's fix-it emporium & gerbil extraction service inc.

    Nixon was the most liberal Republican president since Roosevelt, TR.

    Hunter S. Thompson would spit up to hear lefties talking up that crooked-grinning fucker.

    I tend to concur.

    I surmise that many millions of chronically wound-up & pissed-off young folks might take a majority proportion of the credit for Good-Cop Nixon. That he put a state sanction on Earth Day didn’t make it his. A similar whiff of bogosity hangs over ALL his non-insane actions. The extensive tapes of Nixon’s meetings tell a mighty nasty story as to what he & his henchcritters were actually up to … & maybe even nastier & scarier than the amorality was the myopia: there was just WAAAAAAAAY too much collective ad-libbing going on in that room.

    I put more stock in those millions of SE Asian dead (still dying to this day more than a generation later courtesy of Agent Orange) & the Straight-Outta-Gestapotown ugliness of Operation Phoenix than I do in him mugging around with Mao on the China Wall to troll Brezhnev. Here is how pure stone-cold Moriarty evil that fucker was: he tried to see if he could get the high-tech corporations to re-model their TeeVees so they would be two-way … now, imagine if Orwell had lived to read THAT.

    He & Kissinger were even more bonded at the taint in public than Bush & Cheney – which alone should be a more than sufficient clue as to Nixon’s true character.

    I’m real happy for you & Imma let you finish, but I also surmise that Eisenhower was 20 times as “liberal” – just in terms of sheer empathy & humanity alone. A wacky little liberal thing of Ike’s called a “91% top tax rate” made the USA rock like a motherfuckin’ hurricane with municipal infrastructure growth & helped to both enable & subsidize the biggest single industrial boom of all time – OF ALL TIME!


    AMEN Jim. Calling Nixon a liberal compared to the modern GOP is like calling Saddam Hussein a peace-loving humanitarian compared to Stalin. True enough, but not terribly useful or enlightening.


    I’m real happy for you & Imma let you finish, but I also surmise that Eisenhower was 20 times as “liberal” – just in terms of sheer empathy & humanity alone. A wacky little liberal thing of Ike’s called a “91% top tax rate” made the USA rock like a motherfuckin’ hurricane with municipal infrastructure growth & helped to both enable & subsidize the biggest single industrial boom of all time – OF ALL TIME!

    As long as you’re bringing up Southeast Asian dead, let’s not forget the… perhaps not millions, but certainly quite a few Iranians, Guatemalans and Zairis murdered by the dictatorships Eisenhower’s CIA put in place in their countries mostly for the benefit of American corporations. It may not all have been Ike’s fault; the guy, like many Republican presidents (Reagan and Bush come to mind) gave his cabinet a lot of latitude and a lot of that was probably the Dulles brothers’ thinking rather than him. But hey, he’s the president and the buck stops there.

    I agree that Ike was more liberal and a better human being than Nixon and probably the best Republican we’ve had since Reconstruction (if only because he upheld, indeed helped to create the “Liberal Consensus,” while Nixon only tore it down). Still that particular sin’s worth remembering, because it did a lot to cost us the third world and to bring about all the Iran troubles of the last quarter century, to say nothing of course of the moral implications.

    hank williams jr.

    AMEN Jim. Calling Nixon a liberal compared to the modern GOP is like calling Saddam Hussein a peace-loving humanitarian compared to Stalin. True enough, but not terribly useful or enlightening

    heck, it’s like obummer golfing with boehner!


    nym change post…


    now what is it, American children are fat or malnurished?

    I don’t have the heart to scroll up? Which taint-licker asked this?


    AMEN Jim. Calling Nixon a liberal compared to the modern GOP is like calling Saddam Hussein a peace-loving humanitarian compared to Stalin. True enough, but not terribly useful or enlightening

    I think that’s what most of us mean who call Nixon a liberal or “the most liberal Republican…” etc. It’s not an ode to Nixon (or Reagan), more of a facepalm upon seeing just how much worse the Republican Party is capable of getting.


    I don’t have the heart to scroll up?

    She asked dumbly.

    jim's fix-it emporium & gerbil extraction service inc.

    jim’s fix-it emporium & gerbil extraction service inc. is a place of wonder & joy!
    jim just got a package in the Royal Post & now has a *B*R*A*N*D* *N*E*W* *T*O*Y*!

    Mine isn’t red, however – it’s chrome.


    jim’s fix-it emporium & gerbil extraction service inc. is a place of wonder & joy!

    What if it’s not a gerbil? AFAF.


    Mine isn’t red, however – it’s chrome.

    obviously cooler then…

    I don’t have the heart to scroll up?

    twas a mango i brought over from the comments on teh balze…YOU’RE WELCOME!


    twas a mango i brought over from the comments on teh balze…YOU’RE WELCOME!

    Your mangoes taste terrible, bbkf!!! Bad girl! BAD!


    Well, this is typical…when vs comes out to play, all the kids run and hide and go play on the secret, cool playground vs doesn’t know about. FINE! I didn’t want your STINKY OLD CONVERSATION anyway!


    We’re all admiring teh Pookietronic pics.

    jim's fix-it emporium & gerbil extraction service inc.

    Shorter Julie Smellklo’scock at the National Review (via Balloon Juice):

    Because American kids don’t look like those in those late night commercials featuring kids from sub-Saharan Africa, no American child is hungry or malnourished. Oh, and Sesame Street is EVILLIBRULPLOT!”

    I mean, really. These fuckers are evil. Pure goddamn evil to the core.


    I mean, really. These fuckers are evil. Pure goddamn evil to the core.

    she’s taking a shellacking in the comments…


    she’s taking a shellacking in the comments…

    but still, a baseball bat wouldn’t be enough…


    she’s taking a shellacking in the comments…

    I couldn’t go for the mangoes — we had a sewer backup here at work and I’m already thisclose to puking. The last thing I need is to visit NRO.

    Besides, unless she’s taking a shellacking that involves a Ford F350 Super Duty crashing into her skull over and over and over again, she’s getting off easy.*

    (* NSVorgasmR)


    “It’s not Christmas, it’s Halloween
    that’s why these Christians act so mean”
    – The Psychodots

    Damn starving children, they’re ruining the whole Republican grand plan. They are supposed to be loading up on salt, fat and cholesterol. Under the Republican plan, after all, they will never have enough money to retire and there will be no Social Security or Medicare funds. No, the Republican plan calls for everyone in the bottom 95% to simply have their hearts explode somewhere between the ages of 50 to 60. See, problem solved.


    a few of my favorite mangoes…

    Your active use of the exclamation mark in this piece is pretty telling!

    “In fact, American kids have it pretty good.”

    I know, that’s totally what I tell the kids in the family shelter where I volunteer!

    “The truth is, 94.3 percent of American households are able to put enough food on the table every day to feed their families.”

    Did you know that 67% of all stats are made up on the spot?

    Please cite your source.

    Having grown up as a “food insecure” republican in a single parent, six child, household, I would like to share my view. My mother worked (mostly second shift) and rarely qualified for food stamps. However, when she did, we would (and almost did) die before using them out of some crazy pull yourself up by your bootstraps mindset.

    We ususally had choices to make between food or heat and this often resulted in little or no food. Dinner was often 7 people tearing into a convenience store roster chicken while standing. Heat involved walking to the gas station to get some kerosene in 5 gallon jugs.

    Julie, there are some good and worthy causes you could direct your skills to but this isn’t it. I feel the shame for you if you are unable to feel it yourself.


    The last thing I need is to visit NRO.

    Go. Read the comments. Seriously. Get. Out. Of. Teh. Boat.

    You’ll have to wade past teh stenchy starred commenter at teh FIRSTIES! of teh thread, but otherwise it is almost unanimously slamming teh “article”. Yes these harsh words are nowhere near what Gunlock has brought upon herself – but you can be at least a little reassured knowing that there is a “too far” for teh average NRO reader.


    Although Lily is just the latest politically charged plot to come out of Sesame Street, the problem with this storyline is that it is absolutely false.

    Hold on a second: Sesame Street isn’t a documentary?


    I’m busy watching the guy on the buffalo.

    I just finished watching it a few minutes ago and have begun singing it as I walk around the house. I may have to kill Kathleen. I don’t think I’m gonna be able to get it out of my head.


    I just finished watching it a few minutes ago

    i lol’d heartily while watching it…


    Seriously. CANNOT. GET. IT. OUT. OF. MY. HEAD.


    BTW, the comments are NRO should be engraved on a stone tablet somewhere. THEY ARE AWESOME!!!!


    I LOL’d at Guy on a Buffalo last week.


    Seriously. CANNOT. GET. IT. OUT. OF. MY. HEAD.
    ikr?! it is catchy…

    BTW, the comments are NRO should be engraved on a stone tablet somewhere. THEY ARE AWESOME!!!!

    again, ikr?!


    “When a man and a buffalo really love each other…they give each other a special hug.”


    BTW, any song that work in a line about punching a cougar in the face is all right in my book.


    We’re all admiring teh Pookietronic pics.

    Awwww. Yay!


    Fuckin’ A!









    Yeah, well, you smell like whale-barf.


    Hey, what do you want? I’m responding to you!


    Is that what the name refers to? Woof, I need to get my mind out of the gutter.


    Hey, what do you want? I’m responding to you!

    Mom! Whale Chowder’s teasing me!


    Is that what the name refers to? Woof, I need to get my mind out of the gutter.

    No! Gutter minds are the best kinds of minds!


    I like to leave it open to interpretation.


    Mom! Whale Chowder’s teasing me!

    *holds finger right next to your face*

    I’m not touching you!


    Don’t make me pull over! I’ll turn this thread around and we’ll go right back home. I mean it!


    alright you two…DO NOT make me stop this car!


    or kill this thread!


    Is Steve Jobs still dead?


    Deadder than this thread.

    Lurking Canadian

    Is Steve Jobs still dead?

    It hasn’t been three days yet.


    It hasn’t been three days yet.

    you mean i have to live with this thread for two more days? that stinks!


    It hasn’t been three days yet.


    Also this:

    ajay 10.06.11 at 8:48 am
    Apple CEO now even slimmer, but with reduced functionality, critics say.


    Woof, I need to get my mind out of the gutter.

    The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. The shortest distance between two minds is a gutter.


    Woof, I need to get my mind out of the gutter.

    Says who?


    Woof, I need to get my mind out of the gutter.

    What you need to do is CLEAN UP AFTER IT WHEN IT POOPS.

    Pet owners suck.


    There’s already been a lot of good commentary on how horrible teh Julie Gunlock piece is so it’s tough to add anything worthwhile. Well Imma try anyways.

    Teh USDA page has a lot of useful descriptors and statistics regarding food insecurity. It is no wonder Gunlock didn’t link it.

    She is using teh stat for “very low food security” even though a substantial percentage of the “low food security” group report skipping or reducing the size of meals. What she describes as “unpleasant to be sure, but at its core, just a somewhat boring, irregular, and occasionally reduced diet” includes households where someone did not eat for an entire day. Sometimes several days a month, several months a year.

    While it’s true that in households with children, the adults shield teh children from hunger by going without food first – this factor is offset by the fact that households with children are more likely to suffer from food insecurity.

    Regarding teh lazy bums ought to get a job so’s they can afford food aspect of Gunlock’s inhuman sociopathy, 85% of households with food-insecure children had at least one working adult, the majority being full-time workers.

    Gunlock is offended that Sesame Workshop is creating a whole new muppet to address this minor issue which only affects a bare few million American children. This character was created specifically for this one television special. She claims the Sesame Street is “telling a fib” – but as far as can be determined from the available information and teh sneak preview clip, nothing of the kind occurs. Lily only claims to understand teh unpleasantness about “not knowing where your next meal is coming from” because her family is food insecure and has used food pantries before. Gunlock assumes that government programs and charitable organizations addressing hunger in America “will likely be absent” despite the fact that Lily specifically mentions school meal programs and that TEH ENTIRE SPECIAL IS BUILT AROUND A FOOD PANTRY BEING RUN ON SESAME STREET.

    Of course, Gunlock doesn’t really think her pre-schooler needs to learn about the welfare system in the U.S. Which is why this show IS AN ABOMINATION BEFORE GOD. NO ONE MUST LEARN OF ANYTHING THAT LITTLE GUNLOCK IS BEING KEPT IGNORANT OF.

    It’s amazing. There’s this one-off Sesame Street special coming up and Julie Gunlock is offended and pissed off about it. Despite being exactly wrong about what is and is not in it. She is offended by what she imagines those dirty hippies at Sesame Workshop have cooked up in their dirty socialist puppet conspiracy. And that’s the least offensive part of the column. That she’s an ignorant idiot raging against an obviously irrelavent strawman pales in comparison to teh arguments she’s using to tear it down. She is actually saying that millions of households experiencing very low food security – where adults are skipping meals for entire days – in teh RICHEST NATION IN THE WORLD – that is okay by her. That situation is a non-problem. Feature, not a bug. God bless those United States of America.


    Okay. I checked the NRO comments. And … I … uh … wow.

    They actually give me a tad bit of hope for humanity.

    Sure, wingtards will still cheer the thought of someone dying due to not having health insurance, applaud someone who executes folks — guilty or not — at a rate that’d make Pol Pot blush, and go around defending the right of banks to steal as much money from the middle class and US Treasury as possible. And all while supporting some of the most clinically insane candidate the U.S. has ever seen.

    But at least they draw the line at kids starving to death.

    So they got that goin’ for ’em …


    But at least they draw the line at kids starving to death.

    These are not wingnuts commenting on here. I think this was a coordinated troll effort. Try that again at Clown Hall or Redstate and see how the comments look.

    I don’t really believe that if a wingnut isn’t witnessing a child starving in person, he/she doesn’t believe it’s actually happening. Furthermore, even if they could admit it was happening, you’d have to pry a few bucks of tax money out of their cold, dead hands to do anything about it besides make up silly stories about how paying taxes caused that state of starvation.


    I think this was a coordinated troll effort.

    i don’t know…they aren’t very inflammatory trolls…ooooh…dennis started out as pretty tame, but look what happened there…maybe nro has a dennis infestation and they don’t know it…




    that stinks!

    Not as much as Jobs will in a few days.

    …too soon?


    If the child isn’t laying in the dirt with flies swarming over its distended abdomen and emaciated arms and crawling on its listless eyes, it is by definition not a starving child. And since all the children in that particular condition happen to live in Africa, so they’re not White, not Christian, and most importnatly, not HERE, then they’re definitely NOT OUR PROBLEM!


    Pet owners suck.

    Not as hard as yer mom does.


    Dammit! Now I have that “Guy on a Buffalo” song stuck in my head.


    Not as hard as yer mom does.

    Well, Mr. Sensitive, THANKS. My mom is in an iron lung and not only has no ability to suck but has to painfully whisper my orders to desecrate graves and set fire to schools.


    that stinks!

    Not as much as Jobs will in a few days.

    …too soon?

    i was at a funeral where the minister started the homily out with ‘death stinks!’ man, that one was hard to get through…could not look at my companions…we were all shakin with lulz…


    Check out my new poetry style called Minimalist Poetry or “Mi-Po,” which is how the hip kids say it.

    ___ _____ ___ __ had
    ___ ____ __ ____ Dad
    __ ___ _____ ___ galore
    ____ __ _____ __ whore


    My mom is in an iron lung and not only has no ability to suck but has to painfully whisper my orders to desecrate graves and set fire to schools.

    Sure. Those “orders” came from “your mom.”


    excellent. Are we supposed to fill in the blanks, or do the lines signify drum beats?


    excellent. Are we supposed to fill in the blanks, or do the lines signify drum beats?

    No! That’s the beauty of Mi-Po. You don’t need the extra words! It’s the negative space around the words that really tell the story!


    My mom is in an iron lung and not only has no ability to suck…

    Fortunately, her hands are free.


    or do the lines signify drum beats?

    that is like…totally hep…cats…


    It’s the negative space around the words that really tell the story

    Or tells.

    Fortunately, her hands are free.

    You go stand in the corner, WC! You went one too far!


    Are we supposed to fill in the blanks

    MEN! Always with the filling in and the loading up!


    and here I was defending the fairer sex.


    and here I was defending the fairer sex.

    I am most unfair. I will steal your candy and push you into the mud puddle.


    Check out my new poetry style called Minimalist Poetry or “Mi-Po,” which is how the hip kids say it.

    I already invented that like AGES ago, only I called mine Po-Ms.


    No! That’s the beauty of Mi-Po. You don’t need the extra words! It’s the negative space around the words that really tell the story!

    Now YOU’RE hopped up on REEFER!


    I already invented that like AGES ago, only I called mine Po-Ms.

    LOL! Betta!

    Now YOU’RE hopped up on REEFER!

    Oh, I am hopped up, gussied up, duded out, getting down and where it’s at.


    I am hopped up, gussied up, duded out, getting down and where it’s at.

    Pics or it didn’t happen.



    Spoiler Alert: It’s Pookietronic in a teddybear hat.






    Paul Broun on Occupy Wall Street protests: “Well, if you look at what they’ve been telling in the media, they don’t know why they’re there, they’re just mad,” Broun said. “And I see people angry in my district too, but this attack upon business, attack upon industry, attack upon freedom, and I think that’s what this is all about. Now, the unions seem to be weighing in and trying to subvert that anger into a political power to try to reelect a president whose policies are just totally ignorant and incompetent about the economy and how to create jobs and how to create freedom in this country.”

    When he joined the Tea Party Caucus: “Over the past 15 months, Americans across the nation have expressed outrage over Washington’s out-of-control spending and efforts to ram through an agenda without the consent of the governed,” said Broun. “The Tea Party Caucus is designed to give these frustrated Americans a voice in Washington. The Caucus understands that we represent the American people, and these individuals have demanded Washington implement fiscal restraint, shrink the size of the federal government, and preserve our nation’s free-market system. I am proud to join my colleagues in the Tea Party Caucus to ensure Washington starts listening to ‘we the people.’”


    A onesie that says “Mommy’s little monkey” is totally gangster, right?


    Paul Broun on Occupy Wall Street protests: “Well, if you look at what they’ve been telling in the media, they don’t know why they’re there, they’re just mad,” Broun said. “And I see people angry in my district too, but this attack upon business, attack upon industry, attack upon freedom, and I think that’s what this is all about. Now, the unions seem to be weighing in and trying to subvert that anger into a political power to try to reelect a president whose policies are just totally ignorant and incompetent about the economy and how to create jobs and how to create freedom in this country.”

    One thing thing that’s made me happy that he Tea Farty protests took place is that is has exposed conservatives as HUGE HYPOCRITES.


    A onesie that says “Mommy’s little monkey” is totally gangster, right?

    Especially when sporting a bear hat.


    vacuumslayer said,
    October 7, 2011 at 23:36

    A onesie that says “Mommy’s little monkey” is totally gangster, right?

    Word, homes.


    This whole time Steve was holding his pancreas wrong. The fool.


    I like how apparently freedom is now a commodity, like a box of toasters, which can be “created”,

    If I had one wish, it would be for any person saying something is “against freedom” that is in no way connected to anything resembling freedom to be struck by lightning. It’s like it’s the new right-wing black this season.


    Did anybody else notice the palmed card as Broun moved deftly from “business” to “industry” to “freedom”? Or perhaps how President Obama passing laws with the help of his majorities in Congress is acting without the consent of the governed?

    If only there were some sort of institution that could somehow make use of the printing press, or perhaps even the electromagnetic spectrum, to challenge him. Alas. What magical institution could ever do such a thing?


    Alas, Mr. Canadian, any such institution which could do such a thing are far too busy unboxing the pallets of Freedom™ out back.


    Did anybody else notice the palmed card…


    and incompetent about the economy and how to create jobs and how to create freedom

    Yes. Because unswervingly doing the bidding of corporate interests and the financial sector has created so many jobs over the last decade.

    Clearly, we need more tax cuts.


    I think a shock collar triggered to the word “freedom” should be mandatory kit for all politicians.


    Actual lightning being tougher to arrange.


    I don’t blame them for dropping the F bomb all the time. It got all those farm animal humpin’ teabaggers elected, didn’t it?

    Shit the only one that scared them off was the one who was totally NOT a witch. She’s ME!


    If I had one wish, it would be for any person saying something is “against freedom” that is in no way connected to anything resembling freedom to be struck by lightning.

    Worse yet, the thing he’s saying is “against freedom” IS freedom. I did think it hilarious that he claims the current protestors are unclear on what they’re protesting and should shut up and vote conservative, while the “get gummint out mah medicare” folks were oh so coherent and he’s there to make sure Washington hears them. We the people, NO WAIT NOT YOU PEOPLE.


    Actual lightning being tougher to arrange

    You just need a lightning rod and a long spool of wire.


    It’s absolutely fucking awesome how widely disseminated journalism has somehow slid so far down the slope that it is nothing more than “how much teabag-wearing corporate-funded cock can we gobble? Let’s find out!” now.

    So awesome I could just vomit.


    Today is a stream of consciousness day, so I apologize for all of the above. Also, too. Freedom.


    Yeah, Nixon. I hated Nixon as much or more than anyone at the time, but
    there was one thing he had going for him……………………..Nixon always kinda hated and distrusted the rich. He came up poor, and used to deride some of those people he had to work with as “college boys” and so on. IOW………………although the Repubs still court & pay lip service to Joe Lunchpail, Nixon was probably the last one who would actually feel comfortable hanging around with him.

    For what it’s worth.


    Also, too. Freedom.



    Joe Lunchpail is an elitist snob, lording over the rest of us who have to reuse the same paper bag all week.


    Worse yet, the thing he’s saying is “against freedom” IS freedom.

    That is a Yang worship word! You will not speak it!!!!11!1!!1!


    Ahhhh noooo, I’m another evil LIEBral hippocrit!!

    I deserved that.


    Just watched a clip of Peter Defazio D – OR 4 (who is pretty awesome on any given day) on the House floor talking about OWS. Paraphrasing, “Some asswipe at Fox said ‘they can go protest all day because they don’t have jobs’. Oh tee fucking hee, NO SHIT THEY DON’T HAVE JOBS THAT’S WHY THEY’RE PROTESTING.”


    You have a paper bag?



    the rest of us who have to reuse the same paper bag all week.

    Oooooooo………I actually had to do that. Right up through 8th grade IIRC.

    Kinda had blocked that out. Thanks for the memories! O.o


    Just a matter of time, I guess.

    Assholes. I’m gonna break a tree root up in their shrimp.

    Lurking Canadian

    My mother used to wash out the plastic bags our milk came in (traditional Canucki milk delivery is a one gallon bag containing three one-third gallon bags) and re-use them to freeze tomatoes picked from the garden. I’m not going to claim we were poor, but I think there wasn’t much of a margin.


    I’m gonna break a tree root up in their shrimp–tsam

    The Feds, tsam?

    Always the Eliminationist.

    “Oh my gosh! Ted Bundy? That Ted Bundy? He always seemed like such a nice guy.”


    Yeah, Nixon. I hated Nixon as much or more than anyone at the time, but there was one thing he had going for him……………………..Nixon always kinda hated and distrusted the rich.

    And it was mutual. He made the Rockefeller moderates uncomfortable with his rabble-rousing rhetoric, and the Goldwater economic royalists uncomfortable because he was a big government Keynesian, though not a liberal.

    Actually, one of the what ifs I sometimes think about is what if Nixon had combined his 1960s hippie-punching anti-“liberal elitist” rhetoric with old school 1930s anti-rich people rhetoric. In those days, it wouldn’t have been an electoral killer, and I wonder if it might’ve shaped a different kind of GOP, one that was anti-liberal without the economic royalism of the Reagan-and-after era, that still accepted the New Deal legacy.

    Or would that have been just completely not in the cards?


    Someone should check the definition of “eliminationism.”

    the plastic bags our milk came in
    No glass jugs? That was trad in my day.


    Or would that have been just completely not in the cards?

    Americans are so weird & stupid there’s just no telling.


    I think Nixon was looking at Eisenhower’s legacy for guidance on domestic policy. It was only a matter of time before all those banker clowns who drew pictures of Roosevelt being wheeled into hell on their Peechees all day long bought back the conservative paradigm from those with a post junior high education.

    Captain Trollface

    If only someone told Steve he was holding his pancreas wrong this whole time.


    On the news they said the Jobs outlook was a little better this month, but he’s still dead so he might disagree.

    It really is too soon, isn’t it?


    This was not the prAwn I was looking for: Backdoor Shariah.

    Captain Trollface

    When it’s an insufferable, fetishized, overpaid CEO of a successful company that commands a horde of blind followers, it’s never too soon.

    Hell I was making jokes before he was dead.


    Hell I was making jokes before he was dead.

    Hey now. Lighten up on the Zombigotry.



    Better too early than too late, mostly.


    I am relatively certain Jobs would prefer to be able to hear the jokes, all things considered.


    …Backdoor Shania?

    How do you even KNOW that about here, vs?


    or her. Wev. I have only had one glass of cheap wine.

    …OK, a LARGE glass, Ossifer.

    Anyhoo, Obsessive Mekons after-action report at my joint.


    Lighten up on the Zombigotry.

    How is it “Zombigotry” if he weren’t dead yet? You are an awful person, like all libs, dead, alive or indeterminate.


    it’s pretty much the last nice weekend before Wisconsin Winter tries to kill us, so perhaps I will go outside and drink, while I yell at teh college kids to shut the fuck up and get the fuck offa my lawn.


    Now that all you squares are washing dishes after dinner, eating dinner, preparing dinner, or thinking about what to have for dinner, here’s how I broke my fast (‘cept for those B-B-Q chips & coffee) ’bout 1630PDT:

    Cubed some ‘taters, diced some onions, dumped ’em a pan w/ cut-up pork breakfast links, salted lightly, dumped worcestershire sauce on everything, sautéd the mess in “lighter flavored” olive oil, slapped a couple dollops of mayo & some Trader Joe’s® Thai Yellow Curry Sauce on, stirred it all up & stuffed my face.

    Beat that w/ stick!


    Or a stick. Or a stick of butter!


    In a pan. Recipes is hard.


    “…Backdoor Shania?

    How do you even KNOW that about here, vs?”

    Those filthy people at WND told me about it.


    and an ATV Hoveround for every good white man.


    This was the next-to-last day for East Side Scooters, in Nashville, to be in business. I worked there, gratis, all day (okay, I got lunch, $18 and a drive belt and an air filter for my scooter). I answered the phone three times in less than 15 minutes — calls from a confused old woman who insisted we had both sold and serviced her mobility chair, and she demanded that we send out a technician to her home, immediately.

    I told her calmly and politely the first two times that that was not possible; that the scooter we sold are like motorcycles, run on gasoline and cannot be used by people that are not in reasonable physical condition. She wasn’t getting it. The third time, I said, “Dear, you really need to call 411, and ask for listings for businesses that sell durable medical equipment — I assure you, we do not, never have, and as we are closing the shop for the last time tomorrow, never will.”


    Breakfast links+Mayo+curry?

    Where’s my vomit bucket?


    ouch, JP.

    I had a discussion with a client today about a blueprint company that shut its doors unexpectedly last month after being in existence since 1973.

    But Herman Cain says things are fine!


    It’s pretty much the last nice weekend before Wisconsin Winter tries to kill us.

    You’re telling me. Have had to put on a bathrobe, as it’s too cold to terrorize the Internet in mere FTL briefs & T-shirt. (And black socks for the ’30s porn look.)

    Load the Mossberg w/ some rock salt shells, that’ll keep those fuckimg punks away from your fence.

    (Expect Anti-“eliminationist” Dennis gettin’ pissy in …)


    Breakfast links+Mayo+curry?

    Where’s my vomit bucket?

    Didja SEE that video he posted at my joint?

    Where do you think that shit COMES from?


    Load the Mossberg w/ some rock salt shells, that’ll keep those fuckimg punks away from your fence.

    I was up into the wee hours this morning, getting some emergency crisis of a client’s making resolved, and calling the cops several times to get the fuckers to stop playing football in the street. You’d think the traffic would take care of it…

    Kinda noisy tonight, but it’s early and the Brewers FINALLY sent the D-backs home, so we’ll let it go. This time.

    Next time, though, it will definitely alarm Den-den.


    ouch, JP.

    I really felt sorry for this poor, confused soul, though. In the end, she asked, “Where did I buy this, then?” I could only muster that I had no idea, much as I had no idea where she may have bought other items that we clearly do not sell.


    Those filthy people at WND told me about it.

    Show us on the inflatable doll where World Net Daily touched you, VS.


    Breakfast links+Mayo+curry?

    OK, I understand that non-Real Americans may not like mayo, but wassa matta w/ curry?

    Glad the M.B.s took out the Snakes. A Milwaukee-Dee-troit series would be nice. Fuck the Phillies &/or Cards!

    Also, do not tempt me w/ the POOP videos. I got a month’s worth.

    Lurking Canadian

    You mean shotguns loaded with rock salt are good for more than ghosts? Who knew?


    I answered the phone three times in less than 15 minutes- calls from a confused old woman who insisted we had both sold and serviced her mobility chair, and she demanded that we send out a technician to her home, immediately.

    Setup for the worst porn ever!


    Mine isn’t red, however – it’s chrome.

    What in fuck’s holy name purpose does this serve?


    They’re getting the No Mormies message out at the Values Voter Summit!


    “Show us on the inflatable doll where World Net Daily touched you, VS”


    Also: I like all those things separately, MB. Its the putting them together that makes me want to hurl.


    Dint know rock salt was good for ghosts.


    “Setup for the worst porn ever!”

    I giggled.


    They’re getting the No Mormies message out at the Values Voter Summit!

    Fight, bigots, fight!
    Fight, bigots, fight!

    It’s heartwarming to see them form a circular firing squad.

    *cue Dennis*


    Setup for the worst porn ever!

    How? It sounds promising, especially to Dragon-King.

    Also: BBBB, aren’t you supposed to be at Bell House?


    It’s heartwarming to see them form a circular firing squad.

    *cue Dennis*

    He only objects if it’s a circular throat-slitting squad.

    Lurking Canadian

    Dint know rock salt was good for ghosts.

    Not a fan of Supernatural then?


    How? It sounds promising, especially to Dragon-King.

    Look, teh lady was desperate for service. Immediately.


    That is a Yang worship word! You will not speak it!!!!11!1!!1!

    E PLEBNISTA, biotches!


    You mean shotguns loaded with rock salt are good for more than ghosts?

    Shooting tequila?


    Not a fan of Supernatural then?

    Nope, I am a mature adult who has no truck w/ the supernatural (Not even capitalized!) & anyway I’m much too busy posting POOP on sites that are silly enough to allow free video speech.

    jim's fix-it emporium & gerbil extraction service inc.

    Shorter Robert Bryce: Al Gore is fat because NEUTRINOS!

    If serious scientists can question Einstein’s theory of relativity, then there must be room for debate about the workings and complexities of the Earth’s atmosphere.


    Hands up anyone who did NOT see this coming … no, really, anybody at all. Anybody? Bueller?

    Caught this WSJ* nugget via Metafilter – where part of a comment jumped out at me:

    We don’t have peer review in politics, or an academy that gives politicians credentials. Politics is by definition a popularity contest.

    (in before YOU ARE DOING IT RONG)
    *While “Whore Street Journal” has the self-evident problem of cruelly & egregiously demeaning whores (who are, as obcsure british Columbia poet Davy Moondog aptly pointed out, “The Only Honest Workers”), perhaps “Warlock Street Journal” is more useful as mental shorthand.


    I heard we were doing tequila shots here.

    jim's fix-it emporium & gerbil extraction service inc.

    Failing to fully capitalize the name of my own province = a millennium without parole in geography HELL.

    Lurking Canadian

    Hands up anyone who did NOT see this coming … no, really, anybody at all. Anybody? Bueller?

    Actually, I didn’t see it coming. On the one hand, we have a group of scientists announcing a surprising finding, of which they are skeptical, and calling on their colleagues to confirm or reject their findings.

    On the other hand, we have a handful of bought-and-paid-for flacks rejecting a scientific consensus on the basis of nothing except their own conviction that the guys bribing them deserve an honest day’s work for their money.

    One of these things…is not like the other…


    Just go w/ “B.C.” Then people will confuse it w/ the comic strip, & various “obcsure” datingcalendar schemes.

    Oh, by the way, is Davy related? (And we don’t mean to fucking Tangerine Dream.)

    jim's fix-it emporium & gerbil extraction service inc.

    Suddenly …Retro Friday RAWK!!!


    One of these things…is not like the other…

    Yes, because one of the is elitism and the other is FREEDUMB!!!



    Forgot a letter there, I blame Obama.


    Its the putting them together that makes me want to hurl.

    The mayo’s just a saucy base/extender for the curry sauce, & moistens the taters a bit. Couple tbsps., max. And what doesn’t curry go w/? Sheesh. Don’t knock it ’til, you know. (At least I didn’t take a picture of it & post it, like some people might.)

    jim's fix-it emporium & gerbil extraction service inc.

    Obma takes the form of … A GIANT SLOR!

    (veiled Zuul-tummy-roasting reference)


    Its the putting them together that makes me want to hurl.

    I can’t pass judgement, I made a big mess of chicken heart fried rice for lunch (the heart is the best part of the chicken, hands down), then got a slice of Napoleon at the bakery while running errands.


    Oh fuck, there is nothing better in desserts than a mille-feuille. Crikey, I was jonesing for something sweet & now I’m confronted w/ one! Get back in my mouf, drool!

    The wing, however, is the best part of the chicken.


    The wing, however, is the best part of the chicken.

    the lips.

    Lurking Canadian

    I had occasion to make Napoleons the other day. Complete disaster. The pastry was overdone and the pastry cream was too runny. Fortunately, the hostess had never eaten or seen a Napoleon, so she didn’t know any better, and they tasted fine, so I got away with it. I have since found an easier recipe for pastry cream, so I have some hopes it will go better next time.

    And with that, dear friends, I call it a night. I hope the troll stays under the bridge.


    it’s too cold to terrorize the Internet in mere FTL briefs & T-shirt.

    You’ll stay warmer in undergarments that cannot reach relativistic speeds


    The fact is, I laugh at you silliy hippys and liberals “occupying” things and cities. Grow up and get an “occupation”, like working like the rest of us do. You will be crushed, as your views are dangerus to USA freedom. The 1% create all the jobs, all the wealth and pay all the taxes so SHUT UP


    I’m still stuck on my simple luncheons of sliced Swiss Gruyere with crackers and chilled asparagus. I never get tired of the stuff….mmmmmm good!


    You’ll stay warmer in undergarments that cannot reach relativistic speeds.

    Merely Fruit of The Loom, but they have “FTL” all over the waistband. Not the best advertising.


    The fact is, I laugh at you silliy hippys and liberals “occupying” things and cities. Grow up and get an “occupation”, like working like the rest of us do. You will be crushed, as your views are dangerus to USA freedom. The 1% create all the jobs, all the wealth and pay all the taxes so SHUT UP

    Megafake troll.

    Pro tip: a real conservative troll would never just say “the 1% create all the jobs, all the wealth and pay all the taxes so SHUT UP,” he’d ramble on for five paragraphs about the various things that prove that it’s true. “The enemy may be the cosmopolitan intellectual, but the paranoid will outdo him in the apparatus of scholarship, even of pedantry.”


    sliced Swiss Gruyere with crackers and chilled asparagus

    New from Oscar Mayer Lunchables?


    Hey, if they made lunchables like my lunches, I’d be all over it.

    Except for the wasteful packaging. I’d still have a problem with that.

    And the price. I’m sure they’d charge 2 – 3 times as much as what it costs for me to make my lunch.

    And the preservatives…aw hell, never mind.


    Here are some sad fucking sacks, so proud of “working” 70 hrs. a wk., having more than one job & not having health insurance. They think because they pay Federal income tax (The “53%”) they are John Galt. If this crap is real, it is over for western civilization.


    Here are some sad fucking sacks, so proud of “working” 70 hrs. a wk., having more than one job & not having health insurance. They think because they pay Federal income tax (The “53%”) they are John Galt. If this crap is real, it is over for western civilization.

    There’s some gold in the comments:

    i will defend my oppressors until they work me to death


    Oh, dayum. I’m tempted to write up a magnum dopus along the lines of “my boss lets me lick his taint and I’m GRATEFUL for the nutritional supplement. I AM THE 53%!!!! BIZNATCH!!!”


    We need to put up a parody site, stat. Called “We are the 28%” in honor of that figure that comes up again and again and again when gauging the idiocy baseline. It’s the number who voted Alan Keyes over Obama for Senate from IL. It’s the number who still approved of GW Bush when he left office. You know, the morons.

    But seriously, we could make some wicked awesome parody stories.


    Holy shit! Where did all you peeps come from? I got get beers and see a person and look what happens.

    Lucid zombies make tsam laff owt lowd.



    LOL–IF ONLY. I would pay phat dividends to see it happen.


    Kinda noisy tonight, but it’s early and the Brewers FINALLY sent the D-backs home, so we’ll let it go. This time.


    Also, Gary Ruppert: I think it’s time you sucked my dick. I’ve waited long enough.


    But seriously, we could make some wicked awesome parody stories.

    “Now I’m not one of those in..intuh… ya know, smart fellers. But that George W Bush, he believed in Jesus, and that’s somethin that’s missin in this once grayt nashun of Rs.”

    Conservatives = zombie victims. There is no other explanation.


    but the paranoid will outdo him in the apparatus of scholarship, even of pedantry

    Only when convenient, dawg. Only when convenient.




    ooohhhh I’m posting comments too quickly, fucking whatever.


    Erick fuggin’ Erickson is the first one, bottom of p. 2! HE CAN”T SELL HIS HOUSE!! It’s your fault, complaining loafers!!


    I’m out.


    Hey, before you go…there’s a great Muppet video over at my joint.


    I go get beers and see a person and look what happens.

    AHEM, where is my beer & some of what you went to “see a person” about.


    I’m out.

    Oh, right, leave before I get mine. Some imaginary Internet friend you are.
    Is it the starvingfood-insecure muppet from sesame street?


    No, it’s worse. It’s gangsta rap muppets!!!


    Before I go:

    I was 16 and got jobs at fast food restaurants because my parents co-signed a loan for me to get my first car instead of giving me one.

    At 18, I joined the United States Army.

    At 20, I began work at a Burger King AND at a distributor JUST TO FUCKING SURVIVE.

    At 24, I had got married, had a kid about 8-1/2 months later.

    Meanwhile, I worked at the distributor and and FINALLY quit Burger King after a good friend was murdered there to go to college.

    Another year later, my second daughter was born.

    I still attended college four nights a week while working about nine hours at the distributor. By this time, I had moved into contract distribution, gone to trade school and learned everything I needed to know to be regionally renowned master of my field. (Granted, it’s not hard to be a master in the field…)

    11 months later, we had our third daughter. Having a 2 year old, a daughter who was just beginning to walk and a newborn proved too much for a guy working 8 to 10 hours and then spending another four hours at college, so college sadly fell by the wayside. This is a circumstance that tears at my heart to this day.

    Soon I was given an opportunity to work at a competitor’s company–the man I replaced at my current company.

    Time went by–I worked hard for little pay and got better, and now I’m becoming an owner of this company.

    What percentage am I? I struggled with hand-to-mouth wages all my adult life.



    AHEM, where is my beer & some of what you went to “see a person” about.

    Just a buddy. An old friend whose company makes me feel less alone in this fucked up POS world.


    Hey, before you go…there’s a great Muppet video over at my joint.



    Glad you enjoyed it – I thought it was just hysterical. Very well done.


    Resetting the nym.



    What the FUCK is going on, Fenwick? I think we should KILL DENNIS. What do you think?


    jesus h…what time is it?


    oh, tsam…youre still up!


    or maybe not…really? i’m the one who outlasts y’all? aaargh…i am SO not ready for hunting season…bartending w/yucky city hunters really sucks balls…


    My favorite memory of rap is when I used to fly Northworst Airlines out of MN all the time and I would get such a laugh when I saw the huge NWA on the plane. I would think “Straight Outta Eagan!” and laugh like a fool.


    No, NOBODY OUTLASTS ME. I’m West coast, love.


    I was going back through like 3 months worth of Facebook crap. A surprising amount of crap. Some fuckhead posted the picture of the Occupy protesters with little pointers to the Canon cameras and name brand make-up, etc…

    My response: Wow, that photo misses the point more than any photo in the history of missing the point.


    bbkf, the weekend warriors are the worst. I would avoid opening weekend just because the ratio of idiots was so high. I would take a Monday off and go get my deer.


    I’m going to bed now, though.


    indeed you are…so i have another hour to go…no prob since i am hone alone for the weekend and can usually not sleep under such circumstance…


    Also, not ALL of us city hunters are THAT kind of hunter.

    Good night


    Aww, I feel bad for you now. Do you want me to stay up with you?


    bbkf, the weekend warriors are the worst. I would avoid opening weekend just because the ratio of idiots was so high. I would take a Monday off and go get my deer.

    this is so true…luckily i am off next weekend for pheasant opener…


    You have a paper bag?

    Yes, but that wasn’t only for lunch; in lieu of books, we had to write our lessons for the whole week on that paper bag.
    I believe there is a Beatles song on the subject.


    oh, tsam you are always so sweet…but no, i won’t do that to you…i’ve had sleep issues for so long, it’s almost like they don’t matter anymore…also too…being home alone means i can sleep in as long as i want to tomorrow/today!!!


    paper bag.

    paper bag writer?


    paper bag writer?

    Oh well done. Oregon beer?


    Oh well done. Oregon beer?

    yes. please!


    I found some good Patti Smith at Jim’s Fix-it Emporioum and Gerbil Extraction Service (*). (5:06).

    (A fine establishment, highly recommended for humane and gentle rescue of gerbils from any predicament. Only gerbils, though. Jim is a specialist.)

    As I am very hooppped-up on reefer just now, I used Jim’s link as a springboard dove into the YouToobz, and swam around a bit. Eventually, I re-encountered some great rock from long ago (1970). Before I slip in the link (VPR) to the song, Ramblin’ Fenwick is going to tell you a stoned story….

    Long ago in the Pre-Cambrian, when I was 22, I worked as a disc jockey at a little Ma-and-Pa radio station in southeast Kansas.

    I worked the evening shift. I came in at 4:30 to set up the biggish 5 PM newscast, when my booth-time began. We had clattering AP and NWS teletypes back in the Pre-Cambrian. The NWS wire was important in SE Kansas, which is mos def in Tornado Alley. The AP wire was a total blast. I could read the latest ***FLASH** and ***BULLETIN** copy right off the wire.

    Earlier in the thread there was a discussion of Nixon. This radio stint was during Watergate … and it was way cool: I could watch the Ervin Hearings during the late morning and afternoon. Then I could watch the wire at work. I have saved perhaps a dozen AP Flashes and Bulletins, particularly from the Saturday Night Massacre.

    But I digress. (I am prone to doing so when hopped-up on reefer.) I’ll steer back toward the rock-n-roll.

    By 6 PM, everybody else had gone home–sales staff, office staff, station engineer. In other words, Ma and Pa. So I had the station completely to myself until sign-off at half-past midnight. I turned off all the lights except the booth and newsroom.

    The station sold advertising on the basis off simulcasting AM-FM; the AM license was sunrise-to-sunset; I shut the AM transmitter off at the required FCC time. So after sunset, all the advertising went away from the broadcast log, too. And I got to spin rock-n-rock on FM for the rest of the evening. (Did I mention we only had turntables in the Pre-Cambrian? First thing I learned was how slip-cue a record.)

    There was no playlist, no ‘format’ straight-jacket after AM went off. (KIND was a small operation. I learned on-the-job and made minimum wage.) The station library had no rock at all, so I sustained the evenings from my own record collection. (Which was pretty damn good, though I say so myself.)

    I didn’t do a lot of open-mic work; I concentrated on smooth production. ((Now I’m fighting off the urge to describe the Coolest Cross-Fade EVAH.)) I grouped the music into sets of about 20-30 minutes. I tried to build themes or ‘narratives’ in how I assembled them.

    I always selected the opening cut carefully. Rev up the engine. Set the tone for the evening. Then I opened the mic for the first time.

    The link is to one of my favorite openers: Velvet Underground’s “Rock and Roll” from their Loaded album (1970). The U-Toob recording is taken from a turntable. So expect some Pre-Cambrian sound.

    But this is the sound I remember, clicks and all, in a dark studio back in the Pre-Cambrian, in my little world of booth-light, with Audition cranked up, and hooped-up on reefer.

    Take a chance. It’s only 4:43.



    …might nom some brains though. Zombies gotta be zombies.


    there is nothing better than being a live d.j…


    Wuups! Linkee was “Sweet Jane” (I also used it to open a program.)

    Here is “Rock and Roll”

    Velly solly.


    I was told there would be orgone beer here.


    there is nothing better than being a live d.j

    That’s a pretty strong statement there….


    So, I was going to leave a comment on that NRO story, but…

    I’m still lol-ing.

    Yeah. I’ve seen the Amityville Horror, and Eddie Murphy’s bit about it.


    Organ beer?

    What the FUCK is going on down in New Zealand?


    That’s a pretty strong statement there….

    i said D j…


    Theeeerrrre’s a plaaaaace for ussssssss……………………….


    Thinking outside the Orgone Box.


    Ain’t clicking your link, Smut old boy.


    Ain’t clicking your link, Smut old boy.

    awww…it wasn’t that bad!


    It’s the ht stove lesson, bbkf.


    don’t touch?


    eh…i’m off to scare myself silly watching american horror story on teh hulu…


    scaring myself silly…


    Nope, couldn’t do it: Couldn’t resist describing the Coolest Crossfade Evah.

    I used two songs from the Beatles catalogue: A Day In The Life (from Sergeant Pepper) and Back In The U.S.S.R. (White Album).

    On Tuntable One: A Day In The Life Lennon has sung the last line (“I’d love to turn you on.”) …. and the orchestral build rises in a whirlwind of sound, climbing to toward the Cosmic Piano Chord.

    On Turntable Two: Back In The U.S.S.R., slip-cued; the turntable is running; my fingertips against the edge of the record prevent it from turning. (Volume at 0.)

    At a specific point in orchestral build on Turntable One, i released the record on Turntable Two. I used the volume controls to simultaneously fade Day in the Life out and the other in: Thus, the rising orchestral whirlwind smoothly transformed into the landing jet of U.S.S.R.. Absolutely seamless. (Musta freaked-out listeners expecting the The Cosmic Piano Chord.)

    That was a nifty piece of production, back in the Pre-Cambrian. When I brought it off, I punched the air in triumph.

    Christ. That was 40 years ago. Alas that youth is wasted on the young.

    there is nothing better than quite like being a live d.j…

    I had so much fun, bbfk!


    First thing I learned was how slip-cue a record.

    Quarter rotation back from the first note on the wheel of steel? (If you had good turntables that would be at speed in a quarter rotation.)

    Former on-air personality in Walla Walla, Wash. The inmates at the Washington State Penitentiary loved me.

    Odd thing: The program director scratched the hell out of the Hendrix rendition of “The Star-Spangled Banner” on the Woodstock album so no one would play it for sign-on or sign-off.


    Good one, Fen. Hearing it in the minds ear now. Have you tried cross-fades w/ YouTube, here in the post-Cambrian?


    Perhaps I’m turning into S,N’s new andon. But I’m staying on my meds.


    MB: I used Hendrix at station sign-off! Only once, though. A citizen didn’t like it and complained the next day. After that it was back to Military Bands Only.

    I haven’t done anything on YouTube. I don’t even have an account there. Plus there’s the Fenwick and The Luddites thing.

    I’ll bet your Walla Walla audience was way bigger than mine. (Probably your record collection, too.) I can imagine how the inmates would resonate to the MB personality that shows here. I’m trying to imagine your voice.

    Best part of the Ancient Days: Smoked in the booth. The morning team smoked too. Christ, that was almost part of the radio mystique.

    Demanding job, too. Gotta pay close attention to minutes and seconds … and do it for hours. I had as blast doing radio, but I think it would be a difficult career. Moving into bigger markets–for bigger paychecks–means program directors, playlists, station format straight-jacks. The higher you rise in radio, the less freedom you have. Or so it seemed to me.


    Nope, there’s no new thread. I just checked. So I’m all alone here evidently. I is a-skeered!

    Wait. Did you hear that? That noise. What was it? Now I’m really a-skeered!

    *runs away*


    We’re coming from inside the house!!


    Git out of my Orbit!


    ,,,we had to write our lessons for the whole week on that paper bag

    Well Smut, we know all about your writing on bags.


    yucky city hunters

    I still have fond memories of stalking Scranton through the woods for two days before killing it with a single shot to the factory district.


    Jennifer – the B&E video needs more of those sheep.


    He only objects if it’s a circular throat-slitting squad.

    Circle dirk.

    it’s too cold to terrorize the Internet in mere FTL briefs & T-shirt.

    You’ll stay warmer in undergarments that cannot reach relativistic speeds

    Do these briefs make my ass look infinitely massive?

    Hey, before you go…there’s a great Muppet video over at my joint.

    BROOOOOWNSVILLE! That’s a favorite.


    OT: AMC has a new series about the railroads in the West coming out, named “Hell On Wheels”

    Wouldn’t “Hot Rails To Hell” have been a better name, as well as providing a theme song? Discuss.


    (comments are closed)