Solyndra declared bankruptcy last month. The company received a $535 million loan guarantee from the Energy Department in 2009 under a program started by President Bush and expanded as part of the Obama’s administration’s stimulus effort.
of course bush’s second term was obama’s first! kind of like how the budget surplus of the late 90’s was bush’s doing and had nothing to do with clinton! everyone knows that!
Interesting bits on Naked Cap about that. This comment seems about right.
My feelings on the matter run along the lines of that commenter’s. I can see a scenario where Obama says this and that Geithner refuses, but somehow I see Geithner losing his job over it.
What I found puzzling with Suskind’s claim is he seems so factually based on the discussion about the wind-up, but suddenly gets all coy and imputative in the aftermath.
He is a Third Way-style New Democrat, and Third Way-style New Democrats have certain ideas that translate into policy, and these ideas either do or do not translate into broad prosperity. He was speaking honestly in public.
Those are actually called Republicans, if ya want to get all technical about it. FDR and his type were Democrats.
I think the digital numbers on the wall are the current betting on whether or not they will get away with it. They may have to help out at an old folks home for a couple of hours a week in a restorative justice ruling.
And where did anyone get the idea that Obama EVER wanted any sort of solution that wouldn’t ingite a “progressive” in flames on contact?
Obama does have a management problem. He considers himself a “facilitator” rather than a leader. That’s exactly what he is. So he looks for something he likes to consider common ground between a bunch chickenshit pansy Democrats and completely insane Republicans.
He has plenty of ideological problems too. He thinks, like most of the economically and judiciously illiterate morons that populate this country that it’s a bad thing to hold a corporation accountable for illegal behavior–at least beyond a fine that doesn’t even compare to the amount of ill-gotten gains.
Why aren’t they protesting execution of Lawrence Russell Brewer?
This must have been a blast fax because I saw no less than three letters this morning in the Daily News (print edition no less) with the exact same premise.
I’m going to ignore AssProf’s honoring a violent racist, and just note that Byrd’s family petitioned the court to set aside the death penalty for Brewer.
NCADP petitioned for both as well. I’d guess the main difference is that people on the fence and even generally pro-capital punishment people joined the anti-capital punishment folks on the case where there was a real doubt of guilt but not on the case where there was not only no doubt but the guy said he’d do it again.
It’s like you’ve never watched the Discovery Channel.
It’s really weird. I remember during Shark Week a few years back…maybe 2008…there was this breathless talk about how DC finally had photographs of a great white breaching, that no one had been able to figure out how to get one, yadayadayadayada.
Now you can’t turn the damn channel on without “And here’s another angle of the breach”
Well, to answer his question. Some are. That is they aren’t necessarily singling out his case, but I would have no doubt that he’s probably receiving some aid from anti-death-penalty groups who would rather see him behind bars for all eternity, ideally with a large black roommate.
Furthermore, the big reason he isn’t getting singled out is because “there is no fucking huge doubt on whether or not he did it you ghoulish fuck.”
I know wingnuts are all about ignoring reality, but did these fuckers just ignore days of breaking news about how this was about the fact that this case was about as solid as rice paper?
Oh who am I kidding, of course they did. Hell, to these people, it was worth too much to simply ignore everything and use it as proof for their beliefs that liberals love cop-killing n*****ers on principle because they hate whitey so much and that the murder itself was just one more example of the secret race war against whites that white people need to get armed and start lynching over and this is totally different than the KKK’s self justifications, and STOP BEING HITLER, LIBERALS!
But hey, glad to see the right-wing still treats as heroes the most ghoulish murderers of minority groups. Serves as potent reminder of exactly who these people are.
Also, love the projection this is all based in. Yeah, it’s the “left” who fetishize cop killers because they kill cops, rather than the right who have turned into national saints every psychotic group of militia fucks who ever decided to get into a shootout with the Feds or ATF. Yeah, when Waco stops being a holy mantra for you fuckwits, then you might be able to say something, but at the moment, fuck you.
and can’t just flog fap on them them for infinity years. FIFY.
Since many progressives were protesting against the death penalty, they were in fact protesting against Brewer’s execution. But Dondalde knew that, he was just playing to teh base. Really base.
Since many progressives were protesting against the death penalty, they were in fact protesting against Brewer’s execution. But Dondalde knew that, he was just playing to teh base. Really base
eggsackly! yet, we’re the base, childish, hateful ones…
Yeah, you’re the new loan officer and it’s fine to just keep giving someone money because, afterall, the loan request was made before you got there, so, not your problem. Not your money, either, it’s the bank’s.
You do realize that any rookie loan officer who didn’t do that without true justification, like a natural disaster, would be fired, right?
Oh it’s even worse. The dogwhistle isn’t just about black and white.
It was, Davis was a black man who killed a white man. Brewer was a white man who killed a black man. If one got less attention, it’s proof of the secret race war and how whites are being persecuted against.
Any context of hate crimes or the fact that the black guy was executed because they were too lazy to figure out who killed the cop especially if there was any chance they weren’t going to be able to kill a black man for it is immaterial.
They were obviously both hate crimes, because that’s how hate crimes work in wingnut world and that allows them to cite any case where a black man kills a white man as counter to the stats and cases like the tragic modern lynching of Byrd Jr.
So yeah, it’s even more ghoulish than your dog whiste.
They were obviously both hate crimes, because that’s how hate crimes work in wingnut world and that allows them to cite any case where a black man kills a white man as counter to the stats and cases like the tragic modern lynching of Byrd Jr.
Wasn’t there also an element of premeditation in the Byrd killing that was sorely lacking in the MacPhail killing? In other words, Byrd was dragged behind a truck, which means his killers had to hunt him down, subdue him, chain him to the truck, and drive away.
MacPhail was killed at or near a site where a struggle had broken out, meaning his death, while tragic, was certainly not planned to the degree that Byrd’s was.
So yes, I can see how someone like AssProf would equivalate the two crimes…the dick.
Oh Bob in Himmel, a Dennis sighting this fucking early. Yeah, I know actor is posting early, but you’ve at least been kind enough to only show up on posts on their last legs. Can’t you at least let the post get shopworn before we play another game of bounce the concern troll who is totally not Le Donalde or one of his minions?
Another Kiwi-
Yeah, but in wingnut world ideological consistency will ALWAYS take a back seat (if it bothers to get in the car at all) to playing “gotcha” with liberals and doing so poorly and in a way that just makes you look so much worse.
I posted this late last thread, just before new thread was up. I thought I’d take this opening to repost it here
My resignation, from the right in general, and the GOP in particular: I have never considered myself a liberal, nor is that a title I am currently applying for.
I helped found the YR chapter at Berkeley High in the 80?s, fought to get military recruiters onto campus, campaigned for Reagan, and became a Marine at 18.
I believe in single income families, middle-income property owners, well trained dogs, and skillfully employed firearms. What makes me a conservative, as opposed to an anti-american radical, is that I understand government is the necessary path to those things. Strong public schools, progressive taxation, judicious regulation, muscular infrastructure, minimum wage, unions, social security, and the occasional protective tariff; these things are the bulwarks of the american high-wage working class. This class did not exist prior to the implementation of these programs, and has withered with their dismantling.
Unfortunately, the modern GOP, with it’s libertarian and tea bag wings, believes in none of this.
It has ceased to be conservative at, instead adopting the anti-government and ego-centrist philosophies of the late 60?s youth movement. A philosophy in which a nation is just a place and a society is just a collection of individuals. A philosophy which dismisses the founding principles of the original colonies and pioneer communities as leftist looterism.
The last decent conservatives (such as G.H.W. Bush) have retired, leaving four kinds of people in the GOP: traitors (e.g. the Kochs), messianiac dominionist nut jobs (e.g. Michelle Bachmann), useful idiots (aka: tea party), and geriatric bigots on holiday from the John Birch Society (also tea party).
It’s true, as some liberals charge, that we always had them with us, but we made them wear shoes and keep quiet in front of company. These people are not conservatives; they are dangerous, bomb-throwing radicals, and if Joe McCarthy were around today he would drag them before HUAC. It’s a safe bet that Ike would have no truck with this kind, and I have begun to wonder if even The Gipper would recognize them. Lincoln would stalk away in disgust.
A Nation, as opposed to a Country or a State, is large, extended community. While individuals within it should be personally conservative, seeking self-reliance and ultimately self-mastery, that community must assist it’s members to find their place within it, and be prepared to catch them when they fall. This is a difficult balance to strike, but it has been, and can be, done.
The alternative is societal failure, collective consignment to the dustbin of history. The current “conservative movement” has become the looters it so despises, building nothing, prepared to raze civilization for a few shiny baubles. Thus I must, regretfully, resign.
PS: Please stop using the title “conservative.” I’ll hold onto it until you remember what it means.
Yeah, perhaps, but so would the seasoned loan officer who got caught saying he needed to give them more money to hit his quotient for a bonus, or give them money to keep them afloat so the bad news of a default won’t hit by the time the book’s close on an already bad year.
Kinda like….what happened.
So you’re admitting that the Bush administration is at fault here. Thank you for that.
Wasn’t there also an element of premeditation in the Byrd killing that was sorely lacking in the MacPhail killing? In other words, Byrd was dragged behind a truck, which means his killers had to hunt him down, subdue him, chain him to the truck, and drive away.
byrd was walking home cuz he didn’t have a vehicle…everyone in town knew he lived on disability and couldn’t afford a vehicle…brewer and his buddies apparently offered him a lift…they were out on a country road and stopped to have a smoke…scuffle broke out…and the rest is history…his fucking head and one arm was completely off his body…they threw his torso into a ditch…the person who found it thought it was roadkill…as sick as these fucks are, and as sick as i feel for byrd and his family, i still don’t believe in the death penalty…
Pfft, silly actor, when has intent ever mattered in a criminal case. All that matters is whether or not the dirty rotten criminal (who is obviously guilty otherwise, why would our fetish objects the police arrest them) is a good person or not. If they are one with Jesus and have…respectable features then obviously any “crime” is merely a matter of misinterpretation or being hounded by the liberal elite. Whereas if they are bad and are from the “criminal class” then they must be punished in the harshest manner possible. This extends to women who sleep around, gay people not in the closet, black people walking in white neighborhoods or hell in black neighborhoods, and the worst crime of all, reminding privileged people about the existence of homelessness or the Other.
And if the “crime” is done by a corporation, then not only is it not a crime, but it is a respectable business practice that should be done by every company and we shouldn’t punish success.
Yeah, i’m starting to think that for wingnuts the Justice System isn’t broken, it’s working exactly as intended.
Hey, tsam, maybe you should have gone into banking. Yeah, you’re the new loan officer and it’s fine to just keep giving someone money because, afterall, the loan request was made before you got there, so, not your problem. Not your money, either, it’s the bank’s.
This is the worst analogy since that fucking Soulja Boy song. Are you Soulja Boy? This proves that trolls are all shitty songwriters and Obama is the antichrist.
This is the worst analogy since that fucking Soulja Boy song.
No, it’s a perfect analogy. If I’m the loan officer at the bank I will personally supervise all the outgoing money, just like the president personally supervises all the outgoing funds that 2 million federal employees may spend.
Oh, that’s why we got troll signal so early, le Donalde was brought up early and the troll is most likely le Donalde and so he needed to do his shtick.
You know, I’ve been trying to get hired at a community college for like a year and a half now and people like le Donalde are employed instead. Life is just so unfair.
Dennis is arguing that the defendents (that is the COMPANY not the Obama Administration Loan Officer, which to be frankly honest is probably still the Bush officer since Obama still hasn’t been able to get any of his appointments through congress) pleading the fifth on the likely criminal actions they did with the money is an attempt to hide the conspiracy of the Obama administration and hide their culpability?
Um, how the fuck is that supposed to work?
Why would the company care if Obama was blamed, they are trying to keep themselves out of prison? Furthermore, if the Obama administration really was worried that they would be cited as the reason this went through, why bother with the investigation. I mean, they are running the investigation so why would they do that if they were worried and wanted to bury the truth. Why instruct the company to plead the fifth to protect themselves rather than just not having a trial to begin with so no one heard about what is essentially one of the more penny ante cases of fraud with the whole bailout fiasco.
I’m really trying to figure out exactly what misfired neuron is currently sparking in your brain to create this.
Also, your “moderate” mask is slipping once again with the full-wingnut conspiracy theory.
Is this also a snark on a snark on a snark on a snark?
Also, love how Obama got saddled with the ticking time bomb that was the bailout. The Republicans timed that one good for use as a weapon against the low-information voters didn’t they?
Seriously? You’re writing poorly written conspiracy theories and you’re criticizing my grammar?
There aren’t enough fuck yous in the world.
And you know what Donalde, you are right, this new incarnation is probably the one most designed to get on my fucking nerves, so take that troll cookie back to your cave and choke on it.
On that note, where was the sadly, no! troll-away program for Safari again?
I have never used it before, but well…I’m reconsidering my stand on that.
And if the “crime” is done by a corporation, then not only is it not a crime, but it is a respectable business practice that should be done by every company and we shouldn’t punish success.
Seen elsewhere on teh intraducts: I’ll accept that corporations are people when Texas executes one.
They could have gotten major subsidies if only they had burned the solar panels in a big furnace to make electricity like a real American energy company would. Fucking commie pikers!
Okay, it’s a complete wash, I’ll just have to do the low-tech version.
Dennis who?
You should try harder, the dancing badgers add a certain something to a thread.
In firefox, be sure you have greasemonkey not only installed, but enabled. Be sure you restart firefox after the initial plugin install. Follow the link to the userscripts page that was posted earlier, find the “Install” link in the upper right, click it, and you should be good to go…
I mean, it’s basically the same dance I’ve seen from a lot of bankers (the ones who haven’t gone full wingnut and shouted for the deaths of the poor to fund their bonuses), which is basically “nuh uh, it’s unfair to single us out, I didn’t do anything wrong, nor did my company, and besides it isn’t a problem and if it was then the entire middle class is responsible.”
Which isn’t to say that the middle class (or rather the upper class as the only foolish people in the middle class to play the property game ended up being completely crushed by it once the collapse happened) didn’t play its part.
More so than the way the poor have been ravaged to keep up the last semblances of the middle class, there is the simple fact that the middle class in this country has often been called in as foot soldiers for the war on the poor. To be completely frightened of becoming the poor that they support any number of punitive measures towards them to make their lives harder and even today demand to be saved from lowered living standards while poor people lose their homes, starve, and die.
But yeah, if you work for one of the big banks right now, you kinda do work for a criminal organization. Yeah, your personal hands may be clean, but so is the accountant who runs the books for one of the mob’s “legitimate” front businesses. Isn’t going to stop the feds from showing up at your doorstep asking for a chat and certainly isn’t going to make the victims of the latest shakedown think of you in a good light.
Yeah, I know the economy’s bad and we all can’t help where we work right now. I’d take a job with a criminal pharmaceutical company if they’d hire me. Hell, I’d probably work for the mob directly. I’ve long passed the point where I have the ability to be shamed.
But that means you accept that your hands aren’t clean and accept the mild rebuke that is having people in a website comment thread say vaguely nasty things about your profession that are more an attack on the proven criminality of organizations you claim are not your own.
Also, there’s that.
If his fucking hands are so fucking clean, why is he taking so much offense at rebukes obviously aimed at the openly criminal?
I mean, when someone rebukes the biologists who worked on the illegal pharmaceutical trials in Africa, my first instinct is not to try and argue that biologists are pure as driven snow and I’m tired of people insulting them. It’s to say, “yeah, those fuckers are the scum of the Earth who are brining down the good name of biology.”
So yeah, if your first instinct isn’t that, but rather to argue that banking needs to be given a wholesale free pass because marxism bad and middle class culpable and not my fault, that is kinda a big sign that this isn’t exactly “far from the tree” behavior as it were.
In short, guilty man tries to hide from guilty conscience on web blog, makes self look like a god damned idiot.
And you know what, all of us “angry at bankers” commentators would be happily glad to trade any number of rebukes for having these fuckers serve jail time like every other criminal.
Fuck, we’d probably settle for them getting away with everything but then shutting up forever about the “evils of the criminal class” or ever having a say on economic policy and accepting their damn “socialism” like good girls and boys.
I’m reminded of the Chappelle show episode about what if rich white crime and poor black crime were treated inversely and the white guy gets his house invaded and dog shot for corporate fraud while the black guy gets the optional hearing and slap on the wrist for dealing crack.
Oh son of a bitch, WP ated my comment to Substance.
Shorter me:
It’s not depressing, it’s a guilty man trying to lessen his guilt by blaming everyone other than himself, whining about marxism and the “criminal class” and using arguments that an innocent man would never use.
Specifically, when innocent people hear about people of their ilk doing badly and being rebuked by internet comments, they say “yeah, those fuckers are vile and make us look bad”, because there is genuine anger at one’s profession being misused.
They don’t whine about how the comments at the guilty are an attack on them personally and how dare the mean liberals and only a few banks and besides it’s the middle class’s fault, and MOMMEEE make them stop.
So yeah, this person is basically admitting they are exactly the type of banker who deserves to be in fucking jail right now.
And I’d gladly settle for them shutting up about “the criminal class”, “marxism” or the long overdue reforms to the banking system that make it so easy to short the entire world economy for a strong Q3.
But sadly, it looks like we will continue to settle for having the real criminal class lecture at us about how its unfair when we notice that they are stealing from us.
Well, until they force a communist or populist revolution that is.
On Substance’s link, I like this smackdown from the first commenter:
Bad, stupid products[2] like Option ARMS or subprime buy-to-let teaser mortgages, were not invented by the industry out of sheer cackling evil; they were invented because they were the only way to get the people into the houses, given how expensive property had become.
If this isn’t a morality play, why ascribe noble motives to the people who invented these products. “The only way to get the people into the houses” indeed—try “A good way to make more loans and make more money”.
Yeah, pretty much. They wanted to get rich and exploited every “technically legal” loophole to do it. It’s our systems fault for creating industries that are about solely the acquisition of more money and nothing more that lack any real regulations blocking what they can and can’t do and not enough scrutiny and punishment when they exceed those guidelines.
If they want to claim that they were moral agents simply working for the good of middle class people everywhere then they are definitely going to have to at least wait until the banks themselves aren’t personally throwing people out of their homes rather than work out deals that would make the on-paper values drop even though real values will drop further without caretakers.
Well that or them no longer destroying the world’s economy and whining about their fucking bonsuses and the “meanness of people on the internet”
If they want to claim that they were moral agents simply working for the good of middle class people everywhere then they are definitely going to have to at least wait until the banks themselves aren’t personally throwing people out of their homes rather than work out deals that would make the on-paper values drop even though real values will drop further without caretakers.
Hell, even just easing up on the ARM rates would help- if they acted in good faith, they wouldn’t have to jack up the interest.
Some mangos from Substance’s link, i.e. Diary of a Guilty Conscience:
I know, I was just as surprised. I’ve been doing my own amateur social anthropology exercise too. By which I mean that I’ve got a Twitter account and some spare time, and as a result, have been collecting[1] prime specimens of banker abuse.
Oh my god! This is serious. People are abusing bankers. They must be dragging them from their homes, perhaps assaulting them in the streets. Maybe someone walked home in a suit and someone beat them up or killed them thinking they were a banker. Or maybe a banker was trying to go to the bathroom in a dive bar and was then beaten within an inch of their life.
Why isn’t the media reporting this?!?
So far, I’ve gathered that I, personally, have stolen from every single benefits claimant in England, and that Sir Fred Goodwin (crime: got a big pension, managed a bank poorly) is clearly a bigger criminal than Sir Anthony Blunt (crime: betrayed dozens of serving agents to Stalinist Russia).
Oh. You meant you overread hyperbole in order to make your opponents look bad. I was accused of personally stealing from every single benefits claimant (i.e. someone pointed out that bankers steal from benefits claimants and used a generalized “you” as per proper grammar and this fuckstain ran with it).
I see how bad a crime this hyperbole is a single sentence after you said that people bitching you out on twitter was fucking “banker abuse”.
Hey, what’s that footnote?
[1] Oh all right, “trolling for”
Oh, right, so Msr. Banker with a Guilty Conscience heard about someone noting banker’s attitudes, decided to nutpick his twitter feed, didn’t find anything so actively started trolling people like a jackass despite being the culprit of a bunch of criminal acivities while protestors to said activities have been constantly labeled as a “criminal class” because a few opportunists did some looting during the protests. Shockingly, people already on the edge and unwilling to take bullshit from some rich jackass responsible for some of the most heinous criminal activity that doesn’t involve actively killing people use some mild hyperbole and somehow this is a personal attack.
Again, I’ll just note how these are not the actions of an innocent man.
Also, he has no idea how much of an asshole this would make him look like if he wasn’t a criminal himself.
nd, of course, during the recent London riots, dozens of variations on “who is the real criminal – the man who smashes a shop window and steals an iPod, or the man who gets paid a bonus?”
Yeah, anyone else also notice that the truncated ending of that awkwardly clipped line was “for destroying the world economy and getting away with it”.
I know that the bankers are sweating against the very minor pressure being put against them and they need to defend themselves because they are “a better class of people” and no hooligan little people are going to mock them and get away with it.
But really, the best thing they could do would be to shut up and run silent. Let your activities fall into the memory hole as fresh injustices rise into notice. But they have too much ego for that and hopefully that will be what’s needed to really do something about their crimes.
Apparently, but remember it’s unfair to interpret that as a criminal negligence for the suffering of the poor and a call to righteous action. Also unfair to interpret the “hey sucks to be you” aspect as anything other than the peak of moral integrity unlike those filthy pakis rioting in the street ruining this great country.
On that note, what the hell is going on in Britain right now. It’s like they had delayed 9/11 syndrome and the entire white population flipped their wingnut switch at the same time. I’ve seen even “good” Brits just trip over fail lately to jump on the “filthy brown rioters bad, cops, Murdoch, and bankers good” bandwagon lately.
Is it simply a result of the propaganda push after the Murdoch scoop was discovered or did someone spike the pub ale with some crystal meth?
“It’ll run OK for a while, but every so often it’s going to blow up and take out a whole bunch of people*” is his defense of capitalism?
Periodic crises are the reason we have automatic stabilizers, bank regulators and Keynesian fiscal policy in the first damn place.
Shorter: Since the economy is fundamentally an unstable system, the best thing to do is to shut off the stabilizing controller that we built up after painful experience so we can have the fun of experiencing instability again!
So my basic message here is that economics isn’t a morality play, even in the face of a depression. Even morality isn’t a morality play, most of the time. I wasn’t actually responsible for the housing crash and nor were most of my mates.
That’s fascinating. I usually see “Economics is not a morality play” as justification for why we shouldn’t complain about government programs that might help out people who are suffering but might not “deserve” help.
This is the first time I’ve seen “Economics is not a morality play” used to mean “Let’s not quibble and bicker about who swindled whom…”
Also, love how the meme the rich bankers have decided on is:
“We’re not responsible for the current crisis, all those damn middle class and poor people buying the products we pushed like fucking drug dealers are the ones responsible for not being smart enough to see through our shit, so blame them for everything, we just facilitated their collapse.”
I want to see some crack dealer use that as an excuse the next time he’s brought into court.
“Well, you see, your honor, it was their fault for buying my product. I was just trying, valliantly you see, to fill a much needed niche in our economy. And let’s not get into a morality play here, me nor any of my mates were responsible for the bad batch that killed that kid in the crack house I was running.”
So my basic message here is that economics isn’t a morality play, even in the face of a depression. Even morality isn’t a morality play, most of the time. I wasn’t actually responsible for the housing crash and nor were most of my mates.
See, he’s a soldier. And he’s gay. And while soldiers are, in the end, nothing more than abstractions or symbols for conservatives, they are very IMPORTANT symbols. And watching gay and soldier combust in their tiny brains makes me fucking drool. I love watching these HATEFUL FUCKING BIGOTS expose themselves AGAIN AND AGAIN.
Actually, the proper frame for this whole entire fucking mess is:
This is what happens whenever wealth disparity gets too large.
The housing collapse didn’t happen because poor people twisted arms to get banks to loan them money for houses they couldn’t afford. The housing collapse happened because rich people have so much of the wealth that they ran out of places to invest it. The economy was already fundamentally imbalanced; otherwise, the rich people would, and could have, invested in business expansion and making more stuff. They didn’t do that because stuff wasn’t selling, and stuff wasn’t selling because no one but them had any money. So, the solution to that is: invest in long-term debt…home mortgages. What could go wrong? Real estate always holds its value or increases in value. It’s a tangible physical asset. Only problem was, they ran through all the well-qualified borrowers pretty quickly. But there were still lots of rich people with lots of money with no place to put it where they could make even MOAR money so…then your only solution is to start lowering your standards for borrowers. The demand for borrowers and over-supply of money in too few hands drove that, not the demand for lending.
So again we see how the rich motherfuckers blame their victims for the consequences of their own fucking greed.
I am going to do my best not to jack this thread up with tipsy silliness. I felt like I haven’t exhaled in a week, and frankly anything is likely to happen
I mean, hell. My lady wife is away for the weekend and I’m not allowed to watch Fringe until she gets home, so I’m stuck here watching Canadian football.
I hate the stupid ‘market’ prediction. Because they’re useless this far out. They have no predictive value if there’s no timestamp on their predictions.
Nothing big. It’s just that Dudeskull ia not a big napper these days. And if he is not being held/entertained/fed/dead asleep he is fussing. By the time each day is over, my shoulders are by my ears. By the time the week is over, I’m done. Finished. Thru. Stick a fork in me. Hubby went to a game tonight. DS finally fell asleep 2 hours ago.
I feel your pain. I was home with the boy during the summer he decided he didn’t need his morning nap anymore. I used to put him into his crib, tell him, “I’m tired. You need a nap” and go lie down. He would yell. I got very good at ignoring him.
I thought that was better parenting than risking falling asleep at the wheel or just collapsing and passing out on the kitchen floor while he was playing in the knife drawer or something.
Then, of course, he learned to climb out of his crib, and I needed to find a new game.
Now on Chiller: Zombie Women of Satan. Am I watching? You betta bet I am.
I think I started watching that on Netflix, but it was too bad even for me.
I have the original version of “Lathe of Heaven” and “Dead Air” sitting here. I think I may finish some of this townhouse plan, and put in Lathe of Heaven.
Wait until he’s a teenager. Then he’ll stay up all night and you won’t be able to wake him in the morning with a marching band and a super soaker.
this is so true…i happily discovered that number one son just needed a nice back scratch and neck rub and he would get up…grudgingly, but at least we weren’t screaming at each other…
Now is that the soccer football or the football football? Do they wear skates while playing? Is everyone on the team hilarious?
Football football. Twelve men to a side, (the extra man is usually an interior receiver called a “slotback”), 110 yard long field, wider field, three downs, unlimited backfield motion, the uprights are on the goal line and the end zone is 25 yards deep. The wider field makes the game much more wide open, even with the extra man (if you’ve seen an NCAA time that runs a “spread”, you know what CFL football basically looks like) and the 25 yard end zone means that you can go long on second and goal from the one.
I shouldn’t bitch. It can be exciting to watch and I actually used to really enjoy it when I was a kid. I just haven’t seen a game since probably 1989, so I don’t know any of the current players and couldn’t care less who wins.
Also, former (?) US Representative J.C. Watts (R-Oklahoma) was a great quarterback when he played in Ottawa when I was a kid. If only he had stayed longer, we might have innoculated him against the tragic case of wingnutitis he contracted after returning home.
LC, I cannot ignore DS. He never reaches Peak Cry. Only escalates. It scares and upsets me.
BUT, it’s always good to know there’s someone out there who’s experienced something similar.
Ya know, my oldest daughter cried one night for SO FUCKING LONG that we panicked and took her to the emergency room. It was slightly embarassing, but the doctors and nurses were cool about the whole thing.
Also, former (?) US Representative J.C. Watts (R-Oklahoma) was a great quarterback when he played in Ottawa when I was a kid. If only he had stayed longer, we might have innoculated him against the tragic case of wingnutitis he contracted after returning home.
Heh–you know, a great quarterback who is sadly a serious douchebag was a bigshot in the CFL. Kurt Warner.
Also, my team, the Seahawks, had a GREAT wide receiver named Steve Largent. Probably the most famous Seahawk. He turned into a psychotic wingnut and became a congressman too. I think the multiple concussions are bad for political views.
“Ya know, my oldest daughter cried one night for SO FUCKING LONG that we panicked and took her to the emergency room. It was slightly embarassing, but the doctors and nurses were cool about the whole thing.”
Awww, geez. You poor guys. I’m lucky. DS is just an attention-whoring fussbot. He’s not colic-y or anything.
Awww, geez. You poor guys. I’m lucky. DS is just an attention-whoring fussbot. He’s not colic-y or anything.
What I’m saying is that the ability to ignore when it’s appropriate is a learned skill for moms. They’re really bad at it at first–which is not a bad thing. It comes in time. You’re certainly not abnormal.
What I’m saying is that the ability to ignore when it’s appropriate is a learned skill for moms. They’re really bad at it at first–which is not a bad thing. It comes in time. You’re certainly not abnormal.
oh, yeah…you start slacking a little more with each one…holy crap, my little sister who was #6 was pretty much pawned off on us…i think she ran around in shorts and no shirt until she was like 8 years old…
You just might dress down and carry a sign somewhere close to Wall Street?
Good Lord.”
But you’d be appalled and CONCERNED if he did something more, wouldn’t you? Make up your mind, Dennis. Are we hyperbolic loons or just impotent snarkers?
Lion in Winter is a perennial fave. I Can’t get enough of Hepburn/O’toole in the roles they were born to play, There was a remake a few years ago with Patrick Stewart and Glenn Close, which I expected to be awesome, but it just reeked. Time for another Modela. The scene in the bedroom is just about to come on.
Wow … $550.09 (as of when I checked) … heh hehe, helluva lot less than I payed for TEH PRECIOUSSSSSSS (aka my laptop).
Oh my god! This is serious. People are abusing bankers.
A parable: India has repeatedly given CEOs the Human Hibachi treatment &/or stomped them to death. The net effect of these events on the mighty influence of state/corporate baksheesh & cronyism was circa zero.
I remember when they made “The Mists of Avalon” for TV and cast Julianna Margulies as Morgan LeFay. I felt like I’d been punched in the stomach. Never bothered to watch. The casting was so so horrible. So at war with the characters in my head.
“I will say that the combination of snark blog, drunkenness and an alarmingly uninformed, false bravado here make for some really awesome entertainment!”
I can see that. You do seem remarkably uninformed.
Perhaps you’d care to name and describe one or two of these onerous regulations you people like to cite so often. I never see any specific examples, just the same generalized garbage about restrictive regulation.
Your complaints about regulation don’t square with the facts, Dennis.
So let’s assume you’re right. I’m an idiot bandwagon hater and have no clue. Educate me, Dennis. Be specific, because generalizations don’t work for me.
I have an architect question too. Would you like to draw up a sketch for an outbuilding with a two-car garage and attached workshop that my wife will like? (I don’t mean for free, BTW.) Or perhaps suggest a book where I might find such a thing?
If that doesn’t work, how about an abbattoir into which we can feed the trolls to produce nutritious hog feed?
When the fuck are you guys going to switch to metric?
after teh Republicans manage to entirely destroy the remainder of America’s infrastructure, and we have to start from scratch.
They already pretty much totalled the construction industry, so I figure about three months after Rick Perry is elected.
…actually, though, it’s a fair question. I don’t see a clear way forward, since so much of the building materials industry is organized around Imperial units.
Its like screw threads; so much has been built into the old system, that we kind of have to keep going with it.
Unless, of course, there were a government who might see advantage in pushing to convert the industry to the same standards used in the REST OF THE FUCKING WORLD. And was willing to spend the money to make it happen.
But we all know that’s a pipe dream these days, isn’t it?
Not that I want to feed that unctuous vile dropping, but that is one large dropping of complete and utter wingnuttery.
It’s like a perfect storm. Context, what context? I’m on a liberal blog, but I have no clue about liberal beliefs. Taxes, grrr. The earlier conspiracy theories about Obama. Regulations are responsible for the things they are designed to prevent, also regulations, grr, it’s like empathy. Higher taxes is what will ruin folks (specifically rich folks, who let’s be honest are the only ones who matter) not the complete lack of ability to pay for shelter, food, and other living expenses.
If there was any doubt we were handling another incarnation of Donalde or Troofie, let it be laid to rest here.
Now back to the rotoscope of badgers, it’s low-techalicious!
on the metric thing, tsam, these days it wouldn’t be as big a problem as the construction materials industry would like to make out. With the prevalence of CAD, it’s as simple as a preference setting. Most big firms are already doing it, since they work internationally.
And hey, since I had that grad studio project set in Barcelona, I even have a couple of metric scales….
The Ontario Building Code appears already to be officially metric. They just computed how many millimeters there are in a 2×4, and declared that a “metric” dimension. Kind of a neat trick, I thought.
And zrm, that’s great. I will contact you through your blog when the missus is home and I have clearance from the tower.
VS, bebbies do the crying thing especially when they’s young. Jebus our kids could have irrigated China, each of them. The separation anxiety thing is happening a bit early for the wee lad but not a lot early. We did this and had some success. You do have to think of yourself in the sense that you want to be at your best for him and you need some good sleep and time for you
I understand that. When the Federales were experimenting with it, I had the sad misfortune of landing a “soft metric” job. It was surreal, but we got through it. I loved every damn second of it. I thought I was witnessing the change in my lifetime. Then it just disappeared. I want to blame the Bush administration, although I’m not entirely sure if I can.
I always thought that if architects just did it, it wouldn’t take long for it to become the norm. Contractors need work, they’re going to figure it out if they want to survive…
Yeah, it’s a pipe dream. It’s just sad. Base 12. Fractions. Sucky.
Regulations are responsible for the things they are designed to prevent, also regulations, grr
My favourite wingnut argument is the one that starts “Whenever you have regulations, corporations will just bribe the regulators to get what they want” and instead of concluding “so we should crack down on bribery” like a sane person, concludes “so its best to just not have regulations in the first place“.
I am not able to contort my brain enough for that to make sense.
on the metric thing, tsam, these days it wouldn’t be as big a problem as the construction materials industry would like to make out. With the prevalence of CAD, it’s as simple as a preference setting. Most big firms are already doing it, since they work internationally.
And hey, since I had that grad studio project set in Barcelona, I even have a couple of metric scales….
All of the wood doors I order from a certain company in Iowa use metric dimensions right on their labels. IOWA.
I think the older he gets the less freaked out he will be about needing me every second o the day. At least I am hoping…
I KNOW you’ll hate hearing this, and it’s so fucking cliche…but SERIOUSLY, enjoy the “I NEED MY MOMMY” time while it lasts. When it goes away, you’re going to cry your face off.
“I KNOW you’ll hate hearing this, and it’s so fucking cliche…but SERIOUSLY, enjoy the “I NEED MY MOMMY” time while it lasts. When it goes away, you’re going to cry your face off”
My favourite wingnut argument is the one that starts “Whenever you have regulations, corporations will just bribe the regulators to get what they want” and instead of concluding “so we should crack down on bribery” like a sane person, concludes “so its best to just not have regulations in the first place“.
Every day, I thank my lucky stars that I’m not intellectually challenged enough to actually believe this sort of bullshit.
Then I get mad cuz I don’t understand quantum physics at all. I like the Newtonian stuff.
I think the older he gets the less freaked out he will be about needing me every second of the day
Yeah it happens eventually. Look up separation anxiety on the web. The other big thing for our two, and really big it was, was wrapping them up in a sleeping sack which you might be able to move onto in the cooler times. It stops them kicking off the blankets and did wonders for our daughter especially.
That link I sent you about controlled crying says you can’t use it if they can’t understand you but I disagree it’s all to do with them learning about limits, and one of the limits is sleeping, we do it at night.
Also, you are not alone with this, millions will be having it too.
Anyway, VS–you are not alone at all. This is pretty normal for moms with their first kids. They’re trying and difficult and a huge adjustment. But didn’t I tell you you’d be a fucking fantastic mom? Aside from the Steelers gear, you’re kicking this mommy thing’s ass. Pat yourself on the back and pound down that rum. You’ve earned it, babygirl.
My favourite wingnut argument is the one that starts “Whenever you have regulations, corporations will just bribe the regulators to get what they want” and instead of concluding “so we should crack down on bribery” like a sane person, concludes “so its best to just not have regulations in the first place“.
Premise: the police is being bribed by the mob.
Liberal solution: clean up the police department.
Conservative solution: abolish the police!
God damn, son! That rocket scientist of a wingnut just solved the war on crime, for EVER!
“Anyway, VS–you are not alone at all. This is pretty normal for moms with their first kids. They’re trying and difficult and a huge adjustment. But didn’t I tell you you’d be a fucking fantastic mom? Aside from the Steelers gear, you’re kicking this mommy thing’s ass. Pat yourself on the back and pound down that rum. You’ve earned it, babygirl.”
Seriously VS, rethink the football team. STEELERS BAD!
There are lots and lots of teams over there that don’t have a fucking fakeass christian shitface rapist playing quarterback. None of the rest of them stole a Super Bowl with SHITTY officiating from my Seahawks.
Conservative solution: abolish the police! Bribe the police with the right mob.
As we’ve seen with Murdoch’s shenanigans in Britain and the various whines wingnuts have had about “corruption” in government, the main problem seems to be the idea that anyone other than them is allowed to bribe the system.
So it can neither work correctly, nor be abused by anyone other than them. But if they are the ones pumping the system for fraud, well, hell, load up the gravy train and make that man governor of Florida.
You’re in good company. Wasn’t it Bohr who said, “If you think you understand quantum theory…you don’t understand quantum theory”?
Quantum mechanics just is, and you take it or leave it. There is no “understand”.
Well, I DESTROYED physics (basic) and chemistry in college. I loved it. It all made sense. It squared with observable data–with real life. I could witness Newton’s laws. I get the gravitational constant. I get the planetary orbit formulas. Thermodynamics–yes, energy is neither created nor destroyed. 4.0 student.
Now I find out that mass and energy CAN come from “nothing” NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
I lie NOT! I have to tell you jim, I am incredibly jealous of your snarking. It’s a level I cannot reach. It’s badass. When i see your nym there I’m like “oh FUCK YEAH, here we GO!”
It was the early collider work that got me. When they figured out that a subatomic particle would develop out of [nowhwere] and move at something like the speed of light and now IN EXCESS OF THE SPEED OF LIGHT. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I sell doors and I’m an expert on bank and securities regs. Also they’re all evil and they owe me.
Ok motherfucker–listen.
1) You SAID you don’t read what I post. You lied. I know this doesn’t really matter, but stop LYING.
2) I asked you to tell me, precisely, with which you take umbrage. I really would like to know. If I’m so stupid, then fix me, Dennis. Tell me why I’m such an idiot. But don’t come at me with this “regs are BAD” shit, bro.
Got that, Dennis? I know you think you’re like this coolass rebel and shit, but you’re not. You been called out, son. Bring it.
Now I find out that mass and energy CAN come from “nothing” NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Or … that there’s no such thing as Teh Void on a quantum scale – in fact it’s actually a perverse ultra-dense frenzy of wormholes & other bizarre events winking in & out of existance like a cosmic acid party on FFWD, even in the “empty” depths of interstellar space?
I don’t even READ that kind of stuff, jim. I can’t handle it. I always make fun of people with their flying saucer stories and I don’t want to deal with wormholes.
I LIKE time and space being what mine eyes can see.
I lie NOT! I have to tell you jim, I am incredibly jealous of your snarking. It’s a level I cannot reach. It’s badass. When i see your nym there I’m like “oh FUCK YEAH, here we GO!”
Yeah, jim brings the snark to a whole new level.
I don’t even READ that kind of stuff, jim. I can’t handle it. I always make fun of people with their flying saucer stories and I don’t want to deal with wormholes.
If I were in charge of a publishing house, I’d call the “Physics for Dummies” volume “Wormholes for Cornholes”.
The result of that “impossible” reading might be due to localized spacetime wrinkling … it seems plausible that an accelerating expanding universe would crash against itself & create (slower/smaller) interference patterns.
But sadly, I am alarmingly uninformed, so yeah, WYSIWYG.
I was told I’m a WYSIWYG. It has a pronunciation and everything.
I get the expanding universe. I heard about the thermal wave. I understand that.
Time, space, distance, VECTORS, you can’t change where you are. Distance is distance, despite the spasms of an ever increasing universe. It also forces me to think of a contracting universe, which doesn’t sound like a whole lot of fun, yet seems like a likely result of a big bang after the outward expansion energy expires.
For the record, I’m stone cold Steve Austin sober, still at work. I’ve got two bigass bottles of Graves grain alcohol sitting on the floor of my living room (too lazy to start the next batch of limoncello). I had a couple of Tullamore Dews at an event last night, though, so I’ll make this a low key night.
At least you don’t think you can have an “opinion” about global warming.
Hurricane Irene kicked my ass twenty ways from Sunday, I don’t need an asshole like Inhofe telling me not to believe the evidence I was standing knee deep in, while getting battered durch Nacht und Wind.
Now LarryElvis, my Siamese, is still way the fuck ahead in the calendar contest, but there’s plenty of time to throw additional vote-dollars at any of the cutie-pies over there. It’s a good cause.
wouldn’t that be awesome? i could use some doing up here at my crapshack as well…and some new doors and hardware…and n_b would prolly have to get in on the act as well…and dennis…cuz i’m pretty sure there will be some sort of regulations that he’ll advise us against…and then we’ll just snark, snark, snark…
NO! not that! the tag fail! oh…you were laffing about my william clark adoration?
Well, yeah. And the tag fail. Mostly cuz I’m from the Northwest. You know, close to LEWISton and CLARKston. There’s a Sacajawea Middle School here in Spokane. The Mullan Trail essentially ends here….
sheeeew! that’s good to hear…most people find my william clark obsession a bit off-putting…so, when i go on my dream vacation which is traveling the dumbass and clark trail, i will stop in and say ‘hey, tsam!’
I’m sorry Jeffraham. I’m trying to push in the right direction, brother. I don’t know, man. this shit is so fucking surreal. The bankers are willing to burn it all down this time. i don’t get it.
Dennis–if you say anything about this, I swear i will cut your fucking throat.
Sorry. I don’t mean to be a bummah, but I’d have to lie or just never say anything, anywhere. June, 2008 was the last month I got a steady paycheck. It fucking sucks.
Way I figure is they are cashing in their chips and going all in.
Frankly, a lot of old powerful organizations have been doing that, betting the entire history of their organizations and whatever cultural capital they have to go all in on a social or political aspect of society. We’ve got the bankers cashing in on the American democracy experiment and trying to get as much feudalism and money as they can grab. We’ve got the Catholic Church going all in on the lack of humanity in women on the abortion issue. We’ve got a huge swath of Christianity going all in on homosexuality.
It seems rather hopeless, but on the other hand, we’ve got all these oligarchic powers that could have happily skated by for another hundred years doing the same old shit just up and cashing in their chips as if they see the writing on the wall.
And conservative memes be damned, it is not a liberal elite that’s reacting as if they are 14 and a half minutes into their 15 minutes of fame.
I’m guessing the main elephant in the room is the demographic timer and the ability to use race-baiting to get poorer whites to vote against their best interests, but I imagine the other bits is the massive amount of social history that has been continuing right along so what we support and what we get is at about as much of a disconnect as the wealth of the rich and the wealth of the poor.
Well that and the fact that they are running out of means to gain money what with them having nearly all of it and thus closer to money really meaning absolutely nothing at all. Not to mention the timer on people who think socialism is a bad word. Not saying the kids today are riding the next wave of Trotsky, but the word “commie” just doesn’t have the same potency and the “obvious” off-limit nature of some ideas are starting to be questioned again.
Whatever is the case, it surely does promise a potentially positive long-term if the various conservative elites in this country are so willing to go all in.
Good luck to all. I have been poor before but it really was pretty much my fault: I can’t imagine what it’s like to have the world pulled out from under you by circumstance.
That’s rough. It’s only been June 2010 since I got any paycheck and that’s been killing me. Another two years on top of that would probably break me in two.
Another two years on top of that would probably break me in two.
I have had friends send me, in total, tens of thousands of dollars. Not as loans, but as gifts. I have the best friends, ever.
And I have had some small contract jobs, designing web sites, etc. The scooter shop was not a consistent, predictable thang, but it made much of the rent the last year or so.
Tsam, when you get around to reading this, I just want to reassure you that I will under no circumstances become a Steelers fan after moving to Pittsburgh. I’ll always root for the other team. Unless it’s the Cowboys, in which case I’ll be cheering on Mutual Assured Destruction.
I haven’t heard this in 20 years and it still holds up.
Part of the Requiem for the Post War Dream. Somehow it feels appropriate. Never saw the video before.
looch: good on you! keep it up…some of us sadlies are up to months of no smokes…
and both jps…i can only offer moral support…i hope things look up for you…hubbkf and i went through some srlsy hard times and we’re doing okay right now, but it’s a tenuous okay…if one of us loses a job, we’re fucked…and likely fucked with a porcupine AND a small alligator…
Looch – hang in there…bbkf and I are both at 4 months +; tsam has been smoke-free for about 5 months now. Trust me, if I was able to quit, something I didn’t think possible, you’ll make it too.
Have you been keeping a log of your savings? I’m still keeping mine & it’s well into 4 figures now…that’s a huge motivator to stay quit.
I wonder if tobacco companies aren’t seeing a drop off in their victims -errr, customers- lately, since we serfs no longer have living wages, let alone expensive habit wages.
Hang in there Looch.
And JP, JP, tsam and others: my sympathies. Although technically I have a job, it’s only because I am self employed. There is no hiring in architecture, apparently like there is no crying in baseball.
And thanks for the kind words, everyone. This is a national award, a MAJOR AWARD, and I am awaiting my French Lamp.
Dennis, you’re a troll on the internet. Tsam can’t actually reach through his modem and make you bleed, and elimination of Dennis is not eliminationism.
Tsam’s fault here is inviting troll response rather than suggesting some program of action, though the latter action is Not Nice! Capital punishment is bad!
much less get through the guard house to my neighborhood
Dennis lives a protected life.
I have a screenplay rattling around in my head about a man who CAN get through the guard houses. Not for an inconsequential shrimp like Dennis. (So don’t wet yourself, Denny.)
Rather, the character targets Masters of the Universe, borrowing some tropes from the old Charles Bronson ‘vigilante’ movies. (‘Lazy and corrupt police. No justice in law or in court.’) Stir in some Unibomber anonomity and patience (years between attacks). He’s as meticulous in planning and execution as Edward Fox’s Jackel.
The film’s main conflict is the classic Detective vs Killer. One key is unlocking the Killer’s target-selection criteria at long last. That leads to his identity. Then to the hunt to capture him.
The Killer elicts some some sympathy for the devil along the way … but in the end the Detective triumphs. Well, sort of triumphs.
I think there are many audiences who would enjoy seeing Banksters and Corporate Thieves–portrayed as ‘composite’ characters–get Blowed Up Real Good … or otherwise meet very unpleasant and well-deserved ends on the Big Screen.
No. I mean that if it were “real,” then each time some steroided goofball whacked another one w/ a folding chair during an interview segment (or in the ring, for that matter) assault charges would be filed.
bbkf, I like you, but why do you feel you need to come running to actor’s aid so often?
not so often…and yeah, i just don’t get why you don’t understand why a person in actor’s shoes would go to the ‘lengths’ he did when donalde, who is supposed to be a professional and should know a thing or two about confidentiality, and who allows comments on his blog, would ‘expose’ a commentor’s real identity for no reason other than to harass him, in what i expect would be donalde’s idea of fair play. granted, i don’t know the whole story, nor do i wish to…i just think besides being misogynistic doofus, donalde is a petty, petty individual and he should be called on what he has done, instead of crying fould…and now i’m wondering why you feel the need to come to his aid so willingly, often and seemingly out of nowhere?
Hey, you walked onto a liberal snark blog, picked a fight not just with me but with EVERYONE by acting like a douchebag, and now you’re whimpering that you got hit back by EVERYONE.
I could pay that back for them!
By the way, those digital read outs on the wall….are they waiting in line at a deli or something?
How about an expose of Citibank, AIG, or BP? Fuckin’ TeaNN, the movement will still hate you no matter how much you pander.
B^4, did you catch the story about how Obama ordered Geithner to wind up Citigroup and close it down, and Geithner refused?
Silly tsam! Didn’t you know the second Bush term was really Obama’s first? He used the same machine he used to alter his birth certificate.
Silly tsam! Didn’t you know the second Bush term was really Obama’s first? He used the same machine he used to alter his birth certificate.
I can’t keep all these conspiracies straight. It’s like there’s a conspiracy to get me to believe there’s a conspiracy…
If these guys try real hard, they might grow up to be the Governor of Florida.
of course bush’s second term was obama’s first! kind of like how the budget surplus of the late 90’s was bush’s doing and had nothing to do with clinton! everyone knows that!
Interesting bits on Naked Cap about that. This comment seems about right.
Interesting bits on Naked Cap about that. This comment seems about right.
My feelings on the matter run along the lines of that commenter’s. I can see a scenario where Obama says this and that Geithner refuses, but somehow I see Geithner losing his job over it.
What I found puzzling with Suskind’s claim is he seems so factually based on the discussion about the wind-up, but suddenly gets all coy and imputative in the aftermath.
Those are actually called Republicans, if ya want to get all technical about it. FDR and his type were Democrats.
Why? Because great whites have learned how to plank?
“Pupienus said,
September 23, 2011 at 22:16
Phpbbbbbht. Where are the frickin laser beams?
I think the digital numbers on the wall are the current betting on whether or not they will get away with it. They may have to help out at an old folks home for a couple of hours a week in a restorative justice ruling.
And where did anyone get the idea that Obama EVER wanted any sort of solution that wouldn’t ingite a “progressive” in flames on contact?
Obama does have a management problem. He considers himself a “facilitator” rather than a leader. That’s exactly what he is. So he looks for something he likes to consider common ground between a bunch chickenshit pansy Democrats and completely insane Republicans.
He has plenty of ideological problems too. He thinks, like most of the economically and judiciously illiterate morons that populate this country that it’s a bad thing to hold a corporation accountable for illegal behavior–at least beyond a fine that doesn’t even compare to the amount of ill-gotten gains.
And where did I learn to write? Texas?
That makes two threads I’ve missed most of!
My suckitude knows no bounds.
Don’t knock Teaxas No more free-loading death row moochers
of course bush’s second term was obama’s first!
A case could be made that Obama’s first term was Bush’s third.
The problem is you have to kill the inmates and can’t just flog them for infinity years.
Don’t knock Teaxas No more free-loading death row moochers
more class from donalde re: death penalty
Donald Douglas @michellemalkin Progressives are sick f*** losers. Why aren’t they protesting execution of Lawrence Russell Brewer?
A case could be made that Obama’s first term was Bush’s
thirdturd.fixxxxxed for what it really was and to reflect my obsession with ireland…do the pronunciation…think about it…
Why aren’t they protesting execution of Lawrence Russell Brewer?
This must have been a blast fax because I saw no less than three letters this morning in the Daily News (print edition no less) with the exact same premise.
I’m going to ignore AssProf’s honoring a violent racist, and just note that Byrd’s family petitioned the court to set aside the death penalty for Brewer.
It’s like you’ve never watched the Discovery Channel.
NCADP petitioned for both as well. I’d guess the main difference is that people on the fence and even generally pro-capital punishment people joined the anti-capital punishment folks on the case where there was a real doubt of guilt but not on the case where there was not only no doubt but the guy said he’d do it again.
It’s like you’ve never watched the Discovery Channel.
It’s really weird. I remember during Shark Week a few years back…maybe 2008…there was this breathless talk about how DC finally had photographs of a great white breaching, that no one had been able to figure out how to get one, yadayadayadayada.
Now you can’t turn the damn channel on without “And here’s another angle of the breach”
Well, to answer his question. Some are. That is they aren’t necessarily singling out his case, but I would have no doubt that he’s probably receiving some aid from anti-death-penalty groups who would rather see him behind bars for all eternity, ideally with a large black roommate.
Furthermore, the big reason he isn’t getting singled out is because “there is no fucking huge doubt on whether or not he did it you ghoulish fuck.”
I know wingnuts are all about ignoring reality, but did these fuckers just ignore days of breaking news about how this was about the fact that this case was about as solid as rice paper?
Oh who am I kidding, of course they did. Hell, to these people, it was worth too much to simply ignore everything and use it as proof for their beliefs that liberals love cop-killing n*****ers on principle because they hate whitey so much and that the murder itself was just one more example of the secret race war against whites that white people need to get armed and start lynching over and this is totally different than the KKK’s self justifications, and STOP BEING HITLER, LIBERALS!
But hey, glad to see the right-wing still treats as heroes the most ghoulish murderers of minority groups. Serves as potent reminder of exactly who these people are.
Also, love the projection this is all based in. Yeah, it’s the “left” who fetishize cop killers because they kill cops, rather than the right who have turned into national saints every psychotic group of militia fucks who ever decided to get into a shootout with the Feds or ATF. Yeah, when Waco stops being a holy mantra for you fuckwits, then you might be able to say something, but at the moment, fuck you.
and can’t just
flogfap on them them for infinity years. FIFY.Since many progressives were protesting against the death penalty, they were in fact protesting against Brewer’s execution. But Dondalde knew that, he was just playing to teh base. Really base.
Oh who am I kidding, of course they did.
But Cerb, it was more about getting the dog whistle blown.
Davis was black. His case was howled about. Brewer was white. His case got the silent treatment.
That’s the ONLY SUBTEXT that matters to a goosestepping moron like Donalde Douglass.
cerb…you always know what i’m thinking…
I think Obama would have made a great Chief Of Staff for President Gore.
Since many progressives were protesting against the death penalty, they were in fact protesting against Brewer’s execution. But Dondalde knew that, he was just playing to teh base. Really base
eggsackly! yet, we’re the base, childish, hateful ones…
Yeah, you’re the new loan officer and it’s fine to just keep giving someone money because, afterall, the loan request was made before you got there, so, not your problem. Not your money, either, it’s the bank’s.
You do realize that any rookie loan officer who didn’t do that without true justification, like a natural disaster, would be fired, right?
But hell, Dennis, you just go on living in your infantile paralyzed little world.
That’s money trickling down on you from people like me, not piss and shit, right?
Oh it’s even worse. The dogwhistle isn’t just about black and white.
It was, Davis was a black man who killed a white man. Brewer was a white man who killed a black man. If one got less attention, it’s proof of the secret race war and how whites are being persecuted against.
Any context of hate crimes or the fact that the black guy was executed because they were too lazy to figure out who killed the cop especially if there was any chance they weren’t going to be able to kill a black man for it is immaterial.
They were obviously both hate crimes, because that’s how hate crimes work in wingnut world and that allows them to cite any case where a black man kills a white man as counter to the stats and cases like the tragic modern lynching of Byrd Jr.
So yeah, it’s even more ghoulish than your dog whiste.
I think Obama would have made a great Chief Of Staff for President Gore.
OMG they’re right, you people ARE worse than Hitler! *sniffle*
They were obviously both hate crimes, because that’s how hate crimes work in wingnut world and that allows them to cite any case where a black man kills a white man as counter to the stats and cases like the tragic modern lynching of Byrd Jr.
Wasn’t there also an element of premeditation in the Byrd killing that was sorely lacking in the MacPhail killing? In other words, Byrd was dragged behind a truck, which means his killers had to hunt him down, subdue him, chain him to the truck, and drive away.
MacPhail was killed at or near a site where a struggle had broken out, meaning his death, while tragic, was certainly not planned to the degree that Byrd’s was.
So yes, I can see how someone like AssProf would equivalate the two crimes…the dick.
Oh Bob in Himmel, a Dennis sighting this fucking early. Yeah, I know actor is posting early, but you’ve at least been kind enough to only show up on posts on their last legs. Can’t you at least let the post get shopworn before we play another game of bounce the concern troll who is totally not Le Donalde or one of his minions?
Another Kiwi-
Yeah, but in wingnut world ideological consistency will ALWAYS take a back seat (if it bothers to get in the car at all) to playing “gotcha” with liberals and doing so poorly and in a way that just makes you look so much worse.
It’s a proud conservative tradition.
It’s a proud conservative tradition.
I posted this late last thread, just before new thread was up. I thought I’d take this opening to repost it here
Yeah, perhaps, but so would the seasoned loan officer who got caught saying he needed to give them more money to hit his quotient for a bonus, or give them money to keep them afloat so the bad news of a default won’t hit by the time the book’s close on an already bad year.
Kinda like….what happened.
So you’re admitting that the Bush administration is at fault here. Thank you for that.
Wasn’t there also an element of premeditation in the Byrd killing that was sorely lacking in the MacPhail killing? In other words, Byrd was dragged behind a truck, which means his killers had to hunt him down, subdue him, chain him to the truck, and drive away.
byrd was walking home cuz he didn’t have a vehicle…everyone in town knew he lived on disability and couldn’t afford a vehicle…brewer and his buddies apparently offered him a lift…they were out on a country road and stopped to have a smoke…scuffle broke out…and the rest is history…his fucking head and one arm was completely off his body…they threw his torso into a ditch…the person who found it thought it was roadkill…as sick as these fucks are, and as sick as i feel for byrd and his family, i still don’t believe in the death penalty…
Hey Dennis, why don’t you go fuck yourself?
Pfft, silly actor, when has intent ever mattered in a criminal case. All that matters is whether or not the dirty rotten criminal (who is obviously guilty otherwise, why would our fetish objects the police arrest them) is a good person or not. If they are one with Jesus and have…respectable features then obviously any “crime” is merely a matter of misinterpretation or being hounded by the liberal elite. Whereas if they are bad and are from the “criminal class” then they must be punished in the harshest manner possible. This extends to women who sleep around, gay people not in the closet, black people walking in white neighborhoods or hell in black neighborhoods, and the worst crime of all, reminding privileged people about the existence of homelessness or the Other.
And if the “crime” is done by a corporation, then not only is it not a crime, but it is a respectable business practice that should be done by every company and we shouldn’t punish success.
Yeah, i’m starting to think that for wingnuts the Justice System isn’t broken, it’s working exactly as intended.
This is the worst analogy since that fucking Soulja Boy song. Are you Soulja Boy? This proves that trolls are all shitty songwriters and Obama is the antichrist.
You got anything else to say, Dennis? You fucking moron. Go back to your fucking bridge and shut your stupid fucking mouth.
No, it’s a perfect analogy. If I’m the loan officer at the bank I will personally supervise all the outgoing money, just like the president personally supervises all the outgoing funds that 2 million federal employees may spend.
I was gonna provide my pithy common-tarry to this debate, but someone else probably said it better already.
Plus, Bambi and family are next door, so maybe I’ll get some pics.
Oh, that’s why we got troll signal so early, le Donalde was brought up early and the troll is most likely le Donalde and so he needed to do his shtick.
You know, I’ve been trying to get hired at a community college for like a year and a half now and people like le Donalde are employed instead. Life is just so unfair.
The Obama Administration has been absolutely shameless in allowing Bush Administration crooks avoid prosecution for their crimes.
There, happy now, Dennis?
Not that like tsam’s “It’s Bush’s fault!!!” wouldn’t sound kinda silly when you’re under oath or anything.
Copy and paste where I said that you fuckwit.
Wait, wait, wait.
Dennis is arguing that the defendents (that is the COMPANY not the Obama Administration Loan Officer, which to be frankly honest is probably still the Bush officer since Obama still hasn’t been able to get any of his appointments through congress) pleading the fifth on the likely criminal actions they did with the money is an attempt to hide the conspiracy of the Obama administration and hide their culpability?
Um, how the fuck is that supposed to work?
Why would the company care if Obama was blamed, they are trying to keep themselves out of prison? Furthermore, if the Obama administration really was worried that they would be cited as the reason this went through, why bother with the investigation. I mean, they are running the investigation so why would they do that if they were worried and wanted to bury the truth. Why instruct the company to plead the fifth to protect themselves rather than just not having a trial to begin with so no one heard about what is essentially one of the more penny ante cases of fraud with the whole bailout fiasco.
I’m really trying to figure out exactly what misfired neuron is currently sparking in your brain to create this.
Also, your “moderate” mask is slipping once again with the full-wingnut conspiracy theory.
Is this also a snark on a snark on a snark on a snark?
Also, love how Obama got saddled with the ticking time bomb that was the bailout. The Republicans timed that one good for use as a weapon against the low-information voters didn’t they?
Dennis said, zzzzzzzzzzzz.
Boring troll is boring.
Seriously? You’re writing poorly written conspiracy theories and you’re criticizing my grammar?
There aren’t enough fuck yous in the world.
And you know what Donalde, you are right, this new incarnation is probably the one most designed to get on my fucking nerves, so take that troll cookie back to your cave and choke on it.
On that note, where was the sadly, no! troll-away program for Safari again?
I have never used it before, but well…I’m reconsidering my stand on that.
So if you don’t read anything I say, then why are you saying I blamed Bush for this situation?
If I bore you then you’re more than welcome to go fuck yourself like I asked you to do earlier.
Also, please instruct yourself on the proper use of commas.
When responding to trolls keep your audience in mind: it consists of more than just trolls.
Be funny. I like funny!
Be interesting. I like interesting!
Be brief. Troll wins if you write more than he does.
Is there a mac version, ideally for use with Safari?
Apparently, but I’ve never tried it. I use Firefox for extension-related reasons.
It’s like you’ve never watched the Discovery Channel.
The what now?
Still waiting to see where I said that, Denise.
And if the “crime” is done by a corporation, then not only is it not a crime, but it is a respectable business practice that should be done by every company and we shouldn’t punish success.
Seen elsewhere on teh intraducts: I’ll accept that corporations are people when Texas executes one.
Here’s a depressing thread on corporate culpability.
Grrr, SIMBL isn’t installing like it should which is making it impossible to install the greasemonkey.
Psst! Firefox and Chrome are better and more extensible!
I wonder if Joe Barton apologized to these two fuckheads.
Huh, okay, installed, but the script doesn’t seem to be popping up any killfiles.
If Greasemonkey’s working, Burdizzo at is the one you want and all handles will look like this:
oooohhhh tsam! harper valley pta is playing on my radio right now…
Does this mean that in the absence of trolls we can be unfunny, boring and prolix?
Okay, it’s a complete wash, I’ll just have to do the low-tech version.
Dennis who?
They could have gotten major subsidies if only they had burned the solar panels in a big furnace to make electricity like a real American energy company would. Fucking commie pikers!
You should try harder, the dancing badgers add a certain something to a thread.
In firefox, be sure you have greasemonkey not only installed, but enabled. Be sure you restart firefox after the initial plugin install. Follow the link to the userscripts page that was posted earlier, find the “Install” link in the upper right, click it, and you should be good to go…
OMG, are they attacking airplanes now that they can fly?
OMG, are they attacking airplanes now that they can fly?
It’s even worse, they are having sexual intercourse with airplanes now that they can fly.
Bonus Fact: When a shark gets an erection, it’s not a boner, it’s a cartilager.
And how would OBama replace Geitner, though?
Worst novelty beer evah.
That’s not really “depressing” as it were.
I mean, it’s basically the same dance I’ve seen from a lot of bankers (the ones who haven’t gone full wingnut and shouted for the deaths of the poor to fund their bonuses), which is basically “nuh uh, it’s unfair to single us out, I didn’t do anything wrong, nor did my company, and besides it isn’t a problem and if it was then the entire middle class is responsible.”
Which isn’t to say that the middle class (or rather the upper class as the only foolish people in the middle class to play the property game ended up being completely crushed by it once the collapse happened) didn’t play its part.
More so than the way the poor have been ravaged to keep up the last semblances of the middle class, there is the simple fact that the middle class in this country has often been called in as foot soldiers for the war on the poor. To be completely frightened of becoming the poor that they support any number of punitive measures towards them to make their lives harder and even today demand to be saved from lowered living standards while poor people lose their homes, starve, and die.
But yeah, if you work for one of the big banks right now, you kinda do work for a criminal organization. Yeah, your personal hands may be clean, but so is the accountant who runs the books for one of the mob’s “legitimate” front businesses. Isn’t going to stop the feds from showing up at your doorstep asking for a chat and certainly isn’t going to make the victims of the latest shakedown think of you in a good light.
Yeah, I know the economy’s bad and we all can’t help where we work right now. I’d take a job with a criminal pharmaceutical company if they’d hire me. Hell, I’d probably work for the mob directly. I’ve long passed the point where I have the ability to be shamed.
But that means you accept that your hands aren’t clean and accept the mild rebuke that is having people in a website comment thread say vaguely nasty things about your profession that are more an attack on the proven criminality of organizations you claim are not your own.
Also, there’s that.
If his fucking hands are so fucking clean, why is he taking so much offense at rebukes obviously aimed at the openly criminal?
I mean, when someone rebukes the biologists who worked on the illegal pharmaceutical trials in Africa, my first instinct is not to try and argue that biologists are pure as driven snow and I’m tired of people insulting them. It’s to say, “yeah, those fuckers are the scum of the Earth who are brining down the good name of biology.”
So yeah, if your first instinct isn’t that, but rather to argue that banking needs to be given a wholesale free pass because marxism bad and middle class culpable and not my fault, that is kinda a big sign that this isn’t exactly “far from the tree” behavior as it were.
In short, guilty man tries to hide from guilty conscience on web blog, makes self look like a god damned idiot.
And you know what, all of us “angry at bankers” commentators would be happily glad to trade any number of rebukes for having these fuckers serve jail time like every other criminal.
Fuck, we’d probably settle for them getting away with everything but then shutting up forever about the “evils of the criminal class” or ever having a say on economic policy and accepting their damn “socialism” like good girls and boys.
I’m reminded of the Chappelle show episode about what if rich white crime and poor black crime were treated inversely and the white guy gets his house invaded and dog shot for corporate fraud while the black guy gets the optional hearing and slap on the wrist for dealing crack.
Oh son of a bitch, WP ated my comment to Substance.
Shorter me:
It’s not depressing, it’s a guilty man trying to lessen his guilt by blaming everyone other than himself, whining about marxism and the “criminal class” and using arguments that an innocent man would never use.
Specifically, when innocent people hear about people of their ilk doing badly and being rebuked by internet comments, they say “yeah, those fuckers are vile and make us look bad”, because there is genuine anger at one’s profession being misused.
They don’t whine about how the comments at the guilty are an attack on them personally and how dare the mean liberals and only a few banks and besides it’s the middle class’s fault, and MOMMEEE make them stop.
So yeah, this person is basically admitting they are exactly the type of banker who deserves to be in fucking jail right now.
And I’d gladly settle for them shutting up about “the criminal class”, “marxism” or the long overdue reforms to the banking system that make it so easy to short the entire world economy for a strong Q3.
But sadly, it looks like we will continue to settle for having the real criminal class lecture at us about how its unfair when we notice that they are stealing from us.
Well, until they force a communist or populist revolution that is.
I’ve made a paper chain of badgers, it is awesome. Low tech for the win.
Permission to exhale now? It’s been a week.
Permission to exhale now? It’s been a week.
I tried it once, but didn’t inhale.
On Substance’s link, I like this smackdown from the first commenter:
Yeah, pretty much. They wanted to get rich and exploited every “technically legal” loophole to do it. It’s our systems fault for creating industries that are about solely the acquisition of more money and nothing more that lack any real regulations blocking what they can and can’t do and not enough scrutiny and punishment when they exceed those guidelines.
If they want to claim that they were moral agents simply working for the good of middle class people everywhere then they are definitely going to have to at least wait until the banks themselves aren’t personally throwing people out of their homes rather than work out deals that would make the on-paper values drop even though real values will drop further without caretakers.
Well that or them no longer destroying the world’s economy and whining about their fucking bonsuses and the “meanness of people on the internet”
Either one.
Yeah, I’m very glad that first comment was first. Also further down the thread:
Face-smashing is an intrinsic characteristic of populations of young men: nobody is to blame when your nose gets flattened.
Bookmark this, libs. You will wonder how InTrade was able to call it.
I didn’t think that the idea that periodic crises were an intrinsic characteristic of caapitalist economies was as controversial as it apparently is.
“It’ll run OK for a while, but every so often it’s going to blow up and take out a whole bunch of people*” is his defense of capitalism?
*”and it’ll be the exploded people’s fault for standing too close/not running away in time” apparently
he was just playing to teh base.
Judging by his comments, Donalde’s base consists primarily of the voices in his head.
If they want to claim that they were moral agents simply working for the good of middle class people everywhere then they are definitely going to have to at least wait until the banks themselves aren’t personally throwing people out of their homes rather than work out deals that would make the on-paper values drop even though real values will drop further without caretakers.
Hell, even just easing up on the ARM rates would help- if they acted in good faith, they wouldn’t have to jack up the interest.
Some mangos from Substance’s link, i.e. Diary of a Guilty Conscience:
Oh my god! This is serious. People are abusing bankers. They must be dragging them from their homes, perhaps assaulting them in the streets. Maybe someone walked home in a suit and someone beat them up or killed them thinking they were a banker. Or maybe a banker was trying to go to the bathroom in a dive bar and was then beaten within an inch of their life.
Why isn’t the media reporting this?!?
Oh. You meant you overread hyperbole in order to make your opponents look bad. I was accused of personally stealing from every single benefits claimant (i.e. someone pointed out that bankers steal from benefits claimants and used a generalized “you” as per proper grammar and this fuckstain ran with it).
I see how bad a crime this hyperbole is a single sentence after you said that people bitching you out on twitter was fucking “banker abuse”.
Hey, what’s that footnote?
Oh, right, so Msr. Banker with a Guilty Conscience heard about someone noting banker’s attitudes, decided to nutpick his twitter feed, didn’t find anything so actively started trolling people like a jackass despite being the culprit of a bunch of criminal acivities while protestors to said activities have been constantly labeled as a “criminal class” because a few opportunists did some looting during the protests. Shockingly, people already on the edge and unwilling to take bullshit from some rich jackass responsible for some of the most heinous criminal activity that doesn’t involve actively killing people use some mild hyperbole and somehow this is a personal attack.
Again, I’ll just note how these are not the actions of an innocent man.
Also, he has no idea how much of an asshole this would make him look like if he wasn’t a criminal himself.
Yeah, anyone else also notice that the truncated ending of that awkwardly clipped line was “for destroying the world economy and getting away with it”.
I know that the bankers are sweating against the very minor pressure being put against them and they need to defend themselves because they are “a better class of people” and no hooligan little people are going to mock them and get away with it.
But really, the best thing they could do would be to shut up and run silent. Let your activities fall into the memory hole as fresh injustices rise into notice. But they have too much ego for that and hopefully that will be what’s needed to really do something about their crimes.
As we said, his base.
Apparently, but remember it’s unfair to interpret that as a criminal negligence for the suffering of the poor and a call to righteous action. Also unfair to interpret the “hey sucks to be you” aspect as anything other than the peak of moral integrity unlike those filthy pakis rioting in the street ruining this great country.
On that note, what the hell is going on in Britain right now. It’s like they had delayed 9/11 syndrome and the entire white population flipped their wingnut switch at the same time. I’ve seen even “good” Brits just trip over fail lately to jump on the “filthy brown rioters bad, cops, Murdoch, and bankers good” bandwagon lately.
Is it simply a result of the propaganda push after the Murdoch scoop was discovered or did someone spike the pub ale with some crystal meth?
“It’ll run OK for a while, but every so often it’s going to blow up and take out a whole bunch of people*” is his defense of capitalism?
Periodic crises are the reason we have automatic stabilizers, bank regulators and Keynesian fiscal policy in the first damn place.
Shorter: Since the economy is fundamentally an unstable system, the best thing to do is to shut off the stabilizing controller that we built up after painful experience so we can have the fun of experiencing instability again!
ipod stealers are HOOLIGANS.
What the fuck I don’t even
I wish Obama would’ve prosecuted Bush and Cheney.
For what, now? What do you think they should be prosecuted FOR?
Because then, I’d like to know how Pelosi and Reid are responsible for their actions. Discovery doesn’t transfer accountability. Dipshit.
That’s fascinating. I usually see “Economics is not a morality play” as justification for why we shouldn’t complain about government programs that might help out people who are suffering but might not “deserve” help.
This is the first time I’ve seen “Economics is not a morality play” used to mean “Let’s not quibble and bicker about who swindled whom…”
Also, love how the meme the rich bankers have decided on is:
“We’re not responsible for the current crisis, all those damn middle class and poor people buying the products we pushed like fucking drug dealers are the ones responsible for not being smart enough to see through our shit, so blame them for everything, we just facilitated their collapse.”
I want to see some crack dealer use that as an excuse the next time he’s brought into court.
“Well, you see, your honor, it was their fault for buying my product. I was just trying, valliantly you see, to fill a much needed niche in our economy. And let’s not get into a morality play here, me nor any of my mates were responsible for the bad batch that killed that kid in the crack house I was running.”
We cannot question the wisdom of The Market, blessed be Its Invisible Hand, unless it’s getting
somebodya brown person high.I guess it’s just another data point for the “nobody does butthurt like the rich and powerful” files. I shed a tiny tear for the poor ickle bankers.
OK, I’m stumped.
Consider this a shameless blogwhore.
May I just say I how much I enjoy moments like these?Like, if they were ice cream cones, I would lick them slowly as to enjoy every last drip of their deliciousness…
See, he’s a soldier. And he’s gay. And while soldiers are, in the end, nothing more than abstractions or symbols for conservatives, they are very IMPORTANT symbols. And watching gay and soldier combust in their tiny brains makes me fucking drool. I love watching these HATEFUL FUCKING BIGOTS expose themselves AGAIN AND AGAIN.
I would lick them slowly as to enjoy every last drip of their deliciousness…
need to shutup.
Actually, the proper frame for this whole entire fucking mess is:
This is what happens whenever wealth disparity gets too large.
The housing collapse didn’t happen because poor people twisted arms to get banks to loan them money for houses they couldn’t afford. The housing collapse happened because rich people have so much of the wealth that they ran out of places to invest it. The economy was already fundamentally imbalanced; otherwise, the rich people would, and could have, invested in business expansion and making more stuff. They didn’t do that because stuff wasn’t selling, and stuff wasn’t selling because no one but them had any money. So, the solution to that is: invest in long-term debt…home mortgages. What could go wrong? Real estate always holds its value or increases in value. It’s a tangible physical asset. Only problem was, they ran through all the well-qualified borrowers pretty quickly. But there were still lots of rich people with lots of money with no place to put it where they could make even MOAR money so…then your only solution is to start lowering your standards for borrowers. The demand for borrowers and over-supply of money in too few hands drove that, not the demand for lending.
So again we see how the rich motherfuckers blame their victims for the consequences of their own fucking greed.
I do NOT recommend booing that dude to his face.
But leave it to a few pathetic fucking chickenhawks. What a suprise to find them at the livestock auction.
Right? He looked pretty built to me.
I think these fucking bankers had best be thankful that we’ve been so miraculously restrained. Some among us think this restraint is a mistake.
Keep up with your sniveling about paying taxes and these imaginary regulations. Just fucking keep it up, motherfuckers.
I will say “guillotines” so Jennifer doesn’t have to.
rich people have so much of the wealth that they ran out of places to invest it.
If only they had invested it in architect’s fees….
If only they had invested it in architect’s fees….
I’ll bet Rentboys is recession proof.
I suspect that Rick Perry is slamming bottles of Robo before each debate.
I’ll bet Rentboys is recession proof.
my knees are bad. I can’t carry much in the way of luggage.
I suspect that Rick Perry is slamming bottles of Robo before each debate.
I am going to do my best not to jack this thread up with tipsy silliness. I felt like I haven’t exhaled in a week, and frankly anything is likely to happen
Or before AC, “balpen.”
Hey, it didn’t stop tsam the other day. What is Friday night on Sadly, No for if not tipsy silliness?
If it is not rude to ask, what was this week about? I think that’s your second sigh of relief that it’s over.
I mean, hell. My lady wife is away for the weekend and I’m not allowed to watch Fringe until she gets home, so I’m stuck here watching Canadian football.
I can’t wait for curling season. [/tsam bait]
Robitussen. Didn’t you go to high school?
I can’t wait for curling season. [/tsam bait]
Nope. Not gonna happen.
I am going to do my best not to jack this thread up with tipsy silliness.
Oh PLEASE get hammered and post away. I’ll keep you company. In fact I’ll eat some codeine and get the whiskey out if ya’d like.
I hate the stupid ‘market’ prediction. Because they’re useless this far out. They have no predictive value if there’s no timestamp on their predictions.
my knees are bad. I can’t carry much in the way of luggage.
Then the job is MINE!
Nothing big. It’s just that Dudeskull ia not a big napper these days. And if he is not being held/entertained/fed/dead asleep he is fussing. By the time each day is over, my shoulders are by my ears. By the time the week is over, I’m done. Finished. Thru. Stick a fork in me. Hubby went to a game tonight. DS finally fell asleep 2 hours ago.
Robitussen. Didn’t you go to high school?
yes, but we did heroin.
“tsam said,
September 24, 2011 at 4:02
I am going to do my best not to jack this thread up with tipsy silliness.
Oh PLEASE get hammered and post away. I’ll keep you company. In fact I’ll eat some codeine and get the whiskey out if ya’d like.”
Oh, thank goodness. I can’t do this alone.
yes, but we did heroin.
I feel like such a piker.
so I’m stuck here watching Canadian football.
could be worse. You could be watching Australian Rules Football.
Ok, pills and whiskey COMING UP!
Now on Chiller: Zombie Women of Satan. Am I watching? You betta bet I am.
Canadian football.
Now is that the soccer football or the football football? Do they wear skates while playing? Is everyone on the team hilarious?
I am going to do my best not to jack this thread up with tipsy silliness.
I did my tipsy Sad-posting last night. Err, early this morning.
Of course, that hasn’t stopped me from enjoying several glasses of cheap wine.
I feel your pain. I was home with the boy during the summer he decided he didn’t need his morning nap anymore. I used to put him into his crib, tell him, “I’m tired. You need a nap” and go lie down. He would yell. I got very good at ignoring him.
I thought that was better parenting than risking falling asleep at the wheel or just collapsing and passing out on the kitchen floor while he was playing in the knife drawer or something.
Then, of course, he learned to climb out of his crib, and I needed to find a new game.
It’s just that Dudeskull ia not a big napper these days
Wait until he’s a teenager. Then he’ll stay up all night and you won’t be able to wake him in the morning with a marching band and a super soaker.
Now on Chiller: Zombie Women of Satan. Am I watching? You betta bet I am.
damn…and i just filled the tub for a nice long relaxing bath and some wine…
LC, I cannot ignore DS. He never reaches Peak Cry. Only escalates. It scares and upsets me.
BUT, it’s always good to know there’s someone out there who’s experienced something similar.
I’m watching reruns of 30 Rock. Nyah!
Now on Chiller: Zombie Women of Satan. Am I watching? You betta bet I am.
I think I started watching that on Netflix, but it was too bad even for me.
I have the original version of “Lathe of Heaven” and “Dead Air” sitting here. I think I may finish some of this townhouse plan, and put in Lathe of Heaven.
Wait until he’s a teenager. Then he’ll stay up all night and you won’t be able to wake him in the morning with a marching band and a super soaker.
this is so true…i happily discovered that number one son just needed a nice back scratch and neck rub and he would get up…grudgingly, but at least we weren’t screaming at each other…
“damn…and i just filled the tub for a nice long relaxing bath and some wine…”
Thats where I’m headed now…but I can continue to blather lushily thanks to iPhone.
Now is that the soccer football or the football football? Do they wear skates while playing? Is everyone on the team hilarious?
Football football. Twelve men to a side, (the extra man is usually an interior receiver called a “slotback”), 110 yard long field, wider field, three downs, unlimited backfield motion, the uprights are on the goal line and the end zone is 25 yards deep. The wider field makes the game much more wide open, even with the extra man (if you’ve seen an NCAA time that runs a “spread”, you know what CFL football basically looks like) and the 25 yard end zone means that you can go long on second and goal from the one.
I shouldn’t bitch. It can be exciting to watch and I actually used to really enjoy it when I was a kid. I just haven’t seen a game since probably 1989, so I don’t know any of the current players and couldn’t care less who wins.
Also, former (?) US Representative J.C. Watts (R-Oklahoma) was a great quarterback when he played in Ottawa when I was a kid. If only he had stayed longer, we might have innoculated him against the tragic case of wingnutitis he contracted after returning home.
LC, I cannot ignore DS. He never reaches Peak Cry. Only escalates. It scares and upsets me.
BUT, it’s always good to know there’s someone out there who’s experienced something similar.
Ya know, my oldest daughter cried one night for SO FUCKING LONG that we panicked and took her to the emergency room. It was slightly embarassing, but the doctors and nurses were cool about the whole thing.
“I think I started watching that on Netflix, but it was too bad even for me.”
Yeah, it’s painful.
Incidentally, I received word today that one of my projects received an award for Innovative Adaptive Reuse.
I await your accolades.
damn…and i just filled the tub for a nice long relaxing bath and some wine…
and a book! i don’t want y’all thinking that i’m romancing myself…
number one son just needed a nice back scratch and neck rub and he would get up
hey…that was how my mom got me to get out of bed when I was a teenager too!
Yeah, it’s painful.
isn’t that just like a zombie movie?
Also, former (?) US Representative J.C. Watts (R-Oklahoma) was a great quarterback when he played in Ottawa when I was a kid. If only he had stayed longer, we might have innoculated him against the tragic case of wingnutitis he contracted after returning home.
Heh–you know, a great quarterback who is sadly a serious douchebag was a bigshot in the CFL. Kurt Warner.
Also, my team, the Seahawks, had a GREAT wide receiver named Steve Largent. Probably the most famous Seahawk. He turned into a psychotic wingnut and became a congressman too. I think the multiple concussions are bad for political views.
“Ya know, my oldest daughter cried one night for SO FUCKING LONG that we panicked and took her to the emergency room. It was slightly embarassing, but the doctors and nurses were cool about the whole thing.”
Awww, geez. You poor guys. I’m lucky. DS is just an attention-whoring fussbot. He’s not colic-y or anything.
Incidentally, I received word today that one of my projects received an award for Innovative Adaptive Reuse.
That’s awesome. I had no idea your people were so gifted.
Wait. “Adaptive Reuse”. Zombie. Is this some pet sematary thing?
Incidentally, I received word today that one of my projects received an award for Innovative Adaptive Reuse.
Well DONE! Describe the reuse
I’ve got you all beat. Sipping a cool (not ice-cold) Negro Modela, with The Lion In Winter on the TV machine. Friday nice.
hey…that was how my mom got me to get out of bed when I was a teenager too!
i just mostly enjoyed getting to lay back down in a bed again…i HATE mornings…also too, it was a sneaky way for me to fit in some bonding time…
Awww, geez. You poor guys. I’m lucky. DS is just an attention-whoring fussbot. He’s not colic-y or anything.
What I’m saying is that the ability to ignore when it’s appropriate is a learned skill for moms. They’re really bad at it at first–which is not a bad thing. It comes in time. You’re certainly not abnormal.
DS is just an attention-whoring fussbot.
Any idea where he might have gotten that? he asked innocently.
Adaptive Reuse is also our preferred technical term for re-animating former breathers.
“I await your accolades.”
Consider yourself accoladed. If anyone deserves it, it’s you.
and a book! i don’t want y’all thinking that i’m romancing myself…
Well, I wasn’t. Until now.
Go away, Dennis. You’re a douchebag and nobody likes you.
What I’m saying is that the ability to ignore when it’s appropriate is a learned skill for moms. They’re really bad at it at first–which is not a bad thing. It comes in time. You’re certainly not abnormal.
oh, yeah…you start slacking a little more with each one…holy crap, my little sister who was #6 was pretty much pawned off on us…i think she ran around in shorts and no shirt until she was like 8 years old…
I’ll do better, tsam.
Here’s a post I did about it.
Steerpike, I golf clap your good taste. What a film.
tsam, I REALLY appreciate your words of wisdom. Seriously. Honestly…it’s like a hug.
Adaptive Reuse is also our preferred technical term for re-animating former breathers.
that’s what i was afraid of, frankenstein…but, well done you!
Well, I wasn’t. Until now.
oh…well, carry on!
That’s fantastic design, zombie. I’m resisting the temptation to ask stupid questions about doors and hardware.
So, how many tenants have you nommed????
“Oh my God. Or what, tsam?
You just might dress down and carry a sign somewhere close to Wall Street?
Good Lord.”
But you’d be appalled and CONCERNED if he did something more, wouldn’t you? Make up your mind, Dennis. Are we hyperbolic loons or just impotent snarkers?
romancing oneself
Lion in Winter is a perennial fave. I Can’t get enough of Hepburn/O’toole in the roles they were born to play, There was a remake a few years ago with Patrick Stewart and Glenn Close, which I expected to be awesome, but it just reeked. Time for another Modela. The scene in the bedroom is just about to come on.
So, how many tenants have you nommed????
It’s the people who DON’T live in my designs that I target.
I trust the implications are clear….
I could pay that back for them!
Me three!
Wow … $550.09 (as of when I checked) … heh hehe, helluva lot less than I payed for TEH PRECIOUSSSSSSS (aka my laptop).
Oh my god! This is serious. People are abusing bankers.
A parable: India has repeatedly given CEOs the Human Hibachi treatment &/or stomped them to death. The net effect of these events on the mighty influence of state/corporate baksheesh & cronyism was circa zero.
*fuck youuuuuu / i’m a fucking shaaaaaaaark / doing parkouuuuuuur*
tsam, I REALLY appreciate your words of wisdom. Seriously. Honestly…it’s like a hug.
No problem, amiga.
I’m resisting the temptation to ask stupid questions about doors and hardware.
good, because architects HATE to talk about their buildings….
I remember when they made “The Mists of Avalon” for TV and cast Julianna Margulies as Morgan LeFay. I felt like I’d been punched in the stomach. Never bothered to watch. The casting was so so horrible. So at war with the characters in my head.
It’s the people who DON’T live in my designs that I target.
I trust the implications are clear….
Right don’t
shiteat where you eat…Makes sense.
I mean if ever there were a role that Helena Bonham Carter were born to play!! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!!
When the fuck are you guys going to switch to metric?
A few hours ago, I bored him and he didn’t read anything I wrote.
Get yer nose out my ass, Dennis.
“I will say that the combination of snark blog, drunkenness and an alarmingly uninformed, false bravado here make for some really awesome entertainment!”
I can see that. You do seem remarkably uninformed.
Ooh, HBC as Morgaine! I like it!
Perhaps you’d care to name and describe one or two of these onerous regulations you people like to cite so often. I never see any specific examples, just the same generalized garbage about restrictive regulation.
Your complaints about regulation don’t square with the facts, Dennis.
So let’s assume you’re right. I’m an idiot bandwagon hater and have no clue. Educate me, Dennis. Be specific, because generalizations don’t work for me.
I have an architect question too. Would you like to draw up a sketch for an outbuilding with a two-car garage and attached workshop that my wife will like? (I don’t mean for free, BTW.) Or perhaps suggest a book where I might find such a thing?
If that doesn’t work, how about an abbattoir into which we can feed the trolls to produce nutritious hog feed?
When the fuck are you guys going to switch to metric?
after teh Republicans manage to entirely destroy the remainder of America’s infrastructure, and we have to start from scratch.
They already pretty much totalled the construction industry, so I figure about three months after Rick Perry is elected.
…actually, though, it’s a fair question. I don’t see a clear way forward, since so much of the building materials industry is organized around Imperial units.
Its like screw threads; so much has been built into the old system, that we kind of have to keep going with it.
Unless, of course, there were a government who might see advantage in pushing to convert the industry to the same standards used in the REST OF THE FUCKING WORLD. And was willing to spend the money to make it happen.
But we all know that’s a pipe dream these days, isn’t it?
LC, I would be happy to do either.
I don’t understand why anyone goes to the cinema. It is a dark quarter and little can be seen at all except the photographs on the wall.
Wait what?
Not that I want to feed that unctuous vile dropping, but that is one large dropping of complete and utter wingnuttery.
It’s like a perfect storm. Context, what context? I’m on a liberal blog, but I have no clue about liberal beliefs. Taxes, grrr. The earlier conspiracy theories about Obama. Regulations are responsible for the things they are designed to prevent, also regulations, grr, it’s like empathy. Higher taxes is what will ruin folks (specifically rich folks, who let’s be honest are the only ones who matter) not the complete lack of ability to pay for shelter, food, and other living expenses.
If there was any doubt we were handling another incarnation of Donalde or Troofie, let it be laid to rest here.
Now back to the rotoscope of badgers, it’s low-techalicious!
on the metric thing, tsam, these days it wouldn’t be as big a problem as the construction materials industry would like to make out. With the prevalence of CAD, it’s as simple as a preference setting. Most big firms are already doing it, since they work internationally.
And hey, since I had that grad studio project set in Barcelona, I even have a couple of metric scales….
Now back to the rotoscope of badgers, it’s low-techalicious!
Rotoscope? LOOOXURY!
Here in Wisconsin, we use real badgers. Ow.
The Ontario Building Code appears already to be officially metric. They just computed how many millimeters there are in a 2×4, and declared that a “metric” dimension. Kind of a neat trick, I thought.
And zrm, that’s great. I will contact you through your blog when the missus is home and I have clearance from the tower.
VS, bebbies do the crying thing especially when they’s young. Jebus our kids could have irrigated China, each of them. The separation anxiety thing is happening a bit early for the wee lad but not a lot early.
We did this and had some success. You do have to think of yourself in the sense that you want to be at your best for him and you need some good sleep and time for you
“Any idea where he might have gotten that? he asked innocently.”
I understand that. When the Federales were experimenting with it, I had the sad misfortune of landing a “soft metric” job. It was surreal, but we got through it. I loved every damn second of it. I thought I was witnessing the change in my lifetime. Then it just disappeared. I want to blame the Bush administration, although I’m not entirely sure if I can.
I always thought that if architects just did it, it wouldn’t take long for it to become the norm. Contractors need work, they’re going to figure it out if they want to survive…
Yeah, it’s a pipe dream. It’s just sad. Base 12. Fractions. Sucky.
Regulations are responsible for the things they are designed to prevent, also regulations, grr
My favourite wingnut argument is the one that starts “Whenever you have regulations, corporations will just bribe the regulators to get what they want” and instead of concluding “so we should crack down on bribery” like a sane person, concludes “so its best to just not have regulations in the first place“.
I am not able to contort my brain enough for that to make sense.
on the metric thing, tsam, these days it wouldn’t be as big a problem as the construction materials industry would like to make out. With the prevalence of CAD, it’s as simple as a preference setting. Most big firms are already doing it, since they work internationally.
And hey, since I had that grad studio project set in Barcelona, I even have a couple of metric scales….
All of the wood doors I order from a certain company in Iowa use metric dimensions right on their labels. IOWA.
AK, thank you so much! I think the older he gets the less freaked out he will be about needing me every second o the day. At least I am hoping…
One last thing–the only thing stopping the materials is those horrid khakis and JC Penney button down NO…
I mean it’s just fucking inertia. NOTHING more. They blame it on machining and tooling but that’s a fucking lie.
I want to blame the Bush administration, although I’m not entirely sure if I can.
Interestingly, the American INdustry who most effectively converted to metric?
Drug dealers.
Come for my alarmingly uninformed, false bravado – stay for my pointing & laughing dance-routine, Teh Danz Of Teh 7 Badgers!
Base 12. Fractions. Sucky.
I even had to pay for an iPad app that did foot-inch calculations.
I already had several foot-inch calculators.
I won’t miss ’em, that’s for sure.
I think the older he gets the less freaked out he will be about needing me every second o the day. At least I am hoping…
I KNOW you’ll hate hearing this, and it’s so fucking cliche…but SERIOUSLY, enjoy the “I NEED MY MOMMY” time while it lasts. When it goes away, you’re going to cry your face off.
I just saw a commercial with 2 old folks saying they’re getting their groove back because of some kind of geriatric penis pump/vacuum. HOT.
I just saw a commercial with 2 old folks saying they’re getting their groove back because of some kind of geriatric penis pump/vacuum. HOT.
Chiller has the WORST commercials.
“I KNOW you’ll hate hearing this, and it’s so fucking cliche…but SERIOUSLY, enjoy the “I NEED MY MOMMY” time while it lasts. When it goes away, you’re going to cry your face off”
That DOES sound like me.
My favourite wingnut argument is the one that starts “Whenever you have regulations, corporations will just bribe the regulators to get what they want” and instead of concluding “so we should crack down on bribery” like a sane person, concludes “so its best to just not have regulations in the first place“.
Every day, I thank my lucky stars that I’m not intellectually challenged enough to actually believe this sort of bullshit.
Then I get mad cuz I don’t understand quantum physics at all. I like the Newtonian stuff.
Yet avoidy troll is avoiding & doing it … very well, actually.
[ crying_teddybear.jpg ]
BTW, did you see my last Dudeskull entry, tsam? Omfg. He’s so fucking cute, he looks more like a cartoon than an actual baby.
I think the older he gets the less freaked out he will be about needing me every second of the day
Yeah it happens eventually. Look up separation anxiety on the web. The other big thing for our two, and really big it was, was wrapping them up in a sleeping sack which you might be able to move onto in the cooler times. It stops them kicking off the blankets and did wonders for our daughter especially.
That link I sent you about controlled crying says you can’t use it if they can’t understand you but I disagree it’s all to do with them learning about limits, and one of the limits is sleeping, we do it at night.
Also, you are not alone with this, millions will be having it too.
Anyway, VS–you are not alone at all. This is pretty normal for moms with their first kids. They’re trying and difficult and a huge adjustment. But didn’t I tell you you’d be a fucking fantastic mom? Aside from the Steelers gear, you’re kicking this mommy thing’s ass. Pat yourself on the back and pound down that rum. You’ve earned it, babygirl.
Then I get mad cuz I don’t understand quantum physics at all. I like the Newtonian stuff.”
Dude. You don’t need to understand that stuff to know that HOVERCARS ISRAEL!
My favourite wingnut argument is the one that starts “Whenever you have regulations, corporations will just bribe the regulators to get what they want” and instead of concluding “so we should crack down on bribery” like a sane person, concludes “so its best to just not have regulations in the first place“.
Premise: the police is being bribed by the mob.
Liberal solution: clean up the police department.
Conservative solution: abolish the police!
God damn, son! That rocket scientist of a wingnut just solved the war on crime, for EVER!
*fuck youuuuuu / i’m a fucking shaaaaaaaark / doing parkouuuuuuur*
Wouldn’t that be sharkour?
BTW, did you see my last Dudeskull entry, tsam? Omfg. He’s so fucking cute, he looks more like a cartoon than an actual baby.
I did. He is one cute little dude–no argument here!
“Anyway, VS–you are not alone at all. This is pretty normal for moms with their first kids. They’re trying and difficult and a huge adjustment. But didn’t I tell you you’d be a fucking fantastic mom? Aside from the Steelers gear, you’re kicking this mommy thing’s ass. Pat yourself on the back and pound down that rum. You’ve earned it, babygirl.”
And you get in here too, AK!
Treasure the babby time VS. The days (and nights) are long, but the years are short.
“*fuck youuuuuu / i’m a fucking shaaaaaaaark / doing parkouuuuuuur*”
That may be the single funniest thing I’ve ever read.
CHRIS! B4! (I can’t do that carrot thingy)
Welcome to the party, brothers!
You’re watching jim bite a troll’s face off. It’s AWESOME.
BTW, did you see my last Dudeskull entry, tsam?
I am not tsam, unless I am, Donalde!
But I keep meaning to tell you how much I like that playing card background at yer blawg.
Then I get mad cuz I don’t understand quantum physics at all. I like the Newtonian stuff.
You’re in good company. Wasn’t it Bohr who said, “If you think you understand quantum theory…you don’t understand quantum theory”?
Quantum mechanics just is, and you take it or leave it. There is no “understand”.
Well, GREAT! at least it’s got a good background going for it.
Seriously VS, rethink the football team. STEELERS BAD!
There are lots and lots of teams over there that don’t have a fucking fakeass christian shitface rapist playing quarterback. None of the rest of them stole a Super Bowl with SHITTY officiating from my Seahawks.
When do I start saying drunky embassing things? GOD!
Scooter has a sad!
Yes indeed … that IS less moral integrity than actual Mafia capos on display there.
Premise: the police is being bribed by the mob.
Liberal solution: clean up the police department.
Conservative solution: abolish the police! Bribe the police with the right mob.
As we’ve seen with Murdoch’s shenanigans in Britain and the various whines wingnuts have had about “corruption” in government, the main problem seems to be the idea that anyone other than them is allowed to bribe the system.
So it can neither work correctly, nor be abused by anyone other than them. But if they are the ones pumping the system for fraud, well, hell, load up the gravy train and make that man governor of Florida.
Tsam, this is a battle I cannot win. I would be going against generations of Pennsylvanians.
Ah, balls, messed up the strikethrough. Just pretend that it’s there.
You’re in good company. Wasn’t it Bohr who said, “If you think you understand quantum theory…you don’t understand quantum theory”?
Quantum mechanics just is, and you take it or leave it. There is no “understand”.
Well, I DESTROYED physics (basic) and chemistry in college. I loved it. It all made sense. It squared with observable data–with real life. I could witness Newton’s laws. I get the gravitational constant. I get the planetary orbit formulas. Thermodynamics–yes, energy is neither created nor destroyed. 4.0 student.
Now I find out that mass and energy CAN come from “nothing” NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
You’re watching jim bite a troll’s face off.
I only bite on request now.
However, it may be noteworthy that Sj,PSOB Ltd. reserves the right to define requests.
When do I start saying drunky embassing things? GOD!
Well, I ate a whole bunch of Tylenol 3 and drank some whiskey, so you should start now and give me some cover.
Tsam, this is a battle I cannot win. I would be going against generations of Pennsylvanians.
Please? For me? They’re the WORST professional sports team in the history of sports teams with the POSSIBLE exception of some of the Raiders teams.
It was tunneling that done me in. “Wait, professor. You’re saying the probability that the electron is HERE is non-zero”.
“And the probability that the electron is THERE is non-zero”
“But the probability that the electron is BETWEEN HERE AND THERE is ZERO?”
“OK, Poindexter, from now on I agree to do the math, but that, right there, is bullshit and you know it.”
I lie NOT! I have to tell you jim, I am incredibly jealous of your snarking. It’s a level I cannot reach. It’s badass. When i see your nym there I’m like “oh FUCK YEAH, here we GO!”
Gah. But I’m so ti-ti. Princess VS go to sleep now. So sad I will miss whiskeyed up tsam.
Ok, THAT was pretty silly and embarrassing. YER WELCOME EVERYOEN!
Just pretend that it’s there.
Done! Feel free to pretend that my link/quote up yonderward had the quotey-italics thang going on, too.
“Please? For me? ”
Not playing fair.
It was tunneling that done me in
It was the early collider work that got me. When they figured out that a subatomic particle would develop out of [nowhwere] and move at something like the speed of light and now IN EXCESS OF THE SPEED OF LIGHT. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gah. But I’m so ti-ti. Princess VS go to sleep now. So sad I will miss whiskeyed up tsam.
Good night, VS.
Good night, moon.
I sell doors and I’m an expert on bank and securities regs. Also they’re all evil and they owe me.
Ok motherfucker–listen.
1) You SAID you don’t read what I post. You lied. I know this doesn’t really matter, but stop LYING.
2) I asked you to tell me, precisely, with which you take umbrage. I really would like to know. If I’m so stupid, then fix me, Dennis. Tell me why I’m such an idiot. But don’t come at me with this “regs are BAD” shit, bro.
Got that, Dennis? I know you think you’re like this coolass rebel and shit, but you’re not. You been called out, son. Bring it.
Now I find out that mass and energy CAN come from “nothing” NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Or … that there’s no such thing as Teh Void on a quantum scale – in fact it’s actually a perverse ultra-dense frenzy of wormholes & other bizarre events winking in & out of existance like a cosmic acid party on FFWD, even in the “empty” depths of interstellar space?
Yep. It’s wild business, that.
I don’t even READ that kind of stuff, jim. I can’t handle it. I always make fun of people with their flying saucer stories and I don’t want to deal with wormholes.
I LIKE time and space being what mine eyes can see.
Of course this is all a ruse because I’m not smart enough to grasp quantum physics in any measure. SHAME
precisely, with which you take umbrage
What regulations…
Sorry dude.
Good GOD I want a cigarette.
Oh no. Am I alone here again? Did I get lured into getting fucked up and acting like a dumbass again?
Good GOD I want a cigarette.
Nonono. VAPE.
Nonono. VAPE
But it would be SO AWESOME.
I lie NOT! I have to tell you jim, I am incredibly jealous of your snarking. It’s a level I cannot reach. It’s badass. When i see your nym there I’m like “oh FUCK YEAH, here we GO!”
Yeah, jim brings the snark to a whole new level.
I don’t even READ that kind of stuff, jim. I can’t handle it. I always make fun of people with their flying saucer stories and I don’t want to deal with wormholes.
If I were in charge of a publishing house, I’d call the “Physics for Dummies” volume “Wormholes for Cornholes”.
Good night, moon.
Good night, Dune.
If I were in charge of a publishing house, I’d call the “Physics for Dummies” volume “Wormholes for Cornholes”.
But DUDE I don’t GET it. At all. I hate it.
I Can Haz Spitballing Tiem!
The result of that “impossible” reading might be due to localized spacetime wrinkling … it seems plausible that an accelerating expanding universe would crash against itself & create (slower/smaller) interference patterns.
But sadly, I am alarmingly uninformed, so yeah, WYSIWYG.
But it would be SO AWESOME.
What it would be is dirty, smelly and cough-y. Trust me on this.
I was told I’m a WYSIWYG. It has a pronunciation and everything.
I get the expanding universe. I heard about the thermal wave. I understand that.
Time, space, distance, VECTORS, you can’t change where you are. Distance is distance, despite the spasms of an ever increasing universe. It also forces me to think of a contracting universe, which doesn’t sound like a whole lot of fun, yet seems like a likely result of a big bang after the outward expansion energy expires.
But DUDE I don’t GET it. At all. I hate it.
Yeah, and string theory is pretty much goobledegook, and I usually pride myself on scientific literacy.
Yeah, and string theory is pretty much goobledegook, and I usually pride myself on scientific literacy.
Well, you ARE scientifically literate where it affects your life and decisions. Quantum mechanics are out there a couple of years, I think.
At least you don’t think you can have an “opinion” about global warming.
Fucking magnets, how do they work?
For the record, I’m stone cold
Steve Austinsober, still at work. I’ve got two bigass bottles of Graves grain alcohol sitting on the floor of my living room (too lazy to start the next batch of limoncello). I had a couple of Tullamore Dews at an event last night, though, so I’ll make this a low key night.Time, space, distance, VECTORS, you can’t change where you are.
Fucking magnets — how do they work?
But I’m hammered on pills and whiskey. Will no one rid me of this…no wait. Wrong line
Will no one drink and act like a fucking moron with me?
Will no one drink and act like a fucking moron with me?
I tried a cheap beer, but my mood was going… well, I started on coffee, thereafter. I have no pharm, not that I care for them as buzzarts.
At least you don’t think you can have an “opinion” about global warming.
Hurricane Irene kicked my ass twenty ways from Sunday, I don’t need an asshole like Inhofe telling me not to believe the evidence I was standing knee deep in, while getting battered durch Nacht und Wind.
Sorry about stepping on your dick, there, J.P.
how long you at work, B4?
Sorry about stepping on your dick, there, J.P.
I should be more careful to coil it up, but my penis reel is in the diswasher.
I’m going straight to hell
And nothing is slowing me down
I’m going straight to hell
So you just better give me ONE MORE ROUND!
how long you at work, B4?
Got ten more minutes. tsam, you should fire up a blog, get your righteous anger on!
J.P. how big is your tabby? He looks like a cat we had that weighed damn near thirty pounds, we called him the bear cub.
Got ten more minutes. tsam, you should fire up a blog, get your righteous anger on!
I keep thinking about it, then getting all self conscious and shit. I’m not very good at writing.
I will. I just need to get over myself. That’s not easy to do.
J.P. how big is your tabby?
Curly is a 20-pounder, and he’s both big and fat.
Now LarryElvis, my Siamese, is still way the fuck ahead in the calendar contest, but there’s plenty of time to throw additional vote-dollars at any of the cutie-pies over there. It’s a good cause.
Wait until he’s a teenager. Then he’ll stay up all night and you won’t be able to wake him in the morning with a marching band and a super soaker.
I didn’t try the veal, but I did tip the waitress.
I should be more careful to coil it up, but my penis reel is in the diswasher.
Whatever you say, Senor Garden Hose.
Whatever you say, Senor Garden Hose.
Around here, we call it “silly string.”
my drunk post:
another reason i adore william clark
and yes, i’m a huge dork, but i should get points for not committing a tag fail…
bbkf, you’re funny!
an award for Innovative Adaptive Reuse.
All the guys in the band send along our congrats, Zombie. Then we made Joey go back to the garage.
The comrades send warm and fraternal congratulations to teh Zombie for his achievement.
I add my accolades to all the others.
bbkf, you’re funny!
oh feck! i did it, didn’t i????
Maybe I can have Zombie do up my place… after I win the lottery, of course. Which better be tonight, if I’m to avoid eviction.
“DS is just an attention-whoring fussbot.”
Any idea where he might have gotten that? he asked innocently.
I’m still laughing.
Maybe I can have Zombie do up my place…
wouldn’t that be awesome? i could use some doing up here at my crapshack as well…and some new doors and hardware…and n_b would prolly have to get in on the act as well…and dennis…cuz i’m pretty sure there will be some sort of regulations that he’ll advise us against…and then we’ll just snark, snark, snark…
oh feck! i did it, didn’t i????
What did you did?
Last we talked, I was picturing…
What did you did?
also, too…i am fervently awaiting the day when hubbkf gets off his lady gaga kick…jesus h! DO NOT RUIN MY BUZZ WITH LADY GAGA!
What did you did?
NO! not that! the tag fail! oh…you were laffing about my william clark adoration?
Will no one drink and act like a fucking moron with me?
Would offer to help, but unlike B^4, I’m still at work, and will be here all night.
m still at work, and will be here all night.
NO! not that! the tag fail! oh…you were laffing about my william clark adoration?
Well, yeah. And the tag fail. Mostly cuz I’m from the Northwest. You know, close to LEWISton and CLARKston. There’s a Sacajawea Middle School here in Spokane. The Mullan Trail essentially ends here….
You’re funny because you’re funny.
Yeah, Johnny. BOOOOOO. Stupid work.
I wish I had stupid work to go to. Even on a Friday night.
You’re funny because you’re funny.
sheeeew! that’s good to hear…most people find my william clark obsession a bit off-putting…so, when i go on my dream vacation which is traveling the dumbass and clark trail, i will stop in and say ‘hey, tsam!’
so, do you go with the ‘sackajahweja’ pronunciation or the sacockkawea?
i prefer the latter…much more fun to say…especially if you can get real coughy about it…
I know you prefer the latter, but the former is popular around here.
so, when i go on my dream vacation which is traveling the dumbass and clark trail, i will stop in and say ‘hey, tsam!
Wake me up, before you go-go.
I wish I had stupid work to go to. Even on a Friday night.
Whoa. Sorry, man.
Whoa. Sorry, man.
I have five hours of stupid work tomorrow, but I may get paid in merchandise rather than coin of the realm.
that’s fucking depressing, man.
I’m sorry Jeffraham. I’m trying to push in the right direction, brother. I don’t know, man. this shit is so fucking surreal. The bankers are willing to burn it all down this time. i don’t get it.
Dennis–if you say anything about this, I swear i will cut your fucking throat.
Yeah, Johnny. BOOOOOO. Stupid work.
Tell me about it.
Two separate wedding parties here at the hotel, they’ll be up and making trouble for me all night.
Two separate wedding parties here at the hotel, they’ll be up and making trouble for me all night.
Oh no. Fuck!
I’m watching the roast of Charlie Sheen. Funnay.
that’s fucking depressing, man.
Yep. Nashville’s best scooter shop, on its way out of business.
fuck man. Now I’m fucking depressed. I hate seeing my brothers and sisters suffering.
I’m going to bed. Good night, everyone. Keep up the fight!
Not with a bang, but a whimper.
Sorry. I don’t mean to be a bummah, but I’d have to lie or just never say anything, anywhere. June, 2008 was the last month I got a steady paycheck. It fucking sucks.
Way I figure is they are cashing in their chips and going all in.
Frankly, a lot of old powerful organizations have been doing that, betting the entire history of their organizations and whatever cultural capital they have to go all in on a social or political aspect of society. We’ve got the bankers cashing in on the American democracy experiment and trying to get as much feudalism and money as they can grab. We’ve got the Catholic Church going all in on the lack of humanity in women on the abortion issue. We’ve got a huge swath of Christianity going all in on homosexuality.
It seems rather hopeless, but on the other hand, we’ve got all these oligarchic powers that could have happily skated by for another hundred years doing the same old shit just up and cashing in their chips as if they see the writing on the wall.
And conservative memes be damned, it is not a liberal elite that’s reacting as if they are 14 and a half minutes into their 15 minutes of fame.
I’m guessing the main elephant in the room is the demographic timer and the ability to use race-baiting to get poorer whites to vote against their best interests, but I imagine the other bits is the massive amount of social history that has been continuing right along so what we support and what we get is at about as much of a disconnect as the wealth of the rich and the wealth of the poor.
Well that and the fact that they are running out of means to gain money what with them having nearly all of it and thus closer to money really meaning absolutely nothing at all. Not to mention the timer on people who think socialism is a bad word. Not saying the kids today are riding the next wave of Trotsky, but the word “commie” just doesn’t have the same potency and the “obvious” off-limit nature of some ideas are starting to be questioned again.
Whatever is the case, it surely does promise a potentially positive long-term if the various conservative elites in this country are so willing to go all in.
The bank is taking my house away next month. That fucking sucks too.
But it’s our fault for losing our second income after my wife was laid off, so we are totally the irresponsible ones.
The bank is taking my house away next month. That fucking sucks too.
That happened for me in 2004.
But it’s our fault for losing our second income after my wife was laid off, so we are totally the irresponsible ones.
Me, too. I refused to steal for the governor of Florida’s former company, and was no longer a “team player.”
It was state budget cuts that got my wife. She was the director of a literacy nonprofit org. Money went away, nonprofit closed up shop, no job.
Good luck to all. I have been poor before but it really was pretty much my fault: I can’t imagine what it’s like to have the world pulled out from under you by circumstance.
I’m sorry you guys. I really am. Fuck if I could pay more, do more, I swear I would. I’m sorry.
That’s rough. It’s only been June 2010 since I got any paycheck and that’s been killing me. Another two years on top of that would probably break me in two.
But the good news is that I’m still working. Right now, in fact.
Another two years on top of that would probably break me in two.
I have had friends send me, in total, tens of thousands of dollars. Not as loans, but as gifts. I have the best friends, ever.
And I have had some small contract jobs, designing web sites, etc. The scooter shop was not a consistent, predictable thang, but it made much of the rent the last year or so.
My fellow JP, you do have the best friends. My family was helping to keep us afloat, but there’s only so much you can do.
So, anyway… who’s with me? Let’s start a petition to jam a porcupine up Mark Halperin’s ass.
I dunno, sounds pretty rough for the porcupine.
I dunno, sounds pretty rough for the porcupine.
It can be an ex-porcupine, absconded from a taxidermist’s shoppe.
As long as no porcupines were harmed in etc.
Whoops, my mistake. It’s not two wedding parties.
It’s five wedding parties.
Looks like tsam has drifted off to sleep, so I guess it’s up to me to carry on the tradition.
Handicapped as I am by sobriety.
Tsam, when you get around to reading this, I just want to reassure you that I will under no circumstances become a Steelers fan after moving to Pittsburgh. I’ll always root for the other team. Unless it’s the Cowboys, in which case I’ll be cheering on Mutual Assured Destruction.
Let’s start a petition to jam a porcupine up Mark Halperin’s ass.</i<
Reality TV show. Broadcast rights.
Also,audience participation. Three animal candidates, one vote per phone-call.
Not a big fan of reality TV, but I’d watch that.
Three animal candidates
Porcupine, hedgehog, and . . . what?
Cage full of hairy spiders?
Puffer fish.
Though that might come towards the end of the series, in the play-offs.
Hoo boy. Lots to catch up on.
ZRM: congrats on the award. That’s great, man.
VS: What AK said. We started basically that with our kids very young (six months?) and it works. They get the picture eventually.
JPs – the both of you: very sorry to hear of your circumstances. Best of luck to you both.
Smut: I was thinking maybe the third animal could be a small alligator.
Dennis: DIAF you useless prick.
Me: going to bed. Yawn.
“Let’s start a petition to jam a porcupine up Mark Halperin’s ass.”
That’s gotta hurt. (pause) The porcupine! (rimshot)
It’s only 5:15 on a Friday night and all you people are asleep. Buncha Pussies, the lot of you!!
JPs – the both of you: very sorry to hear of your circumstances.
Me too, guys. I hope the weight gets lighter. And soon.
Hiya gocart! I wish I could stick around, but I’m fading.
(The Ring is taking possession of me.)
But it would be SO AWESOME.
What it would be is dirty, smelly and cough-y. Trust me on this.
If this combination is a Bad Thing, I will thank you not to tell the Frau Doktorin.
I seem to have dozed off momentarily. Don’t tell my employers.
Thanks WC, Fenwick.
I haven’t heard this in 20 years and it still holds up.
Part of the Requiem for the Post War Dream. Somehow it feels appropriate. Never saw the video before.
Oh, rum, you temptress.
Good GOD I want a cigarette.
No tsam, NO.
I am now about five days into smoke-free life. I need role models to emulate.
And yes, I am trolling for praise/encouragement.
I can smell things.
And yes, I am trolling for praise/encouragement.
I can smell things.
Keep it up, and soon you’ll be able to taste things, too.
Remember taste?
PS. Google has muppets. Spread the word.
Remember taste?
Lately, yes.
Trolls smell much worse now, BTW. And they taste just plain awful.
Trolls smell much worse now, BTW. And they taste just plain awful.
Be grateful we get so few of them. Balloon Juice trolling derails the website every few days.
new thread…
Incidentally, I received word today that one of my projects received an award for Innovative Adaptive Reuse.
I await your accolades.
To steal a Smuttism, as soon as life gives me accol…
looch: good on you! keep it up…some of us sadlies are up to months of no smokes…
and both jps…i can only offer moral support…i hope things look up for you…hubbkf and i went through some srlsy hard times and we’re doing okay right now, but it’s a tenuous okay…if one of us loses a job, we’re fucked…and likely fucked with a porcupine AND a small alligator…
Looch – hang in there…bbkf and I are both at 4 months +; tsam has been smoke-free for about 5 months now. Trust me, if I was able to quit, something I didn’t think possible, you’ll make it too.
Have you been keeping a log of your savings? I’m still keeping mine & it’s well into 4 figures now…that’s a huge motivator to stay quit.
I’m still keeping mine & it’s well into 4 figures now…that’s a huge motivator to stay quit.
should using your cig money for some sort of adventure, i am hereby offering to be louise…
Keeping a running tally in my head. I don’t know if I will have an adventure fund or an oil heating fund, but there will be more money.
I wonder if tobacco companies aren’t seeing a drop off in their victims -errr, customers- lately, since we serfs no longer have living wages, let alone expensive habit wages.
Hang in there Looch.
And JP, JP, tsam and others: my sympathies. Although technically I have a job, it’s only because I am self employed. There is no hiring in architecture, apparently like there is no crying in baseball.
And thanks for the kind words, everyone. This is a national award, a MAJOR AWARD, and I am awaiting my French Lamp.
Click on the last one about five times.
but eliminationist rhetoric and hate speech isn’t cool, tsam.
…unless it’s during a Republican Presidential Debate, apparently.
Dennis, you’re a troll on the internet. Tsam can’t actually reach through his modem and make you bleed, and elimination of Dennis is not eliminationism.
Tsam’s fault here is inviting troll response rather than suggesting some program of action, though the latter action is Not Nice! Capital punishment is bad!
It’s really not eliminationist rhetoric. See Neiwert. And I’m not justifying what he said at all, I’m correcting you. Easy!
I think I would have accepted that you hate tsam. Bad Dennis for threatening tsam! That’s not eliminationism.
I think people were thinking about things other than your feelings, little flower.
Please God, grant us the strength to write what Dennis wants written when he wants it written. Otherwise everything he says is true.
much less get through the guard house to my neighborhood
Dennis lives a protected life.
I have a screenplay rattling around in my head about a man who CAN get through the guard houses. Not for an inconsequential shrimp like Dennis. (So don’t wet yourself, Denny.)
Rather, the character targets Masters of the Universe, borrowing some tropes from the old Charles Bronson ‘vigilante’ movies. (‘Lazy and corrupt police. No justice in law or in court.’) Stir in some Unibomber anonomity and patience (years between attacks). He’s as meticulous in planning and execution as Edward Fox’s Jackel.
The film’s main conflict is the classic Detective vs Killer. One key is unlocking the Killer’s target-selection criteria at long last. That leads to his identity. Then to the hunt to capture him.
The Killer elicts some some sympathy for the devil along the way … but in the end the Detective triumphs. Well, sort of triumphs.
I think there are many audiences who would enjoy seeing Banksters and Corporate Thieves–portrayed as ‘composite’ characters–get Blowed Up Real Good … or otherwise meet very unpleasant and well-deserved ends on the Big Screen.
How does that sound as a rough treatment?
Make him a zombie, Fenwick, and we’ll green-light that baby!
…we can add Dennis as collateral damage early in the film. He’ll be the guy one of the banisters tries to use as a human shield.
Pick and choose!
That one’s the fallacy of the redistributed twaddle.
Dear Dennis:
Do you believe professional wrestling is “real?”
generating income and jobs created by it and the taxes paid are real
Oh, well, taxes & “job creation.”
It’s real “entertainment.” but is the entertainment “real?”
No. I mean that if it were “real,” then each time some steroided goofball whacked another one w/ a folding chair during an interview segment (or in the ring, for that matter) assault charges would be filed.
Same deal here.
Now do you get it?
Maybe you think it’s ok for a liberal snark blog, but eliminationist rhetoric and hate speech isn’t cool, tsam.
Concern troll is concerned…about his throat.
Sheesh, grow a set, Denni!
Grow a set, Danni.
Grow a set, Danni
dennis, do you not get the difference between a nym and somebody’s real name?
What makes you think, Danni, that she’s defending me?
She could just be calling you out for being a fucking idiot.
Why are you being so defensive? Why is that stick so far up your bunghole?
Altho, Danni, I do have to thank you.
You’ve made me a sympathetic figure on “Sadly, No!”
bbkf, I like you, but why do you feel you need to come running to actor’s aid so often?
not so often…and yeah, i just don’t get why you don’t understand why a person in actor’s shoes would go to the ‘lengths’ he did when donalde, who is supposed to be a professional and should know a thing or two about confidentiality, and who allows comments on his blog, would ‘expose’ a commentor’s real identity for no reason other than to harass him, in what i expect would be donalde’s idea of fair play. granted, i don’t know the whole story, nor do i wish to…i just think besides being misogynistic doofus, donalde is a petty, petty individual and he should be called on what he has done, instead of crying fould…and now i’m wondering why you feel the need to come to his aid so willingly, often and seemingly out of nowhere?
now i’m wondering why you feel the need to come to his aid so willingly, often and seemingly out of nowhere?
Or why Danni is defending an admitted criminal, instead of attacking him for his crime?
Hey, you walked onto a liberal snark blog, picked a fight not just with me but with EVERYONE by acting like a douchebag, and now you’re whimpering that you got hit back by EVERYONE.
Boy, you’re a crybaby! Go grow a set, DenDen!
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